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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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service of the moscow city hall that a snake crawled into my bed, into my apartment, we don’t know where from, there was never a snake at home, never, save, help, snakes big and small are caught and sent to such serpentariums, enclosures with a special microclimate, some people have simpler conditions, just a box with sawdust, here is one of the inhabitants that can be safely picked up, a land turtle, surprisingly, the owners even get rid of such calm animals for some reason, every winter... they bring it here from the ducks who were unable to fly south in the fall. these ducks came to us in the winter, when all the ponds were frozen, we treated them, we nursed them. and most importantly, birds are not domesticated here; they are released into the wild in the spring. alexander sanzhiev, evgeny oreshnikov, dmitry sorokin, alena felatova and alexander ovsyanikov, lead. fearless cossack warriors from the legendary oksay detachment will come to our program studio after graduation. they defend kenburska.
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we will remember songs about our home, everyone has a relative, we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir, we had an amazing front garden, we played football in dodgeball, i was kicked out all the time, move out today, and the child,
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i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be on the street with a torn child, come to me , live as you want, but we won’t be here for long, she’ll take the little brat away, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said i want a white one here coming up oh you are good, pet the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws, so tame the biter, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done! oh, well done, warm up to a stray,
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a parrot flies onto my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, everyone says, guys, i should feed the hamster, you’re in a circle of friends, in a circle friends, program for the whole family, through saturday. on rtr, in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, silence even though he doesn’t breathe, we leave as defectors, marveling at the love of the sun to the depths. your
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heart and to the depths of your soul. hello, this is our program. relatives of svo participants periodically receive frightening calls from ukraine. they are informed in a rude manner about the death of loved ones and sent photos and videos. it’s scary to imagine how a mother or wife feels at this moment. thus, the enemy uses a prohibited technique and it is very important not to succumb to provocations. lana received a message about the death of her son from an unknown sender. there the rumor reached, today there at night, a sniper supposedly took it, but no, everything was cut short, i immediately called, and he was right there, mom, everything is fine, everything is fine, here he is, i’m sitting here alive, everything’s fine with me, everything. i don't want to believe everyone. the false fakes that are sent
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are often sent to mothers in order to specifically, one might say, kill the mother. only a mother can understand this; she raised her son alone, and 2 years ago she saw him off to the front. he told me on the last day when he went, i am always on your side and will always support you. now evgeniy is performing combat tasks in the position of deputy battalion commander, came under the special aim of the enemy, so my mother’s heart skips a beat with every call. everything is fine, what happened, what are you doing? “i love you, i’m waiting for you, come. another shock was this video, it was reset, my left arm was torn off. in the footage, lana saw a colleague, a son, a fighter with the call sign, siberia, then when i saw this, i, i very,
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i looked, siberia, this is not siberia, no, it ’s, it’s him, the first thing that flashed through my mind was that they could be there together. in our studio we have the mother of svo participant lana malova. hello lana. hello lana. hello. lana, you called us on the hotline and told our editors about yourself and your son. thank you for trusting us and for being with us today. do you even watch all our episodes or not? i am a regular viewer of this program. and in one of the programs i saw my son’s commander. this is aksai. brigade don, then i decided to call your program, my son confronted me with a fact and said: “i’m leaving, although there was a conversation before that, i told him, i’ll tell you i forbid it, you cannot go there, but he
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answered me, who, if not me? and one day i received a voice message, i don’t remember word for word, but something was there, brother, a sniper shot a mosquito.” at first i was taken aback, then a voice message began to speak to my son, record your voice message , send it so that i can hear you better video and at the same time a text message comes from him mom , if you suddenly receive such a message, don’t believe me, i’m alive, so i began to insist, then he sent it to me, mom, i’m alive, you see, here’s the day and then... yes, this was the only case, but this incident was enough, in general, i want to appeal to all mothers, never
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listen to these messages, even if suddenly something comes to someone, until they hear a voice, or see their son, do not believe. i ’m more than sure that this is from the side of ukraine, they put pressure on mothers in order to break the spirit of the children, the weakest point is mothers, i pray, i will pray, i wake up in the morning with a prayer for my son, i constantly think what he ate there , are they cold, he laughs at me all the time when i send him, and are you warm socks? put on a hat, yes, well, i gave him i say, a helmet, a hat, well, we’re mom, of course, we always worry about them, and i send him good morning, sunshine, good morning, my joy, he even laughed more than once, mom, well, i’m not little , well
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, then i started writing to him, good morning, my dear, how are you, then after a while, when i have the opportunity, he answers, i always feel him in my heart, if they are on some task, i i always feel, sometimes it happens, at 2:00, at 3:00 in the morning, i wake up, i immediately have thoughts, that means he’s there, that means he’s on a mission, it’s hot there, i’m his i feel it, i pray, then somehow it becomes easier, after a while i fall asleep, and this is always the case, which tsai unit is he in?
