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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. today in moscow a temperature record was set for april 2 at 11:00 the air warmed up to an unprecedented 18.8°. now it’s +20 outside in the capital. against the backdrop of abnormal heat for the beginning of april, fountains began to be turned on in the capital a month earlier, for example, in the square. kievsky station, watch the news, it was 60 minutes, goodbye, hello, on the rossiya tv channel, in the studio of irina rossius and the main topics for this hour. more than 80 thousand
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military personnel were killed, as well as more than 14 thousand various military equipment. defense minister sergei shaigu spoke about ukraine's losses in its zone. drones attacked tatarstan for the first time. there are victims under attack in the alabuga economic zone. cnn admitted that the scenario of attacks on russian targets is being developed by western specialists. under the guise of an icon, a ready-made bomb. a truck from kiev was detained near pskov . zit traveled through six european countries, no one there was embarrassed that it contained more than 70 kg of hexogen. iran calls us to account for israeli strikes on consulate in damascus. tehran is ready to respond harshly to the tel aviv attack. today, at the request of russia, the un security council will discuss this issue. and in kaliningrad, due to the hot weather , sakura and magnolia bloomed ahead of schedule. in the volga region, where snow is actively melting after warming, the flood is rapidly gaining strength, where large amounts of water have still arrived. russian units in
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the special operation zone are pushing ukrainian forces westward, the enemy is trying to gain a foothold on certain lines, but is defeated. sergey shaigu reported this today at a conference call with the leadership of the ministry of defense. our military , developing an offensive last month , liberated five settlements in the dpr from.
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runs to an act of terrorism, shelling of civilians. our armed forces react asymmetrically to such crimes by ukrainian militants. in march , high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles carried out 190 group and two massive strikes on ukraine. military and energy infrastructure facilities were damaged. russian intelligence services blocked the channel smuggling of explosives. from ukraine,
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intended to carry out terrorist attacks in our country. a total of 70 kg of hexagen and almost hundreds of electric detonators were intercepted. icons made in kiev were baked with all this. but the dangerous cargo transited through six eu countries, but the car did not arouse suspicion in any of them. a month before easter, the truck was detained at the border with latvia. report by vitaly kormazin.
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slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia. latvian border guards gave a truck with explosives welcome to leave. but in russia, fsb and customs officers detained the car at a checkpoint near pskov. it turned out that the seized icons contained hexogen. the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power consumed. the mass of the seized explosive is sufficient to blow up a five-story residential building. there are 600 icons here alone, 27 of them. ready-made bombs, into which you just need to insert a fuse, detonators were also available, here is the complete assembly, yes, which is to assemble everything ready-made and your own into one chain, battery, control board, with a sim card slot in the burrower. in total
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, 27 camouflaged bombs and ready-to-use improvised explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosive were recovered from the cargo
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. our russian colleagues said that the information was too general, too general, and did not allow us to fully identify those who participated in this
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terrible crime. today crews of uragan rocket systems worked on the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine in the kherson region. crews hit strong points, equipment and ammunition depots on the right bank of the dnieper. our military also destroyed another bridge through which the vis was supplied. fighters from the brave group attacked a concentration of manpower in the avdeevka direction. on the same sector of the front, an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle , while trying to launch a counterattack, was blown up by miniature mines that the militants themselves had installed. another vehicle, as well as the control center for unmanned aircraft, were destroyed. our artillerymen. in parallel, fighters from the west group are working to create a threat to our border. shot. new pre-emptive strikes, inflicted accumulations of manpower and equipment on the territory of ukraine near
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the russian border. well, in the south of the dpr, coastal tankers suppressed a firing point that was hindering the advance of advanced units. report by eduard punigov. the crew of the t-80 bvm tank goes on a combat mission. according to reconnaissance data, there is an enemy stronghold nearby that is hindering the advance of attack aircraft. tankers get as close as possible to enemy positions and hit with direct fire. quick reload second shot. objective control means confirm the hit. the crew immediately turns the tank around and quickly returns to cover. t-80 bvm vehicle is a modified tank, fresh, behaves well, reliable gas turbine engine, the vehicle is still new, passable, my task is to bring the vehicle to the point and withdraw it, well , if there are any arrivals, i
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really don’t notice them, i don't pay attention to them. the tank commander is an indisputable authority for his subordinates, the tank crews carry out his commands harmoniously, everyone understands that the actions of each person depend on the life of the entire crew. what goals are you working towards? in different ways, in terms of technology, armored vehicles, enemy manpower, dugouts, the vehicle is not friendly at all, the t-80 bvm tank, in principle , during its operation with... this model is significantly superior to its predecessors in terms of dynamics and acceleration, which
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gives tankers a huge advantage , because on the front line you need to work as quickly as possible. the crews are always in full combat readiness; in a day they can have up to five trips to the front line. we work during the day we work at night, the machine allows us to work at all times and weather conditions. he has a device that allows him to see a thermal imager both at night and during the day. tense, we are working, but the enemy’s forces are weakening, victory will be ours. armored units in the eastern group regularly receive reinforcements, new volunteers, ammunition and equipment. this vehicle has just arrived at the disposal of the fifth army from primorye. the tank is completely new, in perfect condition, the soldiers have already put additional protection on it, so called an anti-drone grill, very soon the tank will go to the front line.
