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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 8:00am-8:35am MSK

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hello, this is news from alexander efremov’s studio. briefly about the main topics of our issue. silhouettes of flying cranes at kroku city hall. memory action. candles were lit at the scene of the tragedy. the investigation into the terrorist attack is ongoing around the clock. rapiers hit tanks hidden
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fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces. d-20 howitzers hit targets deep in enemy defenses. news from the front line. water cut off populated areas from the mainland. stormy streams swept vehicles off the road. in some regions, floods have already begun, in others they are preparing for ice drift. innovations have come even to schools in small villages. how do the growth points of the national education project work? make opportunities. rehabilitation in a wind tunnel. an action of memory and in khabarovsk special children undergo national unity took place in krasnogorsk near moscow next to the destroyed crocus city hall, a pain that united the whole country. 9 days have passed since terrorists attacked the concert hall, a heinous crime that took away. burning candles
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, bells and minutes of silence. beautify the wall of the crocus, the memorable event begins with sounds that sound particularly shrill this evening, fragments from sergei prokofiev's ballet romeo and juliet performed by a symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev. it’s hard to hold back tears here, all the thoughts about those families where trouble has come. peoples memorial, where hundreds of people come every day, leave flowers, candles, soft toys, music - fills the hearts of all
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those gathered, photographs of those who will not return home are projected onto the wall, those gathered remember those who died, find words of support for their loved ones , among the participants of the action are those who survived the terrorist attack, they first of all, they give thanks for their salvation. we survived thanks to the security guard alexey osanushkin, who did not abandon us during difficult times when he was feeling bad, he still came back for us.
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families and those people who have been greatly affected by this grief, and make it clear that we are all together, that they can count on us, we always support, we will always help out. this is a terrible tragedy for all of us, we are all together, we are all nearby, we are a big country, we are united, there is a huge consolidation of society around this tragedy, cityhol’s performance is designed to fill souls and hearts with perseverance, faith, inner strength. the musicians are famous... the group plays with
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special feelings, you abstract from the weather, from all this, it’s cold there, the rain, the general amazing state of the audience, these toys are soft, when i saw this today my heart just sank, for all of us this is a common grief, so we... and everyone who gathered for the memorial action gazed at the sky for a long time. alexey petrov, magomed otsaev, ivilina kornaeva, vadim prusov and arina tretyakova. now the ministry of defense data about
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during the special operation this week , 58 group and massive strikes were carried out across ukraine, among targets, on the one hand. yeah, its distinctive feature is, first of all, sniper accuracy, that is , we burn the enemy’s dugouts with tanks, well, from the first, maximum from the second shot, especially if the weather permits, it spreads chips from the first, shot, in the northern direction there is a field
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ammunition depot and infantry accumulations the ukrainian armed forces destroyed the crews of our 152-mm d-20 howitzers, they are firing. at a range of more than 17 km, firing speed up to five shots per minute. drones help identify targets and adjust fire. report by military correspondent pavel prokopenko. our reconnaissance drone discovered an enemy dugout. the movements of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers are clearly visible. another combat drone delivers a crushing blow, literally flies into the window, aerobatics, the scout hovers over the position and records an accurate hit. this is already the result of aerial work, this is how things were on the ground. a scout can spend half an hour in the sky and during this time fly 8 km. the goal didn't force wait a long time for yourself. she originally. the second
