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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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my dear, calm down, zoya, zoya, we want to tell you something, tell you something.
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zoya, we can do everything ourselves, and cook the food for the baby, watch over him, he was able to connect the water, we want to live alone, of course, under your and grandfather’s supervision. “mart, shut up,
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we can, yes, but we acted stupidly, i understood it almost immediately, the point was that we can, i understood, you can, but i can’t, zoey, i’m sorry, but you really don’t look good, eat, come on, oh-oh-oh, by the way, we’re not the only ones in this family who act stupidly, why should we didn’t grandma just say right away that she wanted to move in with sasha? i don’t know, she’s probably afraid of hurting you, that ’s the problem, everyone feels sorry for us, it’s already infuriating, we agreed, let you feel sorry for me, i’m lonely, i’m unemployed, and... zoya, you
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need a new life , let's go, my good one, hold on, great, legs on toes, how nice it is here. yes, you slept well, my dear, no, you are my own child, we all loved this place so much, well, i couldn’t come here after vova and masha couldn’t at all, well, the children are right, here ok, mom, what do you think, i think these assholes will get what they deserve, but can you imagine what kind of money they saved up with the mistress on my behalf. have written off, rented
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houses, they are clean, and have food, what do you think about the children living with me, this is , of course, pure madness, of course, but while sasha and i temporarily, my dad and i thought that if the children want, and you don’t against, and it’s not difficult for you, then of course yes, well, horsewoman from the forest, come on, come on, come on, come on, oops, lenochka is pregnant. did she say that? yes, what are you, lenka, pregnant, lenka, lenka, what are you, my golden soul, wine, my golden, yes what... good, good!
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rom, i am very grateful to you for your help, really, very much, but i quit my job, and we broke up, are you serious now, yes, you will be an investigator, yes. well, do you want us to get married and all that? i, i even dare that i will suddenly have three children, but the fact that my wife is a fledgling is, of course, too much. zoya, zoya, i pooped. zoya, did you
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pack toilet paper too? so. now. are you sure that pugacheva will take you after total? doya, open the door, please come in, here to you, you are an investigator, really, hurray, hurray, thank you, stupid. very stupid, sasha, meet me, and this is denis, the first love of the dawn, you will have lunch with us, mother, and how can i introduce your sasha, my mother’s last love, what is the last, remains unknown,
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thank you, anna lvovna, i, probably , i’ll go, yes, i’ll accompany you, is it true, what? well, what was i in love with you? yes, but you didn’t know, well, you always said that we were too young for serious decisions, you asked me, i left for moscow, i was 20 years old, 20, you, how long ago was it, i really often imagined how i would call you, apologize to you, and you would forgive me, why didn’t you call? well, let’s assume that this is our conversation with you, that phone call that i didn’t make, i can’t, i understand, relationships between colleagues are against the
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established rules, but we just won’t tell her, i’m married. oh yes, tomorrow, let’s go and have coffee, i can’t, i have to go, i have to go, she died no more than 3-5 hours ago. chichagova's death is not suicide, chichagova's death is not suicide, you have 3 days, i think we’ll talk, and are you sure that you want to be with the person who once betrayed you, with the person who once betrayed you, irrepressible, continuation, watch tomorrow, continuation,
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watch tomorrow on rtr a pearl on the coast of budrum, titanic, luxury. titanic lux collection, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, comfort, the secrets of paradise opens in titanic collection bodrum, welcome to komovniki 12.
11:40 pm
who are we dealing with? i liked the article , which is quite profound, that in fact we are opposed to such classical satanism, moreover, it is interesting how it is increasingly acquiring its own true features, is already throwing off any coverings for itself, and not only is it not even shy about it, but it flaunts it, well i'm certainly not catholic, that's obvious. but when they try to make excuses for biden so cunningly that on easter, it seems to me that for
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the convicts this is still a bright holiday and great day, manages to say the day of transgender visibility, then this is no longer a category, that biden is such a catholic from a coffee shop who, like on a menu, chooses from his faith, what i believe in, what i don’t believe in, no, this is actually already classic satanist. if you look, for example, at macron with his government of pedoras, well, in general, you can treat this as you like, but it is obvious that this has nothing to do with christian france. the fall of germany began from the moment when, if i remember correctly, merkel, she also heads a party whose name contains the word christian, when they voted on gay rights, when it simply awkwardly walked out of...
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there are conditional district police officers, who, of course, have something to blame for, but they don’t take all those
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who are behind these schemes, why, if a foreigner appears in our country, it is unclear who brought him, who is responsible for him, who is his sponsor, what organization signed that his documents have been verified and he is with us, i may be something.
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those who love russian culture and go through all the circles of hell if they want to return to their historical homeland. well, now about the west. well, we are obviously their main enemy. we face decades of confrontation, which is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
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because just a few decades of conditional peace, this was by chance. and centuries of enmity, this was natural, because it is impossible to compare good with evil, we are good, and they are evil, it’s so simple and clear, you want the strategic defeat of moscow, and for this we are ready to take the most adventurous steps, we do not surprised, the tragedy in crocus seemed...
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to the ukrainians, to assume that the ukrainian special service carried out all the preparations for this terrorist act without staging or somehow leaking information to the american masters is impossible, impossible, like this, like this, you want to destroy millions of innocent people, you constantly refer to this experience, and then try to sell yourself by saying that these are hypothetical arguments, but no, of course, this is what tim wahlberg says: why are we spending our money to build a port in gas, yes,
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because joe biden is convinced that we should deliver humanitarian aid to gaza, and i don't think we should. "i don't think it should be any part of our aid that goes to israel, to support our greatest ally, probably in the whole world, to defeat hamas, iran, russia , possibly north korea, and also china, which hamas is helping, we shouldn't spend a cent on humanitarian aid, it should be like nagasaki and jeroshima, end it quickly." the same should be the case ukraine, defeat putin quickly, instead of spending 80% of our funding to ukraine on humanitarian purposes, we need to spend 100% on driving out russian forces, if that's what we want to do, when we
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talk about weapons of mass destruction, here we have all these intellectual conversations, let my friends talk to me.
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the only mistake the soviet union made, the only terrible one, of its moribund power, was that it withdrew its troops from the territory where we had our bases, that we believed the rotten the devilish west, that he will take on at least some obligations that he will fulfill, so this mistake must never be made again. ukrainian. the scum, in their craving for lies, today, of course, simply amazed me, which means they have gone so far as to bring another official charge.
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genocide, encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine, propaganda of war, justification, recognition as legitimate, denial of russia’s armed aggression against ukraine, glorification of it participants. margarit sinovna we have connections, margaretna, on april fool's day, the fools showed themselves, it's true, thanks for the broadcast, about...
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networks, it's all easy to check, well then, if someone knows me for even one second, people understand that this is just terrible nonsense, moreover, even if there were some officials in my country, in my country, which i always defend, not only because it is my job, but because my spirit is such, i cannot help but protect my homeland and i don’t imagine myself outside my homeland, but even if you are my country through someone's official mouth, god forbid, say something like that?
