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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 5:30pm-7:51pm MSK

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they really inspired me, thank you very much, the audience is waiting for you, because when you appeared with us, the audience simply recognized you, everyone always said, wow, because you had wonderful film roles, and of course, well, we know who’s playing in the cinema, the audience always recognizes them much more often, but in the theater this is also the case, so the theater is waiting for you, come back, well, you see, it seems to me that you are loved and waited for everywhere, the public misses you, there are fans, bloggers, nearby, loved ones, kostya is also ready to extend his hand to you, his two hands, your colleagues, guys and soldiers, you know, to me it seems that the most valuable thing is that there is time today, only they came to meet you and are ready to support you too, it seems to me that it’s true, this is the world... it’s not always just black
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and gray, i hope that today’s broadcast will support yuri , if you want to write to him, call him, write to our editor, we will pass on all your messages to him, and we will be waiting for you here in the studio in six months, if you succeed in an experiment to improve your appearance and return 20 years ago, to that's it for today, goodbye secular people. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, live broadcast.
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it is important for us to identify not only the perpetrators, said the supreme commander-in-chief, but all the links and chains of the ultimate criminal beneficiaries, that is, the customers of this crime. and the russian special services and police will certainly get to them, the president said. at the same time, it is important and even unacceptable that the terrorist attack in crocus be used for provocation. interethnic hatred or led to an increase in xenophobia and islamophobia, although, the president noted cardinal changes in migration policy are still necessary. only those who respect its traditions, history and language should come to russia, so security forces need to more carefully fight extremism and suppress illegal migration, since often visitors , instead of working honestly, behave inappropriately. they do not know. russian
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language, but at the same time they easily go through all the formalities for obtaining a labor patent, even if they have a whole bunch of offenses behind them, sometimes malicious. such guests often become members of cross-border criminal syndicates that operate hand in hand with foreign intelligence services and emissaries of international radical extremist structures. russia has already paid a very high price and everything must be done to ensure that such... the perpetrators, well, all the links, the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime, we will certainly get to them, that’s what i would like to say in this regard, those who use these weapons , this is a weapon that is used against russia, this is obvious, today we must understand, what...
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to say, and you know this well, in this environment , also in this professional environment, there may be no reliable agents, they do whatever they want for money, i am not guided by any religious or political considerations, only financial ones. everything is also easy and sold, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, but i will add that the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that were responsible for this major the site where the terrorist attack occurred, we paid a very high price, and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional. russia today is in
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a difficult period in its history, putin said, so law enforcement agencies should be focused on performing specific tasks that will help get through this period with a minimum. these difficulties are being created in the country by western revanchists who want to reckon with us for the failures of hitler and napoleon, after the collapse of the ussr, their main goal is to now destroy russia too, to subjugate to their geopolitical interests, this is the only way for them to maintain their hegemony, putin emphasized, but those who consider our country weak are deeply mistaken; it will not be possible to destroy russia. listen to the president, after the collapse of the ussr, our geopolitical ill-wishers certainly set themselves the goal of completely destroying what was left of historical russia, that is, completing the collapse of its core, in fact,
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our own russia, the russian federation, subordinating everything that remains to their geopolitical interests, i confidently say about this, as a former director of the fsb, as a former secretary. for security, and then the president and supreme commander, oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods, for hitler’s unsuccessful campaigns against russia, napoleon and the like, someone strives for that , in order to maintain its hegemony in today’s rapidly changing world, including at our expense. well, of course. huge territory, human resources, natural resources and so on , to do this also at the expense of russia after its possible fragmentation, but apparently someone considered it, our country is a weak link, they are mistaken, in my opinion, many have already
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realized that they are mistaken, this has never happened, no one has succeeded in this, this will not happen and no one will be able to do this . the us warned. that a terrorist attack is being prepared on the territory of our country, sergei naryshkin said today, but the information from washington, which was disseminated by the us embassy in moscow in early march, was negligible, the director of the foreign intelligence service emphasized. besides, it was too general, if not say vague in order to identify those who were preparing a terrible crime. so the counter-terrorism channel operating between russia and the united states turned out to be virtually useless, since the level of interstate cooperation is low. the quote is very, very low. who should we cooperate with if today cnn is reporting in plain text? ukraine, together with nato, is drawing up flight plans for drones attacking russian territory. long-range drones with more advanced technologies are used for attacks. some of them
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western basic form of artificial intelligence is integrated. in particular, kiev’s new attack drones are capable of flying 1,500 km deep into the territory of our country. just today, ukrainian drones attacked the volga region. footage of the attack on a student dormitory in yelabuga on your screens. as the head of tatarstan rustam menikhanov stated, there is no serious destruction. 12 people were injured. the ukrainian authorities have already taken responsibility for the terrorist attacks themselves, that is, they have confirmed that budanov and his accomplices are legitimate military targets. the kremlin stated that kyiv continues terrorist activity.
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would be enough to blow up an apartment building, the driver faces up to 10 years in prison. in this footage, special forces in bulletproof vests unload a white minibus; the faded trailer is at least 7 years old. the swedish
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manufacturing company, whose name is written on the tarpaulin, changed its name in 7, the inconspicuous car was carrying dangerous cargo, church utensils with explosives inside. icons with deadly filling are carefully removed from the polyethylene and disassembled. cardboard boxes in which they were transported for the title of the ukrainian city of chernivtsi, a church building was built in kiev, the vfsb reported. the driver who tried to introduce contraband was detained; he has russian and ukrainian citizenship. a load of church utensils, dolls. uh, they started to load the cargo, but loading took place. subsequently, the entire package of documents was not issued, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. i reached the russian border, having entered the territory of the russian border, i submitted all
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the documents for customs clearance procedures, customs inspection began; during the customs inspection, attachments were identified in the icons. customs and fsb officers detained a car with explosives at the ubelinka checkpoint in the pskov region; the smuggler drove almost 2.0 km with a trailer full of explosives. from kiev to chernivtsi, from there to romania. there is serious control on this border, especially from the ukrainian border guards, who are looking for draft dodgers escaping from mobilization, but they didn’t find explosives there, or they didn’t want to find them. after this the car i calmly traveled through five more eu countries. i reached the romanian-hungarian border, i was searched and checked, no problems were identified, after which i entered the shangen zone and drove to slovakia.
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a decision was made to carry out an additional check of the cargo being moved, as a result of which foreign- made explosives were discovered in a shipment of orthodox icons and church utensils imported into the russian federation from ukraine. the explosives are hidden behind the back walls of the icons. the rdx was in red and blue vacuum bags. this is the substance used by terrorists to blow up a nine-story building in the moscow pechatniki district in 1999. as a result of that terrible terrorist attack, 16 people died
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. so that it would not dangle, well, of course, would not shake, what was there like this, the ffsb stated that all the organizers, accomplices of the illegal attempt to introduce explosives into russian territory will be identified and brought to justice, this a crime committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. retrieved 27 camouflaged in the icon and ready-to -use improvised explosive devices, 70 kg industrially manufactured. using the method of a plastic explosive of increased power 91 electric detonators and parts of
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the krpg shot 7. in total, there are 600 icons in the car, most of them contain explosives, but 27 images are turned into homemade bombs. hexogen is applied to the rear walls of the frames. the terrorists could only attach fuses and boards for remote detonation, which they tried to bring into russia in the same trailer. here is the complete assembly. yes, which is assembled into one circuit, everything is ready to go, the battery, the control board with a sim card slot are blown up. probably, the terrorist attacks were being prepared for easter, which the orthodox celebrate this year on may 5; the organizers of the smuggling channel could be planning to blow up a church or remotely detonate their victims, who would be given disguised fake bombs for the orthodox holiday. an important conclusion of criminologists from...
