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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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“svyatoslav andreevich, to be honest, i don’t quite understand you, that is , there’s nothing to report now, if you’re talking about the tape that the tv people will bring me by 7 o’clock, well, at seven, so at seven, then i’m waiting for you at 8:00, yeah, our car at the prosecutor’s office broke down, i don’t know how to get there.” “i’ll send a car for you, and if they don’t bring the tape, you never know, you just promised, then you’ll tell me why it failed, you agreed to put it off by phone, marya sergeevna, actually it seemed to me that you were trying to follow my orders, well yes. "this is an order,
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the car will be without 28, i’ll be waiting for you, uh-huh, hello to the television workers, hello, well, i brought the film, no, damn it, mountain delves.” i didn’t bring it, why? well, you know, that’s the thing, well, in general, who did you give the film to? i would just give it to you out of friendship, then, well, well, well, the guys came, they offered money, you know, at least a lot, well, decently, that is, i earned it, i earned it, well done, thank you, friend, anton,
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anton, masha, and you can’t help but go to this playboy? i can, but there’s no guarantee that he won’t come himself. in my opinion, he’s behaving somehow indecent. i think so too. do you want me to go with you? want. i'm listening. “excuse me, hello, yes, you have questions, you have questions, great, let’s do it right now, well, as usual, it’s necessary, but the butcher himself wants to talk, and he will talk in front of me, i won’t ruin the meeting for you, i think , no, he called himself. he asked for
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a conversation, so he shouldn’t be capricious, go ahead, uh-huh, here’s a certificate about a door-to-door tour, i didn’t ask the neighbors in detail, they all say the same thing, they ’re eager to go to the prosecutor’s office, thank you, but what about personalities of basalai, the neighbors say something, interesting, an ordinary guy, last year he often went on a business trip, this one is more like a home, the apartment is not... on a business trip where, where i didn’t ask, and this is important, these same killed bandits are local , everything is important, um, you know what, the neighbor there said that last year he brought her souvenirs from a business trip, souvenirs, the neighbor’s name, now, uh, here, pantelemonova, apartment twenty-six, so, okay, i then i'll rush.
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i’ll smell it, yes, listen, vasilich, accept the fax for me, i requested yalta, through my channels, they promised to send a certificate about this people's avenger, who crushed makarkin last year, uh-huh, the order of the authorities will be done, we'll go around the girl, please, good afternoon, hello, we... to yakov artemevich, come in, yakov artemyech loves animals very much, kind a man of soul, a vegetarian, and in his storage he keeps an ax, a block, a tool for chopping meat, i greet you, yakovich, hello, this is marya sergeevna. hello, i know, shvetsova,
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forgive me, it seems to me that we have not met, we have all met at some point, not in this life. so another, i’m listening to you, yakov artemovich, you know, two of my guys died, they need to be buried humanely, to see off their final journey, yeah, just them or someone else, that someone else, to see off to their last journey , an allusion to this scumbag who shot my guys, “well, he’s such a scumbag, they didn’t come to him to drink tea at all, since they came, it means there was something between them, you know, my rules know, on they don’t hooligan on the streets, they don’t just
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break into honest houses, but what happened? i wish i could know what happened, but let's put an end to it. “we didn’t touch him, i don’t know him, he doesn’t owe me anything, i didn’t let the team deal with him, but your, yakov artemyevich, disciplined guardsmen were hanging around near this guy’s house, waiting for him to be released, obviously not for in order to give him a bonus, yes, not a bonus, but he is from us, really, none of mine..." knows where he is, well, should you sign in blood, or what? you know, no more blood is needed, but if not you, then who? i will apply it to mana, but to ilya and misha, who are laid to rest, there was some serious charge against him, i
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looked at the film from the scene of the incident, they did a good job there, and where did you get the film from, may i know? i bought it for 3 kopecks, i don’t need it anymore, i can give it away, uh-huh, give the young lady the film, yes, vinokrov, senior lieutenant andreev is bothering you, yes, grisha, i’m listening, volodya, go down to the duty room, there’s a fax sent to the ship’s name from ate, yes ok, i’m running now, i’m writing everything, yeah, right. good ukrainian name, same year of birth, so
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detained on july 8 last year, preventive measure: written undertaking not to leave, case on july 28 stopped, it’s so good, at least they wrote it in russian, so... they were greedy, they didn’t feed everything, i listened, goodbye, you’re rummaging around all around me,
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you want to cause me grief, but you’d better pinch the topic, get down to business, why pinch- what we don’t know about him is that last year he bought an apartment using a figurehead, why? the question is, why? can you accommodate someone they are looking for? he keeps plotting against me and dreams of removing me. well, where is this house? do you know where? we, honest taxpayers, give you money for this your own money. thank you, yakov artemevich. uh-huh, yes, yakov artemyevich is talkative today, i think he liked you, he probably
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gave you the cassette, but then he sent it away, he probably wanted to say something without prying ears, but of course, when authority fades away from authority, it’s better without witnesses, then in the case of... which is easier to unlock, did she really create a cut, no, i’ll hint that there is an apartment that we don’t know, well, they can live in this apartment. masha, are you going to the prosecutor's office? no, i have to go and
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report to the authorities. yes, come on, i won’t go. still, here’s something else i want to clarify about pasha. yes, he brought you souvenirs from business trips, well, he brought you. you won’t think of anything, they’re cheap, last year i brought a trinket, i would never buy one for myself in my life, and since it’s inconvenient to throw away a gift, you can look, look, he left at the beginning of july, he was gone for a whole month , and it’s my birthday on august 1st, so he brought it to me, he’s... an attentive guy, it can’t be that you want to take it, but for
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god’s sake, take it, it’s not all god, what’s the value, this can't be true. it can’t be, no, look, look, basalai was also born in the seventy-fifth year, a business trip to yalta in july, he was absent just at the time when taras andreevich bulba was under investigation, great, great, yes. who is this? well, pasha basalai? meet
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bulba in person, that same driver, information from reliable sources. fyodor, quickly, to the criminologist, i understand everything, so will you explain it to me? badzhuki, why did they take revenge on him for this? well, yes, that is, no, wait, he, he flew to yalta on fake documents. by the way, i am concerned about the question of whether taras andreevich bulba’s car accidentally ran into mr. makarkin, and so, but i am concerned about the question, who then is pasha bassalai from under your nose at the portage? dragged, where did you drag? he just treated us like children. called vasilyovich, said that he was breaking into the apartment, threw the housewife into the yard and, hello, well,
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let's go to the prosecutor's office, we'll make him happy, ah, well, i didn't understand, but what about him then, help yourself, volerochka, please, candy, yes, cookies, but the prosecutor signed the case, oh? i forgot, here in the best possible way, oh, thank you, thank you very much, zoenka, for the first time in my life i didn’t stand at the door, well, it’s something, it’s at least an interesting thing, no, dull, hooliganism in a bar, the main thing is that i couldn’t find the victims i can, they were not interrogated, it was some kind of strange fight, there were no detainees, no victims, why did they initiate charges then, i don’t know, the bar administration called for... some kind of fight without motive, and
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the main thing there, you know, one guy beat two people, one two, one beat two, yes, one two, valerochka, sit a minute, you handsome, smart, you look great, my parents will love you immediately. reputation, this is not an empty phrase, i want to make a future diplomat and reputation, i emphasize, abortion, he will understand everything, i am sure, this is not his child, and he will always know this, tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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i'll catch up with you. good good. so, have you found yourself a new squire? oh, don't talk nonsense, do you like it? what do you like? you know? i don't know anything. come on, tell me. by the way, we have important news. well. well it’s them, do you think the salaya would have hit my victims? oh, i have a phone number, the prosecutor’s office,
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yes, svyatoslav andreevich, no, it’s not there yet. zoya, here she comes, who is from the city, yes, i’m listening, but good evening, no, you know, i can’t get there today, yeah, yes, i just returned to the prosecutor’s office, well, there are a lot of urgent matters, yes, no, before i’ll be up late, yeah, sorry, sorry, you know what, don’t call me on the phone anymore. today or in general, it would be good if at all, thank god, he doesn’t know my phone, who is the deputy prosecutor of the city, come on, i’ll look at him who are you there? so, let's go, here, hello, valerie and i solved the crime, seriously,
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uh-huh, yes, valerie, i found the victims. where is the gratitude? thank you. yes they say a dark horse. two passports with different surnames do not characterize him well. well, maybe he had to hide from bandits. what? baby? he already crushed makarkina in crimea when he was taras bulba. don't call me baby. enough, first of all we need to check the fight in the bar, it looks like the basola and the myasnikovsky bandits fought there. volodya, m, i love you very much please go to the bar, talk to the employees, how did this fight start there. i agree, lyon, let's go, let's take this valera of ours from the investigative department, after all, he has the matter. volodya, go to the bar, take a photo of basalai. already took it. let's fly. well, since we
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have no other constructive proposals, let’s go and stretch our legs. anton, something happened to you, no, but i just didn’t expect it to be so unpleasant, that it’s unpleasant to see zoya, to see zoya, come on in. yes, shvetsova, i’m listening to your progress, marya sergeevna, we’re working svyatoslav. andreevich, i have the cassette, everything is fine, vari sergeevna, why didn’t you come? i’m waiting for you, well, i can’t really get away, you’re working, you’re always working, all day long,
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you’re hungry, i guess i suggest we have dinner in some good place, there i’m ready to listen to your report, but it seems to me that you’ve already we had dinner, are you implying that i drank a little? yes, yes, i drank good wine. well , we still have to talk about business, so i’ll send for you to the car now. svyatoslav andreevich, good evening, i am the head of the orb department, lieutenant colonel bugrov, excuse me, i’m picking up maria sergeevna, we have an urgent event, we will definitely report to you when it’s finished. that's it, we'll be fired. it will be, uh-huh, well, i went to look at the reports, uh-huh, are you with me, uh, no, vadim, i’ll stay, and you call me back, if anything interesting happens,
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okay, well, why, i’ll be with you in half an hour, oh well come on, here it was, terrible, here everything was covered in blood. where did it all start, and you, you better talk to the bartender with igor solovyov, his shift should start now, he should now come up, and you know, this is the first time we’ve had such horror, we have a metal control there at the beginning , no one will get through with weapons or knives, but you could recognize him, who is this hooligan?
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yes, of course, now his shift will start, i ’ll go call him. shvetsova, i’m listening. i
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'll explain it to you later. have you identified it? i thought so. thank you. so, are you coming here? let's go. you know what, take the bar workers, we will also interrogate them in our case. come on, i'm waiting. well, on the eve of the incident, basalai severely beat antiukhin in a bar, and even mocked him. like this. it means the ends are tied. yes. then it's time to take on mr. rhesus. by the way, there is one address where our outdoor surveillance took him. we haven't gone there yet. who knows, maybe this is the same apartment that yasha the butcher spoke about? well, yes. it's time to watch it.
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it’s going to happen, you’re not afraid, you know, after this squishy thing left such a strong kid that he couldn’t get up without outside help, it’s scary, after all, they were protecting you here, but well, they were protecting you, so what, what should i do with a denunciation what to run, oh well, that's it it’s none of my business at all, the director pays them, oh well, why are you fuming, you didn’t immediately call the police? we were waiting for your roof to take a beating, right? well, okay, listen, maybe this brat was drunk after all, no? no, you know, he won so many drunk people here, then he didn’t smell, maybe he was stoned, his pupils were normal, and his actions were too clear, no, no, you’re just an amateur drug addict, i’m a professional, okay, professional,
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hello, we’ve arrived. okay, come with me, please, volodya, well, they brought it, now olga will interrogate her, okay, yes, laziness, hello, what are you, interesting, no, she ’s interrogating her now, you know that i’ll come myself, that’s it, yes, yes, yes, come on, bye, well, shiplyov called, we found another apartment for basalai, great, let's go. sign, please, and where? here, marya sergeevna, so what? yes, we ourselves did not expect this, this is the rookery of a professional killer, with weapons, movement patterns, communications, money,
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of course. well, yes, we found photographs of volkunov, antiukhin, makarkin. yes, yeah, on mobile phones negotiations are exclusively with that and rhesus. yes, on his secret direct phone number. like this. bye. look, makarkin’s murder was disguised as an accident. and with volkunov and antiukhin, how cleverly did he handle it? first he asked to meet, then he basically said his address, then he started a fight. yes. then he went home and waited for the insulted to come to him, and this was his handwriting. yes, an imitation of an accident, well, it’s necessary, but today the only plane from st. petersburg to yalta, we were waiting for it there, and it drove off through moscow to simferopol, lenya, well lenya, what? what do i have to do with it? sorry, yes.
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i thought you were already asleep, tired? not really, vinokurov, volodya, it’s me, i’m sorry it’s so late, nothing happened, don’t worry, i just got a call, the ambassador was detained in simferopol at the airport, that’s it,
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rest, thank god. bye, bye, everything is fine, uh-huh, bunny, get dressed, well done. premiere on rtr: vasya, i left you, i took my baby, no court will give the child to a mother who doesn’t have a job and space, i need official registration, will she arrange something else for us, what should we do? wait, wait, wait, let's go they ate my child, allah, taxis from april 8 on rtr.
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those of you who watch the program, or maybe subscribe to our telegram channel, know how much i am in love with the russian north. mm, they also know that i can’t define what i like there, why i love him, maybe it’s some kind of real, sincere love, and today in our studio, who can be said to be my idol twice, was born in the northernmost city of our country, i made a film about the northernmost settlement of our country, these are pivek and dixon, here let's talk about this film, about this person today. svetlana, hello. hello, i watched about pivek, i heard about dixon, and i watched your film, and i must say that any film that begins with a conversation about great love, and this love,
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you know, this is the love for your land, it is definitely unconditional, there can’t be any coristia in it, yes, well, even if this land gives you something, it gives it through a lot of work, everything is correct, but...
