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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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develop, change and fourth, on how wisely we manage time, if i took control of these four processes, then it is me, it is only me, who controls my life and my destiny. professor alexey sitnikov was our guest today, thank you very much for this wonderful hour that we spent with you. we are waiting for your calls, friends.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. so, let's start with breaking news, fsb published a video of the detention in kaspiysk of members of a terrorist cell who financed and armed the militants who committed the terrorist attack in crocus. the special forces blocked and stormed the building where they were hiding.
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barricaded in the apartment, the security forces break down the iron door using a sledgehammer storm, the militant is taken out into the street with his hands behind his back in flip-flops and taken away for interrogation. a total of four suspects were detained, one of them admitted that he personally brought mytishchi, machine guns and ammunition from makhachkala near moscow for the terrorists who attacked crocus city hall.
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here he withdraws cash from an atm, gives it to one of the militants, in the surveillance footage of the bank and the white one in which the terrorists arrived at the crocus and then tried to escape. investigators
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are inspecting a cache of weapons found in the apartment: a kalashnikov assault rifle, a makarov pistol, a revolver, cartridges, and also a large number of batteries, wires, and ingredients for making homemade explosive devices with remote detonation. four accomplices intended to carry out a terrorist attack in a crowded place, on the embankment caspian or in victory park. depending on where there will be more people, kill everyone who comes across, this is a quote from the testimony, immediately after the attack the criminals were going to leave the territory of russia, where are the weapons, where is the bomb, my apartment that was going to be blown up, the embankment,
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security of the russian federation on march 31 in 2024, in the republic of dagestan , the activities of a terrorist cell consisting of four foreign citizens who prepared a terrorist act in places of mass gathering in the city of kaspiysk were suppressed. the criminals carried out reconnaissance of the area, made an improvised explosive device and purchased automatic weapons. immediately after the terrorist attack, they intended to leave russia. it was also established that the delay.
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the biden administration is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the large-scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22. according to incoming information, the state department, us intelligence services, affiliated ngos and the media have been tasked with removing any suspicion from the world community about vladimir’s involvement in the crime zelensky and his entourage. such propaganda rhetoric does not sell well. on the sidelines, they note that washington began to shield zelensky even before... the ashes of the burned-out city hall had time to cool, the white house’s attempts to justify zelensky and his junta are illustrations of the russian proverb you can’t wash a black dog white. the kiev regime has long been waging a full-fledged terrorist war against our country,
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as its representatives, such as budanov or malyuk, openly talk about. murder of civilians in the moscow region, a direct relative of the massive rocket attacks of the drg attacks in kursk and belgorod. indicate that when organizing attack data received by the service, ukrainians actively use satellite information provided to them by american intelligence. it becomes obvious that the united states, by whitewashing the criminal kiev regime and providing it with assistance, risks being suspected of involvement in international terrorism. now three so-25 attack aircraft were destroyed at once at the front at the airfield and voznesensk in the nikolaev region ukrainian air force, russia reported. this is just one of the consequences of a group attack by high-precision, long-range weapons and drones carried out by our aerospace forces. the ministry of defense reported that military-industrial complex enterprises producing repairs for weapons, military equipment and ammunition were hit. also objects of energy infrastructure and gas production industry of ukraine. a series
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of hits hit targets in the lviv, ivanofrankivsk, ternopil, nikolaev, odessa and poltava regions. ukrenergo complains that it is about 80% of capacity. power generation plants were damaged or destroyed in the second half of march. this is how the lights went out in odessa live. in just a second, the city was plunged into darkness. now to the front line. russian troops took control of several strategically important fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces, uchasovo yar, said kimakhovsky, adviser to the head of the dpr. and soldiers of the ninth separate guards motorized rifle brigade reportedly liberated vodyany. on the filmed ones. our war footage shows the flags of russia and the dpr flying over the populated area. vadyanov's release will complicate the situation the armed forces of ukraine in the neighboring village of pervomaiskoye, just to the north in the avdeevsky direction , another abrams was destroyed. the information was officially confirmed by the ministry of defense. this is the sixth
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american tank to burn down in donbass. that's how he was hit by the lance destructive ammunition. these drones set a new record in march. they were published within a month. are unlikely to become due to poor cross-country ability. on the zaporozhye front, near the city of gulyai-polye, our aerospace forces destroyed an important transport artery of the ukrainian armed forces. russian aircraft destroyed the bridge over the gaichur river, which used to supply the 78th battalion of the 102nd
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brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and the thirteenth unit of the sbu. direct access to the sea.
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we've already talked about russian bombs, now let's look at another post showing how russia is using increasingly powerful and deadly bombs, and what we see here now is the ood 1500, i can immediately explain what we see here, this is a target in the sumy region, which means that the filming is being carried out from russia. and now we will see a powerful explosion that is happening before our eyes, right here, and now we see what is rising something similar to a small, mushroom-shaped cloud, we see how this cloud moves here, rises above this city, the whole point is that this is odap 1500, which is a one and a half ton bomb that does not work with traditional explosives, with an aerosol mixture, which means we are dealing with an aerosol bomb that sprays a large amount in all directions. mixture at a height of 5 to 10 m above the target, the distance is calculated by the bomb
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as it falls, and this mixture then ignites and thereby has an even greater destructive effect, and this is all called thermobaric explosive device, which not only has an explosive power of about a thousand kg of crotyl, but also leads to the creation of a vacuum, which means that people nearby, for example, suffocate in a split second, or their lungs burst. all of this amounts to an extremely lethal bomb that russia was actually developing for the conventional fighting of world war iii, and these bombs are being dropped on ukraine today, down there, as i said, we can just look at this individual buildings, these are small buildings that are there, and these buildings are tiny compared to these powerful explosions, there is this huge cloud of smoke that also formed here, as i
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said, russia uses 50 to 100 similar bombs every day, well, not only such bombs, this is the heaviest of those that it uses, but it also uses lighter bombs, and thus poses an extreme danger to the ukrainian army. this bomb, of course, shows complete destructiveness vladimir putin, more and more dead soldiers continue to arrive from the front. in kiev , behind me i can hear another ceremony, in which the military is also taking part, in fact the country is still very destabilized, given the fact that there are still a lot of victims, at the same time the ukrainians are saying that we urgently need to stabilize this front requires further mobilization and more weapons are urgently needed. on this howitzer, the paladin of the ninety- second brigade once again changed the barrel, it fired so intensely that the metal was worn away and the caliber increased by as much as half a centimeter.
