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tv   Bolshie peremeni  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 11:50am-12:50pm MSK

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stream today on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, look carefully, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for... three
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, we sign up, we look, we look, maybe we’ll come to me, just watch a movie, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we’re going to donetsk, you’re with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we had a famine somewhere, here comes a woman...
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what are you doing, this is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr , move out today, and the child, i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be for long, she ’ll take the little one away, it’s not ours a child, but he could be ours. life gives no clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. mash, what's wrong with you today? such an important day, i feel like you ’re not here. mashau, where are you? hmm, very tasty cookies, what's wrong with your work?
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great, she said that our team did the best job, listen, maybe you should go to culinary school, well, this summer i wanted to apply there, cool, and i’ll soon get out of here, i’m already counting the days, he’s taking me to his place, and why did he i didn’t pick you up earlier, come on, tell me, you always avoid answering, but there was some confusion there. okay, i’ll tell you, well, he has a criminal record, well, because of his youth i made a mistake there, then i served time in a colony, well, that was a long time ago, but the court found this fact unacceptable for apicoms. happy, you’ll be leaving soon, i ’ll come to see you, though only for a couple of months, then they’ll draft you into the army. swear that you will
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write to me, i swear, every day, i swear, well , we agreed. mash, yes, yes, wake up, friend , yes, of course, of course, what will happen to dima, and what does dima have to do with it, you seem to be marrying oleg, or i don’t know something, but somehow my soul is worried , i don’t know why, because you’re getting married. all brides are nervous you can drink 100 g, so you can relieve stress, what 100 g? no, no, of course, i’m fine, i can handle it, i’m calm, i’m calm, i’m calm.
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could you move him to a separate room? ok, thank you, please tell me the amount and account number where i should transfer the money? i'll print out the props now, great. not very long. fine. “mash, can you have a minute, just quickly and not far away, hello, hello, everything, everything, everything is fine, everything is fine, mash, i told you
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the honest truth, i am not guilty of the accident, you and i childhood, you know, i deceived you at least once , i don’t understand, do you want to ruin my wedding, yes, my, i want you to just believe me." mash, you will still find out that i was right.
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you are happy
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, yes. i'm worried about you, dim. from my friend, this is not a joke, i understand you, of course, this matter is not only about him, even with masha, with whom i grew up, now he is marrying this, i owed her convince, but she doesn't want to listen to anything, yes. i'm tired, let me take off this dress and put you to bed, thank you, then i'll do it myself, okay
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i'll do it, i've been doing it for so long. and why don’t we take phone numbers? for a moment, can someone explain to me how the company's assets will be divided? there are some difficulties, it will take some time, i hope not long. he's going to work today, he... called and will be there soon, and how long to wait for him? he has already arrived at the office, i think he will appear soon. 200, could
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you have warned me that you were coming? i want to take my money. please hurry up the financial department, otherwise they are dragging their feet without you, you can’t withdraw money from the business, you have to do it understand, what are you proposing, i will pay you in installments from each profit, you first framed me under the article and now you want to cheat me out of money? oleg, does your appetite come with eating? i just care about business. i don’t care about this business, it ’s not mine anymore, i want to get my money,
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okay, you can give it back in parts, but if you cheat again, i’ll return it through the court, denis is running out of medicine. i had to take arkady into debt, i gave it to you, but with the stipulation that he return it as soon as possible, my son asks about you, when will you get better, i’m lying that soon so as not to worry him. seryozha, i feel so bad without you, please come back
