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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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these guys made a copy, interesting, apparently he loved his mother very much, well, judging by the text, he didn’t love anyone except his mother, there ’s not even a word about his daughter, well, yes, a strange letter, but everything else that chuchagov did was also normal you can’t name it, let’s go, so let’s think about it. chichagov left a message, there are pills and bottles of cognac lying around the house, yes, a tranquilizer and alcohol, this is a bid for success, he clearly wanted to finish what he started, besides, he described in such detail in the letter all the details of the murders and sveta iritis, what is simply impossible to come up with, so what’s confusing?
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you can check the computer from which the letter was printed, no problem, i’ll break the computer and rummage around there, i’ll do it tomorrow morning. who is that guy, what guy, don’t reveal it to strangers, martha, come on, hello, good morning, and if he cooked dinner for us, he is still considered a stranger, what are you doing here, well, today is a day off. i wanted to take your children to an
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amusement park, you remember that there are weekends, you and i don’t have that kind of relationship, to show up like that without calling, but it’s a pity that they’re not like that, by the way, i called you 20 times, where’s the phone? no, no, where is my phone, what are you doing? about the amusement park, by the way, not a bad idea, never, you understand, never do that again, we just wanted you to stay with us at least a little on sunday, as a result i overslept, yeah, and i didn’t even know that you love rides so much, i really, really, really need to run, so would you mind going with my beautiful children? to the
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amusement park alone, thank you very much, and so, this is how dates go for parents with many children who have long been tired, yes, one of them just doesn’t come, i’m ready, but look, he writes all the time, mommy, my dear, mommy, here we go again, mommy, i’m sorry, through word, mom, mom, you are my light, yes, this is a love letter to a woman, this is not a letter. mothers, we are attracted, who is given out, this letter is simply a schizoid’s dream come true, what do schizoids dream of, to own a person, excellent, i mean, in this letter, in this text, chichagov himself is not there, he is not there, even for himself, but there is only mother, and this, by the way , is a suicide note, and how is chichagova’s mother, well , that is, how... and now with an exhalation we let out
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a primal scream, here you are, yeah, you’re great, yes, yes, great, zoya, let’s continue, don’t get distracted, zoya, but i can ask you a personal question, yeah, come on, you’ll go have dinner with me, it’ll be fun. i promise, no mournful nonsense on the topic of psychoanalysis, i promise, but can you explain once again about love and the schizoid? i will love you so much that you will believe that without me you do not exist, that you and i, you and i one unit. indivisible, well, it’s clear why his
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mother bought an apartment in the building with her son, in his suicide note sergei described in detail how... he poisoned rita, but why? they were so in love, happy, young, why did he do this? well, judging by the letter, sergei is not a very healthy person, he is painfully attached to his mother, rather tatyana is to him, she literally stalked rita, even got a job at the same school with her. rita taught english, and tatyana vasilyevna, it seems, taught chemistry, as you said. yes, chemistry, what? zoya, i managed to hack the computer. chuchagova’s suicide letter was written by his mother. i'm sure she's the killer,
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she taught chemistry, learned how to make poison. we urgently need to find her. we have already tracked her by geolocation and denis is going there. pick me up at the square. hadyana vasilievna, adyana vasilievna, calm down, wait, wait, quiet, quiet, quiet. no need, calm down, calm down. calm down, please, stop, denis, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, god, let's go.
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this beautiful foxglove plant, it is listed in the red book of altai, where your mother is from, the roots of foxglove are saturated with degetalin, it is a strong cardiovascular poison, but it has no toxicological symptoms, so doctors treated rita, your first wife, for anaphylactic shock, she told you, your mother is very described both murders in detail in your suicide note, we had no idea, perhaps i don’t know how to answer this question, she smothered me with her love, her endless control,
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you understand what i imagined in this way love for myself, and then i met rita and we got married. you and rita wanted to go to the other end of the country, did you realize that your mother could harm her? i didn’t guess, i only knew one thing, that since my mother and i couldn’t do this, and i couldn’t imagine that she could do something like that, explain to her, why didn’t you immediately call the police, are you serious, i could only do one thing then, grab the child and run wherever my eyes were looking. it’s amazing to us that your mother doesn’t explain anything, she’s silent during interrogations, she literally doesn’t make a sound, you don’t know her yet, when she arrived late at night, she wasn’t even going to repent, on the contrary
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, she was proud of what she did, she told me that she killed them for me, your mother wanted gratitude. listen, i can’t say these words to me, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, she gave you poison, how did it happen, hysteria happened to her, this doesn’t happen, she began to drink her with brandy, console her, and then she said that i should drink with her that's how i ended up here, i know she called you to the hospital, what did she say, this time she said. that she regrets that she killed rita and svyata is understandable, but that she tried to kill me, she doesn’t regret that i should be grateful to her, that i felt guilty in life, but it turns out i should have been grateful,
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denis, what the doctors say, it’s okay , there are no fractures, there will be in a couple of days. okay, daddy, you're not hurt, i'm fine, son. so, listen, if you don’t like it, we can go to my place, drink coffee, i can do it, give it here, okay, so, come on, hold me, hold me, hold me, i won’t give up all this stuff, are you okay, well, just one more time, come on, thank you, thank you, i like you, i have fun with you, but there is
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one thing, i’m 32 years old, i should have it, but what’s his name name? tomorrow, one of the workers from the landfill found him, the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, yes, you have no suspects, no versions, it’s difficult for you and you can’t cope.
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heritage culture that will become a symbol in your library. khomovniki 12, deluxe club house in the center of historical moscow. egyptian plagues fell on the city, captured by satanists, for it was said that whoever desecrates the lavra will be subject to the wrath of god, it was like this, vasilivich, this is what is now in kiev, the sahara desert has arrived. to this city, betrayed, trampled, humiliated
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by its inhabitants, satanists have seized power and are running the show, they are served by the sbu, the gur, they are competing to see which of them is more of a terrorist, yelabuga, a drone rammed a student dormitory and the scumbag, lyoshka, pathetic, half-poker. betrayed his father and executed odessa. lyoshka goncharenko happily says: “it’s good that it’s more important to kill people than even destroy a building.” he rejoices at the deaths again. and gnida is still alive. no one just did this with their fingers and this lice. after all, it is complete insignificance when the orthodox hand is in crimea. it hit him in the face for 2 seconds, his brain got back into place, and now
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his tongue is chattering again, not in any way related to the activity of the gray matter, why did i start speaking in such a tone, but because what happened today actually turns the war into a completely different one flat, i have a lot. it became known that the ukrainian special services were preparing another terrorist attack, and let me remind you that it is lent.
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union, icons, icons, orthodox, and were caught already on our border, that is, they want to tell us that across the territory of the european union it is possible to easily transport the equivalent of a substance sufficient to destroy a five-story building, 91 fuse icons that should have been, when on easter , cause trouble in our churches, right?
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which has its own tradition of icon painting, is it really not clear that now, when they try get an icon here, not saved old ones, not antiques, no, this is not a category of salvation, as i understand it, they wanted to distribute them to churches, this is pure satanism, and at the same time, has anyone heard that the pope even said a word, not will say, can anyone remember a similar tera, will not say. who after this will dare to tell me that kiev must stand? satanists have captured the city, and they must be treated in this way, with knee, iron, fire and sword, these terrorists must be destroyed, russian
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shrines must be liberated. we are long we will allow such an attitude, we will endure for a long time, what else needs to happen for us to recognize this pathetic government, with this petty demon in its head, terrorists, and the countries that support them are sponsors of terrorism, now articles are directly appearing in the western press, where they say that to guide drones, which in...