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they think that they can hurt me, you, and other people who support their country by preventing us from traveling abroad, but i was put on an international wanted list two years ago, yes, and this is... such a control head of this international search, that is, i can’t go, well, actually nowhere, like abkhazia, belarus, i don’t deny myself anything, i want to publicly declare that i
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don’t give a damn, absolutely don’t give a damn if i’m more i’ll never see the ethyl tower in my life, i’ve seen it many times, so now, i’ll never see the colosseum again in my life, the museum in washington, florence, anywhere, as they say there: diendre, that means everywhere i was there, i saw everything, well... a lot of assassination attempts, they are still preparing, and what are they doing with this? they dehumanize us. it’s one thing to kill a journalist, a woman,
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a mother of many children, well, it’s somehow unsympathetic, many may think it’s not nice, public opinion may even somehow look at it gloomily, but if you kill a man who called for the mass murder of children of all kinds. and as we found out in the first part of the speech, it is clear that i have never done anything that changes me, nevertheless this is so, well, let’s wait to see what happens, i treat this
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so much with...
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confrontation, if before they existed in addition to some front-line operations there, even the actions of sabotage groups, to absolutely terrorist methods of conduct , but now terrorist methods against civilians, civilians in including acts of individual terror becoming the main thing even today in the lugansk people's republic. yes, there was a murder, an act of individual terror, and we must very much understand that yes, we can probably say that this is already a sign of agony, but you know in agony such a rabid beast as this symbiosis, indeed the western kiev madmen are absolutely not madmen, on the contrary, corrupt officials,
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covered in blood. intelligence agencies, some western states, here he is, this is such a rabid beast, he can bleed a lot shed some light, but i will still return to the issue of interethnic politics, literally two comments, well, they say that the investigation of various types of crimes committed by migrants, tightening the screws regarding migration to the russian federation violates the friendship of peoples. and who is violating the friendship of peoples, and i have such a stupid question now, this is uncontrolled migration, the saturation of large russian metropolises, let’s directly say the criminal element, the destructive element, the marginalized, but this one here political line, it is the friendship of peoples, excuse me, it strengthened, in my opinion, this is it...
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an absolutely uncontrolled, unmanageable migration policy, it undermined this friendship of peoples like nothing else, no, no xenophobes, home-grown or imported from the west, they are such excuse me, they did no harm to interethnic relations, like uncontrolled migration and weakness of state power, because i’ll tell you this, i have a lot of questions...
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europe, where, where power has disappeared, municipal, state power, through for some time now the police can no longer travel to these areas; yes, they are a surrogate for power. a person anyway, in order to enter, he must cross the border, which means the special services must work, checks must be carried out, you are going somewhere without a visa, to the left hostel, it is not clear where and how, that is,
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there is no need to turn on the fool here, you just need to clearly, calmly work, visa-free entry does not mean uncontrolled, i repeat once again, addressing your very precise one. to power, please tell me, dear comrades deputies, you passed the law about the deprivation of acquired citizenship, and then in all seriousness in my program you say where to send him, now he has no citizenship, that is, then what kind of law did you pass, in which you loudly announced something, and some kind of implementation mechanism are you suggesting that it works out, that is, now we are taking away the passport, but he will live there, are you serious?
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this is some kind of chaos, excuse me, instead of music, yes, trying to replace it with the chaotic adoption of ringing public legislative acts, for which there is simply no mechanism implementation, well, this is all very frivolous, no, you can leave tourist entry without a visa, but again with dectiloscopy, with photography there, with a return ticket for 14 days, they showed everything to the world cup, and he can do everything, at the same time.
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excuse me, i deviated from my international, i know what i was thinking, how many people have now understood the beautiful hint of confusion instead of music, that is, i’m afraid that, yes, there are only a few left, yes, yes, but who understood, here in the moment when they will no longer understand this, but unfortunately, then it will be necessary already thinking about some new methods, but for now there are still people of the old school, but i still don’t agree that this is... that we and the west in the west are dealing with such satanists-satanists, here the most dangerous thing in this story is the fusion of truly satanism with idiocy, and so
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i absolutely agree that those managing this process are people who have crossed the line of good and evil, who are for the sake of their political survival and saving money. they are ready to do anything, they are absolutely already, as they say, in the dark, yes, but here you are look at the majority of european politicians, the absolute majority of european politicians. and i’ll tell you this, these are idiots, they don’t understand what they’re playing with, they don’t understand that the game of satanism, well, it’s, as they say, a one-way ticket, this is absolutely obvious to me, by the way, regarding macron, what macron is doing is absolutely alien not only to catholic france, it is also alien to muslim france, because the values ​​​​that this gay club in power in paris promotes, but this...
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well, look, what is happening in relations between israel and iran, between israel and iran, well, macron is a completely different story, but this is even more dangerous. for example, look at what’s happening on the border
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between ukraine and belarus, so zelensky doesn’t have a lot of problems, or what? no, he is doing it deliberately, i am absolutely sure that he is deliberately exacerbating the situation on the border, yes, look what the rulers of moldova are doing, they are completely bankrupt, as leaders of the state, well, it’s better to destroy state, rather than admit your own incompletely, well , the baltic states, excuse me, this is a universal...
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hotel titanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on ttr. you beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will love you immediately.
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novel, i always felt sorry for you, in fact you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be condemned for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family,
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he absorbed everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, here’s shura, it’s just some kind of happiness. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, len, hello, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking me, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, on sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what about my proposal that we be together? hi hi. “i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet kirill, this is lena, lena, this is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i i’ll kiss you, well kiss you, what ’s going on, hello sister, sunday
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on rtr.”
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there is absolutely banal, most pathetic the triangle, the greatest, yes, these are ethnic organized crime groups, these are corrupt law enforcement agencies that issue them passports, so to speak, who are protected, so to speak, and this is a business that makes big money from this, this triangle, so to speak, yes, which almost everywhere he has connections with local authorities very often, yes, so he, in fact, does all this, so he lobbies for these things, this is the first, but there is
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a second, one of the political problems that determines this policy is, in my opinion look, ours are very crooked, very distorted relationship with'. soviet republics, in particular with central asia and transcaucasia, they are abnormal, they, unfortunately, since the nineties have been built precisely in the paradigm that russia owes them something, and they do not owe russia anything, that is, when they have something -it’s necessary, as if they instantly remember that well, well, you and i were together in the soviet union, so on and so forth, when we need something, they immediately freeze up and say that, so to speak, they are independent countries, in general, take these same imperial ones for a ride here manners, moreover, for quite a few years we actually... actually supported their new state mythology, in which the thesis that russia was an occupier, russia, so to speak, tormented them all their lives, so to speak, was built into this mythology russia, bad this way, bad that way. and this founded ethnocracy in these republics, and russophobia, systemically built into the ideology of all, i responsibly declare, all post-soviet states, except
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belarus, in the new state mythology of all post-soviet states, all, middle asia, the transcaucasus, as it were in ukraine and so on, except for belarus, there is a built-in idea that russia is an occupier, that russian is bad, and so on, with varying degrees of harshness, but this is true everywhere, yes, unfortunately, we we've been playing along for quite some time.