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well, you agree, you need the true, real, yes, yes, and not only to god and to everyone us, and all of us, but in fact, this is my opinion in relation to my heroes -
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i did and what i got is more than life, more than life for sure, you know, yes, i probably agree with you, here these are their stories, even their acquaintance, if we can watch a fragment, elena talks about it, about how parents, well, simply. imagine, if you are a southern boy and you need to go with a girl to the ends of the world, what will your parents say? to put it mildly, they will be surprised, huh, she wasn’t accepted right away either, huh, i’m an economist, graduated from the maritime university, odessa state university together with his father roman, he graduated from the faculty of ship mechanics, also the same institute, but he is a mechanical engineer, that is, we all met at one institute, that’s how it is for us, then we started dating, we met... for two years , probably somewhere like this, then
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accordingly, when i graduated from college, we got married, got married, of course, my parents didn’t take it well, well, how bad, they were very afraid, their daughter, well, it’s like a very long way to go there for 3-9 lands, and then roma as i said, this is my homeland, there’s nothing terrible there, everything is fine there, i’ve lived there all my life, i graduated from school, as it were, well, my mother told me, okay, we’ll let you live for 5 years, dixon, first of all me they called you the wife of a decembrist, well, you can do that, i say, call me whatever you want to call me, i say, well, of course, i said for roma, roma, where roma is, there i will be, where roma is, there i will be, here this is the definition, you know what surprises me today, but father roman left, but to another world, on this diksson, in this absolutely tiny, this temple is smaller than this studio, you know, left?
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flew from norilsk, flew by helicopter from norilsk, but this is the incredible power of the beauty of nature, when on such a piece, on a piece, on stones, there grows a lush flower of such a wide variety of shades, and the colors are as if they were specially painted with a brush, uh-huh, this is the north, we are watching a fragment, the fact is that yerey roman, when we had him, he was local, he was born local, here he is completely from fragrant. just like that he lets go, yes sasha, do you remember,
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right with all his strength, just like that, can you imagine, this is the level of sincerity, you just felt that he told you their emotionality right there, he’s like that, yes, yes, and this is no exception, every person there is in themselves, especially when an outsider arrives. in principle, the north, the most banal example, which many motorists will probably understand, that being in trouble in the north in winter with a car on the side of the road that has stalled or stalled is, well, impossible, well that is, if someone is passing by, then they will help you, i just even i was driving from there by
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car, and people to the south here there was a very heavy snowfall, someone flew off to the side of the road, there was even some newspaper writer, and i well, with a car like this, it’s like a normal new , more or less car, and he says: how much do you need? i think, how can this be? i say, you just pull someone else out later, for some reason in the north they don’t leave you in trouble at all, at least in winter, i was only there in winter, any help is always available, strangers snowmobiles were passing by, stopped, the wind picked up and we were passing by some kind of base, and we asked just to warm up a little, the girls’ feet were frozen, while we literally spent 3 minutes... we asked to just stand for a little while in their shed , the hostess of the base turned on the heating in the restaurant, set the table, caviar, bread, everything, i say, can i please thank you somehow, she says, no, are you crazy, i say, can i have the wi-fi password, she says, no, you want to pay me, but absolutely disinterestedly, that is, no
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interest, it’s not about money, it’s never about money at all, it’s about money, yes, because yes, that’s how it is, it’s just all about the truth. oh, everything is true, you know, i want to take this opportunity to invite our viewers to go north in winter, to experience it for themselves and from there bring this piece of light and goodness and self-love, no matter where you live. thank you very much for coming, i hope that more people will fall in love with the north and love their neighbor as they do there. thanks a lot. i don’t consider myself even a little more literate, than most people with whom i communicate, but i like to write without errors, i
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try to write without errors, i always double-check whether i wrote correctly, and in fact i very rarely make mistakes in spelling words, even which, even which i... i didn’t use it, but i know that in our language there are words in which even the most literate people make mistakes, and i’m going to take a risk, i might embarrass myself on camera today, but i want to sort out just such complex words, vladimir, hello, hello, about what words we will speak, i’m even a little scared, i it seems that i’ll make mistakes in every one, not necessarily, maybe you’ll just write them correctly, well, let’s start with a very complex word, where it often arises... mistakes, this is the adjective scrupulous, yeah, where the ending doesn’t raise any questions , here in this section the letters are very often confused, what are you saying, yes, that is, meticulous, scrupulous, y and r change places very often, meticulous, yes, in fact
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, the order of the letters here generally corresponds to the source language, this word goes back to latin, and the meaning... precise to the smallest detail, carefully thought out, it is already there in the latin language, the order of the letters corresponds to latin, but you know, the way the sources are written in the language is not always preserved in our language, yeah, here i’ll write another word, it may not be so complicated , the name of one of the types of coffee, and cappuccino, how much is generally a good question. two, no, one, one, what, this is just the second question, super blitz, second question, how many what, oh, shame, well, this is really a difficult word, i can tell the answer right away, tell me, one, okay, and did not answer the second, finally, the third question, how many n, well, one thing, of course, in this word there are no
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double consonant spellings in russian from the word in the native language, yes, they work here. in general, what is the pattern? in general, we have such a persistent misconception among russian speakers that if a word comes to us from another language, then we keep the spelling, we keep the pronunciation, this is not at all necessary, somewhere the spelling is preserved, well, scrupulous ones, for example, and somewhere - then no, and if we talk about doubled consonants, then very often they disappear, and recent borrowings behave the same way, for example, of, shor, i won’t write. offline is written with one f, although the english of, two, yeah, this concerns foreign
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words, but actually no, there is one more word where the source language confused us, yeah, imagine a stove, in the kitchen, yes, no, not concrete, no, in the kitchen, and there were two or four things, these little things, yes, yes, those kind of lids, burners, burners, they were burners. this word exists in a single variant, burner, burner, yes, this is a dutch borrowing, and what is most interesting in dutch, um, that is, nasforka, yes, this word existed in four versions 100 years ago, it was about and here, count and ka, it was n and m, burner, burner, burner, burner, this word existed in four variants until order was brought here, now the only option left is this, and yes, here... very often we are confused by the dutch word, which is spelled with the letter m. v russian spelling and pronunciation have changed. dictionaries specifically write:
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burner in parentheses is not comfortable, um is no longer pronounced or written here. well, one more example, no longer related to foreign words, but also related to putting things in order in spelling. the verb to come, which in old books can be found with the letter d, s. with the letter t, uh-huh, but now the only correct option is this: the verb to come is written only with the letter short, and here is why linguists chose this spelling, by analogy with all other verbs that end like this: come, leave, go, approach, everywhere this is to go, you need to remember that it is written briefly here, as in all other verbs with this root, it seems to me, 15, 15 years ago, probably, i... noticed that some stores sell mattresses, and some mattresses, both of them, and they were right, they are still right, this word exists
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in two versions, and one way or the other is correct, so choose, you can go to the store - go buy mattresses, or you can go to the mattress store, where it’s closer to you to buy one and also, well, yes, most likely, thank you very much, but still i humiliated myself on camera with capuchin, well, now remember, now i’ll remember, thank you very much. thank you, see you next time, choosing interior colors with friends or clients, and sometimes i heard theories that , uh, certain colors evoke certain emotions or sensations. someone says that red causes a feeling of hunger, someone believes that green is the color of calm,
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and white-blue is the color of a psychiatric hospital, i don’t know which of these is true, it’s the influence of colors on us that i would like talk today. hello anna, hello, how true or how at least partially true can these statements or theories be that red...
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and a sign on a red background, the letter m in the form of golden french fries too, and this stimulates many functions of the body, gastric juice is secreted from red, that is, it is not - it’s like pavlov’s reaction, that is, it is not a stable connection, stable, because red also accelerates the heartbeat, blood flow, all our active functions begin. well, if we ’re going to talk about medicine, avicena, paracelsus,
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we meet hippocrates in the works precisely...
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green in general is a very healing color, it is so intended by nature that there is more green in the environment, yes, but when a person is in nature, looking at the grass, at forests, fields, meadows, we it immediately becomes good if you try on green clothes, for example, you want, no, the opportunity to go to nature, you need to relax, if you put on green clothes,
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your blood is renewed under the influence of green color. you will feel much better with me that year, my favorite outerwear was a green jacket, it’s just very comfortable, downy, kind of semi-sportswear, smart, but how to find a balance, for example, well, probably, living in a completely green apartment or house won’t be very useful, well, from a point of view from the point of view of the psyche, it may even be impossible, impossible, impossible, there must be a measure in everything, any color, even with all its positive individual properties in large quantities, has a destructive effect on a person. depressive, that is, if we talk about industrial design, about coloristic decisions of the city and interiors, public spaces, then here we must find a balance of aesthetics, the impact of this color on people and a certain function, let’s assume that we have made a super-bright city in which people are probably less depressed than they would be in a gray city, but
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can the abundance of blue, red, yellow houses there really influence other aspects? life of a person, maybe they become, well, let’s say, less focused, less healthy, maybe not the rhythm, which is really so important, yet the choice of colors in architecture is very related to the climate, because if we take morocco, for example, cobalt blue color dominates there, because, again, speaking about the effect of color, blue, it creates a feeling of coolness, in a blue room it seems , what are you like. how without air conditioning you feel a little cooler, and there is a lot of it in the interior, in mosaics, in stained glass lamps, that is, we see a lot of blue, on the contrary, some yellow warm shades, they are in the more northern, are quite acceptable and accepted, but let’s take something from what you haven’t listed, purple, for example, oh, well, purple, the color of magicians,
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sorcerers, soothsayers, priests, it’s also magical. a magical purple color, it really calms a person, that is , meditating in a purple room like this is absolutely wonderful, there are people who want to lose weight, that is, in the sense of eating from dishes with blue purple flowers, it is believed that it is not such a downright bestial, brutal appetite a person's heart flares up, and yes, in such a somehow the dishes and food don’t look so attractive, but if... to summarize, it turns out that you can experiment, you can paint your house, your bedroom, kitchen, nursery, in the colors you want. i think that here it will not be useless to study the properties of colors, compare, reflect on your preferences, make the right, accurate choice, then yes, buy paint, furniture, some kind of
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interior accessories and live comfortably, peacefully . that is, in general, you can do what you like, thank you great, maybe we can inspire some of our viewers to renovate, i hope, thank you, see you, see you.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zubsik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. all attention to the defenders
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of the fatherland. meeting of vladimir putin with the head of the fund, anna tsivileva. new solutions and initiatives. we must treat everyone with care and love, directly to our soldiers and members of their families. attacks on diplomatic institutions are unacceptable. russia. condemns israeli strike on consulate iran in damascus and calls on the world to take the same position, a statement by our post-fred at a meeting of the un security council. i was rooted, but i resisted. an earthquake in taiwan toppled a multi-story building, and overall there was a lot of destruction. the defenders of the fatherland foundation has received almost a million requests in less than a year of existence. a significant part of these requests have already been fulfilled. about this.
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defenders, our guys and so on, this is how we should treat everyone with care and love, including our soldiers and their family members, this is how we treat people needs to be saved for the future. branches of fatherland defenders operate in all regions of the country, with 70% of requests coming from active military personnel, although the fund was originally created for dismissed co-workers. russian artillery with a precise strike disrupted the supply of ammunition to the nationalists. cities of kurakhova.
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the hurricane calculation system destroyed the railway bridge, through which one of the most important supply arteries of the ukrainian armed forces passed. in the vdeevsky direction they are paving the way for the advancing motorized rifles. a firestorm struck a gathering of ukrainian militants. the second strike reached the sabotage group, which had taken refuge in the forest, all targets were destroyed, and the most distinguished crews received state awards. in the donetsk direction, in the vicinity of krasnogorsk, the hunt for armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces is successfully underway. with the help of the fagod portable missile system, it was possible to destroy the enemy tank. the first hit immobilized the combat vehicle, the second set it on fire. our permanent representative vasily nebendya called at the un security council meeting to condemn the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. the diplomat stated that
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expects a fair assessment of the situation, noted that russia strongly condemns the raids on the sovereign territory of syria, which israel continues to carry out, and regards them as a gross violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity. magnitude 7.5 earthquake in taiwan. at least one person died, about fifty were injured by tectonic impacts , a house was damaged, the first floor collapsed and the structure was rooted. in taipei , tiles fell from old buildings. taiwan landslides, in addition, part of guishan island collapsed. experts do not rule out that further tremors may occur in the near future. the earthquake triggered a tsunami in the japanese prefecture of okinawa, a threat of natural disaster was declared. the highest red alert level is in effect in china. our coastline is not in danger. north korea has converted all tactical and strategic missiles of various ranges to solid fuel ones. as north korean leader kim
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chenin said, the problem of possibly equipping them with nuclear warheads was resolved. at the beginning of the week pyongyang successfully tested the new hypersonic medium -range ballistic missile hwasong-16. it was launched towards the sea of ​​japan and flew 1.00 km. the city of kurchatov has become even more modern and safe. artificial intelligence has been introduced into its information system. he will primarily be responsible for the 400 cameras that... located on the streets, automatic data will be sent to the situation center and instantly processed, while the system is constantly learning and is capable of not only responding to possible illegal actions, but also to prevent them. the heat supply system also switched to digital; all work on the smart city project was carried out by the state corporation rosatom. today is 90 years old for aleksandrusokhov, ex-president of north ossetia, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to syria, deputy chairman of the russian commission on...
