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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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doors in my office in my dacha office, and we were left alone, we talked, the plant was saved, and he and i became friends when a grandson was born into his family, he dialed me on the phone, we named our grandson allan, he is restoring theaters, we congratulate you on our theater, the suvorov school is opening. this is what he loves to talk about, and when beslan is mentioned , it’s as if the living soul is being taken out of him, then he offered himself in exchange for hostages, i would simply throw all my merits, awards, honors at my feet and grind them, so that only this was not the case.
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yes mom, mom, are you crazy, what happened, it’s bad, paul, it’s tough, just, lord, give me some water, wait, let me carry it, and i feel sick and dizzy water, in one of our recent sensational programs we again the whole country rescued a popular presenter... she was urgently
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taken to the hospital, i really want to lose weight, but i’ve now lost nine, i think about five or six more. later in our studio , the forty-seven-year-old tv presenter admitted that the reason for the sharp deterioration in her health was the side effects of the drug for diabetics, with which she lost 10 kg. there is tremors, there is nausea, there were losses of consciousness because i injected myself with a weight loss drug. this drug for weight loss, a drug for diabetics, starts with oh, a fashionable drug, she spied on hollywood stars, who set the unhealthy trend of losing extreme weight with the help of a drug for diabetics, when the fashion reached russia, people began to buy it en masse in the country's pharmacies medicine and inject them right at home, the injection is given in the stomach, that is , here i give the injection, press the rod, the medicine was administered, i did my gendy.
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injection. against this background, diabetics sounded the alarm and said that they lacked a vital drug. from people who thoughtlessly buy diabetic drugs just to lose weight, we, the truly diabetic people, suffer. we began our own investigation throughout the country, made test purchases, and left behind the legacy of the medical mafia. they always ask for recipes. did they just not ask us for a prescription for a prescription drug? yes, what are you talking about? can you at least answer one question about... who is in charge? the underground market for drugs for diabetics, as well as the horrific details of victims of slimness injections, is on our program today. lena yarmukhometova, today in our studio, she claims that she also suffered from this weight loss drug. hello, hello, hello, studio, tell me, so, you... started injecting yourself with
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this drug according to the doctor's indications, did you have a consultation or what? but no, honestly no, i decided so myself, and i’ve seen enough of many stars, because this drug was very popular, and of course i also wanted to lose weight, but without a doctor’s prescription, and without a prescription, i decided on my own that and for how many months did you inject yourself with it? a 2 months. at what point did you notice that health problems began? you know, right away, absolutely right away, i’m so angry right at this drug, i didn’t expect, yes, that yes, i didn’t expect just how very difficult it would be, but for my health, the very next day right away dizziness, nausea, severe pain in the head. i even
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fell into a daze, by the way, thank god, thank you god, it was all right in my apartment, but let’s just say the game was worth the candle, how much weight have you lost? in fact , i lost a little weight, well, to begin with , i was never plump, i was not very fat, but after the birth of my third child, you have three children, and i have three children, so i gained weight and i said i'm very fat, you've probably seen the program from dani borisova, she's also with us again today, and of course i saw it, how are you? do you feel well, danochka, i feel good, the weight didn’t come back, i lost 10 kg, but i didn’t like the appearance, it was so painful, too thin, so i gained 2 kg myself, allowed myself flour for
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a month, i’m happy with the drug, but the side effects were terrible, come on, come on let us really recall a fragment of that broadcast that... and pushed us today to this investigation, mom, mom, are you crazy, what happened, it’s bad, paul, it’s hard, just, lord, give me some water, wait, yes, bring it, and i'm feeling sick and dizzy, water is an ambulance, let's go in, hello, what's wrong? it happened to you, hello, it’s very bad, you know, it’s like i’m going to faint, severe dryness in my mouth and vision, it’s like everything is blurry, blurry, oh, not feeling well, i ’m just dying, bring a pillow, please, bring a pillow, that’s it ,
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shakes a little, there is a feeling of shaking, right? i want to lose weight, i really really want to, but i’ve now lost nine, i think about five or six more, i have tremors, i have nausea, i’ve had some loss of consciousness. because i injected myself with a drug for weight loss, which means this drug is for weight loss, a drug for diabetics, i injected for exactly 2 months, it starts with oh, i know, now you see again, dana, my hands were also shaking, yes it was, i
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just felt very lethargic, so i woke up, like yes, i should be cheerful, and i’m already tired , some kind of lethargy, and i want to sleep, that is, did you buy the drug via the internet? or at the pharmacy? at the pharmacy, without a prescription, without a prescription, yes, yeah, but let me remind you that just when we found out the pharmacy where dana purchased her drug, we then made a test purchase there, let's see, the investigation continues, we we arrived at one of the pharmacies in moscow, let's try to buy the drug here, hello, please tell me, is it possible to buy it, here's option three, yeah, well, for weight loss?
