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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 5:00pm-5:50pm MSK

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future diplomat and reputation, i emphasize , reputation, this is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion, he will understand everything, i am sure, this is not his child, and he will always know this, tomorrow will be a new day, friday, nrtr. can russia return to the death penalty and what would be a fair punishment for the terrorist attack in crocus? this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. how
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they escaped from bullets and fire, and how they saved, there, there, there, but who can’t be returned, a barbaric terrorist attack, we mourn, so what’s the fate waiting now. four of them for life, who else is with them and why washington was the loudest in excluding kiev from complicity in the terrorist attack, the latest on the progress of the investigation, massive attacks on enemy rear lines, on the energy system and military facilities, on the front line from our military officers, and how we protect our border areas ?
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unknown afghan. there is any product in this market. sergei zenin from the most dangerous place in kabul , the dirty market. these are all exchange offices. yens, rubles, dollars, francs. but why should europeans not come here? and why are afghans doing this? do they value pigeons? a new breath of bama, how the rails stubbornly cut the taiga, now from yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk. along the railway under construction , which is 530 km, there is not a single settlement. alexander rogatkin about a grandiose construction project on permafrost. what was the record? the biggest was -72. the week
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passed under the sign of deepest sorrow for those killed as a result of a barbaric terrorist act in krasnogorsk, near moscow. on saturday , a memorial event was held at the site of the tragedy. following the minute of silence, russian classics were played in performed by the bolshoi theater symphony orchestra, conducted by valery gergiev. burning candles illuminate the wall of the crocus. the memorial event begins with the sound of a bell and a minute. great music, which sounds especially piercing this evening, fragments from sergei prokofiev’s ballet, romeo and juliet , performed by a symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev. here it’s hard
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to hold back tears, all the thoughts about those families where trouble has come. the sound fills the space around the crocus and the hearts of those who gathered here this evening. and this is not just a tribute to memory, the music is intended to give strength to those who lost loved ones as a result of the terrorist attack. and, of course, to support those who managed to get out of the burning. concert hall. those gathered remember those who died and find words of support for their loved ones. among the participants of the action, those who survived the terrorist attack, they first of all thank for their salvation. we survived thanks to the security guard alexey asanushkin, who did not abandon us in difficult times. when he felt bad, he he came back for us and took us out of there. i am grateful to him for not leaving my children without... we managed to escape our mother, we ran
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out of the crocus, and here our family was overtaken by the same white terrorists, my little son ilya suffered the most. thank you very much everyone. to caring people, ordinary people, our relatives who provided first aid, thanks to those doctors who worked their magic on him all night, now, i think, the worst is behind us. photos of those killed in a terrorist attack are projected onto the wall, music is played, and exactly at the moment when the orchestra began to play, it began to rain, and indeed, nature was crying along with everyone. people go to rokus cityhole to give back.
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that we are all together, that they can count on us, we always support, we will always help out. this is a terrible tragedy for all of us. we are all together, we are all close, we are a big country, we are united, a huge consolidation of society around this tragedy. the performance at kroku city hall is designed to fill souls and hearts with perseverance, faith, and inner strength. the musicians of the famous band play with special feelings. you abstract yourself from the weather, from all this, it’s cold there, it’s raining, it’s amazing.
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and everyone who gathered for the memorial action gazed at the sky for a long time. alexey petrov, magomed otsaev, ivilina kornaeva, vadim prusov and arina tretikova, lead the week. the investigation into the terrorist attack has revealed new ones. important facts. so the investigative committee published a message about a terrorist financing scheme from ukraine. the initial results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. as a result of working with detained
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terrorists, studying the technical devices seized from them, analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence of their connection with ukrainian nationalists was obtained. the investigation has confirmed data at its disposal. about the receipt by the perpetrators of the terrorist attack of significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds from ukraine, which were used in preparing the crime. as old as time, whoever cries orders music. the nazi bandera regime in the west is contracting to fight russia. radical islamists are subcontracted by the nazi bandera regime. this subcontracting in the west is not visible at point-blank range. the americans, the british, the french are deliberately pushing through.
