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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov is presenting in the studio, hello, the main thing for this hour. geraniums found new military targets in kharkov and the region; shells detonated all morning.
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sending french troops to ukraine will be a problem for france. sergei shaigu warned the minister of medicine. paris urgently sought this call. almost a thousand houses are already under water, residents are being urgently evacuated. they are so stormy.
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pavel gusin, head of the moscow komsomolets, celebrates the anniversary with readers in his articles. geraniums attacked the military this night infrastructure of the kiev regime in kharkov and the kharkov region. according to local media reports , the strikes were carried out in the area of ​​the airport, where a radar station and anti-aircraft missile systems are located. and another target was a building in the industrial zone where ammunition was stored. after the defeat , a powerful secondary detonation began there. the russian military in the southern donetsk direction destroyed a hangar with american m-77-7 howitzers with a volley of hail. the successful hits on military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces were confirmed by objective control data. tula armored group the landing force carried out a night raid and destroyed it.
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strikes military targets with factories, their range allows them to hit targets without entering the enemy’s air defense zone. about how our anti-aircraft gunners protect the sky over the donetsk republic. eduard punigov. tor anti-aircraft missile systems of the fifth army from primorye are on duty in the south of the donetsk people's republic, covering army units on the front line, and also intercepting missiles that fly towards peaceful settlements. these are, of course, kamikaze drones alone, they are not so dangerous, but when they there are many, the threats increase many times over, so the crew constantly changes its location and hides in the forest belt. the vehicle takes up combat space. position, the commander operator
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simultaneously launches the target detection system, now we are moving to readiness number one, we have launched the equipment, turn on the antenna stabilization system, turn on the beta search, it’s coming, this is a circular rotation target detection station. marks of targets are recorded on this monitor, and for a couple of minutes, here is the first potential target. here we have a circular indicator screen. boss review calculations, now we are making a report on the target, if it is an enemy, we will work it out, the calculation always double-checks the information so as not to mistakenly strike a friendly target, i observe a supposedly enemy aircraft type, destroy the target, accepted, the missile takes off at great speed, after a couple moments the target is hit, the crew: see everything
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that happens on the thermal imaging screen. orion, orion, target destroyed, one cost. air defense crews of the vostok group are on duty around the clock. tors capable of detecting targets on a distance of up to 32. britain's crew successfully returned to the shelter, the soldiers have rare moments of rest, but even at leisure they are always in full combat readiness, the command to leave can come at any minute. eduard punegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. sending a french contingent to ukraine will result in
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problems for france itself. sergei shaigu warned his colleague sebastian lekarnia about this during a telephone conversation, which the french side urgently sought. another topic of conversation was the terrorist attack in kroku cityhall. lecarneux expressed condolences and at the same time persistently tried to convince his russian colleague that the attack was the work of isis, and that ukraine and the countries of the collective west were allegedly not involved in this attack. shaigu responded by pointing out that the investigation has information about the ukrainian trace in organizing the terrorist attack. and he expressed hope that the french intelligence services are not behind the militants. the minister stressed that the investigation will be completed to find out who is guilty. punishment court, well, besides, shaigu noted that the peace conference on ukraine in geneva, which is organized by kiev, without the participation of our country will be simply meaningless. large-scale exercises with the participation of carriers of the russian supersonic hypersonic missile
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zircon took place in the barents sea. the frigates admiral gorshkov and admiral kasatonov sank the enemy’s naval group, conditionally, attacking the enemy with long-range precision weapons. these are also called frigates, they immediately put up a smoke screen and disappear into it. this is actually the crown of combat training for crew ships. first, the ships are prepared individually,
