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tv   Neukrotimaya Neupokoeva  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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day he comes here to watch no one fly past his lens, everyone is a bird returning from the south, blackbirds have flown by, almost everyone, fieldfares, there on the pond, we now have herring gulls, they... the ice is melting
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, they take the fish for it , and the crows take them away from them. the main intrigue of spring is whether the bears have woken up in the moscow zoo. while this is being kept secret, at least they have not shown themselves in public after the winter. but who definitely can’t sleep in this weather are the elephants, they have already been released into open enclosures, sunbathe and not only elephants enjoy sunbathing. there is no crowd in the parks now. some on bicycles, some on roller skates, and the participants of the moscow longevity with sticks. it’s a bit hot for walking, yes, of course, on the square of the kievsky station a month earlier they even turned on the fountain, the summer verandas opened today, the aroma from the kitchens spreads throughout the whole street, there are almost no empty seats, i was really looking forward to it, i love summer verandas, in general it immediately lifts my spirits , but it’s better not to stay too long on the verandas today, ministry of emergency situations warns that in the coming hours rain, strong winds and the first thunderstorm of this year are expected in moscow, although night temperatures are still the same. high, which means that
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car owners can now change winter tires to summer tires; some services have switched to round-the-clock operation. tomorrow is again an unspringly hot day, but this thursday the subtropical warmth will be replaced by an arctic invasion with night frosts and daytime temperatures no higher than +68. anna balan, maxim gavrilets, artyom antonov, yuri zabolotnikov, pavel letnikov, elena nasonova. news. the latest medical equipment, an expanded staff of doctors, a barrier-free environment. already this fall in the north of moscow, after a large-scale reconstruction, a children's clinic will open, which will serve 13.00 small townspeople. however, this is not all the updates in the khovrino and golovinsky districts. report by igor ogeenok. khovrino, on the site of a 1972 construction site, is building a new children's clinic, reconstructing the old building. in august last year it was practically dismantled.
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clinics are filled with engineering systems, climatic ventilation, air conditioning, and the clinic is equipped with the latest medical equipment, including an x-ray complex, expert-class devices, an ent unit , and ophthalmological equipment; the first patients will be admitted here this fall. we continue to actively reconstruct the outpatient department of the city of moscow, introducing new standards, new technologies, and of course massively reconstructing old clinics.
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currently , more than 200 clinics have already undergone reconstruction, this year there will be another 100 have been commissioned, so next year we still have about 40-50 clinics in total. this program will be completed, nearby this high-rise building with 120 apartments is being prepared for occupancy, built under the renovation program in 2 years on a former vacant lot, now it is a symbol of convenience, future new residents will appreciate the through entrances and barrier-free environment. the footage, of course, is larger, and there is a corridor, and it’s spacious, everything, the kitchen is large, i liked it all, almost 7.00 km of apartments built according to an individual project with improved finishing will be occupied already in may, that's true. there was a very targeted development located next to the existing five-story buildings, and we very, very carefully, at the request of the district government and the prefecture, interacted with the muscovites living in these houses, and these bright spots are literally within walking distance from the new building, a combined educational building
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for 350 people at the festival it is already ready, even the furniture is arranged, the furniture is transformable, that is, if a child is taller for his first class and the desk... you can raise it, no effort not to do, pressed two buttons, lifted it, the chair is exactly the same, an educational building for 200 primary school students and a kindergarten for 150 places will become, as teachers call it, a territory for extending childhood, children will gradually join the educational process, some of the children will be transferred from the already operating school 648 of its preschool department, and we will enroll some of the children this year. the new building has been tested by the harshest critics, children. now we walked around the school, the children really like it, the child is delighted, he’s just jumping for joy and says that he really, really wants to study. students will enjoy classes in logic, foreign languages, music, dance, design and work technology, mini-football and a host of other disciplines; for primary schoolchildren and pre-school children this building will open its doors on september 1.
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igor yageenko, alexander kucherovsky, igor letvinov and ksenia sookolova, news. now about other events briefly: on the kaluzhskoye highway towards the region, traffic is temporarily blocked. two transfer hubs in the presnensky district received new names, so the stations the international business center and the moscow central diameters test station were renamed moscow city, and the exhibition metro station became a business center. these names were chosen by the residents of the capital themselves.
