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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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a bribe, whoever you want will be acquitted, well, who will give a bribe for a homeless person, at least the one who ordered this slaughter for him, i even heard that he killed this rich man, damn, oh well, excuse me, nerves are not to hell, since it’s just a pity, why did you come, can we take a look, there’s no murder video, well, york, how long have you been here? soon, wait a minute. this is how people live, this is how they live. listen, this is you too, is it loud? this is the question taken. rewind . 2 days for us to come, what’s not working? well, the remote control is kind of strange. ordinary. here, stop, stop, stop. i saw this character,
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where, where, where could i see him, i’ll call the duty room, yeah, i’m calling, it’s shvetsova, yeah, tell me, the guards who delivered the scoundrel, you’re still there, very good, let them go up to the cream laboratory . yes, yes, yes , now, yes, sorry, excuse me, hello, damn it, it’s not you who found it here, don’t be an idiot, comrades were watching us, yes, well, we should go with you again, not everyone is after irina borisovna . "behind me, and what
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happened, i realized, oh, you are arresting me, detaining me, and for what, the investigator will explain, but what difference does it make, irisha, i ask you, listen, what do you mean we’re detaining you? , i ’m immediately calling valery abramovich, there’s no need, no lawyers are needed, it’s my idea, and it’s all my fault, ira, what are you talking about, they ’ll write it down for you, but don’t listen to her, god knows what she says, she’s drunk, that i’m drunk, i’m figuring everything out, it’s my fault. ira, yes, are you crazy? you do not
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think, i won’t be silent, it’s clear, i ’ll tell them everything, everything, but i’ll bring witnesses, you know, don’t you dare, they took this last year, well, if you recognize someone, i think he’ll leave.
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colleagues will handle it, we’ll talk, and you’re sure it’s not suicide, you have 3 days, i believe that you want to be with a person who once betrayed you, irrepressible, restless. tomorrow on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. russia. traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all russia is before your eyes, come to
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the international exhibition forum russia. madam, suspect, we've arrived, let's go out, madam, suspect, irina, what's your name, borisovna, what are you going to do? i don’t understand how he fell through the ground, the whole area was combed, the neighbors got in, all the homeless people were shaken up, he’s nowhere to be found, you know, i have one idea, remember, we caught robbers in police uniforms, so they were hiding where to look for them they wouldn't, well
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yes, i remember, sobering-up stations, but they had friends there, where could this declassed element have been caulked, and the receiver-distributor? now there is only the consent of the person himself, well, damn, look, he came to any police station, called himself pupkin, stated that he wanted to restore the documents, asked to go to the reception center, the distributor, and sit there for a whole month, you gave an orientation to the gvd, but of course, now we’ll give an addition to the orientation, maybe one of the people on duty will remember when someone came and asked to be in the reception area. on did you send the portrait along with the orientation? you offend, according to the words of the guards, they immediately made a portrait, so redo the portrait, taking into account this gentleman. uh-huh, ivan ivanovich,
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finally, lazy, where do you go? force majeure, the suspect is sleeping, so wake her up, it’s pointless, so until she wakes up, interrogations won’t work. so how long will she lie? well, judging by the fact that it contains half a liter of good cognac, how much? half a liter minimum? yes, i understand, i’m flying. ivan ivanovich, maybe, instead of hanging out here while madame sobers up, let’s wave the vrb? may? the guys have identified the little man who this entire honest company has been calling on the phone, you want to look him in the eye, what kind of guy is he? 25 years old, manager of some mysterious company, i think it’s a cover-up, my heart senses, it needs to be grounded, you’d do just fine, let’s go,
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just need to inform volodya vinokurov, we’ll let him know, let him get the wheels, for me karapchonki, this is a drunken lady sleeping. start it up, come on, i’ll ride with you.
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allow me to say a few words to the person involved, come on! hello, murderous neighbors? from you did you call based on our directions? it was i who called you, early in the morning, while still on that shift , a certain citizen came and asked to go to the reception area, the distribution center, i want, he says, to restore my documents, to get some food. that change of affairs was not going well, they sent me this citizen, i processed it,
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i understood correctly, they processed it quickly within two hours, he was great, in the corridor, what ’s his name? kozlovsky, viktor gennadievich, so, where do you live, here in the center, of course, that means... kozlovsky, viktor gennadievich, and i thought shestopalov, artyom, from primorsky i moved to the center a long time ago, but what are you saying, who is shestopalov? where is tanya demidova? well, i'm not asking about the dog. okay, time is precious, will you write it yourself, or call an investigator? sorry, what's the matter? tell me, how long will it take to wait for the investigator, which investigator? yes, he has already left, wait, okay, wait, how long
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can you wait, and marik, our company organizes extreme entertainment, zotov is our long-time client. he ordered amon's operation for his younger brother in his office, also there was a staged search, supposedly drugs were found on the general director, but why all this? well, don’t you understand, well, this is cool, can you imagine, a person is taken to the police, he is nervous, and then they tell him that this is all a hoax, so excuse me that i lied to you when i showed you fake documents, just for the time being. .. acceptance cover documents are issued, and what kind of event did you provide for zotov, his friends for his
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birthday, you ordered a homeless person’s day, well, well, we dress the client, skin the homeless person, make him up we let him out into the street, he digs in our trash can, and climbs through garbage dumps, yes, well, we give him various introductions, in general, he needs to get from point a to point b, well, in this case, point b. there was his car, in general, yes, i almost got there, but i don’t understand, is it really possible for someone to like it, of course, well, how can you, how can you not understand, well, a person does not live his own life, we film all this on video , and then we tell the client, well, if you don’t believe me, well, if you want, we’ll go to the office, if we want, we’ll go, that was 8 years ago. marik had a business in in a related area, or earlier, right after
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the default, his business was staggering, we offered him to join the holding, so it was still possible to save his company, but he messed up, lost everything, went downhill, started drinking. his wife left him, yes, you haven’t seen him since then, no, well, marik vysokovsky, he’s crazy, no, we saw each other several times, but a long time ago, he came to ask for money, yurka gave him once, twice , and then offered to give him a job, well , of course, he refused, of course, he freaked out
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and shouted, yurka kicked him out and ordered more not allowed into the office, yes, there was such a meeting, yes, i can imagine how stunned marik was, at first he probably gloated, and then fidya. fyodor, i'm done, i called the hospital, i'm unconscious, i'm ready to take part in the investigation, let's go, huh? goodbye, why altaiv, so as not to attract attention, we don’t take our clients from the street, we have our own clientele, open up. fyodor,
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wait here, i’ll be right there, good night, we called you about the identification, could you be present as a witness, but if this is not for long, not for long, and we also need dummies, a couple, for example, we can ask this citizen, he’s a walker, quite good, and besides, he doesn’t sleep, and we can find another one like that, great, be so kind. this is also your work, and this, this is editing, staging. zotov approved the photographs and paid for the order in advance. yes, here's the deal. did he pay
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because of his own wife’s guilt? well, as you don’t understand, it’s funny, they throw photos at her. then they start blackmailing, and then it turns out that it’s all a hoax, you can’t imagine how she will be happy, i can’t imagine, but uh, before placing a client in an unfamiliar environment, we carefully study and check, and then for the duration of the event we stay in close proximity to help, guard, but it doesn’t hurt you to guard, well, for us this is a force majeure circumstance. you see, no one even imagined that everything would turn out this way, well, here’s the tape, well, now you’ll see everything for yourself,
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man, uh, well, that’s all, this proves that none of our employees is to blame, so why are you helping him? -i didn’t, but you could have to save him, well, well, firstly, well, firstly, i was simply scared, and secondly, it was already clear that nothing could be done to help him, in
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the criminal code there is an article for leaving in danger, eh. .. and under article 121 we are not responsible, in the end they are not helpless, but capable people, well , everything is clear, i wonder how you reported to the customers, as i understand it, his wife, brother and friend paid for it, yes , this is a problem, but in a day they will still not receive anything from us, we have already provided the service, yes why didn’t you tell them that there’s a guy lying in the trash with a hole in his side, it’s his, but i ’m explaining to you, force majeure circumstances, and there’s no need to yell at me, in the end, why, okay, i understand everything, now , so, here’s the money, not enough, well, well, that’s all there is in
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the office, tomorrow i can get more. vanya, look, what’s there? nevermind, witty, search, don’t search! who doesn’t find anything, it looks like there’s blood on it, why is he on duty?
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nikolai vasilyevich, among the faces presented to you, you recognize the person who attacked on you, yes, the edge is not on the right, this one? yes, identified, please introduce yourself, vysokovsky, mark evseevich, let’s release these guys, uh-huh, come on, come on, come on, so, victim, you can tell me why he attacked you, okay, i’ll tell you myself. what's there to lose? well, in short, he began to draw up a protocol and asked for his first and last name. well, i thought, i’ll say vysokovsky,
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if yurka zototov survived, in short, the head is not one surname of another, i didn’t know what to call myself. on nerves, well, he left in the same way, in which way, he took out a knitting needle, struck, struck, here, wonderful, that is, understandable, hello, hello. irina borisovna, now of course i understand why you were silent, yes, of course, i need to bury my husband, yes, i, i’ll go to
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the sea, i’ll do everything, you know, he, i was always looking for something like that, thrills, it was gift, gift, uh-huh, bye, bye.
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“this is the great abkhazian wall, few people know about it, most rumors are chinese and iranian, meanwhile, the abkhazian wall, also called kilasur, has a length of 160 km, in fact it is the third great wall on planet, the wall is mysterious, it is unknown who built it when, according to one version, it was built by the greeks several centuries bc . during excavations , elegant ancient jugs of the hellenes are still found here; it is from there that
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the pottery craft of abkhazia originates from the depths of centuries. in abkhazia - these are not only souvenirs in stores, they are the most important part of the life of abkhazians. over many centuries, they have become so accustomed to pottery that today they can no longer imagine that it could be different. well, abkhazian ceramics is unique. none the piece of pottery does not have a twin. this is all warm, so personal. i would like to convey the history of our traditional dishes, to remind the current generation, what kind of dishes do we have? there were dishes, what we used, how we got to where we are now. ancient modern dishes sometimes look the same, this is the special charm of abkhazian ceramics.
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masters of the potter's wheel managed to preserve the ancient art in almost its original form. look, there’s a vessel standing there. tsebelda culture. nowhere like this a corolla-shaped top is not found except in our tsabelde. the peculiarity of local dishes is that the ornament always comes in second place, and the original form comes first. when creating their works from ceramics, potters try to be as precise as possible.
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are called fingerprints and palm prints that were left on pottery by potters several centuries, or even millennia ago. working with ceramics in ancient times was considered a mystical and sacred activity. the master does not just make a jug or dishes. he creates. by the way, in abkhazia they believe that god created a man made of clay, and then breathed life into him. and if you translate the name of the first man adam, you get the word “red”, that is , made of red clay, to be honest, then you need to talk to clay in your language, you understand, in language, why, because it can behave in such a way that it doesn’t predictable, whether it’s the element of fire, or something else, you know, in general, it’s not in vain that they say that man was made of clay, the house of ruslan pandaria in new athos is remarkable.
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information: there are secrets here in abkhazia skills, as in the old days, are passed from hand to hand, from master to student. only professionals can understand which clay is of high quality; many of them determine its properties by touch, then do a test firing to find out for sure whether it is suitable or not. we are uninitiated people, we will not be able to understand the types of clay, the maximum that is available to us is to believe
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that there are very many varieties of clay... they differ in color, for example, clay, each from its own region, for its own purposes, and , of course, with his own characteristics, man, who knows everything about clay, or almost everything. the fact is that good clay always lies where trees do not grow, because this clay, the good one i’m talking about, is fire-resistant, greasy, and the roots of any tree, even a weed, are not able to break through the food to get , red clays, they are always loose, they have a lot of minerals. oxides of iron, manganese and salts are soluble, which is why all kinds of trees grow there. not all craftsmen search for, dig for clay and bring it to a finished state. many people buy material from store, but in any case, every potter
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needs only the right clay. the right clay is one that contains sharpening materials and fatty materials. there, if, roughly speaking, you need to have it. and this gray one here, this is the best mass, now we can say what can be made from this clay, here is yellow, it is visually yellow, it crumbles, you see, it says that it is very capricious,
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all sorts of things affect it sun and rain rays, it melts and crumbles, but you can make bricks and tiles from it. but with this one clay, this is white fireproof clay, you can already make dishes, well, all sorts of jugs for cooking meat or corn, baking flatbreads, unusual, often ironic works of alexander donchenko were exhibited in the tretyakov gallery and in the moscow house of artists, of course they constantly participate in local opening days. the painting is greek, only done today by me and other pigments and style, the ornament is only, if you can say, greece, yes, the fish itself is a brawler, it’s a stone, i just finished it there she had a fin, he sculpted her legs so that she wouldn’t
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fall, three legs instead of a fin, and there was another one there, he had such a uterus with a propeller , maria, was born and lived in murmansk, worked as an economist, as they say, nothing was predicted, but it turned out that way, that when she moved to abkhazia in 2008, she unexpectedly became interested in ceramics, last year she graduated from the local art school, of course, i was amused by my arrival at the admissions committee, they even joked that she had come now, that she couldn’t wait for her pension, yes , because at the time of admission i was already... 43 years old, so they took me, though right away to the second year, so from this, one might say, my new life in abkhazia began, from this a new life began, someone me even called her crazy, maria’s rise
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as an artist turned out to be rapid, today she is a laureate of international competitions, and she began to receive first prizes while still a student. at first she should have simply been called a gossip, from nature, but if a person suddenly decided to come for a visit, he was always greeted at the highest level category. abkhazia has a real cult of hospitality. the dishes here exude breathtaking smells, all because,
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in addition to spices, abkhazians still use earthenware, at home, at work, and in restaurants. the taste that a clay frying pan can impart to food cannot be provided by any other material. or cereal. the ethnographic museum of georgiy khitsuryani contains more than 2 thousand exhibits from which one can study abkhaz life and traditions. the founder of the museum made most of the dishes with his own hands. wine jug. always here the wine is cold and lasts a long time. clay mixer, vessel for storing cheese, cheese,
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of course, the abkhazians smoked more in apatkhas, but you don’t always want smoked cheese, they made brine in this clay vessel, stored soluguni cheese, it was stored for a very long time, because the brine and also clay, besides everything else here is a wide assortment of greek, greek ampharas, which were already given to my grandfather by archaeologists when they were doing excavations in pitsunda, great piteund, these are greek ampharas. since the 10th century. unfortunately, not all items are well preserved. archaeologists, who study the great abkhazian wall mainly discover shards. these fragments were found by chance on the property of a local resident. this is where we are now, this is the garden of a local resident who, while cultivating the land, came across... these shards, many of the towers of the great wall survived
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only partially, some completely collapsed or ended up underground, well, it was a completely overgrown tower , both from the outside and from the inside, you can practically see here - that archaeological layer, one might say, yes, the cultural layer that we pulled out, here power, it reaches about...
