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tv   Ne v parnyakh schaste  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 6:10am-8:00am MSK

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somehow convince them to offer to try themselves in something else, you still need to somehow prove it, that you can be good at it? i agree, i somehow got one of the examples when i got into the film “it’s hard to be a god”, alexey german was filming this film, when i arrived at lenfilm and they brought me into his office, he looked at me like that, he was so he looks like a child, absolutely, such plump lips, and the eyes of the elder of zion, pierce right through you, it’s just that i haven’t worked with him yet, he looks at me, says, please tell me, this is how you should address me, zhenya or evgeniy arkadyevich, you seem to be a completely young man, i say, whatever you want, for god’s sake, he says: “zhenya, you understand, i haven’t seen you anywhere, because in i don’t go to the theater, that
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’s why i don’t go anywhere at all, i only watch my own films at the cinema, that’s why you didn’t act with me, i just liked your face, but i found it, i answered him very dignifiedly, i i say, and to me yours, he says: we’ll work, well done, you answered very well, great, i i liked it, he was such a person, and they also saw you as a harpist, this is a special story, this must be played, after all. may the kingdom of heaven be upon him, the film was already ending, this was a shirley-myrley film, the last big object was left, it took place in the large hall of the conservatory, where a large symphony orchestra was sitting on stage, when i read the script, i saw that everyone there was playing several roles, i say, volodya, can i have some more knuckle, zhenya, this is the last object, well... you will
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play there, you will play anyway, director orchestra, this is such a role, his relatives are in the orchestra, yes, yes, absolutely, that’s what i said, i want to play his sister, he says which sister, let’s play the orist, afisa, i say, for god’s sake, and me they started thundering, they put on a suit at the musfilm, they put all the trousers here, they put on the breasts, the dress and brought it, here is gnysinka, where it was useful, yes, everything. it’s also no coincidence, they brought me, and i set conditions for myself, it was necessary to play so that no one would recognize me, well, that the guy was playing there, they brought me, brought me onto the big stage, indeed, they didn’t call the harpist that evening, the harp was standing, they let me down and i didn’t know, i’d never even sat next to me, i sat down somehow, some violinist said, which orchestra are they looking at me from, these are tall people. it was
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grandiose, it’s true, i realized that i won, i won, harfisky’s inner life won, and somehow it happened on the screen, garkalin was courting me there, even trying to hook me up, pillow. bring the shirt, the shirt, where is it, the shirt, yes, come on, come on, at home, cranes, cranes, cranes,
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let's ask for this, has she hired herself? you are beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will love you right away, sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl from the outskirts, a joke. and reputation, i
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emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want who is stupid, i’ll tell you, come, come, tell me who it is, right? exactly absolutely.
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but they will fire, they will not fire, the history of a big country, the premiere, on friday on rtr, the film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience,
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there will be no war this year, and what will the narak tell us about this kuznetsov, we will no longer save the entire fleet, but sailors, soldiers, women and children, save those who are obliged, big premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, admiral kuznetsov, we are already on the platform, good morning, my beloved, my voice is heard only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give it to me after the wedding, my wife says,
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this is some kind of fantasy for me! morning mail with nikolai baskov. today on rtr. when is everyone home? how can you not go crazy in your business? a who told you that? so i ask the carrier. i’m beautiful, you invented me as a carrier. it's great. you are absolutely right. i would like to remember such a story, once upon a time at some film or in a theater three great people were sitting next to each other, torkovsky, next to him, edward tranzinsky, and the great theater director anatoly efros, and torkovsky, through razinsky asks efros
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and says: “tell me “tolya, you should stage some kind of play, in the near future.” he says: yes, tell me, the main role will be played by this artist, who names the surname. and frost says: no, not him at all, torkovsky was so surprised, he says why, he’s a great actor, i know him well, frost says, yes, you’re absolutely right, but he’s a very bad person, there’s such a pause, turkovsky says, but you consider them people, but to be an artist, this must probably be something bad. it’s just that a person transforms in such a way over the years, when such changes in the world that we have, that we feel on ourselves, a person doesn’t just contemplate everything, he somehow lets it pass through himself, it’s something else that must happen, for some reason i now
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physiologically imagine, it passes through itself, and salts are deposited, and what previously bent, does not bend, a person begins to get heavier, are negative human qualities forgivable for a person of a creative profession or obligatory? after all, any person, but to comply with the norms of human decency, honesty, according to torkovsky, according to our mime torkovsky, it’s all exactly like that, because actors very often confuse the stage and life, everything has already been played, you already know, as they told the artist, don’t so a lot of talent for one phrase, you could play it somehow normally, that’s fair. i played one great role, it was once played by
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the great actor evgeny lebedev, you remember, yes, in st. petersburg, it’s based on the story of leo tolstoy, the canvas slayer, the horse had to be played, the story of the horse, tragic, yes, but what other story could there be horses, this is how i’m trying to encourage people to read, yes, this is right, right, for whom, like me, the man who played the ram, why can’t he play? the horse needs to grow, sorry, here i am, so this is i accepted the offer, i played this play for 10 years, the director’s assistant comes and says, one man is asking you, now i’ll talk to you with flowers, i say, what ’s wrong? i work as deputy chief physician of kashchenko, so what? i ask, he says: no, no, calm down, i’m just your fan, i’m watching it for the tenth time. so tell me, where do you usually go after a performance? i’m starting
