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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 2:47am-5:00am MSK

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in practice, this agreement exists , respectively, a company that is accredited in rostrud, called a private employment agency, receives a license to provide personnel, enters into an employment contract with all social guarantees, nothing else happens in the economy, but i say again that this form of provision personnel, it is scanty in our economy, so it is necessary to expand opportunities for the civilized.
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receive if his legal entity signs for him with another, then of course, through his legal entity, such way, but in any case , everything is regulated by some kind of agreements , there is a mechanism, there are mechanisms, the question is that not everyone follows these mechanisms, that’s why you were invited, it’s good that you explained all this to us, yes, now all this remains to implement, thank you, we discussed the forms of employee employment with a member of the working group of the federation council on combating shadow earnings sergei piskov, thank you sergei! thank you, thank you. amazing people,
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amazing seventh season. you, the future of our humanity. thank you for being there is. on friday at 21:30. a complete scam will help protect your car in a parking lot in the yard, more precisely, a special dome made of high-strength film, which was tested in action by one of the autobloggers in the role. trying to damage the supercar, when sitting on the hood for a selfie did not work, the tester went up to the second floor, a brick, a screwdriver, a kitchen knife , a pry bar, a sledgehammer, a heavy bag, a body weight, a car tire seemed to accidentally fly from the balcony, nothing helped, on the car this had no effect, it remained like new, a good thing, expensive, probably, sooner or later the time will come to sell the car, but it will be as good as new and... then buy another one,
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it’s difficult to keep up with new products on the car market, but ivan zenkevich will always help her. according to the latest data, the share of crossover suvs in the russian market has reached 70%. mid-size models are traditionally in demand, and manufacturers are happy to offer even more new products. several brands represented in our country showed interesting premieres in their homeland. chengan introduced a new model. crossover uniz. the suv's rather black, futuristic design is intended to attract a young audience. under the hood there is a hybrid power plant consisting of a one and a half liter naturally aspirated engine with 98 horsepower and an electric motor with a capacity of 215 horses. a fully charged battery provides 115 km of electric range. in china, chinggan uniz has already begun to appear in showrooms. we have the jetur x90+ crossover.
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sold relatively recently, has not yet become familiar on the roads, but its updated modification x90 has already arrived in china pro. the exterior has become more modern and balanced. the interior has been updated, now there are two separate screens instead of one dual screen, another center console and steering wheel. under the hood of the basic version of the x90 pro , a 1.6-liter turbo engine with a capacity of 197 horsepower is installed. the top trim levels already come with a two-liter supercharged unit producing 254 horsepower. one gearbox, seven-speed robot, front-wheel drive. at home, orders for the updated suv are already being accepted, and in time it will probably arrive. and to the russian market. and, finally, the third new product is a hybrid version of our well-known coupe crossover exced rx. the exterior of the car has not changed. the gas-electric modification is only revealed by the charging port hatch. the hybrid power plant consists of a one and a half liter gasoline engine with 156
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horsepower and an electric motor with 102 or 122 horsepower, depending on the versions. the electric range is 83 or 160 km , respectively. u... total up to 1343 km, front-wheel drive, but later an all-wheel drive version with a more powerful electric motor will appear, on the chinese market hybrid rx has just been released, but the russian premiere is expected closer to the end of the year, and this is not the only new product from exit; even earlier , the refreshed mid-size txl should arrive to us; premieres in this subclass are also expected from other brands. and then there are school tours. what is the price? an excursion to another city, who is responsible for the safety of children, more on that in a few minutes, happy birthday to you, blow it out, on saturday, after
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graduation, you are flying to italy, and i am finishing my business here and you have been asked to help, if would you like to know where you will lose it, dad? premiere on saturday on rtr, please , acquaintance and roll call, without further ado, i’m very glad that you came to visit me,
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how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting, kizikov on sunday on rtr, so that dreams come true, on sunday, i’m counting the minutes until the evening, when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well, i won’t
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stand on stop the ways of your happiness, please, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i will do something, i don’t know what yet, but i will do it, honestly, len, on rtr. in the near future we will live in a completely different world. artificial intelligence will force us to think differently. very fast. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. those who attended his lectures say that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with. increased blood pressure, learning. blood, it destroys the body, how to get to achieve the maximum from every day of your life and what to expect from the future , about this and not only in our prolakhs, today on rtr, whatever you call a yacht, so it
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will sail, or plunge into the depths of the sea, erase the border between two worlds, above and underwater, the new yacht is a submarine , yes... it will be very beautiful there, fountains, i think i will really like it, seventh grader nastya
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is excited with her classmates , a girl from veliky novgorod is going on a one-day excursion to st. petersburg, the teachers organized the school tour together with a travel agency, and therefore the girl’s mother does not worry about the safety of the child, and besides, the price of the tour is reasonable. we have very good, class management, assistants, teachers who accompany our children, and i trust them, calmly, with a pure heart. let's go. school tours in russia are gaining increasing popularity. you can send your child on a one-day trip, for 2-3 days or even a week. from the number of days, by the way, and also from the age of the child, direction and type transport depends on the cost of such travel. for example, the price of the shortest excursion programs organized by tour operators lasting up to 5 hours for primary schools ranges from one and a half to 3,500 rubles. this includes transport services, accompaniment along the route by accredited guides, a small snack, entrance tickets , for example, to a chocolate museum at a gingerbread factory for tests or master classes, older children, starting from the fifth grade, can go on a full-fledged one-day
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bus tour of estates , mansions or exhibition space. if we are talking , let’s say about a full one-day tour, then it’s about 4-6 thousand, this also includes excursion services, all entrance tickets, all interactives, and some additional things, let’s say things, there are radio guides, definitely food, and if this is one full day, then as a rule, it is two meals. of course, transfer - this same expense item is included in the cost of multi-day tours, the price of travel from 7 to 15,000 by bus to railway will be a little more expensive, with accommodation in three-star hotels, three meals a day and a full excursion program, for example, to another city, from the region to the capital vice versa. such school tours, organized through travel companies, together with teachers, are advised by experts to be the best option for children’s travel, and not only in terms of price, because travel agencies often give group discounts, but from the point of view of the child’s safety. organizing a school trip. it is important to remember about safety issues and trip organization; independent planning of such
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trips, which you also have, leads sometimes to very sad consequences, since one must understand that children require special issues regarding transportation, hotel accommodation, and of course, food issues. in other words, proactive parents who want to independently develop a travel plan for their child and his classmates should think several times about whether the game is worth the candle? still, entrust the organization of school tours to professionals. and then, a rally along spring roads. potholes and puzzles from road signs that baffle directly affect traffic safety. about this immediately after the news. floods are out of control in 22 regions. in makhachkali -kaspiysk, increased security measures brought
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results; special services detained three bandits who were planning a terrorist attack. bread for lpr fighters works in three shifts in the bakery, about the watered kitchen in our report. it’s a new day on the russia channel, they’re starting to broadcast, the main news in the studio. hello, spring floods are gaining strength in russian regions. in twenty-two regions there is now tension situation. a state of emergency has been introduced in the altai territory. the number of flooded houses is growing every hour. according to the latest data, there are already about 500 of them . there are almost a thousand household plots in the water. melt waters flowed like spores into the village of mikhailovskoye. rescuers go to help residents, pump out water, and build dams. in a neighboring village, three streets were flooded at once. stormy streams. the roads were washed out and people had to be evacuated. there are about 80 people in temporary accommodation centers. tense situation in
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the orenburg region. in some rivers the water level has already risen to critical levels, and three dozen bridges have been flooded. due to the flood of the or river, residents of the village of asibutak had to leave their homes. temporary accommodation centers with hot meals were organized for people. a woman died as a result of shelling in the ssu of the village of dunayka. another person was injured in belgorod itself, 18 private and residential buildings were also damaged, and three cars were damaged by shrapnel. there is damage to utility networks. the mtr also attacked a village in the borisov region. there, ukrainian militants used a drone. three munitions were dropped. no people were hurt. a power line was damaged in the olui district. in just one day, ukrainian drones attacked the belgorod region almost 20 times. they managed to shoot down 10 rockets in the sky over the region. the russian ministry of defense
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confirmed a high-precision weapon attack on energy infrastructure facilities. gas production in ukraine. all goals, as reported by the department, were achieved. local media counted five arrivals in the lviv region. the regional authorities confirmed the missile attack on the city. explosions were heard in odessa. apparently after one of them, the light instantly went out in several areas of the city at once. and now about the situation in the home zone: three ukrainian su-25 aircraft were destroyed at the voznesensk airfield in the nikolaev region. three anti-aircraft launchers were also eliminated. s-300 missile system and two ammunition depots, our air defense shot down 178 ukrainian drones and 23 missile defense missiles in one day. in addition, according to the ministry of defense, russian units are occupying new positions and are confidently moving towards the hour. this settlement is essentially the key to liberation of other larger dpr cities of kramatorsk and slavyansk. three bandits
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who were detained in dagestan were living on rent. apartments, according to preliminary data , they were planning terrorist attacks on the territory of the republic. the special operation took place in makhachkala and kaspiysk. for these few hours , the cto regime was in effect in both cities. according to the head of dagestan, sergei melikov, the special services traced the suspects after strengthening security measures in connection with the terrorist attack in krokositihol near moscow. and this is what was reported about the progress of the operation in the national anti-terrorism committee. inspection of places of detention of criminals. automatic weapons, ammunition for them and a ready-to-use improvised explosive device were discovered. there were no civilian casualties among law enforcement personnel. the necessary investigative and investigative measures continue to be carried out . in the lugansk people's republic , a field factory bakes more than 3 tons of bread a day for fighters. the
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logistics support department of the southern group of troops supplies soldiers with everything necessary for good nutrition. bakers work in three shifts, in addition to fresh loaves, they can bake dobu pies. about the work of a field bakery, report by artyom yundes. at the field grain processing plant they work in three shifts. there are no additives in the recipe, everything is natural. after 40 minutes in the special oven, 108 fresh loaves are ready. here we bake bread, we try to bake beautiful, delicious bread. at the factory , more than 3 tons of bread are baked every day, and not only by the legendary guardsmen. "we make baked goods for military personnel and send them there for the holidays, any assortment, absolutely all. in 2015, natalya shevlyakova voluntarily joined the army following her son, without having a culinary education, and here in the 123rd brigade she learned the craft of a baker. mom
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always told me about the great patriotic war, what kind of animals they were, the bendera people, what if? they tell me he’s a bandirohero, but for me it was a red flag, whoever got dressed went into the army. at the holiday, bakers prepare special cakes and loaves for the unit, and themed treats are given to tankers or artillerymen. this bread has just been pulled out of the oven, and here it will spend about 5 hours to cool down, this is necessary for the rules of transportation to the front. the soldiers of the material support company live here, at the field grain farm, where all the necessary conditions have been created. taking into account wartime, but at any moment we are ready to quickly redeploy after our troops. artyom yundos, egor pavlenko, alexander khvastov, vesti lugansk. in kazakhstan, where they are also eliminating the consequences of floods from flooded areas, almost 13,000 people were evacuated, about 5,500 are in temporary accommodation centers. help
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the population in emergency zones is provided with assistance around the clock. on one of the highways, the steel waters literally washed away multi-ton trucks. driver. tried to overcome a water obstacle, but drove onto the side of the road and his car overturned on its side. three more trucks overturned after her. according to preliminary information, no one was injured. large-scale floods began throughout the republic. a state of emergency was introduced in a number of regions; on the eve of the republic's authorities, due to floods, they restricted traffic on sections of highways on the border with russia. all news always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website. we are monitoring developments. one of the most beautiful places in lake baikal, chevyrkuisky bay has once again become a place of attraction for ice fishing enthusiasts. this year , 40 fishermen from different regions of russia gathered there.
