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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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proper nutrition, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, physical activity, all this allows you to control and reduce cholesterol levels. unfortunately, this cannot always help in treating problems with atherosclerosis; in this case, the doctor prescribes complex therapy. we wish you a good day and a great mood. be healthy, there was a program with you about the most important things. on the russia channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour.
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to the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. taiwan starts teaching just 4 km from mainland china. how does beijing react? the village of rocket was cut off from the mainland. regions of the altai territory are going under water. the pigs drowned, and i have no idea what to do. my sheep have gone to the stadium. how is the evacuation going? the water in moscow rivers is rising rapidly. at the beginning of april, the temperature
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is june and a detective with a restless character is restless, a new series starts on our channel. russian troops have improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction. our offensive units near krasnogorovka are supported by crews of anti-tank missile systems.
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grenades, well, everything is complete, absolutely everything is complete, and this is footage of another captured american bradley, ukrainian soldiers abandoned it with full ammunition. in zaporozhye near orekhov, crimean paratroopers stormed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. the armored group attacked enemy positions using fourth-generation airborne combat vehicles. 15 militants surrendered. about the work of our artillerymen in the south of the dpr. edward's report kunigov. at first glance, this mesta is no different from similar howitzers, seemingly routine combat work. only military experts will notice that in fact the crew uses unusual, but smart ammunition, krasnopol guided artillery shells. under laser guidance, it hits targets. but there is no deviation in the target, it is accurate, it hits up to a meter, that’s exactly where it will highlight.
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back in the soviet years, but mass use began precisely in special operations. the projectile consists of two parts: the combat head and the block management. krasnopol shells make life much easier for our artillerymen. soldiers spend less time shooting, which means they can leave the danger zone as quickly as possible; accordingly, the likelihood that the installation will be detected by enemy reconnaissance is reduced. artillerymen always work in conjunction with the orlan drone operator, it is he who directs the laser beam to the target, the krasnopoley control unit. corrects the flight path, a fighter with the call sign is a novice, in fact already an experienced gunner; during his military service he worked for the same installation, then signed a contract, in april of the twenty-second year he came to a special operation and again sat down on the spot. do you like something about msta? yes, it is mobile, convenient, the main thing is not to fuss around, everything will go smoothly and easily. the fighters say that they have never missed, the shooting accuracy is almost one hundred percent, the range is approximately 25 km. a fortified point, plus
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ammunition was stored here, when krasnopol hit they detonated, immediately after the shot the artillerymen immediately left their positions, the crew quickly worked out, my the task is to leave quickly, because there is a response, the thirtieth artillery brigade of the thirty-sixth army from buryatia has hit hundreds of targets, and now that krasnopol shells are being massively supplied to the front line, the effectiveness of the crews’ work will only increase. eduard pungov, alexander. votkin, lead the south donetsk direction. vladimir putin made a number of instructions regarding the special operation. the ministry of industry and trade has been instructed to assist companies in developing the production of drone suppression detection systems, as well as increase the share of domestic components in
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such systems. the government, together with the authorities of the new regions and the belgorod region, must provide the ambulance brigade in the front-line zone with protective equipment, including electronic warfare. and the cabinet of ministers was instructed to consider the issue of determining the conditions of the preferential mortgage program for employees of the military-industrial complex. defense minister sergei shaigui today presented gold star medals and distinguished officers to military personnel who showed courage and heroism in the special operation zone they were also awarded with a saber and a pistol. the head of the ministry of defense thanked the heroes of russia for the exemplary performance of combat missions. i sincerely congratulate you on these high awards, on these titles, the title of hero of russia, good health to you, good luck to us all, and of course, victory. well, the heroes themselves are sure that high awards are the result of the coordinated actions of all the personnel of their
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units. we defeated all six elite units along with their commanders. the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently and harmoniously. there was fear, of course, but everyone overcame it and completed the task, not even 100%, but 200%. the enemy attempted to break through the battalion positions with the forces of two tanks, seven infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to a flock of enemy manpower, but thanks to the coordinated actions of the battalion, this attempt was prevented. moscow demanded that kiev hand over the head of the sbu vasily. hatch, as well as everyone involved in the attack on crocus. as mitt stated to russia, with reference to this investigation, traces of terrorist attacks in the concert hall, as well as the murder of daria dugin and vladlen tatarsky, the bombings of the crimean bridge and a number of other similar crimes lead to ukraine. at the same time, kiev has international
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obligations under anti-terrorist conventions. their violation entails international legal responsibility. russia demands ukraine to extradite all those responsible. compensation for victims and the immediate cessation of all support for terrorist activities. the israeli air force bombed the damascus area today as local media reported that the target was the positions of pro-iranian militias. as a result of the raid , two civilians were wounded, but the night was restless in israel itself. husi drone.
