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tv   Ne v parnyakh schaste  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 1:05am-2:47am MSK

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i ask you, thank you, tomorrow by 10 am , so that i have him, that’s it, there was someone asking to go to the catholic church, it’s with you, with me, well, what’s the matter, please, you know where the catholic church is , call them, they have a phone number there, find out when the place is already provided for you, in the metropolis, you can make them a russian hut, but what is it? this is a restaurant,
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contact the service desk, they will do everything , they are waiting for you, i’m busy, have you never been to a russian hut, please call me later, you understand, vladimir vasilyevich, i actually different question, i know. you are having personal difficulties with your apartment, right? yes, that’s right, this is a difficult question, but for my part i can promise full support, you have only recently arrived with us, but you have shown yourself to be very good , who is your husband? so how? well, i mean, maybe he has prospects? yes yes. he has prospects,
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so about the church, please, generally try to take into account their individual inclinations, wishes, within reasonable limits, of course, yeah, okay, i'll go, you have mine telephone, but no, yours, well, yes, no , here you go, if suddenly there is some kind of force majeure, please, okay, well, you know, it is possible that they did not lose these tickets, that is, they did not disappear, well, that is, in the sense that we have them, if you have them, then what kind of conversation can there be, but no, young people are welcome everywhere, old people are counted everywhere, please forgive me, well, that’s the thing, i’ll just wait a minute, you understand, what’s the matter is that these tickets are not sold and are not lost, you understand, that means no one can use them, they used them, took advantage.
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but they didn’t disappear at all, they didn’t disappear, no, come to me from there, through that door, thank you, i ’ll be right there, open the window, please, why did they close the window, wait for me.
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let's go, everything is fine, he promised, said that he would try, what is happening to you, why are you so gloomy, there is no need to be confused, and you are resourceful, but i didn’t know, yes, but that this is bad, good. don't get lost.
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nothing, but i mean it will be so, yes, it will be so , you won’t say anything more, no, your wife is wearing a new blouse, brand, you buy it, and how much, how much, do you hear, well, husbands, let's go, how much, no,
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i won't raise mine like that, you first find a husband, i will find you, don't worry, are you a mirror? you buy a real husband, i’ll buy it, to a new apartment, to a new one, to a new one, when it will be , by the way, keep in mind, your wife is a charming woman, and in my opinion, buttoned up is better, uh-huh, uh-huh, fool, now everyone wears it like that, the chest is open, that's the whole charm, what? charm, look at the letter w, and i’m like, i have an exam.
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well, how are you, fine. i went to the buffet, but how do you know?
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how many times do you give? good guy, listen, you, show me whites, huh? show me the ticket, why, well, look, well, be a man, show the ticket , well, don’t be afraid, he won’t get in, what do you feel sorry for, do you hear, show the ticket, well, i ’m doing what i don’t feel sorry for, i do go ahead, i ’ll just look, don’t squeeze, i’ll look and give it back, i’ll look and give it back, it’s a good ticket, look at me. why, why is it difficult for you to look, look, it’s also a good ticket, no , well, my, listen, come on, no, but what, well, i ’m asking you as a person, he doesn’t write down the numbers, i’m going for the third time, it’s still not for you tickets come across, comrades, you are in the way,
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okay, come on, that’s it, back, give it back, i, i ’m asking you as a person, but what am i doing, this is the third time i’m giving, this is the third time i’m giving, well, this is the second time. well, whoever is the bravest, whoever goes to answer, give me the ticket, give me the ticket, well, give it back! per oggi le nostre attività sono finite, ci vediamo domani. a che ora c'ho la cena e prego la puntualità. c'è anche dove divertirsi. ho capito tutto.
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hello nelya viktorovna. hello. how was the excursion? everything is fine? yes thank you. where is your home? literally in what sense? i'll will i give you a ride? no, no, no, i'm not going home. no please. no, thank you, i, i'm asking you. ah... thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye. have you forgotten anything? no, it seems, all
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the best, goodbye. excuse me, please, i... you'll excuse me, but he's already come, this
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is the second time, you can, wipe it off, maybe he can help you, don't, so, well, sit down somewhere here, please let him in, so, please you! listen to me, it’s not because he’s my husband, he
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really knows, no worse than others, i’m sure, i’m sure, yes, i’m sure, so what? things, if he really knows, can i be frank with you, let’s, as you say, kononov, it’s really not like that... yes, don’t remember, now, here he is, yeah, you understand, he’s like that, well, not like everything, because it’s impossible to learn everything, you understand, but any normal person will find a way out of the situation , well, they’ll tell you something, well, you were a student, you know how it’s done, you were a student, you weren’t a student, or what? well, they wrote crib sheets, well, they wrote crib sheets, well, they wrote, but he didn’t, like this
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here’s an honest one, he reads below his dignity , look, just don’t tell him , please, that i was with you, okay, he ’ll come to you next week to retake the test, if you allow it, of course, let him come, but of course.. ... you should get ready, yes, well, what are you, of course, of course, he will definitely get ready, i’ll bring you tea now, oh, yes, what are you, yes, there is no need for tea,
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but you still forgot? what is this? take it, friend , it will be useful, this is the address, i sent the car, i think it will be better.