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they were shy, i’m not shy, oh, well, oh, that’s it, valerievich, and with what feeling are you looking now, this is a terrifying situation, i ’m sick, i use this medicine and this medicine, and no means for losing weight,
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first of all, i’ve been suffering from this for 6.5 years, and i can’t live without it, i can name things, you don’t even know about it, andrey, your editors, two weeks ago they saved me in your rest room, i arrived for another program, they finally called me here, an ambulance arrived then. there is this medicine, you urgently need to go to this pharmacy, what do pharmacies do, this is a criminal business, precisely criminal, it is connected with the lives of people on the roads, when, of course, our so -called stars are in quotation marks or to the status to which you strive, this is what you are depriving and pursuing a criminal policy in relation to this medicine.
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test purchase with this cheerful pharmacist, what has changed there, attention,
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hello, pharmacy, that's right, i need it, there is availability, no, we only have it, give me a credit for 20300, yeah, yes, great, by card, we don't have cards, let's do it by transfer, and i can give you eight in cash, and the rest is by transfer, but it doesn’t matter to me. hello, please tell me, why do you sell the drug without a prescription? well, what, the girl just bought you, did you see the schedule, why are you selling the drug without a prescription, tell me guys, you see the schedule here, you can ask us at least one question, they opened the door, why are you selling i don’t allow myself to be filmed. where are you running away from us all the time, i’m not, no, i’m not running away, i turn on the light, close the door,
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go out, where are you going out, don’t touch me, and you, where are you going, we ’ll call the police now, we’ll sort out the situation now , i didn’t sell drugs without a prescription, the girl showed me the recipe, don’t touch me, you can, i mean, don’t touch me, what kind of system do you have that you don’t issue checks, we issue checks, can you give us a check? get? yes, of course, let's get the check, besides the fact that we were not given a check, right now they are hastily printing it, there is also a rather curious corner of the consumer, here is the federal tax service, there is a certificate, there is no seal, there is no signature, just paper, and why is it that goods are sold either for cash or for translation, why isn’t there a corresponding terminal, because we have oo it’s in the sense that it’s not my need, what happened at the pharmacy? they sold me a drug that is strictly, they actually sold it to me, they didn’t give me a receipt, we are still asking
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check, yeah, this is actually the situation, hello, what happened, why are you selling the drug without a prescription, without a prescription, because we have an online order, and show us the order number, there was no online order, i didn’t have one. no, they just came and just came and bought, you generally have a cash register, there is, well, what’s the problem, punch the check, in general it’s your responsibility, yes, my duty, yes, sorry, punched it, the check was handed over, a check is needed, a check is unnecessary , look, write a statement, we are now taking the citizen’s data later we hold you accountable, you tell me, your conscience doesn’t bother you at all, that you’re selling your conscience, so what else are you going to sell?