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participants not only tested their luck, but also enjoyed the unique nature. about the secrets of successful biting in the report by tatyana kostygova. the main event of chuvyrkul fun is undoubtedly fishing. armed with drills and ice fishing rods, the fishermen are already gathering. here they are already fishing in the hope of catching that same goldfish that will bring them victory. before going out on the ice, participants carefully prepare, check their equipment in advance, and choose a good place, but within the designated area. judges ensure that fishermen collect their catch according to clear rules. basic rules - a participant can use only one duck at a time with no more than two hooks. it’s hard not to notice zarekto getapova on the crystalline crust of baikal, they highlight the buryad fisherman. on
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yana also hopes to win; she competes in fishing skills on an equal footing with men. before fishing, she also has her own small but obligatory ritual. breaking through the thick salt, she prays to father baikal so that the spirit of the sacred lake will bless the fisherman with a good catch. this is my first experience of winter fishing, because my women’s team and i already won the anniversary baikal fishing in 9, but the great father baikal did not smile on everyone; out of forty teams of participants with their catch, only five returned to the weighing place the lucky ones, the champions, the most dexterous, the fastest creative participants were honored on stage, dozens of winners in a variety of nominations received prizes, alexander shangin became the best fisherman. this is my second time participating.
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next year, lovers of winter fishing and mischievous fun will gather for the tenth time. tatyana kostygova, boishalan budaev, it attracts visitors at any time to lead buryatia. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website news follows developments events. come on, let's smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning everyone, good morning, april 1, monday, it’s definitely spring and
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we, vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova, are starting this new week with you, during the day be sure to check out our telegram channel, don’t forget to subscribe, you’ll be in the know everything that happens on the air, behind the scenes, thank you for reminding me, well , let’s add, may you be lucky, thank you. yang mountain valley extreme opportunity, listen, well, you look luxurious , thank you, you are all shining, look what i have prepared for you, that this is the clamp below, another one adds thrills to us, the length of the structure that connected the two villages is 517 m, the entrance fee is 2,500 rubles per person, use safety ropes, definitely here. after all, they are the ones who ensure complete safety of the crossing for every tourist. now let’s talk about the fact that big business in russia abroad is not bad. new road signs, but why do
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they often contradict each other and be misleading? who confuses drivers why - alexander blinnikov found out. road signs are the most important elements of traffic control, but it 's quite easy to cause confusion. here, for example, is what a driver should do. go first or still give way. having seen this combination of signs, the driver can only simultaneously press the gas and brake. perhaps all domestic motorists periodically solve similar puzzles while driving. there is a sign hanging there , we have 50, the next repair work and the sign 40. and the repair work has already been carried out. buryad drivers know all the controversial signs in the city by heart. some hang whole bunches from a pole and mislead the people. denis says to figure it out, the truck driver needs to stop in the middle. streets , carefully study all this, when he is driving, he notices that all this is for large loads, and he gets lost and can commit a violation, because the movement
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is directly limited by time. familiar. there are so many violations in ulan od that the local prosecutor's office took control of the issue. however , stories with incomprehensible road signs occur in all cities of the country because there is a common problem. some put up signs , others somehow coordinate advertising, others make sure that the bushes do not grow too much, when several of these people are responsible, the direction and organization turns out, then often like a family man with a child without an eye, that is. we noticed that the lack of coordination between the actions of some organizations sometimes costs drivers a pretty penny, this is the combination of signs, but they were installed by someone unknown, it is not clear when. dmitry panfilov noticed a set of such signs at the entrance and did not attach any importance to them, because he had not seen such combinations in the traffic rules, he parked the car as usual, but when he received seven fines, he went to court. the judge was told that
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there were no markings or signs in the courtyard area, that is, no one had officially installed them. accordingly , it is also not impossible to fine for this, apparently the utility workers have overdone it, although today they do not have the right to install road signs, this is handled by the municipality, and there, probably, they may not rush to correct the mistakes, the fines will go to the treasury, the victims paid, of course, these are the car owners, in this case the money will flow into the city budget, it seems that this is also in our favor, and also some kind of justification, but unfair , experts call for putting things in order in the area of ​​installing signs; it is necessary to improve interaction between.
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it flies, but someone probably benefits pedestrians, cars suffer, repairs that cost a pretty penny are limited to pothole repairs, and not to re-roll the asphalt for several years, who is the beneficiary, the first beneficiary is those who order the roads and
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indeed. there is a case, a fairly serious case, when people ask for money because we will give you this contract and also let you fulfill it in such a way that you don’t have many fines there, but there , accordingly, there is pure corruption, the second benefit of the acquirers, if talking about physical benefits, these are, of course , the builders themselves, the road workers, it happens that the municipality is clean, crystal clear, everything is very good, it’s doing the right thing, the road is 100 km, a man is building, he thinks, here i ’ll take a little bit of crushed stone with another one. here i’ll put a little bit in the mix, well, who can tell the difference, well, essentially the same corruption, yes the same, well, this is not corruption, this is theft, pure water, theft, fraud, the responsible person in the municipalities in the regions from where on the road there is a hole , the road was poorly made from the very beginning, there are technical things that are irrevocable, these are natural conditions, all experts admit this, the second part, yes, the second part
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is already that... called artificial reasons, these are thieving road builders, second, no less thieving officials who order work, third, in fact the hardest thing is the level of professionalism of those who monitor municipal roads, in some cases regional roads, on federal highways, there as a rule, everything is already so established, there are very strict standards, very stringent requirements, at the municipal level they require...
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as a rule, everything is also there, they sometimes have slightly lower requirements, but in general how the rule is that everything on municipal roads , of course, is based on guarantees, including savings, the popular front can give us a guarantee today that next spring we will not discuss this topic, no, we discuss this topic every year and will discuss it until then until, so to speak, at least 50-60% of our motorists answer what we have now.