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he is very secretive, he doesn’t tell me much, maybe he’ll tell us this himself? let's call him. evgenia, please come in. hello. everything is fine, hello, did you know that mom is in our studio, no, this is a surprise, unexpected for you, but pleasant, i hope it’s a surprise, a surprise, just a surprise, evgeniy malov, pozybnoy komar, that’s right, svo participant, we're glad to see you, thanks in return, why is the mosquito so stubborn? oh, this is an old story, donetsk, twenty-second year. arrived with a group at the 100th guards brigade before the formation, everyone
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named their call sign, i said mine, my last name is malov, so i was small, call sign, i was small all my life, the commander told me , he says, no, mosquito, you’re tired of pushing while you were running i was fussing about my guys, well, it so happened that i became a mosquito, how do you feel, everything is great, we’ve arrived from the front line, well, let’s start with why you were nominated for the order of courage, august 24, received the order. began to advance to the task, on september 2 the task was completed, during this period there was a very difficult battle, heavy, not all of us returned, but thank god, the bulk of the guys left, the assigned task was completed, apparently that’s why they were awarded such a high insignia , you won’t tell us the details, but someday you’ll tell your mother, then definitely, after the war, i think, many... who will tell, but it will be after the war, after the victory, that’s for sure. evgeniya, here
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is the video that your mother saw about your combat colleague, were you together then? no, i am the person who gave the order to carry out this combat mission. the guys on the way back met with fip drones, and accordingly came under fire. one drone clearly hit the car the guys were driving. a few more drones started hunting for them, let's watch a video of how your colleagues came under this heavy fire, brothers, the campaign was reset, he tore off his left arm, tell your son, i adore him, i love everyone, oksay, oksay above all, oksay best of all, the russian fighter recorded this video after of the shell being dropped on his car, the ukrainian media distributed the footage, adding footage of the ukrainian armed forces from a copter. it can be seen how
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the wounded man is literally being hunted, and then his death was reported. the news turned out to be false: the fighter with the call sign sibir survived. returning to the mission in a car with his comrades shkodo and makar, he was attacked by kamikaze drones, and his arm was immediately broken. and my leg fell out of the car, i couldn’t push off far, i fell right next to me, the car was rolling, it was already all on fire, the back wheel of the patriot still drove over my leg. in the sai battalions, the fighter siberia followed his friend, the commander of the operational department with the call sign cyprus, 3 months ago. when i found out, i blamed myself, and i still blame myself, every time i call him by video call, until then the tears keep coming, because well, the truth is, i ca
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n’t forgive myself for this, i probably never will, i probably would , now i gave everything to fight, now the fighter sibir is undergoing treatment, his arm had to be amputated, the doctors are trying to save his leg, and i respect them all, i love them all very much, in our studio svo member alexander vasiliev with pose cyprus, hello alexander, hello, hello, alexander, hello, i see. it’s hard for you to watch this video, yes, always, every time it’s hard for me to call him via video call, every time it’s hard to hear, every time it’s hard, you feel guilty, i’ll probably feel it until the end of my days, for what, why? i served my first contract in the oksay battalion, after that i went on vacation, went on a second contract to be renewed and invited a friend, because everything was fine, i liked everything. we worked with him in civilian life together all the way, in a rapid response group, a proven person, and i