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to me, deniska, it will be difficult for a guy to grow up without a father, we love you very much. help me unfasten the chain, my hair is tangled, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts a lot. come on, turn around,
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why are you scared, continue, or are you embarrassed by me? yes, yes, lyosha, have i or have you forgotten what i did for you and continue to do? no, i remember. this is gratitude. i got it, get out of my house immediately, hello, what are you doing, edit a vlog, so now, you have become stay late, a lot of work , uh-huh, yes, now... i’ll feed you, i prepared something for you, maria, you forgot to wash the frying pan, i put it on the stove to
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cool down, it’s already cooled down a long time ago, mom, i i beg you, don’t start, i beg you very much, i came home from work tired, but i just missed your showdowns here, i just want my house to be clean, let’s go, dad, dad, dad, dad! “wake up, you’re still sleeping , sleeping, denis, don’t do that, dad will of course wake up, but a little later, when he’s just tired, now there’s no need to wake him up, hurray, dad i finally woke up, seryozha, doctor, doctor, i
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’m very glad that you fulfilled our order on time, you know?” “is it so difficult to find decent partners these days? yes, i understand you. well, we always try to fulfill all agreements. i’ll now show you the materials, the batch, you will understand that in production we simply have no equal. we have seen some of your samples, they are quite decent, but still the technologist and i want to see how good you are at mass production. please, here we are, look. terrible quality, i mean 200, what kind of cardboard are you made of? they did it, this is not the material that you and i approved based on samples, well, what do you mean it’s not the same, you look more closely, i ask you to look, what kind of roses are you, what kind of fool are you
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taking me for a fool, you made furniture from the lowest quality material , which only exists, no, this is not the lowest quality. well done, listen, we ordered all the materials from the same supplier, maybe the batch is different, but i assure you, it’s the same material, i’m so tired of listening to this nonsense, we refuse, wait a minute, wait, listen, you have obligations under the contract, where you , apparently, did not read the contract very carefully, we have the right not to pay for the goods if the quality does not suit us, and we can also terminate the contract at any time. unilaterally, goodbye, but you must reimburse our expenses, wait, i said, there is no need to change materials during production, what should i have done if the chipboard price soared up, our company is now in no condition to waste money , you should have warned them, listen, don’t teach me to run a business
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, come in, look around, well... although it’s small, it’s cozy, all the necessary equipment , there’s even a dishwasher, look, everything is in working order, yes, that’s good, money, as agreed, yes, only prepayment for 2 months in advance, you can transfer it to the card, yes, okay, i ’ll transfer everything to you today, okay, then the text message will reset the number, and we will not be without a point if i come to visit. check how you live here, are you doing, yes, good, just look, i’m during the day, you know, working i won’t have time, but on weekends, in the evening , please come in, great, yes, just please, don’t turn the music on loudly, here we have good listening ability,
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the neighbors may complain, yes, fine, i’ll listen to music on headphones, well, wonderful. well, i went, get settled, goodbye, oh, sorry, i didn’t forget the keys, yes, of course, thank you very much, goodbye, yes, you can live. hello, oleg, where is the money? why haven't they been listed yet? where did they go? and the clients let us down, well, no wonder. listen, this is not my problem now. not only did you
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set me up, but you also want to squeeze my money? bastard? yes, take it wherever you want and i advise you not to delay. don't you regret that you kicked dima out? no, because the ungrateful bastard whom i brought into my house and i could not act according to... he is my brother's son, i thought that he would become my assistant, and you see how he repaid me? you can understand him, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. it was a random impulse, this is not a random impulse, it’s a stab in the back, and you’re good too, you didn’t
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resist, you liked kissing young, lyosha, i love only you , i don’t believe you, you want to deceive me, a fool, you are my bunny, you are my teddy bear, kiss me, kiss me, several days have passed since seryozha came to his senses, but he did not recognize. from me, is there any hope that his memory will return, let’s not rush, the injury is severe, let’s hope that our
