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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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families of heroes, people close to them, at the board of the prosecutor general's office, protecting the rights of military personnel, their family is one of the key topics: decisively, immediately responding to complaints, to facts of red tape, bureaucratic replies or direct violations of the law. unfortunately, we receive a signal about a violation of the rights of participants in a special military operation, their family members, loved ones, relatives, there are many of these signals, initially there were complaints about violations related to a lack of uniforms or non-payment of money allowances, recently there have been many requests for delays in payments for injuries, in connection with the awarding of state awards, in each case we react promptly, where there is a need we react harshly, and we will continue this work. our country is fighting to protect its vital interests, unfortunately, ours are unfriendly.
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must be collected and effective, no laxity in anything, very often we see messages that inspections are being carried out, cases are often initiated based on actions, for example, western politicians, based on the actions of ukrainian politicians, but they are all abroad, and how will we deal with them then, how will we bring these criminal cases to an end. pavel, you are asking a very correct question; you will probably see them all on the bench of justice. yes, in a court hearing,
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well, it’s unrealistic for now, but i can tell you that these investigations have another side: it is necessary to collect all the documentary evidence of the atrocities of the neo-nazis, their curators, accomplices and inspirations, so that in the future they will not let anyone distort the circumstances that took place in reality, well , of course there is a principle of inevitability of punishment, in the future we will present all our collected materials for consideration. a fair trial and we will present the world community forever having staked out legally significant circumstances, i am convinced that this will happen soon. in the context of such acute events that russian society is experiencing, there is an even more acute demand for justice, in economics, too, of course, to approach it flexibly, not just act according to the principle is to grab and not let go, it is better to engage in prevention, you need to help people, and of course you need to strictly punish those who deliberately commit these violations, borrow... with embezzlement, very strictly
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ensure that this money does not stick to anyone. every ruble is needed now for future victory. what's the difference in absolute velenchins? in the twenty-second year, the united states spent 811 billion dollars, and the russian federation 722, more than 10 times, and are we , bearing in mind this ratio, going to fight with nato, or what? well it just nonsense. putin's response to western statements about russia's alleged desire to attack nato countries. although russia has only one desire: to stop the war unleashed by the west in ukraine, the president also said that to single out by name, he said this about his fsb colleagues, the traitors of the vlasovites, how the work is moving in this direction, a large layer of work is actually being carried out on the territory of the country, we see the problems that exist have arisen taking into account the events taking place in ukraine, unfortunately, this cannot but worry us, but nevertheless there are... those who left and organized, that is
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, combat units, and there are those who intended to do this, in any case, all law enforcement agencies and intelligence services of the country are actively involved in this, and, as our president said, by name, we know , who are the organizers of the preparation and holding of the action on our territory, we will do everything necessary to find and punish these scoundrels, met with our guys and helicopter pilots, when with such wars...
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also here you can practice the use, a few minutes of complete immersion in aviation reality, you can simply raise your glasses up, a pilot. when you pronounce every word, every phrase, think that we have one big, united homeland. the buryats don’t flee, you know , it’s worth so much, a russian person, but he speaks such words from buryatia, that is, there is
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something that unites our people into a single whole, and this is probably the most important guarantee of all our victories. and in bashkir too. my relatives are in tatarstan, i think everywhere, yes, yes, that’s what they say, this is where success lies, yes, thank you very much, in the unity of our society, chechnya, dagestan, kalmykia, yakutia, mordovia, chuvashia, every republic, region, region, district, huge country, can be proud of the heroes of bygone times and modern heroes. at press conferences at international forums during interviews , vladimir putin answered hundreds of questions from journalists. his answers. hundreds of world media, but often a lot of interesting things remain behind the scenes: informal questions, unexpected reactions, looks and gestures; in a conversation with the president, all the details matter. the last months have been very information-rich, and we either did not have time to show a lot at all or only showed it
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to viewers in some time zones; today we will catch up for everyone. one of the most exciting events of recent months has been the presidential interviews, and as always, it was bright behind the scenes. also on that day, everyone was ready for the ceremony in the large kremlin palace , which will soon celebrate its 175th anniversary in mid- march, the sun was already so ... squinting that the direct rays were practically blinding, and the presidential rostrum urgently had to be moved, but even this
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it was not enough, everything had to be moved along with the carpet, a presidential event: always must be held at the highest level, even if the forces of nature interfere. at any event of this level, there is always a lot of interesting behind the scenes. a few weeks ago, footage taken after the completion of such an important interview. vladimir putin and dmitry kiselev are still talking, although it’s already two o’clock in the morning, this is how it all began. by that time , the film crew had been waiting in the kremlin for several hours. putin has a busy time behind him numerous events of the day, the clock in the kremlin showed 2240, then 2255, then 23:00, and the interview still did not begin, but technically they were already ready for it so that
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it literally became hot here, red-hot lighting fixtures, so it was necessary even such a glove, but what hits? they begin to study together with kiselyov, but
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you can’t exactly describe the relaxed atmosphere here, dmitry kiselyov asks to connect the microphones, well, maybe i should make the sound already, so that well... it turns out that it’s still early, everything is only starting closer by half past eleven, a few seconds for the very last preparation, now we... at this moment putin sees his press secretary, sees the head of vgtrk, lightning-fast reaction, in order to restrain you, that’s it, the sound is everything, guys, so to your team, the studio is ready, asks, now just a second, we can start, can we, yes? classic interview, detailed conversation
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, sit in your chairs, it so happens that the last time we met with you was on february 23 , defender of the fatherland day, over these months there have been many what happened, we met with you on holidays, but you catch the presidential time somewhere everywhere, either at a gas station, or in the corridors, scheduled minute by minute, if not even by the second, and new interview formats are a necessity, you can do it on the go with you ... and here it is important not only to hear, understand, write everything down, but also not to get lost. in the winding corridors of power. sasha, overtake, walk a little, walk, walk, quite often, so we come here, here, here, here. this concerns, however, not only the journalist; hockey player fetisov urgently it was necessary to go through these doors at this very moment. and each of us tries on himself, approximately. trying the same thing on themselves, many of those who would hardly really want to be on the screen inevitably end up in the shots,
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but what to do if a film crew is walking down the corridor, but most importantly, the president is with them? representatives of authorities at any level must understand, they must proceed from the perspective of what will we see? a new angle, a new presentation, something that the audience did before. but i received a huge amount in my luggage
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russian lands, traditional russian historical territories, and then suddenly decided to leave this union, but at least then you would come out with something, with which you came and would not bring gifts from the russian people with you.