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needed such people in my work, that’s why i basically didn’t see anyone else next to me, i invited him and let’s say, this is the first time in a row battalion oksai, that just like that they hit our car with a ficopter, this had never happened before and never happened in principle, but he remained alive, all thanks to his physical training, a man with a capital m. the best warrior, the man i knew and will know, thank god he’s alive, he’s my brother, even if not by blood, but did you discuss this situation with vladimir, your condition, your relationship? to this, that you blame yourself, i wrote to him periodically on this topic, this happens to me, but he says, as if i knew what i was doing, as if everything was fine, but he does not lose heart, his character is so steely, he will never say that it’s bad, that it hurts in some other way, the person is like that, but in general, how did this video appear, how did you find it, he sent it to close people when he
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was already, so to speak, conscious, when he was evacuated, yeah because at first we don't knew what was happening. the situation there was very interesting, we had a missile danger command at the air traffic control point at the time of deployment, that is, i evacuated the personnel of the nearest populated areas, well, in order not to get caught in a missile attack, well, accordingly, he was given the command to go to the contact line, i i received a text message from kamar, the deputy battalion commander, that siberia 300 had no hand, everything else, but we didn’t know where they were taking him, that is, well, the situation was still chaotic. as the night passed, it became clear in the morning that he had been evacuated, that everything is fine, but how did this video get on the ukrainian channel? do you think they work very well, they know their job, and we need to understand that our inexperience, our wrong actions serve this, well, maybe someone to someone sent a video , a leak occurred, in short, that’s
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right, they somehow commented on this, they didn’t just spread this information then? their fate? yes, their fate was unknown, because the evacuation took place under other arrivals of other vepevicopters, they were together with themselves, all three of them were traveling together in the same car, it happened, and as we again had information at first that skoda and makar are generally 200, we just can’t have accurate information, all these are pieces, at night there was already information that they
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were also in the hospital, they simply did not fully understand the severity of the injuries, so they collected information little by little, little by little. skoda and makara, skoda and makara, please come in, hello, hello, we have svetoslav poplevin in our studio with the call sign skoda,
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and gennady makarov with the call sign makar. what is the best way to contact you? according to the pose of the skoda makar, yes, yes, well, tell us how it all was, how it is through your eyes now, well, we were driving, let’s say, from a combat mission on a certain section of the road, a drone flew into the roof, after which we jumped out of the car, naturally, not understanding at all what was happening, because everyone was shell-shocked, stunned, they began to look for the cool, because everyone knew perfectly well and understood that the drones one at a time, let’s say, do not attack, so they retreated into the forest belt and it turned out that our comrade was not nearby, the third one who was in the car with us, they began, so to speak, to call out to him, heard that he was supposedly nearby somewhere, consulted, made a general decision, yes, that we should slowly move towards him , because it is unknown what happened to him, they came to the road,
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saw that he was in siberia, what kind of injuries he had, so i... began to drag him to the nearby christmas trees, because under no circumstances should he remain in the open air, makar at that moment was covering, roughly speaking, the rear, but from the chosen position, well, when he pulled away siberia for cover, and i heard the second drone come in, uh-huh, to which i moved away from siberia, well, just as i was taught, how you can’t cluster together in order to minimize, let’s say, losses, i moved a little... to the side and opened fire on a drone, a drone flying past, well, i didn’t hit it at first, yes, then, when it was already turning towards me, i shot, hit it, it exploded, in the air in the air?
