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tv   Neukrotimaya Neupokoeva  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 9:20pm-10:22pm MSK

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where is it located why has it already become a local landmark. hello, ernest, a new school has opened its doors in the old village village. the area of ​​the educational complex can be compared to three football fields. 1,100 schoolchildren from the old village and neighboring villages will sit at parto here and will study only in the first shift. classrooms, laboratories for the study of physics and chemistry, robotics, sewing and cooking rooms are equipped with modern equipment. heroes of a special military operation. andrey, hello, what will the memorial be like? ernest, hello, residents from all over the country can take part in the creation of the monument and submit their ideas to the competition. it is symbolic that the memorial will appear next to the main height of russia, mamayev kurgan, where the indigenous people took place. a turning point in the great patriotic
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war. participating in the groundbreaking ceremony , andrei bocherov, the hero of russia, governor of the volgograd region, took the initiative to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the fatherland of all generations. the country's best artists and sculptors will have to implement the plan. andrey, thank you. so, we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. in moscow today the heat record for the last 73 years was updated. the thermometer rose above 20°. but the sudden onset of summer has a downside. the abnormal heat led to numerous floods. in a wedge near moscow , a shelter for predatory animals was flooded due to a local river flood. pride land. panthers, tigers, wolves, leopards, and also lions. they all ended up in the water. 12 were moved to safety. to save them, to the place
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ianna balan left, this is the central entrance to the lviv pride land park, now it is locked , no one is allowed there, not even us journalists, but from here it is clear that the entire territory is already flooded. the roar can be heard throughout the entire area, the lions seem to be asking for help, a rescue operation is going on all day in this private zoo, employees together with the ministry of emergency situations are literally catching the animal. amur tigers, wolves, and far eastern leopards are being saved, just like in the biblical story of pronoea, for now they are being hidden in distant valeras, where there is no water yet got close. this is the message that appeared on the park's website. because of. that there is water almost
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everywhere, we cannot accept you for a visit, our animals are now in shelters, safe, the locals will not remember such a flood, the nudal river, which flows nearby, is itself narrow and shallow, but due to the large amount of snow and sudden warming, the water level rose sharply this year and the noodle overflowed its banks, flooding everything around. the zoo is located in a lowland, so the water got here very quickly, we we’ve now walked around the territory on the other side, now it’s up to my knees, to be honest we’re afraid to go further, we... see that not all the animals have been taken out yet, there ’s a big black cat behind glass in a closed enclosure, most likely it’s a jaguar, over there two lionesses climbed up to escape the flood. now there are supposedly about forty animals on the territory, mostly predators. at the moment, the park management is deciding what to do next, because the water is rising every hour. there is a possibility, a tendency, that the river may rise due to more expected overnight.
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here all night, so that if something happens, zoo employees will be on duty today to save the animals. anna balan, dmitry dunaev, nikolai portnykh, lead. due to the sudden melting of snow , the tracks on the sovelovsky railway section were washed away. this led to an emergency at kostin ivantsev’s site. 11 freight train cars left the rails at once. there were no casualties. restoration work is underway at the site, and compensation buses have been launched for passengers. the transport prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation into the incident. the abnormal heat is being replaced by a sharp cooling in the capital. tomorrow the city will be noticeably fresher. during the day no higher than +16. the pressure will drop and there will be rain in places. will be accompanied
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by gusty winds, on thursday no higher than +7, weather forecasters promise sleet, light frosts are expected on friday night, but by the end of the week the temperature will rise again. the first section of the rublevo-arkhangelskaya line of the capital’s metro will open in 3 years. for a future thread now they are pulling underground tunnels and building the stations themselves. one of them - the people's militia is one third ready. more than 180,000 residents of the area well in mnevnik are waiting for its launch. report by marina gromova. below us is a platform area. here we have a promising second lobby, and there we have the first lobby under construction. and there will be a transfer to the bkl. there will also be a transplant to the bkl. builders are still helping to navigate the surface. the lobbies are not ready yet, but the foundation pit is shrinking before our eyes. all the most important things are not outside, but inside. upstairs already it’s almost summer, and we’re descending into winter at 24 m, where it’s 0°. the people's militia is ready