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it means you’ve returned to your lawyer, you’re following me, indomitable restlessness, premiere, today at 21:20, modern songwriting looks unpretentious, rather monotonous, it’s not me who is grumbling, this is what scientists from austria and germany decided after analyzing 350,000 compositions written over the last 45 years, they studied rap, country, rock, jazz pop. and came to the conclusion that if in the early eighties the lyrics used complex vocabulary structures and metaphors, then over time the lyrics became much simpler, but there are advantages, now the lyrics are clearer, do not require much effort to
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remember them, the main thing is not to confuse the melodies, by the way, the melodies were different then, well, it’s important to distinguish a fake from the original, artificial intelligence will help, it has already been trained to identify fake documents, easily... registers fake passports, licenses and even diplomas with powers of attorney, andrei negro found out how it works. change the date and extend the validity period of the pool certificate or change the year of birth in order to qualify for some benefit. sometimes this temptation comes to even law-abiding citizens, especially since more often we deal not with paper, but with scans; it costs nothing to edit them, say, cut out a number in one place insert into another, but it turns out that such fakes can be detected... by analyzing various indicators, such as colors, contrasts
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in the relative positions of pixels, algorithms are able to detect almost any interference in the original, and if we are talking about a document, the type of which is strictly regulated, programs can look for inconsistencies in design, this is what this application does, which even works on a smartphone; if you show him the original, he will also see the security elements. let's take the document, show the document to the camera. the system, having received to enter the video sequence, determined the type of document, recognized text fields, cut out graphically, and also carried out more than three dozen checks for various signs of authenticity, watermarks, holograms, ornaments, font size, if even one element does not match, the system immediately reports this says: if we... take as an example, well, let’s say, we try to do the same thing with a fake, then the system literally determines in a matter of seconds that this document is not real, the analysis goes even deeper if there is a scanner, which they see in everyone
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ranges, and we’re not just talking about our identity cards, russian developers have taught neural networks to determine the authenticity of 2,500 documents, including almost all the rights and passports of the world, and also... diplomas, court orders and powers of attorney, the system is already working, in particular in many banks, we interact with it, say, when we order a card, a person remotely presents his passport, recognizes it, automatically recognized fields are filled in the application form for issuing a bank card, and accordingly the passport is already submitted it is checked automatically and also sent to bank employees for verification, but the developers are not going to publish such applications for public access. so that they do not end up in the hands of criminals, because with their help you can test fakes and bring them to perfection, you are beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will immediately love you, sooner or later they
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will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but girl from the outskirts, close it, stay where you are, what is happening, and misfortunes this kind of thing happens to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat and... tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr, the stages are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making this room completely faceless three different functional areas, ideas are overflowing, we want to transform. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans
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are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone ones will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes flowers, after dismantling, a lot will become clear , and dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i want to stay in moscow, of course, i’ll get you to work in our restaurant, i’m still a horse with wings i drew it, pigasus, after all, it will be yours , then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well , i liked who, it’s zavyalov, our master,
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aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello , you ’re stupid, or something, i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of car wash here, this is generally incomprehensible, nothing, i’ll get around to it, or the princess? who will the prince choose, and did you love her? yes, most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday on rtr. today your favorite duets are heard in this studio. oh, your wife is not jealous of you. she just remembers, writes down.
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a broken door has never cost so much. the life-saving fruit was put under the hammer, which played the most dramatic, even fatal role in the titanic. the door helped the main character of the film catastrophe rose, to stay afloat in the studio waters of the north atlantic. but, unfortunately, there was no place for her beloved jack. i remember this whole story, collectors traded with zaki. the props were sold out fiercely, they shouted only at around 718,000 dollars or 66 million rubles. decent, decent, but let’s continue the movie, a new serial detective on our channel, its main character will have to answer many life questions, and of course, unravel several serious crimes along the way. indomitable, restless today at 21:20, this is a case, an example of a drinker,
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will you ever marry me? well, it’s clear how to survive the collapse of all hopes, the loss of work and love, cope with the consequences of careless statements, and even... with the sincere, but such clumsy support of relatives, a big and most importantly eternal question, but it seems that literally everyone has ready-made answers, except for the heroine herself, i hate to say this, but i knew that this would end, well, look at alexey, it seems to me the same problems as in all families, when everyone knows how to do it, but you haven’t yet
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you seem to have grown up, you don’t fully know how to do it yet, it’s difficult for you, but you’re trying, here it is... but there is, it seems to me, an attempt there, to make people alive, to make some kind of story different from others, and true, the irresistible restlessness is not a classic detective story, where a super investigator or lawyer somehow magically solves insidious crimes and receives applause; on the contrary,
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the main character will have to make a bunch of mistakes, learn to accept defeat, but at the same time not lose faith in victory, optimism and , of course, her main bone... perseverance is true , they say, what the restless one wants, the restless one gets, we'll check this today, premiere on our channel at 21:20, the investigation begins, then a vitamin boost, well, what do we have for lunch today? soup with giblets, uh-huh, for the second course cheeks and tails, why are you running into shredded soup, but she has a whole menu of soup products, actually i’m trying for you, about the benefits of such a diet after the news, okay, come on! there will still be hooves, this is to lead the morning, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad, in the studio karina ilyina, hello, a woman died
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as a result of shelling in the ssu of the village of dunayka and the belgorod region, governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this in his telegram channel. another person was injured in belgorod itself, 18 private residential buildings were also damaged, and three cars were damaged by shrapnel. there is damage to utility networks. the psu also attacked a village in the borisov district. there, ukrainian militants used a drone and dropped three munitions. no people were hurt. a power line was damaged in the alui district. in just one day ukrainian drones attacked the belgorod region almost 20 times. they managed to shoot down 10 rockets in the sky over the region. over the past 24 hours, almost 800 ukrainian militants have been killed, this is the latest data from the military. in three directions of the special operation at once, donetsk, avdeevsky and yuzhnodonetsk, our units were able to improve their tactical position and occupy more advantageous positions. on the kupinsky sector of the front , five counterattacks were thwarted and
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camouflaged dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the strike was carried out by crews of rapier anti-tank weapons, groupings of troops west. this footage from a reconnaissance drone has been confirmed. russian aerospace forces. the strike was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles at given coordinates. the flight test program for the passenger il-114-300 has resumed. as rostec said, the prototype aircraft made its first flight in the moscow region. the car stayed in the sky for 40 minutes at an altitude of up to 900 m on... a completely russian assembly. the car is designed for 68 seats and should replace the an-24 on local airlines. we have
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a year and a half of intensive work ahead, at the end of twenty in the fifth year, the aircraft must be certified; in the twenty-sixth year , deliveries of this aircraft should begin to the airlines. the plane is highly anticipated, the plane is in demand, there is no alternative to the plane, the plane must replace the large fleet of antonov aircraft that are outliving their weight, the flight went well, there were no failures, the task was completed completely, with excellent quality, the plane showed itself simply excellent, excellent traction, armament, much more than that of the previous model, new ones were tested at baikal. water sampling equipment. the device records data on temperature and pressure at a depth of up to 2.0 m. the results obtained will be studied by biologists in order to assess the ecology of one of the most unique. lakes of the world. by the way, the device is completely domestic. report by kristina cherkova. smoothly and carefully, specialists lower the cassette into
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the water column. the maximum specified depth in this area is 1,400 m. it is located 7 km from the village of listvyanka. and here irkutsk limnologists tested new equipment for water sampling for the first time. controlling the winch there is an operator, he controls that the device lowers at the required speed. this is about one. after the cassette reaches the bottom, water samples will be collected by all bathameters, and this is 28 liters. the cassette records data on temperature and pressure at depth. the received information is then stored in internal memory. the device itself consists of several bathometers, which allow scientists to take samples at twelve water levels, and at a depth of up to 2,000 m. by the way, this equipment is completely domestic. features of this boat. this complex is that it allows you to autonomously lower this equipment on a cable;
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similar foreign equipment requires a cable cable. scientists simply could not work with a foreign device in winter, but the russian analogue is quite compact, its weight is less than 100 kg. an autonomous botometric cassette was developed according to the technical specifications of irkutsk limnologists; with it, scientists will be able to analyze the state of water in different... irkutsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments . vladimir putin ordered to increase export of russian. to the east, we are talking about coal mining companies operating in the territories of siberia and the far east. today the tunguisky section in buryatia is one of
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the three largest sections in russia. victoria gmyzina will talk about the capacities and resources that the enterprise has. the tugnuisky coal mine is considered not only one of the main assets of buryatia, but of all of russia. over 35 years, local miners have produced over 250 million tons of coal. volumes increase every year. production is growing, and the geography of supplies is expanding. coal is mined here open method, the process is not interrupted for a minute, stripping work is carried out 24 hours a day. the rock mass is transported by modern belazs; a real giant is involved in the development - the walking excavator ash 40-85. the height of a five-story building, the walking excavator has the highest technical characteristics: inside, in addition to the driver’s cabin, several important ones are located. premises, we have everything here, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a kettle, a large table, sergei yasenkov operates
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an excavator number four, he says the work is difficult, but interesting, 12 hours, you sit and work, there are some nuances, that attentiveness is primarily in the work , over twenty-five world russian records, only last year the tugnoi miners produced 14 million...