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what to do next, well, we decided, since i was wounded, to try to stop a passing car, so we went to nearby doctors, here to help, because let’s just say we couldn’t transport siberia in a car. because it is unknown what kind of internal injuries he would have, and how to touch him, and so on and so forth, it was decided that i should go to the doctors, call for help, an evacuation group, but it almost didn’t work out, i sat in another car, the passenger got out, stayed with my guys to help, drove off a little and a third drone flew into the roof, fell out of this car, walked about a kilometer, maybe a little more, and his legs were broken, and his legs were broken. yes, the ural left the forest, and well the driver picked me up, well, i got to the doctors, explained the whole situation, said where it was all located, and
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accordingly the evacuation group went there, makar, and where were you at that moment, when i sent the skoda, accordingly, as it were in niva, i took two more tourniquets from the guys about baseballs, went back to siberia, i burned my leg and sat and talked to him, so that he wouldn’t lose consciousness, he constantly interrupted me, there he says, here’s my son there - here, call me to let him know, i love him very much, but it was scary, well, of course it was scary, approximately how long did it take for help to arrive, well , after about 30 minutes, one doctor came up, i sort of asked him about some relevant documents, he showed me his military id, then i... .. as soon as i let him approach me for exactly 30 minutes, skoda walked 1.5 km on broken legs, there was also a guy who was driving the car instead of skoda, he
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also came up with me, as if he saw such a story, and i said, bro, well, run, and he already seemed to know where the doctors were, these guys in the field, they were from this unit of the sixty- first brigade. marine corps, which is where they brought me, we were very lucky, we were very lucky to receive help, because they knew the area better, and now vladimir, siberia, you have connections with him, exactly, the very beginning of the hospitalization, how he just got in touch, i have never seen a bad mood, anything else, he is always fresh, how he even sways already there, i was very worried about this, so that he... well, does not break morally, after all, the loss of a limb , as if well, he’s basically a positive person, so yes, he’s a positive , charismatic man in our country, you were
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in his hospital, let’s watch a story about this, now we’ve reached siberia, now we ’ll go see our brother, that’s it will be good. hug quietly, okay,
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well, well done, that you support him, of course, but how could it be otherwise, brotherhood, pestilence, yes, physically, that you came, this is of course very important for him, but how many people do you have in your unit? to talk about it or not, probably not, it’s better not y... and he is leading the defense of the kinbur spit, a strategically important territory, this is protecting the enemy’s passage to the crimea. i think we're doing a pretty good job of it based on
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the results of that one.
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if there are no personnel, the task will not be completed. the commander of the rescue group with the call sign frenchman is responsible for the lives of the guys. at 22 years old, timofey markov has earned authority among fighters’ doctors. i have the lowest mortality rate, this is simply my presence, my presence directly at the lbs. if there is a medic there, then a fighter wounded, he gets the irreplaceable opportunity to immediately be with a specialist who can. at least preliminary, but make some kind of diagnosis and provide him with more qualified assistance than his comrades would allow. at the moment, the people who died while in my arms are seven people in a year. the heroes of maksai trust and want to imitate, so more and more people want to join the ranks of the battalion. now your task is to prepare in order to stay alive on the battlefield.