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today, today no, well, today good health, but after some period of time, in six months, in a year, something will definitely come out. but you will also see clients, patients, talk about what is happening now, tell me, i want to say the following, which means that in addition to the fact that the drug is sold without a prescription, there is also
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another problem of the black market, and people in this they receive the box and buy it. it may be completely different, not a drug at all, from here, when we talk about some side effects, they are most likely associated with them, because in fact, all the drugs of the new generation, they have been studied, they are really vital for certain people , they are really included in the list and i repeat once again, they have been proven to be effective, but fashion has taken hold, 2-3 years ago i started getting clients in droves. consultation of a girl with a healthy body weight, attention, they were prescribed a prescription by a fashionable endocrinologist, a doctor, i also wrote about this story , the doctor prescribed it, she went, bought it naturally with the doctor’s permission, of course there can be side effects, because this drug is not prescribed for you, but the person
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constructed it very easily, but the essence is then the other thing is that when you cancel the... device, of course, after some time the weight returns again, because neither an injection, nor a tablet, nor any weight loss remedy solves the problem at the root, this is the initial stage , which can help you, but then you you have to do independent, long-term work on your lifestyle, eating habits, and so on, if you really want to maintain this healthy lifestyle, so what? viewers talk and write about this topic, our viewers reacted very emotionally to this topic, especially after the story with dana polina, with her daughter, when a minor child was given injections, and one of our tv viewers, nadezhda from kaluga, talked to us, let's listen, what did she say, oh, everyone has gone crazy with this weight loss, i have a daughter decided to lose weight by the summer, and apparently she had read
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about these stars on the internet about how they lose weight fabulously quickly with these injections, she went to the pharmacy and bought injections there, and when i saw the packaging of the drug at home, i immediately rushed to read what it was all about , what they are used for, and honestly, what i saw just made my hair stand on end, not only is this medicine intended for people with diabetes, but it must also be sold strictly according to a prescription in pharmacies, just as it was possible to sell this to a teenager without a prescription this it’s a serious drug, i don’t know, it can actually harm a healthy person, it’s like my child has gone, where the pharmacists are looking is also unclear. but speaking, by the way, about minors, there was another raid with the participation of our correspondents and a minor, let’s see how it all ended in pharmacies, attention, now, in order to protect the health of the protection of the rights of the residents of our country, a minor girl will try to purchase a sensational weight loss drug, she’s 16 years old,
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let’s see if they sell the drugs or ask present your passport and prescription. hello russia tv channel, why are you now selling a prescription drug to a minor child without a prescription, i’m not an artist, don’t take pictures of me. thank you, this is insulin, people need it, this is not insulin, wait, this is correct, well, in general it’s necessary, you didn’t even ask for the recipe, but from this pharmacy. we always ask for recipes, we just weren’t asked for a prescription for a prescription drug, but what are you talking about, do you have any analogues? what, let's
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both 11.477, hello, terla russia, you we just sold the drug to this girl, show your passport bye please, the girl is 16 years old. you give it to me, i will attach them to the protocol, now the girl who sold these drugs will follow us,
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that is, the pharmacy waited until we all left now, they closed and don’t want to let us in, that’s right, well, they said that now they will approach the head of the pharmacy, the issue will be resolved, since it was there inside with you and me, so let us now make a short advertisement, then we will continue our investigation into how this drug is sold in different regions, and people suffering from diabetes, what are they? don’t think about what’s happening after the commercial, happy birthday to you, blow it out,
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on saturday, after graduation, you’re flying to italy, and i’ll finish my business here and join you, if only i knew where you’d lose? dad, dad, little darling, if only you knew where you can find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you loved him in general, mom, so, from now on, in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we’ve only known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me, life does not provide information... the premiere on saturday on rtr. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller
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to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. сnop gin is a product of stellar group. mega sale carpet magnificent century at the lowest price from only 9:95. we present to you a great carpet. century with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the magnificent century carpet is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble. over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from: blue and red, two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm.
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magnificent century carpet sale at the lowest price from only 9.95, hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call right now bourbon stirsman product of stellar group, vodka veda , a product of the stellar group, a large live broadcast expedition, we lived for 2 weeks with a baikal hermit in a small house on the shore of the lake, far from civilization, only for our program. eighty-two-year-old lyubov marikhodova spoke about a terrible family curse. live on friday on rtr. good afternoon again. today in our studio we continue our investigation about the sensational miracle remedy for extreme weight loss, which supposedly helps to get rid of excess weight. without sports and diets. for several months now , people have been buying en masse from pharmacies across the country.
