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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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today , fearless warriors, cossacks from the legendary oks detachment, will come to the studio of the our program, they are defending the boer spit and are waging fierce battles in a strategically important direction of the special operation, watch today at 15:00, all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website , they follow developments in russia abroad. stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit. so, let's start with the urgent ones news, the un commissioner for human rights, volker türk admitted not last year that the sbu is tortured and... subjected to harsh,
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cruel treatment of local residents who are suspected of sympathizing with russia and the russian world. fresh examples from the sentry vehemently, look at the benches, it would seem that an ordinary russian man is sitting, whom the ukrainian, as if volunteers, are trying to persuade to escape from the insidious triggers and run to ridna nenka, but honestly, it turned out that the man is waiting for our soldiers for russia, and he talks about it on russian the russian army itself. and the truth is that the valiant ivanovo paratroopers are getting closer and closer in these frames, less than a kilometer from the city, they have already taken new important heights, the coordinator for strategic communications of the white house , kirbe, admitted that ukraine is losing territory in the donbass, and the commander in the mtr is now forced to decide for themselves which positions they should maintain and which ones they should not. the same thing with the choice of weapons, well, that is, they will bring danish mines, thank you, german mines, even better, these are bright ones.
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example, french halobitsa caesar leads fire from american shells. when asked when help would arrive from the united states, kirby refused to answer, suggesting that he check with congress and speaker johnson personally. a new story was told at nato, they are allegedly ready to collect 100 billion euros from the nzf in order to prevent putin from winning in ukraine in the next 5 years, that is, they are planning to wage a war with us for a five-year period. in the meantime, russian units of the center group of troops have improved the situation along the front line in the ovdeevsky direction. according to the ministry of defense, the enemy immediately made 11 attempts to counterattack in the areas settlements of novgorodskaya, tonenkaya, pervomaiskaya, leninskaya and berdychi, but instead of victory, he suffered losses of over 300 military personnel, one tank, two combat, armored vehicles, four cars, two.
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groupings, now the brigades on the front line had serious problems with logistics to supply theirs, the enemy tried to establish a temporary crossing, but it was also destroyed by a shot from a tulip self-propelled mortar.
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away from the car, we continued to work, work, then they began to cover us closer, we the car turned straight into a hole, straight into a hole, well, it’s not very safe in the so-called hole, the enemy is actively hunting for...
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in the form in which they should be, according to military science, while some in ukraine still claim that they are in excellent condition and have been ready for a long time. most of what the ukrainians have built are standard trenches, reinforced in some places with cement, in which soldiers hang out in grizi, but as history has shown, such structures are extremely ineffective. by and large , many defensive positions of the ukrainian armed forces are just just slushy ditches, well -dug trenches with fortified walls and protection. from fire from above is very rare, all because the ukrainian soldiers on the front line are simply too tired, they are not trained to do this, they do not have the necessary equipment. well, zelensky signed law number 9281, according to which, as washington demanded, ukrainians
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can now be called up to the front in connection with mobilization from the age of 25. in general, everything is according to the precepts of that same cannibal linsey graham. directly from you. a certain andrey, the guy was in poor health, but he was kidnapped by military commissars in the khmelnitsky region, according to andrei’s mother, the military registration and enlistment office employees mocked him, ignored complaints about poor health, when
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the man’s blood pressure rose, they refused medical care with the words “ i definitely helped you near avdiivka.” as a result, the guy ended up from the military registration and enlistment office not at the front, but in the hospital, where he ultimately... ultimately died, in these footage, the confrontation between ukrainians and ludolov in the hot phase, frightened by the military registration and enlistment office, he runs away from a crowd of angry women, then one of them breaks the current on his machines, himself, a new age of 25 years old, they say just the beginning. on ukrainian tv they argue that eighteen-year-old boys are still more maneuverable, faster and more efficient, that is, the age needs to be... lowered again. soldiers on the streets of ukraine are usually met with looks of gratitude and respect, but if you are a representative of the trade center, people cross the street to avoid them. they look for
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men of military age, and then check whether they are registered with the local military registration and enlistment office. russian successes forced ukraine to think about expanding conscription requirements. tck employee maxim levchenko says that the queues of volunteers at the beginning of the war have now disappeared along with the motivation. levchenko himself is a combat veteran; he was wounded.
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the ukrainian government is profiting from the war and is becoming more and more deeply involved in corruption. 70% of ukrainians are confident of this, reports the association for political research. according to the kiev international institute of sociology , 43% of ukrainians trust astrologers, tarot readers and psychics, the figure is simply insane, then almost half of the population lacks critical thinking and this.
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just in case, he has already found a new cozy nest for himself, where he can move after may 20, when, again, according to the constitution.
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the mediator was allegedly the first lady of ukraine alena zelenskaya, who was able to talk queen camilla out of it and give her this mansion while the king... retired from government affairs and was undergoing treatment. the new owners allegedly immediately began to restore order. at the end of march, at least six employees of the estate were fired, they were downsizing, so it is possible that the mansion will soon begin to
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literally undergo reconstruction. where does zelensky get the money to buy european luxury real estate? question.
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continue to demonstrate the heroism with which the world so closely associates them, valor in the face of unspeakable aggression, end quote: it is unusual for a king to speak out so unequivocally about an international conflict, and i believe his comments reflect the strength of his feelings, he does not seem to hide his sympathies, selling the house to zelensky, whom karl
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considers him a true defender of the people of ukraine. i turned to former butler grant harold king. so that he can help me clarify his story. he said that although high grove technically belonged to the duchy of corn of walsh, which now belongs to prince william, the prince could have given the house to his father as a gift, so the king was within his rights to sell the property. mr harold, who worked for carlo ii from 2004 to 2011, believes that the final details of the deal were discussed during ms. zelenskaya to the uk on february 29. queen of camillus. i'm not entirely sure we should expect any announcement from the palace regarding the sale, at least not in the next few weeks, the lack of clarity regarding the king's health and his withdrawal from public duties while he recovers all suggest that that the veil of secrecy around the royal family is thicker than ever. let's take a closer look at
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the high growth house itself. now that the house has a new owner, vladimir zelensky, it may soon undergo significant... changes, so i would like to dive into its history. originally built in the 18th century, high grows is located in glostenshire, two hours' drive from london. the prince of wales purchased the three-storey , nine-bedroom house in 1980 before his wedding to princess diana. and the royal couple raised princes william and harry on their country estate. even after princess diana's death, princes william and harry continued to spend their time at highgrove. in 1980. the house was bought for about 830,000 pounds sterling, this price in 1980 year, today is equivalent to an amount of from 4,700,000 to 8 million. congratulations to mr.