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and today is my anniversary, exactly 15 years ago i first came to this city, right? where are we going? i personally am in a completely different direction. where is the turnaround here? let's go back.
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hello, hello, great! what it is? what's happened? what's happened? what's happened? i've come home! what are you doing?
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i’ll go, guys, what’s going on strangely, well, we were playing with marisha , well, i was out for a walk or something, i was at work too, i went to pick up marishka, well, what happened, well, i wasn’t out for a walk, the date, well. ..
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thank you, and you, uh-huh, come on, thank you, maybe stronger, okay, sugar, thank you, take it,
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take it, don’t be shy, seryozha, thank you, and you guys eat, seryozha, well, take the sugar, eat it, i don’t want it, we offered. work in a postal carriage, can you imagine, so what , a carriage, yes, in a postal carriage, yes, ride in no bosses, you are alone, and the carriage is on wheels, in the morning you opened your eyes, and you are over there, where, you want jam, and can i stay with you, of course, of course, stay, then i’ll stay, okay, your tape recorder? like? good.
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when will you buy a mirror? let's buy, let's buy, a new apartment, really, seryozha, and you turn away, what are you looking at, what? getting ready for work
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, do you think you can still wear it, you can, you can , you can, okay , guardate, eccolo lì nel centro è sanzone, questo mi ricorda le fontane di tre, punta anche me, chi mi salve, pronto, torato, sì, esatto, signorini. scusi quante ha detto ci sono le fontane 64 ha detto l'insieme architettonico da una parte è alimentato dal mare, dall'altro lo concludere l'armonioso palazzo dello zar dietro il grande, quello di
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sopra, cui lavori presero parte anche gli altri italie . senti, carlo, hai filmato la canza? sì, bello! non saprei dire con precisione, comunque raccontavano che un giorno accecchiato a lungo il maestro leblonco il famoso architetto a unanciel che gli costruire perché quello vuole portare.
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proseguendo la nostra visita e il discorso dell'indole di pietro, prego, andiamo avanti. mom, what are you doing there? come on, get out quickly.
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you learn, yes, you will pass, i made a wish, yes, of course, i don’t understand anything, what do you mean? and i started smoking, and come on, come on, come on, i say, well, come on, let’s go, wherever, wherever. come on.
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hi, hi, your earring called, what is it? asked him not to say, well , he wants to buy you an english blouse, oh, i remember, tell him he doesn’t need it, why? yeah, are you waiting for someone? no, i’m just standing, breathing the air, it’s clear that we have
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an interesting company planned for the evening. yes, take the earring, come, you know, maybe we’ll come, yeah, of course, yeah, but i’ll wait, happily, happily, bye. where were you before, 15 years ago, yeah.
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15 years ago, i was little, we’ll stick with you, okay, i’m not sure that’s good, you’re mine boss, i’m no longer your boss, they’re taking me away from you, that’s how lucky i am, please tell me, are the places available?
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then, here you can order any music, just any, any, and what do they all order, of course, you can judge by their faces what kind of music you like, but i love mozart. try, okay, i don’t know how else to surprise you, but don’t, i’m already surprised, tell me how you live, as you want or not, i don’t know, i haven’t thought, what do you love more, winter or summer? autumn, morning or evening,
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tea or coffee, why do you need it, i have to know i will marry you. “sorry , it’s free here, no, yes, yes, of course , sit down, oh, thank you, vera, sit here, it’s free here, well, friends, let’s get acquainted, we’re very glad that you came, we’re very glad, really,” before that we were having an intimate conversation, but there’s no point in continuing it, isn’t it, well, no, of course not, let’s find some common topic, recently..." there was a very strong earthquake in japan, very strong all the japanese were shaking, everyone without exception, wine, you wish, it’s a pity, in vain, by the way, how are you you relate to modern dances, you don’t dance, yeah, okay, then you’ll excuse us, you
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rest, and we’ll go dance.
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to italy, and i’m finishing up my business here and will join you, if only i knew where you’ll lose, dad, dad, little darling, if only you knew where?
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is sleeping, maryushka is sleeping , don’t worry, nothing happened, he just turned on, that’s good , everything will be fine, seryozha, yeah, well, i had roman, let’s say i was in a restaurant with... one person, maybe i’m from my husband will i leave? yanochka, didn’t you offer nelya dinner? thank you, i don't want to, i suggested, mom, how
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life, how are you, forever, thank you, okay, won’t your husband be angry that you’re with us?
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and she feels so good, let’s repeat the poems, yes, come on, your parents will manage without poems, but why are we talking like this, huh? i ’m asking why we’re talking like this, i don’t know, go, change your clothes, i’m asking you, go change, i won’t change for them, sit down, please, sit down, well, i love you. and
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you? vel, do you think we need to talk about this? but we haven’t talked about this for so long. "that means you've wasted your time, don't look at me, please turn away, why on earth? since then you have become shy about me, do you hear , and you know, i’m cold, today you’re idle”? it’s the birthday of our dear granddaughter marina 3
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years ago at home, she made the world happy with her presence, along with her appearance , other hopes appeared for us, hope for her parents, seryozha, that’s enough , say, say, it’s interesting, others are interested in listening, that means for the health of our dear granddaughter, marina, we’ll be great, you too, and what remains for us? and how are you doing, sergey, in instudio, how good? well, well how are you doing, how are you doing in general? well, it’s fine, it’s normal, he’s a great guy , he can do it all, he works and studies, other people’s sons are more nimble, they try to make themselves comfortable, make it easier, but he works, well, what can you do, he’s the father of the family, you have to keep up, remember, we said earlier brothers, early brothers, not strong there. they have an early marriage, that’s how you can’t blow up the adhesions forever, pour half
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the glasses, who’s lying that we’re drunk, we’re cheerful, but by golly, well, who’s lying so shamelessly pour it. why are you silent, i am not silent, talk to me, i say, we can’t get a divorce.