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don’t switch gears with residents of the moscow region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region in moscow there is a cold snap, today the temperature will begin to drop, in the afternoon it will be +15, there will be rain, in some places thunderstorm, wind will increase to 17 m/s. the pressure will drop sharply and amount to 730 mmhg . the coldest this week
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will be thursday-friday up to +7, precipitation will continue. there is a large-scale spring cleaning in moscow, almost half a million utility workers are washing the facades of buildings, roads and bridges, sweeping courtyards and public gardens, and making repairs. children's playgrounds, traffic lights and road signs are cleaned of dust, and then the markings on the highways will be updated. territories in the southeast of moscow are included in the comprehensive development project, as sergei sobyanin said, on the streets of helicopter pilots, moressyev, lepchansky in the designed passage 4296 to build residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, shops and cafes, as well as industrial facilities. over 3,500 jobs will be created. over 200 thousand windows were replaced in the entrances of capital's houses. as part of the overhaul, specialists install double-glazed windows that retain heat and protect from noise. they have been serving for more than 20 years. the overhaul program includes about 30,000 houses; their engineering systems will be updated and elevators will be replaced. read more about events in the capital region in less than
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half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website see you. discover a real gem on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodroom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secret paradise. opens in titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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today on rtr, good morning, good morning, svetlana abramova, andrey petrov,
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welcomes you, hello, start the day with us, we will try to please you and cheer you up with an interesting broadcast and we remind you that the morning of russia has an interesting telegram channel, so subscribe, but this is after coffee. after breakfast, and after a digital detox, and what is a digital detox? and this is an idea in one of the cafes in holland, when entering the establishment, you turn off all electronic devices in order to take a little break from social networks, calls, online advertising messages, there is no wi-fi in the establishment, but there are books, a delicious menu and live communication, everything is like the eighties and nineties, it’s amazing, but even an hour spent in an offline cafe allows you to return to real reality, yeah, with store products. on the contrary, we need to act in a modern way, not throw away those with an expiration date, but distribute them free of charge to those in need, but so far every year 6 million tons of food from the shelves go straight to landfill, and there are serious reasons for this, as alena kashtanova found out. this is ksenia’s last for today address, the girl goes around at least
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five apartments a day, always tries to take away more, carrying bags of food is already a common thing for her. hello, so this is for you, here you go, thank you, i don’t live here on the fly and distribute food among my neighbors, the volumes are always different, but in principle it’s about two bags, in terms of weight everyone can handle it, it’s not that difficult, and what’s great is that in return we receive smiles from the people to whom this food is passed on. stores, as a rule, allocate a special area for footsharing cart, it first of all gets bread and bakery products, the expiration date of which is about to expire. expires on the thirtieth. another popular category is vegetables and fruits, they quickly lose their presentation and , accordingly, their attractiveness for the buyer, bananas with spots, bruised peppers, these are all not in good condition, which in the near future... would go to the trash bin, this is an apple slightly wrinkled and it is suitable for food sharing, and this with obvious
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signs of rotting will definitely go to waste, but strangely enough, the second option is for stores more profitable, the sticking point was the value added tax, and recycling products today is more profitable than donating to charity, because when donating to charity we pay vat, while when recycling there is no, according to industry experts, monthly retail chains throw away products amounting to about 3 billion rubles, and about 6 million tons of products are sent for recycling. to reduce these volumes, retailers need a serious incentive, industry officials say. one of the incentive measures that potentially there could be, for example, a reduction in the cost of vat or, in principle , reimbursement of mva, in relation to those products that are donated to charity. and this possibility is already being considered in the state duma. there is another solution to the problem of not giving it away, but selling it, for example, to social card holders at a big discount. it would be nice to see a shelf. on which there is always a product with an expiring date, this , of course, allows people to navigate;
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this method of dealing with substandard conditions is successfully used abroad, the so-called shelves last day they exist in russian stores, but you can’t call them popular yet, they didn’t choose, they wouldn’t have just fresh ones, but well, it seems to me, why not, in principle it’s possible, i’d look at the appearance, i ’d buy it, probably not, well, because i have to feed the children, but buyers for such a product would...
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entrepreneurship, they also have vat on this , but there are no stores near the house, small average, but they also obviously need to offer some common rules of the game for everyone, so that everyone understood how to act; ideally, of course, the mechanism should be complex, not it should just be vat on everything, because it really won’t affect entrepreneurs using the simplified system at all, it won’t stimulate anything. it’s just that, for example, you and i have all heard about the project that is currently underway, this is a russian shelf, and here you can also make
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a social shelf and promote it through online and non-network formats. here is your idea in general, how all this should have been organized both for large players and for convenience stores, yes, we are convinced that the tax status should be equated to recycling, that is, it should not be unprofitable to share these products, not give them to charity, there should be social shelves, there should be social categories of citizens, there should be discounts for... responsible people, so that people can simply buy the product, so that again it was not subject to throwing away, but at the same time, if we tell everyone, even those who are not socially inclined, to donate it to charity, we definitely need control over who then distributes it, whether it will again end up in sale, what quality of what quality , are storage and transportation conditions observed, so that people no longer get expired goods, even for charity, but normal, proper quality with all the requirements, it is possible to organize selling markets and how this can work here... and you know, when we talk about any proposals, we must proceed from the fact that any new entities,
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they should not incur additional costs, here is a store, it already has shelves, refrigeration equipment, sellers, assortment, and nothing prevents you from simply highlighting a certain shelf or simply labeling additionally certain products and selling them, and the market is separate - this is additional transportation, which costs money, this is additional premises, which costs money, and if you do it online, here you go this is already a wonderful solution, which will most likely be suitable, because many...
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something will not be available, so first of all it is necessary, yes, perhaps, if it is in demand, of course, distribute priorities among consumers, now a tricky question, we discussed this wonderfully, something is somehow moving from this, because in conversations it’s great, you know, the initial initiative that was introduced last year, it was suspended, a little frozen , but then they returned to this issue, including at the government level, and we think that this year the issue will find its resolution in the form of a law. a project that will be adopted as a law and will provide the necessary benefits, the order will be established, and will resolve all those issues that we discussed with you today, maybe we talked when this will already exist in the form of a document, thank you very much, our guest was a member of a public organization for the protection of consumer rights, a public consumer initiative, oleg pavlov, well, he’s married, he’s married, are you married, no, i’m not, i’m not married, the man who was in your apartment, playing with your child,
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this is not your husband, everything is complicated, an irrepressible restless premiere. today at 21:20. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. you can no longer surprise a tourist with exotic things, either on land or at sea. what remains is the sky. sky tanik, that’s the name given to the concept of a giant flying hotel, in an incredibly spacious, multi-story building. megaplane, you can not only stretch your legs, there is space for a swimming pool, a shopping center and a cinema. estimated capacity of 5,000 guests, like a sea liner. a nuclear power plant must keep the giant in the air, and guests will be transported on regular planes. the idea is great, with just one caveat: the concept the celestial hotel is beyond the scope
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of current technological capabilities, so we will have to wait. but the wait for new car products is long. we have to, today our colleague ivan zenkevich is testing a chinese suv. tank 500 has been sold in russia for about a year now, but the manufacturer has brought us a new modification, urban. let's see how it differs. the first thing we see is that the spare wheel is no longer hidden under the bottom, but is mounted on the fifth door. because of this, the length in one fell swoop exceeded the five-meter mark. but without that, the exterior the car has a solid, massive appearance. radiator grille, cost 6,300,000 rubles. rivals are more affordable oting paladin and havaill h9, as well as the bg40 bike, although it is more compact. there are also changes in the interior, mainly in the passenger compartment, the seats have lost the massage function, and there is no longer a remote control for
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wireless charging service functions in the center armrest. but there is also profit. a third row of seats has been added to the arsenal. there is no noticeable space there, but a person of average height can go on a short trip without problems, with the backrests raised there's not a lot of space in the trunk, but if you fold them down, things change. by the way, the swing door is equipped with a closer; you rarely see such a function on suvs. the main difference between the urban is under the hood: instead of a six-cylinder petrol engine, there is now a four-cylinder engine with an electric assistant. thus, we have before us a hybrid. the car has an electric motor with a capacity of 54 horsepower, built into a nine-speed automatic transmission, a total power of 299 horsepower, the same as before, but the hybrid is noticeably economical during active driving consumption is 14 liters per 100 km instead of the previous twenty, and the dynamics of the hybrid are better; acceleration to hundreds takes 8 seconds instead of 9.5. at low speed, this tank
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moves only on electric power, so there is silence in the cabin. due to the frame structure , the weight exceeded 2.5 tons, but despite this, the car handles well, but the ride is not ideal, no, no, but the rear continuous axle will buckle, here is the cross-country ability, i note: the all-wheel drive here is not differential, with an adjacent clutch connecting the front wheels, but it works clearly even when at the slightest hint of slipping, the car becomes all-wheel drive. we conclude: the version with four cylinders turned out to be more economical and dynamic. and a third row has been added, but the hybrid costs half a million more, so decide for yourself whether to pay extra or not, then microorganisms are in the service of science, how bacteria help our scientists, we’ll tell you in a few minutes, titanic deluxe hotel, belek golf, where
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every moment - this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every room is a journey. in coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules, titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and a cave. lio records we are here for you. kalinan
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beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by embodying. dreams into reality. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a beautiful rest, but you need to rest where there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about the holiday, relax, anex, narrower,
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we are missing something courageous, and the premiere on rtr, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, drinking champagne with my husband! al taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me, from april 8th to rtr, 65 years ago you came to
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the mayakovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent, and about lazarevo, your heart also said something to you, we had a very quick romance and... we got married very quickly, in my heart all this was said right away in the office romance i always felt sorry for you, in fact, you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be condemned for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that passes on... it’s just a gift of fate, that’s shura, it’s just some kind of happiness. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr. in thailand, a gang of monkeys is keeping
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an entire city in fear. primates scare local residents, rob shops and harass tourists. many shops have closed because they are suffering huge losses from hooligans. they not only occupied the markets, but also directed their order on the roads. the police have created an entire unit to combat the organized monkey group. the fighters are armed with slingshots and tranquilizers, the most violent leaders have already been detained and sent to a reserve for re-education, and more severe measures cannot be taken. these animals are under the protection of the king of thailand, his majesty. but often living organisms do not interfere, but help people. our scientists have adopted the abilities of bacteria; they are studying the glow in hope. create unique test systems and new drugs. a flash at the bottom of a test tube is not led lamp is a unique ability of some microorganisms -
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bioluminescence. today, with its help, scientists are trying to diagnose the disease; the glow shows whether a substance important for the life of the cell has appeared? if you want to find out something in a living cell, how something works inside there, usually you need some kind of reporter protein, which you... well , tell you with the help of light how it works in the cell, if you know that something is broken in the cage, that means something can be fixed there, now a siberian scientist. are trying to put the acquired knowledge into practice, the task is serious; they want to create sensors that will react to substances with different intensities and spectrums of luminescence. the technique will allow us to find the causes of illnesses directly in the human body. the most promising are obtaining red belimescence, since living tissues are more permeable to red radiation. the analysis will look like this: a person will take a substance that can glow and accumulate
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where a certain pathology occurs. the light from it will be recorded by a special luminescent tomograph, in a similar way it is possible to detect diabetes, multiple sclerosis and melanoma, this laboratory in crimea is also engaged in similar research, the luminous molecules here were obtained from local aborigines, black sea bacteria, these are microorganisms that are isolated in our region, and what allows us to work with them is, firstly, secondly, they are indigenous , and there are no other similar species or strains of microorganisms in... the region. the peculiarity of crimean bacteria is that they emit visible light. its intensity changes under the influence of active substances. in this case, scientists are using luminous microorganisms to create new antibiotics from plants: medicinal plants of the crimea, which contain enormous potential and could be studied by our methods for detecting antibacterial substances in medicinal plants. it will be possible to test a particular plant for antibacterial properties in just 15 minutes; this approach,
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scientists say, significantly speeds up the process of analyzing chemical compounds and, as a result, new effective drugs. and then, stop it! i hope the school principal will be able to call you to order. andrey igorevich. what's wrong with you here? stop! selivanov set up a stool and sat down, and they thought that they had no control. and here you, due to your lack of education, are mistaken about the methods. let's talk after the news, well, who should i take for a pencil, i have a pencil, you are looking to rid the school of hooligans, broadcast in detail on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we'll talk about the main thing today: support measures, rehabilitation, medicines, assistance in retraining, employment of veterans, these other issues were discussed by vladimir putin with the chairman of the state fund for supporting participants in the special
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military operation defenders of the fatherland. she told the president that in less than a year the fund had received almost a million requests, and a significant part of them had already been processed. everything is done in one window mode. vladimir putin promised to resolve issues with the provision of manually operated vehicles to those who were seriously injured, as well as to regulate the assignment of the status of a combat disabled person former employees of private military companies. an important part of the foundation’s work is to find out what else the participants and veterans of the northern military district need.
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regarding the murder of a compatriot. in addition to angry calls from abroad, benjamin netanyahu has to listen to the discontent of his own people. mass protests took place in jerusalem; people tried to break through to the government building. they demand early elections and the speedy release of gas hostages held in the sector. during the dispersal of the demonstration, injuries.
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residents of one of the villages refused to leave their houses. water, food and basic necessities are delivered to people via the drawbridge. children are taken to the neighboring school through it. an entire neighborhood in orenburg is half-flooded. the flood situation throughout the orenburg region remains tense. a section of the m5 - ural highway is closed. further regional news. do not switch with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region is getting colder in moscow, today the temperature will begin to drop, in the afternoon it will be +15, there will be rain, thunderstorms and wind in places
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will increase to 17 m/s. the pressure will drop sharply and amount to 730 mmhg. the coldest temperatures this week will be thursday through friday in the low 70s. precipitation will continue. the capital's utility workers have begun spring cleaning, putting everything in order, from highways to residential buildings and parks. in april we need to have time to wash and paint almost the entire city. artyom kuznetsov appreciated the scale of the work. april is the traditional time of the so -called month in moscow, when all public utilities go out to do a general cleaning of the city, wash, paint, repair, preparing the city for the spring and summer season. passers-by watch with interest as climbers on petrovka wash their houses of winter dirt with shampoo.
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does not destroy it, so that in the future we do not repaint these ladies every time every season. during these spring days, the city streets are washed several times by special equipment. after wintering, tunnels and bridges, underground passages, fountains and monuments are washed. road services are on standby and will soon begin updating road markings. the doubles will be repaired, painted, and public transport stops will be put in order. wipers they had already put the shovels away and took out cans of paint and brushes. are you currently renovating facades? yes, yes, a lot of work, not that much, not that, not that much, normal, enough.
