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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] i want to stay in moscow, of course, i’ll get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, pigasus after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll see on the weekend. well, i liked it, it’s zavyalov, our owner, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello, you’re stupid, or something, i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i’m here i live, cinderella, some kind of just home, you can even comprehend this,
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nothing, i’m still sick, or a princess. who will the prince choose, and you loved her, most likely no, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to the house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase the low pressure? how can an air freshener cause asthma? how to take the medicine correctly? will always support! a bowl of macaroni and cheese is a pot of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor
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you can trust 100%. will you happiness, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, i’ll definitely get more health, dr. myasnikov on saturday at rtr, he was found by one of the workers from a landfill, the premiere at rtr, the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, you have neither suspects nor versions,
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it’s difficult for you and you can’t cope. product of stellar group.
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cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. in the program, where does the brutal appetite come from and what to eat so that you don’t want to eat, in addition to fats, it also contains dietary fiber, and this leads to the feeling that i’m suddenly hungry, i’ve been nodding all day, why do i want to sleep even during the day, what diseases can daytime sleepiness signal? 6-7 hours of sleep, half the time of sleep without breathing, what can help cheer up? how to survive hot flashes and slow down aging? hot flashes can be classified as a type of thermoregulation disorder. you need to force and overcome yourself to get into the habit of regular physical activity. i have shoulder pain, dr. agabkin will help you get rid of it. good morning. hello. as soon as a person stops exercising in the morning
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gymnastics, something hurts. moreover , the shoulders hurt in the weakest places, which results in pain, this is heaviness in the shoulders, and even when you convince yourself in front of the mirror that tomorrow... you will do exercises, it may not work out, which means you need to do it today, of course, whoever is ready to do gymnastics for their shoulders with us, please come out, well, look, usually how they do exercises, they do it first in one direction, yes, then they do it in another direction, then they do it in a third direction, well, that is , but this is already difficult, you can’t do that anymore, there are many, many things,
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so we will study the complex. uh-huh, please, great, yes, and now with both hands, one is looking down, this is the story, yes, no, no, mikhail, the palms remain all the time, okay, look, i ’ll do it especially for you now, look, slowly, can we first, yes, let's. so good, not bad, one two, one two, feel, good, good, by the way, and most importantly
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everything, and the shoulder blades too, yes, how many times should you do this exercise, yes literally 10-15 repetitions, 10-15 repetitions, shoulders are enough it won’t hurt, yes, you promise, yes, but if the doctor promised, then the shoulders... won’t, thank you, doctor, summer is coming, you want to be in good shape, but you can’t tear yourself away from the refrigerator, we’ll figure it out in the product of the day section, what to eat, whatever you don’t want to eat, stay with us, it seems like you woke up, had breakfast, you’re just about to get ready to eat, and your hand... just reaches out to the refrigerator, to grab something, at work, to grab something, some dryers and have a hearty lunch, and when you come home, promising yourself that you won’t have dinner, you see a piece
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delicious baked chicken, dip it in mayonnaise, put it in your mouth with a sense of self-worth, go to bed, what can i say, it seems to me that any modern person already knows that this is... unhealthy food, why, nevertheless, every time the hand treacherously reaches for a sandwich with some suspiciously pink sausage with a suspiciously thick layer of mayonnaise, as soon as a person gets nervous, but it seems to me that this is some kind of temptation, first of all it’s the smell , but on the one hand, everything seems clear, that is, for a person from ancient times, when he lived hungry and ran away from saber-toothed tigers, for him any food... was a sign that life was getting better, the same sausage that you got, people like it, why not because it’s really something straight tasty, but because there is some kind of liquid smoke, and accordingly it brings up some
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associations for a person, like somewhere he is grilling kebabs in nature, there is monosodium glutamate, which , even in the complete absence of meat, creates in the taste buds, it feels like meat there is and so on, that is... actually deceiving our receptors, this is not healthy food, it nevertheless gives a person a feeling of such short-term pleasure, happiness that he has survived, lived and can eat it all, and the fatter it is and the sweeter this food is, the more acute these sensations will seem to him, but in fact , for the sake of fairness, this happens not only under stress, that is, stress is understandable, many people tend to overeat, but there are other reasons that can actually indicate what problems. with health, what else? a constant feeling of hunger may indicate what to eat so that you don’t want to eat later, we’ll discuss it together with our experts. marina sergeevna makisha, nutritionist, member of the national association of dietetics and