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to feel some kind of catch, no, i’ll help you, well, in the sense of driving home, drinking tea, talking to your wife, i say, well, as a rule, if i’m married, talking to my wife, come to us, my friend, come to us, we have a department where there is rehabilitation, and he watched this play 10 times, which also suggests, trinity, actor, director, scriptwriter, because the scriptwriter he is like a composer, he heard the melody, he came up with the plot, then the talented performers bring it to the viewer, how rich in scriptwriters our life is now, our modernity, i must answer you with something, something weighty too, we have a dialogue of equals, yes. why are you, doctor, are you flattering me, there is no cheese, nothing can fall out of me,
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no, no, my dear, the author of such a program, well, it’s probably become more difficult with playwrights, maybe even worse, although there are tv series coming out, there are very few playwrights, so i staged it at the luna theater, which is now called the malaya ordynka theater , i should say this too because people get confused. dressing gowns, this is all happening in his house, it froze for various reasons, acclimatization,
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you will always find something beautiful, definition, climateization is a good, correct idea, and by polishing talent, you can sharpen it, of course, how to preserve, you must always strive for perfection, that’s what it is, this perfection, it’s in you, this is not my thought,
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i caught myself thinking that i was being caught on a hook, on a soup set of modern techniques that lure the viewer to the box office, obscenities , and... something indecent, something naked, that is, this is a set that is pseudo-modern, how do you feel about it, just like you, of course, then you will support the idea that the deputies want to propose to introduce a law that the viewer buys tickets after the performance, you know, my
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good, you may not have enough money later, because... they will run away too, but those who will come again will remain, because the guest liked it, not the one who praises, who else takes, you know, 18 times the artists came out to bow, before someone from the audience shouts, tell me, will the performance begin someday, the actors love it so much, they bow, they haven’t done anything yet, they’re already bowing, they’re bowing, the most important thing in our program, and indeed in the life of humanity in general , are words. says the parental heart, evgeniy arkadyevich, this is not a text, this is not a role, this mission, you can interpret it a little, it’s interesting, you won’t believe it, but you will have a child, you will have a child, you will have
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a child, you will have a child. who will have you family of all when everyone is at home again a new addition for lenochka from the orphanage in the arkhangelsk region, which we showed in our program, a family was found. today we are going to one of the orphanages in the republic of tatarstan. hello! meet everyone when everyone is home. these are two brothers: older brother ivan, hello, younger brother stepan. hello. ivan, how old are you? 13. step, do you want it? 12. guys, what do you dream of becoming? well, i want to be an industrial climber, an engineer. why did you choose such a serious profession? when i
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started going to tourism in this orphanage, i, well, became interested in a profession that ... approaches tourism, and just like that, well, i chose an industrial climber, what kind of equipment does an industrial climber have? you need insurance, a special uniform, you need special carabiners, descent, well, it should be on a figure eight, ascent on a jumar, tell me, here it is an industrial climber on vacation, where he will go on vacation, well, personally, i will definitely sit at home during vacation. you won’t go to the mountains, no, if your son wants to become not an industrial climber, but just a climber and will conquer the highest peaks, the highest, they are the most dangerous, you will allow it, but if this is his desire, then yes, well, if he has, well everything will be fine with your health, then i’ll definitely allow it. vanya and styopa are
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my two favorite boys, i adore them, vanya is very sociable. we're with him all day we talk, vonek never just sits there, he is always busy with something, he makes crafts, he makes origami out of paper, reads books, tells us interesting stories, he is a very erudite boy, vanya is very hardworking, any help, any request, vanyok runs to help us unconditionally, every engineer dreams of making some kind of brilliant invention, what are you dreaming of? wander, well, i had one dream where i got out of one electric bicycle, which, well, with one wheel on the front wheel, got the same one according to size, made a special fork, installed it, then took out boards, made it like a floor, attached wheels, installed a roll of the car, then made a mini-car of my own,
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only three-wheeled, i would like to invent something similar on his, not in a dream, yes? styopa studies with us very well, he is a mathematician, we study robotics, he is very passionate about this activity, he helps me in the group, at school the class teacher praises him very much, in the class he was accepted as a native boy. styopa differs from other children in his modesty; he never stays in bad mood, he is cheerful all the time , he makes us laugh all the time, telling all sorts of things. someone tells stories from life, so if your son chooses a dangerous profession, for example, a fireman, he will come to his father and ask for advice: should he be a father? i’m on fire, tell me, yes, just like my brother, it’s your choice, yes, and if the prices come to you and say, we don’t want to study, we want to get married, well
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in that case, well, we’ll have to punish, so the penalties, what the penalties, a month without the internet, but i think, yes, yes, without... in general, they took any measures against you punishments? yes, it rarely happened. can you tell me why and where you were fined? they asked for it at one time, but to come home, they returned later, fair, fair, let my mother hear, let my mother come, let my mother certainly find me, because this is not how the world should be.
