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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 3:50am-4:46am MSK

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elements lost on one of the compositions were preserved on the other, restorers will restore all losses, and also remove cracks and create a protective coating so that the fountains will quickly leave the walls of the workshop and return to the rumyantsev garden. this place got its name thanks to the obelisk in honor of the victories of count pyotr rumyantsev for the danube in the battles of the russian-turkish war. the monument was erected in 1818, when it was here. square,
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garden appeared in 1866. the organizer of the city garden was the st. petersburg merchant of the first guild stepan fedorovich solovyov. here one of the navigable houses faces the square directly. initially, water for the fountains came from stepan solovyov’s yard. the system has been changed more than once, here is another stage in its history: new pipes will be laid underground, and a collector will be installed in the center of the bowl. from the top there are four spouts, with the larger metal bowl there are eight spouts. on this stand here at the very beginning of the pedestal, four lion masks will be installed there; the lions will be protected by a water spout, that is, the water is supplied upward, and then, as it were, descends from above down, yes, the shade in which the fountains will appear is still unknown, there are several options, they were once olive, and historically cast iron was painted like antique bronze, but regardless of the color, the fountains will give bright emotions this year. ekaterina gritsienko, sergey tamyuk, andrey taras. mark
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palukhinskikh, lead st. petersburg. the forty-second international music festival named after rachmaninoff opened in tambov. the russian national youth symphony orchestra conducted by ivan nikiforchin performed at the gala evening. soloed velanche player alexander knyazev and pianist vadim rudenko. it was no coincidence that the official opening took place on april 2. rachmaninov himself celebrated his birthday on this very day, although many sources indicate the first day of the month. confusion arose. the birthday boy included works by prokofiev, rimsky korsky, and tchaikovsky.
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this concludes our episode, all the best and see you soon.
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so, guys, i'm home, volodya, who 's left in the shop? fyodor mikhailovichkin, the radish is hooking me up, he wants to get another rank, so he’ll get it, and the department will be in his hands tidy up my personal life, i ’m leaving on time for the first time in two weeks, what happened, did i kill, who did i kill? the man killed them.
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wait a minute. is there anyone else in the apartment? no, no one else, but are these acquaintances? robbery? i don’t know, i was probably at home, they tore down the door, broke into the apartment, started destroying everything, they came to me,
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what they wanted, it doesn’t matter, call the group, i don’t know, but the city duty officer took over, and why is he sad, well, their own. not at the market, let's call, so you can show where you were at the moment when you produced? i’ll try, i was in such a state, condition, condition, but they arrested two people, they were identified, we are establishing them, there are no documents with them, of course, they don’t go with documents to such cases, the gun is registered, but i have everything, now
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i’ll show you, oh, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, something made my head spin, with my hands, with my hands, don’t touch, don’t touch. oh, dear heart, did they hit you in the head with this club? i don’t remember, i probably got hit by that stupid thing. and, mr. investigator on duty, the guy needs to be taken to the hospital, prison well, it’s not up to me to decide, it’s my job to warn. he very likely has a traumatic brain injury, it’s better not to joke with it. it’s okay, he’ll tolerate pouring water on people, that’s it. so, yes. there are two corpses here. the situation is chaotic, and i’m the only one providing for the whole city, so why call our people for help, that’s it, you can handle it yourself, or should i waste time, excuse me, good sir, but i should do an examination for him, well, you’ll appoint him, i
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’d i looked right here, i’ll think about it, do you see we have a lot of work here, yeah, two corpses, well, a responsible statement, but i would recommended starting not with corpses, but with a living person, i see bodily injuries on him, he was beaten, he needs to be helped, a corpse, after all, they are already corpses, it won’t be worse for them, for some reason i don’t understand, who is here investigator, yes, of course, that’s a question. “mom, where’s dima, we’ll be late, we couldn’t have bought flowers earlier, you’re the smartest, yes, dima, why took so long, well, i was choosing, and
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look, there’s a big selection, yes, a decent selection, that’s what - the eyelids invited us to visit, we can’t hit the dirt with our faces, really, two, two corpses, there's a terrible murder"? am i in the kospovinnye? yeah, it's clear. you know what, the duty officer can't handle it on his own, call olga, and call me back after the examination. mom, don't even think about it, well done, well, why do you need me? i i won’t disconnect, call, yeah, that’s it, well , that’s it, they don’t need me, they can cope without me, let’s go, the only person who has influence on mom is you, well done, mom, why are you bothering , we'll be late, that's it. uh-huh, so, so, so, so,
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i saw it somewhere, or maybe it seems to me that it 's almost finished. well, in general, all this wrong, uh-huh, what exactly, how can i inspect the scene of the incident if i don’t know what happened, well, what do i know, everything is clear. two thugs with clubs broke into the apartment of a respectable citizen, they beat him up, the whole apartment was crumbled, and he, defending his apartment from encroachment, took a gun, but i know all this, that you ’re talking to me like i’m immature, i need to know for inspection , where he was, to hear the testimony, and he took the defendant away for 3 hours, no one knows what to talk to him about, well, you’re a girl, well, you just think, i’d sit here... until the morning, 3 hours for interrogation, 3 hours for inspection, and in general,
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can you imagine how much repairs the guy will have to do, i’d sell the apartment to him together, how can you live in an apartment where you killed two people, or maybe he is proud of his action, i personally respect him, not everyone can kill two people like that? defend your life with a weapon in your hands, after all, i saw him somewhere, good evening, the program is our safety, we were called to do a story, yes, who called you, an investigator from the city prosecutor's office mikhailov, how interesting, have you heard anything, no, he said that we need to film the blind man’s buff and show them on tv so that they can be identified.
