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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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so today we can all watch together at 21:20 and we will definitely watch the detective of indomitable restlessness, the continuation is already, thank you very much, our morning ends with this today, we sincerely thank everyone who watched made a meeting saturday, saturday, and we would also make a meeting on the margins of the telegram channel, where we are ready to share news with you around the clock, so don’t forget, subscribe, see you there and goodbye, too. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this o'clock. under the guise of an icon, a ready-made bomb
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, a truck from kiev was detained near pskov; it contained more than 70 kg of explosives, which were one and a half times more powerful. the ukrainian armed forces are losing positions and soldiers’ equipment on the right bank of the dnieper, a warehouse has been destroyed, the enemy’s rotation has been disrupted in the novdeevsky direction, and a sabotage group has been eliminated near kupinsk. iran called on the united states to answer for the israeli attack on the consulate in damascus. tehran is ready to respond harshly to the tel aviv attack. today this one. the un security council will discuss the issue at russia's request. bets are placed, but it seems there are no deliveries will. biden decided to reduce gas production and exports. nuclear power plants have already invested billions of euros in infrastructure for spd. this needs to be filmed and this pain and tragedy needs to be told. anton shagin brings help to the residents of donbass, writes poignant poems for our soldiers. choose only a cross on it. performs for the artist today. 40. russian intelligence services
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blocked the channel for the smuggling of explosives from ukraine, intended for carrying out terrorist attacks in our country. a total of 70 kg of hexagen were intercepted and almost hundreds of electric detonators. all of this was stuffed with icons made in kiev. the dangerous cargo transited through six eu countries, but not. in one of them, the car did not arouse suspicion. a month before easter , the truck was detained at the border with latvia. report by vitaly kormazin. special forces soldiers slowly pass boxes to each other. accuracy is needed because church icons are packed in cardboard, with explosives inside. this man tried to smuggle her from kiev into russia. the cargo was church utensils and icons. the cargo began to be loaded, loading collapsed. subsequently, i was given
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the entire package of documents, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. the truck crossed the european border several times. the icons were made at an enterprise in kiev; in ukraine they were loaded with explosives. from kiev the cargo was transported to chernivtsi, then to romania, the border with which is under serious control due to ukrainian draft dodgers. from romania the truck went to hungary, then to slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia. latvian border guards gave a truck with explosives was given the go-ahead to... leave, but in russia, fsb and customs officers detained the car at a checkpoint near pskov, and it turned out that the seized icons contained hexogen. the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power consumed, and the mass of the seized explosive was sufficient to blow up a five-story residential building. there are 600 icons here alone, 27 of them are ready-made bombs, into which you just need to insert a fuse. detonators were also available. here is the complete
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assembly, yes, which is to assemble everything into one circuit game ready, battery, control board with sim card slot fuse. in total , 27 icon-camouflaged and ready-to-use improvised explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced high-power plastic explosive, 91 electric detonators and parts of an rpg7 round were recovered from the cargo. disassembled rpg grenades were hidden in the legs of these round gilded candle holders, in churches they are used to light candles for health, they were laid specially so that it would not dangle, well, of course it didn’t shake, it was all there just like that, and just by looking at the components themselves , specialists can understand who could have been the sender of such equipment. industrial sabotage fuses with sets of moderators, used specifically, were found in the icons.
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units of the armed forces to commit sabotage. perhaps the organizers of the smuggling channel wanted to cause an explosion in a church or give disguised ieds to those who were targeted as victims, even more so. that russia will soon celebrate easter. vitali karmazin, news. nato is actively involved in organizing shelling of russian territories. secretary of savbe for russia nikolai patrushev stated this in an interview with arguments and facts. according to him, the alliance is increasing technical and long-range capabilities in the isu, and is also preparing mercenaries and saboteurs for operations against russia. the plans of the united states and nato are to retain at least part of ukraine as completely anti-russian under their control. russian units have taken new positions and improved the situation on the donetsk front, more about that today reported to the ministry of defense. fighters from the otvayzhnaya group attacked a concentration of manpower in
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the avdeevka direction, thereby preventing the enemy from carrying out a rotation. drone operators hit armored vehicles, including those handed over to kiev by western countries. uragan rocket systems worked on ukrainian fortifications in the kherson region. the crews destroyed strongholds, camouflaged armored vehicles and ammunition depots on the right bank of the dnieper. and objective control footage that confirms hits on militants’ locations in in the vicinity of carbon. a temporary deployment point was set up in an abandoned hospital building. in the kupinsky direction , the crew of k-52 helicopters. in the south of the dpr , coastal tankers suppressed a firing point that was hindering the advance of advanced units, with an advanced report by eduard puningov. the crew
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of the t-80 bvm tank goes on a combat mission. according to reconnaissance data , there is an enemy stronghold nearby that is hindering the advance. the tankers take the second shot. objective means are as close as possible to enemy positions, they hit with direct fire, a quick reload of the control confirms the hit, the crew immediately turns the tank around and quickly returns to cover. the t-80 bvm vehicle, a modified tank, is fresh, behaves well, a reliable gas turbine engine, the vehicle is still intact. unquestionable authority, the tank crews carry out the task of the tank commander for his subordinates in a coordinated manner, everyone understands that the life of the entire crew depends on the actions of everyone.