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you have for this and... listener that we don’t have enough courage, the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, this is one, andrey chernyshov, why are you out of the blue and on fire. my whole life
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has been moving forward, alexander mikhailov, she is in a difficult situation, she urgently needs a job, just tell me what, where, what, marat basharov, i regretted one, some, you order, i’ll fire you today, roman madyanov, i’ll increase your salary , i already ordered, alla, taxi, how did we manage without you before, here namely, especially me, since april 8th. on rtr. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star you will discover a new world of belgian waffles. and your kids will ask you to make them again and again. that's the secret. the non-stick waffle iron plates have a deeper , larger design that allows you to add
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earlier in the program, lana malova, the mother of a participant in a special military operation, received a false message about the death of her son. i am more than sure that this is from the ukrainian side, they are putting pressure on mothers in order to break the spirit of the guys, the weakest point is mothers. our judge is a member of the svo, filsher, the commander of the search and rescue group, timofey. markov with the call sign frenchman, hello, why frenchman? well the story is interesting, this is when i received my first wound, before that i had different call signs, but the french call sign stuck with me,
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i had a severe concussion for about a week, i spoke with a completely french accent, hello there like that in france, no, not anymore, now that’s all it’s okay, sometimes you just forget words like that. the call sign remains, yes, the call sign remains, you are now serving in this unit, yes, how long ago, uh, well, i serve in this unit, i’ll probably boast now before everyone else here, for a month i’m only ours i was ahead of the deputy commander, i am already in this unit from the very beginning, that is, i entered it, it was formed, including the first unit that made it up, i was there, you have a light hand, only seven left. this is for all the time, yes, for all the time, unfortunately, i could not save seven people, this is specific, to clarify, this is the one that the person did not take him already gone, but who directly would not have been able to save him,
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how many others it was, i recently tried to count, there are a lot of people there, we evacuated about 50 people in one day, not even in day, and three hours for four hours. yes, about 50 people were evacuated from the poker alone after the assault, i work, of course , not alone, i have a very good team that was selected by me, many people were invited to join me, with whom i studied together, and before... where did you work ? before sv, i worked in an ambulance and worked as a paramedic at a construction company, i love medicine. how did you even decide to volunteer? this decision was probably due to the fact that at that moment i really wanted to prove to my father what i could do, what i couldn’t worse than others, but did your father have any doubts? no, it was i who had doubts, that my father had doubts, there was a conversation between you. it was very unpleasant for him to know that i
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went, he really wanted to protect me from all this, but you acted like a true warrior, perhaps, well, i’m learning, sometimes you look at fighters, indeed, who, and well, if you look at the fear itself , but there are people nearby who help, who fiddle with me as if they were their own child, and i didn’t make myself this way, people made me this way, that is, the elders helped me. it seems to me that for the most part these are the heroes, you said, messing around like a child, lana said, the socks are warm, this is somehow not very well perceived by serious adult men, well, i would probably say more from the command side , because, nevertheless , due to my age, i still don’t fully know some aspects, i don’t fully understand, we learn all our lives, and since the age of twenty-two, sensitive instructions, constant monitoring. here we have a good, full-fledged fighter. what
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struck you most when you started serve? probably the most surprising thing was that i realized that everything was not the same as in the films; this was probably the main turning point for me. before my first combat appearance, i thought that we would be like in the films, that we would be knocking down the door. i remember i was with a friend, he is now also wounded, we had to walk 10 km to the place of the immediate first, the first line, which... here are the clashes, and here i am walking, all in such spirit, i think i’ll come now , now i’ll unwind, i think now i’ll kill, destroy, that’s who i am warrior, well, when the machine gunner started shooting at me, there was dirt there, i realized that i was such a big boy and that my abilities turned out to be much greater than i thought, it turns out i can run very fast, it turns out i can jump very far. .. to jump into such holes
