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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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a speedy recovery to nikolai, everything will be fine, i know he is the best, he is generally the best for me, and easy travels to you, thank you very much, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you , see you. on the russia channel, in evgeniy's studio, there are detainees. the militants detained in dagestan
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were accomplices of the terrorists who attacked the cityhall crocus, they financed the murder and i took away the weapons, what kind of terrorist attack were they preparing back in kaspiysk, hand over the head of the sbu malyuk to everyone those involved in the terrorist attack in krokus, those involved in krokus. the investigative committee began an investigation into terrorist activities. in zaporozhye, a bridge along which military equipment was transported was hit, a dislocation point for foreign mercenaries was hit in kharkov, a ukrainian su-27 and another american abrams were destroyed, and there was a lot of news from the northern military district zone. large waters immediately flooded several villages in altai. the pigs drowned, and i have no idea what to do. mass evacuation is underway. residents have suddenly become warmer in
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the capital the absolute temperature has already been exceeded record, what to expect next? at the beginning, a group of militants, detained the day before in dagestan, was involved in organizing terrorist attacks in the crocus city hall, as the fsb press service reported today; the terrorists' accomplices supplied them with weapons and provided them with weapons. financing the attack on the concert hall. the detainees also admitted that they were preparing a terrorist attack in kaspiysk, and then wanted to escape from the country. vitaly karmazin has all the details. this is the first footage of a detained terrorist accomplice. he is lying face down in pink flip-flops, and special forces soldiers are leading him into the car. total fsb officers detained four foreign citizens in two cities, kaspiysk and makhachkala. according to operational data, these people helped terrorists in the moscow region organize a terrorist attack. crocus, i drove, brought them weapons
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to these guys who attacked korkun in the city of moscow, i took them weapons from izmakhachkala, in these frames you can see how the same white renault, in which the attackers on crocus were hiding, turns into one of the garage complexes, the video was filmed by a surveillance camera in the moscow region, according to the preliminary version ... this process was also filmed by surveillance cameras, in one of the banks the detainees deposited cash into accounts using terminals, in parallel with this, the killers used cryptocurrencies, the detained militants directly. of which the act was committed
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on march 22, 2024 in the kroku city hall concert hall in moscow. and the special operation to detain them was announced the day before. in several areas , a counter-terrorist operation regime was even introduced. the special forces carried out active operations at night, apparently to take their targets by surprise. adjacent street they surrounded the big ones, apparently to catch them and took them to a safe distance. this is what the apartment looked like inside, it is clear that serious investigative actions were carried out here, operatives and criminologists searched the entire living space, those detained in dagestan were themselves planning to carry out a terrorist attack. several small arms and ready-to-use bombs were found at their home. explosive experts had to neutralize the deadly find. the criminals conducted reconnaissance of the area and made an improvised explosive device and purchased automatic weapons. immediately after the terrorist attack , they intended to leave russia.
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they wanted to act, as in the case of the attack on crocus, to kill as many defenseless people as possible. where are the weapons? at sobir's. where's the bomb? in my apartment. what were they going to blow up? involvement in terrorism regarding the situation in crocus. this statement was made by the foreign intelligence service. according to the department, the biden administration is trying to distort the real picture of the tragedy and convince its allies that the attack was organized isis banned in russia. the svr called the terrorist attack in the moscow region the next link in the chain
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of attacks on civilians, along with the shelling of belgorod and kursk. at the same time, kiev uses pentagon satellite intelligence data. earlier , the russian foreign ministry demanded from ukraine. extradite the head of the sbu vasily malyuk, as well as everyone who participated in the attack on crocus, the murders of daria dugin and vladlen tatarsky in the attack on the crimean bridge and other crimes. its verification of the involvement of the united states, ukraine and other western countries in terrorist attacks on the territory russia and to undermine the northern flows, the investigative committee began. based on the results of consideration of the appeal of deputies of the state duma, andrei krasov, nikolai kharitonov, yana lantratova and the public. figures alexander dugin and andrei derkach regarding the need to investigate the organization, financing and conduct of terrorist acts by the united states, ukraine and other western countries directed against russia, a procedural check was organized in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation, in
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as part of the investigation, the investigation will carefully study the data presented and make a procedural decision. and then half an hour ago it became known about another terrorist attack. ukrainian special services in the city of starobelsk, in the lugansk republic, where the car of the deputy head of the center for servicing educational organizations was blown up. valery chaiko died in the explosion. the remaining circumstances are currently being clarified. russian troops destroyed a guidance point, a control vehicle and two launchers of a single missile system in the special operation zone s-300. the ministry of defense reports this. in the sky above the village of raisky in the dpr , a ukrainian plane was shot down by air defense systems. su-27. another american abrams was destroyed in the avdeevka direction. also in kharkov, a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries was hit. and this is footage of the destruction of a bridge by a high-precision missile in the zaporozhye city of gulyai pole. the ukrainian armed forces used this road to transport troops
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and ammunition. in the donetsk direction, our units improved the position along the front line. the enemy lost more than 500 soldiers, three tanks. 11 warehouses were destroyed . near avdiivka, engineers from the center group restored the captured german marder infantry fighting vehicle, but as our soldiers noted, this vehicle is poorly suited for battles in the donbass due to poor maneuverability, there is a tape for the machine gun, there is a tape for the cannon, plus a cannon, a machine gun, smoke grenades, well everything is complete, absolutely everything is complete, and this is footage of another captured american bradley, ukrainian soldiers abandoned it with full ammunition.
