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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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from 29:95 there is fraud in the georgian parliament due to the law on foreign agents, which was re-introduced for discussion by the ruling georgian dream party. opposition deputies said that this initiative, the offensive machinations of moscow supporters, demanded that consideration of the russian law be removed from the agenda. at first they shouted, then they started fighting. as a result, the troublemakers were taken out of the hall to transform into a new ukraine and georgia. doesn’t want to broadcast, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best, on the air of the russia tv channel big news, in studio ernest motskevich, hello, the main events of this wednesday are in our issue.
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despite all sanctions, gdp growth by 3.6%, unemployment has been halved, a record volume of investment is on the rise aviation industry, construction, electronics, pharmaceuticals , the task set by the president of russia by the thirties, we should enter the top four largest economies in the world, now we are in the top five , the countdown of the government in the state duma, what accents were heard in the hall, the situation is difficult, but...
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the strongest earthquake in taiwan. 10 thousands of people were killed, the world's main microchip production plant was shut down. what those who were in the subway in the water experienced. in scotland, a law has been passed punishing those who do not want to call transgender people women; those who refuse are awaited. 7 years, the author of the harry potter series may end up in prison. by his decree, vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of labor to viktor sadovnichy. the rector of the country's oldest university, moscow state university named after lomanosov, celebrates his eighty-fifth anniversary today. world-renowned scientist, doctor of physics and mathematics sciences, organization. education, an outstanding
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public figure, for 32 years now he has been heading the university, which he once graduated from. today, the president personally congratulated the rector of moscow state university on his anniversary, while noting viktor antonovich’s outstanding achievements in the field of science and training of advanced qualified personnel, as well as his contribution to preserving the development of the best traditions of national higher education. i would like to informally thank you once again for your work for... the benefit of russian science, you have done a lot for russia both as a scientist and as organizer of science and schools of higher education, in the most difficult times, moscow state university, under your leadership, not only survived, but also developed, you continue to engage in science, and you help young people, you organize larger work.
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antonovich spent almost half a century and how the rector of one of the country’s leading universities celebrates his anniversary, we will tell you a little later in our issue. today, the president awarded the title of hero of russia to the honorary title of pilot-cosmonaut anni kikina, for the courage and heroism shown during the long expeditions to the iss. the order of courage was posthumously awarded to elena ilyena, an employee of the election commission of the zaporozhye region. during the elections in early march, terrorists planted a bomb in her car in an attempt to intimidate new residents. regions. the medal for courage was awarded to valery teslenko, head of the belgorod search and rescue service, who provides assistance and protection to residents affected by ukrainian shelling. the russian economy has adapted to unprecedented western pressure. gdp growth at
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the end of last year exceeded 3.5%, which is double above the average for developed countries. mikhail mishustin presented such data today when speaking at the state duma with the annual government report. the prime minister emphasized. budget revenues made it possible to cover all social obligations, unemployment was halved, and the volume of investments was a record for 12 years. on the implementation of the instructions of the president, who has set, among other things, the ambitious goal of entering the top four leading economies in the world, report by alexey konopko. such delegations come to the state duma only once a year. a whole group goes to the plenary meeting hall deputy prime ministers. the main speaker with the chairman of the chamber comes in 2 minutes before noon with a thick report folder in his hands. assistant after two difficult years of covid , russia was attacked by 19.00 sanctions, yet the economy, that is, the basis of people’s lives, was not only saved from falling, but also grew at a record pace, and this, together with the increase in the quality of public administration, was one of the main tasks set by president, and which we manage to implement. after these words
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of mishustin, applause sounded in the hall for the first time, there will be more of them during the 5 hours of conversation a lot. and the strengthened state budget was able to provide for military spending, which modern russia has never seen before. significantly increased production, additionally involved hundreds of enterprises, research institutes, design bureaus, scientists and engineers who developed advanced models, increased the production of equipment, weapons, protective equipment, electronic warfare, sets of medical equipment for use, including in field conditions, in military equipment for many positions at times for cars and... tank weapons by three times, by means of destruction by seven times, and in communications technology , electronic warfare and reconnaissance by nine times. i would like to especially thank all the specialists who take an active part in the production of everything necessary for our heroes of our army and
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navy. thank you, it is important that those who perform military duty receive state assistance in full and in a timely manner. we are monitoring this closely. the support of our guys and their loved ones is, of course, always in the spotlight government, and of course, all decisions of the head of state that form the basis of this work will be implemented. in concrete figures, the country's gdp growth rate last year was twice that of developed countries. the recession in that very first world - the prime minister says - is the price that ordinary people pay for the ambitions of their authorities. in russia, the volume of investments increased by a record 10% in 12 years, budget revenues for the first time exceeded 20. before the report, deputies sent 309 questions to the government, summing up
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the most important of thousands of citizens’ requests. insurance the government managed to increase pensions by 15%. mrod is growing by 18, much faster than inflation. to support families , a single benefit has been in effect since last january. generic names, it was expanded by 73,815 names of our international positions over the last 4 years, they are necessary to provide medical care, and this is over. different trade names, that is, such a large palette of everything, and i want to tell you that 660 of
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them are internationally non-proprietary names, 81% of all are produced in russia, they are produced by 258 enterprises, in 4 years since taking into account those very coronavirus years, 30 new pharmaceutical production facilities were opened, serious, large-scale investments were made there, a road map was developed for further production, already here. than the previous year, these are also very large numbers. another record: last year , every second resident of the country underwent a medical examination, but was unable to see a doctor.