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today the cabinet of ministers is completing preparations for the annual report to parliament, the head of government and ministers are expected at the meeting tomorrow. i know that all members of the government actively participated in... working with the structures of the state duma in relevant committees, this is very important feedback, of course, you just need to listen to the opinion of our parliamentarians, they will also voice all their questions during the report , they will ask them to me, we need to give comprehensive answers to them. we have an absolutely common task here - the development of our country, the well-being of people. and today you will meet the prime minister.
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relations work a lot, in this sense we constantly feel, including parliamentary control, which is absolutely normal and correct, over the past time we have reached a different level of relations with the government, the most important thing is that now both deputies and the government are responsible for the final result of decisions taken decisions, about 14 received thousands of requests, people know that the duma is preparing for the government report. the deputies have already sent the questions in writing to the government, and of course, it is important for us
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to work out a solution on them together. thirty-degree frosts will hit northern siberia by the end of the week. it will get colder in the central zone, as well as in the north-west of the country. in st. petersburg tomorrow the thermometers will drop below zero and it will snow. well, where spring has already come into its own, floods have become a problem. from the orenburg region they are coming every hour more and more information about flooded areas, engineers are building embankment dams, a team from samara has arrived to help local rescuers, they will work in the area on the border with kazakhstan, where water enters residential buildings. emergencies ministry employees carry children out and help adults evacuate. in the altai territory, 50 settlements have already been affected by the disaster in the mikhailovsky district, where 360 ​​houses were flooded, residents are being evacuated. special commissions are calculating the damage. in the bryansk region, rescuers are flying drones to assess the movement of large waters from the air.
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operational information is broadcast through electronic displays. there is an unprecedented excitement on the streets of kaliningrad, citizens and guests of the city are in a hurry to see the blooming sakara and magnolia. this year the buds bloomed much earlier than expected. report by marina naumova. the wave of tropical heat that came to the region and active sun rays turned the beginning of april in kaliningrad into summer. squares. i had to urgently change my windbreakers to light dresses and t-shirts. japanese cherry trees bloomed ahead of schedule in the city. photos of blossoming branches of pink inflorescences flew all over social networks. tourists and kaliningraders come to the embankment of the historical fleet to admire the sakura in bloom, to catch the delicate fleeting beauty of the cherry tree, which will bloom for only a couple of weeks, and then the petals will fall off and the pink cloud will disappear. in order not to miss the cherry blossoms, some townspeople come here during their lunch break, others rush after lectures, to take a selfie against the backdrop of flowering
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branches, they have to wait until a place is free under the tree. something very sweet, like large cotton candy. we took a taxi and went to see such a miracle, it’s of course a complete delight, i want to stop, somehow freeze, yes, still take a break in this life, on the city plumbs in the botanical garden, warmed by the sun’s rays , primroses, daffodils and tulips opened their buds and bloomed belonging to the southern cultures of magnolia, because of the warm air, their fluffy flower buds released thin white petals, unexpectedly early, we are glad, in general, to capture the moment, we really like it, you see, we had to undress, suddenly... for us this is the main miracle, the warm beginning of april has already gone down in the history of meteorological observations, as the earliest case of summer temperatures recorded in temperate latitudes, tropical air arrives from the south and right up to our region, air temperatures are in these 3 days
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were very high, even 23.7, these are temperature records. for 56 years. while the warm weather is unstable, it may rain in the coming days, but forecasters are reassuring. on sunday, tropical air masses will again arrive in the kaliningrad region. on this day in the region it is expected to reach +25. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct kaliningrad. this is the news, this is what will happen next in the program. drones attacked tatarstan for the first time. there are victims under attack in the abuga economic zone. in the gas sector. in the hospital controlled by israeli soldiers, dozens of patients died, in bangladesh, in addition to the nuclear power plant, thanks to russia , other nuclear facilities will appear, which you will find out after the advertisement, see you, do it, you remember that there are weekends, you and i it’s not the kind of relationship to show up like that without calling, it’s a shame that
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the indomitable, restless premiere is today on... tr. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodrum. the office is your business card business. the taller business center is located near paveledskaya square and the garden ring. author's architecture with a recreated historical tower, access system with facial recognition, application for managing space and time, intelligent
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building navigation system. data center, public spaces and underground parking. new heights for your business. 65 years ago you came to the mayakovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent. and about did lazarus’s heart say something to you too? we had a very quick romance, we
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got married very quickly, in our hearts, all this was said right away in the office romance. i always felt sorry for you, in fact, you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s simple a gift of fate, that's shura, it's just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. happy birthday to you. ask! on saturday, after graduation, you are flying to italy, and i will finish my business here and will join you, if only
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you knew where you will lose, dad, dad, little darling, if you knew where you will find it, i have a business proposal for you, van, you already have flowers from fans, did you even love him? so from now on in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we are only a few days away familiar, enough for me, life doesn’t give me references, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, in these frames.