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almost half a million employees of city services are taking part in the spring improvement of the capital, over 14 thousand units of various municipal equipment are involved. artyom kuznetsov, boris salnikov and alena felatova, host. the smart pharmacy has significantly reduced the time it takes to deliver medications to patients at the department. the first results of the system’s work are summed up by doctors from the sixty-seventh hospital named after vorokhobovo, on the basis of which a pilot project was launched. instead of people, orders for medicines are made by robots. they sort medications, keep records, check invoices, and issue medications. according to doctors, such automation helps speed up the recovery process for patients. the regional stage of the professional championship has ended in the moscow region. excellence among students , shchelkovo college became one of its platforms. the guys competed in such categories as repair and maintenance of passenger cars, cable systems, design in arts and crafts. our task consists of three parts, we need to create
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a neckerchief and paint on it, today is the first day, today the participants make sketches, according to which they will later paint the fabric, the shchelkovo college is participating , the college from orekhovo-zoevo is participating. the winners of the regional stage will represent the moscow region at the russian championship, which is held as part of the federal professionalism project. in the moscow zoo, due to sudden warming, many animals. came from indoor enclosures to the street, monkeys sunbathing, one of the primates watches passers-by from a shelter, lynxes bask with pleasure on the warm bark, they roll on their backs after a hearty lunch, they can be seen in the old territory during sieges. the kopybar family is also enjoying the spring sun; they are outside for the first time after winter, walking around their courtyard; some, out of habit, have taken refuge under a canopy. all news is always available on... the platform , look in the application or on the website,
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see you, happy birthday to you, ask, by saturday, after graduation, you are flying to italy, and i will finish my business here and will join you, if only... you know where you will lose it, dad, dad, little darling, if you know where you will find it, i have a business proposal for you , you, you already have flowers from fans, you generally loved him, mom, so, from now on, in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we have only known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me. life doesn’t give any references, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, my wife lives
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in a high mansion, in that high mansion, no no way, the intercom is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i never cheated on you, she drove it for two quarts... when a kamaz rushes towards you, the radicles and lameness disappear somewhere. humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. good morning, good morning, today is wednesday, april 3, andrey petroslanov. before you join, join, you will learn
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a lot of interesting things. the time for passing school exams is approaching, but even when they are all passed, the last bell has long rung, terrible dreams about studying haunt adults around the world are stressed and their hearts beat faster every time. how familiar is all this? it’s interesting that the reasons are clear; everyone was waiting for a recipe for deliverance. american doctors say they seem to have found a method. so, if you have a school nightmare, write it down in great detail. try to understand what emotion you experienced at the same time, it could be fear of criticism or evaluation, and school is just an image through which the subconscious gives you these signals. and what to do with the nightmarish behavior of students, not in a dream, but maybe maybe it’s time to return grades for diligence and discipline, let’s listen to what the experts say, show me a life hack, don’t hit someone who is down, it seems that modern schoolchildren are not familiar with this rule, teenagers witnessed... a brutal fight between first-graders, one of them
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asked to finish off on camera again boy. i saw something that they were having a conflict there, i saw that they started to fight there, i took it on film. as a result of the investigation, the provocateur was transferred to a special school, and the director was reprimanded for not correcting the children’s behavior in a timely manner. but it happens differently the child is hyperactive. ivan is years older than his classmates, he has nowhere to put his energy, says his mother. these guys also need to be re-educated. ivan can be cocky, we have all sorts of them. stories sometimes get argued with the kids, and it comes to fist fights, but we stop it all in time, but in general, today the school has no leverage over violators, except for conversations, admonitions and calling parents, with the risk that they will also blame the teacher for everything . during my school years, the assessment for behavior in the diary, later in the certificate, held many within. firstly, the absence was a signal to parents, and secondly, it could seriously spoil the graduation characteristics, even if he studied well. 30 years later, about...
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in her diary, she somehow disciplines both children and parents. there are other opinions: parents are afraid of nagging from teachers, this happens, and teachers have conflicts with parents, but the school knows exactly those who disrupt lessons, are insolent to elders, trick younger ones and should intervene, and not pretend that they are only teaching read and write. these are the rules, where you can, where you can’t, what you can, what is not possible, of course, the child learns while studying at school. and this is then transmitted to them in everyday life, psychologists say that the center of self-control is formed in the brain in children from the age of 6, which means that a first-grader can already be taught that adults will evaluate his behavior; in order to make such an assessment, a clear list of rules is needed so that the child understands , that i follow all the rules, for example, ten points, for this
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i get an a, there i fulfill eight points there, but for that i get a four, the rules are already spelled out in the school charters, all i need is compose. conduit according to age and introduce children to it, and so that the grade does not hang in the air, create a mechanism that works both in one direction and the other, this could be, for example, a minus in the certificate, minus some points there, or vice versa plus good points for behavior, this can also be done, it will stimulate them, i think that in this case the system will work, the main thing is not to give a grade for the sake of a tick and a report, without exaggeration , the future depends on what kind of children the school raises today. countries there is something to add about assessment: the recent case of the mathematics olympiad at the samara polytechnic university, when mathematics tasks were posted online, caused a great stir and reminded us of the global problem of such competitions that give students benefits when entering universities. many schoolchildren, their parents, even the teachers themselves, believe that it is
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the district and municipal olympiads that are the most, let’s say, dishonest. our viewers report, teachers suggest, answers can be easily acquired, and even in the process of writing it yourself. how to set this up system, let's talk in the studio, chairman of the commission on education, education of the public chamber, natalya kravchenko, natal, good morning, well, here is the samara olympics, it has existed since ninety- three, can you imagine how many violations have happened during this time, could have happened, yes why does the question arise then such olympiads, they actually discredit those that are honest, where the kids are for real.
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guys or from the moscow region, yes, but in this, well, the region notifies the guys about this opportunity, informs, but does not have nothing to do with that, that is, there in their place they don’t hold any such qualifying, they hold no qualifying systems, you represent the region, but at the same time you register yourself, you yourself pass certain tests, and then you get to the finals, maybe this is a hint on exactly
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how to carry out everything, and well, why not, but then you’re just not interested in cheating either, because in the finals you’ll arrive unprepared, you’ll end up in...
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there are several, let’s say so, look, there may be all-russian , can there may be some regional ones, but if you say that this is a regional olympiad, and there will be four or five different rounds, yes, then you announced a regional one there. then along the entire vertical it is controlled in the same way as the most important stage will be controlled, in exactly the same way, then, probably, it would be - then yes, we understand you, thank you very much, the chairman of the commission on education and training of the public chamber answered our question, natalya kravchenko. thank you very much, thank you, alisa seleznyova will want to find her mother. what if mom was shot in the past, maybe the pirates are holding her there? we will see this in 100 years. go ahead, i understand, you miss your mom, i will believe you too, i don’t just miss you, i’m going to get her out, soon, amazing people,
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amazing seventh season, now there are two of us, such psychos, you know, i’m glad that i’m not alone, on friday at 21:30, and we were waiting for this, the state duma increased liability for annoying advertising by phone, for violation of requirements, fines, as... institutions, lawyers, fitness clubs, beauty salons, business advice or advertising bank loans, they offer anything at the other end of the line, but
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according to the law on advertising, such distribution of advertising is possible only with the prior consent of the subscriber. however, the state duma recently passed a law stipulating punishment for such violations. the fine for spam calls for individuals will range from 10 to 20,000 rubles. for officials from 20 to 100 and for legal entities from 3000 to a million rubles. in the amendments, legislators paid special attention to the problem of memory calls from microfinance organizations for distributing advertisements for loan services without specifying all the conditions determining its full cost. we separately highlight credit institutions, that is, banks and microfinance organizations. here, of course, there are questions about the completeness of the information presented. but in fact , they often say a loan at 0%. or they promise some absolutely wonderful conditions, but no one spells out the fine print. and the main thing is that you can’t apply either. to whom, therefore, it turns out, but a vicious circle of such impunity, which, of course, must tear. for promoting
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loan services without specifying the conditions determining the cost of the service, the fine for officials will range from 40 to 100,000 rubles. and for legal entities from 600 to 1,600,000 rubles. detection of such violations will work on the principle of complaints; citizens whose phone numbers do not cease from such advertising must write a statement on the portal of the federal antimonopoly service in the section to file a complaint about spam advertising. to do this, you need to choose your own. you need to understand that it is not necessary that this particular document this photograph will be evidence, since the department can send a request to the operator, whether there was such and such a mailing, who is the customer, that is, today these electronic traces are quite easily identified, you can’t write calls... there is a call time, there is a phone number, from which it happened, and this information will be enough. such a measure, according to
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the authors of the idea, will significantly reduce the number of spam calls, therefore saving citizens from unnecessary advertising, and most importantly, from unexpected expenses. and then, no forget to set the clock forward, 100 years ago. alesa seleznyova returns to the big screens, about the fantastic in every sense in the film based on the book by kir bulychev, details via. a few minutes, get dressed, well done, premiere on rtr, vasya, i left you, i took yurka, no court will give a child to a mother who doesn’t have a job, space, i need official registration, she’ll arrange something else for us, what to do, wait , wait, wait, let's go, they took my child away, hella taxi. from april 8 on rtr. hello, dear friends. on air your favorite program 60 minutes. vladimir
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vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that the nuclear organ be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, shot! reliably there are eight from the equipment, and we have olesa at home, the second tank has flown off from skaukrop, the hero of russia will be in kind. we are all with you, including me, we will go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, yana rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, look twice a day, see you, move out today,
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and the child? i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street, come to me, live as you want, but you can live for a long time, kyurku, this is not our child, but he can be ours, life doesn’t give certificates, the premiere is in saturday at rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group,
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to take the guys with us, i came across such people who are not indifferent, to support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only ours, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. let’s just say that this is the twenty -fourth year of the computer age , only now the manufacturers have heard the pleas of players in the virtual space, they asked, make a chair so that you can sit through shooting games, adventure games for a day on arrival and not know the need for anything. the announced new product has six mechanical manipulators with different functions, lost headphones will be found, and teeth will be brushed and combed,
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they will feed you, and even give you a massage, or maybe in a game. go, beautiful, powerful, explosive, this is a movie with a wonderful message, you sit in suspense and wait, how will it end, and it is completely impossible to predict the next turn of events in a story that seems to be familiar to everyone from childhood, the fantastic phenomenon is explained simply, it completely different, the scene of action changed, the age of the heroes changed, in fact, this further influenced
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everything, it was a story about soviet pioneers. now this is a story about modern schoolchildren, they live in today. not piss me off, gerasin. fuck you, gerasim - it's me, kolya gerasimov. and kolya gerasimov doesn’t care about the future. he would like to understand what kind of miracles are happening in the present, but time is a mysterious substance, and somewhere 100 years in the future, an amazing meeting awaits him, which will make the space-time continuum shudder. now it's 2.120. sounds plausible, in 100 years everything will be different, but no, because eternal values, friendship, love, family, are for eternal things, so as to never change, alas, evil still does not slumbers, but at any time there will be young heroes who can stand in his way, 100 years in the future, this is an ultra-modern blockbuster with amazing special effects and stunts, but in the traditions of russian culture, if you
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watch the picture, you will remember some cult films that... which have accompanied you for the entire life of new russian cinema, this is ours, our favorite actors, stars victoria isaakova, konstantin khabensky, alexander petrov, fyodor bondarchuk, who gave their voice to the legendary robot werther, as well as the talented young generation dasha verishchagina, mark edelstein will tell this fantastic and immortal story about good and evil, a story for all times and for all generations. very exciting, and the fate of the planet of the milky way, thirteen, thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies is in our hands. welcome to the birthday of our cinematic universe. the journey to the future will begin very soon from april 18 in all cinemas in the country. and then, well, we’ve had breakfast, now we need to cover up all our things, because they say today the painters will be walking up and down the floors. yes, they
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were supposed to finish the current renovations of the house in the fall; the mahlers were just getting ready to go. by the way, the door also depends on the smell. let's take it off. boss, maybe this column, oh, hello, i personally don’t really like this color. choose the color yourself , tell me who controls this work anyway, about the ongoing renovations of houses, which never end and endlessly waste our people’s money, we’ll talk in detail after the news, so what’s all that? let's hang it up, they'll get everything dirty, you're watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zubsik is with you, hello, we'll tell you about the main thing today. all attention to the defenders of the fatherland, the meeting of vladimir putin with the head of the fund anna tsiveleva, new decisions and initiatives. we must treat everyone with care and love, both directly to our soldiers and
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to their family members. attacks on diplomatic institutions are unacceptable. russia condemns israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus and calls on the world to take the same position, a statement by our permanent representative at a meeting of the un security council. rooted, but withstood the earthquake in taiwan, dropped a multi-story building. in general, there is a lot of destruction, and there are casualties. the defenders of the fatherland foundation received almost a million requests in less than a year of existence. a significant part of these requests have already been fulfilled. the head of the fund, anna tseveleva, reported this to vladimir putin. a government structure was created to help members and veterans.
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russian artillery with a precise strike disrupted the supply of ammunition to the nationalists in the area of ​​​​the city of kurakhova. uragan system calculations
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they destroyed the railway bridge; one of the most important supply arteries of the armed forces of ukraine passed through it. in the ovdeevsky direction they are paving the way for the advancing motorized rifles. a firestorm struck a gathering of ukrainian militants. the second blow reached the sabotage group, who had taken refuge in the forest. all targets destroyed. particularly distinguished crews received state awards. in the donetsk direction in the vicinity of krasnogorovka, the hunt for armored vehicles in the ukrainian armed forces is successfully underway. with the help of the fagot portable missile system , it was possible to destroy the enemy tank. first the combat vehicle was immobilized by the hit and set on fire by the second. an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 in taiwan is the most powerful tremors in the last 25 years, at least one person was killed, about 50 were injured, a house was damaged by tectonic shocks, and the first house collapsed. the building has taken root in
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taipei, tiles have fallen from old buildings, subway and train operations have been suspended, landslides have occurred in different parts of taiwan, in addition, part of guishan island has collapsed, almost 90 thousand households are without electricity, the production of computer chips has been stopped, experts do not rule out that aftershocks may occur in the near future; the earthquake triggered a tsunami ; a threat of natural disaster has been declared in the japanese prefecture of akinawa, the highest red level.
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from the speedy release of gas hostages held in the sector. during the dispersal of the demonstration, a policeman was injured. north korea has transferred all tactical and strategic missiles of various ranges to solid fuel engines, as stated by north korean leader kim jinneung, while the problem of possibly equipping them with nuclear ones has been resolved. warheads. at the beginning of the week, pyongyang successfully tested the new hwasong-16 medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile. it was launched towards the japanese one. sea ​​and flew 1.00 km. further news from the regions: do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region is getting colder in moscow, today the temperature is starting to drop, during the day it will rain +15, in some places there will be frosts, the wind will increase to 17 m/s. the pressure will drop sharply
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and amount to 730 mmhg. the most this week will be cold thursday-friday up to +7 precipitation will continue. large-scale spring cleaning is underway in moscow. almost half a million utility workers wash building facades, roads and bridges, sweep courtyards and public gardens, and repair children's playgrounds. traffic lights and road signs are cleaned of dust, and then markings on the highways will be renewed. territories in the southeast of moscow are included in the comprehensive development project, as reported by sergei sobyanin. on the streets of vertoletchikov, maresev, lepchansky in the designed passage 4296 to build residential buildings, schools, children's gardens, shops and cafes, as well as industrial facilities. over 3,500 jobs will be created. thanks to the cameras, the number of car crashes in the capital has decreased 19 times over the past 11 years; photo-video recording systems scan the entire flow of cars on the roads and check the license plates against search databases. if a stolen vehicle is discovered , transport. the transport system instantly
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sends a signal to law enforcement agencies. we will tell you more about what is happening in the historic region in less than half an hour; all news is always available on the media platform look in the app or on the website see you.
