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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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these are truly, dear people, those who are present here, with whom we have gone through a lot, a whole story, a whole big life. thank you, this was our program, real stories about our people. see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel. see you, see you. on the russia channel, host evgeniy roshkov in the studio, hello, the main thing for this hour is on the final ones. we will certainly
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reach customers, the investigation of the terrorist attacks in the city holly crocus and the radical update of migration policy, vladimir putin spoke at the expanded board of the ministry of internal affairs. only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, and history can come and live and work in russia. the explosives were hidden in icons and transported from kiev to moscow. the fsb and customs have blocked the deadly smuggling channel. minus the ukrainian mik-29, the american self-propelled gun paladin, three more bradley infantry fighting vehicles and the german marder, sergei shaigu said about the desire for a special operation. big water has reached the orenburg region, we are waiting for ruslan bikbulatov’s report from there, lviv park was flooded in the moscow region. big cats are being evacuated. russia.
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will establish all links of the terrorist chain behind the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall and will certainly bring to justice those who ordered this attack. vladimir putin announced this today at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs. according to the president, a comprehensive analysis of the actions of all services and bodies that were responsible for holding the concert on march 22 is currently underway. all places where people gather in large numbers must be under enhanced control. that's why it's important to us. to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but all the links, the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime, we we will certainly get to them, that’s what i would like to say in this regard, those who use these weapons, and these weapons that are used against russia, this is already obvious today, must understand that they are both sharp, these weapons are orders of crimes for money ,
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i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events to provoke national hatred, xenophobia, islamophobia and so on. actually, this was the main goal of the terrorists of their customers, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in our country, to split russia from within , this is their main task, we should under no circumstances allow them to do this, however, when... you begin to understand
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the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime, it turns out that the person came to russia without special problems, went through all the formalities, issued a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes even malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship, without even knowing even basic russian, here you need modern digital electronic databases, biometric data, those that are currently working, they are apparently not enough, they do not allow us to fully reduce the risks of relapses of illegal migration.
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to ensure the interests and security of the state and society, to preserve and preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural and linguistic identity, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that only those who respect our traditions and language can come and live and work in russia , culture, history, this principle should be decisive,
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residents of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions
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received passports of citizens of the russian federation. i ask the internal affairs bodies to consistently continue this work. carefully, extremely, carefully, with soul. approach every person, every family , especially families with children, everyone who applies for a russian passport, for other, often lost documents, work here is important and with refugees, as soon as the opportunity arises, you need to literally go door-to-door in cities villages do everything to prevent, so to speak, saboteurs and accomplices of neo-nazis from being legalized.
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hitler’s successful campaigns against russia, napoleon and the like, and there are a lot of such historical examples - someone strives to ensure that in today’s rapidly changing world they maintain their hegemony, including at
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our expense. well, of course, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources and so on, this can be done at the expense of russia, too, after it. possible fragmentation, but apparently someone considered it ours with you the side is the weak link, they are mistaken and ... this has never happened, no one has seen this , many have already realized that they are mistaken, it was possible, this will not happen and no one will be able to do this, this is an obvious, absolutely accurate thing, in this regard i emphasized putin , the importance of the work that is now being carried out by the internal affairs bodies is increasing, there can be no complacency, much less laxity, in order to be successful... we need to be collected, work effectively, each in his own area, yes, people came,
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voted in the presidential elections elections, this people’s hope for our joint work, for its effectiveness, i draw attention to, yes, of course, your humble servant was the candidate who received a record number of votes, but this expresses the mood of citizens in relation to society and the state as a whole, all authorities. not least the ministry of internal affairs, the internal state of our society largely depends on how effectively you work, an extremely important thing, you must ensure a normal life for the ordinary citizen of russia, but you yourself must work in conditions close to wartime conditions, i think that for people who are from... the hall for people in uniform - these are absolutely obvious things, i really
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count on you, this is exactly the kind of work the people of russia expect from you. sergei naryshkin spoke today about the investigation into the crocus city hall terrorist attacks. according to the head of the foreign intelligence service, the counter-terrorism channel between russia and the united states operates, but in a limited mode, information about the planned attack was sent to russia by american intelligence services. was too general and did not allow the tragedy to be prevented, the federal security service received certain information from the intelligence services of the united states of america that this was, unfortunately, possible, but as uh colleagues, our russian colleagues said that the information was too general, so too general and not allowed. to fully identify, to identify those who participated in this
