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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  March 30, 2024 12:50pm-2:00pm MSK

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vital, quickly put on your glasses, quickly! there are a lot of funny situations involving recognition and misrecognition. i recently went into a store, i heard two teenagers behind me, one said to the other: “did you see who came in?” “well, i saw it, i found out, well, naturally, who canceled the sale.” another time , i’m walking in the center of the store, choosing something, a man scanned me, and he’s following me, you know, he’s walking, walking, everything, walking, i say: “men, what happened?” he says: gennady, i don’t like humor, i can’t stomach it, i hate it, i say, why are you following me? a i like you, i say, i don’t understand, she doesn’t like creativity, when you perform, i always watch everything on tv to the end, what you do there and the trick and copperfield songs, i know everything by heart, they start quoting my repertoire, i’m standing in a pleasant shock, well, it’s nice to have such a fan, it’s just all mine in a row, that means reprises, jokes, i relaxed in this... atmosphere
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of joy, he says the phrase: “gennady, if you don’t give me 100 rubles, then i i spent some money today." i say: man, let's open my wallet, i say, i only have 500, yes let me take this thing 500 times, and he says an amazing phrase: gennady, maybe a beer, i’ll treat you, guest stories, this is also a whole series for me, it means that i was visiting a friend, and he got a new apartment, a high-rise building, that’s it, i’m already returning - as they say, from the guests, i press the elevator button, the door opens, there’s a guy standing there, just not pooping, i say, up, down, he ’s ah, i say, up, down, he’s a ring, with the elevator it was also funny story, a woman decided to come, it means, to visit a friend, especially at that housewarming party, joyful, which means she’s at the address comes to a new house, runs into the entrance, there is an elevator, the door is open in the elevator, she runs in, and there is some guy in the corner, and
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she presses the button, one, two, three, but the elevator doesn’t move, she’s like, - she doesn’t go, but looks at the man, and the man is so strange, the scarf, dark glasses, hat, leather raincoat for the ground is standing, and the door is closed, she ’s like that, but the elevator doesn’t go, she somehow doesn’t go the elevator, at all nowhere, for some reason, and the door doesn’t open, and he says so quietly, woman, for the elevator to move, you need to come up to me and snuggle close, she says: man, i have three-kilogram dumbbells in my bag, i ’ll come up to you now, you’ll be jelly the whole trip, understand? he’s a woman, apparently this is your first time at our entrance, our new elevator is not centered, if you come up and press us, we’ll go, no, we’ll bargain here, she came up, pressed herself, they went, oh, man, excuse me, in - firstly, it’s nice, secondly,
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we got there, but for now, bye, i went to see my friend, she goes back to the elevator, the button, but it doesn’t go, she’s standing there, waiting, which means the grandfather is coming in, apparently he’s here too first once, she presses the button, it doesn’t go, it doesn’t go, the elevator doesn’t go anywhere, she says, grandpa, for the elevator to go, you need to come close to me and press me, i can’t cope with grandma, i’m about to have a heart attack there wasn’t enough in the elevator, i was on tour in gelendzhik, i decided to go have lunch in the middle of the day at a restaurant, i approach the restaurant, three caucasians, it means they are repairing the sign, genatsvali, we recognize you, dear, how are you, i say, thank you, have a nice appetite, i say, thank you, i forgot about them, i go out, that means they... that means they’re waiting, two
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sitting on a bench, alone to the side, gennady, we even gave up work for you, can we take a photo with you as a souvenir, dear, can we, i say, what’s the problem, come on, he says, let’s stand up beautifully, we’ll hug you, i say , come on, the three of us stood in an embrace, so they are givi, givi, take out the camera, come on, listen, click this frame, i don’t have a camera today, well, you have a new phone, today i
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don’t have a phone for my son at school i didn’t even hear that there was such a device, we were driving suddenly a woman’s voice, to the right, left, turn around, detour. we tensed up, i said, volodya, who is telling you this? and he says: have you seen our television tower in toronto? she’s iconic, everyone knows her, well, yes, yes, i have an aunt sitting on the top floor who knows the binoculars, i pay her extra, she sees where i’m going, and on the radio, you see, she tells me where it’s best to go around, you know , we took the bait, but didn’t fully believe it, we drove 100 km from toronto, but my aunt didn’t let up. right, speed limit, detour, interchange, left, suddenly our sound engineer, who was on edge after the plane, opens his eyes and says, wow, this woman has binoculars, friends, if you want to live a fun life, remember all
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the stories that happen to you in life, life is the best author, and tell it to each other, spread positivity, laughter is health, it was not in vain that the classic said, the world survived because... he laughed, positive tailwind to you! zoya, can i invite you to dinner? premiere on rtr. i'm with roman, this is the one who has been wearing this on you for 7 years. not married, my girl, you didn’t want a family, i lied, so you love them, you remember how many years have passed, i know, now you feel the same as me, irrepressible, restless, from monday
