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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 10:00pm-10:41pm MSK

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until the active phase of hostilities ends , there can be no talk of ukraine joining nato; rather, it is necessary to, so to speak, freeze the conflict, let it be, so to speak, frozen for at least 100 years; naturally, politically recognize and capitulate ukraine it can’t, because it would be a capitulation of the west, so a freeze, a deep freeze, and then it’s already possible to accept ukraine into nato. it is against this background that i come to my favorite topic. i’ll go back to nuclear weapons, very, again there’s talk in europe, there’s this one, this one publication, like a bulletin of american nuclear scientists, a serious publication, by the way, there are very interesting materials there, so they write about germany, that in germany there have again been broad discussions about nuclear weapons, in particular, they write that this is the third wave.
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nuclear weapons, not strategic, then france has 290, the uk has 270, therefore...
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incomparable values, the second option is germany’s investment in france’s nuclear potential in exchange extended guarantees, in my opinion a so-so option, taking into account historical, so to speak, the historical friendship of the germans with the french, the third option is the creation of their own nuclear weapons, well, there are also exotic options such as the creation within the eu, nuclear weapons, deterrence with rotational control, i have little idea what that is? rotational control, that there is estonia for six months, poland for six months, germany for six months and so on in a circle. and the last option is to generally buy a thousand warheads from the united states along with carriers, and in this way, but this means a violation of the law on non-proliferation, which will instantly lead to the fact that there will not be a single country in the world that does not have its own nuclear weapons and we will see a wild number of local ones. their
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nuclear weapons, which will not be used. well, they proceed from the fact that the non-proliferation process is already out of control, since north korea already practically has nuclear weapons, iran is on the threshold, if iran, then perhaps saudi arabia, that is, they believe that this process can no longer be stopped , but the most important thing is that it changes.
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weakness in front of president putin, and anyone who starts, so to speak, a conversation about the fact that nuclear weapons are unacceptable, is immediately registered as a progenitor, andrei, mind you, i didn’t say that, it was me, i was talking about the germans, petrovich is also an opponent of nuclear strikes, no, i’m not an opponent of nuclear strikes as such. escalation and the last thing that the germans are starting to discuss are these statements by dmitry anatolyevich and sergei karaganov, about what - to say, nuclear deterrence does not work, so russia is already, in principle, morally ready to use nuclear weapons, but in principle that...
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naturally, this is our statement by our president that the technical, military technically, russia is ready to use nuclear weapons, no, well, here it should be noted that well, here i am... my participation in the treaty, the only thing the president said was that we will comply with the levels, moreover, as for carriers, then according to the treaty you can have 700 media deployed and 1.00 for and 100 for factory storage, only 800, we have 800 in terms of
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carriers, we are, so to speak, a little ahead of the americans in terms of warheads, and in terms of carriers we have 570 carriers, we have another 230 in stock, that is, if necessary... we can still have 160 aircraft there make 100 pieces, if you need it, we need to do it, a submarine, we can still make it, so we don’t have any restrictions yet, and that’s good, i don’t use it, that’s good, you change, change your position, while there is such an opportunity, alexandrevich, well, when i listen to berbok, i immediately remember gavrilyada, because that gavrilo absolutely served there as a baker, gavrilo baked a loaf of bread, this absolutely definitely applies to berbak, her statements, they, of course, well, probably would have been funny if all this had not been tragic, because against the backdrop of the fact that the government germany is pursuing some kind of policy of its own, as it seems to me now, more or less, well, at least
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predictable, suddenly the minister of foreign affairs comes out, literally on the second day after this information appeared about the fifth article, about participation in army, she's here and begins to give his own. some comments, well, it sounds, at least, well, i’ll say this, it sounds boorish, because when there is a head of state, a subordinate comes out and begins to interpret it, then it looks like this subordinate wants death, in in quotes, the death of his own leader, who strives, a subordinate, strives to prevent the fulfillment of those tasks that are set by the leadership, the same as... applies to khabyk. khabyk, who, well, excuse me, no offense intended, is a children's writer books, who, by the will of fate, becomes vice-chancellor, and takes the responsibility to talk about the fact that there will soon be a war, what
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germany needs to do, in what direction germany should move, and i just can’t get rid of the feeling that the green party has really taken it absolutely clearly such... this line for the collapse of the coalition took this line for the collapse of the coalition, perhaps not so much on its own, but under the influence of its democratic friends overseas, since they are under the complete influence of the democratic party, under the full influence of his colleagues, in particular the same jshka fischer, who, after serving as minister of foreign affairs , taught and teaches in the united states of america for many years and is in fact one of the main lobbyists today. in germany, and of course they are now trying to lead this to the collapse of the coalition on the ruins of this coalition to create a new government that would be more pleasing to the rulers from overseas, which would perform the function
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that, in principle, is attributed to germany, then yes, this should be the function of such a teftonian, i wanted to say, well, i won’t say a rude word from a teftonian... democrats, such a position is quite serious, so she came out with an explanation of scholz’s position, which she again confirmed, said that scholz - this is exactly the person who correctly promotes the ideas of social democracy, including what concerns relationships, she did not name russia, but it was clear that we were talking about
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russia and the possible participation of germany in the war, at the same time she said ursula fondeen is actually nongrath’s person, we can’t talk to her. macron did this too, in other countries it sounded ambiguous, this is the idea of ​​​​creating a european army, along with what is now being said in other countries, so i read today that finland spoke in favor of the fact that we can send our military to the territory of ukraine, this is such, well, memory, apparently, such amnesia has set in, many people don’t understand what happened and what will happen where, so finland is going. send your troops poland, of course, and the baltic states, but that’s not what was said there, it was said there, it was said there,