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at first we were told a fairy tale that explosives were dragged across europe so that supposedly a ukrainian crew on a ship chartered in poland would use it to blow up the northern flows, and europe would not noticed when such a quantity of explosives was dragged through its territory, now it is no longer
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a journalistic investigation, quite specific, quite specific. this is what dmitry belotsirkovsky, head of the ir department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the mskokovo region, says: a plastic explosive of increased power (rdx) was found in the icon attachments, and the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power spent. the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. sabotage agents were found in the icons in... assembling improvised explosive devices, the kit includes a battery, a radio board with a sim card slot, and an electric detonator. when all elements of the kit are combined with
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an explosive, with an explosive, and the improvised explosive device is ready for use. assembly of this improvised explosive device takes a matter of minutes. did this for
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but we will find them and kill them, maybe not in our country, about the successes of russian troops in the zone
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of a special military operation, which the terrorist group is trying to counter activity, this diabolical nazi creation, the ukrainian junta, nurtured by aging breasts, these flaccid nipples. management has not achieved its goals, groups of russian troops continue to push ukrainian formations to the west . thanks to the courage and
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professionalism of our military personnel, over the past month in the donetsk people's republic , the settlements of nevelskoye, orlovka, tonenkoye, krasnoe in the zaporozhye region, the village of mirnaya, have been liberated. in total , 403 km have come under our control since the beginning of the year. territories new regions of the russian federation. we continue to reduce the enemy's combat potential. since january, the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 14 thousand units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. despite the lack of results on the line of combat contact , kiev is still trying. to convince his western sponsors of his ability to resist the russian army, for this he is trying to transfer hostilities to the territory of our country, resorting to acts
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terrorism, shelling of civilians. our armed forces react asymmetrically to such crimes by ukrainian militants. in march, high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles carried out 190 group and two massive strikes on ukraine. military energy infrastructure facilities have been hit, we will continue to squeeze out the enemy, occupied lines and reduce his combat capabilities. men do the work, the hard work. the enemy does not run, does not surrender, the enemy is also supplied with ammunition, in fact he has enough and artillery shells, pividrons, and regularly. imports a wide variety of equipment, so that our men solve the most difficult task in the face of fierce resistance,
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barrier detachments are working on the other side, it’s all there. but we are still pushing forward, we are moving forward, we just don’t need to indulge ourselves with illusions, by the way, when everyone finally understands at any point in space that there is a war going on, there is a war going on, our country must win, and this will require efforts from everyone, and no relaxation, neither at the front nor in the rear, you know, in in the overwhelming majority of conflicts, “ no matter how intense they are, for both sides of the conflict, yes, there are certain things, they are isolated, that do not cross over, neither one nor the other side, well, there is ukraine, today demonstrated in icons that that’s it, there are no more moral, no other restrictions for her, i understand that this is a tool, i understand that this fits into the context, the announcement of a
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transgender holiday on..." yes, the west refused, that’s it, there is no christianity in the west, the convicts are silent, dad the roman is silent, they wipe their feet on it, so to speak, on their most holy catholic holiday, today the president of america wiped his feet, the pope shut up and is silent, he reads sermons, let him excommunicate him from the church if he really, so to speak, considers himself to be important , he is obliged to excommunicate him, anathematize him and excommunicate him for what biden, who considers himself a catholic, did, but the pope is silent, will remain silent
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and will remain silent. they are silent, that’s it, we are the last country, we are the last state in the world that is the bearer of traditional in general, christianity as such, in this regard, i would like to note two, two, two, two aspects, recently we have had questions there, here is the legitimacy there, when will zelensky’s legitimacy end on the 20-21st, please tell me what we need there’s no difference, what the hell difference does it make to us, he’s legitimate, he ca n’t be a terrorist... destroy the kiev regime, and we don’t have any other options today, they talk about it there, so we’re talking about the elections in america, how they will affect , that's what
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there tomorrow yourself, right? that’s right, we must , so to speak, hope for the best, but proceed from the worst case scenario; we have only one hope: the strength of russian weapons, the courage and heroism of the russian soldier, that’s all, and if there are some side circumstances, then to say, they will turn out in our favor and make it easier for us to complete this task, then thank god, you showed kiev that there is a storm, and in the odyssey the cross looked askance at the church, odessa is also facing very difficult and serious trials, god does not forgive. blasphemy against the lord, you see, they committed the most terrible sin, they committed the most terrible sin, the sin of schismatics, the sin of traitors and blasphemy against the lord, and he will not forgive this, so ukraine itself chose its own path and the most difficult trials await it, but so to speak, having gone through this , whoever stands, will survive, so to speak, you know, this is the separation of the lisori from the chaff, you know, i’m always like this, it’s happening now, it separates the grain from the chaff, the lord separates the grain from the chaff.
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second, i, you know, i have one the question is, in such a difficult confrontation with the west, which, so to speak, i understand, it will be the most difficult, it will not, so to speak, it will be long, but how are we going to defeat the immortal penalty, how can we win when our enemy understands , that no matter what he does, no matter how much, so to speak, no matter what damage he inflicts on us, no matter what he does here, no matter what terrorist attacks, and the maximum that we can do, we can put him in prison for life.
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they say, well, there were mistakes, here you go, allow the death penalty to military tribunals as part of a special military operation for war crimes in the area of ​​operation of the northern military district, okay, don’t touch the civil criminal code, well, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, the enemy must know that if we took a terrorist, well, don’t, guy, you know , there i understand how they are treated, well, tomorrow they can go to jail for this, you know, if i say so, well , if we take it from the point of view of the law, we are all fine...