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but i don’t know, so, well, our time is over, now. here you understand, it means right away, well, look how this is solved. b give me your record book, no, maybe, maybe some questions, i was preparing, honestly i was preparing, i,
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please. so, well, what should i give you, an a, a b, that is, nothing, i, i didn’t deserve an a, of course, they deserve a c, insert what you deserve, sergei mikhailovich, sergei mikhailovich, let’s talk frankly, try it if you can, well it's worth it for you to suffer so much, accurate science is obviously not your calling, why do you advise me to leave for institute, well , an institute like ours requires special talent, you see, the vast majority
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of people are busy with something other than their own business, and this causes problems in life. including private life, and you tell everyone this, who did poorly in the exams? no, not everyone, i like you, sergei, mikhailovich, so i’m telling you, you do me too, okay, i’ve signed my name here, give yourself whatever rating you want?
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this is where i live, sorry, it's a mess, it's okay, sit down, i don't i thought that i wouldn’t come alone, i didn’t think, well, how can i tell you. tea or coffee, it doesn't matter.
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such fool to hold you, to seek a kiss, not mine alone, to share a kiss, the devil has known, time and time again, i said, i leave.
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give you time and time again i went away, but then what comes the time, i ask you. i'm a fool to want you, pity me, i need you,
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i know it's wrong, it must be wrong, but right or wrong, i can't. so what's going on with her, is she nagging or something, well , the child is so good, you know, she became beautiful when they got married, so she's a girl, the girl is now beautiful. maybe he’s cheating,
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cheating or not, i don’t know.
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daughter on the street, i love you.
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i know, forgive me, don't cry, don't cry, everything is fine, let's start over.
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the flood is out of control in twenty-two regions in the altai territory, state of emergency , the water level is rising to critical levels. in makhachkali, the caspian region, strengthening security measures has brought results. the intelligence services detained three bandits who were planning a terrorist attack. bread for fighters in the lnpr
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works in three shifts. baked in our report. you watch the news on the rossiya tv channel, the main news in the studio karina ilyina, hello, in the russian regions the spring flood is gaining strength, in twenty-two regions there is now a tense situation , an emergency regime has been introduced in the altai territory, the number of flooded houses is growing every hour, according to the latest data there are already about 500 of them, there are almost a thousand household plots in the water, melt water from the fields poured into the village of mikhailovskoye,
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belgorod region, governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this in his telegram channel. another one. the person was injured in belgorod itself, 18 private residential buildings were also damaged, three cars were cut by shrapnel, there was damage to utility networks, the ukrainian armed forces also attacked a village in the borisov district, ukrainian militants used a drone there, three ammunition was dropped, no people were injured, a power line was damaged in the voluy district, in total during the day , ukrainian drones attacked the belgorod region almost 20 times. the russian ministry of defense confirmed a high-precision weapon attack on energy infrastructure and gas production facilities in ukraine. all targets, as reported in department have been achieved. local media counted five arrivals in the lviv region. the
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regional authorities confirmed the missile attack on the city. explosions were heard in odessa. apparently, after one of them, the power instantly went out in several areas of the city. and now about the situation in the zone. three ukrainian su-20 aircraft were destroyed at the voznesensk airfield in the nikolaev region. three launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system and two ammunition depots were also eliminated; our air defense shot down 178 ukrainian drones and 23 shells in one day rszzo. in addition, according to the ministry of defense, russian units are occupying new positions and are confidently moving towards the hour. this settlement is essentially the key to the liberation of other larger cities of the dpr, kramatorsk and slavyansk. three bandits ... they were kept in dagestan, living in rented apartments. according to preliminary data , they were planning terrorist attacks on the territory of the republic. the special operation took place in makhachkali kaspiysk. for these few hours , the cto regime was in effect in both cities. according to the head of
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dagestan sergei melikov, the special services came out the legacy of the suspects after the strengthening of security measures in connection with the terrorist attack in the crucus city hall near moscow. and this is what the national anti-terrorism committee reported during the operation. during an inspection of the places where criminals were detained , automatic weapons, ammunition for them and a ready-to-use improvised explosive device were discovered. there were no casualties among the civilian population or among the personnel of the law enforcement forces. the necessary investigative and investigative measures continue to be carried out . russia resumed flight test program for the passenger il-114-300. as rostec said, the prototype aircraft made its first flight. from the moscow region. the car stayed in the sky for 40 minutes at an altitude of up to 900 m at a speed of up to 230 km/h. during the flight , the pilots successfully tested the internal systems and equipment of the aircraft. we have
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a year and a half of intensive work ahead of us. at the end of the twenty-fifth year, the aircraft must be certified; from the twenty-sixth year , deliveries of this aircraft should begin to the airlines. they're really waiting for the plane, the plane in demand, the plane has no alternative. the aircraft should replace the large fleet of antonov aircraft that are outliving their weight, the flight went perfectly , there were no failures, the task was completed completely, with excellent quality, the aircraft performed simply excellent, excellent thrust, armament, much more than the previous one model, in the lugansk people's republic more than 3 tons of bread per day are baked by a field factory for fighters. the logistics support department of the southern group of troops supplies soldiers with everything necessary for good nutrition. bakers work in three shifts, in addition to fresh loaves, they can bake dobu pies. about the work of the field bakery -