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drone in action is kamikaze. is an ammunition for destruction. equipment, automotive equipment, well, it can also set fire to the dugout. they were amazing. bradley, he was burning really well. the launcher calls himself a sapper because he works with dangerous objects. through his eyes we see preparations for the start. you need to fix the suspension, screw something, glue it, a lot of manipulations. final preparations for launch. at the very moment of launch, the sapper will have to retreat. the drone will be transferred to remote control, here on the site no one should be there. all this is done for safety reasons. the fighting bird carries it on itself. a real shaped charge, everything is back to the original, we are working, the control point is underground, thanks to this antenna transmitting the signal you can distance yourself from the drone, the operator has an incomplete reality in the glasses, quite tangible, so he leads the bird to the target,
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oh, good, there is a hit, there is hit, omsk, handsome, small aircraft - the main driving force of any operation, everything is visible from above, but they are not just observers, they are eyes of any unit, without these eyes, it’s simply impossible to work now, the most important weapon is the one we have, and the more of it, the more crews, the better, one crew can destroy up to a company of soldiers, the cost of a drone, well, let’s say on average 50,000, a tank costs several million, one drone can destroy a tank, a branded product has a sticker on each projectile. the emblem of the unmanned aerial vehicle squadron, in this workshop ordinary projectiles are turned into gimbals for drones. here they are preparing a lighter for 120 gauge amines. now we need to fall asleep well, compact it tightly so that there is no air, well, it worked well. the finished
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copies are neatly folded in a box, waiting to be sent to the front. among the trophies is the legendary tula 202, the most popular soviet button accordion, found in avdiev. skaya, which so bizarrely united in the place where you least expect their intertwining. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, donetsk people's republic. moscow updated its temperature maximum. this saturday became the warmest day since the beginning of the year, the thermometer rose to +12, at the beginning of next week the capital will experience truly summer weather, the air will warm up to +20. due to sudden warming , rivers overflow their banks. the peak of the flood is now in several regions of russia at once.
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the water level in the oka river near ryazan has risen by almost a meter in just one day. specialists of the ministry of emergency situations monitor the passage of the spring flood using drones of space monitoring systems. ice drift began on the rivers of the orenburg region. this year it is expected the worst flood in the last two decades. 257 settlements in the region are under threat of flooding. all necessary measures are being taken. to protect garden plots and residential buildings from high water. the most difficult situation is now in the regional center and belyaevsky district. rescuers are pumping water out of basements and clearing drains from the drainage system. and these shots came from one of the highways in the saratov region. four settlements in the region are cut off from transport links . in the sovetsky district , a dam collapsed, where there was a road, a deep hole. none of the local residents were injured. as soon as everything moved away - here it is, everything, everything, everything, everything, here it is, a hole, there
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are grannies standing here, they wanted to cross, from the altai territory, where a state of emergency has already been declared , ekaterina kisser, from the moscow region, dmitry blinnikov, everything , the bus drowned, in short, our regular bus could not withstand the onslaught of water, on one of the highways it was carried away by a powerful stream, passengers got out through emergency hatches on the roof, everyone was evacuated. there is no road, the courtyards of the cellar were flooded in a matter of minutes, in the houses the water was almost
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knee, oh, what a nightmare, we will evacuate, temporary accommodation centers were deployed to one of the schools and a dormitory of the local polytechnic college, 50 people were evacuated from mikhailovsky, we have gone through everything to the top, we would rather wake up, get up, it’s not all gone yet, it’s coming work on draining melt water into lake mikhailovskoye, for this purpose. several roads were opened, now i am where there used to be a culvert dam, it could not withstand the pressure, the neighboring streets turned into rivers in a matter of minutes, and the lake, which is large it stands dry for part of the year and quickly fills with water. now we are using additional equipment to carry out certain work to increase the flow rate so that we can dump this water into the forest. difficult situation in another village in the mikhailovsky district of rakity. the flow of water here blew away a culvert on the regional highway running through.