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nutritionists of russia. marina sergeevna, good morning. good morning. i will remove these products in front of you, as a nutritionist, so as not to embarrass you. why does it happen that a person has an uncontrollable desire to eat all the time? the goat's blood grows, that is, at first
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glance it seems to him, oh, how good, but after a fairly short period of time, this glucose, it drops sharply, and even below the level where it was, and this leads to feelings of extreme hunger, and who often experiences such conditions, sudden hunger, sudden satiety, i’ll ask you, and hello , and i get hungry - after... morning breakfast, if i eat porridge, well, with bread, cheese, let's say, sausages, lunch, correspondingly, i get carbohydrates again, well, with meat, let's say, and in the evening then the same meat with bread, when basically there is a feeling that you want to eat something else in morning hours or in the evening, let's say more in the evening, especially after 6, what we see, in principle. quite a lot of fast
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carbohydrates, and these are essentially empty calories that do not give us satiety, that is, they entered the body, the body quickly stored them in fat, if there were a lot of them, but the feeling of satiety did not remain, as we see, despite the fact that meat is present may not be enough, but we haven’t heard anything about vegetables, which should help our intestines work normally and the intestines, by the way, also send signals to the saturation center, that is, such an unbalanced... rational nutrition leads to the fact that the body still asks for what it needs, constantly telling you: give me food, give me food, give me food, you open the refrigerator , again you start putting in there what he doesn’t really need, let’s figure out how to take control of your nutrition with the help of what, let’s start with the first point, this is protein, protein is our best helper, because these are satisfying calories that give the most long lasting satiation, i.e. protein slowly. is digested, the amino acids
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that are formed as a result of the breakdown of protein enter the blood and circulate in the blood for up to 4 hours, even which gives a certain signal to the saturation center, that is, the brain understands that there is food, and we remind you that eggs are probably , the number one food that nutritionists recommend, because according to scientific research, people who eat eggs daily have better control over their appetite, yup. they actually eat fewer calories than people who don’t eat eggs. go ahead, let's move on, here we have fatty acids. one such food that is high in healthy fats is avocados. by the way, in addition to fats, it also contains dietary fiber, which also contributes to satiety. and as studies have shown, people who ate one avocado for lunch noted after 3 hours that their feeling of hunger was, well... about 40% less than
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those who had lunch without the right fats, so in the diet for both maintenance and weight loss, for good saturation fats should be obligatory, avocado is one of the products that helps us do this very well, but you can’t eat a whole avocado without everything, but you can add avocado to a salad, you can add avocado somewhere for breakfast, for example, on toast , again with eggs and whole grain bread, when mature it is possible. which many people associate just the opposite with being overweight. in general, potatoes really help us maintain good saturation due to the starch it contains. but in order for potatoes to help us, to prevent situations of hunger, they need to be eaten chilled, that is, boiled potatoes or whatever. fried with a little dripping of oil
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, cooled, yes, here is the fundamental point that the potatoes must be cooled, by the way, you can use them instead of bread for some sandwiches, because the calorie content of potatoes is almost three times less than that of bread, which means you can eat more of it, then we look, my god, yes, yes, those same slow carbohydrates, this is hummus, mikhail, a famous dish of middle eastern cuisine, yes, which, by the way, is a nomad... the bedouins used all kinds of it as just such a dish that you can get enough of for almost the whole day, well, it just comes with some additives, in fact it’s so homogeneous mass, very tasty. by the way, these are legumes, yes, yes, this is the fundamental point that they contain slow carbohydrates, slow carbohydrates are also gradually broken down in our body, so the increase in blood glucose levels occurs smoothly, due to this, a fairly long period of satiety is maintained, because there is no
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sharp jump in glucose, when insulin then immediately removed it into fat, but there is such a smooth increase, due to this you feel good... you are in a good mood, in at the same time, well, you remain full, so i recommend not completely giving up complex carbohydrates on a diet, there are different trends now when they completely give up carbohydrates, but i can notice that such diets are usually accompanied by irritation and frequent breakdowns, because complex carbohydrates , on the contrary, help us maintain a comfortable satiety, and we want to treat the studio audience, according to our good tradition, i’ve never tried hummus, why don’t you, hold your hands, i just want to treat you, thank you, try it, thank you very much, maina segievna, today we found out what makes you unbearably want to take something out of the refrigerator, and most importantly, how to make it so that you don’t
