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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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at the zenith of his fame, he plays the role of the thin sergeant fakhruddinov in the tv series soldiers. however, more than 10 years ago, the actor disappeared from the cinema, we tracked down the tv series star. god obviously wanted me to stay on this planet. the tragic story of the interrupted career of a star of the 2000s. how influential is yuri shibanov, which is why fans are sure that he urgently needs to be saved. and today a resident will come to the studio of the our program. tambova, lucienne deysar. at the age of 23, she became a member of the people's militia, picked up a sniper rifle stood up for the defense of donbass. more on this at 15:00. the news continues to monitor developments , so stay with us.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit is live. we start with sensational news from british death standard. the west is aware of this quote that ukraine is losing the war with russia and may suffer complete defeat by the summer. they say the armed forces of ukraine are exhausted, they have nothing to answer russia, european partners from. berlin, rome and madrid, attention, secretly and are clearly seeking to make a deal with russia, in fact, the main point of this article. the stalemate at the front is confirmed by another miracle pill in the ssu, after the ukrainians burned almost all of their arans, somewhere near avdiivka they rolled out, look, the british challenger 2, which after the meeting with the russian carnet has not been visible outside the test site for a long time , and the relics of the british... beast are said by these two
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forbes headlines. on the left may twenty-third we read: ukrainian challenger 2 tanks can break through russian defenses. and now it's been a year later, challenger 2 became an unsuitable tank for ukraine. western air defense systems have become unsuitable for the war in ukraine. moreover , the unsuitability of all kinds of german ariste american nasams patriots was personally recognized by the mayor of kharkov terikhov. says after the vks strikes, almost all critical energy infrastructure was destroyed. terikhov complains that russia has begun to use new ammunition in kharkov, without specifying their name. most likely, we are talking about our aerial bombs with umpc. last week , one and a half ton ifabs of the russian aerospace forces presumably used for the first time to strike the two largest tets within the city. well, don’t forget that defense minister shaigu personally inspected the enterprise. where
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the fab-300 was put on the assembly line, so that the wounded forces of the ukrainian armed forces will prepare, as the battered ukrainian infantry brigades and formations are already doing. right now , information is coming from the avdeevka direction that the russian army has launched a massive assault near avdeevka, from the thin area towards uman, there are fierce battles there. russian attack aircraft have already occupied part of the gray zone, also recaptured several positions in the semyonovka and berdeche areas. what's on the fronts, look, arrows, arrows, arrows, the sight is the same, 10 shoots in the shelter!
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since we have guys there on the other side, it’s difficult to pick them up from there, it’s difficult to bring them, it’s difficult, food, shells, cartridges, medicine, everything is very complicated, they’re sitting there, and we can’t bring equipment there, equipment, shooting, blow from sky. russian aviation began to use one and a half ton bombs more often at the front; these are the most powerful aerial bombs since soviet times, but modernized as they have a guidance system and retractable wings to reach their targets more deftly, as well as being very destructive. this weapon is capable of hitting everything within a radius of one and a half kilometers; neither a dugout, nor a house, nor a shelter can withstand an aircraft bomb weighing either 500 or 1,500 kg. leaves nothing behind except
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crows; i consider them precisely the technological factor that now determines our land war. russia is increasing the use of fabs in ukraine, using them last month. a record number of them, almost half a thousand discharges. the idea of ​​a controlled bomb is that special devices are put on an ordinary device that improve ergonomics; wings add control. if you drop a bomb from a great height, it will spread its wings and, thanks to the speed set by the plane, can cover a fairly large distance. fabs differ from each other in the mass of explosives 250-500 or even 1,500 kg, and accordingly in the force of destruction for comparison to the most powerful. the main problem is that the russians launch them from a distance, where ukrainian air defense systems mostly cannot reach,
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it is almost impossible to shoot down a guided aerial bomb using the traditional method. the fab flies at high speed, that is, the launch speed is approximately 700-800 km/h, but it flies at a speed of 300.
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massive work is underway approximately 20 km from the front line. we have moved from defensive operations to defensive operations, when you are defending you have to be prepared. so we are preparing our defense. we have mines here, barbed wire, dragon teeth, concrete capsules on the approach of an anti-tank erva, this is a whole system. the ukrainian government is spending half a billion euros to quickly build three lines of defense along the front line, almost 200 km long, but a little further, as here without... they hire civilian contractors. we monitor some of the work they do themselves, as well as how they build this system. but people
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have questioned why this wasn't done much sooner, and others have dismissed criticism as political opportunism, saying ukraine didn't expect to find itself in such a defensive position. trial will likely begin in early summer, when the country fears a new russian offensive to seize even more of its territory. one thing is clear, the ukrainians will have to reduce the length of the front line, they will have to leave more and more settlements in order to prevent the russian army from breaking through the front in several sectors at once and so that the war does not turn from a positional one into a maneuver one. more urgent news: russian border guards at the latvian border prevented an attempt to enter the pskov border. 91 electric detonators, and they were hidden believe it or not, there are 27 explosive devices in orthodox icons and church utensils. the driver turned out to be ukrainian, he has
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dual citizenship, and the cargo itself, judging by the markings, was manufactured in kiev. but to confuse the trail, the route was long and winding. ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia. what does this mean? the explosive is made of hexagen, which is one and a half times more powerful, and 70 kg, of course, would be enough to blow up an apartment building; the driver faces up to 10 years for participating in an organized group that carried out illegal transportation of explosives by prior conspiracy. in brazil, after macron’s unsuccessful visit , they decided to organize putin’s visit to the g20 summit in riodenero, which is scheduled for the fall. a fake international criminal court arrest warrant for the russian president will not be an obstacle, reports the local publication folkhade.
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since the government of lula de silva sent documents to the un on the need to grant immunity to heads of state for a time... support for ukraine is the main problem for the united states it was the speaker of the house of representatives , mike johnson, who is currently blocking the allocation of multibillion-dollar aid to zelensky, but blinken against the backdrop of impending impeachment is similar for johnson. will be able to convince his alliance colleagues, at least send a signal to ukraine that kiev has not abandoned nato.
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us secretary of state antony blinken heads to europe this week, starting in paris, where he will meet with french president emmanuel macron to discuss support for ukraine. blinken will later travel to belgium to the meeting of nato foreign ministers. so will the war in ukraine become the agenda? it seems so. i mean, as we heard from one of the speakers there. europe, france, has allocated many tens of billions of dollars over several years to the european union, a member of which, of course, to support ukraine, this made ukraine understand that this money will come, and kiev will be able to build and strengthen its defenses, in particular surface-to-air missiles. air, which will help protect her from some attacks from on the russian side, what blinken will most likely do is tell... macron that the us is still trying to get this money to match what the europeans are doing,
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but these are sensitive political issues. us secretary of state antony blinken travels to europe again, to belgium and france. of course, france is a key ally for the united states. not only is the us the main destination for french investment, the us is also the main investor in france itself. blinken will meet with emmanuel macron, as well as with his colleague, the french foreign minister, where they will discuss many. the most key point on this trip is to convey to ukraine a signal from nato,
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that is, support in the defense of its territories, and in exactly the same way as the alliance itself would do in the event of an attack, but they are not doing this, i don’t think that we can expect some kind of financial boom after congress returns from recess, given the current us support, it is likely that johnson will try to convince everyone in his proposal that the bailout will be approved.
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who can do this, mike johnson is in a very delicate and at the same time tense confrontation between the hard right majority, which would like to remove him from the post of speaker of the house and simply get rid of him, and other republicans who do not want even more chaos in the leadership of the house and dream of finding some kind of solution to hold this vote, albeit on its own terms, perhaps it will look like a package with some of the necessary measures. of course, much is unknown right now as we wait to see if this is a resignation proposal, what
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johnson will do, and how the democrats will ultimately respond. there are two options for the development of events. one, we will definitely hear from conservative republicans that speaker johnson, supported by democrats, is the only reason he is in this position. let me ask you about the speaker of the house because you know some republicans are opposed to what he introduced.
