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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 4, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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i’d like, of course, i’ll get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, pigasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who it is, it’s zavyalov, our owner, you why aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, hello coffee, are you stupid, or what? i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, how is this just a home, this is generally, this is incomprehensible, nothing, i’ll still turn around, or the princess, whoever the prince chooses, and you loved her, most likely no, but you love me, wings pegasus, on saturday on rtr, please meet me! and the roll call can be done without
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formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how much history was told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves the pile, and that was for me, probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i, as a man , am a hunter of women, i like to attack, how much is still to come? i foresaw my fate, now i’m just fulfilling everything, everything to myself, that i will have a completely different husband, and i give up with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, senior lieutenant of justice, investigator neupokoyeva, happy birthday, indomitable, invincible, what do you have on the investigation now? all three victims were
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found in the murderer's fox, all strangled, all missing their left shoe, between two versions, the same maniac or the rise in price, between two men, hi, so zoya, does he already live here, yeah, listen only to yourself, you must be happy, she only dreams of peace, i we need a real victory, a final victory. today on rtr. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. office is the business card of your business. the taller business center is located nearby. lets
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square and the garden ring, original architecture with a recreated historical tower, an access system with facial recognition, an application for managing space and time, an intelligent building navigation system, a data center, public spaces and underground parking. taller - a new height for your business. whiskey mancacher - product of steller group. today in the program there are different beans: black, white, red, which one will save you from diabetes, and which one will protect you from depression and is an antioxidant?
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if there is a deficiency, the lens begins to suffer and contrast sensitivity decreases, thus replenishing the daily need for vitamin a for several days. the beautiful but treacherous intestine, how it decides who will live to be 100 years old and who will not. we improve the intestinal microflora with the help. in addition to the fact
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that this is beneficial for our intestines, it is also a source of vitamin c, excellent flowering life. good morning, hello, who among us doesn’t like to eat delicious food? now we are fasting and many people are thinking, what can replace the usual meat products? in fact, it seems to me that many people know such products, and there is one of them that is especially important for women, because this product helps to limit oneself in food on the one hand, on the other hand, not to feel hungry, and even at the same time improve joint condition. let's get a look. what kind of product is this, here are the cabinets, this is a product in all its, so to speak, diversity, ta-ta-ta-tatan, oops, beans in in tomato sauce and red, and - beautiful and black, all are equally useful, each
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bean has, as they say, its own trick, well , don’t count what it has in common, it has a high protein content, yeah, black, white, red , dry or canned? with tomato or in its own juice, which beans you should eat, we’ll talk about this with our expert. marina sergeevna makisha, nutritionist, member of the national association of dieticians and nutritionists of russia. marina sergeevna, good morning, come to us, good morning, good morning, well look, how many varieties and different ones, let's start right away with the division of responsibilities of beans, which one is for what? and the first one will be to get the white one, i want to note that white beans have the highest content of folic acid, vitamin b9, many people know that this particular supplement is often recommended to women who are planning a pregnancy, because indeed folic acid is very important
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for cell division, but i want to draw your attention to the fact that it also helps reduce the level of homocyinin; it is humocyin that has a negative effect on blood vessels in general increases. the risk of cardiovascular diseases is a substance that can be assessed based on test results, but if there is a high homocyst, we always say that this is a risk of increased, or rather , faster aging of blood vessels. a decrease in homocysteine ​​levels is associated with a decrease in vascular inflammation, a decrease in the level of free fatty acids in the blood, both of which damage the vascular wall, so white beans are needed for vascular health, eat white beans and there will be no heart attacks or strokes, but... this my favorite is red. mikhail, you probably already know, because the bright color of some plant product indicates that it contains quite a lot of different antioxidants. there are many antioxidants here that are needed to relieve inflammation. and by the way, this is why
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for various inflammatory diseases, for example, arthritis, beans will be recommended as a product that helps to slightly reduce inflammation and thereby even reduce pain. the fact is that red beans contain a lot of organic sulfur compounds, and as you know, our body needs sulfur for healthy bones, joints, popular supplements for joints, for example, glucosamine, yes, they work only in cases where it is a sulfated form, that is, connections with sulfur, why these very compounds, the sulfur compound, are very important for cartilage, this allows you to relieve inflammation of the cartilage and maintain its functionality. well, black beans for youth inside and outside. well, we already said that antioxidants are present in colored beans, yes, so we give them some plus, but in addition, beans contain a large amount of dietary fiber, and soluble fiber, that