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to rub the constructed tunnel from the center side from the future izvenegorodskaya. monolithic work is almost finished. the station has already been connected to the bkl of the same name, where. it will be necessary to make a transfer, a very important stage of work, when the outlines of the future station appear, the platform, columns, tracks are already ready, so far there is no reality, there is one exit from the metro, the sun’s rays are still reaching the second, but soon this part of the pit will be closed. folk the militia will be part of the new radial metro line rublevo arkhangelskaya, it will stretch more than 18 kilometers from moscow city to the west of the capital. there will be 10 stations in total, eight new ones will be built, and two more will be shared by the large ring and business station. the centers of the shelepikh will change from turquoise to graphite, which is the color the line will be shown on the metro map. this line will improve transport services for 800,000 residents, and will also relieve congestion on the novoarizhskoye highway, an important and rather complicated construction project, which will be implemented
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in several stages. three are currently under construction stations: zvinegorod people's militia , general karbyshev streets, tunnels , tunneling shields will soon begin moving towards the latter, how by the way? natalie and sofia, natalie exactly, natalie, it was natalie who worked for us, built the kalinin solntsevskaya line, which ran under the moscow river, from the business center to victory park, the deepest laying station, the young lady is experienced and professional. design documentation is being prepared for the construction of the next three stations, these are silver borst, trogeno and linden roshche, where the metro is highly anticipated, new residential buildings are nearby complexes, but it’s still a bit far from the nearest mykinin, the metro is a plus. look, here you can see how many houses we have, well, about 20 of them, it’s probably easier to get around with a baby, even to go to parents, everything is simpler, we don’t have a car at the moment, the metro would be very useful for us, to go to work, to school , for mugs, but what about the metro - this is life, new life along with the metro will come to these areas in
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the next few years, the first stage is promised to be completed in 3 years, marina gromova, yuri zabolotnikov, ignatiy sokolov and pavel letnikov, news, today tatyana konyukhova, the legendary one, passed away. theater and film actress, people's artist of russia. tatyana georgievna was born in tashkent, graduated from gik, and worked for some time in the small theater. for more than 35 years, she was the leading actress of the film actor's studio theater. but her first leading role as the beautiful hanna in the films of alexander row, may night or the drowned woman, where she played while still a student, brought her national fame. what kind of galiv? you're impatient, the actress's filmography includes more than fifty diverse roles, khimka in marriage balzaminova, valya oleshka in the reserve player, galya berezka in the career of dima gorin, foreman katya golovan in good morning, teresia semak in the drama over tisa. exceptional external
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characteristics, natural artistry, sincerity, depth and cordial attitude towards people. these qualities made the actress a symbol of the national film school, and her roles canonical. oh, i love konyukhov! oh, where? tatyana georgievna taught acting, was the artistic director of a workshop at the moscow university of culture and arts for almost 20 years, worked with children in the theater studios. after finishing her acting career , she began performing a concert program based on poems by marina tsvetaeva and anna akhmatova. the actress was 92 years old. in the capital. the restoration of the legendary tsum has begun, the facades are promised to return their historical appearance, and the lost elements will be restored to their original color. it turns out that he is not gray. olga meshcheryakova about the architectural secrets of the building in the gothic style. the pitiful face of a mythical creature peers longingly
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somewhere into the wooden flooring. the master's hand got to it in the late nineties and stained it lime mixture beyond recognition. then they called it reconstruction and from... we still perceive it from below like this, and from the side there on the design documentation like this , in fact, you have to look at it like this, yes, it even smiles, and everyone is different , but perhaps it’s too early to smile, there’s a full crack pylon and here a piece of plaster will soon fall off, the scale of the disaster of the historical landmark has yet to be assessed , look at which fragment is trying to peel off, the project needs to be embroidered. fix this crack, then we will extend life, so to speak monument, populate the facade with gargoyles,
