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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 11:00am-11:50am MSK

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yes, yes, yes, you just can’t imagine how happy i am, well, this thing needs to be celebrated, but i want to ask you, let’s come to my work, i’ll bring some documents, then go for a walk, okay, you’ll have a look at the same time where i work. well, that means this is my property, spacious, very beautiful, mash, wait for me here, just a couple of minutes, okay, no problem, yeah, i’ll be there in a jiffy.
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dima, masha, rita broke up, mishka, let me look. you can sew this up, if you want, i’ll fix it, uh-huh, uh, nikolai borisovich, you can help, fix it, it’s one’s toy girls, i, no, you decided to help, stitch it up yourself. are you confused? ok, i’ll show
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you how to cure a bear, and isn’t the girl’s name masha by any chance? masha, how did you guess? - forever, bears have problems with masha. no, no, it wasn’t masha who tore him up, it was the girls from the group. oh, i see. well, let me finish the birdhouse right now, then i’ll give you a needle and thread and ... i’ll show you how to make rhymes, uh-huh, okay, and i brought you something, tadam, now your bear is like new, thank you, but no why, this is a trifle, i can’t even do that, please contact me if anything happens, okay. wow, how great this is turning out,
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do you think dimka will guess that valettinka is from you? i don’t know, but i left him a secret sign, what? look, m and s. well, i don’t know, dima is unlikely to solve these riddles. there's no need to guess anything. let his heart tell him. mash, guys are stupid. it’s better to go up to him and say directly: dima, i love you, what, i’ll never do that? well, in vain, if you fall in love with some other girl, well, that means it’s not fate, but i’ll love him all my life. do you know each other? we grew up together, yes
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, then we saw each other a couple of times, then dim went to study, went into business, then it generally seemed to me that he wanted to forget everything connected with the boarding school, well, they didn’t exaggerate, not everything, so, okay, that’s all in the past, let's talk about the future, i suggest going to a restaurant, firstly, to celebrate your meeting. and secondly, our engagement with masha, so mashay is the girl who won the heart of my friend, that’s how, well, the business is stable, we grabbed a respectable customer, we’ll soon reach a higher level, yes, you ’re so passionate about your business that you bothered to communicate with me, how long have we not seen each other? five or 6 years, yes, something was completely
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screwed up, sorry, but why didn’t you start working for your uncle? he has a very large company, yes, i didn’t want to depend on anyone, my uncle has his own life, i have my own, on the contrary, i wanted some independence, and in general to understand whether i can achieve something on my own, listen, maybe that’s enough already about business, about work, my friend, really, let’s leave your childhood memories for later, today is a holiday, friend, do you hear? you can’t even imagine, i’m very happy , she told me, yes, i want to drink for this, i don’t drink, i remember, and you thought about how we would get home, well, that’s not a problem , we’ll call a taxi for us , you have become a beauty
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, wait, wait, only i can give masha compliments, this beauty will soon become my wife, i’m being friendly, well then, okay, for you, yes, it wasn’t hard for years apart, but i always knew that you are waiting for me. "i every i thought about you all day, how much i love you, how touching, it’s a pity that such romance only happens in movies.
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what if something important happens? hello, mash, katya, i need to talk to you urgently. where are you now? at home, did something happen? yes, a lot of things, it’s better not over the phone. well, come to me , thank you very much, stas, you don’t have to talk , i understand everything, i’m sorry, i see you’re upset, masha just needs to talk it out now , something obviously happened to her, she spoke very rudely, you can explain to me, i'm a big
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boy, i'll survive. "i never thought that you won’t take our opinion into account, but mom, i take your opinion into account, i’m an adult, i can decide for myself what to do, and where are you going to live after the wedding? in this house, we have a big beautiful house, or are you kicking me and my wife out? i wouldn’t want to live in my old age in my own house, like at a train station , mom, that’s enough, she’s a stranger to me, how can you not understand that?” “misha, misha, they want to live with us, so what? let them live, i don’t see a problem. but for me this is a problem. i have to live with a woman some girl completely unknown to me. in
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your house, what, mom? masha will become part of our family and i ask you very much. i would really like you to get along with her. well , don’t get angry ahead of time, in my opinion, masha is a good, serious girl, calm down, everything will be fine, my name is zoya, i’m from the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there’s nothing. dirt, not on clothes, not under nails, i'm sure you already have a theory, yes, this is revenge, she won't calm down, i can't wait until she catches all criminals, you made a mistake, all
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this still needs to be proven, and we will prove it, the irreducible restlessness. so you've been on rtr since monday, watching melodramas. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer! the squad is ready! explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty! have you already figured out what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is? there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret around the world, on saturday on rtr. it is for you? well , did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. dashing. it's been a while since we've seen each other.