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for what purposes are you working, for different purposes, for equipment, armored vehicles, enemy manpower, damn it, even the vehicle in general? unpretentious, t-80 bvm tank. in principle , during its operation, it showed itself from the best side. the tanks are constantly being returned fire, but even in the event of hits, the armor reliably protects the soldiers. the arrivals were 120 mortars, well, the side was so small. tankers are on duty along the entire front line, promptly traveling to different areas to help assault units that are waging fierce battles on the line of contact. tank t-80. bm is one of the main attack vehicles in the vostok group. this model is significantly surpasses its predecessors in dynamics and acceleration, which gives tankers a huge advantage, because on the front line you need to work as quickly as possible. the crews are always in full combat readiness. they can have up to five trips to
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the front line per day. we work during the day, we work at night, the machine allows us to work at all times and weather conditions. he has a device that allows him to see at night. and during the day with thermal imaging the situation is tense, we are working, but the enemy’s forces are weakening, victory will be ours. armored units in the eastern group regularly receives reinforcements, new volunteers, ammunition and equipment. this vehicle has just arrived at the disposal of the fifth army from primorye. the tank is absolutely new, in perfect condition, the soldiers have already installed additional protection on it, the so-called barbecue against drones, very soon the tank from...
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the iranian building in damascus , thousands of angry protesters took to the streets of iranian cities, after firing a rocket at the building
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of the consulate of the islamic republic , israel dera hit iranian territory, which essentially can be regarded as direct military aggression against a sovereign state. in my opinion, since israel attacked directly this time, i.e. declared war, our response must be public and clear, this will no longer work if our proxy forces strike one of the bases. let me remind you that the day before, as a result of an israeli attack on the iranian consulate in syria, according to the latest data , 11 people were killed, among whom were several high-ranking officers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. it's obvious that the main target of this strike was brigadier general ksir mahamed zahiddi, who was responsible for the operations of the alkus special forces in lebanon and syria. previously, he held a senior position in the general staff of the israeli army, at one time leading the ground and air forces. we have never witnessed
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this kind of crime being committed, in any case there are international laws and borders, in my opinion this happened because the israeli regime is at a dead end and is compensating for the failures it suffered in gaza. mahamed zahidi became the most high-ranking. iran after the death of commander-in-chief qassem soleimani as a result of an american drone attack in january 2020. it is still unknown whether anyone other than israel is behind the current attack. the american state department, a few hours after the incident, preferred to pretend that they were not aware of what happened at all. i have no way of knowing what happened an hour or two before leaving. we are negotiating with... partners in the region, collecting additional information, but at the moment we have no confirmation
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no purpose, no responsible country. it is clear that iran simply cannot leave such a blow without a response, while in tehran it is apparently being carefully thought out and prepared, iranian proxies in the region are already ready to bring down all their anger on israel. first, the islamic resistance in iraq has prepared its equipment to equip our brothers, the mujahideen of the islamic resistance in jordan, to meet the needs. 12 thousand fighters with light medium weapons, anti-tank launchers, tactical missiles, millions of ammunition and tons of explosives. second, we are ready to begin preparations, and this is enough for the turkish majakets from hamas or islamic jihad. let's start by cutting off the land route leading to the zionist entity. in general, what happened risks plunging the middle east into a new confrontation, even more serious than the palestinian-israeli conflict in which. so far, despite the efforts of the mediators, peace has still not been achieved. in egypt, one of the key countries negotiators
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between hamas and israel, today is the inauguration president. in the elections at the end of last year, abdel-fattah assisi won a landslide victory. the current head of the arab republic is entering a new presidential term at a difficult time for the country. the palestinian-israeli conflict has an impact on the entire middle east and egypt is, of course, no exception, especially since it is the only country that has. land border with the gas sector. and the operation in rafahi, in the southernmost city of the palestinian enclave, which israel is about to launch soon, could become an additional irritant for participants in the so-called resistance axis. however, after what happened the day before, the remaining hamas gas fighters in the sector may now become far from the main problem for israel. alexander bilivov, dmitry chermakov and polina fedorova. news: middle east. today he turns 40 years old. russian actor anton shagin, a master of impersonation, has repeatedly surprised audiences with his roles in theater and