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for example, to allow transfers to armenia only using world cards, there are a lot of tools there, if necessary, i will write to you not this very thing, there are 250 points on which you can, that means, cap them, so to speak, yes, this is the same, for any reason, when we need it, that 's why, well, it's important, listen, again, when he starts talking, don’t talk about it, quietly, no, god forbid, what are you saying, it will be bad, it will be bad, just from the wrong side, that ’s the thing, it will be bad from the inside, and the worst thing is, we can even on the field to win the battle, in the end based on the lost, i think this
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is very important, it’s impossible not to talk about it, the second thing about this is really this, so to speak, just in my opinion, such a very revealing antics of biden, who is on easter, and easter is sunday of christ for christians, so to speak, who doesn’t know, for catholics this year it was at the end of march, so to speak, we will have it on may 5th, by the way, this year there is an incredibly large gap, yes, i don’t attach any importance to it, but it’s still interesting, it’s true , well, the fact is that on this very day, considering himself a catholic christian, taking an oath on the bible, yes, he appointed, in fact, so to speak, the celebration of sodomy, perversions, yes, so to speak, all sorts of, and absolutely wildest perversions, well, listen, this is of course a slap in the face of all those who consider themselves christians, it ’s just a spit in the face, it’s not a spit, it seems to you, it’s... slapped in the face, today, well, just think about it, today is the day of transgender visibility, when i see, i have
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a simple message for all trans people in america , i see you, i see you, you are created in the image of god and are worthy of respect and dignity, well, in principle, it’s...
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just a lie, this is distortion, this is pulling out individual phrases, rearranging, so to speak, their places, nothing like that that let's love transgender people because they are the image of god, in fact, you won’t find it there during the day, it ’s outright, yes, so to speak , a perversion, and yes, indeed, i’ve been talking about this for many years, it’s really on the verge of outright worship of evil, well, which can also be called satanism, outright deliberate death, serving evil with the goal of maximum perversion... satan as the father of lies could not
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have happened, this is unambiguous, for me, as a believer, this is absolutely unambiguous, by the way, i think that it seems to them that their era has come omnipotence, because looking forward, well , you can see what kind of way of life they are imposing on the entire planet, this is really , so to speak, some kind of total replacement of man with a post-humanistic digital society, in which, in principle, man will not be needed at all, if you want, this digital image of the devil. second me, yes, so to speak, yes, well, again, i apologize, maybe this is not entirely on topic, but nevertheless, yes, but you know, here’s one of the thoughts that comes to mind in connection with that what 's going on, the devil is looking for incarnation, this the embodiment can be different, one of, one of the types of this embodiment, the creation of a parallel, intangible digital image, for example, for example, as one of, as
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one, as one of the ways, yes, of managing this society, yes, as one of the ways to ... although it is clear that if we take, so to speak, the apocalypse, the revelation of the theologian, it is clear that we are talking about a specific person, we are not talking, so to speak, in principle, and about any such virtual things, but this person will reveal such miracles that will seduce a huge number of people, these miracles are visible, the second, as it were, yes, the second line, so to speak, the achievement of eternal biological life here on earth, eternal biological life on earth, which will allow you to level out sin in principle, because, strictly speaking, what is it about. all religions say, yes, they talk about the afterlife, about your fate in the afterlife, but if there is no afterlife, then in principle you can screw up as you like, there are no sins, no crimes, in fact, no commandments are needed in principle, if you secured for yourself, so to speak, some - scientific and technological progress and so on, eternal life here, you can sin forever, so to speak, you can forever do whatever you want, murder, debauchery , rape, so to speak, and so on and so forth, this
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life is for someone, at least some some of the people they promote, in principle , believe that this is quite... that you want what you want, what you, what you, and so on, here he openly spits in the face of a huge part of america and says: i don’t care about you, you don’t even interest me as a voter, that’s all, what do you think about this, as if yes, i saw it in the coffin, as if yes, here is my flock, so to speak, here are my, as it were, these dirty ones , so to speak, yes sheep, yes, here i am with them, i together with them, i along with this, so
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to speak, with this new church of perversion, and here of course... again, if we translate, to return to the political rails, well , of course, it should be absolutely obvious to us who we are dealing with, that is, these are those, these are those with whom we are definitely not on the same path, this is this collision, it would still happen inevitable, because a normal person, even let it be like this, a believer, an unbeliever, a normal person cannot bear this, a normal person shakes and vomits from this, a normal person feels bad, bad from this , he cannot do it, cannot accept it, and i i think that here it was necessary to understand that... a conflict, some kind of conflict, it is inevitable in any case, well, at the very end i apologize, therefore, by the way, no agreements are possible, agreements are impossible, because if people think, that lies, manipulation, deceit, cynicism are it’s normal, they will violate any agreement, they will, so to speak, destroy any agreement and so on and so on, in the end i apologize, i will take advantage of this - it means this situation, yes, of course, this is the situation,
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the situation. so to speak, our military, it ’s quite complicated, although in my opinion, at least zelensky’s clock in his whole office is slowly, slowly, so to speak, but it’s ticking backwards, it’s clear that this countdown mechanism has been launched, i think that by the way, the elections to the european parliament in june could be good a screen in order to leak zelensky if something happens, because it will be convenient, his illegitimacy, plus, so to speak, elections to the european parliament, which may be rightfully held, and so on and so forth, but the fight continues, which is what you also talk about all the time, yes vladimir , in fact,
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it’s time for charity, time to help, but there’s still a lot of work, there’s still a lot of work, there’s a lot of needs, so to speak, at least much more than i have opportunities, so i bow to everyone, yes, but i think that there is no need to relax in this sense, yes, there is help here. help is still very much needed, of course, i ask, on issues of work in the cis space, solving migration problems, i completely agree with sergei aleksandrovich, i would say some things even more rarely, russia cannot do without labor migration in the coming years, but labor immigration must be civilized, orderly, effective control must be established, conclusions must be drawn now in the future so that such things do not happen again, for what happened in... not only the russian special services are to blame, i am not i absolve them of blame, as a citizen of russia, but also of the special services of tajikistan. how did it happen that if they knew that these people
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traveled and participated in hostilities on the side of isis in syria, they had this information, they did not present it, they did not share it with their colleagues here in russia, so the same questions must be asked here too. now, as for. foreign policy issues, yesterday, today all israeli newspapers, topic number one is netanyahu’s successful operation for a hernia, and under the guise of this operation the white house made a decision on the supply of new large quantities of weapons and ammunition, 1800 m-84 aerial bombs and 500 e82 aerial bombs will be supplied. m-84 is...
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the conclusion of hostilities in the gaza strip, on the other hand, they throw logs into the fire , thus killing the palestinians, today the casualties of the palestinians are
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35,00 killed, 75,500 wounded, but this data is incomplete, now as for the this data is many times higher than the official data on civilian casualties. so if fighting starts there, it will be a huge loss of life, well because probably all the law enforcement organizations in europe, the council of europe, yes, they are probably saying that what a horror, they
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are probably showing the unfortunate children who are now already eating dog food there because there is no food, they are showing all the victims, which or this is impossible, no, this is different, this is not there, this does not show, but the other here surprises me, tells a tragedy.
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now, as for syria, on sunday in azad there was a car explosion that started a robbery, many did not understand this, they asked me how this could happen, i had to explain that this territory, which is not controlled by the syrian government, was occupied by the turkish army for a long time... in syria, the humanitarian situation is worsening.
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if the west does not cancel these draconian sanctions, then there can be no talk of any resumption of the geneva constitutional process, and why should it cancel it, but they will not cancel it, they are doing everything to ensure that syria collapses, moreover, the americans are will not happen in syria, russia and iran will not allow this, china will not allow this, therefore, it’s not so simple there, it’s not simple, but on the other hand, if necessary, we can make a transmission there.
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we will supply ukraine with everything it needs so that, this is the beginning of the government, well , let’s put it this way, circles close to the ruling there began to accuse us of supporting hamas, of course, that is, the question arises, should we release the hostages or how should they be released? to release without a negotiation process, if someone knows how to do this, well, let me tell you, although there is no talk of any support for hamas on our part, not at all, but we provide it.