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the kiev regime is running away. since january, the ssu has lost more than 80,000 military personnel, 14,00 weapons, including more than 1,200 tanks. about this today. defense minister shaigu said at a conference call that the russian military has come under the control of the russian military since the beginning of the year, that is, 403 km of territory has passed in 3 months, the minister said. attacks by precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles against military and energy infrastructure continue. in march alone , almost 200 group and two
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massive strikes were carried out; western air defense systems, as it turns out, turned out to be unsuitable for repelling air strikes. so vks, and the unsuitability of all kinds of german arist, american nasans of patriots, the mayor of kharkov terikov personally admitted, says that after the vks strikes, almost all critical energy infrastructure was destroyed. terikhov complains that russia has begun using new ammunition in kharkov, without specifying their name. we are most likely talking about our aerial bombs with umpc. last week , half-ton factories of the russian aerospace forces allegedly for the first time.
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gives the armed forces of ukraine another miracle pill after the russian army burned almost all the abrams in the steppes near avdeevka. they rolled out to the ssu, look, the british challenger 2, those the very ones that, after the meeting with the russian carnet, have not been reflected outside the training ground for a long time. this title also speaks about the power of the british beast. here, for example, forbes, on the left, may twenty-third we read, ukrainian challenger tanks. can break through the defenses of russia, and this is a year later, the same publication, challenger 2, not a suitable tank for ukraine, finishes off kiev from the british the standard, in the west they realize that ukraine is losing the war with russia, they may suffer a complete defeat in the summer, they say the ukrainian armed forces exhausted, they have nothing to answer russia, and european
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partners from berlin, rome and madrid, attention, secretly and openly strive to conclude a deal with russia. in fact, this is the main idea of ​​the article. cnn's forecast is slightly more optimistic for kiev. the ssu will be able to try to keep the front from complete collapse until the twenty-fifth year. then there is a crash and an extraction procedure to the right bank of the dnieper. propagandists-2 were able to visit the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces near the krasny estuary. the conclusions here are also disappointing. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces are colossal. it is here in the trenches where ukrainian soldiers are defending. most of the soldiers
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has been contemplating death here for more than 2 years, the military shortage is becoming more and more serious. the guys are relaxing here. russian soldiers are 200 meters away and regularly try to capture these positions. these soldiers survived the final assault. we lost many soldiers, both killed and wounded. artillery is firing everywhere. of course we hope
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this ends soon. it must be said that danger always awaits here, especially from a drone. the soldiers are constantly trying to shoot them down, no, he didn’t hit, he was too high, these soldiers have been on the front line since the beginning of the war, like most of those who are now sitting in the trenches, major victor is one of the rare newcomers, he has been here for barely 2 days helping to clean up the trenches under the guidance of a more experienced soldier, i will teach him everything, that i know myself, even if he is 30 years older than me.
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will be sent home, but at the same time they understand that
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everything is very bad in ukraine with recruits, to be honest, new soldiers rarely appear here, to be honest, i don’t think that they will send me back, for me everything will only end with the end of the war, or if i am killed or wounded, night falls in this ukrainian trench. but hell for these soldiers will continue endlessly. ukraine is trying to survive until 2025, so the next year or two will be critical for both sides. it is trying to make up for lost time to build a secondary line of defense so that the russian offensive cannot advance more than a few kilometers inland from the current lines. we see that ukraine already has to give.
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since the government of lula de silva sent documents to the un on the need to grant immunity to heads of state during international visits. putin is not specifically mentioned in the letter, but the country's authorities note that legally everything will happen, while lula insists that immunity is needed to facilitate the peaceful resolution of international disputes. blinken went on a tour of the eu. first stop paris, meeting with macron, negotiations with the head of the french ministry of defense, lacargneau. they are apparently discussing the introduction of troops into ukraine, albeit in a veiled manner, it’s all very diplomatic, an international crisis that is getting worse. blinken said that the war against russia in
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ukraine is the best example of burden sharing, this is a direct quote: between the us and europe, for 30 years of his service, that is, ukraine was officially called a burden for the west. they say that now the situation is at a critical point, kiev needs to be given. everything he asked for. a little later , blinken had a meeting between tetad and the head of the french foreign ministry, sijurnet. and there, then, the us secretary of state will go to brussels for a meeting of nato foreign ministers. and there's a topic like you you see, it’s still the same, support for ukraine. the main problem for the united states remains the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, who is still blocking the allocation of multibillion-dollar aid to zelensky until april 9.
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thank you for agreeing to come, i met a true friend of france who speaks excellent french. from a military base near washington, us secretary of state anthony blinken leaves for france. this is the first visit by the secretary of state in more than 2 years, and despite the fact that it is wonderful. stuck in congress. anthony pancake and emmanuel macron should also discuss the french president's recent statement that he would not rule out sending troops to ukraine. paris is n't the only place
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blinken will be heading. on wednesday he too. is about to travel to brussels to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of nato. so will war in ukraine become the order of the day? does it seem like that? i mean, as we heard from one of the congressmen who spoke there, this is that the united states has to convince its allies, because europe, the european union, of which, of course, france has allocated many tens of billions of dollars over several years to support ukraine, this made ukraine understand that this money will come and ... will be able to build to strengthen its defenses, in particular surface-to-air missiles, which will help protect it from some attacks from russia. what blinken will likely do is tell macron that the us is still trying to get this money to match what the europeans are doing, but these are sensitive political issues. i thank the minister
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defense for accepting me today for the extraordinary partnership that france, the united states and other countries have created to support ukraine in its quest to resist russian aggression. in my 30 years of service, i have never seen a better example of burden sharing between the united states and its partners than in the situation with ukraine. for the us, not only is the us the main destination for french investment, the us is also the main investor in france itself. the delay in military and financial assistance has become a source of concerns for european leaders, and blinken is trying to allay those concerns, hoping, like his administration, that they can get this aid through congress and give ukraine the support it so desperately needs. we are at a critical moment to provide ukraine with what they continually need
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to defend themselves. especially when it comes to ammunition and air defense systems, there are short-term problems that we are trying to solve together. the most important point on this trip is to convey a signal to ukraine from nato, that is, support in the defense of its territories, and in exactly the same way as the alliance itself would do in the event of an attack. but they don't. i don't think we can expect any kind of fiscal boom after congress returns from recess, given the current support. most likely , in his proposal, johnson will try to convince everyone, in particular the democrats, that in order to approve assistance to kiev, it is necessary to reduce spending in some other areas, that’s all it will be needed to find the $61 billion the biden administration is asking for. the inaction of congress led to ukraine losing ground on the battlefield, we talked about johnson's proposal with jake, my colleague on the national security council
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talked about it in detail. usa, blinken commenting on attacks on russian refineries. an interesting conflict broke out in paris. we are seeing an increase in attacks from ukraine on russian oil facilities. the west is fundamentally united in the idea that these the blows are justified. do you think they are justified
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? from day one, the policy of the united states towards ukraine has been to ensure that it can defend itself against russian aggression. but at the same time , we did not support or allow ukraine to attack targets outside its territory. i'll tell you directly. the topic of ukrainian attacks on russian oil refineries is a very clear topic for us. ukraine is acting within the framework of legitimate defense, the desire for war, an italian weekly published this headline on the front page panorama. macron broke the taboo, and although the french president called on leaders to unite against the supposedly common enemy, russia, of course, and even cared, most likely, about the common interests of the strong countries of the continent, this will not lead to anything good, reporters believe. we all know where
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the blogging path leads. macron’s intentions are no exception here, his statements could provoke a new war, this time a nuclear one, as the characteristic explosion on the cover of the panorama hints, so the stakes are high. at the same time, pentagon representatives have cycling schizophrenia, spring exacerbation, this is just a trend, another eloquent illustration, a new sensational investigation, a fake from a tracing paper with a newcomer. so, it turns out that russian specialists from the gru, through the walls, influenced the american military with secret, acoustic, pathological weapons that cause neurological disorders. the sensations came out immediately from cbs news. pigel and insider, govan syndrome, the same syndrome that allegedly affected dozens of state department employees, has never been proven by anyone. even the cia already said, govan the syndrome is not associated with intelligence or