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the appointment of budanov in moldova, the situation in armenia, oh, danilova, i apologize situation in armenia, they started to set fire
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to the entire perimeter, we understand that danilov came to moldova, today they summoned an oppositionist there for questioning, yes, that is all, now, now there will be a conflict in transnistria, they started to set fire to the entire perimeter for us, you see, we need to get together. we need to be, well, let’s say, terror can only be suppressed by tougher actions, i don’t want to say another word, terrorists need to be suppressed only by tougher actions, we must be tougher and more principled, i i remember the phrase of the supreme commander-in-chief, we’ll find him in the toilet, soak him in the toilet, so let’s soak him , so that there is a legal right to soak this creature in the toilet, and if they took him alive , theoretically he’s needed for interrogation , wait a second, interrogated, and then have the legal right to shoot. and in conclusion, yes, taking into account all these factors, yes, we are discussing international law there, the other day israel struck, an attack on the consulate of an independent state located in another independent state, and this building
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was under diplomatic immunity, and israel said, oh no, all of europe and no one in the world, and languages ​​in their ass, so let them shut their mouths regarding international law, it doesn’t exist anymore, it doesn’t exist. “ we should stop reflecting on this matter, we must act firmly in our own interests, the same dmitry anatolyevich medvedev wrote the following post for this case, please open it, thank you very much, it would be interesting to see what would happen if iran hypothetically hits the american embassy in israel, i see lively fear and confusion in the eyes of the americans, a good question, in general, vladimir. we need to act extremely toughly, you are from me, i am ready, and i am ready, i am ready, we are waiting for the command, at any moment, i support, you are waiting for the command of vladimir iyovich lenin, and we have him calling, against
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terror, vasily, do not act as a fool, but then you will end up in the gentry, well, first of all, vladimirovich alinina, you must carry it in your arms, he answered your country as the creator and terror after... he was already lying in - but let me remind you that first there was white terror, to which there was a response, red terror, i absolutely agree, because from the current question posed... or the topic that was raised, the key question here is still retribution, retribution, how it will be implemented, when we say icons, but wait, in donetsk there are children's lanterns stuffed with explosives, and there are bells, and there are petals, and there is also there, that is, and there is some other, excuse me, bullshit that is dropped, it is scattered in cobwebs, a child goes, gets caught, it means she is being undermined, that is, all of this has already been produced,
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we are being pushed to take similar actions, we are being pushed, let’s go bang in the squares, let’s go bang in residential buildings, yes, and then those who, who, who already control the osce sites, there they host the un, the human rights council and so on, there they will start a howl, it will just be such a universal howl, and it will not be directed at us, they are not going to explain anything to us. they are not going to prove anything to us, they will prove it to those countries
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who do not disobey the westerners, they will prove all this to the world majority, they will prove it to china, they will prove it to india, they will prove it to brazil, they will prove it to a lot of other states, he says: look at russia, look at what it allows itself , look at how many people they kill, and the fact is that today , even according to our statistics, for just civilian targets, there are 300 arrivals per day, every day, 300 have passed per day . firstly, the level of retaliation is that concerns attacks on logistics facilities, on military-industrial complex facilities, on military infrastructure facilities, which are really effective, and that is, after that they switch to other types of weapons, that is, they switch... now on a drone, drones can be assembled in
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the basement, a drone can be assembled from simply spare parts that were brought in bags, i saw a lot of these drones, i turned them over in my hands, it’s simple, let’s just say, sometimes it’s a paper tube, these are some kind of plastic wings, these are propellers, how the main thing is that the brains have arrived and the camera is everything, here it is a drone, then everything is being completed in it, almost everything is being done on one’s knees, and this is being done by thousands, thousands, thousands, and these thousands enter the territory of ukraine for... i don’t remember who which of the digital infrastructure figures said that ukraine has increased
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the production of these drones tens of thousands of times, drones, again, you turn them in your hands, they are printed on a 3d printer, these are the small ones, that is, they are simply printed and installed, not tens of thousands, speech, speech was made tens of thousands, hundreds of times, hundreds, if they are now times, tens of thousands of times, not hundreds of times, yes, these are tens of thousands of drones, i am quoting what i read, so i cannot answer.
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they are crap now, who now cause damage with their activities every single day, people suffer and die from their activities, so here is the question of the responsibility of our people, yes, who can... resolve the issue with these comrades, it should be legislated settled, that is, we understand that we live in a time terrorist danger, and the country must be prepared to respond to this terrorist danger, starting from perhaps the responsibility of people for disseminating information for providing an opportunity to hide, ending with
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the responsibility of people there who are able to carry out the task, in many countries this is the case in israel it exists, yes, that is, when it is solved, when a task is set. that is, today we have 15 conventions that have been signed by hundreds of countries, 15 conventions, now in this address we have mentioned only two: about bomb terrorism on the financing of terrorism. we ask today a question: hey gentlemen, you signed all the conventions, ukraine, you signed the convention, the british, the americans there, you signed these conventions, yes, please, complete this task, you are obliged
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to complete it, no, no, no, we what, while we are filing, filing these lawsuits, did we stop, well, these are military actions, but no, of course. from russia, china and the united states, we are the only ones who do not have the death penalty, remember how the central committee differs from the cheka? in the central committee
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they cluck, they cluck at the cheka, and this, by the way, was very, very reasonable in some ways. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, tomorrow on rta, titanic delux golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. envelop yourself. enjoy the gourmet cuisine of our best swimming pools, relax in the life salon and restaurants, here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules, titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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he was found by one of the workers from the landfill. premiere on rtr. the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, right? you have no suspects, no leads. it's
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difficult for you and you can't cope. i take the children to my place. and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman. you can only trust facts. inexorable restlessness tomorrow on rtr 65 years ago you came to the mayakovsky theater and are still serving there, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent. did your heart also tell you something about lazarev? we had a lot a quick romance, we got married very quickly. in the heart, all this was said. immediately in an office romance, i always felt sorry for you, in fact you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she just plunged into...
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stuzhalka, we lack some courage , and the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, this is one, andrey chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, huh?
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from april 8 on rtr, vladimir vladimirovich, yes, of course, icons with explosives are already, well, i i don’t know how else, what you need to be, not even who, what you need to be, yes, to plan such a terrorist attack, uh, explosion of icons in churches, believers, uh, of course, this is satanism - the most, the most natural, and you you know, when we now say the phrase holy war, well, this is confirmation, yes, this is the same
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holy war, all this is directed against our sacred symbols, religion, and you know, now, when this nazi german propagandist, julian roebke, declared: "look, the russian orthodox church has become to use the term “holy war” means they have equated... themselves with isis, an organization banned in russia, and a terrorist one, he is this, i understand, he is the heir of the german nazis, he does not understand that we are from the song, let there be a people’s war, holy war, his nazi ancestors went like this from the first days of the war to exterminate, it is important for us that he understands, yes, yes, for us, no, for us, na, it is important for us that it is important for us that we understand, that’s right, we do for some reason i’m used to trying to explain to them, it all reminds me, and i tell them i'll explain. no, no, why vladich, you know, it just surprises me, it’s like now everyone is gathering to explain to yuri loza that he is mistaken in his statement that the earth
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is flat, no, well, it’s just stretched over a ball, but the question is different , but what difference does it make what the vine thinks on this topic in general, why convince him of anything at all, you understand, it’s like this here, but it should be strong, i wouldn’t get involved with yuri laza either, of course into the discussion on this matter, but still would explain to the population yes, why is different. that there is a vine and there is a really flat earth, just well stretched over a ball, yes, but the question now is really about serious things, and that they are trying to blame us, but we need to understand that there are ridges, we understand, he is a propagandist, he is a nazi, he is a russophobe, and this also needs to be explained, who is fighting with us, against what, against what values ​​our people, you understand, must be explained. by the way, here is the fact that
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these egyptian plagues have now fallen on the city of kiev, well, natural, yes, sand, sahara fell on kiev, well, the idamby will collapse, remember, your disgusting, vile satanic society will be washed away from the sacred russian stones, remember yes...
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but they shout, no, we need 500,000 additionally, no, 300,000, and so on, yes , only 31 died, but what am i saying, what is also very indicative of how god really punishes this city, which has abandoned its faith and its religion, in fact, and how they in the west glorify terrorism on the territory of russia, yes, how they rejoice at these attacks on educational institutions, well, it’s a great joy , the minister of foreign affairs, well, many people there are now commenting, but pay attention, i don’t know, he he, it, she, it, most likely, today i read an article in the times about how they are interviewing the relatively new , recently appointed head of this ukrainian tsypso, the center for countering disinformation created by zelensky, yes, who happily talks, openly talks about how they are
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here through telegram channels, here in russia. from the inside, i watch the newspaper comment times, prim, conservative, i just imagined if someone admitted that in britain these messages are being sent in this way, inciting ethnic hatred within that country, i can imagine what a howl would be all over europe again the world stood, and in this regard, i believe that this is where we definitely have to deliver symmetrical strikes, today they write that russia is on
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its feet, we are there now...
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there is some refugee from one of the middle eastern countries, which is from the silent permission from the swedish authorities was burned by iran all the time, they found a karan and they left us dead, well , someone was waiting dead, this is what this means, this means that the west really doesn’t understand what they are playing with, so we need to, we need to help them
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understand, definitely. in his warlike pederasty, he forgets how many devout muslims have moved in, for whom everything they do is absolute, absolute haram, they don’t understand what they are going for, so who said that europe will be able to send troops to fight in ukraine? these troops still have to be used in order to the streets should be calmed down, they need to, they still have to survive the olympics, what...
