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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 5:50pm-8:00pm MSK

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we see that russian troops have seized the initiative both on the ground and in the air. the ukrainian defense is being conducted more fluidly than could be observed several weeks and months ago. this means that the ukrainian armed forces are ready to cede certain territories on a limited scale. not only are they ready, they are already giving in. in the kherson direction , crews of towed d-30 howitzers and dnepr groupings of russian troops are destroying armored vehicles, positions and ammunition depots of the ukrainian army on the right bank. fire, whether for planned purposes, whether disturbing, any of them the exit is blocked by our arrival, the artillerymen of the western group of troops cover with fire from geotsind b howitzers, this is already 152 mm, ukrainian positions in the area bordering the belgorod region, does not allow them to raise their heads. army aviation in the kupinsk area hit a stronghold and a concentration of enemy manpower. taking into account the relief and folds of the terrain. reached
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the initial landmark at an extremely low altitude, then approached the target, carried out the use of an aviation weapon of the nar skom type, retreated from the target, according to the aircraft gunners, the target was completely destroyed, but the germans need to think about why their advertised equipment cannot fight, out of almost 100 leopards delivered to ukraine, 26 have already been put out of action, which german was captured, the marder is walking like an ass on a leash, and this is a bmp, it is believed , that the armored vehicle has high firepower, good protection and high reliability, then why was this marder abandoned by the ukrainian crew, not far from avdievka, made in germany, rain metal, again german tanks with crosses on russian soil, well, guys, you did it yourself choice, come, this can also be regarded as...
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an indirect signal to nato strategists not to mind their own business, but last week president putin gave a direct and obvious signal: it is being discussed that the f-16 aircraft will be used in a special operation zone against russian troops and objects, including from the territory of nato countries, will we be allowed to hit these objects at nato airfields if they supply the f16, they are talking about this, like they are training pilots, i think you understand this, how...
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and this is us too we will have to take into account organization of combat work. putin met with helicopter pilots from the 344th center, which is based in torzhok, quite recently, on the eve of defender of the fatherland day, when he awarded their unit the order of suvorov. it is noticeable that the supreme commander has complete mutual understanding with army aviation. the president compares the military budgets of russia and the united states. the american is almost in...
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we arrive at the position, these are yet another industrial ruins that have become the leading edge, i donated my fur coat, gave him a warm fur coat, that’s it, i think, live, be happy, the pet of this mortar crew has a kennel although it was made from a fur coat, it still turned out to be under mines and surrounded by mines , look here, baba yaga flies in from time to time, but here it’s good , she can be thrown from above, you see, they are not exploded, so she can’t be thrown any closer maybe fortunately for us, the positions here are being held... by the artillery of the fifth brigade of the first donetsk army corps, the crew of the anti-tank guided missiles is setting up a point, the situation at the front is changing quickly, and the tasks facing the military personnel, respectively, too. this is the bassoon complex, a formidable weapon. rocket
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a special wire flies out of this pipe during the flight , with the help of which you can control the rocket, that is, it can be moved right and left, up and down, where exactly the rocket flies, the operator watches through a special eyepiece. the main condition for using this complex is that the target must be in line of sight. we are working together with the fighters kolos and black. ptur operators, experienced and experienced, this particular team knocked out an enemy tank here a few days ago. shot! i accepted, we are working, working. the ukrainian crew then set up the side, and such things are not forgiven here. direct hit on the tank. after the first hit, you can see how the tank is trying to turn around, it’s not possible to leave, then the gunner and commander leave the vehicle , the second hit, there is, there is one 11 cover, they ran out, ran out, but the mechanic never left the tank, detonation of the ammunition, it’s on fire, it exploded , the bc
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has moved, we not only work ourselves, the eyes also look from the sky, the connection also warns, they saw him in advance that he he was coming, they told us, we already knew that he was coming, we just... he would come out or not, we didn’t know, and we were waiting for him to go, but what do you feel at that moment, when the rocket is coming and you understand that it’s right here? the apple is coming, well, satisfaction, this is a job well done, those who left the tank, two ukrainian tank crews took refuge in this house, it’s recorded, that’s it, here they were overtaken by our kamikaze drone, and at that moment you were fighting off the comic, three, one shot down with a machine gun , from a machine gun yes... let's just say, it's quite dangerously close it turned out, well, differently, if it hadn’t worked out differently, the interview wouldn’t have happened, the drone detector warns that the komikaze is almost constantly in the air, without stopping, of course, it doesn’t say whether it’s his drone or a drone enemy, when he
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falls silent, as a rule, this means that the target is hit, so the signal disappears, the noise must be worked out, now there will be an explosion. in most positions they already seem to be losing, let’s say their mobilization resource is running out and there is nowhere to go, they are already starting to panic. with deputy commander we meet at one of the command posts, from where the situation is monitored and managed; the full power of what is called the fire impact on krasnogorovka and the main enemy fortified area, equipped at a brick factory, are visible online. the recent story with the tank was also watched live here. when the tank left, they tried to get out as the infantry component, they were suppressed, as if they had suffered great losses, but there was nowhere to go, they left as a tank, we drink tea, there is even a minute at the front line and for this, there’s a cat right there we asked about the payments, they were due in the calculation and the relevant documents had already been sent, but of course, everything that happened
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was not because of the payments at all, how can i explain the motivation to you, well, i’ll explain it like it is, my grandfather had four brothers, that is, there were five of them in the family, only one returned from the war , respectively, when in ukraine they shouted , well, i didn’t like it, the decision, of course , took a long time to mature, but in the end it came, it came, just like that, grigory vdovin, oleg makarov , gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, for weeks from the donetsk people's republic, near artyomovsk in the kleshcheevka area there are battles, we put pressure on the enemy , if possible, we move forward, everything according to plan, without assault, you know, shoot , yes, yes, the hammer, stalin, d-20, slowly, is being prepared for work. atomic cannon,
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as the nevsky brigade calls the d-20 howitzer. in the fifties, for its power, it received the nickname young stalin. there is a pestilon hanging over them, eyes hanging, eyes. look carefully guys, the gun is loaded, i took the gun, shot! all the birds need to hide from drones , we are hiding in the household of the brigade communications chief sergei kolachev with the call sign ring, this is a respected officer, yes, it’s cozy here, but you ’ve been working on this for a long time, seriously, yes, the production culture must be present. but until recently, koltso was our colleague, a correspondent
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for state television and radio broadcasting company orenburg, then he headed the museum, when in our small homeland they found out that we were filming sergei, they were happy, they said that they were proud of him, an interesting but complex history of the church of the smolensk icon of the mother of god and the village derzhavin is revealed by the exhibits of the antiquity room, look at him, he is like the director of the museum, the former director, the leader, so let’s say, everything is a museum-like approach, although he is the head of the brigade’s communications. they recaptured , did not allow a breakdown, did not allow the loss of combat control, this is the radio station of one of our fighters, he is an attack aircraft, a cultural worker, by the way, he considered it important to be here to defend the interests of our people, but he was killed by one of the fragments that pierced this radio. ..
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landscape is a big challenge for signalmen, you see, you crossed the hill, the terrain here is very difficult, and the work in such communications has disappeared, which means you need to look for technical moves, solutions, our soldiers have to do all this under enemy fire, signalmen rarely shoot, they mostly work on signalmen, we have completely different tasks, so that our fighters do not lose contact, so that our fighters do not become worn out.