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zelensky on the purchase, i believe, no matter where he got the money, the opportunity to make such a purchase from the royal family does not come often, it remains unknown why zelensky decided to purchase the royal residence, and how he managed to convince the king to sell her, perhaps elena’s proximity played a role. after charles was diagnosed with cancer, amila stepped up her royal duties to compensate for the king's absence. from february by 2022, the uk has committed to providing ukraine with total support of almost £12 billion. on january 12, 2024 , the government announced that it would allocate more.
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in france by stefan vsejournal, in short, after their meeting, we can highlight three main theses that our enemies have been shouting about for a very
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long time. so, nato is now stronger and closer to russia, having increased its contingent to 300,000 at the expense of finland and sweden. nato now supposedly guarantees its security from russia. will support to the end, the fact that ukraine will be used against russia to the end, or to the maximum, it has long been no secret, although it is not very clear what good this will do for ukraine itself. blinken, in france, at the same time, as they say, on schedule, ran from channel to channel, gave out interviews and ultimately upset macron, they won’t be there, lci, apparently, i mean, american soldiers in ukraine, they won’t be there , the united states
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, according to blinkin, does not intend to enter into a direct conflict with russia, and does not want to provoke a nuclear war. however, said blinken, if putin decides to go to the baltic states or poland, then the united states will still intervene. in other words, washington is still ready for carmageddon, and these are not just our arguments. the day before, trump again predicted world war iii for the planet if donald did not occupy the oval office. but, perhaps, the main disappointment that came from the mouth of the head of the state department is that russia has not yet been driven out. russia is still confidently standing on its feet. bring down russia.
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li baal of the balti countries fear that a conventional war will reach them, and that their fate will be sealed, as in the case of crimea in 2014. is the united states ready to intervene militarily in this case? you know, we have an absolutely exceptional thing, this is nato. and the basic idea of ​​nato is that an attack on one member country is
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an attack on the entire bloc.
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and with the whole world, so i don’t rule out anything if russia’s policy changes, but at the moment there is no proof of this, that is, if the policy changes, we can hope for a meeting so that we clearly understand that russia is not an outcast, no, russia is not a rogue, well arrest me, said the british writer jk rowling after she criticized another crazy law to protect the rights of transgender people, that in scotland they passed a law that prohibits calling transgender women men, that is, it prohibits calling a spade a spade, as they often do. rowling, who is surprisingly known for her traditional conservative views, published photographs of trans women who became rapists and attacked normal women , calling them men. it turns out,
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the writer violated.
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in general, a new twist to the scandal, look,
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macron is gay, obviously, brigette macron was a man, madame macron, in fact, this is her brother, jean-michel truno. this is perhaps the biggest political one.
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from her march 11 show, a show called first lady of france man, an episode which, by the way, appears to have been cancelled. in this episode , the main assertion of the uns is that prizhit macron and her brother jean michel trogno are in fact the same person.
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she claims that jean michel lived as a man for 30 years, became the father of five children, and then at the age of 30 he turned into brigitte. as evidence in her show, she used various photographs, in particular this one, she suggests.
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clear signs japan is actively building bomb shelters in the south that can protect residents from attacks from airstrikes. moreover, guarantees are even given that every japanese can hold out in this shelter for supposedly 2 weeks. there will be electricity, communications and water, one question is, what does japan have to do with taiwan? and they are afraid that right now the japanese do not need the chinese dragon, our comrade not folded.
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launch points. during the flight, after separation from the upper stage, the hypersonic block performed vertical maneuvers at an altitude of 70 to 100 km for reference. the distance from pyongyang to tokyo is 1,200 km, and to seoul just 200 km across the river. well, one more important detail: the shape of the north korean missile. “very,” says washington, who is similar to our vanguard,
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the most important representative of russia’s nuclear dynasty. well, while phinyan is quickly confidently increasing its hypersonic capabilities, serious passions have flared up between the two leaders of the pacific region. so, the day before, xi and biden had a telephone conversation, discussing the issues of taiwan, artificial intelligence, and in any case such details were revealed. in the administration. the white house called the conversation itself frank and constructive, but the leaders of the two great powers discussed, obviously, not only drugs. judging by the transcript published by the chinese side, the tone of the conversation was set by beijing. sizenpin called the taiwan issue a red line in us relations that washington should not cross. the western media are simultaneously inflating another one.
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china turns away from russia and begins to help ukraine, and it would be even more fortunate to refuse any military assistance to russia. according to karin zhanfir, the chinese authorities should join the rest of the world in condemning russian actions in ukraine. comrade si for some reason did not condemn, obviously he will not condemn. in taiwan itself, the largest earthquake in the last 25 years occurred this morning. on the island, 19 factories stopped working at once, there is no electricity, there is still no internet. magnitude the first shocks were 7.7 points on the richtor scale; the second and third were 6.3 points. epicenter of the earthquake. the footage is true, scary,
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swinging bridges, literally bouncing cars, buildings collapsed and sliding off the foundation, according to the latest data from local authorities, the death toll has risen to nine, 821 people are listed as injured, the taiwanese themselves, while the people are completely fearless, during the earthquake and some. overcoming the waves, swam in the pool where he guys were.
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a powerful earthquake occurred in taiwan which collapsed the building and caused a tsunami. the epicenter of the tremors was recorded closer to the capital of the state. a small tsunami has already affected the southern part of japan. the taiwan earthquake monitoring agency put the magnitude at 7.2 on the richter scale,
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and the us geological survey at 7.5. you can see the buildings shaking and the camera shaking. an evacuation has been announced in the area. people are advised to move. we see that there are buildings that have moved off their foundations and they are not completely destroyed, at least in the frames that we see, no no catastrophic damage, but these buildings tilted quite dangerously. there are reports of people trapped in these buildings and power outages. and new
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footage has also emerged of one of the train stations, which seems to have gone out of reality, so that trains across the island stopped moving and people had to move away from the train. trump wins six of seven swing states , reports the american newspaper wall street journal, although during the legal battles, the former the president lost his ground a little by two points, but is now trying to win it back. against the backdrop of biden’s own problems, he has never confirmed his cognitive adequacy. there is a chance, political analyst ron brownstein said on cnn that at the moment trump's performance is not just better than his performance in 2020, it is better than any republican presidential candidate in us history. the expert
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notes that trump managed to win over black voters, as well as hispanics, that is, he actually stole. vote for donald trump. joe is supposedly old, but experienced, efficient, and cares about others. then, like trump, in five minutes a criminal, against whom 91 charges have already been brought. so, the choice for hillary is obvious. come vote for joe. such statements, of course, cause bewilderment. everyone knows that criminal cases against trump began to be opened exactly after he expressed a desire from...
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i really can’t understand why this is a difficult choice for someone, really, i
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can’t understand it, but we have to go through election and i hope people understand what 's at stake because we're facing some pretty existential questions about what kind of country we're going to have, what kind of democracy we're going to have, she mentioned prosecutions against donald trump, there's only one question, why against she still hasn't been charged? it's strange that she didn't say that trump was an illegitimate president, he didn't win the election in 2016, a motive she previously promoted. democrats who don't like trump are doing everything they can to keep him from becoming the nominee. americans, don’t believe her, she is not sincere in saying all this, she is not sincere with you. presidential candidate kennedy jr. answered the question of who poses the greater threat, trump or is he? look, what i 'm saying is that the president.