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maybe someone will identify me, we’ll do it, or we can film it there, they say there’s a fight, but for god’s sake, film me, you can film me here, i’ll give a comment, let’s go, let’s go, listen, fedor, hold me. so, how is it here? are we doing? and you? but they asked to be detained,
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now a doctor is examining him. why were you detained? how for what? for murder? sorry, but it seems to me that he has no composition. he was in a state of necessary defense and did not exceed its limits. this is another question: was there a defense or not? maybe they quarreled and he shot them? and then he ran to the store with the people who were slaughtered and caused material damage to himself, i don’t understand something, is someone asking you or what? it’s your job to smear soot where necessary, they dismissed you here, what the hell, but for you, honey, it would be good to remember that you work in the prosecutor’s office, they are in a lawyer’s office, and you, uncle, don’t forget that there is a criminal code, read article thirty-seven about necessary defense, give a code, otherwise people like you don’t wear it? take it off, take it off, take it off, take it off, bigger, come on, show them the faces of the corpses,
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fresh, uh-huh, they did it today, there was no damage before, nothing happened, i was sitting at home, they took out the door, tell my dear heart, why did they your door was taken down, what happened at your home? with his apartment, well, we should have gone yesterday not to visit, but to attend an incident, okay, we’ll decide
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to detain him, let him out, the resolution is ready, it’s already ready, well done, sorry, marya sergeevna, there is a city duty for us, i know, send the driver, no, fillon called, he demands that you come there yourself, why does he need me, not for him, but for the new deputy prosecutor of the city, just on a new case, but he wants you to go there yourself and report, i’ll go in and report, marya sergeevna, but what should i do with the resolution, that’s it, well done, go free basalai, mash. maybe you were in a hurry with the girl? you know, i had the complete impression that he just wants you about this see. yes, go to the city, and then free whoever you want. i will drive, and the person will sit. zoe. olga, what about the identities of those killed? are there any clues? fedor deals with them. now, give your fedor a boost. olechka, you know how the opera forces young
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investigators to work for them. well, yes, they seduce them, they just spin them around as they want. nothing, it’s normal, i thought it would be worse, but we have only experienced people, and he’s okay, he’s gotten used to it, even in authority, come on, take him to which office first, come on, come on, marya sergeevna, come on, well, marya sergeevna,
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move, he’s waiting for us at exactly 11, precision, politeness of kings, you know, well, there’s no need to be late. yes, why are you making such a fuss? shvetsova, aren’t you passing out, are you? this is a new boss, he doesn’t know anyone, you need to show him your best sides. speaking of the good side, your left profile is cuter. yes, yes, what is the connection between my left profile and business qualities? who cares about your business skills? i have the impression that he is interested in you as a woman. yes. i hope he turns out not to be an idiot like you. what, you don’t believe it, or what? wait, did i make any inquiries? i made inquiries, a new deputy, a real mover, masha, you are extremely lucky, i just don’t know why, take advantage of the moment, stop, svyatoslav andreevich, come in, left profile, calm down, okay, okay, so, svyatoslav andreevich, you can, yeah,
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margeevna, the best shots. good morning, marya sergeevna, good morning, good, thank you, nikolai petrovich, free, well, yes, well, marya sergeevna, i’ve heard about you, i’ve heard a lot, i know, married, two children, you look simple amazing, by the way, come in and sit down. well, to the point, you weren’t at yesterday’s incident, were you? no, why? well, the investigator on duty worked there, well , they reported to you, especially since there was a confession on the orders of the general, but the incident had already
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been processed, and the initial investigative actions were carried out. regarding the rudeness of your investigator tsvetkova. actually this is strange to me. investigator tsvetkova just expressed her opinion on the qualification of the act, what kind of childish grievances? yes, but how expressed? the trouble is that this ugly scene was filmed by television crews who are going to broadcast it. “yes, it’s unpleasant, but not fatal, i don’t really understand what harm this will cause to the prosecutor’s office, in my opinion, you are taking this very lightly, please take all measures to seize this tape so that it is not on the air, uh-huh, uh-huh, hello,