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of the russian coal mining industry. victoria gmyzina, nikolai manzhuev, lead buryatia. an artificial intelligence project developed in primorye reached the finals of the world summit of the information society competition. the striped predator recognition system is already being used by the center’s specialists "amur tiger". what the program can do and how to do it. it simplifies the work, sergei komarov learned. all striped tails caught by camera traps will be found and identified automatically. the smart ai system, developed by specialists from the far eastern center for artificial intelligence, has passed a worldwide competitive selection. tiger face id will greatly simplify the work of the amur tiger center. there is the heart, well, of the system itself, this is a model of artificial intelligence that performs the functions assigned to it. this is a detection module that determines whether there is any. here in the picture where it is located, its edges, the second is an identification system, tiger tinder, as the programmers jokingly called it, searches, based on a photo from a camera trap,
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for the individual most similar to the animal caught in the camera lens, it is necessary... base data has been uploaded to the server. matchitsa, and speaking in russian, coincide, striped ones are often 80-90% with several of their potential copies at once, so the proposed options need to be sifted out by a specialist. most of the project, by the way, was developed by students. when you came in, they called you a genius and told the students that you can assign anything, you can do it in one night, this is a big exaggeration, it’s just that at one point we had to complete a lot of tasks in a very short time. oh, i just had to stay awake a lot. like this? worked before, camera traps took hundreds of photographs, each one had to be viewed by a specialist, there were often false alarms, for example, a branch moved or another animal was in the lens, now all these images are analyzed by the system and immediately sorted: there is tiger, it’s not here, it’s not clear in this photo, a manually discovered tiger used to have to be compared with the entire database, but now the number of matches can usually be counted on one hand. the work on the tiger was selected from
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thousands of works at a prestigious competition, we went through two stages, got into 300 finalists, and in the final everything will be decided by user voting, we are talking about a competition of projects at the world summit of the information society. although the developers of the tiger recognizer did not pay much attention to participation in competition, the project was able to loudly declare itself. sergey komarov, alexander kazantsev, vesti primorye. all news is always available on the media platform. we watch it in the application or on the website this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. in the near future we will live in a completely different world; artificial intelligence will make us think differently very quickly. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. those who attended his lectures say that just by looking at him a person can determine what problem he came with, increased blood pressure, thickening of blood, this destroys the body. how to get
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the most out of every day of your life , achieve your desires and what to expect from. morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing, good morning, hello, april 1, once upon a time this day was filled with joy, fun, it was
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a time of jokes and pranks, but... the tour and the lightweight panda athletics section opened on a log obstacle course, the first one already an attempt to walk on a log was unsuccessful due to loss of balance, but against the second approach was the mother herself. but let's talk about the weather now, especially since the weather in central russia is conducive to walks not only for people, but for pandas. and it frightens with summer meanings. masha borisova in the studio, good morning, everything is correct, and apparently, by april 1,
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april decided to joke, turned into may, because today. in the central region the values ​​are in may, and tomorrow in general the summer june values ​​will be +20, this is a record, this is how our april began with records, but march is also not far behind, because it holds the record for the driest climate, because there were no rain in general, over the past 38 years, also in the central region, that was what happened, but spring is coming quickly, it is coming, but still it’s too early to change your shoes, i mean change the wheels, because on thursday there may still be... amur , so it’s worth waiting another week, if suddenly someone has already decided to change the tires, yes, now i’ll tell you in detail, well-warmed air masses from the mediterranean will arrive in the south of russia in the first days of the week, so in the midday hours in the lower reaches of the volga and don +18 -23, in crimea in kuban 22:27. in the second during half of the period, the region will be covered by the cloudy fields
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of a cold front, and thunderstorms will occur in places. 5-6° cooler. on the middle volga, showers are possible only in some places; in the north of the region at the end of the work week, temperatures will rise. in the first days the thermometer rises at 6:11, in the second half. up to 12-17°. at the beginning of the week, the cyclone will throw air from the subtropical zone into the north-west of russia, so that at noon in the south of the region it will even be 16:21, but then the arctic invasion will begin, it will rain turning into snow in places, and daytime temperatures in the north will drop to -1-6, in the southern part to +2 +7. in central russia, in the first days of the period there will be almost summer heat, from the afternoon until 18:23. and... on thursday-friday , cool air masses will break through into the region and the temperature regime in the region will be within the climate range of +7 +12 during the day. there will be light precipitation in the urals at the beginning of the week, so it will be quite
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cool, but in the following days the weather will improve and the air will warm up to 13-18° during the day. there will be light precipitation in southern siberia be of a local, short-term nature and will not prevent the sun from warming the air. at the beginning of the period, the daytime temperature is 0. +5 with subsequent warming to +9 +lu. in the south of the far east, sunny weather will prevail, only at the beginning of the week light precipitation is possible in some places, during the day it will be +7 +12, in the first days it will be 4-5° cooler. thank you, mash, well, the april jokes will end , after all, it’s still early to prepare for summer, well, somewhere it’s still winter in some regions, they haven’t put away the shovels for snow removal yet, so exactly, yes, for example, in the north of siberia there are snowfalls and in general it’s too early to even think about spring, in chukotka, it’s getting colder, in murmansk. thank you, we will keep it in mind masha borisova spoke about the weather for the near future.
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it's nice to start the morning with a cup of strong aromatic tea. azer tea bouquet is tart and tonic, it will give you strength and vigor for the whole day. morning is the time to brew azerce. in the near future we will live in a completely different world, artificial intelligence will make us think differently, it produces very quickly. the name of the psychologist alexey sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. everyone who attended his lectures says that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with, increased blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve your desires, what to expect from the future, about this and more in our program. malam, today at 16:30. a time capsule was discovered by scientists in antarctica in a can of powdered milk. more than 100 years ago they brought it with them the first conquerors of the south pole. the expedition of british citizen ernest shacklotton
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was in such a hurry to reach its goal that it left some of the food in the camp. they were given to scientists for research. well , in the laboratory they were able to answer how modern milk differs from a century ago, the results were based on the content of proteins, fats , carbohydrates, they are practically the same thing, but the presence of lead, tin and iron in the vintage powder speaks in favor of the current products, it’s most likely the tinned bank, which hundred-year-old milk was stored. what else can you do to strengthen the polar explorer’s immunity, but by the way, for ordinary citizens this question is also not an idle one, nutritionists advise including offal in your diet, such as chicken or beef, the hearts are already practically boiled. it is clear from the color that they are ready , even children always gobble up this hearty dish on both cheeks, and for this reason, muscovite natalia malakhova explains, not without pride , that she doesn’t mind the time it takes to prepare it, it usually takes her
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a little over an hour to prepare the hearts. were tender, i add sour cream there, simmer for 15-20 minutes. chicken hearts, like liver, are classified in the first category of soup products due to their rich composition; they contain not only all b vitamins, but also iron, cobalt, and copper. there's a lot in chicken hearts. a, which improves immunity and strengthens bones. in general, soup products are a real find for those who want to stay healthy and at the same time do not mind diversifying their diet and surprising loved ones. moreover, dishes even at home can turn out no worse than in michelin-starred restaurants, for example, take the same beef cheeks. in many establishments they are served as a delicacy, but this is also a soup product. gently enveloping texture on the cheeks due to the fibers. this is collagen, and it is better not to remove these veins. beef cheeks have it. their smell, if you cook them without spices just in water, of course, they will smell, in this recipe the main rescue mission was tomato paste paprika, a lot of paprika, the most dreary stewing process, the whole mass is poured with boiling water so that
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the protein is boiled and simmered over low heat for 5 hours; it will take a little less than 3 hours to prepare another beef tongue delicacy. before boiling it in the broth, i soaked it for 30 minutes in cool boiled water. it is better to boil the tongue itself for a rich taste. with vegetables, carrots or onions. spices are added 20 minutes before the end of cooking, in particular salt; you can add peppercorns 5 minutes before the end. heat treatment , bay leaf is added, then each housewife includes your imagination, in the same open tongue, with one movement of a knife and hands, you can turn it into rolls; curd cheese, cucumbers and herbs are suitable as filling. we put the filling here and wrap this filling , it looks very appetizing, and nothing complicated, agree, i really hope that the meat is tender, simply amazing, it literally melts in the mouth, by the way, and it is in the mouth that the process of assimilation of all the beneficial substances begins, their there’s a lot here, a couple of tongue rolls will make... the brain work,
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lititine contributes to this, plus it actually contains 45% of the daily requirement norms per 100 g, zinc, and here is zinc, it controls the amount of sugar in the blood, however, the list of healthy soups goes on, lips, ears, udders, tails and stomachs, they are all rich in protein, collagen, and the lungs and kidneys contain antioxidant, kuenzyme 10, a substance that boosts immunity and enhances performance, is a good incentive to learn how to make something tasty out of all this, and for this, the kulina video blog will help. at night cats in the rangel island reserve, scientists began a census of the ancestral berlocks of polar bears, just these days mother bears leave their winter den with their cubs. the expedition was organized with the support of the national ecology project, which provides for a whole range of measures to preserve the population of these animals and other rare species of animals. paw, lie down,
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roll over, with the polar bear khatango at the yekaterinburg zoo they are treated almost like with a dog, adjusted for the size and natural character of the largest land predator. certain activities that are necessary for the bear, precisely to maintain his physical and moral condition, mental state, but for the purpose of further some, if veterinary. the khatanga zoo was assigned to the program for the conservation of rare species in captivity; it operates with the support of the national ecology project. 2 years ago, the commission decided to remove the bear from nature to save her. for the bear cubs, she came to the shift workers, asked for food, they fed her, apparently the bear cub was left without parents. unfortunately, this situation is disastrous for the polar bear; they cannot learn to hunt on their own. but a spacious enclosure with a swimming pool, toys and activities with employees cannot adequately replace natural ones.