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islamists, whose ideology the islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries. we also see that the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data, there is supposedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack from... was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. and the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this atrocity may be only a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country since 2014 at the hands of the neo-nazi
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kiev regime. and the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals. goals, of course, it is necessary to answer the question why the terrorists tried to go to ukraine after committing the crime, who was waiting for them there? it is clear that... to those who supports the kiev regime, i don’t want to be accomplices in terror and sponsors of terrorism. about the progress of the investigation, vitaly karmazin. the area around crocus city hall is still cordoned off, the fire rescuers have already left, this week they completed the main part of the work, clearing out the rubble, and after that employees of the investigative committee entered the concert hall, using the latest ones.
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here are new touches to their portraits. shamsidin fariduni lived in this house in the village of layabi in extreme poverty, was convicted of sexual violence. brother daller john mirzoev fought on the side of terrorists in syria. one of them served 5 years and 8 months for attempting to rape a child in tajikistan. another’s brother died in syria, fighting for the islamic state, which is prohibited on the territory of the russian federation. that is. one is a pedophile, the other is a terrorist, then it turns out that it was a whole network, that those who rented
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the apartment to them were aware that they were preparing a terrorist attack, they were also arrested, the father and sons of the islomovs, who sold the renault to the terrorists, the islomovs are related to fariduni, in custody and alisher kasimov, who rented out a three-room apartment to the murderers for 60,000 a month in putilkova, a couple of kilometers from crocus, here the executioners wrapped the horns of the machine guns with electrical tape in order to reload faster. even on the day of the tragedy, right next to crocus, for defiant behavior, he was first given 15 days of administrative arrest, when
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it turned out that he was connected with terrorists, investigators demanded that his accomplice be sent to a pre-trial detention center. in moscow, he worked at a construction site, but quit 2 days before the terrorist attack. he is the only one of those detained who has a higher education. set the period of his detention for 1 month, 24 days. financing was provided through cryptocurrency. in the offices of two commercial organizations involved in such translations, already. searches were carried out, the investigation has already clarified that the terrorist attack itself lasted 13 minutes, the shooting began on the street, it is clear that four people are entering the complex, three have machine guns in their hands, after the shooting in the lobby one of the terrorists can be seen passing a weapon with a lit flashlight to another, apparently the machine jammed, and what happened next was accidentally filmed by photographer kirill smalyaninov, his footage shows how visitors built barricades from tables and how terrorists moved.
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now we can say exactly what roles, which terrorists performed. here is twenty-five-year-old shamsidin fariduni, pointing out the direction of fire to the other killers. he was generally responsible for the executioners’ route and escape route; he knew the situation in the hall well, because back on march 7 , he walked here in a noticeable brown jacket and was caught by a random photographer; crocus employee alexander zhuri saw him. he was just walking around faye and looked around. i thought his behavior was strange. the second terrorist with a machine gun in his hands.
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leaning over the chairs, fayzov is holding a flashlight in his hands, and mirzoev is setting fire to the combustible mixture, flashes are visible in the frame. later , the camera lenses appear to capture dark plumes of smoke in the foyer, possibly the killers setting the fire once. this does not look like the handwriting of isis, a completely different combination, that is, they either took hostages and made demands, or, as they say, they went to the extent of keeping the hostages in tension so that someone would comply, these non-humans they came for only one thing, to kill
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as many people as possible, their task was to intimidate, and as it turned out, to get money for it, which is generally nonsense for...
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bryansk region, they shot at the wheels with machine guns. the driver, as i understand it, lost control and had to stop on the roadway. one terrorist was detained, the jacket of the second was torn off, and there were documents in his pocket. dog handlers arrived and the dog colt followed the scent on the jacket. the dog turned into the forest, having walked into the forest in a straight line for about 40 m, it began to circle in place near one tree using thermal imaging. to cut down a tree to protect himself, they convinced him that he did not have a weapon with him, our team did not comply, after that a decision was made on the tree, we found him, began to give commands there to raise his right hand, left hand, took out an ax, cut him down tree, the suspect was detained, during interrogations
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it became known that they were not going to the ukrainian border by accident, on instructions...