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so that the americans hear my opinion, then be patient. and even behind the scenes , putin then gave specific figures on how much the sanctions were harming the american economy. why are you cutting off all opportunities for yourself?
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show or are we having a serious conversation? caralson said that after the interview you had more conversation, now everyone is wondering about what? one of the topics that we already talked about when the cameras were turned off, this is exactly what the secretary of state of the united states was talking about, that his relatives, his great-grandfather fled from russia, from the jewish pogroms, he was born -to me somewhere in the poltava province, and then he lived and left kiev. the question arises, mr. blinkin believes that this is original russian territory, apparently, mr. blinkin is our man, but in vain he makes such public statements, this can lead to failure, of course, what is accidentally filmed immediately after the end of the interview often
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becomes news even bigger than the interview itself.
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as peskov advises foreign journalists, be yourself, then even headphones falling in front of the president are unlikely to greatly lead you astray; what peskov advises putin about the interview is known only to the two of them, but you always need to be prepared for the unexpected, we somehow asked
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the president to show us his closed premises, but i warn you, i didn’t cook anything there, so there’s... that’s all working atmosphere in a working atmosphere , journalists, by the way, hello, happy upcoming you, hello, hello, you also need to be prepared for questions when the interview seems to have already been completed, and you are involved in sports, better than nothing, thank you very much, you even need to be prepared to an unexpected continuation a few years later, are we in the last weeks?
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this perspective, it is clear that now every day, every person lives in streams of sometimes unverified information, if you want to learn about the most important things before others, subscribe to the zarubin telegram channel, well , to our program next sunday will sum up the results and show more than others. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week, and we will meet again with the audience, after a short pause, i’m waiting for you in the studio on sunday
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evening. today is a big holiday for catholics, and today, today is easter, for armenians, well , congratulations, unlike president biden, we understand the significance of the sanctity of religious holidays. it’s no coincidence that even the trump campaign was outraged because biden, who calls him a convict, and well
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, there are many questions on this topic, he really went to see the pope there more than once, although as i understand it, the leadership of the catholic church of america expressed their disapproval of him, and this happened more than once, well, biden decided that. .. today is the day when transgender people are visible, the trump campaign said, well, in general, you can come at least a little, here is the statement from the trump campaign headquarters about the blasphemous proclamation of a day of visibility for transgender people on easter sunday. terribly insulting joe biden's white house has banned children from submitting religious designs on eggs for their easter art event, it has officially announced.
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today, as i understand it, our brothers the armenians celebrate easter, and the armenian people, the people who were the first to accept christianity as the state religion, the armenian people carried their faith through the most difficult trials, paid with blood so that the faith remained, to preserve their language, culture, this is a great religious feat, congratulations...
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they find themselves at the helm for a while authorities, that, and, of course, the jews, we congratulate them on the holiday, today, yes, sasha,
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yes, i say, yes, that is, i congratulate them on purim, i would like, of course, that i could also congratulate our ukrainian neighbors with the fact that presidential elections are taking place on their territory, as prescribed by their constitution. but in a country that for some reason is considered democratic, they decided that they could violate their own constitution and not hold presidential elections, so from today the countdown begins when the carriage will turn into a pumpkin, the evil and stupid ruler of ukraine will finally turn into the bug and bloodsucker that he really is. the night of may 20-21, when the new president of ukraine is supposed to be brought to power, this nonentity will finally turn into illegitimate.
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calmly with putin’s accusations that the terrorist attack near moscow had something in common, or had support from ukraine, are you expecting accusations, and are these accusations true? let's figure out what happened, talk about it and see if there's anything from the outside putin or not? such happiness on this bastard's face? and will you understand what this is?
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unrelated things, that’s the happiness on his face, that it’s no longer interesting to be responsible for these actions, that further development of the american scenario is going on, that ’s amazing, and that’s how colossal, what kind of tactlessness the ambassador of the united states to russia showed, when even on a tragic ceremony of nine days about...
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does not consider the same as you, as a country that struggles a lot with terrorism and suffers from it, we understand the russians, of course, this a terrible attack, now imagine , they say that there are tajiks from the middle east, you organize a group of several people who are looking for work, tell them, here i will give them so many rubles, we saw their body movements in the video, they look. .. very professionally, so, you will make professional attack aircraft out of them and carry out this action, this could not happen without the support of the development activities of some state, or several states, it doesn’t matter. in other words, isis could not do it alone. this era is a war of puppets. no one comes out, shows their true colors. everyone continues this fight, hiding behind masks. assumption.
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faster, higher, stronger, but that’s not all that perdot coubertin is known for, he once went to berlin when he was retired before the 1936 olympics, and he then returned from there, believing that a french athlete could go there, all fascinated by hitler, he believes that he is a powerful spirit, well, we tried to forget this, but this is what he happily picked up nazi bach, and the collaborator picked up...