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some soldiers now complain that they are given little respite at the front due to a shortage of soldiers. a new warning cry from vladimir zelensky: ukraine is not ready to withstand the new russian offensive that could begin in may or june, and this has been confirmed in the past few weeks and months on the ground. ukrainian soldiers. sky region or even the city of kharkov, and the front can expand even more, at least another 300 km, there comes a moment when it will be very difficult for ukrainians to hold such an important front with a length of 1500 km. zelensky’s advisor, the podolak, said that ukrainian militants are on the defensive, and the russians continue to advance and put pressure on them. propagandist bilta röbki writes:
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kiev’s chances of capturing moscow-controlled territories in the next few years are approaching zero. there are two scenarios for the development of events: negotiations followed by stopping the conflict or a further offensive by the russian army, which will occupy even more territories. similar elon musk also expresses this idea. he writes that the longer the war continues, the further the russians will advance. musk expects that the russian army will reach the dnieper, and if the conflict drags on, then it will reach odessa. then ukraine will lose access to the black sea, so kiev should sit down at the negotiating table before that. musk also called the failure of last year’s vzo counter-offensive obvious. according to him quote, any fool could predict the failure of an attack on a larger army with deep defenses, minefields, air superiority and artillery. co another american businessman, david sachs, agreed with musk’s words. he called the offensive in the ssu one of the biggest
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failures in modern history. he named the american politicians and generals who gave the go-ahead for the implementation. attacked by idiots. sachs noted that the situation for ukraine will only get worse until it finally collapses. by prolonging its onslaught, the kiev regime is desperately building a stronghold. look, this is what the construction of fortifications in the dnepropetrovsk region looks like. the footage showed local authorities, in photographs, anti-tank ditches, they seem to have dug more than 42 km, dragon teeth, according to regional authorities, they installed one. more than thousand, the kiev region is not far behind, there are 10,000 dragon teeth there. this is what the fortifications look like from the air. ukrainian commander of the ground forces pavlyuk said that hundreds of kilometers of fortifications and several defense rings have been built around kiev. the main focus is from the north in the region where the region borders
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belarus. everything to prevent unexpected breakthrough of the russian army into the ukrainian capital. mayor. klitschko is still worried about the city, says that kiev remains a target for putin, and asks for anti-aircraft missiles in the west . the children of klyuchko himself, while not on the front line, of course, not even in kiev, are having fun in europe. the publication's informant shows how the daughter of the mayor of kiev elizaveta, son maxim, hangs out in hamburg, germany. they organize parties there with dancing, cards, cocktails, white russian. in general, everything is like in this propaganda video for ukrainian men, look, his son is elite, and you meat, the authors of the video explain to the boys, which compares the hard life of a ukrainian armed forces soldier who dies on the front line, and how the children of kiev officials and businessmen have a great time in the west. in
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the high-tech war of the 21st century.
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people are also cold and sometimes cannot work, so we have installed special heating points so that employees can warm up during breaks between work, and there are also rains, do not forget about the relief itself in this...
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here are some sections of the front line where there are natural defensive barriers some areas have rivers, others have high hills, these are obviously easier to defend because nature has already done most of the work for you, but where you have, as you see on the screen, open terrain, this is the most difficult type of terrain to defend, because there is no cover there so one of the things you do when you dig trenches and create strong points is to effectively create cover.
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ukraine made the decision quite late to build the fortification that you saw, actually in real terms in november, and the organization of this was criticized in ukraine to a very large extent, but now it has already happened, better late than never, without a doubt, yes, ukraine is on the defensive now.
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record results in portugal and the netherlands. eurosceptics are leading in opinion polls in nine eu countries. this is the third of the total number of members of the block. in
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nine more countries they rank second or third . most of these parties are against aid to kiev, some demand the lifting of anti-russian sanctions. victory of such forces will be a terrible blow for kiev, like trump’s possible victory in the us presidential elections, the daily telegram summarizes. in general, elections.
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they will not be able to say b, not to provide ukraine with the necessary weapons, the necessary means so that we can resist the russian federation, so these are really risks that need to be taken into account. some us republicans are seeking to make zelensky's upcoming term expiration in may another reason to suspend the military help. zelensky has made it clear in recent months that in his opinion the country cannot or should not hold elections, even though it is sunday.
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believes that zelensky’s team initially wanted to hold elections because the president’s support was very high, but as his ratings began to fall towards the end of the year, the leadership cooled down to this idea. the government's position is formulated by ruslan stefanchuk, speaker of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. first of all, he said, it is impossible to guarantee that everyone who is eligible to vote will will get a chance to do it. he pointed to the estimated 7 million people who have fled ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion, and several million more who have become internally displaced. since gaining independence in 1991, ukraine has held six presidential elections, but this year will be the first time there will be none. martial law was declared in the country when russia launched a full scale invasion in '22, the law prohibits any form of elections and there is now fear that war
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may cause. otrimati spoon is the road to grievances, the spoon is the road to dinner, everything needs to be done on time, the appeal to the constitutional court should have been made in advance, the appeal should have been submitted not in december, not in november, perhaps in october it should have been submitted so that the constitutional court could consider it in advance this question is to officially interpret some articles of the constitution, so that from the point of view of international partners there is no doubt whether the government in ukraine is legitimate or illegitimate. this is
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indeed a very important question, why is this they don’t understand on bank street, i can only have guesses, one of them is screaming unprofessionalism, unfortunately, screaming unprofessionalism of people who do not understand the consequences of their actions, that it will not be easier in the future, it will be more difficult, the new york times claims, that not only moscow but also beijing is trying to influence the outcome of the american elections, saying that china has adopted russian disinformation tactics from the 1960s and... these are supposedly chinese accounts on the internet posing as trump supporters and scolding biden. what makes these arguments delusional is that donald himself, who is allegedly supported by the prc, believes that the current us president is not tough enough towards beijing. if he returns to the white house, trump threatens to resume the trade war with china, which was curtailed by the democrats. while the us presidential candidates are arguing which of them is
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xinping's agent. separatists in taiwan are preparing for war with china. nikei eisha says that taipei is creating mobile groups to strike the chinese landing force after the landing. besides therefore, the taiwanese military plans to lure chinese people's liberation army fighters to the mountainous areas of the island, where this will give them an advantage in the form of difficult terrain. likewise, the vietnamese forced the us army to fight them in the jungle and exhausted its guerrillas. akinawa, which has bunkers on the outlying islands of the prefecture, are located in close proximity to taiwan. these bomb shelters will allow people to survive for a couple of weeks in case of war. the chinese military is training offensive operations using a structure built in the desert.
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copies of the government area. b. satellites discovered such a test site in the province of inner mongolia. it accurately recreates 10 streets, the intersection of the square and the administration of the president of taiwan. look at these satellite images: a taiwanese city recreated in the remote wilderness of inner mongolia is not just a replica of a typical taiwanese city, it is an almost exact replica of taiwan's administrative center, including the taiwanese presidential palace and other important government buildings. taiwanese military expert. joseph wen noted that this model is most likely used to train the military in bombing, firing and practicing various military scenarios. he also noted that this is at least the second such model that reproduces places on the island of taiwan. i don't think the chinese
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are planning a classic amphibious operation, a more strategic approach would be to focus on taipei and capture key bases by airlifting 6-7 soldiers, then they will try to capture the hand. models of the presidential palace in taiwan were also seen being stormed by chinese forces. in recent years, china has been systematically
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increasing the number of realistic military combat simulations in order to strengthen its armed forces. china is also taking more systematic countermeasures. china considers taiwan part of its territory and has long threatened to regain control of taiwan through military means. china has been using these mock-ups to help its soldiers better navigate the battlefield for years. for many years, they have been making not only mock-ups of taiwan; satellite images from 2021 show that china was practicing an attack on american warships in the gobi desert. this is all part of china's efforts to train its soldiers in as realistic combat conditions as possible. when you see. this is the first time when you are not familiar with it, your actions will be different from what you intended. many armies in the world, not only the chinese, pay great attention to this. for several decades, taiwan has been focusing on coastal defense and, as socialists say,
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little time is devoted to other types of combat operations, in particular urban battles. they say that while the taiwan army's top priority is preventing a chinese landing on its soil, little attention has been paid. that they need to strengthen their training and practice conducting urban battles. i don't. this is definitely a wake-up call to taiwan, and i think taiwan was seriously considering this scenario. i think that a lot of things can be done to transform the city building into hell for the enemy. the use of a mock-up in taiwan in chinese military exercises serves the purpose of more than just increasing operational readiness. but also designed to sow fear among the population of taiwan. not only is china being transparent about its goals, but it could also help taiwan better understand what a potential conflict might look like, but taiwan's biggest challenge is ensuring that its defensive strategy does not allow these cadres to become a reality.