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intensive treatment will have a positive effect, be patient, i take into account the fact that the victim is sergei mikhailovich kornilov violated traffic rules... there is no traffic at the moment threats to his life, the court ordered dmitry aleksandrovich vasiliev to pay the victim sergei mikhailovich kornilov monetary compensation in the amount of 360 thousand rubles. the trial is over. thank you, congratulations, this money is enough for us, for dad for treatment, and for medicine for you. let's go to. the car is in excellent condition, you can’t immediately tell that it
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has recently been in an accident, well, there was no accident, it just hit a pedestrian a little, well, how do you like it, it seems to me that it will suit you very well, it’s just as big, powerful, it roars on the road how are you in bed, price too much of a bite. throw another hundred on top and you can take a new one from the salon, well, no, not in this configuration, all-wheel drive, heated steering wheel, built-in navigator, again an alarm system, everything will cost a large amount, i don’t know, i don’t know, well, let’s take it, it so cool, give me fifty dollars like a brother, and 30, 40, 35? hands down, it seems to me that my mother -in-law is nagging me , but she gave away her son, well, it seems to her that you love him
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less than she does, but no, it’s not even about olleg, no matter what i take on, according to her words i do everything wrong, well, my dear, they have their own family, their own rules, get used to it, i can’t do it, i overcome something every day, but what about you? wanted, you thought that when you get married you’ll end up in a fairy tale, but no , living with your husband is, you know, a big responsibility, well, we need to rebuild, i ’m trying, i’m really trying, but you and oleg talked about it, no, oleg is constantly at work, he spends all day and night in the office , no, it’s okay, just be patient, you’ll get used to it, well, when my husband earns money, this is normal, for the home , for the family, maybe if we lived separately with him, then everything would have worked out, oh-oh, i don’t know
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who to know, who knows, sergey, your indicators are positive, are there any changes in your health, i feel good, my memory is almost restored, but i...” i just can’t remember the moment of the accident , all the time, the main thing is that there is progress. i’ll probably increase your dose of one drug that stimulates brain activity. let’s hope that your memory will be fully restored. where are you dressed up like that? for whom, what for asking for whom, i'm going to work, so i'm very
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weird, i just... oleg, are you jealous? no, but you just don't try that hard for me. do you want me to wear heels at home? no, i want you to wear sexy lingerie at home. well, i'm afraid larisa nikolaevna won't appreciate this. oleg, i ’ll change into a uniform at work, but the fact that you ’re watching me, how i dress and what i wear, i don’t like it, i’m your husband, and i don’t want anyone to stare at you, at me no one will stare, i didn’t give you any reasons to be jealous. well, how are you, no complaints,
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the car, of course, is not new, but very playful, i just recently changed all the consumables, ok, i’ll take it, i hope i won’t regret it, you’ll also thank me when we hand over the paperwork.
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here to adjust, but i ’m missing something, maybe oleg’s support, i don’t know, but oleg doesn’t seem to notice my condition, girls, maybe we’ll get down to business at work, and not just stand and chat, otherwise you know, somehow the hall is full of visitors, everyone is working like dead flies, you are getting loose here, my good ones... you are getting loose, and by the way, katyushenka, this first of all, it concerns you, you don’t need to hang around maria, otherwise i’ll cut off your salary , it’s clear, but what did i do, i got distracted for a second, katyusha, my dear, that’s the problem, that you don’t do anything, here we have to work hard , it’s clear, so we take a knife, cut
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the salad, because the client... is waiting, so, attention, listen, here, remember, we have a top-class restaurant, and we must keep this brand, and if someone doesn’t like it, or maybe someone doesn’t want to work, then we will quickly fire him, understand me, we work, places for storage inside, you can hide blankets in them, what? look what a car