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son's education, in this part, it would probably be correct for murashka to be responsible for this, because now the ministry of higher education is covering the faculties, who are there then he will graduate, it is unknown, we even have a medical faculty at moscow state medical institute, you think about it, but for some reason we have a huge shortage of personnel, 30,000 doctors are missing, the important thing here is not the quantitative side, but...
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but we still can’t stop getting bankers interested to be a rentier, but to become the main investor of the country. it is very important that industrial production is growing, well, i said, record numbers for the manufacturing industry are 7.5%, when we
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always wanted this to happen, but this is a huge painstaking work of our regions our investors and of course technologists, owners of factories, factories, so to speak, who let’s thank mantara for this, he heads our ministry, our electronics have grown, when we had 32 , i think, 32% of production. well, everything was just negative for us. within the growing industry, the aviation industry added a fifth. there is also a development plan for drones, the production of ships is a quarter, the aviation industry is 16%. machine tool industry - 60. we see double-digit growth rates in these industries. today you spoke about this with pride, there really is something be proud. but the tasks set by the president in his message are much broader. how does the government plan to solve these problems? i will now share my frankness with the deputies, anton germovich knows when we were preparing the budget, i just probably said for the first time,
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i said that i would not sign the budget if we did not put all the funds into it, and we did this project, found the funds , here is anton gennovich, thank you, because it was not easy, but difficult, funds are needed everywhere, 303 billion is already there before the thirtieth year, which means what this will allow us to do, first of all, create everything specifically there and modernize 72 new factories, then this... double the production of machine tools 30,000 per year, in terms of robotization, you know the figure, enter 25 countries in terms of the number of industrial robots , in general, this is all that, well, excuse me, went away, because... remember, yes, he was given away for the lease
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of retail space, so i went and called him, he’s already almost 90 years old, together with him, i don’t know , i don’t want to give the last name, these are just people who met by chance, but are close people, and we restored the direction associated with new materials, people were collected there piece by piece, all of them were already very elderly, those who were specialists, now we are restoring the specialty bit by bit, creating, among other things, incentives for people to go into this specialty , the country was also engaged in repairing roads with tens of thousands of kilometers of runways, more than half of domestic flights for the first time do not include a transfer in moscow. exactly an hour and a half of the report and the same number of answers to questions. last year , the dialogue between the prime minister and deputies at this moment was ending. the hall moved on to the performance. now the conversation has barely crossed the halfway point on the agenda, not only the results of work in 2023, but the groundwork for the 6 years ahead. the president set such a planning horizon in his message. in the same transport sector , at
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least 75 airports must be renovated over 6 years, on behalf of the president. however, large financial injections are not needed everywhere. the agricultural sector, for example, is breaking records without them. harvest. last year is the second in history, i hope that the coming years will be marked by good investment in the agricultural sector funds, here, taking into account the existing reserve , our total financing, by the way, in the twenty -fourth year will amount to 559 billion rubles. the most flexible set of tools is in place, these are customs and tariff regulation measures, these are export duties on oilseeds, which we carefully introduced in very difficult conditions, but anton gegovich knows, we will then extend them by introducing them and... everyone else was given for investment , we worked carefully with this mechanism, here nikolaevich patrushev works extremely carefully, professionally, because he never the country, even if we take the soviet period of time, did not have it, they didn’t eat it, they bought grain in canada, there was always a crop failure, then drought, they went to
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moscow for sausage, empty shelves, it all happened. the opposition appreciates the work of the cabinet, there is a war going on, 1800 sanctions, the situation is difficult, but this government is more efficient, solves problems more purposefully and is disposed to dialogue, what worries people most of all is rising prices, uncontrolled migration and poor education of children, so there is what to work on, questions of course there is. and housing and communal services, and the shortage of doctors, and much, much more, which is really relevant today, as an opposition party, we will continue to raise these issues with the government, we believe, nevertheless, today’s dialogue is more constructive than ever before, we know that the prime minister, mikhail vladimir mishusin, is very well
