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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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militia picked up a sniper rifle and stood up at the age of 23, she became a participant in the people's defense of donbass. watch about this at 15:00. well, the next episode of federal news will air at 16:00. all news is always available on the media platform. look in the app or on
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the website, we have everything by this time, see you. in the depths of your heart, purity is like a baby's sleep. the frequency is in some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we are leaving defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls, hello, this our program, in 2014 into the ranks of the militia.
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donbass, along with men, became women. the reasons why they took up arms were different for everyone, but the goal was the same: to protect their land and return peace. in 2014, i had to pick up a weapon, which became my faithful friend, protector not only of me, but of the entire donbass. guys often make fun of me, because back then i... svd, she was actually taller than me. lucieni da iizara was 23 when she joined the militia as a sniper. after the ukrainians pressed old people with tanks in donbass, how people were burned alive in odessa, she simply could not stay away. a woman has such qualities, yes, she is quiet, she is small, she is more careful, morally, more self-possessed, so a woman, specifically for the sniper department, is not bad. candidate.
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lucienne trained for hours, disassembled and reassembled the rifle hundreds of times, bringing every movement to automaticity. she was the only girl in the unit, eager to go into battle, but her colleagues were afraid for her and took care of her. such an atheistic concern somewhere, but other guys considered me directly, well, my sister. the most important quality of a sniper is camouflage, maskhalat, this is kikimar, this is a goblin. well, so to speak, not the best images for a woman. but they save lives, if you remember your first shot, you doubt and are afraid, but then you understand at the same time that either you, or they shoot at you, turn off your head, the most iconic thing is that it was the lavai cauldron, the battles that were fierce walked for three weeks, and the lavai cauldron hardened everyone participants then from receiving that we are able... to defend, no matter what,
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our homeland, here is my old lady uniform, defender of the fatherland medal, george in silver, cross, the fact that i am a donbass volunteer, and i also have a uniform my great-grandfather, my great-grandfather fought in the great patriotic war, my grandfather fought in afghanistan, it so happened that i am in donbass, the memory of the whole family, so this is important. where did such a fragile girl find so much courage and bravery, what was the fate of the defender of donbass and who will lucien see today in studios for the first time since the militia. we have lucien days's militia in the studio. hello lucien. hello. hello lucienne, we know each other. come on, there are a lot of things that connect us, so i’ll take the liberty of asking you. lucien, this is very rare. what's your best name?
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maybe lucy, maybe my dear, whichever one you like? you know, they called me grandma once, when my husband and i were helping during covid, she said: hello, hello, this is julienne, i say, this is also possible. the history of the name is quite simple, i when i received my passport, i dreamed of taking my mother’s last name, because my mother’s daughter, my mother raised me all my life and did not love me, when they named me lyudmila, well, more precisely lyudmila, i liked it, but lyuda, it was not mine, lucien’s dissar stood up, handsome, say, how the war began for you in 1914, you ended up in the militia, how i worked then -
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work no matter what, and no one expected that they would start burning people, that they would start shooting people, that airstrikes would begin, there is a lot of evidence of this , what is this it was ukraine that did that the right-wingers would come to donetsk.
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he then introduced me to other guys, i said: well, you don’t let me work, learn to assemble and disassemble weapons, then in the first week i got acquainted with a sufficient number of small arms, the guys taught me how to assemble, disassemble, it was close to you, it was close, my mother
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worked in the police, even as a child they gave me the horn of a machine gun, i unloaded them, loaded them, i liked it, well, even as a child , it’s just yes, like pieces of hardware and pieces of hardware, then - my mother and i went to artyomovsk, there were salt mines and 250 meters underground there were warehouses with weapons from different times, that’s when i managed to shoot for the first time from a nagan tt revolver and even once they gave me a lift from a maxim machine gun in a wheelbarrow, i was about 11 years old or 12 in total, i remember two handles, you take the safety off, and so thump, thump, thump and...
