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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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russian gdp grew by 3.6% last year. federal budget revenues exceeded 29 trillion rubles. this is almost 5% more than the figures for the twenty-second year, said prime minister mishustin, speaking in the state duma. russia confidently retains. fifth place in the ranking of states by purchasing power parity, watch the news, bye, we’ll tell you about the main events for this minute right now in the news, in the studio evgeniy rashkov, hello, russia has adapted to an unprecedented external situation.
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the restrictions imposed against us exceed all the sanctions taken together against other countries of the world, now they are aimed not only at domestic big business, at our managers, but at representatives of foreign states, at foreign companies, at organizations, at those who have not refused to cooperate with russia, who sincerely wants to do business with us and implement joint projects not based on one-sided self- interest. on a mutually beneficial basis,
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while ordinary europeans themselves have to pay the price for countless sanctions against russia, while the russian economy is showing strong growth in a number of western countries; on the contrary, indicators are declining; russia is one of the five largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. recently, in his message , the president set a more ambitious goal of entering the top four. and there are prerequisites for this. at the beginning of this year , high growth rates of the domestic volume of domestic product remain. for example, in europe, at the end of 2023, the dynamics were not far from zero, but in germany, you know, probably even a small recession of -3% was recorded. this is the real price paid by residents of states that impose sanctions against us for, if you like. the ambitions of their
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politicians, russian budget revenues last year made it possible to fulfill all social obligations: 190 billion rubles were allocated to increase salaries for public sector employees, special payments were assigned to approximately a million primary health care employees, russian families with 11 million children began to receive a single benefit. 500 such objects indexed pensions, benefit payments, last year, taking into account and consistently, on behalf of the head of state, we are also increasing the minimum wage at a pace that is faster than inflation; this year it has increased by over 18%. the prime minister also touched upon the topic of migration policy and tightening initiatives.
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understandably fair, but colleagues, i would like to draw your attention to a very important fact: preparation and discussion of all initiatives must take into account the position of law enforcement agencies, whose competence includes the safety of citizens and the state as a whole, against terrorists there is no nationality, no religion, representatives of many nationalities, many faiths live peacefully in our country, we have a truly multinational state, one of the most important... tasks of the government
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, the prime minister called the creation of conditions for achieving all the goals of the special operation, a new decision, about which mishustin informed to exempt svo participants from property tax. so that our defenders have all the institutions necessary, we have significantly increased production, additionally deployed hundreds of enterprises, research design bureaus, have increased the production of equipment and weapons in many positions by several times, for cars and armored weapons three times, for weapons of destruction by seven times, for equipment with electronic warfare and reconnaissance communications by nine times, with special emphasis placed on efficiency in providing benefits, simplified the procedure for issuing a combat veteran’s certificate, now the department does everything independently, without personal statements, without paperwork, the required number is assigned
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governmental support. answering questions from deputies, mishustin promised to supervise the work on training medical personnel. he noted that there should be qualified assistance. natural modesty and his qualities does not fight for this issue, and tomorrow he will
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reap the consequences, because we even have a medical faculty at the moscow state medical institute, if you think about it, well, probably, international doctors are also needed, but only here for some reason. power engineers, this is how, for example, the zmeevskaya tets control panel in kharkov now looks like. by according to local authorities, it is impossible to restore the station in the foreseeable future. in the special operation zone, russian units disrupted the supply of ukrainian forces. the crew of the hurricane rocket system hit
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the railway bridge near kurakhov, along which the enemy was delivering ammunition supplies. an accurate hit on the target was confirmed by objective monitoring footage. western countries are increasingly using terrorist groups to achieve their goals. he announced this today in astana at a meeting with colleagues from the sco countries.
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alexandrusokhov, a man, legend, politician, diplomat, writer and philosopher, turns 90 today. his work in many ways became fateful for our country. he was not only a witness, but a participant in many historical events. immediately after the hot phase of the cuban missile crisis, he went to cuba. the jubilee shared his memories with ilya canada. he is smiling and collected. a man from the caucasus mountains, the son of a hereditary railway worker, a metallurgist by training, became a diplomat. he was not thirty when he was sent to cuba directly across the ocean. and so we sailed for 15 days to liberty island in havana. during these 15 days i tried to learn
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speech, briefly, so that i could speak without translators. the task was to somehow soften the offense. he was deeply offended because the caribbean crisis was resolved without him. kruchev and kennedy agreed, and cuba was left without soviet missiles, which greatly frightened the americans. he was not only very offended, but spoke about it publicly several times. it was necessary to convince the hot-tempered castre that the ussr was a friend without missiles. instead of missiles, flammable ones, military experts, of course, but dzasokhov’s sphere - youth political and personal contacts. he came up with a simple and elegant way to make friends with chegiwaras.