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because today a blow was dealt to tatarstan, and today is the anniversary of the tragic death of the tatars, quite right, the murder, and maxim famin, who is better known as vladilen tatar kingdom of heaven sovchakh like that, oh, so cruel, you have to understand, that’s what you are saying, this dariya trepov should have been hanged right away, i’ll support you all igor regarding the initiative on the death penalty. sociology says that society demands, people understand perfectly well that only with this option we can stop, moreover, those devils who carry out terrorist attacks, they are not just timid, not to mention cowards, yes, we can clearly see how their
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behavior changes , when they are caught, and it doesn’t matter who it is, when they were caught in crimea, you will remember these scoundrels who were preparing terrorist attacks back in the sixteenth year, but not at all in the twenty- second year, that is, there wasn’t even any svo, but they climbed in there and prepared terrorist attacks that involved dozens, hundreds of people. die, when detained they became soft, fluffy, the same thing happened in donetsk, after that, when they were exchanged, that is, they remained alive, what began, they began to tell, yes, we were there telling that we are writers, poets, yes , artists, and so, of course, so i did, there i prepared a terrorist attack, there and so on, that is , this hydra was nurtured for 10 years, naturally, impunity encouraged them more and more filled with this option, the main thing was to call yourself a director in time . yes, absolutely right, by the way, this terrorist filmed something, well, i think now he ’ll get something that was seen by more than three people, now they’ll bring him some kind of prize anyway, that is, they’ll do something, we we already see the forwarding
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of characters whom i don’t even want to name out loud, yes, that is, one - madame fed the entire soviet union, and the other came running from her small homeland into the civil war, russia took her in, she received russian citizenship and spits in the well, even he doesn’t just spit, he tries to make shit, right? there those options and accents that are voiced, that is, this all needs to be nipped in the bud, how this is done, but somewhere there are given statuses for an agent, somewhere a direct initiative regarding the death penalty is given, we don’t say, let’s kill everyone , cut, igor’s is very good, no, why everyone, i’m saying that the principle is simple, in the zone of ours, in the zone of ours, let’s act, i, as the head of the commission for the protection of sovereignty of patriotic projects, propose the issue of veterans.
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here you go, pay attention to what is happening now happened, they announced why we were on them, maybe the baby just wondered what was happening, budanov jumped out of his pants, shouted, and i’m also a villain here, yes, why, we have to do it in front of the west, he’s not scared, he’s not scared precisely because this devil is thought to be immortal, yes, in the current realities, that there are some restrictions that will exist if we have a court decision, then he will be liquidated, how, is this already a task? we shouldn’t voice our intelligence services to the whole world, or as in the case of spain happened and happened, yes, the character maxim, by the way, i will remind you of this maxim, who hijacked a helicopter, he also killed an ethnic tajik, yes, who accepted
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russian citizenship served russia, that is , he could have what the westerners are coquettishly silent about, it is not known what happened to two other crew members, the creatures here have an important point about terrorism, again, i just said about the same budanov, he just expressed it. concern about the construction of the railway, yes, pay attention, they are always trying to impute to us, that we are building something, repairing, developing, yes, putting it in order, this is such a terrible occupation in quotation marks, everything is robbed and taken out there, when the russian world comes, everything is restored, and that it will connect rostov-on-don with crimea, that it’s dangerous, and berdyansk, and melitopol, even everything will be delivered there, and prices will fall, and crimea will be supplied, and so on, but budanov announced this a few days after the british...
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yes, that is, well, like those people , which, to put it mildly, in theory they should not have had to evoke such terrible emotions, this is a version of the rabid rabid, listen, well , yes, this... has nothing to do with the great ukrainian people, it has nothing to do with the ukronazis who went to trial, so now about what everything is about they revolve, naturally, revolve around money, but there is no other motivation and in general there is value in life, march 555 billion hryvnia, and the amount, if we take this amount, we see that here more than 45 billion is avg about 353 billion is c... it is filled only with the ovg pyramid
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external loan as such, in conclusion, thank you very much, because problems have begun to be resolved, problems with wage debts have begun to be resolved, many thanks to the prosecutor general's office, she drew the attention of the state duma to this, now we have constructive relationships with local authorities.
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have switched to these terrorist methods, is this a sign of their strength or a sign of weakness? of course, this is a sign of weakness, if they succeeded on the battlefield, they would not need to switch to these terrorist methods containment of the russian federation. regarding these icons, you know, i have a slightly different opinion. i don't think this message is of any interest to the churches at all. i think that each of these 91 icons had a specific recipient, because for a russian person, donated icons are a special gift, for which... that they have to carry explosives through six european countries, what does this mean? that they simply do not have the opportunity to obtain explosives on the territory of the russian federation if they could have done it here, they wouldn’t have had to drag it across half of europe. these explosives,
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which means that they have already somehow put things in order with control, taking into account everything else in relation to explosives, which at least cannot but make us happy, because in fact this is the key, now regarding proposals for elimination, mirror methods, terrorist mirror activities, i don’t think there is a need to resort to this, because in fact russia is demonstrating success on the battlefield, this is the second sentence... there is no sound grain in regarding the fact that a person who eliminates a terrorist should not be accused of a crime in the russian federation, for this, for this, the first thing that needs to be done, by the court of the russian federation, is to recognize this or that person as a terrorist or extremist, to convict him, if his liquidation, whoever did it, that is , the verdict was passed, the negotiation was carried out, who will carry it out?
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situation inside ukraine, you know, of course, i have already said that one can argue endlessly about the legitimacy, illegitimacy president, but watching how they became more active, well, let’s just say, it’s not that, well, yes, you can even call them political opponents or opponents, although in fact they have no ideological differences within
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the country, and, relatively speaking, they are all there they are following the americans and the british, there is, let’s say, internal political competition, yes, and i see how all the competitors have perked up.
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will physically devour ermak, just eat him for dinner, the americans will say, well, this is an internal matter of ukraine, but the point is that ermak does not, they it’s always like a hook for lawsuits, if it’s profitable for them, they don’t care about anyone, i’ll tell you more, at some wonderful moment, when i need to replace zelensky, they’ll just say,
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can you imagine, he’s really illegitimate, and they they will remember, and they will also remember that ukraine is a parliamentary presidential republic, my god, so there is a head of parliament, what’s wrong? pay attention to the second document, the second action that took place in the russian federation is a document that is a group deputies of the state duma and public activists formally submitted a document, a request to many of the ministry
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of justice, western countries, but the most important thing is that this document, what document, document, appeal, statement that it has been accepted for execution, that is, why is it it’s important, because procedurally, i don’t know,
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a criminal case will be opened there, how it will be, but for me it is important to understand that if the investigative committee adopted this document , investigative actions will be carried out. indeed, starting from the performers, society will receive the result of someone who will be forced, perhaps we, as organizers and most importantly, customers, carried out each of these terrorist acts, either individually or as a whole, yes, perhaps, i don’t know, that is, when blinkin tried to enter to moscow for negotiations, we will arrest him, perhaps so, vladimirovich, it is not clear when you speak. about the tribunal, it is possible that these crimes will be investigated and further transferred to the tribunal, perhaps, perhaps this will be partially investigated and transferred to some courts, i'm not talking about that, i'm not talking...