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the polar bear's habitat is ice, and it directly lives and hunts on the edge of the ice; its diet consists of pinnipeds. the first danger that now threatens them due to global warming is associated with the way of life of bears, the area of ​​polar ice is shrinking, and animals have to change their behavior. it will not be possible to conserve the environment of white milvedia, but this, by the way, is one of the directions of our research - this research is just that. abilities bears adapt to changing conditions, for this purpose, reserve staff go on expeditions twice a year, put collars on animals for satellite monitoring, take blood samples, even go down into dens, which are empty, of course; in recent years, non-contact research methods have been increasingly used. for the first time in the world, a new method has been used for polar bears: monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles. the second is, of course, the artificial intelligence method, which is now active. is being implemented in
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practice and monitoring of scientific research, this is exactly how a census of polar bears was conducted on wrangel island, it is often called a bear maternity hospital, 358 individuals were counted here, for the first time the population was studied so accurately, but if science can study how climate change affects bears and develop recommendations for them conservation, then only the authorities and society can solve another problem. it is necessary to develop measures to reduce the level of exposure. to nature, to create conditions for conflict-free coexistence of polar bears and people. such approaches developed jointly by government authorities, scientists, and business representatives are enshrined in a framework declaration on measures to preserve the polar bear and arctic ecosystems. and these measures are already being taken. there are 16 specially protected natural areas of federal significance in the polar bear's habitats. in total, to protect rare species of animals under the national ecology project. this year, 25
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new reserves will appear, part of national parks; 20 of them have already been created. rtr-planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia on... the screen of the planet, they flew, the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and the post is a corporate event, or what? who are you, and you don’t know bender well , you don’t need a motive for murder using cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, the dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra,
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we’ll perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks will luck is not smiling, we will succeed, i will operate, i ’m scared, as if... i’m not me, unfortunately, there is neither a motive for the murder nor a connection between murders, but she exists, and we will find her, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope,
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imagine russia only on the rtr planet channel. the moonlight sonata, the odice of joy, the opera , countless musical works, all of them were written by a man who who had no musical ability. such stunning results were reached by an international group of scientists who studied the dna of composer ludwig van pitthovin. moreover, if we compare the genetics of a classic with ordinary people, then many will have an even higher inclination to write, but there is no talent, so they are left with learning and work as always without it. but you expect one thing, but you get something completely different, and what should you do if, while shopping online, instead of a long-awaited dress
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or a pair of sneakers, you receive something completely wrong? that. varvara irmakova suggests not to take this too seriously, as internet users who are also unlucky do. with online shopping , yes, well, at least on you, musya, these things fit, but could i walk around like that in them, oh, these online stores, musya, give me more passion, online shopping is, of course, a cat in in a bag, and in the literal sense, you buy things for yourself, in the end only a cat fits into them, and if you put on the long-awaited dress, it is possible that you will cry bitter tears. however, some girls so optimistic that they give online sellers chance after chance, each time getting something completely different from what they saw in the picture on the internet, and the most desperate ones order a wedding dress online, but at least it’s white, this man didn’t take big risks and ordered a regular one sleep mask, but
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then everything went wrong, however, like this guy. it happens that there is a book in... the laptop, maybe his grandmother sent him a bottle of water instead of a video card, and what sits on his internet, at least he read the book, and this couple is a salesman i decided to sweeten the bitter disappointment a little, so exercises, exercises, girls, chocolate, and although this is all a treat... yes, it’s nice, but they can greatly upset the buyer, especially if they send what seems to be the same thing that they wanted, but in disassembled form , like this set: pear separately, chocolate separately, then on our own, and these sellers are sure that we can independently make such a kitten or knit a blanket from
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the received threads, like we knit? yes, what would i do without the internet? i’d probably just go to the store and buy a blanket, but now i see, i’m learning, i’ll try to knit, however, from what they sent me again, it’s unlikely to work, then i’ll give it to good hands, without intermediaries, straight from the wine, well... i didn’t give consent for harvesting, well , you -i’m still not alone, i’m helping you as much as i can , as you can see, we were just rented out, now it’s a mod, probably, well, i actually want to go back to our picture, we’ll come back after the harvest about workers on loan, after the news, that is, you an unequal marriage is fine, well at least you don’t have to work there. the flood has come out from under control in twenty-two regions in the altai territory, emergency mode, the water level rises to
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critical levels. in makhachkala and kaspiysk , increased security measures brought results; the special service detained three bandits who were planning a terrorist attack. the bakery operates in three shifts for bread for lpr fighters, and the apres kitchen is in our report. they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in the studio karina ilyina. hello. in russian regions, spring floods are gaining strength. the situation is currently tense in twenty-two regions. in the altai region a state of emergency has been introduced. the number of flooded houses is growing every hour. according to the latest data, there are already about 500 of them . there are almost a thousand personal plots in the water. melt waters floated from the steam to the village of mikhailovskoye. rescuers go to help residents and pump out water. dams in a neighboring village flooded three streets at once, stormy streams are washing away roads, people had to
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be evacuated, there are about 80 people in temporary accommodation centers, the tense situation in the orenburg region, in some rivers the water level has already risen to critical levels marks, sunken route, three dozen bridges. due to the flood of the or river, residents of the village of ashchebuk had to leave their homes. temporary accommodation centers with hot meals were organized for people. a woman died as a result of shelling in the ssu of the village of dunayka, belogorod region. governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this in his telegram channel. another person was injured in belgorod itself. 18 private residential buildings were also damaged, and three cars were damaged by shrapnel. there is damage to utility networks. the mtr also attacked the village borisov district. there, ukrainian militants used a drone. three munitions were dropped. no people were hurt. in the oluy district, the power line was damaged. dacha, in just one day, ukrainian drones attacked the belgorod region almost 20 times.
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they managed to shoot down 10 rockets in the sky over the region. the russian ministry of defense confirmed a high-precision weapon attack on energy infrastructure and gas production facilities in ukraine. all goals, as reported by the department, were achieved. local media counted five arrivals in the lviv region. rocket strike the city was confirmed by regional authorities. explosions were heard in odessa. apparently. after one of them , power instantly went out in several areas of the city. and now about the situation in the zone at voznesensk airfield in the nikolaev region, three ukrainian su-25 aircraft were destroyed. three launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system and two ammunition depots were also eliminated. and our air defense shot down 178 ukrainian drones and 23 rocket launchers in one day. in addition, according to the ministry of defense, russian units. occupy new positions and confidently moving towards the hour yard. this settlement, in fact, is the key to the liberation of other
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larger cities of the dpr, kramatorsk and slavyansk. three bandits who were detained in dagestan lived in rented apartments; according to preliminary data, they were planning terrorist attacks on the territory of the republic. the special operation took place in makhachkala and kaspiysk. for these few hours , the cto regime was in effect in both cities. according to the head of dagestan.
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in the lugansk people's republic , a field factory bakes more than 3 tons of bread a day for fighters. roto material support. the troop group supplies soldiers with everything they need for proper nutrition. bakers work in three shifts, in addition to fresh loaves , they can bake oak pies. about the work of a field bakery, report by artyom yundes. at the field grain processing plant they work in three shifts. there are no additives in the recipe, everything is natural. after 40 minutes in the special oven, 108 fresh loaves are ready. here we bake bread, we try to bake beautiful, delicious bread. at the factory. more than 3 tons of bread are baked every day, and more. the guards of the legendary cambrig of tashkent are always ready to please the fighters of the southern group of troops have something special. we make baked goods for military personnel and send them there for the holidays. any assortment, absolutely everything. in 2015, natalya shevlyakova voluntarily joined the army following her son, without having a culinary education,
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and here in the 123rd brigade she learned the craft of a baker. mom always told me about the great patriotic war. this bread has just been pulled out of the oven and here it will spend about 5 hours to cool down, this is necessary for the rules of transportation to the front, soldiers of the material company provision. they live here at a field grain storage facility, where all the necessary conditions have been created taking into account wartime, but at any moment they are ready to promptly redeploy after our troops. artyom yundos, egor pavlenko, alexander khvastov, vesti lugansk. in kazakhstan, where they are also eliminating the consequences of floods from flooded areas, almost 13.00 people were evacuated. about 500
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are in temporary accommodation centers. assistance to the population in emergency zones is provided around the clock. the steely waters literally washed away multi-ton trucks. the truck driver tried overcome a water obstacle, but drove onto the side of the road and his car overturned on its side. three more trucks overturned after her. according to preliminary information, no one was injured. large-scale floods began throughout the republic. a state of emergency has been introduced in several regions. and the day before , the republican authorities, due to floods, restricted traffic on sections of highways on the border with russia. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website we are monitoring developments . one of the most beautiful places lake baikal, the cheverkuy bay has once again become a place of attraction for ice fishing enthusiasts. this
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year, 40 fishermen from different regions of russia gathered there. participants not only tested their luck, but also enjoyed themselves. about the secrets of successful biting in the report by tatyana kostygova. the main event of chuvyrkul fun is undoubtedly fishing. armed with drills and ice fishing rods, fishermen are already gathering here, already fishing, in the hope of catching that same goldfish that will bring them victory. before going on the ice, participants carefully prepare in advance they check their equipment, choose a good place, but within the allocated territory, the judges control that the fishermen collect their catch. according to clear rules, the basic rules are that a participant can use only one duck at a time with no more than two hooks. it’s hard not to notice the place on the crystalline crust of baikal, the buryad fisherman, the wolf skin high boots, a gift from a close friend and a good luck talisman in which the man sincerely believes are highlighted. it washes everywhere, of course, the main thing is