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is, this is the same fiber that is a useful nutrient substrate for the microflora that lives in the large intestine, and many have probably already heard that... intestines and intestinal health are what contribute to good health and preservation of youth, because it is precisely the processes of enabling such, let’s say, antioxidant work that begin in the process digestion and absorption of beans, in addition, when we feed our good bacteria, and beans are good food for them, they also produce certain substances that are antioxidants and in particular protect the intestinal mucosa from attack. various unfavorable factors, even reducing the risk of cancer, yeah, well , besides everything else, actually this is the beautiful color of the beans, it is thanks to plant pigments, which are antioxidants, these antioxidants reduce skin damage from ultraviolet radiation. so here we are
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we found out what problems each bean should be used for: white for the heart, red for the joints, black for youth, and even better, you can make a mix. but for some reason i don’t, for some people the bloating causes discomfort, it depends on how well the beans are processed, that is , the longer you soaked them for 8-10 hours and the longer you cooked them, the easier this product will be absorbed in our digestive system. by the way, there is another life hack for people who experience bloating after eating beans - this is to add to the dish spices made from beans that contain a lot of essential oils, for example, it could be coriander, ginger, cloves, why? because they somewhat suppress the activity of bacteria resulting in bloating, well, not that
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it will disappear altogether, but it will become significantly smaller. well, if a person has never tried beans, which one is better to start with? well , here i first of all recommend focusing on the taste, but personally, i use red beans more often, i don’t know why, either i like the color or the taste, but in my diet red beans are more often used, and i even i have never tried black for my garden. well , everything is ahead, i also wanted to note that not everyone is a culinary chef like dr. agabkin, because for many it is easier to go to the store, buy white beans in tomato sauce like this, and make it an excellent side dish for some chicken or fish. mikhail, i admit, i do this: canned beans, if they do not contain, well, a large amount of some additives in the form of sugar, salt and additional oil. it will be even better for our body than the beans you cook at home, why? because the process
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of technological preparation of these canned foods assumes that the beans are in aquafaba longer, therefore these dietary fibers that are in the beans swell, this product turns out juicier, softer, easier to digest, but also contains fewer calories, because that you have gained more moisture if you are from... accordingly, these same digestion blockers are destroyed, which prevent our digestive tract from digesting beans, for this reason it is understandable what. boil, it will be much faster, here we have canned beans, and here we have ordinary boiled beans, and if we
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take and start the process of conditional digestion, we can see that here there is an almost homogeneous mass, and here there are finely chopped beans, right? which will certainly take longer to digest, what are beans compatible with, what are they incompatible with? well, this is a protein product, there is a lot of vegetable protein and a lot of dietary fiber, so it’s better not to combine beans with foods that contain a lot of protein, for example, that is some red meat, for example, beef or lamb in large quantities, because it will be very dense and may be difficult to digest, that is, this is the most important thing to look at. for quantity, yes, if you decide to use beans as a side dish for red meat, well, a portion
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of red meat should be no more than 100-150 g, yes, because from beans we will also get protein, the second, accordingly, those products that also contain fiber, for example, mushrooms, which contain dietary fiber, which is quite heavy are digested, in combination with beans it can also be an additional burden for the intestines, but otherwise, if we monitor the portion size and take, well, no more than 200 g of beans for a meal, in the range from 100 to 200, then in principle you you can combine it with anything, thank you very much, we found out that a mix of different types of beans will be the best option for the prevention of various diseases, and you don’t need to be afraid of bloating, just take the time to soak the beans for a few hours, and if you don’t have time, canned beans own juice is safe for your health, we continue right now, academician of cardiology. will tell you what heart diseases can be disguised as spring allergies,
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move out today, and the child, i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street, come to me, live as you wish, but we won’t be long, she will take away the bramble, this is not our child, but he can be ours, life with... welcome to khamovniki 12. surrounded by twelve sights of moscow, visible from the windows of the khamovniki 12 residences. khamovniki 12 gives happiness to a great heritage culture that will become a symbol in your library. khamovniki 12:
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deluxe club house in the center of historical moscow. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer, the squad
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is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear. just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, we tell the secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, sveta, i love you very much, u you and i have our whole lives ahead of us, very often girls from other circles strive to marry rich boys, let me