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netanyahu's resignation, early elections the protesters demanded that they be sent to and immediately conclude a deal with hamas for the release of the hostages. in response, supporters of the prime minister called the demonstrators traitors. he himself stated that preparations for the vote, the possible formation of a new government would paralyze the country for six months, while a plan for a military operation had already been approved in rafah, which the west warns him against, since there are now almost one and a half million refugees from different parts of the palestinian enclave. the issue of creating an air corridor for the delivery of humanitarian aid to residents of the gas sector from chechnya was discussed. representatives of jordan with the head of the region, ramzan kadyrov. the chechen republic was visited by a delegation of the kingdom led by prince hashem bin al-hussein. in addition to the negotiations, the guests also visited the special forces university in gudermes. from there is a report by artur mustaev. upon arrival at
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the jordanian prince visited the russian special forces university. the guests showed how volunteers are trained before being sent to the northern military district zone. the training includes a whole range of theoretical. medical and engineering training. hashem bin al-hussein not only got acquainted with the capabilities of the center, but himself tested a wind tunnel for training parachutists. then the prince of jordan was warmly received by ramzan kadyrov, who invited the guests to iftar. hashim bi hussein conveyed the greetings of the king of the hashemid state. the king asked convey to you my warmest words, greetings and best wishes. thank you very much, we are very pleased with your visit to our long-standing brotherly relationship. at the table with national dishes, the parties discussed the work to deploy joint humanitarian assistance to palestinian refugees by air.
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jordan and the chechen republic have deep roots. since the 19th century, the kingdom has been home to a large chechen diaspora, with regular visits by the parties to strengthen cultural and humanitarian ties. so in 2014 , king abdullah ii personally visited grozny, where he was received by the head of chechnya. arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntashev and aslan laluev, lead grozny. congratulations. happy anniversary today is being hosted by one of the country's leading oncologists, academician ivan stilidi, director
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of the blakhin national medical research center, who himself performs complex operations, constantly improves the work of the oncology center and at the same time develops this area throughout russia. report by daria okuneva. guests are always greeted at the bas-relief by the founding fathers of nkin, trapeznikov, and he always quotes the latter. an orderly and was fascinated not by the skill, while i was preparing for medical school, i got a job here even by the pure art that was happening in the operating room, it was a symphony, this is what i try to teach my students, it’s not aesthetic, it means it’s wrong, this is the law of surgery, how many operations he performed and he doesn’t remember. got lost on the six hundredth and still at the center they know the most difficult cases
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, the director will operate, he says that i am attracted by the complexity, no, i, like every person, would like to follow the path of least resistance, but not it turns out there is a debt. the problems of almost every department are known from the inside; it was stelidi who became one of the initiators of making the children's intensive care unit open to parents. i worked in the children's department for 2 years, headed the thoracoabdominal department, and i remember this horror when... the children were crying and their mother was not allowed in. how many days did nastya and her mother spend in intensive care and misfortune? 4 years ago, the girl was diagnosed with lymphatic lycosis. the chances of survival in her case did not exceed 2%. but academician stelidya believed in the child. i'm still as long as i’m alive, i will live, i will fulfill all my dreams, and this is all only thanks to the doctors. the oncology center is changing before our eyes, the cardiovascular department has been opened. in elderly patients, onology often hits the heart. the largest one is working. in the country there is a nuclear center where radiopharmaceuticals are created, a center for psychological
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assistance has recently opened, it is not enough to perform a good operation, stitch up nicely and leave, it is necessary to work with patients, why do patients complain, you know, only because they are not communicated with, she felt attention immediately, as it turned out in the information center, they could not remove the giant tumor in her city, they created 3d here. model education, they still decided to operate. after resuscitation, they brought me here, and i opened my eyes and the first thing i saw was ivan sokratovich, he asked, how are you? and academician stelidi, together with his colleagues , is organizing the entire oncological service of the country. an excellent surgeon, a reliable person, we walk in parallel, trying to support each other. ivan sokratovich is a great professional, this is very noticeable when you enter the operating room, the whole team works, when ivan sakratic operates, the whole team. works as a single mechanism, the blokhin center is also the largest training base