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want to. if you fall asleep while walking, this is a dangerous symptom that warns you that something is going wrong in the body. in the category of quality of life. let's discuss why such drowsiness is dangerous, what causes it, happy birthday to you, blow it out, on saturday, after graduation, you are flying to italy, and i will finish my business here and will join you, if only i knew where you would lose it. .. dad, dad, little werewolf, if only you knew where you can find it, i have a business proposal for you, you, you already have flowers from fans, you loved him in general, mom, so, from now on, in more detail, come with
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me, i i can provide for you, i want you to ensure, we’ve only known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me, life doesn’t give... certificates, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures. and incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic laksary collection bodrum. callinan bellec - a place where time stops. immerse yourself
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in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel is where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to khamovniki 12, surrounded by twelve moscow landmarks visible from the windows of the khamovniki 12 residences. khamovniki 12
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gives happiness to a great heritage culture. there was a quick romance, we got married very quickly, in my heart it was all said at once in an office romance, when you felt sorry, in fact, you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would i understood a lot about your family, he absorbed everything from you. some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, here’s shurka, it’s just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. he was found by one of the workers from the landfill, the premiere on rtr, the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he
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i didn’t die for as long as possible, but you have no suspects, no theories, it’s difficult for you, and you can’t cope, i’m taking the children to me, and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman, you can only believe in fact, irrepressible restlessness, today. andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on
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saturday on rtr, everyone knows the unpleasant feeling of sleepiness during the day, you need to do things, but you just don’t have the strength, you just want to lie down, close your eyes and sleep for half an hour, not for me, you know, this happens to me, you just there... after eating, for example, already during the day you sit down and just like that, you are carried away somewhere, but in this sense , a day or two of normal regime there is enough for me, and it all disappears as if by hand, while studying at gitez, i was not there for 19-20 years, we didn’t sleep at all for days, and i was walking along the metro, i even remember, it was the arbat metro, and i fell asleep while walking, suddenly i bumped into a man, mikhail, what year was that, it was in... my nose, that’s
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when in a person, day after day, week after week, this is constant daytime sleepiness, and this can be a signal of quite serious diseases, our tv viewer natalya contacted us on the program, let’s find out her story: hello, my name is natalya, i’m 35 years old, i’m from moscow, lately i ’ve been feeling strongly... throughout the day, sometimes in the morning, it’s not depends on what time i went to bed, already in the morning i feel a loss of strength and lack of energy. i work as an english tutor, very often on an individual basis, so my class is quite quiet, but this helps me fall asleep during classes. sometimes i i don’t answer the student at all, sometimes i don’t answer his question at all, and this, of course, leaves an imprint on the quality of my teaching. i would like to contact you to find out how i can solve this problem, what could be the reason for my drowsiness, thank you, it’s a serious matter, we will
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solve this problem, we meet natalya in our studio, good morning, i hope it’s good, bye also, natasha, well, you’re just so athletic, cheerful, slim and sleepy, and sleepy, but somehow it doesn’t fit, you somehow did something, somehow encouraged myself, you know, i was advised to take sleeping pills... at night, in order to get enough sleep during the night, then for, well, some kind of sedatives, but this did not help, yes, irritability is also present, and sometimes completely causeless, but what annoys you here, for example, children, your own, your own children, your own, others less, because i mostly have contact with strangers if i come and work, and how many children of your own do you have, two, you have a husband, yes, a husband there is. there is a job, there is a dog, there is an apartment, and you once went to some
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to a medical expert, no, i didn’t, well , a sleeping pill, who advised you, friend, why, tell me, a sleeping pill, well, in order to get enough sleep at night, that is, if you get enough sleep at night, i sleep at night, but i can wake up, by -differently, sometimes i sleep for seven, sometimes for nine, that is, in different ways, i can’t say that i don’t sleep for a long time. well, it doesn’t happen to you that you slept there for 2 hours, that’s how the doctor, for example, filmed a program about the food formula, jumped on a plane on the plane , slept there, flew to moscow, ran to a program about the most important thing, like today, for example, like today, for example, no, this doesn’t happen, i can even sleep during the day, let’s, in order to understand what the root of the problem lies for you and many of our other viewers, let’s turn to our expert, roman vyacheslavovich buzunov, doctor. somnologist, president of the russian society of somnologists, doctor of medical sciences, we have a beautiful
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bedless sleeper here, let’s understand how to understand