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terrible crime. today in the pskov region, fsb officers together with the federal customs service blocked the canal supplies of smuggled explosives, which were attempted to be transported from ukraine to russia, in transit through the countries of the european union. during a vehicle inspection at the border, one of the trucks was found hidden inside. smuggled from kiev to moscow , this man tried to deliver the cargo across the russian border, the cargo was church utensils
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, icons, they began to load the cargo, the loading fell apart, then they gave me the whole package of documents, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where i was supposed to be unloading. judging by the markings orthodox icons were made in kiev, then they were taken to chernivtsi, explosives were planted in ukraine, and later the cargo was transported to romania, which keeps the border under strict control from... constantly escaping ukrainian draft dodgers and thoroughly inspects every car. the romanian country at the parubnaya checkpoint allowed explosives into the country, into the city of filtecheni. then the cargo went to hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia. so the raw materials for terrorist attacks traveled through several nato countries, 2.0 km. having reached the latvian-russian border at the exit from the schengen zone, having also presented all the documents for the cargo, examined me and checked the cargo. there were also no problems , after which i drove to the russian border,
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here the fsb and customs officers were already interested in the behavior of the driver, he was very nervous, the car was detained, they opened the boxes and found out that the icons contained hexogen, the power of this explosive is one and a half times spent more power, the mass of the seized explosive was enough to blow up a five-story residential building. the explosives were hidden in these packages, the boxes with hexogen were marked with black electrical tape, the icons were containers for plastid, only here there are 600 pieces, 27 of them are ready-made bombs, which you just need to insert into... which are assembled into one circuit, everything is ready from the gru, the battery , control board with sim card slot and fuse. a total of 27 camouflaged explosive devices and ready-to -use improvised explosive devices, 70
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kg of industrially produced high- power plastic explosive (91) or... that in russia they will soon celebrate easter, for them there are no ieds for those who are designated as victims, especially nothing sacred, they are ready to plan terrorist attacks, using objects
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of worship, liturgical utensils in order to kill people, this should not surprise us, because... these people, as i already said, have no idea about sacred objects, about respect for faith. a criminal case has been opened against the detainee for smuggling explosives; the senders and those who were supposed to pick up the cargo in moscow are being identified. vital karmazin and alexey maschikov, lead the way. well, further in our issue: lviv park was flooded in the moscow region, and how the evacuation is proceeding. we will tell you the news of the special military operation, what sergei shaigu reported and what it was. israeli strikes on iranian targets in damascus will have consequences. we 'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today on rt.
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making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest. but
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need to rest. where there is sun and sea. to the first coastal one, where everything is included , except for the head, we know everything about the holiday, relax, annex, let's go and drink coffee, i can't, i have to go, the premiere is on rtr, the body was found by the husband, suicide and she died no more than 3-5 hours ago , chichagova’s death is not suicide, you have 3 days, i believe that my colleagues will cope. let's talk, are you sure that you want to be with the person who once betrayed you? irrepressible, restless. today. on rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you
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are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running , they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this , let’s say, my trophy, someone was hungry, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she carries - from monday to thursday on rtr, i came to work to get a job, it didn’t work out, i didn’t
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rob, no need to cry, bring everything is in order, cool down, let's go, alla taxi, premiere from april 8 on rtr, broadcast, we we continue our release, today we attacked the military infrastructure of ukraine in krivoy rog, pavlograd, dnepropetrovsk and zaporozhye. according to local media, fabs with a correction module hit targets in kharkov and the kharkov region. to the west of the thin one near avdeevka, the enemy launched a counterattack with three bradleys. one american infantry fighting vehicle was blown up by mines while trying to retreat, and another on an artillery wing. another shot down by abrams to the account of fpivron operators. the drone overtook an american tank on the way to the position. the roads along the front line are simply strewn with broken ukrainian armed forces equipment, here is a dying german marder, a broken american self-propelled gun paladin in the most modern modification and
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the wreckage of a ukrainian mig-29 fighter shot down by russian air defense forces. in the kupinsky direction, our army aviation strike group destroyed ukrainian drg camouflaged military equipment. and kharkiv residents are leaving the city en masse after the mayor’s announcement about critical damage to tets. no possibility of repair. there are many kilometers of traffic jams at the exit, with drivers even driving in the oncoming lane. none of them in the special operation areas, ukrainian formations have not achieved their goals, and groupings of our troops are now successfully pushing the ukrainian armed forces into the westerly direction. sergei shaigu spoke about this today at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces. the minister emphasized that after the failed counter-offensive, the enemy.