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only on the platform we look, likes, doesn’t like, slena, loves, or maybe you won’t be a commodity at work, but they’ll fire you, they won’t fire you, stories of a big country, premiere on friday on rtr, katya, you was right. oleg proposed to me, and you said, yes, yes, yes, and yes, you love him,
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of course, otherwise, otherwise, i would not have agreed, but something else happened, what else, i met dima, what, where, as you can imagine, he is oleg’s companion. and what are you going to do about it? nothing, i’ll marry oleg, dima’s appearance won’t change anything. moreover , you yourself know that he himself disappeared from my life immediately after college. and you talk about it so calmly? nothing skipped a beat inside you, you were so crazy about him. katya, dima - this is my first nursery love is everything. colleague, i have serious feelings. wow, show me the ring! masha!
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let's do it like this. not the best solution, come on, come on, let's see how you'll defend
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yourself, well, great, guys, let's catch our postcards, so, timur jan, you're two, tim, you turn out to be the conqueror of active hearts, but no, who's here? we are a real don juan, so this is diman, diman, keep you as many as three, put it there, well, you won’t even look , i’m willing to bet i have 10 of them, well, how many do i have, give it all, and give you zero? like zero, well sasha, well, you have no charm, well you know, well, you don’t know how to pick up girls, but where are the bones on duty in the canteen? let's go, sha, masha sobleva, it's good that you're not sleeping yet, my phone
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is malfunctioning for some reason, well, let's see, let's see what's wrong with it, the sound has disappeared. maybe there’s something wrong with the settings, i’ll take a look now, and this is a girl from the boarding school, hold on, it looks like you’ve got everything set up, darling, where are you? thank you. i’ll thank you later, it’s not worth it,
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bah, i’m so happy, i see. let me guess, i won a million, no, no, and i’m getting married, my sunshine, oleg, i proposed, yes, masha, the gold is mine, i hope that oleg truly a worthy young man. of course, it can’t be otherwise, he loves me so much, well, god forbid, i really thought it was a sin that you would coo with me all my life, you always talk so funny, oh, i ’m not laughing now, you’ll leave me , i will miss you, you and oleg will live with him, yes,
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yes, we will live with his parents, my dear granny, i will visit you, often, often, i broadcast, i believe, dear, oh, that’s it, la, okay, that’s just me grumbling like an old man, damn, it’s his.
11:19 am
dinka, hi, listen, do you have free time? time, you can go to the dance director instead of me, i paid the money and masha is waiting there, i just got a flat tire, i don’t know, i should probably call a tow truck and buddy, help me out, i just. i don’t want masha to worry or be nervous, but i think you too will help, okay, thank you, go ahead, oh, and soon my prince will come, and we will rehearse our wedding dance, how
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wonderful is the hall, dima. hi, what are you doing here? oleg called and asked for help, he was delayed, did something happen to him? not, no, don’t worry, everything is fine, there’s something wrong with the car, a flat tire or something, if it’s not on time, then we need to reschedule the rehearsal, but no, don’t, i came to replace him, wait, are you going to take his place? olga to dance with me, yeah, hmm, at the wedding too? no, of course, today i’ll just help you learn your part of the dance. i see oleg has already arrived, then let's start. “this is not oleg, don’t ask unnecessary questions, just let’s dance, okay,
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ready, happy journey, thank you. hello, dim, thank you. why did you send dima instead of myself? well, i just didn’t know when i’d be free, and i’d pay him platinum,
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so i thought i could just bring it, dear, but you danced with my friend, so what? it’s okay, actually dima was my friend too, he was, i thought he was, dimka, forgive me, but please wait for us! we’ll finish the dance now, then we’ll go to a restaurant, talk about the upcoming wedding, have a drink, okay, okay, now we ’ll finish the dance, that’s it, we’re ready , okay, masha’s wedding will have two gentlemen, no, there will be one, okay, the only one and unique, and so, maybe you'll drink after all, oleg, i'm driving. well, leave your car in the parking lot, what's the problem? well, you know that i don't like alcohol. look, it’s my job to offer it
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however you want. it’s funny how it turns out, yes, how fate sometimes separates us, then brings us together, i can’t believe that you and oleg, you know, i was also surprised when i saw you, i thought we had parted ways forever. “i want to ask you something, just answer me honestly, okay, you really
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love oleg, sorry, important call, i had to answer, well, let’s have a drink.” korooki, how offer? no, i'm tired, let 's go home. dem! well, that's it, well, tomorrow will be soon, yes, everything will be fine, really, yes, i love you, and i love you, i have to
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go. oh, masha, what a beauty you are, what a fool, dimka, you released such a treasure, now he’s probably biting his elbows, let’s not go to odime, after all, i’m marrying oleg, okay, okay, for oleg, so for oleg, and here i am all the same, i can’t find my prince, wait, what about stas? he keeps winding circles around you, winding him, waiting for you you’ll pay attention to him, he’s 4 years younger than me, you can’t build a blue one with that,
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are you serious? 4 years is nothing, and the main thing is that he loves, respects, but who can tell these guys, whether he loves or just wants to spend time, i advise you anyway, pay attention to him, pick up something, you know, all your dresses are like that gorgeous, we can’t stop at anything, you know, now i’ll show you another option, i think you’ll like it. most of all, let's go, let's go, petya, come on, twist, the kebab will burn, and also, you know, something like married people, well, like everyone else’s family life, ivan, lev yakovich, you know, i’ve already been married for 3 months, but before everything was there, lying in its place, now everything is neat, folded, but i don’t know where, it’s among english women, english women have a saying, i remember.
