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tv   V krugu druzei  RUSSIA1  March 30, 2024 11:50am-12:51pm MSK

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your upstairs neighbor, a nightmare, i’m the one who screwed you over, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we’re not only neighbors now, we’re kind of like colleagues and processing. “the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, all our clients receive the same letters, ivan oganesyan, i’m now my own boss, he came out of nowhere, he’s so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there ’s some kind of catch here , husband for an hour and a half, premiere today on rtr rtr. planet,
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more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party, or what? what are you? oh, you don’t know bender well either. no motive is needed for murder based on cunning. what was that on the strip? i don’t know, my dear, in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks has no luck, we’ll succeed, i’ll be the one doing the surgery, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, to unfortunately not neither the motives for the murder nor the connection between the murders are visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is mine...
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for any taste, i poured a basin of hot water on myself and said to my wife: i’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, and what is more difficult, to become a good person or to remain, the question is of course an interesting one, both are difficult, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, when in our lives come with difficult trials, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone. no matter what happens, in
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live broadcast, the story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentaries, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. current news, political investigations. biased analytics, live program 60 minutes, news is broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole the world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin sits in this chair , he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, everything without which russia cannot be imagined, only on the rtr planet channel.
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hello, hello, dear friends, we are again pleased to welcome you to the parade of humor program, hurray, hello, yes, i am, great.
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thank you, i will definitely be there, that’s it, i’m very glad, come on, bye, bye, yes, of course, forgive me, but what was that just now? we have people in the auditorium. our beloved viewers, and you’re talking on the phone, this is generally uncultured, len, len, congratulate me, i was invited to the cultural institute, you know what, judging by your behavior, they got carried away with culture, i see your karen is not very good, what will you teach the students, well, you misunderstood me , i was not invited to teach, but to study, i will enroll, enroll, you know, in the institute of culture, screw me, you ’re kidding, well, you yourself said that you live forever, you learn, it’s never too late to study , but i meant books, articles on the internet, some worldly wisdom, but not an institute, how will you study with eighteen-year-old classmates, lena,
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i won’t have eighteen-year-old classmates, this is a cultural institute, i will have only classmates, that’s all now. understandable, but still, karen, this is somehow strange, i would be embarrassed if i were you, why? tell me why we are always embarrassed to learn, because the world around us is changing, and we must change too, and for this we need to learn, learn to learn, you’re right, maybe you’re right, you know what, let’s go with today we’ll talk about this, about where, how, and most importantly, what you can learn. i agree, but for now, let me announce our first guest, no need, i myself, and you study, student, dear friends, meet the satirical writer leon izmailov on stage!
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i’ll tell you about myself first, okay, i’m tall, handsome blond with blue eyes, yes, i know three foreign languages, i have a second rank in boxing, a third in chess, then women also love me very much, i have only one drawback, i really love it. this means that at school i was an excellent student in physical education, i’m doing sports now, well, i’m doing morning exercises now, this guy got up in the morning, washed himself, everything suddenly lay down on the floor, on his back, stretched his arms along his body and
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fell asleep, started jogging, ran half a kilometer, came back by taxi, in his youth he was involved in horse riding. “horses loved me, they always laughed at my jokes, like this, i have a higher technical education, once it even helped me in life, i was riding on the subway, a girl was sitting next to me, she was solving crossfort, i couldn’t guess the word from six letters, an aircraft for baba yaga,” i suggested, i say, broom, she says: “how do you know what i’m saying?” “but i still graduated from the aviation institute, after the aviation institute i completed japanese language courses, and now i can open a japanese coin without a translator. after japanese language courses, i completed advanced
