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tv   Neukrotimaya Neupokoeva  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 9:20pm-10:15pm MSK

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alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, lead great britain. immediately after our release , new episodes of the detective series indomitable restlessness, where the heroine dari ursulyak faces a new complicated case. the murder of a well-known businessman in the city causes a huge resonance. and according to investigators neupokueva, it is connected with a similar crime nine years ago. to understand the case, she has to put together evidence, compare facts, establish motives and make calculations. an even-tempered and vengeful killer. two episodes very soon, right away after the news. we move from the federal part of the news to the regional one. with the main news from our regions, we now have the opportunity to find out what news viewers outside the moscow metropolis will see. state television and radio broadcasting company pskov is in touch with us, where arseny ivanov is broadcasting today. more than 2 thousand trucks are stuck at the latvian border, waiting for documents to enter russia. arseny, good evening, what is the reason? good evening, ernest, the largest
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automobile checkpoint terekhovo-burachki has never been empty, but after march 1, customs extremely sluggish, it allows only 150 cars per day, although our employees are ready to accept twice as many if necessary. arseny, thank you, we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast , we will have time to connect yaroslavl. natalya sitnikova and evgeniy chuev already in the studio in pereslavl zalesky today chose a preventive measure. suspects who may be responsible for the deaths of seven people at a railroad crossing. the colleague, being drunk, raised the baum barrier and let the transport through to the crossing. he has already admitted his guilt admitted, as it turned out, the employee did not have the right to perform the duties of an attendant, since he had not been trained and did not have the appropriate skills. the site foreman who illegally allowed him to work was also arrested. both will remain in custody until june 1. the date for the next meeting has not yet been set. thank you! so, we continue to
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have great news with the audience in moscow and the region. we will see the consequences of a squally wind. gusts over 20 m/s. she demolished stop fences, broke trees and building cladding. there is a report of one death. in the capital the region is under a yellow weather alert level. city parks were closed all day. footage of the consequences of bad weather in the report by maxim oparin. the tree, unable to withstand the strong gust, falls directly under the wheels of the car. in balashikha, a metal fence was blown right onto a man, he was not injured; in the leningradsky residential complex there was a whole fall of leaves from metal pieces of sheathing, and they fell on the playground. on aviation street , part of the building's cladding directly collapsed onto a parked keogh. scene of the incident they fenced it off with special tape, but it looks like the owner doesn’t even know about what happened. in the area
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, a tree fell on the highway, workers had to cut it into small pieces, here a huge branch fell on a volkswagen, first it flew onto the roof, left a large dent, then the wind blew it onto the mirror. maria says that she saw this happen from the window and immediately called the police to record the incident to the insurance company. also, my neighbor’s car was parked here, she immediately called me, that’s it, here we are both came out, only she had nothing, he put his hand to his head, his hand was bleeding.
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i give the most important wind increase , the average wind will be 17-12 m/s, this is a dense wind, and gusts will be 16-21 m/s. these impulses sometimes did something completely indescribable: the trash cans themselves began to dance around the yard, and i want to believe that the empty toilet stall was carried out onto the roadway. even the birds could not cope with the wind, many parks closed without waiting for the end of the working day, the summer verandas also did not receive visitors, it was even a little late in the evening. the sports base in troitsk, the footage shows that the first floor was completely flooded, the pressure was so strong that the glass of the doors burst, all the sports equipment was under water, the building was completely de-energized, apparently serious repairs were in order. according to preliminary data, the cause was a clogged drain. and we return to
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the first topic of our issue: the permanent rector of moscow state university, viktor sadovnichey, an outstanding scientist, professor, academician of the russian academy of sciences, viktor antonov, celebrates his eighty-fifth birthday today. has been proudly heading one of the country's leading universities for more than 30 years admits that moscow state university is his only place of work. today, the university implements world-class projects and brings together passionate students, gifted teachers and outstanding academic researchers. report by alena ragozina. academician sadovnichy seems to know everything in the world. this is very valuable coal, it burns well, but it depends on the mine. his hand is in all the latest educational programs of the university, advanced scientific research and innovative projects, for the anniversary of the rector, an international conference on mathematics in the constellation of sciences, in
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the report names favorite teachers and just friends, kolmagorov, aleksandrov, gelfond sadovnichi, the rector of moscow state university for more than 30 years, under his leadership the university campus has grown. he developed a unique simulator that simulates weightlessness on earth. for this work he was awarded a state prize, specializing in mathematical forecasting and modeling. under the leadership of viktor antonovich, a young, ambitious team from the faculty of global processes of moscow state university, prepared a scientific report, overcoming.