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for so many years, hamas has been sponsored, but let them, well, of course, let them, but let europe in particular, let everyone answer, who will answer in the first place, those who answered this, no one will even answer for this, at least one europe was punished for this, so it needs to be done. look for them, but why look for them, they are known to everyone, there wasn’t even a word of condemnation, they were told, that is, now they are all so indignant at the terrorist act, who sponsored it? yes, there is information in syria that the american military is removing artifacts from an archaeological horoscope
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haska province, but they always do it, unless they return it to the syrian government, then this is already a violation of the united nations convention, so the syrian government may well.
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now i wanted to say about turkey , local elections were held and the opposition won them, for the first time since 2002 , erdogan and his party suffered a defeat, so big changes may begin in turkey , the next president may well become the current myr of istanbul, who is not our friend, at all, we don’t care who’s there?
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europe's unwillingness to accept, over the past weeks, several interesting, several interesting moments have arisen in the intra-european disk, to make a buffer zone out of ukraine, a buffer zone out of ukraine, such a concept has been put forward, i can’t say that it is completely new in
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the history of international relations , but or almost always turned out to be unsuccessful or ineffective, for example, as sanctions, yes, scientists have calculated that the effectiveness of sanctions is no more than 20% or even less. really achieving the set results, that’s it unfortunate luxembourg, which declared its neutrality in 1887, then every time the world war began, the first second german army calmly passed through luxembourg, without even noticing , without encountering resistance, but there are more such obvious examples of buffer zones, afghanistan , mongolia or switzerland, say, finland, had it until recently, so here is the idea with a buffer zone . just shows either a poor knowledge of history, or there is an american trace in all this, that is, to make buffer zones from a weak state that would rather a... initiate a conflict or maintain instability than create some kind of new
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stability, especially in conditions when finland has actually ceased to be a buffer zone, because the point is precisely to separate the armies that oppose each other sufficiently a significant distance from other subjects of european politics, which we can now evaluate with such a fairly serious perspective, is the influence of sanctions, sanctions... and such a very noticeable dimension, and here as since the united states plays in european
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denization, probably an even more destructive long-term role, but because the united states, since well, in general, at the turn of the 20-21st centuries, has been doing everything in order to wash away the research scientific potential of europe and transfer it to its shores, here it’s worth remembering that at the moment when silicon valley ceased to be fashionable it began... to be biotechnological at some point there 3/4 of the enterprises in silicon valley were engaged in biotechnology, apparently now it’s about the same, and then and in over the course of 5 years, well, all the leading research groups or many researchers from europe were pulled over, invited to remain on the market of the united states and the human genome project there was also used for this, it was funded by the united states, but all researchers from great britain, france or germany who participated in the majority. went overseas, the same thing now concerns the field of information and communication
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technologies, when in the fall of 2022 the united states adopted a law on chips science, its very important part of this law was the allocation of several tens of billions of dollars for the purposeful invitation of leading researchers with a ph.d. degree or entire teams to the united states in order to provide scientific support to those very enterprises. that were moving from southeast asia there to texas or arizona or washington state. and that’s why we are only now beginning to understand the real scale of what is happening inside this tangle of the united states and europe. at the current stage of the crisis, and especially in the context that europe in general continues its tight monetary policy. this is where your broadcasts are often absolutely to the point. criticizes the russian central bank, but in europe the central bank, in my opinion, is even
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more radical in the sense that with current inflation around 3%, well, on average in the eurozone, it may be a little more, and the interest rate is 4.5% in europe, in reality now it’s not even very clear the meaning of such a high interest rate, except that it freezes economic activity, quite successfully, in general the european economy does not grow. this is another very important element for understanding what kind of europe we will have to deal with in the coming years or the coming months, in any case, until the development of the ukrainian conflict takes on some more obvious form, and well for us, but if you read the european media, there is complete confidence that somewhere soon the ukrainian army will crumble, i hope ours are those who are planning these... who assesses the state of affairs not so optimistically, it could just be a provocation on the other side, on the other hand,
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of course, but we need certain studies regarding how exactly we need to be prepared for a crisis in relations between ukraine, europe, the united states do. advertising, let’s go and have some coffee, i can’t, i have to go. premiere on rtr: the corpse was found by her husband who committed suicide and she died no more than 3-5 hours ago. chichagova's death is not suicide. you have 3 days. i believe that my colleagues will cope. let's talk. are you sure that you want to be with the person who once betrayed you. irresistible, unstoppable. tomorrow on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection. rest is
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leaving yourself alone. rest is nothing. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. do you want to stay in moscow? certainly. i’ll get you a job in our restaurant. i also drew a horse with wings. pegasus after all. we're watching on the weekend, well, i liked who, it's zabyalov, our master, aren't you sleeping, i'm afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i'm afraid, make some coffee, hello, you're stupid, or something, i'll have to fire you,
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actually, i don't work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, but that's all, that's... understandable, nothing, i’ll still turn around or the princess, whoever the prince chooses, but you loved her, not at all, no, but you love me, wings of a pegasus, on saturday, nartar, please, introduction and roll call, you can do it without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo and i begin: then markolievich leaves zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more was ahead, i foresaw my
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destiny, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy. “let’s all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov on sunday at rtr, go today, and the child, i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t go with a sick child to street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be for long, she’ll take the little one away, this is not our child, but he could be ours.” life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. dmitry, i guess i’ll start with nuclear weapons, oddly enough, this is the aspect i wanted to look at this matter, just
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recently it happened, i was once talking about why oppenheimer was given an oscar, what’s so special about this film, because the film in my opinion, absolutely cardboard, so i listened to all sorts of different versions, some of my own tried to direct it, but apparently there is still some truth in the fact that the film, of course, is not about any kind of nuclear weapons, nor obbenheimer, nor about einstein, nor about the fear and horror of a nuclear apocalypse , so to speak , and of course about the fact that there is a certain sacred connection, here is the us party, the intelligentsia, the western, and, moreover, here is some kind of super-knowledge of superpower in the form of nuclear weapons, hence this constant admiration, this demonstration, of this nuclear explosion, here that it is precisely the scientists who collect these bombs, they send them, some kind of thing like this, in this sense , the united states, it seems to me, has nuclear weapons, in this sense, ideologically, such a very interesting connection, they are the only ones who used it, i would really like it to remain that way, then in the nineties there was a kind of turn, because they suddenly realized that in fact
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, even russia, which was very weak at that time, and china, which is still very weak in nuclear weapons, actually have nuclear weapons, but russia has nuclear weapons and in general she can visit america to destroy, despite all the decay that we had, but they had a turn purely at this level, at the level of consciousness, this is oscar oppenheimer - this is such an attempt to return the topic, because by and large , well, for now they have nothing is working out, they are allocating some crazy amounts of money for two
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submarines, not one, not one of them has ever been launched, even as it were, well, one of them is stuck deep in the neo-class, so to speak, and the two of them have to act, so it’s like this new generation, the second one is not on the water they’ll let you down, well, this is a class colombian, and i ’ll remind you that they don’t even want to give money for it, they somehow threw it away so it’s as if it’s perceived that they have it there, at this point, but it’s interesting , in this sense, this is such a rather curious state of the west now, which is only just some people starting us here, okay, there may be different opinions about this part of this biden package, what people have started to appear there who understand what they are entering at a time when not everything is available to the west, moreover, they cannot what is often available is what is available to other countries, which they considered worse than themselves, underdeveloped themselves there, and so on. this is this situation, it’s clear that it will fall on them like some kind of avalanche at the moment when the general standard of living begins to collapse, and after this, but when they
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are technologically unable to do some of the things that china can do there , russia and so on, this is a new state for them, i told you all this, this is such a long, rather understandable evolution, so to speak, well, in fact, god he punishes people for certain kinds of actions, of course they absolutely deserve biden. the way they have it, biologically, i mean, and collectively they deserve it too, because they are always quarreling, so to speak, of course, with each other, so to speak, there are clearly clans there, this in no way cancels this situation , the fact that two clans, obama's and clinton's, came to biden in new york for rich sponsors, means they spoke, a very simple message, not this one is governed by america, no, we are governed, and we agreed, we, we have everything under control, no one believed it. true, moreover, among those people, there were no ordinary people, there was not a single simple person in this room, anyway, someone took the left-wing pro-palestinian activist, who was shouting something there biden,
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through all the security, yes , well, fortunately for biden, he still didn’t understand who it is, what it is, what he’s calling about, if we talk about the biological, then yes, but if we talk about the collective in general, in half, yes, and of course this transgender woman , transgender sunday march 31st, most in fact, speaking seriously, for some reason they decided to do it on march 31... the day, although when it was already done, biden was not yet president there, but they decided to do it, this is still a decision under obama for a long time, so to speak, it was hatched there, in fact, if you just calculate purely mathematically, the probability of the catholic easter falling there, so to speak, was small, well, small, march 31 was too early , but when it did happen, well, you can it was possible to move away from this, as it were, it was not particularly, so to speak, clear how to pedal, moreover, when there was... strong indignation on the part of republicans and even some democrats about this matter, but because, after all, there are many believers in america, unlike europe,
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the administration began to insist, he says, yes, yes, he says, we insist on this, these are all the very bastards - these are just these people who, for some reason, are indignant about this, they seem to be sowing hate, they are us, biden just said in response to criticism of establishing a day of visibility transgender people. the corresponding decision of the president is outrageous biden, according to rick johnson, replied that he was completely ignorant, well, more precisely, the us president simply answered, i didn’t do it, who then wrote this for biden, and i see you, well, yes, yes, yes, someone , someone wrote who did it, here, but as for in general, that’s who, why is this happening there?