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urgent hospitalization. in the region, flooding was recorded in five districts. eight sections of roads are blocked. due to the worsening flood situation in the altai territory, an emergency situation has been introduced. ekaterina kiser, alexander kiser, maria slyaguzova, maria dimintyeva, lead the altai territory. lukhovitsy, the very border of the ryazan region and the moscow region. just this morning there was a road in this place, a busy highway, but now most of it has gone under water. she wasn't there 20 minutes ago, but she was just an hour ago. water came quickly. drivers and pedestrians are wondering how to get across to the other side, but
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only by boat. even a kamaz won’t get through here. the water has risen quite decently, rising half a meter or more every day. and on the other side is the village of slemskie borki. about 100 local residents, pensioners, are now completely cut off from the outside world, they need to somehow deliver food, transport doctors, rescuers are on site, they promise to use boats. and come here, yes. floods in the moscow region were expected, now they are coming, earlier than usual, and even higher than normal; due to heavy snowfalls, the spring flood in the capital region will be stronger than last year, reaching residential buildings. it hasn’t arrived yet, it’s still ahead, but transport links have already been disrupted in a number of cities and towns. this of course causes some inconvenience residents. but this is putting it mildly; the ferry service in beloomt was completely canceled. now drivers have to make a significant detour. we calculated that if we go to work across our bridge, then it’s 140 rubles. per day for
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gasoline, and if we drive around, then 1,100. and in kolomna-ozyory they continue to dismantle pantone automobiles. the water level rose to the maximum critical level and it became clear that flooding could occur at any moment, the peak of the season will occur in the second half of april, summer residents are asked to do not move outside the city, and fishermen do not go out on thin ice. dmitry blinnikov, valery kupri, alexander felatov, ilya kuzmin, conduct the moscow region. an exercise to extinguish a fire on an aircraft took place at the krasnoyarsk airport. the task is to work out the joint actions of employees. and air harbor emergency services. report by alexander usatenko. at the krasnoyarsk airport , a plane made an emergency landing, the left engine of which caught fire in the air. now employees of the ministry of emergency situations are rushing to the burning airliner to begin extinguishing and evacuating victims. this is the legend of the joint exercises between the ministry of emergency situations and the airport emergency services. the task is
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to test emergency response methods and practice the use of advanced equipment. passengers and crew must be urgently evacuated, but not everyone can get out of the plane on their own; eight people were evacuated from the burning plane, four were found unconscious on the spot. medical assistance is provided. ordinary oxygen masks will not help due to the strong smoke, so we used insulating ones self-rescuers. during these exercises , a special fire extinguishing installation was used, which sprays foam at a distance of up to 25 m. other rescue methods were also practiced. the goals were to work with the personnel on laying main hose lines,
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evacuation procedures, finding injured ships , rescue procedures, and rescue methods. near the scene of the incident, doctors deployed a mobile hospital for emergency assistance, and emergencies ministry specialists organized an operational headquarters to coordinate the work of firefighters. this is the second gpp, we work on transport water, accepted you, such exercises are held regularly at various social facilities, hospitals, schools, administrative buildings. to eliminate this emergency , 30 people and nine pieces of equipment were involved. after the practical tasks, the specialists will hold a meeting. where the features of fire extinguishing on an aircraft will be taken into account. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news: krasnoyarsk region. high-quality education has become accessible to children regardless of their residence, even in the most remote villages. help this growth points are federal education centers in various areas. and thanks to other national projects
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, parks are being restored in the regions and hospitals are being renovated. results of state support in kuban. violetta baybekova saw. there is a weight here that is attached to the device sensor. and here we can see right on the screen on the x axis, y axis , z axis, all the data that we receive from this sensor. with the help of new equipment , kirill can now complete a laboratory project that was previously completed at school impossible. the guy is sure that digitalization, classes and practical skills will help him when applying for... until recently, residents of the village of kushchevskaya never dreamed of such innovations, but now there are opportunities that are not available in all city schools. we have six sets that contain pressure sensors, acceleration sensors, sensors, magnetic field measurements, first of all, these are new opportunities, thanks to the growth point we
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can now, in fact, carry out all these experiments. the growth point is the federal network education centers, digital. scientific, technical and humanitarian profiles. such centers are being created in villages and small towns. the state helps to develop not only schools. in kuchevsko , a park was reconstructed under the national project for housing and urban environment. people themselves decided which green zone needed updating. the large area contains various objects that attract the population. we have a military urban area, where work on the reconstruction of the park is also in great demand. used to be here. there was only one path, a few benches, and now everyone can find something to their liking: swings, a pump track, volleyball, basketball courts, there is even a designated area for walking dogs, the park has really come to life. local residents hold competitions and subbotniks plant trees when there was nothing here at all, they put things in order on the monuments, the guys had a dream that
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this park would be improved, that there would be paths here, well, now their dream has come true, in 2022 the village of shkurinskaya was overhauled under the national healthcare project hospital, this is the first significant transformation in more than 70 years, everything in the building was replaced... communications installed new medical equipment with a ward style, you can forget about creaky armored beds, this also allows you to attract new medical workers to such conditions, also of order one and a half million rubles were allocated for the purchase of new furniture, including multifunctional beds, the bed has various functions, there is a lift at the head end, a lift at the foot end and the like, and this is for local residents, which calls... like in the movies, in each room there is a button to call a nurse, very comfortable, the conditions are good, we are very pleased, they made a very good renovation, the washbasin is right
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next to it, it makes me happy, we bought new furniture and equipment for the offices and corridors, for example, machines ultra-high -frequency therapy, which is used to treat the ears, nose and throat of adults and children, previously you had to go to the district center for these procedures, in the nearest... japan is catastrophically aging, according to the national census, children under 15 years old make up less than 12% of the population, and people over 65 - almost 30%. the birth rate is falling, along with it the sale of diapers by 300 million pieces per year, manufacturers even had to change their profile, instead of diapers for...