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encryption, which we do with absolutely all finds, no matter if they are ceramic finds or any other material. thanks to these codes, we establish the depth of the finds and can already draw some conclusions regarding the occurrence of this or that layer and date it accordingly. among the finds there are sometimes fragments of very large pithoi, jugs for storing food, grain, wine, and olive oil. the thickness of the walls of such pithos. sometimes it reaches, as they said in ancient times, four fingers, to simply
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lift such a jug, it would have taken six people, if not more, in the lykhny area, a huge pithos was found, taller than the height of a person, that is, this corporation of these manufacturers could only produce this huge pithos, how much i can estimate, almost more than 2 m high, one of the samples from the settlement of the chimchili region of eastern abkhazia, village. here is the pithos that is presented to you, the settlement, as you know, has a large contingent, large reservoirs are needed, why, because there was the icon army, a huge waste of this water, filled a huge jug with water, very simply: they placed it closer to the mountain where the source was located and made a drain using ceramic pipes inserted into one another, and so that the walls of the pithos were airtight, they were lubricated with wax, then ... it could store water, honey, and,
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of course, wine. perhaps there is not a single religion or nation in the world that could do without a holy cup, a horn, a reton, and, of course, a vessel for wine. in abkhazia, such a vessel is called ahabsha. akhapsha is buried in the earth is filled with wine when the grape harvest ripens, and only a man can do this, and not just a man, but. the eldest in the family, he also opens this vessel during great holidays. in general, all the rituals that we have on the territory of abkhazia, they are all connected with wine, with a clay vessel buried in the ground. well, the ritual is one of the most widespread on the territory of abkhazia, this, of course, on easter day, one of such
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holidays. here you go. here we see, here is a ritual mug hollowed out of walnut, these are the mugs in mostly kept by our prayer workers, here is also an interesting mug of akhmater, here is etor - this is exactly what they drank wine from, also made from walnut, so small, you see how small it is, so we had very long feasts, we mostly drank in mugs like this, this. ..
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during the day and then i already understood that how this is done, how it rises, so that my hands remain in order, so that my fingers are also intact, now we will conduct a master class on creating a national abkhaz dish for sour milk, preparing clay - the most difficult stage. something it is similar to kneading dough, only the clay is heavier, denser and not as pliable. sometimes the process takes several hours. now i more or less place the clay in the center of the circle, i use slippers to give it a shape, and then i can screw the circles in and work with it. when working with clay
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, centering, wheel speed, finger pressure and water are important. if there is too much of it, you won't understand where you have it. clay, where you have it uneven, you should always clean your hands so that you have good contact with the clay so that you can feel how it glides across palms, fingers, when working with clay you may need a wooden scraper, it also comes in metal, they come in different diameters, different sizes, the metal one removes all the unevenness of the clay, as well as all the moisture from the product, and the wooden one can also remove moisture and ... excess clay, but it tastes like what you use. at the moment i am raising the wall, making it the same everywhere, and then later creating it from... our future hoop, we are completing the process of unscrewing our hoop, now we will remove it from
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pottery wheel, for this we need a cutter and a thread, with the help of a thread we cut our product from the clay and put it to dry, we can continue working only after two days, that’s how long it takes for the clay to dry, after that... clean , that is, they give it its final form. using these taps, i determine the thickness of the walls, how much more clay i can remove. now the bowl will dry for another week, there should be no moisture left in the walls, this is already preparation for firing. now we we place the product for firing, this product will go through two stages of firing, the first stage is a close firing, it means that the product will be fired at a temperature of 800. yup, this product has passed the first firing, here is our glaze, now we will glaze our
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product, the glaze should let it dry, it will stand for about five minutes, and after that we put it back for re-firing. our product is ready, they say you can endlessly look at the pouring water and the burning fire, i would also add here a potter’s wheel, which has been spinning more than once millennium, captivating new and new masters with its rotation, which means that the ceramic craft will not disappear, will continue in the future and for it will always be there...
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what should you make from this? asked god. the man examined himself, there were arms and legs, the head was also in place, what else was needed? bring me happiness. god did not answer anything, he only placed the remaining piece of clay in the man’s palm. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my the cat is the most intelligent creature in our family.
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orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform watching. the first podcasts we watch. my planet tv channel presents. magas, capital of ingushetia. the largest bazaar in the republic is located here. you know, i always get nervous when i go to a market in a new city. it seems to me that here there is a real acquaintance with the country, the republic, peoples what they eat, as well as traders, who, by virtue of their profession, are always very sociable. first, let's go get flour for
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flatbreads and dumplings, which are mandatory for the dukh haltam. the name, by the way, is translated like this: dumpling meat. hello, hello, this is your corn flour, made from white corn. made from yellow corn, oh, how is it different? this is white corn, dietary, very tasty flour, we pray every 2-3 days, fresh, tell me, this is the flour, it looks a little darker than yes, it’s fried corn, but you eat it like porridge, dilute it with water, boil it, add butter to it, it’s also a tasty dish, but you can try it, of course you can. eat for your health, um, pretty good,
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it can be used as a quick meal, yes, a quick meal, like porridge, yes. in the morning i poured boiling water on it, ate it with milk, that’s it, i ran to work, and most importantly, everything is natural, everything is natural, we plant it ourselves, grow it, okay, water it, clean it, we do everything ourselves, can i try a little more then, of course, try it, you see , such fast food from ingushetia natural, healthy, and extremely quick to prepare, in ingushetia... flatbread is eaten more often than bread, in many homes they bake it themselves, and the flour should also be homemade, thank you very much, it doesn’t last as long as store-bought, only 2 -3 months, but believe me, the taste is different, the main
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products of the national inguri cuisine are lamb, poultry, wild garlic... necessarily corn, honey and dairy products, cottage cheese. a striking difference between the local market and, say, moscow is the absence of frozen food, that is, none at all, nor meat or poultry. you see, all domestic chickens are self-fed. they are easily distinguished by their yellowish skin. and a certain leanness, a favorite meat, like everywhere else in the caucasus, lamb, oh, i discovered a pavilion with a delicious fat tail, that is, fat tail of lamb. hello, hello, what do you have, is it really a fat tail? my god, well, you know, i
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mostly date raw, but here you have something different, right? we have transparently smoked, usually smoked, what cute fat-tailed neologisms, but can’t you try a piece of sharply smoked, please, after all, we have fat tail fat, if we can get it, they often use it... in cooking, but they don’t eat it as if in its natural form, now let’s try it, you know, it’s very tasty, it reminds me a little, i’m not afraid of this word, salad, forward, one, one...
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it was a glorious battle, guys, great job , thank you, commander. your courageous hands, everything to you again, thank you for your service, thank you, thank you, it’s a pleasure to serve under such leadership, i’m glad to hear it, hey guys, you were for us, thank you, you are our allies, the most the devotees, the most courageous ones, went for certificates, and you already have them, and you already have them, but i don’t have them yet, and i, but i don’t have them, now they’ll give them to me too, i now...
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no longer it’s worth celebrating other people’s, like halloween, we have enough of our own, only having time to celebrate, and this is wonderful, of course, this is not a real battle, this is a funny battle, but these are not the computer games that we play lying on the couch, and also this is a wonderful opportunity to feel if you still have gunpowder in your flask, it seems to me that i still have it, right?
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since this is all done, here, here , here, that’s enough, right? have fun longer and more often, as they do in suzdal, remember that a holiday is life, and life is a holiday, fire, fire!
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the correct diagnosis is insignificant, we will discuss how to achieve them after the news. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zubsik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today.
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tanks, mortars, howitzers, strike aircraft, the crushing successes of our military , the enemy's losses are spreading more and more. regions, temporary accommodation centers for people and monitoring the situation from the air. we recognize a movie scene in donbass, all the roles of anton shagin. today is the actor's anniversary. the military infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed this night in dnepropetrovsk. the strikes were carried out on facilities that were used by nationalists to attack our country. earlier, in the same area, the target was the krivoy rog airfield, from which ukrainian military aircraft took off. the facility was attacked twice over the past 24 hours. the tankers of the center group in the avdeevsky direction caused significant damage to the ukrainian armed forces. the t-72 crew attacked
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nationalist unit from a distance of 5 km. a digital guidance system helped accurately place high-explosive fragmentation ammunition on the target. a cluster of militants was discovered by a drone during aerial reconnaissance. we observed a large concentration of the enemy before the platoon, which was about to attempt a counterattack, caught them in time. they figured it out, gave us the coordinates, two or three shots were enough for the enemy counterattack to stop, and about a platoon of gunmen was hit. a series of preemptive strikes on the territory of ukraine from the border region of the belgorod region carried out by artillerymen and mortarmen. shot, load! d-30 howitzers covered the command post from a camouflaged armored vehicle of reconnaissance saboteurs. the mortar crew operated in rocking mode. guns, in addition to
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the elimination of firing points, we managed to complete several new combat missions. the infantry wanted to come closer to the border, but accordingly we did not allow them to approach. we shoot mainly, well, at a long distance, i mean at the maximum, what the mortar fires, roughly speaking, there is 3 and a half and there up to 3,700, that’s all. near kupinsk army aviation strike group destroyed. a detachment of saboteurs along with equipment. unguided rockets were launched by the k-52 crews. they were accompanied by fire covering groups and search and rescue service specialists on mi-8 and mi-35 helicopters. after completing the task, all vehicles returned to the departure airfield. spring floods have already affected 26 russian regions in the siberian, volga, central and northwestern federal districts, flooding houses, plots, bridges and roads. the most difficult situation is in the altai
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territory, more than 70 people have been evacuated there, almost a third of them are children. temporary accommodation points have been deployed. emergency situations ministry employees are pumping water from flooded areas and monitoring the situation using drones. where necessary, the winter shell is blown up. the river is being destroyed in the amur region, and on their side of the border , rescue services have resorted to the same tactics because the water level in the rivers of the bryansk region is rising, which could threaten a large spill. where there is flooding, rescuers have already set up pantoon boat crossings. the development of the flood is being closely monitored in the tver region, all necessary measures have been taken in case of emergency. russia has requested a meeting of the un security council in connection with israel's strike on an iranian diplomatic facility in syria. the hearing is scheduled for this evening. earlier , tehran demanded an urgent convening of the security council.
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seeks international condemnation of tel aviv's actions. on monday , a high-ranking general of the guard of the islamic revolution, muhammad reza zahedi, and six other military advisers were killed as a result of the tsehal attack. several people were injured. the residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus was almost completely destroyed. iran promised to take a tough response for the liquidation of its military. midrossia strongly condemned israel's actions and emphasized that provocative military actions on the territory of syria and other neighboring countries are dangerous. dangerous consequences throughout the region. residents of tehran went out to protest on monday evening. citizens of poland, australia, ireland and great britain died in the gaza strip as a result of israeli strikes. according to al jazeera, all the victims were international aid workers. organization that delivered food to refugees. they were hit by a drone. the israel defense forces have already reported that they are checking the incident at the highest level. news about the death of foreigners appeared a few days later.
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sandstorms gave way to powerful hailstorms in the deserts of saudi arabia. the usual size of the ice balls will surprise even residents of countries with colder climates who are accustomed to this phenomenon. local motorists are now looking for places to park on a hill; in the lowlands, a car can wash off. today anton shagin celebrates his fortieth anniversary, almost 15 years. the actor enters
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the stage of one of the best domestic theaters , linkom. for the highest achievements in art he was awarded the crystal turandot triumph prize. the viewer repeatedly remembers his reincarnation in the films dudes, demons, going through torment, the little hunchbacked horse, air, call sign passenger. showing an active civic position, he participates in training camps for soldiers, brings help to donbass, visits the wounded and reads to them the elements of his own composition. switch from residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now the news of the capital region in moscow has broken a new daily temperature record. on monday the air warmed up above 21°, today it is even warmer to 22, this is significantly higher than normal, such indicators are recorded in june all because of the invasion of hot
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air from the east-mediterranean, tomorrow it will be necessary clone, the temperature will drop to +15, it will start raining. two cars collided on mkat before the interchange from svoboda street, standing in the middle. machine parts with included emergency signals crashed into another, the impact caused both to turn across the road, traffic in the area of ​​the accident was difficult. in the capital , gas supply systems in almost two thousand houses were updated; specialists installed flexible gas lines made of stainless steel. the shut-off valves were equipped with three degrees of protection. work to repair gas supply systems has been carried out since 2017. about 200 parks in the moscow region will be cleaned up by specialists by the end of april. they will wash and paint the benches, repair the paths and children's playgrounds, and prepare them for the season attractive summer verandas, video surveillance systems will help ensure safety. more details about the event in the capital region, in less than half an hour, all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website,
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see you. discover. a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum, let's go have some coffee. i can’t, i have to go, the premiere is on rtr, the body was found by her husband who committed suicide, she died no more than 3-5 hours ago, chichagova’s death is not suicide, you have 3 days, i think that my colleagues will cope, let’s talk, are you sure that do you want to be with the person who once betrayed you? restless, today on rtr. good morning, hello, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov, morning of russia on the air, now always on the utor
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russia telegram channel, don’t forget to subscribe, but today is april 2, the milk of genetically modified cows can be a salvation for diabetics, it was possible to obtain human insulin from a cow. from brazil. to do this , the researchers changed the animal's dna by inserting human genes into it. a successful experiment promises a real breakthrough in pharmacology. gmo cows are intended to solve the global problem of insulin shortage and its high cost. now it is synthesized from modified bacterial enzymes, which very difficult and costly. and according to the world health organization, more than half a billion people in the world currently suffer from diabetes.