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this drug has become fashionable among the rich and those who want to lose weight, at a time when you is vital and is missing or becoming more expensive, as we see before our very eyes. i am generally in a state of shock from everything that i heard behind the scenes, i don’t understand how people call a drug for diabetics a drug for weight loss, where it is written that this drug is for weight loss, you take
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the instructions. you read the instructions, there is not a single word about losing weight anywhere, well, read the mechanism of its action at the beginning, this is a serious systemic drug with an effect on the pancreas on all other organs, i don’t understand, dana, you as a mother, how could you inject the drug into your daughter, well, okay, i don’t know what to do with you, well, a sixteen-year-old child. i’m ready to answer, my daughter, firstly, was 17 years old, let me answer, secondly, in andrey’s program i told you that we gave two injections for 2 weeks, in general, as if we didn’t see any more need, i still think that this is an unjustified act from any point of view, i agree, i don’t absolve myself of guilt, but no matter how this is our personal matter,
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it was our common interest. and we made the point that unhealthy advertising in general is on television or unhealthy advertising on the internet, journalists advertise so beautifully about how elon musk lost so many kilograms of weight using the drug, how this or that star lost weight, why is this done by journalists, first of all, and to bring to the masses this drug, which is serious for a disease , for sick people, why, for example, if a diabetic needs it, the diabetic cannot go to the pharmacy and... buy it for gigantic sums, even as prescribed by a doctor, but a person who just decided to indulge, as they say, yes, i decided lose weight, go buy the drug in bulk, in batches, that’s the same, and the most important thing is that if suddenly, god forbid, a diabetic gets sick somewhere, he immediately needs such a drug, but he doesn’t have a prescription, then after this whole story no one will ever give him will let you go, if only because it’s very scary,
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because... in fact, yes, when they come and use it for other purposes, but it’s clear that those people who work there, i actually have a question, is there they have specialized education, they in general, i have a feeling that this is not - mafia, these sellers, and then someone at the top decides, and these sellers, they don’t even understand what they are selling, they just sell more and more nothing like potatoes, what is the situation in your lower place, tell me, you since 2019 they told me, yes? on the drug, yes, in nizhny novgorod on free sale, now it is not available at all, for several years now, previously it was possible to get it with a prescription for people with a diagnosis, for more than six months, for almost a year it has not been given out by prescription either, now analogues are appearing, but analogues are also not available by prescription, and in they also generally
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buy them on free sale, that's what you... be indignant that journalists seem to be inflating this topic, in fact the company has earned a lot of money, and the manufacturer, there is simply no comparison with anything, of course. everything will be supported, but on the part of ordinary girls, here i am, as a practitioner who works with the psychology of eating behavior with weight, there are very few girls, especially women, who want to really strain themselves, a beautiful figure is work, control, nutrition control, yes, awareness nutrition, choice of products, and of course, this is a gym, of course, because you injected yourself there, well... certainly no one will, you know, because the girl has become narrower, this is not beauty, you are still different strive, you want to have elastic buttocks, slender legs, not a single injection of this,
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and your, well, this shakingness, of course, of course, has not given attractiveness to anyone, of course everyone is trying to find this magic pill and will follow it to chase everything... me before my next one of some kind the operation was an urgent need to lose about 10 kg in a week, the doctor recommended this several years ago and no one knew anything about this drug, so i went to the pharmacy and ordered it, they gave it to me without
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a prescription, and for a week, according to a certain schedule, this doctor injected it. like grain to an elephant. something, well, there are drugs that are given once a week, there are drugs that hurt every day, every day, which yes, there are different categories of drugs, but the essence is the same, the most important thing for i had this decrease in appetite, this did not happen, and i did not lose weight during these 10 days, but looking at these stories, i can say what and what are these pharmacological? dealers are different from drug dealers, it seems to me that this is an absolute crime, but the problem here is that two clubs meet with the same interests, some are murderers and the other are suicides, they, they have an alliance,