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only 38% of voters believe that joe biden will survive to complete another presidential term if elected, but if you look the other way, then more than 50%.
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let's move to the front, georgy medvedev, war correspondent, on direct line, georgy, hello, there are no forced deliveries yet, let's start with what is available, the hours, most of all the ukrainian sorrows associated with this particular settlement, everything indicates that in just a little bit, it will no longer have anything to do with ukraine. tell us, yes, olga, hello, repeatedly in our broadcasts we emphasized the importance of chasyar, we talked about
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the fact that there are heavy fierce battles in this area, which is getting worse for us, the advance of russian troops is being slowed down by constant attempts by the enemy to counterattack, this is the only thing now ukraine is managing to somehow at least slow down our the advancement, significance, and significance of avyar now cannot be overestimated. both for our troops and for the enemy, but if for us we say that the liberation of chasovyarov and the capture of this area makes it possible to develop our offensive further, then for the enemy, naturally, the situation is exactly the same, but diametrically opposite in terms of what problems this will bring for kiev, so they were preparing for the defense of chasyar long before the fighting moved to this area, the operation in artyomovsk continued on liberation of the city, there is already ukraine.
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is holding back our progress, but little by little we are slowly moving forward, now from the side. yes, the advance is maintained, it was very important in the moment after the liberation of avdiivka to move the ukrainian troops further, drive them out of there, not give the opportunity to build a second, third line of defense, in fact, our troops succeeded in all this, they pushed the enemy back, we continue to move him further , a fairly large area was recaptured from the enemy beyond avdeevka, an entire group of settlements was liberated,
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now the fighting continues, but against... still taking advantage of the opportunity of this and the rear defense managed to form some line, but nevertheless, i also repeat, his retreat continues, now the fighting is not so intense, there of course, if compared with the period itself avdeevka, but the fighting does not stop, now our troops are mainly using aviation, factories are flying at the enemy’s head non-stop, as well as heavy- caliber artillery, all this is aimed at destroying fortifications of large concentrations personnel, the enemy is trying to pull up his reserves there, trying to pull up equipment in order to somehow level the line of defense, but these logistics routes are also under constant fire from our troops, so the situation for the enemy is also far from being the best thus, a panicked general flight from those lines has not yet
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been observed, they are still trying to hold the defense, but this turns out... well, since we were talking about avdeevka before, i think it’s worth remembering that the goal avdeevki barabash stated to the last that there are no threats to kiev in this section of the front line, russian troops will never advance into the city, much less take it, we heard the same thing about artyomovsk, about mariupol, therefore the statements of ukrainian politicians, especially from military administrations, are worthless; what we
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saw on the internet really corresponds, corresponds. in fact, i apologize for the taftology, because at the moment our troops are knocking out the enemy’s infrastructure, first of all, which works to meet his military needs, we strike not only at warehouses and weapons, ammunition equipment of personnel, but at military infrastructure, and kiev’s military infrastructure is currently tightly tied to civilian infrastructure, that is, they everything was completely rearranged, let’s say, on a military footing. therefore, they are experiencing great difficulties with this and the most important thing is that although they have been saying in kiev for 2 years that russia has only a day or two of shells left, maximum five, these the blows have not stopped for several weeks in a row, and are bringing their very tangible results, so we are not yet talking about such active progress in this direction, but it is the preparatory
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process, if you can call it that, this is a large-scale... in general, we are working, as planned, on the third hand, god forgive me, this is a strange legislation that lowers the mobilization threshold, not to 18 years old, yes, as the americans demanded, but to 25, who is fighting, who are these people, what do prisoners say, we also make allowances for what prisoners are like as a rule, they say what they want to hear, and yet, well, the position of the west on this
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issue, of course, is absolutely clear, they directly said that they will fight until... the last ukrainian, they do this well, they are strangers to solve their own geopolitical interests with their own hands, i would answer the question regarding the ukrainian army a little more distantly... and give an example of the fact that in ukraine there continues to be a very active confrontation between social activists and politicians on the topic of the fact that there are big problems in the country at the moment with burial places, in in some settlements, especially small villages, there is simply not enough land in cemeteries to bury people, to bury people who are returning from the front in coffins, we just looked at the statistics based on... what is in open sources , the settlements of the local administration were preparing for losses, population losses due to natural causes,
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based on this they prepared the territories in cemeteries, now in many settlements the mortality rate of the male population, people, is 100, 200, 300% higher as of conscription age, i mean there from 20-40 years old, but... also older ones and we really see that they are mobilizing forcible mobilization, which is already called mobilization on the internet, it continues, people are being taken to the front, a very large number of appeals to public activists regarding illegal mobilization, people who, even with wounds, who have already served, were conscripted, they are also taken away, people who, for health reasons, in principle are not subject to any service, are sent to the front, i think this is the most a vivid answer to the question about
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the capital of kiev and other cities of ukraine. they are perhaps the most visible sign of a push to bolster ukrainian troops depleted by more than two years of brutal war, an effort that experts and officials say is critical to repelling russian attacks. this system is ineffective; people are often brought into the army who are unfit and unwilling to fight. brigade officers complain that conscripts are often too old, in poor health and unmotivated. alina mikhailova, an officer in the davinci wolves battalion, said that out of 200 conscripts.
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the european union is the payment for anti-russian policy, then it’s quite remarkable, yes, as for the most interesting figures: federal budget revenues in 2023 exceeded 29 trillion rubles, this is more than the same figure for the twenty-second year, by almost 5%, that is, they are introducing anti-russian sanctions, they have stagnation, economic decline, we have income growth, what is it?