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that i came here, this is already luck, this is already like say help. yana also hopes for victory , she competes in fishing skills on... the heat with men, before fishing she also has her own small but obligatory ritual, breaking through a thick one from the ice, she prays to father baikal so that the spirit of the sacred lake will bless the fisherman for a good catch, well, actually, this is not my first experience of winter fishing, because my women’s team and i already won the anniversary baikal fishing in the nineteenth year, but the great father of baikal luck did not smile on everyone, out of forty teams of participants with a catch only five returned to the weighing site. the lucky ones were honored on stage as champions, the most dexterous, the fastest creative participants, dozens of winners in a variety of categories received prizes, alexander shangin became the best fisherman. this is the second time i ’m participating, last time 2 years ago i took second place, now i’m in first place, well , i’m lucky, i’m happy with mine. baikal charges with its special energy; it attracts
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visitors at any time of the year. next year, lovers of winter fishing will have fun will gather for the tenth time. tatyana kostygova, vais khalan budaev, news of buryatia. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website, they follow the developments of events. what will you feed and potatoes. good morning, hello, this is your morning , you want a drink, now bring it, carefully, raiva,
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the programmers taught android not only to hit the settings, but also to behave like a person, the robot nods to the beat of the music, presses the pedals. pretends in every possible way that he is carried away by the process, in his head, but in the memory of him, his mother pour it too, can’t get it, young lady , no way, by the way , this is not the first attempt to put a robot behind the drums, when the predecessor was just trying out sticks, it seemed like a complete failure, but look, he’s studying, even though he hasn’t graduated from the conservatory yet... robots are just getting ready to replace us in the labor market . a new trend has emerged: employees for hire; companies rent individual employees or entire departments for a while in a variety of
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industries. and the demand for such rental labor is growing, but is everything here definitely correct from the point of view of labor? andrey shevtsov understood the legislation. i will hand over a valuable, experienced employee to good hands at a good price without intermediaries. muscovite georgy zhuchkov. this is roughly what the story of his employment in a new company looked like, he has been working as a recruiter in his company for a long time, but for the last 2 months he has been performing the tasks of another company, my manager came up to me and said that there was an opportunity to work in another company, like implant, and accordingly i agreed, it was an interesting experience for me, here i am not i’m taking on no more projects, i’m working directly only with the company that hired me, in modern terms , outstaffing has happened, or simply leasing out employees, a phenomenon that hasn’t yet... sit idle. another company has
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the necessary work, but no people, renting occurs. the areas where this phenomenon occurs most often are the construction business and it. in fact, the employer’s employee remains the same, but this employer, or he plays the role of some kind of contractor , helps another company perform this or that different. sounds interesting, but in reality there are too many questions, the scheme is as follows: the companies agree on the cost and hiring procedures among themselves, the terms of the lease are not agreed upon with the employee, the working conditions may be worse, the work may be simply dangerous, this is what happened to dmitry while he was the man broke his fingers while renting at a construction site; he is in the middle of a dispute with the company, so he doesn’t want to show his face. i was supposed to have a sick leave, but accordingly no one opened it for me. no one paid for it, how would i contact this company where i initially worked , they told me that well, how could your carelessness lead to this, it’s your own fault, we
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won’t pay anything, in fact you didn’t work, and it’s difficult to prove the opposite, because naturally no one has any documents about the transfer of the employee signed harms outstaffing and the economy as a whole, because often, according to experts, companies tenants do not pay taxes for their temporary employees, the fact is that in this case between companies that... is, so to speak, real the employer would, let’s say, be a behind-the-scenes employer, an agreement is concluded and money is transferred there for the provision of services. well , now all this money is simply cashed out and the wage fund is underestimated, therefore , before agreeing to work in a rental , you need to understand all the risks, in case of threats from the authorities, be sure to contact the competent authorities , labor inspectorate or prosecutor's office. let's continue with this. topic with us today is a member of the working group of the federation council on combating shadow earnings, sergei peskov. sergey, hello, good morning, sergey. well, as we see, the employee’s mutual service is in
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demand, but what the law says regarding the rental of personnel, the immediate question is why a regular employment contract is bad. about 90% of staff leasing occurs in the form of outsourcing, where rights are not protected, and where it is convenient for everyone to work except the employee. in addition to the employee and except. who can simplify these relationships in the case of leasing an employee, and at the same time be able to insure this one. it turns out that we need some kind of agreement, employee in the event of the same accidents, it is necessary to switch to an agreement for the provision of personnel to workers, it is in practice this agreement, respectively,
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the company. which is accredited by rostrud , is called a private employment agency, receives a license to provide personnel, enters into an employment contract with all social guarantees, nothing else happens in the economy, but i say again that this form of providing personnel is scanty in our economy, so it is necessary to expand opportunities for civilized forms and narrow the opportunities for uncivilized forms due to changes in legal, organizational, and
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today, even when identifying signs of agency labor, there is no responsibility in the legislation, who hired civil, fines, criminal liability, let's start at least with this, that is, let's start starting with the fact that we will give a more capacious definition of agency labor, so that
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we can list all the signs of labor relations. responsibility of those legal entities and officials who sign these contracts, personal liability , with large fines, a legal entity must enter into an agreement with another legal entity, an agreement for the provision of services or an individual, then the salary will be paid to him by his main two options, if he directly signs an agreement with another legal entity, he will receive directly , if his legal entity signs for him with another, then of course through his legal entity, in this way.
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what if my mother was shot in the past, maybe the pirates are keeping her there? we will see this 100 years from now. i understand you miss your mom, i will believe it too, i’m not just bored, i ’m going to pull her out. soon, a complete scam will help protect your car in a parking lot in the yard, or rather a special dome made of high-strength film, which was tested in action by one of the autobloggers. the owner himself, the old one, acted as a vandal. damage the supercar, when sitting on the hood for a selfie did not work, the tester went up to the second floor, a brick, a screwdriver, a kitchen knife, a pry bar, a sledgehammer, a heavy bag, and a car tire seemed to accidentally fly from the balcony, nothing helped, but this did not affect the car in any way, it remained like new, a good thing, expensive, probably, sooner or later the time will come to sell the car, well, it will be like new, and then
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buy another, it’s difficult to keep up with new products in the car market, but ivan zinkevich will always help her . according to the latest data, the share of suv crossovers on the russian market has reached 70%. mid-size models are traditionally in demand, and manufacturers are happy to offer even more new products. several brands represented in our country showed interesting premieres. chengan presented a new model of the uniz crossover. the design of the suv is intended to attract a young audience. under the hood there is a hybrid power plant consisting of a one and a half liter naturally aspirated engine producing 98 horsepower. and an electric motor with a capacity of 215 horses. a fully charged battery provides 115 km of electric range. in china, chingan uniz has already begun to appear in showrooms. the getur x-90+ crossover
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is selling relatively well here. recently, i have not yet had time to become familiar on the roads. but in the celestial empire its updated modification x90 pro has already arrived. the exterior has become more modern and balanced. the salon has been updated. now here. two separate screens instead of one dual screen, another center console and steering wheel. under the hood of the basic version of the x90 pro , a 1.6-liter turbo engine with a capacity of 197 horsepower is installed. the top trim levels already come with a two-liter supercharged unit producing 254 horsepower. one gearbox, seven-speed robot, front-wheel drive. at home, orders for the updated suv are already being accepted. over time he will surely will reach the russian market. and... the third new product, a hybrid version of our well-known coupe crossover xcidrx. the exterior of the car has not changed, the gas-electric modification is revealed only by the charging port hatch. the hybrid power plant consists of a one and a half liter gasoline engine
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with 156 horsepower and an electric motor with 102 or 122 horsepower, depending on the version. the electric range is 83 or 160 km, respectively, for a total of up to 1,340. front-wheel drive, but later an all-wheel drive version with a more powerful version will appear electric motor , the hybrid rx has just entered the chinese market, but the russian premiere is expected closer to the end of the year, and this is far from the only new product from exit, even earlier the refreshed mid-size txl should arrive to us, premieres in this subclass are expected from other brands . and then there are school tours. how much does an excursion to another city cost? who is responsible? for the safety of children, more on that in a few minutes, happy birthday to you,
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blow it out, on saturday, after graduation, you fly to italy, and i’ll finish my career here business and i’ll join you, if only... i knew where you’d lose it, dad, dad, little squirrel, if only i knew where you’d find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans , you actually loved him, mom, so from now on, in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we have only known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me. life gives no clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when,
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my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, for us it was hunger. here comes a grandmother, the hungriest one, but she brings this kurba to the parish and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people, they care, support me with a word, hello , dear soldier and deed, without your help you could not survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, len, hi, this is vika, your sister,
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girl, stop mocking me, vika is dead, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, on sunday, see me tomorrow sister comes, what about my proposal that we should be there? together, hi, hi, i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice , everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me, kirill is lena, and lena is kirill, it seems we know each other, i don’t i can do without you, can i kiss you, kiss you, what? is happening, hello sister, sunday on rtr, already. world, artificial intelligence will force us to think differently. very fast. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. those who attended his lectures say that... just by looking at a person you can determine what problem
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he came with, increased blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life to achieve the fulfillment of desires and what to expect from the future, about this and more in our program, malan, today on rt. and i became an investigator, premiered on... rtr. will you ever marry me? independent. you don't give me advice, especially when i don't ask for it. well, who if not me? irreplaceable. i'm drawn to you, i can't help it. tireless. i'll come now. don't drive like that. just don't drive. irresistible restlessness. well , if you want, you and i will get married and all that. today on rtr. whatever you call a yacht, it will either