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on rtr, we go to the doctor and borrow he spends a lot of time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge of health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you must first warm up. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help. you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. here. the onset of the disease takes two decades before it manifests itself , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on
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rtr. let's see, love. it's when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we can go to me , just watch a movie, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls. “we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry there, here comes
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a grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she brings this curba to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, people are like that to me caught, caring, support with a word. hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, you are my best friend, just just a friend. it's sunday and it's a girl from the boarding school, lyosha, why are you scared, go ahead, get out of my house,
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immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out there is a bride, love can be the future, cameras are all around, they can’t even skip school, they can do everything, it’s just that before
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, truants didn’t know anything, now, in order to play truant, you need to know how to hack an electronic diary, how to turn off cameras throughout the school, there are hooligans, of course, but they are very smart, for example, i’m karen, i’ve never had lessons at school played truant and in general i was an excellent student, and you were probably a karen a bully, i see it. well, well, why was that, now i can still, wow, oh, i can walk like a cartwheel on my hands, i can pull girls’ pigtails, and i can also break a light bulb with a slingshot, so, now it’s clear who’s in my i broke the light bulb in the dressing room, damn it, well, honestly, i didn’t do it on purpose, but it happened, karen, karen, we hand over the slingshot, we hand over, uh-huh, so, the handle is strong, what a strong one, and the elastic band pulls well,
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stretches perfectly, uh-huh, it hits far, it’s still so far away, len, and you really were a student at school, but of course, it’s true, i only have a’s, karen, in mathematics, in physics, in slingshot shooting, i can even knock an apple off your head. believe me, lenushka, i do, but i won’t check, besides, it’s time for us to invite a wonderful artist to the stage, meet yuri oskarov on stage, i love watching people at discos. this is wonderful, i advise you to do the same, the miniature is called very simply:
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different people at different discos, i sat down, i just burned out. i, i just burned out mentally, i, i missed you again, i, i, that you promised, i, i, i, you to stand.
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hey, they don’t dance like that in our cultural center.
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lena, what do you think is better education, ours or foreign? karen, there can’t be two opinions here, of course, ours, i’m also sure that it’s ours, but what they can teach you in cameroon or cambodia, i actually compared it with european education, that is, you want to say that our education is even better than the european one, of course, but why then does everyone want to study there and not here, karen, i’ll tell you a little secret, everyone who wants to study. they really don’t want to study at all, i don’t understand then why is education there so expensive, and because bad habits are always expensive, karen, i still don’t understand why rich parents, despite all this, still send their children abroad
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and pay huge amounts of money for their education , karen, rich parents pay... not for education, they pay for their time away from their children. oh, lena, you told me so many interesting things that i already need rest myself. oh, relax, karen, and we will relax with you and our wonderful author, which i will now invite to the stage. meet natalya koresteleva. true words, the main word in every destiny, mother gave life to the world, give, dear guests, today we
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celebrate the wedding of my dear son, handsome. my bright falcon vitalik and this snake, angelina, angelina, as they say, this joyful day has come when my son, my kitten, my fledgling in tench, not having lived with his mother for forty-six years, goes to a new life with this beast. angelina, a girl is usually compared to a precious stone, with emerald, with a diamond, vital, where did you find this cobblestone, mom likes everything, mom fell in love with this, this angelina, mom just praises her, look how beautiful she is, and what
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white, even teeth she has, it’s a pity that there are only two. but what beautiful legs, oh, the legs are a sight to behold, our uncle tolya, when he saw her legs, he said “oh”, i say that oh, he says, her legs form the letter “o”, and they are straight legs, happiness, vital, not straight, but her nose is, but her nose is so straight, and look how straight her nose is, not a single hump, for 2 m.