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decide for myself who i love and who i want to marry, okay? he will still be mine, i won’t give him to this sheep, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink, i was really on fire and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, " i love sveta, if there is at least a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr, we will remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i makarov from makarov, we had an amazing
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front garden, we played football. good morning, well, spring has come, and this is not only kopel, blue sky, green leaves. grass, the first flowers, but this is also an allergy, many people start coughing, here’s how to figure it out, is it still an allergic cough, or is it associated to some extent with heart disease, so let’s listen to natalya, who contacted me with her we’ll try
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to figure out the story later, listen, hello, my name is natalya, i’m 45 years old, i’m from ladimir, i’m allergic... when i was a child in my twenties, my allergies got very worse and began to manifest themselves seasonally, in the fall in the spring, running from the nose, terrible discomfort, also upon contact with detergents, all this is also displayed on the hands in the form of redness, itching, and a cough. recently, this cough has become worse, plus, even with physical activity , my blood pressure began to rise, shortness of breath began to appear, well, just a cough. now i am tormented by doubts that it is allergic. because i heard that there is a cardiac cough, perhaps i just developed some kind of heart disease, so, well, shortness of breath, pressure, somehow it looks a little like an allergy. please tell me, natasha, come on in, morning, doctor, please tell me, this cough appeared a long time ago, and the cough appeared, well
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, it was a little allergic, of course it was, that’s when contact, so that you immediately say it’s allergic, they told you that , or you yourself decided, it was a reaction to detergents, so of course i decided myself, and the first and main thing is that you developed a cough in response to detergents, in addition to the cough. there was something itching, yes, my eyes were a little swollen, well swelling on the face in general, everything is simple here, at least we know clearly that there is an allergy, and accordingly the cough, well , 99%, is associated with an allergy, especially since i can tell you how old you are, you look gorgeous, 45 years old, that is, for the heart. you haven’t developed an allergic cough yet, it’s usually whistling, why? because it is accompanied by bronchospasm, it is dry,
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if the macros go away, very little, and to be honest, this is a frequent exacerbation, well, since unfortunately, we are communicating with um, well, let’s say for you that quite often a heart cough is used with detergents - this is not a completely correct term, you know, it’s... a cough that, well , indicates or happens with heart disease, well, in a cunning way, firstly, it usually gets worse or appears during exercise, that is, when the heart becomes heavy, since it intensifies in the lying position, it is usually accompanied by moist rales, not wheezing, and it is a component of shortness of breath, yeah. plus cough, why is this important, let's go here, because, of course, there is so-called cardiac asthma, but if there is fraternal asthma, this is already so to speak, well, let’s put it this way,
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the peak of problems with allergic cough is when status asmaticus occurs, as we say, when a person simply suffocates, but he suffocates on exhalation, that is, it is difficult to exhale, because bronchospasm, cardiac asthma is a difficulty in inhaling. this is suffocation, which is accompanied by a prolonged cough, this is pale skin, which is exactly the opposite for you, uh-huh, there is no swelling of the veins in the neck, sweating - this is our own conversation, that is, in short , for now, as far as i understand, cyanotic lips are just a vascular reaction for you, this is not cyanosis of the lips, so, here all this is not yours, let's move on, you are still only an allergy sufferer, asthma, you were diagnosed with bronchial asthma, diagnosed, but what you described is
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the very, very, very initial stage, these are those diseases of the respiratory system that are provoked by allergies, you followed, well , unfortunately, the classical path, along the bronchial path asthma, although there is a whole other a number of others, let's go, this is why allergies are dangerous for the heart, for the cardiovascular system, asthma itself is dangerous, because after all, any, well, let's put it this way, an attack of bronchial asthma is an increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery, and any increase in pressure in the pulmonary arteries - this is also hypertension, in poorly treated, long-term osthmatic patients, the so -called pulmonary ulcer is formed. heart, that is, if classical arterial hypertension is the left side of the heart, then pressure in the pulmonary artery, bronchial asthma, bronchial spasm -
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this is the right heart, this is the cor pulmonale - this is a lesion of the right heart. you mentioned a rise in blood pressure. the thing is that most drugs that are used before stopping an attack of bronchial asthma increase blood pressure. do for, let’s say, a non-drug effect on the situation in which you find yourself. first, ventilate the house more often,
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well... you should see what else can provoke it, because as a rule, there is more than one allergen, well, most often it is mown grass, pollen of some kind trees, that is, to the point that experienced osthmaticians know that, let’s say, well, here i am, i have such patients, let’s say... for the birch to bloom, they know that during this period they need to leave this region, there , where either the birch tree has already bloomed or will still bloom before letting you go, summary, allergic cough, the result of bronchial asthma, the initial stage, everything is in your hands, up to the point that, in principle, carry out some, well, let’s, how we say
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desensitization, that is, you...