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it was just when odessa happened, i then sat and cried all night, they showed it all live, then there i was in front of the laptop watching a live broadcast of what was happening, like people in the studio they applauded the dead people, but why do you think they showed everyone this live, honestly, i don’t even know how it is... it seems like one country, the same people, speaking the same language, these are not germans , in the end, yes, the fascists, well, until that moment i don’t know to this day why and for what, the most important thing, my assumption, is
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precisely in order to incite hatred, to push heads even more, who is with whom, one people , what kind of people, slavic, russian, they all speak russian. we once went when i was still in my youth, about 18 years old, in kiev, with donetsk we went to the all-ukrainian festival chervo naruto, we were very worried, everything there is in ukrainian, you try to speak ukrainian, but where am i... ukrainian, surzhik, a mixture of ukrainian and russian, and when we arrived everyone spoke russian, this has also come from the time of the first world war, there was the first concentration camp for russians from 1914 to 1918, on the territory of golyachina, the governments of austria-hungary created the talergov and terezin camp in order to to eradicate russian-speaking population, more than 25,000
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did not come, worked, left, yes, just like that, so that there were serious losses that happened before our eyes, when we lost our friends, overnight, you were friends with this person, you communicated, ate stew with him, and in the same trench, they smiled at each other, told jokes, covered their backs, since he is not here, in general the hardest thing is to bury him, and what kind of battle was that on august 13, what is this ilovaisk cauldron?
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it began to form somewhere at the end of july, there were several other settlements in ilovaisk, then that is, we went there throughout july, the border territory was the task of pushing them back as much as possible, we created the first cauldron, that is, it was generally the first cauldron in the history of the militia, on august 9 i got married, we were given leave. we weren’t supposed to get there, they just came to pick up our car, he said, we have a combat vehicle, everyone let’s go, give us a car, i mean, how is it, the guys will go, but we won’t go, no, we quickly changed clothes, left and on the tenth we were already we arrived for the battle, the first battle was on the eleventh, well then one guy died, petal, the sniper didn’t let us go to him, we did a good job of knocking out the ukrainian equipment then, that’s exactly what it was, by the way, then. meeting with a ukrainian prisoner of war, he was a nineteen-year -old boy, i don’t remember his name, he was
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all wounded, they abandoned him, they took him out of a damaged infantry fighting vehicle, his first question was: are you terrorists, are you russians, we were captured, we have guys , who had documents, says, in the sense, we show our passports, all citizens were still of ukraine at that time, we said, we are all from donbass, what are you talking about, why are you shooting at us, i'm not you, what did you come here on, did you come here on a tank?
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here they were filmed in the first seconds of the battle, the first salvo of the tank, we begin the roll call, more people respond, that’s it, the second hall of the tank, the third, after the third there is silence. we shouted, there was no response at all, that is, we realized that there were only four of us left, and the tank was ukrainian, on the one hand, it continued to move towards us, and miraculously we had a ptrd at that time, my husband, now ex, he just grabbed it by accident, said that it was lying in a mess, it was still not shot at a solid gun, he says, let’s take it, and there are 12.7 such cartridges,
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one or two is normal, when a backpack, that’s why i transferred them one by one, that’s when the tank sold... it was a pity that the first shot was fired, that is, we they couldn’t hit this tank, because again the first shooting, he fired from this ptrd for the first time, some kind of fantasy, the second shot, the tank by the way, it was this grass that we didn’t pick all sorts of flowers, it saved us life, it covered us and the tank thought that shooting was coming from the house, he was shooting, he didn’t see us, and by some miracle he still managed to get into this tank, but the turret jammed the tank , a bomb gun came out, started... pulling him back, while they were pulling him back, he said, let’s move back , moreover, when the shooting from the ptrd took place, we were worried that there might be a sniper in the greenery, who, yes, 2 days ago were working on us, and at that moment we were a miner with a taxi driver, and i, i say, he’s shooting, we ’re pouring a burst of fire in parallel, so that he has time to fire a shot when we they went behind the house, i saw our living ones, the first