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our oil and gas revenues increased by 25%. reduce it further, that is, the current one does not work, the americans want to reduce it further, so let’s listen. the conditions in which we all had to work last year remained very difficult. externally, the pressure on russia did not weaken; on the contrary, it expanded. according to a number of experts, the restrictions imposed against us exceed all the combined sanctions against other countries in the world. and, despite the increasing pressure, russia successfully passed the difficult period of initial adaptation. year , according to preliminary estimates by rosstat, the volume of domestic product increased by 3.6%, which more than, by the way, twice as high as the average for developed countries. this ratio
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has become one of the consequences of sanctions, which inevitably hit the economy of their initiators. according to the world bank, russia is one of the five largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. recently, in a message from the president. set a more ambitious goal of entering the top 4 and there are prerequisites for this, mishustin also just said that external pressure on russia is at twenty. expanded last year, but the country adapted, gdp grew by 3.6%. we also expect growth to increase, yes, to at least 4%. it’s obvious, of course, that we shouldn’t jinx it, but that’s exactly the task at hand. now on military matters, peskov just commented on a guardian article about kiev’s preparation of a new attack on the crimean bridge; the terrorist activity of the kiev regime requires the mobilization of the special services. does not
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change, he reported that it turns out that all uav attacks on the territory of the russian federation are being prepared together with the americans, and now the guardian is directly releasing an announcement to us that budanov plans to attack the crimean bridge again, this will be the third, as budanov says, the third attack attempt, now they proceed from the fact that the brain ... will be destroyed, look: high-ranking representatives of the ukrainian military intelligence gur say, that they are preparing a third attempt on the bridge after two previous attempts to blow it up, claiming that its destruction is imminent. for kiev, the bridge is a hated symbol of the kremlin's illegal annexation. its destruction will strengthen ukraine's campaign to liberate crimea and will boost morale on the battlefield beyond, where kiev's forces are gradually retreating. how a ukrainian attack would proceed is unclear, and there are serious doubts about gur's ability to conduct
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a special operation against such a well-defended, obvious target. russia has taken extensive measures to protect the bridge, beefing up air defenses and deploying a target barge as a decoy for incoming guided missiles. comrade starkov. well, donald trump is scaring everyone with world war iii, which only he can prevent it. and his political opponents are scaring everyone with donald trump. and what’s interesting is the quality. the main argument, like hillary clinton, is using criminal cases that they themselves brought against trump, that is , it seems like he has no more shortcomings, well , besides the fact that he will surrender nato, democratic values, will give in to the western world, and so on and so on. the like, but most importantly, the criminal cases that they themselves filed against him. in this sense, i wanted to consider how the deep the american state, which even in this situation is political. united
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states of america. and here is a striking example of this - the statement of stoltenberg, who yesterday was mainly quoted as saying that it is necessary for nato to lead the contact group, and not the united states. details came today. it turns out that we are talking about creating a certain fund of 100 billion dollars, which should be spent within 5 years and arms supplies to the kiev regime should be carried out. everything seems to be presented beautifully. packed, look, it's again, because suddenly trump wins, we want to protect ourselves from him, says nato, this is so that zelensky and the armed forces of ukraine are inspired by the long term, in fact this is a political fraud, this is most reminiscent of what we faced, well, a huge number of our citizens, this is when you get a phone call from the security service of some bank and they say that your deposit is at risk. and in order to
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save it, you must immediately dictate the four numbers that came from the sms, then your money will be absolutely safe, after which the person decides all the money, it’s clear it’s a fraud, how it works in this case, look, the united states finances the kiev regime, after a while, under the pretext of the struggle between democrats and republicans, they curtail this funding and let the europeans go ahead of them. europeans are stubborn, so we need to turn this around a little differently, they are told: wait, let’s protect ourselves from trump, we need to be protected, at this moment the bell rings, if we protect ourselves from trump, then we will all be protected and together to defend ukraine, what will happen next can be predicted, those who analyze this publication are already talking about this; for the united states, instead of 60 billion, it is necessary to allocate immediately. that is, how much
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money have already been saved, and over the course of 5 years, but in the case of such a situation, when nato comes forward, it turns out that canada, australia, estonia, latvia, and so on, undertake to finance the future five-year military company, if it , so to speak, from their point of view should last so long, but at the same time the united states of america does not have no obligations, no need to allocate more. either trump, or biden, or the next president of the united states of america, whoever he is, they follow the idea of ​​increasing the percentage
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of arms spending by all nato members, 2%, better - 3%, very good, even more, this one way. under the guise of telephone fraud, it just makes it possible to create a fund where this interest will go, it will be spent on some kind of weapons, of course, on american ones, well , that is, a complete fraud. well, i would like to say a few words about taiwan and japan, while 100 billion does not look like a saving grace, i mean that 100 billion is for 5 years, that’s 20 billion a year, and not 60 billion right now, as zelensky demands from the american congress, so no one. is not going to save anyone, they are going to shift the burden of the cost of purchasing american weapons onto their allies, the kiev regime will collapse, they will come up with another regime that needs to supply these weapons, for example the taiwanese regime, about which i would like to say just a few words,
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here in the video that you showed there was a certain question mark, japan is preparing for a war for taiwan, what does japan have to do with it, i would like to remind you that for 50 years taiwan under the name formosa was part of japan, so japan... somewhere in the depths of my soul, or maybe not very deep, i would like to regain taiwan, but this is only possible in one situation, if taiwan is not together with china, because when a huge, strong china, it is clear that there are no chances for taiwan, as they say, goodbye, does this mean that japan is going fight with china yes, does this mean that the united states of america will fight for japan? in the sixtieth year of the alliance treaty, look at the text, the united states is obliged to defend japan.
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from the head of national stoltenberg, let's listen: we must provide all our assistance to the ukrainian armed forces, and i am glad that the allies continue to do everything necessary, sending weapons, ammunition and equipment to the ssu, all of the above is required by kiev in the very short term, as we said , delay costs the ukrainian armed forces fighters the loss of territories on the battlefield. us it is necessary to increase the dynamics of military supplies, making them voluntary.
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is losing territory all the time, yes, they haven’t heard that syrsky said that in recent months ukraine has occupied more territories than it has lost, he could not, of course, name a single village, yes, but nevertheless, well, how do you- then you agree among yourself, so she loses or gains these same territories, and if she gains, as tsirsky says, then why the hell then they need some more weapons and some kind of help, and if there are enough soldiers, then why lower the age conscription,
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yesterday a sandstorm with sugar sand hit kiev, it’s actually, you know, like the 10 egyptian plagues, then remember, they brought down, the almighty brought down on... the pharaohs, yes, and mind you, there was the ninth plague, just when the darkness came from the desert,
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egyptian darkness, and the tenth was the last - this, i almost said, the signing of the law, the death of all firstborns, this is what zelensky is doing, yes, in fact, he is sending all these firstborns to certain death, to certain death, very , very symbolic, again, and what happens in this case, yes with people fleeing. connected with zelensky, there he fired a bunch of his closest supporters, fired shefir from his wallet, they say that’s all, the trace has already disappeared in ukraine, i don’t know, again, just like i don’t know if there is really confirmation of this data, which you quoted here about the acquisition of a royal estate with the zelensky couple , well, to be honest, i don’t think that in britain they would have missed it, perhaps this is an april fool’s joke, we’ll really wait. confirmation or refutation of this information, zelensky has a good
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real estate in london, we know this, he declared her apartment in the very center of london in an elite area, but another thing is that when he has to flee, he would, of course, need a more secluded, more secure place, because together in the very center it will be very difficult for london to protect it from the wrath of the ukrainians themselves, if they still want to... figure it out, but the fact that the theft is terrible, including in weapons , is a fact, the fact that now people are being grabbed where they are not getting there, at this time the children elites, they’re relaxing, carousing, having fun, they ’re already talking about it, well, only the lazy ones don’t talk about it, children are a lot, remember this video, now in kiev, well, they launched it in ukraine, very actively, i’m watching, watching and commenting on the comparison video, how. .. the elites themselves, therefore, feel good and how people are thrown to the front,
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the ukrainians themselves assure that this was filmed in russia, although it is in the ukrainian language, here it is, but a very, very, really significant video indicative for ukraine, indeed, showing the reality of how it really is in ukraine this is what happens when for some, everything is wonderful, everything is wonderful, and for others it’s like meat for slaughter, this video ends with a question with a question yes... this elite , this son there klitschko, it doesn’t matter, zelensky’s children are anyone, here , and you are cannon fodder, are you ready to die for this elite, in general, these questions are being heard more and more often in ukraine, and they are raised by wives, mothers of people sent to the fronts, abandoned there, by the way, today even the western press is already talking about this writes, today the times, for example, wrote article on the topic of how -
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the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, this is alla, al, al, al, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi, who passed the order, i don’t recognize something, alla? from april 8 on rtr. titanic delluxe golf
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belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anex, movie series! kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience, there will be no war this year, but what will kuznetsov tell us about this, we will not save the entire fleet, but sailors, soldiers, women and children, save those who are obliged, a big premiere , your husband violated the order comrade stalin, admiral kuznetsov,
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we’re already on the platform, we don’t need to make an appointment with him. just kidding, he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes.