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we launched the principle of two keys: behind each family, for each surname of our soldiers a responsible curator from the regional government was assigned to each family, on the one hand, on the other hand, for the same family, for the same surname, a representative of the department of social protection was assigned, that is, both curators must be available 24x7, own full information about what worries the family, first of all, i emphasize once again, this and...
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and today vladimir putin approved a list of instructions for the implementation of the message to the federal assembly, a 30-point document concerns social guarantees. protection, education and technological sovereignty of our country. over the next 6 years, the government is tasked with ensuring that russia enters the top four largest economies in the world in terms of gdp. reduce the poverty level of the population below 7%, increase the share of domestic high-tech goods and services by one and a half times. as part of the new national project family, it is instructed to increase the coverage of social assistance to large families, as well as extend the validity period until 2030. mortgage program for families with children with a rate of up to 6%. the head of state instructed
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ensure the development of the international transport corridor north and south, allocate more than 115 billion rubles to create a satellite constellation for the development of high-speed internet, modernize the infrastructure of at least 75 airports, new tax deductions will be established, including for those undergoing medical examinations, issuing gto standards. also. the president instructed to expand the gasification program, extending it to non-profit gardening partnerships. it was instructed to ensure the implementation of a special program for participants and veterans of the special operation personnel training. time for heroes. defense minister sergei shaigu today presented gold star medals to the military personnel who showed courage and heroism in the special operation zone. distinguished officers were also awarded with a saber and a pistol. head of defense.
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high awards are the result of coordinated actions of all personnel of their units. we defeated all six elite units along with their commanders. the task was completed. without question, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently, harmoniously, there was fear, of course, but all of it overcame, completed the task, not even 100, but 200%. the enemy attempted to break through the battalion positions with two tanks, seven infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 100 enemy personnel, but thanks to the coordinated actions of the battalion, this attempt was prevented. congratulations on his sixtieth birthday are being accepted today by one of the country's leading oncologists, academician ivan
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stilidi. the director of the blokhin national medical research center himself performs the most complex operations, constantly improves the work of the oncology center, and at the same time develops this direction throughout russia. report by daria okuneva. guests are always greeted at borilief, the founding fathers of the nk center, blakhin, trapeznikov, davidov, the latter is always quoted. the most joyful experience of a surgeon is the handshake of a patient discharged after a complex operation. ivan stelizdi treats teachers with special respect while he was preparing for medical school, got a job here as an orderly and was fascinated not only by the skill but by the pure art that was happening in the operating room. it was a symphony, that's what i'm trying to do to teach his students is not aesthetically pleasing, it means it is wrong, this is the law of surgery, how much he spent. he doesn’t even remember the operation, he got lost at 600, and to this day the director knows the most difficult cases at the center and
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the director will operate. says that i am attracted by complexity, no, i, like every person, would like to follow the path of least resistance, but it doesn’t work out, there is a duty. he knows the problems of almost every department from the inside; it was stelidi who became one of the initiators of making the children's intensive care unit open to parents. 2 i worked in the children's department for a year, headed the thoraco-abdominal department and... and i remember this horror, when the children were crying and their mother was not allowed in. how many days nastya and her mother spent in intensive care and countless. 4 years ago the girls were diagnosed with lycosis. the chances of survival in her case did not exceed 2%. but academician stelidya believed in the child. i am still alive, i will live, i will fulfill all my dreams and this is all only thanks to the doctors. the cancer center is changing before our eyes. the cardiovascular department has been opened. in the elderly oncology often hits the heart of patients. the country's largest nuclear center operates, where radiopharmaceuticals are created,
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a center for psychological assistance has recently opened, it is not enough to perform a good operation, stitch up nicely and leave, it is necessary to work with patients, why do patients complain, you know, only because they are not communicated with, she felt attention, as it turned out at the incocenter, they could not remove the giant tumor in her city.
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callinan is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and growth. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, turning your dreams into reality. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. they say that
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you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, relax.