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has become such a real family heirloom that will be passed on from generation to generation, that happy incident that happened once, which gave hope for
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the future, it will always be remembered in your family, from all those present, i would like to wish, so that there will be happy occasions to gather in your life, so that members of your family will arrive, and so that great-grandfather will definitely be added to the family titles of fathers, grandfather, this is an honorary title, it’s like marshal’s stars. evgeniy arkadivich, we wish you to meet your great-grandchildren one day. with pleasure, thank you, goodbye. when everyone is at home. good morning, friends, good morning and goodbye, goodbye, sadness, despondency and melancholy,
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because the positive factory, morning mail, its leading adjuster, nikolai baskov, is starting its work. to our shop of joy the first batch of your emails has already arrived . right now i will open a message from irina t from pyatigorsk. “hello, nikolai, my young man is very brave, but timid. how is it? he jumps with a parachute, rides a motorcycle, climbs rocks without insurance, but for the second year he is afraid to propose to me. yes, this fear overcomes even the most courageous. nikolay, please give my igor more courage, especially since i already bought a photo. irochka, i’m not a wise goodwin, give your igor more courage, please play sergei lazarev's song: "i'm not afraid." ah, you are a resourceful girl. for
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igor and other indecisive bachelors, on our air the song advice: i'm not afraid, sergey lazarev opens the morning mail. they all insisted that she was not for you, but every day i fell more in love, without hearing anyone. your gaze , the earth was floating somewhere beneath me, playing with fire, crossing the line, the patterns of our bodies , hearts beating, sharp edges, you and i fell, i don’t want to be careful anymore, i’m not afraid, i ’m afraid, i’m not afraid, your sweet .
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know your love tastes beyond 18 plus i was told that don’t come near, she’s a danger of the highest degree, but my heart broke and trembles right through, carrying us at an exorbitant speed, i’m following you to the ends of the earth. i’m running, i’m tearing my hair into pieces, hold me in your hands, come running with belts, i can’t be careful anymore, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, i ’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, into your sweet foam, i ’ll give in myself, who will judge - well, so be it, i’m not...
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i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, my sweet white, i myself should be judged by him, so be it, i’m not afraid , i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, know your love tastes, our positive factory
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continues its work, next in line is a letter from margarita gurova from kovrov. nikolay, i want to share with everyone a story about how bad weather brought me happiness. does this really happen? i have a problem with my roof. sympathize with you. it was struck by lightning, after which the roof began to leak. it is clear that the weather in the house became the same as outside. i had to urgently call a repairman, and then everything went like in a television series. a nice repairman came, fixed the roof and won my heart. here for 15 years now, he and i have been living under this very roof, in a happy marriage. please give us larisa dolina's song weather in the house, which fits perfectly with our story. dear ones, master. and margarita gurova
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from kovrov, please accept my congratulations, larisa dolina wishes everyone great family happiness. what is the forecast for us today, dear, what did you wake up with again in harmony with me, just tell me, lord, have mercy, what blessing do you have in mind. most importantly, the weather in the house, everything else, vanity, there is me and you, everything except easy to settle with an umbrella, there is me and you, everything except easy to settle. with the help
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of an umbrella, what kind of forecast is it, is it rainy or foggy, is there an unexpected misfortune awaiting us, i can never predict you like a volcano, the most important thing is what is the most important thing. for everything else, they fussed, there is me and you, everything that is easy to settle with the help of a zat, there is me and you, everything that is easy to settle with the help of an umbrella, how are you?
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what is the forecast, as long as the sky is starry, what can we expect in spring or winter? tell me everything, and if it’s too late, then only we will be to blame, most importantly, the weather in the house. everything else, the gift is me and you, everything that can be easily settled with the help of zan, there is me and you, everything
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that can be easily settled with the help of the given. well, let’s sing one more time, together with me, yes, the most important thing is that, everything else, vanity, there is me and you. “and everything that, except, is easy to settle, with the help of a tsand, there is me, and you, for everything that, except, is easy to settle, with the help of a tsand, today is
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the event of the year, the premiere on rtr, this is my first, real deal.” you're serious now, right? will you be an investigator? evgeny pronin. you do you love me? how to say to you? if a man has not proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change. anna ardova. i called all my friends. they are nowhere to be found. my nephews are missing. all three. vladislav vetrov. denis will help us. here it is. zoya.
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to take the guys in, i came across such people, they care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do
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is simply amazing , from monday to thursday on rtr, go today, and child? i don’t care what happens to him on saturday, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street, come to me, live as you wish, she assures me, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life doesn’t give information, premiere on saturday on rtr , provocation is extreme behavior. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order
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not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform watch. the first podcasts we watch. everyone who attended his lectures says that just by looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with, increased blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life, achieve the fulfillment of desires and what to expect from the future, about this and not only in our mala, on monday on rtf, good morning kesha, good morning kesha, kesha, stop parodying me, tesha stop parodying me, are you parroting again, are you parroting again? come on, nikolai baskov is the best singer, kesha is good, kesha is good,
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but cunning, and we don’t need cunning presenters, nikolai, but we need resourceful ones, well, colleague, let's begin, let's begin, colleague, nikolai inakenti, good morning, good morning, irina sergeeva writes to you from trinity, my son likes to parody teachers at school, sometimes there are teachers. humor, i want to surprise him, let a colleague perform for him, but do our teachers perform? wonderful parodist vladimir vinokur, thank you very much, the best distiller, dear denis. sorry, i don't know your middle name. let a great
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sense of humor along with computer science passed on to all your students. in the morning mail, vladimir vinokur and his parody theater. surprise, surprise! i say, distiller. yavogo, i have to upset you. you can’t stand it, you parody others, it’s cool, but i’m not like myself, i never wave my little hand, i don’t shake my head like that, behind my back. three girls, you would
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n’t be able to stand them behind your back, you ’ll never be able to be like me, sing a verse from the first one , i can from him...