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weapons. but pentagon spokesman greg ed green is confident. at the nato summit in vilnius last summer, the russians decided to strike at the top of the alliance, says a senior ministry official. in the us defense was struck by symptoms and sought medical help. in general, another cranberry from the series of nuclear super anti-satellite weapons in space. well, that's the icing on the cake. the head of the us bureau of intelligence and research today publicly promised to eat his tie, if the russian trace is not confirmed. saakashvili at that moment probably choked somewhere in a georgian prison. well , the funniest thing is intelligence of the united nations. did not draw conclusions that russia was involved in cases of govan syndrome among american diplomats,
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white house speaker karine jean-guer said this at a member briefing separately at night in english. a connection has been reported between anomalous incidents in the healthcare system and a russian military intelligence unit. what is the white house's reaction to this report? well, i'll be very careful here, the intelligence community has not come to that conclusion. obviously, there was an assessment that the intelligence community made, so i would have to refer you to the office of the director of national intelligence about their assessment, but in that particular piece on russia, i know that they did not come to that conclusion. we were attacked, my personal opinion is yes. who attacked? the pentagon official who led the investigation into havana syndrome spoke about the patterns he saw in officials who became targets. one of the things i started
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to notice was the caliber of our officers who were being exposed. this did not happen to our junior or mid-level officers, this happened to the top five officers from the top 10% who work for... this spy, what do you think about the russian factor, is russia behind this, what is the likelihood? but it is certain that the intelligence community will investigate whether our most
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powerful adversary is perhaps the perpetrator of these attacks? the intelligence community published a report that was frankly unsatisfactory. it said it was very unlikely that a foreign enemy was behind these attacks, but noted. but how do they target americans specifically, are there devices they need to do this, what exactly are the weapons? no, we don't know what kind of weapon it is, but it looks like it, according to my theory, is some kind of energy...
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called adam. he was working undercover in
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havana in 2016 when he suffered a severe seizure that left him unable to walk or move. but there is an assumption that the first victim could in fact have ended up in frankfurt am main two years earlier. they took out documents from gru group 2915, which clearly stated that this was a weapons system and a weapons program. one of the biggest surprises for me, besides frankfurt.
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don't touch it, if this is an attack on americans, will it create a situation where the us will be forced to respond, and this will lead to escalation. but i think that's one of the problems, so the proof requirements here are high, because once you're publicly make accusations against russia, the next obvious question is: ok, what are we going to do about it? if the russians actually physically harmed the americans, it
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would be a game changer. the israeli parliament passed a very democratic law on blocking hostile media. it is expected that the first to fall under its influence will be the qatari tv channel al-jazeera, which israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the mouthpiece of hamas. the white house said that if reports of plans to close alfer are confirmed, this will be a disturbing fact. direct quote. let us remember how washington imposed sanctions against russia for everything, or, for example, threatened sanctions against georgia for a very vegetarian law, against an agent. israel does what is in its best interests. washington steadily transfers billions of american dollars to tel aviv. this, as they say, is different. the day before, the tsakhal struck first at the hospital, at the holy alyaksa mosque for all muslims. died, among others. european volunteers, but the
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israeli army said that the command center of the terrorist movement was located there islamic jihad, and also at night with six missiles from an f-35 fighter, the idf attacked the consulate and residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus, as a result of the attack, 11 people were killed, seven of them were iranian military officers, including the death of general mohammad reza zahidi, he commanded an elite force. says the biden administration has already reported , citing us officials , to iran that the us. they did not know about the impending attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, did not
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participate in it, and in general washington allegedly had nothing to do with it. at the same time, secretary of state pancake paris just said a minute ago: the united states is finding out the details of the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. the head of the state department himself ritually stated that he was convinced that neither israel nor the other parties wanted the conflict to escalate. there is smoke everywhere, tension is rising. the iranian consulate in damascus has been reduced to smoldering rubble. the iranian ambassador said that six missiles were launched from a combat fighter. crimes, we won’t leave it like that. at least seven people were killed, two from the zionist entity known for similar we warned them high-ranking corps commanders, the ambassador emphasized, guards of the islamic revolution. according to iranian state media, one of them is a veteran, brigadier general mahamed rezu
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zahedi, a former general ksir. and this will mark an escalation in an already extremely tense situation. this is israel's first strike against iran.
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iran's well-established media blame israel for the attack, and they also report that the strike killed one of the commanders in chief, who played a key role in supplying weapons to the lebanese group hezbollah. in the report also said that several iranian diplomats were also killed. we are concerned about escalation, we are really worried about anything that could lead to an expansion of the conflict, or in any way spread it beyond the borders of gaza. there is a long-standing policy here, we are ready to strike in any way. official, any commander, who is trying to kill the israelis, and these iranians were going to do it, so yes, we hit the mark, this is a long-standing policy, we have been opposing iran for many years, the consulate building in iran was destroyed in
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damascus, an iranian general was killed, did you know about this in advance, are you concerned about the escalation? i am aware of these messages. our team is looking into this matter, so i can't say anything at this time, but i will note that we are aware of these messages and our team is looking into them. over the years they have carried out hundreds of air strikes against iranian, syrian and lebanese targets inside syria itself, and there have been numerous attacks near the capital around damascus, even in recent weeks. this is israel's policy. and in such cases they refuse anything comment. they are also not ready to confirm their participation, but time. they've been hinting at this for a while, but it's unlikely they'll do it this time, but all the evidence points to israel. iran's ambassador to damascus was not injured in the attack. the ambassador states that he witnessed this as the embassy is right next to the consulate building. yes, the iranian consulate was destroyed, and
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at least five people were killed, according to the ambassador. please note that this was a diplomatic building that was hit, something like this has never happened before. this is very a valuable target for israel. the ambassador also said that israeli f-35 fighter jets fired about six missiles. and this is the cover of the new issue of economy magazine with a caricature of the famous giaconda by leonardo davincia, which made my hair stand on end. the mona lisa symbolizes a european economy that is suffering from a triple shock, an energy crisis, rising chinese imports and trump's tariff threat. so political mistakes are now even death-like. the famous smile may disappear from the face, while in britain they continue to mock european traditions. look, these are the actors in the new theater production of romeo and juliet. the premiere is scheduled for may. juliet, like many others in the play, is black, and, in addition, is not very attractive for the italian girl and teenager who
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is actually being played. the role of romeo was entrusted to spider-man tom holland. for the first 12 weeks, the play will be performed on the theater stage. karine jeanpierre didn't get all the poor unfortunate reporters to give him a thumbs up. secondly, biden himself, as always, was disgraced by calling the symbol of the holiday not easter, but... with the oyster bunny, that is, he mixed up the english words ister - easter oyster - pinworm, oyster, and also said
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that his favorite memory of the white house is when his grandchildren sneak into his bedroom and jump under his blanket , although all his officially recognized grandchildren are already over 18 years old, well, except for one of the youngest, he is only four, but there was not without the traditional rolling of easter eggs, in which... the owner of the aval office pressed his lips to the baby for a long time, then scared the little one to horror girl, trying to take part in children's fun, by the way, say hello to our oyster bunnies, guys, come here so everyone can see you, come on, quite a big bunny, huh? president biden was widely ridiculed on social media for misspokeing ahead of the annual easter egg roll at the white house. instead of easter
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bunnies, he welcomed oyster bunnies into the white house. despite the social media frenzy, the official white house transcript did not include that disclaimer, suggesting biden made no mistake. quite a big bunny, huh? president biden and first lady dr. jill held the traditional easter egg roll at the white house on a windy and wet monday. the president even helped the handicapped child reach the finish line. a lost joe biden took to the white house lawn to take part in the festivities, and being an early-to-late -to-rising president, the early hour was easy for johnny. hunter, on the other hand, looked more than awake. his dad, the big boss, quite. could use some energy from his son, see for yourself, he continued to mumble, stutter, during a very loyal interview
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he gave to weather host al rooker from his favorite channel, nbc, where only democrats are allowed to speak, look at what is different about today's egg rolling , the fact that it is taking place in a people's building, and the fact that 40 thousand people will come here, more than ever before. we will open soon and people will see this place. i always love to watch and see how average americans walk around and look at all of this, because this is their everything. this is the best john can do, despite the complete lack of tough questions from the democratic operatives at nbc. the first lady presidents hosted the annual easter egg roll at the white house. it's the only day of the year that joe biden says, "get on my lawn, little fry." and so he did.