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install pylons and buttresses, vertical pillars as part of the supporting structure, all these are non-standard ideas of the famous architect roman klein. through his efforts, at the beginning of the 20th century, the first seven-story high-rise building made of reinforced concrete appeared in russia, which subsequently had a great future. and now we are at the top of the entire structure, it is crowned with these elegant... towers, they are called pinnacles. the architects decided not only to restore everything, but to restore historical justice. at some point, presumably in the nineties , these iron balls were placed on the pinnacle, well, this is the architectural idea: there will be no balls, instead of them cruciferous flowers will be placed here, in fact, as conceived by the architect klein. crucifers, so far only drawn, are also a reference to noterdam. everything is mythical here for a reason; the style is called neo-gothic. very... uncharacteristic for moscow, because they built a store under the brand of british entrepreneurs mure and marriles in
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a western style. an architectural masterpiece has passed nationalization, received the name mostork, and finally, in the middle of the last century, it was deservedly called the central universal. you know, i generally love these pies, especially in the cold, and you? yes. shining with glass display cases, the tsum did not sell pies, but here you could grab finnish boots, a yugoslav raincoat or an alaskan jacket. a simple soviet man. the next one was spoiled by gargoyles, but when the new building was added, they installed tsuma in the escalators. in general, everything is as it was inside, on the facade, there is a lot of work, and the sum was not at all gray mouse color, to which everyone is accustomed, light, sandy, it will be the way he intended his masterpiece.” the investigative
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committee and the capital's prosecutor's office are investigating the circumstances of the emergency in one of the entertainment centers in the south of moscow. while completing a quest , a nine-year-old girl fell from a two-meter height. the child was taken to the hospital with serious injuries, and a criminal case was opened. this is far from the only accident of this kind.
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committee was identified by the organizers of the quest staff, during which she was injured a young girl, they will be taken and interrogated at the department's unit. establishment of all circumstances, provision of services that do not meet safety requirements as a result of which a child was injured under control at the prosecutor's office. the inspection will also assess compliance with federal law, not adult requirements. injuries during such games are not uncommon, but the quest actor scares the participants. open fire and the ceiling above their heads catches fire, molten plastic drips onto the caged teenagers. six
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people, including two animators, ended up in the hospital. such irresponsible companies are a blow to the image of the entire gaming industry, others in the entertainment industry complain. over the course of the company’s activities , it is already clear where injuries can occur and these things can be eliminated through preventive measures. that is, this is essentially the place for a head kick due to the drop. but it’s all lined with soft material, it’s almost impossible to even get a bump here. for example, puppeteer, a game based on the famous series of horror films. participants, finding themselves in the clutches of a maniac, must solve puzzles in order to survive, moving towards the exit. you have an hour to solve problems. chains, butcher hooks. frightening sounds, the surroundings here are of course gloomy, but in essence it’s an ordinary puzzle, you need to collect the keys, open the cells and get into the next room, there are still a lot of mysteries waiting for you, operators are watching the entire gameplay, here are the cameras if something goes wrong according to the scenario, the administrator can always stop the game. the game was stopped for the quest organizers, where
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a girl was injured, by decision of the administration, the shopping center's play area was temporarily closed. unstoppable, restless in previous episodes, your honor, i ask that these photographs be included in the case. zoya neupokoeva, a brilliant lawyer. we plan to file a complaint. her career is skyrocketing. beautiful
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car, yours. how many years have passed, but my personal life stands still. will you ever... get married? how to say to you? i worked for roman for 7 years, the company belongs to him, i have nothing at all. zoya decides to join the investigative committee. you investigator? hurray, and show your indomitable temper there. now we know exactly what to look for. you have 3 days. go. the inexorable restlessness. i miss you, continuation, watch it right now on rtr.