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hello, hello, please tell me, no, i can’t, yesterday on tv they showed that two people were shot, did you identify someone, yes, your brother, mikhail volkunov, the second one, antyukhin ilya, ilyusha, my son, we would like to know what we should do, we probably need to do something. and what will happen to this killer, who is his ilya? i hope he is arrested and will not be released? anna ilineshna,
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now they will let anyone out for money, some clever lawyer will find him, he will take care of everything. tell me, will you be involved in this matter? the case was initiated by the investigator on duty; it has not yet arrived from the city prosecutor’s office, and it is still unknown who will entrust it to. so what should we do... wait? yes, yes, wait in the corridor, please, please, okay, we let’s wait, thank you, vika, when you look at the relatives of the victims, you begin to look at the matter completely differently, but i’m telling you, just don’t rush, you need to interrogate them about the identities of the dead, maybe they’ll tell you why they came to the basalai, but you just don’t forget that the case has not yet arrived from the city, and you... hello, oh, valery pavlych, in our pinatas, yes, for a reprieve, maybe some tea,
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yes, you can, but the prosecutor won’t leave, so you’ll be with be friends with me, you will get there without a queue and everything will work out for you, hello, hello, hello, hello, good afternoon. shviytsova is not here, but i know, i’ve already walked through her closed door, i can talk to you, but there’s nothing to talk about with me, we’ve already discussed everything, valery pavlovich, do you want violet or jasmine, i like jasmine, but i like fjolt , okay, oh, zoya, you can give me one minute, i didn’t just come, and you don’t just walk around like that, you’re nothing but nasty things, by the way, zuya, this matter for which i came concerns your prosecutor's office, or it's no longer for you
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i’m interested, but i’m not interested in anything, what does our prosecutor’s office have to do with it, you actually came to masha, go there and wait, here in the corridor, don’t bother me drinking tea with valery palych, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, okay, okay, let’s leave, please ask , that i interrupted, but let's go. excuse me, please, excuse me, excuse me, don’t worry, the prosecutor’s office has already agreed on the issue of your release, so you’ll be home by lunchtime, and the bodies have already been taken away, well, of course, don’t worry, but everything is somehow going through, i’m not took aim, fired wherever he had to, and went out to the ground, well it happens, who even they are, hmm, but i would like to understand why... they came to you, and you haven’t seen them before? i don’t know, i didn’t even have time to see them, they flew in like i don’t know who, they tore down the door, and yes, vladimir
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vasilyevich, call me on the phone, yeah, excuse me, well, my head hurts, are you going to smoke, no , thank you, head, well, maybe... theodore was sent on a door-to-door basis, no, together with the district police officer, listen, don’t worry so much about your beloved, uh-huh, they identified our robbers, wow, this is interesting, wait, now i’ll write down, as you said, volkunov and antyukhin? listen, well, this changes everything. i wonder where salai would cross paths with the mafia, now i ’m scared to let him out of his cell, i have a decree
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signed, i’ll still go to release him, okay, okay, come on, he was found by one of the workers from the landfill, premiere on rtr, the wounds are placed in such a way that he does not die for as long as possible, but you are not a suspect. no versions, it’s difficult for you and you can’t cope, i take the children with me, and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman, you can only believe in fact, irrepressible, restless, tomorrow on rtr.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leo resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lioresor, we are here for you. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest
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is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. the most important thing is the weather in the house. songs about home are heard.