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when culture rushes out of me, you need to understand me, why bother, shrinab shouted, so that you remember the gas your mother, you shoot moscow, it makes no difference, if i sent everyone, then i rested in peace. and leningrad, this is st. petersburg, something is happening suddenly, the cord is sharpened,
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there is no kinship between a pop song, words put the music in a song, and pop music is where artists always put words to music, and i sing. about one thing, and not about another, i am beautiful, and not with swear words, for almost half a century i have been standing in the most prominent place, ivan, for luck i give away antonov's songs, there are no new songs, i have old ones left, i will say for reproach, friends, you respect old age, i’ll say it in reproach, friends, you respect old age. i love you,
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the ferener suddenly invited me so that i could have a great rest, there i was in full swing, but believe me, i’m a paska, once in a field in the expanse, i went out for a walk early, suddenly i saw a goat in the field, and i looked at the kaza battle, but kaza. i look with fear, i’m not a stupid kid, i decided why the goat needs an accordion, and if the indian woman is angry, then where is the goat, it’s only me, i asked the goat, why do you need a scythe, an accordion, she answered, no, no
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, but i took the button accordion for myself, i took the fighter, i thought, why are people impudent, i wander around different countries, here i’m not a natural, yes a stolen boyan, mow from under me in vain, all the fans themselves know, whoever is with a boyan is not basque, basque, who is always with flowers, basque, who is always with flowers, come on guy, are you a parodist or a boyanist? i’m still a young artist, here’s an accordion, he’s a paradist, since bayan is a parodist, let him sound like a brahm stylist, let him parody funny, poptsupena iguno, poptsupena, kigunok.
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well done, bravo, bravo, bravo, thank you. well done! well, now you are waiting for a meeting with the main wizard of our program, the vocal wizard, harry potter sound.
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i always believed that there must be some kind of ability for this. don't worry, they were identified for me. how is that? did you find a third eye on fluorography? jokes aside, everything is serious. after the concert, a psychic came up to me and said that i have the aura of a shaman, but to activate it , i must hit a tambourine. to whom? no one. you need to hit the magic tambourine. naturally, i didn’t have a magic tambourine. and he sold me his. now i can do the impossible, rewind the electric meter, reduce gas prices, and maybe park in the courtyard after 6 pm, are you sure it was a sorcerer and not a scammer? i'm sure he showed me his id, the chief shaman of the land of wasps. nikolay, the land of wasps is fictional,
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as it turns out, i won’t be able to make wishes come true, but you can if... good morning nikolay, this is marina belonenko writing to me from tver. two guys are courting me, my congratulations, one is a gorgeous musician, the other is a master of sports in sambo, one is sophisticated, the other is strong, both are handsome, and imagine, one and the other’s name is roman, that is, you have an affair with novels, very? romantic, i’m so worried that i don’t know who to choose, they’re both so cool, nikolai, please calm me down, marinochka, send me the address, we’ll both come and see you... oh, don’t get your hopes up for the girl, calm me down urgently, i need a beautiful melodic song, and in this sense,
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my dear, don’t worry, trust your heart, it will definitely choose the right novel, to help your heart there is a beautiful, kerkorov-like melodic song, a novel, and philip kirkorov himself performs it, it urgently needs to be given in tambourine, who completely confused the meat. these novels, well, i look like a shaman, novels, novels are my songs, novels, novels, i am my songs. you will forget me at dawn,
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you and i are behaving like children, your selza, without a guardian, gives me no peace. your tear, manatonic, haunts me, she, novels, ramanan songs, my songs are all only about her, and you even imani you, little you are circling again, hurricane, hurricane, you are novel and my songs, you and i need so little for love , you remember and
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i know, i am still your talisman, your talisman, and the star burns in the sunset, your soul will hurt, it’s not enough for you. and your sylsa, the express one, gives me no peace, and your sertsa, the small-mounted one, gives me no peace, anna, rama. mana, my novel songs are all only about her, and you and zali, imans, you
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are circling again, hurricane, hurricane, ramans, my raman songs, you and i need so little for love, you remember and know, i am still your talisman, your talisman, talisman talisman. ramanas, novels, my songs are all only about her, and people started singing, kimangiman and you circle again,
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hurricane, hurricane, novels, novels, my songs, like we need little for love, you remember and know, i am still your talisman, your talisman. masha, i love you very much, today, dima, you know each other, you grew up together in your grandfather’s house, now she’s marrying you, you understand that your friend is harming your life, i’m not guilty of the accident, go away, my beloved! today on rtr, you dream of a stage, you believe in your strength,
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russia-1 tv channel and company. invite young gifted performers to take part in an international popular music competition, new wave, registration, online applications on the website, don’t miss your chance to become a star, the new wave will lift you to unprecedented heights. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one, two, three,
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subscribe, look, look. maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, a soldier, who do you serve, a former friend, tear everything away ours, which was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program life, fate from monday to friday on rtr, in moscow would like to stay, of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at it on the weekend, well, did you like it, right?