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girl, stop mocking me, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, come to me on sunday my sister is coming tomorrow, but what about my proposal that we be together? hello, hello, i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me, kirill is lena, lena is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you , can i kiss you, well, kiss you. what 's happening? hello sister, on sunday on prt. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that
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my husband and my cat - orientalism is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda than not a reef for you? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch. 65 years ago you came to... the maikovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent. did your heart also tell you something about lazarev? we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly. in my heart , all this was said immediately in the official novel. i always felt sorry for you, in
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fact, you are a lovelorn person. i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family. she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed everything from you, this is some kind of gene that is passed on, this just a gift of fate, that's shura, it's just some kind of happiness, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, he was found by one of the earners from a landfill. premiere at rtr: the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, yes, you have no suspects, no versions, it’s difficult for you, and you can’t cope, i take the children with me, and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman, believe you can only use facts, irrepressible restlessness, today on rtr. so, russian
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gdp last year grew by 3.6%, federal budget revenues exceeded 29 trillion, which is almost five trillion. percent more than in the twenty-second year, said prime minister mishustin, speaking with an annual report in the duma. chapter the government also stated that russia has adapted to external pressure, citing the stagnation and recession of the economies of european countries as a toll for anti-russian sanctions. the british daily mail writes that the west actually hit the west with sanctions; publications report that russia continues, as they write: calmly exporting energy to the east, developing new economic ties, and the european capitals and london, trying to strangle moscow, undermined
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their economies. this is demonstrated by the ranking of countries by purchasing power parity. germany, italy, spain rolled back one position. france and britain by two, canada by three. growth for those who. did not join the anti-russian sanctions, moscow itself confidently retains fifth place, but we need to develop, enter the four largest economies in the world, putin set this task, neshustin reminded today as a deputy, we are listening to the prime minister. macroeconomic stability and responsible fiscal policy have certainly become the foundation for economic growth. execution of expenses of the main financial document. countries have approached 100%, this is the best result in recent years. in general, federal budget revenues exceeded 25, oh, excuse me, 29
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trillion rubles. and this is almost 5% more than the same figure for the previous year. most importantly, the economy is becoming less dependent on commodity exports. non-oil and gas revenues increased by a quarter. all this helped ensure social commitment. before the people, we managed to support the economy and regions, implement development projects, as well as activities within the framework of a special military operation. in the house let's move to okhotnaya row, alexandra bystritskaya is working right now. alexander, hello, over to you. hello olga. the annual government report has been going on for an hour, but how long it will last is still unclear. last year the report lasted a full 4 hours. let me remind you that the report presents the results of activities.
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our foreign minister lavrov also spoke back in 1922. as of the beginning of april, we know that approximately 1,100 american military personnel,
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active military personnel, are stationed territory of ukraine, these are, first of all , specialists in the field of air defense, who are operators of the nasams and patriot complexes, and these are specialists from special operations forces, these are military doctors, these are military biologists, these are specialists
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in ... , which is exactly shown in one of the stories, to hit the crimean bridge, completely destroy it, for this, according to the calculations of the american and western military in general, about 50 missiles are needed to reach the crimean bridge, we understand their tactics of use, their actions, their we we are monitoring the transfer of weapons, we are systematically destroying warehouses, storage bases, and so on, but as for...comparing, that is, combat potential, we remember how many times the ukrainians said that russia has ammunition and missiles there for a day or two , three and so on, for 22 months of armed conflict, the russian federation used more than 7 thousand missiles on targets on the territory of ukraine, of various types, these are cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, and so on and so forth, and more than three, almost 4,000 giranius, this is right here with... to the question of
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combat effectiveness, combat readiness and the capabilities of the defense industry, and what ukraine is now reducing is the conscription age, well, this is not the first attempt, and they will continue to reduce it, because besides there are ringworms, patients, and so on and so forth, we know very well, our military is well aware of this, and ukraine has been putting into service for a long time since the year 23, which means ambutees, that is, people who have no arms.
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ukrainian soldiers installed their howitzers in person in the east of the country, but they can now only do their job to a limited extent because their situation has changed significantly over the past few months. the biggest problem is the lack of ammunition. the situation is bad, we only have a few shells, and before there were n’t many, but now we have almost nothing left, what they give us is enough for a maximum
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of half an hour. the result of the hit remains behind the scenes, and this is a guaranteed damaged , burning m-109 palodine self-propelled gun, also made in the usa. destruction confirmed already 67 paladins, more than a third of the total number supplied to kiev. in these frames, the torch transforms after the arrival of the loitering ammunition. it is quite obvious that the ukrainians are now forced to go on the defensive, but this has been observed since the fall of last year, after the failure of a major counter-offensive. now, of course, the ukrainians notice that they lack not only ammunition, but above all forces, they are increasingly discussing how can this deficit of forces be restored, one thing
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is certain, the ukrainians must... land, filmed in the area liberated in march , two pairs of the same attack aircraft throw out heat traps.