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that there is a problem with sleep? iron deficiency can actually cause problems with insomnia, with a decrease in dopamine production in the brain, because in iron is involved in the synthesis of dopamine, and this lowers mood, causes weakness, deterioration in the quality of sleep, and sometimes you may not understand from a general blood test, that is, hemoglobin will still be normal, yeah, but iron may no longer be enough, moreover, even if you take iron, it can also be normal, but there will be a lack of firitin, this is... the so -called protein, which shows iron reserves in the body, that is, even hidden iron deficiency can cause problems, well , that is, in this case, what needs to be done an extended analysis, so that it definitely contains feretin, it is desirable, well, in fact , it also turns out vitamin b12, probably because it also affects the metabolism of iron, yes, well, that is, it’s not just going to do a general blood test once a year, moreover, i will add that
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vitamin d deficiency yes... no, it can also be difficult, it is difficult, but shortness of breath occurs, there is no shortness of breath, that is, there is a feeling that there is a little lack of air, no, this is not the case, you need to pay attention to these symptoms , because iron deficiency is typical, in addition to this drowsiness also a violation of concentration, memory impairment, and physical poor tolerance to stress, there may also be problems with the fact that the hair begins to fall out a little more and the nails begin to break, well
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, the hair does not fall out, but the nails are brittle enough, well, here we are... firstly, there may be a snore, a beating of the respiratory tract from each other, but sometimes there is a complete pause, and there are 200, 300, 400, 500 stops of breathing per night, a person can sleep for 6-7 hours, half the time of sleep without breathing, yes, that's what it sounds like so, well, this is quite standard, then
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a pause, here usually a person’s... breathing has stopped, that is, he is not breathing, at this moment his body begins to experience some suffocation and then, accordingly, this snoring resumes, now, by the way, you know, i learned that there is a very interesting way of recording, yes, because when a person snores, he has a family, well , you can always ask there, do i snore or not, yes, and sometimes people live alone, they say, well how do i even know if i'm snatching, no, i'm i don’t hear it at night, yes, it turns out that now there is a special application on phones, you install it, so you put the phone next to the bed, if you start snoring, it automatically records how long you snore over time, and you can directly see how many episodes of this there were during the night snoring, how many episodes of respiratory arrest, can you imagine, that is , such monitoring, how much progress it says that you snore, snored says, years later this can lead to serious cardiovascular disorders, indeed, well, what is usually done here,
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first we look at the reasons, we decide, often... this is due to problems at the level of the nasopharynx, the next we do research, but still not with some kind of smartphone for hours, but with special diagnostic equipment, we put sensors on the person and see how long the man snores. are there any pauses in breathing during sleep, what are the problems with blood oxygen saturation, we make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, this can be done and we can see if it can be ruled out, for example, sleep apnea, because you can have uncomplicated snoring, then there is snoring, but in moderation, snoring, snoring, but in fact there are even more reasons, there are endocrinological reasons, in this sense we cooperate with fellow endocrinologists who allow us to understand those problems with the thyroid gland. that is , diabetes mellitus, which can also cause drowsiness, and let’s say, dysfunction of the thyroid gland also gives irritability, it’s time to call your endocrinologist colleague, we’ll hold a consultation,
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of course, a consultation is always good, and we welcome our expert to the studio: daria olegovna ladygina, endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, chief endocrinologist of the central clinical hospital, administration of the president of the russian federation. federation. daria olegovna, good morning, will you come out to us? good morning. and so, patients come to the endocrinologist and say: you know, i don’t get enough sleep and snore in my sleep. in fact, this is one of the most common complaints, and i always clarify how much a person sleeps, yes, whether he wakes up, what time he goes to bed, this is all very important, because sleep affects blood pressure indicators, indicators. blood glucose and , of course, there are a number of endocrine disorders that can lead to sleep disturbances. we 'll be back in a few minutes. advertising on the russia channel. listener, we
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lack some courage, but the premiere is on rtr. oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova. oh wait, champagne! alla taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me, from
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april 8 at rtr, titanic deluxe hotel, belek golf, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy. exquisite dishes from the best restaurants, here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellec is
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the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. titanic luxury collection boudrum. they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but rest. you need to be where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for
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the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking me, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, on sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow. what about my proposal that we be together? hi, hi, i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me. this is lena, lena is kirill. we seem to know each other. i can not live without you. may i kiss you? well, kiss me. what 's happening? hello sister. on sunday on rtr. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? russia-1 tv channel and ars company invite young gifted performers. take