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screenwriting courses, where i learned how to watch good films and write bad scripts. you know, i don’t dance well, something always bothers me. i never dance in public, lest they think i’m making faces. actually you need to say that in my youth, the thing i loved most about books was sex, well, now the age is different, the strength is no longer the same, so now it’s only sex, you know what the crisis of the middle male age is in general, it’s when you see young chicks in girls, and they are in the old you. these are all the sounds that i used to make during sex, now i make when getting up from the couch, and you know, even with age, memory deteriorates, i was told that to improve my memory i need to solve
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crossword puzzles, i tried to solve a crossword puzzle, for example, that's where it was a tool for burying, but i went through everything, a shovel, a pick, a scoop, you know what... a pipette, well, what else can i say about myself? i’m not handsome, but when they say that people love me not for my beauty, but for my character, i just go wild, because i still have character. i was interested in women, but i am an iron-fisted monogamist, i love only myself. well, in my youth there was always a principle, my friend’s wife is not a woman for me, but if she is very beautiful, he is not my friend, you know, i was always smart enough to understand that i am not very smart, in general it’s good to be friends with me, especially those to people who have a lot of money, so i am absolutely selfless. i can’t stand those people who can help me financially when
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they watch me eat, so when they look at me, i immediately try to eat gracefully and beautifully, and either i’ll stomp or the tea will go down my nose, for a while, you know, i sat on a diet, which means kefir for breakfast, kefir for lunch, kefir for midday, bo... with sour cream for dinner, potatoes with cutlets, two kebabs, three eclairs, now i’m on such a gentle diet, i don’t eat after one in the morning, my wife i found her pretty, she only has one flaw, her husband, that is, me, one day she didn’t talk to me for 2 days because she saw me in a dream with some whores, she recently found my description, from the sky garden, and it says there, sleeps well, eats, walks, she tells me :
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how many years have passed, and nothing has changed, well, in general, guys, i want to ask you, tell me, isn’t it offensive that the cat does nothing all day, just eats and sleeps, and his wife still loves him, but i still love her too, i love her, you know, once we even sat down to have a drink love, separated us from... already the police, do you even know what love is? love is when you've already sobered up, it's still beautiful, i'm very kind and resourceful, once in the strip bar i ran out of money, then i stripped my panties and shouted: thank you, i also had this habit, i smoked a cigarette after sex, this is how i gradually quit smoking. and lastly, when i feel ashamed of my behavior, i
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remember that people like alexei panin, nikita dzhigurda and bari alebasov live in the world, and i feel better. lena, and you? you know, i’m even a little jealous of today’s youth. why karen? well, today they have so many opportunities, you can become whatever you want. what would you advise schoolchildren if you were asked where is the best place to go after school? after school, karen, it’s best to go home and do homework, otherwise they go to shopping centers, eat fast food, and their parents look for them. you say, they go to shopping centers, but do you know how easy it is to get lost there? i once personally heard such an announcement in a shopping center.
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also about partying, but about studying? and about studying for we continue to think about them, how good it is that we don’t have to think for our next artist, we can just watch and admire him, we meet sergei drobotenko on stage. friends, i have always admired people without complexes,
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people who accept themselves as they are. i have a wonderful friend, a woman, to put it mildly, not fragile, but what is her charm, she never has complexes about her figure, on the contrary, they promote their lifestyle, if only she would come out now. instead of me and turned to the ladies, sitting in the hall in front of the tv screens, i think she would say something like the following: my girls, little girls, little girls, tell me honestly, girls, just like that, honestly put your paw on your heart, why do you all want to lose weight, why, husband from time to time it bothers me, yes, you are far from the mummy, i
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say why far away, you are near, he... says, when i try to hug you, my hands don’t meet behind me, that’s right, kozma prutkov also wrote: you can’t embrace the immensity, girls, when we are with him only for the first time we met, i came to his house, he came to me from the doorway, god, what shape, i say, calmly, i’m not all there yet, of course, there are some problems with weight, of course, i’m here in a sports store by accident. one guy stepped on both feet, he looked at his feet, said why did i come for fins, and my hubby, with your figure, only to star in titanic as iceberg, i say, but another role is crying for you when you are destrophic at home, in the heat i can’t even
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turn on the fan because there will be a new gone with the wind series. listen, he tells me, with you the car consumes twice as much gasoline, i say: but the braking distance is half as long. girls, rudina needs donuts, we are of no use. if i served in the airborne forces, i would jump with a parachute faster than anyone else. while the others are in the air, i would have already dug an anti-tank ditch. there is only one benefit from us. listen.