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preparing for war, as always, will not help you, you can do as many photoshops of macron with enlarged biceps as you like, this will not help accelerate your rockets to hypersonic,
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so paris, if you don’t want to accept our athletes, accept our hypersound, quickly, reliably , is very unpleasant. alexander mikhailovich, well, i completely agree that, of course, today it is important for the west to promote its agenda in any way, it doesn’t matter if it’s sports, it’s economics, it’s politically, morally, etc. questions. what’s interesting is that i just returned from china and once again heard from our partners very interesting conclusions regarding what is happening. there is no need to expect that china will directly, politically or explicitly, support us on all issues. but support can be different when we hear from the lips of the top leadership of china, uh , readiness together with russia to discuss and not discuss, not only discuss, or rather, work on topics such as security, deciphering the topic of security, not only
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both military, and biological, informational, ideological. you know, i can tell you that we met at the level of our parliament and their assembly of people’s deputies, or as the all-china assembly. i can tell you that it was so obvious how they were waiting for a conversation on these topics, how well they understood that as a result, they did not say this, but interpreting the fact that all over the world today we find hundreds of white laboratories that actually do not pursues a goal other than - well, preparing america’s aggressive influence on countries disliked by them, and here a direct analogy is drawn with the approach of nato bases to our borders, i think that it is precisely in the discussion... in china’s position that we see that they understand us perfectly, and we talked not only about the fact that trade turnover is growing, that we are connected by excellent relations between countries, the guarantee of which, well, or the guarantee of which is the excellent attitude of our leaders, no, we said that china, today and russia
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are countries that have determined their position on many international issues, and here it is not we need direct support, here we just needed to hear what they wanted to say, but i mentioned china in connection with this, we have many questions, we ask ourselves whether it makes sense for us to, well, use the chinese model, copy the chinese model , we immediately have a polarization of opinions, some say, we need to copy, others say, in no case do we have our own model, but is there really a debate about this, we need to analyze the use of approaches to this model, so i sounded different there topics, i just wanted to to show, for example, the construction of the high-speed railway, our president made a decision to develop everything perfectly today. the economy has been mobilized in this direction, well, part of the economy, but i want to tell you what china is, what the hsr is in china, does anyone else still have the impression that china built this only from what it was able to accumulate or to earn money, is there really
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any idea that working like the original, like a world factory, and producing absolutely everything, both rags and many industrial products, he has accumulated enough money to build everything, 40 years. approach to the economic model of china, yes, as the experts there correctly suggested to me, they built the first 50 km , using, among other things, the skills of siemens, the rest 41,950 km, they built by issuing money, aimed, in the targeted version, at economic development, do we really think today that the issue of development of today's china, i will now name some numbers, it is connected with one thing, that this is earned, hard-earned money, put into production, but nothing before... it can’t even be that by definition, and
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when we hear that today our central bank said that cheap loans will not help expand production in russia, but i don’t even have any comments, i i tried, in the other direction in chinese and it didn’t work, you know, but you can ask a question, have any of the people who work at the central bank earned at least a penny in their life through entrepreneurial activity, for example, in industry, well, something created, made, these brilliant statements that they pronounce, they can somehow confirm, well, at least a certificate that they are mentally healthy, they can bring, i would not like to pay much attention to our central bank today, except for one thing, i believe that if the central bank took responsibility and said that it fully shares the obligations together with the government for the economic growth of our country, i think that many questions would be removed, but... then it would not be able to pronounce this kind quotes, sorry,
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we won't solve the problems with even cheaper loans. so, returning to what i wanted to say, the chinese economy, it has set an example, we don’t need to copy, we just need to approach the use of a similar mechanism. let's look at what china is working on today, why it surprises us at the level of tourism, the specialists there, and so on. this is a high quality habitat. and when we talk about high-quality, high-quality habitat there, this is the category that we owe. by the way, in the president’s message, if take a close look at the text, this is what the task is about, it is said, because this is a completely different education, healthcare, development of the country as a whole, and so on. so, using the example of china, you can see what results it has achieved in the shortest possible time; by the way, it built the same high-speed highway of 42.00 km in just 20 years. 20 years ago, china did not know what a high-speed railway was, if we can say that it built the largest bridge in the world there 160 km. in 2.5 years, the distance from kaliningrad, relatively speaking,
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to yekaterinburg there is also 2.5 years, that is, all this is feasible, but again due to what, through the use of universal economic mechanisms that exist, what they built as a distance from kaliningrad, well, i i mean that from beijing to shanghai, this is the road, it’s not a bridge, no, the bridge is 160 km, yes, i’m sorry, that means i didn’t formulate it quite correctly, the distance from beijing to shanghai is that the same distance from kaliningrad there before yekaterinburg, they built it in 2 years. now you understand, now the balts shuddered, yes, well, i would also like to, that means, but when you and i talk about what they did, when we try to discuss the implementation here, a question arises, but it pays off is this? well, listen, the question is high, high level of habitat, the question is, it’s not a question of whether it pays off, it doesn’t pay off, it’s a question of life. if this is the life of ours, our country, our people, what kind
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of payback can this life have? naturally, we are talking completely about another thing is that in the approaches to creating a high -quality habitat, it plays every role, in this environment any product is created and it costs much more, build a unique house, which stands there conventionally in new riga near moscow, build it, for example, in somalia, the same one, maybe even better, well, it’s clear that the cost of these products will be completely different, why, because one is located in one among. another to another, today we just need to do everything so that our country spreads this habitat throughout country, then our quality of life will be different, and china demonstrates how to do it, and there is no need to be shy, learn not what he did, but the mechanism for using it, here, when we speak, i have a train to china, i came across yet another piece of information that boeing, boeing is experiencing real problems, but why don’t we take the plunge on a mega-project with the chinese, we know that we had long, long conversations with them. you've been struggling with them to build a wide-ranging and unique one, and
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so on until we get to the point of implementing it there various reasons, i am sure that it is not a question of reasons, the question is that if we were to return now and offer the chinese a fabulous mega-project that would allow, we do not know what will happen to boeing, but we can predict that today’s problems will allow us to enter this market, airbus, by the way, will also probably have problems, because they are like that in europe, and europe is clear, where is industrialization, why not take aim at such a project, it will allow and...
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i just want to sort of understand, but it’s good if there, but why do we suddenly have such problems with financial transactions, i will say two things, the first is that the solution to our problems is in our hands, and of course we are back to back shoulder to shoulder, but they will not do anything for us, let us at least do everything for ourselves, then let 's deal with our own problems and solve it ourselves with support. the second thing i have to say, given that here the military often don’t say everything, but i’ll probably also say it, carefully, that...