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sometimes dmitry zaitsev figured out why this happens in life. more than 3 million people die from medical errors in the world, mainly due to the wrong dosage and choice of medications, by the way, this is 56% of all cases, this is exactly what kuban resident olga tokreva faced, it all happened back in 2016, when her son was a schoolboy suddenly fell ill, went to the doctor, to our children's to the pediatrician, his temperature was jumping up and down, she told this urgently, one day they called an ambulance for the boy, even in the hospital they could not understand what was wrong with him, at first they treated him for pneumonia, but... all the doctors changed their decision, in the end a diagnosis of open form of pulmonary tuberculosis was made. due to lost time, the child remained disabled. in addition, the whole family, including the youngest, had a mild illness. brother's court hearings lasted several years, dozens of interrogations and examinations, the court still recognized the medical error, but ordered
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payment of only 2000 rubles. elena from almetyevsk is preparing for a new round of legal battles; in the fall of 2018, the woman lost her husband. my husband got sick, we went to a third clinic, we were prescribed treatment, but his condition began to worsen, and then confusion began, then the spouse was assigned to one hospital, then to another, an accurate diagnosis. i didn’t put it, and as a result , the man died from heart problems in intensive care. there were unpleasant words, including from the medical staff, they said, why are you walking, you’re dead, you’re dead. the first court established compensation moral damage in the amount of 120,000 rubles. over all these years, an impressive amount of money has been spent on lawyers, but elena intends to act until the end. now the woman is demanding 10 million rubles in moral compensation from her co-defendants. however, such large payments are rare for russia; in the country there is no methodology for
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determining compensation for moral damage; there is no calculator, no table, or even methodological recommendations for judges. often the court takes into account circumstances indicating that the patient has suffered physical and moral suffering, and this is you must agree that the norms are very vague, and in the law itself there is no such thing as a medical error. in many legislations, for example, in the town planning code , the amount of 3 million rubles is fixed for death due to fault. this would give the research greater objectivity, which would help judges unambiguously identify the guilt of a particular
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doctor, while assigning compensation amounts that are adequate to the punishment. there is something to discuss with our guest, in the studio the chairman of the commission of the russian lawyers association on determining the amount of moral compensation harm, irina fas. hello irina, even if these are not a meager few thousand payments as compensation, even hundreds of thousands. to regulate the amount of payments for medical errors, maybe some kind of methodology,
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a formula for calculating compensation is needed, so that it does not happen that the child remains disabled for life, and then there is a penny payment that will not help in any way, yes, there are two options here, the first option is the systematization of judicial practice of uniformity, that is, when the courts, the courts have a common understanding of how much it is worth human pain and suffering, but today this is not the case; the second option is amendments to the current legislation that allow the use of calculation methods. well, that is, a scale of some kind , a scale for determining compensation, and a scale is just a scale, but what is the likelihood that such a scale will be able to induce medical institutions to resolve such situations in a pre-trial manner? well, the probability is very high, because both the injured patient and the medical institution will know in advance what are they risking, yes, now the medical institution understands that they can get out of court with a compensation of 100,000 rubles, just like in today’s story, but what if they understand? a system
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of professional liability insurance for medical workers, insurance for the patients themselves in a medical institution, when the medical service provider insures the patient, including providing for compensation in case of anything happening, why has it not been implemented, what is slowing down this implementation? i think it's financial. question, because insurance costs money, it is not mandatory yet instructions in the current law for compulsory insurance, accordingly it is voluntary, i know that they have insurance, someone applies for them in some commercial medical institutions, but this is not a widespread practice, it is like insurance, there must be political will, commitment and then after, but the problem would have been solved, but i don’t know if the problem would have been solved, most likely it would have been solved much easier with insurance companies, not 100%, but... the patients would have been in a much easier state, well what else do you see, what might be needed?
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it is normative to change the documents that are generally in this system, so that it is easier for the patient to achieve the truth. in general, we are talking about his health, yes, well, firstly, it is necessary to make unimpeded access to medical documents for the patient, because this is a huge problem, to prove the fact of a medical error, to prove, yes, to prove, medical documents are needed, obtaining medical documents is a huge problem, so you need to make access easy and you need to introduce this scale, criteria for establishing the amount of compensation, then the situation will be resolved mediatively, then... agreements, i think that in 90% of cases, as happens all over the world, but then we will be able to save doctors from the oppression of these professional judges who are sued for everything possible and impossible , trying to shake off moral harm from them? yes, i think so, we talked about the cost of medical errors with the chairman of the commission of the
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russian lawyers association on the issue of determining the amount of compensation for moral damage, irina ifast. thank you. alisa seleznyova will want to find her mother, suddenly mom was shot in the past, maybe the pirates are holding her there, we will see this 100 years in the future, soon! hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel.
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diesel. it is obtained from fats accumulated by oilseeds, such as sunflowers and the same unicellular algae. but today our scientists have figured out how to use entire green microorganisms to produce fuel. we use so -called hydrothermal liquefaction technology. otherwise there is, when we place algae in wet form into a reactor in an environment of water vapor, at high temperature and pressure, the biomass is converted into bio-oil. this is similar to the process of oil formation in the bowels of the earth; in its chemical composition, the substance resembles its natural analogue. all that remains is to distill it, and here we have biogasoline. in the future, scientists say, it will be possible to combine bio-oil with fossil fuels and use this mixture in oil refineries. today , oil workers themselves are working on improving the methodology. they decided
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adapt it so that the extraction and processing of fossil fuels does not harm nature. in the sphere of this closed chamber , an increased concentration of carbon dioxide is maintained; at an optimal temperature , microalgae fix carbon dioxide from the air, and biomass accumulates. in this laboratory, scientists select a community of microalgae that will most actively absorb carbon dioxide, increasing its biomass. at the same time, they must withstand the harmful effects of sulfur oxide and other harmful compounds that can form. gas piston power plants, which oil companies use to generate energy. and next to the site where gas piston power plants are located, we will locate a certain production facility, where there will be a system of phytobiactor batteries, then a hydrothermal
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liquefaction system and then a small unit for the production of biofuels. us to the so -called zero carbon dioxide balance, because when biofuels are burned , the same amount of co2 is released as it was captured from the atmosphere in the process of producing such fuel. well, then a subsidy for housing and communal services in one click. how to get who can count on benefits? more on this soon. titanic deluxe hotel. belek, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is
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the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. holiday exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. for yourself, true perfection, making dreams come true, the kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into
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a fairy tale, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything included except heads, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience, there will be no war this year, and what will norcom kuznetsov tell us about this, we have already... saved the entire fleet to the sailors, soldiers, women and children, thank you abyss, big premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, admiral
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kuznetsov, already on the platform, look, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common, sincere and strong friendship, love white fluffy, i she said, i want a white cat. coming up, oh, you 're good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws, well, so, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, warm up the stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready for all for the sake of your beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, are you in a hurry? guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for
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the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, so that dreams come true, on sunday, i am counting the minutes until evening, when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well, why won’t i? stand in the way of your happiness, please stop, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i will do something, i don’t know what yet, but i will do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr, the difficult past of women’s fashion in a popular video , this fashionista from the usa, surprised her subscribers by dressing up in a mid-19th century dress. which turned out to be slow and difficult. to begin with, on top of the for the undershirt, you need to tighten the corset properly, ensuring that the waist becomes as
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thin as possible. without the help of a maid, strength and dexterity will be required. another fashionable method is to attach a rigid wire frame. he has a petticoat on top, then a skirt , and a blouse with a dozen buttons and attached white puffed sleeves completes the romantic look. 500 rub. my savings. a resident of the krasnodar territory, natalya, calculates her benefits and this money, she can spend on gifts for her grandchildren, save for medicine or necessary purchase. thanks to her status as
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a labor veteran, the pensioner was able to obtain a subsidy for housing and communal services. we must pay all utilities by the 10th, then the payment goes to social security, then they send me a payment through the bank. this kind of cashback can only be obtained if all conditions are met, which are different in each region of russia. in moscow, a refund will be given if the amount in the payment exceeds 10% of the family income. if it is in general. 100,000 rub. the amount with which the subsidy is assigned - 10,000 rub. in st. petersburg, a family can qualify for a subsidy if they spend more than 14% of their income on housing and communal services, in yakutia - 15%, in omsk over 18%. an important point is that there is a limited standard of housing area for which compensation will be calculated, but that’s not all. either homeowners can receive subsidies from us, or tenants who have an official rental agreement can also receive them; you cannot have
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a debt. families, and somewhere they demand a copy of the ownership rights to the apartment, a list of these documents can differ from five certificates there to seventeen, and this is not unified at the federal level, so of course here we also need to move towards uniformity. the subsidy will be awarded for the next six months; after the expiration of the period, you will need to collect the entire package of documents again. now the ministry of truth is proposing to simplify the procedure for the whole country, one electronic
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application on the public service portal will be enough, everything is not... you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today: in the south donetsk direction special operation destroyed a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the fortification was demolished by direct fire
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from t-80 tanks; several accurate hits at once did not leave even a stone on stone from the position of the nationalists. tankers have already hit hundreds of such targets. the main task of the crew is to clear the way for advancing motorized rifles. there can be up to five trips to the front line per day. we work during the day, we work at night, the machine allows us to work at all times and... weather conditions, the last time there was a trip in which we beat off the height, the height was taken, everything went perfectly. armored vehicles and infantry of the vso are successfully knocked out by attack drone units. drones accurately fly into moving vehicles and even camouflaged dugouts. the operators have more than forty tanks, combat vehicles, infantry and vehicles, and about 200 ukrainian militants.
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i have - bradley several - t-72, well , pickups, uh, what else is there, there were no abrams, but i think that there will be no problems, but if it works out, such an opportunity presents itself, then we will destroy the abrams too. tasks became very difficult for the nationalists, even infantry rotations deep in the rear. shock droons penetrate there and disrupt all the plans of the ukrainian armed forces. radicals do not feel safe either day or night. and this is already. the artemovsk direction here , an anti-tank mobile crew managed to destroy the enemy observation post. the fortification was destroyed with grenades, the coordinates were provided by reconnaissance. the nationalists did not have time to hide from the unexpected blow. russia has requested a meeting of the un security council in connection with israel's strike on an iranian diplomatic facility in syria. the hearing is scheduled for this evening. previously
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urgently. tehran demanded the convening of the security council; it is seeking international condemnation of tel aviv’s actions. on monday , a senior iranian revolutionary guard general, mahammad rezzahedi , and six other military advisers were killed in an idf attack. several people were injured. the residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus was almost completely destroyed. iran promised to take a tough response for the liquidation of its military. the russian foreign ministry strongly condemned israel’s actions and emphasized that the provocative military actions in syria. other neighboring countries are fraught with dangerous consequences throughout the region. residents of tehran went out to protest on monday evening. the central office of the investigative committee took control. investigation of the criminal case of a collision between a train and a bus in the yaroslavl region, an accident occurred on monday, seven people were killed, as it turned out, the crossing manager was intoxicated and allowed passenger transport to pass on the way. a few seconds later the bus and train were demolished. driver
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applied emergency braking, but the speed was too high. the north korean military conducted another weapons test this night, and a medium-range ballistic missile was launched. accurate flight parameters. the gate of the fbi office in atlanta was rammed by a car, despite the impact, the barriers, the driver was able to get out of the car, tried to escape, he was detained and taken to the hospital for examination. information. and the motives for entering the closed territory were not disclosed, the sappers examined the car and did not find anything dangerous. an unusual chess tournament took place in tyumen; it seemed too easy for its participants to play several games in the classical style; they
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decided to do it in an ice hole, with 10 minutes allotted for each match. later it turned out that this was an officially registered world record for staying in ice water. it was decided to hold several more of these in the future. residents of tomsk proved that they, too, are accustomed to cold weather and trials; hundreds of participants in the awakening campaign gathered to douse themselves in the icy cold. water. the youngest of them was barely 3 years old, but the oldest was already over 80. for such an occasion, 250 buckets were needed, all the walruses were doused at the same time. further news from the regions: do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now the news of the capital region in moscow has broken a new daily record, on monday the air warmed up above 21°, today it is even warmer to 22. such indicators
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are recorded in june. the cause of the anomaly is the invasion of hot air from the african continent. tomorrow the summer will be replaced by a northern cyclone, temperatures will begin to drop and rain may occur. there will be more by the weekend. the temperature on friday will drop by 15° compared to what was observed yesterday, monday and today into tuesday. night temperatures are around zero -3 +2°, daytime temperatures +5 +6, but this temperature is the climatic norm for the middle of the first quarter of april. cloudiness and precipitation, according to forecasters, will remain until the end. a week. road accident namkat on the inner side of 72 kilometers of the highway before the junction with svoboda street two cars collided. accident recorded by a traffic camera. the footage shows how
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another car crashes into a car standing in the middle of the roadway with its hazard lights on. the impact sent both of them spinning across the road. traffic in the area of ​​the incident was difficult. a criminal case was opened after a nine-year-old girl was injured while completing a quest. services that do not meet security requirements. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, took control of the case. in the kolomna urban district, due to a spill , muscovites closed a floating bridge in the village cherkizova. traffic along the crossing will be opened as soon as the water level drops to a safe level. the municipal administration reminded that divorces are currently closed in kolomna. similar to the bridge. on the leningradsky and kazansky directions of the third central diameter , the train schedule will change. this is due to the fact that from friday to sunday , work on the construction of an interchange will take place at khovrino station. in addition,
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the infrastructure on the section between zelenograd and leningradsky station will be updated. in this regard, some trains will be cancelled, and traffic intervals will be increased to 20 minutes. in moscow, more than twenty ground transport routes near nine mcd-3 stations have been extended. so bus number 70 will go to mosselmash station from t-58 to gorachevskaya of the moscow central diameter. you can get to veshnyaki station by buses t-74 and 703. we are developing the capital’s transport network to provide all residents with access to rail frame stations, as well as important cultural and social facilities. near nine stations the circuits were extended and adjusted movement of buses and electric buses. yes. we added convenient stops to make train transfers even faster. thanks to these changes, it has become even more convenient for residents of the capital to get to the metro station and the mcd. we managed to reduce travel time. bus. in the capital's
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houses, the gas supply system was updated; to ensure resistance to temperature fluctuations and changes in air humidity, gas connections made of stainless steel with a special coating were used. in addition, the shut-off valves are equipped with three degrees of protection so that they didn't open by accident. about 200 parks in the moscow region will be put in order by the end of april, the territories will be prepared according to a single standard, this includes washing and painting park furniture, repairing children's playgrounds , and lighting; attractions and service points are also being prepared for the season; security is monitored by video surveillance systems. glades of blooming snowdrops spread out in the apothecary's garden; spring flowers bloomed in bright colors due to the sudden warming. there are several types of them in the botanical garden: snowdrop vornovo, folded, snowy alpine. most of them bloom in winter, some from early spring to late spring. lilac bushes with swollen
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buds have already been spotted in the parks; new bright green leaves will soon appear on them. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, see you, go today, and the child, i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t with the sleeping. a child on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be long, she’ll take the little brat away, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life reference he doesn’t, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself. we start, he will always help, we will
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train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a saucepan of dumplings, or a frying pan fried potatoes for lard, sleep, this is how a child sleeps? but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, happiness is not i guarantee that your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr.