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the capital's prosecutor's office has begun an investigation into fraud in the sale of pet food. scammers make promises through groups on social networks. delivery after prepayment, and after receiving the money they stop communicating. however, ordering on popular online sites also does not always guarantee quality. about what signs recognize dishonest traders, marina gromova. theater and film actress ekaterina volkova found herself in a situation far from the world of art; through a group in one of the messengers she ordered dog food and veterinary drugs for an amount exceeding 50,000 rubles. brands that left russia. and then i come to understand that, well, it’s acceptable.
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the track has not appeared, now everything will appear soon, we will send it to you, a week passes, silence, i write again, i say, alla, good afternoon, please tell me, what about my order, at this moment all correspondence disappears, irina i ordered the same drug in the same group, the scammers’ messages were convincing, they added photos from the point of delivery, tens of thousands of participants in the group, and also comments from supposedly satisfied customers, initially i went for one package of this drug, she said that they were now selling out of their leftovers warehouse and now there are four packages at... a super favorable price, yes, i bought it, when i said that you can pay after receiving it, she said that we have been working this way for many years, you can look reviews in our store, in total, minus almost 13,000, these housewives are in a certain sense lucky, due to the departure of some brands from
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the russian market, not only scammers, but also resellers have become more active. natalya ordered food at a good price, but they delivered a fake, her spitz elvis went to the veterinarian with a diagnosis of bloat. my son and i began to compare the packages, we discovered that there were slightly different barcodes, when we got them, the granules themselves differed when talking with the veterinarian, but... she categorically forbade buying food at marketplaces, animals sometimes react sharply even to changing types of food; food, like any food product, can deteriorate if stored improperly, and this leads to sad consequences, even very serious ones, that is, you can, for example, spoil your kidneys, liver, get a lot of diseases, and there is no shortage in pet stores; our domestic food products now have lines for sensitive digestion and for cleaning teeth. for wool skin, in general, a really wonderful composition
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super-premium level, there are already dozens of stories with an online store about victims of scammers, the prosecutor’s office became interested. upon receipt of an appeal , supervisory measures will be carried out and a procedural audit will be organized. make online purchases in trusted online stores and do not make advance payments for goods without making sure that the seller is reliable. i worry that these people will continue.
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hello, zoya, where are you? are you late again? ro, hi, there was a traffic jam on the bridge, but i'll be there soon i’ll be there, i’m bringing something interesting, there will be a surprise.
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hello, zochka, do you remember what we have tonight? yes, mommy, of course i remember, roma will come too. your honor, i have a question for the victim, please, roman sannovich, tell me how it all happened? well, i shout to him, have mercy on the baby, but he hit it right here, he and my husband were friends from school. let me clarify, he pestered the wife of the murdered man, and two weeks after the refusal he beat him. your honor, here is a certificate from the tramping station, a copy of it is on file, continue, that
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evening gosev called me and said that he wanted come, but i couldn’t stand it and told my husband everything, when he arrived, they went to talk in the yard and bring us some water. continue, igusev killed our dad. why didn’t you tell your husband about this behavior of gusev before? gusev's husband and business partner? hello, i found a photo. roman sanovich, are you bored with us? your honor, i still have a few questions. let's
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listen to your assistant. they've been waiting for her for so long. zoya petrovna petrovna. do you have authority? yes, your honor, i took the bar exam last month. it was high time please, does the certificate from the tramp station say that you felt unwell? i had toxicosis. i understand you. no, that is, i don’t have children myself. but my sister gave birth to three. and every time she rinsed it directly, turning it inside out. is it related to the murder case? i’ll explain now, we hope, i understand you, all these fears for the child, nerves, constant poor health, this is understandable to any mother, the only thing i can’t understand is why, in
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such a state of health, you attended fitness training almost every day str. yours honor, i ask that these photographs be included in the case. please note, your honor, this is not according to the rules. this is very interesting, i will explain. sit down, your fitness trainer, andrey ovsyanikov, 37 years old. did you know that he was convicted under 161 articles. what's this? this is robbery, specifically ovsyannikov. killed your husband, then with your help framed my client, i won’t answer, no, you will answer, at a minimum, for false testimony against my client, up to 6 years in prison, i’m certainly not an investigator, but i think i know how was case, your honor, i categorically protest, these are just speculations on the part of the defense, listen, i’m interested, citizen krasnova
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and citizen ovsyanikov loved each other, the client, who 27 minutes later arrives and discovers the corpse of his friend, calls mine from his husband’s phone then he foolishly touches the knife, takes it out of the body, gets dirty in blood, and after 10 minutes the inconsolable widow gives evidence to the police, so i think that it was all like this, the case file says that the prints of another unknown, i think that if the investigation tries a little, just a little, then they will find this unknown, and we can help you with the contacts of the oatmeal, the defense petitions that the case be sent for
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further investigation, oh yes, wonderful, the meeting is closed, the case , an example of a blatant, unprofessional, carelessly conducted investigation, because of which my client, our client spent six months in a pre-trial detention center, 6 months and 5 days, yes, the investigator and the leadership of the investigative committee immediately decided that our client guilty, then they simply ignored all the facts, all the circumstances that did not fit into this assumption of theirs, we plan to file a complaint against the investigator for...
