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tv   Parad yumora  RUSSIA1  March 30, 2024 2:50pm-5:00pm MSK

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and a new breath of bama, how the rails stubbornly cut the taiga, now from yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk, along the railway under construction, and this is 530 km, there is not a single settlement, alexander rogatkin, about the grandiose construction on permafrost, what the record was, the greatest it was -72, news of the week, sunday 20:00! vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us! lithuanian border guards held several...
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the last two days have not been easy for them, the youngest member of the children's choir does not go to school yet, my boat will sail to the island of salvation, the everlasting peresov, my glorious sailor, the staging of the kaddish, the jewish memorial prayer, about the feat of janusz korczuk, who died at the hands of the nazis in camp treblinka, in the gas chamber they were found hugging the teachers of the students. these were
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children from an orphanage in warsaw, they played a play there a week ago, then at a festival in minsk, they went home in triumph, they took the grand prix, but poland and lithuania staged their own competition, which of them would go further abroad without humanity, no demands were made at all, none at all, we were ready to sing, we had already started singing, but they didn’t say anything, that is, specific, they just said that there is some document, there is some law that no one knows about in our country, that we cannot, as transit... passengers, since we are not a regular bus, we cannot leave belarus, just save our children. this video is already from the border with lithuania, you can see that the children are covered with clothes like a blanket, there are a couple of photos of the younger ones sleeping right on the chairs from fatigue, the second night on the threshold of the european union, freedom of movement and the rights of the child, when a child wants to go to the toilet and is not allowed out of the bus for 7 hours, then how do you you’ll explain, and then you’ll go out to the pogroms who surrounded us.
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although the bus traveled through half of europe with this paper, entry was finally denied at 5 am. we were not even allowed out to go to the toilet cleanly, and this caused a lot of inconvenience. and they brought it to us yes, apples, water. well, but we had with us, plus or minus, these baby purees, because they don’t spoil, you can use them, all sorts of dried ones, but this is dry food, guys. despite the holidays in the canteen, which was a full meal for them, the children asked for borscht. after 7 hours , the lithuanians turned the bus to belarus, where the children were... waited for as if they were their own at school in the village
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of tsudenishke, three kilometers from the border; they were even able to sleep, while the moldovan foreign ministry woke up; the temporary attorney, after several hours of consultations, voiced a very original version: the time was very unlucky, it was night time, at night the lithuanians do not let moldovan citizens through and no, they let everyone through, citizens of moldova, citizens of belarus and others, but the problem had to be solved at... another level in vilnius. by this time , the scandal had reached another level: the belarusian ministry of politics in russia and moldova stood up for the children. the bus left for the border, accompanied by moldovan diplomats. this is the nearest gas station, from here to the kamenny lok checkpoint, about a kilometer away, is the team’s third attempt to finally get home. eat information that the lithuanian authorities issued a travel permit, but more than two days have passed since the parents and children left minsk. another 2 hours and the bus was still allowed in. are thinking about canceling the
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opening ceremony of the olympics due to the danger of terrorist attacks, security costs are astronomical, but billions of euros are of little use, according to the french; more than 50% of residents believe that france is not ready to host the games. anastasia popova, about the fragile reputation of this summer's main sporting event. 5 months before the start of the competition, france is arming itself. 18 thousand ready people to ensure security at the olympic games. it is obvious that significant forces are planned for this, not to mention the specific tasks of the armed forces. during the olympics, 3,000 people will be responsible for safety in the skies and combating drones. but this is obviously
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not enough, so paris turned to colleagues from 46 countries for help. they are looking for dog handlers, police officers, and military personnel. germany and poland have already responded; warsaw will send soldiers. who are now specially trained to work for such events. poland's armed forces will join an international coalition created by france to support preparations for the security of the 2024 summer olympics. an operational group of our soldiers, including dog handlers, will be sent to paris. its main task will be to carry out activities to detect explosives and combat terrorism. however, the scope of the planned events raises questions even among the intelligence services themselves, about which they are open, they tell the minister of internal affairs. considering that the level of terrorist the threat in france is maximum. almost a week after the moscow attack, french intelligence is concerned about the return of mass terrorism. we are talking about the opening ceremony of the olympic games. is the head of the ministry of internal affairs, gerald dormanan, preparing to get into the shoes of the minister of terrorist attacks? the counter-terrorism department
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wants to avoid as much as possible the scenario of a coordinated attack on the day of the olympic opening ceremony. take the opening ceremony, which usually takes place in an indoor stadium. the french want it. carry it out in the open air on barges in the middle of the hay. the parade of athletes in front of 600 thousand spectators, each of whom still needs to be checked somehow. i don't think we can be 100% confident that we can prevent a terrorist attack on the first day under the gun of the world's cameras. ordinary residents are afraid. more than half of the french believe that the country is not ready to host the games, even despite the intensive use of artificial intelligence and a system to combat drones. the anti-drone shield created for... the olympic games is broken. media reports that the existing system was only able to detect one potentially dangerous drone out of three at a distance of less than 800 m. not enough time to destroy a kamikaze drone flying at a speed of 170 km.
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recent high-profile thefts do not add confidence either. a laptop containing secret data on how access to the olympic venues will be organized was stolen from the car of the administrative director of a large hospital. a week before.