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the auto industry and i want to ask, nothing to anyone doesn't bother me, just for fun, quiet the question, well, it doesn’t bother anyone, it confuses , i’ll tell you, yes, just don’t tell me anything about avtovaz, but listen, who’s stopping now, 20 years ago china had nothing either, well, in 20 years we could have
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- do it, well, do it finally, who’s in the way , i’ll tell you now, but don’t do all this that was removed then, well, listen, well, because i know what you’re going to say. you understand this, everyone else is like that, i’m asking a simple question, who owns your car? to whom, to whom? who do you think? we have such an organization is an automotive research institute, about a state one, these are people who should understand everything about this, but is it really impossible to simply choose beautiful, interesting models to offer in large quantities, but this upsets me, i am upset by the lack of a creative component, a creative element of beauty. this is what we are talking about, a clear gigantic task that solves, it is clear that sokolov is working there, it is clear that he is trying to do everything he can, it is clear that it is difficult for him, i am talking about the beauty of the approach, but why on the one hand is there this is that you have a large number of options , on the other hand, nothing, reliable , well, nondescript, well, not scary, inherit,
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the chinese also have everything, inheritance, the chinese have everything, why, well, you don’t have to tell me, not why, but how to do it, okay, but i didn’t ask you, i didn’t ask you. waste associated with the fact that today you can, well , you have to worry, but you can definitely be sure that we will go the right way, why? this is planning for years, decades. second, when i mentioned high speed highways, as well as the auto industry is not just the production of cars, it is generally the totality of the development of dozens, if not hundreds of industries, and here
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you need to know exactly when, where and why. i was in china, now, when they hit it right in the top ten, we were brought to their largest production enterprise. they showed us five models that they made for russia over the year, because they took into account the frosts, there was something else, in general, we asked the prices, well, they will please our manufacturers, because the price in russia will be significant there, but it is measured adequately by the quality of the machines, when we heard about what is being done for this, the answer to your question is an institute of 42,000 people, branches that work on this, tens of thousands of people employed, so the materials that are produced are tens of thousands. small medium-sized enterprises integrated there, which received robots for production, not born in central asia, but robots, and the human factor, based on this... there is reduced to zero, and the prices are completely different, completely different, while the question is, and the state, you know what they say, here the state, the state , what’s more, just the people who are doing this, well, it’s difficult
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to show imagination, well , the prime minister, deputy prime minister cannot sit for them and draw car models, well, the people who are inside the state must formulate goals, tasks, create prerequisites, and both people and private capital must really implement them, hence the private public partnership, i am sure that today we are on the right path, these are not empty words, i see today that the chinese... in my opinion, have more faith in us than ourselves, sometimes, and i see, at least what they say, they firstly talk about complete localization, they are not trying to force a sale on us, they are ready to cooperate with us, this means that they believe in that our scientific, technical, educational potential is fully capable of mastering this task, so i would like to say that, of course, the main role today is to help the state, but we must resolve another issue with you, we need this trust monetize to understand that that... that is the sovereignty about which our president constantly talks about which the chinese are talking about, this is the reality of today, financial economic sovereignty is already
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becoming a reality today, our task is simple, we have finally started making our own stock exchange, suddenly, listen, well, this is finally all of a sudden, that’s right, so, on the stock exchange, how many, how many years have we been talking about this, a fair price for our products, why are we giving away a delta of earnings, everyone is talking about this today, we just need to support our president, i ’ll tell you even more,
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let's see, otherwise we will now start shooting at ourselves a lot, despite the fact that they are working , producing a lot, and expanding, and there, if god forbid they ended up in the conditions of the central bank market, we would have nothing at all, well, that is, there it helps that there is a completely different financing system.
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i tell them, wait, in the railway, when it was built, the tsar began to build it with personal money, it was also unprofitable, and the minister of finance then proved to the tsar that it was unprofitable, terribly unprofitable, she bought herself this road during the second world war war, there in a few days, i was on bam, i worked for obama, and i, an amazing student, then discovered that bam began to be built in the thirty-sixth year, research began in the thirty-third year, i just... it turned out like this , that we retrieved one seaplane with a drilling crew, which sank there on a lake not far from severo-muysk, and i supervised these works,
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which means with the komsomol youth detachment, suddenly i for myself, where is it from here in such a wilderness, it means this brigade , it turns out, it’s already there then they laid the tracks to bam, that's it, that 's bam, and - in the forty-first year these tracks were dismantled, stalin dismantled them and there were not enough of them for moscow to deliver there. this is about whether it’s profitable or not profitable, now i’ll go back to high-speed i, i also asked the chinese the question why you go to tibet, there live there, well, several thousand people live in tibet 400 m, they built this road above sea level, they say it’s not about profit, only i drove it at high speed, they were cunning, they were not embarrassed, they were not afraid of any americans, the germans, siemens began to do it to them you’re right, they took it from siemens , stole it all, redrew it all neatly and said goodbye to siemens, and siemens hesitated, even filed a lawsuit, well then he said, oh well, it’s still more profitable for me to work with china, and that’s how we should approach it,
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now about avtovaz, i... once said, here is my teacher, yes, in part, he became the minister of the automotive industry of the ussr, viktor nikolaevich polikov, they buried him, we reburied him from moscow, he was fired by gorbachev as one of the last ministers, gorbachev of all ministered then, him the chinese immediately invited them to their place, and he was an adviser for several years, he started this civil automobile manufacturing program, several factories, and how they were created, and what was done for this, i too... i know, okay, i know, i won’t go into that now , go deeper on this, are you right? this is one of the questions that i asked meshustino a week ago, despite the fact that i am for china, i am now promoting it, which means i have experience, but i said, we can’t behave like this, why are we subsidizing 980 thousand rubles for an electric car, which is completely assembled in china, for the internal combustion engine that is assembled here, we give only 300,000
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subsidy, but it is still assembled there, so you say, localization, unfortunately, localization today is at this level, and the state here applies certain mechanisms, including subsidies , recycling, which means government procurement, government procurement , well, for example, it’s worse than a bmw, yes, a car, but renault runs a taxi, and ours runs, so i was on my way here just now, i looked, i think i’ll take a special look, kia it means different other cars, well, it’s not okay, that is , we seem to be saying that this is a domestic car, but we still haven’t closed government procurement in the service sector, go, sell yours, and that also means 1/3 of this car, an expensive electric car, which is usually the second/third in the family, we also return it to the chinese manufacturer, of course, the state is here, and he told me, you know, leonid, you’re actually amazing, they usually come and ask me, and i wrote him a letter: remove this subsidy, you can't do this, give it, give it, give it ours, yes, one day the car will turn into,
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because i have my comrades there in kaliningrad... vaz, what they did with bmw, they did the assembly, they assembled for 30 years, they bought everything from them and i think everything, everything, everyone , everyone drove this car, a bmw, which seems to be like ours, only the germans left, everything slammed shut, that’s it, the plant doesn’t work, but this plant works, the voz automobile plant, yes, it’s not yet , maybe not as high quality as you, but the news is already good, i’m talking about the state, i agree with you, of course, i’m with i agree with you, remember, remember , we had an argument, you say
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we definitely shouldn’t send them back there, but i’m worried about something else, of course you’ll ask me, when will they jail those bastards who brought these people here, didn’t conduct an inspection, and simply locked them up? for all eyes, someone is behind this gigantic industry , crazy money, at least once they took at least one, at least they showed in general who is really behind it, oh well, now the cash flows are going somewhere, we understand, what are we talking about billions, of course i i’m not going into depth on purpose, but then i said...