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france decided to try its luck with china. lulu didn't work out last week, now it is obvious that china plays a key role in independence and respect for international law, including the sovereignty of ukraine. with these words , the sizhurnaya addressed the head of chinese diplomacy, vana. he, however, did not promise to send any signals to moscow and focused on the economic aspects of bilateral relations. but france decided to once again signal the kremlin and send a shipment of weapons to the armed forces of ukraine, which had been devouring ammunition and equipment. the head of the ministry of defense le carnu stated this in an interview with lepreen. keev will get forty years ago armored personnel carriers wab. the equipment, still in working order, will be able to bring direct and significant benefits to ukraine. calmed
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those dissatisfied with the doctor. meanwhile , the french are modernizing their army, replacing old armored personnel carriers. on the brand new griffin and are being built as a third generation boat, and this is also a signal to russia, because the spolino boat will be capable of carrying 16 nuclear warheads, as quietly and unnoticed as possible. the project began 3 years ago, will be completed by the thirty- fifth year, but experts note that it was very important to announce it today, so that the russians know how powerful france is. according to them, the concept of nuclear deterrence.
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thanks to more powerful radar detectors, the new submarine will be better able to detect threats while maintaining acoustic stealth. when they dive deep into the ocean, they are incredibly difficult, almost impossible to detect if they maneuver correctly and if they are of good quality, which is what french submarines are like. they are expected to be the epitome of
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france's ocean-going nuclear deterrent force, capable of sailing up to 2090.
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deterrence works because deterrence is based on the concept of terror: you need to scare the enemy. the french tend to think that as long as russia poses a potential military threat to europe, as long as there are a number of nuclear powers threatening it, it is safer to keep nuclear weapons than to get rid of them, especially since we already have a well-functioning arsenal. the french nuclear deterrent or strike force consists mainly of submarines. france has almost halved its nuclear stockpile, but unlike other countries, there is almost no discussion about the need for nuclear weapons. all political parties
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except the greens, most of the general public seem to agree that nuclear weapons are necessary. the air component of nuclear deterrence , using asmpa missiles, is carried out with the help of mirage-2001 and rafale fighters, based either on national territory or on the aircraft carrier charles de gaulle. moscow reports a lot about its nuclear arsenal, its missiles, its air bombs. france in more they also show off their muscles in a sophisticated manner. i must say that communication has been very good in the last week, which is great because it allows us to see objects we have never been to. and it's not just communication. i think the russians know very well what equipment we have, but also these messages are intended for the french, because i...
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pentagon representatives have cycling schizophrenia already a trend, another eloquent illustration, a new sensational investigation on tracing paper and fake with a newbie. so, it turns out that russian specialists from the gro, through the wall , influenced the american military with a secret, acoustic, neurological agent. weapon pathology disorders, sensations came out immediately from cbs, spiegel and insider. they write that one of the former leaders of the pentagon’s investigative group, according to the so-called havana syndrome, is the same syndrome that has affected dozens of state department employees, and has never been proven, and even in the cir they said that the havana syndrome is not associated with any intelligence and weapons, but pentagon spokesman greg ed green is confident at the nato summit in vilnius last summer, the russians decided to strike at the top of the alliance, says a senior us defense department official was struck
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by symptoms and sought medical help. in general, another cranberry from the series of nuclear super-anti-satellite weapons in space. but in general, if this is true, it means that the us intelligence agencies and the so-called five eyes intelligence alliance are so not... us intelligence did not draw conclusions that russia is involved in cases of govan syndrome among american diplomats.
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white house speaker karine jean-pierre stated this clearly at a briefing last night. a connection has been reported between anomalous incidents in the healthcare system and a russian military intelligence unit. what is the white house's reaction to this report? well, i'll be very careful here, the intelligence community has not come to that conclusion. obviously there was an assessment that the intelligence community made, so i should refer you to the director's office. national intelligence regarding their assessment. but in that particular piece about russia, i know they didn't come to that conclusion. we were attacked, my personal opinion, yes. who attacked? the pentagon official who led the investigation into havana syndrome spoke about the patterns he saw in the officials who were targeted. one of the things
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i started to notice was the caliber of our officers who were being exposed, it wasn't happening to our junior or mid-level officers, it was happening to the top five officers in the top 10% who work throughout the defense intelligence agency and are constantly present. russia is obviously the prime suspect and there is amazing footage of an alleged russian spy who has been expelled or died, it is a pursuit to catch this spy. what do you think about the russian factor, is it worth it?
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attacks. the intelligence community released a report that was frankly unsatisfactory. it said that our most powerful adversary was responsible for these attacks, it was very unlikely that a foreign enemy was behind these attacks, but it noted, that there are serious gaps in intelligence information. these attacks do have the hallmarks of russian machinations, they use advanced unconventional weapons and the russians have done similar work in the past, so it could definitely be russia. but how do they target americans specifically, are there devices they need to do this, what exactly are the weapons? no, we don't know what kind of weapon this is, but it seems that, according to my theory, it is some kind of energy directed at a certain area, then everyone who is in this area will be affected, so yes, it's a pretty serious thing, again, like i said, this is happening for a reason, it started in havana, that's where we first noticed it, but now we're seeing it all over
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the world, and not...
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one can imagine that the americans were powerless to respond to these attacks, perhaps hiding information so as not to look like helpless victims when faced with moscow. i have a feeling it takes us back to everything we have experienced since 2014 . a lot of people talk about 2016, but i think these the stories started a little earlier, in 2014 since 2014 we don’t want to see, we don’t want to admit,
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we don’t want to name the culprits, because... and if we see, we admit, we name, we will have to act. it is true that we are within certain boundaries, and that means no boundaries. president macron spoke about this a few weeks ago, that the power and regime of vladimir putin is a regime that knows no boundaries. and this story shows that he really does not know the boundaries, for example, the boundaries of the protection of diplomatic personnel, who usually defends himself in interstate relations, he is not touched.
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the israeli parliament passed a law on blocking hostile media. it is expected that the first to fall under its influence will be the qatari tv channel al-jazeera, which israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the mouthpiece of hamas. the white house said it would be alarming if reports of plans to close al jazeera were confirmed. direct quote. let us remember how washington imposed sanctions against russia. for example, he threatened georgia with sanctions for the law on foreign agents. israel, as we see, he does whatever he pleases. washington steadily transfers billions of american taxpayers to him. this is different. the day before, the tsakhal struck first at the hospital, at the holy alyaksa mosque for all muslims. the israeli army said that the command center of the islamic jihad terrorist movement was located there. foreigners died, including europeans.
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well. at night, with six missiles from an f-35 fighter , the idf attacked the consulate general and the residence of the iranian ambassador in the syrian capital at home. as a result of the attack 11 people were killed, seven of them iranian soldiers from ksir, including the death of general mohammad reza zahidi, he commanded the elite forces of alkutsk, sir, in lebanon, syria. tehran reserves the legal right to respond within the framework of international law and the un charter. the iranian permanent mission to the organization announced this today. dmit iran reported that the united states, as supporters of israel, will also be held accountable for what happened. against this background , nbc news, citing american officials, reports: the biden administration has already informed iran that the united states did not know about the impending attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, did not participate in the attack, and in general
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washington was not involved. flames and smoke rise above the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus. rubble of the building is scattered along the streets. iran said the strike killed two generals and five officers. iran's revolutionary guards said one of its top commanders had died. although the idf has not commented on the strike, this is not the first time israel has attacked targets associated with iran. iranian state media are accused of attack by israel. the strike reportedly killed one of the commanders in chief, who played a key role in supplying weapons to the lebanese group hezbollah. the report also said several iranian diplomats were also killed. we are concerned about escalation, we are really
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worried about anything that could lead to an expansion of the conflict or in any way spread it beyond the borders of gaza. officials who were briefed on the operation told me that israel struck... a target inside syria in damascus they killed three senior commanders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, including brigadier general mohammed raza zahidi. this is the most significant blow to aqsir since the united states killed general qassem soleimani. zahidi played an extremely important role in iran's efforts, both in syria and lebanon, and was indeed soleimani's successor. zahidi was a key figure in iran-backed hezbollah and oversaw their funding.
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for any official, for any commander who is trying to kill the israelis, and these the iranians were going to do it, so yes, we hit the mark, this is a long-standing policy, we have been opposing iran for many years, the iranian consulate building in damascus was destroyed, an iranian general was killed, did you know about this in advance, are you concerned about escalation , i know right?