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closely, in the 2009 documentary year, the camera follows the life of the university, within whose walls viktor antonovich spent almost half a century. it was the desire to learn and learn new things that helped the boy from the rural outback, first get to the miner’s village, because miners could study at evening school, then
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go to university in moscow. i studied during the day and thought about proving theorems at night. sadovnichy was elected rector in the first university elections and retained it at the cost of incredible efforts. developed by the leading university of our country in the difficult nineties, a huge efficiency, enthusiasm and truly inexhaustible creative energy. at 85 years old, the gardener has a young soul, a great sense of humor, and his handshake for freshmen is like a symbol of transition to the university league. he presses so well, but you can feel a touch of an entire era. students are, of course, like a big lump to him. as a mastodon, as a person on whom the university rests, he provides enormous space for the possibility of realizing his ambitions in the scientific field. it's cool, it's inspiring, it's an example, yes. he's embarrassed vanity, anniversary and lack of time. in 5
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minutes, ready for the next scientific report. alena ragozina, igor belagurov, elena fenoshina. news. in the moscow region , the mortgage loans of those killed during the terrorist attacks will be written off. we understand how important it is to accompany those who find themselves in this trouble, in this grief, given that the kingdom of heaven has perished, our task is to close the issue financially,
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the long-awaited premiere, sergei prokofiev’s sick, romeo and juliet, the same one, is returning to the historical stage legendary production of 1946, the first screening for viewers will take place tomorrow, today. grand style ballet is being revived by mikhail lavrovsky, one of the standard romeos and the son of the choreographer. this is a restoration, but as lavrovsky himself said when i had a conversation with him once or twice, when he says, everything can be changed and needs to be changed. romeo and juliet is that rare case in ballet history when a composer and choreographer, prokofier's longtime friends and chess partners, worked together. and lavrovsky, of course, quarreled a lot, but in 1940, at the then kirov, now mariinsky theater, the premiere was danced
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ulanova and sergeev. the bolshoi theater first saw the production in 1946; the moscow version did not exactly replicate the leningrad version, but the ties with which the verona lovers connected the two scenes were strong. and now in the 21st century, the pre-premiere bustle reigns behind the scenes of the big one. the troupe congratulates prima ekaterina krysanova. and not only with her new juliet. the president awarded her the title today. standing for half an hour, the audience then almost did not notice the presence of queen elizabeth i in the hall.