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it was like this all the time, some kind of game, yes, we were, so to speak, in fact, there were sovereigns, there were wise ones, they didn’t completely trust anyone, so to speak, from the europeans powers, but in general a coalition was always possible, it was possible to constantly talk, until very recently, it was still always some kind of coalition game, right there on that field, but now is a completely unique moment, i even think i don’t remember, in general, that this confrontation with the west really became
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a matter of principle for russia, so to speak. and it ’s just so crystal clear, well , because really, i agree with sergei alexandrovich here, first of all, it’s impossible to talk to such a west, well it’s clear, yes, as it were, we tell him, be gone satan, that’s how they, they simply don’t have those principles on the basis of which it was possible to agree on anything, then the question simply arises, if it’s possible to agree with them on level of mutual intimidation, there is something in game theory, as if both warned each other, it is not necessary to reach an agreement, but they don’t believe, well... i think, after all, that the situation here is like this, they are now rather not having any -that is , the rush that let’s destroy russia, they
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just feel that they are retreating and not they know that...
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it seems to me that it is very unfair to deprive a woman, and especially a journalist, of the opportunity to travel, to move freely, that’s all.
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as for our confrontation with the west, often right up to transnistria, they may be nearby, events may develop differently, there is an opinion that in this way, as for... the states of america, that means the organization of the satanic temple, many other religious and even often philosophical movements. both sects and some ideological - public associations are officially registered, here the satanic temple as a religious denomination, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of parishioners, in april 2022 this structure was supported by
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a state called ukraine. biden, by the way, began his political activity at one time and for a long time positioned himself as a zealous practicing catholic. and what you showed on tv now. this preceded my thoughts that, in all likelihood, in american traditions, the famous shadow policy, today this elderly man - this is just a screen behind which it is convenient to do certain things, lawlessness, make absurd decisions and then simply blame everything on the senile biden, it is for this purpose, as it seems to me , that certain circles are trying to push him into power, we see a desire to prolong the conflict. ukraine was told that a union of idiots and satanists was interested in this war, i would also add nazis of a certain capital, well, let’s say the german economy is stagnating as a whole, and the rain metal concern is predicting for itself
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profits in the range of 13-15 billion euros, so there are very specifically interested, materially interested circles in ensuring that the war in ukraine continues; for belarus this is not a decreasing, but an increasing danger, that is, we are not saying that the situation has radically worsened , at the same time, are still very active from the point of view of intelligence penetration into our country; first , a special military operation by state security agencies identified 114 recruiting approaches in relation to our citizens, which means, including against 37 military personnel, which means about 45 criminal cases have been opened, that is... 45 people were brought to justice, 16 foreigners were detained for espionage, in three cases groups of saboteurs were routed across the belarusian-ukrainian border with very specific tasks, there are several of them, here are several goals pursued: the first is the creation
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of caches of weapons, ammunition, explosives in the belarusian border area, the second is the implementation of reconnaissance and sabotage on our territory, the third, which is already, say so, in general, all this is our common problem, but the third specifically concerns without... an organization with very good analytical potential, at the same time, in my opinion, the channels for exchanging information are somewhat clogged, for this reason we have to figure it out, but let’s say , one of the terrorists who took part in the attack on
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crocus cityhall, his brother was identified as a member of the international terrorist organization velayat kharasan, the special services of tajikistan carried out operational search activities against this family, that is, they should... be subject to control, and we should have received this information, july 2023, which means that moldova, well, let’s say, this country independently withdraws from the project of interaction with the cis, but nevertheless, here is a citizen who came from tajikistan and was in wanted, previously convicted of robbery, killed two border police officers, again, somehow the warning system did not work, yet in my opinion, no matter what kind of relationship develops between us, there is...