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oriented and knows how to work with the digital economy, in this regard, we see that there is less bureaucracy, everything that concerns... with different coordination between departments previously it took months, now everything is resolved literally within 2-3 days, despite obvious difficulties, the total income of the regions over the past 4 years has grown by half, mishustin has visited them all, the subject, according to the presidential message, will write off part of the debts and give new infrastructure loans, and dozens of cities received development master plans. in total, about 95 thousand jobs were created, serious results were achieved in the all-russian competition for small towns and historical villages. i come to the finals myself, i was in vladivostok now, listen, this is amazing, guys, young architects from all over the country, as i said, it all started for me in magadan, when a girl, she won a competition, came up with the idea of ​​painting a beautiful lighthouse and making an embankment, but you can’t imagine that i’m inviting everyone to magadan , excuse me for going to magadan, but this is completely different, why are you
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apologizing, well, maybe someone wanted to go to the arctic or, so to speak, to the caucasus? look who we are celebrating, those whom the duma appointed, this is again the result and result of the decision. which were accepted by the president the transfer of powers to the citizens of our country, who, through deputies, participate in the formation of the government in the new six-year period
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, the country, it is already clear, will enter with a new tax system, the president instructed to make it fairer, the prime minister clarifies that it is not only about the country’s income, but about eliminating inequality, the duma is actively working with state finances; amendments to the current budget alone affected 138 billion rubles. rub 923 million
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the state will attract more investment from private business - this is one of the development tasks. 104 billion of this money received ten regions with the most difficult economic situation and their list will now be updated. i personally do strategic planning every week, if not every day, because... that is , even our strategic sessions, they take place for at least 5 hours in our creation center every week, the last session was the development of our shipbuilding, yes, before that we met on industrial sovereignty, robot technology, machine tool industry issues, anything you like, i will tell you on any issue those events in within the framework of the strategic planning that we are engaged in, who will solve strategic problems in what positions will become clear in a month, when the president submits it to the state duma. we must enter the four largest economies in the world, now we are in the top five,
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of course, this is not an easy task, to achieve this we must use five mechanisms, this is an increase in labor productivity, this is an increase in non-green exports, this is, without a doubt, active, active investment, this is, of course, support... small medium-sized enterprises, businesses in general, and the continuation of systemic programs for import substitution. of course, russia will not be looking for resources to achieve its goals alone. today, trade turnover with friendly countries is already comparable to the volume of all foreign trade four years ago. having united, we have proven more than once that we can cope with any difficulties, because behind each of our achievements are people, citizens. russia, each of whom, in their place, works for the common task of making our state strong and prosperous. we're talking about people who are honest and
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work conscientiously for the good of our homeland, who feel responsible for its future and for the future of all its inhabitants, about doctors who save the lives of our people every day, about teachers who give students knowledge and reveal it. talents, about researchers who make the most important discoveries, about our volunteers, about people of great soul who come to the rescue in the most difficult, difficult moments, at the behest of their hearts, without thinking about profit, to take care of those for whom it is very important, about families , where children grow up, and of course, about our defenders, about participants in a special military operation, and these are the real heroes, our pride, they defend...
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the operations within 24 hours destroyed a hangar for the production and storage of drones , a weapons warehouse, under attack, the supply routes of the ukrainian armed forces brigades on the front line along the entire front line.