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wedding, as if it was yesterday, but if it were tomorrow, i wouldn’t come to the wedding, what are you talking about, so that your future one would never tell you this, let’s drink it, come on, oleshka, we’re close to disaster what happened, drink, what drink, at zero , as at zero, we have a problem, wait,
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dinka, i’ll be back soon, pig, well, what are you doing, what are you doing, you’ve been drinking, yes, i’m
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sober, dimas, everything’s fine, so let me drive, but stop, it’s really a 5-minute drive, then let’s walk, everything will be fine, dima, dimas, everything’s fine, oleg, just a little quieter, okay, that’s it, relax, don’t worry, let’s go, that’s it , we arrived, where did he come from anyway, it doesn’t matter, we need to go out and see if he’s even alive or not? well, i didn’t seem to hurt him too much, but he’ll lie down and come to his senses, why aren’t you listening to me, i seemed to feel.
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alive, alive, we need it soon, tim, maybe we’ll leave here on the street, no one, are you crazy or something, we need to help the person, then he’ll find out, you’ll be in jail for a long time, i was drinking, maybe let’s say, you were driving, but if i was driving, it would no one, wait, are you crazy or something, neighbor
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, you know my parents, i’m their golden boy, if they find out what i’ve gotten myself into, they , they’ll strangle me, they’ll strangle themselves, but why should i answer? for you, in front of your parents, do it at least for the sake of masha, can you imagine what a blow it will be for her, yes, it will be hard for masha, but it’s better to find out the truth, friend, dimka, save her, we’ll find a good lawyer for you, in general we’ll make sure that this one throws himself under the wheels, he’s suicidal, no , oleg, no, i won’t agree to this, and stop chatting, bring the first aid kit. hello, soon, a man has been shot down, you dictate the address.
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doctor, tell me how seryozha is, tell the truth, he will live. the injuries are severe, but we are doing everything we can, i can’t tell you anything else yet, i can see my husband, not now, he’s still in a coma, so
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you won’t be able to talk, you need time, please, doctor, just with one eye, allow me, i beg you, okay, let’s go now. you will continue to claim that it was not you who was driving, it was my friend, oleg lavrov, who was driving, i already told you this, a good friend, he ran away from the scene of an accident, he set you up, by the way, well, the car is yours, how could you let a drunk man get behind the wheel, as you yourself claim, but i didn’t allow anything, he took the keys himself, i barely managed to jump into the car. was he even this mythical friend, alone words are not enough, evidence is needed, maybe there were more witnesses to the accident? i didn’t see anyone, well
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then pray that the victim survives, it seems that this is your only witness, and only if he managed to notice the driver. will be able to recognize him, prints , oleg’s fingerprints should remain on the steering wheel, an examination will show, this will take more than one day, besides, there are most likely your prints, so i’m afraid this is not enough, come in, hello, hello, who are you ? savsky ilyev semyonovich, lawyer of mr. vasiliev. please have a seat. thank you i not for long. the first thing i would like
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to ask you, mr. investigator, is not to detain my client until the trial, but to limit himself to a written undertaking not to leave. mul, look, i’ll be there soon, i’ll just pick up the car’s things and mom, we talked about this, masha will live with us after the wedding, period, that’s it, yes, yes, it’s me, what kind of investigator, why? okay, i'll be there soon,
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wow, i'll be a little late, no, no, that's it, that's it, everything's fine, i'll just be a little later. come on, tell me how it all happened. yes, the drink has run out, oleg has gone somewhere, i hear, the door slammed. i don’t know how he took the keys to my car, he probably took it out of my jacket, well, in general, he was already driving when i barely managed to jump into the car. so what next? well, i
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tried to persuade him to give me the steering wheel, what do you mean tried? well, that means you tried, did it ever occur to you to throw him out of the car? well, friend anyway, what difference does it make, uncle lesh, you still don’t believe me? yes, the fact is that i believe, because i know you and i see that you don’t lie, you don’t know how. thank you, thank you, you understand that your friend is ruining your life, you can go to bed for him, i think he will sober up and understand what he has done, then he will confess, you can think whatever you want, you have problems now, very big problems, oleg mikhailovich, tell me about an accident. “sorry, i don’t quite understand
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what you mean, that is, you don’t know that your friend dmitry vasilyev committed a crime against a person, i know, he called me and told me everything, please sit down, the fact is that dmitry vasilyev claims that you were the one driving." car, its car, the moment of the accident, what’s more , according to him, you ran away from the scene, this is a lie, he is blatantly lying, is this so, in fact, exactly so, dima, i mean, vasiliev, he’s slandering me, i’m not i understand why. but