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today is the event of the year, 6 years old, the person turns 6, there will be a bunch of my crazy relatives, aunt lelya, a bonus will come from saratil, uh-huh, and we promised to go, uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, by courier, we'll send a gift to the courier, well, i ask you very often, oh, look, guys, hi, hi, so cool, great, you sit down , so, well, they say, today you paid attention to the investigative committee and prosecutor's office, congratulations to you, us? i can also congratulate you on what? we're getting married, wow, okay, yesterday kolya proposed to me, what a beauty, uh-huh, oh, oh, oh, oh, excuse me,
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my mom is calling, mom, hello, hello, zoya, dad bought balloons in the shape of unicorns, and the baby loves horses, but right now it’s not very convenient, zoya, where are you? mom, i’ll buy balloons in the shape of horses. zovenka, are there any men around? i’m with roman, and this is the one who hasn’t married you in 7 years, my girl, time, zoya, time, time, this is his wife, mom, he doesn’t have a wife, please tell me how many balloons are needed in the form of horses, i know that they are divorced, but my dear, this is a story, and i’m like your mother, mommy, do you remember, you and i have a rule, yes , listen, this woman will never let him go, i assure you, i... we have rules, zochka, well, what a rule, you don’t give me advice, especially when i don’t ask for it, okay, well, who if not me, zoy, that's it, mommy, the rules are broken, i
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kiss you, i kiss you and love you, bye, bye, you look amazing, thank you, i'm not eating anything for a couple of months now, i’ve been preparing for the wedding, wait, so you knew in advance that he would propose, of course? "we 've been dating for 8 months, we love each other so much, when people love each other, they get married, i'm sorry, that's not what i wanted to say, can you imagine what a bastard he was, he deceived me, what are you doing? oh, you love me?
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how do you like it? say? well, of course, i love you. okay, let's go to the birthday party, since you want it so much, wait, wait, you love me, yes, and i love you, it's because of her wedding that you 're so turned on, yes, come on let's be happy for them it’s great that they’re getting married, and look, they brought us the pasta, it’s still hot.
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zoya, i knew you were alone, that’s good, i have to introduce you to someone, alexey, mom, now is not the best moment, really, please introduce me. this is alexey, he is the son of aunt lisa’s doctor’s cousin. hello. never mind. she's not that old.
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zoechka, hello. hello. hello. children. children. well, he's so old. zone. oh, happy birthday, nightmare. thank you. you smell it, thank you, come on, thank you very much, well, my favorite girl, well don’t worry, well, i hate to say this, but i, i knew it would end like this, gleb, these are adult conversations, well, grandma, this is not for children’s ears, by the way, i have one friend, she’s 14 years old, can you imagine, she lived in a civil marriage, zoey, you
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were lucky for 14 years, you didn’t lose that much time. yes, yes, only then she became pregnant with twins, they got married, can you imagine? zoya, maybe you want to get pregnant? i, i, i want children, but not so that he will marry me. well, after all, if in 7 years a man has not done you have a proposal, it needs to be changed. well, look what alexey is like. "let's go get alexey, zoya, we need to tell you something, yeah, so, take it, don't you dare, this is my favorite, martha, can i try it on, my beloved girl, don't be upset, he was always an idiot, and i dad, you, you are the smartest girl in the world, the smartest, the most beautiful,
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beloved, beautiful, smart, i worked for roman for 7 years, the company belongs to him, i have nothing at all, i need to start everything from the very beginning, still the most smart, let's have a drink, so dear, you know that we are with you we don’t drink, what are you, don’t eat this, why can’t you eat, because you’re trying to get pregnant, right, and fatty foods reduce sperm activity, is that serious or what? guys, how about we go pour some soda at the kids' table? it’s useless, they won’t talk to us seriously, bread, what are you doing?