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the most important thing is breathing, depending on the style qigong, there are certain movements there, which must be said, in general, at the moment there is quite a lot of research on the positive effect of this health-improving gymnastics on human health. there are studies that say that it helps fight depression, there are studies that say that it reduces anxiety, but there are studies, for example, about improving the condition of patients with parkinson's disease, for example, there are
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studies. when this gymnastics is used for recovery after a stroke, it itself as a method of training, for example, muscles and joints, this gymnastics is also quite good. among other things, there are studies that say that it lowers blood pressure, almost worse than aerobics, so there are many reasons to do this gymnastics, especially for people of above average age. so, which of the guys in the studio has a question? please, i ask you, good morning, is there a difference between the concepts of baht and vitamins, very often on the labels we see that it says vitamins, somewhere at the bottom postscript, is a dietary supplement, here's what to choose and what it actually is, well look, let's start with the fact that vitamins are the name for a group of chemicals that should be
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present in our... nutrition due to the fact that they are not synthesized in our bodies, we must receive them from food, that is, this is such a special, clearly defined group of chemicals, well, we know vitamin a, vitamin e, vitamin d and so on, yes, that is, roughly speaking, a list of these vitamins , he is clearly known, which means there are vitamin complexes or multivitamin complexes, this is where these vitamins are, they are collected in a certain combination, proportion, yes, which means that vitamins can be medicinal. a drug and vitamins can be a dietary supplement, what is the difference? medicines have stricter registration rules, stricter requirements for the purity of raw materials, stricter requirements for deviations in weight, that is, if it says 500 mg, then it will be 500 mg, and so on. for dietary supplements, and vitamins are sometimes sold as dietary active additives, these requirements are softer, so many manufacturers, so to speak, avoid unnecessary red tape. costs for
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conducting complex tests, expert assessments, and so on, yes, they register these drugs as dietary supplements, on the one hand, there is nothing criminal about this, biological active supplements are law. are allowed, on the other hand, there is a risk of stumbling upon a situation where, for example, some vitamin will be less than declared, or sometimes more than declared, that is, in this sense, unlike medications, dietary supplements have, well, let’s say, significantly greater tolerances, but at the same time, naturally, they are often cheaper. choosing either one or the other, we, in particular the bads, yes, we take responsibility in general only for ourselves, yes, well, there are some, so to speak, fairy tales, yes, that when you buy some kind of baht, you need to look at him with all the documentation, that is, the more documentation, well, that is, if they provide you with one piece of paper, yes, on which it is written that you cannot get poisoned by this it turns out, it means the manufacturer
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saves a lot if they provide you with several laboratory test results, well , it means the manufacturer still cares about his image, so to speak, he spends money on additional research in order to convince the buyer that his product is not only safe, but also and not bad. thanks a lot. we will get back to you immediately after advertising. the phone rings, you pick it up and say hello. premiere on rtl. hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hi, it's alla, al, al, alla, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello. alla, alla, taxi, who gave the order, i don’t recognize something, alla, from monday on rtr, they say you need
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to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest. where the sun and sea are, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except the head, we know everything about holidays, relax, anex, allow yourself a first-class holiday with leorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves . lio reorts, we are here for you. discover a real gem
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on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic luxery collection bodrum. catch a fish, big or small? well, in general, i chose the right place. have we ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can delicious be useful? let's try. inflammation levels are reduced and pain is reduced. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can science be understood? how about you make
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a wish? yes. yes. yes. yes. once again, yes. every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formula. on sunday on rtr. do you want to stay in moscow? certainly. i’ll get you a job in our restaurant. i also drew a horse with wings. pegasus, after all. here will be yours, then you will draw it. let's see. well, did you like it? yes, it’s zavyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping? what are you afraid of? i'm afraid to wake up. make some coffee. hello, you're