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, especially for young doctors stividi insisted on opening a museum, they found a vine plate, modern problems of oncology, the lecture is given by the author nikolai nikolaevich blokhin, imagine, young people are listening to him now, and he believes, a new generation of surgeons will finish what they have already started, turning cancer from a serious disease into a solvable problem. takuneva elena fenoshina, news. well then about the largest flood in the altai territory, evacuation is already underway there, about the sharp escalation of the situation in the taiwan region, how beijing is reacting, about the premiere of a new detective series on ours. today, don’t go anywhere, we’ll be back soon. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on rtl. discover
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a real gem. coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exhilarating adventures incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. kalinan
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bellek is a place. where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinonbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, they say to get ready for a vacation, you need to know how to relax , you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex,
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plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr. vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, oh, guy like this. zoya is my university friend. this is not at all what you think. vadim andreev, there will definitely be children of their own. daria ursulyak. i can not wait. unstoppable, neupokoeva.
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what they say about you is true, what the dead man wants, the dead man gets. today. on rtr, this is news, we continue: abnormal heat has arrived in moscow, the air temperature today may rise above 20°. at the beginning of april, this has not happened for more than 70 years, but winter still does not want to let go in the far east due to heavy snowfall. in kamchatka, classes in schools were canceled and air traffic was disrupted. off the runway. an-26 rolled out stuck in the snow, fortunately there were no casualties, there is a blizzard in the coastal region, a cyclone is raging in the northern and central regions, what kind of apocalypse? weather forecasters are approaching in irkutsk, they promise hurricane winds and sleet, and in 22 russian regions, spring
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floods have already arrived in five regions of the volga region , streets are flooded, bridges are damaged, in the orenburg region there is a high alert mode, good morning everyone, be careful who is going here, it seems to me that melted snow drowns the roads in sakhalin, no one even dares to measure the depth of huge puddles, in omsk they organized a swim in the formed reservoirs in their courtyards with sup boards and rubber boats. the most difficult situation is now in the altai territory, from where ksenia klimina reported. dozens of houses are surrounded on all sides by a seething stream of water. the mikhailovsky district of the altai territory has been flooded for the third day. the village of the rocket was cut off from the mainland. is it possible to get there now except by boat? six calves flooded area, all that left from the recently rich farm of alexei klimov, the pigs drowned, i don’t know what to do with them now, i don’t know at all,
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i don’t even have a clue what to do, big water came to the altai territory on saturday, literally in a matter of hours, dozens houses were under water, the flood came to the rockets at night, at the scene of the emergency, rescuers worked around the clock, they pulled people out. they tried to save sunken cars, they even saved livestock, those whose houses were damaged by the flood, most of all, now they live in a local school, here in the classrooms a temporary accommodation center was organized, some sleep on beds, others on mattresses on the floor, at the temporary accommodation center three meals a day, medical and psychological assistance were organized for flood victims, of course you wanted to go home and... where is there, what to return, if there is water everywhere, when it all dries up, many people really have nowhere to return, although the water is receding, but slowly, many houses are still flooded, rescuers
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meanwhile continue their work, something bring, raise, something else, no, no, no, no, they go around every house, check if anyone needs help, there are 48 people in the temporary detention center, 10 of them are children, they, uh, were provided with basic necessities, uh , that is, life support has been fully organized, access to the village has been organized, food delivery has been organized , a water crossing has been organized, the state of emergency continues to operate in the region, the administration of the mikhailovsky district , meanwhile, has created a special commission in settlements where the water has already receded, conduct door-to-door inspections and calculate damage. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, vesti, altai territory. now about the important changes that come into force from this day: from april 1, social pensions increased by 7.5%. indexation affected more than 4 million people.