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i don’t know, elephants have lilyputa, no, what kind of elephant is this, you can confuse me with it from the back, and it’s the magale that keeps jumping, do you want to ride the elephant, i tell him, well, i want to, you asked the elephant, well, as i thought, i somehow got to the jungle, i got him back, i’m here in the pool. on a ten-meter tower, but i like to jump, that’s what the attraction is called, make a tsunami, girls, i didn’t see it, honestly, i didn’t see it, the guy below was just learning to swim, something didn’t work out for him for a long time, he saw me from below, soaring on the wings
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of love, girls, now a master of sports. and my dear constantly bothers me, with your existence you refute darwin’s entire theory that man descended from monkeys, what kind of branch can withstand such a monkey, listen, we were in the south, mine is lying on the beach, i’m standing next to him in a chic sambrerusto, i love to dress beautifully, girls, i love this business, in a chic sambrerusto, he says to me: listen , dream cannibal, “at least take off your panama hat, otherwise people from afar will mistake you for a fungus.” i tell him: “calm down, you will blather, you will be left without a shadow.” he doesn’t understand what happiness he has, he doesn’t understand, he tells me, we don’t have change, you bought a double hammock. i say open your eyes
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this is a bra, girls, when we get on the bus with it. they immediately give up seats, right away, all i have to do is say it, so now, whoever doesn’t stand up, i’ll fall on him, on the train, girls, on the train, when you take a ticket, ask that they be sure to give you the bottom seat, that’s right, i don’t please, when i enter the compartment, i declare that i have the top bunk, and that i am not going to change, girl? one assistant professor was crawling along the ceiling, listen, here on my beloved birthday he says: i want you to be like me... gave, oh, just don’t fall, thongs, well , this swimsuit, there’s a string running along
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the equator at the back, i tell him, my dear, but on my figure your thongs will disappear, then what kind of figure is in these models, girls, you ’ll excuse me what is this, head, legs, three navels. and the faces are angry, because at night we dream of sausage, we don’t dream of donuts, so our faces are good, which means we are good at heart, and there should be a lot of good people, thank you for your attention, today is the event of the year. premiere on rtr. this is my first real deal. are you serious now?
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yes? you will be an investigator. evgeny pronin. do you love me? how to say to you? if a man has not proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change. anna artova. i called all my friends, they were nowhere to be found. my nephews are missing. all three. vladislav.
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what is our task of opening the entire board , we can handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much? who talks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i would think to chop, not to pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one. tomorrow on rtr, sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us, very
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often girls from a different circle strive to marry rich boys, let me decide for myself who i love, whom i marry, okay, he will still be mine , i won’t give it to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money up front and... there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this she doesn’t drink with you, she’s really on fire with us and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is even a small chance , i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, on friday on rtr, everything will pass,
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today in this studio there is music from popular soviet films of the eighties, you follow me, we are there. such express training, where a specialist introduces listeners to the basics of his profession, this, by the way, is very interesting, interesting, this good, but they are a little expensive, not all of them.
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free, so one of my friends went to a free master class in hairdressing, and that they taught him how to cut, but not him, on it, it’s also good, and that he got his hair cut for free, yeah, but there is one nuance, now he has a left half of his head is bald, on the right half he has a model haircut, i don’t understand that he walks the streets like that, why doesn’t he shave his entire head, he says? that he still has a second lesson ahead of him is funny, but i have a friend who really likes to go to free ones culinary master classes, and she loves to cook, yes, no, she loves to eat delicious food for free, oh, well, everyone loves to eat deliciously, karen, do you know what else everyone loves, a good song, yes, yes, i wonder who hers is will sing, you will be surprised, karen, i will sing it, and it will be
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the premiere of the song, the lyrics were written by our beloved leon izmailov, and the music was written by alessandr dobronravov, and the song is called my song karen. well, we'll be happy to listen. when blues comes to you again, when melancholy oppresses you, my friend, tell yourself, light everything is not new, and it will all pass someday, the sun is high in the sky, i am far from myself, i don’t regret anything, these things are completely easy for me,
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sun. i don’t regret anything, now it’s completely easy for me, my friends, they are always with me, heartfelt friendship before now, i will hug my friends with love, no one in the world will unlearn us, the sun is in the sky. high, i’m far from you, i don’t regret anything, it’s not entirely easy for me to fly, the sun is high in the sky, i’m far from you, i don’t regret anything, it’s completely easy for me, i don’t take it seriously, how the summer rain fell and passed. what will happen to
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you, i know, i don’t know, but everything will be fine with me, the sun is high in the sky, i’m far from you, i don’t regret anything, now it’s completely easy for me, yes, the sun is high in the sky, i’m from you far, far away, which i... don’t regret, it’s completely easy for me now, the sun is high in the sky, i’m always far away, i don’t regret anything, now it’s easy for me like you, i don’t regret anything, i feel completely it’s easy, it’s completely easy for me now, it’s completely easy for me now.
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thank you, thank you.