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has posed so many challenges to us, and first of all in matters of communications, communications issues, uavs, rap, electronic warfare, this is a war of intelligence, motivation, battle freedom, and here we have to try very seriously, today commanders of the highest level want not only to know what is happening at the most advanced level, to hear, yes, but also to see, and who ensures this process, this process ensures and... to the defense of ukraine, which
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russian investigative authorities suspect of organizing a terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, europe stood shoulder to shoulder with the americans. everything is blamed on radical islamists, because if the guilt of the ukrainian authorities is proven, it will become clear that the european union has been supplies weapons, not only to neo-nazis. also to the terrorist state of ukraine, and macron is also going to fight for them with the help of french soldiers. from europe, our correspondent in berlin, mikhail antonov. last week , it finally dawned on macron that he had completely screwed up his initiative to send western troops to ukraine. he should have held the olympics at gunpoint, and not sent the french to the payroll. now he travels around the world, explaining to everyone what he really meant. france. this is a force for peace. france wants dialogue return to the negotiating table. but she also
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wants to say: “we are not weaklings, and that in the event of endless escalation on the part of the aggressor, at some point we will have to organize so that we do not just lament, but defend democracy and international law. it turns out that macron originally wanted to say just that, in principle, it was not weak for him to raise the stakes. but instead, he was taken literally, creating a noise of panic among the allies. even." prime minister of latvia it would seem that these people are ready for anything, but no, no troops in ukraine, let alone france's neighbors. i did not agree with macron’s words, i told him this, i am with them. disagree i believe we need to pay attention to the tone we use and we need to be careful about how certain things are marketed, in quotes. macron had to explain his tone in brazil, because he wanted to attend the brix vühr summit, where he was ultimately not allowed, and is now trying to turn russia’s partners against it separately, and at the same time push through the french nuclear energy supply to the south american
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market, which is new to it, it turned out, they are not expecting it there and are not planning to turn against russia. president macron, tell the french people that brazil does not need nuclear technology for war, we want all countries that want peace to know that brazil will stand next to them, because war does not create, war only destroys. in general, in vain, macron’s suits flew to brazil for 3.00 euros. this is exactly how much, according to lilbersion, it cost to transport the presidential wardrobe across the atlantic and back. or more correct than the royal wardrobe? it turns out this way if you accept the psychological image of macron proposed. a strange story, very similar to a provocation, happened just this week. a website was launched online, allegedly affiliated with the french ministry of defense, which was recruiting
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volunteers for the war with russia. they planned to recruit 2,000 people, priority for migrants. economically dependent on the united states and giving a century, playing into the hands of china, making us islamism a force in our south. least, a timely remark from the french
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opposition, although a number of experts believe that it is already too late. macron's brow is linked to the desire to switch. today it looks stagnant by any standards. europe is not famous for its dynamism, but by standards, the eu economy, exhausted by the energy shock, has grown by only 4% in decades; since the end of twenty-two , neither the eu nor the uk has seen any growth at all.
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the 1.3% gdp growth promised to germany for the twenty-fourth year has been adjusted by leading economic institutions, now this. that is, a recession. it is unclear whether these forecasts take into account the 11% increase in gas prices already in april, because the government is finalizing tax breaks for private and industrial consumers. farmers appeared again in the government quarter of brussels this week. a video of a battle between a police water cannon and a farmer's manure cannon has gone viral online. the latter is clearly not. the pressure of the jet was enough and the battlefield remained with the law enforcement officers, although in other places the peasants managed to achieve parity and even force the police to retreat. european farmers are not yet satisfied with the european commission's attempts to relieve pressure on the market from foreign producers. the problem is supposed to be partially solved by using
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products from russia and belarus by introducing virtually prohibitive duties. be that as it may, this will not solve the problem of ukrainian exports, which, on the contrary , enjoy gigantic benefits in the eu. the quality is junk, but the price is such that european farmers cannot afford. bloomberg wrote earlier this week about achieving some difficult compromise between participants in the european market on extending the preferential trade regime for kiev. but after this , polish foreign minister sekorski announced that the preferences for ukraine were ending. this was just a gesture of solidarity on the part of the eu, so it's time to call it a day. the signal is generally clear. for european friends, ukraine is gradually becoming a waste product. time to row for yourself in every sense. we live in the pre-war era, i'm not exaggerating, every day this is all more obvious. recently, following the united states, britain,
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canada and moldova, poland announced its withdrawal from the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. the us congress approved the sale of several hundred aircraft missiles of various classes and ranges to warsaw. the polish army is training hard with the germans and french. in addition to increasing combat readiness, large-scale nato exercises on the eastern flank of the alliance provide an opportunity to write off combat losses that foreign mercenaries and trainers are suffering in eastern ukraine. there are two here the infantrymen were accidentally run over by an armored personnel carrier, two sappers were blown up there, and a special forces soldier also died and was caught in an avalanche. a string of misfortune haunts the polish army. nayperv, our two sneakers. first , two of our soldiers died at the training ground. as a result of the accident and today, when another accident occurred, this time with explosives, this service to the republic of poland has a special meaning,
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especially when they serve in contingents somewhere far outside the country. the highest rank loss of the polish armed forces the forces of today, general adam marczak , are also particularly tragic for their suddenness. it is with deep regret that we announce the death on tuesday, march 26 of the twenty-fourth year of brigadier general adam marczak, chief of staff of the eu operations command, althea in mons. the general's unexpected death occurred due to natural causes, during his free time from duty. general marczak commanded the nato mission in bosnia, and repeatedly visited eastern ukraine, from where in recent days news has come of successful attacks by the russian army on headquarters the enemy, for example, in the area of ​​the yar clock. considering the frequency and accuracy of the arrivals, the death of the general certainly does not seem impossible. scholz are attached to nato
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weapons systems. in germany, the greens are fighting in hysterics that their weapons are not enough, that the russians are coming. if ukraine can no longer defend itself because we don't supply it with enough weapons, putin's troops will be on the ukrainian-polish border tomorrow, just 8 hours by car from berlin. ukraine, military equipment. we long for peace, yes, to support ukraine with even more i initially spoke out for the supply
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of weapons to ukraine, now i also advocate that we continue, but the honest and bitter answer is this: most likely there will be no quick happy ending. the end will be long and painful, apparently, even german voters who sympathize with the greens make this conclusion. the popularity of berboch's party is going downhill.
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which, according to his assessments, do not put germany at risk of being drawn into a direct conflict with russia, as scholz’s former party boss, chancellor, pointed out this mistake this week schroeder. putin and i have worked well together for many years, perhaps this can still help find a solution at the negotiating table, because there is no other option. i believe that it is completely wrong to forget all the positive events that happened between us in politics in the past. this is not my way. yes, i'm not like that. france and germany must take the lead. the chances that schrödr will be heard are few and far between. france and germany are now competing to see which of them is a greater
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helper and more generous donor to kiev. rare day passes without scholz remembering the 28 billion that germany spent on ukraine, so money is already a problem for the future. in the coming days, the chief of european diplomacy , barel, promises to present a plan to increase arms purchases for kiev through the european peace fund, where it is planned to send interest from the income from the use of russian assets frozen in the west. 5 billion euros have been pledged in advance for the litigation that will... follow this robbery, here before our eyes there is an example of the frankfurt prosecutor's office: this week russian businessman alisher usmanov filed a lawsuit against two of its high-ranking employees, who slandered usmanov, opened a case against him out of nowhere, conducted searches and seizures of property in his houses, and then all this was declared illegal by a german court, now it’s time for overly proactive prosecutors to answer for
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their actions, and usmanov’s lawyers... may well ruin their lives until the very end. europe is strict with arbitrariness and abuse of power, and this is exactly the thin ice that the european commission is trying to tread on. the soles are already very hot, it’s difficult to back up, so for now they are stalling until the next eu summit. at the last meeting in brussels, belgian prime minister droz demanded that the plan to steal russian money be legally bulletproof. obviously, this is impossible to achieve.