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a report by artyom yundas. at the field grain processing plant they work in three shifts. there are no additives in the recipe, everything is natural. after 40 minutes in the special oven, 108 fresh loaves are ready. here we bake bread, we try to bake it beautifully. the factory bakes more than 3 tons of bread every day, and not only that, the guards of the legendary tashkent cambrig are always ready to please the fighters of the southern group of troops with something special. let's do baked goods for military personnel and send them there for the holidays, any assortment, absolutely everything. in 2015, natalya shevlyakova voluntarily joined the army after her son, without having a culinary education, and here in the 123rd brigade she learned the craft of a baker. mom to me always. i was talking about the great patriotic war, what kind of animals they were, bendera’s people, suddenly they tell me benderahero, well, that was a red flag for me, that i dressed up to go to the army. at the holiday, bakers
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prepare special cakes and loaves for the unit and give them to tankers or artillerymen themed treats. this bread has just been pulled out of the oven, and here it will spend about 5 hours to cool, this is necessary for transportation rules. the soldiers of the material support company live here at the field grain storage facility, where all the necessary conditions have been created taking into account wartime, but at any moment they are ready to quickly redeploy after ours.
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brings them victory before going on the ice , the participants carefully prepare the back both of the sixty-third year and how to work with it 400 m normally itself, that is, it turns out you.
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workers, we adjust the artillery , or we can act as marxmen, that is , as support for the performance itself, we just work, i caught a fisherman with a good catch, well, actually, this is not my first experience of winter fishing, because my women’s team and i have already won at the anniversary baikal fishing in the nineteenth year, but the great father baikal did not smile at everyone; out of forty teams of participants with their catch , only five lucky ones returned to the weighing place, were they celebrated on stage? champions, the most dexterous, the fastest creative participants. dozens of winners in various categories received prizes; alexander shangin became the best fisherman. this is the second time i’m participating, last time 2 years ago i took second place, now i’m in first place, well, lucky, i’m happy with my catch. baikal charges with its special energy, it attracts visitors at any time of the year; next year, lovers of winter fishing and mischievous fun will gather for the tenth time. tatyana kostygova, vais khalan budaev.
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news buryatia. all news is always available on media platform. we look in the application or on the website the news is following developments . let's start. come on, come on with a smile. russia morning. don’t oversleep, well, they’re going interestingly , but they’re coming soon, good morning, hello, april 1, once upon a time this day was filled with joy and fun, it was a time of jokes and pranks, but perhaps not now - let’s get busy.
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table etiquette lesson for little panda. at the moscow zoo they filmed how the main public favorite, katyusha, is having breakfast, but she clearly lacks good manners. baby she tried to take away a sprig of bamboo, which seemed to her, well, the most delicious from her mother din-din, but she resolutely pulled the delicacy towards her. i had to curb my appetites, take up physical exercise, the lightweight panda athletics section opened on a log obstacle course, the first attempt was to walk on a log. was unsuccessful due to loss of balance, but the mother herself was against the second approach. well, let's talk about the weather now, especially since the weather in central russia is conducive to walking not only people, but pandas and it frightens with summer meanings. masha borisova in the studio, good morning. that’s right, and apparently, by april 1, april decided to make a joke and turned into may, because today in the central region there are may values, and tomorrow in general summer june values ​​will be +20, this is a record. this is how our april started
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with records, but march is also not far behind, because it holds the record for the driest climate, because there was no rain at all, for the last 38 years, also in the central region, that was it, but spring is coming it’s coming quickly, but it’s still early change your shoes, i mean change your tires, because there may still be frost on thursday, so it’s worth waiting another week if suddenly someone has already decided to change the tires. now i’ll tell you in detail. in the first days of the week , well-warmed air masses from the mediterranean will arrive in the south of russia. so at noon hours below the milestones. in the second half of the period, the region will be covered by cloudy fields of a cold front and thunderstorms will occur in places and it will become 5-6° cooler. on the middle volga, showers are possible only in some places, in the north of the region in at the end of the work week the temperature will
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rise. in the first days the thermometer rises at 6:11, in the second half - up to 12-17°. at the beginning of the week, a cyclone will blow air from the north-west of russia. tropical zone , so that at noon in the south of the region it is even 16:21, but then the arctic invasion will begin, there will be rain, sometimes turning into snow, and the daytime temperature in the north will drop to -1-6, in the southern part to +2 -7. in central russia, in the first days of the period there will be almost summer heat, from noon to 18:23, on thursday to friday the region will already cool air masses will break through, and the temperature regime in the region will be within limits. during the day +7 +12 in the urals at the beginning of the week there will be light precipitation, so it will be quite cool, but in the following days the weather will improve, and during the day the air will warm up to 13-18°. in southern siberia, light precipitation will be local and short-term and will not prevent the sun from warming the air. at