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let's build such a country, we will build such a society so that people who live in crimea
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will envy those other parts and return, so that people who live in donetsk and lugansk will envy and returned, and if it was the west, led by the united states, that built this state and is now turning it into a terrorist state, it’s important to understand that wait, listen, we see that a tribunal is working in the hague, that they are issuing warrants, some arrests,
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but we do not see that real tribunal, which ukraine wants to create together with the west, put there as a criminal, understanding the leader of the russian federation there and so on, why klimpin, krimkin’s friend screamed that the west does not see the goal, does not see the expedient consciousness, i am now talking about the fact that there are two trends, which trend, we just need to destroy it, and then we will restore it, well, listen, well, this is one, two, three, if it were as easy as you
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think, the leaders of the russian federation would not have done so, that you are so worried, but fabs have now appeared, at least one war when it was different, look, firstly, firstly, this is not a war yet, the russian federation, this is called a special military operation, i’m distorting, well, let’s name at least one when it was different, what does it mean when it was different - to another, well, let’s name at least one here, it was, i’ll give you another argument, that there was a tribunal, indeed, when it ended, when the great patriotic war ended, when we won, when the tramerian war ended, the forces that won said, these are the laws we follow we will judge, it was the only one, there was germany then, please tell me, there was germany then, when they smoked, it was, i say. no, there were occupation zones, what did they decide, what do they care about at all, i’m saying that this is not
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a method, that’s what i want to say, this is not a method of responding to terror with terror, this is not a method.
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don’t you dare answer, you’re not sure what you ’ll answer to the person who’s meeting you, listen to what you’re doing, i didn’t say a word about the pickling line, i was talking about the terrorist, there’s a war going on, the nazis are fighting against us the state, it must be destroyed with
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its entire nazi elite, this is the experience that we inherited from our grandfathers... and you, when you start these yours, let's go to court back and forth, i imagine, comrade stalin, who said, comrade zhyukov, why are you starting an offensive operation, and you have a court decision, maybe not all german nazis are shooting at us, let’s do it first, it was said,
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rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off, rest is rest. we we know everything about vacation. anex. you are beautiful, you look great. my parents will love you right away. sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl from the edge. misfortunes of this kind
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happen to girls of a certain behavior. you are a future diplomat, and your reputation, i emphasize, is reputation. this is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion, he will understand everything, i ’m sure this is not his child, and he will always know this, tomorrow it will be... there are questions here, how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting
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obviously, just to have a look, let's go, it must be edible, i meant, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if anything out of ignorance , zhenya will add his own, then what do many people use, the most powerful? love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, me, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr, could you feed me, bon appetit, in 3 days my business trip ends, don’t you want come with me, life doesn’t give me any help, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented
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performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave. registration and submission of online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become. stop, a new wave will lift you to unprecedented heights. today vladimir putin took part in an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs. in his speech, the president addressed in absentia customers and those interested in terrorist attacks in russia. our enemies have decided that they can use terrorism. to achieve their political goals, everyone involved in the tragedy in crocus will be found and will receive a fair punishment.
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we must proceed from the fact that today internal and external threats are often intertwined and equally directed against our citizens and society, restraining russia to undermine our sovereignty. dear comrades, now you , together with colleagues from other departments, are participating in... performers, but all levels, the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime, we will certainly get to them, that’s what i would like to say in this regard, those who use these weapons, these weapons that are used against russia, this is obvious today, must understand that... to say, and you know this well,
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also in this professional environment there are no reliable agents, they do whatever they want for money, i am not guided by any religious or political considerations, only financial ones. everything is also easy and sellable, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, but i will add that the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that were responsible for this large facility where the terrorist attack took place are now being comprehensively assessed, we paid a very high price , and the entire analysis of the situation should be,
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russia, as you know, is in a difficult period in its history, after that, this is clear to everyone, that’s all. everything is clear in this sense, after the collapse of the ussr, our geopolitical ill-wishers have certainly set themselves the goal of completely ruining what is left of historical russia, that is, completely ruining its core, in fact, russia itself, the russian federation, and subordinating everything that remains to their geopolitical interests, i say this with confidence as a former director
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fsb, as a former secretary of the council. security, and then the president and supreme commander, oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods, for hitler’s unsuccessful campaigns against russia, napoleon, and so on like this, there are a lot of such historical examples, and oddly enough, oddly enough, in the historical memory of those same... well-wishers about whom i said, a lot is preserved, oddly enough, but i came across this, surprisingly, but true, it means that someone wants to strive, someone strives to ensure that in today’s conditions, a rapidly changing world, they maintain their hegemony, including at the expense of us, well , naturally, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources and so on, uh, to do this, including at the expense of russia,
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after her... movement of all components of our law enforcement system, during his speech at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs, putin called for a radical review of migration policy. when you begin to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime. it turns out that the person got to russia without any problems, went through all the formalities, got a work patent, often having a whole bouquet behind him.
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those that are working now, they are, apparently, not enough, they do not allow full volume to stop the risks of relapses of illegal migration, while our compatriots who. ancestors grew up in the most central regions of our country; sometimes they cannot obtain citizenship for years. i have already said that we need to deeply and radically update our approaches to migration policy. i ask the ministry of internal affairs, our other law enforcement agencies and special services, together with the government and the presidential administration, to work out all these issues comprehensively and in detail, we are now working with the minister too
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we talked about this briefly, and... we need to present a list of priority decisions, first of all, we need to ensure the interests and security of the state and society, preserve, preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural, linguistic identity, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle, that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history can come and live and work in russia. this principle should be decisive, now we need to understand how to implement it, it is obvious that the question of creating ministries, which we have talked about here many times, it’s amazing how now western lies do not stand up to any criticism, when investigations are just starting to take place, well, from the very first moment we said that this doesn’t look like isis, well, i think the semionkach is great knows understands and can confirm that it is hardly possible to find at least one
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isis fighter who would say i did it for money, by the way, i don’t know anything about the koran at all, this is what doler johnny merzovya says about his son, a scumbag and a terrorist, his father, this is how his attitude towards religion was, what he wanted, how he would pray, well, it turns out the way he wanted. well, i read it when i didn’t want to, i didn’t read it, well, i have the feeling that the translator of the russian language also doesn’t know, these, well, ramadan, he observed these holidays or the same.
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as the head of government and as president and supreme commander-in-chief, that is, yes, and the head of the security council, yes, for, that is, it turns out, two decades, yes, more than, from the moment he headed the federal security service, he talking about the fact that this is not an ongoing context of war - the west, well, it is clear that the west does not exist in itself, it exists within the framework...
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the emergence of russia, no war ended, the president said this today, and with goals he faced the destruction of our fragmentation even as the director of the service - the federal security service, and this means back in the late nineties, yes, that is, we understand that this is the context of the ongoing war against us by the west... this is the determining one, we cannot look at current events, abstracted, or discarded this context, we can only look at all this through it, and by the way, in this sense, if
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we use logic, then in this situation they must prove, prove precisely their innocence, that’s because based on all this long-term policy. directed, but it’s possible to analyze all this, all this into details, it’s just a pity for time, but starting from all the episodes from yugoslavia, our northern caucasus and so on, but that’s all everything that was undertaken against our country throughout ukraine, everything there is just built one after the other in this context, very definitely, which is why we need to consider this terrorist attack as well.