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russian version of the ukrainian trace, stated literally the following. isis bears full responsibility for this attack. the united states will continue to remain vigilant and alert the authorities of other countries, regardless of our relationship with them, if we have information about the terrorist threat. my uncle often said: the best manure salesmen often carry samples in their mouths. russian officials seem to be pretty good salesmen of manure. official representative of mit russia. zakharova responded to john kirby in her characteristic ironic manner. there are no such proverbs in russian, because they carry things in their mouths not here, but overseas. but there is our saying. whoever is in pain talks about it. by the way, it now becomes clear why the expression “to wash one’s” is common in the states mouth out with soap. however, it’s not only john kirby who should wash his mouth with soap in the usa; it’s
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the height of the election campaign there right now. the company and the candidates are throwing so much dirt at each other that there is not enough soap for everyone. about what is happening in the usa, our correspondent, valentin bogdanov. joe biden's failures from a to z, or rather, from a to g, to this letter, until republican congressman brian mast got to his alphabet of failures of the democratic president. he started in afghanistan, where he himself served. b) is a crisis on the border, c is crime, d is a swollen national debt. while america is not at all reached the point, mast suggests that she quickly file for a divorce from biden. the biden administration is once again telling the american people: don't believe your eyes and what you see in front of you, they are literally denying what was right in front of them, and then refused to look me in the eye when they realized they were caught red-handed, well, it’s impossible not to watch, the ratings are flashing red. biden is already four points behind trump, 43 to 39 and ahead. how
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bad the polls have gotten for joe biden, new reports suggest he's so angry extent that he shouted and cursed at his advisers during a january meeting about poor ratings in michigan and georgia. biden is also furious after being told states he narrowly won in 2020 are slipping through his fingers over his handling of the gas crisis. biden lashes out at aides obama is angry at biden. many in washington are confident that...
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the closed doors of the white house dining room, which the press has been reporting on and off lately, were not enough. biden a difficult case, and obama came out of the shadows. the level of guardianship is clearly visible in these shots at the new york airport, so that the elderly colleague does not become embarrassed, the former boss pushes him with his hand towards the door of the limousine; the beast itself sits down next to him on the other side.
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was a symbol of economic recovery. obama, before the arab spring and snowden's revelations about total surveillance, was mistakenly taken as a symbol of freedom, only biden, who simply had no strength left to pretend, immediately began to personify where everything was going and coming. ladies and gentlemen, presidents the united states came not only to share popularity, but also to raise money. a record $25 million fell into the democratic party's treasury.
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what's at stake in this election? i think it's our democracy. this guy denies global warming, he wants to take away cooking: breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert, power xl is just a waffle treat for the whole family, by the way, it's also something made from mothballs, but biden is publicly coping for your ideal waffles and more, manufacturer's recommended price waffle irons 79.95 but you will get your original power xl woffle star at an unbeatable price, whatever anyone wants, if they don't pay their dues, the rest of the world is wondering what the hell is going on with the usa, i guess the gift is you get the brilliant power xl recipe booklet from the celebrity chef, but hurry, strogon offer if he wins again,
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at this very time cityhall radio and maria suit at the lowest price for only 9.95 country, fuck biden, fuck and maria's costume is suitable as a home clothes. and for walks in the fresh air in the cool period, an expanded size range from the forty-sixth conflict, yugoslavia and samali near clinton, syria and libya and burgundy. take advantage of this incredible offer. call and order a warm maria suit for only 995. from the back inexpensive rows in the seated stage , private curses were sent over the heads of vip guests, american style suitable for men and women. the material of the boots is waterproof. from the nose there is resistant fabric, it is not afraid of splashing, the reason is the involvement of the states in the ukrainian conflict, so the speaker of congress, republican mike johnson, received a call this week from the kiev call center, from bank street, a man in camouflage, nord for only 995. you dream of a stage
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, you believe in your strength, russia-1 tv channel and good, that there are those who can sober up a little, if the war lasts long enough, odessa will also fall. whether ukraine will lose access to the black sea or not, that, in my opinion, is the main question. i recommend settling it through negotiations before this happens. elon musk, by the way, officially announced that they would support republicans in the elections. he also left california because the state was mired in crime under the democrats. and this is new york, green and blue police flags, hundreds of patrol officers, young. officer jonathan diller, who was shot and killed by repeat offender guy rivera, is being buried. the policeman tried to check the documents and was shot under his bulletproof vest. rivera was arrested 21 times;
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he walked free because he was again released on bail. liberal new york prosecutors are lenient with krassov's infringement, as are the authorities in general. a that means he will understand everything, i'm sure. it was not he who was not allowed on the doorstep, unlike donald trump, who specially flew to the wake halfway across the country. i flew in from florida, the family is wonderful.
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trump got it for starting to sell bibles. believers were especially outraged by the american flag on the cover and the motto god bless the united states. he desecrated the bible by not writing about himself and the united states, when... it was about god, jesus. the bible is clear that
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we must not add to or take away from god's word from deuteronomy. this sacrilege, blasphemy, desecration of the bible. well, here again, for whom it depends. he's just a good businessman, he found a way to earn $60 for selling a book that is free in every hotel room. moreover, the businessman, despite all the ridicule of his opponents, is successful. bloomberg lists trump in its top 500 for the first time in history . donald trump's personal wealth has skyrocketed over the past week, at least on paper, thanks to his social media company going public on monday. on the first day of trading the company soared to a valuation of $8 billion. shares of trump's new company have exploded. this is simply amazing. shares of the social network truth began trading on tuesday under trump's initials djt and are selling. like hot cakes, success in matters of protestant ethics does not
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contradict, on the contrary, what really scares democrats is the unity of republicans who see trump not even as a politician, but as a shepherd. at the moment, this organization is not even a political party, it is more like a church named after donald trump, because officially it dedicated to the final and complete spiritual worship of trump, to put everything that remains of the party apparatus. to obank on a potential criminal who pretended to be jesus while selling trump bibles during holy week. it’s scary to think who biden is pretending to be, since he officially proclaims easter sunday as transgender day, and the children of the military, who were invited to the annual easter egg rolling ceremony in the white house, were forbidden to draw any religious images. it's an absolute disgrace that joe biden.
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40% of americans don't trust biden or trump, we need someone else, literally, my name is literally anyone else, and i'm running for president. the teacher from texas has everything officially, a new name, a new id and a new life in big american politics, which, however, still revolves around a table on the sidewalk in front of the hockey arena. hello gentlemen, i'm running for president, how are you doing? dallas stars fans smiled, some even signed, but the other’s mission is more difficult than winning with a team from a yard box.
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usa, this is the news of the week, further in the program. unknown afghan, sergei zenin, from the most dangerous place in kabul, a dirty market, but why is it better for europeans not to come here? why do afghans value pigeons so much? china takes to the skies, world's first flying electric car, electric ice. the light of chinese technology and the new breath of bama, how the rails stubbornly cut the taiga, now yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk, alexander ragatkin about the grandiose construction on permafrost. you won't see
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any tears on his face, that doesn't mean he's not in pain. frank statements. and rare footage, we are interested in who the customer is, presidential week, a special look that putin himself recorded for the widows of the heroes, and also pavel, you are asking a very correct question, for what reasons can the president’s car be returned, who with such a commanding voice, write , write. and what do these images from the kremlin mean? we reflect big politics better than others. a lot of things are not there, but you have it all. moscow, kremlin, putin. let's look immediately after the news of the week. on rtr.