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in one way or another, there are about 800 more that we physically monitor on an ongoing basis, public transport is not yet ready, however, work is in full swing on the image in the french capital, the streets are being cleared of unwanted homeless people and migrants, and they are being quietly transported to the suburbs, angering local officials. since may last year , buses have been arriving regularly, every 3 weeks or so, from paris to orléans, on buses from do you think this is related to the upcoming olympic games? i'm not sure, but the apparent coincidence is a little unsettling. the authorities deny any connection with the olympics, saying that refugee reception centers in paris are overcrowded. of course, holding competitions in the current conditions for france
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this is a big challenge from a security point of view, so no scenarios are ruled out, ranging from program adjustments to the possible cancellation of the opening ceremony and closing ceremony of the olympic games. anastasia popova, good saturday evening to everyone, everyone, hello andrey on the air, and we are happy to welcome all viewers who have gathered around their tv screens in their letters. you write to our editors that you really love our series about songs
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from soviet films, because these songs take you 30-40 years ago, when the whole family also gathered around the tv screens and watched their favorite films. today it will be like this, and our evening will be opened by our guests from the city of perm, the ensemble on sunday with a song: it happened, the men left the movie. we meet the starting point of 1981. it happened, the men left. the crops were abandoned before the deadline, now they are no longer visible from the eye,
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they dissolved in the road dust, grains flow out of the ear, these tears of unharmed fields, and the cold winds quickly flowed into the cracks. we are waiting for you, hurry up your horses, good hour, good hour, good hour, may the free winds not they beat you and caress you, and then come back quickly, and you cry for you, without your smiles they turn pale and disappear from the inside. all by the same flood of bori, it will happen
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more and more incessantly every day, the eternal tearing of lamentations, from the voice of ancient begs, we are in the midst of pedestrians, icons, tired, not whole people, only outside the emptiness is funeral, and reason. lord, save and save, lord, save, save, lord, save, save, lord, save, save, lord, save, save, we are waiting for you, raise your horses, good hour, good hour, good hour, may the winds not be fair ...
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so, ensemble sunday, team leader, valera, i would like to introduce you to irina kuleva, good evening, hello, hello, hello, how old is your team? oh, well, next year i’ll be 40, yes, 40 years old, i’m still a young girl. after music school i came to a music school, picked up good guys, in general, for almost 40 years now,
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a large family of a generation, and so here i know everyone is young, everyone here is 19, no, no, they are so well preserved just by themselves in fact here are the girls who came to me in 2000, 40 years ago we see a photograph, yes, this is my mother, here varya’s mother turned away, for example, who is singing here, yes, come sit at our table. okay, and you have half your family there, as i understand it, yes, yes, my mother, aunt, sister, everything, and how old are you, i’m 19 years old, that’s how... what feelings do you put into it, what does this song mean to you? you? vladimir vesotsky wrote this song for mothers and for the wives of men who went to war, and i convey emotions, of course, very sad, sad, but at the same time i believe in
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them that they will return, you even have a video, as i understand it, for this song, we saw it during. numbers, yeah, and the girl, who is the same one here today, or of course, here she is our sonya, here is our sonya, hello, how old are you, six, six, who will we hand over to, who is watching you, mom , dad, from kindergarten, what is the name of your kindergarten, what is the kindergarten number, i don’t know what the specialist’s name is, lyudmila viktorovna, lyudmila viktorovna, hello, tell me, huh... of course you haven’t seen this movie, probably where do you sing this song from? , in a good hour, in a good hour, may the fair
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winds not beat you, but caress your backs, and then... it was written in memory of the great patriotic war, but for the first time the song was performed in the film panor program, by the way, the vysotskys performed by him, that's what he said then, let’s also see these historical footage, the reproach is that i don’t i write love lyrics, this is not true, i wrote songs about love unconditionally and wrote... to all my wives, especially my current wife , but these are our personal songs, by the way, she herself sang my songs, written especially for her, and sang them in russian, in victor turov’s film there are two songs performed by marina, she sings them in russian, the text and music are mine, it so happened that the men left,
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abandoned the crops before the deadline. now they are no longer visible from the windows, they have dissolved in the dust of the road, they flow out of the stake behind the grains, these tears are not compressed fields, and cold winds quickly flowed from the cracks, and which one did you like? more power, i’m still for the fact that the authors perform their songs, so i like vysotsky more, of course, or girls, girl, this is without talking, i restrained myself from crying here, well, speaking about groups, if we today we started talking about marina vlade, we must remind you that she promoted russian song in the west for 20 years, she had a quartet that she made
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together with her sisters, and let us remind you how...
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girls in their blood, they grew up in a family of russian emigrants, their father vladimir polikov baidarov was an opera singer, and their mother melitsa envald was a ballerina. the parents raised the girls in orthodox traditions and love for their native culture; russian speech and russian songs were always heard in their home. mine left, with the strength of my eyes, dearly. the records that the vocalists recorded in france sold millions of copies. for more than 20 years , the polyakov baydarova sisters promoted russian folk songs in the west, where they won great love from listeners. dress is thin over river, a blue dress flutters over the river, there is beauty there, the waves are silver there, and you
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turn silver there, it’s good, it’s good to walk, perhaps this quartet would have existed further, but in 1980 the middle sister tatyana died of cancer, she was 50 years old, and 8 years later the police tragically died. when olga passed away 2 years later, marina vladi was left alone; in memory of her sisters, she planted russian birch trees in her french courtyard, and still continues to sing, only this time solo. outside the window, the bird cherry tree sways, opening its petals our own, a familiar voice is heard across the river. the nightingale will sing all night across the river, a familiar voice is heard and my nightingale will sing all night
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varina, you have so many relatives in your team, when you get together at home, do you sing at the table?