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he was found by one of the workers from the landfill, the premiere on rtr, the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, but you have unsuspected unversions, it’s difficult for you and you can’t cope, i’m taking the children to my place, yours, i must say, wise woman, you can only trust in fact, irrepressible, restless, today on rtr, good morning, good morning,
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svetlana abramova and andrey petrov greet you today, it’s very nice that you joined us, there will be a new and... interesting in terms of information, the ministry of construction decided to assess which city is the most comfortable to live in now. among million-plus cities, the most comfortable environment is in moscow and st. petersburg. in third place is nizhny novgorod, pushing kazan to fourth position; the leaders in their groups, taking into account the population of yaroslavl, khimki and mytishche. the worst was the town of alzama, irkutsk region, scoring only 110 points. and if you look at the country as a whole, the share is comfortable. in recent years has grown by 2 times and there are already 759 of them 1117, in a single house you also want more comfort and order, meanwhile, the number of complaints against management companies grows every year, most of all financial issues, finding out
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what funds are spent on, what contracts are concluded, how much money is spent on repairs is sometimes incredibly difficult, look , in what condition our entrance is now, the walls are shabby. unfinished staircase, scary to go out into the common corridors, residents of the house on beloborodova street 4 in mytishchi near moscow live as if in catacombs, planned renovation the management company started building the entrance more than a year ago, they abandoned it in order to understand where their money was going, the initiative group made a request to their service organization, in the end they provided us with an answer, that they uploaded the information to the gizk, supposedly all the information is available, that’s how much for the house cash accrued at? interest collection, yes, and they wrote off the same amount, and this is not much, not little, more than 600,000 rubles per month, the entire amount is spent, but it is impossible to understand for what exactly, there is no specification, we decided to ask this question in the uca office, alas, our visit caused confusion, there is no need to remove me, we
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cannot tell you anything about the house and we also do not have any information, the residents do not intend to give up, they will ask the prosecutor’s office for help in understanding the financial documents , a similar situation in this: a house in the center of kemerovo. the condition of the entrances of the entire farm does not stand up to criticism. managers regularly collect money every month, but what they spend it on is a mystery. nothing to do. we are collecting money from all over the house, but the management company is not working at all. and such situations are happening all over the country . today, rights organizations are virtually unaccountable to residents. any information has to be pulled out with pincers. by law , companies are required to post financial information on a special portal, but this is of no use. the problem is that gizkh, it is not owner-oriented and in general the owner is not the target audience. a very complex system for registering and searching for information in the housing and public utilities department; in general, it actually
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leaves any owner with no luck. can't figure it out even experts in the field of housing and communal services can , let alone ordinary people, it turns out that with such a uca system, commercial organizations aimed at... profit are generally unaccountable, and where there is no control of the owners, chaos begins. the opaque system needs to be changed, experts and state duma deputies are sure. my colleagues and i have now prepared and submitted for preliminary approval by the government a draft law that regulates the information that should be contained in the report, this is exactly the amount of money collected around the house, quantity, list of services performed under the management contract, cost. that is, people will see exactly how their money is managed, this is the key to quality work in any service sector, especially housing and communal services, only strict reporting will force the management company to conscientiously fulfill its duties and be responsible for every penny of residents. well , in general, there is something to discuss with our guest, in
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the studio, a member of the chamber of commerce and industry committee on entrepreneurship in the field of housing and communal services konstantin krokhin. konstantin viktorevich, hello, to be honest, we were just watching the story, i thought that we would like this diagram. simple, i don’t even agree with some colleagues that it is impossible to understand jkha, there is information there, the problem is that not everyone supplies it there, not all management organizations, today is the twenty-fourth year, we cannot do it all year achieve inspections because the government has declared a moratorium, in our story, respected deputies said that there are bills to be approved now with the government, everything under this bill will be written down, how much paint was spent is written in the column. how much money did they spend, how much paint did they spend on the walls, everything too, well, that is, everything will be painted, it will somehow help, in your
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opinion, it will make it more transparent, or now you can get the same thing from them, if we talk from land, as they say, from the sakha, well, of course it won’t help, what should the deputies do in my opinion, they are, in principle, aware of this problem, they must go further, they must go to the government to lift the moratorium on inspections, the second thing that will help everyone is to make housing supervision federal. so that housing supervision does not depend on local bosses, on governors, today the housing inspection protects the honor of the uniform, no one will do checks that spoil the statistics, in general , responsibility needs to be tightened, because sometimes everything really comes together, but the entrance is horrified, you are absolutely right, in in most cases, the reports that exist, everything agrees there. but in real life we ​​understand not may converge, because someone is making a mistake, somewhere the suppliers failed, but if you
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look at those reports that are in the gizk, everything converges to zero, and by the way, they have responsibility for those who fill the gizk with information for filling it out incorrectly for the general lack of information, who even monitors what is true or false, a very good question, housing supervision monitors the correct filling out of the gic, but almost 90%, but...
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check the management company to see if it calculates the tariff correctly. thank you for visiting us
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was a member of the chamber of commerce and industry committee on entrepreneurship in the field of housing and utilities, konstantin krokhin. thank you very much, thank you, it’s nice to start the morning with a cup of strong aromatic tea. look at the tart tonic bouquet, it will give you strength and vigor for the whole day. morning, time is yours. the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on the russia channel, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, it's alla, al, al, al, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, allo, alla, alla, taxi, who gave the order, i don’t recognize something, allah, from april 8th. at 21:20. no one can understand a woman better than another woman. that
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is why in many regions women's clubs are opened at employment centers, where you can find support, assistance in finding a job or training. the first such associations appeared last year thanks to the national project demography; now there are already several hundred of them. any construction of a composition begins. of the largest elements, in this case we told you that our focal point is a mango rose, complement the composition pineapples, dried apricots, dates, how to assemble the original one with your own hands. bouquets of dried fruits are shown to a participant in a master class by an experienced food florist, everyone succeeds, although most of the ladies are doing this for the first time, it was for a new experience that elena came here to the meeting of the women’s club, she once dreamed of being a flight attendant, but worked as a felcher for almost two decades, now i wanted something different. i am getting acquainted with new professions, with new, as it were, directions,
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and a women’s club, i hope that it will help me radically change my life by to the best. and indeed. a similar club has also opened here, this is its second meeting, but the participants can already boast of the results. i took a digital photography course to become a photographer, and it was quite educational and interesting. after training, i signed a social contract in the amount of 350 thousand. i bought photographic equipment for this amount, and now i make money
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doing what i love. and if you don’t dream of becoming a businesswoman, then the women’s club will not only help you find a suitable vacancy, but also prepare you. for the interview, they will work on with a speech and they will tell you what you should wear to your first meeting with an employer, and what it is better not to wear. if we come in jeans, some kind of jacket, a sweater, then we immediately show the employer that we do not take our work seriously. such visual lessons, as well as master classes, lectures, seminars, games, fairs and much more. the program of club meetings is very rich. every woman, as the employees of the employment centers assure , will definitely find something useful for herself and , importantly, you can come here. with children, each recruitment center has a children's corner and specialists ready to look after the child, and not only representatives of the fair sex can appreciate such a service; the opportunities that women’s clubs provide. we do not limit participants by gender or other criteria, but everyone comes, the doors are open to everyone. women's clubs began opening their doors last year thanks to the national project demography. today
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, more than 350 such associations operate on the basis of personnel centers in russia. their events have already accepted. participation of more than 20 thousands of women residents of the country, so far there are women's clubs in 51 regions, but judging by their effectiveness and demand, this figure will definitely grow. and then we take water and soap foam to paint. we'll talk about art where paint brushes are unnecessary in a few minutes. the phone rings, you pick it up and say hello? premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hi, this is alla, al, al, al, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla , taxi, who gave the order, i don’t recognize something, allah, from april 8 on rtr, the main thing
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total. hello andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr, len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking, vika died, it's me, vika, i'm alive, on sunday,
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my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what's wrong my proposal that we be together, hi, hi. “i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet kirill, this is lena, lena, this is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i have you kiss, well kiss, what 's going on, hello sister, sunday on rtr, 65 years ago you came to the theater." you are still serving in it, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent.
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everything comes from you, it’s some kind of gene, which is transmitted, it’s just a gift of fate, here’s shurka, it’s just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i want to stay in moscow, of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings , pegasus, after all, will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who, it’s zavyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping,
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i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, i’m afraid to wake up , make some coffee, hello, you’re stupid or something, i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of... then the car wash, in general this is incomprehensible, nothing, i’m still struggling, or the princess, whoever the prince chooses, you loved her, but most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday on rtr, spring in the soul, spring on the calendar , it’s wedding time, but how do you go about finding your betrothed? these shots are from a hungarian village
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halakyo, a beauty in national costumes, the party is in full swing and suitors with buckets are right there, each of the dancers is waiting for water to be splashed on her, hold me seven, otherwise i’ll run away, this is called, we’ll tell you another way to use water. take a sponge for washing dishes, or a regular mop, and start creating masterpieces. yes, you are smoother, smoother, you are more confident, hold your brush more confidently, otherwise you might think that you are just mopping the floor. are you still an artist? yes, after watching our videos today you you also won’t be able to relate to familiar things as before. rags and mops are not only a tool for wet cleaning of premises, but they are an amazing paint brush especially. it will appeal to those artists who prefer large-format canvases. in general, you can use anything for drawing
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, but the most suitable items are those that have already served their purpose, for example, you probably just throw away old toothbrushes, but you could create masterpieces with them. but you can watch this video endlessly, with me agree with millions of subscribers of the artist who mixes colors with an ordinary iron sponge, and you don’t even have time to understand how ordinary colored spots turn into a beautiful picture, by the way, he has an ordinary fork in his arsenal, a traditional sponge for washing dishes is suitable, with the help of it you can depict a very realistic sky or sea waves, the main thing is not to press too hard. so what, even a plastic bag will do? we inflate it, tie it, and the resulting sharp corner needs to be dipped in paint, for example, this pink one, then with a slight movement
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, real peonies will bloom on the canvas; all you have to do is add a little greenery; the still life is ready. in general, if you want to paint, don’t put it off until you buy paint brushes; everything you need is already at hand. listen, did you happen to mine? i haven’t seen the sponge, so this is my sponge, i’ve already told you how many times, it’s not for washing, it’s for creativity, let’s go show her what kind of picture i painted for her, then you can’t throw away the food in the store, give it to people, so where should i put a comma here? , discuss with an expert after the news, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. support measures, rehabilitation, medications, assistance in retraining, employment of veterans, and other issues were discussed by vladimir putin with
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the chairman of the state fund for...
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through a chat bot that will be downloaded to the mobile phones of these guys, we also have a hotline, and through our website, the guys will also be able to fill out this survey for us, i know that we have allocated the appropriate funds, but the ministry digital development will do this for the resources they have, and you will leave the money that is allocated to you in the treasury accounts, just be sure to write me a corresponding letter so that the intended purpose can be rewritten there accordingly, so that these funds additionally could be used to solve basic problems, to purchase rehabilitation equipment and improve their quality. more than 150 areas where nationalists accumulated manpower and equipment were liquidated over the past 24 hours in the special operation zone. in
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in the kherson region, crews of santsepek flamethrower systems destroyed camouflaged fortified positions on the right bank of the dnieper. in podkupinsky, the crew of t-90 tanks from the western district ensured the advance of assault units deep into the enemy’s defenses, while disabling its fortifications. in the novomikhailovka area, mortar men, using a large-caliber tulip gun, clear the way and provide fire support to assault units. one minute fire. correction of mortar fire is carried out using drones in real mode time. in the severodonetsk direction , nationalist strongholds came under attack from so-25 attack aircraft. magnitude 7.5 earthquake in taiwan. these are the most powerful tremors in the last 25 years. at least four people were killed and nearly 100 were injured. the house was damaged by tectonic impacts, the first floor collapsed on it, and the structure was rooted.
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tiles were bathed, subway and train operations were suspended in different parts of taiwan , landslides, in addition, part of guishan island collapsed, almost 90 thousand households without light, the production of computer chips was stopped. experts do not rule out that further tremors may occur in the near future. the earthquake triggered a tsunami. a natural disaster has been declared in the japanese prefecture of okinawa. the highest red alert level is in effect in china. our coastline is not in danger. the israeli army admitted that it destroyed a car in the gas, in which there were members of an international humanitarian mission, citizens of poland, australia and great britain. the command called what happened quote, a serious mistake. the australian prime minister said that he had already spoken with his israeli colleague and expressed his indignation at the murder of his compatriot. in addition to angry calls from abroad, benjamin netanya has to listen to the discontent of his own people.