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for golf, yes, most of the event, nothing does an easter egg roll
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better than a wet bunny costume. at some point the easter bunny joined biden on the balcony of the white house. biden came out and said, “look, i'm sure i'm mentally stable, but everyone else also sees a six-foot rabbit next to me, you see, yes, i'm just asking, is it real, like yours.” my favorite is jumping into bed with our memories of the white house, when our children are grandchildren, when they come to stay, they sneak up then abruptly jump into bed, this is my favorite memory, they love it, they love walking along the corridors, they love upstairs two floors and there are several bedrooms for private living, they love to come and visit. president biden was asked what his favorite memory from the white house was, he replied that it was his grandchildren sneaking into our bed at bidon's. seven grandchildren, six of whom are over eighteen. thirty-year-old naomi biden works as a lawyer and is the oldest among biden's grandchildren. she also
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lived in the white house for a while before her wedding in 2022. biden's four more grandchildren, finnigan, messi, natalie and hunter in aged from 18 to 23 years. happy easter. are you the vice president? are you john kirby? where is your wife, tent, in a word, vladimir is in direct contact with us, a military correspondent from the zone of a special military operation, vladimir, hello, a lot of news comes from under the thin, from under chasovo yar, other areas, as if he had come to movement front.
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evgenia, good evening, indeed, the front is enough. in the area of ​​thin, in the area of ​​vodenoye, we moved the enemy, went even further into the flank of pervomaisky, which in further contributes to his speedy release, from the side of tonnikov we have also advanced and approached the next settlement, this is umanskaya, in the semyonovka area, in the berdychi area there are quite serious assaults on our part, the enemy continues to lose equipment, continues to use abrams, which he continues to lose . in the berdychi area, in the ocheretin area, today another abrams was hit, it is not yet known how critical, yes, but a hit from an fpv drone was recorded in the cheretin area on another abrams, in the area chasyar, also, and in some areas the distance to the first houses, to high-rise buildings, is 600, 700, 800 m, that is, in fact, well
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, in part, somewhere it’s already quite straight. contact with the enemy is ongoing right at yara , the enemy continues to strengthen, continues to transfer reserves there, on our side all these reserves, well, if not multiplied by zero thanks to the work of aviation, then very close to this value, because this one is very crowded populated area, the enemy actually has nowhere to be located unnoticed, yes our intelligence works day and night like this. the enemy is blowing up bridges, from the side of ivanovskoye, one bridge towards chasovyar was blown up, which in principle most likely indicates that the enemy will not make any attempts to counterattack attempts to return ivanovskoye, but specifically will try to linger in the city, keep it in defense and, well, actually there to turn
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the next artyomovsk from a chasvyar, let’s say so... why is the ukrainian defense holding on right now, because of course, if you re-read western publications at night, it will add up the impression that they have nothing, on the other hand, reports from the front, what you tell us, what the soldiers tell us, suggests that the resistance is desperate and , moreover, they are approaching the line of combat contact, more and more and more new reserves, where do they get them? well, indeed , yes, if you read the western press, listen to what the military-political leadership of ukraine is saying there, yes, then, of course, this is not what they are saying in order to receive even more help, more weapons, more ammunition, and so on and so forth, as for reserves, well, first of all, this is the mobilization that continues in ukraine in an absolutely merciless manner towards its population, this is one, secondly, after all, well
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, it has already been going on for quite a long time, yes, that is, those people who collected - they didn’t necessarily send everyone to the front at once, a large number were sent immediately, a large number were sent without preparation, now they continue to do this without preparation, but the enemy really fights desperately, fights to the last and not because that they are the largest part of all those who are, especially those mobilized directly in the trenches, not because they want it, but because they have no options, they will not be allowed back there, they will not be allowed to leave, repeated cases, well.. there were prisoners from other directions who, in fact , say that as soon as we begin to retreat, as soon as we radio there that there is no way to hold on, they immediately begin to attack us, so to speak, from our side, yes, this copter, this and mortars, this and artillery, that is, in fact , there are simply no other options, yes, if now they
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weaken, one or another section of the front will begin to retreat. firstly, there are no sufficiently serious prepared defensive lines, that is, in fact, it will be the same as now on the front line only there 10-20-30 km behind. under it, so the reserves continue to arrive, these reserves are mainly from recently mobilized military personnel from the ukrainian side who did not always have time to pass the training ground, well, of course, yes, these are the national battalions, these are mercenaries, who perform the functions of such deterrence of their own military personnel directly on the front line. volodya, there are a lot of messages coming in, unverified, before they can be truly confirmed. we cannot, but nevertheless, the fact that border settlements are being evacuated , that ukraine has announced a forced evacuation, in chasovy yar, in
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settlements in the south, and even in kharkov, is preparing to evacuate people, is shown by ukrainian propagandists, thrown into the network, how there are supposedly already traffic jams on the way out of kharkov formed and people are fleeing, how true is all this... is true, well , in the village of chasovyar, about a month ago, again, according to various sources , there were about a thousand people left, civilians who did not want to leave their homes, in in principle, well, the same people as in avdeevka, who have nowhere to go, whom no one will meet in that part of the territory of ukraine, who decided to stay at home, from the kharkov side, from the border region, and again. how true is the untruth about that people are being evacuated in large numbers, indeed there is such information, it appears, well, first of all, let’s say about kharkov, yes, if i say, then, uh, at the last
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time in kharkov, strikes from our side are being carried out quite seriously on the energy infrastructure, on strongholds all sorts of things that military personnel are now trying to build around kharkov, from the ukrainian side, these are targeted attacks... but again, attacks on strongholds that are being built, attacks on infrastructure, which in one way or another affects the peaceful life of these kharkovans, so well, here we can assume the option that people simply do not want to live in such a situation, and in a military situation, but on the one hand, on the other hand, according to the experience of the people of mariupol, according to the experience of the people avdeevka, from the experience of the people of artyomovsk, khavchans probably understand that if something starts to happen in kharkov around kharkov, then they will literally remain hostages , yes, behind whom their own military personnel will take refuge on the ukrainian side, now
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kharkov, again, has a lot of activity from azov , a nationalist unit banned in russia, that is , for some reason they went there with some kind of task , either to control the defense system or to make money. in those empty apartments that are leaving kharkov, here the question is also quite serious and interesting, let’s say they came to their homeland, azov is actually an armed terrorist formation in kharkov, because mr. beletsky, who is considered , not unreasonably, the founder of azov, is former ukraine, russian nationalist from kharkov, who did not know the ukrainian language until recently, who was friends with all kinds of our nationalist organizations, who fought in the streets for, as he called it,
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the purity of the white race, such are the ukrainian patriots now, now he is a carter, thank you very much, vladimir razin , exhaustive of the situation at the front, military correspondent in direct communication from the special zone.