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mainly for the retirement age, together it turns out to be about 400, about the same number who lived here 15-20 years ago before in japan, the death rate began to exceed the birth rate. tsukimi ayano, a local resident, leads us to the school building where classes were held back in... in 2013, now there is not a single child left in the village. and i'm nosan says that making stuffed animals is her hobby, it began with the fact that in her youth she made her first scarecrow to protect
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her parents’ garden from crows and pigeons, but as the number of fellow villagers became smaller, the hobby was filled with new meaning. it's like one big family, they are all like children to me. what is happening now with demographics in japan is the result of processes that have begun in the country for decades. this is not only here, there are few people all over the country, what can you do about it, children are not born, work for there are no young people, i don’t know what will happen next, i myself try not to think about what will happen next, the administrative town of okutama is the capital prefecture to the imperial palace in the center of tokyo, about 70 km from here, and this settlement is among those specially selected . for reduced rents, we provide a priority
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choice of places for employment, as regards measures to stimulate the birth rate, the authorities fully pay for meals in schools, parents are exempted from having to pay for kindergartens. what's the end result? achieved with these measures? well, the main achievement is that aging is reduced. our population growth is happening more smoothly than in the country as a whole. we found a tenth of all the local children on the playground in front of the school. over the past year, the population in this city decreased by 6%, and the share of pensioners exceeded 50. at the same time, for every 5.00 residents there are only 300 children under the age of 14 years. it is the low birth rate in japan that is the main demographic problem, and unlike many other countries, its peculiarity here is that at this low level it has been going on for... several decades, the accumulation effect is such that even if it suddenly doubles, the population will still decline for a long time,
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in the town of tesya. also not far from tokyo, on the local line there are trains manufactured 60 years ago, there is not enough money for new ones, this, however, is less than the age of a significant part of the passengers who are provided with individual service here. with such a low workload, the driver can afford to personally check that the landing and disembarkation took place without incident, but there is no talk of making a profit in such a situation. likewise, moto sun has been running the company for more than 10 years and admits that in all that time there has never been a single incident. so that the debit matches the credit, in the best times, passenger traffic per year was almost 2 million people, but due to the charge of problems, aging, and a drop in the birth rate, this number has been systematically decreasing, now it is only a fifth of what it was before. the japanese government will not make up for the population shortage through the influx of labor migrants. in a hurry, they are afraid that society will not approve, and meanwhile, according to forecasts, without radical measures,
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by the middle of the century, the population of japan... japan in minsk is hosting a tour of the famous boris eifman ballet theater, a combination of classical traditions with innovative experiments in eifman’s productions, belarusian audiences know and love him. report by anastasia sakhovskaya. going beyond the usual boundaries, an obsession with new forms, the experimenter treplev against the recognized maestro trigorin eifman's seagull is a ballet within a ballet, where the heroes compete not in the estate, but in in the rehearsal hall warming up at the barre and a ballet about ballet as a search and labyrinth of philosophical ideas. for a viewer who is accustomed to the classics, what we brought, this particular performance, will be very, very interesting, because boris eifman’s production is quite dynamic, very interesting, very bright. parts on the fingers, that is, ballet dancing on
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pointe shoes, there are also... delicate tutus for laconic black suits, bright contrast and eternal debate, trigorin’s classics with treplev’s innovation, the charm of youth beyond the river with based on arkadina’s experience, the main thing is that there is precisely this dramatic moment, which is always very important for boris yakovich in his productions, this is a kind of escalation of the image, that is , a character line that goes from the beginning to the closing of the curtain, i think , the belarusian viewer will appreciate it. the tickets have all been sold out for a long time. 4 days of tour, two pairs of performances, except for the seagull, a choreographic version of the roman onegin, where pushkin’s heroes have become iconic characters of our time. the productions are new for belarus, despite the fact that the troupe is visiting almost every year. the boris ivfman ballet theater are frequent guests at the belarusian bolshoi theater; this is their sixth time in minsk, but for the first time as part of the foreign direction of the big tour program. it, of course, provides exceptional opportunities to bring