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this was a different camp, well, they don’t rest in the artek for 7 years, but it couldn’t have happened that for escaping from the artek to the prison, he shot off her ear, vitachka, mom likes everything, my sunshine , my darling, you are mine, my little blood, my mother’s heart, my mother’s belly button, my mother likes everything, my mother praises something, and what an angelina she is. she’s so good, she eats like a bird, like a bird eats, an ostrich, she pecked and half the refrigerator is gone, she hunts as gracefully
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as a cat, she walks like a cat, she’s been in the morning two half-winds will eat everything up, and like a cat on all fours, my mother praises, luda, why are you yelling, i won’t go dancing, you see, i’m talking toz, vitalechka, my son, my little blood, i remember that joyful spring day, damn it , when you came, he said, i’m so worried, mom, i fell in love with angelina, i thought, finally, otherwise all the men in the city already fell in love with angelina, you’re still the only one , not a vital girl, everything, vital girl, everything is fine. everything is fine, mom likes everything, mom is positive, mom works with a psychologist, the psychologist helps a lot, he directly told me:
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“alina nikolaevna, you say, don’t worry, don’t worry, sooner or later she’ll die, people, well, she won’t go dancing, what are you pestering, you see, i’m saying that, of course, my son, honey.” mine, of course, my mother is a little offended, well , if only you were some kind of runt, otherwise he ’s such a big hero, height 152 cm, weight - 43 kg, hercules, vitachka, everything, everything is fine, everything is fine, mom likes everything, mom only praises this creature, angelina, angelina. and what a hard worker she is, oh, she doesn’t sit idle for a minute, not a minute, she eats, she smokes, she scratches her body,
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then this is sitting there, this is plucking out your mustache with pliers, i say, my daughter, when you spit on this mustache, you still can’t see it because of the beard, mom likes everything, mom fell in love with shangelina, she loves everyone. her relatives, what a housewife her mother is, oh, it’s customary that what ’s left after the banquet, well , take it home with you, so she put everything, all the food in bags, put it all home, even before the banquet started, and the kids to me all four of us like her.
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i changed my mind about getting married, i didn’t like angelina, but you’re right here, i’m not doing anything wrong she said, she only praised, no, no, no, you won’t marry, you only love mommy, you’ll only live with mommy, ice, now i ’ll dance, knock out my beloved,
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music from popular soviet films of the eighties is playing in this studio, we all wanted in this class, we all wanted to meet these boys, i personally had the key to the balcony in the large hall, and we watched all the movies, everything.
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fantastic morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. victor poltoranin, now i am your upstairs neighbor. nightmare. i got you started. ready to fix everything,
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but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues, and overtime, the blackmailer knows things about i haven’t told anyone at all, do all our clients receive the same letters? ivan oganesyan, i’m now my own boss, he appeared out of nowhere, he’s so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there’s some kind of catch here, a husband for an hour and a half, premiere, today on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea has been drunk, how many
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stories he tells,
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there will be tears of money in advance, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with with you, she doesn’t drink, she was very lively with us and will be... secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is at least, at least a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, friday, nerter, lena, i want to share with you what? you know, i always dreamed of learning to dance beautifully, but i didn’t have time, now there are so many dance studios, so i’m thinking, maybe i should go sign up too, but i don’t know which style to choose,
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karen, don’t worry, i’ll help you, i i know all the styles, listen, let's start with the waltz, no, that's too slow for me, then tango, no, that's too passionate, huh? from modern choreography, hip-hop, hip-hop, what is this? it's jumping up and waving hands to modern rhythmic music. listen, i told you that i don’t know how to do a bald spot.