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you know, venochka, i recently received a phone call i received a very strange sms, they invite me to a course on stripplasty, and they even promise that the first lesson will be free. oh, karen, don't mind me. attention, this is just an advertisement for regular courses, by the way, i want to tell you that they don’t know how to advertise themselves at all, listen, i was recently in a sports store in the winter equipment section, you know what advertisement i saw, no, i don’t have enough money for skis and boots , don’t be sad, just buy poles and come to us, nordic walking school, funny, but i recently i read such an advertisement, only here you can find peace and tranquility, you can look inside yourself and take a break from people, driving courses in the subway, only you, the tunnel
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is tranquility, what can i say, in our park there are advertisements posted on every pole if are you sure that you are afraid of heights and are afraid of flying in an airplane, if you think that you will never sit down... be careful, the doors are closing, the next station is babushkina, the platform is at the back, this seems to be a good place, the acoustics are not bad,
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they know how to set up an underground passage, now people are going to leave work, grandma is trying to earn some money, goo-goo, what’s going on with the grannies, that’s our underground saying right now. that paper feeding, that grandma was lucky to have money sticking to her, that it’s good, well , they’ll think a lot of them, throw them in but won’t throw them away, but a friend’s piece of paper is lying around, someone will definitely throw something, a hat full of throws with no one nothing won’t give up, everything passes by, citizens, comrades, good people, don’t pass by, pay attention, the soloist of big and small sings for you hangover, the owner of the honorary title of the golden throat of the fool,
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who shines cold everywhere here, throw some good money into the hat, i’m alone with the city, and my friend, the curly goat, declared competition for me, the infection oppresses, the onts are clumsy, unpleasant, an old woman, damn, what ... i look and have already settled down, but the reptile has already managed to feed him, a scrawny pancake with
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a scythe from where the scythe grew overnight, i was the first to come to this place, we agreed, i’m in kazan, you’re in belarusian, let’s get out of here, the barbarian beauty. i'll buy expensive hair, yes look at yourself, madrena, not a day without moonshine, not a day without moonshine, gona-gona, i’m modrena’s grandmother, i’m from the radio chanson, i would, why are you standing there, you’d think you’ve never been on a bender, i haven’t been , in vain, there is something to look at, rub yourself with this washcloth, what a bastard you did, i spent half a day getting her settled in, i’ll get settled in, kiss me right away. you've seen a computer keyboard, now you'll have the same teeth, the space key, the space key, your tongue would lick a swing in the cold, that's okay, now it's like a shibana, your tonsils will fall out, you're generally with you’re friends with your head, we sleep together, he’s now
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connected with you, he didn’t get it, that’s enough, control person, are you spitting stones or something like pain with fillings, you hid the daisies.
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well, since you’re stronger than me, you ’ll get some coins, and i’ll just take the paper money, are you really here, i’m very smart, you know what kind of iq i have, i’ve seen your little girl in cannonballs, you lived, i say, in he spoke at the underground passage, it’s a crisis, the atm is in his oven, well, everything is fine, okay, work soon, won’t. you can be more complaining somehow, kind people, sorry for coming to you
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let us ask, we are not locals, we were going on tour, and the producer deceived us, stole all the money and disappeared in an unknown direction, help us raise money for the trip back, a foreign land, you are a foreign land, a foreign land, who can, help us go home, we are old patients we are shaking on the train, help us buy... as he says, language and zopa, language and that you can’t
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understand such philosophical things, you speak with diction, work on it, maybe i’ll understand then , anyway, no one is telling us that we’re standing here in vain, this is not a money place, underground transition, i have three pensions in leningradka for half an hour, yes i sell moonshine there, yes you drive, i drive mine, according to the black drive, i drive and sell, let’s give a little bit for courage, which i insisted on, cranberry, apple, cardo ... to hell with the fly agaric, and what’s not bad, by the way, it went well, it didn’t suit you, it went down the wrong throat, you always drink in two throats, dog, with a class i may have put a little too much yeast, although it should have gone well on this soil, i will begin to hear, you will be picked up somewhere in the antus, where the metro is noisy, where... the carriage is knocking,