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the beginning of the period, the daytime temperature is 0.5 with subsequent warming to +9 +14. in the south of the far east sunny weather will prevail weather, only at the beginning of the week it is possible in some places. for light precipitation, during the day it is +7 +12, in the first days it is 4-5° cooler. thank you, mash, well, the april jokes will end, after all, it’s still early to prepare for summer, well, somewhere it’s still winter in some regions, there they haven’t put away the shovels for snow removal yet, that’s right, yes, for example, in the north there are snowfalls in siberia and in general it’s too early to even think about spring, there is a cold snap in chukotka, in murmansk now in the north of european territory there have also been very heavy snowfalls, there will be a cold snap again, that's why we have. somehow balanced, somewhere it’s summer and somewhere it’s winter, thank you, we’ll keep it in mind, masha borisova talked about the weather for the near future. it's nice to start the morning with a cup of strong aromatic tea. azer tea is a bouquet, tart and tonic, it will give you
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vigor throughout the day. morning is time to brew azer tea. and i became an investigator. premiere on russia channel. will you ever marry me? independent, you don’t give me advice, especially when i don’t ask for it, well, who is not me, irreplaceable, i ’m drawn to you, i can’t do anything about it there's nothing to do, tireless, i'll come now, don't drive me like that, just don't drive me, indomitable restlessness, well, if you want, we'll get married and all that, today at 21:20, scientists discovered a time capsule in antarctica, a can of milk powder, more steel... the first conquerors of the south pole brought it back with them; the expedition of british citizen ernest shakulton was in such a hurry to reach the goal that it left some of the food in the camp. they were given to scientists for research. well, the laboratory was able to answer how modern milk differs from centuries-old milk
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a long time ago, the results were based on the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, they are practically the same thing, but the presence of lead in the vintage powder... the matter is most likely in the tinned jar in which the century-old milk was stored. how else can you strengthen the polar explorer’s immunity ? however, for ordinary citizens this is also not an idle question; nutritionists advise including soup products in your diet, such as chicken or beef. the hearts are almost cooked, and you can see from the color that they are ready. this is a hearty dish for both cheeks always even children gobble it up. for this reason, muscovite natalia malakhova explains, not without pride , that she doesn’t mind the time it takes to prepare it; it usually takes her a little over an hour to do everything, so that the hearts are tender, i add sour cream and simmer for about 15-20 minutes. chicken hearts, like liver, belong to the first category of offal due to their rich composition. it
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contains not only all the b vitamins, but also iron, cobalt, and copper. chicken hearts contain a lot of vitamin a, which improves immunity and strengthens the body. in general, soup products are a real find for those who wants to stay healthy and at the same time is not averse to diversifying their diet, surprising loved ones, and even at home the dish can turn out no worse than in michelin-starred restaurants, for example, take the same beef cheeks, in many establishments they are served as a delicacy, but this also a soup product, the delicate enveloping texture of the cheeks due to the fibers, this is collagen, and it is better not to remove these veins, beef cheeks have their own smell, if you cook them without spices just in water, of course they will smell, in this main recipe. well , tomato paste paprika (a lot of paprika) took on the mission, the most dreary process of stewing: the whole mass is poured with boiling water so that the protein is scalded, it is simmered over low heat for 5 hours, a little less than 3 hours will be spent on cooking another beef. cates of the tongue, before boiling it in the broth, i soaked it for 30
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minutes in cool boiled water. for a rich taste, it is better to cook the tongue itself with vegetables, carrots or onions. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices, in particular, this salt, you can add peppercorns 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add a bay leaf. and then each housewife uses her imagination: the same open tongue looks very appetizing and nothing complicated, you must agree, i really hope that the meat is tender, simply amazing, it literally melts in the mouth, by the way, and it is in the mouth that the process of assimilation begins all useful substances, there are a lot of them, a couple of tongue rolls will make the brain work, lititine contributes to this, plus it actually contains 45% of the daily value per... gram of zinc, and here is zinc, it controls the amount of sugar in the blood, however, the list of useful by-products
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goes on, lips, ears, udders, tails and stomachs, they are all rich in the protein collagen, and the lungs and kidneys contain an antioxidant, quanzyme 10, a substance that improves immunity and enhances performance, a good incentive to learn how to make something tasty out of all this, and for this , a culinary video blog, a book by classic chefs of literature, and of course our family recipes will help grandmothers, but... in the urangelia island nature reserve, scientists have begun a census of the birth dens of polar bears, just on these days the bears leave their winter dens with their babies. the expedition was organized with the support of the national ecology project, which provides for a whole range of measures to preserve the population of these animals and other rare species of animals. the khatanga polar bear at the yekaterinburg zoo is treated almost like a dog , adjusted for the size and natural character
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of the largest land predator. classes certain ones that the bear needs , precisely to maintain his physical condition and moral mental state, but for the purpose of furthering some kind of veterinary research, the khatanga zoo was assigned to the program for the conservation of rare species in captivity, it operates with the support of a national project : ecology. 2 years ago, the commission decided to remove the bear from nature to save her. she came to the shift workers for the cubs, asked for food, and they fed her. apparently, the bear cub was left without parents. unfortunately for the polar bear this situation is disastrous. they cannot learn to hunt on their own. but a spacious enclosure with a swimming pool, toys and activities with employees cannot adequately replace the natural environment. the polar bear's habitat is ice. and he directly lives and hunts.