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zoya, i won't have breakfast without horses. katya, i 'll be there soon. bunny and mishka have already sat down to breakfast. oh, and were you able to establish the time of death? yeah. so. bunny, bunny says that it tastes very, very good to him. it's no use, she won't eat without the horse. why is there a horse in my bed? thank you, thank you. the horse is on. together, i understood, listen, that is, the corpse it turns out to be about 3 hours, yes, zoya, damn it, well, i’m eating, sorry, in what form you won’t go to school, and this is my personality, clearly, so, well, there’s no temperature, we’ll handle it, and you go, change clothes, hello, cuba, you have already interrogated
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your husband, zoya. zoya, you’re not listening, i’m listening, and having hugged tighter than two friends, they fell at once, they wouldn’t take her to kindergarten, and in the darkness, the battle continued on the ground, i needed work, i was scary at that moment, like a desert leopard, go angry , cough, snot, no, they won’t take it, i was on fire, i saw like him, as if i myself was born, dear, we have a plan, yes, in our family... barsov wolves, in the family of barsov wolves, in the family of barsov wolves, i forgot again, no, look, you haven’t forgotten, you know your role very well. we all know her, breathe deeply, gleb, do you hear,
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so, baby, remember, you are a beautiful princess, there are evil witches around, but they won’t be able to pawn you if they don’t see your snot, don’t hear your porridge, if i cheat, i’ll tell the tester, what is this allergy, hello. hello, well, you brought homemade cakes for the autumn holiday, of course, of course, a second, well, how are you, fine, please take it, this is my mother’s recipe, thank you, we’ll go, please come in, thank you. hello, here, hello, oh, you set a record, you were 2:16 late,
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svetlana chichagova, 31 years old, the corpse was found by her husband by suicide, judging by the development of cadaveric rocking, she died no more than 3-5 hours ago. cognac, juice, tranquilizers, a deadly cocktail, this is completely odorless, but what about the taste, zoya? not worth it, i think it should taste sweet when i was 18
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years, i got my first car, my father taught me to distinguish high-quality antifreeze from a fake, well, a fake is water with salts, it tastes salty, and high-quality antifreeze is sweetish from ethylene glycol and has no smell at all. i won’t survive this, how can i continue to live, mom, this is my husband, you interrogated him, and what do you think, why can i be taken away, mom, so that,
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what did you manage to find out from the interrogation of your husband and his mother? her husband found her in the morning and immediately called the doctors, but she was already dead. and at night some moans, screams, nothing i heard that he and the child spent the night with his mother,
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and why did they quarrel, everything is as it was, of course, well, it’s just strange, vomit, a bottle on top, it’s clean, it probably fell after she vomited. zoey, this is a peaceful corpse. if you had not been late, as always, and interrogated your husband yourself, then you would have found out that the deceased had recently had depression and suicidal thoughts, and for the last 3 years she had also been seeing psychiatrists. 3 days ago she had an exacerbation, the doctor recommended hospitalization. lord, how are they in these high-rise buildings are ventilated right away. drafts, horror! why was svetlana hospitalized? her
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husband felt sorry for who would want to send a loved one to a psychiatric hospital, the doctor was inexperienced, young, did not insist, we need to talk to this doctor, person to person can always talk, zoey, don’t rush where we are in a hurry, just in case he leaves work. what's there? 26 years old, vegan, unmarried, enjoys running, a possible narcissist, because he is a possible narcissist, it’s written on his profile, well, why post photos that emphasize his figure so much, well, he has cross out. here he is, you need to make friends with him,
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just a second, excuse me, now, hello, really, dear, stay, please, listen, maybe it’s allergic snot, i’m from the investigative committee, i have several to see you, i won’t talk to you, starting tomorrow i won't work here anymore. you can keep her until the evening, i’ll try to pick her up early, i ’ll pick her up later today, okay, tomorrow i’ll definitely think of something, in the end, it’s just a runny nose, but so what, he refused to talk to me, and in general he has already quit, tell me, what about you always? zoy,
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we have a meeting only in 40 minutes, i have a family circumstance, i’m not going to be late for your family because of your family circumstances, i have everything under control, we’ll pick up the baby and the kindergarten immediately on sun, we won’t go there with the child, do you want me i’ll take it in my arms, no need, there must be some.