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reaction, of course, was not entirely adequate on the girl’s part, why did they leave, how old were you like that? 3 years, and then, when i saw that we didn’t have most of the fighting force, the spire was then sitting in the entrance without an arm, a mole, guys, i ask where vasily ivanovich is, and we had a guy like that, he was 63 years old, so the real vasily ivanovich, he was a great guy, big, kind, i ask because he somehow always tried to take care of me, always somehow protect me, i tried, when they tell me no, i say until... i see with my own eyes, i say, i won’t bury, that is , these are the moments, there was a grandmother, i remember this grandmother, we were on the eleventh during the battle , it was very hot, when we were sitting, i, my god, at least it would rain, it would rain, it would rain so much, and many of them were wet, and i didn’t have ankle boots at the time, because in donetsk it was very difficult
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to find any or shoes, namely a beret , size thirty-seven, thirty-six, i have there were... simple autumn boots, well , a little higher, i got them very wet, that is, my feet were simply wet through, and there was nowhere to change my shoes, nothing, no way, that sound, it turned out that i approached my grandmother, well the girl still says, at least a little, i say, she, oh, what do you have , she says, there are no socks, she says, listen, i have some left over from my son, she says, i’ll give it to you, so she gave it to me these socks, and this grandmother was just in the house that the tank was shooting at, then a tank shell arrived there into her apartment, besides, she miraculously remained alive, that is, we are trying to get into the tanks already, when we went behind the house, through the fire, we actually covered several people, there is a battle going on, a shootout and the granny runs across to our entrance wounded at such speed , we then came to my grandmother, we brought coal to her, that is
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, we later took her under our patronage, but unfortunately she is not alive, but she died a natural death and... there was also a kitten in my memory , i have two animals that were remembered precisely in the war, how terrible this war, even for such small creatures, the first thing was that it was a kitten, then in the entrance, i saw a little white kitten, she stood in the corner like that, she turned around, she sat and trembled, when i wanted to pick her up at least for unloading , to take her with us, unfortunately she wasn’t there, that is, i don’t know, the second time, when we were already in the debaltovo cauldron, we... went to uglegorsk for cleansing, i’m very afraid of big dogs, well, once upon a time i was scared by a dog when i was a child, but i have never seen such a healthy a huge, handsome caucasian, he stood, he had such frightened eyes, and excuse me, here he is, he walked under himself, he stood, he was afraid, because the wings of mines, mines, lay down, and he was locked in an enclosure, that
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is, his family or she went down to the basement or left, but it’s closed... that is, he can’t even run away anywhere, the mines continue to fall, and he, but it can’t be put into words, well, it’s a chilling fear, but the most important thing, you know, when it happened, we were at the entrance, our kamaz trucks stood like that, tanks were hitting in parallel, that is they hit our vehicles in the air, that is, our entire ammo exploded, all our kamaz trucks that were standing nearby exploded, in fact, that is, every minute we were left without any ammunition at all, the fact that whoever had something then it was nearby when at some point, that is, we called on the radio, we talked, the commander, the commander on the radio irbis then told us, two tanks are coming to you, one armored personnel carrier to help, then one tank is coming to you, then a bus is coming towards you, the bus actually left, they had to stop at the boarding go further on foot to help us, but they were in such a hurry to get to us that they neglected
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safety, a ukrainian tank came out and shot this bus head-on, then they handed us a portion, they said: guys, there will be no help, we received an order, if you can, move away, when they started to squeeze us right now, our guys in the entrance washed down katyusha, i remember that time i spit. she approached him and injected him with butrafano, and then grabbed a rifle, ran somewhere, shot, a japanese man stood next to him, he said, look there, i see a tank, he has my jaw jammed, besides, he told me this, i didn’t, i didn’t remember anymore, because in fact you act like you ’re on adrenaline, your head makes a decision at the speed of light, and he later told me from the side when i was there with other guys she came to the unit, he says, in general, he says, we are standing on the corner of the house, there is a tank offensive, he says, and i stand with... pg in headphones and says: my jaw is jammed from the previous shot, i turn to her like this , and you’re standing there like that,
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why are you opening your mouth, the tank is coming, hit, in general, and he remembered this, he remembered it to me later, he said: well, i’m sorry, brother, it ’s true, that is, these were some lightning-fast decisions in order to complete the task anyway, no matter what, listen, here you are. .. you’re telling me all this now, well, in short, i’m in shock, i want to ask your husband how he lives with you, and what are you telling him about it, victor, please come in, we have lucien’s husband in our studio, victor korneev, hello, victor, hello, hello, victor, your story is interesting, how are you we met lyusena, our acquaintance was interesting. in fact, well, we are part of the lisa alert squad, the lisa alert search squad, we had a high-profile search for a child in our city, and we came to help a volunteer, when i arrived for