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, when i grow up, i’ll buy one for myself , let me see, wow, stop talking, sasha, dimka, otherwise you’ll go on stage, well, hello, how many years, how many winters, i look, it’s worth it, what are you doing here, yes i have one meeting here, so come on. tell me, i worked in a store as a loader for six months, and then my salary was cut in half, people started quitting, and i had to work two shifts so as not to lose my job, so in the end i fell asleep at work, the director noticed this, well, he fired me, didn’t even pay my salary, well, yes, but now where did he get a job? no, well, what, so friends throw up all sorts of part-time jobs, either repairs, or a loader is needed during transportation,
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nothing serious like that. a trifle, what about you, everything is probably fine, yes, well, yes, i would also like a rich uncle, but no, well, i opened my own business with a friend, though now it’s not a friend, not a business, but what? yes, it’s an unpleasant story, i’ll tell you later someday, so what do you plan to do? so, i bought an assistant, opened a fob, and am engaged in transportation? by the way, you have a license, well, you have , you drove for a while, so maybe we can work together, you can replace me if necessary, you wanted to earn money for a car as a child, here ’s an opportunity for you, but how can i refuse such a great offer. working capital in the project with hotels , in the end all the expenses fell on us, because
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then it was a deal breaker, we went ahead, we invested everything , the customer did not buy the batch, and besides, after vasiliev left, some of the deals fell through, in general, deliveries are intermittent, the plans were not fulfilled, in short, the devil knows what is happening, tell me what... in short, if you don’t fulfill the plan this month, i ’ll cut your damn salary, okay? we urgently need to pay our suppliers, listen, you are the financial director, right, make an offer, think about what we should do next, maybe take out a loan? yes, yes, your order for tomorrow has been accepted, write down the number 3464, yes, that's it, thank you, goodbye. the third order is for tomorrow, if things go like this, we’ll barely make it with deliveries, well, if we continue in the same spirit, we’ll have to expand, what do you care about the clients? you're lying, the numbers are so big, why are you giving them? well , for the sake of respectability, i won’t tell the client that he’s only our thirty-
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fourth, right. oh, how good, at least you can lie down, i’m ready to fulfill all your wishes, oleg, oleg, please, not today, i’m very tired, really, you have to leave work, you come tired, shifts. ends at night, i don’t like it, well , i need this job, and i need a wife, wait, you have problems in the company, and my
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extra income will help us, i’ll sort out the problems in the company, but i don’t i can tolerate problems in my own bedroom, if our family is important to you, will you quit this job? but i can’t just leave her like that, can you? did you have an argument? yes, it’s nonsense, nonsense? yes.
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do you think your mother doesn't see anything? is she blind? what happened? this is my own business. son, you keep everything to yourself. you could share with your mother. my problems , i’m worried about you, i ’ll deal with my problems myself, i immediately realized what this thing was, that it would drink more blood, from you and from us, by the way, stop setting me up against masha, stop yelling at me, you don’t like it when people tell you the truth to your face, do as you please.
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a friend invited me to go shopping. i can give you a lift, i’m just leaving, no, no, we’ll meet later, i’ll take a taxi, whatever you want, you need the money. no, there’s still one, if you have anything, call me, i’ll call you, thank you, just think about it, he cut me off and chased me, and i followed him, vasya, stop telling stories, you have a job, but what kind of fifa is this? roll up the booba, this is dimka’s relative, eat it while
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it’s warm, why do this, we have a cafe nearby and we have lunch there, homemade is better than in a cafe, you might think that you cooked it, well, no, of course, the house worker, let’s eat before it gets cold, ir, there’s no need to come here, your uncle will find out for you. i like it, listen, he ’s unfair to you, it’s all my fault and i’ll talk to him, you don’t need to talk to him about anything, you have your own life, i have mine, all this is wrong, you have to make peace with him, how- we’ll make peace somehow, there’s no time for that now, yes , i see you have a new garage, you’ve hired workers, well, we’re expanding, it’s great, but i started.
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s just a joke, he’s doing it himself will come to the house, we will start, will always help , we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, always supporting. a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or
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a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve.