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zavyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, i'm afraid of waking up, make some coffee, hello, you're stupid, or something, i'll have to fire you, actually, i don't work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, here in general, this is incomprehensible to the mind, nothing, i i’m still afraid, or the princess, who the prince will choose, and you loved her, right? not yet, but you love me, wings of a pegasus, on saturday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole scoreboard, we will cope, if you ask, then with a trick, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows,
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geometry , algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then... our positivity factory continues to produce positive emotions, a message from sergei malikov from rybensk has just hit the postal conveyor. dear nikolai, my girlfriend and i had an argument, she says that the most
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important thing in songs is emotions, but for me the most important thing in songs is the text. i would like to hear in your program a song that evokes vivid emotions, but at the same time it has interesting lyrics. dear sergey, all the songs in the morning mail are like this, but there is one special one, it’s very interesting, and most importantly, the original text, and its performer evokes the most vivid emotions. on our air klava koka, la-la-la. more calls, i'm waiting. miss, you can’t forget, then let go, this love is already too much, i have one question, what do you need, that you are so stuffy, i’m indifferent, for such a gun,
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you remember me wrong, i’m not looking for a relationship, but you’re beautiful , but know that i don’t need jewelry, you misunderstood me, i’m with you. don’t bargain, buy at least everything in the world stupid, but i won’t get too drunk, but instead of tears, all this is love, like bubbles, i don’t want it seriously, so that without a call, that you need, we, that you are so stuffy, i’m indifferent, i close my ears, more, more, more,
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traditionally , the folk poetry workshop is achieving great success at our positive factory, said smirnov from the vologda region, dedicated more than just a poem to the morning mail , on... real village cleanliness, conversations do not stop, kolya basque himself is not himself, thieves stole from him, at night his voice is golden, all week i have been languishing and aching inside, because i cannot live without the morning mail, dear gabriel, me too not i can live for a long time without morning mail, so in a week we will see each other again, nikolai, the main performer of all musical desires, was and will be with you. be sure to write, i will have something to read, and you will have something to listen to, i love you, this night there is a carnival, and music is playing, i
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recognized in your eyes, a trace of men's obeys, you are like a rare diamond, alone among the stones. and i’m toiling like a primate with her, a girl at a dance, a copulera dancing, a cotton dress, a decent manner, a small flower, inside the eyes, what are your shameless eyes telling me, girls at dancing, capuera dancing, a cotton dress, a decent manner, a small flower, and he... three rats, what your shameless eyes don’t say, boogie-woogie, the whole dance floor, looking at
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you, not regretting anything, you’re still wasting yourself , you are serious dirt when you are next to the pipe. i am in love, like a primate, your image, a girl at a dance, dancing capuera, a net dress, decent manners, a small flower, inside there is beauty, what your shameless eyes don’t say, a girl at a dance dancing capuera, a net dress, decent manners, ale.. .
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my dress is a decent manner, a small flower, there is a prince inside, what my shameless eyes don’t tell me, a girl at a dance dances capuera, a fine dress, a decent manner, a little light, there is beauty inside, what your shameless eyes tell me, thank you.
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good morning, good morning, beautiful, this is a fun quiz for your tomorrow, maybe cheating, cheating or not, it's clear that obi is relevant. team, be healthy,
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know each other, haven’t seen each other yet, haven’t seen each other yet, konstantin, represent your team, it means our team is not sick, and we they actually gathered here the elite of pharmaceuticals, and from the part that does not hurt through pills, that’s right, through, because there are people who, through prevention, there are people who run there. they lift something heavy, prevention is everything to us, prevention is pills, i mean, for the lazy ones, yes, pills, pills, well, vitamins, vitamins, a must, yes, okay, let's talk about the team, this means that our team is from that part of the pharmaceutical industry, by the way, that deals only with original drugs, the original one, yes, yes, here is our star team, here...
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annushka, she hasn’t spilled the butter yet, but she is the brightest person in the team, she carries the whole enterprise, understandable, understandable, wonderful, katya katerina, this is our director of quality, she knows quality better than anyone, including in russia, in russia in general, yes, yes, well, modestly so, well, it happens as it is. so vera, verochka, yes, well, in narrow circles they know her as vera petrovna, yeah, she’s very strict, but with a very big heart, so she allows medicines on the market, in principle, you allow it onto the market, without her, without her, not a single drug will enter the market, understandable, understandable, good, and maxim, max is our smartest. yes, i’m a teammate and not
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only handsome - besides, he also plays music, so he’s such a multi-study person, so well, yes, that’s why he’s here, yes, it’s clear, you all had an a in chemistry at school, but it turns out, well, maybe someone sometimes three, and some had three, but they became bosses, and those who had five, they developed it. yes, that's right, that's right, okay, introduce it to the captain, well, ours the captain is konstantin, our vitamin, a specialist, and on non-standard issues in the technology of research, and also a favorite of women and just a charmer, well, in general, yes, good qualities for victory, so, thank you, and we are here for you, be healthy, thank you, sergey!