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but from time to time they hint at it, but it is unlikely that they will do it this time, but all the evidence points to israel. iran's ambassador to damascus was not injured in the attack. the ambassador states that he witnessed this as the embassy is right next to the consulate building. yes, the iranian consulate was destroyed. at least five people were killed, the ambassador said. note that this was a diplomatic building that was hit. this has never happened before. this is a very valuable goal for israel. the ambassador also said that israeli f-35 fighter jets fired about six missiles. this is the cover of the new issue of the economist magazine, a caricature of the famous giaconda by leonardo davinci, whose hair
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stands on end. the mona lisa symbolizes the european economy, which is suffering from a triple shock, energy crisis, growth chinese imports and trump's tariff threat. so political mistakes. now the death -like and even famous smile can disappear from the face, while in britain they continue to mock european traditions, look, these are the actors in the new theatrical production of romeo and julie. the premiere is scheduled for may. juliet, like many others in the play, is black. in addition, she is not very pretty for the italian teenage girl she actually plays. the role of romeo was entrusted to spider-man tom holland. for the first 12 weeks, the play will be performed on the stage of the duke of york theater in london, then on a world tour so that everyone gets used to the new standards of beauty and tolerance. in the usa, there is a level of tolerance. rose to unprecedented sky-high heights, let me remind you
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that they combined an international day of visibility for transgender people, there is one with catholic easter, well, the religious holiday itself was turned into a crazy show: firstly, the official white house briefing was opened by a huge easter bunny, and he did not leave the podium, until press secretary karin janker made all the reporters give him a thumbs up. secondly, biden himself disgraced himself by calling the symbol of the holiday... not easter, but an oyster bunny, that is , he mixed up the words ister - easter oyster - oyster, and also said that his favorite memory of the white house is when his grandchildren sneak into in the bedroom they jump under his blanket, although all of his officially recognized grandchildren are already over 18 years old, except for one, the youngest, he is only four, but it was not without the traditional rolling of easter eggs, which the owner of the aval office... pressed his lips to the baby for a long time, then
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scared the little girl to horror, trying to take part in children's fun. speaking of which, say hello to our oyster bunnies, guys, come here so everyone can see you, come on, pretty big bunny, yes president biden. was ridiculed to the fullest on social networks for the fact that he misspoke before the annual easter egg roll at the white house; instead of easter bunnies, he welcomed oyster bunnies into the white house. despite the buzz on social media, the official white house transcript is not included this disclaimer, hinting that biden had not made a mistake, a rather large rabbit, and president biden and... first lady dr. jill
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held the traditional easter egg roll at the white house on this windy and wet monday. the president even helped the world-sized child reach the finish line. a lost joe biden took to the white house lawn to take part in the festivities, and being an early-to-late -to-rising president, the early hour was easy for johnny. hunter, on the contrary, looked more than woke up. his dad, a big boss, could easily take over.
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the egg rolling, the fact that it takes place in a people's building, and the fact that 4,000 people will come here, more than ever before, we look at what is different about today , we will open soon and people will see this place. i always love to look and see how average americans walk around and look at all this, because this is all they have. this is the best joe can do, despite the complete lack of tough questions from the democratic operatives at nbc. what is yours my favorite memory of the white house is when our children jump into bed with our grandchildren, when they come to worship, they sneak up and then suddenly jump into bed. that's my favorite memory, they love it, they love walking the hallways, they love the two floors upstairs and there are several bedrooms for private living, they love coming to visit, president biden was asked. what is his favorite memory from the white house, he
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replied that these were his grandchildren who sneaked up and jumped into our bed. u biden has seven grandchildren, six of whom are over eighteen. thirty-year-old naomi biden works as a lawyer and is the oldest among biden's grandchildren. she also lived in the white house for a while before her wedding in 2022. biden's four other grandchildren, finnigan, macy, natalie and hunter, range in age from 18 to 23. happy easter, are you the vice president? are you john kirby? where is your wife? moreover, most americans expect a new world war in the next 5-10 years,
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reports de. according to a new survey, approximately 61% of americans said another world war is very likely or... somewhat likely. those surveyed believe that they will have to fight against china, russia, north korea and iran. the top three countries that americans believe will be involved in a global conflict and become allies of the united states look like this. great britain, israel, and of course, ukraine. nazi goncharenko once said in an interview that ukrainians, unlike other nations, are ready - quote, to stand side by side with the americans in the trenches near tehran. beijing phinen. wall street the journal reports that the united states is preparing for a nuclear war, but not with russia, with the dprk. american propagandists were allowed into a secret bunker in the south korean mountains, near siul. inside, the us military simulates a north korean attack on south korea. the exercise reflects a wide range of threats, undersea, sea, air and
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space. this activity is associated with statements from seoul and tokyo that the dprk is increasing the number of weapons tests. threatens to destroy south korea. washington and seaul conduct exercises to prepare the population to a major, sudden attack. allegedly, north korea has concentrated its strike fist near a group of south korean islands in the yellow sea. it is these islands, the americans say, that will become a new hot spot, and it is there that the pentagon is waiting for an attack. south korea, at the same time, modestly declares that the americans should not provoke kim. true scale.
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detected a missile launch at approximately 6:53 a.m., which was fired towards the east sea from the bhenyang area, the capital of the dprk. the launch occurred approximately 2 weeks after how the dprk army conducted an exercise led by leader kimjong , using ultra-large multiple launch rocket systems designed to strike the south korean capital. the joint chiefs of staff are reviewing details of today's launch, saying they are working closely with u.s. and japanese officials.
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this is where a simulation of the american response to a surprise bhenyan attack is being conducted. much of what happens here cannot be filmed due to secrecy, but we are told that these exercises reflect
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a wide range of rapidly changing threats from the north. the battles here on the peninsula have changed, along with the weapons systems.
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the number and scope of its exercises and conducts defense exercises in the capital, the purpose of which is to prepare the population for a surprise attack. in preparation, south korea is practicing a landing on the border islands, which will be a response to a surprise attack by the north, and the government in sioul has promised that any attack from phinyang will be responded to immediately. the enemy can carry out provocation at any time, just as we are ready to take countermeasures at any time, we
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are ready if north korea carries out a provocation, we will defeat them quickly unconditionally. south korea knows that the true extent of the north korean threat is unknown, and the mere possibility of this threat is enough for war to break out again on the peninsula. let's move to the front line into the zone of a special military operation. military correspondent alexey gavrish is in direct contact with us. hello, a lot of disturbing news, line voltage combat contact. where is it hot now, how is the situation? in fact, both there and there are really very hot. our troops continue to advance both in the avdeevsky direction and in the chasovyarsky direction. it was reported just last night. that our military personnel took one of the most powerful fortifications of the ukrainian nationalists, which is located from the eastern edge of the deciduous
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forest to the golubovsky mortar reserve 2, this is in the immediate vicinity of chasyar and also at the moment the distance to the city from our military personnel is already less 600 m. the ukrainian side is defending very strongly, our guys are literally biting into their defenses, there are heavy battles constantly, and aviation is actively used on our side. heavy artillery is actively used, multiple rocket launcher systems are actively used, the enemy uses predominantly western weapons, they use prohibited cluster munitions, and unmanned aircraft are also actively working on both sides, the enemy side is constantly moving in the chasyar direction - their reserves, for the most part now they are military personnel from konstantinovka, and also in the city itself the enemy is building fortified areas, occupying residential buildings in... in principle, the same thing is happening that we have already observed in artyomovsk, in ovdeevka, that is, judging by the fact that we now see the assault
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on the city will also be quite difficult, the ukrainian country is not going to just retreat. in ovdeevka, well, the situation is not simpler, but we also continue to advance. to the west of avdeevka itself there are serious battles for semyonovka. our promotion is also underway in the direction of thin uman, but here our troops managed to advance almost a kilometer. in some sectors of the front, which is actually quite difficult, such advancement is naturally facilitated by our increased use of aviation, since the enemy now cannot resist it strongly and physically does not have the ability to intercept our air bombs. how do weather conditions affect what is happening on the battlefield, because of course, soon the greenery will appear and the earth will harden. now the ground is actually narrower quite hard, there’s no way to unravel, so it’s naturally much easier for techniques to move, and also the weather helps
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fighters move, the fact that you no longer need to carry a lot of clothes, it’s become much warmer, but there is a negative side to this, because most reconnaissance is now carried out precisely from unmanned aerial vehicles, which can rise high into the sky and see, in principle , at a fairly decent distance, due to the fact that the weather has been clear for several days, and the enemy can watch us, maybe see ours... thank you very much, from the zone of the special military operation, military correspondent alexey gavrish is in direct communication. please, professor. unfortunately, i would still not brush aside this scandal with an unknown disease that the americans are stirring up. i do not rule out that with such hostility on the part of washington, sooner or later we will come to a severance of diplomatic
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relations. remember, starting in 2012, the americans... have already openly said that when the magnitsky act was adopted, that under certain conditions between us it may well there will be a break in diplomatic relations. by the way, this does not mean war at all, as some people think. we had 17 to 33 years, 1933, i mean, there were no diplomatic relations with the united states at all. and yet, we continued to live, there were even some economic contacts along... a formal line, but nevertheless, there were no official diplomatic relations as such, so i do not rule out that the americans are simply looking for an excuse for a possible break diplomatic relations, and what their sanctions have basically been exhausted, they have exhausted the mechanisms of pressure on our diplomatic property, what will be the next step for this hostility,
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besides this, no less interesting, i would say, is blinken’s future tour of europe. why? because the americans understand perfectly well that the old form of nato has exhausted itself. where the small, very tiny, decorative european armies, as they proudly said, are an army post, there is the united states, which is ready at any moment to transfer troops to conduct military actions. now they have the pacific ocean, the middle east, and rising. latin america, and blinken is looking for someone to oppose russia in europe. guys, let’s better create normal armies there against russia somehow. and here the americans think, who would be suitable for this role? france: well , there are nuclear weapons, they can be combined with the british arsenal, but still rather weak. germany
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alone is still rather weak today. and here. czechoslovakia, romania, under french guarantees. how will this boost help? the united states, because then europe will gain greater independence. for conflict with us. they already have nowhere to go, evgeniy, they understand that the time has already passed when they could completely and do not
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have enough resources. therefore, well, here they choose the lesser of the two calls. described, they are really strengthening their armies, very similar to the scenario that you are building submarines, and yet they no longer count on the united states, at least at the level of large entrepreneurs associated with the military-industrial complex, here is the chapter. metal, for example, declares that the united states will not protect in the event of a threat, the europeans say they will send some kind of corps. comrade iz rein metal can hardly say anything differently, because he receives contracts from his european allies for the production of weapons not only for ukraine, but also for other countries. let's honor it. europe needs to give up. the idea that
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the united states will definitely come to the rescue if a military threat arises for it. over the past decades, european leaders have taken it for granted that the united states would come to the continent's rescue in the event of war. threats, but it won't happen. the blocking of additional aid for ukraine by us congressmen is a signal for the whole of europe. washington will no longer pay for us. now the us is concentrating its forces on the asia-pacific region and that if a full-scale armed conflict occurs, the us will focus on asia, and europe will remain.