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we need to somehow break this chain, otherwise we have people are just dying, especially children, and so in moscow, excuse me, in moscow we realized that for 2000 and above you can easily find everything, but... what in regions? so, our raid begins from chelyabinsk. attention. our correspondents went to the regions to check how things are going with the sale of a fashionable diabetic drug that is used for extreme weight loss. now we will find out whether it is on the shelves of pharmacies, whether it is sold without a prescription, and most importantly, how large-scale the illegal sale is. hello, is it possible? 5.034. we pay, right? it's time to introduce myself, my name is victor, russia tv channel, please tell me why you sell the product without a prescription, it is not strict recipes, that is, you don’t even know that it is sold by prescription, i know that it is a prescription, i won’t answer your questions, where are you running away from us, hello,
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can i please, how much does it cost 4.70080, why do you sell the drug without a prescription? which one, the one you just bought, yeah, i know, you know that it can only be sold by prescription, no, i didn’t know, how could you not know, you work in a pharmacy, well, here’s a new drug, no, it’s only by prescription prescribed by a doctor, okay, if prescribed by a doctor, then why don’t you ask for the recipe, this is my omission, apparently i sold such a drug, well, where are you going, well, here. we visited about 20 pharmacies and, as it turned out, employees willingly sell medications without a prescription, and while we were conducting a raid in chelyabinsk, our colleagues went to similar checks in russia. we have arrived in
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nizhny novgorod, here we will also check the availability of a dangerous weight loss drug. hello, what if it has already disappeared a long time ago, only if the analogues are called 5.597, go ahead. under your responsibility, so well, it’s in stock for 5,485, it costs , thank you, please, russia tv channel, why did you just sell us a dangerous drug without a prescription, you understand that you are breaking the law, well, in our country, basically everyone comes with prescriptions, you even have it for me didn't ask. how would you comment on this? no way, well
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, many of my friends are losing weight on this drug, but would you sell this drug to your children? no, girl, you are not allowed to come here, girl, well, you are not allowed to sell drugs without a prescription, do not take off me, i don’t allow it, i’m ashamed, i don’t want to. oh, girl, please stop, forgive me, andrey, now, i must clarify for tv viewers, now over the last month all pharmacies in russia are filled with these russian analogues, you will confirm, the amount of 5,500 is the amount established by the ministry of health, and we are now talking about those , about the medicine that i used was given. and imagine
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for a second, we are talking about the life of a non-russian analogue, but one that comes from, excuse me, from abroad, in what warehouses are they i don’t know how much moscow has today, but not at all. in the stomach - and after that she went to
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a private clinic; unfortunately, she was diagnosed with intestinal cancer, and then she did not compare this oncology with this drug in any way, had an operation, thank god, everything went well, she began to recover again and returned to the same drugs , started injecting it again, now she is faced with a relapse and the doctor said that the cause was precisely this sensational drug, so we once again appeal to our viewers: take care, please your health. i would like to explain oncology, but still, that is, in this case , it is a misconception that it is the drug itself that causes oncology, that is, it is important to understand that this is a hormonal drug, which implies taking tests and carrying out a number of diagnostic measures that will indicate that this drug is safe for a particular person, that is, in this case, the person may have already had warning signs - cancer or any other oncological disease, and this the drug simply triggered it. even stronger, that is, in this case, to say that this is the drug, well, i think
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that this is a misconception, absolutely true, the dosage is very important, which is again prescribed by the doctor, the person who prescribed it for himself, he does not know, from what does he respond to, what is the dosage, for how long, and so on, that is , the drug is really receptor-based, this is the key, it is prescribed by a doctor for certain symptoms, like this roman varovitsky, excuse me, i want to invite you to our conversation, he is the creator of the largest country. a community where people send each other shows how to inject themselves at home, roman lost 20 kg, hello andrey, hello viewers, i’m the same person who lost 20 kg in 2 months, roman, roman, sorry, yours special diets, i didn’t eat special dishes, i played sports, i didn’t go to these specialists at all, where are these specialists, i lost