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part in the international popular music competition new wave, register by submitting online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. we are continuing the program. most importantly, we will now talk about those diseases that can also cause this daytime sleepiness that natalia has, type 2 diabetes mellitus, yes, well, any disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, be it prediabetes or diabetes mellitus, leads to the fact that glucose does not act properly in the cell, and thus can cause drowsiness, there are many reasons, but this is one of them: after eating we are often worried about drowsiness, here i would like to warn you, when we want to sleep, we automatically want more... sweets ,
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simple carbohydrates, yeah, blood glucose quickly rises and then drops sharply, at this moment, that is, this energy does n’t last long, but for an hour, for 40 minutes, and then again you want something sweet, so here and in this moment is very important stop on the contrary, drink a glass of water, eat something protein, fiber, heavy vegetables, and thus, even after a night with lack of sleep, you will provide yourself with better... performance than if you constantly try from candy or sweet tea, yes or caffeine to gain energy, i think that after all, this is probably not the case, but i agree, i found one symptom, which is, dryness is a sensitive symptom, but not very specific, because there are other diseases that can be accompanied by dry skin, yes, for example, hypothyroidism, yes, hypothyroidism is an insufficient function of the thyroid gland, yes, when there are not enough hormones, and thyroid hormones... they
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regulate the level of basal metabolism, if they are not enough, there will be complaints of drowsiness, fatigue, maybe chilliness, affects the quality of the skin, hair, there may be some accumulation of excess fluid in the body, by the way, this can increase the manifestation of opnea and snoring. by the way, before the start of the program, we asked natalya to take a test specifically for thyroid hormones, thyroid hormones. and we already have it ready, please, doctor, comment, well, fortunately, we found the cause of natalia’s drowsiness, yes, here we see an increase in the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which indicates a decrease in thyroid function , the prescription of treatment is shown here, yes, and this is replacement therapy, that is, it is necessary will take the medicine once a day in the morning and this should cause all complaints to disappear, which may help the person.
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there are no problems that we talked about today, no diseases, cheer up, that’s all trivial, the first is caffeine within reasonable limits, yes, especially in the morning, if one or two doses, then this will not affect the fact that a person will have difficulty falling asleep, this is regular physical aerobic exercise, this is a sleep and rest regime, if a person doesn’t get enough sleep on weekends, for example, and this changes the schedule, breaks the schedule, the person doesn’t understand when to rest and sleep? that is, in general, a healthy lifestyle first, second - bedroom hygiene, oddly enough, a comfortable mattress, pillow, dark, quiet, that is, so that everything is fine at night, this is available at night, regarding the danger of sleeping pills, here we have vatali , uncontrolled prescription of sleeping pills does much more harm than good, thank you very much, daytime
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sleepiness and most importantly, what to do if it haunts you. we continue the program about the most important things. right now our traditional quiz is minute of health. here we test our viewers' knowledge about health and medicine. today our nurse ekaterina came to our studio. oh, let's get to know her, attention. to the screen. hello, my name is ekaterina, i am 42 years old, i am an accountant by profession. in my free time i do yoga and stretching. i’m trying to get my husband involved in sports too. see you soon. let’s start going to the gym together, but for now we’re trying to go for walks more often to keep ourselves in good shape, i really love the program about the most important things, it answers all my questions about health and beauty, i’ll be happy to be in your studio, see you
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katerina is in our studio, katyusha, come out, run out, i would even say katya, great, we are very glad that you see a healthy lifestyle, and what is a yoga station, and hello? yoga is yoga and dance in one, yoga in slow movements, and you can depict something from yoga dance, well, probably unlikely, because i need a mat, we need a mat quickly, please be kind to us, well , something simple, by the way, i thought, why don’t we make a mat and a speed surin instead of a treadmill, but doctor, don’t dream, but
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you need music, in general, yes. in order to win this a wonderful device called a nebulizer, oh yes, during the period of colds, the best thing to do this is to answer correctly the questions that mikhail will ask, we will have 12 questions, you need to answer quickly, 1 minute for everything about everything , i will time the time with a stopwatch, and you will run at this time , you will run, run quickly, how do you run, quickly, quickly, so, let's go, can you lose weight with the help of medical hypnosis? no. are hot potatoes healthier than cold ones? no. cervical osteochondrosis can provoke headache? yes. does breathing salt help with lung diseases? yes. does braving cause heart disease? yes. is white coating on the tongue a symptom of liver disease? no.
