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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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don’t forget, our program has its own telegram channel, come in, subscribe, have a nice day, great news, i’ll see you tomorrow in the same place, at the same hour, remember what i’m doing, goodbye. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this hour. we must treat everyone with care and love, both directly to our soldiers and members of their families. the president held a meeting with the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation to find out what kind of help our soldiers and special operation veterans need, the situation, there are just children there. the united states soberly refused
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to acknowledge its participation in the israeli strikes on the iranian consulate in damascus. what a disaster, i just want to say, i don’t believe it. tsavbezion held a meeting convened by russia at the request of tehran. and further.
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defenders of the fatherland have received assistance from the fund within a year of its creation. the head of the fund, anna tseveleva, told vladimir putin about this. there has never been anything like this in our country before, either after the great patriotic war or after local conflicts. conversation details in the kremlin with alexei petrov. conversation with the head of the fatherland defenders foundation, anna tseveleva, about how work has been developed to support veterans of the northern military district. it is one year since the decree on the creation of the fatherland defenders fund was signed. you’ve been working less since june, in my opinion, but really, during this time , amendments were recently made to the decree signed a year ago, in order to make your work even more productive, which we managed to do during this time, in 10 months of work of the state fund , a huge amount has been spent and received requests, today there are 910,000 requests, that is, we are approaching a million. we understand that the quality of the fund’s work
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is that, as quickly as we were able to resolve these appeals, there are 780,000 already resolved appeals. the work is progressing actively; in less than 2 months, branches of the fund began operating in all regions of the country, with 70% of requests coming from active military personnel, although the fund was originally created for those dismissed from service. help is provided in one window mode, at the place of work. special attention to the adaptation of residential premises, we are talking about installing special beds for the wounded and disabled, equipping apartments with a smart home system, what are the most visible problems that remain, what was needed? draw the attention of both your fund
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and departments in order to close it as quickly as possible. firstly, the most pressing issue is obtaining a combat veteran certificate. this is very important for the guys, because all further steps in obtaining social guarantees of assistance to defense states depend on this; report what they introduce electronic system now, right? well, we will be very happy if this helps. another problem is the mechanism for obtaining combat disabled status for former employees of private military companies. according to tseveleva, today they only undergo a medical and social examination, where they receive the status of disabled people due to a general illness, but they cannot pass the military medical commission, as a result, social payments are more modest. in february of this year, instructions were already given regarding the defenders of donbass, now the russian government federation. and prepared a corresponding
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draft resolution, but it did not include employees of private military companies, we would like to ask you to initiate you to supplement your instructions. one of the main tasks is to support those who, after returning from the front, have to essentially start life again. we have a category of guys who were seriously injured, are currently in wheelchairs or have a double amputation, that is, both lower extremities at once. and now we want to take the initiative to provide these guys with a manually controlled car. include in the list of rehabilitation means for a young man, this will perhaps be a fateful decision; he will be able to go to work, and especially when he lives in the village, to the store, to socialize, to go somewhere in order to generally stay in
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with such an active life agenda, we will assume that this issue has been resolved, the foundation has established cooperation with the country’s leading universities, the participants of the svo can receive an education or improve it for those who want to study. through a chatbot that will be downloaded to the mobile phones of these guys, we also have a hotline and through our website, the guys will also be able to fill out this questionnaire for us, i know that the appropriate funds have been allocated to you, but the ministry of digital development will do it for
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the resources they have, and leave the money allocated to you in the treasury accounts, just be sure to write to me. corresponding letter so that the intended purpose can be rewritten there accordingly, so that these funds additionally, it could be used to solve basic problems, to purchase rehabilitation equipment and improve their quality. there are many tasks, but the main thing is not the numbers, although they are extremely important, but the warm human attitude towards everyone. i see you constantly entering our conversation, always talking so warmly about those people with whom.
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a unit of the southern group knocked out another tank, it tried to fire at our positions, the armored vehicle burned to the ground. heavy flamethrowers from the sun were fired at the ukrainian fortifications on the right bank of the dnieper.