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stupid, or something, i'll have to fire you. actually, i don't work here. i live here. cinderella, some kind of dishwasher. this is generally incomprehensible. it's okay, i'm still fighting. who will the prince choose, and did you love her? yes, most likely not, but you love me, pegasus wings. on saturday on rtr svetlana nimalyaeva. it was, of course, a test, it was very difficult. goncharov wanted to work with me, but at the same time, i had the feeling that he hated me, he screamed, he shouted, he destroyed, he almost beat me once, the whole horror was that he was always right. i had a cross. i told myself that i would endure everything. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr, we
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continue the section, ask the doctor and dr. agatlin continues to answer questions about health. the next question is already on the screen. hello, my name is sergey, i’m 37 years old, i’m from the city of kazan. i have problems in general with sleep, i fall asleep at 9 o’clock, an hour or two later i wake up and can’t fall asleep, i can’t understand why. what’s happening to me, is it with age, or is it some kind of nerves, it ’s connected to the nerves, please help, solve this problem, young man, this form of insomnia, it’s called interosomnic insomnia, that is, when a person falls asleep easily, but at the same time wakes up in the middle of the night and cannot fall asleep there for several hours, it is actually less common than simply the inability to fall asleep in the evening, however, quite usually complex forms of insomnia. in terms of treatment, why are such episodes often,
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they are early signs of depression in a person, in general the person is in a good mood, the appetite seems to be good, but nevertheless these night awakenings, the inability to fall asleep, are very often associated by somnologists with the occurrence of depression and its gradual development, and what should he do, well, firstly, it is necessary to exclude various additional factors, medications can cause such sleep disturbance, it is necessary to assess the extent of the situation. and conditions the onset of sleep corresponds normally, the so-called sleep hygiene, were there any factors that could have provoked this disturbance, if there is none of this, but there is awakening, then perhaps undergo a neuropsychological diagnosis, an assessment of the emotional state, in some cases it is quite enough, well some simple recommendations, in some cases the help of a psychotherapist may be required, in some cases even taking medications, it’s not that simple, thank you. is there anyone in our studio who would like to ask a question to the doctor, please
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i ask you, there are bumps on the big toes of both feet, under heavy load, at night they are very disturbing, and during sleep they start to knock like a hammer, i have a question, remove them, look, what people actually call bumps on the big toes , most often this is a manifestation of metatarsal phalangeal bursitis, all due to transverse flatfoot, and incorrect shoes, excess weight, and some other factors, the load on the first metatarsal bone increases, it begins to grow in response to the load, the joint is deformed, this is the most protruding part, it begins to press, rub, respectively, on the shoes, and cause such unpleasant symptoms, which means what to do, that means, if this is not a very pronounced process, well, that is, the first, second stage. exercises can help, these are exercises for
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transverse flat feet, that is, there are now actually a lot of these exercises, even on the internet you can find that can reduce the degree of transverse flat feet, thereby reducing the load on the joint, the second thing is to choose the optimal shoes, which does not put pressure on this very metatarsus, because external pressure itself is the cause of the appearance of this pain, which means the third thing is to choose an orthopedic insole that will reduce the load on the joint . will allow you to support this longitudinal arch of the foot. fourth, you can use therapeutic typing, that is, the use of a special fixing patch in order to fix the joint in a better position. now, if these measures turn out to be ineffective for some time 3-4 months, then you can think about surgery, but you need to understand that even after these operations you will still have to do exercises, you will still have to wear an insole in order to avoid relapse. thanks a lot. we continue, right now ophthalmologist
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dmitry demintyev will tell you which vitamin deficiency in the spring can lead to a sharp drop in vision. stay with us! good morning, fortunately winter has ended, the sun has appeared, more sunny days await us, but... despite this, many of us feel tired, have problems with vision, what is this connected with? this is due to the fact that in the spring, unfortunately, we will be faced with... almost all vitamin deficiencies, let's try to talk today on the topic: is this a blow to our health, is it a blow to our vision, because many people have decreased vision in the spring, or all this can be stopped easily and simply by just eating right.