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float or plunge into the depths of the sea. the new yacht submarine is designed to erase the border between two worlds, above and underwater, dipsydrimer, that is, a deep-sea dreamer. this is a half-billion dollar superboat, designed specifically for those who wish to explore the oceans in luxury and complete privacy. with a length of 33 m, it is almost 140 km, and the most incredible of them is the captain's cabin with panoramic glazing for almost all 360°. dreaming about travel, as they say, is not harmful for children either, especially since the demand for school tours in our country has increased significantly with the onset of spring. who organizes such tours and how much they cost - daria found out teonova. i can see a lot of sights there, the canal, it will be very beautiful there. fountains, i think i will really
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like them. seventh-grader nastya is excited and with her classmates , a girl from veliky novgorod is going on a one-day excursion to st. petersburg. the teachers organized the school tour together with a travel agency, and therefore the girls’ mothers do not worry about the safety of the child; the price of the tour is already acceptable. we have very good, class management, assistants, teachers who accompany our children, and i i trust. and calmly, with a pure heart , i let go. school tours. russia is gaining more and more popularity, you can send your child on a one-day trip, or for 2-3 days or even a week, the cost of such trips depends on the number of days, by the way, and also on the age of the child, destination and type of transport, for example, the price of the most short excursion programs organized by tour operators lasting up to 5 hours for primary schools from one and a half to 3,500 rubles. this includes transport services, route assistance, accredited guides, a small snack , entrance tickets, for example to a chocolate museum, a gingerbread factory, quests or master classes. children. older students, starting from the fifth grade, can go on a full-fledged
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one-day bus tour of estates, mansions or exhibition spaces. if we are talking about, say, a full one-day tour, then this is about 4-6. this also includes excursion services, all entrance tickets, all interactive activities, and some additional things, for example, things, radio guides, food, of course, and if this one full day, then as a rule, this means two meals, and of course, transfer is an item. expenses are included in the cost of multi-day tours, the price of travel from 7 to 15 thousand by bus to railway will be a little more expensive, with accommodation in three-star hotels , three meals a day and a full excursion program, for example, to another city, from the region to the capital vice versa. such school tours, organized through travel companies together with teachers, are recommended by experts to be the best option for children's travel, and not only in terms of price, because travel agencies often give group discounts, but from the point of view of the child’s safety. when organizing a trip for schoolchildren, it is important to remember. safety and trip organization
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, independent planning of such trips, which you also have, sometimes leads to very sad consequences, since you need to understand that children require special issues regarding transportation, accommodation in a hotel, and of course, food issues. in other words, proactive parents who want to independently develop a travel plan for their child and his classmates are better off think several times whether the game is still worth entrusting to the organization. potholes and puzzles from road signs that baffle directly affect traffic safety, more on this immediately after the news. this is the morning news, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad, in karin ilyin’s studio. hello! belgorod region,
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governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this in his telegram channel. another person was injured in belgorod itself and was still injured. in just one day, ukrainian drones attacked the belgorod region almost 20 times, in the sky above region managed to shoot down 10 missiles. they were destroyed over the past 24 hours. almost 800 ukrainian militants - this is the latest data on the name of the defense. in three directions of the special operation at once, donetsk, avdeevsky and yuzhnodonetsk, our units were able to improve their tactical position and occupy more advantageous positions. on the kupinsky sector of the front , five counterattacks were thwarted and camouflaged dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the attack was carried out by the crews of the rapier anti-tank guns
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of the west group of troops. this footage from a reconnaissance drone was confirmed, that’s it the shells landed accurately. and in the north donetsk direction. the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine units was disrupted by the su-25 curtain-roof aircraft of the russian aerospace forces. the strike was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles at given coordinates. russia has resumed its flight testing program for the passenger il-114300. as rostec said, the prototype aircraft made its first flight in the moscow region. the car stayed in the sky for 40 minutes at an altitude of up to 900 m at a speed of up to 230 km/h. during the flight, the pilots. successfully tested the aircraft's internal systems and equipment. i note that il-114 completely russian assembly. the car is designed for 68 seats and should replace the an-24 on local airlines. we have a year and a half of intensive work ahead of us. at the end of the twenty- fifth year, the aircraft must be certified; from the twenty-sixth year
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, deliveries of this aircraft should begin to the airlines. the plane is highly anticipated, the plane is in demand, the plane has no alternative. the plane should replace the large fleet of antonov aircraft that are reaching the end of their useful life, the flight went well, there were no failures, the task was completed completely, with excellent quality, the aircraft performed simply excellent, excellent thrust, armament, much more than that of the previous model, new equipment for taking water samples was tested at lake baikal, the device registers yes... the results obtained will be studied by biologists to assess the ecology one of the most unique lakes in the world. by the way, the device is completely domestic. report by kristina cherkova. smoothly and carefully , specialists lower the cassette into the water column. maximum specified depth in this area
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1400 m. it is located 7 km from the village of listvyanka. and here irkutsk limnologists experienced something new for the first time. for water sampling. the operator is behind the control of the lift, he controls that the device is lowered at the required speed, this is about 1 m/s. after the cassette reaches the bottom, water samples will be collected with all bathameters, which is 28 liters. the cassette records data on temperature and pressure at depth. the received information is then stored in internal memory. the device itself consists of several bathometers, which allow scientists to take samples on... the peculiarity of this botometer, this complex is that it allows this equipment to be lowered autonomously on a cable; similar foreign equipment requires
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a cable cable. scientists simply could not work with a foreign device in winter. the russian analogue is quite compact, its weight is less than 100 kg. autonomous. the bathometric cassette was developed according to the technical specifications of irkutsk limnologists; with it, scientists will be able to analyze the state of water in different areas of lake baikal quickly and efficiently. the cost of the equipment is almost 5 million rubles. the lemnological institute purchased it with federal money. kristina cherkova, roman buynov, host irkutsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments. vladimir putin ordered to increase the export of russian coal to the east. we are talking about coal mining companies operating in siberia and the far east. today the tunguisky section in buryatia is one of the three largest sections in russia.
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victoria gmyzina will talk about the capacities and resources that the enterprise has. the tugnuisky coal mine is considered not only one of the main assets of buryatia. but all of russia. over 35 years, local miners have produced over 250 million tons of coal. every year production volumes are growing, and the geography of supplies is expanding. coal is here. is mined in an open-pit manner, the process is not interrupted for a minute, stripping work is carried out 24 hours a day, the rock mass is transported by modern belaz, a real giant is involved in the development, the walking excavator esha 4085. the height of a five-story building, the walking excavator has the highest technical characteristics, inside, in addition to the driver’s cabin, there are several important rooms, we have everything , a microwave oven, a refrigerator. a kettle, a large table, sergei yasenkov operates an excavator number four,
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he says the work is difficult, but interesting. 12 hours, you sit and work, there are some nuances, that attentiveness, first of all, in the work of over twenty world-five russian records, just last year the tugnoi miners produced 14.3000 tons per mountain, this year they plan to increase this figure. more on 300, part of the coal is exported to china, supplies are stable, moreover, they plan to increase export volumes in the near future. today, the priorities in supplies are the premium markets of the eastern range for the current year, the quota allocated for transportation to the east to the tugnuisky open-pit mine is 8.5 million. today, the tugnuisky open-pit mine remains the largest enterprise in the territory not only of buryatia, but in eastern siberia and the far east . moreover, over 35 years of operation, the mine managed to enter the top three coal mining industry in russia. victoria
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gmyzina, nikolai manzhuev, lead buryatia. an artificial intelligence project developed in primorye reached the finals of the world summit of the information society competition. the striped predator recognition system is already being used by specialists from the amur tiger center. sergei komarov found out what the program can do and exactly how it simplifies work. all striped tails that hit the camera traps will be found and identified automatically. smart ai system developed by specialists from the far east center for artificial intelligence passed a worldwide competitive selection. tiger face id will greatly simplify the work of the amur tiger center. there is a heart, well, of the system itself - this is an artificial intelligence model that performs the functions assigned to it. this is a detection module that determines whether there is an animal at all in the picture, where it is located, its edges, the second is the system. tiger tinder, as programmers jokingly call it, searches for the individual most similar to the animal caught in the camera lens using a photo from a camera trap. required bases
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data has been uploaded to the server. the match, and speaking in russian, the striped ones coincide, often by 80-90%, with several of their potential copies at once, so the proposed options need to be sifted out by a specialist. most of the project, by the way, was developed by students. when you came in, they called you a genius student, they said that you can assign anything, you will do it in one night, this is a big exaggeration, simply. at one point i had to complete a lot of tasks in a very short time, oh, i just had to stay awake a lot, how it worked previously, hundreds of photographs were taken in camera traps, each one had to be viewed by a specialist, there were often false positives, for example, a branch moved or another animal appeared in the lens, now all these images are analyzed by the system and immediately sorted: there is a tiger here, there is not one here, on this the photo is unclear, a manually discovered tiger used to have to be compared with the entire database, but now the number of matches is usually... the work on tigers was selected from thousands of works at a prestigious competition, we went through two stages and were among 300 finalists,
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in the end, everything will be decided by user voting. we are talking about a competition for projects at the world summit of the information society. although the developers of the tiger recognizer did not pay much attention to participation in the competition, the project was able to loudly declare itself. sergey komarov, alexander kazantsev, vesti primorye. all! news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. in the near future we will live in a completely different world. artificial intelligence will force us to think differently, happens very quickly. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. those who attended his lectures say that he can determine what problem a person has just by looking at him. increased blood pressure , thickening of the blood, this destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve the fulfillment of desires and what to expect from
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the future, about this and more in our program, malanu, started today at 16:30. come on, come on, with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning everybody. good morning. april 1, monday, it’s definitely spring and we, vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova, are starting this new week with you. during