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then they go to sea to practice exercises. the well-coordinated work of the crew had to be demonstrated during the search for the destruction of potential enemy submarines, as well as unmanned devices. the crews were ready for a su-24 raid, as well as other aircraft that simulated a missile attack by enemy aircraft. both gorshkov and kasatonov have layered missile defense and a large number of defense systems. unique shots. operation of the complex, installation of passive jamming. these stars falling into the sea create a radar copy a warship, something like... a thermal trap in aviation, pots and cosatons belong to the largest series of ships in the modern history of the country, here is their universal installation for launching zircon calibers and hypersonic missiles. enormous power is concentrated in one such ship; the asynchronous
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work of two admirals caused serious concern in nato. after the start of the exercise, the observation systems of kasatonov and gorshkov recorded unexpected guests. there, beyond the horizon at... a respectful distance , is a norwegian intelligence the ship, there is no doubt, its crew is trying to record every movement of the frigates. our signalmen took special precautions because of maryata, the leading nato reconnaissance ship in the arctic. of course, directly, here at this exit , the maryata air defense complex of the norwegian navy is always close to us, and the us navy also uses its aircraft and airplanes here in this area. the most eloquent reminder that our frigates are not to be trifled with was the work of the palazh missile and artillery complex. both ships worked threats, maintaining perfect communication
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synchronicity. the frigate crews showed exemplary training. oleg pasobin, dmitry kvasnyuk, lead the murmansk region. russia and belarus have doubled the number. flights are expanding the route network: direct flights will be not only between capitals, but also between regions; residents of vladikavkaz and... arkhangelsk, tyumen and ulyanovsk, omsk and volgograd will soon be able to get to belarus in a few hours, bypassing moscow. and from moscow you can now fly to brest. for the first time in 30 years, brest airport received plane from the russian capital. so far the schedule is two flights a week, but soon they will fly more often, and not only to shirimetyev, but also to vnukovo. the anniversary is celebrated today by journalist, one of the country's leading media managers, pavel gusev, the editor-in-chief of moscow komsomolets is 75. and he has been heading it for more than 40 years.
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they were always perceived this way by the moscow komsomolets, although today the audience can be said to have matured, they grew up on large copyright materials in the most complex genre of investigation, which sometimes turned into scandals and even tragedies. in the nineties they wanted to get rid of the word komsomolets, but at the peak of their fame they decided not to risk it. in the nineties, every fourth muscovite read our newspaper, it was very popular, mistakes were made, i was the fourth who read it. they made mistakes, there was often lightness, some things that i’m ashamed of,
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i swear, i’m ashamed now, no matter how worried the editor-in-chief was today, but mk’s materials were always expectedly shocking and organic for their time, the newspaper, but now this is a private media holding, owned by pavel gusev, each workshop of this large information plant must correspond, be at the level of a flagship newspaper, we try, you know, uh, to be on friendly terms with people, journalism, real journalism, should help people figure it out, to be on friendly terms pavel gusev called on the reader back in eighty-three, when he came to komsomol workers to head a youth publication, later the idea arose to meet with those to whom you address this, discussion platforms began in gorky park, and everything grew to the grandiose mk holidays in luzhniki, with a million visitors. mk has become not just a newspaper, but a phenomenon more powerful than any youth movement. it was at the festival of the moscow komsomolets in luzhniki that viktor tsoi played his last concert, it was here that
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glavret explained where he got it from? we are journalists of the street, we are journalists of the people. has the newspaper with its ever-new name changed? of course, the paper version is a must for those for whom it is important to hold the newspaper in their hands. the audience of komsomol age reads internet version of mk in the top five largest russian sites. there are thematic publications: hunting, fishing, famous. weakness of the editor-in-chief, what has been preserved? probably, the main thing that pavel gusev has retained is his principle of attitude towards a journalist, towards an author, when some unpleasant things happen, problems with journalists, i always come to the fore, i will deal with the journalist myself, that’s the whole external country and the entire external negative flow, if it starts to pour out, should only be received by me, because i set...