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there is one place where you appeared, where you appeared, where you appeared light, the first time i heard, heard, the first time, mine in general, my favorite, yes, a very beautiful song, and the city is golden, you know that one? yes, we know it very much, we love it, yes, yes, yes, well, parichka will probably sing for us, she, she loves her very much and often performs, well, support the girls, if suddenly, under the blue sky there is a
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golden city, with transparent gates, and a bright star in the city. that garden is all grass and flowers, animals of unprecedented beauty walk there, and like the yellow ones, something else, it is filled with eyes, take off the golden oren of heaven, whose we do not forget about. well, let's continue our evening, now i want to invite my fellow countryman to this stage, alexey goman, with the song wedge leaf,
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which was once performed by nikolai karachentsev, and became the artist’s calling card. 1984 the film is a small favor. be it time for the birds to make their way, the birds dream of the south, a yellow wedge leaf sat in my palm yesterday, let someone tell me a basket, there’s nothing like that here, a yellow fox is like a bird, yesterday... sat in my palm, wedge leaf, wedge leaf , in the middle of winter, i dream about you, that mic, i dream about you
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when... papurga is swinging through the window of snow, at that moment when everything is covered in snow, my soul is white and white, i dream about you, red maple lick, dream about me, dream about you, red maple lick , my age is tired, touch me, a quiet dream, a gift that has gone astray... birds, come back to the cold of january, let someone tell me in response, there is nothing like that here, reckless bird, go back to the cold of january, wedge fox, wedge fox, i dream about you in the middle of winter, dream about that moment when the snowstorm shakes the window. bliss in that moment,
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when everything was covered in snow, my soul was aching, i dreamed about you, a red maple leaf, dream, dream, a red wedge lick, i dreamed about a sea bird in a golden haze, a yellow leaf was entrusted to me and suddenly filled my palm. oh, let someone tell me in response, there is nothing like that here, the lights jumped up, a yellow leaf, suddenly, sat in my palm, maple leaf, maple leaf, you watch the winter for me, dream, dottik, dream, when the burga, the snow swings through the window, at that moment when everything is covered in snow. on the soul of white
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bilots i will dream about the redhead liz wedge, i dream i dream about the red leaf glen i will dream i will dream about the redhead liz wedge. well, we are happy to welcome lyosha back to our studio, and i’m just wondering why this song is close to you, why did you choose it today? you know, the song always evoked some special emotions in me, but it seemed kind of boring to me in childhood, and what the older i get, the more i understand this
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song, in soviet songs there is more of some kind... still more of something wonderful and kind, indeed, the film may not be very memorable, but the song that was written by maxim dunaevsky, poet leonid derbinev, really entered the golden repertoire, this is how it sounded then in 84, maple leaf, wedge leaf, and i dreamed about it in the middle of winter, at that moment when the snow was swinging outside the window. and i dreamed about you, red maple leaf, by the way, i don’t know whether you know or not, there a whole story, because karachentsev didn’t succeed in this song, they even wanted to change the performer, at that time leonid derbinev had a drama in his life, his wife left him and returned to him only with the first snow, at that moment - that means
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karachentsev found out. this whole story, i was so imbued with this whole story that this song sounded so unexpected, and how you feel about singing actors is very good, so we all would have grown up with singing actors, as i understand it, maxim danaisky has another song, city ​​flowers, they are somewhat similar, in general, for some reason, when i was listening to flowers , karos flowers, here again i’m just my dude. city ​​flowers, city flowers, you have captured my heart forever, for some reason when i listened to the song about the maple tree, for some reason i thought that perhaps dunoetsky wrote the song city flowers for the boyar, and karachentsov said, listen, it’s a good song, write to me similar, they are like friendly songs.
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how old is your daughter now? 11, do you somehow introduce her to soviet cinema? i introduce you, but it’s difficult with children, they meet whenever they want. who doesn't want your favorite soviet composer? and oh, you know, i have a huge warm feeling for evgeny pavlovich winged, winged, god, winged, but he’s like a winged, you know, he’s like a winged, we met when - he invited me to sing a duet with a song, he called me on the phone and said: hello, this is people’s artist alexey goman, and i won the people’s artist competition, i don’t have a title, and i tell him, no, no, evgeny pavlovich, people’s artist is you. let's sing something then, i have evgeny pavlyvich’s favorite song, a world without love, we can do it, oh, great, let’s get along, imagine this whole world, huge, all, as it is, in
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fact, is, with fields, birds, flowers and people, but without love you can imagine, without love, oceans, clouds and cities, only no one has heard of love, never, also at night the stars circle in the sky, just as in the morning the sun shines from above, but what is it for and who needs it , peace, in which people each other. needed, how to burn lightly and the cold comes and the earth comes into everything new is waiting for spring, but i don’t need it, you hear, i don’t need a world at all, where you and
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i don’t need each other, the beautiful one is far away, don’t be cruel to me, don’t be cruel to me. like the sky, from a pure source, the beautiful one is not far, the beautiful one is not far away, i ’m starting the journey, today is the event of the year, the premiere on rtr, this is my first real deal, are you serious now, right? you will be an investigator, evgeniy prominin, you love me, how can i tell you, if in 7 years a man has not proposed to you, he needs to be changed, anna ardova, i i called all my friends, they are nowhere to be found, my
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nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, a guy like that, zoya is my university friend. this is not at all what you think. vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found. daria ursulyak, i can't wait. irresistible, irrepressible, what they say about you is true, what does the irrepressible want, does the irrepressible get? from monday on rtr. good morning, my loved ones, my voice sounds only for you. beats only for you, horde, on horde, in this program fulfills not only songs, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kaence after the wedding, my wife says, you
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don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you, so hard, turn up the volume at full, just wait for me, flowers kept through the rains still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us. very often, girls from a different circle strive to marry rich people boys. let me decide for myself who i love and who i marry. ok? he still could have been. i won't give it to this sheep. and there will be a lie. we need to entertain the girl a little.
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money up front. and there will be tears. guys, please, we need it. well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink very much, she’s even lit and there will be secrets. the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love you. light, if there is at least a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr, you dream of a stage, you believe in your strength, the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young gifted performers to take part. everything in the international popular music competition new wave registration
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submission of online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. once again, good evening everyone, hello andrey on the air, today in this studio music from popular soviet films of the eighties is playing, of course, the success of any soviet film has always been associated with music, sometimes it could be without words and become no less popular than the film itself, this was the case with nikita mikhalkov’s film relatives, the music of eduard artemyev at a rural station became one of the main titles in this film. now i want to invite the balalaika duet to the stage
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and we will hear just this music.