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exactly. we raised this topic at the last summit, but we will not go into details as we will have a meeting in the coming days foreign ministers of nato countries. as allies said at the summit in vilnius, ukraine. will become a member of nato, for us personally the only question is to develop a clear road map for moving towards this goal, and i think that during the summit on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the creation of the bloc, discussion of the road map and concrete steps towards ukraine’s accession to nato will become the main topic . incredible news, of course, is coming from the white house; today we talked about the current cycling schizophrenia, which obviously haunts the unfortunate american officials. so this is the white house. reports:
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biden called sijinping on tuesday. great, the leaders just had a telephone conversation to discuss the fight against drugs and military contacts. the white house. a short message about the contents of the meeting between the leaders of the two great powers. telephone meeting. yuri vyacheslavovich. i would like to return to my colleague mia. several significant statements by the president. russian federation, of course, i think it is important that the president gave a real assessment of the terrorist world that has been created the united states, in many ways, is the founder of this entire terrorist international, and the morals that reign there, indeed corruption, the completely obvious story there is not connected with a suicide bomber, we saw these scoundrels, terrorists who carried out a terrible terrorist attack, they no... just like the suicide bombers were not going
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to die, they were trying to escape and most likely to ukraine, and most likely the customers are really there somewhere, so it is clear that the task of the state, and the president said this, is to punish the customers and the organizers, in fact, i am sure that this will happen, by the way, if we take historical experience, including the fact that many nazi criminals after the end of the great patriotic war... despite the fact that the west tried to cover up many of them, as to hide, yes, they were responsible, look, shukhevych was then found on the territory of lvov, destroyed, and the lion rebbet and stepan bandera, they ended up in munich quite understandably, retribution overtook them, by the way, the israeli special services also for twenty years kidnapped nazi criminals and, as it were...
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a fair sentence was carried out, so the nazis, terrorists, criminals, obviously should be punished, by the way, in the thirties, many of those who worked against the soviet regime, prepared terrorist attacks, also our nkvd bodies - carried out appropriate operations. the second very important statement by the president is the assessment that the west, after the destruction of the soviet union, yes, is trying to carry out destruction. our country, yes, historical russia, as a form, soviet union, and i would like to say that indeed, i will add on my own behalf that this is one of the most progressive advanced forms of existence of our thousand-year-old state, and so the west, in carrying out this, applies any methods that they consider, they consider methods of struggle against our country is possible, by the way, these... we
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have always supported and the communists have talked about this more than once, if you look at the work of gennady andreevich zyuganov on globalization and the fate of humanity in 2002, many assessments of western imperialism were given now this work is obviously in many ways progressive, showing where the west is leading the world, in this regard, in this regard, of course, we must clearly understand what the president said about hitler and napoleon, but in fact, on the one hand... sucking out resources from the russian empire. hitler, too, the german bourgeoisie in the forties actually tried to make the hegemon and destruction, the destruction of the soviet.
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this capitalist west also operates, and when we draw parallels, in fact we understand perfectly well that capitalism is war. the united states has been involved in many conflicts around the world throughout all, in fact , historical eras of its existence, and when they try to blame china for something, socialist china has not participated in any armed conflicts for 40 years, therefore. ascal, the predatory ascal of capitalism is obviously, well, a question of economics, because in fact, it is very important for us not just to draw historical parallels. return to the roots of understanding the role of the state, the role of our country, well, the question is to change a lot in development of industry , agriculture, the social sphere, by the way , this article by an economist, yes, which came out, which you also talked about here, because in
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fact, of course, there are trends that europe is destroying itself, it’s right that it refused, yes it is correctly said there that its refusal... from our energy resources, cheap energy resources, has caused damage to itself, it is quite obvious that america, even under trump, by the way, under biden, these restrictive measures still contribute to the development of the economy of the united states, and not europe. the rates of economic growth, they are indicative, yes, the usa is 2.5, europe is 0.1, minus somewhere, and so on. but, dear friends, when china is accused of cheap goods, you yourself carried out deindustrialization, and chinese goods, of course, inexpensive, quite technologically advanced, fill this niche, and also in the nineties , this yeltsin team also destroyed our economy in the interests of the west , now the chinese are coming, well, we need to fix this, yes, we will trade with our partners, but we must understand that we ourselves must
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develop, and europe really found itself in a difficult situation, so there is no need to blame anyone here, this is a historical story, it was you who wanted the united states to... exclusively for its one and a half billion population, which was saturated with work, saturated with money, it is capable to consumption, maintaining its own economy, and of course, this ensures such stable growth of china, but for there to be super-growth, of course china
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trades a lot with foreign countries, with any, and with a huge amount, the world's main exporter, and still the main one.
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you’ll be fit, we’ll come back, let’s go and have coffee, i can’t, i have to go, the premiere is on rtr, the body was found by the husband, suicide, she died no more than 3-5 hours ago, chichagova’s death is not suicide, you have 3 days, i believe that colleagues they can handle it, we'll talk, and are you sure that you want to be with a person who...
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detectives, i said, i want a white cat, they come up, oh, you're good, he likes to grab the cat there, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their own. guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, in a circle friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr. so, the footage that we actually receive live is in the kremlin, putin meeting with the cult director emir kusturica and the serbian maestrate condemned the actions. the kiev banderaites thanked putin for returning historical justice to the slavs, and kusturica also
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told the russian president that he wanted to end his film career by filming a russian triptych. three films based on the works of dostoevsky, gogol and tolstoy. putin said that he would retire in peace it’s still early, he noted that usturitsa’s assessments of the events in ukraine coincide with his assessments. events in serbia and ukraine are very similar phenomena. i want to thank you for your personal historical justice, which the slavs did not always see so clearly, and what is happening now in ukraine is a struggle for us, we, who saw what happened to these banderaites in croatia when they expelled 200... a new world,
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i think, i believe, i have an idea in this new world to make such a triptych, a russian triptych, three films, the first one, which called the engineer of easy walks, this is the version, my version, the modern version of dostoevsky, then gogol, like ivan ivanovich, sat down on ivan nikiforovich, very funny, very, i think that now it is important to do this, and the third will be the cossacks, the head of nikolaevich tolstov, yeah, i think at the end it's a new world and the end of my career, it 's going, i think, very well with one
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another, as far as the end of a career is concerned, i think it's too early to talk about it, your assessment. this enduring ideology of human hatred of extreme nationalism, which has been using many forces for centuries in its own, first of all, by the way, not in ideological, but in geopolitical interests. russia has improved the joker 10 attack drones, which will be critical on the battlefield, vion reports.