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please introduce your team. by the way, i represent the team: be healthy, we are an independently accredited testing laboratory, in a nutshell: we support our colleagues, let’s say, if you went to the pharmacy, bought a drug, you had a sore throat, took the drug, but your throat didn’t hurt it stopped, and even the ear fell off, so we ’ll tell you exactly why it didn’t help, why was everything good with the quality of the pill, that is, vera released the pills, you checked there, but your ears continue to boil. it’s clear, that’s why the ear fell off , why the drug didn’t work, completely different people will tell you, now you ’ll introduce them, yes, absolutely right, elena the first, doña caroleon. our laboratory is strict, fair, cross-stitches, and maintains good spirits in any environment. thank you, great, that’s it, natalya, that’s it there must be quality, criticism is accepted only in the context of claims-based work with
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customers. helen the second, mistress of chemistry, mistress of physics. if you want to burn at work, don’t ask her how to extinguish it, flood it and gently wrap it in an asbestos blanket. that is, you had an a in chemistry and physics, that’s the kind of people we end up with. and elena the third, the famous tamer. up, and the beast of her feet sat down, signed up for the journal, passed the quarantine and are waiting for further instructions. we have a laboratory with laboratory animals to work with these drugs, i see, captain, please imagine our captain sergei, a super professional, he feels like he has never swallowed a single pill in his entire life, or vice versa, or vice versa , he is an ambitious leader who
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gathers our team, focuses on quality work and leads to success, his energy crushes any obstacles on the way to his goals, but we feel next to him, like... behind a stone wall, well , great, dear friends, dear tv viewers, we have pharmaceuticals in our country, here it is presented in our program, you're looking at 100 to one, we 're starting, we have a simple single game, so we're starting, you're looking at 100 to one, we're having a simple single game, i'm calling the game here. so our questions are simple: snow, can you imagine, snow? snow! attention, question: what does snow look like? sergey, for
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sugar, for sugar? let's check! snow is like sugar, that's the second line! you have the opportunity to guess the first line salt, starch, starch, maybe salt, salt, salt, sour cream, no, salt is unlikely, sour cream, cotton wool, cotton wool, cotton wool, okay, snow looks like cotton wool, back to the team here, good, well, what do your scarves mean, the colors? “if your neck hurts, then share a scarf, that’s all, but to prevent pain, put it on, put it on in advance, that is, you also knit scarves, we knit, i anna, what snow looks like, so sugar, after sugar , flour, in fact, in the end we'll get a pie, well
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, yes, let's, as we answer, uh, flour, flour, okay, flour, let's check the flour, third, third, third, we are approaching the denouement, vera, the snow looks like crystals, crystals, it looks like a snowflake, crystal, it's on a cloud, maybe a cloud,
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well, no, well, if it’s flying or like a snowdrift, then it’s not quite like a white fly, but if it’s a snowflake, yes, we say there, white flies have flown, but why are there no clouds, we ’re flying. under the blue skies with magnificent carpets - the poet wrote, the snow lies shining in the sun, we remember yes, that is , we studied at the same school, got an a, well... what does it look like, how does your heart tell you a white blanket, a white blanket, we check blanket, it needs to be simpler. that means snow, yes we have an idea, but it’s on the seventh line -
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oh, a little bit, look at the snow, it’s cold basically, yes basically yes, by the hour for the most part, maybe it can go from here, some kind of ice cream, no, ice cream, no, well , it’s probably more of an icicle, well, maybe salt, salt, well, salt, salt, salt, well, let's check the salt, under the salt, check the salt, no, we were unlucky with the salt, we have two options left and both need to be guessed, yeah, you named a lot of things, you didn't check some things, we had clouds of starch, then what we named it, didn’t check, maybe starch, maybe cereal, after all, or cereal, well, cereal, cereal, i don’t know, well, sometimes snow flies like cereal in balls, foam plastic maybe, but fire, yes, i like it.
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yes, everyone likes polystyrene foam, i adore foam plastic, we are all for foam plastic, i like to chew polystyrene foam, yes, it’s delicious, foam plastic, polystyrene foam, check, check, prevention, foam plastic is on the scoreboard, so i ’m going to your opponents, well elena, i for some reason it seems like some kind of fluffy blanket, white, well, that’s my version, yes elena. and i ’m inclined to believe that it’s starch, starch,
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natalya, but for some reason i really wanted coffee, i imagined this foam and cappuccino , yes cappuccino, yeah, cappuccino, elena, well, i agree that this is some kind of foam, after all, foam, after all, sergey, usually, as usual, you need to make a decision , well, yes, what to do, come on, let me say foam. foam, cappuccina, foam without layer, polystyrene foam, just foam. so, let’s check, foam, no foam, that’s good, victory returns to the team, don’t worry, i would say that this is generally fair, because we forgot, you discussed both correct versions remaining on the scoreboard, but for some reason they weren’t given out , we have on we open on the fourth line. both versions you
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had 78:00, but this is just a warm-up, it was a simple denar game, next we have a double game, each point is doubled, you are looking at 100 to one. and i became an investigator, premiered on rtr, and will you ever marry me, independent, you don’t give me advice, especially when i don’t ask for it, well , which one of her, irreplaceable, i’m drawn to you, i don’t do anything i can do something about it, tireless, i ’ll come now, don’t drive me like that, just don’t drive me, irrepressible, restless, well, you and i want let's get married and all that, from monday on rt. we watch the show, there are places that
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fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simple. incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its
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owner. we are secret to the whole world. on saturday. on rtr sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us, very often girls from a different circle strive to marry rich boys, let me decide for myself who i love, whom i marry, okay, he will still be mine, i i won’t give it to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink i was very fired up and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is at least a small chance, i will be her wait, tomorrow will be a new day, friday,
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you will not see tears on his face, this does not mean that he is not hurt, a frank statement, reveal a little secret, and the clearest shots, we are interested in who the customer is, presidential week, a special look, that putin himself wrote down for... heroes, and also pavel, you are asking a very correct question, according to for what reasons can the president’s car be turned back, who with such a commanding voice, write, and what do these shots from the kremlin mean, we reflect big politics, better than others,
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there’s a lot of things that are not there, but you have it all, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look today. on rtr on the air 100 to one, we have a double game, and i invite the second numbers of the teams here, today we have pharmacists visiting us, the team stay healthy, and the team stay healthy, the question is generally simple, of modern life. like this: what does a person write down every day? anna, huh does it record where on the phone? recording a message? there are people who write things down not on their phones, maybe there are, there are, sometimes i also write down, some are on pieces of paper and in pen, she
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carries a phone book like that with her, but then i lose all these notes, but that's another question. you can take pictures on your phone, so , well, probably, we record a message, video, video, video, or still a message, it seems to me that he records his messages and sends it somewhere, okay, let’s check the message, this second line, elena, you have the opportunity to guess the first line, i think, contacts, contacts writes down every day, well... check, check, check, contacts writes down, contacts, this is the fifth line, we come back, so we continue, so what are we recording, commander, your turn, video, video, yes, we had a version, video, yes, we record something
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on video every day, every day what, about the evenings, well, yes, that’s the first line. what are we recording? we already have three versions, videos for social networks 24 person. sms message, contacts, eight, obviously, that the word is written down in a question means either video, or in writing, or with fingers on keyboards, every day, every day, uh-huh, questions, question that a person writes down comments daily on a survey of 100 people. who answered, but i think that another person can record the parameters of his health, if he has any, for this, or maybe in general such a person writes down records, for this indications, yes indicators, we can check health on the scoreboard, but so, i would stop at
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health parameters, sugar pressure, anything, how many pills did you swallow, did you forget? maxim, i hope too, but for now, for now, thank god, i don’t have to think about it, thank you very much, it’s early, so, well, what else can i do, what can i do, maybe these are entries in a personal diary, thoughts, he writes down every day thoughts, notes notes, well, in general it seems to me that he writes something down every day in notes, just a person could answer such that notes for
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so here are notes notes notes notes notes notes yes like some kind of buy or maybe maybe this is a list for the store, i called you at work and said max, come quickly, here’s a list of groceries for me, too , a list of groceries, try it, well, it seems to me that i like the list of groceries already through instant messengers , i like the list of groceries more than than the to-do list, but what if the to-do list should i go grocery shopping?