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good morning everyone, good morning, well, april 2, today, spring continues, the morning of a new day, together with you we meet vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova, we steadily charge you with vigor, share useful information. the 21st century, the era of the internet, everything that excites and worries many is poured out and discussed on the vastness of the world wide web, while, as far as personalities are concerned, the form of statements... is not always correct and harmless. last year according to the requirements of roskomnadzor, resource owners deleted almost 4.00 internet pages containing information discrediting honor and dignity. since the beginning of this year , more than 340 similar materials have been blocked. but unfortunately, removal does not always happen quickly. what are the consequences of delay and whether the situation can be corrected, sergei egorov found out. here the video is edited in such a way that it looks like my image. grunting was imposed, which is certainly offensive, as
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one would expect, the offender evgeniy did not want to delete the post voluntarily, then the woman asked for deletion to the administration of the social network, on whose open spaces the video appeared, but instead of immediately blocking the offensive editing, for some reason they began to torment evgenia with clarifying questions. the correspondence has already been ongoing since february of this year, given that the information and video are still posted, i will go to court. he knows how going to court can turn out. irina from moscow, a person the woman had never encountered before, either in life or in correspondence, for some reason i suspected her of fraud. disagreeing with the sweeping accusation, irina went to court and won. the victory cost 6,000 in legal expenses and 3 months of litigation, during which the post continued to gain views in a popular internet group. and people saw it, because there are more than 80,000 subscribers on this channel. i think that later we will find out what kind of reputational risks i incurred in this case. irina was lucky in many ways, says lawyer valeria rytvina, who has repeatedly participated in
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similar processes. it took 3 months to delete the post only because the defamatory nature of the publication was obvious. if, for example, a woman was compared to an animal or in an impartial manner. literary characters, then one would have to turn to an expert linguist to determine the offensive subtext. if a linguistic conclusion establishes the fact of defamatory information, then it makes sense to go to court. the peculiarity of such a case is that it can drag on for a year, if we also take an appeal, cassation, then two to three years, although in recent years there have been some advances in this field, for example, if the insult contains an accusation of a particular crime, for example, you are openly accused of theft or bribery, then you can remove online statements without going to court. in the twenty-first year, we have a new tool for restoring the rights of victims. if information disseminated online is associated with a person being accused of committing a crime, then there is an extrajudicial procedure for blocking this data. in in this case, the citizen can contact
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the prosecutor's office. this deletion procedure is faster in razz, but it does not solve the most important problem; the offensive entry will remain until the end of the proceedings. the internet is acquiring more and more new audiences, it is necessary to introduce preliminary measures that will allow an ordinary person, having filed a petition in court before the start of the trial, to temporarily block this information to protect his reputation until a court decision is made. in this case, it would be logical to immediately outline a list of the most common words that can be classified as defamatory, so that in order to remove even the most banal insults , a citizen does not have to waste time and money on contacting . it took experts a lot of time to come to the conclusion about excluding the subject of social studies from the curriculum for sixth to eighth grades. the ministry of education proposes from september 1 , 2025 to leave only one hour a week in the ninth-tenth grade, and the curriculum of the eleventh grade is unchanged, two lessons a week, and due to this, add study
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stories. let's discuss this initiative in the studio of the head of the department of history teaching methods. well, you know, as soon as the project was published, it began to be very actively discussed in the teaching community, in the parent community, the thing is that changes are long overdue, and it seems to me that children have changed, and today they are asking the question, not why, but why, meaning formation, why do i need so
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much theory in the seventh, eighth grade, if i don’t assimilate it, i don’t understand it. the project has been published. i think we need to make a program, test it, discuss more once, see if the number of hours in the ninth grade is enough, maybe add an extra hour in the tenth grade, then, as it were , build the whole further line, the children think why do we need so much theory on this subject, but nevertheless choose social studies for unified state examination, why? well, because the unified state exam is...
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but this will also depend on the authors of the textbook, it will be studied for 3 years as a kind of propaedetic course and a course that will introduce you to the region in... textbooks will still change or this developed adopted one, well, i think that they will be supplemented, of course, they will be changed in the direction of improvement, and the methodological school programs in these subjects will be revised, of course, i think so, and the programs will also be here, as it were, slightly to change a little, to be supplemented, to expand, this is a single complex, and then we will talk about the unified state exam, but...
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years ago, an actor disappeared from the cinema, we found a tv series star, god apparently wanted me to stay on this planet, the tragic story of the interrupted career of a star of the 2000s, under whose influence yuri shibanov is, why fans are sure that he urgently needs to be saved. malakhov, today at 16:30 on the russia channel. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. the annual marathon
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of digital departments has started in russia. it is supported by the national digital economy project and covers universities from all federal districts of the country. as part of a large-scale event , teachers, business representatives will share successful it practices, students digital departments will present their projects developed for the real sector of the economy. there is also a hexagon, yes, the last screws and android are assembled, students of the baltic federal university are preparing their brainchild, a universal robot, for presentation, the essence of the project is to launch some kind of machine that will perform certain functions, read some map of the area, draw it in 3d form, the processor installed inside analyzes the received data and decides what to do in this or that otherwise. anastasia wrote smart algorithms under the guidance of a scientific mentor.
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this academic year, we have 1,378 students studying in digital departments from all thirteen higher schools of the university. they are just acquiring, so to speak, the competencies they lack, well, just related to numbers. you can enroll starting from the second year. the parallel training itself at these departments lasts from 9 to 12 months, with special emphasis on learning programming languages ​​and artificial intelligence algorithms. at the end students receive a retraining diploma. now digital departments have already been opened in 119 russian universities, and training is completely free. the project, which was initiated by a team, including the napolis university team with the support of the russian ministry of digital development, the russian ministry of science, respectively, and the leading universities, has the task of consolidating. there are experienced
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mentors throughout the country, as such there is no selection of students for these courses, the main thing is the desire to learn new things. however, at the siberian federal university they thought about testing when enrolling in digital departments. there is a lot of excitement among the candidates. we started in the twenty-second year, this is the first year of the project with only four programs. now we have 13 programs, we will have 21 programs, everything is clear here, how many, how often, what muscle groups are exercises designed for, the program itself will select the optimal loads, surprisingly, this mobile application for sports was developed by a humanities student, this project is not only how will i perform my thesis, but basically as my portfolio, so that in the future when i got a job in a company, i could show that i not only have theoretical knowledge, but that i can practically do all the projects that students do. an expert commission will evaluate whether to implement it; this is the second part of the marathon of digital departments. at the first stage, all participants completed various tasks and prepared their
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presentation. the best developments will be named in the finals in may this year. in total, thanks to the national project digital economy , more than 250 thousand people have been enrolled in digital departments since 2022. 65.00 already completed education. more than 9,000 students are expected by 2030. will be able to receive additional it qualifications free of charge in parallel with basic training. irrepressible, restless in previous episodes, your honor, i ask that these photographs be included in the case, zoya neupokoeva is a brilliant lawyer, we are planning to file a complaint, her career is rapidly rising, a beautiful car, yours, how many years have passed, but her personal life remains stagnant , and will you ever marry me, how can i tell you, i worked for roman for 7 years, the company
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belongs to him, i have... nothing at all. zoya decides to join the investigative committee. you are an investigator. hurray, and show your indomitable temper there. now we know exactly what to look for. you have 3 days. go. untamed, restless. i miss. we'll watch the continuation today. on rtr. lo garages, shift resources, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into
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an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. wow, plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i adore plants, i'm generally a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams become reality. how? look. let me into your home. big changes. we'll watch it on the weekend, well, i liked it, it's zavyalov, our host. why are not you sleeping? what
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are you afraid of? i'm afraid to wake up. make some coffee, hello, are you stupid or what? i'll have to fire you. actually, i don't work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, this is generally incomprehensible. nothing, i'm still hurt. or a princess? who will the prince choose? did you love her? yes, most likely not. and do you love me? pegasus wings. on saturday. on rtr. capture the imagination of your friends and acquaintances so that they will be taken away by where and how you vacationed. and the photo 9:12 with a naive caption as a keepsake is clearly not suitable here. we have to invent new ways and methods.
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these strange people running around with phones in their hands are filipino photographers. with its movements, which resemble the flight of a bumblebee, they simulate shooting from a quadcopter. tourists are delighted, unforgettable shots on social networks, a hard coin in the photographer’s pocket. the kurzh spit is also waiting for guests, including migratory ones. ornithologists from kaliningrad and st. petersburg plan to study the migration of birds through this area. the feathered tourists will be photographed, ringed and released. a fisherman at the field camp of the biological station. collection: scientists from st. petersburg and kaliningrad are stretching a huge network area. soon they will turn into traps for migratory birds. traps made from fishing nets like a trawl. the upper edge reaches the tops of the pine trees. the main object of scientists lives at this altitude. large birds like storks and geese rarely fall into such traps, because they fly high in the clouds, while small finches
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and blackbirds fly from branch to branch. are very likely to end up in the networks of ornithologists. straightening networks is physically difficult work; people, regardless of academic degrees and titles, are harnessed to ropes and temporarily become barge haulers. one, two, one, two, here, just all the staff of the station plus volunteers, and from the zoological institute, our colleagues came as volunteers to help us set traps, that is, this is always the case, this is a whole big event. a place for catching birds has been selected. in 1950, selected in 1957 on a german base , the migratory route of birds passes through the kursk spit, traps are aimed at the northeast and southwest. sides and southwest sides of the world, they coincide with the movement of most birds. every year scientists from the academy conduct research on kos sciences of russia. long-term monitoring of the timing and number of birds is carried out here; this is
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one of the longest standardized series in the world. during the spring-autumn season, scientists catch about 100,000 birds, from storage chambers, captive birds are delivered to the carnithologist’s house in it and you watch the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. tanks, mortars, howitzers
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, strike aircraft, crushing successes of our military, losses of the enemy. the floods are getting worse, floods are already in 26 regions, points temporary accommodation for people and monitoring the situation from the air. we recognize on stage, in cinema in donbass, all the roles of anton shagin, today is the actor’s anniversary. the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine was destroyed this night in dnepropetrovsk, attacks were carried out on facilities that were used by nationalists to attack our country. earlier in the same area, tanks of the group ts nadeevsky control. crew. 72 attacked a nationalist unit from a distance of 5 km, a digital guidance system helped accurately place high-explosive fragmentation ammunition on the target, a cluster of militants during aerial reconnaissance was discovered by an orlan 30 drone, an
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orlan 30 drone, a concentration of the enemy before a platoon that was about to attempt a counterattack, they were identified in time, they gave us coordinates, two or three shots were enough, two or three shots. so that this counterattack punctures the platoon of manpower. a series of preemptive strikes on the territory of ukraine from the border area of ​​the belgorod regional district of the belgorod region was carried out by artillerymen and mortarmen. charge! galbitsy d-30s covered the command post camouflaged armored vehicles of saboteurs and scouts. the mortar crew operated in pumping gun mode. in addition to the elimination of firing points.
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aviation, an army aviation strike group near kupinsk, an army strike group destroyed a detachment of saboteurs along with their equipment. unguided missiles were launched by the crew and k-52, they were accompanied by fire covering groups and search and rescue service specialists on mi-8 and mi-35 helicopters. after completing the task, all vehicles returned to the departure airfield. spring floods have already affected 26 russian regions in in the siberian, volga, central and northwestern federal districts , houses and plots were sunk, the situation in the altai territory was difficult, more than 70 people were evacuated there. temporary accommodation centers have been deployed, emergency situations ministry employees are pumping out water from flooded areas, monitoring the situation with the help of drones, and blowing up the winter shell where necessary. ice is being destroyed in the amur region, and
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from their side of the border, the rescue services of the prc have resorted to the same tactics. growing water level in the rivers of the bryansk region, which may threaten large spills there. where flooding is observed, rescuers have already set up pontoon boat crossings. the development of the flood is being closely monitored in the tver region, and all necessary measures have been taken in case of an emergency. russia has requested a meeting of the un security council in connection with israel's strike on an iranian diplomatic facility in syria. the hearing is scheduled for this evening. earlier, an urgent convening of the security council demanded that tehran seek international condemnation of tel aviv's actions. on monday at as a result of the tsehal attack, high- ranking officials were killed. guard of the islamic revolution mahammeradi and six other military advisers. several people were injured. the iranian ambassador in damascus was almost completely destroyed. they promised in iran.
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citizens of poland, australia, ireland and great britain died in the gaza strip as a result of israeli strikes. according to al jazeera, all the victims were employees of an international humanitarian organization that was delivering food. refugee, they were hit by a drone. in the israeli defense forces have already reported that they are reviewing the incident at the highest level. news of the foreign deaths came hours after the end of a two-week operation at the palestinian ashifa hospital. according to tsehaltam, there were many terrorists, but the world health organization said that while the hospital was controlled by israeli soldiers, dozens of patients died there. even the white house became interested in these messages. the american administration has been trying in recent weeks. abnormal
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weather disasters in the deserts of saudi arabia arabia, the usual sandstorms have been replaced by powerful downpours and hail, and the size of the ice balls will surprise even residents of countries with colder climates who are accustomed to this phenomenon. local motorists are now looking for places on a hill and in the lowlands to park their cars. may wash off. today anton shagin celebrates his fortieth anniversary. for almost 15 years, the actor has been appearing on the stage of one of the best domestic theaters, lenkom. for the highest achievements in art he was awarded the crystal turandot and the triumph prize. the viewer remembers his reincarnation in films dudes, demons, suffering, little horse, air, call sign passenger. showing an active civic position, he participates in training camps for soldiers, brings help to... comes to the wounded and reads to them
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poems from his own composition, with light he goes into the forest, then regional news: do not switch with the residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news about the capital region in moscow has broken a new daily temperature record. on monday the air warmed above 21°. it's even warmer today. up to 22, that's significant above normal, such indicators are observed in june, all due to the invasion of hot air from the eastern mediterranean. tomorrow a cyclone will arrive, the temperature will drop to +15 and the rain will begin. two cars collided on mkat before the svoboda street interchange; another car with its hazard lights on crashed into a car standing in the middle of the roadway. the impact sent both of them spinning across the road. traffic in the area of ​​the accident was difficult. systems have been updated in the capital. supply in almost 2
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houses, specialists installed flexible gas stainless steel connections, shut-off valves equipped with three degrees of protection. work to repair gas supply systems has been carried out since 2017. about 200 parks in the moscow region will be put in order by the end of april. specialists will wash and paint benches, repair paths and children's playgrounds. attractive summer verandas will also be prepared for the season. video surveillance systems will help ensure security. we will tell you more about what is happening in the capital region in less than half an hour; all news is always available on the media platform look in the app or on the website, see you.