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there with the little flower we drank moonshine, 10 liters i remember, i caught up, on the third day the squirrel came, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, you came to us well, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, no matter how kandrat came, mochi, let's play, i i’ll dance, we ’ll get used to paying more attention, there’s no need for dancing, it’s all late, it’s started again, look, the cat is back at the disco, you see, there’s no need for dancing, otherwise it’ll be like last time, but like last time it was, oh, comrade, i’ll tell you, he met a guy at a disco, he was like everyone else, he decided to arrange a romantic evening for him, mosh, maybe it’s not interesting, she put on make-up, shaved her eyebrows, plucked her nails, on the contrary, she was deaf, but no, on the contrary, she lit a candle, kissed it in some candlestick, yea, had a dinner by candlelight, naval pasta, keel in tomato and cherries. compote from the cellar got it 73 years old stood from
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the mother apparently stayed in need of something like this will happen at the most crucial moment it’s raining outside he’s in the yard for laundry then that’s what happened she returned to the house in the rain the carcass that got caught on her cheeks flows words into the stream how scary when she’s wearing makeup and she's not wearing makeup, in short, she's wearing the house is falling, the man saw her, these older pandas are not our beloved, he is all ours from fear and goes limp, right, he saw her, she smiles with all his might, he buries the grandmother’s skull in a wok, but it’s indecent, it’s indecent, for a man to run away from a date, it’s indecent, you which, although you may be right, nowadays it has somehow become difficult to find a normal man, as they say. the girls are standing on the side, handkerchiefs in their hands, because for every 10 girls, according to statistics, four are drug addicts, three are alcoholics, two are divorced, one is normal, but he’s married, oh, damn it, guys, they’re like candy, you never know what kind of disgusting thing is under the candy wrapper, i think it’s great, man, it’s like
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the parquet of a bench, once it’s laid well, you can walk on it for 50 years, you can, you can , you can, i have linoleum, i know that. eternal, yes, but i think that men, they are like cocktails in a bar, there is a strong one, there is a nice one, there is a sour one, there is a sweet one, each one has a straw, that’s enough please, the straw is all for her, by the way, you yourself what cocktail do you prefer , personally, i prefer a cocktail, sekos on the beach, i seriously asked, sekos on the beach, kefir on stove or veleryanka in the city, it’s in vain that men still like me, look how slender, like a birch tree, exactly built like a birch tree, aspen waist, linden chest, in a word... board forty, don’t be jealous, the sun shines through, grandma rengen, maybe i'm on a diet, what's it called a pension diet, by the way, mot, let's sing what men think about our women's diets, not bad, by the way, let's go, women's diet, why are you in fashion,
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because the whole huge family is suffering at once, my father-in-law has lost weight like a roach and es. at work, but more i suffer from everyone, but i suffer the most, only yesterday there was you, the crusher of all the world, only yesterday i loved 115 kg, but i went on a diet, and only eat porridge, why do we need this, why do we need this, so this is what you are, and i loved your cheburek cookies.
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there is skinny mania in the fashion world, the unhappy wives of rich people live there, the secretary has full-time legs from her ears, hangers on the catwalk, pretentious glamor, there are a lot of divorced people and ordinary fools there, but they don’t eat, they’re full of worries, they don’t lose weight, they’re growing, they eat biofeed during the day, tears at night and drinking thai pills the noses of the doctors, they don’t seem to be fat, they could live like this, and they should cancel all diets for nine years, but they cry. and they suffer again, i’ll lose a couple of kilograms and love will come
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, from the pain, here it is dawn, before dawn, here it is dark, until it is dark, love and talk, but nothing more, but i want, and i want again, but i can’t, i’m 85, have you scared everyone away, maybe i’m dreaming, dreaming that some man will finally remove the crown of ugliness from me? the end of celibacy, the crown, the crazy ones, the crown of celibacy, the language of isop, ugh, there you are on the left, look, man, don’t pass by, pay attention, give us some money, cutie, chiruvim, apollo, delirium pete, handsome, where are you going, you freak, she
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shouted, maybe the men don’t like our songs? then, and the men are sitting, all their eyes looking at the lawn, 20 bullies, tank tops and cowards, pouring. busts are running around on their feet for two hours trying to score a goal, they are shouting from the stands, they are indignant,
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you sheep are wing-horned, ballerinas, damn, wing-legged people pay you millions for what, you move your loaves faster, they ride in bankley cars, they don’t try to play at all, they’re all crap, they should be locked up for a goal scored 100 rubles to pay, they will score 100 goals per match, so...