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doctors put collars on animals for satellite monitoring, take blood samples, even go down into dens, which are empty, of course; in recent years, non-contact research methods have been increasingly used. for the first time in the world, a new the method is monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles. the second is, of course, the method of artificial intelligence, which is now being actively introduced into practice and monitoring of scientific research. this is exactly how the census of polar bears on the island was conducted. in rangel, it is often called a bear maternity hospital, 358
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individuals were counted here, for the first time the population was studied so precisely, but if science can study how climate change affects bears and develop recommendations for their conservation, then another problem can only be solved by the authorities and society. it is necessary to develop measures to reduce the level of human impact on nature, to create conditions for conflict-free coexistence of polar bears and people, such approaches were developed jointly by authorities, scientists, and business representatives and are enshrined in the framework declaration on measures to preserve the polar bear and arctic ecosystems, and these measures are already being taken: in the habitats of the polar bear there are 16 specially protected natural areas of federal significance, in total to protect rare species of animals under the national ecology project, by the end of this year, 25 new nature reserves will appear, co-located with national parks; 20 of them have already been created. today is the event of the year.
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premiere on rtr. this is my first, real deal, are you serious now, yes, you will follow, evgeny pronin, you love me , how can i tell you, if in 7 years a man has not proposed to you, he needs to be changed, anna artova, i called all my friends, they nowhere, my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, oh, boy, like that. zoya is my university friend. this is not at all what you think. vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found. daria ursulyak. i can not wait. the invincible neupokoyla, what they say about you is true, what the invincible wants, the invincible gets. today on rtr. we
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go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go , forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to do this before warm up, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you only need five minutes.
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you want to stay, of course, i’ll get you to work in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all , it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at it on the weekend, well, i liked it, who is it, it’s zavyalov, the owner ours, why aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, i’m afraid to wake up. make some coffee, hello, you’re stupid, i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i i live here, cinderella , some kind of dishwasher, here in general, this mum is incomprehensible, nothing, i’m still fighting, or a princess, whoever the prince chooses, and you loved her, yes, most likely not, but you love me, wings of a pegasus, on saturday on rtr.
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10 million drivers here mopeds, taste it, oh
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, lunar sanata, odak joy, operas , countless musical works, all of them were written by a person who had no musical abilities, such stunning results were reached by an international group of scientists who examined the dna of the composer ludwig van pethovin. moreover, if we compare the genetics of a classic with ordinary people, then many will have an even higher inclination to write, but... there is no talent, so they are left, as always, with learning and work, without this there is nowhere, but you expect one thing, you get something completely different, but what do you do if, when shopping online , instead of a long-awaited dress or a pair of sneakers, you receive something completely different? varvara irmakova suggests not to take this too seriously, as is actually done by internet users who are also
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unlucky with online shopping, yes, well, at least these things fit on you, musya? i could walk like that in them, oh these online stores, musya, give me more passion, online shopping is, of course, a pig in a poke, and in the literal sense of buying. things yourself, in the end only a cat can fit into them, and if you pull on the long-awaited dress, it is possible that you will cry bitter tears. however, some girls are so optimistic that they give online sellers chance after chance, each time getting something completely different from what they saw in the picture on the internet. and the most desperate ones order a wedding dress online, but at least it’s white, this man didn’t take big risks, he ordered an ordinary mask for... but then everything went wrong, however, like this guy, it happens that
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instead of the promised goods, people get absolutely unexpected things, for example, instead of a smartphone , a box of pieces of wood comes, instead of a video card, a bottle of water, instead of a laptop , a book, maybe his grandmother sent it to him , and he’s sitting on his internet, at least he read a book, and the seller decided to sweeten this couple a little. chocolate, and although a treat is always pleasant, they can greatly upset the buyer, especially if they send what seems to be the same thing that they wanted, but in disassembled form, like this set: pear separately, chocolate separately, then you yourself, and these sellers are sure that we we can make such a smokehouse ourselves or knit a blanket from the received ones... so, how do we knit? yes, what would i do without the internet? i’d probably just go to the store and buy a braid, but now i’m watching, studying,
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trying to knit it, although from what they sent me again, it’s unlikely to work. come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great. what is it, the morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is to lead the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in karina ilyin’s studio, hello, destroy it over the past 24 hours. almost 800 ukrainian militants, this is the latest data from the ministry of defense. in three directions of the special operation at once, donetsk, avzeevsky and yuzhnodonetsk, our units were able to improve their tactical
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position and occupy more advantageous positions. on the kupinsky sector of the front, five counterattacks were thwarted and camouflaged dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the strike was carried out by the crews of the rapier anti-tank guns of the west group of forces. this footage from a reconnaissance drone was confirmed, all the shells landed accurately, in the north donetsk ... vladimir putin signed a decree on the spring the document is published on the official portal of conscription for military service, corresponding to legal information. so, from today to july 15, it plans to conscript 150 thousand people, and as the ministry of defense previously stated, no spring recruits will be sent. serve in new regions or in a special operation zone. the same decree decides to dismiss everyone whose term of conscription has expired.