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let's go have some coffee, i can't, i have to go, the premiere is on rtr, the body was found by her husband who committed suicide and she died no more than 3-5 hours ago.
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today on rtr, hello, good morning, well, wake up, recharge, get ready, some for work, some for study, and spend your morning time with us, then you are guaranteed a boost of energy, in the morning of russia studio, today vladislav zavyalov and vera krasov. time is an unusually long thing, as mayakovsky said, and as he foresaw, in the usa it is about to will launch a monumental clock, millennia, practically the meaning in the new billionaire's toy, in the new toy of the billionaire jeff, you still need to look, invested in
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a bunch of giant gears, pendulums of springs, pendulums of springs, as if a pie is starting, according to the video it will soon finish, the clock will tick only once every ... year, the movement of the hands can be seen once every 100 years, and the cuckoo will crow once every millennium, but it seems that the chronometer plans to outlive humanity itself, yes, but this is not certain, the average life expectancy is growing in russia, it is almost 73.5 years old, and this is good news, the bad news is that approximately every fourth elderly person is lonely, how society and the state solve the problem, oksana sirova looked into it, handkerchiefs. if you fix it, then you won’t get a price, of course, they’ll fix it, and they’ll also clear the snow and talk about life. student volunteers come to nina fedorovna not for the first time, and for her it’s always a joy; she can’t do everything herself , and there’s no one in particular to help , the help of young timurovites could not have been better, by the way, they helped pere,
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they helped rearrange the yard, laid it out, well done, but especially the snow, snow all winter, grandma, snow all winter, grandma and grandpa, whatever they ask, we help, there’s snow. we chop wood, and so on, and sometimes we clean houses. volunteers make similar visits of assistance to pensioners of surgut, pensioners of surgut. how are you doing? thank you, how are you? participation and a kind word for lonely elderly people is no less important than food, medicine, help with household chores, and they have someone to talk to, the younger generation, we are pleased really listen. and even when physical volunteers are not nearby, older people have the opportunity to write to them about their needs through a special chat bot and master instant messengers. there are no grandchildren, so it especially warms their souls to hear a touching message from my grandchildren by correspondence, i wished them happiness, health, so that they could live for a long time, i
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drew flowers, daisies and telepans, we need to write such letters so that older people do not feel sad. and if they are sad, there will be less good in the world. even children understand the scale of the problem. today lives in russia about 10 million single grandparents. the fact that public organizations and volunteers are trying to help them is priceless, experts say, but their resources are certainly not enough. fortunately , there is also serious progress at the state level; the long-term care system has started working. if before this, until the twenty-fourth year, these were pilot regions, then from this year such long-term care for the elderly will be provided. those in need will come to all cities for people with disabilities. the essence of the new system is regular social medical assistance for pensioners, and it is planned that older people will not even have to ask for it, they will offer it themselves and give everything, as it was written by one classic. now a proactive
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position is being practiced, when social protection authorities independently find out whether a person has relatives, through neighbors, through those who are in contact with him and get in touch. true, of course, in practice, not everything is so rosy, until help gets to... experts emphasize that every lonely person, which means that for a pensioner, they may not wait for her there, you can’t stop there, the problem definitely requires additional solutions, but older people in families and even those surrounded by the care and attention of loved ones have a problem with the rights in relation to their own grandchildren, in cheboksary the guardianship authorities forbade leaving children under the supervision of their grandparents, so strange the order was received by the heads of kindergartens and schools,
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under the supervision of grandparents during the day there or at some time now. now it's almost leaving you in danger, well firstly, the situation in which we live has changed, yes, that is, our law, the family code was written in the nineties, and for some reason it did not take into account the specifics of russian families, namely the fact that the older generation takes a very active part in education their grandchildren, and what is written there that grandparents, siblings can only communicate, yeah, and no others...
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including stay and physical unlimited amount of time with close
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relatives included in the concept of family, and this it’s our mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, grandmothers, grandfathers and adult brothers and sisters, that is, they can stay with them for an unlimited time, take them to swimming pools, that is, to schools, and so on, if everyone has the same, absolutely identical rights, then how can parents now cope with the rage.
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at 23:30 on the russia channel to fly
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from moscow to almaty in a couple of hours, in three, as it used to be, from new york to paris, modern engineers do not give up attempts to return supersonic passenger aircraft to the sky, a prototype of one of them was recently lifted into the air mahawa desert in california, practiced takeoff and landing skills. so far the prototype accelerates to 440 km/h. in the future, when the plane passes. sound barrier, it is only slightly inferior in speed to the legendary concorde. the franco-british airliner flew at a speed of 2,300 km/h. quickly, but for those who prefer cars, we have ivan zenkevich, he has his eye on updated versions of compact crossovers, they can already be found in car dealerships. subcompact crossovers are one of the most popular products in today's car market. small, but tall and practical cars are in demand. so it’s not surprising that new products are rolled out almost monthly. let's compare three subcompact
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crossovers officially presented in russia. let's start with chery tiga 4 pro and its updated version. the base comes with a 1.5 liter naturally aspirated engine with a capacity of 113 horsepower. front drive gearbox-variator, ground clearance - 190 mm, trunk volume - 340 l. the starting version will have led lights, keyless entry, rear parking sensors plus a camera. heating kit for air conditioning, recommended price from 2,420 thousand rubles. a this is the kaliningrad kaya x3 pro, under the hood it has a one and a half liter turbo engine with power. 147 horsepower, front-wheel drive, gearbox, variator, ground clearance 190 mm, luggage compartment volume 360 ​​liters, the only equipment includes keyless entry, parking sensors plus all-round cameras, heated washer nozzles, steering wheel for all seats, air conditioning, price starts from 2,515 rubles . and finally,
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the updated jilly coolray, engine 1, one and a half liter inflatable. 147 horsepower, front-wheel drive seven-speed robot, ground clearance - 180 mm, trunk volume 330 l. the starting configuration will include remote start, led optics, rear parking sensors plus a camera, heated windshield, injectors, steering wheel for all seats, climate control, price from 2,610,000 rubles. so, the updated tiga 4 pro differs from the current version, except that the interior is offered right away. mid-spec, those for whom naturally aspirated engines are not enough can pay extra for a modification with a turbo engine, it will still cost a little less than the kai x3 pro, which is strange, considering not only the localization, but the close technical relationship of both models. but the updated coolray has already firmly established itself in the market, although the price tag is higher than its competitors. but the previous turbo-three
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was replaced with a more reliable four-cylinder engine. one way or another, all models have a hard time ahead. competitive struggle, given that these are not the only players in the market, new rivals are expected, we will follow the news. and further, ivan muromets is not confused with ilya. and who are the new naughty ones, news in a few minutes film market, don’t switch. 65 years ago you came to the maikovsky theater. and you still serve in it. i realized that if i take me. it's forever. svetlana nemalyaeva. loyalty is like talent. did your heart also tell you something about lazarev? we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly. all this was said in my heart at once. in an office romance. i didn’t always feel sorry for you; in fact, you are a homewrecker. i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his
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family. she just plunged into romance the world of your youth. for that. you couldn’t blame her, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, here’s shurka, it’s just some kind of... that happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, happy birthday to you, blow it out. on saturday, after graduation, you fly to italy, and i’ll finish my business here and join you, if only you knew where you’ll lose, dad, dad, little darling, if you knew where you’ll find it, i’m here for you
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business proposal, van, you already have flowers from fans, you actually loved him, mom, right? from now on in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we’ve only known each other for a few days, it’s not enough, life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small? well, in general , i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant?
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science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes? once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on sunday on rtr, narrower, we’re missing some courage, huh? premiere on rtr, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, what? drinking champagne with my husband, this is one, andrei chernyshov, why out of the blue you have ruined my whole life, alexander
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mikhailov, she found herself in a difficult situation, she urgently needs a job, you just tell me what, where, what, marat basharov, he regretted one thing, you order, i’ll fire you today, roman madyanov, increase your salary, i’ll already. alla ordered a taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me from april 8th on rtr, the old streets of kyoto bloomed with bright silk kimanos, around the city, here and there beautiful geishas flash with their little students, exactly like 150 years ago, when the city first held the miyaka o dora festival. this is a performance with exquisite dances, songs and theatrical
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performances. this year's theme is the tale of the handsome prince genzi, a popular hero from japanese mythology. there are four performances a day. in the entire history of the holiday, they have never repeated themselves. one dance turns into another, merging into a leisurely story, where every movement, even seemingly careless ones, is perfected. gesture, very beautiful, there is something to see in moscow. domestic film producers presented films that will appear on big screens this year. viewers will be treated to exciting journeys and encounters with their favorite characters. old heroes return to the screen with new switches. the creators of the hit naughty this year offer viewers a continuation of the story about re-education, but now it will turn in a different direction. now we have a story about a family. our children are homeless.
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you can experience the emotional swing of the film the naughty ones in cinemas from june 6th; at the end of summer, viewers will have another long-awaited premiere. good morning, whoops, what are you doing? let's learn to fly! the legendary animated franchise about the adventures of luntik has finally been expanded. before the full-length film, this time the cute alien will go on a big space adventure. luntik, let me remind you, he fell to the ground from the moon, his mother remained on
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the moon, and now luntik, together with his friends, of course, needs to get to the top of the black mountain. the path to it, of course, lies through difficulties and trials, and the cartoon characters will overcome them to the delight of young viewers. another film premiere, a heroic one, will not do without exploits. and there are no equals. not by courage, not by dexterity, not by strength, not by modesty. finist is the first hero, the work of dmitry dichenko, which will appear on screens on the first day of next year. the film expands the universe of the fabulous belogorye. the daring hero, finist yasny falcon, sets off on a journey to the east. this is what happened 50 years before ivan murons was born. this is a large-scale film, which, as we say, we have never shot inside our studio before. will consist of new characters and old acquaintances, for example, young woman iga, played by yulia peresilt. in general, the movie year promises to be rich in colorful travel; the best way to watch the adventures of your favorite characters is,
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of course, with the whole family. well, then the price of processing errors. why compensation for an incorrect diagnosis is insignificant, we will discuss how to achieve it after the news. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation , a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the fortification was demolished by direct fire by tanks t-80, several accurate hits at once left no stone unturned from the position of the nationalists. tankers have already hit hundreds of such targets. the main task of the crew is to clear the way for advancing motorized rifles; there can be up to five trips to the front line per day. we work during the day, we work
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at night, the car allows it. work at all times and weather conditions, the last time there was a trip in which we recaptured the height, the height was taken, everything went perfectly, the armored vehicles and infantry of the ukrainian armed forces were successfully knocked out by attack drone units and drones they accurately fly into moving vehicles, even camouflaged dugouts; the operators count more than forty tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, cars, and about 200 ukrainian militants.
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the fortification was destroyed with grenades, the coordinates were provided by reconnaissance, but the nationalists did not have time to escape from the unexpected attack. russia has requested a meeting of the un security council in connection with israel's strike on an iranian diplomatic facility in syria. scheduled for this evening, previously an urgent convening of the security council demanded that tehran seek international condemnation of tel aviv’s actions. on monday, tsehal's attack killed top iranian revolutionary guard general mohammad reza zehidi and six other military advisers. several people were injured. the residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus was almost completely destroyed. iran promised to take a tough response for the liquidation of its military.
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the russian foreign ministry strongly condemned it. israel's actions and emphasized that provocative military actions in syria and other neighboring countries are fraught with dangerous consequences throughout the region. residents of tehran in monday evening they went out to protest. the central office of the investigative committee took control of the investigation into the criminal case of a collision between a train and a bus in the yaroslavl region. the accident occurred on monday, killing seven people. as it turned out, the crossing manager was intoxicated and allowed passenger transport to pass on the way. a few seconds later the bus was demolished by the train. the driver applied the emergency brake, but the speed was too high. the north korean military conducted regular weapons tests this night. tests. a medium-range ballistic missile was launched. the exact flight parameters are not reported, but according to the japanese country, the carrier covered about 650 km at a maximum altitude of 100 km. this is
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north korea's third ballistic missile test this year. previously pyongyang. checked ammunition with a hypersonic warhead. the gate of the fbi office in atlanta was rammed by a car. despite hitting the barrier, the driver was able to get out of the car and tried to escape. he was detained and taken to hospital examination. information about the motives for entering the closed area has not been disclosed. sappers examined the car and found nothing dangerous. an unusual chess tournament took place in tyumen; several games were played. in the classical style it seemed too simple for its participants and organizers, they decided to do it in an ice hole. each fight was allotted 10 minutes. later it turned out that this was an officially registered world record for staying in ice water. it has been decided to hold several more such tournaments in the future. residents of tomsk proved that they are also accustomed to cold and hardships. hundreds of participants in the awakening rally gathered to douse themselves with ice water. the youngest of them
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was barely 3 years old, here he is. for such an occasion, 250 buckets were needed, everyone was doused , don’t switch to the residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. walruses at the same time. next, regional news. now news from the capital region: a new daily record has been broken in moscow. on monday the air warmed above 21°. today weather forecasters promise it will be even warmer. cause of anomaly invasion of hot air from the african continent. our correspondent artyom kuznetsov knows the detailed weather forecast. he communicates directly with the studio. artyom, hello, how long will the warming last? nikolay,
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good morning, but... we’ll tell you how long the warming will last a little later, now i can say that in moscow it’s not spring-like hot, despite the fact that on the calendar on april 2 i’m standing in a sleeveless vest, it ’s about comfortable. +10, the sun has come out, it is warming, but about frosts for now, and the most important thing is that during the day the air will warm up to +20, but about we shouldn’t forget about frosty weather just yet, weather forecasters say. tomorrow the weather will be very warm, but cloudy with light rain and, most importantly, windy. thursday is also no longer a light rain on friday, the weekend, as temperatures overnight are close to freezing. precipitation and light wet snow are forecast, many have already put their winter jackets away in their wardrobes, but by the end of the week they may still come in handy, just like umbrellas, the weekend promises rain, but if we talk about today, the weather has
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every chance of breaking the temperature record of 1951 year, then meteorologists recorded +17.5° c, and of course in such weather you want to go for a walk, the capital’s cafes and restaurants have already opened. coffee in the fresh air is really possible under the rays of the summer veranda, have lunch or drink a cup of sun, in fact, the rays today are promised to be cloudy with clearings, so you can recharge yourself in the morning not only with a good mood, but also with vitamin d on the way to work. nikolay, thank you, charged with a good mood, our correspondent artyom kuznetsov spoke about the weather for the coming week. other topics namkat road accident on the inside 72 kilometers of highway before the interchange. and freedom two cars collided. the accident was recorded by a traffic camera. the footage shows how another car with its hazard lights on crashes into a car standing in the middle of the roadway. the impact sent both of them spinning across the road. traffic in the area of ​​the incident was difficult.