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he became a field diplomat, without red carpets or cozy offices. the ussr supported anti-colonial movements, and dzasokhov found himself where wars were going on, conflicts flared up or died out. he was the first to meet with the future president of independent angola, augustinio netto, in order to report ahead of others. moscow will support, he flew from country to country, where civilian planes did not fly, for example, from another the warring kampucheans, who had just reconquered vietnam, imagine the ruins of the airport and a cheerful helicopter pilot, drunk, he says, i’m in krasnodar, he says, i studied to be a helicopter pilot, and we agreed to fly, but the helicopter was captured, american, yes, and it was several times...
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i missed him, one of his first things, which is still talked about in the republic, he resettles his dossier and goes to his homeland, for which he always puts the nomenklatura in the same building with all the other managers, this vacated building is given away under the name of the arts when i found out that the then minister of railways aksyonenko intended to close the car repair plant, called him to his dacha, i mean , i told the commandant of the dacha, close it... the gates in my office at my dacha work office, and
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we stayed together, talked, saved the plant, and he and i became friends when a grandson was born into his family, he called me on the phone, we named our grandson allan, he restores theaters. mention of beslan seemed to take the living soul out of him, then he offered himself in exchange - this is what he likes to talk about, and when for hostages, i would simply throw all my merits, awards, honors at my feet and grind them so that this would not happen, yet the republic lived, was built when...
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discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery
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collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic laksary collection bodroom. the office is the calling card of your business. the taller business center is located near paveledskaya square and the garden ring. author's architecture with a recreated historical tower. exhaust system with facial recognition, space and time management application, intelligent building navigation system, data center, public spaces and underground parking. taller - a new height for your business.
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65 years ago you came to the maikovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if i'll take me, then it's forever. svetlana nemalyaeva. loyalty is like talent, but did your heart also tell you something about lazarev? we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly, all this was said in my heart right away in the office romance, i always felt sorry for you, in fact you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never encroach on him, on his family , she simply plunged into
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the romantic world of her youth, she couldn’t be blamed for that, even if i only knew... your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, here’s shurka, it’s just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, happy birthday to you, blow out on saturday. after graduation you fly to italy, and i’ll finish my business here and join you, if only you knew where you’ll lose it, dad, dad, if you knew where you’ll find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans,
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you actually loved him, mom, so from now on, in more detail, come with me. "i i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we’ve only known each other for a few days, it’s not enough, life doesn’t give us any help, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, in one of the recent programs, when you all over the country saved tv presenter dana borisova, whose health had deteriorated due to... for fashionable "devices for extreme weight loss, we realized that russia was covered by a wave of a new method of weight loss. people are buying drugs for diabetics en masse, we conducted dozens of raids and made test purchases. did n't they ask us for a prescription for a prescription drug? you need to touch me. horrifying details of victims of the injection of embeddedness in our program. malakhov today on rtr.
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live on air. we are continuing production. almost 800,000 requests from svo participants were processed by the defenders of the fatherland foundation in the year since its creation. the head of the fund, anna tseveleva, told vladimir putin about this. there has never been anything like this in our country before, either after the great patriotic war or after local conflicts. details of the big conversation in the kremlin with alexei petrov. conversation with the head defenders of the fatherland foundation anna tseveleva about how work is being done to support veterans.
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910,000 requests, that is, we are approaching a million; we understand that the quality of the fund’s work ; the number of requests today means that, as quickly as we were able to resolve these requests, there are 780,000 requests already resolved. the work is progressing actively; in less than 2 months, branches of the fund have started operating in all regions of the country, and 70% of requests come from active military personnel, although... the fund was originally created for those dismissed from service. help is provided in one window mode. lawyers, psychologists, representatives of the prosecutor's office, including the military, and military registration and enlistment offices are working on site. behind everyone. northern military district veterans are assigned a separate employee, a social coordinator who has undergone special training. there are 3,500 of them in total. particular attention to the adaptation of residential premises.