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the us itself should be wary of the chinese threat. to the alarm beats cnn, which found out that at least one american state is not under nato protection. we are talking about hawaii, which is separated from... hawaii, by the way, is a historically sore spot for americans; it was japan’s attack on pearl
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harbor in december 1941 that pushed washington to enter the second world war. now the united states is afraid that china will strike at the same pain point. another manifestation of american paranoia, locals. they are trying to link it with the actions of moscow, in the case of the havana syndrome. it got its name because it first appeared at the us embassy in havana in 1916. myself. a certain set of neurological symptoms, such as sounds in the head, dizziness, loss of orientation, a year ago the us intelligence community called it extremely unlikely that a foreign enemy was behind this, but now the media have allegedly found a russian trace again, they say in cities where us officials suddenly became bad, there were agents with them at the same time.
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starting from interception of messages of people's testimony to open sources of everything that is in we collected a lot of information, the internet, travel records about financial transactions, everything that we can, unfortunately i can't go into details as they are classified, but i can say that from the very beginning i was focused, can you tell about the patterns you discovered?
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however, we were able to find out that it all started 2 years earlier, after at least four americans in frankfurt reported having symptoms, and there is also evidence that can be described as revenge, for example, in 2014, three cia agents were in ukraine, an obsession of vladimir putin. one of the victims is kerry. she is still
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an fbi agent and works in counterintelligence. she states that in 2021, while she was in her home in florida, she became the target of some destructive force. and then bam, in my right ear i felt as if a dentist was drilling into it. it felt like a drill had reached your eardrum, but the sensation was 10 times stronger. it was like a high-pitched drilling sound, what... metal threw me forward 45°. one such incident involved the driver of this mustang, who was driving at a speed of 170 km/h. snuggle up to the training, snuggle up. and in 2020, near a city in florida, police tried to stop a mustang for speeding. he managed to drive 24 km until he hit a runway. with spikes,
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during a search, bank accounts were found on him, and this device, which looks like a walkie-talkie, is capable of deleting car data, including gps data, he also had russian passport, the driver was vitaly kovalev. from st. petersburg, a city in russia, not in florida. kovalev emigrated to the united states and worked as a chef in new york and washington and even participated in a television program.
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in august 2021 , 11 people suffered from havana syndrome in vietnam, nine of them worked in the pentagon and special forces, this was an experienced team that prepared the visit of vice president kamel.
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values ​​acquires the features of religion on the contrary, outright satanism. and here's a little more satanism from the white house. at an art
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competition honoring national guard families, the biden administration banned children from representing those. easter eggs with biblical scenes and other religious images. american believers are shocked and angry. look on social networks, the video of one of the us president’s falls from the ramp has ended. only here biden falls not on his own, but because old joe is beaten by the easter bunny. the trump campaign is demanding biden apologize to millions of christians. calls the action of white blasphemy at home. attack on the christian faith. the democrats immediately rushed to make excuses, saying they didn’t want to offend anyone. easter falls on a different date every year, and here it completely coincided with a non-binary holiday. against this background , the following meme is published on social networks. easter in new york in the middle of the last century looks
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like this. the burning windows of skyscrapers form crosses. here's easter in new york in 2024. no crucifixions, but that's it. that children were prohibited from submitting drawings embodying religious motifs during it's time for the easter egg contest. transgender day of visibility is a celebration and day
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of educational activities designed to bring awareness to transgender people. the white house statement is complemented by an image of the easter bunny in the logo. quote: we honor the extraordinary courage of the contributions of transgender americans. in his annual proclamation, biden also said: today we send a message to all transgender americans: you are loved, you are heard, you are understood, you are america, my entire administration, i personally stand with you. the fairfax county council also made a statement. i am thrilled that we are recognizing a community that has too often been overshadowed and celebrating yet another community that is so diverse brings great joy to ours. republicans are outraged and criticize president biden for daring to celebrate march 31st,
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transgender day of visibility, which coincided with easter this year, but president biden doesn't care about anything on his social media, he posts the following: today is transgender day of visibility, for me a simple message to all transgender americans, i see you, you are made in the image of god and you are worthy of respect. the trump campaign responded immediately to all of this. here's what they published. unfortunately, this is just an example of biden's years of attacks on the christian faith. we call on joe biden and the white house to apologize to the millions of catholics and christians across america who believe that today is meant for only one celebration: the celebration of the resurrection of jesus christ. speaker of the house johnson's representatives said that the white house.
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will be fired. we moved to lalal. it actually takes me a few tries before i sincerely can’t understand all of this, because such an act is equivalent to joe biden telling muslims during the month of ramadan: “okay, now it’s time to eat pork and bacon. absurd, that’s why joe biden.” should be ashamed, and yes, all these people say, well , every year on march 31st we recognize the visibility of transgender people, okay, fine, well,
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we can’t celebrate this on another day, why does it have to be done on easter sunday? there are about 1,600 thousand transgender people living in america, according to the latest data, but here's what's surprising: they managed to humiliate the entire american people, they want us to talk about them, about transgender people? the germans are also being asked to give up easter eggs, because this product is allegedly very harmful to both people and the environment. experts from the german society of gastroenterology advise replacing eggs in your diet with plant foods. this supposedly will help not only avoid obesity, but will protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. but germany considers drugs to be very beneficial for health. from today in germany.
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germany thus joined the list of countries where cannabis use is legalized. it also includes canada, georgia, luxembourg, malta, uruguay, thailand, mexico, south africa and about half the states. in ukraine, croatia, israel, poland, finland and greece, the use of marijuana is allowed only for medical purposes. in russia it is basically prohibited. the union of german doctors was categorically against the legalization of marijuana in germany. trade unions, police officers, judges and also school teachers' associations. they said that marijuana is dangerous for mental development, especially for young people. and it often becomes a springboard for switching to hard drugs. but the german federal government prefers to make money from drugs instead of caring about the health of its citizens.
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the legalization of cannabis will bring almost 5 billion euros to the german budget, the university of dusseldor calculated. according to official statistics, almost 9% of adult germans admitted that although if only you had smoked marijuana once in the last year. among teenagers from 12 to 17 years old, this number was. a percentage more, and how many didn’t admit it, no, this is not an april fool’s joke, from today it is legal to smoke marijuana in germany, and weed fans in berlin celebrated this event with the first legal blunts in their hands. to celebrate, some, perhaps, even went a little too far with the size, in front of the brandenburg gate on a warsaw street, german weed smokers rejoiced.
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this is a very important step towards complete legalization, so that we are no longer considered criminals just because we are holding not a bottle of beer, but a bag of weed. now adults in germany are allowed to have 50 grams for personal use, to grow three marijuana bushes at home, but for minors, this drug will still remain taboo. smoking will also be prohibited near schools and kindergartens. to legalize marijuana, scholz's coalition government had to cope with serious resistance in the bundestag. german minister of health lauda.
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cdu, csu. we will certainly get real chaos. the amount of marijuana that you can have on you -
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but so you understand, one cigarette with marijuana is 3 g, that is, 50 g that you are allowed to have for personal consumption, this is already 150 cigarettes with marijuana, and this is a lot, we also know , that selling drugs in germany is still prohibited, everyone knows how it happens, one gave it to a second, and this one has already passed it on to a third, and there’s no way to control all this, nor will it be possible to control the cultivation of bushes marijuana at home, because in the future the police will not go to apartments, knock on doors and ask, hey, tell me?
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chasov yar was going to be taken by ours, that’s where the authorities evacuated from, chasov yar in general during the epic with artyomovsky solidar was such an important important logistics military center, local residents from the same artyomovsk were also taken there, they also had warehouses there, the locals themselves told me, that when they visited the refugee camp from artyomovsk , they saw that there was a mortar battery right next to the camp.
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porn is resisting, then what are these articles in the west about how there is nothing and no one, kiev is about to fall, well, officially the ministry of defense announced back in december that the ukrainian armed forces can respond to about four of our shells with one shell, everyone noticed at the front here is a total reduction in weight for...