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if you dream of a stage and believe in yourself, the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in an international popular music competition. new wave: registration, submission of online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights.
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today is the event of the year. premiere on rtr, this is my first, real case, are you serious now, yes, you will be an investigator, evgeniy pronin, you love me, how can i tell you, if a man hasn’t proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to be changed, anna artova, i called all my friends, they’re nowhere to be found, my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, oh boy, here we go. zoya is my university friend, this is not at all what you thought, vadim andreev, your children will be found, i will definitely find them.
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how are things at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, reliably, there are eight vehicles, and we have only one car in our house, the second tank has flown in from vkropsky, the hero of russia will be on tour, we all today, to the end, what image of victory he has for you, will destroy.
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in the implementation of your idea of ​​​​transferring children for a while to other regions, and you
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see how all your colleagues, governors responded, thank you, teachers, parents for organizing this work, we are calm that these are children from the closest regions who are exposed to risks, shelling, they are now in safe places, they will be given attention, the president...
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not as strong as we thought, as always, and then there was a strong roar, through time, of course, we realized that the arrival was here,
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because there was a targeted house, as if it rose up and fell , almost 500 residential premises were damaged from these ukrainian shelling in the belgorod region, most of them in the last 3 months, the number of partially or completely destroyed cars it is impossible to record, the data changes every day, it comes from vampires and... anxiety, it acts quickly, experience takes its toll. the regional center is divided into districts , each sector assigned to contractors
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. there is a standard: 7 days for restoration of the thermal circuit. now, of course, it’s hard for builders; work is often stopped by the danger of a missile attack. it’s scary, to be honest, it’s scary, well , if anything happens, we try to react immediately, run into entrances, basements, shelters, we try to be careful. creation versus destruction. there are houses being restored for the third and fourth time, they are still on the line of fire. during the day, the city is already being attacked with drones. in this panel, the uav planned to get into an apartment on the fourth floor. perish.
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the most important thing now is to do the maximum to preserve people’s lives and health. and the first thing that was done was to send children from the border areas and the regional center to children's holiday camps. 3.00 schoolchildren travel all over russia on trains and buses. for now for 3 weeks, but if the situation does not improve, then until the end of the school year. in belgorod itself , the warning system for the approach of ukrainian missiles and drones is constantly being improved. controllers are being installed in the entrances of residential buildings; when there are alarms, they open the doors inside you can hide, concrete shelters are being installed all over the city. now this is one of the symbols of the architecture of modern belgorod, such mobile concrete shelters have appeared near public transport stops, shopping centers, schools, clinics, there are more and more of them, and this is very good, these are traces of fragments of detonated ammunition, people
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managed to take refuge inside. the recording from street cameras on... shows how all this is happening, after hearing the alarm signal, drivers of regular buses and passengers brake nearby they run into the shelter, people stop their cars and rush under the protection of concrete modules, these structures really save lives, and then, as soon as the air defense works, belgorod residents rush on about their business while emergency services rush to the places of arrival, so here they live in a dangerous neighborhood with ukraine, people’s nerves are, of course, on edge, but they don’t give up, they encourage each other and help each other. belgorod,
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speaker of the lower house vyacheslav bolodin noted that there is now enormous consolidation in russian society, which is exactly what they wanted strike terrorists. terrorists and those who stand behind them, and this is the bloody regime of ukraine, washington, brussels, hope that through such terrorist attacks they will be able to split our society, sow discord and hostility on an interethnic basis. we need to do everything so that you and i become even stronger. loud corruption scandal. among those detained is igor khranovsky, director of the department of
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socio-economic development of the north caucasus federal district, ministry of economic development of russia. all the details our correspondent bulat shakiev is doing well. in the workshops of the plant, which is located in the picturesque valley of the caucasian minerals. there is silence; highly qualified specialists paint the floor instead of servicing complex robotic equipment. this is our job, at least somehow we need to feed the family with something. so, for 2 months now, employees of the company that bottles the healing water of novaterskaya have been going to work only twice a week, they are not counting on the same salary, many are quitting, and they have nothing to pay off their loans. on this assembly line they bottle one and a half liter format , first they make bottles from a mold, and then... they carbonate mineral water, then they pour it into containers, and a little further on they stick a label, so this is a complex scheme, capable of producing almost 200,000 bottles per day, but as you can see , now everything
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is standing here, the problems began after some influential people set their sights on the enterprise and tried to seize a profitable business, now not only the plant itself is suffering losses, but also the regional treasury, only the budget has lost at least direct taxes in the region there... in 2 months, but the situation should change soon; this week details of the high-profile arrest of accomplices became known, who, according to the investigation, may be involved in the raider takeover. director of the department of social and economic development of the north caucasus federal district of the ministry of development igor khranovsky was handcuffed by fsb officers at his workplace in the moscow city office. according to the ministry of internal affairs, he was in collusion with entrepreneurs and contributed to the termination of actions. licenses from the plant in mineral waters the attackers have repeatedly demanded that a 50% stake in this enterprise worth 70 million rubles be transferred to them. under threat of violence against
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the deputy director of the company. investigators call businessman and academician of the russian academy of sciences vladimir kaishev the initiator of this scheme. his residence, more like a palace, was searched, inside there is a royal interior, gilding throughout, a formal dining room with a marble floor. pompous tabletops and tables, tall columns with monograms, a two-story living room with panoramic views and a fireplace, there are antiques everywhere, thick wads of money in different currencies all over the place. the fleet of premium foreign cars, a luxury bentley car, and a red lexus deserves special attention. among the confiscated documents there is also a first french brand pen, its price is about 100,000 rubles. many people know vladimir kaishev as an enterprising manager, just like that. pensioned himself on his own website, he says to himself that he went from the son of a tractor driver to a scientist, first worked in the soviet twest of restaurants, then headed the fruit and vegetable base, in 1994 he became the general director of the distillery in mineral
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waters, and also headed the government of karachay-cherkessia, but apparently he did not have enough power and money. kaeshev wanted recognition of his merits not only among businessmen; he became an academician. after being awarded the honorary title, he was greeted at the airport with caviar applause. here is just one of the publications about a joyful event in the life of vladimir kaishev, the headline is not modest, local journalists call the businessman their own plato, they say the comparison with ancient greek philosophers, then the businessman really liked it, kaishev retired as a very wealthy man, he has his own agricultural holding, a dairy plant and even a hippodrome, we decided to ask why he still needed a mineral bottling plant. where they know exactly who vladimir kaishev is, and so in this hotel in esintuki, its owner and co-manager, suddenly the defendant’s namesake, tamara, presumably his wife, we tried
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to talk to her, where is your hostess, how long has she been seen here on site , we do not comment we give, but the most interesting asset is the mineral water sanatorium 2, which is located next to the very enterprise where mineral water is bottled, the local media have repeatedly talked about how everyone enjoys it. tried to interfere with the work of the plant in various ways, even blocked the road, for this he allegedly bought a plot of land, registered his wife, installed barriers and security, trucks with water were breaking up access roads, local residents. as expected, this was not appreciated, it is beshtaogorskaya street and is not subject to privatization, you alone came here and said, i here is the owner, at some point the road was completely destroyed, then the production of mineral water also had to be suspended, a section of this road is clearly visible because of the remaining columns, here was the barrier, which was then removed, we had to build a new road, together with vladimir kaishev, the owner evgeniy kudelya, a former adviser, also felt at home on this land. head of korochaev of cherkessia, director
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of the mineral water 2 sanatorium, he was also arrested. i will defend the innocence of all three defendants in the criminal case, the court sent the official of the ministry of economic development and trade igor khranovsky, the businessman and academician of the russian academy of sciences vladimir kaishev and the director of the sanatorium evgeniy kudelya to pre-trial detention for 2 months, judging by the scope of their activities , new episodes may appear in the case. polchakiev, dmitry smirnov, evgeny radaev, news of the week, stavropol territory. interesting fact. to think about, after the americans left afghanistan 2 and a half years ago and the taliban came to power , the islamic terrorist group banned in russia also fled from afghanistan state. the head of the taliban political office in qatar, suheil shaheen, stated this in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus sitholi. at the moment, we have destroyed isis in afghanistan. previously, during the occupation, they were present in the eastern and northern parts.