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oleg demands that i leave work, i don’t i know what i should do, what do you want, so that you don’t work, i didn’t bother you before, well, he doesn’t like that i come home tired, strange men, women plow at work, then go shopping, then click, and they ...give me a black, happy, tireless wife, like some kind of robots, well, that’s why women didn’t work before, they kept the home, everything was to please men, they weren’t considered women at all, right? i’ll probably write a statement anyway, i don’t want oleg to worry again, that’s it, it’s all for the sake of an allergy sufferer, yes, mash, maybe it’s time to think about yourself, what do you want , well, you liked this job, even despite the bosses, you wanted to gain experience, open your own business, well, i don’t want
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to defend my decision now, the main thing for me is to save the marriage, but well and to myself, i haven’t forgotten, i came up with something. well, tell me what you came up with? and i will write a culinary blog. do you already have it? yes, but i will do it more professionally. okay, boys, i have to go, goodbye. happy road. so. he said, “it’s a hell of a ride, i accidentally lost it, it seems to me, or she has designs on you, we had nothing, no, and it can’t be, it’s taboo, listen, let me introduce you to my girl, mine, my friend, but you don’t need
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to introduce me to anyone, sash, you’re not thinking about that at all, we have a lot of work, we signed a contract with a large transportation company, we need to buy another car with a refrigerator, hire a new one... you know, i didn’t even think that we were doing well they’ll go uphill so quickly, i didn’t give in, and you still haven’t talked to masha, is she still she thinks that you are to blame for the accident, i can’t force her to listen, well, if you want, i ’d talk to her, i’ll tell everything how it really happened, it’s not worth it. “hello , come in, take a seat, you have a table for two , i apologize, i need maria, she works in your kitchen, you, could you call her, and masha, excuse me, she quit, quit,
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yeah, and you you don’t know where she works now , not in kovs, i understand, sorry for distracting, look, he’s been moaning like that for about 10 minutes, sergei! seryozha, wake up, seryozha, wake up, everything’s okay with you, yes, with me everything is fine, i, i seem to remember the moment of the accident, i was crossing the road, then i
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was blinded by headlights, the impact, it’s just beautiful. “oh, sorry, i mean that you are recovering, the treatment has been beneficial, and i will definitely prescribe you a set of medications that you will need to take, everything will be fine, yes, of course, yes, yes, everything is fine, calm, two tablespoons or one ladle is enough to prevent the dough from spilling over the edges of the pan, but at the same time for it to bake, maria, what are you doing here?” "a kitchen is not a film studio, please stop this nonsense and cook dinner for your husband. this is not nonsense. i write down recipes for my blog. for what? what other blog is this for? for your food blog? well, this is very
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popular now, and i can make money from it. who will pay for this? who, who will pay for this? any recipe can be found on the internet at once, yes, a recipe on the internet can be easily found for free, but you can make money on views, on advertising, and so on, so this is a useless conversation, look at this the kitchen, this is not a kitchen, this is a battlefield, your husband, by the way, will soon come home from work hungry, so clean up and cook a normal dinner, horror! poď. it’s better to serve the waffles right away while they ’re warm, whatever you like with them, jam, preserves, honey, etc., bon appetit!
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dear dmitry, we invite you to a festive celebration dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the boarding school. oleg, it’s very difficult for me to live here, i just can’t find a common language with your mother, what do you suggest, we can, maybe we can move, we can move in with my grandmother, but not this, well if we rent an apartment, then i can pay for it, where are you going to get the money , well, i already have a fairly popular blog
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, a lot of subscribers, it’s pennies, masha, i ’ll try to sort out all my financial affairs and come up with something, i promise, now it's dessert, yeah, yeah, yeah? now dessert, god, what a beauty , with my hands, now, wait, come in, i hope now you won’t... no, i won’t, how
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beautiful, uh-huh, oleg, what a wonderful kitchen, yes, i tried for you, thank you very much, listen, i need to go to grandma, and then prepare desserts , uh-huh, good, good, excellent, thank you, i’m glad you liked it, mashen, why so much, i won’t eat everything, you’ll order it, oh, why spend so much money and oleg will be dissatisfied , bah, i earn money myself, you quit , well... i run a block on the internet, the money is dripping, well, these are crumbs, at first it was just
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pennies, but now i can pay for a rented apartment, it’s impossible to live with oleg’s parents, larisa nikolaevna he constantly finds fault with me, lord, why is it rentable, if only they would come to me, i offered it to oleg, but he’s against it, why is he against it, i wouldn’t... your attitude, i know, but it’s impossible to convince him, i hope everything will work out with him, well, god forbid, god forbid, so, well, i ’m ready, look, i like it . okay, oleg , listen, i just received an invitation from the boarding school for my anniversary, do you mind if