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this is news, we are continuing the release. russia will definitely bring to justice those who ordered the cithole terrorist attacks. vladimir putin just announced this at an extended meeting of the interior ministry board. the president called on law enforcement officers to pay special attention to the fight against extremism and illegal migration. preparedness for emergency situations, according to putin, must be constantly increased. performers, but all links, chains of ultimate criminals
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beneficiaries of this atrocity, we will certainly get to them, that’s what i would like to say in this regard, those who use these weapons, these weapons that are used against russia, this is obvious, today should already understand that they are mutual. this is a sharp weapon, here are orders, crimes for money, but they are not isolated, also in this professional environment you can say, and you know this well, uh, in this environment there are no reliable agents, they do anything for money, not guided by any non-religious or political considerations, only financial ones, also... everything is easy and sold, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, but i will add that
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the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that were responsible for this large facility where the terrorist attack took place, we paid a very high price, and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and...
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this is their main task, we in no way should allow them to do this. however, when you begin to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime, it turns out that the person got to russia without any problems, went through all the formalities, got a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes malicious ones, then. he applies for citizenship without even knowing the basic russian language, here it is necessary, modern digital electronic
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biometric databases are needed. those that are currently working they, apparently, are not enough, they do not allow us to fully stop the risks of relapses of illegal migration, while our compatriots, whose ancestors grew up in the most central regions of our country, sometimes cannot obtain citizenship for years, already i said that we need to deeply, radically update approaches to migration policy, please mini. all these issues should be worked out comprehensively and in detail, the minister and i also spoke briefly about this, and we need to present a list priority decisions: first of all, it is necessary to ensure the interests and security of the state and society, to preserve and preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our
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cultural, linguistic... identity, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that people can come and live and work in russia only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history. this principle should be decisive. moscow and minsk strengthened the institutions of the union state, despite difficult international conditions. vladimir putin wrote about this in a congratulatory telegram to alexander lukashenko, on the occasion of the day of unity of the peoples of the two countries. the president of russia highly appreciated the coordination of efforts in the field of foreign policy, defense and security. integration processes, according to putin, meet the fundamental interests of russians and belarusians, and also strengthen stability and security in eurasia. in addition to the nuclear power plant, thanks to russia , other nuclear facilities will appear in bangladesh. this was stated by the head of the state corporation rusatom alexey likhachev. he said what is currently being discussed option to build
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a "big power" research reactor in bangladesh. 12 people were injured today when drones fell in tatarstan, the press service of the head of the republic reports this; a drone attack occurred for the first time in the region; the nizhnekamsk territory of the allabuga special economic zone was attacked. all victims received medical assistance, three required hospitalization. head of
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tatarstan rustam menikhanov. reported that there was no serious damage, and the technological process at the enterprises was not disrupted. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. kiev is planning drone strikes on russian targets along with its allies. as cnn reported, the routes are being developed in advance together with western specialists. american experts hope that these attacks will have a greater impact on the russian economy than sanctions. in the evening on our channel. several serious crimes, answer many life questions, learn to accept defeats and at the same time not lose optimism and faith in yourself, don’t miss it right away today after the big news. the federal part of the broadcast is now over, regional news is ahead,
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it was held in yekaterinburg today. hello irina, the mechanized column was headed by equipment from the great patriotic war, these included motorcycles, armored personnel carriers and the legendary cargo truck, and behind them were modern vehicles, armored personnel carriers and multiple launch rocket systems, air defense installations. the first rehearsal took place not in the center, on the outskirts of the city. 10 such training sessions will be held by may 9. elena thank you, good luck to you news, well, we are now transported to kusbass, where a livestock breeding record was set in a penal colony settlement. four cows gave birth to twins at once. we now have sviridov and andrey in direct contact. andrey, hello, this is such a rare case. hello irina, this is a sensation for livestock farming. usually a cow brings one calf at a time, even to serious
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owners. twin cases


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