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“zuy, we still need to tell you something, i was still a criminal lawyer this morning , i really hope you don’t come to me, that’s important, yes, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy happy birthday baby on your birthday,
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i’ll do it, but this is your dad, you take care of it, listen, what kind of dad, i’m his husband, wait, maybe it’s not necessary, i asked you too, okay, okay, okay, so quiet, be careful, quiet, quiet, that's it, come on , athlete, let's already, please, let 's try to take a photo, well, well, well, yeah. they called, but you didn’t answer, you ’re a young man, explain to me why everyone says that you can’t marry me, your own, that grandma fell in love, mommy, and i’m still pretty, put away the glass, smile, no we're chatting, this is a photograph, so why are you all standing, come on, there's a lot of free space here, come on, come on, let's hurry up, alexey, take the table and please sit closer to zo, mom, well, what's wrong, although i couldn’t help but notice that you, like my ex -husband, like younger ladies, you’re not
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tired of it, let’s take it off already, well... anna lvovna, don’t you think this is too much? i'm only 3 years younger than zoya. i don't feel that zoya is my youngest daughter. oh, can i show you all your unmarried daughters? this too much? no you can not. our mom died, idiot. martha, what? did you see what happened to zoe? sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us. very often girls from a different circle strive. marry rich boys, let me decide for myself who i love , whom i marry, okay, he will still be mine, i won’t give him to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money, go ahead, there will be tears, guys, please , it’s necessary, well, she doesn’t drink with you, with us, i was really into it, there will be secrets, the most important thing is this
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your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love the world, if there is even a small chance, i will. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. treat
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yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. steersman bourbon is a product of the stellar group.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we we know everything about vacation. anex. where is your homeland, my one? brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, whom do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on
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a tour throughout the liberated territory, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, so that the prophecies come true on sunday, i’m counting the minutes until the evening, when you and i meet again, this is mine lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, please stop, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i’ll do something, i don’t know yet what, but i’ll do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr.
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zoya, why don't you answer the phone? mommy, if you call me to let you down, the children are missing. i mean, they are nowhere, well, call them or their friends, they are gone, apparently in the evening, and you, you called them, call again, their phones are at home, all the phones are at home, they are gone no phones, mom, then go to the police immediately, no, stop, wait, now collect all the passports, all the birth certificates, take the phones, go downstairs, i’ll come, okay, zoya, i called all my friends, i
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sent dad and lenochka to school, maybe they know something there, maybe it’s too early to go to the police, maybe everything will be fine, they are obliged to accept the application, come with me, you are the guardian of minors, i will go to those who will help faster. police. fine.
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hello, denis, this is zoya, zoya, don’t put him to rest, hello, zoya, i’m sorry, i probably don’t have right to call you, are you serious, my nephews are missing, clearly, marta and greb, all three of them, may be hanging out with friends. no, since last night, we left without phones, i remember well that from the first grade gleb knew how to determine a location by phone, denis, what should i do, well , bring the phones to the department, let’s see what they are up to, i’m already here.
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meet zoya, this is our computer genius, katya kuba, their password is interesting, of course, teenagers have the usual, let’s say, special vocabulary, but here everything is so decent, apparently good children. they don’t complain to their friends about their parents, their parents, my sister and her husband died 3 years ago in car accidents, our borisov put this drunken freak in jail then, i wanted to call your mother, but the children live with her, yeah, yes, with their mother, they most likely freaked out, teenagers, no, no, no, mom, maybe they are still splinters, but you know them, they would never leave without telling anyone, here is yesterday’s correspondence from slava 1998, very emotional. love 19 i don’t know him martha asks for help love 1998 to meet with
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the denomination in exchange for help they offer everything, what you want. who is the denomination? change yourself first, hear, hear, you are looking into the soul of the dead. this is a famous rapper. marta wasn't going to moscow? no, judging by the correspondence, the denomination came to our city yesterday and performed at a wedding at the leya hotel. martha was there yesterday for sure, but love 1998 refused to help her, well , if she had the same character as you, as i remember, she would never give up, hello, kira georgievna, hello, kira georgievna, hello, hello, hello , damn it's coming the bus broke down, who? are you sure
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you can run like that at your age? don't want you to take such risks with yourself at work? i attended investigative activities. why is she here? her three children disappeared. this is an investigative committee, not a police stronghold. but my classmate. my niece corresponded with a certain law 1998 yesterday, i promised to do everything in order to meet the rapper who performed at the leya hotel yesterday. you, zoya petrovna, cannot help but know that the employees of the investigative committee, whom you saw yesterday the interview was called a bunch of incompetent idiots, they are investigating criminal cases. we don't have time to look for teenagers who spent the night with friends after the concert. this is pugacheva, right? this is
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the one you named in the interview. a soulless witch who doesn’t care about people, strange, broke down, it was you, forgive me, please, i did something terrible then, you’re talking about your interview, well, specifically in this case, yes, you were right. there the investigation is not in the best way, so that’s not what i’m talking about, you know what i mean, a beautiful car, yours, denis, well how many years have passed, seven,
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it’s probably faded somewhere, i’ll find yours in 1998, thank you very much, really, thank you very much. thank you, as soon as i find out, i’ll call you, i need to find this lav 1998 today, why? because zoya is my university student. but clearly, this is not at all what you thought, yes, clearly, clearly, i don’t understand what’s wrong with you, her children are missing, consider this an order, pugachev
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won’t like it, i’ve been calling you all day, i ’ve been driving, i'm looking around the city, my mom said she doesn't know where you are. you see, it seems to me that they got into something terrible, well, i know them, well, they couldn’t just leave, calm down, just calm down, we’ll solve everything, not at school, maybe friends, maybe friends of friends, no one knows anything, call , tell me where they are taking you, the children have disappeared, and you have been gone for half a day. mom, is your boyfriend here? why didn't you tell me anything? do you have a boyfriend? it was stupid. he's 39, he's still leaving. i can't go with him.