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they took the gun to poland for re-barrel, most likely, and after that they tightened the valve, so the resource ran out, plus the cost of the shells turned out to be not so many. which i went there to ovdeevka, it was still freshly burning, here ours were burning, here are ours these drones are launched, but here’s a comrade fighting on kaksakhim, there, right at the headquarters of the
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air force reconnaissance aircraft, there was a small factory for the production of drones, fpv drones are the cheapest, they produced hundreds, i calculated about 42,000, this is the cost of a drone, but if you take our components, and one nato caliber 150.5 mm projectile, 360,000 rubles. can you imagine the difference, yes, a 152 mm projectile, to the most common, as it were, soviet artillery systems since soviet times, 70, 80, 100,000, and these are the wholesale prices of the russian, let’s say, arms market, so they found a way out, but according to the commander of the east, aleksandravich khodakovsky, now the use of these drones is simply up to...
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russia carried out one of the largest tank offensives. 36 tanks, 12 infantry fighting vehicles, we allegedly, again, i emphasize, used according to forbes, is anything known about such a battle? the ministry of defense has not yet officially reported, has not confirmed, it is quite acceptable, it’s just that everything is too subtle, they don’t have an analyst on the line of defense. they write, yes, you can open the card and see, this is the so-called operational space, where the enemy has nothing to cling to, you can immediately advance 30, 40, 50 km, yes, armored vehicles are absolutely impossible for this, 30-40 km, and i will assume that we
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are simply bypassing the slavic-kromatori agglomeration on both sides , that’s clear, thank you very much, the legendary komsomol military correspondent is in direct contact with us, the holding area.
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yes, the only thing, of course, that confuses me, i spoke to many experts on the middle east, and here, as a rule, a terrorist is not a convinced terrorist, and not even a convinced one, for money for this or that a different act, but these immediately, as soon as they were detained in the forest, began talking about some half a million rubles, but oh well. we hope, and i am glad that the investigative committee and many of our other law enforcement agencies are moving further and further every day, this will be an opportunity for us not
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only to establish, but also to prevent this from happening in the future, judging by what is happening , there is also a clear directive to take all those involved alive, all of them, mind you, all 10 who are alive in court and plus four in dagestan, there was also a very dangerous situation there, all of them too arrested, this just does not fit into the framework of some there who on the other side sing propaganda songs that this is the fsb, that these are the special services, well, of course it is. then we would see a mountain of corpses and it would be justified. i watched it yesterday, which means our front-line correspondent also interviewed the guy who was detained there specifically in the forest and looked at this recording and he says we were ready to tear them apart, we’re just ready, we saw what was going on there was an order to take him alive , here he is right in this, remember with the redhead with a beard, i forgot what his last name is.
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i said, and what you showed in your stories, there is china, for example, with a certain model, no matter how paradoxical it is, but this special operation, and many call it a war, it is essentially that, if you look even from the point of view from peskov’s point of view or or as an official, and many use it, and china uses it, and we use it, dmitry just said about fpv drones, everything arises in this war unexpectedly sometimes. then
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it becomes the rule of this war if you remember, long-range artillery, and how to fight it, and drones, and a swarm of drones, and many, large structures, large countries such as the usa, and especially china, of course, is taking this into its arsenal, that it is there is building, but at least let washington build it for itself, it would be better if they built washington, lesser washington, well, or let’s build it, it’s important that they, of course, are smart, they’re not just a picture.
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i believe at the same time i’m not going to throw tomatoes at anyone, of course we need to concentrate, take weapons, and in this sense, i say all the time, many people tell me: well, we are not an ally with china, we are not an ally with china, we are with china, maybe today we are not an ally in the sense of an agreement, but everything is leading to this, because if china and if we we understand that it’s hard to fight something like this alone, and in this sense, you’re right, we should fight them. it’s also hard, they have huge production, they have huge resources, financial, human, weapons, technological, and china understands this, and we understand this, i think i hope that it will come to this sooner or later, these are the stories, connected with supposedly some kovalev, an intelligence officer, they detained him, in general some kind of nonsense, a scout guy is rushing at 160 km/h to be detained, which means he has a russian passport, of course it is nonsense, but look how they
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attack russia will be attacked, i watched lavrov, well, he’s right, but again, he’s talking to the smart ones, they’ve been saying all along that if we don’t accept ukraine into nato, then russia will attack.
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in the usa, i know, there are a lot of them, there are many more of them, there are more of them 60-70-80, probably even a percentage, but for some reason they do it in easter, why, i ask, returning to those stories that hit the average person, well , look, drugs were allowed, yes, marijuana was allowed, they boast, just recently, only in one, in holland alone, i remember in the nineties barely all so joint marriages were allowed. i’m sorry, same-sex marriages were allowed, everything became, everything is in the order of things, transgender people were allowed, now they are on easter, exactly on easter, well, do it there, well, i don’t know, well, after easter, well, if you don’t have that, no, exactly in easter, that means we have to to destroy religion, because they forced
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the pope to recognize and move away from this, from these same-sex people, they forced, how can this be, it seems, here i stand and think, in fact, all this is very... this is not far from that plot about our intelligence officer, whom they are ready to believe, these people have already believed, my god, you celebrate such a holiday on easter, i see, looking at this, i can’t say that biden is a moron there, it means that he has some kind of logic headquarters, they are somehow guided by something, musk announced here, you know, a businessman, i... respect the pioneer in many things in business, but suddenly he became a military leader , suddenly he talks about where russia will go, what it will do, why he is doing this, why too , this is all mass media business, mass media business, so i would say,
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biden is his organ-organ, this is his organ-organ, someone who will benefit from supporting the mask, someone who will not benefit, but in general how can we even seriously discuss any... then a businessman who uses... human lives and his companions kill them, and he is still trying to judge something, but we still have to seriously discuss it, i’m generally surprised how in a low-flying orbit, well, okay, we didn’t create this ourselves, we didn’t have time to do business there, yet, why don’t we shoot down, why don’t we shoot down, we we say that we will shoot down planes if they are in romania or poland, but how is this one, which aims missiles at belgorod, different from this plane? well, nothing, dmitry steshin said just now, they exchange these gun barrels once in poland, which means we have contracts there is, that in space we need to, we need to bomb, we have, we have an orbital constellation, yes, i’m talking about maskovskaya, it’s different, completely broadband, which means the internet, in low-flying orbits, now i don’t
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want to go into this deeply, i would like to talk about one more story very briefly, so when i said about this, about this, about this, i just watched recently... the film created by these some foreign agents, the editors seem to be called about the year ninety-six about the elections, they made this is on the eve of our current elections, they show everything there all the stories about how they deceived people with yeltsin who had 3% they do not hesitate from berezovsky to calmly showing and the current ones who escaped like vasilyev living there in lithuania somewhere they say: we did it, we... or he’s already drunk or he, this is a person who headed a businessman, then worked somewhere on ntv, and he says:
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in fact, it was necessary for zyuganov to be elected, we would have corrupted him anyway with berezovsky, and putin would not exist now, so can you imagine, these are people who are still they have been dreaming of coming, going back and before the collapse, they did it in 1996, the first steps to destroy the entire so-called vaunted electoral democracy, they took... the first steps towards corrupting it, but in 3 months they 3% made him 40% there. today they threaten us from there, and we still say, some of ours, let them return, there are some of them who did not have time to say too much there, god forbid, i will say about the very newspaper that vasiliev did, because this is society it has just begun to cleanse itself, it has just begun to speak in the language of such shy people, and the guys are waiting for revenge, they are waiting, of course, for the opportunity when we stumble and give
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the opportunity to change the course of history, but we will not do this, and as for the year ninety-six , leonid ivanovich, well, there are different views on these elections, and one of the theories, very plausible, described in many sources, says that leonid, god, leonid, i’m looking at you, right? another shelling, monstrous, absolutely cannibalistic, because civilians are attacking objects, nine people were injured after
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the shelling of belgorod, the governor said, a missile threat was declared in belgorod, belgorod district. let's go back, today is the event of the year. premiere on rtr. these are my. zoya is my university friend. this is not at all what you think. vadim andreev.