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maya plesetskaya had been preparing for this game for 5 years, and then i waited another 2 years for its premiere. on the eve of the performance, plesetskaya tore a ligament in her knees. in seventy-six, romeo was sent into honorable exile on the stage of the kremlin palace of congresses. on the historical stage of the bolshoi there was grigorovich's editorial office, on the new one. in the 21st century , attempts at a modern re-interpretation of the tragedy, but lavrovsky’s masterpiece, combined with the scenography of peter williams, remained unsurpassed, have finally returned. it's hard to create natural heroes and have it be relevant today. there is no sadder story light than prokofiev's music in ballet. the artists joked while working on the play in the forties. then it seemed to everyone that shakespeare could not be put on pointe shoes. today it is undeniable that there is no sadder story. polina yarmalaeva, irina konegovskaya, velina kornaeva, ilya
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novikov, anton dubnov and arina bogoroditskaya. news. an alarming situation remains in the pride land shelter for predators in the klin city district, about which we talked about flooding the day before. hundreds of animals found themselves in a water trap; shelter employees were on duty near them all night, and during the day moved to dry and safe places. about the rescue operation, anna balan. now we. we go directly to the internal premises of our animals, there is a group of lions here, they have a warm house where they can go to warm up, and of course, now our lionesses are hunting the operator, because they are breadwinners, not predators, this is a temporary enclosure, where the predators were transferred during the flood, it’s a bit cramped, but most importantly, it’s dry, lions are like all cats, they’re afraid of water, kids, let’s hurry up, my little kids, please, come on! it was so sweet yesterday with persuasion, park employees rescued the lions from the water, who could not decide
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to wet their paws. well done, smart girl, come here, quickly! they took turns running to the call, each one practically running by name, happy that i could do it, i did it. the lions lived in this enclosure, it is quite large, and it is clear that now it is almost completely flooded; 12 predators were transferred from here. to other safer rooms, and two lion cubs, hector and white, were unable to overcome their fear of going down in water. now they are already calm, they sleep and eat all day, and food is delivered to them by employees. lions park began to flood early yesterday morning; the nuddol river, due to a large amount of snow and sudden warming, overflowed its banks and reached the zoo in lowland. someone noticed a group swimming in striped swimsuits. the tiger enclosure was one of the first to flood. we separated them, of course, for security reasons, but today. and this individual room where they were also flooded, it was decided
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to release the tigers back into the enclosure, because there are high sun beds on the walk. the panther was the most frightened; when the water began to rise, it pressed its paws and did not move from its place, so today it is already being transferred to a dry place. the enclosure with moose is partially flooded, but they will not be transferred to other premises, since there are still areas of land there, and they have somewhere to hide. in total , there are more than 100 animals in this private shelter. amur tigers, far eastern leopards, jaguars, wolves, camels, they all did not come here because of a good life, each has its own story. one farmer brought us a dead cow, i saw that it was somehow surprising. this cow's belly, we decided to try anyway and get the calf, and the calf turned out to be alive, we also have camels mania and tisha, which were bought from the slaughterhouse, now these animals are in danger again, the water continues to remain if it starts to flood and these enclosures, the inhabitants of the park will have to be transported to another place, the moscow zoo is ready to help, victor said that
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only carriers for the animals are needed, in case the rise to the top continues... the question is where to transport so many animals, we can only hope that the cold snap will stop the rise of water. anna balan, mikhail sidorov, alena felatova and sergey saushkin, lead. and with this our episode is completed, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, ernest motskevichus was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, right now we are watching the continuation of the film indomitable unpacking.
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do you have any other shoes? now.