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but they didn’t film you as the wing investigator on duty, i was the wing, and you heard how this pouty the turkey was talking to me, olya, i agree, he’s a turkey, i watched the film, listen, what kind of chilling story is going on here, is it true that the guy killed two bandits, well, yes, can you imagine, he had a gun at home, a gun, uh-huh, well done, he fights organized crime, wait, maybe i ’ll write an article about this, listen, that would be great, so go ahead. what are we going to do with the film, but what i mean is that i could strain some old connections, we would they returned the film, but what in return? listen, make sure my beauty stops
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showing up. anton, you decided to make peace, i’m surprised at myself, but you will help, well please, okay, well, where are my problematic employees, olga alone signed up, she went to the air force to free a detainee, and why do people sit at her door, and this identified? mother and sister are involved in yesterday’s case, so how long should they wait? okay, i’ll interrogate them myself, where are the staroseltsev, i need him, i need him, take him, i don’t need him at all, oh well, what are you doing, he i need it for temporary use on business, but i have absolutely no business, i’m just worried, he hangs around the rvd, the prosecutor’s office, as if in his own apartment, walking around, sniffing around, he has nothing to do here at all, and so he’s here, yes, he’s with olechka went hand in
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hand. to interview basalai, that’s enough interviews, that’s enough, so i say, it’s time to cut off his oxygen, connect you with everything, but no, you tell him yourself that i need him, read it and sign, i apologize to you for your detention, we, unfortunately, cannot immediately terminate the case, we need to wait for the results of the examination, yes, i understand. okay, can you tell me what happened? and who are you? i'm a journalist from the crime world building. can i refuse? nobody is forcing you. then i refuse. and why? you do not understand? i killed two people. why should i brag about this? i
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can't sleep at night. it's a pity, a pity. and in my corridor there is a harpoon on a tripwire, if
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anyone climbs, the harpoon will fall on uninvited guests, and i hung it on purpose so that it’s right in the heart, so you can end up in prison yourself, nonsense, my home, my fortress. i read: i can defend my house by any means, and nothing will happen to me for it, here is your neighbor, just confirmation of your words, by the way, by the way, let the guy go, let our neighbors go, but wait, wait with the posters, you’d better go as a witness, let’s go, it’ll be fine, i ’ll make a list now and pass it on to the prosecutor’s office, they’ll call you.
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your head will explode, you and your brother lived together, yes, in the same apartment, what did he do, business, in what area, i don’t know, i didn’t
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delve into it, it brought in money, and good, he’s married was, divorced, you were aware of his affairs, no, not particularly, the name basalai tells you something, this is the one who was shown on tv, no, i don’t know him, but he was also shown on tv, yes, they said his last name, and that he killed misha and ilya, and ilya, by the way, what did you do, you knew him well, yes, he... visited us, we had a relationship with him, and that, he studied, worked , worked somewhere, somewhere, but you say
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that you had a relationship, the less you know about their business, the calmer it is, of course, here this, by the way, is the new word operational. and preferably with a completed certificate, after all, what kind of person is this basalai, well , higher technical education is temporarily not working, but in general he makes a rather pleasant impression, they settled scores with him, two blocks away they shouted that they were going to kill him, by the way, 100 people on the bible are ready to swear that everything was so, you can’t dig it, so where did this come from, when we came here, they weren’t there? the main thing is that they stood up well, you can’t enter the yard unnoticed by them, maybe we’ll check the documents, in general okay, let's guys, let's get the foundation
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out of harm's way, my business is my plot, this is no longer my land, let's go, let's go, for what, for what? has ilyusha always been an athlete? so attentive, misha and i were friends not long ago, uh-huh, we went to training camps together, misha also did wrestling, uh-huh, i can’t believe that my boy is no longer here, anna ilinichna, your son and mikhail volkunov have had some problems lately or conflicts with someone, no, no, he will be detained.