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there will definitely be children of their own. daria ursulyak. i can not wait. what they say about you is true. receives. today on rtr. prices. products are becoming more expensive all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you? you getting ready to cook, you go for a loaf of bread and discover that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old; it looks as if you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be? introducing brad smart from. saper vr is a simple, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to
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serve. bret smart's innovative condens control membrane cap with micro-fine precision venting designed to regulate the air humidity level inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer. so, instead of spoiling and going moldy, your bread stays soft, fresh, and delicious until you're... ready to eat it. brother smart is large enough to hold several loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine, they were bought at the same time. one was in regular packaging, and this one was in the brad smart system. the difference is obvious. just think for a moment, how much money do you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and baked goods? 100 euros, 200 or much more. today is a sensational system. tapor.
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put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is like throwing away. money in the trash can. brother smart will keep your baked goods deliciously fresh, save you money and pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer, call us now. mega sale, magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. introducing your carpet is a magnificent century. with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about... complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the carpet is a magnificent century, an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not
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wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call, order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price of only 995, just choose suitable design create a unique look for your suburban area, likes it, doesn’t like it, likes it, or maybe you won’t pay for the goods at work? fired, not fired, stories of a big country, premiere on friday on... len, hello, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what about my proposal for us to be together, hi, hi, i spent the night with a guy, he’s good, everything
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is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet kirill - this is lena, lena is kirill, we think. i know, i can’t live without you, can i kiss you, well, kiss me, what ’s going on? hello, sister, on sunday at rtr, svetlana nimalyaeva, it was, of course , a test, it was very difficult, goncherov wanted to work with me, but at the same time ...
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i was attacked by a car of military commissars who came to recruit new cannon fodder, a woman in drebesk broke the windshield of a car, the military commissars ran away. in the poltava and ivanofrankivsk regions they began to attract police to search for evaders. in these regions, it is necessary to find 60.00 people who are hiding from subpoenas. well, the children of ukrainian politicians settled abroad. they openly mock their compatriots. the son and daughter of the mayor of kiev, klitschko, are having a great time in hamburg, smoking a hookah and playing. cards, swallow some pills, washing them down with a white russian cocktail. breasts on camera, cocktail, white russian, cigarettes. the children of kiev mayor vitaliy klitschko showed how they broke away in hamburg. the capital's mayor's youngest children celebrated the end of the working week a home party with friends, with alcohol and dancing. details of the breakaway, which occurred on friday evening, were shared on social networks. twenty-one-year-old
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elizaveta and maxim, who turned 19 on april 1, were having fun in hamburg, where their mother natalya egorova already lives. first they showed how they went to the store to buy alcohol on a smart brass. such a car, by the way, costs around $45,000. at the party itself , young people played cards, drank cocktails and danced. lisa showed off her charms on camera. that is, presumably it is somewhere around 60 plus billions, this is not 47, which was accordingly developed in the bowels, but most likely 60 plus with a high degree of probability it will involve direct financing, apparently, judging by the fact
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that it is now fights back, in fact, then ukraine will receive this money, if the bill is voted in exactly the format in which it was presented in the senate on tuesday, then, in principle, there will be special restrictions in order to sign no, because the senate accepted it in principle, if only in this format, but he talked about some innovations there. if the bill is changed, then he will have to accordingly not lose his place because of this, and now they are starting to attack him in principle, so he actually fought back on sunday on fox, as we know, but stating that, that the problem now is simply this: there has already been one attempt to demolish the successful speaker, now the majority is very narrow, because the several, respectively, congressmen, and i think before the election campaign few will be able to repeat this for the second time, on the other hand, there is a deal before this on... the budget, which very much does not suit the right of the word in general, here is 1.2 trillion, as it were which were distributed, so from this point of view, of course, he will have to somehow sweeten this pill, the question is how this will
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happen, it is obvious that this is not a migration deal, because trump said that it is not on the agenda, so judging by in all likelihood, he will try to introduce something so innovative there, but with a high probability the ninth april 9 is on tuesday, that is, they will return on the seventh, on april 9 on tuesday he will put it up on the so-called floor, well, that is, roughly speaking, for a vote, if. .. he will get a majority, the democrats will support him , among other things, then most likely it will pass, moreover, even if they try to demolish it, then most likely the democrats have already stated that they will support it, that is, they will even leave it there, even if the republicans demolish it, but these are different he will have problems there, which is why, from this point of view, most likely all this is coming to this by this time and is connected with such timings, which is why they are, in principle , actively targeting this type of statement in the media, this is an attempt, as it were, on the republicans influence, taking into account the fact that china has now appeared, there will be a chinese part there, therefore, accordingly, at the same time , china, as it were... threats, well, that is , the technological components plus or minus are clear, the timings are sort of clear, as for small parties on really like them ruin the lives of everyone else, okay, we talked about kennedy, who
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can accordingly take away votes from biden in undecided states, now the most interesting thing is with the uk, the data appeared today, many people have already reviewed it, as it were, but the point is this: in this year, apparently there will be parliamentary elections, that by january next year they should take place in the uk, in the uk there are 650 mandates that vote with single-mandate seats, it will be interesting, because in a single-mandate seat, why do you need such a small country with so many deputies? now i’ll tell you, firstly, there is scotland, there is wales, respectively, there are many different territories there, so we all understand perfectly well what a single-mandate is, accordingly, they get together in one region, accordingly, the winner gets everything disproportionately, that is as it were, you have to calculate who will go out with whom, so here are the latest data, polls there surveyed 150 by district and, as it were, projected onto the general component, conservatives get 98%. out of 650 they now have 365, which is something more than three times less than there is, this is for all constituencies
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now, they are not taking a single constituency in scotland and most likely not a single constituency in wales, the communists will take it, well, the liborists, and the librists get 400 plus, they get 72%, of all the mandates, well the solution should have gone home in general, but as if now the iteration will try to demolish it, that’s because the problem is concluding. conservatives would take 150 only due to the fact that they did not participate, they are stealing conservative votes for themselves, this is a classic rodent scheme, how it works in the usa, how it works in france, as it works in
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spain, in portugal, everywhere, if the ruling party changes there, what does it do to us? and firstly, accordingly, this is a parliamentary republic, this means that everything, this is a special parliamentary republic, this means that all ministers are parliamentarians, that is, this means that this will physically lead to the fact that you have ministers by definition, we remember that there is also a house of lords, which no one elects, and people inherit a seat in the british parliament, moreover, it can also be grant, but the question is even in another democracy, well, what kind of democracy we have, by the way. the senate is also not elected, here, you know , no one inherits power, yes, that’s also good, those days are gone, let’s say it’s elected from three at the regional level, from three, i agree, yes, but some governors, but not in a direct way, in short, it would be better to be direct, i agree with you, i’m not saying that it’s better, i’m saying that it’s not so, that’s the peculiarity, that’s the peculiarity, that the right is starting to delay voices centrists, everyone is very much afraid of this, and
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the elections that... now in and directly to the european parliament can lead to the formation of a very large faction there, which has little practical impact, can block the majority of us, and the most interesting thing is , they coordinate activities with each other, they arrange for each other to attend events at which they participate in the european parliament, they are not comrades, but i remind you that, for example, the same right-wingers, they interact, for example, with some the right-wingers who are in the uk will cancel the sanctions in kiev and will stop providing money for financing, first of all, these rights contain their features. in the following: they do not like to allocate conservative right-wing additional funds for everything except their own economy, they are in favor of cutting taxes for themselves, they are in favor of pouring money into themselves, they are in favor of cutting everything that is not for themselves , that is , in fact, their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are, as it were, trump, just sort of in a pickle in the european race, so to speak, sunok, sunok, not sunok, but some kind of reformers, respectively, this is yuk and so on and so forth, that is, this actually shows that they are most afraid of the right-wing conservatives, that they will take away votes from the traditional parties and weaken them in