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the resource resource p satellite launched from the baikanur cosmodrome was placed into the target orbit. remote satellite. as roscosmos said, the device will be observe the surface of the earth to explore the natural resources of the planet. the catholic world celebrated easter on sunday, which fell on march 31 this year. pope francis spoke at the vatican, he called for an end to the war in gaza and ukraine, as well as the release of all hostages who are still being held by hamas militants. the pontiff read. the traditional message to the family and the world, despite health problems, festive services were held in all catholic churches. great britain's easter service was attended by king charles ii and his wife
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kanila. and the main symbol of easter, the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem, was half empty this year, since not a single catholic from palestine took part in the services due to the war with israel. well, us president joe biden suddenly declared easter sunday as transgender day and banned the wearing of any kind. inscriptions on easter eggs so as not to offend anyone, while it seems that the americans were offended, considering such decrees an outrage against a religious holiday. we experienced something new at baikal. water sampling equipment. device records data on temperature and pressure at a depth of up to 2.0 m. the results obtained will be studied by biologists to assess the ecology of one of the most unique lakes in the world. by the way, the device is completely domestic. report by kristina cherkova. smoothly and carefully , specialists lower the cassette into the water column. the maximum specified depth in this area is 1,400 m. it is located 7 km from the village of
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listvyanka. and here is irkutsk. many scientists tested new water sampling equipment for the first time. the winch control is located the operator, he controls that the device lowers at the required speed, this is about 1 m/s. after the cassette reaches the bottom, water samples will be collected with all bathameters, which is 28 liters. the cassette records data on temperature and pressure at depth. the received information is then stored in internal memory. the device itself consists of several bathometers. which allow scientists to take samples at twelve water levels, and at a depth of up to 2,000 m. by the way, this equipment is completely domestic. the special feature of this botometer is this complex is that it allows this equipment to be lowered autonomously on a cable; similar foreign equipment requires a cable cable. scientists simply could not work with a foreign device in winter. the russian analogue is quite
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compact. its weight is less than 100 kg. an autonomous botometric cassette was developed according to the technical specifications of irkutsk limnologists. with it, scientists will be able to analyze the state of water in different areas of lake baikal quickly and efficiently. the cost of the equipment is almost 5 million rubles. limunological institute acquired it with federal money. kristina cherkova, roman buynov, vesti, irkutsk. this is the news. we are monitoring developments. vladimir putin ordered to increase the export of russian coal to the east. we are talking about coal mining companies operating in siberia and the far east. today the tunguisky section in buryatia is one of the three largest sections in russia. victoria gmyzina will talk about the capacities and resources that the enterprise has. the tugnuisky coal mine is considered
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not only one of the main assets. buryatia, but all of russia. over 35 years, local miners have produced over 250 million tons of coal. every year production volumes are growing, and the geography of supplies is expanding. coal is mined here by open pit mining. the process is not interrupted for a minute. stripping work is carried out 24 hours a day. the rock mass is transported by modern belazs. a real giant, an ash 4085 walking excavator, is involved in the development. height. five-story building, the walking excavator has the highest technical characteristics; inside, in addition to the driver’s cab, there are several important premises: we have everything here: a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a kettle, a large table, sergei yasenkov operates an excavator number four, he says the work is difficult, but interesting, you sit and work for 12 hours, there are some nuances, that
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attentiveness comes first. there are over twenty-five russian world records in the works; last year alone, tugnoi miners produced 14.3000 tons per mountain, this year they plan to increase this figure by another 300. part of the coal is exported to china, supplies are stable, moreover, in the near future they plan to increase export volumes. today, the priorities in supplies are the premium markets of the eastern range for the current year. the quota allocated for novostok transportation for the tugnuisky open-pit mine is 8.5 million. today, the tugnuisky open-pit mine remains the largest enterprise in the territory not only of buryatia, but also of eastern siberia and the far east. moreover, over 35 years of operation , the mine has managed to become one of the top three leaders in the russian coal mining industry. victoria gmyzina, nikolai manzhuev, lead buryatia. artificial intelligence project, developed in primorye reached the finals
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of the world summit competition. information society, the striped predator recognition system is already being used by specialists at the amur tiger center, sergey komarov found out what the program can do and exactly how it simplifies the work. all striped tails that hit the camera traps will be found and identified automatically. the smart ai system, developed by specialists from the far eastern center for artificial intelligence, has passed a worldwide competitive selection. tiger face id will greatly simplify the work of the amursky center tiger. there is a heart. well, the system itself is an artificial intelligence model that performs the functions assigned to it, it is a detection module that determines whether there is an animal at all in the picture, where it is located, its edges, the second is... the tiger tinder identification system, like the programmers jokingly nicknamed him, he is looking for an individual from a photo from a camera trap that is most similar to the animal caught in the camera lens, the necessary databases are uploaded to the server, he rushes about, and in russian they coincide, striped animals are often 80-90% with several at once
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their potential copies, so the proposed options need to be sifted out by a specialist. most of the project, by the way , was developed by students; when they came in, they called you a brilliant student, they said that you can assign anything, you will do it in one night, this is a big exaggeration. it’s just that at one point i had to complete a lot of tasks in a very short time, oh, i just had to mess up a lot, how it worked before, camera traps took hundreds of photos, each one had to be looked at by a specialist, there were often false ones triggered, for example, a branch moved or another animal was in the lens, now all these images are analyzed by the system and immediately sorted: there is a tiger here, there is not one here, it is not clear in this photo, a manually detected tiger previously had to be compared with the entire database, but now the number the number of coincidences ... as a rule, can be counted on one hand. the work on tigers was selected from thousands of works at a prestigious competition, we went through two stages and got into 300 finalists, but in the final everything will be decided
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by user voting. we are talking about a project competition world summit of the information society. although the developers of the tiger recognizer did not pay much attention to participation in the competition, the project was able to loudly declare itself. sergey komarov, alexander kazantsev, vesti primorye. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is news, we are monitoring developments. in the near future we will live in a completely different world. artificial intelligence will force us to think differently. very fast. the name of the psychologist alexey sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. everyone who attended his lectures says that he can determine a person just by looking at him. it destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life, achieve the fulfillment of desires and what to expect from the future, about this and more in our program, today at 16:30, we started.