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a hairdresser, and what a valuable profession does the second one have, he has a six-year education, yes, yes, that’s when someone made lists, when they said that they should move, what unique professions
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they have, our compatriots , russians, who are trying to move here from different european countries, from the usa, from latin america, they are going through hell, yes, but here it’s simple, so i introduced a law on repatriates, yes, i had to report it on tuesday, now i will report to this tuesday. repatriates, only the concept appeared thanks to the presidential decree, who are they, these are russians, yes, our russians, who are the same 30 million people left, and you know what my bill is, only that he does not receive a temporary residence permit, i immediately got a permanent one, this one who moved in as a repatriate, a whole problem was transferred to me, then listen, well, we generally need to separate these flows completely, that is.
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so you showed this smiling president who will soon not become president zelensky, well, let him not, he won’t, he forbade himself to negotiate, we will talk with others, but i wanted to say about burns’ statement, a smart cia chief in general, but even he could not restrain himself and did not say this usual thing that some deputies there allow themselves, in particular that in the twenty- fourth year we will arm you, ukraine.
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a threat to us, that’s what they also said in afghanistan, we can’t lose, we ran away from there, always, yes, but in vietnam, they didn’t say, we can’t lose, hiring and killing the vietnamese, and then they brought our own, many tens of thousands of people, 130 thousand people were brought to afghanistan, i’m not saying this for you, volodya, i’m saying this, you think about what they’re doing to you, they’re throwing you into this furnace, but for them it’s a threat.
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i’d like to stay in moscow, of course , get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all , it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who it is , the owner ours, aren't you sleeping? i'm afraid,
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what are you afraid of? wake up, i'm afraid, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid, or what? you'll have to fire, actually, i don’t work here , i live here, cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, this is generally incomprehensible, nothing, i’m still afraid, or the princess, who will the prince choose, and you loved her, yes, most likely, no, but you love me, wings of pegasus. on saturday on rtr: catch a fish, big or small , well, in general, you chose the right place , have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can tasty ones be healthy, try it, the level of inflammation decreases , pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant?
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fantastic, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, this exactly.
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i called all my friends, they are nowhere, my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, a guy like this, zoya, my university friend, this is not at all what you thought, vadim andreev, yours will be found there will definitely be children, daria ursulyak, i can’t wait, irrepressible restlessness. they say the truth about you, what the restless wants, restlessly gets, since monday on rtr, by the way, there have been several such, it would seem, well , not very loud, in our country, at least, not very picked up, but very significant - moments , for example, we did not give the go-ahead for inspections under the sanctions regime.
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in north korea and china abstained, finally, well, yes, they blocked, and sanctions compliance groups, and this is already serious, this is already very serious, well done, how much do you have on the program they said, i think that this is only the beginning, i would give north korea now, for example, maximum agricultural assistance, we have record figures, we have a lot, why not help the north korean people, who directly... said , yes, we are in the same trench with the russians, if necessary, we will be in the same trench, and i generally believe that now we are reaching a phase of confrontation when we should not be embarrassed to take our side, well, listen, well, if we see with on the other side , france wants to lead troops, but i believe that, for example, north korea would march with great interest in berlin, warsaw, paris, but
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they didn’t think that the brilliant knowledge acquired at school would be useful for... how to make my life better, but i thought and came up with it, i do everything for this, and you don’t fit into this scheme, people don’t fit in, but i fit in, i fit in as much as i want to write
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, everyone thought that he was joking, everyone thought it was colossally funny, but now it’s like this i don’t think so, please, ah, vladimirovich, seriously, by the way, the second remark, i heard
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every joke has its share of a joke, well, now i literally just the other day said that there are thousands of volunteers from french africa who are ready to go to fight in donbass, it’s just that no one... lets them in, that’s a fact, but that’s what i’m talking about, i’m on the other day i participated in an event where valery fedorov, the head of tsoma, spoke , and we talked about what society thinks, what society feels, and from my point of view, we have passed some point of no return, no return in all respects, and the fact that ...
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after the terrorist attack, you can imagine that 5 years ago this happened, i can’t , i remember what kind of country it was, how much squealing there would be about this, that, that, the third, now there are no such squeals, yes, and there is a sense of optimism, as fedorov said, half of those who left returned, yes, it’s a fact that some of them were recruited, this is another question, very serious, very serious.
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understanding that something happened there, we are losing the war, no, they are still resisting, they are still mentally saying: no, no, if we put even more weapons there in ukraine, we can still somehow do this stabilize the front, somehow lead putin to negotiations, but the point of no return
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has also been passed there, because serious people understand that there will be no victory, and it takes some time to simply realize. the american stock market, on the cryptocurrency market, everything else, yes , it feels as if they, well , were injected with something very serious, they are not... everything is right here without any borders, this is what, and the economy
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of the united states at the moment the moment is not developing at any very fast pace, which would explain why the shares these companies so quickly, well, they gained 20 percent since october, and this is most likely a harbinger of a crisis, because such... they have been sitting in cache for a long time, many of them, yes, but
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the money, they will then calmly pick it all up, we also see that there is instability there , this is the concept that the crisis is very close, it also exists there, at this point of no return, and what we have gone through inside our country, and what is happening in front, and there, too, a certain point of no return has been passed, and the fact that...