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why not? didn't he call you? no, sasha called me, but... “if such a relationship can be called serious, then how would i take children to another city, they have schools, clubs and friends here, this is the apartment in which they lived with masha, they could live with us, or you don’t trust me, you’re right, i’m sorry, i don’t trust you, how did you find out, march told me last night, it’s not true, the children didn’t know anything about sasha, mom, when you live in the same apartment with teenagers, it’s very stupid to underestimate them." masha and i knew everything about you and dad at their age. tell me, please, did you spend the night with the children last night? i see. now i’ll bring you some water. i’m sorry.
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zoya. what did denis say? well, what will he say, we need time, you and i need to organize a search. i was already at the school and agreed with the director to give us a gym for headquarters. half an hour later we met with volunteers, they will help organize the search. thank you, i need to take you to one more place. i need something to do, dad, let's go, i need you at school. svetlana nemolyaeva, it was, of course, a test, it was very difficult, goncherov wanted to work with me, but at the same time i had the feeling that he hated me. he screamed, he destroyed, he almost beat me once, the whole horror was that he was always right,
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i had a cross to bear, i told myself that i would endure everything, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr, romca, product of stellor group, office - that's all. card of your business. the taller business center is located near paveletskaya square and the garden ring. author's architecture with a recreated historical tower, access system with facial recognition, application for managing space and time, intelligent building navigation system, data center, public spaces and underground parking. taller - a new height for your business. whiskey. catcher is a product of the stellar group. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and
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luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek. where is life? turns into a fairy tale, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about everything questions, dismount. place nuclear weapons. i would already demand that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. guys. acts confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles, and we have
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one wheel there, the second tank flew off vkropsky, a hero of russia, it will be in kind, you and i , including me, will go to the end, what an image he is victory for you, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana rag, there to the west... your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznetsov, already on the platform, look.
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dad, we need leaflets, a lot of leaflets, and don’t drive me like that, i’ll portray you, just don’t drive me. we also need walkie-talkies. what are you doing, ugh, what is it, what is it, girl, daughter, what are you doing, what is it, daughter, they tried to tell me something the whole evening yesterday, and i was doing some kind of nonsense, very it’s good that denis will help us, a guy like that, we all hoped that you would be together, like... a good girl girl
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yes ksyusha gordeeva 23 years old leader of the local fan club of this same denomination yes you talked to her no but i’ll talk soon though for her there is nothing interesting except that she works, you know where, in the leya hotel in which he spoke, yes, yes, the administrator. what kind of hotel is it, zoy, what is its denomination? dad, every hour counts, you need to meet the volunteers. hello, i’m going there to the atelier, and
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you realized that the owner of this hotel, and so yesterday his son’s wedding was there. now imagine what kind of people were the guests at this wedding, do you hope they will allow you to interrogate them? i mean, i need to go talk to the head of security, girl, the hotel is closed for the event, decide through police, wait, where, i have a delivery, a courier from the back door, you don’t understand, you have here... three children have disappeared right under our noses, call the police, i’ll call them myself, yes, i’m instructing the police what to do, i, i'm an aunt, the missing ones are not the same, hey, green vest, and i'm also a lawyer, yes, i'm threatening you, you have a statement about missing three-year-old women, wait, yes, what
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's going on, yes, what are you doing? do it, wait for me here, hello, hello, and you won’t help me find ksenia gordeeva, she’s my friend who works here as an administrator, i don’t i can call her, but ksyusha’s shift is already over, she’s sleeping at home, probably not, she’s not at home, she came here yesterday with my children, look, they disappeared last night. ksyusha brought the children here, i don’t know anything, i’m sorry, it’s better to ask the security, please, who are you, and who are you? i, the head