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come on, let's smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, this is your morning on the russia tv channel, today with vera krasova, i am vladislav zavyalov. robot drummer will lift your spirits and add drive. the programmers taught android not
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only to hit the target, but also to behave like a human. the robot nods to the beat of the music, presses the pedals, and in every possible way pretends to be carried away by the process in its head. how the newcomer keeps the rhythm, but his music somehow has no soul , by the way, the attempt to put a robot behind the drums is not the first, when the predecessor was just trying out drumsticks, it seemed like a complete failure, well, look, he’s studying, even though he’s not at the conservatory finished, while robots are just getting ready to replace us with... labor, a new trend has emerged: workers for hire, companies renting individual employees or entire departments for a while in a variety of industries. and the demand for such labor rental is growing, but
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andrei shevtsov understood whether everything here is definitely correct from the point of view of labor legislation. i will hand over a valuable, experienced employee to good hands at a good price without intermediaries. muscovite georgy zhuchkov laughs, this is what his employment history looked like. v a new company, he is a recruiter who has been working in his company for a long time, but for the last 2 months he has been performing tasks for another company, my manager came up to me and said that there was such an opportunity to work in another company, like an implant, and accordingly i agreed, for me it was an interesting experience, here i don’t take on any more projects, i work directly only with the company that hired me, in modern terms , outstaffing occurred or simply leasing employees, a phenomenon that is still recently seemed like a joke , today it is gaining momentum in the market: most often the construction business and it, in essence, the employer’s employee
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remains the same, but this employer or he plays the role of some kind of contractor helps another company perform this or that task, this or that the project sounds interesting, but in reality there are too many questions, the scheme is as follows: the companies agree on the cost and hiring procedure among themselves, the terms of the lease are not agreed upon with the employee, working conditions may be worse, the work may turn out to be simply dangerous, this is what happened to dmitry, while on rent, the man broke his fingers on a construction site, he is in the process of arguing with the company, so he does not want to show his face. i was supposed to have sick leave, but accordingly no one opened it for me, no one paid me for it, how would i contact this company where i initially worked, they told me that well, how could your carelessness lead to this, it’s your own fault, we won’t pay anything, in fact, you didn’t work, and it’s difficult to prove the opposite, because there are no documents. about the employee's transfer naturally, no one signed, which harms
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outstaffing and the economy as a whole, because often, according to experts, tenant companies do not pay taxes for their temporary employees. the fact is that in this case , an agreement is concluded between companies that are, yes, so to speak, the real employer, let’s say, the behind-the-scenes employer and money is transferred there for the provision of services, well, part of this money is simply cashed out, and ah... the fund wages are underestimated, so before agreeing to work in a rental, you need to understand all the risks; in case of threats from your superiors, be sure to contact the competent authorities, the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office. let's continue this topic; with us today is a member of the working group of the federation council on combating shadow earnings, sergei peskov. sergey, hello! good morning, as we see, mutual workers are in demand, but what does the law say about leasing staff immediately? what's wrong with a regular employment contract?
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about 90% of staff leasing occurs in the form of outsourcing, where the rights are just not protected, where it is convenient for everyone to work, except for the employee, except for the employee and except for the country’s economy, which has nothing to do with this, the country’s economy is losing enormous money , it’s not even hundreds of millions, it’s tens of hundreds of billions a year, that is, this is lost revenue from the regional, federal budgets , social budgets, pensions. it turns out that we need some kind of agreement that can simplify these relationships in the case of leasing an employee, and at the same time can insure this employee in the event of the same accidents, this is necessary switch to a contract for the provision of personnel and labor for workers, well, an employment contract agreement? and in practice it is this agreement, respectively, a company that is accredited by rostrud. called a private employment agency, receives a license to
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provide personnel, enters into an employment contract with all social guarantees, nothing else happens in the economy, but i say again that this form of providing personnel is scanty in our economy, therefore it is necessary to expand opportunities for civilized forms and narrow the possibilities for uncivilized forms, due to changes in legal, organizational, economic measures, exclude from... an employee cannot prove in any way that he worked for some third-party manager, company, whatever you want to call it, here’s how to fix it, regulate it and so that everything was right.


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