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under the dugouts, which i probably wouldn’t have gotten into in a minute, but there it was all done just by jumping, you should have seen lana’s eyes now, i don’t know a lot of things, she’s hiding everything from me, protects me, protects me, protects me, even something, if i ask him, everything is fine with you, my mother thought for a long time that i worked at the headquarters, yes , as a clerk, that’s for sure. there will be a conversation. timofey, that’s what you think, how long does it take to completely restore siberia, vladimir? it is clear that there will be no complete recovery, since there is a traumatic amputation, yes, of course, well, the recovery will be at least from 6 to 12 months, but given his fortitude, willpower, he has very much of it, perhaps it will be everything is much faster, because he doesn’t have a hefty strength, that’s what i even say, many people don’t understand me, they ask me how it is, i say, here’s a fighter... clinging to life, it’s when you take away another fighter
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, someone, for example, is lying next to you, falling asleep, but he, well, you can’t, and you say, you talk to him, but he doesn’t want to, he leaves, you bother him, you push him, there ’s something else, but there are fighters who themselves start singing, telling something , someone orders, please play it for me, i don’t know there, kosha, king jester, there, play it for me, please, clings, here is siberia, he is exactly one of those people, one of people who love to live, strong in spirit, the doctors said that... every time he bandages his wounds, so as not to constantly inject pain, he sings cossack songs, at first the doctors were shocked, that in sevastopol, where he was originally, then in moscow, accordingly, they did not understand what was wrong with him, maybe they had told him to go crazy, why he was singing cossack songs, but he had already developed it, that is, it drowns out the pain, like this man, so i think he will recover sooner, you know, we all really wish vladimir to recover as soon as possible, of course. and we want to introduce you all to one person
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who can help him, ivan, please come in, can i shake your hand, my name is ivan khudyakov, you are the director of an innovative company, since the nineteenth year we have been residents of skolkovo and have been developing high-tech prosthetic arms and legs for adults and children, first of all, of course, one of our key priorities is... making our russian prosthetics for the guys who were wounded, about the oks unit i i found out from telegram, i was subscribed to one of the channels and... i saw vladimir, who was recording this farewell video, where he conveyed his last words to the squad, uh, son, relatives, i now remember even these emotions, of course, i was i’m very surprised that with such a wound, because, in fact , the arm was completely torn off, that is, bleeding, and he, very collected, not a drop
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of any doubt, spoke very firmly and wrote down these words. "of course, we will do everything to ensure that vladimir has a prosthesis that would return him to the squad, we have the guys who were injured made them prosthetics, they, some returned to the north military district zone, some simply, well, a prosthesis is needed in order to simply perform some simple tasks, such as everyday ones, because if a man he has two arms, he, well, he can do everything, this is a bionic protest, of course." tell me in more detail about the bionic prosthetic arm, because vladimir, in principle, first of all needs a hand, yes, but it works from the strength of the muscles, as vladimir high amputation, but in the shoulder girdle it is clear that there are muscles left in it, due to these muscles, special sensors are attached there, we teach how to use such a prosthesis, what this
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hand can do, the hand can do everything, that is , they are essentially the same fingers, everything, it seems to me, the first person, who should hear about this is vladimir of siberia. what should i tell you, ivan? vladimir, we are making bionic prosthetic hands, accordingly, i want to assure you, i looked at the state you are in now, that we will make a modern prosthetic hand with which you can do everything that is necessary, firstly, hold a spoon, a mug,
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even a weapon there yourself, you can return to your squad and the functionality that a person usually has, with this prosthesis you can definitely... do how much will it cost? and of course for vladimir and for our guys who received a relapse, it will be free, as soon as you go through the current rehabilitation in the hospital, we are waiting for you in skolkovo, we will take all the necessary measurements, work with the muscles so that you learn how to use this prosthesis , that is, we will make a prosthesis and teach how to use it, thank you ivan, thank you, thank you, wonderful. vladimir, very good news, and life goes on, everything will be fine with you, your guys are so supportive of you, a real military brotherhood, recover, vladimir, wait, don’t switch off, we have a video, this is how this very process works, about which ivan just told you, let's look together.