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the technical characteristics of the drone have improved; it was demolished with tubes filled with explosives and charades. during an attack, the drone creates a cloud of fragments, allowing it to destroy enemy shells. joker can also directly ram enemy aircraft. and an important advantage of the drone is that the price is no more expensive than a bicycle. this is a huge advantage compared to expensive air defense missiles. the armed forces of ukraine, of course, are also not standing still, and as cnn reports, they have begun developing drones equipped with artificial intelligence. this will make it possible to more effectively hit selected targets, primarily ours. kiev’s american allies are not shy about talking about this, that is, the united states is becoming more and more obvious participants in the war against russia. ukrainian drones strike a huge oil and gas industry of russia, which, despite western bans on imports and price
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restrictions, remains the largest source of income for moscow's military economy. made possible by the use of drones with longer ranges and more advanced capabilities, some of which have even begun to integrate a basic form of artificial intelligence to help them navigate and avoid interference, a source close to the ukrainian drone program said. accuracy in the presence of interference is ensured by using artificial intelligence. each uav has a terminal computer with satellite data and terrain data,” the source explained. flights are determined in advance with our allies and the plane. follow the flight plan so that we can hit targets with an accuracy of several meters. they have this thing called machine vision, which is a type of artificial intelligence. essentially, you take a model, write it on a chip, and train that model to determine the geography and the goal that it is moving towards, noah sylvia said. research analyst at the royal united services institute, a british think
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tank. when it is finally launched, it will be able to determine where it is. well, in general there is no one.
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those who were behind this, a specific customer, obviously it was the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, but first of all political... since terrorism is a universal evil, let me remind you once again, regarding the boston marathon, russia passed on such information to the americans, another matter that they ignored her, but we
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transmitted the full amount of information, including the identifying information of the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks, the united states did not do so, in this regard, of course, i would like to draw attention to this unprecedented operation, which was obviously planned not only ... by terrorists from kiev, but it was carried out by lines of counterintelligence support and cover for a number of eu and nato countries, this is the delivery of a consignment of religious property, icons, items for worship, which were actually containers for delivery to the territory russia, the latest deadly explosives. i would especially like to draw your attention to the fact that this cargo freely entered the territory of nato countries from the territory of ukraine, and i would like to draw
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your attention to the fact that there are very strict entry controls, and most importantly, having bypassed the chain of a number of european states, attention from the territory of latvia was freely allowed into russia. i want to say that knowing the style and practice of the latvian special services. in particular the state security service of latvia, we clearly understand that the command was given to let this cargo through without any inspection measures, therefore we have reason to make a specific application to interpol for interrogation by interpol forces to bring to justice and provide relevant information to russia, which specific heads of the state security services of latvia knew about this situation.
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i think that maybe even demand a special meeting of the un security council on who was behind the planning of this terrorist attack, since it affects the life and safety of ordinary european citizens, although this cargo was intended to carry out terrorist attacks in the russian federation, this is a serious issue, our diplomacy and security forces are here. bodies must take an active offensive position, implementing the instructions that vladimir putin voiced today at the board of the russian ministry of internal affairs. please,
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the president, by the way, also said today that russia is not a weak link, but some, judging by statements, behave as if russia is a weak link, for example, like zelensky today he stated that president putin should be arrested, that reparations should be exacted from russia, and that all this should be paid off, just recently. ukraine also heard this about how when europe, yes, so that it would take these russian assets seized, why would ukraine pay with russian assets, that is, oil, fur, but the europeans have not yet followed ukraine’s lead, apparently they understand that the russians furs won’t keep them warm in a nuclear winter, yes, the americans have gone even further, they just the other day a congressman literally stated that, in principle, it’s good it would be possible to solve the issue in ukraine, and in the gas sector, as they decided in kheroshima on gossaki, that is, with nuclear weapons, but as far as i understand, they are not head... busy with this whole lgbt thing, and they don’t know history, yes , because nuclear weapons did not solve anything in japan during the second world war, that is, japan did not capitulate because the americans dropped nuclear bombs, well, at least because
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they did not cause any military damage to the japanese military, and secondly , because the us no longer had nuclear capabilities left, it could no longer reset no bomb, japan capitulated, as they wrote in american magazines then, japan was defeated by stalin, not a nuclear bomb. because the soviet union entered, opened a second front and defeated the most combat-ready units, the quantum units in manzhur, yes, only after that did japan capitulate, in ukraine, of course, everything is stable, now blinkin is there. they don’t discuss how ukraine is in nato, he says, we are working day and night to create a road map for ukraine, well, day and night, yes, probably since 2001, so for the first time in the laws of ukraine a path to nato appeared in 2001 in the year, so they, as i understand it, are reworking the road map day and night, but do not accept it, because as they honestly did not say, ukraine is a burden, yes, that is, it cannot be contained maybe they were like this when the senator came, they are completely embarrassed, they are not embarrassed, so they said yes, how would this american
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senator come and say, how is it that you are 27 years old? here you go, zelensky signed the law already in 20, although this law was adopted back in may last year, it was lying on the table zelensky, he didn’t sign for him, although he is obliged by the constitution to sign within 2 weeks, but he didn’t sign, now he signed, and he said yes, that well, he was counting on fighting on credit, that is, run away, twenty-five-year-old ukrainians, run, what did he suggest ? , ukraine must fight with russia in order to give the americans their assets, that’s all that is worth some money, the americans will take... they will take the loan account, but whether they understand this or not, i don’t know, that is, here they are tirikhov, for example, said, but kharkov we are discussing that russia destroyed the entire urban infrastructure there, but this is not ukrainian infrastructure, let’s be honest, it was all built during the soviet union and is being operated with such colossal wear and tear now in ukraine that no one has invested money there in these 30 years, yes, that is, now terikov said, he has already estimated that it costs 10 billion, damage to this infrastructure, so they
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like to count there in ukraine there now. rantaeds draw these plans on how they will restore mariupol, but they invest real money, that is, they are mastering the budgets, although today, and according to a statement from the russian government , almost all apartment buildings and residential buildings in mariupol have been restored, i mean, yes this year, only this year about 2,000 objects, and work is being carried out at 12 thousand sites at once, and no one draws any of these booklets about how it will be, yes, but they draw all this there, because they are really a burden to them, the west does not give money for this, so here they are in these incomprehensible situations... they don’t do it, they are renaming streets, in kharkov and kherson they renamed them, for example, in kharkov they renamed vladivostokskaya, now it’s a swedish street, in kherson, what is this, yes, what is this, i didn’t even know what in beautiful kharkov there was a street named after my native and beloved city, but now, as i understand it, terikhov liquidated it, liquidated it, now it’s swedish, and baikalskaya was, now it’s finnish, let’s not walk along vladivostokskaya, but what, there was
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shukhevych in kherson , now. it became, or rather, it was kutuzov, it became shukhevych, well, they are busy with their own business, we called it, they will rename it, that’s it, don’t worry, kharyakovites, the whole name, we’ll return what’s at the front, look, the moment of the destruction of the road bridge across the gaichur river near the city of gulyai-polye, the target is approximately 8 km of the front line, which did not prevent the aces from the eleventh army of the russian aerospace forces from delivering a sniper strike. the destruction of the crossing disrupted the supply of the ukrainian armed forces group and deprived the enemy of the opportunity to carry out rotation.