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let's talk about this topic today with an expert, a nutritionist. dietitian, candidate of medicine. sciences, senior researcher , department of rehabilitation diet therapy, fgbu fits nutrition clinic biotechnology and food safety. yulia gennadievna, good morning, it’s very, very nice to see you, answer me one simple question: is it true that proper nutrition can correct spring vision problems? of course, proper nutrition. can help with this, because among the reasons that lead to deterioration of vision, in the first place, one of the reasons is a deficiency of vitamins and other biologically active substances that are actively involved in the metabolism that occurs in the organ of vision, that is, they contribute to the improvement
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blood circulation, normalize capillary permeability, they help reduce the rate of development of degenerative processes, that is... age-related changes and improve the supply of oxygen to tissues, therefore a balanced menu, a balanced diet should include a vitamin menu. let's find out and try to tell our viewers which vitamin deficiency can literally hit the eyes in the spring. vitamin a, yes, this is a very important vitamin. deficiency, conjunctivitis, you need to eat something, in the spring more or less, in order to to avoid this, we need to make sure that our daily diet includes foods that contain sources of vitamin a, yes, and what foods are these, yulia? in first place, one of
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the champions in terms of vitamin a content is beef liver, 100 g of which contains almost nine daily allowances. in second place is shake liver: 100 g contains about five daily requirements, that is, you can eat a small amount of beef liver or shake liver and thus fill your daily requirement of vitamin a for several days. recognized leader in herbal sources are carrots, which contain carotenoids, beta-carotene in an amount of 166% of the recommended daily intake. next blow. in our eyes, vitamin b3 deficiency improves blood circulation in blood vessels, including those of the eyes, improves blood circulation in the optic nerve, and vitamin b3 deficiency is known to provoke the occurrence of such
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an unpleasant disease as glaucoma. our eye, this is what it looks like, the cornea, this is the lens. two absolutely transparent lenses that are responsible for passing through them images, refraction so that the image clearly hits the retina, which is located in the fundus of the eye. with a deficiency of vitamin b or vitamin b3, the lens metabolism is disrupted, there are specific foods that contain a lot of vitamin b3, yes, there are such products, one of them... they again contain beef liver. the next place we take is peanuts, they also contain vitamin b3. vitamin e, which is known to have a strong antioxidant effect, if it is deficient, it can what happens to our eyes? progression
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of age-related farsightedness or so-called presbia. this is a change in our lens, that is, the lens stops changing. walking, because, as a rule, they are champions in vitamin e content, and the first champion is sunflower seeds. and in principle, any seeds and nuts are a source of this vitamin. in almonds, hazelnuts there are about 100-160%, this is the recommended daily intake of vitamin e, and even in dried apricots
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there is 37%. julia, we discussed vitamin b2, b3, vitamin b, as before, b2 deficiency. what is night blindness? visual impairment in the dark, when photoreceptors begin to react poorly, well, it is difficult to perceive images in low light. but also vitamin b2 promotes oxygenation, that is, the receipt of oxygen into our lens. with a deficiency, the lens begins to suffer and contrast sensitivity decreases, that is , the image passing inside the eye is not the same as if the lens were absolutely completely transparent. what should you eat to compensate for vitamin b2 deficiency? in almost all cheeses. vitamin b2 is present in the amount of 17-20% of the recommended daily intake per 100 g. this even has
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its advantage in cheeses, because they do not require heat treatment, and we know that b vitamins are water-soluble, they are easily destroyed, like in cheese no, so we remember cheese and try to include it in our daily diet. everything is clear, well , our last eye is vitamin c, which we need. vitamin c deficiency leads to vitamin c deficiency and cataracts. vitamin c - an antioxidant, it prevents all these destructive effects and helps preserve youth and prevent these unwanted changes. how to compensate for vitamin c deficiency? vitamin c deficiency is not so difficult to replenish. but it is important to note that many people think that the main source of vitamin c in our diet is citrus fruits, they, of course, contain vitamin c,
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but there are other sources, and the champion, one of the champions in terms of vitamin c content is rose hips, sea buckthorn , black red currant, 100 g contain about two daily norms of vitamin c, and bell peppers, 2.5 daily norms per 100 g. well, yulia, very... interesting, thank you very much, it was great, thank you, we answered all your questions , i hope, questions from tv viewers, dear friends, take care of your eyesight, get your vitamins correctly in the spring, eyesight is priceless, and i give the floor to my colleagues, senior lieutenant of justice, investigator neupokoyeva, happy birthday, what do you have in the investigation now? all three victims were found in the murderer's face, all strangled the left shoe is missing, between two versions,