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again the question of outdated infrastructure, the first news in the united states, everything is very old, bridges, roads, airports are 50, 60, 70 years old, by the way, more on this in trump said in the sixteenth year, he had a large program to update the infrastructure, including the military, the united states doesn’t have much new weapons either, they are hypersonic. they still can’t do it, however, it is clear that this is a very formidable enemy, possessing incredible resources, both financial and engineering, so we don’t relax, we move on, please, a policy of containment
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based on terror, yes, these words were said , this is really, let’s say, the calling card of anglosachism, which is now demonstrating all over the world what happened on our lithuanian border, what we discovered in the icons. this man tried to smuggle it from kiev into russia, the cargo was church utensils and dolls, the cargo began to be loaded, the loading became imminent, then they gave me the whole package of documents, after which
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i moved to the territory of russia in the city of moscow, where the release should be . the truck drove across the european border several times, the icons were made at an enterprise in kiev, in ukraine they were loaded with explosives, from kiev they transported the cargo to chernivtsi, then to romania, the border with which... due to ukrainian draft dodgers, is under serious control. from romania the truck went to hungary, then to slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia. latvian border guards gave the truck with explosives the green light to leave. but in russia, fsb and customs officers detained the car at a checkpoint near pskov. it turned out that the seized icons contained hexogen. the power of this explosive is one and a half times greater than the power of the cable, and the mass of the seized explosive is enough to ... blow up a five-story building residential building, only here there are 600 icons, 27 of them are ready-made bombs, into which you just need to insert a fuse, detonators were also available, here is the complete assembly, yes,
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everything is ready to be assembled into one circuit, a battery, a control board with a slot for a sim card, a total of 27 camouflaged vykonovs and ready-to -use homemade ones were removed from the cargo... they are used to light candles for health, it was laid specially so that it would not dangle, well, of course, it would not shake, there was, according to the components themselves, specialists it's clear, who... be the sender of such equipment, sets of moderators used in icons, sabotage fuses of industrial production were discovered with special units of the armed forces
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to commit sabotage. perhaps the organizers of the smuggling channel wanted to cause an explosion in a church or give disguised ieds to those who were targeted as victims, especially since easter will soon be celebrated in russia. such versions that they wanted to arrange a bloody easter for us, imagine, these icons, they will end up in church shops, in large churches, people will buy gifts for the holiday, this is usually a tradition, or these candelabra, these candle stands in which such an explosion can be placed, that is , a large-scale, very bloody action was planned, in comparison with which from the network would seem like flowers, now of course...
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israel is striking the iranian consulate in damascus, in fact it is so in the language. that is, iran will now accept, these are not some assumptions of ours or, this is international law, the territory is attacked state of iran, diplomats died, and military personnel died there, but those who arrived, you never know what they are there, syria, iran, they interact at the level of diplomacy, at the level of military personnel, military-technical cooperation, this is normal, but a blow is struck against damascus using these high-precision complexes that...
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losing everywhere - the conflicts that they unleashed, they have now moved on to a terrorist war, to their favorite method of breaking the state, unleashing some kind of internal contradictions, colored revolutions and so on, while the west cannot demonstrate anything on the front line and scares us by scaring our pilots, that if you use fabs 300, then not every plane there can fly with them. what’s your business, we
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’re making these factories, and we’ll try, and we’ll try, we ’ll put this universal planning and correction module on them from the mpc, we’ll throw it hundreds of kilometers from our long-range bombers, so that this bastard who there she planned these terrorist attacks, participated and who is terrorizing our citizens in the front-line territories, so that she receives retribution, and that same retribution...
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providing communication with a drone over an unlimited distance, that is, this is also a type of weapon that now uses dual technology, these routers are installed, a lot of drones that we shot them down, they got there intact, we saw these routers, just like on unmanned boats, there are also starling routers, maybe they are masquerading as civilian users, and elon musk or his operators don’t see what it is that is flying and...
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what it is moving, but they have to guess, it’s time to act on these satellite constellations, and i think work is underway on this, and after our president said that about f16 aircraft , yes, if they take off from the territory of romania and poland, and they will become legal targets, all these satellites will also become legal targets, well , in general, we actually have a lot of legal targets that for some reason we have not hit so far, because this is israel's current blow absolutely blatant. in another country, according to the diplomatic department, obviously the target was precisely that same general ksir, they say that modern technologies make it possible to deliver high-precision strikes, unnoticed strikes, lightning-fast deadly, russia has quite such technologies and of course surpasses israel in high-precision weapons and experience use of precision weapons. but
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nevertheless, we still do not see any evidence of such use of our precision-guided ammunition against war criminals who declared as such by our state, but as bortnikov said recently, everything is ahead, we will return. tim neupokoev in previous episodes. your honor, i ask that these photographs be included in the case file. zoya neupokoeva is a brilliant lawyer. we plan to file a complaint. her career. it’s rapidly going up, a beautiful car, yours, how many years have passed, but your personal life is stagnant, and will you ever marry me, how can i tell you, i worked for roman for 7 years, the company belongs to him, i have nothing at all ,
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zoya decides to go to the investigative committee, you investigator, cheers and show your indomitable temper there. now we know exactly what to look for, you have 3 days, let's go, irrepressibly restless, i miss you, continuation, today we look at the rtr hotel titanic delux, golf belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort at our... relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic del luc golf bellet is
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the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rest is leaving yourself alone to rest. it's not thinking about anything when you're calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. he who renounces
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the past renounces the future. we do not betray our memory and do not renege on our words. first word, we answer. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us. very often, girls from another circle strive to marry rich boys. let me decide for myself who i love on whom marry. ok? he will still be mine. i won't give it to this sheep. and there will be a lie. we need a little girl. entertain, money in advance, there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, she doesn’t drink with you, she even had a blast with us, and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he
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will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is at least a small chance, i will wait for her... tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform watch, substation, the first podcasts we watch,
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i want to stay in moscow, of course, arrange myself in our restaurant. i also drew a horse with wings, pigasus after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who, it’s zabyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, i’m afraid to wake up, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid or what? here everyone should be fired, actually i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, you in general, this mum is incomprehensible, nothing, i’m still struggling, or a princess? who will the prince choose, you loved her, most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on
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saturday on rtr, 65 years ago you came to the maykovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if i take me , that is forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent, but do you also have something in your heart about lazarev? we had a very quick romance , we got married very quickly, all this was said in my heart right away in an office romance, i always felt sorry for you, in fact you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never encroach on him, on his family , she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed from...