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they intended to leave, leave, and i’ll tell you a little secret, on the other side they wanted to be greeted as heroes, after these statements the head of ukrainian military intelligence , kirill budanov, became nervous; the man who had already organized more than one terrorist attack and promised to kill russians anywhere in the world, sharply changed his rhetoric. after this explanation from patrushev appeared, explanations from patrushev and bortnikov appeared, who accused me personally and that ukraine did all this. if we touched on this issue, even though it is the enemy, i do not approve.
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turned 16, mom smiles, on the second day, done the next day, they are just alive, savior, they were late, standing by the frame metal detector behind...
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in a green jacket trying to fence himself off from lef and yulia, someone is filming footage of a man firing shots, barricades and tables. huseynov is in a frenzy. he could have run away, but he didn’t, covering
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his wife, lilla and those who were nearby. karen yangiboryan. here is a very short video from the family archive. he was outside the building, safe. i saw wounded people running out, rushed to help, pulled them out of the smoke, and gave my jacket to one of the victims. came back home. i felt bad in the morning, on march 29 karen passed away, this recording made in kroku cityhole 4 years ago. maxim verbenin, actor, singer, wheelchair user, performed there then, as if not noticing his pain, always supporting others. on march 22, i came to a concert of colleagues and friends. he is no longer alive. the first thing pavel asked when he opened his eyes was, where is mom? he remembers, we entered the hall , shooting started, panic, someone
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hid behind the chairs, the rest started running, i saw my mother, she ran somewhere, i lay down on her to cover her, i lost my father, then i felt my hand was pierced, my father helped pull out the wounded the son was in the hallway, then outside, the ambulance quickly arrived, everything was fine with pavel’s mother, the son was saved.
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ivanov, islam khalilov. the state duma accepts words of gratitude. on that terrible day , they worked as cloakroom attendants at a concert, saved dozens of lives by studying the evacuation plan, and brought out people lost in the horror of a terrorist attack. initially , there was a lot of fear when i was in a crowd with people, but i understood that i needed to act very quickly. we accompanied people there, helped them find the right way out, because they simply went into dead ends. there was panic, but... i don’t know if something inside told me that i had to save and help people, because they are just like me, they are also afraid. in st. petersburg, in the oktyabrsky hall, a concert was held in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, this is a concert of a picnic group, before
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the start... thank you, i know that some people came specially for this concert today from moscow, who were in crocos, that is, they brought themselves. and they came specifically to prove that these are the kind of people they are. the tickets were a gift to efim's wife olga for her birthday, they are here for a reason, they came to say: we managed, we conquered fear, i won’t let these terrorists, yes, deprive us of this opportunity to live in general, we survived, yes, to spite everyone, so that they don’t think that we can to intimidate, we will go to this concert , we will support the musicians, yes, we will support everyone , life goes on, there are people behind the cordon
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, intensive care vehicles, the horrific terrorist act in krasnogorsk caused a terrible stir in the entire society, there is no one who has compassion for this scumbag, it is clear that ... i want retribution directly now, in society, such a topic as the death penalty has again arisen; caught terrorists must be sentenced to death; thirst for space, however, should not cloud the mind, because even if the possibility of the death penalty is now returned , the four who committed mass murder cannot be sentenced to death, since the law does not have retroactive force, but if you insist, then you will need...
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to abandon the fundamental article of our first constitution, which states that russia is a rule of law state. of course, in our history, in soviet times there are cases when khrushchev reversed the effect of a newly adopted criminal article. this was the famous case of currency speculators, rokototov, feibishenko, yakovlev. at first they were convicted under article 88 of the criminal code of the rsfsr, violating currency rules. operations, but then nikita sergeevich decided that the punishment was too lenient, on his instructions, the supreme court, the ussr added the eighty-eighth article, the death penalty, and at the new trinity trial they rendered a verdict, according to which everyone was shot. we want such orders in modern russia, but no, with all the depth of grief of each of us, that is,
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to be shot.