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used when necessary, in syria, iraq, afghanistan, and wherever the americans needed it to wreak havoc. our correspondent, sergei zenin, is now in afghanistan and is preparing a series of reports about life in the country under the government talibov. his new character right now. the right bank of the kabul river, clean pavements, neat shopping arcades, but the prices are steep, so rich and educated people come here, such as david, a young businessman, fluent in three foreign languages, who studied in kazakhstan and pakistan. 3 years in plans.
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the coast is the size of an entire microdistrict, but essentially a gloomy world living by its own rules. until the eighties of the last century, the border between the rich people of kabul and the poor ran here. look on the left what beauty. those who had good incomes dressed and bought food here. on the right are those who had practically no money. since then , the right side has gotten worse and worse, and now. called a dirty market, at the entrance
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there is a man in rags, the feeling that he has been begging under this fence all his life , trying to sell some old stuff. well , what did i think, you would think the same thing, a man sells electric razors, nothing like that, guys, this cape, i sit here, and they will give me a luxurious hairstyle, this is a hairdresser. stylist, abdullah says that there is little work now , the weather is crucial for his open-air barber shop, he used to be a master in a women’s hairdressing salon, but all the salons for kabul beauties were closed, and abdullah ended up on the street, there are many such destinies here, i was born here for 50 years, then alone in power, then others, constantly beating each other, there is always a civil war, well, now there is no war, but there is no work, and there is no bread.
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we start our trip to the market from a restaurant, this is the best way to establish contact with the locals, i work, they will give me something extra, they will give me more, on the street it’s quite cold now, it’s snowing, and i’ve already asked for more, a very tasty dish, i can’t deny myself this pleasure. oh, yes, shakur, the smell is amazing, they cook a very tasty afghan dish here, called chuinaki, this is fat tail,
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costumes, but whoever orders them, everyone around is poor. weekdays, not friday, today is a day off, there are so many people here that it is simply impossible to walk through the market. today it is
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half empty, now it will be completely empty, you hear the call to friday prayer sounds, this is sacred, trade stops. need to take time for your soul, and this is a prerequisite, try, don’t close, the talip convoy will come next time and close the store, you’ll be in prison. akhmat was born in these slums and lives, he has not heard of better times. he doesn’t have a store, it’s not immediately clear what this man warming himself by the fire does for a living. traders periodically approach him.
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literally everyone except these, representatives of the sharia court, the personification of power on the street, are both judges and the law, they must instill fear, and this is not bad for them it turns out, look how the crowd parted. there is no square in front of the mosque, just this little spot where you can leave your shoes. before our eyes , several hundred people entered the painting hall; there was no crowd. we are still most afraid of explosions. previously, very often there were terrorist attacks every week. i even closed my shop and didn’t go to work for several months. now there are fewer explosions and things have become calmer. our guide to afghanistan, oleg ivanovich gontsov,
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fought for 7 years as part of the legendary fifty -kopeck unit of the 350th parachute regiment. the fighters of this formations, among others, completed the most difficult task during the war. they ensured the safe, loss-free exit of the last columns of soviet troops from afghanistan. oleg ivanovich knows this country like the back of his hand, which is why he did not immediately agree to take us to the dirty kabulul market. this is the most dangerous place in kabul , there are practically no foreigners here. there are a lot of those who are punished according to the karan , and they have their own, let’s say, power, their own.
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and continues the steel dynasty, to buy or sharpen a knife, people come to him from all over kabulula. i can make any knife, any knife, from the best steel, sharpen and polish it, and it will last a lifetime. a habit from donbass, well, just in case, the so-called argument should always be with you. can you sharpen it for me? cool, perfect sharpening. phew, wow, i can shave, 9 dollars for such a chic thing. 9 dollars is 900 rubles, but you understand, yes, what kind of steel is here,
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the whole ton of a kilogram and a half, 900 rubles. i 'll take it, i'll take this wonderful knife and i'll take your wonderful tachilo, provided what do you say, what is your name? the main street of the dirty market is a bird market, everything from parrots to chickens, fighting cocks and partridges, a lot of pigeons, afghans love them very much, prices vary, from 1.00 rubles to 200.000, and what is so special about them, why are they so expensive, and why do cars cost differently, you haven’t thought, but there are expensive ones, there are cheap ones, the same with pigeons, a good one is always expensive, beak, eyes, posture, legs, harmony, everything is important in a pigeon. everything costs money, we quickly agreed with the merchant that he would show us his most
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expensive pigeons, warned that we would need to go high into the mountains, to kishlak, said that we would not see such birds anywhere else, especially here in the market, this particular street, they only sell birds here, and i’m not very good at it i’m looking into it, but i see that there are absolutely rare specimens. it’s clear who will buy them, only their own , so they don’t end up on the foreign market, but in general you can buy absolutely everything here, knives can be perfectly sharpened at the same time, and even weapons, but no one will show you this, everything is between their own, afghanistan, we are happy to leave the dirty market, nothing happened, but a strange feeling of danger constantly haunted us while we were here. and the huge half-empty square seemed like a saving island to all of us.
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well, look how far i’ll walk now, well, probably now 10 m, 15, 20, and so on for another 500 m forward, all these are exchange offices, you can buy absolutely any currency, yens, rubles, dollars, francs, swiss francs, whatever. this has always been the case for decades, in this sense nothing is changing. by the way, the ruble exchange rate is very good; it is more profitable to change here than in moscow. russian work, very beautiful, northern union socialist republic, but good. where did you learn russian, in afghanistan, etc.
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his personal pigeon coop, the sound inside is just some kind of magic, it really relieves any stress, the afghans are very passionate, a flock of birds worth the cost of an expensive car, now flies not only for the pleasure of the owner , the birds are on a mission, a hunt is underway, is there? and here’s another part of the excitement: you can catch a stranger, he
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joins the pack, then lure him in catch. will live for another week in a cage, will be part of the flock, the owner of the stranger will come , will pay for him, there is something in this , good, yes, excellent, the view of kabul is not annoying at all, from a bird's eye view, and even in such beautiful weather , this is a huge, very beautiful city, all the contrasts begin there, below, and there are even more of them outside.