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cinema, now he is rehearsing hamlet on the lenkom stage, you can see him on big screens in the film, the call sign is a passenger who talks about the events in donbass. the artists himself regularly visits his zone, brings help and reads poems of his own composition to the fighters. report by anastasia litvinova. here we have a room where, before the performance, they are already in costume. we follow the stage. anton shagin takes us to the linkom stage, where the scenery is being set up for the evening performance. the theater starts with a temperature of 39 already higher, higher, higher. this is not a comfortable existence, it is always a struggle. and shagin strives for such intensity in every role he plays, today he lapakhin in chekhov's cherry orchard. you won’t find calm, similar characters in his filmography either. by the way, i didn’t immediately see
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a conspiracy in the young actor as the group leader. i saw that i expected a completely different swing for him, such a build would be suitable, which is not yet a role in the world, and he offered himself, i tried him, in general, thank god, but when you see shagin in the image of ivan from russian fairy tales, it seems like the hot bird to catch , whom, anton is certainly a very talented person. purposeful and very honest in his work, his success story could also would become the basis for a film script, lived in a small town in the bryansk region, studied at a vocational school as a mechanic and even worked for a year in his specialty, but came to moscow and entered the studio hut school, but i didn’t know that in general they even teach to become artists, at vocational schools, literature teacher for ivan ionochkin, she said that
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you should go to theater school, i tried and thank god it worked, and you... are a passenger. shagin plays the capital's partygoer, this year his call sign was released on the screens , who goes to donbass to look for his brother. passenger, you will travel with me in the cabin. but that's it what he sees changes the hero so much that the nickname he received at the beginning becomes his call sign. i present to you a new soldier. ribinin nikolai sergeevich. shagin himself first came to donbass long before the start of filming. after my first trip i came back completely different. a person, when i saw the eyes of the people living there, this needs to be filmed and this pain and tragedy needs to be told, he participates in training camps for soldiers, brings help to donbass, comes to the wounded, and also writes piercing poems and reads them to the soldiers, at dawn he goes into the forest along the sandy bottom ravine, the only armor on it is a cross,
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anastasia letvinova, konstantin morozov, nikita korneev and elena finoshina, news. this is the news, this is what will happen next in our program: 26 russian regions are covered by floods, where the situation is the most difficult. the eu is concerned about biden's decision to reduce gas production and exports. and the wild nature of the shantar islands and a walk with whales in the sea of ​​okhotsk is now not a dream, but a reality. this is not only discussed after the advertisement. see you. rum. product of steller group. discover a real gem at coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless
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elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise. product of stellar group. cognac. monte shocaca. product of steller group.
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titanic luxury collection bowdrum konyan oldb. today on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about everything questions. post. nuclear weapons, i have already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, like at the front, the weather is cloudy and hail in places,
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the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight from the equipment, and we have domos, the second tank has flown off the scaucrops, hero russia will be on the tour, we'll all do it. what kind of image of victory is this for you? he will destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later for dreams came true on sunday. “i’m counting the minutes until the evening, when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well, i won’t
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stand in the way of your happiness, please stop, hello , sister, the situation is hopeless, i’ll do something, i don’t know what yet, but i’ll do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr, russia, traditional.” so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. this news, we continue production. the spring flood zone in russia has increased over the past 24 hours and now covers 26 regions. according to the ministry of emergency situations, almost 450 houses, 120
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bridges and about 70 sections of roads were flooded. in the bryansk region in recent hours, the water has risen by one and a half meters and continues to remain. rescuers are monitoring the situation from the air and promptly informing residents. the data is broadcast through an electronic display on the facades of district administrations. in the orenburg region. residents from flooded houses are being evacuated to boats. work continues day and night. all victims are ready to be received at temporary accommodation centers. local farmers deliver food to blocked villages free of charge on tractors. i just help people do everything good. in the tver region , a 70 m long section of road went under water. cars pass under the control of rescuers. in kolomna, near moscow , the fourth floating vessel has already been closed due to the flood of the moscow river. the bridge will open to traffic as soon as the water level drops to a safe level. the flood is gaining strength in the altai territory, where large the water has already reached 50 settlements.