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to contain the russian offensive, the kiev regime is sending more and more ukrainians to slaughter. zelensky signed decrees abolishing the category limited to those fit for military service and lowering the age of mobilization. from 27 to 25 years old, the laws take effect today, reports the american institute for the study of war, an ngo associated with russophobia, is glad that this will help solve the problem of the shortage of cannon
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fodder in the whole. these two soldiers are here with from the very beginning of the war, they hope that they will be sent home as part of the rotation, but at the same time they understand that ukraine is doing very poorly with recruits. to be honest, new soldiers rarely appear here, to be honest, i don’t think they will send me back, for me everything will end only with the end of the war, or i will be killed or wounded, the kalashnikov concern has published footage of combat use, the range of the modernized version is about 50 km , here is footage of the destruction of another important one. to supply the bridge's apu. this time the crossing in the south donetsk direction was hit not by the vks, but by the 312th separate rocket artillery division. the kiev regime
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is hastily erecting fortifications. prime minister shmygal announced the allocation of an additional $143 million by the cabinet for the construction of a defensive line. particular attention to the sumy region. after two years of fighting, the defensive lines, which some ukrainians call good, and work on them that began a long time ago, simply does not exist in any meaningful form from a military point of view. most of the built mediocre trenches with little number of concrete components. many defensive positions in the trenches were not far from the muddy ditches. as follows, constructed combat positions with fortified walls and protection from attacks from above are extremely rare. the frontline troops are simply too tired, ill-trained or insufficiently equipped to build what is needed. in these frames, the lancet loitering ammunition hits an american m113 armored personnel carrier in the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky
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direction, and this is the zaporozhye front, where our soldiers have already become a trophy for the second time german bmp mardor. captured bmp martor. the other day the first such car was captured near avdeevka and taken to the rear. cites the opinion of military experts, a stalemate at the front is the best that kiev can now hope for; the russians have an advantage; they can break through the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces. standing against the backdrop of the kremlin, german ntv reporter rainer mund is also worried that the russian army is about to launch a large-scale offensive. the situation this spring is completely different than a year ago. then everyone was waiting for the ukrainian offensive, they believed what it will become. what many expect, especially in donetsk, in the donbass. moscow retains a significant amount of superiority over kiev, both in military equipment and
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manpower, the washington times reports, citing british intelligence data. the russian army has the resources to continue to wear down the ukrainian armed forces. the financial times writes that nato is developing a plan.
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since the beginning of the conflict, london has already spent $15 billion on financing the kiev regime, most of this amount is military assistance, the british parliament. against this background, the royal armed forces themselves are rapidly degrading. an attempt to copy an israeli drone ended in yet another disgrace for the british military. 450, which effectively proved itself in clashes with hamass, writes that 1.7 billion dollars were spent on creating an analogue called watchkeeper, translated as a guard, for this money they developed and manufactured 54 drones, eight of them turned out to be so heavy that with they took off with difficulty, in bad weather they simply fell, the rest...
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british royal navy aircraft carrier last month there was a fire on the flagship queen elisabeth in january, a test launch of a long-range ballistic missile tridon from a british submarine vanguard almost killed the british minister of defense sheps and the commander of the country's navy in the literal sense of the word. the rocket fell. literally a few meters from
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the submarine, from which the crew observed the launch. it is not surprising that the british have less and less faith in the ability of their unfortunate soldiers to defend the state in the event of a global wars are preparing to count, according to polls, exclusively for themselves. people buy canned food, rations and survival tools in the event of a disaster - this is... shovels, whatever that means, pickaxes, look, let's look at the uk's first survival store, survivalists are people who are extremely proactive in preparing for anything, starting from local disasters to full-scale disasters. and these guys’ business is growing rapidly. lincoln started the business 10 years ago with two hundred pounds in his pocket, but then the sales took off. this it’s just funny, we have from 200 to 400 orders a day, of course there are peaks and troughs.
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there's an axe, a fire starter kit, a fishing rod, a water purifier, a water bottle, a lantern, a tent, moroccan stew, a beef burrito, my favorite, doesn't this whole survivalist culture seem wild and extreme to you? no, not at all, given everything we've been through in the last few years, this is just preparation for what may come. this has become a new norm, today
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in the face of people, the picture is not the same as it was 10 years ago, everyone understands that this is necessary. could you become a survivalist? let’s ritually say that the only person who promised us to prevent a nuclear war is the former president of the united states of america, who wants to become the future, donald trump said: if i return to the white house, a nuclear war will not happen, if i don’t return, the apocalypse will await everyone. professor, please! well , every opposition candidate in the united states , in my opinion, likes to say that an apocalypse awaits everyone. remember, still bush jr., when he came to power in 2000, said that clinton would end up plunging america into a very big war, and then he himself plunged america into two wars, in afghanistan and in iraq, so i’m serious about this, i i think , of course, there is no need to perceive his speech, but there are several more interesting points here.
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may intervene. the second point is in europe, of course, why they are holding on to ukraine so much, they said, and for us, for the americans, this is a guarantor of the non-restoration of the soviet union. that's their task - not allow the emergence of a major power again. therefore, ukraine, they plan, georgia, have recently been trying to tear kazakhstan and central asia away from us. and here is the second point, the threshold for the use of force. they will certainly constantly decline, yes, let’s add to this the middle east, all these games around israel, why will it decline, we have such stupidity: the americans are afraid to enter into a conflict and do not want to enter into it, but they don’t care are afraid, remember how easily they got into afghanistan, how easily they got into
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iraq, how easily they got into yugoslavia, they can get into it, and this is very dangerous, we must keep this in mind. the next point, we often say, american society is so afraid of losses, it will not survive the shock of losses, but i’m afraid it will, remember their reaction to the september 11 terrorist attacks, losses that seemed unthinkable for america, and then they rallied and went to fight, so it must be borne in mind that the americans in this regard can very well become dangerous when it comes to the danger to the frontier that... they have built for themselves in the region, without a big fight they they are unlikely to give up this position for themselves. another thing, here is the third point, the only thing about the september 11 terrorist attack was that they rallied and went to fight, there are many conspiracy theories, not everyone rallied and went to fight not because of the terrorist attack,
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the terrorist attack was just an excuse, how can i tell you, about the fact that they didn’t pull together, you’ll remember, how tough they are in america under the pretext.
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with all our dislike for the americans, we understand perfectly well that every state does this in search of its security, every state does this, but firstly then especially if there are powers and resources to influence those structures for the protection of human rights, since we ourselves are cutting them, though in full, the second point that alarmed me then, when i said, they rallied, but no one particularly protested against.
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completely american society will at first experience this shock, this must be understood, we must prepare for this, that we are dealing with a strong enemy, and we must not think that some...
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in the office, and i will find myself there again, soon after winning the presidential election, i will settle this terrible war between russia and ukraine, i will settle it, i know both leaders very well, we will restore peace through strength and prevent a third world war, and no one else can tell us that it will end in a third world war, this biden does not know at all, what the hell is he doing, this guy doesn't know what he's saying, he doesn't know who to talk to, he's lost, he's... lost soul, our president, lost soul. in general, there is political expediency behind everything,
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an extremely charming citizen, but unfortunately, he lies, he lies, and he does it deliberately, it was during the reign of this wonderful president donald trump that they banged around syria, as he said, my daughter ivanka showed me terrible photographs, i could not endure it any longer and sent everything. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of
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stories are told. i was bold in a white tuxedo, then markolievich zakharov left , and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told to me as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more i foresaw your destiny is now just being fulfilled.