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so that this is so, yes, and, we know demonstrably, this is some of our fundamental knowledge, and accordingly, if we have such knowledge as... states, and the president said about this, if
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we have such knowledge as a society and civilization, that is, the majority of our people, then in accordance with this knowledge we must build everything, starting from our politics and ending, so to speak, with the actions of individual people who consider this knowledge to be truly fundamentally determining for themselves. the second most important point about migration policy, you said, about the ministry, i think. that a ministry or an agency or something else, well, we know how to draw squares on paper, but the boss came, set up a table, set up a chair, it seemed to me that the president said the words, like that, verbatim, we need a deep and radical revision of our migration politics, that is, in fact we need to answer the question about the new migration policy, which, in a simple way, from what the president said, will let in very easily everyone who should be allowed in, and will not
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categorically and harshly not let in those who should not be allowed in, that’s simple technical, by the way, i have a proposal, here many countries, supposedly friendly to us, have stopped working with the world card, yes, but i think that citizens of these countries should be allowed to make all transfers to their home countries only through the world card and sharply limit the cash they can trying to trick themselves, right. well , it’s very simple: you want to comply with american sanctions, please, but all the money can only be transferred through the world, well, or so, yes, but you understand how there are many options, there are many options, but the task is posed differently, we need a fundamentally different scheme for organizing the whole this policy, the president said about it, i will repeat it again, is simple in principle. pledge is easy, simple,
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elementary, to let in those who should, and categorically, harshly and, so to speak, unacceptable, not to let in those who should not let, here is a simple principle, this new system must correspond to this principle, and i think that this is not only relevant in war conditions, the context that i outlined in the first place, but it is relevant in such a... so to speak fundamental and on a long-term level, because the basis of our unity is, first of all , cultural and historical unity, which the president said: history, culture, language, uh, our, well, values, i don’t like the word, our ideals, yes, here are the ones we have, here this, don’t divide this, it’s vulgar, yes, this is the most important criterion for, uh, our unity. so let's, yes, of course, this will take, well, some time, yes, of course,
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there will be difficulties, but we simply have to do it, because this is the same question - our preservation of our security, as the first question about military confrontation the west to us, which the president spoke about in detail today, well, the last thing, i draw a conclusion from this, since they talked about it. the heads of the special services and bortnikov and patrushev, on top of this he said this president, as i understand it, in the factual base, in established legally significant facts, we have enough proven material to say that this terrorist attack in crocus city and the identification of other groups that were identified this week, i think, will fall in the same place the story with... icons , because, as i think, i think, so
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, of course, all this, well, all these revelations are connected with the fact that they pulled the most, pulled the most different strings, and i i think that this whole complex of events allows us to claim that we are dealing with a targeted military campaign, a campaign of a military nature on the part of the united states. rear admiral daniel hagarry of the
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israel defense forces stated very clearly that the damascus facility was not an embassy. this was not a civilian building, it was a military building of the alkut army. a military building disguised as a civilian building in damascus. so any appearance that this was somehow, but you know, this was somehow a civilian embassy is clearly not true. and the army israel defense forces has made this clear. part of the israeli defense forces attacked the territory of an independent state with which it is not at war and said: we don’t consider this an embassy, ​​well , let’s just destroy all the embassies there that we don’t like, say that this is a military facility, well, peace is based on rules, this is now possible, and you can also kill a wild number of people from a humanitarian organization and say, we
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won’t do it anymore, all this is normal, so just say, you know, well... well, listen for yourself, the prime minister said that unfortunately, in the last day there has been a tragic incident where our forces inadvertently targeted innocent people, innocent people in the gaza strip. the prime minister said this happens in war, we will check everything to the end, we are in contact with the governments and will do everything to prevent this from happening again. end of quote.
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where is your professionalism and we are supposed to believe that this is the only case where you killed innocents? or, for example, marya vladimirovna zakharova wrote that israeli intelligence said that this building is military, this is the same intelligence that screwed up on october 7, but most importantly, now let’s take and put russia in israel’s place, russia will now begin
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to act like this, the entire international community will be on their ears stand, the conscience will be constantly on... will be condemned by all and sundry, europeans, what’s wrong with languages, you can’t get it out of your ass, that you’re all silent, volodya, that’s how the precedent began, was created, by the way, in european field, but all this, when yugoslavia was bombed, when the chinese embassy was bombed, well, yugoslavia once, they participated in all this, but it ’s like you see it, there, more than 20 years ago, just recently, the nord stream, mind you, no, i'm sorry, it's not the same at all, it's not the same here, here...
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on the other hand there are no nuclear weapons, these are people, madmen, who proceed from the presumption of infallibility, look at this speaker, what is he saying, what is he saying , semyon arkaevich, well, thank you, i would like to first say, after all, about migration, two words, because i had to convince for many years that order needs to be restored here,
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first, of course, such migration processes must be stopped, yes, look at the visa-free regime, this does not apply to all countries. may apply, in the end, this was often cited by the example of saracen, and there, who at one time in germany wrote that they adapt these types, but they don’t, we should also have such an analysis, without such an analysis we should continue to carry out migration policy, it’s just a disaster, yes, secondly, it means changing the law on citizenship, listen, well, when in a year i, with all due respect , treat everyone well towards tajiks, also 170-180,000 tajiks receive russian citizenship, and russian people following the programs of their compatriots are much smaller, but this is a theater of the absurd, well, we see, they don’t even speak in the language of many and so on, yes, that is, this law should simply be banned tomorrow and reconsidered radically, by the way, there is someone to learn from, for example, from the arabs of the sancide gulf, where they never give citizenship to anyone under any circumstances, unless of course there are some individual
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merits, while there are a lot of migrants there, but they are strictly controlled, we need to learn from them from someone, as for the resettlement of sulatists, well, excuse me for being frank, the israeli experience is simply colossal, the german experience , the greek experience, which everyone, greece weakly resettled all the pantian and azov greeks, well, learn from them, there is no need to invent anything there and so on, now... in essence of what happened, but based on the principle that there were military men there, every embassy has a military man atache, assistant military attaché and someone else there, maybe without a doubt, therefore it means that what actually happened, i believe, is netanyahu’s personal provocation, aimed at not ceding power in any way and, so to speak, prolonging this war, it is desirable to turn it into a big war in which the united states is drawn into, despite the fact that the states do not want to be drawn into it, the best example is in the gas sector, the issue has not been resolved, in fact the israeli army is stuck there - that means i don’t want to dwell on the details , hopeless, the better answer to this, then, is when the minister of defense goes to the united
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states, meets with blinken and says: let’s get arab peacekeepers in there, that is, they say, we’ve already done this here, we go, you’re fine, what’s hamas to do? he says, we will never let anyone in and we will always be here, yes, that is, this is a fact of confirmation of defeat in essence, and against this background there are demonstrations in israel that demand early elections, to remove netanyahu, because it’s laid down. not released, b, 36, 2 weeks ago, hostages died as a result of these same military operations, e) colossal losses among the civilian population, that is, the gas sector itself, over 33 thousand dead, of which 1,100 were children, 8 women, and everything that could be destroyed was destroyed, schools, temples, mosques, churches, everything, everything, everything, are razed to the ground, well, people say: listen, let’s make an early choice, in these conditions, netanyahu agrees to this, yes, knowing full well what they are violating, this is... a man, who was killed now is a general, aged forty-four, 80 years old, one of the veterans of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, even once was the commander
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of the ground forces, ksir, that means, that means, muhammad riza, zahidi, that means, by the way, he is the judge of everything, in the ksir system there is such a team 200 calls, there is a team 200, team 3800, that is, he was responsible for the levant, i won’t list all the countries, the judge, of course, was involved with hezbollah, and that ’s his job there. a very respected person, this is the second most important person, if we take into account the death of the tehirites, who were after qassem sulaymaniyah, here is qassem sulaymaniyah, who was liquidated now, now, of course, the iranian leadership, they, well, they should do something, but they don’t want to get involved in the war, the americans said, it’s not us, well here we go now information that an american warship was allegedly attacked a few hours ago by the iranians, the americans refute this a little, naturally, but the americans immediately, this is an attack we have nothing to do with, but really, listen, well, you can’t play with this, it’s not our bloggers who immediately they are laying out everything while the situation in
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iran is being held back by a group of people, i will not name them, who are very close to the supreme leader, the great ali khamenia, who says: under no circumstances should we do it ourselves, until they hit ours, we will do it with proxy forces, but the thing is that i would like to draw attention to the fact that the situation can really escalate at any moment, indirectly, we sometimes don’t pay attention, the leader of ansa... everything is more or less united there, they say: “give it, we can do it” , we need missiles with a range of more than 2.0 km, this means it will reach
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not only to ilat, but to haifa and tel aviv, densely populated cities of israel, for all nuclear chemical and other facilities, which means a facility in israel, which is a small country of 2200 km, not iran, a million square kilometers, and we will begin here, that is, act, not i'll be surprised tomorrow.