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high-precision vks of russia. the bridge across the oskol river near the village of kupinsk-uzlovoy was disabled. the ministry of defense also published footage of the demolition of the railway bridge in kurakhova in the dpr, by rszz crews. the enemy tried to establish a temporary crossing, but it was also swept away shot from a self-propelled mortar tulip. in the artyomovsk direction, russian air defense forces shot down a mi-35 helicopter recently delivered to ukraine by the czech republic. in ugledar, reconnaissance discovered a temporary enemy location. there was a goal. destroyed by the factory. and this is a video from the ukrainian armed forces. the results of daily attacks by our troops on warehouses and hangars with equipment. in this case , trucks, automatic guns and unguided missiles were destroyed in the kharkov region. our units were able to improve the position along the front line on avdeevsk direction and take more advantageous positions in donetsk. in just one day , the enemy lost more than 900 troops. a part-time russian fighter won
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a sniper duel against.
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people are ready, we are working. kalmius is the name of the river on which the capital of donbass stands, everyone in the brigade is local, it was scary for shakhtyorsk, for everything nearby, it was still scary, i was studying at school now, maybe the teenager realized that he had to go, who was bombing us, go against it, there’s thick smoke coming out of the barrel, the gun is cooling down, the sky is clear helps in the work, makes it easier to aim at the target, but at the same time it is fraught with danger, yeah. this
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information means that there is now a drone somewhere in the sky, it is impossible to say whether it is ours or the enemy’s, but taking into account the fact that there was just shooting, most likely it was from our neighboring positions that they tried to destroy it in the sky, and we can conclude that the drone is clearly not ours. soon the signal disappeared, the anti-drones worked successfully, there are still a lot of shells in the cellars, the crew doesn’t have a moment’s rest, the targets come one after another.
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5 ms. they were accompanied by multipurpose su-35s fighters. according to the russian ministry of defense, foreign military aircraft were spotted in the air at certain stages of the route. our military emphasized that the flight of the strategic missile carriers took place in full compliance with international rules. every day , repairs and construction of approximately 25-30 facilities are completed in new regions of russia. and almost everyone. apartment buildings that suffered from the fighting in mariupol are planned to be restored by the end of this year. these data were announced today in during the opening of social and residential facilities in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. vladimir putin participated in the ceremony via video link. the president noted: every ruble of more than 4 trillion allocated for the restoration of new regions should work for the benefit of local residents, who, in their desire to be together with russia , showed courage and heroism. about what
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objects have been opened. for them today is anna semyonova. construction work in mariupol has long been not only about restoring basic conditions of normal life, ensuring light, gas, heat. dozens of new residential buildings and entire neighborhoods are being built in accordance with the city development master plan, and the historical center is being recreated. vladimir putin, who took part in the opening of several facilities via video link, emphasizes that new regions should soon reach the average russian standard of living. we continue consistent work on the restoration and development of donbass and russia. by their effective integration into a single socio-economic.
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customers, in addition, for the same period more than 700 objects have been restored by the chief's regions. donetsk already has one of the most modern multidisciplinary medical centers in the country; it was built in 10 months by military builders, who began work shortly after the liberation of the city. now doctors from the perinatal center are starting to work in the new buildings. 10 departments, the most modern equipment, how did novosili go, as i understand it, in the end.
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practice in russia itself in recent years has dramatically improved the situation in the regions where such centers appear, so i sincerely i congratulate you and wish you all the best. the head of the dpr has three daughters. today denis pushilin is with the doctors of the new perinatal center. today two babies have already been born, because well, they are not waiting, a prenatal center has opened, so they were born, and the boy is volodya.
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we have never forgotten about this and will not forget, we will always proceed from this, but thank you very much for not forgetting about this when it was especially difficult, remember
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now, this is the basis of the restoration of our unity. according to the plan, already this year in in mariupol, almost all apartment buildings will be restored, ambitious construction plans in other cities, and you... construction, he will be the driver, one of the drivers, we believe that this is a decision on mortgages for our military personnel and representatives of our social structures, which means who works in the territories, we
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believe that there will be very great interest, and many will remain to live and work there. until recently, donetsk cadets of the academy of the ministry of internal affairs studied in volgograd, but now at their home in mariupol all conditions have been created for study training. complex with an area of ​​11. in the shortest possible time, a project was prepared and a complex of repair and restoration work was implemented, all design solutions were implemented taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the objects of the departmental personnel training system, i hope that this educational institution will contribute to the work of law enforcement agencies, will prepare, high-quality will train personnel. this is one of the
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noticeable problems of today in all new territories; it is necessary to improve the work of law enforcement agencies so that people felt safe in every sense of the word. and this center will ensure the security not only of the donetsk republic, but of neighboring lugansk, which , incidentally, also has its own university of internal affairs. something needs to be done to support this training. we are doing everything possible today, the guys are doing it, the quality of training is not suffering, but of course, if in general there is an opportunity to help with repairs, i will definitely talk to the minister of internal affairs svanovich kolokoltsev and discuss with him how optimize this work in order to use the educational institution that has appeared in mariupol and support your educational institution, so that
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personnel training is delivered to the required level, bearing in mind the great need for internal affairs officers to maintain law and order. on average , construction or renovation of 25 facilities is completed every day in four new regions. doctors in lugansk now have new opportunities, reports the minister of health. this morning there was open. within the oncology dispensary , there is a new radiation therapy unit for patients, these are two gamma therapy devices in lugansk, such assistance actually did not exist before in this region, and this, of course , creates new conditions for life-saving treatment. the lugansk sports school of the olympic reserve in weightlifting received a specialized hall that allows...
