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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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at the same time, it is not successful, but not only in this direction, but we know that in the area - bogdanovka in the lpr in kupinsky, belogorovka, excuse me, in the kupinsky direction, the enemy is also trying to attack the positions of our troops, while suffering huge losses and without achieving any tactical success, often without using fire support in sufficient quantities for themselves, or even... intelligence, it seems, well, this suggests that the current ukrainian command of the ukrainian formation perceives it as extremely important to try to slow down or stop the advance of our units, understanding that in the event of a breakthrough of the front, even in one or two sectors, the front may crumble, stopping this process will be extremely, extremely difficult, now ours are at the same time...
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of course, it’s strange that they know the direction , they name the timing, on the other hand, we remember the ukrainian counter-offensive, we knew the timing, we knew the directions, well, how did it end , to what extent can all this correspond to reality, the fact is that along the entire line front, our units are advancing, so to speak.
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allow yourself a first-class beach and azure beach and azure waves lio reоrts we are here we are here for you vodka veda has become a product.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. rum castro, a product of stellor group. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there are two opinions it can’t, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, and there are questions about how everything is running.
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i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting , obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind of course a bear when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 neva zhenya will add his own, what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the program of five for one, oops, five for...
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i have my own business here and i’ll join you, if only i knew where you’d lose it, dad, dad, little darling. if you knew where you will find it , i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you loved him in general, mom, so from now on in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we we’ve only known each other for a few days, not enough, life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr.
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the majority of people who attack me with criticism write “grandfather, go have a drink tablets," the famous performer yuri loza once admitted. at the same time, this is not about '. but concerns his sharp comments on controversial theories. the whole country learned and fell in love with yuri laza after the premiere of his song flesh, for 40 years now it has been his calling card. along with hits, i can dream , my mother writes, sing my guitar, sing and many others. well, let it be.
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half the stage, on his social networks part of the public supports him, and part criticizes. why is it so important for him to convey his point of view, why the creation of new songs gone for the artist, in the background, this is the life and fate of yuri loza. good morning, yuri eduard, they recently gave you what it was, they awarded you a prize or an honorary title, did the academician, as it was exactly called, lie? 2023, what is it? these are people who declared themselves scientists, suddenly, out of the blue, they also declared that they have the right to award something to someone, no one gave them this right, they accuse me of the fact that my statements are unscientific or anti-scientific,
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but on the other hand, their word is my word, just like them, i took a course in geophysics, passed geodey course. he filmed the entire lunar epic on earth, that there were no americans on the moon, i served in the rocket forces and i had to work with a large 8k64u rocket, such a hefty pig 33 m tall, it’s basically very similar to those rockets that fly
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up there , and i can say that on a similar rocket it is impossible to fly to the moon and return back, and secondly, the very last moment, they lost all the lunar samples. measles there, scrofula and so on, i got it for life once, we are offered to take injections several times, i don’t really understand, if this vaccine doesn’t work the first time, why do you have to inject yourself a second time, it means it doesn’t work the first time, if it didn’t give you any immunity, so they
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blame me for this, and thirdly - this, of course, is what i , uh, firmly believe that the earth has, does not have the shape of a ball, wait, here’s a globe, this is... what is on every school party, that ’s what’s wrong, well, table lamps are on top each party, you never know what stands above each party, of course not. the earth has no shape ball, i, for my part, always present certain evidence, arguments , for example, the simplest argument , there is not a single model of a river in the world, a model where a river exists, which would be realized on a spherical surface, rivers do not flow on a spherical surface, in -secondly, there is not a single planetarium that would present, say, a model of our solar system, which...
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in which we live, the people who made a map of the starry sky, built a magnificent building called the parthinon colosseum, everything the rest, who wrote a bunch of philosophical works, are aristotle, plato, confucius, say, or arfarabi, they all believed in a flat earth, i don’t want to argue with them, but galileo, and copernicus, and korolev, and tsialkovsky, also a genius, they professed a different truth, and even saw loons.