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the traffic management center now estimates the congestion of the capital's highways at zero points on svobodno streets due to road work, difficulties with namkat from lipetskaya street to the south-eastern chord. they're driving slowly yaroslavskaya. highway from kholmogorskaya street and highway of enthusiasts from first vladimirskaya towards the center. in the capital, they have begun to renovate the kadashovskaya embankment, as sergei sobyanin said, upon completion of the work there will be a single walking route along the moscow river from balchug to vorobyovy gory, with a length of 20 km. specialists will widen the sidewalks, install dozens of benches and renovate the roadway. lanterns will be installed along the river, trees will be planted, and buildings will be decorated with artistic lighting. also. year a new pedestrian bridge will be ready across a drainage canal that will connect the spit of balchuk island and the krymskaya embankment. a criminal case was opened after a nine-year-old girl was injured while completing a quest; the child was hospitalized after falling into an open
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niche in one of the shopping centers on aftozavodskaya street. the incident is being investigated under the article on the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrekin, took control of the case. on the leningrad and kazan directions of the third central diameter, the train schedule will change. this is due to the fact that from friday to sunday, work on the construction of an interchange will take place at the khovrina station. in addition, the infrastructure on the section between zelenograd and leningradsky station will be updated. in this regard, some trains will be canceled and the service interval will increase to 20 minutes. all news is always available on the media platform. look in the application on the website, see you. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional
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service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the eternal world. elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, allow yourself a first-class holiday with luxury, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves, lio-rezards, we are here for you. rest is leaving yourself alone.
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rest means not thinking about anything. when you calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. good morning, hello, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov, morning of russia is on the air, now always on the utor russia telegram channel, don’t forget to subscribe, well, today is april 2, the milk of genetically modified cows can be a salvation for diabetics, get human insulin from a cow scientists from brazil succeeded, so the researchers changed it. animal by inserting human genes into it. a successful experiment
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promises a real breakthrough in pharmacology. gmo cows are called upon to solve the global problem of insulin shortage and its high cost. now it is synthesized from modified enzymes and bacteria, which is very difficult and costly, and according to the world health organization, more than half a billion people in the world currently suffer from diabetes in the fiftieth year, this number can reach. a person is mainly due to the wrong dosage and choice of medications, by the way, this is 56% of all
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cases. this is exactly what kuban resident olga tokreeva faced. it all happened back in 2016, when her schoolboy son suddenly fell ill. we went to see a doctor, our children's pediatrician, he had such a fever, it was jumping, she said it was a viral infection. one day an ambulance was called for the boy; even in the hospital they could not understand what was wrong with him. at first he was treated for pneumonia, but then the doctors changed their decision. finally delivered. the diagnosis was the collapse of the lungs, an open form of tuberculosis. due to lost time, the child remained disabled. in addition, the whole family, including his younger brother, suffered from mild illness. the court hearings lasted several years, dozens of interrogations and examinations. the court still recognized the medical error, but ordered a payment of only 200,000 rubles. elena from almetyevsk is preparing for a new round of legal battles. in the fall of 2018, a woman lost her husband. my husband got sick, we went to a third clinic. we were assigned. treatment, that’s it, but his condition began to worsen, and then
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confusion began, then the wife was sent to one hospital, then to another, no one made an exact diagnosis, as a result the man died from heart problems in intensive care, there were unpleasant words, including and from medical staff, they said, why are you walking, he died, he died, the first court established compensation for moral damage in the amount of 120 thousand rubles. over all these years, an impressive amount of money has been spent on lawyers, but elena intends to act until the end. now the woman is demanding 10 million rubles in moral compensation from her co-defendants. however, such large payments are rare for russia. there is no methodology in the country for determining compensation for moral damage. there is no calculator, no table, or even guidelines for judges. often the court takes into account the circumstances indicating the infliction of physical and moral suffering on the patient, and these, you see, are very vague standards. and in law itself there is no such thing as a medical error. in many legislations,
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for example, in the gas construction code , the amount of 3 million rubles is fixed. for death due to the fault of the owner of the building, the court decision is already being drawn up to these amounts. however, this is ideal. in practice, the guilt of this or that doctor still needs to be proven and a medical examination should shed light. medical examination today, which is subordinated to the ministry of health of the constituent entity of the russian federation, the ministry of health, in general, it is probably not what patients expect. meets the need, demands for independence and objectivity. there are opinions that the judge's examination should be reassigned from the ministry of health to the ministry of justice. this would give the research greater objectivity, which would help judges clearly identify the guilt of a particular doctor, while assigning compensation amounts that are adequate to the punishment. there is something to discuss with our guest in the studio chairman of the commission of the russian lawyers association on determining the amount of compensation for moral turpitude. irina, hello, irina, even if it’s not
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a meager few thousand payments as compensation, hundreds, thousands, even billions, it doesn’t matter when it comes to people’s health and lives, it’s insignificant, why it’s impossible to even understand what amount will be determined when the court assigns these compensations, why is there no such calculation method yet, but we have been discussing this for many years, our law is structured in such a way that it is determined only by the court, taking into account requirements. some kind of methodology, a formula for calculating compensation, so that it doesn’t happen that the child remains disabled for life, and there is a penny payment that will not help in any way, yes, there are two options here, the first option is the systematization of judicial practice of uniformity, that is when the courts, the courts have a general understanding of how much human pain and suffering is worth, but today this is not the case, the second option
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is amendments to the current legislation that allow the use of calculated methods, well, that is, a scale of some kind , a scale for determining compensation. yes, a scale, just a scale, and what is the likelihood that such a scale will be able to induce medical institutions to solve a similar situation in a pre-trial manner, but the probability is very high, because both the patient and the medical institution will know in advance what they are risking, yes , now medical institutions understand that they can leave the court with compensation of 100,000 rubles, just like in today’s story, and if they understand that the compensation there will be 3.5 million, 10. then for them it will make sense to negotiate and the motivation to negotiate with the patient in order to avoid costs, the system of professional liability insurance for medical workers, insurance of the patients themselves in a medical institution, when the medical service provider insures the patient in including provision for payment
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of compensation if something happens, why has it not been implemented, what is slowing down this implementation? i think it's a financial issue because insurance doesn't cost money yet... well, as you see, what may be, it is necessary to normatively change the documents, what is in this system in general, to make it easier for the patient to get the truth, in general, we are talking about his health. yes, well, firstly, you need to make unimpeded access to medical documents for the patient, because this is a huge problem, to prove the fact of a medical
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error, to prove, yes, to prove you need medical documents, obtaining medical documents is a huge problem, so you need to make access easy . we spoke with the chairman of the commission association of lawyers of russia on the issues of determining the amount of compensation for moral damage irinofast. what are you doing here? you remember that there are weekends, right? you and i don’t have the kind of relationship to show up like that. it's a pity. the indomitable
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restlessness, premiere. today at 21:20. amazing people, amazing seventh season. those achievements that... algae can save humanity from the greenhouse effect and provide high-quality fuel , but you just need to know how to handle them, scientists say, this topic andrei negru will continue. now you and i will witness an unusual race, this car is filled with unusual gasoline, and biofuel, obtained from microalgae, if you believe the chemists on the behavior of the engine. it will not be reflected. typically, when we talk about biofuels, we mean biodiesel. it is obtained from fats accumulated in oilseeds, such as sunflowers and the same unicellular algae. but today our scientists have figured out how to use entire green microorganisms to obtain fuel. we use so-called
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hydrothermal liquefaction technology. that is, when we place wet algae in a reactor and... in an environment of water vapor, at high temperature and pressure, biomass is converted into bio-oil, this is similar to the process of formation of oil in the bowels of the earth, in its chemical composition the substance resembles a natural analogue, it remains to distill it, here we have bio-gasoline, in the future scientists say, bio-oil can be will combine with fossil fuels and use this mixture in oil refineries, today , oil workers themselves are working on improving the methodology, adapting it so that the extraction and processing of fossil fuels does not harm the environment. the atmosphere of this closed chamber maintains elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide. at normal temperatures, microalgae fix carbon dioxide from the air, and biomass accumulates. in this
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laboratory, scientists select a community of microalgae that will most actively absorb carbon dioxide, increasing their biomass, while they must persistently tolerate the harmful effects of sulfur oxide and other harmful compounds that can be formed during the combustion of petroleum products, because the future task of these microorganisms is to utilize the exhaust of many megawatts. gas piston power plants, which oil workers use to generate energy and next to the site where gas piston power plants are located, and we will locate a certain production facility where there will be a system of phytobiactor batteries, then a hydrothermal liquefaction system and then a small unit for the production of biofuels. technology brings us closer to the so-called zero carbon dioxide balance, because when biofuels are burned, the same amount of co2 is released as it was captured from the atmosphere in the process of producing such fuel. well, then a subsidy for housing and communal services in one click. how
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to get who can count on benefits? more on this soon. sveta, i love you very much. and you and i have our whole lives ahead of us. very often , girls from another circle strive to marry rich boys. let me decide for myself who i love and who i marry. ok. it will still be mine, i won’t give it to this little sheep, it will be a lie, we need to entertain the girl a little, the money is up front, and there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink with us, she really lit up and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, “i love sveta, if there is even a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be
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a new day, on friday on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, it’s not about thinking here, it’s all here, to play or not to play? yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking one small, just a hint... the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what used by many, the strongest love for
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the game, this is a five-on-one program, i oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, i want to stay in moscow, of course, i’ll get you a job in our restaurant. that i drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked it, who, it’s zavyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello, you’re stupid, i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here,
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video: this fashionista from the usa surprised her subscribers by dressing up in a dress from the mid -19th century, which turned out to be difficult and difficult. to begin with, over the very bottom shirt, you need to tighten the corset properly, to ensure that the waist becomes as thin as possible, without the help of a maid you will need strength and dexterity. another fashionable method is to attach a rigid wire frame. he has a petticoat on top, then a skirt and finishes it off. romantic image of a blouse with a dozen buttons and attached white sleeves with lanterns the problem is to get to the affairs of everyday life let's move on
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try applying for a subsidy. for financial assistance from the state in our story. it turns out that my entire amount from the total cost of housing and communal services is, well, about 900 rubles. and here is half, about 500 rubles. my savings. a resident of the krasnodar territory, natalya, calculates her benefit from this money. she will be able to spend on gifts for grandchildren, save for medicine or necessary purchases. thanks to her status as a labor veteran, the pensioner was able to obtain a subsidy for housing and communal services. we must pay all utilities by the 10th services, then the payment goes to the social service there, then they send me a payment through the bank. this is a kind of cashback, and you can
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only get it if you meet all the conditions that are different in each region of russia. in moscow , a refund will be due if the amount in the payment exceeds 10% of the family income, if it totals 100,000 rubles, then the amount from which the subsidy is assigned is 10,000 rubles. in st. petersburg, a family can qualify for a subsidy if they spend more than 14% of their income on housing and communal services. in yakutia 15%, in omsk over 18%. an important point is that there is a limited standard of housing area for which compensation will be calculated, but that’s not all. you can receive subsidies from us either co. tenants who have a formal tenancy agreement can also receive housing. you cannot have debt on utility bills. she looks from the last 3 years. the most difficult part is collecting all the necessary documents. this includes a statement of all income that can be requested from the employer. the latest receipt for housing and communal services and bank account details where the transfer is made cash refund. in moscow, to receive a subsidy, it is enough to submit a special
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application to moсru. but there is no uniformity in the regions yet. a copy of the ownership rights to the apartment, the list of these documents may differ from five certificates there to seventeen, and this is not unified at the federal level, so of course here we also need to move towards uniformity. the subsidy will be calculated for the next six months ; after the expiration of the period, you will need to collect the entire package of documents again. now... proposes to simplify the procedure for the entire country, one electronic application on the state services portal will be enough; all necessary documents can be obtained through interdepartmental interaction channels, and this will significantly reduce the time and costs of citizens. and then knowledge, power. india borders on a country where only bald people live. then maybe you will also say that
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the earth is a disk, not a ball. if the earth were a ball. years would flow down from it and people would die of thirst, that’s the story with geography, the story with social studies too raises questions, and quite a few, whether the clock will be left only in high school, whether there will be more time for history at school, we’ll discuss it after the news, go away, poor thing, ignoramus, you’re watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zubshchik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today . tanks, mortars, strike aircraft, crushing successes of our military , losses of the enemy. it is flooding more and more, floods are already in twenty-six regions, temporary accommodation points for people and monitoring the air situation. we recognize all the roles of anton shagin in a movie scene in donbass. today at
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actor's anniversary. the military infrastructure of the ovsu was destroyed this night in dnepropetrovsk. the strikes were carried out on facilities that were used by nationalists to attack our country. earlier in the same area, the target was the krivoy rog airfield, from which ukrainian military aircraft took off. the facility was attacked twice over the past 24 hours. they inflicted significant damage on the center tank group in the ovdeevsky direction. the t-72 crew attacked a nationalist unit from a distance of 5 km, accurately placing high-explosive fragmentation shells on the target the ammunition was helped by a digital guidance system. a cluster of militants was discovered by an orlan 30 drone during aerial reconnaissance . a large concentration of the enemy was observed before a platoon was about to attempt a counterattack. they were identified in time and gave us
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coordinates. two or three shots were enough to stop the enemy’s counterattack; about a platoon of manpower was hit, a series of preemptive strikes on ukrainian territory from the border. after completing the task, all vehicles returned to the departure airfield. the usa and nato want preserve ukraine, or at least part of it, as
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an anti-russian territory under its control that could serve the interests of the north atlantic alliance. this was stated by secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev in an interview with argumenty i fakty. he recalled that it is nato that makes decisions on new supplies of weapons to kiev. authorities, and also train mercenaries and saboteurs for anti-russian operations. the secretary of the security council emphasized this is a long-term source of crises and conflicts on the planet. for 75 years the alliance conducted more than twenty major military operations, during which millions of civilians died. vladimir putin congratulated alexander lukashenko on the day of unity of the peoples of russia and belarus, this holiday is today. the russian president noted that, despite the difficult conditions in the world recently . it was possible to do a lot to develop relations between the two countries, a good return comes from coordinating efforts in the spheres of foreign policy, defense and security, and the successful implementation of union programs created the basis for a unified macroeconomic policy,”
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vladimir putin emphasized. spring floods have already affected 26 russian regions in the siberian, volga, central and northwestern federal districts; houses, plots, bridges and roads have been flooded. the most difficult situation is in the altai territory, more than 70 people have been evacuated there, almost a third of them are children. temporary accommodation points have been deployed. emergency situations ministry employees are pumping water from flooded areas and monitoring the situation using drones. where necessary, the winter shell is blown up. years are being destroyed in the amur region, and on their side of the border , the rescue services of the prc resorted to the same tactics. the water level in the rivers of the bryansk region is rising. which could threaten a large spill, where there is flooding, rescuers have already set up pontoon boat crossings. the development of the flood is being closely monitored in the tver region, and all necessary emergency measures have been taken.