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mass protests took place in jerusalem. tried to break through to the government building, they demand early elections and the speedy release of gas hostages held in the sector. during the dispersal of the demonstration , a policeman was injured. riots in several places at once in turkish cities, on the streets of special forces in complete deception and armored cars, shooting can be heard. the police are detaining the demonstrators. according to local media, the protests began after an opposition candidate in one of the cities was banned from participating in mayoral elections. pro-kurdish leader. the party called on supporters to take to the streets, which they did. next, regional news, don’t switch, residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now the news about the capital region in moscow is getting colder, the temperature is already will begin to drop, in the daytime +15 there will be rain
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and thunderstorms in places. will increase to 17 m/s. the pressure will drop sharply and amount to 730 mmhg . the coldest this week will be thursday-friday up to +7. precipitation. will continue. the capital's utility workers have begun spring cleaning. everything from highways to residential buildings and parks is put in order. in april we need to have time to wash and paint almost the entire city. artyom kuznetsov appreciated the scale of the work. april is the traditional time of the so-called month in moscow, when all utilities they go out to do a general cleaning of the city, wash, paint, repair, prepare the city for the spring and summer season. passers-by watch with interest as climbers on petrovka shampoo their way out of the winter dirt at home, the summer verandas started working just the other day, and soon the facades will shine, it’s purely beautiful, the regulars and restaurateurs are happy. we took out these tables yesterday and today it will be clean. the stalinist high-rise building
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on kotelnicheskaya embankment also takes an invigorating spring shower. the giant is putting the house in order. humpbacked marble arches cleaned of dirt using a bucket truck and a hydrant. the entrance group and lampposts are carefully tidied up by hand. accumulated over the winter. the dirt on the facades of houses is washed off with shampoo and water, this is a special product for washing facades, it does not harm the paint, that is, it does not destroy it, so that in the future we do not have to repaint these ladies every time every season. during these spring days, the city streets are washed several times by special equipment. after wintering , tunnels and bridges, underground passages, fountains and monuments are washed. will start updating soon road size they will repair , paint, and tidy up public transport stops. the janitors had already put their shovels away and took out cans of paint and brushes. are you currently renovating facades? yes yes. a lot of work, not so much. not that one, not so
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much. it's okay, that's enough. almost half a million employees of city services are taking part in the spring improvement of the capital, over 14 thousand units of various municipal equipment are involved. artyom kuznetsov, boris salnikov and alena felatova. news. traffic management center currently estimates the capital's busy highways as zero points on svobodno streets, difficulty on mkat from lipetskaya street to the south-eastern expressway on yaroslavskoye highway from sergeantskaya street towards the center, and difficulty also on the enthusiast highway from budyonny avenue to the aviamotornaya metro station. more than 450 educational institutions will be built in moscow in four years. sergei sobyanin spoke about the project. the quality of education and training will improve significantly. teachers. pre-professional classes and workshops for preparing for the unified state exam will appear in each district. in by the end of the year, colleges will update over 300 laboratories in popular specialties and create 10,000 additional places for ninth-grade graduates. the former industrial zone
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of the southern port will be transformed into a modern and comfortable area. residential complexes, social facilities, and innovative production offices will be built on an area of ​​more than 600 square meters. the embankment of the moscow river has been improved. animals left the indoor enclosures in the park due to sudden warming, many outside. monkeys take sunbaths. one of the primates watches passersby from shelters. lynxes bask with pleasure on the warm bark; they roll around on their backs after a hearty lunch. they can be seen in the old
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zasad territory. the capybara family also enjoys the spring sun. they found themselves outside for the first time since winter. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application. look at the website, see you. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lucshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world exciting and incendiary adventures. cheniya! welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. treat yourself to a first-class holiday
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vacation. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach. and azure waves. lio-resorts, we are here for you. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. kind
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morning, good morning, svetlana abramova, andrey petrov, greets you, hello, start the day with us, we will try to please you and cheer you up with an interesting broadcast, we remind you that morning of russia has its own interesting telegram channel, so subscribe, but this is after coffee after breakfast, and coffee after a digital detox, but what is that? detox, and this is a concept in one of the cafes in holland: when entering the establishment, you turn off all electronic devices in order to take a little break from social networks, calls, and annoying advertising messages. in the establishment does not have wi-fi, but there are books, a delicious menu and live communication, everything is like the eighties and nineties. surprisingly, even an hour spent in an offline cafe allows you to return to real reality. but with store products, on the contrary, you need to do it in a modern way, not throw away those that are crowded. suitability, and distribute free of charge to those in need, but so far every year 6 million tons of food
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from the shelves go straight to landfill and there are serious reasons for this, as alena kashtanova found out. today ktenia has this last address, the girl goes around at least five apartments a day, always tries to take away more, carrying bags of food is already a common thing for her. hello, ksenia, this is for you, keep it, thank you. i live nearby and distribute food to my neighbors. the volumes are always different - but in principle , everyone can handle about two bags in terms of weight, it’s not that difficult, and what ’s great is that in return we receive smiles from the people to whom this food is passed on. in stores, as a rule, a special cart is allocated for futsharing; bread and bakery products that are about to expire are in line . the 30th expires, then tomorrow is the last day, yes, tomorrow is the last day. another popular category is vegetables and fruits. do not quickly lose their presentation, and, accordingly , their attractiveness for the buyer:
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bananas with spots, bruised peppers, this is all not a quality product that would soon go into the trash bin. this apple is slightly dented and is suitable for footsharing, but this one with obvious signs of rotting will definitely go to waste. but strangely enough, the second option is more profitable for stores: the sticking point was the value added tax. yes, it is more profitable to recycle products today than to donate to charity, because by donating to charity we pay... in the state duma, there is another solution to the problem, not to give away, but to sell, for example, to
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social card holders at a big discount, it would be good to see shelf, on which there is always an expiring product, this of course allows people to navigate, this method of dealing with substandard is successful used abroad, so-called last-day shelves exist in russian stores, but you can’t call them popular yet, they didn’t choose them, they didn’t put them in, only fresh ones, yes, well, it seems to me, why not, in principle. if i looked at the appearance, i would probably buy it, well, because i need to feed the children, but there will definitely be a buyer for such a product, experts are sure, if this helps to reduce the volume of thrown away products even a little, then this can already be considered a success. let's discuss, we have a member with us today public council under rospotrebnadzor, chairman of the public organization for the protection of consumer rights, public consumer initiative, oleg pavlov. good morning, good morning, nd stumbling block. is it possible to cancel it for products with expiration dates in general? well, in the
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conditions we are talking about, when it is really more profitable for a retail chain to throw away goods, yes, than to give them to charity, of course, some measures need to be taken, in particular this may be, but we are still talking about large companies, chains, so-called, yes, but convenience stores, small medium-sized businesses, they don’t have vat there, but they also obviously need to offer some rules of the game that are common to everyone, so that everyone understands how... ideally, of course, the mechanism should be comprehensive, there shouldn’t be vat on everything, because it really won’t affect entrepreneurs on a simplified basis at all, it won’t stimulate them in any way, there should probably be some kind of shelves and discounts , and some. targeted shares, but not it’s not worth limiting yourself to vat alone, because vat is generally any tax savings, it will always provoke or latently have some tricks, unfair practices, a desire to direct more under this article - to direct, that is, here itself in fact , you really need to take a comprehensive approach, but how to oblige stores, let’s say, all stores
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, including small ones , to introduce shelves like this where products will be stored, but it’s very simple, for example, you and i have all heard about the project that we currently have is a russian regiment. here you can make a social shelf and promote it through online and non-online formats, here is your idea in general, how all this should have been organized for both large players and convenience stores , we are convinced that the tax status should be equal to recycling, then it shouldn’t be unprofitable to share these products, not give them to charity, there should be social shelves, there should be social categories of citizens, there should be discounts for everyone, even those who are not socially responsible so that people can simply buy the product so that, again, it is not subject to.
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that any new entities, they should not incur additional costs, here is a store, it already has shelves, refrigeration equipment, salespeople, an assortment, and nothing prevents you from simply highlighting a certain shelf or simply labeling additionally certain products and selling them, and the market separate - this is additional transportation, which costs money, these are additional premises, which cost money, and if you do it online, this is a wonderful solution, which will most likely be suitable, because many retail chains, large and even small shops, they are connected to various aggregators.
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ukratimoye neupokeva, premieres today at 21:20. amazing people, amazing seventh season. here's a real respect. in this matter, the most important thing is to take care of your head. on friday at 21:30. you can no longer surprise a tourist with exotic things, either on land or at sea, all that remains is the sky. skytanic, that’s what the giant concept was called.
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wait, but you don’t have to wait long for new cars; today our colleague, ivan zenkevich, is testing a chinese suv. the 500 tank has been sold in russia for about a year now, but the manufacturer has brought us a new modification, urban. let's see how it differs. the first thing we see is that the spare wheel is no longer hidden under the bottom, but is mounted on the fifth door. because of this, the length in one fell swoop exceeded the five-meter mark. moreover, the car has a solid exterior with a massive radiator grille, the cost is 6,300,000 rubles. rivals more oting paladin and howell h9 are available as well. g40, however, it is more compact. there are also changes in the interior, mainly in the passenger compartment, the seats have lost the massage function,
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and there is no longer a remote control for wireless charging service functions in the center armrest. but there is also a gain: a third row of seats has appeared in the arsenal; there is no noticeable space there, but a person of average height can go on a short trip without problems. with the backrests up , there's not much room in the trunk. a lot, but if you add them up, things change. by the way, the swing door equipped with a door closer, a feature you rarely see on suvs. the main difference between urban is under the hood. instead of a six-cylinder petrol engine, there is now a four-cylinder engine with electric assistance. thus, we have before us a hybrid car. an electric motor with a capacity of 54 horsepower is built into a nine-speed automatic transmission, with a total power of 299 horsepower. as many. as before, but the hybrid is noticeably economical. during active driving, consumption is 14 liters per 100 km, instead of the previous 20,
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and the hybrid has better dynamics, accelerating to hundreds require 8 seconds instead of 9.5. at low speed, this tank moves only on electric power, so there is silence in the cabin. due to the frame structure, the weight exceeded 2.5 tons. but despite this, the car handles well, but the ride is not ideal. no no. the rear continuous axle will buckle, that's the cross-country ability, i note: the all-wheel drive here is not differential, the front wheels are connected with an inter-axle clutch, but it works clearly and at the slightest hint of slipping the car becomes all-wheel drive. let's do conclusion: the version with four cylinders turned out to be more economical, a dynamic third row was added, but the hybrid costs half a million more, so decide for yourself whether to pay extra or not. and then...
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that’s it, especially since april 8, i’ve been on rtr, we
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go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, i’ve been warned, which means that any remedy there is a downside, information from the most competent sources, take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy, about yourself
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mainly from monday to friday on rtr, happy birthday to you, blow it out, on saturday, after graduation you fly to italy, and i finish my business here and... i’ll join you, if only i knew where you’ll lose, dad, dad, little little werewolf, if only you knew where you’ll find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you loved him in general, mom, from now on, in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you. we've only known each other for a few days, it's not enough, life doesn't give us any information, premiere on saturday on rtr. in thailand, a gang
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of monkeys are keeping an entire city in fear. primates scare local residents, rob shops and harass tourists. many shops have closed because they are suffering huge losses from hooligans. they have not only occupied the markets, but are also establishing their own order on the roads. the police created an entire unit to combat the organized monkey group. the fighters are armed with slingshots and tranquilizers. the most violent leaders have already been detained, sent to the reserve for re-education, and more severe measures will be applied it’s impossible, these animals are under the protection of the king of thailand, his majesty. but often living organisms do not interfere, but help people. our scientists have taken advantage of the abilities of bacteria; they are studying flowering in the hope of creating unique test systems and new medicines. the flash at the bottom of the test tube is not
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an led lamp, it is a unique ability of some microorganisms. today, with its help, scientists are trying to diagnose the disease; the glow shows whether a substance important for the life of the cell has appeared. if you if you want to find out something in a living cell, how something works inside there, usually you need some kind of reporter protein that will tell you with the help of light how it works in the cell, if you know what ’s broken in the cell , that means something can be corrected there. now siberian scientists are trying to put their acquired knowledge into practice; the task is serious; they want to create sensors that will react to substances with different intensities and spectrums of luminescence. the technique will allow you to find reasons ailments directly in the human body. the most promising are obtaining red belimescence, since living tissues are more permeable to red radiation. the analysis will look like this: a person will take
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a substance that can glow and accumulate where a certain one goes. pathological process, the light from it will be recorded by a special fluorescent tomograph; in a similar way , diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and melanoma can be detected. this laboratory in crimea is also engaged in similar research; the luminous molecules here were obtained from local aborigines, black sea bacteria. these are microorganisms that are isolated in our region, and what allows us to work with them is, secondly, they are native to other, exactly the same species or strains. there are no organisms in another region. the peculiarity of crimean bacteria is that they emit visible light, its intensity changes under the influence of active substances. in this case, scientists are using luminous microorganisms to create new antibiotics from plants: medicinal plants of the crimea, which contain enormous potential, and can be investigated by our methods for the detection of antibacterial substances, medicinal plants.
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it will be possible to test a particular plant for antibacterial properties in just 15 minutes. we’ll talk about ways to rid the school of hooligans in detail after the news, so who should i take for a pencil, i have a pencil, you ’re watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zubsik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today, all attention, defender of the fatherland, meeting vladimir putin with the head
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of the fund anna tseveleva, new solutions, initiatives. we must treat everyone with care and love, both directly to our soldiers and to their family members. attacks on diplomatic institutions are unacceptable. russia condemns the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus and calls on the world to take the same position, statements of our permanent representative at the un security council meeting. i was rooted, but i resisted. an earthquake in taiwan knocked down a multi-story building. in general, there is a lot of destruction, there are dead and injured. the fatherland defenders foundation received almost a million requests in less than a year of existence. significant some of these requests have already been fulfilled. the head of the fund, anna tseveleva, reported this to vladimir putin. a government structure was created to help participants and veterans of a special military operation. all issues are resolved in one window. lawyers, psychologists,
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representatives of the prosecutor's office, including the military, and military registration and enlistment offices are working on site. well, noticeable ones remain, what should you pay attention to? process. the president promised to extend the designation of combat disabled veterans to former private military personnel. company, and also resolve the issue of providing manually operated vehicles to the seriously wounded. particular attention
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to those who, after returning from the front , begin a peaceful life again. they can get an education or improve it. for those who want to start a business, there is the opportunity to undergo appropriate training. vladimir putin asked that the fund’s employees maintain a humane attitude towards everyone.
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in russia, the number of people wishing to serve in the armed forces under contract has increased sharply, as reported by the ministry of defense, many of them those who now come to the selection points say that they were prompted to such a decision by recent events in crocus cityhole, people with weapons in their hands want to defend their country. many people have their own businesses there, their own affairs, apartments, houses, families, they just went there because of this whole situation, that it’s time to stop all this disgrace, well, let’s just do it.
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experts do not rule out that aftershocks may occur in the near future. the earthquake triggered a tsunami in the japanese prefecture of okinawa, a threat was declared natural disaster. the highest red
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alert level is in effect in china. our coastline is not in danger. at a meeting of the un security council, our permanent representative vasily nebendze called on israel to condemn the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. the diplomat said that he was counting on a fair assessment of the situation, noting that russia. strongly condemns the raids on the sovereign territory of syria that israel continues to carry out and regards them as a gross violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity. the airstrike on the diplomatic building was in monday. the attack killed seven iranian soldiers, including two generals. the israeli army admitted that it destroyed a car in the gas, in which there were members of an international humanitarian mission, citizens of poland, australia and great britain. the command called the incident a serious mistake. the australian prime minister said that he had already spoken with his israeli colleague and expressed his indignation at the murder of his compatriot. in addition to angry calls
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from abroad, benjamin netanyahu has to listen to the grievances of your own people. mass protests took place in jerusalem, people tried to break through to the government building, they demand early elections and the speedy release of gas hostages held in the sector. during the dispersal of the demonstration. a policeman was injured. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are eliminating the consequences of floods in the regions of russia in the samara region, despite the spill, the residents of one refused to leave their homes. people across the drawbridge. delivers water, food and basic necessities, through it they take the children to the neighboring school. in orenburg , an entire microdistrict is half-flooded; the flood situation throughout the orenburg region remains tense; a section of the m5 ural highway is closed. further regional news, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now
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news from the capital region in moscow there is a cold snap, today the temperature will begin to drop, in the daytime it will be +15, there will be rain, thunderstorms in places, the wind will increase to 17 m/s, the pressure will drop sharply and will be 730 mm hg, the coldest this week will become thursday-friday, up to +7, precipitation will continue. there is a large-scale spring cleaning in moscow, almost half a million utility workers are washing the facades of buildings, roads and bridges, sweeping courtyards and public gardens, and repairing children's sports facilities. 4296 to build residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, shops, cafes, as well as production facilities, over 3,500 jobs will be created. over 2,000 windows were replaced in the entrances. houses as part of a major
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overhaul, specialists install double-glazed windows that retain heat and protect from noise, they serve for more than 20 years, the overhaul program includes about 30 thousand houses, their engineering systems will be updated and elevators will be replaced. more details about events in the capital region in less than half an hour, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic delluch, golf bellet.