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after a large-scale strike, intelligence confirmed the destruction of several temporary deployment points in the kherson region. in the kupinsky direction, the tankers hit. i want such a misfortune not to come to my hometown, i came to visit a friend, we talked here, then this is the whole situation, children were killed there, the next day the military registration and enlistment office went, filed an application, in connection with these events everyone in moscow, what
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happened, plus the fact that the kiev regime is already crossing all boundaries of what is permitted, contracts with ministry of defense to participate in the special operation concluded. there are 16,000 russians, they are already undergoing training at training grounds; in total, since the beginning of the year , over 100,000 people have already entered military service in the armed forces, household... volunteers delivered toys to a large family from the lugansk people's republic, parents pavel and inna left a corresponding appeal in the ridovka fund's aid point also helps united russia in severo-donetsk. in total , there are seven such centers in the new region. you can go there for help and advice. a variety of issues, including receiving social benefits and searching for relatives. more than 2,000 people have already taken advantage of this opportunity. and to military personnel of different units. to the front line, representatives of united russia, the young guard and the nasha pravda foundation brought skvorets drones,
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electronic warfare equipment, reconnaissance equipment, as well as other equipment, more than one and a half thousand units in total. everything the soldiers asked for was delivered to the front. alexander dzasokhov, a man, a legend, a politician and diplomat, a writer and philosopher, turns 90 today. his the work in many ways became fateful for our country. he was not only a witness, but a participant.
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it was necessary to convince the hot-tempered castre that the ussr was a friend without missiles. instead of missiles, fuel, military experts, well, of course, but dzasokhov’s sphere is youth, political and personal contacts. he came up with a simple and elegant way to become friends with chagiwara. i, uh, spend several sundays on a machete, when i chop sugar cane, this is in the form of, so to speak, voluntary, so to speak, labor. he became a field diplomat, no red carpets,
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cozy offices. the ussr supported anti-colonial movements, and dzasokhov found himself where wars were going on, conflicts flared up or died out. he was the first to meet with the future president of independent angola, augustinio netto, to be the first to announce that moscow would support. he flew from country to country where civilian aircraft did not fly. for example, from more.
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we talked, the plant was saved, and he and i became friends, when a grandson was born into his family,
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he called me on the phone, we named our grandson allan, he restores theaters, congratulations on our theater, the suvorov school is opening, this is what he likes to talk about, and when beslan is mentioned , it’s like they’re taking out a living soul, then he offered himself in exchange for hostages, i’ve got all my merits, awards , honor... i would just throw it under my feet and crush it so that this would not happen, yet the republic lived, was being built, when alexander sergeevich went back to moscow, they didn’t forget him, in his life he managed to do a supernatural amount of things , and also managed to write books, in mainly about foreign policy, now he wants to write about his friends, changizi,
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terishkova, we’ll wait. this is the news, this is what will happen next in our program: cities in the southeast of turkey are in turmoil. the most powerful earthquake in the last quarter of a century occurred this night in taiwan and the flood zone in russia is expanding, real rivers are flowing through the villages. more about this and more after the advertisement. see you. rum castra is a product of stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to
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titanic luxury collection bowdrum. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here comes oh you are good. caress the obstinate one. he loves to grab the kukhtyam there. ah, yes. tame the biter. voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, welcome a stray , a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for your beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re in circle of friends, among
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friends, program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr. he was found by one of the workers from the landfill. premiere on rtr. the wounds were placed in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, right? you have no suspects, no leads, it’s difficult for you, and you can’t cope. i take the children to my place. and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman.
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a gift of fate, this is shura, it’s just some kind of happiness. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. on friday, on rtr. we continue to publish this news. the most powerful earthquake in the last quarter century , magnitude 7, occurred this night in taiwan.