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nevelskoye, orlovka, thin, krasnaya, in the zaporozhye region, the village of mirnaya. in total, since the beginning of the year, 403 kilometers of the territory of new regions of the russian federation have come under our control. by presidential decree. also during the conference call, sergei shaigu announced the presidential decree on the appointment of admiral alexander moiseev as commander-in-chief of the navy, vice admiral konstantin kabantsov as commander of the northern fleet, and vice admiral sergei penchuk as commander of the black sea fleet. 13 people were injured today in a drone attack in tatarstan. this was reported by the press service of the head of the republic. the underlings were attacked. rustam minikhanov said that
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there was no serious damage, and the technological process at the enterprises was not disrupted. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. the development of the country and the well-being of people is the common task of the government and the state duma. mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with his deputies. today, the cabinet minister is completing preparations for the annual report to parliament, the head of government and ministers are expected at the willing row tomorrow, and mishustin promised to tell deputies in detail about the results of work over the past year and answer all questions. i know that all members of the government actively participated in working with the structures of the state duma, in relevant committees worked, this is very important feedback, of course, you just need to listen to...
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decisions, including decisions that are then translated into bills. such effective constructive relations have developed between parliamentarians and members of the government, they work a lot, in this sense we constantly feel, including parliamentary control, which is absolutely normal and correct. over the past time , relations with the government have reached a different level. the most important thing is that now both deputies and the government bear responsibility for the final result
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of decisions made. the long-range aviation crew spent 10 hours in the air, they were accompanied by a u-30. the route was chosen in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. the tu-95 regularly flies over the arctic, north atlantic, pacific ocean, black and baltic seas. un security council today , at the request of russia, will discuss israel's strike on the iranian diplomatic mission in syria.
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stressed that any encroachment on diplomatic facilities is categorically unacceptable. tel aviv's actions were condemned by beijing; the attack caused a wave of indignation in the arab world, with the largest demonstrations in iran itself. having fired a missile from the consulate building in damascus, tel aviv deyura struck iranian territory. the leadership of the republic urgently gathered at a meeting of the supreme council of national security. tehran promises a tough response. according to the latest data, 11 people died, including two. the russian embassy in tehran noted that this attack could provoke further escalation in the middle east. and today, questions about the legality and proportionality of israel’s actions arose among several european states. after a strike on two armored vehicles of an international humanitarian organization in the gas sector , seven people were killed, including six foreign employees from the usa, canada, and
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poland. egypt, also spain, cyprus called for a quick and transparent investigation, polish honey summoned the israeli ambassador in warsaw for an urgent explanation. a warning about avalanche danger has been issued in the mountains of kuban and adegei. ferries in sevastopol suspended work due to deteriorating weather, and the central region, where record warmth these days, is in for a drastic one. cooling will return, night frosts and even snow, the spring flood has already affected 26 regions of russia in novosibirsk , areas in five districts of the region have been flooded , in the altai territory 50 settlements have already suffered from the elements, a state of emergency is in force in the region, lviv park was flooded in the moscow region, near the banks the river has come out, animals, big cats, are now being prepared for evacuation, the park is closed to the public for now. burg, where
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the situation is becoming more complicated every hour, 48 houses have already been sunk in the city, including apartment buildings, report by ruslan bekbulatov. the water comes from kazakhstan, from here to the border is about fifty kilometers, on normal days a small river flows here, but now it has overflowed its banks and the stormy flows are directed towards a settlement called akbulak. sand is being transported to the outskirts of the village by trucks, and an embankment is being erected with heavy special equipment; it will become the first barrier on the way. large water, the adjacent areas of akbulak are gradually disappearing under water, at 7 am there was less water, in the morning , for example, there was no water in this branch, residents are asked to leave their homes and wait out the flood in temporary accommodation centers, documents, that is, if you need medicine, take something constantly, do not forget about them, a phone, a phone charger, this is mandatory, a group of the ministry of emergency situations of russia is working on the spot, the equipment necessary for evacuating the population for rescue work is concentrated, the situation is being monitored:


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