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about 10 pieces, this is a catastrophe, a catastrophe, they are playing on this, you know, they are constantly playing, which can lead to dire consequences for them and for the region, if suddenly tomorrow
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there are people surrounded by arechominia, they will say, well how long can we endure?
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as if it’s not, well, by chance we ended up there in the wrong place, so to speak, well, what happens, well , such a small country, that is, a small area of ​​military operations, where everything seems to be already known, and so on, which means that the situation is extremely dangerous , firstly, it means that the israeli leadership clearly did not underestimate the enemy, well, that’s it, well, the war is lost, in fact everything is lost, now when netanyahu says, we ’ll go into rafah, yes it was known together, but he
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says he doesn’t recognize it, which means rafah let's go in, now we’ll enter and that’s it, we’ll finish off the rest of the battalion brigades, now for some reason he ’s confusing the brigade’s zak, what is he, he’s telling a lie, the fact is that already in the central part of gaza in the north, gas, which is occupied, hamass and his allies have crossed to a different tactic, not from semi-guerrilla to guerrilla warfare, according to which the us department of defense will assess it as very effective, that is , the losses will continue, the war cannot have an end, and the best confirmation, as i said, is this is a trick, arab countries they will come in after us, listen, this could very well end very badly, if a nuclear war starts, it will start in the middle east, this is an obvious thing, advertising, happy birthday to you, blow it out, on saturday, after graduation you
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fly to italy, and i’m finishing i have my own business here, i’ll join you, if you knew where you’d lose it, dad, dad, little werewolf, if you knew where you’d find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you actually loved him, mom, so from now on in more detail, come with me, i i can provide for you, i want to provide for you. we’ve only known each other for a few days, not enough, life doesn’t give us any clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underbos, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, whatever, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, distinguishes, with humor, i would think, chop, don’t pinch, problems with water and light, eh housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on... rtr: you are beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will love you right away. sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but
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a girl from the outskirts, shut up, stand still, hold on, guys, what’s going on? misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion. he will understand everything, i ’m sure, this is not his child, and he will always know this, tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor, when you really need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to
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land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? for each risk factor must have its own pill. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from the onset of the disease to... its manifestation takes two decades, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. get dressed, well done. premiere on rtr. vasya, i left you, i took yurka. no court will give up the child. mother, who doesn’t have a job and lived in the area, i need official registration, will she arrange something else for us, what to do, wait, wait, wait, let’s go, my child was kidnapped, alla taxi from april 8 on
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rtr, vich, i paid attention. to the words of this scoundrel’s father, that he did not go to the mosque, and in general did not read the koran, well, in principle, i don’t think that in general there is a reason to trust the relatives of such scoundrels and in general this, but in this case , i think that this is so, since, for example, i read the koran, and i think that everyone who i actually read the koran, as it were... they just won’t go to such lengths, this is a great book, indeed, and i remind you, very tolerant, by the way, very tolerant, it recognizes, by the way,
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the gospel as sacred, and jesus christ is the second most important prophet in the koran, in fact, after jesus christ does not cast the dajjal, the antichrist, into hell, the kingdom of christ will come, so this is all written in the koran, it is amazing in this sense, a work of tolerance, this, of course, this terrible terrorist attack should not cast a shadow on islam on muslims, with whom we have lived together for centuries, and by the way, in russia, of course, there were wars in which both muslims and christians took part, but they never took on the character of religious wars, as between catholics, and we must... preserve this, of course, this, this, this is peace, this, this, between our compatriots of all faiths, but on the other hand, of course,
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accept passports, but in general migration is a selection process, in general we need to look for migrants, in general we need to, by the way, many people are doing this countries, even those migrants which are needed at the level of education, at the level, as they say, of culture, at the professions that are needed, this is a very serious, complex process, plus, of course, the process that will put, as they say, obstacles on everyone’s way here ...
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the people who should be doing this in general, this is what is needed, it seems to me that this task now needs to be completed, as for everything that happened, i still don’t know, well, you and i are like his conspiracy theory , then that’s it, mom, well, no, in my opinion, it’s like there is a single scriptwriter for everything that we observe, but he doesn’t do something.
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it is clear that the goal is one - destabilization within, within the country, that is, some kind of betrayal of the population.
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if a state must be a government, there must be specific people who lead this state, there is no other way, this is obvious, it is obvious that at the same time the whole story that is happening in gaza, well, in my opinion, this also does not come to netanyahu, then netanyahu plays a role here, but...
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i, i think, when i look more and more at this, i’m generally amazed at what was done, i’m just amazed, by the way, in relation, you, we are not you, you want to be told, and that’s right, well, in relation, by the way, elvira, noob, well, actually she the financial system stabilized, when everything was collapsing, everything was collapsing, absolutely, i understand the president, why did he like this, it’s a different question, what to come from the central bank and talk publicly about your these? there is no need to be ashamed of this, but i mean , it’s generally amazing how our the government and mishustino, so to speak, and the government, so to speak, well, there ’s probably a lot of everything there, but it’s still amazing how they managed to withstand this blow,
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that’s what i’m talking about, not to simply praise the government, so to speak, to earn extra points, we need to end these illusions, i ’m saying that we have demonstrated
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amazing viability, now we still need to realize this viability and seeing the final victory over the armed forces of ukraine, this is possible , organize everything, because this is war - this is, first of all , organization, we are capable of organizing everything, but for this we need... we need to understand that this is an inevitable result, only victories, otherwise, otherwise there will be defeat, it is impossible to drive away the cell, mikhail mikhailovich just said very precisely , what a strange statement that all wars end in negotiations, that nothing like that, that most often ends in one of the capitulations, you know, well, it’s obvious that everything that happens in the holy land is very painful. what
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happened on october 7? the most important question is who allowed a gang of terrorist murderers to abuse people for such a period of time? where was the famous israeli intelligence? how is this possible, when we are now offered simple answers and the murder of palestinians, this does not answer the question, how did october 7 happen, but it is clear how they tried to drag us into the same scenario with everything that happened in croc city, so that we would not ask questions about how what, they took it there, relatively speaking, and they would have fucked it somewhere, who are all the tajiks there? let's go to tajikistan now, or, for example, oh, they're on they fled ukraine, let’s do it now, because
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this is one of the most terrible terrorist attacks in the history of our country, that is, in terms of the number of victims, it was even worse in beslan in terms of the number of people killed, but the count is still ongoing, that is, they tried to offer us simple decisions, types of actions, the same are absolutely true, this is exactly what they were talking about. absolutely the same type of actions, the same style, the matrix, yes, the matrix is ​​like that, but we will not follow the lead, we will not succumb to the same emotions as we succumbed to in israel, no, we won’t behave like that, we simply don’t have the right, we are different, no better, no worse, we are different, we can’t do that, well, plus, excuse me, we are a great orthodox country... other traditions, but the questions,
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the fact is that this last thing, which sooner or later will have to be answered, has now happened to iran, in any case, i looked at what think tanks write in blogs, i must say that the american experts, they seemed to react to this quite calmly, surprisingly, the fact is that the main task, in my opinion, all of them, this is what semyon arkaevich said, the americans didn’t really trust, but the thing is, these old people there who ended up badly, as you know, poroshenko -he’s still alive, that’s why netanyakhov is essentially now in the general tail.