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i go, yeah, well, if i say that i’m against it, you ’ll go anyway, well, i really want to see my friends or a friend , my beloved friend, yes, dima, perhaps he will be there. but besides him, i had many friends at the boarding school, and i would really like to see them, listen, don’t lie to me, in general, i’m against it, i’m not going to meet him, well , if you’re not going to, then don’t go. “i’m so glad that you were discharged, that you’re already home, i
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’ve changed my mind so much during this time, i’m completely new.” i thought that you wouldn’t even remember me, but now everything will be fine with you, it will be hard for us, you are not working yet, the payments will be meager, and the money that you received in court will not last long , deniska’s medicine is expensive, but what are you i spoke for the guy who hit me, he’s rich. yes, director of a furniture factory, dmitry vasiliev, can you look up which one on the internet? this? no, you're confusing something, the one
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on the left beat me. that's it, we are at a dead end, there is no money in our accounts to pay salaries, loans, payments and other expenses. why didn't you take out a loan? well , you didn’t give the command, you kept putting it off, saying i’ll think about it, i’ll tell you later, so we made it, but what should we do now?
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with everyone, so let's go, can't you explain to oleg that this is just a meeting of old childhood friends, you understand, he is categorically against it, he just thinks that i i want to go there to see dima , well, kid, you once gave some reason, but i don’t think he’s jealous, he just doesn’t want me to worry again, but you yourself remember that dima accused oleg in that accident, yes i remember, i remember, listen, promise me you won’t talk to him. tell me that i will check, i don’t think it will be possible to convince him, try to be ready on the appointed day and time, i understand, we’ll see , let’s go, just please be careful, don’t misunderstand the box, there are cakes in there, okay, i’ll deliver it safely, thank you, excuse me, excuse me, oleg
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lavrov lives here, yes, and he’s at home, can i go with him? talk, yes, of course, come in, thank you, oleg, they came to you, you came to me, yes, i want to talk about the accident, what kind of accident, i don’t understand why, you probably got the wrong door, no, i wasn’t mistaken, i remembered everything, it was you who hit me because you got out of the driver’s seat... listen, you had a head injury, you probably don’t remember something or are confused, i beg you, go away, i was still there conscious when you tried persuade a friend , take it, what kind of nonsense are you talking about, this is not nonsense, it was you who brought me down, i remember everything perfectly, and you must compensate me, get out of here, there is no money, then they will be, soon they will be, soon, maybe, okay, i
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i'll wait. “answer, tell me what i was supposed to do, we were supposed to have a wedding in a day, and because of this you resorted to meanness, yes, yes, how could you act so disgustingly towards your friend, and also lie to me, don’t talk to me like that, i did it for us, for us, but you
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did it for yourself”? you just shielded yourself you acted like the last coward, don’t you dare call me that. listen, this all happened by accident, forgive me, this does not justify your action, listen, you can’t just leave, i’m your husband, mash, where are you going, and i made a mistake for you, where are you going, mash, i won’t let you go anywhere , do you hear me? i will never let you go, do you hear? let me go, if you don’t let me pass, i’ll call the police , you’ll still regret it and come back, don’t expect it, i’ll never be able
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to forgive you for this, in the near future we will live in a completely different world, artificial intellect will force us. think differently. very fast. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. everyone who attended his lectures says that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with. increased blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve your desires, what to expect from the future? about this and more in our program. small on monday on рrt. stay in moscow i would like, of course , to get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well
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, i liked who it is, it’s zavyalov, our owner, are you not sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, waking up? hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let’s talk about not rushing into everything and deploying nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are
12:50 pm
things on the front? the weather is cloudy and hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, eight are moving into the equipment. and we have olesa at home, the second tank flew in from vkropsky, the hero of russia will be on the tour, all of you and i, including me, will reach the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana rag, there in the west great dreamers, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later. let's look.


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