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well, maybe bratdance, breakdance, but what is this? lizginka, only lying on the floor, is also not suitable, right? why? is it really suitable? tell me, lina, do you have to lie on the floor or can you lie on the sofa? you'd probably be better off on the couch, great, that's it, i'll go and sign up for breakdance, oops, wait, karen, first introduce our next artists, otherwise who knows what will happen to you after breakdance, with joy, dears friends, stage valentina korkina and viktor ostroukhov, we meet, take a break, nothing to me. i don’t need you, what is this, what is this, but well , it’s impossible to walk down the street calmly, but i’m tired of this network marketing, and oh, oh, you see, oh,
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they’ll take off your clothes, undress, just buy something from them, and what if to some absolutely simple question, hello, i can contact you, you will answer, yes, that’s it. that's it, consider that you've been caught, like this, hello, hello, i can contact you, you can, gotcha, got it, well, gotcha, hello, hello, i representative of a company selling a unique pure-clean foam for cleaning uncleaned surfaces until they are clean, did you even understand what you said? but no, i already told you there, i don’t need anything from you, that’s it, go, go, well , what is this, i see, i see, i see, i see, you are interested, teach us everything you
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could dream of for less twice as much as this, yes, and that’s not all, even as a gift you will receive a t-shirt with my image, which will cost nothing, for only 800 rubles. how is it, well, what about me? i need something here, but i need it i don’t need anything from you, that’s it, go, go, well , what’s this like a bath leaf, i see, i see, you’re interested, hello, hello, listen, we haven’t seen you for a long time, really, but listen, am i the only one here? , and look how many people are walking around, and did i smear some honey on you, if you have honey stains on your clothes, don’t despair, you won’t die, i’m nearby, yeah, right? you are offered a special product that will easily clean everything, ketchup, wine, honey, pommy, scavenger hunt with your droppings, i see, i see, you are interested, woman, my dear, would you go, since i
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just came, i’m not going anywhere, i’m like your rump, oh, when i saw your face, i immediately understood what you needed, so what, you need a special face cream , which, which namash and will not... on the face, listen, disappear, leave, i ask you, i see, i see, you are interested, the goat is fighting again, right? boyan, why does your goat need a boyan? take my weight loss complex instead. what other complex? we offer you a set of shopping bags on wheels without wheels. no, no, no, i don’t need anything from you. that's it, go, i gave my goat a thirst for beef. yes, i don’t have any goat, you see, no. and i recently got divorced. no , how are you feeling? yes, wonderful, magnificent, like horns off your shoulders. and you are helpless. that is, single people are offered shorts, what
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kind of shorts, put on shorts, stand by the road, show women your legs, leave me alone with your shorts, don’t drive me away, these are shorts of love, my god, listen, go away, disappear, hello, hello, that you pestered me, and the woman, ever-healthy, to you bad, yes you were good, oh, we didn’t meet, it’s nerves, open your mouth, why, open your mouth properly, come on, what is this, a pill for nerves, 1.0 rub. for our clients it’s free, otherwise sometimes they make fools, you liked it when it’s good, it’s produced by an agricultural plant, i’d better calm your nerves myself now, turn it on, why do you have to sit down like that, oh, what is this, well, it’s become easier, come on, come on, come on, listen, somehow this, somehow this, well , feel better, listen, what kind of
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interesting technique do you have, i just calm my dog ​​down when she goes crazy after cars, by the way, men, you have a car, well, of course you do, you’re lucky, you got into an accident, oh, that is, in a promotion, you are offered a special additive for the engine, such garbage, japanese, they bring it to us in maldova from saratov , one package is 300 rubles, the second is 400, the third is 500, how is it, well, do i need something to live? it’s necessary, but you don’t need to live at all, witch, don’t be distracted by me, don’t be distracted by me, let’s move on, so we’re offering you super adhesive glue, it sticks once for life, it’s called a mortgage, stay with your mortgage, that's it, go, good luck to you when you meet the tram, goodbye, aunt, hello, uncle, you haven't bought anything from me yet, take from me this horse shampoo for the tail and mane, i don't understand this, why? to me? this is your horse shampoo for the tail and mane,
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and all the women use me to strengthen the hair of their husbands, the effect is amazing, listen, i don’t understand why you are advertising all this to me, you’re praising me, the balder the head, the curlier the advertisement, you look at your head, everyone is for you washing your hair may be the last thing, woman, what do you even want from me, so our company offers you, you already offered it to me, up to a minute with us? on whose ass, what does that have to do with your ass, on yours, on your ass, our company offers you a seat, a seat, the bait of a worm, big man, listen, you can’t buy a worm, you won’t live until the morning, aunt, but you need it from me, uncle, my husband is at home, and for my husband, buy glue, and glue my husband to the table, goodbye, uncle, hello, aunt, i see, i see, you are interested, buy some black bread, and pamper your grandfather at home, some kind of slaughterhouse,
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men's suit from china, for a samurai husband, help, help, i see you are interested, yanochka, can you imagine, i have one friend who has three higher education degrees.