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and this is how northern work works crew of k-52 and mi-28 helicopters. a close-range air strike destroyed three armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces and at least 35 militants. here are already the consequences of the work of artillerymen and drone pilots on the same zaporozhye front, the devastated positions of the ukrainian armed forces. in the trenches were killed apu soldiers and pieces of wood and concrete from which the shelters were built. in the footage , a british challengenger 2 tank appeared in the combat zone. after the loss of the first such vehicle last september, the ukrainian command withdrew them to the rear, and is now throwing reserves into battle. challengenger 2 doesn't fit ukraine, they often get stuck in the soft soil of ukraine and have to be towed by other tanks or engineering vehicles. there was a slaughter when towing is not always possible, a stuck challenger 2 becomes a vulnerable challenger 2. in british service
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the tank always had mounted armor on the sides. hull and on the lower frontal plate. ukraine never received these additional armor sets, most likely because the extra three tons of weight would have made challenger 2 even less mobile on soft ground. 14 and now 13 challengenger 2 barely is it worth the effort to maintain and arm them, and to evacuate them when they get stuck? forbes believes that london delivered the challengers to kiev to push other countries. the tank cottages in the avdeysk direction have already burned down six american abrams, here is a knocked out german leopard 2.6 abandoned there, our soldiers are taking pictures with the defeated cat, after the capture of vadyanov the russian army continues... the dinosaur storms semyonovka, verdyche and pervomaiskoe, and also advances to uman, where the dryers are hastily building a turnover line. here is the uman part of the perdychi, here is the forty-seventh mechanized brigade, which
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carries out attacks with the help of drones, this is the brigade that is held here at the top, and this is the only brigade that has not yet lost its positions, the rest of the brigades, distanced in orbovka, meanwhile were forced to. the sixth such weapon burned in the northern military district zone. retired us air force colonel cedric layton worries on cnn that the russians are building on their success and continuing to advance.
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this may be especially critical in the town of ovdeevka, which essentially located at the junction of the southern and eastern fronts. this could also happen in the area of ​​the city of kharkov in northeastern ukraine, right near the russian border, 50 km or so from the border. and in this region too. we can see a certain concentration of russian forces, and if these forces move forward, if the russians organize to take advantage of the weak points of the ukrainians, then we can see certain changes on the territorial map. these shots show an example of the coordinated work of aerial reconnaissance and the russian aerospace forces. our uav operators identified a field ukrainian point called the k-52 crew. the alligators used guided missiles to destroy enemy positions. this powerful explosion, the consequences.
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vso position technique. after the next arrival , the surviving ukrainian soldier raises his hands in surrender. the kiev regime is building fortifications to contain or at least slow down the advance of the russian army.
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massive work is underway approximately 20 km from the front line. we have moved from offensive operations to defensive ones, when you are defending you have to be prepared. so we are preparing our defense. we have there are mines, barbed wire, dragon teeth, concrete capsules. the ukrainian government is spending half a billion euros to quickly build three lines of defense along the nearly 2.0 km front line. in these shots, the artillery of the eighty-third regiment destroys a ukrainian bmp-1 in the area of ​​svatovo-kreminnaya. to resist the ukrainian armed forces, they need, first of all, guns and ammunition, as stated by american sniper jonathan pocket, howling because of zelensky. golovorres says that:
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the infantry would have a much easier path, not us, and it’s hard now. at the end of march, the russian army took control of 65 km of territory. our unit is already a few hundred meters from chasovo yar. the battle for the city has essentially begun, almost all the fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces around it have already been captured. kiev is losing ground due to the inaction of the us congress, the white house said and called for urgent funding for ukraine. we already talked about this. jake sullevan talked about this too. my colleague from the national security council. we, ukraine, cannot afford any more delays. we saw what happened in the last few weeks, the last few months. the american institute for the study of war is expecting a large-scale offensive by the russian army , it will be concentrated in the west of the dpr, westerners believe.
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on the territory of the pskov region from the latvian side, a ukrainian driver tried to carry a cargo of icons and church utensils in which explosives, hexogen, charges for rp and detonators were hidden, in order to get to russia without suspicion, dangerous cargo produced packaged according to invoices in kiev transported through five countries of the european union, where... the truck, as if no one had bothered
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to search it. in this footage, special forces in bulletproof vests unload a white minibus; the faded trailer is at least 7 years old. the swedish manufacturing company, whose name is written on the gift, changed its name in the seventeenth year. the inconspicuous car was carrying dangerous cargo, church utensils with explosives inside. icons with a deadly filling are taken out of polyethylene as carefully as possible and disassembled. on the cardboard boxes in which they were transported to the title of ukrainian city chernivtsi, church utensils were produced in kiev, the fsb reported. the driver who tried to introduce contraband was detained; he has russian and ukrainian citizenship. the cargo was circus utensils and dolls, cargo. they began to load, the loading was completed, then
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they gave me the entire package of documents, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place, i drove to the russian border, drove into the territory of the russian border, i submitted all the documents for and clearing customs procedures started customs inspection, during the customs inspection, attachments were identified in the icons, customs officers. the fsb detained a car with explosives at the ubelinka checkpoint in the pskov region. with a trailer full of explosives, the smuggler drove almost 2,000 km from kiev to chernivtsi, and from there to romania. there is serious control on this border, especially from the ukrainian border guards, who are looking for draft dodgers escaping from mobilization. but they didn’t find explosives there, or they didn’t want to find them. after that, the car quietly drove through five more eu countries. i got to romanian-hungarian border, i was inspected,
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checked, no problems were identified, after which i drove into the shangel zone, and drove to slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, where there were no obstacles on the road. even latvian border guards, who usually carefully check whether sanctioned goods are being transported to russia, surprisingly easily allowed a car with dangerous cargo to pass through the checkpoint. it was not possible to get past our security forces, as they reported. at the fsb, the driver attracted attention because he was pretty nervous. due to due to the suspicious behavior of the driver of the vehicle , a decision was made to conduct an additional check of the cargo being moved, as a result of which foreign- made explosives were discovered in a shipment of orthodox icons and church utensils from ukraine being transported to the russian federation. the explosives are hidden behind the back walls of the icons. hexagen was in red and blue vacuum bags. it was this substance that terrorists used to blow up
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a nine-story building in the moscow pechatniki district in 1999. as a result the terrible terrorist attack killed 106 people and injured almost 700. the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power consumed. the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. years of imprisonment. 27
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camouflaged and ready-to -use improvised explosive devices (70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosive) were recovered. in total, there are 600 icons in the car, most of them contain explosives, but 27 images are turned into homemade bombs. rdx applied to the rear frame walls. the terrorists could only attach fuses and boards for remote detonation, which they tried to bring into russia in the same trailer. here is the complete assembly.
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in general, of course, it’s incredible how sophisticated the imagination of the kiev terrorists is, because it’s hard to imagine, scary to imagine, what would have happened if these icons had actually gone to their destinations on the eve of easter. thank god, our
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special services worked perfectly and stopped either one big terrorist attack or or a whole series. as for the situation.