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that we will have to rebuild the entire economic and social model, if we
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don’t rebuild it, we will not be able to enter into that rhythm to gain the competitiveness that we will need for that competition that will continue, the war will end, our enemies will go nowhere they won’t get away, we will still have to prove our worth both economically and politically, in the same... in the military-industrial complex it is clear that there are large investments, tasks and so on, yes, here’s how to get the private
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sector to invest in science, how to do this , so that the car becomes an advanced production, not because the driver beats it every day, but because the model itself forces him to innovate, to attract these young guys who will draw beautiful cars, this is the internal mechanism that forces him.
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toy and so on, various resets , now artificial intelligence, and target recognition, swarm work, this is all that is needed every day, a system of repeaters, which through balloons, and through masts, and through various platforms, a system of drones, which are not only airborne, but also seaborne, now ground-based, by the way, also a private initiative, yeah, there are all kinds of gadgets, gadgets, including small arms... weapons, all this appeared with us as a private initiative, some of this is picked up by large companies, and at the same time, costs in the private military-industrial complex are many times lower than in the state, simply because the acceptance conditions are objectively different, the verification conditions are different, the whole hierarchy is built differently, this is that experience , which must be taken, replicated and raised, because it’s all there, but these guys
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need help, they shouldn’t spend crazy money, there shouldn’t be a high threshold for circulation, and these systems. also works, that is, in the structures of the ministry of industry there are now various bases, where they come and how startups help them, they are raised, and immediately to the front, so that all this can happen, but it must be done at such speed, we must beat the westerners who , but here we have such a contradiction, on the one hand we need many, many of them, on the other hand we need a lot of them, which quickly re-adjustable, so that there is no single system, they are all suppressed, that is , yeah, we still need to quickly retrain everyone, that’s why.
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a wild amount of various civilian unmanned equipment, where are these businesses, where is this model that will require these guys for the growth of other industries, so that they do not fly to dubai and china, why am i saying, well, here, fortunately, our enemies are helping us, they are introducing such sanctions that the guys are afraid to leave the country, so here we thank them for their stupidity, that is, they are doing everything to the brains are preserved in russia, but this approach is needed, and here what i like , look how the ministry of defense... and the ministry of industry work hand in hand, so i went to era, watched what was happening, there is complete mutual understanding, moreover they can quarrel there when it’s on business, and there, but here is the level of contact 24x7, all issues are resolved with tremendous speed, but i want it even faster, so that there is even more, the means of freb are varied, the means there are unmanned, it’s
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just that there was a sea, well when everyone is waiting for fab 300, now still in great use, but when it falls. it seems to me, that is, this feeling is also, well, now i was in belgorod, uh-huh, and i drove through it, well , i spent a lot of time there over the last three or four weeks, moreover, i passed through small towns where there were battles, nearby, for example, there is a place where everything is generally calm, not a single arrival, because this is the only place where the exchange of prisoners and two hundredths takes place. and literally you are leaving and there is generally one person there, everyone else left and spent on friday naslov live broadcast from belgorod , there are some ill-wishers there, obviously working there with ukrainian money, who have nothing to do with belgorod , they tried to write something there, come and look, came, looked, spent time, asked what was stopping him, how to make it so that people had everything,
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because the feds allocated a huge amount of money, it was necessary for it to reach, for it to work, this system found out. we have a number of insurance companies behaving strangely, there is war everywhere, they have their own lives, this is just really surprising, well, this is impossible to understand, there are some nuances just when you look at the city, they are from the old system, yes, but the city is fantastic, people come out after every flight and clean the city, that is, people are of course completely heroic, but i liked how one blogger so i was caught in an outright lie over and over again, in the end she presented me with the most important explanation, what do you think, what is it, you’re a jew, you’re going to israel, i thought, well , bravo, there are people who don’t listen to putin and don't understand when vladimir vladimirovich harshly criticizes russia’s phrase for russians, well, a real blogger, what can we take from her, if, by the way, you hadn’t said on the program 10 times already that you are a jew, i would never be different from you, you’re talking about russians
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you also say quite often, when i’m talking about migrating, we’re worried about pro-migration, they say, here ’s my national one, i say, well, wait , of course, we need to protect those too, but why not protect russians, and russians need to be protected, but this is an important point when they tell you as a last argument, you’re a jew, well yes, yes, you think, well... how deeply true anti-semitism was hidden, but such a citizen, and she worked for everyone, yes, she visited everyone, please, but about china, of course, i understand perfectly well that when everyone comes to china, the chinese show little value of their advanced achievements, and we only see the end point of this development, if we look at how it all began, why it all happened, it began with the fact that china created an absolutely powerful, sustainable training system education personnel, in the end these personnel gave birth to the chinese auto industry, albeit
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with the help of french and german designers , they gave birth to expressways, taking a lot of steps and learning, that is, china built a line for a long time, this was the main point, something we didn’t have in russia, we went short dashing, like constantly under fire... indeed, we said a lot on this program that china, we should not rewrite to china what china is not. china is not a reliable rear for russia and
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has never been or claimed to be so. china is a country that ensures sustainability in its economy and politics. and it goes back to pinov’s times, it is based on three, or rather triangles, russia, china, usa. it’s just that this design can be stable. in this sense, china is in no way interested in a noticeable weakening of russia, and even more so in russia’s loss, because the structure will collapse and it will crush china, that’s when they say, why is russia needed there, which is 10 times weaker than china in economics, well, because what the global structure, it’s exactly how it’s structured , that’s what happened now, in my opinion, the americans made a serious, significant mistake in relation to china, they put pressure on china and...