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russia has requested a meeting of the un security council in connection with israel's strike on an iranian diplomatic facility in syria. the hearing is scheduled for this evening. previously tehran demanded an urgent convening of the security council; it is seeking international condemnation of its actions. and tel aviv. on monday , tsehal's attack killed high- ranking islamic revolutionary guard general mohammed ariza zzeheidi and six other military advisers. several people were injured. the residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus was almost completely destroyed. iran promised to take a tough response for the liquidation of its military. the russian foreign ministry strongly condemned israel’s actions and emphasized that provocative force actions on the territory of syria and other neighboring countries are fraught with dangerous consequences. throughout the region. residents of tehran went out to protest on monday evening. citizens of poland, australia, ireland and great britain died in the gaza strip as a result of israeli strikes. according to al jazeera,
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all the victims were employees of an international humanitarian organization that was delivering food to refugees. they were hit by a drone. the israeli defense forces have already reported that they are checking the incident to the highest level. news about the death of foreigners appeared a few days later. white house. the american administration has become interested in these reports, even in recent weeks trying to restrain israel’s violent actions, but as the political publication found out, this does not prevent washington from considering the possibility of a large sale of arms to israel. today anton shagin celebrates his fortieth anniversary; for almost 15 years, the actor has been on the stage of one of the best domestic theaters, lenkom,
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and was awarded the crystal turand award and the triumph prize for his highest achievements in art. viewer i repeatedly remember his reincarnation in the films of the dude, demons, going through torment, the little hunchbacked horse, the air, the call sign of a passenger, showing an active civic position. in a few seconds, now the news of the capital region in moscow has seen a new daily temperature record, on monday the air warmed up above 21°, today it is even warmer to 22, this is significantly higher than normal, such indicators are observed in june, all due to the invasion of hot air from the east mediterranean
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a cyclone will arrive tomorrow, the temperature will drop to +15, it will start raining. two cars collided on mkat before the junction with svoboda street, another car crashed into a car standing in the middle of the roadway with its hazard lights on. the impact caused oba to spin across the road. traffic in the area of ​​the accident was difficult. in the capital , the gas supply systems of almost 20 houses were updated. specialists installed flexible gas lines made of stainless steel, and equipped stopcocks with three steps. protection. work to repair gas supply systems has been carried out since 2017. about 200 parks in the moscow region will be put in order by the end of april. specialists will wash and paint benches, repair paths and children's playgrounds. attractive summer verandas will also be prepared for the season. video surveillance systems will help ensure security. more about events in the capital region in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website we look. karu,
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see you later. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life
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turns into a fairy tale, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, to whom are you you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does boris korchevnikov’s program life and destiny make from monday to friday on rtr. good morning everyone. good morning. well, april 2, today, spring continues. we meet the morning of a new day with you, vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova, and steadily recharge you. we cheerfully
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share useful information. 21st century, era on the internet, everything that excites and worries many is poured out and discussed on the vastness of the world wide web, while, as far as personalities are concerned, the form of statements is not always correct and harmless. last year , according to the requirements of roskumnadzor, resource owners deleted almost 4,000 internet pages containing information discrediting honor and dignity. since the beginning of this year, more than 340 similar materials have been blocked, but unfortunately, deletion does not always happen promptly, what is the risk of delay and is it possible to correct the situation, sergei egorov found out. here the video is edited in such a way that a grunt is superimposed on my image, which is certainly offensive, as one would expect, evgeniy’s offender did not want to delete the recording voluntarily, then the woman asked for deletion to the administration of the social network, on whose open spaces the video appeared, but but instead of immediately blocking the installation, for some reason they began to torment evgenia
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with clarifying questions. the correspondence has already been ongoing since february of this year. considering, that the information and video are still posted, i will go to court. irina from moscow knows what going to court could lead to. a person whom the woman had never encountered before, either in life or in correspondence, for some reason suspected her of fraud. disagreeing with the sweeping accusation, irina went to court and won. the victory cost sixty thousand in legal expenses and 3 months of trial . during which the post continued to gain views in a popular internet group, and people saw it because that there are more than 80 thousand subscribers on this channel, i think that later we will find out what risks i took. at the same time, irina was lucky in many ways - says lawyer valeria rytvina, who has repeatedly participated in similar processes; it took 3 months to delete the entry only because the defamatory nature of the publication was obvious. if, for example, a woman were compared to an animal or an unpleasant literary character, then
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an expert linguist would have to be consulted to determine the offensive connotation. if the linguistic conclusion establishes fact of defamatory information, then it makes sense to go to court. the peculiarity of such a case is that it can... drag on for a year, if you also take an appeal, cassation, then some progress, for example, if the insult contains an accusation of a particular crime, for example, you are openly accused of theft or bribery, then you can remove online statements without going to court. in the twenty-first year, we have a new tool for restoring the rights of victims. if information disseminated online involves accusing a person of committing a crime, there is an extrajudicial procedure for blocking this data. in this case, the citizen can contact the prosecutor's office. this removal procedure is much faster, but it does not solve the most important problems. until the end of the proceedings, the offensive recording will remain on the internet, acquiring more and more new audiences. it is necessary to introduce preliminary measures that will allow
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an ordinary person, by filing a petition in court before the start of the trial, to temporarily block this information protect your reputation before a court decision is made. at the same time, it would be logical to immediately outline a list of the most common words that can be classified as slurs, so that in order to remove even the most banal insults , a citizen does not have to waste time and money contacting an expert linguist. it took experts a lot of time to come to the conclusion that the subject of social studies should be excluded from the curriculum for grades six to eight. the ministry of education proposes to leave only one hour a week in the ninth-tenth grade from september 1, 2025, well, the program of the eleventh is unchanged. teaching history, institute of history and politics, moscow state pedagogical university, leading expert of the unified state university in social studies, elena saplina, hello,
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hello, yes, for example, i’m not a supporter, cutting from the shoulder, for almost a quarter of a century, there was a subject, let’s cancel it, but in high school , probably still necessary. to study how the state and society works early, maybe it ’s really too early, which one do you adhere to from the point of view of a teacher in general? well, you know, as soon as the project was published, it began to be very actively discussed in the teaching and parent community, the thing is that changes are long overdue, and it seems to me that children have changed, and today they ask the question, not why, but why? meaning formation, why do i need so much theory in the seventh or eighth grade, if i don’t assimilate it, i don’t understand it, the project has been published, i think that i need to make a program, test it, discuss it again, see if the number of hours
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in the ninth grade is enough, maybe add an extra hour in tenth grade, then it would be like build the entire further line. everyone thinks why do we need so much theory on this subject, but nevertheless they choose social studies for the unified state exam, why? well, because the unified state exam is an applicant's exam, it is an entrance exam to the country's universities, the university sets this exam, for example, you need to pass russian social studies and history, or russian social studies and a foreign language.
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ks or analyze documents there, but at school, i just thought, since it’s impossible to achieve, well, a good, high-quality result in the subject of history from students, and decided to find extra hours somewhere, the knowledge society suffered, in order to add history to the subject, but no, i think that is not so, you see, we now have an hour for regional history, once upon a time regional history was a school component. and now it will be at the federal level, it will be mandatory at the federal level to study your regional history, how deeply regional history will look, but this will also depend on...
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they will here seem to change a little, supplement, expand, this is a single complex, and then we will talk about the unified state exam, but this is not now, now, tomorrow, today it will not change, i would study one and the other with you and as much as you like, thank you, thank you, elena vitalna, changes in school curriculum, we discussed with the head of the department of methods of teaching history, the institute of history and politics of moscow pedagogical university, a leading expert on society. svetlana nemolyaeva, it was, of course, a test, it was very difficult,
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goncharov wanted to work with me, but at the same time i had the feeling that he and he hated, he screamed, he shouted, he destroyed, he almost beat me once, the whole horror was that he was always right, i had a cross, i told myself that i would endure everything, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday. 15:00 on the russia channel, okay, so, it’s the morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is that the annual marathon of digital departments has started in russia, it is being held with the support of the national project digital economy, covering universities from all federal districts of the country. as part of a large-scale event: teachers, business representatives will share successful it practices, students of digital departments
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will present their projects developed for the real sector of the economy, the hexagon is also there, and the last screws and android are assembled, students of the baltic federal university are preparing for presentation their brainchild of a universal robot, the essence of the project is how to launch it. .. a machine that will perform certain functions, read some map of the area, and draw it in 3d form. the processor installed inside analyzes the received data and itself accepts deciding what to do in a particular case. anastasia wrote smart algorithms under the guidance of a scientific mentor. this academic year, we have 1,378 students studying in digital departments from all thirteen higher schools of the university. they are just... gaining, so to speak, the competencies they lack, well,
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just related to numbers. you can enroll starting from the second year; the parallel training itself at these departments lasts from 9 to 12 months, with special emphasis on learning programming languages ​​and artificial intelligence algorithms. at the end students receive a retraining diploma. now digital departments have already been opened in 119 russian universities and training is complete. a free project, which was initiated by a team, including the team of the university of napoli with the support of the ministry of digital development of russia, the ministry of science of russia, and the leading universities, respectively, has the task of consolidating the best students who want to gain it competence in these digital departments. the educational project , which started 2 years ago, has already united hundreds of experienced mentors across the country. there is no selection of students for these courses as such, the main thing is the desire to learn new things. however, at the siberian federal university they thought about testing at. enrollment in digital departments, there is a big rush among candidates. we started in the twenty-second year, this is the first
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year of the project with only four programs, now we have 13 programs, we will have 21 programs. here everything is clear, how many, how often, what muscle groups the exercises are designed for, the program itself will select the optimal loads. surprisingly, this is a mobile app for sports developed by a humanities student. this project will not only act as a graduation project, but in principle as my portfolio. so that in the future , when i get a job in a company, i can show that i not only have theoretical knowledge, but that i can practically do something. all projects that students were able to implement will be assessed by an expert commission; this is the second part of the marathon of digital departments. at the first stage, all participants completed various tasks and prepared their presentation. the best developments will be named in the finals in may this year. total however, thanks to the national project digital economy, more than 250,000 people have been enrolled in digital departments since 2022, 65,000
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have already completed their studies. it is expected that by 2030, more than 900,000 students will be able to receive free. additional it qualification, in parallel with basic training. sveta, i love you very much, we have our whole lives ahead of us, very often girls from a different circle strive to marry rich boys. let me decide for myself who i should love, who i should marry, okay, but it’s still mine, i i won’t give it to this sheep. we need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, and there will be tears, guys, please, we need it, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink with us, she’s very happy and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love
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the world, if there is at least a small chance. i will be waiting for her, tomorrow will be a new day, friday, on rtr: 65 years ago you came to the maykovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if i take me, then it's forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent, and your heart also told you something about lazarevok, we had a very quick romance , we got married very quickly. in my heart all this was said at once in an office romance, i always felt sorry for you, in fact you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, for it was impossible to blame her, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed
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everything is from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just... we won’t save the entire fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children, big premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, admiral kuznetsov , already on the platform we look, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but
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one thing unites them, sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, so that dreams come true, sunday, i'm counting the minutes until
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the evening when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you? let her tell you. well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, please stop, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i’ll do something, i don’t know what yet, but i’ll do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr, amaze the imagination of friends and acquaintances so that they are breathtaking from where and how you vacationed, and photo 9:12 with a naive... caption on memory obviously won’t work here, we have to invent new ways, these strange people running around with phones in their hands , filipino photographers, with their movements that resemble the flight of a bumblebee, do not imitate shooting from a quadcopter, tourists are delighted, unforgettable shots on social networks, but hard cash in the photographer's pocket, the kurzh spit
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is also waiting for guests, including migratory ones, ornithologists from kaliningrad and st. petersburg plan to study. st. petersburg and kaliningrad have a huge network area. soon they will turn into traps for migratory birds. the traps are made from fishing nets like trawls. the upper edge reaches the tops of the pine trees. the main object of scientists lives at this altitude. large birds like storks and geese rarely fall into such traps, because they fly high in the clouds, while small finches and blackbirds fly from branch to branch. most likely they can.