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performances that... i haven’t seen it in belarus yet. the support of the financial organizational agreement with the eifman ballet theater was signed only 3 months ago, the world -famous handwriting of the choreographer, an important stage autograph for the classical belarusian bolshoi. it's really this is a real event, because this is, in general , the promotion of certain trends, and for me this is important, this is, in general, even somewhere a comparative benchmark for how we move on, how we will develop further. i must say that... we have some performances in our repertoire that in one way or another come into contact with this kind of style. it is expected that the bolshoi stage will open the days of culture of the novosibirsk region, following siberia, a large tour of regional theaters of russia with new performances of the classic ballet spartacus, and its most likely, they will be taken to a large-scale music festival in samara in the fall. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexandra alexander, oleg peletsky, lead minsk. the news is following
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developments. russia and abroad, stay with us, where are my children, freak, we will find them, you will find them, you have a brilliant intuition, indomitable, restless, from monday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, right? when my soldiers came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba to the prison, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys
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in, i have such people... i got people who are not indifferent, support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only our. honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing. from monday to thursday. on rtr. i would like to stay in moscow, of course, get you a job in our restaurant. i also drew a horse with wings. pegasus, after all. it will be yours, then you will draw it. let's see on the weekend. well, did you like it? this is zavyalov, our owner, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello, you’re stupid or something, i’ll have to
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fire you, actually i don’t work here, i live here, what a cinderella -this is a dishwasher, this is in general, this is an incomprehensible mind, nothing, i’m still sick, or a princess, whoever the prince chooses, you loved her? “most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday, on rtr, you dream of a stage, you believe in your strength, russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young, gifted performers to take part in an international popular music competition, new wave, registration , online submission of applications. as on the website don’t miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. sveta, i love you very much.
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and you and i have our whole lives ahead of us. very often girls another circle are trying to leave marry rich boys, let me decide for myself who i love, whom i marry, okay, he will still be mine, i won’t give him to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink sleep, i’m very excited and there will be secrets,
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scientists have developed a unique material for the treatment of vessels affected by atherosclerosis. it is obtained from cocoons, larvae, and silkworms. some kind of vascular patches minimize the risks of complications. tests have already been carried out on animals, reporting by
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andrey toropov. silkworm dolls are once again in the service of science. within 48 hours, scientists extract a protein from them, the so-called fibrion silk. the resulting solution is fed into an electrosinging apparatus, and many people use it to produce it. products made from new materials in the local me complex problems of cardiovascular diseases. under the influence of a magnetic field, thin threads are sputtered, the thickness of which is up to several nanometers; it takes about 2-3 hours to make one patch. third year young scientists are developing a fundamentally new material for vascular wall prosthetics. during this time, twelve animals received a patch in their own operating room. for the first time, the project teams brought together specialists in basic medicine and expert surgeons. currently. all reconstructive operations on the heart and blood vessels are performed using synthetic materials or biological materials that are taken from animals, from 13 to 30% of cases occur...


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