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afghanistan. to be continued. this is the news of the week. next in the program. the world's first mass-produced flying electric car, electric ice, is taking to the skies in china. so what is the secret of chinese technology? and a new breath bama, how the rails stubbornly cut the taiga. now from yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk. alexander ragatkin. you won’t see tears on his face, that doesn’t mean he’s not in pain, frank statements, i’ll tell you a little secret and rare footage,
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we’re interested in who the customer is, presidential week. a special look that putin himself recorded the widows of the heroes, and also pavel, you are asking a very correct question, for what reasons can the president’s car be turned back, who with such a commanding voice, write, and what do these shots from the kremlin mean, we reflect big politics, there are many things better than others. no, but you have it all, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look right after the news of the week on rtr, happy birthday to you, blow it out, on saturday, after graduation you
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fly to italy, and i finish my business here and... “i’ll join you, if you knew where you’d lose it, dad, dad, little darling, if you knew where you’d find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, did you actually love him, mom, so, from this moment in more detail, come with me, i i can provide for you, i want to provide for you. we’ve only known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me, life doesn’t give us any clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think , there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all, to play or not to play , yes, yes
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, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting obviously, just to have a look, let's go , it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what used by many, the most...
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why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch. you are beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will love you immediately. sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl from the outskirts, shut up. misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat, and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want
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to have an abortion, he will understand everything, i am sure this is not his child, and he will always know this, tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia comes and the city lives, boris’s program. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. zoya, can i invite you to dinner? premiere on rtr. i
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’m with roman, this is the one who never married you in 7 years, my girl. you didn't want a family, i lied. do you love them? do you remember how many years have passed? i know you feel the same way as me right now. indomitable, restless from monday on rtr. china has announced plans to launch mass production of the world's first flying electric car, the electric ice car. in general , the achievements of the chinese automobile industry are impressive.
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there's a lot of technology that you don't see in cars today, like the see-through screen at the front, and there's a lot of carbon fiber work and aircraft-grade seats. officially it is called evtol, that is, electric ice, vertical take-off and landing. in china , there is a real battle between developers, who will be ahead of whom in technology in obtaining certificate for flights, there are no technical regulations yet, but the same air taxis are already flying in the middle kingdom. here everything is controlled by an autopilot, the task for which is set by the operator of the control center. in the cockpit there are three displays, two - this is an information board, here is all
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the information about the flight, altitude, angle, position in space, well, the third monitor, here the route is built. well, from the propeller, either a helicopter, or an electric car with propellers, there are eight of them, but whatever one may say, it’s still a drone, just with a cabin for... a passenger, here this is already a car on wheels, you can drive it if you want, you can fly if you want. when folded , the blades are stored in the back of the car , in fact, that’s why it’s so long, 6 m, well , it looks, of course, like something out of a science fiction movie, but not long ago even an ordinary autopilot in a car seemed like a fantasy; in beijing now there are such taxis without drivers, the autonomous driving system is often generally included in the basic configuration of chinese electric cars, copes with catching in traffic in... great place, the car chose itself
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for parking, i don’t like it, smart chinese cars haunt the united states. biden accused them of potential espionage, requesting an immediate investigation from the ministry of trade; in china this was called unfair competition, especially since before that the states were indignant that chinese electric cars were more affordable before... europe was against this, but the attacks did not prevent china from becoming a world leader leader in car exports. last year there were 5 million almost 300 thousand cars alone. in the mobile application, the buyer sets the parameters of his future car, assembling it like a construction set. body color, interior material, what wheels and other functions. after the order is generated, it is in the system, and it begins to be assembled instantly, resulting in a custom-made car. if 10 years ago they were entirely clones of famous car brands, but with technical characteristics and quality of materials that left much to be desired, today chinese cars have their own identity. at this
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car plant, he is responsible for it. malkul, a young turkish designer, worked for mercedes at fiat before moving to guanjo. perhaps it all started here with copying, but now in china they are creating things that look very modern, and the world is switching to chinese brands, which we can make cheaper. their team is completely international and has a desire to create a dream car based on the most advanced technologies. the head of the people's republic of china, shizen ping, also set this task when he also... visited this factory, the place where he stood is marked here with a red dot, next to it is a concept made of clay, the first chinese supercar began with the same thing, acceleration to hundreds 1.9 seconds. the car's power is provided by three motor, their total power is 1,200 horsepower, here only manual assembly. the supercar is assembled
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manually on a so-called smart island by one machine. per day, tires and wheels, like an airplane and a body made of hydrocarbon fiber, the battery is the main thing in any electric car, and here we also have our own production. we invest a lot of money in the production of rechargeable batteries ; for example, we invested $10 billion in another plant of ours, because this is an area that is constantly developing, capacity and power are increasing, technologies are developing rapidly. battery manufacturers from canr have already borrowed at 60%. growing global market and many well-known automakers in europe now also buy batteries in china, there is no question of where and how to charge the car, all parking lots are equipped with chargers, and there is also a station for not just charging, but for instant battery replacement, for example, for ordinary city taxis, they drive onto the lift, the battery is changed automatically in a couple of minutes. electric cars in china are not made by lazy car factories. and such in
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china, no, phone manufacturers have already gotten involved, here is the first model from xiaomi, it was the fiercest competition that led to the rapid growth of the entire industry and government injections. in pursuit of reducing harmful emissions, the authorities subsidized the purchase of electric vehicles and robotized all production. at this automobile plant alone , a new car rolls off the assembly line every 53 seconds, and in general the entire production cycle of a car from a sheet of iron to a finished unit is 16. it is not surprising that over the entire last year the entire chinese automobile industry produced more than 30 million cars, a world record, now the chinese want to put it in the air, they promise to launch a series of flying electric cars next year, it remains to decide on the category of rights. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news of the week from china. russia in 2023 entered the top five fastest growing economies, among the
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largest countries. this follows from an analysis of data from national statistical services conducted by the ria novosti agency. the russian economy grew by 3.6%, which fully compensates for the decline of the year before last by 1.2%. india's economy has advanced the most, accelerating from 7.2 to 7.3%. next comes china with growth of 5.2% after 3% a year earlier. the top three is completed. nezia, whose gdp increased by 5.1%. turkey grew by 4.5% last year. the situation is worst in europe. in britain the growth is only 0.1%, in france and italy 0.9. in germany there is simply a decline, a downward movement of 0.3%. against this background , russian indicators are simply brilliant. and we continue to work. on tuesday, the chairman.
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government mikhail mishustin held meeting on the development of shipbuilding. the industry suffered seriously from anti-russian sanctions, but they coped with the difficulties and the state helped. under the conditions of sanctions , the industry, of course, faced the most serious challenges; all foreign ships that were involved in the transportation of russian goods left our transport services market, which simply required an early update to build up the domestic fleet. in the long term. until 2037, construction of over 1,700 units in the civil segment is envisaged, but in the area of ​​special attention of the government for the development of the northern... sea route, to ensure year-round navigation , we are systematically expanding the icebreaker fleet, and you know, in the coming years it will be replenished with five more nuclear-powered ships, one of them is russia, which will become the lead one within the framework of a unique
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project leader. this year the baikal-amur mainline celebrates 50 years since the start of construction. the transport system continues to develop to this day. this year is in the plans. complete the new bama branch, pacific railway, 531 km of new railway track from the elgin coal deposit in yakutia to the shore of the sea of ​​okhotsk, where a new port is being built. about the people who lay the bam. report by alexander rogatkin. tons of explosives lift up layers of rock. as soon as the coal dust settles, eh. excavators are usually wheeled, tracked, walking, but at the elginsky coal mine in yakutia there is a completely unique, singing excavator,
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be happy, while i am unfortunately not ready, so let others be happy, be happy unfortunately, i'm not ready yet.