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the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek. where is life? turns into a fairy tale: where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on tour around to all liberated territories, what impression it makes today, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny. from monday
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to friday on rtr, good morning, good morning, today is wednesday, april 3, andrey petrovan, in front of you, join, join, learn a lot of interesting things, the time for passing school exams is approaching, but even when all of them have been passed and the last call is long ago rang, terrible dreams about studying. follow adults around the world, make them feel stressed every time your heart is beating fast, how familiar all this is, it’s interesting that the reasons are clear, everyone was waiting for a recipe for deliverance, american doctors say they seem to have found a method, so, you’re tormented by a school nightmare, write it down in great detail, try to understand what emotion you experienced at the same time, it could be a fear of criticism or evaluation, and school is just an image through which the subconscious gives you these signals, but what does it do? with the nightmare behavior of the students, not
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in a dream, maybe it’s time to return grades for diligence and discipline, let’s listen, what will the experts say, show me a life hack, don’t hit someone who is down, it seems that modern schoolchildren are not familiar with this rule, teenagers witnessed a brutal fight among first-graders, one of them asked to finish off the boy again on camera, i saw something that they were having a conflict there, here i saw that they started to fight there, i took pictures, based on the results of the investigation. the provocateur was transferred to a special school, and the director was reprimanded for not correcting the children’s behavior in time, but it happens differently, the child is hyperactive, ivan nagod older than their classmates, there is nowhere to put their energy... my mother says that such children also need to be re-educated. ivan sometimes gets cocky, we have all sorts of stories, argue with the guys, and it even comes to fist fights, but we stop it all in time. but in general, today the school has no leverage over violators, except for conversations, admonishments and calls from parents, with the risk that
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they will also blame the teacher for everything. during my school years, the assessment for behavior in the diary, later in the certificate, kept many within limits. firstly, failure was a signal to parents, and secondly, he could... spoil his graduation characteristics, even if he studied well, after 30 years they remembered about the grades, there should be some kind of feedback, albeit not in a strict form, but on the other hand, why not, give it, probably at the end of the year, so that then this assessment matters, the assessment in the diary, it somehow disciplines both children and parents, there are other opinions: parents are afraid of nagging from teachers, this happens, and teachers have conflicts with... . parents, but the school knows exactly those who disrupt lessons, who are insolent elders, tricks the younger ones, and must intervene, and not pretend that she is only teaching to read and write, these are the rules, where it is possible, where it is not possible, what is possible, what is not, of course, the child learns while studying at school,
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and this is then is transmitted to them in everyday life, psychologists say that the center of self-control is formed in the brain of children from the age of 6, which means that a first-grader can already be taught that adults will... evaluate his behavior, in order to give such an assessment, you need a clear list of rules so that the child realized that i follow all the rules, for example, out of 10 points, for this i get an a, there i fulfill eight points there, but for that i get a b, the rules are already written in the school charters, you just need to draw up a conduit according to age and introduce the children to it, and so that the grade does not hung in the air, to create a mechanism that works both in one direction and in the other, this could be, say, a minus in the certificate. minus some points, yes or vice versa plus good points for behavior, you can do that too, it will stimulate them, i think that in this case the system will work, the main thing is not to give a grade for the sake of a tick and a report; without exaggeration, the future of the country depends on what kind of children the school raises today.
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the assessment has something to add; the recent case of the mathematics olympiad at the samara polytechnic university, when mathematics tasks were posted online, caused a great resonance and... reminded us of the global problem of such competitions that give students benefits when entering universities. many schoolchildren, their parents, even the teachers themselves, consider district and municipal olympiads to be the most let's just say, dishonest. our viewers report, teachers suggest, answers can be easily acquired, even right in the process of writing the work itself. we will talk about how to set up this system in the studio, the chairman of the commission on education and training of the public chamber, natalya kravchenko. natalie, good morning. samara olympics. has existed since ninety-three, can you imagine how many violations have happened during this time, could have happened, and violations, that’s why the question arises then such olympiads, they actually discredit those that honest ones, where the kids really
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win, well, the olympiads, which are dishonest and really are not needed, i could give an example of the practice that exists in the corporate world, they sign an agreement, and not disclose it, then administrative issues arise. criminal liability, well, it’s time to punish, maybe some technical devices will help to maintain this control, let’s say frames so that phones don’t go through, or hang up video cameras, but today technical solutions make it possible in general transfer the school municipal regional stage to a remote format, covid has taught us to use new technologies, proctoring technology is actually quite effective. in order to practically exclude, well, cheating or help, hints, well, in the national technological olympiad, to which i am involved, we do not have such a thing as a regional stage, but we see that, for example , from novosibirsk we have a large
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number of participants guys or from the moscow region, yes, but in this regard, well, the region notifies the guys are informed of this possibility, but have nothing to do with it, that is, there in their place they are so qualified that they are not wrong. he talked about the need to tighten responsibility and perhaps punish not only those who place, but also those who try to deceive, and well, in some schools and universities, in the culture of the educational organization. cheating is not supported, you can write off, but once, yes, after that you simply leave the educational
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organization without the right of reinstatement, you there are no local qualifiers, but it’s possible to do the opposite, a local qualifier as the beginning of some kind of all-russian all-russian tour, and in fact , then the relationship would be like along the entire vertical from beginning to end from the very bottom stage, the control would be absolutely the same all-russian, well, here you need to compare the content. chairman of the commission on education and education of the public chamber natalya kravchenko. thanks a lot. thank you. svetlana
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nemolyaeva. it was, of course, a test. it was very difficult. goncharov wanted with me work, but at the same time i had the feeling that he hated me. he screamed, he shouted, he destroyed, he almost beat me once. the horror was that he was always right. i had a cross. i told myself that i would endure it. all the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday at 15:00 on the russia channel. and we were waiting for this. the state duma has increased liability for annoying telephone advertising. for violation of requirements, fines for both individuals and legal entities will increase. responsibility for spam calls for credit institutions. daria tiunova will tell you about the amounts of penalties. well, they call quite often, they offer various services, dentistry, these are banks. they call like... either at work or doing something, it sometimes starts to get boring. they call
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several times every day, but i basically try not to take my hand. spam calls have been bothering russian citizens for several years; services from medical institutions, lawyers, fitness clubs, beauty salons, business advice or advertising of bank loans are offered at on the other end of the line, anything you want, but according to the law on advertising, such distribution of advertising is possible only with the prior consent of the subscriber, however, the state duma recently passed a law according to which for such... the fine for spam calls for individuals will be from 10 to 20 thousand rubles for officials from 20 to 100 and for legal entities from 3000 to a million rubles. in the amendments, legislators paid special attention to the problem of spam calls from microfinance organizations for distributing advertisements for loan services without specifying all conditions determining its full cost. we separately highlight credit institutions, that is, banks and microfinance organizations. here, of course, there are questions about completeness,
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rub. detection of such violations will work on the principle of complaints; citizens whose phones do not go away from such advertising must write a statement on the portal of the federal antimonopoly service in the section to file a complaint about spam advertising. to do this, you need to select your telecom operator, fill out the data and submit the application. a photo of the screen is taken when a complaint is submitted, it submitted electronically. this fact can be added. you need to understand that it is not necessary that this particular document, this photograph will be evidence, because. uh, the department can send a request to the operator, whether there was such and such a mailing
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, who is the customer, that is, today these electronic traces are quite easy to identify, there is no need to write calls, there is a time of the call, there is a phone number from which this happened, and this there will be enough information. such a measure, according to the authors ideas will significantly reduce the number of spam calls, therefore saving citizens from unnecessary advertising, and most importantly, from unexpected expenses. and then, don’t forget to set the clock forward 100 years ago. alesa seleznyova returns to the big screens, and the fantastic, in every sense in the film based on the book by kir bulychev, details in a few minutes. servant, we lack some courage, the premiere is on rtr. oh sorry. kolpakova, just wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, in front of her alone, andrei
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chernyshov, why are you like snow on... how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me. from april 8 on rtr, we will remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov, vladimir, we had an amazing garden, we played football in dodgeball, i was kicked out all the time,
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evening andrei malakhov's show on saturday on rtr, i'd like to stay in moscow, of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you'll draw it, we'll look at the weekend, so what? liked who this is zavyalov. our owner, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, i’m afraid to wake up, make some coffee, hello, you’re stupid or something, i’ll have to fire you, actually i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of car wash here , you are generally incomprehensible to this mum, it’s okay, i’m still
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fighting, or the princess, who will the prince choose, and you loved her, yes, most likely not? and you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday, 65 years ago, you came to the mayakovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if i take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty, like talent, your heart also said something to you, we had a very quick romance, very quickly we... in my heart all this was said at once in an office romance, i always felt sorry for you, in fact you are a homewrecker, i i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot
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about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s simple. a gift of fate, this is shura, it’s just some kind of happiness. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr, so that dreams come true. on sunday. i'm counting down the minutes until the evening when we meet again. this is my lena and she will be with me. and who are you? let her tell you. well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness. stop, please. hello sister, the situation. day off, i'll do something, i don't know what yet, but i'll do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr, let's just say it's outside it’s already the twenty-fourth year of the computer age, but only now the manufacturers have heard the pleas of players in the virtual space, they asked, make
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a chair so that you can sit through shooting games, adventure games for a day and not need to know anything. the announced new product has six mechanical manipulators with different functions, lost headphones will be found, and teeth will be brushed, combed, fed, and even given a massage, or they can be replaced in the game at the most crucial moment, in fact, everything is usually done by the mother, also science fiction, now in cinemas, on april 18 the film 100 years ago, based on the story of the same name by kir bolychev, will be released, that’s what’s important, the favorite story about alisa seleznyova, which more than one generation has grown up with, will be told. in a completely new way, i hear the voice in general, this is a gosya from the future, it’s amazing, beautiful, powerful, explosive, this is a movie with a wonderful message, you sit in suspense and wait, how will it end,
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and it would seem to be possible to predict the next turn of events , a completely familiar story to everyone from childhood. impossible, fantastic the phenomenon can be explained simply, it is completely different, the scene of action has changed, the age of the characters has changed, in fact it influenced everything further, it was a story about... pioneers, now it is a story about modern schoolchildren, they live in today, don’t piss me off , gerasim, fuck you, gerasim is me, kolya gerasimov, and kolya gerasimov does n’t care about the future, he would like to figure out what kind of miracles are happening in the present, but time is a mysterious substance, and somewhere out there 100 years in the future , an amazing meeting awaits him, which will make him the space-time continuum will shudder, now 200. that in the twenty -fourth year sounds plausible, in 100 years everything will be different, but no, because eternal values, friendship, love, family, are eternal, never to change, alas, evil
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still does not sleep, but at any time there will be young heroes who can stand in its way. 100 years ago, this is an ultra-modern blockbuster with amazing special effects and stunts, but in the traditions of russian culture. if you look at the picture, you will remember some iconic paintings. who - who have accompanied you for the entire life of new russian cinema, these are ours, our favorite actors, stars victoria isaakova, konstantin khabensky, alexander petrov, fyodor bondarchuk, who gave his voice to the legendary robot werther, as well as the talented young generation dasha verishchagina, mark edelstein will tell this fantastic and immortal story about good and evil, a story for all times and for all generations. very exciting, the fate of the milky way planet, three galaxies in our hands, welcome to our birthday
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cinematic universe, a journey into the future will begin very soon on april 18 in all cinemas in the country. and then, well, we’ve had breakfast, now we need to cover up all the things, because they say that today the painters will be walking around the floors, but they were supposed to finish the current renovation of the house in the fall, the painters have just gathered here. by the way, the door also depends on the smell, let’s try it and remove it, boss, or maybe this column, and oh, hello, i personally don’t really like this color, then choose the color yourself and paint it, here tell me who in general, he controls this work, from the ongoing renovations of houses, which never end , they endlessly waste our people’s money, we’ll talk in detail after the news, well , we’ll hang everything up, they’ll get everything dirty. yes, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you. hello, let's talk about
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the main thing today. support measures, rehabilitation, medications, assistance in retraining and employment of veterans. these and other issues were discussed by vladimir putin with the chairman of the state fund for supporting participants in a special military operation, defenders fatherland by anna tsiveleva. she told the president what the fund received in less than a year. almost a million requests, a significant part of them have already been processed, everything is done in one window. vladimir putin promised to resolve issues with the provision of manually controlled vehicles to those who were seriously injured, as well as to regulate the assignment of combat disabled status to former employees of private military companies. an important area of ​​the foundation’s work is to find out what else is needed by those who were or are currently in the north-west region. i asked you this to do in due time is...