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up to 900 m at speeds up to 230 km/h, as a result of which the stability and controllability of the aircraft were tested. when designing the aircraft, the designers paid special attention to autonomous operation in our harsh climatic conditions, which allows ilyushin to land on unpaved airfields in remote regions of russia, including in the arctic latitudes. the new il-114300 is a universal platform on the basis of which you can... create various modifications of aircraft, transport, cargo-passenger,
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sanitary, even for special purposes, for example, polar, patrol or reconnaissance. well, the american aviation concern booing has gotten itself into history again. the crew of a long-haul united airlines boeing 777, en route from frankfurt to maida to san francisco, suddenly reported an unbearable odor in the aircraft cabin. according to the sun building, the cause was sewage from a broken toilet, as a result of which the plane had to be turned around over the north sea and returned to the departure airport. the pilot of the booing plane was forced to return to the airport after a foul odor from a broken toilet filled the entire cabin. a united airlines flight bound for san francisco circled the north sea before returning to frankfurt airport. shortly after takeoff from frankfurt, passengers on the plane. that there is an unpleasant smell coming from the toilets. after inspection, the crew discovered that one of the seven-year-old plane's toilets was faulty.
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passengers also said that the contents of the waste tank overflowed into the cabin, aggravating the situation. airplane all over visibility contacted ground engineers, hoping that they would help fix the problem, while the plane continued to circle over the northern sea. after technicians were unable to find a solution to the problem, the booing trim pilots decided to return to frankfurt airport, sparing passengers the traumatic experience. brazil is making every effort to invite putin to the rio de janeiro g20 summit. assures the publication folha de sau paolo. according to a brazilian newspaper, the government lula da silva has already sent documents to the un international law commission stating the need for immunity for heads of state, as this will directly contribute to the peaceful settlement of international disputes. furious at the position of the south american country, the ukrainian ambassador...
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that in general the whole world revolves around ukraine, but we also lived at some time somewhere in an african country there were wars, i didn’t hear something there inside ukraine or there in the parliament of ukraine, someone would discuss something there, why everyone should live there solely by the interests of ukraine, it is absolutely incomprehensible to me, in general this comrade is unlucky in which country he doesn’t end up in, there are only enemies everywhere, they don’t want to do anything for ukraine, but let’s go back to the period of ukraine’s preparation for a counter-offensive, do you remember? at that time, even then there were people who doubted the success of this counter-offensive, they asked the ukrainian authorities many questions, do you have a plan b, in case the counter-offensive fails, they convinced everyone that there is no plan b and there cannot be, a counter-offensive will be successful, what we have today, we have 2,200 km of defensive line, on which we need to build
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fortifications in three lines of defense, but there is no finance, no organizational, or any... other resource for this, this what we are seeing now is such a pathetic attempt to imitate some kind of construction of these fortifications, this requires enormous financial resources, organizational resources and, most importantly, time, taking into account how well you can call it the front is breathing, he is exhaling rather than breathing, and the offensive is going in one direction, how to contain it, well, it’s quite a difficult task and it seems to me...
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russia, that is, there is one goal, it was initially the key goal, to undermine, destabilize russia, cause certain protest sentiments, to try to destroy this country from within, you know, this is their main goal, what ukraine will lose there, how many people will die in this war, they are not interested in this at all, but this is what is happening and we watch with icons, yes, to me it seems that it was worn after all. such, well, an icon is such a specific gift, you see, you can’t get your hands on it, put it somewhere conventionally in a safe, closet or take it out to a barn, usually it’s considered a valuable gift, they know this, i think that these terrorist acts had to be of a certain targeted nature, and if this is so, then there had to
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be a group of people who could be communicators between those against whom it would be used.
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factor of china and india, yes, what we call the global south and zelensky’s attempt to somehow connect them to this process, that is, those countries that will bring the united states of america under them - this is understandable, but it would also be desirable to include india and china, but zelensky’s idea in 1991, well, actually did not give any chance even for any compromises with
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these countries, now plus zelensky’s dubious legitimacy is added and... for him, an extremely important story is international meetings and contacts, because in conditions of dubious legitimacy, how can he give legitimacy to himself, only at the expense of these people, does he owe something? look, he was actually one of the initiators to appeal to the constitutional court so that the constitutional court would issue its verdict, this is the only body in ukraine that can interpret the norms of the constitution, we can argue endlessly whether zelensky is legitimate or not, citing there to article 13, 108 of the constitution, but a decision on this issue could be made by the constitutional court, if he was. confident in this decision, then of course he would have applied, and if he had been confident of his victory, as we all are assured of all of you, then of course, he would have held elections
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and would have been in a much stronger political position, but that - the point is that he has no confidence in his victory, firstly, secondly, he himself doubts his legitimacy, which is why he refused to appeal to the constitutional court so that it would support, so to speak, his legitimacy in an absolutely legal way, so of course he will act. outside the legal framework, without any doubt, he will make the most of this period until may 21 exclusively for solving one task: strengthening his vertical of power, strengthening his vertical of power with his loyal people, with whom he is entering a zone of turbulence and his dubious legitimacy, he needs people who are as loyal to themselves as possible so that they ensure the stability of his power, zelensky, by and large, does not care about everything else, the front line...
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he promised peace in donbass when he ran for office, but this cannibal brought war to his people and to all of europe in general, to our people, well,
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the former president of ukraine in just about a month and a half. kiev continues terrorist activity, the russian military is working to eliminate this threat, peskov said about the uav attack on the nizhnekamsk oil refinery. there are strikes similar to the syrian one. attack by the israeli air force on the iranian consulate in syria, violation of the foundations of international law and an act of aggression by the sands, an explosive device found on the border with latvia, more the press secretary of the head of state just said one alarming signal about the terrorist methods that the kiev regime is resorting to. look what's at the front. the moment of destruction of the road bridge across the gaichur river near
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the city of gulyai-polye. the target is approximately 8 km from the front line, which did not prevent the aces from the eleventh army of the russian aerospace forces from delivering a sniper strike. the destruction of the crossing disrupted the supply of the ukrainian armed forces group and deprived the enemy of the opportunity to carry out rotation. and this is how northern crew work works k-52 and mi-28 helicopters, an air strike at close range destroyed three armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces and at least 35 militants. here are the consequences of the work of artillerymen and drone pilots on the same zaporozhye front. devastated positions of the ukrainian armed forces. in the trenches there were killed apu soldiers and
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pieces. and concrete from which the shelters were built. in these images , a british challenger 2 tank appeared in the combat zone. after the loss of the first such vehicle last september, the ukrainian command withdrew them to the rear and is now throwing reserves into battle. challenger 2 is not suitable ukraine, they often get stuck in the soft soil of ukraine and have to be towed by other tanks or engineering vehicles. at any time when towing is not always possible, the stuck challenger 2 becomes vulnerable to challenger 2.
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this is the brigade that is held here at the top, and this is the only brigade that has not yet lost its positions, the rest of the brigades stationed in orlovka and tonenkiy, meanwhile were forced to retreat, this is where russia managed to advance further, this is where the next line of defense is located, we can do it here draw that runs along this line, this line is almost broken. these shots from the avdeevsky direction show an attempt
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at a counterattack. retired us air force colonel sidric layton worries on cnn that the russians are building on their success and continuing to advance.
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an example of the coordinated work of aerial reconnaissance and the russian aerospace forces. our uav operators identified a ukrainian field point and called the k-52 crews. the alligators used guided missiles to destroy enemy positions. this powerful explosion was the consequence of the fab’s arrival at the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in vugledar. in the air ukrainian forces are complaining that the russians have a lot of one and a half ton aerial bombs that can completely demolish any fortifications. you should look at avdiivka. for a long time avdiivka was under the control of ukraine. the russians managed to take this city. they did this with their glide bombs. they are heavy and destructive and now the russians have managed to perfect these planning modules for their bombs. this means that they can be dropped from a safe distance. a few months ago they got even better. the ukrainians are trying to get the same bombs for themselves. the american equivalent is called jdam.
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this is how our drones terrorize ukrainian militants with precise drops: day and night, uavs bomb personnel and equipment of vso positions. after the next arrival, the surviving ukrainian soldier raises his hands in surrender. the kiev regime is building fortifications to contain or at least slow down the advance of the russian army.