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it’s hard, it’s impossible, we’re going to die here, hello, i'm sorry, mommy, i didn't want you to wait for me so long, i see they gave you new shoes, and this is martina, uh-huh, he was found by a worker from a landfill, oh-oh-oh, his nails were torn out, oh , hi, hi, could you tell me the approximate time of death? well, for about two days, maybe even
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more, no reports of missing persons were received from anyone. maybe it's a homeless person or something? well, his teeth are too good for a homeless person? is this a smiley? yep, sad smiley face. i know you saw me more than once yesterday and... "i i understand how it looks, it’s very strange that this man is not in the missing persons reports. yes, i was with a man, but i won’t lie or make excuses about this, i’m sorry, are you sure that he died more than 48 hours ago, i
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want you to understand me, oh, what difference does it make, whether i understand you or not, the main thing is , so that denis understands you." the suitcase is clearly new, even the film was not removed, do you think that it was specially bought to hide the pipes of a homeless person in a landfill? i told you, i don’t think it’s a homeless person, there are no prints of the man from the suitcase in the database, oh, help yourself, well, no others there are no prints on the suitcase either, but i 'll check again. what is he doing with meat? of course, with meat. you know that i'm a vegetarian, right? vegetarian, where is this? i have never been a vegetarian. but
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this was in the inside pocket of the suitcase, i later discovered them. it looks like a tag from a suitcase, look, there's a cover here. yes, that's what she is. suitcase tag. hello, zoya, hello, hello. zoya. well, i beg you, lenochka is having contractions, she is alone with the baby, she needs to be taken to the maternity hospital urgently, but i can’t, i have students, lectures, i’m at the institute, dad, dad, no be nervous, i have to go for 10 minutes, lenochka will be patient for a while, i’ll take her and pick up the baby, i have to check all the shops in the city, i’m panicking, i don’t have time for anything, at all, so, that means cancel the hysteria, dad, dad, this contractions, contractions are not labor yet, there is almost nothing visible on this tag, what do you
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want me to do? i can't, i can't, i won't lie in the car. katya, up there in the corner there are some white letters, this is either a logo or a brand name of the store. most of the tag has been removed, but that part which remains, nothing can be understood. and... then if you don’t put your phone away now, i’m katya, we should check the logos and corporate colors of all local stores, and then based on the color combination, somehow, i don’t know, zoy, blue-white-red, not the rarest combination colors for the logo, so i have a better idea, where are you? katya, i ’ll call you back, please miss our birth, be careful, now everything will be better, better, well, why are you kidding me, well, forgive me,
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my word in heaven, i’ll go there, i won’t go there, let me go tomorrow, i’ll better tomorrow please let's go, let's go, breathe, breathe, now everything will be fine, but how do you know, let's go, let's go, let's go, that's enough already, joey, what, how is she, huh? everything is fine, she is with the doctors with the doctors, this is very important, okay, with the doctors, yeah, thank you very much, goodbye, what is it that everything is always closed for you, and the visiting time is up, man, man, you can’t go there, wait, wait, that is, you asked the official representative office of the manufacturer of these suitcases in russia, yes, so which stores in our city have suitcases from this series? first say thank you, i... i’ll tell you, i’ll definitely tell you this, forgive me, please, i’ll call you back, well
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, thank you, well, lyazochka’s contractions were false, in fact it really hurt, the top, quickly, that’s it, be careful, he’s from 40 to 50 years old in good physical shape, clearly took care of his health, and you were right, he has a couple of million worth of dental work. so, you said that the wounds were inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible, right? yes that's right. 28 stab wounds, here, here, they were made with different knives, and small ones at that with knives, that is, the one who did it? wanted
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him to be in a lot of pain, then he tortured him for 2 days, then killed him and cut out a smiley face on his back, yeah, no wonder the smiley face is sad, i believe he was still alive when it was cut out, and you said about some bruises , yes, here, here, but they are old, old, uh-huh, they are about 2 weeks old, hello, yeah, “sorry, calling, uh-huh, bye, bye, i have news, today a missing person report was filed on viktor kasitov 48 years, and you are sure that it is him, of course there have been no identifications yet, but judging by the photograph, yes, wait, why was the application submitted so late, he disappeared, what, 4 days ago,