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we are talking about installing special beds for the wounded and disabled, equipping apartments with the smart home system. what problems remain the most, well, noticeable, why it would be necessary to pay attention to both your fund and departments in order to close them as quickly as possible. firstly, the most pressing issue is obtaining a combat veteran’s certificate; this is very important for the guys, because all further steps in obtaining social guarantees of state assistance depend on this. report that they are introducing an electronic system now, right? well, we will only be very happy if this helps speed up this process, because of course this is a common task, here we are ready to assist and work with... another problem is the mechanism
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for obtaining the status of a combat disabled person for former employees of private military companies. according to tseveleva, today they only undergo a medical and social examination, where they receive the status of disabled persons due to a general illness, but they cannot pass a military medical commission , as a result, social benefits are more modest. you, vladimir vladimirovich in february. this year , instructions have already been given regarding the defenders of donbass, now the government of the russian federation has prepared a corresponding draft resolution, but in it did not include employees of private military companies. we would like to ask you to initiate, supplement your instructions to include this category too, we will definitely do it. one of the main tasks is to support those who, after returning from the front, have to essentially start life again. we have a category of guys. who have been seriously injured , are currently in wheelchairs or have double amputation, that is, of both lower extremities at once, now we want to take
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the initiative to provide these children with a manually controlled car - include it in the list of rehabilitation means; for a young man, this will be a potentially life-changing decision, he will be able to go to work and... especially when he lives in the village, to the store, to socialize, to go somewhere to in general, if we remain on such an active agenda, we will assume that this issue has been resolved. the foundation has established cooperation with the country's leading universities, participants of the svo can receive education or improve it, for those who want to start a business, there is an opportunity to undergo training in mba program. i asked you to do this in due time, to get feedback - about. the quality of the services provided, well , the means of rehabilitation, i know that you and your colleagues are working on creating
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an appropriate information system? starting today it is launched, we will collect feedback both through the government services portal and through a chatbot, which will be downloaded to these guys’ mobile phones, we also have a hotline, and through our website, the guys will also be able to - we need this survey fill out the questionnaire, i i know that the appropriate funds were allocated to you, but the ministry of development will do this using the resources they have, and you will leave the money that was allocated to you in the treasury accounts, just be sure to write me the appropriate letter so that the target can be rewritten there accordingly purpose so that these funds could additionally be used to... solve the main problems of purchasing rehabilitation equipment and improving their quality. there are many tasks, but the main thing is not the numbers, although they are extremely important, a warm human
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attitude towards everyone. i see that during our conversation, you constantly talk so warmly about the people you work with, the defenders, our guys, and so on, so carefully, with love, you need to treat everyone, including directly our people. soldiers and members of their families, this is the attitude towards people that needs to be preserved, the work is based on this approach, especially since there are examples, notes anna tseveleva, when veterans themselves, as well as their relatives, become employees fund. alexey petrov, irina kharlamova and andrey netreba. news. flooding zones have already been recorded in thirty-two russian regions, and almost 3.0 rescuers are providing assistance to the population. in the altai territory, where about a thousand areas are flooded, they are organizing.
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critical situation in the orenburg region in orsk, cars are floating through the streets, bus passengers filmed how water is poured directly into the cabin. data on flooding come from the south of the chelyabinsk region, where the taguzak river overflowed the bank, and the water level rose in just 24 hours by 80 cm. in st. petersburg, after the abnormal heat, the first thunderstorm of this year occurred. it was accompanied by thunderclaps and heavy hail. and in the leningrad region it was icy.
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the reputation of viktor sadovnichy, as well as his contribution to the development and preservation of the best traditions of education in higher schools. and today vladimir putin signed a decree conferring the title of hero of labor on viktor sadovnichy. thus, the merits of the rector of moscow state university in the scientific field and public life of the country were noted. by the same decree, the president awarded the title of hero of russia and the honorary title pilot-cosmonaut anni kikina for her courage. heroism during a long expedition to the iss. the head of avtovaz, maxim sokolov, became a holder of the order of merit for the fatherland , third degree, for the development of the russian automobile industry. the president posthumously awarded the order of courage to elena ilyina, an employee of the election commission in the zaporozhye region. zelensky's terrorists planted a bomb in her car. also among the recipients was valery teslenko, a rescuer from belgorod. he is there
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at any time of the day. helps victims of ukrainian shelling, in total there are more than 200 names in the presidential decree, including actress irina pegova, she was awarded the title of people's artist of russia today. after the big news, today don’t miss the continuation of the detective melodrama the indomitable restlessness on our channel. the main character will have to unravel a mysterious crime. a well-known businessman in the city, who had previously been a witness in the case, was killed. about another murder of a young girl, you won’t miss two episodes at once this evening. oh, hi, this is egor. snow, stormy winds, negative temperatures, even during the day winter returned to st. petersburg after record heat. the center of the country also expects drastic weather changes. in moscow, already at this hour , wind gusts reach simply storm levels. the city is under yellow
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weather level. dangers, well, we’ll check all the details with tatyana antonova. tatyana, well , unfortunately, we can’t avoid cold weather either, right? evgeniya, unfortunately, the cyclone with the name patricia, which is now ruling in the north, in the northwest, will reach its cold front will make us colder, and how. severe, well, the epicenter is not nastya, now in the leningrad region, in karelia, there are freezing rains, a strong north wind has brought the temperature down to almost zero. the next few days will not please you with warmth, but dangerous precipitation is almost... the weather in the center is changing, rain will begin in the evening, by the morning it will already be mixed with sleet, the temperature will collapse, in tver in smolensk tomorrow afternoon it will only be +5. in the south, in crimea, in dzhanko yesterday there were record +31, and tomorrow on the peninsula maximum 15:20, in st. petersburg around zero, at night up to -5 without precipitation, in moscow during the day up to +8° with rain, and we are with gifts, where does all this come from,
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you’re retired, right? vtb - the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum. vtb together everything will work out. the federal part of the broadcast is now over, regional news is ahead. novosibirsk physicists have created nano-diamonds. this material has neither natural nor artificial analogues; yana ulanova is in direct contact with the studio. yana, hello, what are the properties of the new material and how is it? than possible be used. good afternoon, evgeniy. the material of the future combines the properties of diamonds and graphene. these are not individual crystals, but a complete, thin film, light, strong, elastic, and conducts electricity well. it can be used in biomedicine, in microelectronics to protect microcircuits from external influences, and also as a basis.


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