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election campaigns, so on. would have rewritten the constitution, would have waited until the moment when his son grew up and transferred power to his son, today is april 1, and you know, one could joke that zelensky turned into a pumpkin, but he was a pumpkin, he never became a carriage , he's here now they are discussing these issues of legitimacy, but he will not go to the polls, that is, no one will... show up for one simple reason, because in ukraine only the one who promises peace can become president. i’ll just remind you that poroshenko 14 promised peace when he became, when he became, i say become, not be, but become. poroshenko, i ’ll just remind you, in 1414, when he was running for president, he promised to finish the ato, which turchynov started before him, promised to finish it in 7 days. zelensky, when he went to presidents, he promised to finish everything, he promised to reach an agreement with at least the devil, yes, he said that poroshenko is bad because he did not fulfill minsk, but he will fulfill minsk from
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the first. to the last letters, now the most important question for zelensky, to which he will not give an answer: what is the post-war world for ukraine, this one within the borders of the ninety- first year, which he promises, is better than the post-war world that the minsk agreements oriented, hundreds thousands killed, yes, that is, a lot of destruction, he won’t give an answer, now of course they are discussing what will happen legitimate or illegitimate, of course, you can interpret a lot there, the constitution can be found, but the constitution regarding the president contains only three, and regarding elections, that the president is elected for a term of 5 years, the next elections are held on the last sunday of march, and the fifth year of office, that's it, yanukovych is much more legitimate, the president of ukraine at the moment than mr. zee, breaking news, nine people were injured today in the shelling of belgorod, governor glotkov said, one man is in serious condition with penetrating wounds chest with a through wound to the foot, the daughter will see a bar from the injury, seven more people
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were taken to the hospital. with shrapnel wounds to different parts of the body. the ministry of defense reported that air defense systems shot down 17 rocket-propelled guns over the city and destroyed a ukrainian drone. the number of defendants in the koroku city hall terrorist attack case has risen to ten. the investigative committee is today petitioning for the arrest of another person involved in the tragedy near moscow. jacob jani yusuf zada. he has already been taken to court to face criminal charges. v article a terrorist act. according to investigators, a few days before the attack, he transferred money from his bank card, which the terrorists used to pay for rented housing. also today, the fsb is publishing footage of a special operation in dagestan, during which four more foreign fighters were detained. they turned out to be directly related to the terrorist attack in kroku city field. let's see. "fsb special forces
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storm a residential building in kaspiysk on ametsultan street, the terrorists barricaded themselves in the apartment, the security forces break down the iron door with a sledgehammer, the storm takes the militant out to the street with his hands behind his back in flip-flops is taken away for interrogation. in total, four suspects were detained, one of them. admitted that he personally brought from makhachkala, mytishchi, near moscow, machine guns and ammunition for the terrorists who attacked the crocus city hall, they found something in the apartment, but... a kalashnikov and 460 bullets, i carried, brought them weapons to these guys who attacked the crust with etiol in the city of moscow, i
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brought them weapons from makhachkana, i only had money and weapons. according to mash , the terrorists from crocus were helped by two illegal immigrants from tajikistan: thirty-six-year-old abduvahid faizuloev and twenty-four-year-old rustam said zada. here he withdraws cash from an atm and gives it to one of the militants. in the surveillance footage of the bank there is also a white renault, in which the terrorists arrived at crocus and then tried to escape. investigators are inspecting a cache of weapons found in the apartment: a kalashnikov assault rifle, a makarov pistol, a revolver, a revolver, cartridges and also a large number of batteries, wires, ingredients for making homemade explosive devices with remote detonation,
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four people in a crowded place on the caspian embankment or in victory park, or in victory park, depending on where... more people will be caught, this is a quote from the testimony, immediately after the testimony, immediately after the attack, the criminals were going to leave, where is the bomb , where is the bomb kartire, that they were going for, i'm collecting for... the federal security service of the russian federation on march 31 , 2024, in the republic of dagestan
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, the activities of a terrorist cell consisting of four foreign citizens who prepared in the city of kaspiysk were suppressed terrorist act in crowded places . the criminals conducted reconnaissance of the area and made a homemade weapon. device and acquired automatic weapons, immediately after the terrorist attack they intended to leave russia; it was also established that the detained militants were directly involved in financing the provision of terror means to the perpetrators of the terrorist act committed on march 22 , 2024 in the crocus city hall concert hall in moscow. in total , 13 people were detained in connection with the terrorist attack in the concert hall, nine performers.
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that together with his colleagues he defeated six elite units in the ukrainian armed forces. the battalion of another hero, pashkevich, held back the fierce attacks of the enemy for three days, but did not allow a breakthrough in the defense. during this time, the ukrainian armed forces lost 14 tanks, 22 armored vehicles and approximately 500 militants. now the kiev regime no longer even thinks about an offensive. the militants have gone into deep defense, and the russian army is inexorably moving forward. direct hit by a volume-detonating aerial bomb
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with a caliber of one and a half tons on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the village of velikaya pyasarevka in sumskaya region is recorded by russian intelligence. a mushroom-shaped cloud of incendiary mixture rises hundreds of meters, explodes and incinerates all living things in a radius of 2, which is comparable to the destructive power of an entire package of the heavy flamethrower system of the sun, it is impossible to hide from such a formidable weapon, the mixture that the bomb sprays occupies all the folds of the terrain, penetrating into the dugouts of the trenches, and the combustion temperature is over 100°. the russian aerospace forces are using more and more powerful and more deadly bombs, and what we see here now is the adapt 1500, the target is somewhere in song region, and we are now seeing a rather powerful explosion. it looks like a small mushroom cloud that rises upward, which is why it can be seen from quite a distance. adab 1500 is a half-ton bomb that carries a non -explosive substance, an aerosol mixture. this means that at a height of approximately 5-10 m above
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the target, the bomb spreads a huge amount of highly flammable substance in all directions, then this air mixture ignites, thus causing an even greater destructive effect. on these footage of the defeat of a temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces by a strike from a tactical aircraft missile product 305 in the kharkov direction. the crew of the k-52 attack helicopter corrects the flight of a projectile at a distance of over 10 km. goals. the technological boom of russian guided weapons is recognized by business insider. according to the publication, the armed forces of ukraine are urgently moving air defense systems closer to the front line, trying to track russian aircraft, because none of the anti-aircraft missile systems supplied by the west are capable of shooting down gliding bombs. without western fighters. providing the necessary air cover, the ukrainian military has
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nothing to protect them except prayer. already the sixth main battle tank m1 e1 abrams, made in the usa , is being destroyed by our iksovods in the area of ​​the village of solovyovo in the avdeevsky direction. the lancet hit the camouflaged tank and hit the turret exactly. before attacking a target , the drone performs an evasive maneuver to avoid the enemy.
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after local repairs, the armored vehicle will return to the front to perform russian tasks, although, as our mechanics admit that the german marten is not suitable for moving along the donetsk mulyaka, seriously inferior to russian technology in cross-country ability. take on the lost positions on the american m113 tracked armored personnel carrier, but were defeated
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by oncoming artillery fire. the armed forces of ukraine are also retreating on the southern front near rabotina. here, 600 km from kiev on the southern front in the rabotin region, everyday life looks completely different. artillery fire thunders every minute. there is a small team of uav operators in a small village. we have lost many of the men we fought alongside, and now i have hope. they look from the sky at what we do and watch us. unique footage of the work of russian unmanned tracked units is recorded by objective control of the forty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. such armored robotics with installed ags-17 grenade launchers thwarts any attempts to rotate personnel, which is why bandera has to spend several fvidrons at once on one unmanned platform. according to the new york times sick people are brought to zero.