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you won’t deny the fact that you know him, i won’t, we know each other, and i didn’t expect such meanness from him, another question, where were you on the thirteenth in the evening, from 20 to 21 o’clock, i was at a bachelor party, i'll get married soon. oh, oleg, hello, i knew you would come, thank you very much, listen, dim, i’m hurrying to masha, excuse me, well, i just talked to your friend, so, he admitted everything and told everything as it happened, yes, the fact is that... olek lavrov categorically denies his involvement in the accident, that is, he completely
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refutes your version of what happened. moreover, he is very upset and offended that you are trying to blame him. look, this can't be true. oleg wouldn't do that. well, as you can see, i did. here is his signature. yes, this is a lie, wait, there must still be some facts confirming my innocence, i am witnesses, well, you yourself
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they said that they didn’t see anyone, well, i didn’t see anyone, but they could have seen us in the accident, i don’t know, maybe someone was walking there with a dog or something... surveillance in the end, prints, oleg’s prints must be in the car on the steering wheel, let's figure it out, uncle was right in what you said, yes, nothing, listen, mash, i, in general, i was afraid, that is, i didn’t know how to tell you, uh, what happened? in general, dimka found himself in a difficult and unpleasant situation. he hit a man. no, this can't be true.
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he got behind the wheel drunk and hit a man. but he doesn't drink. there was a bachelor party, we were sitting well , very well, we ran out of fuel, he drove with extra, wait, did he get behind the wheel drunk, and what will happen now, i don’t know, you know, i didn’t tell you, but...” my father died under the wheels of a drunken reckless driver, i didn’t know, i’m very sorry, let’s go!”
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oleg, i don’t know how we will live together with your parents, it’s not that i’m scared, but listen, i’m sure that my parents, they will love you the same way i love you, besides, i’m next to you, i offend you. i won’t give it to you, dima once promised to be my protector, tell me, he will be imprisoned, i don’t know, mashul, i don’t
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know. oleg, maybe you can tell me what’s going on in general, what were you thinking about when you talked to the investigator, and masha? about my parents , i can’t go to jail, you’ll kill them, dima, and ruin masha’s life, and that means you can destroy my life, listen, we’ll hire a good lawyer, we ’ll pay this idiot who threw himself under the wheels, we’ll give him so much money, that he will withdraw this statement, well, at most
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you will get off with a fine or probation, yes, my, you got behind the wheel of my car drunk and hit it person. now you’re throwing all the blame on me, but weren’t you there, well , you would have stopped me, taken the steering wheel from me, if according to you i’m a criminal, then you’re an accomplice and also the culprit of the accident, but i don’t want you to know. please leave your message after ... what signal?
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dima, i’m very... sorry that everything happened like this, betrayal is difficult to survive, i know, but you will definitely achieve the truth, we will, i will always be by your side, i’m ready, thank you, but this is my problem.
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hi, can we talk, come on, you have to know the truth, oleg is lying, he was the one who hit the man, and now he wants to pin the blame on me, you specifically on... on oleg, of course, he told me everything himself, mash, it’s true, i just don’t know how to prove it, don’t touch me, please, listen to me, i don’t want to listen to you anymore, that’s it, go away, in general, this is how things are, everything that you are capable of is required of you, you will also get involved and provide maximum help. vasiliev is going out of business, and your task is to leave all his assets in the company, not a penny should go away,
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this will be difficult, you see, oleg mikhailovich, listen, if the assets go away, the company will have to be closed, we have already made a lot of investments, especially in materials for the hotel chain, loss of capital is unacceptable, do you understand me? great, you won’t see tears on his face, that doesn’t mean he’s not in pain, frank statements, reveal a little secret and rare footage, we are interested in who the customer is, presidential week, a special look that putin himself recorded for the widows of the heroes, and also, you ask a very correct question, for what reasons the president's car can be returned, who with such a commanding voice, write, no, this
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is mine, and what do these shots from the kremlin mean, we reflect big politics, better than others, there is a lot of things that are not there, but you have it all, moscow, kremal, putin, look at rtr today. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one, two, three, subscribe let's look.


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