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well done, well, danilo and nikita, glad to see you again, tell me why, why do you like these soviet ones. melodies of the eighties, this music is associated with some kind of spiritual bliss, you remember, even without living in the soviet union, this time, i don’t know, how it works, in fact, when i watch soviet films, and i envy this lightness, this mood in films, and we also associate this music with childhood, when we were preparing, we just rewatched this film, we remembered our family viewings, soulful . as we remember in chelyabinsk, you were our guest several years ago, but
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we invited you as the guys from the trains, where you are performing now, tell us, we now perform everywhere, express, we now perform at private events, at we even play in villages, do you have a director or how can we find you to invite you, yes, hello everyone.
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oh, beauty, thank you, thank you, thank you, good health, all the best, my dears, did anna sergeevna call you herself, or her relatives? well, yes, i want to tell you about this unusual incident, her daughter writes to us, she was somewhere in greece, in italy, yes, she lived abroad, she says, i can’t come to my mother, help me out, we ’re here , learned some pieces right away, so that...
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everyone always performed everywhere, everyone was very liked them, are you healthy, anna sergeevna, by the way, you were playing melodies just now, let’s remember artemyev’s music for films today, and what other film masterpieces were decorated with his melodies? tell me, please, whose music is playing now? composer artemyev? it seems to me that i heard it in some movie, that’s what i have. sensations, this, in my opinion, is the music of eduard artemyev. he heard the melody in everything that surrounded him, and could display any emotion in the notes. eduard artemyev became an innovator of his time, one was one of the first to risk composing electronic music and even participated in the creation of the first soviet synthesizer, on which he later wrote hundreds of film hits. artem broke the laws
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of the classical. cinematographer was not afraid of experiments and agreed to work even with novice directors, among them was nikita mikhalkov, who in the mid- seventies made his debut film: one among strangers, a stranger among one’s own. it was the final melody from this tape that became the most popular in artemyev’s career. the composer, like no one else, was able to convey all the feelings of the hero, who, after much suffering behind enemy lines , returned to his comrades. artemiv rarely appeared in public and did not strive for popularity, but she followed him closely, so after the release of the film, his relatives wrote words to his music and this song
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instantly became an all-union hit. as in a dream, artemyev was one of the first to conquer the memory and fog between us, you are like in a dream, you are hollywood, where in the late eighties he was invited by director andrei konchalovsky, the composer’s popularity was gaining momentum and he was promised brilliant with each new film future, but overnight the musician abandoned everything and returned to russia, because only his homeland was in tune with his heart. everywhere eduard artemyev was followed by his beloved wife. they met in their youth and have never been apart since then. isolde was his muse and his most important critic; it was to her that the composer dedicated all his love songs. gentlemen, you are animals. gentlemen.
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artemyev’s melody won millions of hearts, he himself became the voice of the era, modest and unsociable, but invariably in tune with the time, one of the few who did not need words, to reach listeners. look who's visiting us, you found out.
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there is yellow smoke over the city, the city has lived for a thousand years under the light of a star called
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the sun, wonderful, wonderful, well, this is 1988, now i propose to be transported to 1981, especially since the song of city flowers has already sounded here, in this... this day, perhaps somewhere in the distance, we will remember more than once, we will remember how the transparent
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moon floats over the coolness of the night, just because everything will pass, we don’t need to remember, just because everything will pass, we don’t remember it is necessary, everything will pass, be it sadness or joy, everything will pass, the light will arrange it, everything will pass, you just need to believe that love does not pass, no, sing when ships sail, not giving in to storms, argue that for the sake of our
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love, this whole world is invented, sport is about the fact that you never get tired of beating, heart is close to heart, you just don’t need to remember that everything will pass. there is no need to remember that everything will pass, everything will pass, both sadness and joy, everything will pass, the light will arrange it, everything will pass, you just have to believe. that love doesn't pass no.
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again about the fact that the day is leaving the earth, you are not loud to me, this day may be somewhere in the distance, we will remember more than once, we will remember how a star passes by all night, we look with our eyes. there is no need to remember only that everything will pass, only that everything will pass.
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there is no need to remember, everything will pass, be it sadness or joy, everything will pass, so arrange the light, everything will pass, you just have to believe that it is love. does not pass, no, does not pass, no, does not pass, no, 300, everything will pass, all together, and attract joy, everything will pass, so arrange the light, everything. only
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you have to believe that love doesn’t pass away, no, it’s super, we’re used to seeing your performances with original songs, but here is such a reading of this hit, they told me that you didn’t dare to perform this song for a long time, why yes , really, because it’s kind of like that will look at this - mikhail boyarsky, i think, well, how to sing this song, what to compete with, no, but i liked this song for a very long time, when this movie came out, it’s not going anywhere, in my opinion, or where it’s going to go, yes, well, it’s not going anywhere, here’s this song for me fell in love, in my youth in the eighties i
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often performed it, especially on the dance floor. it was played many times, i was even asked to perform this song several times, well, it’s beautiful, really, it’s a wonderful song, in 1983 in the circle program i performed it together with the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, everyone is our client receives the same letters from our program, in their performance you will hear a song by maxim dunoevsky with lyrics and leonid terpenev, everything will pass. again that day the earth is leaving, you are not loud to me, this day, perhaps somewhere in the distance, we will remember more than once, we will remember how the transparent month floats over the coolness of the night, only that
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everything will pass. there is no need to remember, just that everything will pass, there is no need to remember, everything will pass, sadness and joy, everything will pass, that’s how the light works, everything will pass, then... you need to drink, what kind of love, what doesn’t pass, so what let's perform it here at the table today, let's do something from the eighties, my friend will play this melody, i'll immediately remember this song, i think you'll sing along, and
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pickles hearing a voice. i remember forgotten dates and the birch millstones across the bridge on a quiet , brisk little place without a name, i ask you now to go pink, gently, like a torok, the edge of a birch tree will wrap like a city, the edge of a birch moth. at dawn, the bridge was cut, the pain left the heart, the river disappeared , the young woman wandered away, but the song, like the first love, the robin returned to me again, who knows how to meet, yes, i ask you, the rose-colored hour,
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come to me. nightmare, i called you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now
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not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues, and overtime, the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, all our clients get one. ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss, he appeared out of nowhere, so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there is some kind of catch here , husband for an hour and a half, premiere, today on rtr. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it if ask, then with a sneer, the name of which
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character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, what is 7,8, 7,8,8, how many, who is at work, a lot and loudly? says, if you answer, then with humor, i would think, chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, no god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, oops. tomorrow on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen,
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just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, it’s been a while, we haven't seen you, cocky, white, you know, for every tough fighter. will find it even cooler, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin , the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform. russia - traditional, modern,
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technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes. to international exhibition forum russia. once again, good evening everyone, hello andrey on the air, we continue to talk about soviet films and songs of the eighties. and in 1980 it appeared on soviet screens. you, me and you and i, and today our guest from belarus will perform this song, meet mirochka!