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funny joke, good report, kan, and this, and this is professional incompetence, listen, because of these reports, i’m unhappy, i don’t have any time left to work, we’re always we write, we write, we write these meaningless pieces of paper, zo, did you think you’d be here right away? no, i'm just saying what i think, why? go to work, kukacheva is merciless to those who sloppily write reports, why are you provoking her, you’re right, i’ll be more restrained, you won’t, we’ll never be given a normal case for you, so we’ll write down peaceful corpses in two volumes, chichagova’s death won’t suicide, why? she has a daughter and a bunch
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of books on child psychology, she wanted to be a good mother of a three-year-old, you’ve heard about postpartum depression, yes, yes, but i saw it nails hair, hair examination using the restless method showed the absence of depression, chagova is dyed blonde, this color is very difficult to maintain, you need to tint the roots all the time, buy special products so that the hair does not turn yellow, so that...
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“well, you’re unfair, she’s talking about business too always remembers, i was ordered not to leave work until i finish the examination on chuchagova, you found something, nothing new, she really was poisoned by antifreeze, crystals of calcium axalate in all internal organs, calcium oxalate, ethylene glucol, contained in antifreeze, form calcium axalate crystals in the human body, they cause acute kidney failure, brain damage and, as a result, death, sounds like a slow death, not quick at all, i think it’s painful...” 6 hours, very painful too long, even for a person with postpartum depression, i don’t know, i can believe that she felt so bad, a small child, maternity leave, everyone expects complete joy from you,
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it infuriates, yes, especially when you are not at all ready for motherhood, for me after all, sasha too suddenly appeared, neither i nor denis, we were not planning children, so for sasha’s first year i was simply not myself. happy birthday to you, blow it out on saturday,
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after graduation, you are flying to italy, and i will finish my business here and join you. “if you knew where you would lose it, dad, dad, little werewolf, if you knew where you would find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you actually loved him, mom, so, from now on, let’s go in more detail.” with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we we've only known each other for a few days." not enough, life doesn't give us any clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr.
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cnop gin is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu reorts , we are here
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for you. steersmann bourbon is a product of the stellar group. relaxation is leaving yourself alone, relaxation is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and
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completely switched off. relaxation is relaxation. we know everything about relaxation. anex. we will remembering songs about our home, our native place , we moved a lot, that’s why. we're looking at the weekend, well, i liked it, yes,
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it's zabyalov, our owner, aren't you sleeping, i'm afraid, what are you afraid of, i'm afraid to wake up, make some coffee, hello, you're stupid, or something, i'll have to fire you, actually, i'm here i don’t work, i live here, cinderella, some kind of car wash here, you even this...
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oh, what haven’t you seen just now, there was a great series of thorns, thorns, this is such a kick, you know, 180°, amazing, just , dad, where is helen? i went to my parents, but because colds babies, you know, the air is very dangerous in the second trimester, sorry, damn reports, i couldn’t come earlier, well, i’m steadfastly enduring the sound, baby, get up, get up, horse, horse, horse,
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zoya, i’ve been with you since childhood i taught, well, emotions are useless, you need to solve problems rationally, here are your timely tips, i bought four more just in case, they’re not... new, i washed them in the machine three times, i also poured carrot juice on them before that, dad, you are the perfect criminal, get up, get up, get up, look, i bought gleb a uniform for takwandu, dad, you’re not too carried away with shopping, i’ll take him to training myself. you and i discussed this, gleb doesn’t want fando, he’s
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bullied at school, not anymore, he goes to the theater studio to rehearse a play, he’s very passionate, very passionate, just like you are passionate about your so-called work, here’s a question for a friend, is this right, if i have a training session waiting for me now, dad, let me stay, drop everything and oh well, you’re already an adult, oh-oh-oh, there’s not enough money, you sit there until the night, this what i like is what i want, you know, but gleb wants the theater, why do you all want the wrong thing?