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i don’t know, well, yes, it’s strange, considering that he is not homeless at all, he is a co-owner of a local construction company, he is quite famous in the city, i don’t think so, that this is connected with a business showdown, i’m sure you already have a theory, but kasitov was stripped, tortured, his back was cut out, a sad smiley face, then they threw him out of the landfill like some kind of garbage, this is... too symbolic, too emotional, difficult, furious, this is revenge, this is personal revenge, confidence without evidence - this is faith, faith is not for me, i need facts, but i need time, and if in a couple of days i have nothing to report to the top, denis’s group will take over the matter, you can go,
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go. who filed the missing person report for kasitovo? viktor starkov, but in his statement starkov indicated that he did not have close friendly relations with kasitov. he is the manager of kasitov's company. kasitov had no wife, no relatives, no friends, no one ? well, he wasn't officially married, based on starkov's statement, he lived alone. what's wrong with kostya? as an investigator to an investigator, and kostya hasn't been acting a little strange lately, what are you talking about? kostya didn’t mention that he wants to tell you something very important, a suit of piles, i need to buy it, and it will come in handy, look at the sneaker, i always told him that i hate all these marriage rituals, that’s all for now. they themselves
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will soon have children, but they are still vegetarians, a very infantile generation, to let you down very much, oh, thank you, you are in vain angry with pugacheva, there is pressure on her from above, the owners of a large construction company, friends, find the mayor of the city in a suitcase. naked in a landfill, i’ve read, except that in culinary blogs they wrote to me that the criminal showdowns of the nineties are returning, yeah, with the connivance of the investigative committee, listen, there are fewer people there, but let’s go, sorry for dragging you, it’s just a store nearby, and at my house a lot of hungry mouths and nothing in the refrigerator, but i
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’m not in a hurry, no one... is waiting for me at home, you have peas here, you come through, we’ll let you in, but you have no one, yes, why, son grandson , i barely found peaches, young man, are you not ashamed, hey, arrest me for this, i large families, and large families without a waiting list.
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in general, it’s my own fault, let’s go, yes. move out today, but the child, and i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be long, she ’ll take yurka away, this is not our child, but it could be ours, life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr.
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genie snop product of stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. the variety of entertainment is golden. beach and azure waves. lio resorts, we are here for you. steersman bourbon is a product of the steller
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group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know
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everything about holidays. anex. the most important thing is the weather in the house. film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year, but what will tell us about this? people's commissar kuznetsov? we will no longer
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save the entire fleet, but the sailors, soldiers, women and children, save obligatedly. big premiere. your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznetsov, already on the platform. look, well , she finally showed up, hello, zoya, hello, honest company, zoya, damn it, why don’t you pick up the phone, what is this? this is a new washing machine, to help the incompetent. mom, i ’m also very glad to see you, why did you buy it, let me help, thank you, no need, how do you run the house, there is no food in the house, the children
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don’t have clean clothes, what can you say in your defense, the machine is broken, oil please give me, what are you doing here anyway, i just bought a novel and brought a new car, right? yes, please take her. mom, you yourself taught me not to accept gifts from strangers. it’s very wrong, zoya, it’s very wrong, you call roman a stranger, how many years have you been together? yeah, gotta respect that. people who admit their mistakes, yes, it’s clear, in general, the car won’t stay here, it’s the children who won’t stay here, marta failed her biology test, gleb is in the room with marina, god knows what they’re doing there, they’re playing music mom, they do music, music, that’s what they call it now, zoya, dear, it’s difficult for you. and you can’t cope, i’m taking the children to my place,
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mommy, i love you very much, i’m very tired, and i still have so much to do, so now i’m going to go to bed. “hello, are you sure, that is, suitcases of this model were produced exclusively for this store chain, we need to talk about march, i’ll call you back, right?” for, we know everything,
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we have a plan, this is about what grandma said, listen, well, maybe she’s right and i can’t cope, well, look, let’s make a schedule duty, i suppose i can do the laundry, and marta can go shopping, but in our plan there is the same thing, and what is marta and her academic performance, she has a b in biology, she just doesn’t... wants to study, yeah, it seems to me , i know how to increase marta’s motivation, really, yeah, i have a super plan, so, marta, get up, we ’re late, do you remember that today we have a meeting with the managing director of the construction company kasitova, yes, katya, of course , i remember, zoey, where are you, i’m here, i’m sorry.