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the search, i saw lucien, something turned upside down, such a girl with an interesting look , we had our first route, we walked almost 30 km, talked, lucyena began to talk about her life, but not everything of course, but i... realized that the person was close in spirit, well, somehow, just 30 km away she to you what did you tell about yourself? well, the fact that she herself comes from donbass, the fact that she was in the militia, did it strike you, because such a fragile, beautiful girl and so bam, she said that she was a sniper? no, everything was superficial, what struck me was that i treat the war in such a way that, well, it’s not really a woman’s job, i have many friends who are now... and you told her about it, that it’s not a woman’s job, 30 km, and how did you react, agreed, no, actually i agree, i liked the guy, everything
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is clear, so, well, somehow she went on a mission without me, they had a task set about cemeteries, and in the evening i find out that she pierced her leg, stepped on a nail, that is, i came and took her. i was taking it home, well, somehow , probably, no, not from that, it started a little later, a little later, i was digging for crutches that are adjustable, so i still went with these crutches to search, and when they made an offer, an offer was done 3 months after we met, quickly two, two, yes, that is, yes, very quickly, it was her birthday, that is, i already then i understood that the person was not indifferent to me... different, that day it was all spontaneous too, in the morning i looked at her, that is, how she was running, fussing, that is, before that we were just friends, let’s say, that’s exactly what the day
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clicked in my head that i wouldn’t let her go anywhere, and her friend was there, i came up, irina, i said, please play this song later, and there i ordered a gift for her from a saxophonist, asked him to perform, bought fireworks , that is, the song was staged, i want to marry you, at that moment i... the microphone proposed to her, that is , absolutely no one expected this, oh well, well , then again, i already understood that i had found the person i had been waiting for all my life, yes, it was a wonderful surprise then, let's look at another surprise at screen, i was the first to meet lucien, well, here she came, a girl, she seemed to me to be 17-18 years old, small, thin, small, thin. very stubborn, i told her what it was to be a sniper, especially to a girl, she was stubborn, really asked to teach me, that’s in my opinion, the only girl who was on the front line in our cossacks, i admired this
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man... and protected him, then we crossed with him, passed ilovaisk, and irbis, he is our commander, was already in the ksvd, that is, too, by the way, from time to time he didn’t want to let me go somewhere, but he had no choice, these are my brothers, later in the program, whose appearance in the studio will be a surprise for lucyena deitsar, you ’ve arrived, my goodness. my girl, how
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could i not come, my happiness, light, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead, very often girls of a different circle strive to marry rich boys, let me decide for myself who i love , who to marry, okay, he will still be mine, i won’t give him to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need a little. entertain the girl, money, go ahead, there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, it ’s with you, she doesn’t drink, she’s really fun with us and there will be secrets, the most important thing is, this is your child, he’ll marry me, and then he’ll marry me will hate you, be happy, goodbye, i love the light, if there is at least, at least
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little chance, i'll wait for her. tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star you will discover a new world of belgian waffles. and your children will ask you to make them again and again. that's the secret. non-stick waffle iron plates. they have a deeper, larger design that allows you to add fillings to suit any taste. cherry jam for cherry pie or fill the middle of a scrambled egg ham and cheese so that he gets years. in just three steps you will get your perfect puff waffle that everyone will love. your children will also be happy to join this exciting process. cooking with power excel is easy and simple, the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready. breakfast, lunch, dinner,
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120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega sale, magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. take advantage of this incredible offer. call directly. now 65 years ago you came to the mayakovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent. and about lazarev, you also have a heart, said something. we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly. all this was said in my heart at once. in an office romance. i always felt sorry for you, in fact, you are a homewrecker. i'm convinced she never will. did not encroach on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family,