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in addition, they have excellent logistics chains. zelensky gave an interview to the washington post. complains that the delay in approving a $60 billion military aid package has cost ukraine too much. and without additional artillery shells and airborne missiles. kiev will have to decide which areas the militants will be able to defend and which will have to be left without a fight. if there is no support from the united states, this means that we have no air defense, no missiles. no jammers for electronic warfare, there are no 155mm artillery shells, this means that we will retreat, retreat step by step, small steps, if you do not take steps to prepare a new counter-offensive, russia will take them, this is what we have learned in this war, if you if you don’t do this, russia will do it, as
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the head of the regional administration ruslan kravchenko reports , more than 10 thousand dragon teeth have been installed in the kiev region, and fortifications are being urgently erected. rings, primarily from chernobolsky directions. kiev mayor klitschko explains why without western help the ukrainian army is doomed to defeat. we are much better prepared than 2 years ago for possible new attacks on kiev.
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because this is a conscious construction of a picture of the near future, in general, many parts of this mosaic, they are quite organically connected in the presentation of european politicians with each other, and these are really parts of the overall picture, where the legalization of marijuana is actually the same thing as and development of renewable energy. fight against traditional, so-called heavy industries, active propaganda of lgbt people, many, many can say that this is all too bold a statement on my part when i say that this is a general agenda, but in fact this is really a general picture of the future that is being imposed and is aggressively
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advancing when 10 years ago they began to raise the topic that cows are large... to the world, this applies to the united states, we also know a huge number of states already have a legalization policy. they don't like german drugs, marijuana to the authorities, but they supposedly cannot overcome the black market, so they create a white one so that the germans can get high-quality drugs and not the devil, can you imagine what an excuse, well then, using the same logic, you can
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generally translate all the vices into a commercial component, we know that in germany some people did this with certain vices, but nevertheless there is...
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and i repeat this again, this is the general picture of the future, these are the pieces, they are woven into it, and europe in this regard, of course, when it went to break, result in the entire history of observations, this is not news, in general this does not particularly surprise us, but nevertheless, the fall of great
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europe, its decline, unfortunately, continues enormously, will europeans think about what is happening, is there there is still time, this is a rather serious and interesting and significant question. well, we generally have our own, our own stories, i would like to draw attention to the fact that today... president putin gave a number of economic instructions to the government, because we are waiting for the inauguration on may 7 and we are waiting for the signing of the inaugural decree, where there will be economic tasks for the next six years are also spelled out, a number of important things were stated in the message, and as part of the implementation of this message , instructions are being given to the current government. by the way, the government will hold a report this week. before the state duma, well, then in may, at the beginning of may, the process of forming a new cabinet of ministers will begin, i think that, of course, there will be a fairly
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large number of representatives of the previous cabinet, but nevertheless, nevertheless, certain parameters will be fixed, there is an extension in today’s putin’s instructions and an extension of the family mortgage until the thirtieth year and a doubling of the minimum wage until the thirtieth year. but one of the important points is the fact that by july 31 of this year, putin instructed to present legislatively formalized changes to the tax system, in fact, for us this is a very important issue, russia is abandoning the flat tax scale, and this is not a trifle, it is serious for us and a significant milestone, and accordingly, now we will already have presented quite soon, if by july 31 there are still... changes in laws that
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the state duma will vote in the fall, accordingly, now we will receive the parameters of this new tax system, and this is a rather significant moment for us, and we expect that it will indeed be socially fair, but at the same time not... well, because the key question there is what the cut-off bar will be, because now, let me remind you, we already have elements of a differentiated scale in place, from incomes from 5 million we take a very vegetarian for now, yes, but this was a trial option, a trial option, so the question is what scales this new system will have, accordingly, you should be the experts and write your proposals. especially to the outstanding teachers from the financial university, no, in fact, we wrote and goto, i thought you
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would tell us specifically what we will have there, no, but you are still assuming, i’ll wait for the official government figures, we we actually gave their proposals, because this topic has been discussed for a long time, well, in general, we an interesting spring and summer awaits us, we have absolutely no doubt about that, living in russia and with serious economic changes, we will return. “we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic luxury collection bodrum: exceptional service, incredible
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culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation.immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection both. the office is the calling card of your business, the taller business center is located near paveledskaya square and the garden ring, original architecture with a recreated historical tower. access system with facial recognition, space and time management application, intelligent building navigation system, data center, public spaces and underground parking. taller - a new height for your business. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. holiday.
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exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. rest means leaving yourself alone, rest
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means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. do you want to stay in moscow? certainly. i’ll get you a job at our restaurant. i also drew a horse with wings. pegasus after all. this will be yours then i'll draw it. we're watching this weekend, well, i liked it, yes, it's zavyalov, our owner, aren't you sleeping, i'm afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i'm afraid, make some coffee, hello, you're stupid or something, i'll have to fire you, actually i i don’t work here, i live here,
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cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, are you even this mu... “nothing, i’ll still turn around or the princess, who will the prince choose, and you loved her, no, most likely not, but you me you love, wings of pegasus, on saturday, nerter, please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was impudent in the white look, and i begin, then mark antolyevich zakharov goes into the hands, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i like a man who is a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now
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everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands when everyone is home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, move out today, but the child, i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well , you can’t be on the street with a sick child, come to me, live as long as you want, but your husband won’t be for long, she’ll take the little one away, it’s not ours a child, but he can be ours, life. does not provide any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave. registration and submission of
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online applications on the website www.neu waveectest. not miss your chance to become a star, a new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. film series kuznetsov. people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year, but what will tell us about this? kuznitsov? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but we will save the sailors and soldiers . on the children, you must save, big premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznetsov, already on the platform . look. the british dogs of war, or rather the fighting huskies, which the uk is gathering, could become a huge problem for putin
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used for arctic military operations, literally threatens russia, daily maill. commando dogs are already taking part in exercises in the arctic circle, and they are going to be used to supply elite units. the marine corps and army commands, known as the combat service support squadron, are responsible for breaking through the front lines and quickly supplying the forward command units with ammunition, fuel, food and first aid kits. whiskey's squadron consists of
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experienced engineers, logisticians and drivers, as well as security troops, well armed heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, which draw lessons from russia's war in ukraine on how modern logistics should evolve... private james gledhill, a royal corps logistics specialist, noted: "as a young soldier, i follow the news and see , what
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is happening now in ukraine. i think this is more than just an exercise. they serve as a rehearsal and a mission in which we must be prepared for the worst, and if something happens, we must make sure that we are ready stand shoulder to shoulder with our norwegian partners. igor yuryevich, we’ve gone completely crazy, this plot, frankly speaking, is aimed at diverting attention, because behind these pr shots and publications in the british tabloids, for example, are hidden the actions of great britain that remain behind the screen, i would like remind you that... it is british naval specialists, british naval intelligence officers, commandos, the corresponding british ones, who are actively involved in operations on the territory of ukraine,
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using these so-called unmanned boats they actually carry out terrorist attacks against russian ships, russian ports, without any huskies, this is part of a secret activity. for some reason, the uk does not appear in the newspapers of the united kingdom, but we should say that in reality the british armed forces are involved in terrorist attacks against the russian federation. and you know, these stories won’t solve this problem, because the real second most military country after the united states, taking into account nuclear. participates simply in elementary terrorist attacks, i would like to say that british naval specialists, they are indeed very well trained, this is a dangerous adversary, but in this case under a false flag, using camouflage in the form
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of certain centers of naval operations there, in ukraine, the professional british army, or rather the elite units of the british naval forces, is acting against us. now, as for the main... this, i would say, is not a sensation, but a topic under discussion, this is about the notorious havana syndrome, you know against whom all these publications are directed, against russian military intelligence, which is allegedly associated with some operations, as a result of which american diplomats suffer in a number of countries abroad, why is this being done now, this is a reaction to russian...successes plus pressure on the american congress in order to encourage it to finally make a decision that is based on the appropriate consensus, which is necessary. allocation of funds
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to support ukraine, what exactly is in fact, this is the notorious govan syndrome, this is a condition that manifests itself in a number of american diplomats working in a number of countries, well, nausea, the effect, as they say, on the brain, loss of performance, vomiting, weakness, and so on. why is this happening? well, the origins must be sought in the fact that any american embassy is an object.