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andrei smekhov, to life for triple murder, after all, i also have the same thoughts, you get up like this in the morning, you look around the walls, you think, oh-oh-oh, spend the whole day, your whole life here like this among these bars, but it would be better if i , one way or another, in the vast majority of countries in the world the death penalty is prohibited; out of 193 un member states, death sentences are imposed in only 52 countries. this is china, where life can be taken even for bribe or drug trafficking, then iran, saudi arabia, egypt, belarus and the usa. the use of the death penalty in the united states is generally a separate issue; they are practicing more and more new methods of killing convicts. among the new products is nitrogen asphyxiation, when a person is deprived of oxygen. death occurs painfully in convulsions 19 minutes after the start of
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gas supply. the global trend is the abolition of the death penalty. the un general assembly raises this issue almost every year with a majority against the death penalty. russia votes too. although, to be fair, there are also reverse processes. just two weeks ago, the democratic republic of congo, formerly zaire, lifted its ban on the death penalty, which had been in effect in the african country since 2003. in the 21st century , this is the second time on the planet that the state has returned the death penalty. the first was pakistan, which 10 years ago lifted the moratorium on the death penalty, which lasted only 6 years in the country. that is, returning to the death penalty in our country would mean that we would become the third country in the world, following pakistan and congo, to lift the current moratorium. one one of the arguments of opponents of the death penalty is
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the possibility of a miscarriage of justice, and such cases have happened in history here, in america, in other countries, but the main argument, nevertheless, is the irreplaceable human right to life, as basic and irrevocable. the right to life is enshrined in our current constitution of russia. part one of article twenty, everyone has the right to life. but now part two, as a temporary measure pending abolition , provides for the death penalty. the death penalty, pending its abolition, may be established by federal law in as an exceptional measure of punishment for especially serious crimes against life. when granting the accused the right to have his case examined. a house with the participation of a jury, that is, the abolition of the death penalty was included in our constitution from the very beginning, this is the course taken back in 1993, the goal is abolition, and we, i must say, moved along this course quite steadily,
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although there was some twitching in soviet times with this topic was, already on october 28, 1917 , lenin abolished the death penalty, but not even a year had passed before capital punishment was returned for... stalin abolished the death penalty in 1947, but already in 1950 it returned for the most serious offenses, treason. espionage murder. by the end of the ussr, the death penalty was added to dozens of articles, including economic crimes, and it is used quite widely. from 1962 to 1989, more than
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20,000 people were shot in the ussr. in new russia, the last person executed was the odentsovo maniac sergei golovkin, nicknamed fisher. the syrian killer, pedophile and cannibal, whose victims were at least 11 teenagers, was shot in butyrka prison on august 2, 1996. the verdict was handed down shortly before president boris yeltsin signed a decree on a gradual reduction in the use of the death penalty in connection with russia's entry into the council of europe. before this, russia, by order of yeltsin, signed the famous protocol number six. convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, article one of the protocol, categorically: the death penalty is abolished, no one can be sentenced to death or executed. in 1996,
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a moratorium on the death penalty began to operate in russia. in constitution, as a temporary measure for the transitional period, the death penalty still remains, but as a passed stage, but a right. is not subject to appeal. it is important to note that russia was unwaveringly moving towards the final abolition of the death penalty, going through difficult trials with the most severe terrorist attacks, be it bombings of houses in moscow, in
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algadunsk in buinaksk, a drama with the taking of hostages and the death of people at the musical nordost in the moscow concert hall on dubrovka , the seizure of a school and the shooting of children in beslan, the explosions of passenger planes, the metro. neva express crash. every time this topic has arisen in society: a return to the death penalty, and until now all polls show that we have more of those who are in favor of death. and the constitutional court does not have the right to cancel
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its own decisions, otherwise it turns out that today the constitutional court interprets the fundamental law one way, and tomorrow it is different, where will we end up? valery zurkin quite rightly says that then another constitution will be needed, just like that, the right to life in article 20 cannot be abolished with one amendment, but let me remind you that this is an article twentieth. refers to chapter two, the rights and freedoms of the citizen, man and citizen, and the fact is that the constitution is structured in such a way that in order to change this article, to introduce, to give it a different meaning, you need to practically adopt a new constitution, so if those authors who advocate this, well, what is called a flag in their hands, but i could not help but say this, i want to say that this is not my subjective opinion, i spoke in this part.