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insufficient attention of the russian federation and its allies to issues of soft power in the countries of the post-soviet space, this hatred is cultivated by the west, tens of millions of dollars are allocated through usid and other organizations to promote certain narratives, since 2022 only... tens of thousands of so-called civil activists and non-governmental journalists have undergone appropriate educational trainings, priority is given, by the way, to the publication of materials in russian, that is, they all create a certain tension in these countries, and, accordingly, visitors people here often view russia as a field for making money, at best for committing crimes of a general criminal nature, at worst for terrorist acts, and to summarize, i would like to say that... on the issue of israel, i could not help but
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comment on the dispute that has arisen here, decisively we condemn the terrorist acts that were committed by hamas, let’s not forget that innocent people were killed, and this is not the selective use of force on the part of israel, it did not correct the situation, it only aggravated it, as evidenced by russia and its allies constantly, immediate ceasefire, peace negotiations, military exchange... and how do the turks answer this question? that
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is, it turns out that even within the nato bloc, there is a duality, of course, in interpretation, this is schizophrenia, what am i leading to, to the fact that there is still no international definition, but what is terrorism? after all, a country, when it benefits it , declares a terrorist organization freedom fighters, yes freedom fighters, yes, and then they say: oh, you know, it’s there in syria, that is, when one of the terrorists eats... there is the heart, yes it was, of a syrian soldier they say: well, it’s a cost, these are still freedom fighters, it’s simple, that is, in the world there is not even a definition of what terrorism is, that is , this is the horror, that is, even within nato, they cannot agree among themselves who is a terrorist for them and who is not, well , that’s why joining forces to fight terrorism looks more than strange, how can they carry out their task, they are fighting regimes, in fact, you said the same thing , first, i am very grateful to the belarusian
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colleague for his formulation, with which i can almost completely agree only on some things there, but on the whole i agree, you actually voiced what i wanted to say, we do not completely disagree about the fact that terrorists and civilian victims, that’s all terrible, we need to fight this, we have differences, maybe in the approach, like how you correctly said what terrorism is, who the terrorists are, i personally also believe that... hamas is a terrorist organization, but this is not does not change, i think, our general opinion, this is for millions viewers who are watching that each of us undoubtedly does not recognize either terror, or hostages, or any crimes that can be committed on this basis, you know, i decided to make a bad joke here this morning, i wrote that angela merkel returns that she has decided to return to her workplace, uh-huh. well, besides the russian
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media and the german media, some went over this about the fact that the angel political scientist and the miner should not joke even the first one, i agree with you, the more you understand, no one knows what will happen in 2025, what if she does come back, and merkel shuddered, how did he know, how did he know, i’m already pulled out, where he already knew, you know, behind this. some kind of bullshit and didn’t get involved in it, well, as it was with me, let him come back, but merkel called and said, holinzi sent you an sms, the problem is actually gigantic, the problem is not merkel and not the april fool’s jokes, the problem is who will to lead germany and in general where germany will go, this problem is not in merkely, not in scholz and not in those who today some are for, others are against, but simply not. no one, it’s just this feeling
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of such a scorched field, when every time i tell you that our situation is like this, here, i say in germany, that not today , tomorrow the coalition may fall apart, most likely... i think this will happen in the summer , it looks like the liberals are going to leave the coalition, the greens and others will be pushing them to do so, and if it happens, then there will be, in general, a situation in which you will need to ask yourself the question of what will happen next to germany, because personally i don’t see a single contender who could lead germany along some independent path, like merkel, you said correctly, she led the party, which is called...
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won’t some new work, in quotes, be created in this place, which will in itself, perhaps combine some former principles from the bible plus some of today’s understandings of them how they understand today's life, well, for example, now a union of values ​​is being created or has already been created, the so-called, which are still at the level of 3-4%, but anything can happen there, a union of values ​​that says: no, we, of course, support here. what the cdu is doing, but we stand for our traditional values, we would like germany to follow this path, in response to this he actually receives criminal prosecution, i mean the chairman of the party, who in the past was himself the head of the internal security service of germany , that is, the highest fact of the organization that kept order in this country, and he is now
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suing this former organization of his, says: how can this be in our country. she can absolutely safely count on the fact that she will be the second party in the elections, what will happen next, well, let’s say this happens and let’s say this happens, who will become chancellor? well, well, if you say berbak, well
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, of course, then in general there is no future for germany. merkel, at one time she could, of course, really stay in memory of such a chancellor, who made germany such a locomotive, but she betrayed germany at the level of 2014, when the story with ukraine began, when she behaved exactly the way she did, starting with the recognition of the state that was formed as a result of the putsch , ending with the fact that she did not want to comply with the minsk agreements, so she destroyed her pedestal, she will not return to it. fedor, unfortunately, by the way, in a few days he will be 80 years old, well, according to the american level, of course he can still in principle, in terms of his cognitive abilities , he is undoubtedly a powerful man and could still lead quite calmly, but of course he has zero chances, he won’t do this himself, this deserted field in germany, it
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instills fear in me, because i don’t understand, as far as this goes, it means that further it can probably go along the path of trust management. strictly speaking, since it is now being carried out, when someone from the outside, well , let’s say, people located in washington, will continue to lead germany, since they led for this, before this, in this case it makes no difference who becomes chancellor, scholz remains, some beil comes or someone else from these parties comes who will say, we will take a different path, until now the united states of america maintains this so-called rosenhols, i have already told you, this bank of compromising evidence, which...
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there will be some kind of imbalance, i don’t think that it will be a bias towards france, they are also unlikely to be able to do this, but here’s what we’ve talked about many times, collapse european union, me personally. i think that right now we are just on the threshold of understanding that yes, this can happen, and probably in the next, well, maybe 10-15 years we will observe this, these disparities in different directions, when each country will pull its side, and i will not be surprised if germany is not just among the last, but among the first who will say that we need to go out and think about our national interests, and not just about the interests of smokers. in marijuana, by the way, if you don't know starting today, from 12:00 at night, today
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about 2.0 people have already gathered at the brontondor gate to smoke a little marijuana, because the law has officially passed, now every drug addict in germany can keep 50 g of cannabis, that is, germany has become completely intoxicated, this means that in the near future we will see an increase in drug addiction in schools, well, i don’t want to say in kindergartens, but the fact that it will take over the whole country is... it will be worse than it is in holland, than it is us we see in holland, from today, this is already everything is open, they say, 100 meters from schools and there you can smoke, who will measure these meters, who will sniff this cannabis, now there is advertising, let us not continue with a new composition, light, i love you very much, you and i have everything life is ahead, very often girls from other circles strive to marry rich boys, let me decide for myself. who should i love, who should i marry, okay, he will still be mine, i won’t give him to this sheep,
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it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink basics, i was really on fire and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will... hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love light, if there is even a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without a face. ideas flow through
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edge. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants. i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. there will be a lot left after dismantling. and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, len, hello, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking, vika is dead, it’s me, vika, alive, sunday, come to me my sister is coming tomorrow, what about mine? a proposal for us to be together? hi,
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hi, i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice , everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me, kirill is lena, lena is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i i kiss you, kiss you, what 's going on, hello! and sister, on sunday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, dismount, deploy nuclear weapons. i already demanded, turn away nuclear weapons for me weapon. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, with hail in places, guys. acts confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles, and we have
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one alyos there, the second tank flew in vkropsky, a hero of russia, will be in kind, we all will go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yany duster, there in the west. great dreamers, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later. ukraine is a terrorist state, the russian foreign ministry officially demanded that kiev hand over all persons involved in terrorist attacks committed on russian territory, including the head of the sbu malyuk. for now, ukrainian terrorists feel great under the wing of zelensky, who, by canceling the elections, essentially usurped power in the country completely. now kiev is shuffling officials again, handing out
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important offices to the right people, and against the backdrop of failures at the front, a new law. they are in no hurry to introduce mobilization in ukraine, they are waiting for money from washington, loans and the prospect of bankruptcy do not bother anyone in kiev, apparently it is not for them to give, it is not for them to fight, by the way, i i wonder when there will be an investigation into how the children of the ukrainian elite feel, well, for example, klyachko’s children feel great, danilov’s children, no, here are poroshenko’s children, here they are... that’s how they all are, i liked the video that is now appeared in ukraine, such a call that they say, sign up for the army, because you have to die for those whose children are enjoying life to the fullest, i don’t know who took it, well , maybe the ukrainians themselves came to their senses, in general, somehow they lately everything has been going wrong because ukrainians are being sent to slaughter,
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at the same time, well, it’s clear why, probably, so that... it would be easier for a certain gordon to carry out magical rituals, by the way, here i want to note that not 40 witches, in forty cemeteries, on 40 nights out of forty, nothing could help that gordon's hair began to grow on his head, at least a spark of intelligence appeared in his head, but i still have a simple question: gordon, why aren't you in the army? why don't you pull out the codes? well, explain to me, you’re a coward, i ’ve told you 100 times, come on, quietly, calmly, let’s see what you’re like can you imagine, pull up to the front, i ’ll tear you apart, come on, drive up quickly, come on, you kept saying that you were wild there, that he was there with his hands, feet, you tried to crush something with your sausages so much that even that unfortunate ivan ivanovich, as they call the rubber lady who is beaten
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with their hands, even he laughed at you, by the way, i hope you haven’t forgotten the pyramids, about all these rituals, i have one question: what does anyone else think of ukraine still an orthodox country? well, just not for the sake of interest. by the way, does anyone know about gordon's religion? what are you like there? believe in a bottle of scottish gin? that is, what is he wearing? i mean, just what is this idiot talking about? this is a pathetic nonentity that the russians have forgotten, and the ukrainians have not learned. well, on the other hand, when such nonentities serve the ukrainian government, it says a lot about the government itself, it’s generally interesting, look at how it’s happening, yes, zelensky’s friends, who are already in the grave, like the one he betrayed, this one there was a big guy who was from donbass and ran away,
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because there were conversations about how, what, what, but very much, just with money.