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list shop what to buy sausages bread shopping list about the shopping list please here is 12 so well the third line remains uh huh. so here it is, either these are my thoughts for the day or a to-do list, some kind of to-do list perhaps, you also write at work, well, how what do i need to do today? i usually write for a week, but every day i can update it, and i mark the completed work for a week, then the week passes, the list is the same, the list has grown, what a great fellow i am,
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and this should be divided into where we write it down, look, here are the people we interviewed, they eventually came to some kind of formulation, it’s on the board, so what are we writing down, thoughts? we will now check konstantin’s version, and then yes, there is another good idea, you can write down your homework every day,
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we check our thoughts, well done, well done, well done, we have a further to-do list, a schedule, homework, it’s all there, but beyond ours. so, according to those interviewed by us, a person daily records videos for social networks 24 messages, text messages 14, thoughts in a diary 13, list of shopping expenses 12, contacts eight, pressure, weight, other medical parameters 7,234.0, for now, in favor of a team of pharmacists called : don’t worry, let’s not worry, we are watching 100 to one on the air of russia-1, so we
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continue, we have the third round, a triple game, all points that are on the scoreboard are multiplied by three, i invite the third number of teams, team, don’t worry. so then we have a curious profession: a sound engineer, so imagine that a sound engineer needs something like this. record, then dub the movie, what sounds it will record, pay attention to what background sounds the sound engineer needs to record in order to dub the episode in the subway. natalya, train noise, what sounds need to be recorded to voice an episode in the subway, train noise, train noise, check on the scoreboard, correct, we come back, the train arrives. he began
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the cinematography, elena, what needs to be recorded in order to dub the episode in de voice of the announcer, voice of the announcer, and maybe what sounds, maybe passengers, here is the voice of passengers, or the voice of the announcer that the station announces, or the voice of the announcer ilenu, the voice of the announcer who announces the station, the voice of the announcer at the station or on the train, on the train closes, the name of the station. announces, okay, let's check something like that, announcement, carriage, nine people, that's what elena answered, so maybe then the sounds, that's what passengers make noise, passengers, here are passengers, noise from passengers, - conversations, yes, conversations, like this, voices, noise that comes from passengers, noise from the crowd, 17.
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people, so we have more, but can we do it again, please , of course, the question is, what background sounds does the director need to record in order to dub the episode in the subway? sergey, so, it seems to me, the noise of doors opening or closing, doors, tyn, tyn, okay, the noise of doors opening or closing, oops, simple. needs to be recorded by a sound engineer to sound episode in the subway, pay attention, there are announcements at the stations, there are things here that, like, squeak, like brakes, brakes brakes
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sound sound. i also think it’s an escalator, well , what is it like, what kind of sound does an escalator make, it’s hard to say, the escalator doesn’t make any sound, which may also be connected with the train, there may just be an announcement on the machine, there may be an announcement by station, by station, yes, it seems to me , choose the brakes too , choose a beep, beep, elena, let's check it out. of course, the train whistle, we check, there is such an answer, well, there’s only one line left, natalya, it’s more difficult for me than anyone, i understand, you started, yes, i started, well , it’s like my fate turned out in such a way that i also worked on the railway, wheels, everything is dishonest, dishonest, we thought pharmacists, i pharmacist, railway, chemist and pharmacist chemist and pharmacist i entered there, went to
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water transport, that's right, so everything needs to be tried, the sound of wheels, the sound of wheels, like this, as before, the sound of wheels, i agree with our leader, okay, the sound of wheels , we check, ah, no, well, there are two more attempts, yes, yes, if only there were inclined paths, elena, i think that there is probably an announcement at the stations, now here are more versions. yes, like there the station attendant announces there, stay on the right , passers-by if the metro is delayed, for example , and this happens to me when i need to go to another station because for some reason we have suspensions, well, okay, there is an announcement at the station, yes, we check the announcement at the station, yes, so that’s me honestly.
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i thought it would be a difficult question, but it turned out to be not difficult, the team guessed everything at once: what background sounds need to be recorded by a sound engineer to dub the subway episode. the arrival of the train was answered by 30 people, the noise of the crowd was 17, the announcement at the station was 13, the announcement in the carriages was nine, the train whistle was six and the opening and closing of doors was five. it was a triple play and the score was almost tied 234-240. everything will be decided by the game on the contrary, you see 100 to one, the game on the contrary will continue with us.