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the same maniac or imitator, between two men, hello, so zoya, who already lives here, listen only to yourself, you must be happy, she only dreams of peace. i need a real victory. in the final episodes today on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by embodying. dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into
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fairy tale titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every room is a journey. in coziness and comfort, your vacation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellec -
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the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, mine lives! glad in the high mansion, in that high mansion, there is no way for anyone, the intercom is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i never cheated on you, she drove him two quarter, left, started to bite, when a kamaz rushes towards you, radiculum and lameness disappear somewhere, humor and humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, so that the dream. came true on sunday, i’m counting the minutes until the evening when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, stop, please, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i will do something, i don’t know what yet, but i will do it, honestly, len, sunday on
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rtr, natalya zhitnikov. she has been looking for her own son for 30 years, the woman assures that the maternity hospital employees pulled off a scam and sold her son to an unknown patient. natalia’s story may turn out to be even more criminal, because in the nineties the country shuddered from the crime of nadezhda fratti, who massively sold children abroad, where they disappeared without a trace. what have the hospital midwives been hiding for all these 30 years? i'm on my knees asking you, please, please help. malakhov, today on rtr. as the ancients said, you are what you eat, you must to say that modern scientific research even confirms this; how long we live, and most importantly, how we live the years of our lives depends on the health of our intestines. look, let’s imagine that these are the same bacteria that live in our intestines, yes, by the way, there are more than 500 of them there, so scientists
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have found that for... in order for a person to live a healthy life, it is important that these bacteria, they were as diverse as possible, that is, if previously it was believed that two bacteria were enough for a person, bifitbacteria, lactobacilli, that is, now they say that species diversity determines our health, so it is necessary for a person to replace this stunted , dull still life with such a beautiful flowering of life, how to make our intestines bloom and what kind? we will discuss the yet unobvious benefits it brings to our body with our expert. how to live with a sound mind and long memory. internationally recognized gerantologist svetlana vladislavovna trofimova, professor, secretary general of the world council of preventive, regenerative and anti-aging medicine, president russian society of anti-aging medicine, will give practical advice for future
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centenarians of our country. by the way, one of the latest studies by our colleagues from the uk at the university of oxford showed that the intestines also influence our behavior and our emotions. by the way, you noticed at the mikhail. regularly, i can say for sure, it’s immediately obvious, two completely different mikhails, that is , as i understand it, the intestines are a kind of brain of our body, well, you’re right, it’s also called the second brain, absolutely correct, yes, that is, everything comes not from the head, but from the intestines, well, i think these are two organs that, in principle, on the one hand, of course, like everything in our body, they are interconnected, but on the other hand they can even be partly
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like - and compete with each other. that is , the intestines can influence not only the brain, but even those microorganisms that populate it, that microbiome, it also affects our body. let's talk about this in more detail. well, you see, he controls the emotions of behavior, absolutely right, and what’s interesting is that the microorganisms that populate our intestines have an impact on certain areas of the brain. this is our mood, good mood, bad mood, feeling of anxiety, by the way, my colleague will agree with me, in our body there is a neuroimmunoendocrine system, which is located in the intestines, also cells of the immunoendocrine system, by the way, you know what i was thinking, there was such a diagnosis of dysbiosis, i i remember that somewhere around the turn of the nineties, two thousand, criticism began that no
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no one recognizes any dysbacteriosis in the whole world, it’s all fake and so on, and what do we see now? literally two decades have passed, we see that foreign studies show this very role of our intestinal microflora in more and more behavioral acts, diseases, and so on. we remember that... that the hormone of our youth, melatonin, and the hormone of our joy, serotonin, are produced in the central nervous system, but there are also cells in the intestines that produce almost 30% of this hormone, which contributes to again, changing our behavior and our emotions. the intestines, it can even provoke severe diseases such as depression, that’s because the microbiota in patients with depression is different from the microbiota.