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how many higher educations? 10, why is it so high? to be precise, i have 10 too many? well, you see, a good education is the key to a successful career, yeah, i see, well, let’s write down what kind of education you have, so, that means, economic, historical, so, psychological, yeah, philosophical, philosophical, wait, philosophical already was, and you know, i studied philosophy twice, i didn’t understand anything the first time, yeah, okay, let’s move on, and that means move on. chemical, architectural, physical, biological everything, but excuse me, what should i write in the profession column, write, i’m looking for myself,
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of course, but can i ask a question, you’re such an educated person, why do you want to get a job as a delivery worker with us? you see, the fact is that i just entered the university, and i need to combine work with study, so you take me, of course, we take you, and you and i we’ll tear it off with our hands, that’s what a good higher education means, in the meantime you fill out the form, and in the meantime i’ll invite our next artists to the stage, meet the stage. you will order something, you know, i only need an outlet and wi-fi, the outlet is on the right,
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uh-huh, thank you, the start is good, and the password for wi-fi, hmm, i... understood, please bring me a glass of water, do you want it with or without syrup? what kind of syrups do you have? well, we have different ones, raspberry, strawberry, currant, maple, which one do you like? should i have no syrup? ok, what syrup do you need without? without raspberry, strawberry, currant? without which one? and i have no apricot? “well, without abericot it’s more expensive than 200 rubles, then without cherry, without without cherry it’s cheaper, it ’s still 200 rubles. first the password for wi-fi, first you need to order something, okay,
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bring me tea, that is, bring you tea, yes some tea, please, what kind of tea would you like, black or green? and what should i take? i don’t know, it’s up to you, i just need the wi-fi password, girl, first i need to order something, ok, ok, you have seafood, of course you have pasta naval style, oh, however, pasta. in naval style, what kind of dish is this? fat tail kebab? well, fat tail kebab is such a dish? yes, it’s very tasty, but what is it made from? well, what do you say, we’ll cook it from you, even from a napkin, even from a sole, but you can
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just cook me a beshtex, right? no, i can't, i'm a waitress, i'm not a cook, girl, you're not just a waiter. you are simply the most beautiful waiter in the world, and please give me the wifi password first, god, well, i told you, first you need to order something, okay, advise me something, well it’s just up to your taste, well, i don’t know, well , take it, take a salad, take a goulage, take lemonade, take it, well, how much will it be approximately? wow, what's wow? three courses, what did you want? do you have birch sap? there is, but it has pulp, no need, but bring me a portion then, ah, akhvledians?