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dad, dad, little darling, if only you knew where you can find it, i have a business proposal for you, you, you already have flowers from fans, you in general, i loved him, my mother, so, from now on
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, in more detail, come for me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we have only known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me, life is not easy with references... the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to your house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take it correctly? the medicine will always support the basin macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can
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trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor misnyakov on saturday on rtr, you are my best friend, just a friend, today, and this is a girl from the boarding school, uncle. and why are you scared, go ahead, get out of my house, immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride is judged, love can become the future, now in yours
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our whole life in our hand, yes, ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, this is our own life, not ours, we continue to spend weeks with dmitry kiselyov today on rtr. the game is the other way around with an almost equal score, today we have two teams of pharmacists, stay healthy and stay healthy. the game in reverse is that the answer from the sixth line gets the most points - 240 points, the fifth
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line - 180, the fourth - 120, and so on. more than enough to turn the score in your favor. the team thinks for 20 seconds. and then we accept the answers, attention to the question, the most famous poisonous plant, well , of course, pharmacists are all familiar with this, so, well, 20 seconds have passed, no, the team answers first: don’t be sick, don’t be sick, yes, yes.
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if you say something, we will try to understand your answer correctly. yes. we discussed it and i decided, oh yeah, it would be hogweed. hogweed. answer accepted. borshevik. your answer? nettle. nettle. both answers are accepted. pay attention to the scoreboard, we are starting
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to open options, let's go from the bottom, yeah, open the sixth line, crosses, no one there i didn’t guess, so everyone can drink poison, kurary, kurary is on the sixth line, does anyone know the name of the plant, this one, which is kurary, is written down here, i don’t dare pronounce it. because it even sounds scary, strychnos, strychnos, a terrible thing, so on the fifth line we open, wolfberry, yes, what other options did you remember, what, what did you have, that ivy, berry too, we had, berry we also had berries, and there were several. open the fourth line
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, here it is poison ivy, well done, and we are well done, and we’re great, we have intense strategy there, third line, there’s a terrible thing there, not a plant, this , this, of course, is not a plant. this is, of course, not a plant, but the fly agaric was named, so we have it on the third line, well, what else did we remember, come on, well, the bolshevik seems to krafim, lily of the valley toadstool, open the second line, belina, belina, there is only one left. the difference is six points, 234, 240,
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the first line remains, there are the fewest points, but that’s enough for us, but this, there are 15 of them, you need to break away, you need to catch up, never before i didn’t expect that, i didn’t expect hogweed, now, yes, that we didn’t want nettles, but hogweed, what can we do, open the first line, and... below the board we have white-bottomed, toadstool, datura, aleander, well, this is the layout with a score of 249 240 in a close fight, the victory is won by a small team, it’s a big game for you, we continue on the air 100, how... to whom, so, we have a big game
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for the team don’t worry, you’re watching 100 to one, five questions, to which someone will answer in 20 seconds, someone in 30. 30 seconds goes to the person who will now go to scary, dark, deaf. into the cave, sounds tempting, maxim, i'm off, so faith, well, we're starting, you have 20 seconds, we have five questions for you, are you ready, yes, what drink is opaque, cola, what is the tourist holding in his hands, a backpack , what is the fence made of, from chain-link, how... what kind of porridge do they give to children? manna.
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what is varnished? tree. right. we are checking your answers. backpack backpack in the hands of a tourist who else answered also there is no such answer what the fence is made of the answer was from chain-link such answers may be who also answered nine
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people imagined playing from the net. so exactly to this point, yes, thank you, well, vera answered, she earned points, i would say
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with homeopathic doses, you have to work with some more, so to speak, well, i don’t know. potions, or something, jars, that’s it, 48, yes, 48, out of 200, that’s right, we tried, maxim, out of two out of yes 200, well, nothing, with your foot, how much is left for you, 200 - 48, it’s difficult, too much calculation, we agree, yes, you shouldn’t strain yourself so much, but nevertheless, if suddenly your answers coincide, it will sound sound, we must immediately give another answer, we’re working, let’s go, let’s go. which drink is opaque? coffee. what is a tourist holding in his hands? camera. what is the fence made of? tree. what kind of porridge do they give to children? semolina, buckwheat. what is varnished?
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wood, bench, nails. bench. the bench is accepted. so let's check the answers, which drink is opaque? vera said, cola is one person, you said, coffee is three people, normal, normal, ayoy, some, you are still foreign tourists, because people answered, kefir 23 people, milk, 27 people, milk, okay, what is the tourist holding in his hands? that’s just a question about a tourist, vera said, a backpack, of course, why carry straps in your hands, well, yes, of course, the second most popular answer is map 15, but the first is camera 29, there is a tourist, then what is
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the fence made of, from chain-link, vera said, nine points, the second answer is from dosa. 17 people answered like this the most popular answer 25 from wood 105 more 95 more well then what kind of porridge do they give children semolina vera guessed this is the most popular answer the second answer milk so 33 people answered and you said buckwheat and also answered. of course, who gives buckwheat porridge to children, buckwheat, that they varnish wood, you tried to answer, then you said that they varnish a bench, so they answered, well, two people, well, the two most basic answers, that they varnish the floor,
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22 people said, the nails said 32, but that wouldn’t have saved us, i want to tell you. but nevertheless, it was a wonderful game, thank you, thank you to both teams, you watched 100 to one, we had two teams play today. big pharma, come visit us again, this is a fun and even educational quiz on the russia 1 channel
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. hello, this is a lead-in to the studio.


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