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many residents are still unable to return to their homes. one death is known, reporting by ksenia klimina. residents of the altai territory of the village of rakety have been in the water for generations, overcoming seething streams, going to visit their homes. we are sitting with strangers, all our souls are here, there is water in the house, water everywhere, just a dog. left, the chickens drowned, svetlana ibragimova returned to open the gate, so the water would go away faster, and also to feed the cats, i have a bathhouse here, full of water, everything floated away from there, mikhailovsky the district region has been flooding for four days now, although the water is receding, it is slowly, it is unsafe to be on the street; the day before , a six-year-old child died in the village of mikhailovskaya; the baby fell into a trench and drowned. the water level here is now about a generation old, but the flow is so powerful that it literally washes away everything in its path, bird houses were damaged by the flood, most of them now live in
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temporary accommodation centers, in the village of rocket there is a local school, in the neighboring rooms there are old children, then the water began to gurgle, but all the people immediately rushed, some to do what, some tried drive the cars out of the yard first, now we can’t get to the house, there ’s waist-deep water there. have already announced that those affected by the flood in the altai territory will receive payments of up to 3,000 rubles. in addition, people can receive free legal assistance from practicing lawyers.
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undergraduate students are helping local residents draw up documents to document the damage. the state of emergency continues to operate in the region. ksiniya klimina, sergey babichev, alexander gganov, elena goleeva, news. altai region. destructive tornadoes in india. a whirlwind swept through the state of western bengali. in just a few minutes, it damaged almost a thousand houses, knocked down many trees and destroyed crops. wind gusts up to 70 km/h blew through the hangars. five dead and more than a hundred wounded were reported. hundreds of people were left homeless. the reliance on american liquefied gas has led europe to a dangerous dependence on the united states. politics writes about this today. the publication notes that the eu has invested billions of euros in the construction of lng infrastructure, counting on reliable supplies of energy resources from the ocean. but biden's decision stopping the development of the gas industry hit these plans. according to experts,
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politics, consequences of actions. washington will be felt for many years, and european industry will have to live for a long time in an environment where gas prices could skyrocket to record levels at any moment. moscow and minsk strengthened the institutions of the union state, despite difficult international conditions. vladimir putin wrote about this in a congratulatory telegram to alexander lukashenko on the occasion of the day of unity of the peoples of the two countries. the president of russia highly appreciated coordination of efforts in the field of foreign policy, defense and security. integration process. in putin’s opinion, they meet the fundamental interests of russians and belarusians, and also strengthen stability and security in eurasia. a project of subsidized tours to the shantar islands has been launched in the khabarovsk territory. an archipelago in the sea of ​​okhotsk with a unique and very beautiful nature, one of the most picturesque inaccessible places in russia. here you can see bears and seals in the wild . and if you're lucky, swim with whales. tours designed for 8 days based on the principle of everything
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included. transfer, helicopters, buses, boats, accommodation in tents, sleeping bags at the camp site, three meals a day, excursions , subsidies allow residents of the khabarovsk territory to go to the islands for 40% of the cost of the trip. the promotion is in great demand; the first 40 discounted tours were sold out in just 2 hours. two new schools were opened at once in north ossetia, a general education school in the village of brud and a music school in kizlyar. as part of the state program for the integrated development of rural areas, more buildings will be built in the republic in the near future. several new educational institutions. report by alexander kundukhov. the new school is designed for 200 students, which is more than enough for the village of brut, which has about one and a half thousand residents. the school took 2 years to build, during which time both children and teachers had to travel to the neighboring village. and we didn’t have time
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to work extra with the children. now i think, i don’t think so, but it should be so that we do additional work with the children in order to improve the quality of education, the bright spacious building is equipped taking into account the most modern requirements, there is everything necessary, the classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, computers, the labor training class is equipped with new machines, there is its own kitchen, a very good stove, there is an oven, we will cook here, there is a deep fryer, frying fries, at school... sports complex, a football field with tracks and a multifunctional gym, everything here is absolutely convenient, especially for children, we have luxurious locker rooms for children, there are showers, a bathroom, then, as for equipment, directly lesson, we are fully equipped, a new music school is opening in beslan, the building was built according to an individual project,
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there are no analogues in the south of russia. in my life, this is the first music school so large, beautiful, bright, which was built specifically as a music school, this is a great happiness, in my opinion, there is nothing like this in the south of russia. the classrooms have reliable sound insulation, a large concert hall, and classes are taught by experienced teachers. the school is equipped with new musical instruments, including folk ones. well we are on the second floor - this is the wing where everyone is located. the third floor includes pianists from the people's department, teachers, the people's department also has new instruments, the first composer class in the republic is opening here, classes in both schools in brut and beslan will begin in the coming days. in north ossetia , two more secondary schools have been built and are ready for commissioning, one in beslan, the other in the village of kizlyar, mozdok district, both with 550 places, moreover, several more schools are at different stages of active
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