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the day, be sure to check out our telegram channel, don’t forget. you will be aware of everything that happens on the air, behind the scenes, thank you for reminding us, well, let’s add the impression of this morning over the abyss not in orge, over the italian mountain valley, an extreme opportunity to walk along a shaky suspension bridge at a dizzying height of 175 m, the gap between the crossbars is only 30 cm, well, on the one hand, it allows you to fully enjoy the landscape below, but on the other, it adds thrills; for us , the structure that connected two villages is 517 m. the entrance fee is 2,500 rubles per person, it is mandatory to use safety ropes here, because they ensure complete safety of the crossing for every tourist. now about what, in theory, should improve security on our roads, new road signs, but why do they often contradict each other
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, mislead, who confuses drivers why, alexander blinnikov found out. road signs are the most important elements of traffic flow control, but it’s quite easy to create confusion, for example, what should a driver do, pass first or still give way? having seen such a combination of signs, the driver can only simultaneously press the gas and brake. perhaps all domestic motorists periodically solve similar puzzles while driving. there we have a 50 sign hanging, the next repair work and a 40 sign, and the repair work has already been carried out. buryat drivers on... zuisti know all the controversial signs in the city, some hang in whole bunches from a pole and mislead the people. denis says that in order to figure it out, the truck driver needs to stop in the middle of the street and carefully study all this. when he is driving, he notices that everything is for more cargo, and he gets lost and can commit a violation, because the movement is directly limited by a temporary sign. violations there are so many uds in ulan that
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the local prosecutor’s office has taken control of the issue. however, stories with incomprehensible ones. signs are happening in all cities of the country, because there is a common problem, some put up signs, others somehow coordinate advertising, others make sure that the bushes do not grow too much, when there are several such responsible ones, it turns out directions and organizations, then often how is it that a family has a nanny for a child without an eye, that is, they didn’t keep track, the inconsistency in the actions of some organizations sometimes gets drivers into trouble a pretty penny, this is the combination of signs, but they were installed by someone unknown, and when. dmitry ponfilov noticed a set of such signs at the entrance and did not attach any importance to them, because he had not seen such combinations in the traffic rules, he parked the car as usual, but when he received seven fines, he went to court. the judge found that there were no markings or any signs on the courtyard territory, that is, no one had officially installed them, so it is also not impossible to fine for this. as it appears
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the utility companies have overdone it, although today they do not have the right to install. road signs, this is handled by the municipality, and there , probably, they may not be in a hurry to correct mistakes , fines will go to the treasury, well, the victims paid, of course, it’s the car owners, in this case the money will flow into the city budget, it seems that this is also for ours benefit, and also some kind of justification, but unfair, experts call for bringing order to the installation of signs, it is necessary to improve interaction between those who are responsible for the road infrastructure, it’s time for this digitalize the industry. all the data about signs, about their... placement, about sign placement projects was in one digital space, and this will allow designers of new signs to look at what is already there, look at what has been installed, and avoid such mistakes. strengthening the control of supervisory authorities will also help to avoid mistakes. to do this, it is necessary that all traffic management projects must be coordinated by the city with the state traffic inspectorate. well, you don’t know why
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you should follow the road signs, or... to avoid falling into a hole, for some reason our asphalt melts away along with the snow every year, and as a large-scale survey showed, almost half of motorists rate the quality of the road surface the lowest, by one, 14% of respondents are not ready to give spring asphalt more two points, and a third of drivers give a c to the quality of roads, well, let's discuss what to do with the roads, in the studio, the head of the popular front investigation bureau, valeria. drivers take risks, pedestrians, cars suffer, repairs cost a pretty penny, but someone probably benefits to limit ourselves to pothole repairs, and not... to roll up new asphalt for several years, who benefits the buyer? the first beneficiaries are those who order the roads, and indeed there are cases, quite serious cases, when people ask for money
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because we will give you this contract and also let you carry it out in such a way that you will not have many fines there, yes here , accordingly, there is pure corruption, the second benefit of the purchasers, if we talk about physical benefit, is, of course , the builders themselves, road workers, such that the municipality is clean, crystal, everything is very good, it’s doing the right thing, the road is 100 km , the person is building, thinking, here i ’ll take a little bit of another crushed stone, here i’ll add a little bit of chemical into the mixture, well, who can tell the difference, well, essentially the same the same corruption , yes the same, well, it’s not corruption, it’s theft, pure and simple, theft, fraud, the person in charge in the municipalities in the regions where there is a hole on the road, it was poorly made in the first place. there are technical things that are irrevocable, these are natural conditions, these are all experts admit, the second part, yes, the second part is what is called artificial causes, these are thieving road builders,
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the second is no less thieving officials who order work, the third and in fact the hardest thing is the level of professionalism of those who monitor municipal roads, in some cases for... here it is necessary to introduce stricter control over road builders, secondly, of course , to increase the salaries and quality of the people who are responsible for roads in municipalities, for warranty service
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they didn’t take the roads to put in now, the guarantees apply there on federal highways, they are very strict there, right there on each regional highways, as a rule , they also have everything ; sometimes there are slightly lower requirements, but in general, as a rule, everything on municipal roads is of course valid. ..
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today at 21:20. modern songwriting looks unpretentious, rather monotonous, it’s not me who is grumbling, this is what scientists from austria and germany decided after analyzing 350,000 compositions written over the past 45 years. they studied rap, country, rock, jazz pop. and they came to the conclusion that if in the early eighties complex vocabulary structures and metaphors were used in the texts. over time, the lyrics of the songs have become much simpler, but there are advantages, now the lyrics are clearer, do not require much effort to remember them, the main thing is not to confuse the melodies, by the way, the melodies were different then, well
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, it is important to distinguish a fake from the original artificial intelligence will help, it is already trained to identify fake documents, easily calculates fake passports, licenses and even diplomas with powers of attorney, like this works, andrei negro found out. not the date and extend the validity period of the swimming pool certificate or change the year of birth in order to qualify for some kind of benefit? sometimes even law-abiding citizens are tempted by this , especially since we often deal not with paper, but with scans; it doesn’t cost anything to edit them, say, cut out a number in one place and paste it into another, but it turns out that such fakes can be detected automatically mode. i took it and carefully cut out this number seven, along with the one superimposed. under it, located under it there with water marks and carefully built it in instead of the previous figure, analyzing various indicators such as colors, contrast in the relative positions of pixels, algorithms are able to...
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detect almost any interference in the original, and if we are talking about a document, the type of which is strictly regulated, programs can look for inconsistencies in design, this is what they do here this is an application that works even on a smartphone, if you show it the original, it will also see the security elements, take a document, show the document to the camera, the system, having received video input, performed document type detection, recognized text fields, cut out graphic fields, and also carried out more than three dozen checks. for various signs of authenticity, introductory characters , hologram, ornament, font size, if even one element does not match, the system immediately says about it: if we take as an example - well, let’s say, we try to do the same thing with a fake, then the system literally in a matter of seconds it determines that this document is not real, the analysis goes even deeper if there is a scanner, what they see in everyone ranges, and it's not just about our id. russian
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developers have taught neural networks to determine the authenticity of 2,500 documents, including almost all the rights and passports of the world, as well as diplomas, court orders and powers of attorney, the system is already working, in particular in many banks, we interact with it, say, when we order a card, man remotely presents his passport, recognizes it, automatically recognized fields are filled in the application form for issuing a bank card, and... bank employees for verification, the developers are not going to put such applications into the public domain, so that they do not end up in the hands of attackers, because with their help they can test fakes and bring them to perfection. sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us, very often girls from another circle strive to marry...
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rich boys, let me decide for myself who i love, who i marry, okay, well, still be mine, i won’t give it to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money first, there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, it’s with you that she doesn’t drink with us, i was really on fire and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child. he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is even a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, friday, on rtr, 65 years ago you came to the mayakovsky theater, serve there until now, i realized that if they take me, then it will...
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always. svetlana nemalyaeva. loyalty is like talent. and something about lazarevo is also heartbreaking for you said? we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly. all this was said in my heart at once. in the office romance i always felt sorry for you, but in reality you are a homewrecker. i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family. she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth. she couldn’t be blamed for this... even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, that’s shura , it's simple some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, look.
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love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, understands, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time, we sign let's look, look, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, today on rt. a broken door has never stood
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so expensive, they put the saving fruit under the hammer, which played the most dramatic, even fatal role in the titanic. the door helped the main character of the disaster film. prose to stay afloat in the studio waters of the north atlantic, but unfortunately there was no place there for her beloved jack. i remember this whole story, collectors bargained fiercely for film props, sold, they shouted only at around 718 thousand dollars or 66 million rubles. decent, decent, well, let’s continue the movie, a new serial detective on our channel, its main character many life questions have to be answered, and of course along the way. unravel several serious crimes, indomitable, restless, today at 21:20, this case is an example of a blatant, unprofessional, carelessly conducted investigation, just look,
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you’re somehow sexy after all, and also smart, calculating, assertive and of course or successful, such as the heroine of the new detective series zoya neupokoyeva, played by a charming character. loss of work and love, cope with well, it’s clear how to survive the collapse of all hopes, consequences of careless statements, and even with the sincere, but such clumsy support of relatives, a big and most importantly eternal question, but...
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to make some kind of story that is different from others, and truly indomitable and restless - this is not a classic detective story, where a super investigator or a lawyer, somehow magically solves treacherous crimes and receives applause; on the contrary, the main character will have to make a bunch of mistakes, learn to accept defeat, but at
5:00 am
the same time not lose faith in victory, optimism, and of course, her main trump card of perseverance, the truth they say that what the restless person wants, the restless person gets, so we’ll check this already... the flood came out of control at 20'.


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