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you can’t, they almost send you to the department, well, you know, a decent person can sneeze then they extort money, no more, no, it wasn’t, no, wait, wait, he got into a fight somewhere in a few days. i don’t know the details, maybe they were taking revenge on him, and where he got into a fight, you know, i don’t know, i don’t know, maybe vika knows, yeah, this is mishina’s sister, a very decent girl, she and ilyusha met, i thought that he would get married, but now neither him nor misha, be it... this scoundrel, why did you
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keep me here for so long? come here, i think it suits your soul, who is this? well, most likely inconsolable friends of the deceased, you don’t thirst fall into their arms and repent? no, well, well then you can’t go home, there’s an ambush there too. what should i do? i don’t know, i need to go home, the apartment is wide open, the door was knocked down and clean it up? knock-knock, respect to everyone, it didn’t hurt, oh, so you’re such an inconspicuous hero, why? which the player, one might say, beheaded the entire myasnikovsky criminal community. i felt that there would be interest in this topic, how, i immediately waved here, i immediately realized that i had to dig here, so... my boss went to the prosecutor’s office, and marya sergeevna was there
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somehow, yes, but what is marya sergeevna polzukhina more interested in than murdered butchers? no, no, now polzukhina, now i have a new boss, how’s that? bugrov, vadik. well, that is, now he is vadim romanovich, of course. is bugur back? yes. they took polzukhin upstairs, they didn’t let bugrovoy down, we have to somehow find a job for the man. no, actually, he’s like, he’s a normal guy. yes, i remember him visiting masha. line encouraged him, can you imagine, he’s shaking now. the first thing i came to the department and asked, you know what, no is marya sergeevna divorced? listen, okay, fine, that's it, more on that later. who are the butchers? so these are the ones you killed, their leader, he used to work as a butcher, chopping meat. by the way, since then i have slightly retrained. his team is all butchers. no, well, it’s necessary, the lump is back, and do you want me in the cell too? no, honey, we
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’ll give you a letter from the head of the department for combating organized crime, would you like it? quietly, quietly, don’t scare the guys, otherwise he’ll grab someone else’s gun with heat, and well, water it. vasilvich, i'm serious i’m telling you, these fellows, volkunova and antyukhin, you and i couldn’t counteract, our competitors couldn’t get hold of them, then it’s done, that’s what people’s anger does, yes, they themselves came to pasha basalai. that’s what i’m saying, we have a hero, pasha basalai, let’s go and whisper, let’s go, marya sergeevna, he’s on guard, you’re at the house near the district police station, who? let me tell you who, hello, good afternoon, marya sergeevna, hello, although i’m burning with curiosity, i think i’ll go, yeah, i’m probably in the way too. and marya sergeevna, and what about the film, is it needed? of course
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, i need it, what are you talking about, management gave me an ultimatum, find and destroy, marya sergeevna, but staroseltsev has one condition, again blackmail, what are you, what are you, what are you, what are you, the lowest request, then i’ll say, have a seat, thank you , glad to see you, masha, i. i won’t hide it, i’ve been waiting for this opportunity, there’s a chance to work together, well, i’m happy to, as far as i heard, your marksman has already been released, he... is still in the rvd with volodya vinokurov, so are you after his soul or about volkunov and antiukhin? how will it work out? so i wouldn't let him out of my sight just yet. uh-huh, for now? until we understand how he and mesnyak intersect? the only question is where to put it?
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the prosecutor's office kicked him out of his cell and in general he is eager to go home. we cannot hold him by force. except that. put up a post near his house, well, at least that’s it. listen, you just stay here for now, yeah, open it, i’ll check the attic, the attic
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is closed, i’m stocking up, yeah. come on, yeah, well, don't change your mind. no, i’ll spend the night at home, thank you, but you’re welcome, we checked the stairs, the car will stay there until the morning, you never know what? thank you, maybe it’s not necessary, it’s necessary, fedya, it’s necessary, but keep in mind that all the conversations are still ahead, i understand, but i myself want to understand, just think about it, let’s go and see you, if anything, call either me or the duty room, i understand, yes, we ourselves they thought that
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antiukhin and volkunov finally got it from tyoma rhesus, yeah, he and the butcher. recently, everything has escalated to the limit, this couple rose up very strongly, and the butcher gave them the objects that they had taken from tyoma, so for rhesus it was important to eliminate both of them, he even ordered them a couple of times, but these athletes are like animals, they can sense danger 50 steps away, assassination attempts have been thwarted, right? masha, tell me, how much can you trust yours? the person involved, well, so far there is no reason not to believe him, they themselves came to him, all the residents of the house can confirm this, they swore, shouted, they broke down the door, fantastic, fantastic, it turns out they asked for it, well