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he says, well, that’s the way it should be, and you can also bring vodka from there, caviar, but certainly not an icon, from which i conclude that there must be a window there, because otherwise it’s absurd, anyone who’s not even a customs officer, even a more or less literate person , i immediately have to doubt why orthodox icons are being brought from ukraine through europe to orthodox russia, we don’t have enough of our own icon-painting workshops, we will now only live in ukrainian ones, so i assume that there should have been a window, but something didn’t work... then, glory god, this is the first, second, but this has already been talked about, but there is another aspect of the fact that all this was transported across five or six borders within the european union, of course, this is impossible
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if the special services have not laid a green corridor, this is completely obvious, that is there are two options, or the special services... that’s why it’s clear that they are afraid, i don’t know what’s in their heads, which of them loves russia, who loves, remembers the big deal, who doesn’t remember, that’s it, but of course, they are completely manageable, uh, if - to finish this case, to finish with this religious topic, in
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its perverted modern perspective, unfortunately, i remember that on the previous broadcast with you, when i was there, when... they said that easter eggs there in the west somewhere, easter cakes replace christian crosses with ticks with these very symbols, so ... i said, i hope they paid attention to this, now there is confirmation that this is not just some kind of atheism or a desire to not salt someone with someone, first a neutral sign puts you, and then it will definitely be replaced by another, that and happened in a strange way - after a few days when catholic easter in america, while in the usa, was not just... cancelled, well, i mean in the form in which the white house is, but replaced with the ideology there of these
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transgender people, transgender people who either visible, or fading, or flickering, this is an example of the fact that you are not happy, that one thing that raises doubts somewhere, whether there is a god, i am not a believer at all, so they change it to something more neutral, then this is neutral it will remain so, instead of the neutral other , the exact opposite will come, which is what happened with these all fit into the modern discussion, including the most important question that tolerant and inclusive religious scholars are now asking themselves: was jesus christ white or black? this is an interesting topic, but separately, i just mean that this, again, does not need some kind of ideology, a single one. national, it’s not necessary, you can cancel anything, just don’t think that it’s
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at your request, it won’t replace something else, psychology, social consciousness, all this has long been established in society, in civilization, it seems to me that there is a point in the air, this very simple explanation finds everything, things, concepts, religion, there are social ideas that unite people... there is no need, yes, necessary scattered, separated social groups, dividing power, all this fits in, fits in, but they simply denied it many times, referring to some article of the constitution, by the way, it is not yet quite the way it is interpreted, but this is just confirmation again, now about migration and migration policy again, let’s listen to putin, he expressed today your position. it is unacceptable, i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events to provoke
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national hatred, xenophobia, islamophobia and so on, in fact, this was the main goal of the terrorists of their customers, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in our country, to split russia from within , this is their main task, we must under no circumstances allow them to do this.
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only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, and history can enter russia. this principle must be decisive. yes, but putin highlighted this gigantic problem from many sides. now i don’t know who will deny that this is a gigantic problem, but again i see people who are trying to pull out one phrase, one statement from part of his words today, which should not be used. to incite ethnic hatred and so on, i said and say that they are inciting national growth, those who register,
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register 400 people in their apartment, what if this is allowed by law, then why was this law not repealed a thousand years ago , if it is prohibited, but it is is happening, which means there are two specific people, the one who specifically did this , the apartment where they are registered, the one who registers, and this is... an official, here, but this was all, it was reported many times in such cases, everything remained, what i say this, putin’s words, i personally interpret this way. i hope that those who will subsequently make the decision will also take tact, digitalization, this is all wonderful, but it should be led by people who understand the essence of this problem, its statute for russia is already a protracted acuteness, and i believe that these are not the people who have been doing this until now, because if they were those people, then we would not have this problem
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in the form in which it is now...
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this is the last cry, appeal to power, do it, but there is an intermediate one, but don’t do anything, well, it came out under the armpits, well, that doesn’t happen, well, yes, we are not dancing yet, like that, do n’t touch us, that’s it, but you can’t do something from the authorities , listen, but putin spoke directly about corruption, he spoke about corruption, because
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these scoundrels would not be here if they did not receive a work permit. we’re not the ones who stand, well, we probably need to exchange them for someone else, then hope that the same ones will do better, no, for me personally, next month there will be a new government, we’ll see how it is and the last one i want to say, literally one phrase, here again around this french paris olympics, something was seething there,
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bah our pranksters played it, he... said things, of course, the most vile, well, simply the most vile, the organizer of such a spy network, spy surveillance for russian athletes, the mayor is a scoundrel, just an absolute scoundrel, i’ve been talking about this for a long time, but then we always have these defenders, the olympic movement, i’m not talking about that now, the mayor of paris said, we don’t want to see russians, russians and.. . athletes, i’m interested in where is the list of our athletes who will go there, why was it not published for shock and i want to know these people who, against this background , will still go there, i’m not saying that when they return, this is what kind of living creatures they will bring here from this paris, lopov or someone else, there should be a cordon sanitaire, we can’t keep them out, but
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the station will have to check everyone through the sanitary epidemiological department, and morally too. let's go back, how? we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. open.
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new heights for your business. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you. rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means not thinking about anything, like... yes, you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. let's go
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have some coffee. i can not. we need to go. premiere on rtr. suddenly my husband found it, suicide. and she died no more than 3-5 hours ago. chichagova's death is not suicide. 3 days, i think my colleagues will cope, let’s talk, are you sure that you want to be with the person who once betrayed you? irrepressible, restless, today on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, they came big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, we have plans before our eyes they turn into
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projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, but what about dreams? becomes a reality, as you look, let it into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i’d like to stay in moscow, of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, pigasus after all, it’ll be yours, then you’ll draw it with... we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who, it’s zavyalov, our owner, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of,
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wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello, you’re stupid, or something, i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here , cinderella, some kind of sink here, here in general, this is mum incomprehensible, nothing, i’m still saying. or princess, who will the prince choose? did you love her? yes, most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday, nartres, russia, traditional, modern, technologically advanced , original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia before your eyes. come to the international
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exhibition forum russia, could you feed me, bon appetit, in 3 days my business trip ends, do you want to come with me, life doesn’t give me information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, dirty heart. maria zakharova's statement called recognition the head of the international olympic committee , thomas bach, that he hired a private contractor, imagine, who will monitor the patriotic statements of our russian athletes on social networks in order to exclude them from the competition. the confession came during a prank staged by russian pranksters. official representatives of the russian foreign ministry consider such actions to be a criminal conspiracy that will help get rid of strong sports competitors at international competitions. and
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now those who support governments in they cannot take part in this. we have a special supervisory committee at the mok level, which also works with an independent company. and they monitor the internet. see and public statements, so if an athlete appears somewhere with such statements, he cannot take part in the games. we also offered to the ukrainian side, and not only offered, but also asked to provide us with their information. about behavior.
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during training, please, i doubt it, but i remind you that there seems to be an alternative approach, like the asian sports games, there, in fact, as i understand it, he talked with african representatives, and it was as if it was about creating a platform based on african countries, including, as it were, a means for participation in the international the alternative component of such alternas was simply no opinion, he has sponsors, coca-cola, mercedes, they don’t want to pay money if there are russians there, that’s all, it’s all money. he is simply greedy,
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7:41 pm
test, it was very difficult, gancherov wanted to work with me, but at the same time i had a feeling that he hated me, he screamed, he destroyed, he almost beat me once, the whole horror was that he was always right, i had a cross, i told myself that i would endure everything , the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. could you please feed me, bon appetit, in 3 days my business trip ends, do you want to come with me, life doesn’t give me any help, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, regarding
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bach, my mother always had this phrase: 5 years old magician did not give birth and there was no goldard, that is when they tell us what is impossible.
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they are about money, here it is very important to realize that many, most of our opponents are about money, and even our compatriots, there are pop stars who express something there, all these naked parties, it’s all about money, thank god, thank god , that we
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began to realize this and talk to them in this language, so they began to lose, so the centrifugal movement of this... which they were spinning, suddenly turns around, hits them with the same tail and hits them with the same absolutely, they lose viewers, and then money, unfortunately, we have to admit that this whole struggle is very often based on capital, let’s go back, the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say: hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, this is alla, al, al, al, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi,
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reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a mini-greenhouse granary at an amazing price from only 29.95. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. major reshuffles in the russian navy shaigu announced today that alexander moiseev, who previously headed the northern fleet, has been appointed as the new commander-in-chief of the mmf. he replaced admiral nikolai evmenov, who was dismissed in early march. instead of moiseev.
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units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other combat weapons. armored vehicles, despite the lack of results, on the line of combat contact kinyov is still trying to convince his western sponsors of his ability to resist the russian army, for this he is trying to transfer the fighting to the territory of our country. vesti, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you.


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