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we cannot help but consider the option, although now it seems impossible, in the near future it will be impossible, but we can, in german it sounded like this, we we can consider the option of sending our military to the territory of ukraine, i don’t know what it sounded like in finnish, i don’t know finnish, so maybe it really was like that, but that’s not the point, the point is that everything is now they are talking about this, this is what has appeared... here this is an explanation from the scientific committee of the bundestag, it is not the first, the first appeared quite a long time ago, long before the special military operation back in 2019, now this is the second, and this, of course, it did not appear by chance, it appeared by order of the government, it was schol who handed over the order make an expert opinion that actually frees his hands, which allows him to say: no, no, we won’t get involved in this in any way, and we don’t want to have anything to do with it at all, if someone wants... please, this is the position on the one hand of scholz, on the other hand of other european
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states, it seems to me personally that we are observing a typical pre-revolutionary situation, here are the top, i mean in general practically all the states that are members of the european union today and those that are not, if take also great britain, this is, first of all, france, these are the baltic countries, this is poland, this is germany, each of each of these tops cannot... cannot live as they wanted, as they would like to live all together, everyone begins to look some kind of their own path, but the lower classes definitely don’t want it, we saw this at the speeches in france, we see what is happening now in germany, the growth of the percentage of alternatives for germany, the unusually sharp growth of the union of sarah wagenknech, which has now ousted the left and most likely will be able to enter the bundestag, there is only one thing left to do, it remains to wait for the moment when the masses can take to the streets.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow nart. sveta, i love you very much, we have you have your whole life ahead of you, very often. the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be
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happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is even a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, on friday rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former... friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will you have left? they went against god, toured all the liberated territories, what impression does it make? and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, go today, but the child, and i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street,
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come to me, live , as much as you want, but we won’t be long, she’ll take the bunny away, this is not our child, but he... maybe life doesn’t give us any references, premiere on saturday on rtr, film series kuznetsov, people’s commissar kuznetsov is too young, he doesn’t have enough combat experience , there will be no war this year, but what will tell us about it? like blacksmiths? we won’t save the entire fleet, but the sailors, soldiers, women and children, thank you, great premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, admiral kuznetsov, already on the platform, look, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house,
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sat down in the hallway on the floor and said, i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that they were simply dying there. animals donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, with monday to thursday, on rtr, in his address to the federal assembly, the president of russia called for timely provision of high-quality and affordable services to the participant. special military operation. work in this direction is in full swing. the ministry of defense has developed and implemented its own electronic map. the card includes a combat veteran’s id, contains all the information about social payments, benefits, can serve as a bank card and store medical information. tens of thousands of northern military district veterans have already submitted applications. the number of cards issued
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is growing every day. everything finally became interesting in the army. society yes, yes, very convenient, i’ll show you, otherwise nowhere else, as i understand it, you are one of the first, yes, yes, literally in one day they issued a card, that is, i didn’t have to go anywhere, no need to go to offices to upholster , that is, one day i registered on the website of the ministry of defense, that is, on the website of the ministry of defense, and yes, yes, yes, then i just arrived at the office of the bank and they issued it as a certificate, that is, it is no longer necessary, it’s a... that is well, no, you have an id card military man, we will show you this way, so that yes, yes, that is, you can come in, yes, a full-fledged document, that is, i can present it even in social institutions, that means in cultural institutions, yes, yes, yes, enjoy benefits a combat veteran , and here is a veteran’s id card, yes, that is, here is a card,
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and here is a card, yes, and a social package depending on the region, money is also here. did they charge you? no, nothing, everything is free, that is, i just went to the website, signed up, then select a bank, what is the bank convenient for, what do they have same branch in new territories, yes, yes, yes, i didn’t have to look too hard, everything was nearby, and if god forbid, you lose it, still in one, in the office they said in the bank that everything can be restored later, no problems, the data is all there, everything is there, i called, it was blocked, that is, as with a regular card, it’s convenient, the bank, the bank said something, they will do some kind of separate service. well , it seems like an office should be, well , there should be an online account, yes, well, without the internet for now, and so you would have to have a bunch of documents with you and a bunch of documents on the right, that is leave has the right and benefits established by paragraph one of article 16 of the law on veterans, well, congratulations, yes thank you, thank you , so first of all, but don’t lose, yes, we will have it
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for all military personnel, for all military personnel, yes , yes, participants in combat operations. the krasno-lyumansk direction, kharkov region, is a place that receives special attention from our opponents. i visited this part of the front, where i talked with the hero of russia, colonel and brigade commander alexei ksenofontov. he spoke about his personal journey, the features of the modern war of the strong sides of the russian armed forces. i talked with its highly professional fighters who received state awards. their personal dedication and courage will inevitably lead to... before our eyes, thanks to such warriors, the russian army is becoming the most technologically advanced, experienced and effectively organized. let's watch the movie and then go back to our studio.