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can caries lead to stomach inflammation? yes. does garlic help fight parasites? yes. is it possible to get warts from sharing a towel? no. tetanus is transmitted by airborne droplets. no, ginger helps against motion sickness, no, sour cream is good for the brain, no, that’s it, that’s it, there’s even 3 seconds left in stock, okay, okay, i’ll turn it off, well, ekaterina, you did the physical exercises brilliantly, you weren’t even out of breath, did you answer correctly, the first question sounded like this: with the help of medical hypnosis you can lose weight, you looked at me with contempt and said no, in fact it’s possible, i’ll investigate. show that medical hypnosis, when a person is told that his appetite decreases, he becomes full faster, they really give a good effect. are hot potatoes healthier than cold ones? you said, no, really no, because when cooled, the starch in
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potatoes turns into the so-called resistive or digestion-resistant form, and because of this it increases blood glucose levels less and stimulates the growth of intestinal microbes more. chlorines. cervical osteochondrosis can cause headaches. you said yes. in fact , this is true, because the structures of the upper cervical spine, that is , the first, second and partially third cervical vertebrae, they are just innervated by the sensitive nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, everything that happens there, inflammation, some kind of compression, they are perceived by us as pain inside the head. go ahead. does breathing salt help with lung diseases? you thought for a second and said yes. in fact it really is. there is even a special direction in physiotherapy, called gallotherapy, when a person stays in such a salt chamber, this finely dispersed suspended salt, when it enters the bronchi, it activates the cleansing of the bronchial tubes in the mucus, it leads to heart disease,
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you said yes, and this is true, because essentially, what is a speck? spotting is a manifestation of obstructive opnuya, that is, overlap respiratory tract, which of course negatively affects... rare cardiac muscle white coating on the tongue a symptom of liver disease? you said no, well, in fact , liver disease is actually more often signaled by a yellow or brown coating on the tongue, but not white. can cories cause inflammation of the stomach? you said, yes, this is indeed true, because caries is a bacterial disease, these bacteria, when they multiply for a long time, they enter the stomach, including affecting its walls. garlic helps fight? parasites, you said, yes, this is true. of course, garlic is not a medicine, and it is not effective against all parasites, but nevertheless, it really... inhibits the vital activity of parasites, is it possible to become infected with warts through a shared towel?