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the people who live in these territories,
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the people deserve it, they showed incredible courage and heroism, meaning what they had to endure preserved their desire for reunification with russia, so we, for our part, must do everything that depends on us so that these people’s expectations are justified. altai territory and orenburg region about the flood situation and gave the necessary instructions to provide assistance to people. the kremlin reported this today.
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there are already 32 regions in the flood zone, about 3,000 rescuers work there, local residents are evacuated from isolated altai villages by boat, and those who refuse to leave their homes are given a lift food and basic necessities. evacuation has been announced in the orenburg region due to the worst flood in 30 years. due to the flooding of the chernaya river , the village of krasnokholm within the boundaries of orenburg is going under water, and additional rescue forces have been sent there. in the south of chelyabinsk. region, a river overflowed its banks, washed away the dam and flooded dozens of households. stormy flows of melt water hit one of the villages in tatarstan. and frosts and snowstorms returned to norilsk. a storm warning has been announced. the dpr is flaring up again natural fires. during the day, the fire covered more than 40 hectares of territory, and more than fifty outbreaks were extinguished. and these are shots from karelia. freezing rain fell there, covering cars, trees and
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power lines with glaze. about the consequences of a similar disaster in the leningrad region, about the first spring thunderstorm with hail in st. petersburg. in such weather , simply going outside becomes an extreme adventure; in the morning, the townspeople's path was blocked by hail the size of a currant, well, mom, let's swim, yeah, cyclone patricia brought ambiguous weather to the city on the neva, it seems that st. petersburg rejoiced early, unexpectedly warm april, just yesterday the thermometer was +15, today it’s about zero, and at night... in the city and region they generally promise sub-zero temperatures. wind-piercing snow and rain convince us that there is no need to rush to put away winter clothes just yet, just as motorists should not rush to change winter tires to summer tires. that very rare case when you can see a passerby in a fur coat and an umbrella,
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scooters covered in snow on the sidewalks. the freezing rain that came to the region from the baltic temporarily paralyzed movement. trains were delayed on suburban routes; accidents and traffic jams occurred. everything is icy, simple. the situation is unique. in the north of the leningrad region -3, in the southeast - +5. because of such temperature swings, raindrops freeze right on the tree branches, it looks fabulous. and each in its own cuckoo. parkman rrepo in vyborg is closed to the public. the raging elements toppled centuries-old linden trees and branches bound in ice. and the primroses are drawn to the ground under weight. poor fellows, everyone is standing in icy droplets, this is the kind of icy rain we have today, for the first time in 20 years, i see it in my garden. the peak of the storm is expected tomorrow, when wind gusts will increase to a dangerous 20 m/s. new surprises await the city; sidewalks and roads will begin
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to become covered with a thin layer of ice. spring in st. petersburg is again postponed indefinitely. dmitry pyushchukin, dmitry lukashevich. orlova and ekaterina bobkova. news: northwestern bureau. today the bad weather reached moscow. the abnormally warm weather was replaced by a cold snap, which was accompanied by a sharp increase in wind up to 20 m/s. dozens of trees and advertising accounts. it was raining in some areas. we'll tell you more about the weather in the capital region a little later in vesti moscow. and more about the presidential decree on awarding a group of russians with state awards. there are more than 200 names in the document, 12 families from different regions of russia were awarded the order of parental glory. the head of avtovaz, maxim sokolov, received the order of merit for the fatherland, third degree, for the development of the domestic automobile industry. in addition, the title
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of people's artist was awarded to famous actor irina pegova, konstantin lavronenko and denis sukhanov. a bridge between sakhalin and mainland russia is necessary, the authorities must work on the issue of its construction. vladimir putin stated this during a video conference with the governor of the sakhalin region valery lemarenko. another topic of conversation was the modernization of the korsakov port, which the island would like to accelerate. the development of infrastructure, including its adaptation to the growth of tourist traffic and the expansion of trade with china, was discussed by the president with the head of transbakalnye alexander osipov. about the results of the conversations, our columnist alexey petrov. conversation via video link with the head of the sakhalin region about the state of the region’s economy in recent years, it has been growing steadily. complete order, thank god, everything is fine. great, what will please you, i