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mikhail kutuzov, barclayda tolly, bagration, peter wicktenstein, mikhail kutuzov, barclay, insteinstein, bagration, peter wicktenstein, bagarteon, never corrected the d in history by the way, excellent. that is, i can’t go to school there, but can you go to the investigative committee? uh-huh,
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he said that he quit the hospital, questions will only be answered by the prosecutor's sanction, uh-huh. why do you think that he will agree to talk to you because i need to talk to him, great plan, don't worry, zoya, everything is fine, i know, she 's just playing, ah, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm, yes, and so, yeah, give me your hand, yeah, it looks like you injured your ankle, lean on me, oh, thank you, i need to fix the ankle joint, yes, you are a doctor, yes, i was so lucky, i was a doctor,
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let's go, calm, quiet, quiet, quiet, yes, i don’t know how to play, “let me teach you, i love to play, sit down, if you’ll allow me, yes, oh, of course, our doctors are paid, it’s criminal little, it’s not surprising that you changed your profession, since childhood i dreamed of becoming a doctor, so the salary was far from in the first place, although you are absolutely right, it was small, quiet, quiet, quiet, congratulations, there is no fracture, oh, why? then you left, since you dreamed of it since childhood, very curious, however, like me, excuse me, one of my patients died, through my fault, why do you think that you
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are guilty of the death of svetlana chichagova? okay, wait, i don’t need medical secrets, i know everything, including the diagnosis, medical history from relatives, what do you want from me, help me, well, you became a doctor because you care, and i became an investigator because i care, my salaries are not great either, i don’t think that svetlana chichagova committed suicide. still very straight 9, 10, i’m going to look, okay, you won, come out, i’ve only
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finished my residency a year and a half ago. sveta was one of my first patients, that’s why you didn’t insist on hospitalization, because of your uncertainty, on the contrary, because of your self-confidence, you considered yourself a great diagnostician, an independent doctor, and i didn’t see sveta’s suicidal threat, but you suggested hospitalization, yes, i thought that she would be calm in the department. you see, sveta’s relationship with her husband was tense, and for patients with depression this is very, very difficult, the husband was against it, i would say, he was categorically against it, please, i give up. “i should have insisted
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on hospitalization, this is entirely my mistake, that you have ever been lost in the forest, that well, you have been lost in the forest, no, well, imagine, you are lost in the forest, and what should you do now, look for the way home or sit under a bush and blame yourself for a mistake, because of my mistake a person died, i know, i’m very sorry, but you did everything you could.” i know, you will probably say that you have no right, but it’s important for me to know this, i asked sveta to keep an introspection journal in which... she would record her mental state, so that we could later analyze it with her, what sveta wrote there before committing suicide.
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did chichagova keep an introspection journal? yes, of course, this is part of the therapy, she kept it for the last time 2 years, why haven’t you found him? zoy, we played hide and seek, and i already looked everywhere. search chichagova's apartment again, i told you i don't know how to deal with children, do you have any ideas on how to get a second search warrant from lugacheva, zo, i don't know where she is, does anyone want ice cream with me, i want ice cream, oh, come on here, let's eat, what happened? i think she
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's angry, but it's better than ignoring each other, i'm not ignoring you, so i took a lot, you love them, do you remember? the chaychagovs' apartment is on the sixteenth floor, just by opening the window and jumping out, she
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i could die instantly, why then drink antifreeze and suffer from pain for 6 hours? you overestimate people's ability to be rational, there are other questions, what? there are no fingerprints, not on the bottles of antifreeze, not on the glass, somehow intricate for a suicide to wipe after himself. fingers, while the glass of juice is full of chichaga’s prints. what can you say based on the results of your husband’s interrogation? can i tell you why? katya interrogated, i was late, i will do it again. zoya managed to find out that chichagova kept a journal of introspection. why didn't you find the magazine? when inspecting the apartment. well, now we know exactly what to look for, it's the little red one. a notebook with a rainbow on the cover, we will conduct a second search, we will definitely find it, denis, take chichagova’s case, well, if this