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does not present it now, but this does not mean that it
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does not exist, it exists, it has been expressed more than once and was confirmed, rest assured that it has not changed even now, a direct line with the president of russia in 2013, then a recent event was a high-profile crime, a brutal murder in belgarad, where six innocent citizens died from the shots of a repeat offender, so they asked putin about the death penalty... questions about the death penalty have long been discussed in society, when you know, sometimes you come across such things, and your hand itself reaches for the second pen to sign some documents aimed at the return of the death penalty or to ask for this deputies, but we need to talk with specialists, with criminologists, and experts believe that... toughening punishment itself does not
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lead to its eradication, to a decrease in the crime rate, i have already given this example in the roman empire, this is, in my opinion, almost in a straight line, once upon a time in the roman empire they were sentenced to death for pickpocketing, the most thefts occurred during these executions, because the most people gathered in the squares, this is such a textbook example from...
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so in what is the secret of chinese technology?
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my name is zoya, i’m from the investigative committee , the premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there ’s no dirt, not on... hope, not under the nails, i’m sure you already have a theory, yes, this is revenge, she won’t calm down, i can’t wait until all the criminals are caught, you made a mistake, all this still needs to be proven, and we will prove it, irrepressible, restless, so it was you? from monday on rtr. catch a fish, big or small. in general, the choice of place was suitable. why do people count proteins,
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fats and carbohydrates? here's my question begins. can tasty foods be healthy? let's try. useful, and it lifts your spirits , that’s for sure, a food formula, on saturday at rtr, i want to stay in moscow, of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all,
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it will be yours , then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, did you like it, who is it for... yalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid or something, i'll have to fire you, actually i don't work here, i i live here, cinderella, some kind of just home, this is generally incomprehensible, nothing, i’m still afraid or the princess, who will the prince choose, and you loved her, but rather? that's it, no, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday, nerter, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad
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is ready, explore, nature, mother , dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what... the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million drivers here mopeds, try the taste, oh , your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat away your mind, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became real about... for your master in secret to the whole world on saturday on rtr we watch love - it’s when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look,
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look, let’s look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement sign. we sign up for 1 2 three at the same time, we subscribe, we watch, we watch, maybe we’ll go to me, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier , who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours, which was together, what do you have left, they went against god, toured all the liberated territories, what is your impression? russia comes and the city lives, boris kovchevnikov’s program life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr.
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this week the russian military attacked a very sensitive series of attacks on energy infrastructure and military facilities in the rear areas of ukraine. this greatly complicates the supply of the front and depletes the combat potential of bandera. next up are reports from our military correspondents alexander sladkov, grigory vdovin and dmitry petrov. new attacks on ukrainian energy facilities caused significant damage to it. girani flew to the kiev region, and then calibers, daggers and iskanders destroyed targets in the areas of the dnepropetrovsk, pridneprovskaya, srednedneprovskaya stations and under stations prometheus and pavlogradskaya. government.
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everywhere, they can simply beat you up, like this unfortunate resident of mukachevo, what are you being timid about, what are you doing, even hitting him with your foot, the main plan is for recruitment , and it doesn’t matter who to call up, everyone is already chosen for meat, i’ll say it again, five children with disabilities of the third group, load everyone and everything into the car.
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groups of russian troops dnieper destroy armored vehicles, positions and ammunition depots of the ukrainian army on the right bank. we constantly fire daily. that according to planned goals, that disturbing, any way out is stopped by our arrival, the artillery of the west group of troops covers fire from geotsind b howitzers, this is already 152 mm, ukrainian positions in the area bordering the belgorod region, does not allow them to raise their heads. army aviation in the kupinsk area hit a stronghold and a concentration of civilians.


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