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declare the shape of a spherical earth, then specially trained people
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declared this matter, it’s logical, but i don’t understand why the creator must have seen the frying pan earth, he could create a round one and whatever you want, but what’s the matter is that the law of the universal gravity has not been proven by anyone, there is no universal gravitation as such, there is gravity. newton's apple is that this is gravity , some kind of structure below us, some kind of structure allows us to attract some objects to others, but our ancestors, these are the ones i'm talking about and whom i respect, they knew how to work with gravity, because the king the bell hung on the bell tower, it weighs 222 tons, now try to give someone the task of hanging it on the bell tower, in the balbec there are 1200 tons of pebbles that people moved before. we don't have those now brigades with all our equipment that would be able to move such stones, and
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they knocked them out, cut them down and moved them, they worked with gravity, then secondly, in our land there are places where water flows upward, that is, gravity is implemented like this, that in some places it does not work as we were told, there is no gravity at the top, so you can fly off and quite calmly soar in the air at a high altitude, and that ’s how they soar... the astronaut’s weightlessness, that’s right, 40, there you can take off and soar for 50 km, not only that, look, uh, alone, an englishman, in my opinion, an englishman, he sat , collected information , all sorts of news flocked to him, and one day he collected all the information about the so-called rains from objects, you know, sometimes whole rains of frogs fall on our earth, rains from fish, where do they come from, say, in this place? there is no reservoir, suddenly a whole rain of fish fell there, and so, when a tornado
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lifted some pond into the air to a certain height, where gravity no longer works, then these fish calmly swim for some 200-300 km, little by little, little by little, little by little, and then suddenly frogs , let’s say, or fish, fall into some city and lie on the streets here or there, and why does this rule out the fact that the earth is round, because all this is impossible on a round earth, because no , so we call it... here is a round earth, as we are told, a spherical earth, here is a ball, which is turned to us with one side, as if it is tied by a thread, it means that in order to fly around our earth in 27 hours, it must do everything time to taxi a little, you know, yes, but if the orbit is ellipsoidal, then he must taxi at different speeds,
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where the operator of the moon is sitting, or something, who is taxiing all this, no, of course, so if the moon is fixed. on the globe , then this can be implemented, this is implemented in all planetariums, so i’m just saying, guys, for some reason we don’t want to believe our eyes, but believe what they tell us, it’s our own eyes that we believe, look, here i am i look at what today’s astronauts who have gone into space show us, they see from their spacecraft, from porthole uh, not flat earth. round, as with this, depending on which porthole, if the porthole is convex, then you see the ground like this, concave, you can see the concave earth, it all depends on whether the flat porthole will show you a flat surface, and what to do, there are shots there, who comes out when from space, these were not filmed from a porthole, they
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were filmed there from cameras, from external ones when they were working in outer space there... they shrug their shoulders, but in general, at what point , yuri darovich, did you begin to approach this, what features of your life with you it happened, you began to discover this theory for yourself, so when i entered the geophagist class and came to the first
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lecture on geophysics, the teacher began to tell us about the structure of this world, the first question was asked, which tormented me from the very beginning, why there are two hydrologies: there is land hydrology, there is hydrology in general as a science, and so land hydrology says that all bodies of water located on land all have a flat surface, and the rest of hydrology, sea hydrology, says that the sea as if it bends down there, that there the water behaves in the sea, ignoring all laws. which are physical, which we are guided by, that is, the law of communicating vessels in the sea does not work, pascal’s law does not work, and so on, that is, there she seems to be living some kind of incomprehensible life by herself, she is supposedly attracted by some center , the center of gravity is the center of the earth, that is, it turns out that from the institute itself it was already revealed to you that the earth is flat, no,
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the institute put questions into my head that i had no answers to, then slowly. some comments, and often very uncomplimentary ones, that you don’t understand anything at all, that you can’t think straight and your head has moved, and so on. you understand that there are two types of polemics, one type of polemic is when you give him an argument, and you respond with a counter-argument, if your argument is convincing and you receive an equally convincing counter-argument, then a normal
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polemic begins, there is another type of polemic: you say person that there is such and such a law, this law works... of course, it is necessary, that is, you don’t argue about this theme.
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“we once, as it were, if we touched on some topics, then they were more such everyday everyday topics, we didn’t communicate with him about the topics of the universe, do you think that for him to answer you, well, first he would twirl his finger at his temple , then, probably, over time, if he listened to all my arguments, as an intelligent person, he would probably agree with me. doroch, i was listening to you now, but for some reason there were completely different words in my head, but also yours , but i can dream,
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please play this song, everyone’s favorite, for me already much is too late, i have a long way to go, to amazing stars. i will never fly , a lot is already difficult for me, i won’t experience a lot , it’s impossible to get the years back, but i can dream about distant worlds, about magical gifts that when not...
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because even though a lot is already difficult, there’s a lot that i can’t experience, but this ability to dream about distant worlds, you really haven’t lost one bit, thank you, thank you, this is the life and destiny of yuri laza. my name is zoya, i am from the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there is
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no dirt, neither on her clothes, nor under her nails, i'm sure you already have a theory, yes, it's revenge, she won't rest, i can't wait until all the criminals are caught. you made a mistake, all this still needs to be proven , and we will prove it, irrepressible, restless , so it was you, today on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply
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incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it the taste, oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your godfather. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on sunday on rtr, so that dreams come true. on sunday. i'm counting down the minutes until the evening when we meet again. this is my lena and she will be with me. and who are you? let her tell you. well, i won't stand in your way.


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