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looked, your industrial production is growing, your grp is growing, these are the main indicators. positive, i’ll start with emergency housing, work is now being carried out in such a way that we have already built 500,000 km, resettled 22 thousand people, gasification is actively underway, in the twenty-seventh year, this issue should be closed, infrastructure is being built, a new water sports center will be operational in the summer, in addition, 33 new healthcare facilities have been commissioned, it has become easier to get to the continent, a new modern ferry alexander deev has already entered the vanyana kholmsk highway, but... the khali residents really hope that sooner or later the island will be connected to the continent by a bridge. we have already approached this projectile more than once. let's go back, because the topic itself is important, i agree. need to connect sakhalin with the mainland with a bridge and development there will proceed at a different pace, i’m
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absolutely sure, work with the government, i’ll definitely formulate such an order as well, okay, thank you, yes, the island needs personnel, the sakhalin-1 and sakhalin-2 shelf projects are successfully developing , despite leaving western business, sakhalin 3 should also be launched; a fish and seafood processing center is being formed in the south. it is necessary to modernize the port in korsakov, which is called part of the northern sea route. airline passengers have already appreciated the new air terminal complex in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, it opened last year, the campus of sakhalin state university is being built. having reported on what has been done, limarenko appeals to the president with a request to support his candidacy in the elections. valeriyvich, in general, everything is working out for you, the results, they are obvious, this, this, this is a fact, i’m sure you know. what and how should be done, but i would pay attention to the state of kindergartens, it is necessary
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to carry out appropriate and major repairs in a timely manner, build a sufficient number, another meeting with the governor of transbaikalia begins with the topic of supporting sbo participants. is to help the fighters, to help our army, therefore. we have launched work, all issues of state defense procurement are being fully implemented , armor, aviation equipment is being produced, repaired, we ourselves have launched the production of protective equipment for armored vehicles, we have launched the production of a wide range of drones. salaries have increased in the region, with income increasing annually by an average of 13%. unemployment has decreased, 16 thousand jobs have been created over 5 years, another 27 should appear in new enterprises to support industry.
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and the results will appear, and people will see them, but of course, you need to work actively and directly discuss these issues with the residents of the region, i wish them success, i think that everything will work out for you, chita and krasnokamsk, which are called the uranium capital of the country, will develop at an accelerated pace. alexey petrov, sofia petrosyan and olga sukharukova, lead. this is great news, this is what will happen next in our program. the age has been lowered; there will be no limited eligibility in ukraine. poroshenko is going to the presidency. officers from the environment zaluzhny gives
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pessimistic forecasts one after another. buinya's traces in crocus lead to ukraine. all organizers of the terrorist attack will receive their well-deserved punishment. wherever they are? what the secretary of the russian security council said. there will not be a single american soldier on ukrainian soil. nato decides what's next? america, it seems, has made up its mind. macron continues to push for escalation. in scotland, a law has been passed punishing those who do not want to call transgender people women; those who refuse will face 7 years. the police are already inundated with denunciations; the author of the harry potter series may end up in prison. and sergei prokofiev's romeo irzhilet on the historical stage of the bolshoi. we 're back from the run. it was found by one of the workers from the landfill. premiere on rtr. the wounds
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were inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, right? you have no suspects, no leads, it’s difficult for you, and you can’t cope. i take the children to my place. and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman. you can only trust facts. unstoppable, restless. today. on rtr. titanic delux hotel, golf belk, where every moment is exclusive. envelop yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. tiitanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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true. hotel calinan bellec, where life is turns into a fairy tale.