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in spain the murder is said to be that he simply overtook the helicopter, and the bbc gives exactly this assessment, overtook the helicopter and the murder. the new york times already describes how this was done, but i like these philological accents, yes, that is, the fact that during a helicopter ferry he shot his partner and two of his comrades, the bbc
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is carefully silent about this, i also liked the highly professional outright murder, cartridges from a makarov pistol were used, that is, it’s 9.18, yes, but it’s okay that 9:18 is used not only in the makarov pistol, but... to say, well, okay, why six, why did they decide that six are only shots, also somehow a strange number , and what does it mean that cars passed, cars drove over the barrel.
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will carry out terrorist attacks and will continue to prepare them until we begin to destroy those who directly declare that they are preparing terrorist attacks and give orders for their implementation, so people like budanov there, as well as this second one, who malyuk, malyuk, zelensky, i think they should be legitimate targets, and it seems to me that we have enough professionals who can cope with the task. they are terrorists, i want to remind you that the united states of america, when they decided that their national interests were threatened by a person who held a very high position in the official authorities of the state of iran, with
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whom, let me remind you, there was no official war between the united states and iran, then this person, kasym suleymaniy was destroyed by a missile strike on the territory of a third state, well , that’s true, the americans, by the way, like... russia in fact , he has been building a railway for more than a year to connect with our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process is almost complete and this could pose a serious problem for us. but i hope that we will somehow cope with the land section of the railway, we all have experience in this, it is much easier than the issue of the crimean bridge, but this
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creature must be destroyed, but of course one more such character appeared, an american f16 pilot , famous, participated in...
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well, canadian snipers are already the best in the world there someone was there, they already went to the donbass, and somehow his fate, well, let’s say, did not show anything, but i can imagine what kind of hunt for them will begin, but for our guys, and for the air defense, and for the pilots , i want to remind you that when we actually encountered american pilots, it always ended the same for them. since the time of korea, yes, so, well, come on, our guys will be interested in checking how much better our planes are, and what the vaunted american aces are like, this is for you...
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or some kind of eastern one, what am i talking about? to that that the person known under the nickname adam is a jihadist, they are now writing, i think so, but why didn’t you write, a jihadist, why didn’t you write this a year ago, when and what happened to the mozart pmc, but who knows, no one else either, what do i mean, that is, they killed their own people, they cut each other’s throats, yes, then they hide, then they run away, and now some other pilots are planning to come here, as for the presidential elections in ukraine. everything was supposed
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to be closed yesterday evening, well, only the first round, you know, yes, it’s still not clear, yet the results have not been made public, we are waiting, but the zaluzhnye are in the lead over danilov, yes, i think that anyone can be there in the end, ashton can be there who is definitely for sure yes, it’s not really jokes aside, but yes, in accordance with the constitution in the only possible way constitution term. article 103 of the constitution of ukraine, if anyone wants, can check, the last sunday of march of the fifth year of the presidential term and other terms are not provided for in the constitution, and if the verkhovna rada has a provision that in case of martial law the elections are postponed, are cancelled, then nothing similar was said about the president, that is, well, as far as i understand, this was done deliberately, because it really was. well, how can it be, well
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, it turns out that we can declare martial law for as many years as we want, for 10, for 20, for 100, and there will be no elections at all, well, there was a summer war, well, yes, when they went there now, well, fake april 1st one could be circulating, but maybe it’s not fake, maybe a quote appeared, then it was removed, allegedly attributed to ermak that even after the end of hostilities, martial law may not be lifted for some period of time.
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there in the west i read a lot of articles, no, no, don’t pay attention, this is all russian propaganda, this is all russian disinformation, this is the russian narrative, in fact, the powers of the president expire only when a new president takes office, they say powers are transferred, but you you understand perfectly well, yes, that is, now zelensky himself may not yet realize it, but he has this kind of hook on which he hangs, which... in at any moment, the one who manages all the processes there in the west can pull, if he falls a little out of favor there somewhere, out of the right line, out of the right line of behavior, that’s it, the same west gives the go-ahead, that’s it, wait, we, we missed it, but he’s not the president now, yes, that is, in the end they really can, as provided for in the constitution, say, well, that’s it , the acting president, the speaker of the verkhovna rada, well, that’s it, and continue to play out this picture, this history. then the skinny one
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will become, no, well, then you already understand, in the supreme the rada can easily, they can replace this one at any moment, not even within one day, i can’t understand why ukraine.
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coincided immediately with the issuance of an arrest warrant for the pridnestrovian minister, that is, i think they will muddy the waters there now, it’s a very provocative act against transnistria, mind you, it’s solid, but pay attention to how they suddenly started talking, he says, we already have a border of the ninety-first year are satisfied, that is , until we collapse russia, we will not stop, says podalyak, in the best, probably, the situation that ukraine is in now, yes, that podalyak is already dreaming about that, but podalyak was recently ukrainian, yes, yes.
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so that they understand yes, uh, in the west now he has the utmost right, he is not responsible for anything at all, and the last thing is that there is simply not enough success story, the history of success in ukraine, and the fact that every day they churned out these stories about the ghost of kiev, these blacks angels, there ’s something else there, that’s all, well, they see what’s missing, today appeared in times in that same propaganda article, a great article, so and there is victory, he says, ukrainian bears are winning, why are there fewer people, bears have begun to breed, wildlife is growing again, wildlife is blooming again, the number of copper lynx has increased, look how great it is, ukrainian
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wildlife is being revived, i’m completely serious , the article today, you know, this is not the first, that is, that is, in all seriousness, this is the case, that is, accordingly. and how to witch the ukrainians, i say, witch them, yeah, that is, maybe when gordon spoke about 40 witches, he’s killing them, well, what critinny, well, fantastic, god, the main thing is, well, at least he understood something, so he’s in favor, because you and your fools, well, yes, i remember
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how the italians asked me in all seriousness, why did you anathematize the green ? it will end on may 20, so they began to seize power, that is, they
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will continue to govern according to concepts, this is how they defined it, this is how they will interpret it for us, they absolutely do not react to the constitution today, they ignore it, to put it mildly, to put it mildly speaking, because the same zelensky said that he put it on pause a long time ago, there is no such term in jurisprudence, well, he himself is not a lawyer, but the question is that... ukrainian citizens are literate, they read and saw that there were supposed to be elections yesterday, and now this is power for many citizens who understand, respect at least their civil right to constitutional rights and freedoms, they also have the right according to the constitution not to carry out clearly criminal orders, it is written there, clearly criminal orders, you have the right not to carry out, but if the impostor comes, and says: i am the president, and you...