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this is a video recording of an assault on an enemy position, and that is, he is leading it with you, so prepare a grenade? straight along the trench and throw the grenade to the left, where the white bags are go straight along the trench, the enemy is in the cover on the left, go straight, everything is here , to the left, a grenade, to the left, a grenade here, no, well , the grenade is all good, good, please, it's all crap, a couple of shots, jump in there , jump in there, it's all crap, jump in , take up defensive positions. now this is your position, i’m delaying the second one, this was definitely not taught, no, all this had to happen in the war, if you tell someone, yes, that the colonel will
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watch the actions of two assaults, how many people will ensure their advances, but no one if i hadn’t checked before, straight straight straight, on the right, there’s an enemy there , yes we have an enemy, yes, yes, the enemy, straight, straight, straight, right, right,
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here’s the task next, the task was difficult then, well, then they formed a battalion, as part of the battalion they began to carry out the task, but fortunately the team is of course strong, strong and united, it’s sad, but in the army the team is always based on the commander, what kind of commander is the team, the hero was given for... here an episode or in total, but then the former work was non-stop, you know, i’ll say this, it’s still non-stop, here it is
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, combat work around the clock, toiling military personnel, officers, soldiers, sergeants, legal experts, by decree of the president of the russian federation for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of military... he also dragged a comrade, medical, that ’s right, then he himself came under fire and was seriously wounded in the state, but he returned
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anyway to knock him out, that’s right, he returned back and continued his service, where he came from, he himself from the republic of abkhazia, the expression of the novgorod region, the city of boraichi, a contract soldier, so exactly, the first award or it already happened, the awards are the first state award, this is our living legend. yes, how can i call you? hare! hare, my dear hare, here you go, a story about a hare, in difficult conditions, he shot down the so-called baba yaga, a drone, here are two baba yagas in one evening, you killed two at once, under fire, that is, under enemy fire, the woman was attacking him directly, why did you take it off, machine gun, closing, weapon, that is, not sparking anything, straight. with kalash everything that is outside, yes, yes, well done, this is our legend, russia, i shot more by sound, so intuitively, or i saw it well when i was working, well, at night when the moon
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is standing, but... what was the distance, well , it wasn’t very far, well, that is, it was already quite it’s dangerous, well, of course, it could have already been thrown off, exactly where it’s from, samara region itself, so what after this hare, the wolf next to you, this is your first, not the first , first state award, state award, family, i agree with. .. a wife is not a family or something , stop having children while there are no children, there will be children , due to what we are winning and what today spirit of spirit, about the spirit of our fighter, i will say 10 minutes of active efur, that is, active combat
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of the press.