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sniper jonathan pocket. the thug says that expensive equipment is of little use. ukrainian artillerymen complain that due to shortages ammunition, they can only occasionally snap. the russians shoot constantly. the situation at the front is difficult, we lack ammunition. the path would be much easier for the infantry, but not for us, but it’s difficult now. at the end of march, the russian army. the united states said in the white house and called for urgent
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funding for ukraine. we already talked about this, jake salevan also talked about this, my colleague from the national security council, we ukraine cannot afford any more delays. the american institute for the study of war is waiting a large-scale offensive by the russian army, it will be concentrated in the west of the dpr, western analysts believe. in their opinion, the russian command gives priority to the avdeevsky direction. french experts do not agree; they expect the russians to go to kharkov in order to stretch the front, which the ukrainian armed forces are already holding with difficulty. today the front extends for 1200 km, and there are rumors, there are information leaks that the russians would like to continue the offensive on the kharkov region or even on the city of kharkov, and the front could expand even more, by at least another 300 km. the moment is coming when it will be
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very difficult for ukrainians to hold such an important front with a length of 1500 km. now to germany, where marijuana has now been legalized since yesterday, but not for everyone, for example, the berlin police, as reported by tager. they banned smoking cannabis, however, only if they are on duty, that is , dressed in uniform, sitting behind the wheel of a service car and or carrying a service weapon. moreover, the authorities of the german capital have created a working group to monitor whether the police are growing hemp directly on workplace, that is, on the territory of police stations. in general, the screws have been tightened to the maximum for employees of internal organs. another scandal that the german company adidas got into. on the official uniform that the bundesteam are going to wear at the european football championship, the designers used a very dubious sheriff, it is very reminiscent of ancient germanic runes, so the t-shirt with number 44 looks like
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an ss uniform, the fours look like lightning, the players themselves play under numbers from the first to the twenty-third, but in the company store you can order a t-shirt with any number you like, so now the sports giant with... is blocking orders for this pair of numbers, also blacklisted the name hitler for obvious reasons, while football fans can still order the uniform of goebbels or gerring, incorrigible. fans of the german national football team could always order t-shirts with any name on the back on the adidas website. in the future , however, they will no longer be able to get a t-shirt with the number 44. the reason is that the new design is too reminiscent of the banned runes. sss for the nazis in the third reich it is the second most important symbol after hackingreutz. its display, use and distribution in germany are prohibited by the constitution. as soon as possible, we will remove t-shirts with number 44 from sale, adidas representative oliver brugin assured in an interview with bee. a scandal over
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the numbers on the new uniform of the german national football team. not only does number 44 resemble the forbidden ss rune, but even number four resembles the ordinary sieg rune, which was an emblem in nazi germany. folko of the younger age group of the organization hitler jugent, however, how did it even happen that it is similar to the symbols of the sss did not catch my eye before. the german football union nsf explained how the design of the numbers on the t-shirts was agreed upon. the nsf checks the spelling of numbers from zero to nine, and then sends numbers from one to 26 for verification to uefa. and as the german football union stated, in the process of creating a new t-shirt design, none of the parties involved saw anything similar to the national symbols. socialism, in turn, the adidas company, which actually sewed a new uniform for the german national team, and hastened to place all responsibility for the dubious design on the german football association. mfs was responsible for the design of names and numbers. which transferred the order to its partner eleven team sports,
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the largest online store of football accessories in europe, adidas spokesman oliver bruggen clarified. right now, the board of the ministry of defense is passing through and reported that the armed forces of ukraine, after the failure of the counteroffensive, are trying to gain a foothold on certain positions along the lines, but they did not achieve their goals in any direction. we are listening to the statement of the minister of defense. 403 km of territory of new regions of the russian federation passed to our control. we continue to reduce the enemy's combat potential. since january , the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand troops. 1,400 units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles. despite the lack of results.
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yes, thank you, yes, it’s true, they can’t resist, but it should be noted that they resist desperately, generally enough strongly, moreover, they counterattack and it is not clear why, even, yes, that is, based on military logic.
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more seriously. it should be noted that you don’t have to think about the volume, then the progress will be significant , that shells are everywhere, now let’s put them near every plant and everywhere, there simply won’t be enough of them, but there are other ways to defeat, you know, that’s what they do, bastards, they they're flying across the whole country, they're trying to hit some of our targets somewhere in tatarstan, i think that's not even the point, the point is: to fly,
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this is important for them, it’s important, and not so much for them, but now for the americans, the british, everyone understands perfectly well that ukraine has already been merged, yes, that’s true, what, that’s what they’re doing, they’re preparing poland, they’re preparing the baltic states now , they prepare everything and explain, before it was the year thirty, now it’s twenty -six, twenty-seven, that’s why they say this, well, that’s the question, well, they’re fools, probably yes, or are they scaring us, or what, what? they are definitely preparing to make the baltics put us in such conditions that
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there will be no other options, that’s what they want, they are preparing the polish army, yes, the polish army there is about 100,000 people, it is... going to the right bank of ukraine, look, look what they want to do, they want to do approximately the same scenario as we had in the russian-crimean war, they stood near istanbul and could have taken it, but the british brought a fleet there and did everything to prevent us from doing this, so they want to make it so that we don’t have enough forces, then they will come all in white and impose their peace on us, but is this what they want, the question is... will they be able to or no, macron says something about armies, about all things, yes he is, i ’ll tell you that if we really wanted to attack europe there, well, we could have done it there 5 years ago, and i tell you i assure you that we would have been stopped only near berlin
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somewhere there, only the first resistance was shown, that’s guaranteed near berlin, all the experts know this. we don’t want this, we’re not doing it, but what should they do, they are now pumping up, pumping up, making weapons for the army their own, not giving it to ukraine, because giving, it’s clear that then what will you do? what to do, what options do they have to win with us on the battlefield, yes, they said we will win on the battlefield, but now what are they saying, we can’t let russia win on the battlefield, but the rhetoric has already changed, so what if we win. then there are diplomatic negotiations, what kind of diplomatic position do they have? yes , none, none, accordingly, they have nowhere to go, they can only conduct military operations, attrition, taking into account the fact that economists there will say whether we can introduce this or not, i think we can, that’s the question
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that due to exhaustion, they say: we have this potential, well, we will be like this, let them take every bush there, it’s hard there.
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even with the children, these poor white children burst into tears, well, you showed it there, well, this is it, it’s really like that, the child was scared, probably thought that the mummy had come out from somewhere, and then you know, and you get it, sign it - he said that he really loves it when his grandchildren jump into his bed, probably, god forgive me,
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a thirty-year-old granddaughter or something, who, what he loves, well, and this person is really running for president, so you have to... to understand, to understand, this is a real president and is running, and yes, and someone else supports him, they really say that he is a normal person, and that let him be president, so he determines today politics in ukraine, i’m just making a comparison, to make it clear, that is , it seems absurd to us, but the fact remains a fact, a fact, so i don’t really understand either, you know, why they’re talking about zelensky now, like...
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security what is he, what is his, so to speak, will end his term, but naturally, as you understand, no one there will recognize him, his supporters have the right to vote, thirdly, the most important thing, this is real, will the people perceive him as president or not, that’s the question, that’s the question, that’s it of course, a very important point, but he is also not a fool, he took it, he removed zaluzhny, because if his powers ended, zaluzhny said you are not the president, he would really cease to be president, syrsky, who is a butcher today, whom the army does not like, i i would say that even many people hate it, which is exactly like that...
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wait, wait, let's go, they ate my child, alla taxi from the eighth of april on rtr,
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we present to your attention a real hit of sales, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather, an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag, made in patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. such a bag the most discerning fashionistas will appreciate it. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize the space and keep your purse organized. stylish design. two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call now to order
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an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather in just 1995. do you want twice as much harvest? the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost and retain heat. it will speed up the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will ensure quick growth. access for watering care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size , the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will fit even in the most inaccessible places of your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to.