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wow. ivana, with such a high amputation, is this possible? yes, here, here is the protest right now, which shows that this is a guy, also from the dpr, from him, exactly. amputation, that is, he has an amputation at the level of the shoulder, so he uses a prosthesis, he was taught how to use it, and he does all the necessary functions, of course, to prepare for this, yes, yes, yes, yes, i saw everything well, great, everything , but this is natural, very encouraging, naturally, thank you, volodya,
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for doing the very first thing when you have such a hand, i can’t look into the future like that, unfortunately, i think everything is the same as with one hand. i do, only it will be much more convenient, much, naturally in old regime, as with two, but i think everything will be hug with your brothers, i think, with both hands, alexander, you are happy for your comrade, very, very much, let's take the weapon back, let's go, there's a lot to do, volos, greetings, my brothers, hello, brother, hello, i’m very glad to see you, every time i’m very... now, now especially, you look great, we’re really looking forward to it, everything’s fine, okay, let’s recover, eat the fish we brought you. and we are waiting for you in the ranks, you can handle it, dear, that’s it it will work out as soon as possible, brother, come back, and we are waiting for you, thank you, my
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dears, i will definitely return, how quickly it will be, i can’t, i can’t say, brother, it’s better faster, because we still have to take odessa, don’t forget about odessa, i think we have agreed on what to whom, so the agreement, i hope, is in force, of course, get well soon. quickly, quickly, thank you, congratulations, good health to you and see you soon, volodya, good luck to you, ivan, you have now given a man hope, he reacts very restrainedly, but i am sure that a ray of hope has appeared, this is very important. timofey, tell me, in your practice, often fighters rush back after being seriously wounded, well, if we take from our units, then this is in 99% of cases, there are fighters. who , perhaps due to some medical indicators , will indeed no longer be able to conduct full-fledged combat, combat service, which, well then
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, of course, i have to write a report to the commander that i cannot allow and bear responsibility for this soldier, because the soldier is sick, were there are already such cases, it’s difficult look into the eyes, of course, of this man for whom brotherhood is life, i say i want to go back, that is, everyone often returns, there is something to do in the rear. in support, so we try to always keep our fighters close so that they help us as much as possible in the future, we try to keep every combat unit in combat formation, i would also like to personally say thank you, it’s a great opportunity for a person to be back in the family, low bows in general for that , what you are doing is now vital for many, you give a chance for life. for a new life, for further military service, and in general for just existence, for a good life,
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a real good life, further in the program, who will the military rescuer with the call sign frenchman meet in the studio, radio dreamers? well, he's married, he's married, you're married, no, i, no, i, i'm not married, the man who was in your apartment and played with your child is not your husband, everything is complicated, irrepressible, restless, premiere, today on rtr, you are bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for the fence bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your
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you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr. earlier in the program, fighters from the aksai battalion told how the farewell video of their colleague with the call sign sibir became the main news of the ukrainian media. the guys on the way back met with fb drones.
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do you have a family yourself? well, i have a soulmate who is waiting for me, in tears, however, the other day we just didn’t the conversation took place, i say, katyusha, i will not come home with ends, i say, you say, i already understood that, i probably say, i will come, leave, i say, if i say, i will come home, well, now with ends already , then i say, you will already get another person, here i am, with whom you love me now, because i have such a profession, and my mother, my mother is also waiting for me. let's watch a story about your relatives. elena markova did not see her son timofey for more than a year. at first he went to the front as a volunteer for a special military operation. mom found out about this from his messages. tears immediately came to my eyes
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when i realized. what am i, i am the most precious thing. i simply gave it away and it’s like some kind of pain that’s in my chest, and there’s no escape from it; only someone who is also expecting their child can understand the pain of a mother; elena expresses her feelings in poetry. son, be strong, i am with you, your fight, son, is also my fight, for truth, for russia, mother, we had to stand with you. elena's eldest son vitaly supports her. he always admired his brother's actions. my brother always had love, compassion, it started with little animals, kittens and animals. he was always dragging some poor sick kitten home and trying to somehow take care of it. even if i am an older brother, sometimes in some moments i feel that you are superior to me and give me a reason
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to strive for something better. they are waiting for timofey at home in the city of the free amur region , they ask one thing every day for him to be alive, because the work that he does, he is now well... it’s actually not more important, free is the free one from leonid gaidai, absolutely right, wow, wow, by the way, i love this director very much, and no matter how many times you saw your friends, your mother from the first trip, you literally saw each other briefly after that, we have a surprise for you, elena, vitaly, please come in,