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and banking services are not so active, and yes, negotiations are underway, and in fact, i’ll remind you that when people say, how come we can’t make payments to china or get our businessmen from china, which is naturally tragic, well, there are always two questions, answers, more precisely, the first answer, well, actually trade turnover is growing, it is the account of something is growing, which means money is moving back and forth, this is the first point, which means the second answer, you need to study, find out more precisely, no need to complain. you were blocked in large banks, look at other banks, small banks, but the question is different, china obviously now understands that it needs to prepare for
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its war, this is it, it is trying to delay this moment, trying to say that everything will be resolved by , naturally, diplomatic, political, but not military, but china is preparing for this war, china is trying everything time... regarding taiwan, although china does not call it a taiwan clash with taiwan, because everyone understands perfectly well that this will be a very serious asian, east asian battle front, sea, probably land, if something happens. china has learned a lot by looking at the situation with russia, not only in military terms, in military terms it’s the same, but in financial terms, in hedging its own risks, and most importantly, china, here i am... i see, china, in china there is less hiding like it’s not strange that we have, especially now, china has noticeably increased a large number of new types of weapons, including drones, it
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has noticeably improved them, it has improved geolocation systems, launch systems, systems for launching these drones from out of a pipe, and so on, then there is in general - it must be said that china is preparing for the fact that there will be a very serious clash, it does not want it, it wants to show that we are ready to... we don’t want to fight, but we must understand that its ambivalent position towards to russia - this is an attempt to stall for time. china is not ready for this. the second point, which is felt in china and is felt well from the inside. china admits its technological weakness relative to the united states. yes, technologies are developing very quickly, at a wild speed, but they are still noticeably lagging behind. another 3-5 years, that’s how much china wants to win. he wants to win primarily by developing relations with russia. and, here too, we are an important component of chinese resilience. one more thing that
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will greatly suit the number of roads in china, absolutely correct. here i agree 100%, but we don’t, but because china understands that not every investment should give immediate profit, it may not give profit at all, because in principle, the development of state infrastructure, the connectivity of the territory cannot give immediate profit. in china , the problems are the same as ours, but our country will be roughly speaking in a horizontal projection, china will have a horizontal, vertical projection, we have our own siberia, china has its own sigur region.
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that's how much, i think it's a day and a half it’s possible, it’s just that the speed there still doesn’t keep a constant speed, but there it’s not, i’m just saying why, because if you imagine for a second that you can get from moscow to the far east, say, in 18 hours, then this changes everything, well, of course, in this case, first of all, of course , transport should go, because transportation right away
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is, well, this is an instant reduction in the cost of everything, that is... it pays off quickly, and most importantly, well, today there is a belt, it’s a completely different life, today there the belt lasts six days with us, on what are we talking about, where, where to go, no, but i remember all of these, i was also at all of these and tourism and everything else, that is, this immediately opens up completely different possibilities, but because during the discussions the main question that was posed , you know, this is not profitable from a commercial point of view, how profitable it is, no, well, the ticket will be expensive, investments and so on are impossible. everything can be immediately measured by commerce, the last thing is interesting, the ticket will be expensive, but the tourism business will develop so much the whole area around, that is, the whole area is there around will begin to develop colossally, and not only internally, but externally , the same chinese also sing, for example, i can’t understand why we have, we have a very large border with china, if correctly, the longest in the world, and why we have there are so few crossing points, including customs ones,
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we are always there.
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question, here is the whole of china, from universities to industries, it is always based on stimulating startups, where do these numerous machines come from, to make it clear, in china there are about 140 enterprises producing the auto industry, this is not a separate market, there are 140 enterprises, and there are an infinite number of brands there, indeed, a new brand based on the old platform is made within 2-3 months, they instantly adapt to the market, psychologically, the chinese have been taught, guys, everything needs to be done quickly, in every university you can’t go to has its own business startups, representatives of some company, a large chinese one, come and say: guys, students, here we are giving you several samples, that is, no one explained to them that they are outdated. should be called old just classics, they say: no , well, take it, old man, it’s a classic, what are you talking about, it ’s a classic, you should take it, if anything happens, with the help of a vigorous mother , you can fix it with a screwdriver everywhere, but they don’t need it, yes , it turned out that no need, moreover, china
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would seem to be a much more traditional country, but it managed to introduce innovations into everything, into academic science, into education, into everything, into production, of course, now we see this result, what alexander is talking about mikhailovich says: this is the result of this forty-year development of accustoming people to that it is possible and not scary to give up, i beg your pardon, from the classics, if somewhere you need to give up some unnecessary traditions, unnecessary professions, let’s cut them off, but because there is such a word in china , competition, yes, absolutely correct, between provinces, between companies, even between state-owned companies with each other, between schools, while the state stimulates this competition, this. exactly what should be accepted from china, and indeed not a single chinese, not an entrepreneur, not a director of hospitals, heads a doctor in hospitals, not a university rector, he cannot be calm, because he has his own efficiency indicator, this is competitiveness, you cannot
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save money, i know that literally several universities were closed in china, because they were told that they used methods preparations beginning of 2010. but because, that is, they weren’t closed, that means they reorganized the administrative staff and put them under new management, that’s because the provinces in which they were located were inner mongolia, qingjiang, they should to develop competitively, and the provinces complained, you know, we have no managers, no employees, nowhere to get labor, how do you have universities, they work ineffectively, come on, let’s get the rectors of these universities here, let’s see what will happen , that’s... why china is moving forward, it’s very tough, so maybe we need something so tough, i’m ready, i ’ve suggested smersh many times, at least for a little while, let’s start with ngos, well, i grabbed it, of course, well, don’t start with avtovaz , from
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avtovaz, i didn’t understand, of course, why it was necessary to start with moscow state university, i just meant that i need to give you the floor, yeah, i understand, by the way, moscow state university. soviet, former soviet republics , therefore branches of moscow university exist in many of our post-soviet republics, therefore moscow state university, moscow state university in this case does a lot in order to train specialists who speak russian,
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who are connected in the educational field, as well as in scientific relations, we support them, there are others in the department that you head, as i understand it, it is famous for its ties with china, but with us and china. in principle, we are focused on we have a special department of regional problems of world politics, which is focused on a number of regions, including the far east, so i would say that, continuing the topic with china, you know, our situation is actually china and russia, it has always been different, very serious, they remembered the auto industry, from my point of view, the rise of the chinese auto industry... from those freaks of the beginning of this century to the present models, it started with china’s purchase of volvo, with this, with this after the crisis , when they bought it, but as you remember, when russia tried to buy opel, yeah, we
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were banned from doing so, it was just a political decision, it’s not an economic one , this is where we always differ, but what prevented us from buying the chief designer and chief designer from? here i also think that some non-economic factors come into play, we have always been able to convince, it was necessary to offer such conditions so that they would not refuse, once upon a time citizen refused, comrade stalin refused to lead the proletarian did not refuse him, a personal decision, we simply, we simply always stand as the main geopolitical adversary. uh, the entire west, well, now specifically the united states, so china could afford to move to equal distance at the 12th congress in 1982, russia simply has no equidistance.