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is really a question, then i believe that my colleagues will cope, you are trying to sit on an unnatural structure of two chairs, and they always separate, you will fall again again, decide, are you a mother or are you an investigator? i’ll learn to balance, i’ve had good coordination since childhood, you have 3 days, if you don’t convince me, he’ll do chichagova denis group, fantastic, this is my first, real thing, thank you very much, don’t do this again, okay, what about you? you always rejoice so wildly, but why should i rejoice? we'll be investigators for 3 days, and then she'll send us off to paste papers forever. why did i
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leave? i shouldn’t have left, i couldn’t stand it, i screamed, we had a fight, sveta started getting hysterical, that’s what happened to sveta, and now i’m alone until i die. i’ll live with this, write down that it’s my fault that i left my wife when she started to feel bad hysterical, i never understood what to do with her at these moments, write it down, don’t worry, i’ll write it down, okay, you know that i did not agree with the doctor who suggested taking him to the hospital. “i was a bad husband for my wife, why do you think that you were a bad husband for svetlana,
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and you have children, huh?” " "and in my first marriage i didn’t have children, somehow it didn’t work out, when sveta and i gave birth to lizonka, i immediately took care of her, sveta, maybe with some water, yes, that is, svetlana began to feel depressed after giving birth, yes, depression, breakdowns, she stopped eating, she was taking care of herself, i thought it was postpartum, you know..."
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lisa, thank you, she was born prematurely , prematurely, or maybe she would have been born with her at all, you know what diagnoses the doctors gave us, that she will not walk, hear, will never speak, for the first 2 months she was in the hospital, intensive care units, and then i quit all my work, began to take care of her daughter, went out, now she is a normal, healthy child, she couldn’t cope with the world. so i dropped it, you applied for help from a psychiatrist? yes, my wife took pills, it seemed to me that she even it became easier, and 3-4 weeks ago her father unexpectedly died, her mother died while she was at school, so they stayed.
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reputation is not an empty phrase, i want a diplomat and a reputation, i emphasize, to have an abortion, he will understand everything, i am sure this is not his child, and he will always know this, tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr,
10:15 pm
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10:16 pm
true. hotel calinan bellec, where life is turns into a fairy tale. cognac, monte shococa, product of stellar group. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave. submitting online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. move out today. and the child? i don't care what happens to him. on saturday. well, you can’t take
10:17 pm
a fingered child on the street? come to me live as long as you want, but we won’t last long, she’ll take the little brat away, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life doesn’t give certificates, premiere. on saturday on rtr, baby, sunshine, get up, wake up, come on, let's go home, my happiness, come on.
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spent the night with you, yes, granddaughter, when it was light, when she got worse, she kicked him out, you know, she screamed so much that the neighbors complained about us, well, he took lizonka and left, he said, it seemed like she was like that, it was easier in the light, she i calmed down, and then a child, how can you watch something like that, she’s already done understands, that is, liza and sergei often spent the night with you, yeah. yes, since the nanny left, then yes, of course, then trouble doesn’t come alone, you have to earn money, take care of lisa, pay for doctors, and selezhenka
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even took her to moscow, and here she has the best doctors there were such things with the world, yes, you know, he struggled with all this alone, didn’t sleep for weeks, and why not me? who knows, a stranger, is it really obligatory to endure such things as happened to us, a stranger is looking for somewhere easier, you seem to think so, this is normal, it seems like a good person like that i wouldn't do it. why are you angry? but because we have reached a dead end, and our relatives are repeating the same thing that they said during the first interrogations, we don’t even have a version, bugachev
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will take the case away from us, we will grow old and die under piles of papers, well, first of all, pavlych has not finished the search yet , secondly, we need to find this former nanny of the chichagovs, she left 4 months ago, what can she know about her death? zoya, i want to go to the toilet, it’s clear, well, he doesn’t know anything about death, but he knows everything about life, let’s go into the bushes, but i don’t want to go there, that’s okay, let’s go there, we let's go poop there, i don't want to poop there either, you go poop with us, let's go upstairs, let's go upstairs, let's go, i'm not helping you, i'm helping her, god, ah... open this. yes.


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