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of the criminal code of ukraine - this is an illegal seizure of power, that is, they went to retain, absolutely vladimir is correct, now they will extend the martial law as long as they need, and they will rule this point, it will end in tears , if there is no rule of law in a state, then there is a rule of lawlessness, no emptiness. it happens that now they will rule the country in lawlessness, i think that it is no coincidence that there is
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a statement, today, in my opinion, sands made it, that the kremlin is carefully studying situation regarding legitimacy and will probably say his word when necessary, there is still time until may 20, because his presidential powers actually end on may 20, we just respect what... suppose macron signs,
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the head of england signs there, and then they change there, and the next trump comes and says, what the hell is this, the person who signed this has no authority, he is illegitimate, absolutely, you are right, this happens in our lives when you commit some kind of... that transaction, you must make sure whether this citizen is the same, even if he shows you a passport, and the passport is not fake, if it is fake, you will not sign, because responsibility, that is...
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the sbu laughed, it was not addressed to the sbu, let the sbu direct the press service, so to speak, responded to the 95th quarter, it was sent through the ministry of foreign affairs there. according to the convention , the government is the subjects, and so the sixth and eighth articles clearly state that if there is such an idea, and there is an idea about the extradition of these terrorists, then you are obliged to extradite, but if you see that it needs to be sorted out, then you must start an internal investigation, this is article eight, or you give, or an internal investigation, and
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laughed, then russia said, we will not stop there, and maria zakharova said correctly: these are procedural issues, we will go to court, and then i think there will be a decision, i assume so, because such correspondence with this gang is not an easy thing when everyone has to look, it turns out they do not represent the state that signed this convention, because these are just impostors and a gang, so there will probably be some conclusions, including the immediate extradition of the little one, but he himself gave the appearance of spavin, i... told how it all happened, well , so you understood, and the attitude towards dugina, vlad tatarsky, and there a bomb was used, this is a socially dangerous way, you know, to deal with someone, this is generally a pure terrorist, well, of course, a few words about the way they are running, but nothing surprising , remember in the film the wedding in malinovka, mr.
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taman has no gold reserves, guys they are scattering, if this continues, i will also scatter in different directions, gold reserves. no, and we remember history, when there were such phenomena as rat trails, these are routes, rat trails, these are the routes along which the nazis escaped, they fled there, so to speak, to south america and so on, these also partially become skis, but i want to tell you the latest information that i received, their first task is to maintain by any means... the situation until the elections, they will do it, they don’t care about the law, mobilization, then they they are planning to create a government in the country if they suddenly suffer defeat, that’s why the embassy sends the most inveterate scoundrels there who will have nothing to do with england’s diplomacy, they won’t be accepted by zaluzhny, well, i ’m telling you, england probably doesn’t want zaluzhny, but if they do, zelensky will try
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to run to zaluzhny to london, i think they suspended this process. begins to think about how to be useful, and this is exactly the same as bendera was in munich, he was useful to all the intelligence services of the world in order to continue the fight against soviet power, so these want, you know, because the americans have already begun to create a government, conditionally tikhanovskaya, yulia navalnaya appeared there and so on, it appears, guys, they will continue, so we need to assess them as terrorists and war criminals, certainly bring them to justice, wherever no... advertising, let's go and have some coffee, i can't, i have to go, the premiere is on rtr, the body was found by her husband who committed suicide and she died no more than 3-5 hours ago, chichagova's death is not suicide, you have 3 days, i believe that colleagues will cope let's talk, are you sure that you want to be with
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the person who once betrayed you, irresistibly restrained you. and tomorrow on rtr, we will remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov from makarov, from vladimir, we had an amazing front garden, we played.
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we’ve only known each other for a few days, not enough, life doesn’t give us any clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. 65 years ago you came
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to the mayakovsky theater and still serve there. i realized that if i take me, then this forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent. and he also told you something in his heart about lazarev. we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly. in heart. all this was said at once in an office romance, i always felt sorry for you, in fact you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, for this she could not be blamed, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed everything comes from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, shura, it’s just some kind of happiness. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr. do you want to stay in moscow? certainly. i’ll get you
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a job in our restaurant. i also drew a horse with wings. pegasus, after all. it will be yours, then you will draw it. let's see on the weekend. well, did you like it? yes, this is zavyalov, our master. why are not you sleeping? what are you afraid of? i'm afraid to wake up. make some coffee. hello, are you stupid, or what? we'll have to fire you. actually, i don't work here, i live here. cinderella, some kind of dishwasher? here, in general, this mum is incomprehensible. it's okay, i'm still hurt. or a princess? who will the prince choose? did you love her? yes, most likely not. do you love me? pegasus wings. on saturday. on rtr.
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syrsky, the commander-in-chief and those people who are actually there have very different ideas about what is happening on the front line, that is, diametrically opposed. turns out. it seems to syrsky that every day they win more than they lose. what does he need? people write, well, you in general, well, you actually understand what you’re talking about, so sirsky, apparently, is a heavy drinker or crazy, but you shouldn’t think that everything is easy there, the battles are hardest, and the ukrainian army has fpv, and artillery in those directions where they are needed, and there are still enough people, that is, one should not underestimate their obstinacy and perseverance, so our guys fight there every day, they fight valiantly, hard, heroically, and our deepest bows to them,
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by the way, exactly therefore, it is especially important for me today that my close friend is there, lieutenant general sends a message that our hero, who is on vacation , was beaten by some three idiots, well , fortunately, the situation immediately came under the control of the ministry of internal affairs. these three were found, a preventive measure was immediately chosen for two, the role of the third is being clarified, but when such things happen, it requires the most severe assessments, just as it is obvious that if there are any problems, if there are specific bureaucrats somewhere they don’t understand what kind of help the heroes of the mtr need, all our participants so... not a hero, then this means that you need to listen carefully to the president, who said that the feeling, please come, that is, bureaucracy has no place, there at all levels, everyone must
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do, i really liked it, i showed it to you yesterday, but the ministry of defense has now issued an amazing participant card svo, well, there’s a veteran, you give everything in this card, discounts, and money comes there, that is, it works as an id for a bank card, it’s very convenient. well, that is, there is such constant improvement, but what is happening in ukraine, that’s what he thinks colonel douglas mcgregor. zelensky and his regime are equivalent to a mortally wounded animal that dies, as a result it will strike with everything it has until the bitter end. at this point, instead of essentially giving up, give in and negotiate. so think of the zelensky regime as a dying creature that will... grab whatever it can find. he has no real options left on earth, he can barely defend what he has, so he turns to
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other forms of action.
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state defense committee, but here in the rear, this was precisely the task of setting the tasks ; it is necessary to note the brilliant work of denis valentinovich, the mantors and the team of lawyers, because a number of factories belonged to people
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who fled abroad and did.
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30-40 km, today they say that the depth of our work with front-line precision weapons is 90 km, and of course, in this case it is a huge problem for them, what is happening with...
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at the training grounds and training, they cannot it’s normal to fully staff, accordingly there is no normal for them the amount of weapons equipment, the main weapons equipment that is in production, it comes from repairs, it must be given its due, they have built a system in which they drag it all to czechoslovakia, to the czech republic, that is, czech republic to bulgaria, to the czech republic, to romania, where it is repaired , it returns there, but this trickle , at best, restores by 15-20% what they lose,


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