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i believe that a nuclear strike is, whether you want to destroy them or not, you want to remove this threat, you yourself said the threat, it must be removed, the threat means that the united states must be removed that's all the states from eurasia, but how do you propose to remove them, well, for now, for now, a little spoon, or something, no, a dessert spoon won't work, but pushing them out of here, it's like what, we're pushing them out, we're pushing them out anyway, they drove him out of central asia, they are now coming back again, just a minute, they pushed him out. we have
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a much smaller impact on the west than they have on us, so we need to immediately move on to heavy, i think that in this case we don’t need to move on to this at all, because well, well, while andrey is looking for the word advertising, then he will find and we let's continue. where are my children, freak, we will find them, you will find them, you have a brilliant intuition, indomitable, restless from monday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor, how. .. when you seriously need to go , forewarned is forearmed, any
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remedy has a downside, with the most necessary knowledge of health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up before that. what should you pay attention to? on each risk factor should have its own pill. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit everything. the body takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr.
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until now, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole team is just we look at the platform, in the near future we will live completely. world, artificial intelligence will force us to think differently.
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very fast. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. those who attended his lectures say that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with, increased blood pressure, blood loss, this destroys the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life, achieve your dreams and what to expect from the future, about this and more. mala, on monday on рrt. so the fact is that the americans had a plan that very clearly, so to speak , separated us at first, and then united us as two opponents, the main opponents, at the same time, they built their perimeter, and we are already involved, china really, then , that, at least, there was speculation that a military clash was possible when the military ended.
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the united states, which demonstrates that we are, as it were, a nuclear umbrella, but this nuclear umbrella is empty, here they are in europe, in my opinion, at least in the foreseeable future, they are not going to accept, apply in europe, the americans, the americans, yes, because, but the french, the french said, some journalist, like... “the russians forgot that we have nuclear weapons , you want to tell us what they have, and how will you deliver them on carts, leashes, nuclear charges, deliver them, they have nuclear charges, but this is how they, how they deliver them, so they will deliver them like by mail, this is a rather serious question, because in principle
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, the readiness of this second line european armed forces is a very big question, it’s not the british yet, not yet.
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what the europeans try not to talk about is that, in principle, if under the national flag, the military contingent participates in a military conflict, but the vietnamese could not reach the united states, but we can reach france, but in the moment, therefore, therefore , this means direct intervention,
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strictly speaking, by the country, and again i say, i hope it doesn’t come to that. located along the border with belarus, it seems thus, i can imagine how this will please my dad, this will thereby free up somewhere around 120-150 thousand ukrainian military personnel who are supposedly stationed there. they believe that it is a problem for us to fuck them there, that is, in lviv we can get them without any problems.
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what if, for example, well , we hit this contingent , the president has already said this, not right away, we will immediately destroy them, we will kill them all, as tolstoy said, they should not have any illusions, the coffins will go to france, at the same time, the fifth article is not used in any way, everything is fine, they, they are afraid the other thing is that we will strike at the decision-making center, and the centers are located on the territory of france and we can achieve it there, but we still can.
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bradley cars are bad, bad cars, we just clearly show westerners that
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in general guys, you don’t know how to produce weapons, it seems to you that you produce the best in the world, it’s unrealistic, i can’t think of anything, our miltsa produces the best in the world, no, and it seems to me , they had an advertising campaign, it failed, before that it was very successful, so the americans pushed their weapons all over the world
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, i want to say thanks to our colleague, a wonderful artist, who promised the competition is underway, by the way, some words to ivan okhlabystin to pay a large bonus for the first destroyed american tanks, he kept his word , well done, great respect, the guys asked me to convey words of gratitude to him, at the moment for the united states is a problem, really a problem, because they cannot, well, solve
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this question that i have raised now, poses russia is always in front of them, because they were unable to carry out a campaign to discredit and disrupt the elections, and they believed that after all, so to speak, well, everything was built so that they had no plan either ts, they really understood. now the question arises again about what the next step will be, and this issue is almost impossible to discuss in the current states, because in essence, the administration is now focused on the elections, in order to push biden through, trump, apparently, to imprison will not succeed, but biden is gaining, biden is gaining, but i say trump. it will not be possible to plant, which means it is necessary to prepare the ground for a very broad, large-scale company
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. trump is more profitable for us, the supreme said biden, that means biden , well, the supreme, the supreme said so, so that biden, no, the supreme said so, because biden is profitable for us, no , trump benefits us, because biden will still be able to vote, so to speak, but biden said they are the same age, practically puts the united states, like the election of lincoln at one time, on the brink it’s beneficial for us that biden was there, because then trump’s supporters won’t start, there will be kamala, they’ll start a civil war, when kamala comes instead of biden, then this war will take on such idiotic forms that it will take place under the deafening horse neighing of this citizen, because her laughter is crazy, please let me continue
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this conversation. well, europe is going crazy , of course, every day there are regular statements that we need to prepare for war, that we need to, that war is just around the corner, either 25 or 27 year, to transfer the industry to war footing, business has not yet accepted this, but i think this is for now, because if this hysteria continues, then they will switch to war footing, with...
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that this is a wrong statement, that all wars end at the negotiating table, dalder writes that all wars, as a rule, are concluded with the surrender of one of the parties, which is correct in principle, maybe some hundred-year war, i’m not a historian, ended, so to speak, at the negotiating table, but all recent wars , they were ending really the defeat of one of the parties, and
9:58 pm
the most interesting thing is that this is the conclusion of all this... for the first time, so to speak, i came across an explanation, so to speak, of what the strategic defeat of russia means, the strategic defeat of russia is the entry of ukraine into nato in any, so to speak, in in a reduced form , not reduced, but since this was one of the main reasons why president putin launched, so to speak, a special military operation, this was to prevent ukraine from joining nato, that’s if...
9:59 pm
what until the active phase of hostilities , there can be no talk of any entry of ukraine into nato; rather , it is necessary, so to speak, to freeze the conflict, let it be frozen
10:00 pm
, so to speak , for at least 100 years; , deep freeze and then it is already possible to accept ukraine into nato. it is against this background that i am visiting my beloved. that in germany there has again been extensive discussion about nuclear weapons, in particular they write what it is.


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