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you couldn’t blame her, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, here’s shurka, it’s just some kind of... then happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, go today, what about the child? i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be with a scorched child on the street, come to me, live as you wish, but we won’t be for long. we are lucky with a brambling, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life gives no clue, the premiere is on saturday on
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rtr, you are watching the news, we continue our release, temperature records were broken immediately today in twenty settlements of russia, it is abnormally warm in st. -petersburg, kaliningrad, smolensk, bryansk, orel and tula. unprecedentedly warm weather in moscow updated three records at once, one of them forty years ago. the air in the capital warmed up to more than 20 degrees. against this backdrop, the summer verandas opened and fountains began to turn on. but in the far east , winter is still in control. in kamchatka , schoolchildren were left at home due to snowfall. air traffic has been disrupted. there are snowstorms in the coastal areas, and a cyclone is raging in the northern and central regions. and there are 25 regions of the country at once.
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thousands of areas are being evacuated. report to blue klimina. dozens of houses are surrounded on all sides by a seething stream of water, a seething stream of water. mikhailovsky district region, the village of rocket was cut off from the mainland . is it possible to get there now except by boat? six calves in a flooded area. all that remains is the recently rich estate of alexei klimov. the pigs drowned. the pigs drowned. i don’t know what to do with them now, i don’t even have a clue what to do. big water came to the altai territory on saturday, literally within hours, dozens of houses were under water. the flood
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came to the rockets at night, at the scene of the emergency, rescuers worked around the clock, they pulled out people, they tried to save sunken cars, they even saved domestic animals, they even saved livestock. most of the horses now live in a local school, here in the classrooms a temporary accommodation center has been organized, some sleep on beds, others on mattresses on the floor, at the temporary accommodation point three meals a day, medical and psychological assistance are organized for flood victims, of course you wanted to go home, where to go back to now, if there is water everywhere, when it all dries up, many people really have nowhere to go back yet, although the water is receding, it’s slowly, many houses are still behind... meanwhile, rescuers continue to work, bring something, lift something, something else, no, no, no, they go around every house, checking if anyone needs it - some
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help, there are 48 people in the temporary temporary detention center, 10 of them are children, they were provided with basic necessities, that is , life support was fully organized, access to the village of rakety was organized, food delivery was organized, water crossings were organized in the region. the emergency regime of the mikhailovsky district administration continues to operate over time, a special commission has been created in settlements where the water has already receded; they conduct house-to-house inspections and calculate the damage. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, vesti, altai territory. 180,000 high school students from 72 regions of russia have already been trained in the basics of entrepreneurship under the “i’m in business” program. about this we.
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enterprises, despite the shelling, they work, people are paid salaries, the governor of the belgorod region, he also found some opportunities to help enterprises from the regional budget, but it seems to me
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that... so to speak, it would be correct for this to be federal funding too. a large fire is currently being extinguished in yekaterinburg. a workshop for the production of transformers in an industrial zone is on fire. plumes of black smoke are visible from different parts of the city. according to data at this time, the fire was localized to an area of ​​4,500 km. the roof collapsed. 15 workers managed to evacuate on their own. 60 rescuers and 20 pieces of equipment are working on site. from the workshop. firefighters carried out oxygen and propane cylinders. extinguishing is complicated by heavy smoke. experts monitor the level of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air. a new existential threat looms over ukraine in the form of summer elections to the european parliament. this is the forecast given by the british telegraph today. according to the publication, right-wing parties are gaining popularity and are not eager to supply kiev with weapons. but that is not all.
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as he said in an interview. financial times, head of the rain metal concern in germany, fear that the united states will no longer withdraw itself are going to sponsor the conflict, and at the same time their allies in the eu. this is indirectly confirmed by american billionaire david sachs, who explained that washington does not have extra air defense systems, and the allocation of another aid package will lead to nothing. and berlin , according to spiegel magazine , has suspended the production of taurus because the defense industry is prohibited. replenish stocks without orders, now there are none, like the german government's decision to send these long-range missiles to the ssu, which leads to a break in the supply chain needed for release of components. tonight on our channel the premiere of the detective series indomitable restlessness. the main character, played by daria ursulyak, is successfully confident in herself, one day she even proposes to her boss, but remains without love and without
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work. so what should we do? ekaterina foralova has already watched the first episode. i think that if the investigation tries a little, just a little, they will find it unknown. zoya is restless, smart, ambitious and accustomed to living at high speed, and her restless character pushes her to unpredictable actions. will you ever marry me? yes, consider this a proposal. i can’t say that everything works out for her, everything comes easy to her, but she is not discouraged. damn it, you can’t hit her with anything, she somehow shakes herself off and moves on. on the same day, neupokoyev’s promising lawyer manages to give a brilliant performance in court, lose his job, and be left without a lover. the company belongs to him, i have nothing at all , i need to start everything from the very beginning, it doesn’t matter. while zoya is thinking about how to live next, an accident comes to the rescue. her nephews disappear under mysterious circumstances. they got into something.
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and tomorrow, maybe, i’ll even decide to become a magician, join the first investigation today, a detective with a restless character only on our channel, don’t miss it, ekaterina fralova and ivan murashov, lead. all news can always be found on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is how and where it is more convenient for you, but the news continues to follow developments in russia and abroad, so stay with us. friends, our destiny is in our hands, everything we dream about.


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