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you said: no, in fact it is possible, since warts are a viral disease, and they are actually transmitted very often just through such contact, go with your towel, that’s right, tetanus is transmitted by airborne droplets, you they said, no, of course, in no case, because the causative agent of tetanus is an anaerobic bacterium, that is, it does not feel well in the air, basically... it is transmitted either through direct infection when soil particles penetrate directly into the blood, then this often happens when, for example, a person cuts himself, for example, steps on a nail, and dirt gets inside the wound. ginger helps against motion sickness in the car, you said, no, in fact, ginger helps against motion sickness in the car, on the plane, on the water, yes, gingerol, which is included in its composition and has an antiemetic effect, so it really makes it easier. state sour cream is good for the brain, why did you say no, don’t you
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like sour cream, well, there is no fatty sour cream, well , in fact, all fermented milk products, sour cream is a fermented milk product, after all, as recent research shows, they are really good for the brain. ekaterina, you have eight correct answers, quite a few, and eight attempts to find a sign with the word prize behind these letters, huh. and b no, oh, oh, indians, you now have nebulizer, when you dance, yoga dance with a nebulizer, you will remember us with good words, we congratulate you, thank you, thank you, if you want to know even more answers to questions about health, then all episodes of our program can be found on the online platform, look at the applications on the website and the program about
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the most important things continues. in the women's health section, dr. tatyana shpovovalenko will tell you how to slow down aging and survive hot flashes. stay with us. next in the program: women's health symptoms menopause that you can cope with. what remedy will relieve discomfort in the body? did you find him? earner from the landfill, premiere on rtr: the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, but you have no suspects, no versions, it’s difficult for you, and you can’t cope, i take the children to my place, and your mother, i must say , a wise woman, you can only trust in fact, irrepressible,
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restless, today on rtr. rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means nothing. and think when you are calm and
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completely switched off. rest is rest. we we know everything about vacation. anex. in one of the recent programs, when you all over the country saved tv presenter dana borisova, whose health had deteriorated due to fashionable drugs for extreme weight loss, we realized that a wave had hit russia. way to lose weight, people are buying drugs for diabetics en masse, we conducted dozens of raids, made test purchases, they just didn’t ask us for a prescription for a prescription drug, you have to touch me, horrific details of victims of an injection in their structure in our program. malakhov, today on rtr. sveta, i i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us. very often, girls from another circle strive to marry rich boys. let me decide for myself who i love and who i marry. okay, he will still be mine,
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i won’t give him to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money, go ahead and... there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink with sleep, i’m really fired up and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is even a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be
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a new day, in fact, you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never encroach on him, on his family, she simply plunged into a romantic the world of her youth, she couldn’t be blamed for that, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, that’s it shurka, this is just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person. with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. good morning. hello. there are several transition periods in a woman's life. and today we will talk about the one that probably causes the greatest number of problems and
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troubles. about the menopause and in particular about this. in how tides are, what tides are associated with, is it possible to avoid them, this is what we will talk about today, but first, let's find out the story of our today's heroine inna, good morning, the program is the most important thing, my name is panomareva inna, i am the leader construction company, i have always been a very active person, i had an active lifestyle, swimming, swimming, sports, dancing, helping children, taking care of my beautiful grandson, but with the appearance of hot flashes... life has changed a lot, and especially, you know, it worries me when while working, you feel hot, sweaty, your face turns red, you feel dizzy, you can’t even concentrate on work, and you gave up sports, you just don’t have enough strength, and you also have trouble sleeping at night, i wake up several times a night, in a stalemate due to hot flashes,
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anxiety, and also tearfulness, and somehow the eyes no longer light up, it seems that interest in life is, well, lost. yes, and as if she had aged, she tried to help herself, took herbal medications, but unfortunately, no changes, i don’t want to take hormonal medications, i’m afraid of normal actions, please tell me what to do, i will be very grateful, thank you, inna, today we have studios, please come to us, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, inna is very worried about hot flashes, very much, even i'm blushing now, is it starting already? i’m not nervous, but it’s just that during the day, i don’t know, every five, six times, not only during the day, also at night, i can’t sleep, somehow we tried to cope on our own, physical activity, and a cold shower, as you immediately started with the right thing, tatyana vladimirovna is already delighted, well, because i
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also read, study, nutrition, fish, vegetables and all sorts of herbal preparations, i tried. consuming doesn't help. inna, besides hot flashes, what other symptoms of menopause bother you? nervousness, anxiety, irritability, change of mood, what else? and memory, that’s the most important thing, i forgot, something happens, i don’t know, with memory, these are basic things, sometimes i can’t remember. let's figure it out, and i want to invite an expert doctor to the studio. oksana vladimirovna yakushevskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist,