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tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr. large live broadcast expedition. we lived for two weeks with the baikal hermit in a small house on the shore of a lake, a fraction of civilization.
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eighty-two-year-old lyubov marikhodova told our program only about. now urgent news, prime minister mishustin has just announced that the production of armored vehicles in 2023 has tripled , weapons of destruction have increased sevenfold, equipment, communications, rap and reconnaissance have increased ninefold. also , mishustin, speaking in the duma, said that he was sympathetic to the proposals for issues of migration, in light of the terrorist attacks in crocus and shares the desire for retribution. secretary of sobeza patrushev said that the traces of the crime committed in the moscow region lead to the ukrainian special services and said that all the organizers and sponsors of the terrorist attack will suffer a well-deserved punishment, no matter where they are. the number of victims increased, the number
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of children killed increased to six. israil claimed that he was allegedly not aware of the criminal’s intentions; the moscow city court left the suspect in custody. look. the moscow city court decided leave under arrest israil islomov, accused of complicity in the attack on the cityhall campus in the moscow region. the court decided to leave the appeal of islomov's defense. without satisfaction, the court decision said. the accused participated in the hearing via video link. the process itself was held behind closed doors; journalists were only allowed in to hear the decision announced. earlier, the basmanny court of moscow arrested islomov until may 22. he
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was charged under part three of paragraph b of article 205 of the criminal code of the russian federation, a terrorist attack committed by an organized group that caused the death of people. the accused did not admit guilt in the crime charged against him and appealed his arrest. apparently, with the latest statement , a system related to tracking the movement of the creation of a unified labor system will already be in place, what was said before, in principle, this has already been confirmed, respectively, at the board and in the state duma, that is, with a high degree of probability, digitalization a big one is coming, as for the situation with the international component, we have two important things, well with the most important event of this... that day, in principle, the global component was taiwan, i remind you that there was an earthquake there, magnitude 7.6, the most important thing is that it hit production capacity, this is just the beginning, there will now be autoshocks there for another six points , for the first time in 25 years, taiwan
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is the largest manufacturer of semi-breeding chips, tcmc, which, tsmc, which is located in taiwan, according to official reports, 19 factories have allegedly been stopped, chip production has been evacuated, that’s what now the peculiarity is that they produce 53% of all chips, but in fact in the most important segment their advantage is more than 80%. well, for example, to make it easier for everyone, androids are all with rare exceptions, so some samsung have individual stories like this, but in general it’s known by qualcom - this is from there, except for factories for some kind of drones, ftp drones, they are all practically timsish, because there they make 6 x 5 x 4 meters, they were going to make 2 meters since 1925, that is, everything that is compact, small, small, it was practically created there to one degree or another, in various directions, what is special is that they have practically no alternative production facilities, the only
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plant that they have now built since february is japan, the second one will be built there in japan, two more lights in the usa, but only since 1925, that is, the main production is located there, and the problem is the following, now they have a park there, which, in fact, was not stopped, there the problem is not so much that the power supply is damaged or the production line is damaged, although... if there is a problem with supplies, it will apparently hit, but if it is produced, it will hit everyone at once, the question is to what extent, i remind you that, for example, accordingly , apple, nvidia, for example, sit on chips, that is , this is all artificial intelligence, as it were, in the basic sense, since the year twenty-five they... just released 0.2 nanometers, which, on which a lot of everything was counting, including as if the largest manufacturers, if the component is changed, they have now mapped out the entire construction that is happening there in taiwan, in general the entire construction, including the new factories,
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which will have to produce two-nanometer chips from next year, that is, all this will shift, this can lead to an increase in the cost of everything, if there is force majeure at all, but most importantly , a rise in price of all e-light devices, including drones, for example, so from this point of view it’s very an important component, the approximate cost of the damage will be assessed on thursday, well, there is a time shift, that is, their day there is over, tomorrow, closer to night, it will become clear what the total amount of damage is, but i remind you that the earthquake also partially affected japan, but really without serious damage, part of the province of china, but there the piece of iron was stuck in some places, but it also doesn’t seem to be critical, that’s why from this point of view it’s like a form major. which can affect a lot of things, because i remind you that now so far this is the most vulnerable part and for taiwan it will be a very serious blow, because taiwan as a whole has been losing its economy lately due to the fact that china has been putting pressure on it against the backdrop of a fair confrontation, now it would be a fairly serious economic blow,
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by the way, there is a separate department that deals with issues of taiwan on the territory of china, it has already offered support and assistance in eliminating the consequences, well, yes, this is the same thing, and therefore, from this point of view of course, this has a very serious effect, because now... funds are falling, plus or minus, they have not yet opened properly, but they will also most likely fall, because the it segment is extremely important. as for why this is important here, some of the chips, which are respectively found in chinese technology, are not in chinese technology, respectively, in any modern technological component from there, all processors, amd, except intel, they are all from there, by the way, intel is american, he will benefit from this most of all, because they gather earlier respectively open their 2 to us and most likely this will help them a lot if there are serious delays, because they will enter the market earlier, this is a plus to all...
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we do not have our own production in matters related specifically to processors in general in principle, i have the memory, to some extent, to at least put a lithograph, so to speak, as an insurance policy for every spare one , because it’s as if now there is a situation in which we see how from one territory of a small territory in general, as a whole, very... what may depend, but most likely after will not be serious, but the fact that china is actively developing its own chip production is now actively developing, south korea is doing this, the european union is doing this, even as i understand it, belarus is going to in some future, that is, this suggests that gradually this is the very critical industry, the very bottleneck, which in the near future will be extremely important from the point of view of the military component, from the point of view of the economy, from the point of view of the known infrastructure of everything else, except besides, the second important fact is the middle east, some very specific events are taking place there, to be honest, there at night... so i remind you of the question
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that, apparently, there is a confrontation between biden and netanyahu has moved into some very new, very specific phase, with all the ensuing consequences, i also remind you that everyone is waiting for the promised blow, an attempt was made on the base, as we said in the past, now, apparently, the level is still high in northern israel and accordingly, in the eastern part, that is , everyone is waiting to see how iran will react to this, now everyone is trying to persuade it, as i understand through american channels, so that they do not actively intensify the confrontation, because if there is military action there, 40 % of oil in this region, that is, how would oil have already reacted, and if it still reacts, then it will be like something very prohibitive, so from this point of view , the arrival of trump, by the way, speaking to the question that trump of course he didn’t start the war, more precisely, as it were, officially, but he very seriously settled not even the activities with iran, just where it started there, he removed the general to another in another country, in general in iraq, by the way, the same thing that israel has now done in syria , by the way, as i say, also a high-ranking military man, here. and there are two, as i understand
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it, there are already generals, out of seven, so from this point of view, it’s like an aggravation of one’s neighbor, that is, this is a terrorist act on the territory of another state, the liquidation of kassam sulaymaniyah, well, firstly, secondly, it was as if they had been warned about this, and secondly, by the way, on the territory they said we’ll kill, they came and killed, the american contingent is still on iraqi territory, it’s officially there is located, by the way, so from this point of view, as it were, it caused a very serious, here are all the consequences that we are now reaping, they largely come from that story, and accordingly syria's active participation there accordingly...