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sveta, i love you very much, with us, he will still be mine, i won’t give him to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, there will be tears, but... guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with with you, she doesn’t drink with sleep, i was really excited and there will be secrets. the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me. be happy, goodbye. on friday, on rtr. big
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news live, we continue broadcasting. zelensky decided to strengthen mobilization without the help of the rada. while people's deputies cannot agree on a controversial bill. the head of the kiev regime lowered the age of conscripts and abolished the category of limited fitness. now there are tens of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians. kiev is forced to pick up crumbs from the european table, while tens of billions from the united states still remain an elusive carrot. it is clear that in such conditions it is impossible to mobilize 500,000 people; there is nothing to clothe or arm them with. we don’t need how many will be mobilized, i’m not ready to tell you yet. on tuesday, zelensky signed some individual articles of the law on mobilizations, for example, reducing the minimum age for conscription, those liable for military service in an electronic account, place of residence, telephone numbers, information about parents, email addresses, passport details, information about proficiency in foreign languages, weapons and driver's
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licenses. tough arrests and clashes with military commissars continue throughout the country. what are you doing, man? a resident of khmelnitsky tells how her son was tortured in a shopping center after his arrest. they bullied him and threatened him. andrey's brain pressure rose, turned out to be incompatible with life. rare footage appeared in the ukrainian media, a video filmed from the inside of a destroyed body. russia is striking ukraine's energy infrastructure in response to ukraine's attempts to attack our energy facilities. but russian strikes are much more effective, powerful and effective. ukrainian. is he considering sending troops to ukraine, like his french counterpart, macron? no, there is not a single reason for finland to send troops to ukraine, we support ukraine with everything possible ways, signed a security agreement. the next security agreement means approximately the same as
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the previous one. finland is the eighth country to sign. similar standard agreement. humanitarian, financial, military assistance, essentially one obligation, to take part on march 31, when the elections were supposed to be held under great question, and even after... may 20, the day of expiration of powers, anything can happen. may 21st. presidential powers turn into a pumpkin, the president turns into a usurper. a month will pass at some international level, when it is necessary to bend our country with cancer, i will tell the verkhovna rada, as happened in 2014 after the coup d’etat, when the country was headed by the illegitimate turchynov, but then it did not exist yet. war, now the western press, citing current retired high-ranking officers, is predicting the collapse of the front line. officers said there was a high risk of the front line collapsing wherever russian generals decided
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to concentrate their offensive. now nothing can help ukraine, because there are no serious technologies, there are none from high-ranking military sources. according to sources, the only hope is that the russian command makes mistakes, but this is a dubious strategy. one of the interlocutors said that ukraine. a scandal is developing in germany, a public skirmish between one of the reputable newspapers and ambassador of ukraine makeev. he called the publication berliner zeitung pro-russian, invented for it a shameful nickname in his opinion, the newspaper of berlin editors and authors berliner on the part of ukrainian ambassador alexey makeev. we are considering these completely unfounded attacks as an attempt to intimidate and therefore as an encroachment.
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resorts to terrorist tactics, in addition, patrushev said that the ukrainian embassy in dushanbe is recruiting mercenaries to participate in hostilities against our country, russian law enforcement agencies are now identifying the customer, while it is known that the kiev regime is not independent, but is controlled by the anglo-saxons who are trying to impose the opinion that the act of sabotage and terrorism was committed by isis. however, various sources more than once it was noted that the united states created al-qaeda and is also involved in the formation of isis.
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countries friendly to russia, including china, india, and saudi arabia, recommend that the eu abandon the idea of ​​confiscating russian assets, as this will create a dangerous precedent. politics writes about this with reference to european officials. the reason is obvious, all these countries are afraid. to become next, at the same time , the washington front, our european correspondent anastasia popova, is increasingly demanding to allocate additional funds to support ukraine. at nato anniversary, 75 years since the military alliance brought its democracy to the world with bayonets, but the mood of the foreign ministers is not at all festive. the ukrainian front is trembling; in the united states , the chances of a return to power for trump, who does not want to sponsor kiev, are growing. how to prevent the war from ending?
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that's all, only their troops were on the territory, the plane broke down in paris, the entire delegation had to travel 3 hours to the belgian capital by car. there will not be a single american soldier on ukrainian soil. well, here's some kind of nato training mission in order to sharing experience with the armed forces of ukraine may appear there. the possibility of deciding to create a nato mission, not military, but to support ukraine, will also be discussed, this would provide an opportunity to use.


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