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the fine for the airline for flight delays has been increased fourfold, now it is 100 rubles for every hour. the procedure for taking driving license exams is changing. the number of maximum penalty points has increased from five to seven. at the same time, retake the exam after three unsuccessful attempts. now it will be possible only in six months. a resort tax has been introduced in st. petersburg; when staying in a hotel you will need to pay 100 rubles. for each day of stay, except the first day. also, from april 1, using a labeling system directly at store checkouts, the sale of expired and illegal goods will be blocked. for now, the mechanism will apply to tobacco, draft beer and low-alcohol drinks; after that the list is going to be expanded. from the same day, the stage-by-stage marking of caviar begins. and one more change: apartment owners will no longer be able to rent out housing without meters for water, electricity, and heat gas.
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you'll have to install them. the former president of taiwan went to china today and, as reuters writes, hopes to meet with xidingping next week. this trip itself should mitigate the new aggravation in the taiwan strait, which could reach its peak tomorrow. immediately after the visit of british mps to the island, which beijing called a gross violation of the one-china principle and the wrong signal to separatist forces, tai bay is preparing for large-scale shootings several kilometers from the mainland coast. report by alexander baletsky. having announced the start of firing training for tomorrow, which would last for 16 days, taipei understood perfectly well what beijing’s reaction would be, because military maneuvers had not been carried out so close since the second taiwan war.
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at this time, the taiwanese military continued to sit quietly on their phones; when they noticed the copter, they simply left. on the qing islands, where
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the shooting begins, the press has already reported. quite a few american instructors, and in a week before the exercises , congressmen visited taipei again, this time from the house committee of representatives for intelligence and special operations, the commander of the taiwanese fleet , tanhua, also goes to the united states, will begin with a visit to the indo-pacific command in hawaii, after such openly provocative actions of taiwan, new footage from a chinese military training ground in inner mongolia with a built model of the administrative quarter of taipei no longer seems surprising. beijing has said more than once that they do not plan to return taiwan by force if of course, the americans themselves and those on whom they rely on the island, that is, the current authorities in taiwan, who are declaring independence, will not contribute to this; their support, the prc ministries warned, will lead to war in the strait. alexander baltsky, polina fedorova, nikolai petrov, news, beijing bureau. tonight is the premiere on our channel, the detective series indomitable, unpokoeva, the main character played by
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daria ursulyak, success. intrigue, ekaterina frolova has already watched the first episode, i think that if the investigation is a little bit, just a little bit tries, then they will find it unknown. zoya is restless, smart, ambitious and accustomed to living at high speed, and her restless character pushes her to unpredictable actions. will you ever marry me? well, consider this sentence, i can’t say that everything works out for her, everything comes easy to her, but she’s not discouraged, damn it, you can’t beat her with anything, she somehow shakes herself off, moves on, one day she’s a promising lawyer neupokoeva manages to perform brilliantly in court, lose her job and be without her lover, the company belongs to him, i have nothing at all , i need to start everything from the very beginning,
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the smartest one is still thinking...
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the businessman went to the special operation zone, his call sign is a postman, he delivers and personally hands over to the soldiers parcels and letters from loved ones , watch today at 15:00, the news is following developments in russia abroad, so be with us!
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your special episode is live. favorite about


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