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their mood changed after this, that is, our microflora has a direct impact on the structures of the brain, it is not without reason that in patients with alzheimer’s or parkinson’s disease, their microbiota is sharply different from healthy people, and there is even an assumption that it is the microbiota that is one one of the factors that leads to the occurrence of severe neurodegenerative diseases, that is, there are more bad bacteria than good ones. absolutely correct, so, does it also affect memory? we talked about the fact that if neurodegenerative diseases occur, then, of course, they affect cognitive functions, affect certain areas, the limbal
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regions, and the brain, good intestines give us good memory, well, many older people complain of memory deterioration , the fact that they forget everything, maybe it’s even is related to nutrition, well, in fact, we can see that... with many neurodegenerative diseases, problems with the intestines in the form of, for example, chronic constipation, often begin 5 or even 10 years before the development of neurodegenerative disorders, for example, here with the same parkinson's disease, very recently there was a study that showed that impaired intestinal motility can predict the future development of parkinson's disease approximately 5-7 years in advance, that is, it turns out to be an early predictor of this disease, how then? diversify our microflora, in other words, what we need to eat and what we don’t need, let’s talk about it, we have such spring gifts for the intestines, fiber, and why? yes, because it helps
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our intestines work well, yes, in fact, if you look, what most diets have in common, almost all of them, is an increase in the consumption of vegetables and fruits, i think that everyone eats almost every day. vegetables and fruits, yes, my friends, raise your hands, well, that’s almost everything, the question is in quantity, that is, our person ate half a cucumber and he thinks that he is eating vegetables, about 500 g should be a vegetable and half a kilo of vegetables, fruits per day, necessarily, in fact, as practice shows, an extremely small number of people this standard is chosen in our country, let's talk about another important component - you guessed it, probiotics. probiotics, those products that are extremely necessary to maintain normal microflora for our body. it could be fermented milk products such as kefirs, these can be
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fermented products such as sauerkraut, in addition to the fact that this is beneficial for our intestines, it is also a source of vitamin c, which is extremely necessary, and here, by the way, it is very important to carry out such, you know, a fine line, because many people do not see the difference between, for example, pickled cucumbers and manova. again, they recently showed that, for example, social anxiety, there is such a phenomenon in psychiatry: social anxiety, that is, when a person is afraid of groups, people, well, that is, some groups of people, and so it is about 20% less among people who consume pickled vegetables than among those who do not consume them, here there is kvass, there is a lot of sugar there, no, well, probably kvass may be. lately, well, not so long ago , somewhere in the winter before the new year, i decided
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to brew kvass myself, not from concentrate ; to do everything myself; to make it directly from rye malt; i ordered malt and yeast from the online store, special so-called low-alcohol yeast, that is, which is alcohol they almost don’t produce, you know, i made kvass, i realized that, in principle, everything that i drank before cannot be called kvass, and here, finally, we have whole grain products, great, brown bread, pasta, our favorites, why does everyone say, yes, from durum varieties, chtodenta. aldenta, in addition to being tasty, is also very healthy, but it’s not without reason that italians, yes, and their average life expectancy is very high, by the way, the fact that they eat whole grains, bread, products, grains, this also affects life expectancy life and health, it seems to me that this is just one of the best improvers, aromatherapy for me, so i can take a small piece of fresh black bread, sniff it, it seems to me that just sniffing for 10 minutes is enough, in general everything in life
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becomes good, well and in general, if we eat a piece of black bread, the feeling of fullness will be much faster, yeah, but how many of my colleagues who watch their figure and bread doesn’t eat at all? well, this is absolutely wrong, except that, again, we said that whole grains contribute to improving our microflora, it also contains a huge amount of vitamins, every time i see it, i smell it, i try to bite this sandwich, which is made, you know, from this white bread, i understand why people now refuse bread, because they don’t see normal bread, it’s just real, if they were given just such a small piece of bread like this, it seems to me that everyone would eat it with pleasure and no one would think that if you eliminate the bread, you will lose weight, good bread, by the way, is not so, especially, i remind you that you can watch all episodes of our program on the online media platform, look at the application on the website, thank you very much svetlana vladislavovna, thank you very much, follow
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the recommendations of scientific gerantologists and stay young and healthy. thank you for spending this morning with us. we wish you a nice day and good health. see you on russia tv channel. i came to work to get a job. it didn’t work out, i was robbed. do not cry. get this place in order get smart, let's go. alla taxi. premiere. from monday on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues in a hurry. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, and reliably. it's coming. the hero of russia will be on the tour,
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you and i, including me, will reach the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, i’m not a rag, there in the west there are big dreamers, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day. see you on the russia vesti channel, in the studio evgeniy roshkov, hello, the main thing for this hour. geraniums have found new military installations in kharkov.


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