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he absorbed everything from you, this some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, here’s shura, it’s just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. could you please feed me, bon appetit, my business trip ends in 3 days, would you like to come with me? life gives no clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. earlier in the program,
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luciena deysar, a member of the people's militia, told how in 2014 she stood up to defend the homeland. took part in the battle of ilovaisk, why are you shooting at us, i’m not you, what did you come here on, you came here with tanks, well, yes, you thought that they would meet you with kokoshniks, let’s call them here, oh well , why not, we’ll call you, of course, you don’t mind, i hope you’ll call me, brothers, yes, this is a surprise, can we hug, please, we haven’t seen each other for 10 years,
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it’s great, we didn’t fall, thank god, it’s great , commander i’ve become heavier, now it’s okay, it’s okay, we couldn’t do it any other way, thank you, have a seat, it’s very touching, such a meeting, 10 years, we have militias in our studio, maxim adamenko with the call sign irbis and andrey morozov, call sign krot, hello, come on, we haven’t really seen each other for 10 years, i’ve been 10 years. i definitely haven’t met her, let’s start with you andrey, how did you meet lucien and what connected you? we met, well, in the fertilization unit, at that time i was there, on this telepushka, as we call it, in donetsk,
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this girl appeared, in my opinion a cat, we had a cat commander at the time, yes, he brought her to me and she says she really wants to learn, who started teaching her, i was a sniper at that time, i tried to dissuade her. explained all the possible options, that well, snipers, they just, well, if they are captured, they don’t live, well, you can’t stop her, then we have them standing there... a lot of guys came up, a lot of all sorts of questions in this tent, i showed her how why, i asked different people, we didn’t need it, well, we are a field tent, so that, well, extra eyes, i remember very well that i gave the rifle in my hands, said, sit down, hold it, study, you need some weight so that you get used to it, and how do you like a student, well, very capable, i was just very worried, well... one might say it’s not a woman’s business, but then you saw lyusenov in battle?
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well, of course, what is she like in battle? you rarely find men like those who are fighting, right? yes, what qualities struck you most about her? she’s brave and stubborn, she’s set a goal, she’s going towards it, she’s going specifically, you can’t stop her. maxim, what is your story? when the formation of the unit began, people who had combat experience came. which we could at least somehow hold a weapon, who went through the army, that is, at first it was for me when andrei came, well, i persisted for a long time about him, because the man served in the national guard of ukraine , call sign mole, but it bothered me a little, mole, i definitely need him, as it were, but they came together then andrei, pshon, faces, that is, on july 7, yes, i tried, well, if united people come, well, it will be easier to form. so a girl came, well
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, small, puny, red-haired, somewhere for me to fight, well, how would people come, because at that time there was a big shortage of people even for the formation only, well, let’s see how things are, that is, those tasks later, when we went out together to we came, worked, left, that is, i looked on her, that is, i understood that i could trust that just as i saw a core in this girl, then it was not yet very evident, a core that would later be in the future when... lyusina, we still have one video hello, attention on the screen for you, exactly 3 months before the war, you and i met for the first time the time i saw you, it was a young girl with a microphone. a year later i find out that you and i were in the same battle,
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the battle lasted 4 days, it was with us, i told my comrades in the hospital: i am proud that you are my friend, you have a big heart, very big, i don’t know how it fits in you, i want to address the team, the program is ours, thank you very much for telling us about ours, let’s break through with respect. from donetsk. thank you dear. who is this? and this is seryoga. we met him when i was still working at television. we came to film the story. we are meeting with him in april. after that, we didn’t see him again, i think we still talked at the beginning of may, at the end of april 2014 just by phone. we discussed what was happening. and i didn’t even know that he had joined the militia. and there is more. seryoga promised that he would also be with us on the program, because
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seryoga is truly a real person, with a big kind heart, he has his own mission. he said until the war ends, i will not leave donbass anywhere. i think you know that he is afraid of missing something important, that at that very moment when he is not there, something might happen and he will not have time to help someone. and so he said, he says, i ’ll be with you, take with you just a simple children’s toy. and so we... took the cheburashka with us. seryoga was the first to travel to slavyansk and take civilians out of the besieged slavyansk. moreover, he put his car on the square in the city of makeevk. the children decorated this car with bright colors. and this car was filled with water, treats, toys for children. and here he was, passing the dne checkpoints, then the ukrainian ones. slavyansk, water and food, because