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dozens of buildings were destroyed, some high-rise buildings were uprooted. according to preliminary according to data, four people died. hundreds of victims were taken to the hospital, now the subway is not working in taiwan, trains are not running, flights have been cancelled, 300,000 families are without power, the world's largest microchip production has stopped, dozens of aftershocks are being recorded , a full tsunami is expected in japan in the coming hours. cities in southeastern turkey are in turmoil, with fires burning in the streets, protesters building barricades, and riot police making mass arrests. eyewitnesses report gunfire and injuries. speeches began after the decision of the election commission to cancel the victory of an opposition candidate in local elections in one of the cities, the politician accuses of connections with the kurdish workers' party banned in turkey. its leaders urge
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supporters to continue their protests. russia circulated a draft statement to the un security council condemning israel's strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. american diplomats refuse to criticize tel aviv. and speaking at a meeting of the security council, our... pospriet vasiliyzi said that the blame for the escalation is on the neighboring the east will lie in the countries of the west. report by dmitry melnikov. russia convened an extraordinary meeting of the un security council at tehran's request. israel's missile attack on the iranian consulate in damascus was a violation not only of the security council's ceasefire resolution itself, but also a blow to one of the pillars of international law, the vienna convention on the inviolability of diplomatic facilities. i call on the international community. unconditionally condemn israel's reckless actions that violate the sovereignty of the syrian arab republics and inviolability of diplomatic property. the
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iranian consulate building in damascus was completely destroyed, said the country's representative to the un, zahra yarshadi. and the exact number of victims of the raid is still unknown. tehran places responsibility for this strike not only on israel, but on the united states and promises an adequate response. united states. bear responsibility for all crimes committed by the israeli regime. iran reserves its legal and inalienable right in accordance with international law charter of the united nations, to take decisive action in response to these reprehensible actions. washington hastily declares its non-involvement in israel's attack on the iranian consulate. moreover, the united states claims that it did not know that the syrian capital was being prepared for a raid, but is to blame for the bloody conflict that has been going on for six months. iran continues. the white house said the united states was not involved in yesterday's attack in syria. we also didn't know about it in advance. as we gather details,
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one thing is clear: iran and its proxies need to avoid escalating tensions in the region. representatives of syria itself call the israeli strike a violation of the sovereignty of the two states of iran and syria, despite public calls for the protection of civilians; washington, according to damascus, remains the main culprit.
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there is no israeli provocation left to drag america into a war with iran on the one hand, or a confrontation with the islamic world, including within the united states itself, on the other. following the attack on the iranian consulate, american muslim leaders planned meeting with president biden cancelled. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the prosecutor general's office has just sent inquiries to the united states, germany, france and cyprus regarding terrorist incidents. activities against russia. state duma deputies and a number of russian public figures previously demanded that all those responsible in western ukraine be identified. they have collected data that indicates the possible involvement of individuals and
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entities. located abroad to organize and finance a number of high-profile crimes, among them the undermining of northern flows of the crimean bridge, shelling of belgorod, murder of dari dugin and vladlin tatarsky. the russian prosecutor general's office expects that their western colleagues will conscientiously study the materials transferred to them and conduct an investigation. a state of emergency due to floods was introduced in the south of the orenburg region, where rescuers have already evacuated 270 people from the danger zone. tense situation in other areas of the region in orsk, the roadway is hidden under thick water, tram traffic in the city has been partially stopped, it is unsafe today due to overflows on the federal highway that leads to the border with kazakhstan, water flows straight from there. in several villages , real rivers flow through the streets, melt water makes its way right through residential areas, and in the center of orenburg a park is flooded. in tatarstan, a rapid
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stream rushed into the village of isaakovo; according to the ministry of emergency situations , there were no casualties. in one of the altai regions , doctors have to get to patients on tractors; other vehicles cannot pass. in new moscow, a sports facility was flooded. on the first floor, glass broke and equipment was damaged. in yekaterinburg, residents several houses were blocked in the entrances due to a huge puddle in the yard. and in sochi a landslide hit the railway tracks. there were 70. soil and concrete structures on the rivers, and an operational headquarters was deployed on the spot. artificial intelligence will now keep order in the city and nuclear workers in kurchatov. a large digital infrastructure management project is being implemented by local authorities and rosatom corporation. receiving signals from a surveillance camera, the system is able to recognize dangerous situations based on human behavior and report potential offenses to the police. well, monitoring of service vehicles allows you to control the operation of harvesting equipment,
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except... this stop is also connected to the power supply system, connected to the internet, and the stop is also equipped with three video surveillance cameras and a terminal for calling emergency services, the so-called panic buttons. films about the events in donbass will be shown in omsk on...
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these are those who work in production, these are the volunteers who help them, and the omsk region, omsk industry, we know that people work in two to three shifts, and give their strength, probably no less with no less dedication, we really want this to be heard, they remember this, here i am holding the main prize of the festival in my hands, of course, there is still intrigue as to who will get it , but i want to draw attention to the unique design, the fact is that here is a fragment of a monument to a home front worker, under the guidance of professional
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filmmakers under... tatyana surova, daniil parshin, lead omsk.


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