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matryon enigmatulina fongemen, baronesso in the third generation, father went by boat to constantinople, give as much as you can. well done you, well done, well done, good, that’s when you have musical abilities, yes good, but they don’t tell you, but all night until dawn i sat over the river, over the river, two trout, a pike from a blacktail, on the ear wanted to catch. oh fate, fisherwoman fate, on the waves with us for 8 years, two buoys were swinging, oh my, you caught her, i
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she found him, here he is little, ian, do you remember this time? i dug up two buckets, floya had a very hard time deciding to get a new dog after she left, so the camp almost ate the fish soup, oh on its feet. wow, i didn’t understand, i already understood, wow, calm down already, oh, calm down yourself, calm down, i said, calm down yourself, furry bumblebee, fragrant hops, dog under the post, this passenger, and this is just... she appeared in i didn’t see life at all, but a male man, i think it’s shwek, by the road, going forward behind the hood, further to the sea
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to the southeast, alice, what are you doing with her, i i take it, not a boring place, not a boring place, everyone on the beaches caresses our gaze, tanned handsome bodies, and the standard gives us heartburn. according to the international standard igp, do you want ice cream, no, i want normal, well done,
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i also think so, every woman should have an official husband and a man, a spare tire, what do you teach decent women, a spare tire, every woman should have one man, as they say , it’s better to be blue in your hands than it ’s like a seagull on your head, beautiful too, men, we wish you that women will always love you. and not just on payday, well done, and i wish all the girls that all your men have a broda hatabcha, you will be in trouble on the highway, happiness in your city, we won’t be for long, we’ll show the show, back on the shelf, i’m too low, but i don’t like going upstairs... there’s a distant path of light outside the window, we dream of meeting a calico cat, what
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will bring us good luck? we will leave into the night on a night train and without paying for the minibar, out of habit , again, like two forest birds, we will fly night and day, so that someday we will return again, oh we are like today have fun, you're great, well, let's go, that's it! victor poltoranin, now i’m your upstairs neighbor, a nightmare, i got you started, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy for a husband for an hour, a cleaning agency, a jack of all trades ready for any part-time job,
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we are now not only neighbors , we're kind of like colleagues. and processing. the blackmailer knows things that i have never told anyone about. does our client all receive the same emails? ivan oganesyan. i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere. he's so handsome, attentive, courteous. maybe there is some kind of catch here? husband for an hour and a half. premiere.
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turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let us into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, we have a big one today day, big holiday, dashing. “we
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haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring ones, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of your time, beauty, repin"? the whole brigade, only on the platform. let's look. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take
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part in the international popular music competition music, but... registration, submission of online applications on the website, don’t miss your chance to become a star, the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. you know, lena, i noticed that there were a lot of advertisements around about some kind of business training, and the main thing was the name. so loud, sell like a guru, upgrade your business, the impossible is possible, len, what is business training anyway? karen, how can i explain it to you more simply, this is a place where businessmen are trained, and well, i know this place, the training base of the russian national football team, well, what does the football players have to do with it, i’m talking about
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ordinary businessmen, they pay money for participation, collect money. in a large hall , a business coach teaches them how to earn a million in a week.
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you know, every person who, in one way or another, is related to humor, probably has his own notebook, in which there are a lot of funny stories, i have a lot of such stories... guilty face, to be honest, there are three traffic cops around, so without the movements are like this, listening to the scene, i tell the driver, and that he he says, it’s okay, now they’ll milk it, i
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must say that of course i have a lot of road stories, since we often travel by car, and you know, in every region they try to provide a more efficient car and a driver. more so sharp, but on the contrary, i like a quiet ride, because you never know, you know, the region is unfamiliar, the roads there seem to be unknown, i ask you not to speed up, here in the southern urals they gave me vitalik, such a driver, he’s not there was no need to ask for anything, because he himself went 40 km/h, this is the maximum, and by his standards, he was just driving this forty, you know, he was driving it, we were late everywhere we could, at the end of the tour, i shake his hand, i say, vital, well... i’m nobody i didn’t drive, he says gennady, yes, i would speed up, i just can’t see a damn thing, i say, how are you driving, and i always wear glasses, but i look stupid in them, i think, suddenly there will be a photo with you , i
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took them off in advance, i say, vital, i quickly put on my glasses, quickly, there are a lot of funny situations with recognition, misrecognition, i recently went into a store, i heard two teenagers behind me, one said to the other, “i saw who was behind... “well, i saw, i found out, well, naturally, who sold the sale, another time i walk in the center of the store, choose something, the guy scanned me and he follows me, you know, he follows me like that, he walks, he keeps walking, i say, men, what happened, he says, gennady, i don’t like humor, i can’t stomach it, i hate it, i say, why are you following me, but i like you , i say, i don’t understand, he says no, no, i like creativity, that’s when you perform, i always watch everything on tv to the end, what are you doing there and copperfield’s tricks, songs, i know everything by heart, they start quoting my repertoire, i stand in a pleasant shock, well , it’s nice, such a fan, just in a row, in a row, all mine, so, reprises, jokes, i
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relaxed in this...


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