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children were starving there, and from there he took out civilians, so he made four or five trips, returned from there, in my opinion, more than nine people, including a pregnant girl, went to militia, it turned out that - for us, february 16th is such a significant date, because february 16th, when we first met him, and we met exactly a year later, in the oiba hospital, the wounded were wounded on february 16, and then they learned that we were holding the same height with a difference of a day. who else is close to you in makeyevka? grandmother, grandmother, yes, my mother, we have a video surprise for you, pay attention to the screen, here is my beauty, let the years pass, days fly by, but just let him never grow old, beloved grandmother, your hands, your granddaughter lyudmila, and my hands are shaking, it’s very
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expensive, how can you not leave all this, i’m saving everything. here she is, very little lucienne, you see, she was an ataman here, the hardest thing was not to notice her behind this yagogo, she basically lived here with me, tried to give her all the love, instilled in her patriotism, and that’s how she grew up with me, honor is more important to me, like she got over it, already when the mess started, she worked as an editor on channel twenty-seven, i see that she doesn’t call me for a long time, i call her, and she tells me, i’m in the editorial office, i say, my darling, maybe stop lying, as much as possible, i hear men’s voices, and they’re so strong too words, and she tells me, well , it happened, grandma, don’t be offended, i’m with the guys, i went to help the militia,
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lyusenka, so i’m watching her, so she calmed me down, my favorite manicure, calm down, everything will be fine, i love you very much too, i kiss you little girl, how could i save her, how could i stop her, but never, knowing what a patriot she is, i didn’t even know what hurt her, she didn’t confess, that’s how she is for me, lyusenka, my sunshine, dear, beloved, know that i will always support you, no matter how difficult it is, you are a joy for me, you are for me happiness, you are everything to me, it seemed or you said maba, why my maba, when she didn’t become a mother, i was 17 years old, my mother did not come as a surprise and in general my grandmother, by the way, did not know that my mother was hospitalized when she she had a stroke, lyoshka and i were with her uncle, they deceived her a little, the entire region saved her, she was an amazing
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person, then she worked in the region, so all the employees did everything to save her, as much as possible, that is, then everyone tried, a lot of people , but unfortunately there was a second stroke already in life for an important hemisphere, i was a first-year student at the institute then, i was like - on the day of classes they called me and said that my mother was no more, tell me about your grandmother, what kind of grandmother? grandma is a fighter for justice, a lover of truth, grandma is me in a cube. i realized that let ’s call grandma, and in the end, lidia alekseevna, please come in, it’s hard for her to stand there, there’s no waiting for the party, you ’ve come, my good one, my dear , my girl, my girl, like me i might not
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come, my happiness and my pride, how am i i couldn’t do this... that’s it, i never thought that you would agree, i’m ready for anything for you, grandma, this is a hurricane, hello, my good ones, my loved ones, vitenka is here, this is also my favorite little person, you’re mine good, excuse me, can i say the most important words, mother russia... thank you so much and bow to you for sheltering my dear donbass with your strong hugs, i am very grateful to you on behalf of all our people in our donbass, dear and beloved, thank
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you very much, thank you, and low bow, lidiya alekseevna, thank you, my deepest bow to you for coming to us in such a wonderful way, this is my daughter, no, i just , i really didn’t expect her to agree, lidiya alekseevna, what she was like when she was little, oh, atamansha, atamansha - it’s not, it’s impossible to convey, you know, crowds of boys and girls walked around, came, knocked, and you know, your little girl did that, and you know, she beat him, and why did she beat him, and for... for the fact that he kicked the kitten, and for the fact that he hit the baby, that's it, that's how it was possible, but i, that’s how i raised my children, only with words. who helped raise her, is being raised by my mother, great-grandmother and lyoshka, alyoshka, alyoshka - that
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’s basically my son, her uncle, he’s been her since she was 13 years old, he raised her, he taught me to fight, to defend myself, she sang songs to him: oh, lech, lech, how i don’t care without you, my heart is in turmoil, but i love you, even when they were leaving for work. in sidovo on the sea, she walked around the entire boarding house, here was a four-year-old child and sang this song, raised the police to legs, screamed, cops, get up, there the uncle doctor drowned, and then patted his hands, that's it, she woke up the cops, later in the program lucena deisar's uncle will come to the studio and tell how her relatives perceived her joining the militia, her injury...