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so that these funds can additionally be used to solve basic problems, to purchase rehabilitation means and improve their quality. more than 150 areas of concentration
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of nationalists' manpower and equipment have been eliminated over the past 24 hours in the special operation zone. in the kherson region, crews of sentsepyog flamethrower systems destroyed camouflaged fortified positions on the right bank of the dnieper. near kupinsk, crews of t-90 tanks from the western district ensured the advance of assault units deep into enemy defenses, with this disabled its fortifications. in russia the number has increased sharply. an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 in taiwan is the most powerful tremors in the last 25 years, at least four people were killed, almost 100 were injured,
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a house was damaged by tectonic shocks, and the first house collapsed. floors and buildings were rooted, tiles fell from old buildings, subway and train operations were suspended, landslides in different parts of taiwan, in addition, part of guishan island collapsed, almost 90,000 households were without electricity, the production of computer chips was stopped. experts do not rule out that further tremors may occur in the near future. the earthquake triggered a tsunami, and a natural disaster was declared in the japanese prefecture of akinawa. the highest red alert level is in effect in china, ours. the coast is not in danger. north korea has converted all tactical and strategic missiles of various ranges to solid fuel engines. as north korean leader kim chenin said, the problem of possibly equipping them with nuclear warheads was resolved. at the beginning of the week, phinyang spent successful testing of the new hwasong-16 medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile. she flew 100 km. in the orenburg region, the number of flooded
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areas is growing due to... flood caused road closures in private residential areas, streets turned into torrential torrents. there is a similar situation in the buinsky district of tatarstan, where water drains away from the roadway. in the altai territory , agricultural machinery is used to move between villages. in barnaul there is a flood in cemeteries in sochi. as a result of a landslide , a wall collapsed on the railway. the trains were launched according to one way in both directions. repair and restoration work is currently underway. further. regional news: stay tuned to residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital region: there is a cold snap in moscow, today the temperature will begin to drop, in the afternoon it will be +15, there will be rain, thunderstorms in places, the wind will increase to 17 m/s. the pressure will drop sharply
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and amount to 730. precipitation will continue. the capital's utility workers have begun spring cleaning. puts everything in order, from highways to residential houses and parks. in april we need to have time to wash and paint almost the entire city. artyom kuznetsov appreciated the scale of the work. april is the traditional time of the so-called month in moscow, when all public utilities go to work. for cleaning the city they wash, paint, repair, prepare the city for the spring-summer season. passers -by watch with interest as climbers on petrovka wash their houses of winter dirt with shampoo. summer verandas started working just the other day, and soon the facades will also shine. it’s clean and beautiful, and the restaurateurs are always happy. we yesterday we took these tables out and it will be clean today. the stallinsky vysotka on kotelnicheskaya embankment also takes an invigorating spring shower. the giant is putting the house in order. humpbacked marble
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arches are cleaned of dirt using... towers and hydrants, the entrance group and lampposts are carefully put in order by hand. the dirt accumulated on the facades of houses over the winter is washed off with shampoo and water. this is a special product for washing facades; it does not harm the paint, that is, it does not destroy it, so that in the future we do not have to repaint these houses every time, every season. in these on spring days, the city streets are washed several times by special equipment. after the winter , they wash tunnels and bridges, underground passages, fountains and monuments, they will soon begin to update road markings, they will repair and paint the bumpers, they will put public transport stops in order, the street cleaners have already put their shovels away and taken out cans of paint and brushes, you are now updating the facades, yes yes , a lot of work, not that much, not that much, just enough, almost half a million are taking part in the spring beautification of the capital.
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350 educational institutions will be built in moscow in 5 years, sergei sobyanin spoke about the project. pre-professional classes and workshops for preparing for the unified state exam will appear in each district. colleges will update by the end of the year.
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as part of the overhaul, specialists install double-glazed windows that retain heat and protect from noise. they have been serving for more than 20 years. the overhaul program includes about 30,000 houses; their engineering systems will be updated and elevators will be replaced. at the moscow zoo, due to sudden warming , many animals left the internal enclosures outside. monkeys take sunbaths. one of the primates watches... similar from a shelter, lynx bask with pleasure on the warm bark, they roll on their backs after a hearty lunch, they can be seen in the old territory during the siege. the kopybar family is also enjoying the spring sun; they are outside for the first time after winter. and while that's all,
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take care and see you soon.
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they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal beach, where everything is included, except heads, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex. good morning, good morning, you are greeted today by svetlana abramova and andrei petrov, it’s very nice that
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you joined us, it will be a new and interesting day in terms of information, yes, in which city is life most comfortable now , the ministry of construction has undertaken to evaluate, among the million-plus population the most comfortable environment in moscow and st. petersburg. pushing kazan to the fourth leading position in their groups, taking into account the happiness of the population of yaroslavl, khimki and mytishche. the worst was the town of alzama, irkutsk region, scoring only 110 points, and if you look at the country as a whole, the share of comfortable cities has grown 2 and a half times in recent years and there are already 759 of them out of 1.17. in a single house, you also want more comfort in between. the number of complaints against management companies grows every year, most of all financial issues, finding out what funds are spent on, what contracts are signed, how much money is spent on repairs is sometimes incredibly difficult, look
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at the state of our entrance now, dilapidated walls, unfinished stairs , v it’s scary to go out of the common corridors, the residents of the house on beloborodova street 4 in mytishchi near moscow live as if in catacombs, the management company began planned renovation of the entrance more than a year ago, abandoned it in order to understand where their money was going, the initiative group made a request to their service organization. in the end, they provided us with an answer, that they uploaded information to the housing and communal services department, supposedly all the information is available, this is how much money was accrued for the house with 100% collection, yes, and the same amount they wrote off, and this is not much, not little, more than 600 thousand rubles per month, the entire amount is spent, but it is impossible to understand exactly what, there is no specification, we decided to ask this. question in the uk office. alas, our visit caused confusion. there is no need to film me, we cannot tell you anything about the house and we also do not have any information. residents do not intend to give up helping. they will ask
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the prosecutor's office to sort out the financial documents. there is a similar situation in this house in the center of kemerovo. the condition of the entrances of the entire farm does not stand up to criticism. managers collect money regularly monthly, what they spend on is a mystery. nothing, we are collecting money for the entire house, but the management company is not working at all. and such situations are happening all over the country. today, rights organizations are virtually unaccountable to residents. any information has to be pulled out with pincers according to the law. information on a special portal, but this is of no use. the problem is that the company is required to post financial information, it is not aimed at the owner and in general the owner is not the target audience. very complex registration system and searching for information in gizk, it actually leaves any owner without a solo gulp. even experts in the housing and communal services sector cannot figure it out. and what can we say about ordinary people, it turns out that with such
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a uca system, commercial organizations aimed at profit are generally unaccountable, and where there is no control of the owners, chaos begins, the opaque system needs to be changed, experts and state duma deputies are sure, we are now with colleagues prepared and sent for preliminary approval to the government a bill that regulates the composition of information that should be contained in the report, this is precisely the amount of money collected. housework, quantity, list of services performed under a management contract, the cost of these services, that is , people will see exactly how their money is managed, this is the key to quality work in any service sector, especially housing and communal services. only strict reporting will force the management company to conscientiously fulfill its duties and be responsible for every penny of the residents. well, in general, there is something to discuss with our guest, there’s a member in the studio committee of the chamber of commerce and industry on entrepreneurship in the field of housing and communal services, konstantin krokhin. konstantin viktorich. hello, to be honest, we were watching the story just now, i
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thought that we could use the scheme that the prosecutor’s office uses, so they can figure it out, because experts can’t figure out all these formulas, ordinary citizens can’t , the prosecutor's office, can you at least give us this diagram of how to calculate everything? you know, the scheme is quite simple, but i don’t even agree with some colleagues that it is impossible to understand the children, there is information there, the problem is that not everyone supplies it there, not all management organizations today. all year we have not been able to achieve inspections, because the government has declared a moratorium, in our story, dear deputies, they said that there is a bill that is now being agreed upon with the government, everything under this bill will be written down, how much paint was spent is written in the column, how much money they spent, how much paint went into the walls, everything too, well, that is, everything will be written down, this will somehow help, in your opinion, will this make it more transparent or can we get the same thing from them now? speaking from the ground, as they say, from the plow, well, of course,
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will not help, what should the deputies do, in my opinion, they are, in principle, aware of this problem, they must go further, they must contact the government about lifting the moratorium on inspections, second , which will help everyone, it is necessary to make housing supervision a federally integrated structure, as it is the ministry of emergency situations, as it is in rospotrebnadzor, so that housing supervision did not depend on local bosses, on governors, today the housing inspection... protects the honor of the uniform, no one will do checks that spoil the statistics, in general , responsibility needs to be tightened, because sometimes everything really comes together, and the entrance is already in a terrible state, you you are absolutely right, in most cases, the reports that exist, everything agrees there, but in real life we ​​understand, it cannot converge, because someone is mistaken, somewhere the suppliers failed, but if you look at those reports, which are in gizkh, everything converges to zero there, and by the way, they have the responsibility of those who? supplements the housing and communal services with information for
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incorrect filling out, for the absence of information at all, who even monitors what is correct or incorrect, a very good question, housing supervision monitors the correct filling out of the housing and communal services, but almost 90%, and maybe 95% of management companies do not comply with all legal requirements for filling out, and what do you think are the consequences, none, if you go back to the housing inspection? its federal significance housing inspection, it should be some kind of separate ministry, it should be under the auspices of the ministry of construction, where is it, who is it, who should be proven there, it could be, it could be a body under the auspices of the ministry of construction, another initiative that supported by the deputies, this is to divide the ministry of construction and housing and communal services into the ministry of construction and the ministry of housing and communal services, that is, if this decision is approved, then in this case there should be a special service under the ministry of housing and communal services called the service housing supervision. buildings for the condition of residential
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buildings, formally according to the housing code, the owners are responsible for this, but you understand that citizens cannot be responsible for buildings, housing supervision authorities should be responsible for this, as it was 15 years ago, who should be included in this organ? what kind of specialists, this body should include specialists from one side of the technical profile, today there are practically no housing inspections, in order to monitor wear and tear, accident rates, dilapidated houses, secondly, it should include specialists.
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the tea bouquet is tart and tonic; it will give you strength and vigor throughout the day. morning, time to brew azerchay. well, he's married. he is married, you are married. no, no, no, i, i, i'm not married. the man who was in your apartment and played with your child is not a husband. it's complicated. the indomitable restlessness. premiere. today at 21:20. no one can understand a woman better than another woman. that is why in many regions there are employment centers. they open women's clubs where you can find support, help in finding a job or training. the first such associations appeared last year, thanks to the national project demography, now there are already several hundred of them. any construction of a composition begins with
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the largest elements. in this case , we told you that our focal point is a mango rose. complements the composition. an experienced food florist shows a master class participant how to put together an original bouquet of dried fruits with her own hands; everyone succeeds, although most of the ladies do it for the first time. it was for a new experience that elena came here to a meeting of the women’s club; she once dreamed of being a flight attendant, but i worked as a felcher for almost two decades, and now i wanted something different. i am getting acquainted with new professions, with new, as it were, directions, and the women’s club, i hope, will help me radically change. and indeed, finding one’s place in the career sun is one of the main tasks of the women’s club at the orenburg employment center, but of course not the only one, for example, anna, a mother of many children, came here to relax when three children wanted to get distracted, take a little break from the children and spend time in the women’s team. this is where
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representatives of the fair sex can consult, communicate, find new acquaintances, generate new ideas, including opening their own business. the opportunity to do this came to the residents of the chuvash kanash, a similar club has also opened here, this is its second meeting, but the participants can already boast of the results. i took a course in digital photography to become a photographer, and it was quite informative and interesting, and after the training i entered into a social contract in the amount of 350,000, and purchased for this amount photographic equipment, and now i make money doing what i love, and if you don’t dream of becoming a businesswoman, then... the club will not only help you find a suitable vacancy, but will also prepare you for an interview, work on your speech and tell you what you should wear for your first job meeting with an employer, and what is better not to wear? if we come in jeans, some kind of jacket, a sweater, then we immediately show the employer that we do not take our work seriously, such object lessons, as well as master classes, lectures,
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seminars, games, fairs and much more, the program of club meetings is very rich, every woman, as employees of employment centers assure, will definitely find something useful for herself and, importantly, you can come here with children, every personnel center has a children's corner and specialists ready to look after the child and evaluate such service opportunities that women's clubs provide are available not only to the fair sex. we do not limit participants by gender or other criteria, but everyone comes, the doors are open to everyone. your own doors women's clubs began to open last year, thanks to the national project demography. today, on the basis of personnel centers in russia, there are more than 350 such associations; more than 20 thousand women from the country have already taken part in their events, while there are women’s clubs in 51 regions, but judging by their effectiveness and demand, this figure will definitely grow. and then we take
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water and soap foam to paint. we'll talk about art that doesn't require paint brushes in a few minutes. get dressed, well done, the premiere is on рrt, vasya, i’m from you left, i took yurka, nothing. from april 8 on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, dismount. place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, like at the front, the weather is cloudy
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and hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, eight of the equipment are moving reliably, and we have one of the vehicles there, the second one flew into kaukropsky, the hero of russia will be on tour, we all... i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well you can’t live with a sick child on the street,
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come to me, live what you want, but we won’t be long, she’ll take the little one away, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, we collected there were about ten people in the first group, there were short calls. “we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me, another shelling began, and they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, mine trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she brings this curba to the crowd, says: baby, feed the dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need some guys.
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spring in the soul, spring on the calendar, time for weddings, but how, one wonders, can one find one’s betrothed? hungarians propose to use this pre-christian method: cold well water is poured from buckets onto dancing, singing girls and boys. what is the point, as they say, it flows, it means it loves. these shots are from the hungarian village of halakö. a beauty in national costumes, a party in full swing and suitors with buckets right there. and each of the dancers is waiting for what exactly to happen to her. fall asleep with water, hold me seven, otherwise i’ll run away, it’s called. another way to use water, let’s say, take a sponge for washing dishes,
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or a regular mop, go ahead, create, draw masterpieces, you’re smoother, smoother, you’re more confident, hold your brush more confidently, otherwise you might think that you’re just mopping the floor , you are still an artist, yes, after watching our videos today, you will also not be able to relate to familiar things as before, rags and... this is not only a tool for wet cleaning of premises, but an amazing paint brush, especially for those artists who prefer a large-format canvas. in general, you can use anything for drawing , but the most suitable items are those that have already served their purpose, for example, you probably just throw away old toothbrushes, but you could create masterpieces with them. you can watch this video endlessly, millions of subscribers of the artist who mixes colors with an ordinary iron sponge agree with me, and you don’t even
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you manage to understand how ordinary colored spots turn into a beautiful picture, by the way, he has an ordinary fork in his arsenal, a traditional dishwashing sponge will do, with it you can depict a very realistic sky or sea waves, the main thing is not to press too hard, heck, even a plastic bag will do, we inflate it, tie it, and the resulting sharp corner needs to be... dipped in paint, for example, this pink one, then with a slight movement real peonies will bloom on the canvas, all that remains is to add a little green still life ready. in general, if you want to paint, don’t put it off until you buy paint brushes; everything you need is already at hand. listen, have you by any chance seen my sponge, so this is my sponge, i’ve already
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told you how many times, it’s not for washing, it’s for creativity. let's go, i'll show her what kind of picture i painted for her, well, that's it, our program for today ends, if you suddenly missed something, didn't see it and it would be interesting to watch, don't forget, our program has its own telegram channel, come in, subscribe, oh , have a nice day, great news, i'll see you tomorrow in the same place, at the same hour, remember what you did, goodbye. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this hour: we must treat everyone with care and love, directly to our soldiers and
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their family members. the president held a meeting. with the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation to find out what kind of help our soldiers and special operation veterans need, the situation, what about children.


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