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you are bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly. your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo, will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it gets dirty , just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast , comfortable. and easy, call, order a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, at a special price from only 9.95,
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just choose the appropriate design, create a unique look for your suburban area, mega sale, magnificent carpet century at the lowest price from only 9.95 we present to you a magnificent century carpet, with it you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and... worth cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust or attract wool, and is easy to clean. elementary. the magnificent century carpet is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fades and does not crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from, blue and red, two sizes, 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega sale: magnificent century carpet at the lowest price
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from only 9.95. take advantage of it. today on rtr kinoserial kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year, but what will tell us about this? kuznetsov? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children, big premiere, yours
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the husband violated the order of comrade stalin, admiral blacksmith. already on the platform let's see that dreams come true, sunday, i'm counting the minutes until the evening when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well, i won't stand on the path of your happiness, please stop, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, what will i do, i don’t know what yet, but i will do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr, russian citizens called up for military service will not be invited to participate in a special military operation, minister baron shaigu has just announced at a special conference call. the recruitment campaign started the day before and will last until july 15 in
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accordance with putin’s decree. must undergo compulsory military service. conscripts will not be involved in participating in a special military operation; in turn, military personnel whose conscription period of military service has expired must be promptly dismissed and sent to their place of residence in an organized manner, drawing special attention to this from officials. china in will become the world's largest economy in the next 10 years, global times predicts. beijing
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will maintain stable growth dynamics this year if it manages to maintain annual growth rates. the indicator is at the level of 5%, by 2035 the economy of the middle kingdom will overtake the united states, for this china needs to modernize the industrial system and develop new high-quality productive forces, although already now in terms of purchasing power the chinese are ahead of the entire planet, the russian economy is also growing, which is forced, bloomberg states. western sanctions cannot be contained development. moreover, the financial climate in our country, according to bloomberg, is the healthiest in the last 12 years. russia's economy accelerated at the start of the year on the back of strong consumer demand, investment and exports as the country continues to reel from the impact of sanctions following the invasion of ukraine. despite signs of slowing growth late last year, the economy accelerated in the early months of 2024, according to a bank of russia statement in monday, which summarized his decision to keep the key rate on
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meeting last month. the protocol states that tariff setting authorities. were particularly surprised by consumer resilience, supported by rising household incomes and borrowing volumes. household savings are also growing, despite a downward trend at the beginning of the year. according to the central bank, this coincides with increased investment and the stable financial position of the country's largest companies. a survey conducted in march showed the business climate to be the healthiest in recent memory. 12 years old. expectations for future production demand are at their highest levels since may 2013 , the central bank said. dmitry kobetych.
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is also an important factor, but the question is different, that it will be necessary to completely replace everything, for example, only in household appliances, there are such a number of product ranges that need to be displayed in a soviet manner, this requires very serious production, and above all low interest rates rates to expand this production, so there seems to be a moment here, plus, there is some economic peculiarity, the first two months are, as it were , connected with the military-industrial complex, accordingly, there are large advances, accordingly , we seem to have a certain financing scheme, so the first 2 months , as a rule, we are shot industrially, that’s the question of consumer spending, yes it’s unusual after december that people seem to be putting pressure on spending, because holidays and everything else seem to be showing now that, in principle, people start spending, they also spend because they want to have time to spend, so they are spending money, which means they have it,
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which means they are spending it now after christmas, after christmas and new year, as if in the hope that prices would not go up taking into account inflation, so as if the reason for this is some instability, but in any case, it is like an opportunity for economic growth. there are, it is necessary to implement them, well, thank god, as for the situation, the rates would be even lower, well, as i understand it, it’s closer to the point, for this you need confidence in stability, you need low inflation, first of all, that’s what it is necessary that in the next day there will be, well, in fact, a strike with low-flying targets on tatarstan, this is the first strike in the history of the entire military operation, it is 1200 km, it is quite far away, plus, on top of that, there are very large oil refining centers there, now it will be - will be recognizable, because industrial centers, oil refineries, aviation centers, this is generally a huge industrial region, but the easiest way to inflict damage, as in this case, apparently not a refinery, and most
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likely it was hit, this is a tanaka, so now we need to find out, in fact, the reuters reuters, which is closer to us, says that they hit the installation, accordingly, the businessman says that they didn’t hit it, so we need to check, because if they hit it, that’s 7 million barrels per day - per year, so, so you have to look, this is a very long way, this is about the question of what they said about how we have all 32 mpzs, large ones, that’s part of, most of the european, european part of russia, tatarstan i remind you already, accordingly, we have the volga region, so, from this point of view, you just need to protect them systematically, and what is being done in principle is, for example, in the ukrainian case, they use brigades with manpads, here are portable schemes.
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wti returned to october, but why did they return? and after yesterday, after israel hit the consulate in damascus, well , the embassy consulate and the ambassador’s residence, well , iran, as it were, like the embassy, ​​but we will assume that this is a diplomatic complex that was hit, respectively, in result apparently a high-ranking general died. taksir, zahidi, with a high degree of probability this process is aggravating, because iran has already announced that it is going to take revenge for this. iran has distanced itself for a long time; it will be strange if iran does not take revenge for such an attack. now i will explain why this is important now. the fact is that
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recently, iran has been trying to distance itself from the situation in the middle east. there were negotiations, including , respectively, with hezbollah, and this is , accordingly, lebanon, there too the situation is now worsening in the north. what is special, as we predicted, is the confrontation between the current prime minister netanyahu. and biden, it has already passed into such a hard form, it will lead to the fact that - netanyahu will most likely try to involve , turn on, and accordingly aggravate the confrontation by involving iran, this is a classic example of involving iran, if iran is involved, in this case, it is much wider confrontation, in this case washington will no longer allow it to sit down, it may settle down when it comes to gas, but in the confrontation with iran, there is a consensus in the united states, so from this point of view, as expected, aggravation is the only way out to preserve the situation and support in the middle east. is waiting for trump, a great friend, and the best way to wait for trump is to aggravate the situation in the middle east, because in this case, if there is a situation with iran, consolidation around the situation of an anti-iranian position, that is, will begin. position is one of the
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strongest in the usa after the anti-chinese position, that’s why from this point of view , it’s clear why this happened, you started putting pressure on netanyahu with the demand to stabilize the situation and resolve negotiations, in response you received an aggravation, which could lead to very serious consequences, which means, okay, 89 , he will now reach 90 at this rate, if there really is a confrontation there, if iran hits israel in response, then it will most likely be over 90, now the gollon is 3.5 and he is so dependent on morality... now he will leave v four at this pace, that is, in fact , this is a sharp escalation, this is a very sharp rise in prices that can occur on this component, the situation there in lebanon is happening, it is becoming more complicated, in fact, there is already an active confrontation going on there in the northern, in the northern part of israel , and a significant part of the shells also goes there, by the way, 105s, that’s the caliber, so from this point of view, the issue of supplying additional weapons is now being discussed, which will now be substantively decided , including for israel, that is, very much is happening a serious aggravation, resulting directly in the economy, that is, on...
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a very big risk, that is, this military confrontation could become very serious pressure for a number of countries , by the way, it could also kill the prospects of china, because the red sea, well, that’s there this is a separate story there, it’s like a song in the pestle, by the way, it should be noted that the soviet fleet still managed to deliver its tankers with a falcon to india, three units passed before he did it, well, this is about the question: that with such... oil prices, or maybe because there the bod marshal shapshnikov went to neighboring ports, i remind you that about seven tankers left us, that he did not finish the rest, the problem is this, and the problem is that with extremely high energy prices, the cheapest oil in this case is iran, respectively the russian federation, in this case sanctioned oil, it will be in most demand, you will drive prices down to 100 and you will have to cut all the cheap oil from the market basically because that it is cheap, this is the most important thing in economics, i don’t know, the problem is
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that at this rate your yurus will cost 80, so in the middle east now, and in yours, well, in ours it will cost 80 minus 14 dollars, because that we should still bring it there and sell it, that’s why it’s a question of where it’s sailing from, that’s because india will pay itself for this additional cost, it’s time to raise oil prices, that’s what saudi arabia and i are doing, as a matter of fact , so she knows it’s time for us to raise him. conflicts lead to very serious consequences, and here, for the complete happiness of everyone , there was not enough friendship for a couple of more refineries to break down, and first of all, the processing installations, the most expensive part of the refineries at the inlet are the primary oil refining, but if they come out accordingly, this is about a month and a half , as a result, you hit the global economy and the myth of refining gasoline versus oil, everything together, so from this point of view, it’s as if we are all in the same boat in fact. with some lags, but
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it still affects the entire economy, what's this all for? to the fact that in the near future the most important component, the most dangerous, what can happen and what will influence the processes, which will become the main story in the election campaign of many different countries, is the situation with the middle east, because the aggravation, as it were, this is a very dangerous situation for the internal economy, as we have seen, the economy very seriously affects the electoral processes in the uk, in france, in the usa, in the russian federation too, we will return we are working. in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on the air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtl.