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of the security service, boris sergeevich antonov, and you? my children disappeared, they came here last night and did not return home. come with me. they were brought here by your administrator, ksenia gordeeva. well i kids couldn't be here yesterday, we had a private event, if you understand then let me see the camera. observation, no one i don’t know was here yesterday, spend it, it’s nothing at all, mom, don’t cry like that, i don’t understand what you’re saying, and what friends say, mom, i’m not hanging around, i’m finding out details,
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please, mom, that's it, i'll be there now. you said on the phone that gordeeva’s shift ended at 23:00, but she did not return home. denis, we need to find gordeeva. how did you get into the building? i showed my lawyer's id. she's great. and i understand correctly that in the opinion investigative committee - it’s just a coincidence that the last person who saw my children, gordeeva, also disappeared. committee - this is not our business, because we don’t have such a case, the police are dealing with this case until there is a suspicion of murder? zoy, gordeeva’s boyfriend said that they had a quarrel, after a quarrel she usually stays with one of her girlfriends and turns off the phone. i need to talk to pugachev, well this is a very bad idea. denis, i know for sure, they were there, and then they disappeared, and gordeeva also disappeared. i need
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get footage from the hotel's cctv cameras. oh me. i tried to come to an agreement, albeit privately, but you don’t know these people, they just don’t give anything, you need to talk to pugacheva, i want to ask pugacheva to take the case of my nephews from the police to the investigative committee, for this you need to open a murder case, and this they will definitely do it in three days, well, if they are not found earlier, which most likely will be the case, or if there is no fact in the case indicating a criminal trace, in general, i will talk to pugacheva, i will find the gardigo, i promise, “if you if you don’t leave here, then i’ll have big problems, you already, damn it, katya, help her get out, i’ll go and distract her, and kira georgievna, you have a free minute, i wanted to ask a couple of questions, yes, we’re leaving in 3 minutes, mom, what are you doing here, you need
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to be at home, in case you come back here, please let’s go, i can’t be there alone , at all. come on, i’ll take you, that’s it, we never had any problems with them, they studied well, they helped with the housework, and their children and friends are great, and i’m in the police ask, they say, the teenagers are on their way. parents must have problems, but i don’t know, i don’t know anything, i don’t even have anything to say, mom, please sit down, but i won’t go, i can’t go anywhere, anna lvovna, let me, i won’t go, lena, wake me up with you, let's go, let's go, let's go, said denis, so good, it's such a pity that you broke up, mom, now you 'll say how sorry it is that i left him, yes, well, sometimes they make mistakes, what did he say, mom , as soon as there is news, i will inform you, please go home, rest, zoya, denis will find them, we will find them, mom, come on, get in the car, that’s it.
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look, you see, we divided the whole city into squares, now we are putting up leaflets there, well, look, the search and rescue team has arrived, they will take over the stations, the market, shopping centers, well , there are enough volunteers, so... and you they look very much like gleba’s mother, i’m her sister, where have you seen gleba’s mother? he has a photograph,
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did he show you a photograph of his mother? no, i know, he didn’t show photos of his mother to anyone, yes, i took them to look, he even sculpted i tried to fight, it’s clear, i want to help, great, go hang up leaflets, there ’s a list on the wall, whatever you choose i’ll cross off the list, uh-huh, you don’t understand what to do, i’m not stupid, you know where they are, they’re something for you - then they said, let’s go, where, to the police, i didn’t know that everything would turn out like this, call your parents, let them come, i think that because of me gleb committed suicide, what? i teased him as a drug addict and forced others to call him that, you know that he has diabetes, if he had treated me the way we would have compared me, i would have revealed myself, i will go to the police, okay, i
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i admit, of course you are idiots, but the rower did not commit suicide. give out, yesterday i was at a restaurant, yes i was confused, i meant, zoya, zoya, wait, zoya, what a fool i am, gleb was bullied
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at school for a whole year, you knew, and marta loved this rapper so much that she left for him into the night, god knows where, but i didn’t know, i didn’t...


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