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you and i’m going home with you, it’s great when there are friends in the world, if everyone lived alone, then probably the earth would have been diluted into pieces long ago, if everyone lived alone, then it would have been cut into pieces long ago.
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the earth would probably fall apart, you, me and us with you, you and i ladies with you, we’ll go around the earth, then we’ll go to mars, maybe at the orange river, the little people are also sad because they’ve been gone for too long... here, maybe at the orange river, they’re already sad there little people, because we have been gone for too long, you and me are nearby... you and i, you, me, yes, you and
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me, no one will ever separate us, even if we part, friendship still remains, friendship remains with us forever, even if we part, friendship still remains. friendship with us remains forever, you and i ladies are with you, you and i are ladies with you, you yes, i ladies are with you, you and i are there with you.
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but now he doesn’t make films about children’s friendship, come on, let’s see how this song sounded in the film, attention oops, you, yes, i’m home with you, you, yes, i’m home, how old were you , i was 8 years old, second grade. if everyone lived
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alone, then probably the earth would have fallen to pieces long ago; if everyone lived alone, then the earth would probably have fallen to pieces long ago. well, did you recognize the voice? so, it feels like it’s her singing, but it feels like tyr is singing, but somehow very, of course, irina shakhnovich, 40 years later, friends, sings this song in our studio, yes, listen, this, but it feels like a tuning voice, yes, as if it’s not real, in fact, as if a child is singing, it was all more correct, yes, how you did it, i tried very hard, it’s very difficult for me, because today my lyrics are dramatic soprano, that is, so that you understand.
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in belarus there was a wonderful children's competition, it was called red carnations, red carnations, and we won there, it so happened that this film had already been filmed, it was, was in editing, but they couldn’t find anyone who would suit the voice, there was only one condition, it had to be... a child about the age of these boys, but there had to be adult intonations, and then what happened, well, i think that the circumstances are completely miraculous, because the composer... of this film, who wrote the music for this film, valery kirillovich ivanov, he is an avid fisherman, and it so happened that they went fishing with vyacheslav nikifor, who directed this with him movie, turned on the radio, they put on waders, threw their fishing rods, suddenly they hear a voice, but they didn’t hear
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who was singing and what kind of broadcast it was, and he says: we threw all the fishing rods, waders, he says, i was driving the car in waders, they rushed towards minsk, he’s trying to come to us, but he told everything, let’s say, well, as the daughter-in-law says, it’s not very good, but he ’ll look at him proudly, attention, it’s hard to call my grandmother grandmother, because she’s my best friend. i recently found out that she sang a song in a movie when she was about my age, yesterday i watched an excerpt, i really liked it i liked it, it was performed with character, it conveys the very mood of the song, i really liked it, i
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didn’t tell my friends this, but when they show it on television, i will definitely tell them this and say that it was my grandmother who sang it. well, such a friend, i know your mother is watching this program, let's say hello to her, too , yes, well, i want to say hello to my beloved mother, because in general, and this is all my voice, here she is, my voice, by inheritance, this is from my grandmother, then my mother and i, in general, no one music except... i was not studied in the family, but my mother, she headed the department of large culture for a long time, she is an honored worker of the bssr culture, so in general, my mother ’s part is also there, mommy, hello to you, what will we sing for table, and i decided that, well, if i’m from belarus, yes, then, well
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, i probably need something about belarus, well, to unite our russia and belarus, and here behind the scenes there is my husband, with whom we will have 35 this year years of dating and 28 years. brother, yes, i decided to perform a piece songs that were performed by our wonderful, in my opinion, ensemble, belarusian songwriters, i think everyone knows, but the authors of this song are alexandra pakhnutova and nikolai dobronravov, the white stork, the white stork is flying, flying over the whitish polesie. the belarusian mats, in the song of veleska, in the song of the crayfish, the whole earth accepted, and care, and affection, and the flame that burned
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over the earth, the low light, the youth of may. well, we continue and are transported to 1983, then diana asanova’s film, boys, a drama about modern youth, about how teenagers who lived in the eighties feel, now a song from
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this film tramp will be performed by our guest from kazan, rustem zhigav. how much i have imagined, how much i have driven, how many shoes, how much strength i have wasted, but on the roads i have not met those who are crazy. nile head, brozyak, i’m very lucky with the calendar. bro, always imagine, the number is red, the sun is red,
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the disk is on the order of the day, which means it’s a day off, imagine, tomorrow i have, i’ll sew myself a slasher, we’ll rob it for a sheet. so that her body sweats, never slouches, i never got into it, i didn’t bro you. wherever i traveled, i carried the rain on my shoulders,
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but on the roads i did not meet those who sang for nothing, better than the nightingale, where i would put my house. he hasn’t decided yet, i just know that there will definitely be a house of mine, without a lock, there will be a house in the house, a blazing house, just where can you imagine, a door and without a key, i’ll sew myself a shirt. from a nasty sheet so that the body does not sweat,
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never hunch, never. the film is simple and the song is generally a perfect combination of the film and i was told that this is your favorite film, was at the age of 13, well, yes, when he came out on screen in 1983, i was 13 years old, and so it turned out that i still perform this song, i used to say that it haunts me, this song, now i say that it accompanies me, wait , but this film was heavy , yes it was, it was trama, trama, there were such discussions. komsomol truth, too, who is for, who is against, who agrees, who doesn’t,
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all the magazines discussed this directly, you know, then everything is real with them, those eyes shock him, did you play the guitar in a music school as a child, no, i in musical school i studied, that is, i had a specialty in clarinet, i picked up the guitar for the first time at the age of 11, but my father is actually a guitarist, he played a six- to seven-string guitar, so it turned out that i studied in fact, among the elders... and your parents easily let you go out into the street, but your parents didn’t understand what was happening then,