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rows in the world during the spring-autumn season, scientists catch about 100 thousand birds, from storage chambers, captive birds, deliver them to the carnithologist’s house, in it
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they study migration routes, diversity, the condition and number of species, then they ring them and release them into the wild, and then visit their grandparents, you think they can handle it, i’m sure, but if something happens, whatever happens, there are relatives all- after all, well, only powerless relatives. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. in the south donetsk direction of the special operation , a large stronghold in the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the fortification was destroyed by direct fire from t-80 tanks, and several accurate hits left no stone unturned from the position
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of the nationalists. there are already hundreds of tankers on their account such hit targets. the main task of the crews is to clear the way for advancing motorized rifles. there can be up to five trips to the front line per day. we work during the day, we work at night, the machine allows us to work at all times. weather conditions, the last time there was a trip in which we beat off the height, the height was taken, everything went perfectly. armored vehicles and infantry of the armed forces of ukraine are successfully knocked out by attack drone units. drones accurately fly into moving vehicles and even camouflaged dugouts. the operators have more than forty tanks, combat vehicles, infantry and cars, about 200 ukrainian militants. try. the fsb prevented 27 homemade bombs hidden in orthodox icons from being carried into russia. the dangerous cargo was transported through the eu countries from ukraine,
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the department reports. it contained a total of 70 kg of industrially produced high-power plastic, 91 electric detonators and parts of a shot for a portable grenade launcher. the owner of the cargo was detained. usa and nato. this was stated by secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev in an interview with argumenty i data. he recalled that it is nato that makes decisions on new supplies of weapons to the kiev authorities, and also trains mercenaries and saboteurs for anti-russian operations. the secretary of the security council emphasized that this is a long-term source of crises and conflicts on the planet. over 70. russia requested a meeting of the un security council in connection with
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israel's strike on an iranian diplomatic facility in syria. the hearing is scheduled for this evening. earlier, tehran demanded an urgent convening of the security council. he is seeking international condemnation of tel aviv's actions. on monday, a high-ranking general of the islamic revolutionary guard was killed in an idf attack. military advisers, several people were injured, the residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus was almost completely destroyed. iran promised to take a tough response for the liquidation of its military. the russian foreign ministry is decisive. judged israel's actions and emphasized that provocative military actions in syria and other neighboring countries are fraught with dangerous consequences throughout the region. north korean military this night conducted regular weapons tests, a medium- range ballistic missile was launched. the exact flight parameters are not reported, but according to the japanese side, the carrier covered about 600,650 km at a maximum altitude of 100 km. this is
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the third ballistic missile test this year. dprk. rescuers from the volga center of the ministry of emergency situations arrived in the orenburg region. they will help cope with the consequences of the flood. in one of the districts of orenburg, a boiler room was flooded. it provided heat to fifty apartment and private houses. another one heavy fog hits. visibility on roads has dropped to a minimum. flights to moscow, st. petersburg, and sochi have been delayed at yuri gagarin airport. a similar situation in the samara air crap because of bad weather, the plane from egypt could not land at... the alternate airfield in kazan. an unusual chess tournament took place in tyumen; playing several games in the classical style seemed too easy for its participants and organizers; they decided to do it in an ice hole. each fight was allotted 10 minutes. later it turned out that this is an officially registered world record for staying in ice water. it has been decided to hold several more such tournaments in the future. further regional news. don’t switch with
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the residents of moscow and the region, we’ll see. in a few seconds, now the news of the capital region in moscow is a new daily weather record, on monday the air warmed up above 21°, today weather forecasters promise it will be even warmer, the reason for the anomaly is the invasion of hot air from the african continent. detailed forecast. for a week with our correspondent artyom kuznetsov. the weather in moscow is truly summer, not hot like spring. in the morning +10 is comfortable, in the afternoon they promise +20. these indicators are typical for june, but not for the second month of spring, but you shouldn’t completely forget about frosts just yet. tomorrow the weather will be very warm, but cloudy with light rain and, most importantly, windy. on thursday it will also rain a little at five. on
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the weekend, since the temperature at night is close to zero, precipitation and light wet snow are forecast. many have already put winter jackets away in the wardrobe, but by the end of the week they may still be useful, as well as umbrellas, the weekend promises rain, but if we talk about today, the weather has a chance of breaking the temperature record of 1951, then meteorologists recorded +17.5°c , and of course, in such weather you want to go for a walk, the capital’s cafes and restaurants have already opened summer verandas, you can have lunch or drink a cup of coffee in the fresh air under the rays of the sun without any problems. speaking of rays, the weather today is expected to be cloudy with clearings, so you can recharge yourself not only with a good mood, but also with vitamin d on the way to work. artyom kuznetsov, timofey felireev, alena felatova. news. according to the data center, the congestion of moscow streets is now three points. difficulties on mkat from lipetskaya street to varshavskoe highway, from leningradskoe highway to 71 km. the yaroslavl highway moves slowly from the ring and the highway
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of enthusiasts. from the free avenue towards the center. road accident namkat on the inner side of 72 kilometers of the highway before the junction with svoboda street two cars collided. the accident was recorded by a traffic camera. the footage shows how another car crashes into a car standing in the middle of the roadway with its hazard lights on. the impact sent both of them spinning across the road. traffic in the area of ​​the incident was difficult. a criminal case was opened after a nine-year-old girl was injured while completing a quest. a child was hospitalized after falling into an opened niche in one of the shopping centers on avtozavodskaya street. the incident is being investigated under the article on the provision of services that do not meet the requirements security. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrekin, took control of the case. in the kolomna urban district , the floating bridge in the village of cherkizova was closed due to the flood of the moscow river. traffic along the crossing will be opened as soon as the water level drops to a safe level. the municipal administration
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reminded that by now in kolomna. four similar bridges have been opened and closed. on the leningradsky and kazansky directions of the third central diameter , the train schedule will change. this is due to the fact that from friday to sunday at khovrina station , construction work will take place on an interchange. in addition, the infrastructure on the section between zelenograd and leningradsky station will be updated. in this regard, some trains will be canceled and service intervals will be increased to 20 minutes. half a million people attended the winter weekend fairs. since february. as sergei sobyanin said, trading platforms are popular. since their opening , more than 200 tons of products have been sold, including fruits and vegetables, as well as meat and fish. the mayor noted that he is now in the city. 26 open all year round fairs, another 30 seasonal ones will open at the end of april, they will appear next to residential buildings and transport stops. the moscow zoo showed how katyusha the panda gets ready for bed. as a bed, the bear chose
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a wooden structure in the enclosure, on top of which she decided to rest. pant's sleep is long, it can last up to 10:12 hours. the baby had a pretty eventful day; she played and had lunch with her mother. ding-ding carefully selected bamboo branches for himself, but as soon as she turned away, her daughter grabbed one of them and crawled onto the bed. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, see you.
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they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for
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your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. hello, good morning, well, wake up, recharge, get ready, some for work, some for study, and spend your morning time with us, then you are guaranteed a boost of energy, in the morning of russia studio, today vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova. time is an extraordinarily long thing, as mayakovsky said, and as he foresaw, a monumental clock of millennia is about to be launched in the usa, practically the meaning is... billionaire jeff bezes' toys still need to be looked for. 42 million dollars are invested in a bunch of giant gears, pendulums of springs, they it’s like they’re filling a pie on a mountain in west texas, and judging by the video, the clock will soon stop ticking; the clock will
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only be ticking once a year, and the movement of the hands can be seen once every 100 years; well, the cuckoo will crow once every millennium, but it seems that the chronometer plans to outlive humanity itself, but this is not certain. average life expectancy is growing in russia, it is almost 73.5 years and this is good news, the bad news is that approximately every fourth elderly person is lonely. oksana sirova looked into how society and the state solve the problem. handkerchief, if you fix it, there will be no price for you. of course, they will fix it, and also clear the snow and talk about life. this is not the first time student volunteers come to nina fedorovna, and for her it’s always joy. in the most difficult times, not everything can be done, but...
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it would seem that these are trivial questions, but participation and a kind word for lonely elderly people is no less important than food, medicine, help with household chores. and they have someone to talk to, the younger generation, we are very pleased to listen. and even when physical volunteers are not nearby, older people have the opportunity to write to them about their needs through a special chatbot. of course, they also help pensioners master messengers. and in this moscow school they prefer to communicate with older people using paper letters. from grandparents, to whom fourth graders write. telpan daisies, you need to write such letters
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so that older people do not feel sad, and if they are sad, there will be less good in the world. even children understand the scale of the problem. today there are about 10 million single grandparents living in russia. the fact that public organizations and volunteers are trying to help them is priceless, experts say, but their resources are certainly not enough. fortunately , there are also serious progress at the state level, the system has started working long-term care. if before this, until the twenty-fourth year, these were pilot regions, then from this year such long-term care for the elderly, for the needy , for the disabled, will come to all cities. the essence of the new system is regular social medical assistance for pensioners, and it is planned that older people will not even have to ask for it, they will offer it themselves and give everything, as it was written by one classic. nowadays a proactive position is being practiced, when social protection authorities find out on their own. if a person relatives, through neighbors, through those who
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are in contact with him, and get in touch. true, of course, in practice, not everything is so rosy; until help reaches the home of every single pensioner, they may not wait there, experts emphasize, which means we cannot stop there; the problem definitely requires additional solutions. well, older people in families, and even those surrounded by the care and attention of loved ones, have a problem with rights in relation to their own grandchildren. in cheboksary, guardianship authorities. in the situation of the state duma, the administration began after public outrage over the intervention , a check is made about what amendments are still needed in the legislation so that the rights of grandparents are not subjected? we will discuss the doubt with state duma deputy natalya kostenko.
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hello, natalya, i must say that the chabaksar administration has withdrawn the request to the educational institution to provide information about parents and children. but why do we have this practice? previously, no one even thought about when a child is under the supervision of grandparents during the day there or in for a while, now, now it's almost leaving you in danger. well, firstly, the situation in which we live has changed, yes, that is, we have a law. the family code was written in the nineties and for some reason it did not take into account the specifics of russian families, namely the fact that the older generation takes a very active part in raising their grandchildren, and the fact that it states that grandparents, siblings can only communicate, yeah, and no other formats are provided, of course it needs to be solved, because communication, everything the courts are all authorities, they understand it very narrowly.
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we have a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, different
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grandmothers, grandfathers, and adult brothers and sisters, that is, they can stay with them for an unlimited time, take them to swimming pools, that is, to schools, and so on, if everyone has the same ones, absolutely identical rights, then how can parents now cope with their awakened grandmothers, which is why we are still limiting ourselves to expanding the powers of grandmothers in terms of the format of interaction with their grandchildren yes...
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the concept of allowing a child to remain in communication including staying, thank you about how to protect the rights of children, first of all, state duma deputy natalya kostenko told us. thank you, thank you, today we have no work for women, i will do everything, i will wash your cars, these are not plates for you, this is a car, allah, taxi, premiere from april 8 at 21:20 on the russia channel, and then irrepressible. sulyak: the main character of the new serial detective, indomitable and restless on the russia channel, we are visiting, after the commercial, do not switch. okay, so, it’s morning in russia,
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don’t forgive the main thing. irresistible, restless in previous episodes. i ask that these photographs be included in the case. zoya neupokoeva is a brilliant lawyer. we plan to file a complaint. her career is skyrocketing. beautiful car, yours. how many years have passed, but my personal life stands still. will you ever marry me? how to say to you? i worked for raman for 7 years. the company belongs to him. i have nothing at all. zoya decides to join the investigative committee. researcher, and show your irrepressible temper there, now we know exactly what to look for, you have 3 days, let's go, the irrepressible is inexorable, i i miss you, continuation, look at rtr today.
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the floor is trembling, the walls are resourceful, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work a lot, plans are turning into projects before our eyes! “i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become a reality, as you see, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr. i’d like to stay in moscow, of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, pigasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at it on the weekend, well, i liked it, who’s it, it’s zavyalov, the owner ours, why aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, i’m afraid to wake up. make some coffee, hello, are you stupid, or something, i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of washing, this is generally, this is incomprehensible, nothing, i’ll still turn around, or the princess, whoever the prince chooses, and you loved her, yes, most likely not, but you love me, wings of a pegasus, on
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saturday on rtr. on our channel every evening , the indomitable restlessness of a new serial detective with daria ursulyak in the title role, one of the most sought-after actresses, almost four dozen works in films of different genres: detective stories, melodramas, dramas, comedies, a palette of roles from the russian princess, the daughter of boris godunov to wife of grigory melikhov in tikhoy don. now the audience is ours. tests, complex investigations, there is a love story, our colleague andrei petrov found out about how daria herself evaluates her work in the series the indomitable and the restless. daria, hello,
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it’s very nice. you came, especially on such a day, a small anniversary, let’s not say how long it is and it’s not customary to say, 20, yes, again 20, always 20, and we congratulate you on this, as well as the most wonderful gifts this week, i do. ..
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despondency, there is still some kind of seriousness in her, that is, if necessary, she he can talk, he can console everyone in the world. it’s great that she doesn’t understand her social role at all, my heroine, uh, because she’s not a mother herself yet, it seems like she should already be a mother, and they demand from her a responsibility that she hasn’t yet lived through, she hasn’t yet i didn’t get there, so it’s not difficult for me, i... it’s like, in principle , i’m at the same stage of life as her, that is, these are parents, and work and children all over
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the world, well, you have a daughter of about eight years old, yes as i understand it, my daughter, as i understand it, is in this she's already quite an adult, she 's probably already giving her mom a lot of advice about adults, like practically equals, like a woman to a woman, she's on top, she's on top of me, she 's on me, she's unfastening me, these days it's possible to turn on the tv if she it turns out, or maybe the day before she already turned out... she looks, but stops, talking about mom, and what she says, she’s very, she’s very worried, i can’t watch something where they offend me, or don’t let me god there, if i fall somewhere, in general, she is very sensitive to this relates, the second film - look into his head, your role there is the role of a journalist, and this role is one of the main ones, and everything is connected with crime there, too, but the strip is called, but that's why with...
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you found out , that you definitely don’t match either the heroine or the second heroine, but what you are, no one will believe you, you were talking just now, you even talked a little behind the scenes, you’re smiling, you’re also easy-going, you’re interesting , you can’t say that because it’s like an antithesis restless, sad and serious, well, i have a feeling that she’s much more fun? look, first of all, she’s blonde, i don’t know, i don’t know how it is, but by the way, the mood has changed when you’re blonde, yes, yes, yes, yes, it generally changes life, there is some kind of lightness, and some kind of, i don’t know, and femininity, it seems to me, some other, in general, so, well, you, as a person who has been on the other side, on the side of color, on the blonde color, yes, men really - refers to another, yes, this is a stereotype, this may be this... an accident is not a stereotype - this when he simply affirms, when you feel it yourself, this is no longer a stereotype, but this is a different feeling and relationship, and somehow even
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everyone knows that you are not like that, that you are, that it’s just a movie, that it’s all the same, yes , yes, it seems that somehow a person is more pleasant than when he is dark, it seems to me, i don’t know, this is some kind of special period for me, now it even seems to me that why not blonde, actually, that is, everything is possible, very soon we may see some transformations, but i wish you... a wonderful celebration today, once again happy anniversary, congratulations on happy birthday, and a pleasant viewing, i wish our viewers, let me remind you that actress daria ursulyak was our guest, and today we can all watch it together at 21:20. we will definitely watch the detective of the indomitable and restless, the continuation is already, thank you very much, our morning ends here today, we sincerely thank everyone who watched and made a meeting saturday, saturday, and you also made a meeting in the fields of the telegram channel, we are there around the clock , are ready to share
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news with you, so don’t forget to subscribe, see you there too. hello, on the russia tv channel , irina rossius is presenting in the studio and the main topic for this hour: under the guise of an icon, a ready-made bomb is under. the truck was detained.


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