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kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true.
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kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, they say you need to prepare for a vacation. you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, what are you doing here, you remember that there are weekends?
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alla, taxi, how we used to get along without you, that’s it, especially me, since april 8 on rtr, my joy lives in a high tower, that high one, no one can go, the intercom
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is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i’ll tell you never cheated, she chased him for two blocks, left, started to bite him to death, when a kamaz rushes at you, radiculum and lameness somewhere disappear, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea have you drunk?
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is fulfilled, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, happy birthday to you, blow out, on saturday, after graduation you fly to italy, and i finish my business here and to i'll join you. "if you knew where you'd lose, daddy, daddy, little darling, if you knew where you'd find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you loved him in general,
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mom, so from now on in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we are only a few." not enough, the life of references is not gives, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. 65 years ago you came to the mayakovsky theater, and you still serve in it. i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent. and about lazarevo to you did the heart also say something? ours was very fast.
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it’s passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, that’s it shurka, this is just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. finance minister rg landner is going to allocate up to 9 billion euros additionally for the defense of germany from 28, as if something threatens it, but only if the country can reduce its debt level, reports reuters. in his opinion, additional money could be allocated if germany lowers its debt below the eu threshold of 60% of gdp. according to opinion.
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not only ukraine, he wants to change the order peace and freedom in europe,” said the leader of the fdp. he wants power over us, to control our lifestyle, our prosperity. anyone who is tired of supporting ukraine because it is too difficult or expensive should think about the consequences, the danger of war will come closer to us. let's move to germany. evgeniy schmidt, member of the bundestag from the alternative for germany party, is in direct contact with us. you see, evgeny, it turns out that putin wants to control your lifestyle, how... do you like this from the german government, in fact, on against the backdrop of the fact that the government makes one
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mistake after another, after another, the level of support for the government is constantly falling, they are looking for culprits somewhere from outside, in this case russia, that is, the government blames russia for its mistakes, mov, it is the russians who are to blame, that the level the lives of the germans are falling, it is the russians who are to blame for the fact that our prices for electricity, gasoline are breaking records, the russians are to blame for this and that, instead of pursuing policies in the interests of their own people, they are simply engaged in this catching of mice and they are pursuing a completely inadequate policy, and further confrontation, which further aggravates the economic problems in the country. blinken flew to europe, is going to meet with the defense ministers of nato countries, including pestorius, and probably wants to spur european countries on. more help from ukraine, indeed we see that there is a certain calm on the european front, there
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are no large supplies there, there are no large financial tranches, something happened, yes, you know, even against the backdrop of the fact that in a couple of months there will be elections to the eu parliament, polls show that right-wing parties, parties that advocate constructive relations with russia against... sanctions and an end to this militarization of europe, these parties are gaining more votes than they would like, than the americans and the current ruling political elites in europe would like . therefore, of course, now american politicians, ruling politicians, will pay more and more attention to europe in order to somehow neutralize this danger. however, yes. there is a certain split or misunderstanding in
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european camp, that is, not everyone wants to meekly give their money there, their well-being, into this cauldron, the bottomless cauldron of the ukrainian war, so the americans have to come and, let’s say, instruct their vassals on the right path, but we will monitor the situation, then yes , i hope that this confidence or... scholz’s admiration in terms of the supply of tauros missiles, it will not move, because germany, of course, in this regard, can really and, as scholz directly says, become a direct participant in the war, and this will lead germany to catastrophic consequences, we know this from history in the 20th century. you mentioned the european parliament, something can change, really, the victory of national forces in the european parliament elections, is this... such a ritual victory, symbolic, or from the point of view of the practical
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actions of the european union, can something change? indeed, parties are oriented towards their own national interests, that is, in order to pursue a balanced policy in their own interests, without regard to washington, without looking back anywhere, they are recruiting all over europe, there is such a renaissance going on now, that is , support is increasing, this can be seen in germany, the alternative party. for germany, despite the unprecedented campaign that was announced against our party, we nevertheless managed to reverse this negative trend, and have now reached ...
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germany again. against the backdrop of this growing hysteria of the leading european media that europe will not be able to stand without the help of the united states, supposedly against russia, at the same time, yesterday’s outrageous statement by an american congressman, republican thomas massey that the fiftieth state of hawaii, that is, together with 49 others, supposedly...
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this is already in the past, the second more serious thing is current, of course, these things are, of course, a reflection of the growing contradictions in this european , european policy of the united states, in the military-political segment, that is, on the one hand, here, of course, as, by the way, rightly, yesterday, security council secretary patrushev noted in an interview that here, as it were, against the backdrop of the desovereignization and militarization of europe coming strengthening the strategy depending on the american military-industrial complex, european all these military affairs. moreover, with the promotion of this crazy narrative, well, allegedly preparing almost an attack by russia on nato, absolutely dishonorable and empty, that is , we really see here that the american biden administration, as it were, is distancing itself from all these european ukrainian affairs, trying to blackmail,
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throwing in all these crazy, so to speak, some things, so to speak, to tie strengthen this... line to strengthen this line of getting benefits, well, here is trump’s republican approach, that is, not everything is so simple, they strengthened the us-european commercialization in further distancing, that is, in fact, and yes on this background, of course, it’s real for biden, well , except for these easter oyster hares, this kind of crazy satanic thing, either easter, or lgbt, all this means a satanic den, of course there are two problems. today is the first one rightly noted, this is not suddenly, in quotes suddenly, it has been growing for a long time, and this is the explosion of iran by israelis, well, if not a conflict, well, in fact, on the eve of the war, and what the white house says is that the white house allegedly knew nothing about the impending attack, complete nonsense, complete nonsense, absolutely, but in
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any case, the intelligence services, the american intelligence services were notified about this from... the intelligence services knew about this for sure, the second problem, the second problem, and it is no less serious, internal for biden , this after all, what version of the bill will be adopted after april 9, when the easter holidays end , actually present it to the chamber, that is, it is not completely clear, there are three options, one, as it were, classically large, with the largest piece of 60 billion, the second is smaller. .. that is, in any case , unfortunately, ukraine will be given money, it is unlikely to change the situation at the front, but nevertheless, of course, it will complicate the situation for our valiant soldiers and advance forward, let's go back,
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what are you doing here, you remember what happens weekend? you and i don’t have the kind of relationship to show up like that without calling, it’s a pity that it’s not like that, irrepressible restlessness, premiere today on rtr, we present to you the legendary horse balm from the czech republic with horse chestnut extract, which will relieve you of pain in muscles, joints, spine and tendons. balanced formula of medicinal plants. provides immediate pain-relieving effect. the balm is produced in the world famous czech resort of karlovy vary according to the old swiss technologies. for more than a thousand years, horse chestnut has been used for the treatment and... tactics of many diseases. it has a strong antibacterial, absorbable, healing and anti-inflammatory effect, and provides invaluable assistance with muscle sprains,
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dislocations, fractures, polyarthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. in addition to horse chestnut, horse balm contains lavender officinalis, rosemary, comfrey extract, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, peppermint and peat extract. call to order horse balm with horse extract. chestnuts at a uniquely low price, from only 9.95. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect the plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120 by 60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can also use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to due to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site
1:57 pm
or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a mini-greenhouse. breadbasket at amazing prices from just 29.95. are you bored with your old fence? do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit the budget hard. we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs or painting. four bright beautiful ones. lights to choose from, all you need to do is attach the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden,
1:58 pm
stone or metal, when if it gets dirty, just rinse it with water, it’s beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call and order a universal photo façade for the fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in patk style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion on work, on a visit, for a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. like this. the bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas, it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm, the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail, two large compartments with a zipper,
1:59 pm
four external pockets and even a secret compartment for an umbrella, all this will allow you to conveniently organize the space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two trendy colors on choice, universal black and noble brown. call now to order delicious. a chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. do you dream of the stage, do you believe in your strength? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave. registration and submission of online applications on the website don't miss your chance. become a star, a new wave will lift you to unprecedented heights. today in moscow
2:00 pm
a temperature record was set for april 2. at 11:00 the air warmed up to an unprecedented 18.8°. now it’s +20 outside in the capital. against the backdrop of abnormally warm temperatures for the beginning of april, the capital started turning on the lights a month earlier. fountains, for example, on the kievsky station square. vesti, look, it was 60 minutes, goodbye. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this.


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