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oncogynecologist, candidate. cognitive impairment in the form of decreased memory and decreased concentration, trophy of the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract, when women experience problems with pain, the inability to be sexually active, in the long term, of course, this is a decrease in bone mineral density, the development of osteoporosis, and degenerative changes in cartilage tissue and cardiovascular diseases. but hot flashes, the more insidious thing they are, are a harbinger of very menacing, undesirable cardiovascular events; quite often in women who
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are entering menopause, rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure levels and, of course, lipid metabolism disorders begin to be recorded, and quite often increase in sugar levels, especially if the woman is still overweight. inna, how are your sugar levels? with the cardiovascular system, but the sugar level is still normal, thank god, but i started to get better, i want something sweet, yes, why does all this manifest itself during this period, the fact is that hot flashes can be attributed to some kind of disorder thermoregulation, attacks of chills quite often accompany periods of menopause, they are a kind of antipode to hot flashes, estrogen deficiency contributes to changes in the functioning of the thermocenter. located in the hypothalamus and this center ceases to optimally balance the body temperature of the woman’s body in
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accordance with the ambient temperature. many women begin to take their temperature at this time. you know, it’s like i’m getting sick, i feel hot and cold, as if i’m getting a viral infection. why does excess weight appear? the fact is that estrogen deficiency is a favorable background for... the formation of metabolic changes, i mean insulin resistance, dyslepidemia, increase in body weight, but i want to note one nuance: the fact is that the ovary produces not only female hormones, but also male androgen hormones, which a woman needs for tone, mood and libido, and it so happens that during menopause the synthesis estrogen levels stop quite quickly. and the synthesis of androgens continues at a low level for some time, and the woman is in a state of excess androgens, which further
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enhance metabolic changes, this is the most striking clinical manifestation of excess androgens is visceral obesity, when fatty tissue is predominantly redistributed in the abdominal area, and visceral fat is, in principle , quite difficult to remove, so... it’s better not to accumulate it, how can we live with all this now? ina, of course, made me happy, she started with an absolutely correct recommendation, this is physical activity, and hot flashes, fatigue, work, grandchildren, whatever, but you have to force and overcome yourself to get into the habit of regular physical activity, proper nutrition, why is it so important, of course, the topic of excess weight is a painful topic for our women. very long exhausting diets, as a rule, lead to destabilization of the emotional state, we must balance the diet
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according to the new needs of the body, with priority whole grains, cereals, bread, wild varieties of fish, which are a source of complete protein, microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fermented milk products no need. use low-fat because they contain very little calcium, fruits, nuts can be used in as snacks, and of course, try to eliminate animal fats, replace meat with fish, poultry, cook it without skin, and of course exclude from the diet semi-finished products, sausages, coffee, all the most delicious, of course, everything that , unfortunately, contains a lot of amount
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of sugar and salt. what can oksana vladimirovna offer? we can offer the amino acid betaalanine, an action that is aimed at stabilizing the work of the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus, and the peripheral effect of betalanine is associated with blocking the release of histamine in the skin, thereby we prevent pathological vasodilation of the skin and the release of heat in the body. in addition, with a course of betalanin use
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, not only the frequency decreases. e hot flashes, their tolerance improves, but women also note improved sleep quality, increased exercise tolerance, normalization of cognitive function, which is very important, taking beta alonine does not affect weight. what is the course of taking such drugs? adaptation to estrogen deficiency is a long, very complex, sometimes debilitating process for a woman’s body, therefore... the course is prescribed for several months, even if a positive effect is achieved quickly enough, until the body is completely rebuilt and gets used to its new state, it is better, of course, to take prophylaxis. inna, thank you very much for coming to us and sharing, i really hope that our advice will help you, you have already done half the work, there is literally just a little left. thank you, i really hope this helps me too. oksanavna, thank you very much
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for being with us today. how to cope with this condition, and we wish you a good day and good mood, be healthy, you had a program about the most important thing, he was found by one of the workers from the landfill, the premiere on rtr, the wounds were inflicted in such a way... so that he would not die for as long as possible, but you have no suspects, no versions , it’s difficult for you and you can’t cope, i’m taking the children to me, and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman, you can only trust in fact, indomitable restless, today on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve,
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former friend, hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in studio of irina rossius and the main topics for this hour: we must treat everyone with care and love, directly to our soldiers and their family members. the president held a meeting with the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation to find out what kind of help our


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