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to food waste because you... the phone rings, you pick up, you say hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello!
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even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, that’s it shurka, this is just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr, earlier in the opolchenko program, sniper
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lucien deysar was told. in the studio, why did the civilian population of donbass rise up against the ukrainian authorities in 2014? no one expected that they would start burning people, that they would start shooting people, that airstrikes would begin, there is a lot of evidence that it was ukraine that did this. well, shall we call lyokha? come on, what's not? well, we need to sing then, lucina. oh, lyokha, lyokha, come on, come on, sing, elusina, let's... lyokha, i feel so bad without you, and my heart is in turmoil, i love you so much, lyokha, and they were silent, everyone was silent, hello, the transfer of surprises is full, i didn’t think, didn’t expect, yes, of course, well, you see how grandma and i are a surprise for you, that’s not the right word, thank
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you guys, well, actually the family is assembled, yes, lyusna’s uncle is in our studio. thank you for coming, but how could i not come, you guys see each other often, well, not very much now, because we live in different parts of russia, here she is in tambov, i’m in taganrog, so if they they are traveling by sviktor, carrying humanitarian aid, this happens when they pass by, well, in our area, just a month ago they passed by, literally dropped in for an hour, but how did you feel about that? joined the militia, to be honest, i didn’t think, but i assumed that she wouldn’t stay on the sidelines, that somehow she still had the right upbringing, because it’s possible, including yours, yes, that is, where it’s hot, she’s there , yes, where the girls don’t need to go, she went further from one unit to another, she had injuries, but we didn’t know until the end, that is
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we called each other, so... how are you, everything is fine, well, everything is fine, we are sitting in a good mood, everything is fine with us, i was in the hospital myself, with an injury, of course, it was not a big surprise for me, but nevertheless it was i’m surprised that she will still go there, but i knew, after when on may 2 our people were burned alive in odessa, after the maidan, when they killed ours, berkut, ours, berkut, yes, she never. we decided to give my mother a second life, my husband and i created a charitable foundation named after irina daisar, and how do you help the front? and humanitarian help, we have the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye, kherson region, while danka was growing up with us,
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we have a son, he is a little over 2 years old. while he was growing up, vitya took on a mission, in fact, like from the very beginning of the northern military district, he carried humanitarian aid, let's see a story about this. so that there would be more opportunity to help, and we came to a charitable foundation, the foundation is mainly run by my husband, vitya, it is aimed specifically at helping the guys, that is, chevronok, these are the teams we went with, this year i went with santa claus to the guys, that is, he made them happy, grandfather frost, santa claus, so that there will always be connections. so as not to name everything, come and take it apart, we help civilians and schools,
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boarding schools, this car will be filled with toys, sports equipment, all this with love for children, you know, well done, everything will work out. everything will work out, someone will bring a package, someone will bring a box, someone will bring half a car, well, it’s different for everyone, that is , ordinary people, friends, comrades collect with pleasure, when they have time, they respond, for thank them very much, there is a lot of feedback, guys, when they have it is possible to get in touch, they even record video, we would like to express special gratitude to victor and lucien for their help in purchasing this battery, thank you very much, they are there for us. they are fighting so that we can take our children to schools, to kindergartens, to go to work, that is, well, this is probably the main motivation to help our children, we have volunteers in the studio svetlana and