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weight... i went to nutritionists, i went to these doctors, i went to these trainers, i went to spas, i went to hospitals, i went to all kinds of procedures, i lost weight for 20 years. all this is nonsense, i have 2 million rubles. 2 million rubles. i spent 20 years on all these expensive doctors, and i was subjected to obstruction, i was always told, you are lazy, you are bad, you don’t know how to eat, you don’t eat the wrong foods, you don’t play sports, you’re not a person, so look at my ear, who would have studied it himself, but
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now, now you have your own pasva, you teach them to inject this drug, but how you determined the doses for yourself, i don’t teach, i don’t teach people, i don’t... these procedures with this drug, i i made a video and posted it on the internet , i watched: people, look, i’m not deceiving you, i starred in only swimming trunks, i said, people, look, here’s my place, i weighed 130 kg 2 months ago, i filmed everything almost live , once again, i emphasize once again, i’m telling about myself, i’m not a doctor, i’m not a nutritionist, i’m an ordinary entrepreneur, i sell light bulbs, you don’t have diabetes, let’s say you don’t, it’s because of people like this, one might say, you know, i think that roman just
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suffered a lot and as a rather extravagant person, i couldn’t wait, i i suffered, i was sick, i was a sick person. i had problems with my heart, my sugar was high, my blood pressure was less than 150, bring me a tonometer, who has a tonometer, now my blood pressure is 120, but 2 months ago it was 150, i posted a video about how my blood pressure is 150, and now you will convince me that i am there, i am wrong, i have passed, in order to try to convince you of something, we will not even try to cover you up.
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yes, let us separate ourselves from this state, especially since we see now in the video that you you post it, let’s see what they write in your chats, those who watch your videos about side effects, i’m still testing compatibility with antiviral drugs, the second day i woke up all swollen, i have an appetite, but i feel like i’ve already eaten, and the flight normal, my stomach doesn’t growl, sorry for the photo, but it’s a week-long bruise, with a needle at six i can’t even imagine what would have happened. the length of the needle has nothing to do with it. so, the collection of side effects today included a headache, terrible nausea, and my stomach seemed to have stopped. this is it what our first heroine lena told. the feeling the morning after alcohol poisoning, it’s scary to even move. all this disgrace lasted about 3 hours, the dose was 05,
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i’ll probably roll it back, i’m not ready to tolerate this. okay, so you're not accidentally selling illegally, that's what they say here. just a few days ago they wrote to me: sell the drug, i give them a link to the pharmacy, i say, buy it here, please, here you go, and then maybe someone will pay for the link, but no, here it’s like absolutely, these people, they are trying to find out where i am unwell, okay, tell me, did you visit at least one doctor after you were singled out.
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her son to an unknown patient. the story of a maternity hospital employee who pulled off a scam and sold natalia may turn out to be even more criminal, because in the nineties the country shuddered from the crime of hope of fratte, who massively sold children for... malakhov will soon be on the russia channel. the phone rings, you pick up, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello,
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she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. she will emphasize the femininity of her owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is well thought out. down to the smallest detail, two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden compartment for an umbrella. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us. often girls from another circle strive to marry rich boys. let me
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decide for myself who i love and who i marry. ok? it will still be mine, i won’t give it to this sheep. and there will be a lie. we need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance. and there will be tears. guys, please, we need it. well it became. oh, she doesn’t drink with us, she’s really on fire and there will be secrets. the most important thing is that your child will marry me, and then he will hate me. be happy, goodbye. i love light. if there is at least a small one chance, i'll wait for her. tomorrow will be a new day. on friday, on rtr.
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once again, good afternoon, in our studio today there is a heated debate on the topic of a revolutionary method of losing weight with the help of drugs for diabetics. let me remind you that we conducted a large-scale investigation in the regions of the country, raided pharmacies, and even made test purchases, and as it turned out, this drug can be purchased.