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well, it was such a time, we have always, in general , all of you children grew up on the street, this guitar, this is in every yard two to three guitars, we couldn’t keep it at home at all, these are today’s children, they sit at home there in front computers, yes, that ’s when we started, that is, we came home from school, they threw everything on the street, it was normal, there were no phones, i just remember that time my parents weren’t worried at 9, that they were all at home. where am i, what am i, i come and no one worries, yes, today, probably, for many young parents this is wildness, and somehow, how did the child leave, how can you not control him, well, let's move to the streets of kazan , you went with our film crew, plunged into the atmosphere of that kazan of the eighties, the boys will be in full swing, they are in the entrance of the whole office, strangers with a mounting device in their sleeves, someone will have a piggy bank, and if you don’t want to live, go through the yard here, not like in
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moscow. kazan eighties, early morning, boys. we also left our houses, went to the gathering place, we gathered here in the yard, me and my friends, as it were, organized a group here, which was called tsaritsina, every boy had to live according to street concepts, watch his word, watch business, mind your own, leave interest on the street, the word of a boy at that time was equivalent to the word of a man, the word of an officer, that is, it is a word of honor, one of the recreation centers in which we went... to discos, lit subhits, foreign ones, an affectionate mirage, and then we dance, of course, we are like this , i remember all these movements, it happened that in the midst of the fun someone would appear from someone else’s streets at the moment, right in the process of dancing , a skirmish could happen, someone would go to the police station, someone would run away, well someone went to the hospital, on these hockey rinks, well
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give or take 40 years ago, sometimes in the evenings we got together with the guys, the street raised us, we raised... each other on it, we stole and cut off clothes, of course, strings, shook off little things for our pockets, it’s called a jackal. farewell, farewell, kazan, dear, what a pity that i’m leaving again, but i’m leaving my heart, my heart here, and the night covers the city, every noise and every rustle is dear to me, like good news, until i was 13 i was a decent teenager, in the third class of me...
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well, of course there were sleepless nights, and the emotions were strong, i cried, and i said, no i’m leaving, he says, mom, why are you, that’s it, he left, thank god that in our family the son remained alive, in other families it happened that teenagers died, some suffered very seriously in their health, it seems to me, in general, my whole life scary. i was 24 years old , i already repented to god for all my actions, i came to the realization that i was really living wrong, well, no matter how hard it was in life, i always felt my mother’s support, in childhood, in adolescence, already as an adult, i always understood that there was somewhere a person who wouldn’t trade me for
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anything. at what point did you realize that you need to change in your life? well, at the age of 24, at the age of 24, in general, i turned to god, well, i was serving my sentence, let’s say, for the second time, that is, i am such a fairly early person: at the age of 15, from the street for a year and a half, i first went to the city of tomsk , then i was already serving 22 years here in tatarstan, but during the period of my serving my second sentence, let’s say, well, it came to me already when i was released, i didn’t even go out on the street, but that is, well, somehow i became study. with my child at first, now my youngest son is 16 years old, now he plays with me, and i am really grateful to god, and that after all, i have a relationship with my mother, well, with my parents in general, with my father, then it’s like we communicate that i have two good children, and two wonderful grandchildren, well, i’m a theater and film actor oleg vasilkov, you’re from voronezh, you got it
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all, and this is all a movie, a movie guys.
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but you are sick of me, i like that i am sick of you, which is never the case. yes i think so wonderful, i really do somehow since he joined the army in 1988, he actually never returned there, well
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, voronezh quickly changed there in the nineties, i even once arrived by train, there is no light in the city at all, now everything is very good, by the way, on the left bank i lived in the best place, in my opinion, that means there is minsk and the old one, of course. ice cream, but she is not a hisser, a whooper, that is, yellow, she has this whole story, she stole from everyone , i think where they go all the time, they found a common language like this in five-story buildings, i understand. yes, rustam oleg, what are we going to sing, come on, this film ended with a song about a horse, very similar, one of my favorite ones too, i
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called the horse, my horse recognized me, took me and ran with me, jingling along the white road, a clean horseshoe. “my horse will fly, like a bird across the river, it will play with a crooked scattered, i have him like that, an adult so easily they know everything in advance, but a teenager
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is still. along the white road, the clean molasses ring, the clean horseshoe pigs. so, on this heartfelt note, we are starting to advertise, friends, don’t switch, on sunday, guys are newlyweds, i call my mom and say: mom, i met the man of my dreams, mom says: does he already know? i felt like i was in my own family now, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, sunday on rtr, you are so
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businesslike with me, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice on love, in sorrow , in joy, in health and... asya, you don’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there is no way out situations do not exist, i have always believed in you, we will consider that this is a miracle, we no longer need your services. i understand, i love him too, today on rtr, we go to the doctor
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, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each factor risk. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family must be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr.
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today is the event of the year. premiere on rtr. this is my first real deal. you're serious now, right? you will be an investigator. evgeny pronin. do you love me? how to say to you? if a man has not proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change. anna artova. i i called all my friends, they are nowhere to be found, my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, oh, guy, like that, zoya, my university friend, this is not at all what you thought, vadim andreev, there will be your children will definitely be found, daria ursulyak, i can’t wait,
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i’m inexorably restless. they say the truth about you, what the restless wants, restless gets, from monday on rtr, good evening everyone again, on the air hello andrey, today we are remembering films, songs from them from the eighties, and i want to show you now fragment of the 1981 film... vacation at your own expense, actress olga melikhova sings a lullaby, attention, path, kitty cat, kitty earrings pubis, come chew the cat, rock my baby, i'll greet you.