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no, i worked with him for 15 years, but as a friend i can’t call myself, you see, he was a very lonely person, he had no relatives, but parents, brothers, sisters, i don’t know, friends, wife, anyone, no brothers and sisters, his parents died long ago, he was with his ex-wife almost... communicated, and there is also radygin, this is his
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former driver, but he liked to sing with him more, there is also veronica, veronica, well, the hostess of the persia restaurant, well, let's just say, another friend of viktor borisovich, i can print out the names, contacts , thank you, do you know anyone who might wish him dead? i know, colleagues, partners, competitors, well , of course, we had all sorts of things, but now, i don’t know, we definitely don’t have any such problems now, excuse me, starkov is listening, i wonder, did kasitov himself choose to be like this? alone, his disappearance was noticed only after 5
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days, and that was because he did not come to the meeting, no one cared about him, well , the one who killed him, judging by the method of murder, torture, smalik’s back, he was clearly not indifferent . yegors, scammers, i want what i have, what i have earned, give me my money, this is my money, thieves. wait, wait, wait, wait, sk, don't put him to rest, arrest me for stealing me, like that, yes, no, i just wanted to. what 's happened? something happened that happens to everyone here, especially if you are not a citizen of the russian federation, it’s very interesting, i would like more details, he reduces your salary, fines you for everything, so you still have to stay, they pay you a black salary, and even then you don’t pay, but only say your word, demand yours, kick them out without
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money, thieves. "sorry, wait, please, i apologize, my name is georgiy, i was asked to clarify the situation that you have witnessed now, and who is your position, forgive me, i am responsible for hiring workers, i will explain, aisultan, he is our former employee, he is unskilled, inadequate, he was rejected, but they fined him, he is now trying to make everything look like this , as if i cheated him, and you paid him everything he earned?" "okay, since you don’t want to talk, then we will have to take a long but confidently productive path. let’s check your documents on attracting foreign citizens to work, availability they have work permits. now everything is clear to you. what do you want? there were often cases like sultanov. listen, you
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understand, i don’t make the rules. and there were some particularly angry workers who could threaten kasitov. yes, they are afraid, usually, i don’t think that..." is it somehow connected, a second, this, what is this? two weeks ago, mamalyk samir, he threatened viktor borisovich with a knife, and lay in wait for him near the house, like you they said his name is samir? yes, mamalykin samir, they got into a fight? no, i would n’t say that, they yelled at each other, scowls knocked down, samir with a knife, we talked, so to speak, hematomas were found on kositov’s body two weeks ago, they could have been due to this scuffle with mamalykin, is that what’s on his back? yes, it was viktor borisovich who got into a fight in a bar, he got into a fight in a bar, listen, well , i don’t know all the details, his ex-driver radygin told me, he was in the bar with him, zoy, yes, yeah, we were lucky with the suitcase, i just that i spoke with the store manager, we have only one store of this chain, yes, they sell them very rarely, three or four pieces per month, card, if he paid, cameras,
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let's go, excuse me, about the check, you definitely need to eliminate the violation before the check, it will be, yes, okay, i understand, radygin, yes, yes, because he was in the bar and saw , with whom kasitov got into a fight, zoy, where are we rushing, there are still four hours before the store closes, it’s kostya, yes, he wants to meet to tell me something important, say it, will you? she was right, yes, yes, but why, what kind of wife am i, we are already good together, but he wants to ruin everything, and why did you decide that marriage is everything ruined it? because i look across countries, my parents, my older brother, the marriage of my friends, they are all either divorced, or they live lying to each other, argumentum from the populum, i
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’ll google it again, appeal to the majority, zoya, be careful, why then everyone, even in the committee, everyone? divorced like olya and denis, and i waited 7 years for a proposal, can you imagine, zoy, well, he’s just a fool, now that i got him, i don’t want it, i’ll take it, sorry, i need to go, and you have a surveillance camera, of course, and not alone. do you want to see the recordings? yeah, yeah why do you? so, are you moving in with your grandma?