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it would be very bad, so now, at least, they would not want to interfere, it is no coincidence that a conversation took place today, a conversation between biden and sizenpin, where they discussed a number of issues, and the main thing is that, well, how to put it so to speak online it passed the white house message. that russia was there and the middle east would not have been similar, the two releases, chinese and american, that there were two different hurries talking to each other, completely, completely different things, but the fact itself is interesting, because as i remember, in november , when they had a face-to-face meeting, yes, remember, as soon as he left,
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they sort of agreed that biden said that he spoke with the dictator, oh, what will the president say now when... it goes on all the time, so in general it’s not particularly noticeable, but it happens, china is freed from american assets, and the united states needs to do something here, although the chinese have problems in connection with the departure of foreign companies, so the company, now for the united states, for this administration it is quite broad, they need to solve several points at once, here
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on may 9th, on april 9th ​​the house of representatives returns from the easter holidays. the first issue that will be discussed on this topic, mike johnson, speaker of the house, says: i will propose a different solution to the ukrainian issue, that is, with the allocation of money, there credit, spending russian, how to attract russian assets, but this is also what trump will say to this, that johnson, a very serious question, trump has a problem here, because now rhino, yes, two republicans, apparently they were offered something, some more. convenient position, yes, no, they want to leave, just terminate their powers early, in new york democrats are elected to the vacant seat, they may lose the majority, yes, not lose the majority, it will be 216 versus 25, that is, one person is the difference, this is dangerous, great danger if some republicans, among them there are
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moderates, will change their position, then the democrats may seem to be in the majority, more... now the biden administration will resolve these problems. damn, i went to europe. that's what he wants to achieve here , meet meets. blintin is a man who must travel to all countries, but it’s interesting that he spent time with the french
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now. there is also one main task here, how to push the europeans further, but at the same time... to say that the united states persuaded them not to do this, i mean send there troops, and sending troops, we have already discussed this issue, under the national flag is actually going to war, that is, we will consider, calmly completely consider, as a goal, a legitimate, legitimate goal, management structures, for example, of the same france, if this will be its contingent, but these management structures are not located on the territory of ukraine, they are located on the territory of mamaev. the leaders of the military department of the institute of steel and alloys, who said: you are lucky, you are tankers, look at the whole world, well, there, probably here. is yours scenario, most likely, if such a situation, and you know, a tank normally passes through the contaminated territory, well, this is mikhail mikhailovich, more like how he passes, no,
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this is just him as a tank driver, mikhail mikhailovich, he is a friend of the military branch, well, mikhail mikhailovich , i understand, but as a military expert he can say whether a modern tank can pass or not, and the last thing i would like to say is that when we talk about these terrorist attacks, the point is, do you understand? companies, even when the intervention took place in 1818, it is clear that they landed in march of '18 in arkhangelsk in the south, there were allied troops under
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the pretext that we would hold the front against the germans, but i would like to ask the question: what did grevs' corps do in the far east, the american corps, what kind of germans was he going to hold back there? there are the united states, they were held back by the japanese all the time, no, but the japanese are our allies. in the first world war, the japanese were allies, they captured all the german strongholds in the far east on the quiet, not having lost practically no one, so the task of everyone, every american administration was precisely the collapse of russia, how, yes, they always put the economy in the foreground, the economy did not work out, the military defeat in ukraine did not work out, they all moved on to the nineties, remember as a fighter for democracy, people like khatab are there on our territory... in order to shake things up, but here the question is raised, when did they hit
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tatarstan, in general, where should the sanitary zone end, near kharkov already apparently it won’t go, it should end somewhere near the carpathians, but oh well, just like the atlantic, they won’t fly from there anymore, so the carpathians are a natural border. you don’t need the atlantic, but it will come in handy for me, i understand your interests, i understand very well, that’s right, well done, don’t waste your time, you know, there aren’t many oceans, don’t waste your time, but nato’s responsibility does not extend to all of the united states , except for one state, and to choose, so i always said, you always called him, vladimir, let’s look at what is happening in the world, actually. there are a few words, the first word is madness, definitely madness, the second is that there are no more rules and norms, systems have been destroyed, systems, this state, the connections between them,
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the environment, well, these connections have been destroyed, there are no rules, so they took it and struck at diplomatic mission, it doesn’t matter who was there, what is fundamentally important is that even this ceases to be a border, but in general... diplomats, even during wars , try, so to speak, so that they are inviolable, the territory of diplomatic representation is protected by the relevant convention, and in fact this is already a crossing of all possible boundaries, that is, it has become possible, this is possible, which means it is possible and much more, this is madness, the madness of the system, because the system has lost its brain, it doesn’t work today , not controlled.
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we thought that it was changing, that is, we perceived the world differently, it seemed to us that it was possible to achieve this agreement, since the system within our country had changed, the environment had changed, so to speak, maybe we would come to some kind of rosy , beautiful, multi-colored fields, but this is impossible, why is it impossible, because the hegemon, who is losing hegemony, it is very painful for him to fall, yes, and, while falling, he is trying to take... to carry the whole world with him, in fact, the americans do not care at all whether a nuclear war breaks out in the middle east or not, they will quickly take away their military personnel if
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they have time, if not, well... god be with them, the attitude is somewhere like that. yes, of course, this will lead to colossal consequences, this is understandable, but i think that these consequences, they will go. in general, the phrases that are heard in the west, in the west, are about the reluctance of escalation, but these are funny phrases, because everything that happens, their actions, inactions, words, is a direct escalation, or rather, the escalation is still indirect, because the americans are always pushing allies. it doesn’t matter who, push the europeans, but it’s not a pity, absolutely not a pity, let it all burn, we need to start a war in the middle east, we need the south caucasus, central asia to burn, it’s all natural for them, they don’t care what methods are used to achieve this maintaining their own hegemony, as they see it, so it doesn’t matter where the french will delay armenia, the turks, azerbaijan, these are
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all methods. to the question, religious and through this incite, set fire, destroy, so they did it and will do it. the question is: if international institutions do not work, if there is this collapse of the system, what should be done? we need to focus on ourselves, we need to stop focusing on all sorts of international institutions, platforms, and so on, we need to focus on our own strengths, on their perception of the world, those who are for...
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in fact, what has changed, everything is exactly the same, what has changed we find out immediately after a small advertisement, he was found by one of the workers from the landfill, the premiere on rtr, the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he didn’t die for as long as possible, yes, you have unsuspected unversions, it’s difficult for you and you can’t cope, i take
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the children with me, and my mother... i must say, a wise woman, you can only believe in fact, irrepressible, restless, tomorrow on rtr, provocation - this is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in ourselves, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation: the first podcasts we watch. if you want to stay in moscow,
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of course, you’d like to get a job with us. restaurant to work, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who, it’s zavyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, i’m afraid to wake up, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid or what? i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, this is generally incomprehensible to this, nothing, i’m still fighting, or the princess, whoever the prince chooses, and you loved her, yes, most likely no, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday, nartr, we will remember songs about
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