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evgeniy shikine, hello, hello, hello, i know the nut and the chip, yeah, yeah, questions about the keys, chips, but i mean that he’s a chip , it’s clear, but like svetlana, but not on dale it looks like that’s why this is a nut, this is... a super woman who, like this, if the guys need to take help, she’ll take the car from the moscow region and she’ll be in tamboi, if necessary in saratov, if necessary anywhere, that is, this really those people who respond at the speed of light, just to help get everything done, plus they took the sponsored hospital, in which, by the way, anyuta performed, thank you very much, from all the guys, how you... help us, well, we’re coming to the hospital, they call us, let’s say the doctors ask us for banal bandages, well, when not there is enough ointment, the boys ask to eat
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something, well, tasty, homemade, let’s say, yes, zhenya takes them out for a walk, well, he takes them out, we bought a caterpillar lift with our joint efforts, but so that you put the stroller on it down the steps and lower it directly on the stroller so that they well... don’t take it off, there used to be boys carrying them in their arms, conscripts there help, wash them, cut them, that is, we have a hairdresser who comes and cuts them all day long, we have a certain day on sunday, we sing, we invite you lucyena, there was a case, it was necessary to help there with medicines, some kind of things, she said yes, we’ll do everything, we’ll bring the gazelle a little bit to the full gazelle, just a little bit, she sang, of course, amazingly, everyone remembered her too, that she sang - there was also yuta’s song with yuta, how we met with lucien, this is actually a song,
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which means it’s a congress of women of the sub-leaders of united russia, and we are sitting decorously in the hall on the first row, i have to speak, i’m waiting for my turn, and lucien is sitting next to me and somehow i don’t know anyone, and apparently lucien somehow doesn’t know anyone, and we decided, well, hello, hello, hello, hello, and we started talking, we met, i offered to sing to you, and the most interesting thing, i suppose, is that to any person who sings, a lot of people say, let’s sing together, and accordingly, the reaction is always, of course, yes, and i immediately told her about it , that i’m not even crap, no, the funny thing is that the person came out on stage amazingly, cleanly, clearly... she sang my song, and what am i suggesting, let’s repeat it, we ask, we ask, we haven’t rehearsed since the hospital, you’re nervous,
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of course, someday the cold will come, and you you'll leave again, then, let's move on, follow you with your hand and the stones down, dreams came true and your braids unraveled, like... let the cold come, and the white road will lie down, everyone will remain silent, no one will say that with the cold they are not in the mood, yes it ’s not even a matter of years, nor money, not museum dust, not really, they lived forever and for a long, long time, they were. if i fall silent one day,
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don’t betray me, i so want to hope, hold on, wait, oh, if only. don’t say goodbye for a long time, let’s go, when the cold comes, and the white road lies down, everyone will remain silent, no one he will say that he has no control over the cold, yes, it ’s not even a matter of years, not of winter, not of museum dust, not really, forever...
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they lived forever and for a long, long time, bravo, well done, girls, thank you, and long live -they lived a long time, they were, well, thank you, there are women in russian villages, thank you for being so beautiful, for the fact that you all came, for the fact that you are all ours, and we are yours, thank you special thanks, utah, this is your first time on our program, such a long history, women, there are women in russian si. yes, i wish you and your family long, happy years, kids, good luck, health, a real man is growing up, and of course, thank you for what you do, thank you very much for arranging such a meeting, you can’t imagine how overwhelmed i am with emotions right now, because that this is truly, dear people, here... who
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are present here with whom we have gone through a lot, a whole story, a whole big life, thank you, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you see you, see you later. on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov is presenting in the studio, hello, the main thing for this hour is for the last ones.


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