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seems to be a problem, then believe iran, which accordingly, it is located in the persian gulf, respectively, saudi arabia is there, qatar with its tankers is there with the main gas, iraq is supplied from there, that is, there is no iraq in this at the moment, i would say now that blinkin is like him now he is traveling around europe, he will have a negotiation accordingly, i have such serious suspicions, now they will try to send all possible forces to iran in order to localize the attack as much as possible, because if the attack is, for example, in some tel aviv, it will just happen right away, but if the blow is to some base, as they are trying to hit now, it can somehow be hushed up later. but if this is a full-fledged confrontation with iran, oil at 85 wti will seem just like flowers to you compared to what could happen there, despite the fact that the flood-like heating period is ending, in principle in the northern hemisphere, it will begin soon against this background, the automobile season is like a confrontation between oil refineries, shocks occur periodically, therefore from this point of view, of course, this is a very bad scenario for low oil, let’s put it this way, and low oil is extremely important in election campaigns. we'll be back in a minute. narrower, something is missing from the spirit,
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and the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, alone in front, andrey chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, but there’s a fire,
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na rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores
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of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale, they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is. we know everything about holidays. relax. annex. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented
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performers to take part in an international popular music competition. new wave. registration submission of online applications on the website www. don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. move out today. and the child? i don't care what happens to him. on saturday. well, you can’t take a fingered child on the street. let's go to my place. do you want to live? life doesn’t give any help, the premiere is on saturday on rtr,
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every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said, i’ll stay here, the military had to. aware that animals simply die there, was very heavily shelled donetsk, but we decided to be at the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from monday to thursday, on rtr, in moscow, i’d like to, of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i’ll also i drew a horse with wings, pigasus, after all. yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, did you like who, it’s zavyalov, our owner, aren’t you sleeping, i’m singing, what are you afraid of,
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wake up, i’m afraid, make coffee, hello, you’re stupid, or something, i’ll have to fire you , actually i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of sink here, what are you doing? yes, pegasus, most likely not on rtr on saturday, but you love me, the wings are shaking, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, come! and changes, into the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are out of this room absolutely without faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work,
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plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in our living room... heroes soon real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, yes, look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr. so, mishustin’s report at the state house has already lasted an hour and a half; as the head of government said , the russian economy has all the prerequisites to become one of the four largest in the world. mishustin just spoke about support measures. participants of the military military service, the cabinet of ministers pays special attention to the speed of providing benefits
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to the military, right now it is simplifying the procedure for issuing veteran's certificates, on putin's instructions, the government will exempt participants in the special operation from paying property taxes. we are listening: scientists, engineers, who developed advanced models, increased the production of equipment in...
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hello, dear viewers, we really have a rather unique opportunity, we are right in the meeting room of the state duma, where yes, hello, olga, everything is in order, the report of the prime minister continues, the report of the entire government to the state duma, we see that you have indeed noted correctly, here is the speaker of the federation council, valentin matvienko, it’s interesting how he seated his government, behind me, on the left side, there’s just a box for deputy prime ministers. separate, then we have ministers sitting, on the other hand, in the box here is already the chairman
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of the central bank, the accounts chamber, at the moment the deputies are asking their questions, prime minister mishustin’s speech lasted an hour and 23 minutes, this is his detailed presentation, now there are also about 2 more questions ,5 hours all factions ask them what is the main thing, the main challenge, yes, if we are talking about the difficulties, this is inflation at 7.4% at the moment, there are measures that the government has developed before... mechanical engineering 21% growth over the year, by 15% , the economic miracle was just increased pensions over the year by 18% increased mrod for this year. 4.4% of russian families, that is, multiply by three, approximately, this
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has increased and improved their living conditions, a very important figure, this has never happened, neither in the soviet union, nor in modern russia, 73 years, this is the average the duration of our lives, the lives of russians, will never, i emphasize once again that this did not happen, and of course, there is still room for improvement here, because we are not even in the top ten, but nevertheless, here we are serious... we have made progress, and based on the results of this today’s report, of course, we will be formed instructions from the law, projects, but what is important, what is interesting, why is it interesting, because this is the last report of this current government, it is the fifth for mishustin, but that’s all, this government will be dismissed after the inauguration, this is the requirement of the constitution and then the duma will form a new cabinet, so we’ll see who will be here... next year, but really the report is rich, interesting, and thank god, everything is fine with the economy. olga. thank you very much, zhenya
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, evgeniy popov, on direct communication right from the hall of the state duma, it is indeed a rare, unique opportunity to convey a huge greeting to everyone. mikhail vladimirovich, if you see it too. thank you. there’s just some kind of nostalgia, people are engaged in development, they argue and discuss something, it’s great. seems, i have already come to terms with the idea that it will not be possible to inflict a strategic defeat on the battlefield of russia, but i have not at all given up the idea of ​​containing russia by any means, including such... openly terrorist acts, and i see how their tactics have changed in in relation to russia, it seems to me that they are not at all concerned about the liberation of ukrainian territories there, they are concerned about another question: to transfer the war to the territory of the russian federation as much as possible, hence the attacks on belgorod, hence the missile-drone war, and they are planning their terrorist acts with access to
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different regions of the russian federation, well, the goal is obviously clear, to cause fear.
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will not change the situation on the battlefield, as vladimir vladimirovich putin has repeatedly said, especially in the quantity in which 15 of them are promised, well, go ahead, we will return, he was found by one of the workers from the landfill, the premiere on rtr: the wounds were inflicted in this way, so that
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he doesn’t die for as long as possible, yes, you have no suspects, no versions, it’s difficult for you and you can’t cope. i take the children to my place, and my mother yours, i must say, is a wise woman, you can only trust in fact, indomitable restlessness, today on rtr, we present to you the legendary horse balm from the czech republic with horse chestnut extract, which will relieve you of pain in the muscles, joints, spine and tendons. the balanced formula of medicinal plants provides an immediate, more quenching effect. the balm is produced in the world famous czech resort of karlovy vary using ancient swiss technology. more than a thousand years old. pants used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. it has strong antibacterial, absorbable, healing and anti-inflammatory effects, and provides
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the figures for the twenty-second year, said prime minister mishustin, speaking in the state duma. russia confidently retains fifth place in the ranking of states by purchasing power parity. watch the news, bye. we will tell you about the main events at this moment in the news. in the studio evgeniy roshkov. hello. russia has adapted to unprecedented external pressure. gdp growth last year was twice as high.


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