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it is this type of coal that most metallurgical plants in the world operate on, and it is this kind of coal that is now most in demand in southeast asia. the country has huge reserves of coal, but we mine it 10 times less. than china, the whole problem is that it is not possible to export all the coal, and bam and transip are overloaded, trains stand for hours, waiting in line. russia doesn’t produce even close to the volumes that china produces, that’s all, why? but
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because there is no opportunity to master deposits, there is no transportation, there is no way to remove this coal, if we produce 400 million, and china produces 3 billion 600, the middle kingdom buys another billion tons. in other countries, our country exports only 200 million tons, there is room for improvement, so russian coal miners decided to build their own railway, coal deposits are developing very actively and the volume of transported coal is growing more and more every year, accordingly the development of the bama is necessary , for now, well no they have such opportunities, we help with our investments. how can bama make his own additional branch in private hands , thereby increasing the carrying capacity, this is how the rails are laid on the northern branch of bama, the pacific railway,
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300 km of track have already been laid here, this road will pass in yakutia from the elga coal deposit through the mountains of the stanovoy range to sea of ​​okhotsk. it will appear at cape manorsky. a modern coal terminal, in fact it is a new russian port with several berths, it is already receiving ships with equipment, an icebreaker recently arrived, with its help the port of lga will become year-round, about 80% of the port facilities have already been filled there, simultaneous work is underway on three berths , it is calling at the fourth berth, at the moment, another berth has been built for receiving cargo . the railway is being built by two brigades facing each other, and there are 200 km left from the field and from the port itself. by the end of the year they should make a start-up. the first train, and this is the most ordinary crutch - which was used
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on the pama, when we meet with another brigade on the other side, we will hammer this crutch together. the builders of the pacific railway came to yakutia from the kaliningrad region, from one side of russia to the other, to make these regions much closer. the weather here is very cold , unstable, constant frosts, what is the record? there was a record with me, the biggest was -72 right here right here right here, yes 72 it was, you can just freeze solid and not tear it off, well, we are all strong guys, russian guys, so we’re all professionals, we are all masters of our craft , we work hard, and we manage to cope with nothing, but the technicians can withstand it, people understand, the russian people can withstand it everywhere , the technology can’t withstand it, and the technology can’t withstand it, it stops, doesn’t work , everything breaks, hoses break, well, nothing. sometimes we manage without equipment;
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diesel locomotives are already running along the laid track, delivering equipment, fuel, building materials, rails and sleepers. this is the storehouse of our homeland, here is the entire periodic table, but it is very difficult, try to get it and take it out of here. machinist sergei khadygin from the amur region, he’s no stranger to frost, he just says don’t turn off the diesel locomotive, otherwise it’ll freeze completely and won’t start. and this is where it gets interesting.
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after the imposition of sanctions, components along with a diesel generator from general electric were no longer supplied to russia, but at the bryansk machine-building plant, well, it was designed specifically for... bama because of the topography of bama itself, there are a lot of curved serpentines, from -40 to + 50, in no way inferior to western technologies, and in many respects superior to them, 12 newest locomotives in total,
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scale over the past few decades, this is the most ambitious project in the world when a private shareholder, realizing that the development of the field requires carrying capacity, uses his own funds. non-borrowed, he decided on such construction,
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from yakutia, the pacific railway has already arrived in the khabarovsk territory, the head of the region is considering a grandiose construction project from an airplane window, recalls that the project was actually drawn on a napkin during the st. petersburg economic forum only 3 years ago. there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction. and we get it. already at the end of next year at the beginning of the twenty-fifth road port with a total capacity of 50 million tons per year. for comparison, all the ports of vanin and the soviet harbor today load 40 million a year. the railway is laid manually, without using a real-laying train, so as not to wait for all the embankments to be made and the bridges to be built.
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that is, we meet the standards, everything there, of course, is still far from the komsomol volunteers bam, the builder of the pacific ocean road. in august 1984, the team of the famous alexander bonder set a world record for the speed of laying railway tracks, almost 5.5 km per day. but the shock workers of capitalist labor are still great, they are trying. there was more enthusiasm in another country, everything was patriotic , everything was, well now, now everything is a little different , now we are working, well, they pay normal wages here, wages are very good, there ’s not even a conversation here, they pay normal, very normal, development lginsky coal deposit is just an example
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modern development of remote russian territories with the help of private investments, the project is successful from all sides and we will replicate this... experience, the next project could be the development of the melkansky railway deposit, it is here, literally a few hundred kilometers from the deposit to the port of elga, the next stage the company can begin its development, if this happens, then the largest mining and metallurgical plant will appear here, for now there is only... and soon there will be direct flights from moscow,
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irkutsk and novosibirsk. 2 years ago there was just a swamp where equipment drowned in the summer. the main task is to scoop out this frozen swamp and replace the soil with a rock cushion. the thickness of the permafrost cushion is almost 6 m. 12,000 concrete slabs were laid on top. laying was carried out with a deviation accuracy of plus or minus 3 mm tolerance. it is planned to make the coal miners' camp permanent over time. build a school, kindergarten, hospital. the bakery and dairy shop have already opened and are bottling for employees they started making yoghurts and kefir, even cheeses. after training in the gym, there are continuous benefits for the body in such a climate, so gradually the uninhabited areas of russia become quite suitable for life. like an old frigate, across
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the seas, over the waves where even steel cables crack, i will find my happiness. especially for the news of the week from yakutia and the khabarovsk territory, well, that’s all for today, with that we say goodbye, all the best and see you next sunday, a little later sunday evening with vladimir solovyov, right now moscow, kremlin, putin. you won't see any tears on his face, that doesn't mean he's not in pain. a frank statement, i’ll tell you a little secret, and rare footage. president's week - a special look. good evening, it has been
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a busy week as the president continued to receive reports on the progress of the investigation into the horrific terrorist attack in korokus. cover about all the measures that are now being taken. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed, vladimir putin said at a meeting on monday: “we are interested in who the customer is, to whom it is profitable, who was waiting for the criminals in ukraine ." there are many questions, but it is also clear that this act of intimidation failed. the terrorists failed to sow panic and discord in our society. in the middle of the week, vladimir putin arrived in the zür region. in the dump, the president talked with residents. held met with cultural workers, visited the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense, where he talked with military pilots and in the homes of russian heroes who died during a special operation. at the meeting with the pilots , many important statements were made about russia’s lack of aggressive intentions, the
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danger of jingoism, and what awaits f-16 fighters if they are delivered to ukraine. hello, we also have a lot of new announcements today. peskov’s unfrank words about how the president experiences tragedies like the terrorist attack in crocus. the criminals who directly committed this massacre, as you know, have been arrested. on the other side they wanted to be greeted as heroes, we are interested in who the customer is, the head of state lets such tragedies pass completely through himself, believe me, if you don’t see tears on his face, it doesn’t mean that he’s not in pain, and what he’s going through is unlikely to ever be understood by anyone , including you and me, despite our universal pain, it’s legitimate desire to punish all the perpetrators of this brutal crime, the investigation must be carried out in a highly professional, objective manner, without any political bias, so that the criminals receive fair
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punishment, as required by russian law. of course, we need to answer the question why terrorists, after committing crimes tried to go to ukraine, who was waiting for them there? the united states, through various channels , is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data , there is a trace of kiev.
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neo-nazi kiev regime, the nazis , who have been fighting our country with their hands for years , are well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals, especially all...