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i must say that i recorded this song on a folklore expedition, and the woman who sang this lullaby to me had a low voice, and then, when i voiced this lullaby, i had to imitate the artist’s voice, now i ’ll sing it to you in in the same key in which
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a sang to me... i’ll pay for the work, i’ll give you a piece of pie, a bottle of milk, bye-bye, bye-bye, you little dog , don’t bark, don’t whine, i’m waving a dzhetku. don’t
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wake me up, my baby is afraid, bye-bye, bye, bye, you little dog won’t bark, i’m waiting, bye, oh, bye, bye, boy , bravo! and how did this lullaby end up in the film, tell me, because my husband, pokrovsky dmitry viktorovich at that time,
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vodrya, there’s a white godya, there’s a white one, curly, there’s a white one, amazing,
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let’s show you, we have footage from 1981, where on an expedition in the volgograd region you accept a song from local residents, in fact we live in a period when songs from thousands of years ago have still reached us, but they are unlikely to live another 100 years, at least they are unlikely to live in the village, which is why we go on expeditions, record folk songs, sing with folk performers, study the way they sing and even seem to identify with him, now this is a kind of laboratory ensemble, let’s play together.
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how old are you now to me, you look better, who somehow, that’s right, it’s hard to call you a grandmother, yes, now, looking at these shots, you understand, yes, that in the eighties you did a truly unique, unique thing, yes, when you were on expeditions, you preserved these fragments that remained, yes, of folklore in russian culture, yes, and passed it on to the next... generation, which is now in their own repertoire, yes, they do this , by the way, like shukshin, yes, he also inserted some fragments of such folk songs into his films, by the way, you also have a vacation at your own expense in the film, in one of frames, in
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one of the scenes, together with dmitry pokrovsky, let's remind you, i'll play karaz on the vulitva, well, since you gave such a gift that you appeared on our program today, maybe today you'll sing something else here at the cossack table, because the point is that i have roots , my mother is from the don, and pokrovsky’s father is a cossack, i have
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his at home, here’s a saber, here’s his father’s, this year is pokrovsky’s 80th anniversary, he would have turned 80, so in some concerts he really loved .
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so much temperament, cossack blood, cossack blood, yes, and what songs do you associate with since the eighties, i have a lot of cinema, well , how can i say, first of all, movies, we watched and it was such happiness, because my parents
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allowed, when there was a movie premiere, you could stay up on time and watch movies, that’s why all the premieres minhausen, i really loved all these amazing melodies, but of course, when it was time to enter the theater institute, of course we took it that year, so i had a brilliant situation, which means i entered a cruel romance there was a film, all of course the girls drank finally, i will now say that i was shaking. well, now, another picture, it was the fourth year of the war, 1980, i want to invite maria chudovskaya to our folk stage with a song as if over the bank.
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like over a shoreline. i got up as early as the sun, and in my childhood i suddenly smelled of fresh milk, and my mother was walking across a wide field, a wind that was still incomprehensible rustled over the ground. how many different miracles we see in the world, as
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the sun rose over the bank, bank, river, and over my steppe there was a bloody haze. my mother put lard bread in my knapsack, they bowed to their home, all the brothers, all the children, how many different miracles they would never see in the world again, like over the bereshkom, bereshkom. the red-moustached sun rose, so my childhood
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suddenly smelled of fresh milk, so my childhood suddenly smelled of fresh milk, but a bloody smoke wafted over my steppe, and my mother, sergei kapshin, igor klyauzov walked across the wide field. cool,
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why is this song close to you, why is it important to you, you know, both of my grandfathers went through the war, fought, one grandfather completely, another grandfather was wounded, my grandfather played the balalaika, here he is with his grandmother, and he was self-taught from siberia, and somehow for me may 9 and the holiday associated with these events, it is probably the best for me a holiday in my life, well, somehow for me it’s just sacred, by may 9th i had such a spiritual need to record for both grandfathers, they had... unfortunately not long ago died, and to record a song for each of them, and films, by the way, i didn’t see it as a child, but for some reason the music is somewhere i had it in my subcortex, so i wanted it, i watched this film and sang this song, my guys helped me with this,
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somehow we got together, well, that’s how it was in the movie, actor alexander denisov performs it in the film . so over the bank, bank, red mustache sun rose, so over my childhood there was suddenly a smell of fresh milk, so over my childhood there was suddenly a smell of fresh milk, but over my steppe...
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i dreamed of the last poem from this film, well, i saw it much later , don’t let me fulfill you today, i’m floating away time carries me from edge to edge, from shore to shore , hundreds of kotnilas, my friend says goodbye. i know when you intend, when, glory, spring, spring night, i’ll bring you something from me, you’ve won, you
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’ve won, you’ve won, don’t leave something near me, in complete safety on the later outskirts of your life, you look without despair , look without despair. you are my best friend, just a friend, on sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school, fucking lyosha, why are you scared, go ahead, get out of
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my house, immediately, where friendship has become it turns out that the bride is judged by the past. the future may be love, now our whole life is in your hand, yes, no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, i had my own life, i have my own, tell me that i love her, and so tell me, my beloved friend, sunday on... we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay down on me on top, one bullet so far
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is in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she is carrying this kurba. shelters, he says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across people like that. caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov too young, he won't have enough fights...