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not the rims, not the jock made of gold, no, he knows, that shy guy who would never have thought, such a hare, but he killed two women,
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that’s power, you know? well, yes, the automatic transmission is so nimble, you can drive it, yes, i can, if you tell me where? like when you were a kid driving a car at an amusement park, what does it drive, diesel, gasoline, diesel, diesel, it cooks a lot, well, no, it seems like it has little appetite, it has a long range,
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right? yes, that's enough, what's good about the car wide, you see, yes, yes, there is enough space, we install it forward, a machine gun, a navigator, what do you have, these are boxes, these are for the launcher, these are for the eagle 10 for transportation, you take care of them,
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it flies for a long time, effective, i would say the eagle , the device is orlan 10, yeah, we’re preparing for the rally, we’ve finished it either or the standard everything is as is, the standard everything is as is. we find arszo - barreled weapons have already flown today or are we currently working on the first launch, now we are working on the second one for takeoff, that is , one is already in the air now, and we are also working on superkami, and we are working on superkami on the eagle
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just the payload, the lift of the payload is greater, that is, the camera it has , yeah, is larger, the takeoff takeoff weight will be greater , the combat cat of which there are many. well, look, he’s already brought the trophy, and you, yes, i ’ve been working since the morning, where’s the trophy? yes, now for a couple of minutes, preparations are underway, the equipment, frequency range and radio channel password changes every takeoff, now if they were flying on one radio channel, now we are launching the second plane, with a different frequency range, and accordingly, we are creating problems for their enemies, that’s right , to if they didn’t intercept it, it was more difficult to intercept, that is, for everyone. this is the way we fix them so that we can continue to use the equipment,
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continue to use the equipment longer, come on. they planted the enemy on the nearest approaches or reconnaissance at night, our job was, i received a medal for courage for destroying three enemy groups of four people in one night, targeted by artillery crews together, also a group
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of the enemy of three people was moving on the offensive towards us through the rice forest, position, well, as the work area was divided, they moved in our direction, and also scored two direct hits from 120 mortars. they destroyed the direct line, then they destroyed it with crews, together with the crew, a tulip gun and a 240 mm mortar, they destroyed two enemy positions, namely two ramps and one dugout, that is , a lot of fish, that’s right, comrades are classified more on small birds, we are working on big birds in tandem, they also find the target, we look from above, confirm the hit, we also fly further ... tasks of adjusting enemy artillery is hunting you, also in absolutely zero visibility, they fly to the point, they are already trying there in the dark, well, just in zero visibility, in milk through a night camera, through a thermal camera, they are already trying to find
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targets, they don’t find them, they just throw them into the milk into the gods or homemade products go away, how are you fighting, how are we fighting this, we are working together with radio-electronic calculations. also, well , we go out ourselves and fire at them, a woman yoke, a vampire flies in, well, only the guys in the positions are also equipped, it turns out with these electronic with guns, sometimes enemy drones are landed, if they appear in the visual zone, that is, they land it, they are already neutralizing it, sappers come in their profession and are already working on these drones, some drones are used for spare parts, some explode on the spot, that is, everything depends on the situation, injuries and luck, so far thank god luck. it turned out okay, but we are working evil, yes, god has diverted, as they say, we are going on aerial reconnaissance in the petropalovka area, and to search for targets, firing positions, artillery, tanks, that we noticed, yes, an accumulation of equipment
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we worked on them several times, we can see in the deep rear what the enemy is doing, they are working on you, how they are working, yes, we are leaving with anti-aircraft weapons working. they don’t like you very much, because when we find them, we inflict fire damage on them, we punish them, they are destroyed, yes, yes, for control and video communication, so it is very difficult to keep this board level in such areas, yes, one tank, one ibter, yes, yes , yura, what did these bags find out there, what is it in the bags there, these are two hundredths, the enemy is you...
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a very good academy, yes, i won’t say yet, there there is also an airborne squad, yes, yes, the airborne platoon was finishing, it was assigned to the 106th airborne division, so i wore a vest, i wore it, i wore it, and that is , well done, once a paratrooper, always a paratrooper, yes, there is no academy yet, academy no. well , that is, they grew up in the war, yes, but
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you definitely have to finish one academy, otherwise they may not be hired by the general staff at the academy right away, even in this regard there is a strict order, yes, of course, although you, of course, i think, are now from combat work it’s really hard to get distracted well, the intensity is, of course, very much. the enemy is still very strong, cunning, and there are a lot of people, a lot of people, he is also capable of conducting analysis, studying us, we are the enemy, the losses on that side are terrible, yes, yes, serious losses, let’s say, we are observing, we are seeing , well, when we enter positions, do they at least take their own people away or leave them? no, now no longer, now no longer, at the beginning
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of the war, yes it was visible, now no longer, now, now the exception is already, these are mercenaries, mercenaries are endured at any cost, they surrender, surrender, cases are absolutely different, that's right. somehow, after fire training, someone is already surrendering, when the enemy raises a white flag, waving , he is ready to surrender, but there is no such opportunity, that’s it, the enemy has already seen that the servicemen are trying to surrender, they are starting to throw everything at them, here without variant, i spoke to the maples myself, yes, but they first expect that they will be beaten and tortured, but no, or they already know that ours treats us well,
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they know, they absolutely know, and you talk about why you didn’t come earlier, so he says, at my family is under control, that is, i ’m sitting here in a position, i have no way out, neither here nor there, i won’t go back, so i’m sitting here in a position dying, what age, but most likely already somewhere- then over 50, that is, armina has aged. they've closed everywhere, now
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they've got cats, there's not enough of them, there's none.


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