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and so on, of course, golikova reported to the president in the morning about the victims many hundreds, but the absolute majority succeeded
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help, the ambulances and air ambulances worked so quickly , this quick response, they did their job, and we see how little by little people come to their senses with the help of our doctors, we must definitely take control. all people who need support, because different life situations occur, analyze everything related to these terrible crimes, be sure to help people, approach this informally, and then in the morning, not early in the morning, but just work in the morning continued, and the meeting, the president is constantly, as they say, sitting on the remote control, that is , the leaders, primarily at that time of the law enforcement agencies, contacted him directly via direct communication and reported to him about how the preparations were being made... how the detention took place , well, that is , she passed that night without any sleep at all, of course, and there’s an appeal there too, most likely it
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was also not even accepted by that time, no, no, well, at such moments it’s actually not enough for anyone, especially head of state, there are no changes, there 11 people, yes, they detained, we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people, we are interested in who is the customer, who benefits from this? because of the terrible terrorist attack, all events of this kind were postponed, but it would hardly be right to cancel meetings with cultural figures completely, because at such moments the role of culture increases even more. feelings manifest themselves, folk codes are revealed during periods of such dramas. our cultural code does not allow us to react differently to tragedy. this is conscientiousness, this heightened feeling justice and truth. culture plays a very important role in such critical, difficult moments, even tragic ones, because it gives strength. words from one of the recipients: i serve
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my fatherland. the articulatory gymnastics of the kremlin announcer before and during the ceremony are all clear in the literal sense of the word. prizes for young cultural figures were awarded. young cultural figures, of course, do not have the training of an announcer , so first i will unfold one.
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creativity, an endless river of talent, it fills the soul of the peoples of russia, makes our the peoples are invincible, confidently standing on their feet and looking towards the future, precisely thanks to you. many of the recipients wanted to thank were right here in the hall. the beginning of the ceremony of the second and communication therefore already with signs and gestures, because everything begins, such ceremonies always follow a certain protocol, but this time putin changed it, invited all those awarded
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to go along with him... finally, a meeting with family and friends with awards on the chest. and this is the city of torzhok, the historical and ethnographic museum, a few minutes before arriving here putin. he then showed the museum’s collections to the president, putin was clearly very interested, it opens a new page there, it feels like i’ve always seen him, everything is very good, and the director still managed, as it seemed to her, unnoticed, to take pictures of it as a souvenir , and her speech, of course,
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was filmed by professional cameramen; some phrases could be very surprising. we have great happiness, great joy that literally from monday we are closing, joy from closing, because there is a big restoration ahead, but often cultural institutions in russia they are stopping work within the framework of the process with the now abusive name optimization, 5,000 units of cultural institutions have closed, but excuse me, this is a quarter of the total mass, it cannot be a quarter, we only have 42,000 libraries, no, it has decreased by 5.00 from the total numbers, this is a quarter of the total. well, how come we only have 42,000 libraries, how can we start with 588,000 - these are all municipal cultural institutions, 1% 1%, well, no, well, not a quarter, well , cultural workers, you’re just scaring me, don’t be afraid, with the numbers, you exaggerated by about how many times, a lot, a lot, apparently , we’ll improve, it’s okay, maybe
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the severity of the problem really embellished it a little, and that’s why. the network was saved, that's for sure. and cultural figures, apparently, are once again concerned about the fate of music schools, if this is not the first time and not the first year that they have raised the issue. music school in the traditional way.
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schlagh, say that the neighboring region is coming to you, yes, of course, well, i haven’t even gotten to that yet, i’m also talking about the city, he thinks, that he is a prompter, don’t knock me down, don’t get confused, this is the atmosphere of this conversation right away, here are the shots even before it started, the governor has a seat at the table from the end of the country, putin should come soon, you are immediately signaling from behind me that i won’t fall . in order not to fall, he decides, he has foreseen, it would seem , everything, except for one thing: when putin came, he of course thought that his place was here, that
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he was sitting in his head, someone was paying, a lot of finances were definitely needed for the development of infrastructure. after all, more and more tourists are coming, but we can cope with streams it's more complicated. a press center for journalists from the kremlin pool was located, for example, right in the local court building. there are infrastructural restrictions for the development of tourism throughout russia, a lot of decisions have been made to create new resorts in nine regions, the president is shown an exciting demonstration video, they showed it beautifully, now we need to make 10 water parks, which received...
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we will take first place, i promise you that, well ok, let's see, okay, the far east also has something that is not found in other regions, the ocean, but in the ocean sometimes you come across those whom tourists certainly wouldn’t want to see,
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what can you do with sharks, they bite there, there was one case absolutely for it, but that’s not enough, or something, there’s no need for repetition, no, jokes with jokes, you also need to think about this , you need to think about safety in advance, i was going to swim there a couple of years ago with my friends... my colleagues went, but i really didn’t have enough time, but still we saw sharks there on the islands , especially, there are sharks, but they are hearty, they, they don’t bite, yes, i understand, yes, i i understand that everyone says that so as not to scare off tourists, but i’m joking aside , you need to think about this in advance, i’ll definitely do it, the most striking fragments of the presidential meetings were published in the zaruvin telegram channel, subscribe directly to the meeting in torzhok, one of the participants obviously unexpectedly turned it on at full volume, they do not reflect the thoughts of the author, all the psychologism does not reflect the works. a recording of what was happening in the city a few minutes earlier. now even the president. this is a
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good city, we will soon repair your cape.
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even for cameramen who always cover the work of the president. look, now the president’s card has even been handed back, a few meters ago, here he is, vladimir putin comes out, of course, he couldn’t help but come out to the people, let’s watch with you how this happens.
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alive, they say, alive, i told you that he would approach the people, wave his hand, in order to approach the people, he had to get off the asphalt, hello, hello, this must happen, putin walked up to where stood, perhaps, one of the most active local... a resident of the journalist noticed her even before the president’s arrival, she gave out numerous interviews, here is putin next to her, she is trying to hand him some kind of notebook. a loud cry, she decided that her notebook was being taken away, the scream was such that putin already turned around, write, write to me, in that notebook it turns out that i
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had terezhkova, and most importantly, i didn’t have a president, my dear, we were waiting for you, i was waiting you are 20 years old, these guys are not yet twenty years old, they took advantage of their physical form, thank you, others got closer, but not to hear the conversation. congratulations on your victory, on your victory, we are with you, thank you very much. even the president kissed him, yes, so we kissed, how old are you, 10, tomorrow.
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in class, you will wake up as a star at school, we are on vacation now, an excellent answer, why were you standing right here today, and we somehow chose this place from 11 o’clock we were standing today, now we have, wait a second, 18:20 , angelina, look, here he comes, and then there were several hours of meetings, meetings, it got dark. in the dark , it was still just as crowded here. they wanted more putin once to see. i wish you good health. very late in the evening, the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel. how do you assess the actions of our combat aviation during a special military operation? great. everything works great. and combat pilots, of course, are concerned that they will be allowed to destroy the f-16 even before takeoff. if they...
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install the f-16, this will not change the stinking situation on the field, and we will destroy their planes just as we destroy their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment today, of course, if they are used from third-party airfields countries, they become a legitimate target for us, no matter where they are, f-16s are also carriers of nuclear weapons, and we should be that too.
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a signal is received about a violation of the rights of participants in a special military operation, their family members, loved ones, relatives , there are many of these signals, initially there were complaints about violations related to a lack of uniforms or non- payment of allowances, recently there have been many complaints about delays in payments for injuries, in connection with the conferment of state awards, on each occasion we we react promptly, where there is a need, we react harshly, and we will continue this work, our country is fighting to... protect its vital interests , unfortunately ours is unkind


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