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together, what will you have left? they went , friend, to tear away everything that was ours, which was against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris kovchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. you are beautiful, smart! you look great, my parents will love you right away, sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess
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of cambridge, but a girl from the outskirts, shut up, stay tuned, hold the crepe, guys, what happens, and misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat, and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion, he will understand everything, i am sure this is not his child, and he will always know. tomorrow will be a new day. on friday, on rtr. once again, good saturday evening everyone, hello andrey on the air. today, this studio plays favorite popular songs from films of the eighties. and now he will appear on our stage. will perform a song from the movie
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adventure electronica you are human. the wind will blow there, the clouds will blow there , an obedient river flows through russia, but you are a man, you are strong, brave, make your destiny with your own hands, go against peter, don’t stand still, understand there is no road. simple, where the flights are set, there are trains, where the spirit
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will take you, gardens will go there, but you are a man, you are strong, brave, make your own destiny with your own hands, go against the wind in place, don’t stand there, understand, there is no such thing as a simple road , now they don’t trust miracles like they used to, don’t hope for a miracle, take command of fate, because you’re a human, you are strong, brave, make your own destiny with your own hands, go against the wind, don’t stand still,
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of course, it’s unexpected to see you without your brother. but today we just have an exclusive, because today we meet your wife lilia for the first time, and how long did he persuade you, tell me, lel, yes, it didn’t take very long to persuade, because if someone had told me, there lil, after many years, a person will appear in your life
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whom you will simply recognize. with one smile, but it so happened that fate brought us together, no, who would have thought that you watched the movie adventure of electronics and thought that electronics would be yours - or syroeshkin, electronics, electronics, i have two of them, i’m a rich man, well, let’s see, we visited you, listen, why are you so similar to me, huh? was that your photo in the magazine? well, mine, that means i was made according to your model. while the brothers are on the road, the whole life, everything is on me. here we have such a cozy soviet apartment. every little thing that stands here has its own meaning. this is volodin a glass holder from which my great-grandfather and grandfather drank, there is also a family coat of arms here. but our
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pets are res. airedale terrier from the film adventures of electronics, i will call you ressi, you will always be with me, ressi, come to life, and this is timochka, we also have a cat, a russian blue shad, they are like children, come into our kitchen, carefully, just, so that the fax doesn’t fall on your head, oh, you have to prepare, prepare for such a gang, two acrobat brothers,
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this is our mother, olga dmitrievna tarsueva, who gave birth to such magnificent two twins, our mommy will be 95, she calls me mommy, after all, this is very important, not a single daughter-in-law has called me mommy. lily, i felt a kindred spirit in her, despite the fact that... this is not my son’s first marriage, his fifth, but he is the happiest, because she sincerely loves him, the guys are muscovites, they were born in moscow, grew up here on the komsomol prospekt, how everyone was raised, well, there are some mistakes, for example, today i wouldn’t want them
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to be together all their lives, they’re already over... 58 years old, they are together all the time, the direction in life is the same, and the desire is the same, everyone should have their own life, we don’t want to move out, we don’t want to live separately, we have a family, there is a ukrainian proverb: it’s easier to be a great yurba , we, with our large family, overcome many life situations, it’s easier for us together, let’s go with you...
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embroidered happiness for a share, let’s say hello to her, wish her health.
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it somehow came to an understanding, that is, we really got to know each other, and quite about six months later we only started actually dating, well, when we met, i realized that this woman, of course, i’m a... yes, in different ways, in different ways, and if there are two more of them, no, well, i can cope, because you have a mother, two dogs, a cat, two electronics, but i saw that you sing for 40 minutes, it’s very much like there is, well , the time when... they will arrive, when is it, and my mother and i sing, but
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so how mom knows all the words from the songs, this is to support, because she worries when necessary, wisdom, memory, intelligence, i'm always on the phone, always on the phone, mom says you you don’t sing with your soul, and i say, mom, why are you on the phone? watching your show, i remember everyone, i really miss my mother, who left, yes, she had one, well, her favorite one, because she knew hundreds, thousands of these songs, i would like, well, in ukrainian, ukrainian song, maybe, why don’t you come? like a month of winter, i checked for you, even though i didn’t kill the horse, didn’t know the cleanliness, didn’t
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let my mother in, didn’t kill the horse, why? i didn’t know the stitch, my mother didn’t let me in, and i won the horse, and i knew the stitch, but my little sister let me in, but let me she didn’t grow up, she stole the seat.
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you also have a hobby, bulls, everything is like in general, yes , at the moment we kind of handed over the bulls, because well, it’s winter, but how do you go to the store on bulls, friends, this video needs to be shown, this is how it is in the city of bryansk people are moving, funny, funny, here i am going first, yeah, and this is the son, yes, and this is the son, yes the son, listen, and if god forbid he gets something like this... he rattles his head, that - it’s a matter of that uh, to safely avoid, well , of course, i have a bitter experience, you feed them, probably, before you walk them with this, otherwise don’t let them
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god rush at someone else and what, no, no, well, this is not a predator, it’s easy, if you keep them for up to two years, who told you that he is not a predator, and if he sees a red rag, what will happen? , these are spanish, you know, bryansk ones are not like that, if. yes, there, there is a need for physical preparation, that is , there is a need for strong legs, coordination, hands, so he just throws it at you, throws it all away. well, i think that today you should perform a song for all our viewers, for your beloved wife whom you met on the street and 25 years together, i say correctly, of course, from what picture we will look, vacation at our own expense. vacation at your own expense, attention.
4:55 pm
hands up, hands up, baby, hands up, give me your heart, give me, give me your heart, give me, give me, hands up, baby, hands up, give me your heart, give me, give me your heart , give me, give me, oh no, oh no, angel face, i love you,
4:56 pm
give me hands up, give me your heart, give me, give me your heart, give me, give me all the love, this your head up in the sky every day, you have can buy, why don't you never start looking at me, stop this game, don't waste the time for all
4:57 pm
let me be your rome onder the boy and the super chance let me take you to the milky way a holiday a holiday follow me follow why don't you follow me just come away simply kiss me and say hands up may you
4:58 pm
give me hands up, give me your hot, give me, give me your hard, give me, give me, hands up, baby, hands up, hands up, baby, hands up, give me your heart, give me, give me your heart, dummy, hands up, baby, hands up, give me your hand, give me, give me your hand, give me, give me all friends, thank you very much for being with us, that ’s all for today, take care!
4:59 pm
5:00 pm
passieber. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, me.


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