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how long have you been wanting to get rid of me? oh yes, hello, me! it’s already close, i’m approaching, i ’m hungry, now we still need to come to my work, baby, we’ll figure something out, uh-huh, hello, kirge, hello, with a high degree of probability we have a video recording with the face of the buyer of the suitcase - who i managed to get it in the store where we bought the suitcase, well, i want honor when we... won, martha, there’s a buffet down the corridor, poor children, thank you, we don’t eat empty carbohydrates. let's go, the identity has been established, we
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we established the identities of all the buyers, besides this, he is the only one who paid in cash, we checked all those who paid with cards, well, from this recording the face cannot be recognized, even the age is unclear, there are other cameras, well, for example, from the store parking lot. what car was he in? the circle of suspects is somewhere up to 30-40 million people. well done, this is a breakthrough young ladies. no, he says that he is a biology tutor, and you agreed with him, where is martha, sleeping,
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martha, martha, rise, forward, to new achievements, come on, come on, come on, misha my classmate's nephew, studying... what time is it? as agreed, 8:30? i am late. why am i late again, explain to me. the phone rings, you pick it up and say: hello, the premiere is on rtr.
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forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection,
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making dreams come true, the kalinonbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, may turn out to be even more criminal, because in the nineties the country shuddered from the crime of hope of fratti, who massively sold children abroad, where did they go without a trace. who have the hospital midwives been hiding for all these 30 years? i am on your knees asking, please, please, help! malakhov, tomorrow on rtr, everything happened very unexpectedly, there was no conflict, they didn’t even say a word to him, he just rushed at victor like mad, managed a few...
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the cap was red, yes, he was wearing a red cap, and the jacket , and the jacket is similar, but do you remember his face? security escorted him out almost immediately. veronica, the restaurant hosts, made it clear to me in a telephone conversation that she doesn’t consider herself another friend of kasitova, they sometimes we met, but nothing serious. yeah, i see. what about mamalykin? mamalykin is hiding. he doesn’t show up in the apartment where he lived, he doesn’t use sim cards in his own name, but he definitely didn’t leave russia,
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we need to find him, he had a motive, he threatened, but for now i’ll cringe. to this veronica, with whom kositov has nothing serious, and on the way i’ll stop by his ex-wife, i’ll talk to her, hello, hello, investigative committee, zoni upokoeva, you are yulia kositova, first husband. “listen, well, your apartment is luxurious, what’s with the second floor or something? there are 200 meters here, probably this is rare for the center, but did you get it from kositov? hello, i'm zoya, hello, who are you, excuse me? i am a housekeeper, yuli, and who do you work for? but i don’t work, kositov left us a house and paid us, well, if you don’t want
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to talk to me, the man was a civilian, and you’ve been working in the family for a long time? long ago, when kasitov was still around, what do you want from her? i ’ll explain to you, i want to understand how people could live in a happy marriage for so many years, and then forgive, that’s all, what didn’t she say herself, but would you like to tell someone? what the husband and father of your children hit you while you were pregnant, and you said that kositov had a difficult period, what kind of period is this? viktor borisovich was a witness in a criminal case, what criminal case, a woman was killed, maybe something interesting, hello, are you alone,
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hello, he said, yeah, follow me, listen, do you have a business lunch? yes, of course, i don’t know what else to tell you, as i already said, victor and i were not a couple, sometimes we only met, maybe someone threatened them, he was afraid of someone, you’ll forgive me, please, i just, and he somehow explained to you what happened, said that he was being pursued by some crazy person who believes that he owes him 70,000, well, victor could have paid more for dinner in a restaurant, yes, but victor said that not going to pay as a matter of principle. could you identify this guy? not sure, it was dark. why? zoy, because they are stored for 5 days. if you read the manual, what are you doing?
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operational search work. is this ai sultan's account? yeah, if you want, we can bring him in for questioning, if you think he might know something about mamalocin, he won’t cooperate with us, why? look, aisultan is on the left, malykin is on the right, he and malykin are fellow countrymen.


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