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, this happens, okay, okay, we’ll look for where he crossed their path, uh-huh, no, well, right? an ordinary guy, it turns out, practically beheaded a criminal community, a butcher, by the way, no luck at all, last year he lost his best friend makarkin, now this is another serious loss, who is this makarkin and what happened? well, firstly, it wasn’t here, in yalta, he ’s an independent ukrainian after his mother, he went there, bought a house there, and secondly, the irony of fate, his car hit him, it was an accident, fatal, he got out drunk restaurant, was walking along the passage often, suddenly swerved and got under the wheels, there are
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witnesses, at first they even opened a case, but then they stopped it due to the lack of evidence, uh-huh, and the driver was detained? how incredulous you are marya sergeevna? yes, indeed, they detained me, in my opinion, they even put me in a cell, but then they were released with an apology, well, who is he, well, i don’t know such details, after all , we are our earthlings, well, i can find out, yes, but what interests you, well, last name , name, yeah, mountain by blood, marital status, i obey. if you understand, you are on duty here until the morning, watch the entrance, in the morning, depending on the situation, we will either relieve you or remove the post altogether, but what about you, vladimir vasilyevich, maybe i can give you a lift? you're crazy, we'd better take a walk, it's a couple of steps to the rvd, otherwise the whole office is just an office, well, that's it, come on, good luck, well, everything seems to be under
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control, we checked the stairs, the door to the attic is welded shut, our patrol car is near the house, there shouldn't be any surprises, unless someone lands from a helicopter, well, let's go, let's go, let's go. “listen, they were definitely going to kill this pasha, the question is why, or is it a mistake in the object, well, who knows, we’ll dig, so your boss, what did you say, that he’s still eager to go to the prosecutor’s office, but it looks like vadik is doing nothing i forgot, he uses any excuse to be with marya sergeevna.” there’s no chance, but i can’t
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hint to him about it, i can take you to the office or home, to the office, i ’d push everything with this salay, but i have urgent matters there, i’ll have to sit until the night, okay, go ahead, in general keep me posted okay. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself
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in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinanbelek hotel, where life is. turns into a fairy tale.
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to be continued, yeah, to be continued, volodya, and you want children, children, but i don’t know, volodya, but you find out how old you are, maybe, thanks to me, you’ll still have time to jump on the bandwagon of the departing train, after this romantic dinner, bunny, after... a romantic breakfast, here you go , volodya, if this is a romantic breakfast, then
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so on, yeah, then there can’t be any alcohol, and why is it here then, for beauty, what are you talking about, so that it’s immediately clear that this is not just like that, but romantic, what's romantic? hello, i’m listening, vinokurov, vladimir vasilievich, it’s me, pavel bosalai, sorry, nothing, nothing, what happened, something incomprehensible is happening here, hello, damn, listen, bunny, i'm sorry, i rushed, volodya, i'll call you back, honey, i'll call you back, sorry.
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well, let's go, let's go, dazhavu, this is the third time in a couple of days i'm here,
4:43 am
come in. no one, the blood has already dried, and you called shvitsova? listen, should you leave masha alone, because we won’t figure it out without her? hello, vasilyevich, this is at least a kidnapping, so it won’t be sorted out without the prosecutor’s office. damn, there was a post on duty near the parade, he was distracted, apparently, then they would have taken the salai out, how they got into the front door is still unknown, which means there is no corpse, we are initiating a kidnapping, yes, everything from the very beginning in this case went wrong because of me,
4:44 am
what is it because of you, what’s the news today? i didn’t go to the incident, i didn’t organize the release of the basal, i didn’t provide security, when will you stop wiping the noses of your investigators, you’re not a mommy, and they are already quite procedurally independent figures who are entrusted with the case, that’s the point, they don’t to whom, i just brought it from the city, no i managed to write it down, this is a secondary matter, let’s focus on the main thing... let’s get on with it, it’s already clear that this is the work of the myasnikovsky bandits, 99%. there is no body, that means kidnapping, with the aim of carrying out an exemplary massacre, or, well, what else could it be, well, if they killed him there, why bother taking out the corpse, yes, yes, it looks like there are no options, kidnapping, that means so, we’re working, yeah , in close contact with
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bugrov’s department. our killer can’t handle it, yeah, it’s olga vladimirovna svetkova’s job, yeah, that’s right, she was at the very origins in this matter, but if you give it to the buevich, she will be offended, in general they have become so jealous, oh-oh, oh, they compete all the time, who has the most interesting business, who has more attention, your upbringing, i’m telling you, they blew away specks of dust from the children, they looked after you beyond measure world, and now they’ve grown up crazy and continue to play with toys, that’s all, go ahead, huh? yeah, your self-criticism, come on, who missed it, what difference does it make, i know your nobility, okay, where is lenya korablev,
4:46 am
he's gone on business. basalaya can search on his mobile phone, now they can pick up signals even from switched off ones, here is his mobile phone, lying on floor at the entrance, the last one.


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