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you are aware that after stopping the drug, if you do not change your diet, the weight will return, you are aware of this, and you are aware, subscribe there are no more questions for me, at the same time, at the same time, our editor, under the guise of a client, writes to roman that she has gastritis, asks if she can inject the drug, that roman writes to her in response, show this screen, he writes that for each kilogram lost.
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decided to take this drug, started taking it, and after the second injection her hair began to fall out very much, dizziness appeared, after another month the woman actually became almost bald, she warns all of us not to take this drug without a prescription, without doctor's prescriptions. even now, the latest research suggests that people who are prescribed this drug experience stomach paralysis, it’s just that paralysis has already
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been confirmed, i have the second type. second type, kg, today sergei sokolov arrived so that this is how he looked some time ago 186 to tell how he lost weight and his story, meet sergei, hello everyone, friends, you seem to be boasting about your figures, but i also want to show off my waist. what do you think about the topic we are discussing today? did you use any medications? no, i never used it, i used some kind of diet, but i never used any drugs, i am strongly against it, i think that none of this works, in practice it has already been proven by absolutely everyone that there will only be some consequences health, setbacks are inevitable, in terms of weight, that is
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, nothing works in terms of weight loss, that is, how much weight have you lost now? at 92, well now i already have other tasks, for the whole 186 kilograms there were probably some too health problems, health problems , they seemed to increase every day, that is, i lived on painkillers before work as steadily as prayer in the morning, these painkillers were for my back, for pain in my knees, my blood pressure was written off from the army with hypertension, now i have by the way, i’m 120 to 80, i got stones in my gallstones and they cut them out. i know that in addition to white bread, you immediately gave up alcohol, alcohol, yes, this is the first thing to do, i think, give up alcohol specifically, let's see, attention, camera, engine, let's go, hello everyone, friends, another set of exercises is with you, and today’s exercise i prepared with a tennis ball, we begin
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to roll the pectoral muscles, we begin to perform clockwise circular movements. actually, we’re not in a hurry, the movements are actually very pleasant, there are no restrictions on age or physical fitness, and i want to wish you health. good luck, love and patience, stay with us, friends! i know that seryozha has been working with us recently, just like me, for less than a year at this club, so i know the story that he i lost weight dramatically, i worked out a lot, the whole story is already thundering on the internet, i worked as a turner at our local electric locomotive repair plant, now i am a nutrition consultant, i trained as a nutritionist, sports dietetics, i am a trainer, i am our tv presenter on our local channel, the main my motivation is actually... to set an example for my children, so that they don’t experience the problems that i experienced, what problems i encountered, so that they don’t have this in life, that’s actually children, children are the main motivation, you
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do you remember dad, no, what he used to be like, no, he was so lazy, honestly, he just came home from work, fell and lay there, now look how active he is, in general you have become a handsome man. now he still helps people lose weight, he helps many, many people, you would like to be the same, right? how old is your son? 5 and a half, and you are waiting for more, as i understand it, now it’s the second one, but what would you advise those people who, as always, summer is coming, everyone wants to lose weight, open the beach season, i advise people to stop losing weight. it's not out of people's heads yet will leave with excess weight, this is specific weight loss, he will never lose weight, never, you need to think about your life, about your value system, about your beliefs, start changing your lifestyle, there are no other options,
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guys, there are no other options, anya, what advice would you give to all girls, exactly the same, that is, in fact, beauty, it cannot be far-fetched, if you are really healthy, you want to be, look -
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in fact, this is a way of life, until it changes in your head, until it really will not understanding that no magic pill or injection will make you attractive in any context, which every person sees for themselves at any weight, nothing... changes, it will always be a temporary story, and the most important thing is that everyone is the same means, they really make a person unhealthy, and this is visible, and of course, this all affects the quality
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of life on beauty, on your long life, thank you, yeah, friends, the time of the program has come to an end, please take care of yourself, be careful, use ...


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