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i can’t bring you a portion of achlediana, i can only bring you the whole achlediana, well, it ’s as simple as that. the whole thing is 150 kg, what kind of portion is this, this is our director, there’s nothing to even order in your third-rate eatery a decent person, what are you talking about, in our decent eatery there is nothing to order, only a third-rate person, but we have an extensive menu, but i don’t care about yours, i just need a password, lord, are you stupid or something, or i don’t understand anything, i repeated it to you 100 times from the beginning. i don’t want to order something for me, you idiot. you also need a password for wi-fi, well, just for fun,
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first, no need to start, please, first you need to order something, all in one word, in small letters, without spaces, why didn’t you tell me right away, but i immediately, i repeated 100 times, what’s incomprehensible here, you idiot! for cultural services, today is the event of the year, the premiere on rtr, this is my first real deal, are you serious now, yes? how can i tell you, if a man hasn’t proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change, anna ardova, i called all my friends,
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they’re nowhere to be found, my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, oh boy, like that , zoya, my university friend. not what you thought, vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found, daria ursulyak, i can’t wait, the irrepressible restlessness, they say the truth about you, what the restless one wants, the restless one gets, from monday on rtr, what is our task to open all the boards, we can handle it, who are you with a bulge? the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, who will be
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7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i’m an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, oops, tomorrow on rtr, i have you like that... i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice on love, in sadness in joy, in
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health and in sickness, i don’t know what will be so difficult, you have a choice, he needs you, asya, don’t remind me about... my husband, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, we will consider this to be a miracle, we no longer need your services, i understand, so do i i love him, today on rtl he treasures shaking. the walls have arrived, big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement
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of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work a lot, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m a plant in general. maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling , much will become clear. and dreams become reality. how, look. let me into your home. big changes. every sunday on rtr. you are my best friend. just a friend. on sunday, is this the girl from
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the internet? scared, go ahead, get out of my house, immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride is judged, love can be the future, now our whole life is in your hand, yes, ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he if you don’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine.
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imagine that a real macaw, macaw, argentine macho, carenos, avanias, is standing on stage.
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a white bird descended, a quiet, gentle dawn, a guy and a girl woke up, there was no peace in the soul, i fell in love with this song, as soon as i heard it, i composed verses in mic, taking the words for the refrain, so heartless, so heartless, eternal, my husband returned from work, open the wife, quickly, suddenly something with a green face appeared from the door, not a face, quiet horror, the husband fell into the fate of the klinians, the wife smiled, this is my mask,
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such a cucumber, eternal, such a cucumber, wow, with kindergarten they began to build a new house next door, released funds from above and moreover, quite a lot of them quickly built as they should, in a hurry for an important date, and now, with tens of them at their side, the pride rose to the sky? such a cheburek, such a cheburek, cheburech, ah, the guy never worked in his life, there was an easier way, he kept looking for it, he was whelping the old lady, having found out about the capital, he thought he would have to wait a little,
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he would become richer than everyone else, the years passed, but... it seemed that the old lady is like sin, so durable, so durable, durable, artists have a sign, if you shout pist, that means this, that means that, you liked the artist, if well, there are not enough screams and you don’t clap, it’s not our fault, it’s just the public, alas, so heartless, so heartless, so heartless,
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karen, do you know where it’s hardest for women to study? no, um, in driving school. one of my friends took the exam at a driving school 10 times, but never passed. do you know how it was? of course not. let's show you, you will be the examiner, and i will be my friend. do you agree? so, let's start our exam. yeah. let's start with the simplest things. let's. you just got into the car, sat down, your actions, so, first i fasten my seat belt, right, then i adjust the rearview mirror , well done, then i fix my hair,
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paint my lips, add an eyelash, oh, no, that’s wrong, can i correct myself, let ’s do it first, let’s do it, so i adjust the mirror, yeah , i start the car in... i turn on the turn signal, i start driving, i get stuck in a traffic jam, only now i fix my hair, paint my lips, line my eyelashes, right, not quite, not quite right, here’s a different situation, let’s do it first, you’re driving on the road , there's a policeman in front, here's yours action, i release the gas pedal.