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yes, how is it there, it’s cold, it’s cold, how long have you not seen each other, with your son for more than a year, i came for a visit then, three weeks, yes, and before that we probably didn’t see each other for eight months, well, it started since he disappeared from contact, my heart is not in the right place, i’m worried, i’m worried about what it’s like, it’s a very difficult moment, my mother went to the military registration and enlistment office, they told me at the military registration and enlistment office, but she says he left on his own, yes, he left on his own, then he calls, mom, don’t worry, everything’s fine, that’s it, i ’m a volunteer, i’m in the donbass, i say, son, i say, well, how come, why, well,
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lina, you didn’t expect, you know, i probably, somewhere latently, maybe even felt that he is capable of this, and maybe even, in a purely maternal way, i was afraid that he might do this, so i tried to constantly be in touch with him, here he... sends me a video, i looked, i was in tears, and then i said to myself, son, i understood you, then a poem was born on the avenue of angels, no, i have pain in my chest, i don’t dare let go of myself, and from bitterness of life, don’t offer me sweetness, yesterday i walked through the angels of the nursery alleys, where they came together in... but a terrible hell and heavenly paradise, the silence rings there, so much so that you can go deaf, frozen forever, the cry of very young eyes,
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it is impossible to comprehend, it is impossible to understand how the donbass was drowned yesterday with the blood of children, trains are coming, trains are taking here, where husbands and sisters, beloved... sons, beating like a pulse, solemnly anxious, again about the songs of the holy war, words. i accepted it then, of course, he became a hero for me at the moment when he made this decision, i say: son, have connections, the most important thing, life has already flowed somehow differently, everything has become different, some... then ordinary things, they faded into the background somewhere. this is the fact that he’s there, that was the most important thing for me, vitaly, but for you it was also a surprise when timofey went there, or well, there were some prerequisites, well, my brother
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is an adventurer, he was fond of animals, he always carried everything home, tried to cure it somehow , feed it, a dog, a fly, remember, the children chased it there, teased it, dragged it, and he brought it into the entrance, well our parents forbade us, and he in... during the flight personally built a booth, a bed for her, so that she would be warm, fed, well, then the neighbor upstairs got stung, took her for herself, i visited her in 2021, and the fly immediately recognized me , can you imagine who would have told you then that later you would save fighters, but such an adventure is relatively interesting, when he started it, then yes, it was still a surprise, well, that is, he didn’t tell you anything, he told you already when he got there, but his message is that he, as a doctor , is clear to me, tell me, what is your impression of the meeting with relatives? shakes, bravo, it took me a long time to remember how to replace a word, it can’t be replaced, no, we
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want to show you two more video greetings, let’s look at the screen. vitaly chernukhov wrote these poems to his grandson timofey at the front. with me next to me, money doesn’t fly, bullets don’t whistle overhead, but i am their every one. cell i feel as if i’m fighting an unequal battle, as if i’m sitting with my father in a camp, as if i’m rushing to donbass with my grandson. vital worried when he received his first wound, when he received two shell shocks and lost his head, yeah, he went back, went to his homeland, and we we were already thinking about putting an end to this. back
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there. vitaly chernukhov holds back his tears when he looks at his childhood photos; then he already guessed that the whole country would be proud of this boy. timofey, my dear, you did exactly what needed to be done today. i’m proud of this, guy, very proud, we are all proud, you save many, you protect. many, our dear, take care of yourself too, son, i’m proud of you for raising you like this, your decision - to volunteer, to defend your homeland, we accepted with all our hearts, my mother and i are proud of you you, your decision to be a military medic to help others, for us it was happiness, we are waiting for you... with victory, returning home,
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your father is proud of you, without any doubt. alexander, when stern men cry , why do they cry? probably, when it hurts, not physically, somewhere here, let it be tears of joy. elena, thank you for your son, lana, thank you for your son, take care of yourself, our children, our sons, everyone. mothers are worried, i will pray for my son, i will pray for all sons, the whole team of our program we will pray for our defenders and wish them a speedy victory and return home alive, that’s how it will be, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you.
4:00 pm
i wanted it, well done, the premiere on rtr, vasya, i left you, i took yurka, no court will give a child to a mother who has no work and no living space, i need official registration, she will arrange something else for us, what to do, wait, wait, wait, let's go, my child was kidnapped, alla taxi from april 8th. on rtr. about the main events for this minute.


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