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americans use certain jamming systems to suppress various kinds of bombs, whether real or imaginary, but by definition suppression systems work inside each american embassy, ​​these are primarily ultrahigh frequencies in order to create such a dense, impenetrable electronic dome around the high-security premises of american embassies. in order to exclude any possibility of leakage from there, well, relatively speaking, there, if it is believed that bookmarks can be introduced, especially remotely activated ones, then such interference is installed that completely blocks any radio emissions inside the embassy that can carry information from the inside to the outside v the corresponding counterintelligence units, therefore , the american intelligence services themselves are simply jamming inside american ...
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embassies, special-security premises, in these conditions, of course, there are people on whom this affects, so all the complaints that american diplomats have about their painful disorders must be addressed to the state department and addressed to the relevant american intelligence agencies that deal with the electronic security of american embassies, we have no business here at all, especially if we look at the geography, well, it becomes it is clear that this is a problem... microwaves are essentially like this, and such is the global microwave, ultra-high frequencies, which are set in order to hide information, ultimately receive these radiations, but they themselves came to the conclusion: the americans will develop a community that there is no traces of foreign specialists. and now, when
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indeed, as you correctly said, thank god, there were signs of success at the front, when it became clear that our economy had survived, that we had the potential to move forward, we found a new reason for in order to attack us, but the arguments this time are just ridiculous, who can they influence, we’ll come back. my name is zoya, i’m from the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there’s no dirt, neither on her clothes, nor under her nails, i’m sure you already have a theory, yes, this is revenge, she won’t calm down, i won’t i can wait until all the criminals are caught, you made a mistake, all this still needs to be proven. and we will prove
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please, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i will do something, i don’t know what yet, but i will do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed , then it turns out that my husband and my cat... are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe,
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listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first podcasts we watch. new details of the liquidation of traitor kuzmenov, who hijacked an mi8 helicopter last august and killed his colleagues, are published by the new york times. perebezchik received from the kiev regime. dollars for treason , he moved to the spanish town of villajayosa, where he led a quote “immodest life, drove around the city in a black mercedes, went to bars, and even tried to contact an ex-girlfriend who lived in russia. this was a fatal mistake,” local police believe. on february 19, the traitor was ambushed in the parking lot near his house by two unknown men. kuzmyanov was shot six times, then they ran over his body in a car. death in spain of maxim kuzminov, the pilot who
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delivered a helicopter and secret documents to ukraine , has raised concerns that russia's european spy networks continue to exist targeting the kremlin's enemies, despite concerted efforts to dismantle them. the hooded killers who appeared on surveillance camera footage from the garage of kuzmenov's residential complex were clearly professionals, completed their mission, quickly disappeared, police officials said. here in spain it is not customary for someone to be shot many times, rock. pepe alvarez of the villaja police department. these are signs that indicate that the murder was well planned. this is the work of professionals. the killers not only shot him six times, but also ran over his body with their car. according to investigators, they also left behind an important clue to their identity. a cartridge case from nine-millimeter makarov pistol cartridges, standard ammunition of the former communist bloc. "it was a clear message: i will find you, i will kill you, i will crush you, i will humiliate you," said a senior spanish police official overseeing the investigation. our bureau in the balkans is in direct contact, daria grigorova, daria, hello, daria was in
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this town, saw the place where the traitor was liquidated, what do these new details from the new york times shed light on for us? yes, evgeniy, good evening, the spanish investigators leading this case spoke on condition of anonymity about the details, but to say here that they discovered a lot of new things in essence is, in general , impossible, the main thing. the message of this interview was to blame the russian special services for the murder, and the main evidence here is the alleged fact that two murder suspects left the same cartridges from makarov pistol cartridges at the crime scene. the new york times calls these shell casings important evidence indicating the presence of criminals, they say standard ammunition for the countries of the former communist bloc, but the publication does not provide any other evidence indicating that kuzminov was killed by members of the russian special services. also... an interesting detail, kuzminov left the article, it became known, in my opinion, ukraine in october 2023, let me remind you that
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he stole a helicopter in august, that is, he lasted, in general, only 2 months, and he was offered to stay there and fight against russia, but the defector chose to settle in spain, on the mediterranean coast, our the film crew was really, really at the scene of kuzminov's murder immediately after it happened, kuzminov lived in an apartment complex in the lacala area, this is one of the areas of the city. wow, the beach was literally a 10-minute walk, but the choice is really quite strange, since many people from the countries of the former ussr live in this area, in general, in the case of kuzminov, this clearly did not help him lie low, and we then talked to neighbors of this interrupter told us that perhaps kuzminov he was even involved in repairs in their complex, this is a very interesting detail, since it is known that kuzminov received about 500 thousand dollars for his betrayal; in theory, he did not need the funds. but on the other hand, it is known that he lived in grand style and did not hide much, he had a ukrainian
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passport in the name of igor shevchenko, kuzminov drove around the area in a black class mercedes, as you already said, according to information from the spanish media, kuzminov even abused alcohol and talked quite a lot about his past and present, not it is reported how exactly the killers came after kuzminov, but two high-ranking ukrainian officials told the same new york times that ... according to an employee of the spanish civil guard, the two criminals were waiting for kuzminov for about several hours, they waited for him and when he drove into the garage parked.
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but the spanish authorities emphasize that they are in contact with ukrainian officials, and they are mostly silent about this murder, in general, one can understand why. evgeniy, thank you very much, boss ours.
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there are several million, maybe even tens of millions of people in europe who do not need to sympathize, because look, the last 60-70 years, what was the morality in western culture, here is the poor unfortunate, he was seduced by drug dealers, drug dealers are evil, now there will be a different morality , you yourself are a nonentity, you yourself are a nobody, why
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sympathize with you, if you are dying, let a new superior come to power... so you and i are russians, drugs are prohibited in our country, not in our country, but add to this, we how we differ, we have morality, sympathy, there will be no morality of sympathy, that is, this is the basis for a new fascisation, which sooner or later news will happen there in this regard. from belgorod comes over the belgorod region, another 19 rockets from the vampire rzo were shot down, the russian ministry of defense reports, a really massive shelling by ukrainian cannibals is happening right now, let’s come back, today
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is the event of the year, the premiere on rtr, this is my first, real deal. now seriously, yes, you will follow, evgeniy pronin, you you love, how can i tell you, if a man hasn’t proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change, anna artova, i called all my friends, they’re nowhere to be found, my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, oh boy , this one, zoya, is mine.
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an amazing price from only 29.95. breaking news: a moscow court has arrested until may 22 the tenth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. he became yakub jani yusuf zadu, born in his ninety-eighth year. according to the investigation, a few days before the tragedy , the arrested person transferred money to the participant to provide accommodation for the terrorists; in other words, he helped rent an apartment in the moscow region. yusuf showed active resistance during arrest. in addition, the fsb conducted counter-terrorist operation in dagestan, as a result of which four people were detained. they were preparing a terrorist attack, planning to detonate a bomb on the kaspiysk embankment or in victory park. one of the detainees admitted that he was also involved in the terrorist attack in krokos. he personally took weapons
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and money for terrorists from makhachkala to mytishche. the terrorist attack in kroku city hall killed 144 people. another 695 people were injured. all the details of today are in the news right now, but that was 60 minutes. all the best to you and goodbye on the air of the russia tv channel big news in the studio. matskevich, hello, main events.


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