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you will never get the rights, so i have the rights, i don’t understand why you come here then, what does it mean, why, to represent the artists, meet the stage, irina borisova and alexey egorov. hello, seryoga, great, well, we are open. thank you, thank you, so tomorrow you can
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go to work, write the address, green street, building 15, red roof, entrance from the yard, well, where until recently there was a beauty salon, and now we are a construction worker for renovation. company, that's it, i'm waiting, alyon, natusi, well, it's me, me already here, well, where, where, where you said, green street, house 15, but there is no beauty salon that you told me so much about, there is no red roof, i see. entrance from the yard, i understand, that’s it, bye, off i go, well, let’s see what kind of beauty salon this is,
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good afternoon, and hello, i was recommended to contact you, they say you can just work miracles here, well, miracles, no miracles, but i think you came for... we have a huge range of services, from cosmetic work to, so to speak, european-quality renovation, as they say, we’ll make candy out of any old lady, we’ll make any crumbling one shine, you’re probably interested in european-quality renovation, no, thank you, of course, but... in my opinion, i don’t need european-quality renovation yet, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, european-quality renovation is our crown, as they say, we should build a house, but you
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better tell me what services you provide, services, yes, everything you want, a whole list, please, here is the design, painting, locking, sanding. redevelopment, facade work, finishing, reduction of air ducts. installation structures made of pvc, oh, you probably wanted to say, made of silicone, but no, made of pvc, so, waterproofing, installation, dismantling, demolition of partitions, repair work, so to speak, treatment facilities, eliminating leaks.
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sealing seams, drilling wells, drainage, we also clean and deepen, so to speak, the well, remove garbage, by the way, we take care of ourselves, well, in the end, repair the roof, you have everything with the roof. “sorry, i don’t understand something now, what does the repair of wastewater treatment plants have to do with it, what kind of garbage removal, and in general, what kind of wells are you going to drill, girl, yes, i can read this list until the morning, well, you yourself know what you need, of course, well, i’m interested in lifting? manicure, pedicure, well, you see
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what nonsense is in your head, wait, well , peeling, peeling, you're doing it, but i 'm telling you everything you want, we'll cut everything you say, so, you know, let's go in order, let's do it, let's change the gender, no, i'm mine for now satisfied, in vain, you know what kind of specialists we have, some clients change their gender several times, why else, what so why, well, today one gender is in fashion, but tomorrow the other, no, i’m still more interested in cosmetic work, well, we’ll do it, well, we’ll clean it, tint it, plaster it, why are you
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saying that again, you understand that i’m only external i'm interested in the look, but you're for sale, shame on you, why should i be ashamed, well, now a lot of people are doing this, and what's the big deal, yes, i, i, by the way, if you want to know, i'll change it, but what's the difference? , don’t interfere with one another, you know, that’s all, that’s all, it’s all for me i'm tired of it, boorish, crazy, look, some kind of madhouse, eight clients, only women, all insane, a disastrous place,
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we need to move out of here, to hertsina, they just closed the antenatal clinic there, viktor poltoranin. now i’m your upstairs neighbor, a nightmare, i got you started, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we’re not only neighbors now, we’re like as colleagues and overtime. "the blackmailer knows these things, oh
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which i haven’t told anyone at all, all our clients receive the same letters, ivan oganesyan, i’m now my own boss, he appeared out of nowhere, so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there ’s some kind of catch here, husband for an hour and a half, premiere , today on rtr. rtr-planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres, how did i get there, and are you having a corporate party? who are you, and you don’t know bender well, for murder on a trick, there is no need for a motive, that it was on the strip,
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i don’t know, the dog, in my opinion, is an exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform the seventh symphony... six-footed, whoever doesn’t take risks has no luck, we will succeed, i will operate i, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance , you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you in general, do you spend most of your life on your feet or even on your head? i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, hope, russia rests on song, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and
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entertainment for every taste, i poured a basin of hot water on myself homeland, i say, i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meeting with... the stars, what’s more difficult: becoming a good person or staying? the question is, of course, interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, in circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, the story of a mysterious disappearance is live broadcast, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years.
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we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair and, as we remember, enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planet channel. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sitpel, hello, today is the ninth day since the terrible tragedy in kroku sithol, we pray.


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