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senior lieutenant of justice, investigator neupoeva, happy birthday, indomitable, invincible, what do you have now in the investigation, all three victims were found in the murderer’s forest, all strangled, all missing their left shoe, between two versions, the same maniac or the rise in price between two men, hi, so zoya, does he already live here? yeah, listen only to yourself, you must be happy, she only dreams of peace, i need
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a real victory, the final stages, today on rtr they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls. “we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a
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helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys. myself, i came across such people, who care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, at rtr, to stay in moscow, i would like, of course, to get you a job in our restaurant. “i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who, it’s zavyalov, our owner, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid
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of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid, or something, i’m sorry, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of scullery maid, this is generally incomprehensible, nothing, i’ll still turn around, or a princess, whoever the prince chooses, and you loved her, but most likely she will die, but you love me, wings of a pegasus, on saturday, nerter, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. on the air, we continue our broadcast. up to 17 people, including
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children. the number of victims of strong winds in moscow has increased. two people died. the consequences of the raging elements are being eliminated in vulya, where the hurricane knocked down dozens of trees and fences. in norilsk, a storm wind tore off fragments of the roof, which fell directly on a car. a state of emergency was introduced in petrozavodsk due to a strong snowstorm. overnight the city was covered with a twenty-five-centimeter layer of snow. the flood has already covered 34 russian regions, more than 400 houses and almost 500 household plots have been flooded. in altai, where. six sections of roads in five municipalities are open, rescuers are providing assistance and monitoring the situation around the clock. the situation is getting worse every hour in orenburg. the main blow of the disaster fell on the territories bordering kazakhstan. evacuation is underway. from place. report by ruslan bikbulatov. the worst weather forecast comes true. most of
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the village of krasnokholm is already in the water, over 900 houses almost 2.0 people. somewhere like this, we probably already have water in our house. rescue boats are floating over the flooded roads and streets one after another; they have been evacuating since the morning. we calm you down as best we can. and we tell the kids that when are you going to ride a boat again? first of all, they go to help those who especially need it. children, disabled people, old people, a paralyzed woman is being carried out of the house. she just recently suffered a stroke. don't call an ambulance. and we don't have enough pills. they warned about the unfavorable prognosis. many people leave their homes with emergency suitcases prepared in advance, they take with them everything they need, someone managed to take out their pets in boxes and bags, they all took them out, only the chickens remained. there are such stormy rivers in the streets of krasnokholmy now, and it’s dangerous to cross them even by boat, the current is too strong, but the boats can’t pass the tank,
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a floating conveyor will pass, such a heavy vehicle on tracks, rescuers go around street after street, taking away those who decided to wait element of safety, there is enough space for everyone, here is a one and a half year old child, here the rescuer presses him and reassures him like a relative, an 86-year-old pensioner. kazakhstan, in the orenburg region, is experiencing active snow melting and elevated air temperatures. the forecast is not encouraging; there will be even more water.
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tranche bypassing the usual rules will most likely take place next week, which will further anger the republicans, but such a rush is now being fueled, including by the western press. the american agency bloomberg notes russia's multiple superiority in the production of ammunition, which during artillery duels at the front leads to a ratio one thing in favor of moscow. and the french tv channel visited the front lines of the armed forces of ukraine and found extremely exhausted soldiers and officers there. according to them. most of all, they want to return home, but no rotation is taking place, although recruits are being forcefully collected throughout the country. in europe, nato secretary general’s plan
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to finance kiev is a fiasco. as politico writes, upon hearing the amount of 100 billion euros for the next 5 years, many foreign ministers, quote , “eloquently rolled their eyes.” and against this background , europe will still be even more surprised by new details of zelensky's life. who called himself a royal palace, according to london tabloids, the president of ukraine purchased the country residence of charles ii, known as high grove house, for 20 million pounds. it was there, on an estate with a small regular park in gloucestershire, while still prince charles, the current monarch spent weekends with princess diana; their children william and harry spent most of their childhood there in the mansion. in numerous archival footage.
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animals, employees themselves evacuated them to a safe place, but were on duty near the enclosures all night, reporting by anna balan, now we are going directly into the interior of our animals, there is a group of lions here, they have a warm house where they can go to warm up, and of course, now the operator is being hunted by our lionesses because they are breadwinners, not predators, this is temporary.
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the lions lived in this enclosure, it is quite large and it is clear that now it is almost completely flooded. 12 predators were transferred from here to other safer places premises, and two lion cubs, hector and white, were unable to overcome their fear of going into the water. now they are already calm, they sleep and eat all day, and food is delivered to them by employees. lions park began to flood early yesterday morning, the nudal river, due to a large amount of snow and sudden warming, overflowed its banks and reached the zoo in nizin, so someone noticed a group swimming in striped swimsuits, the tiger enclosure was flooded with one of first, we separated them, of course, for
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safety reasons, but tonight and... this the individual room where they were also flooded, it was decided to release the tigers back into the enclosure, because there are high sun loungers on the walk, the panther was the most frightened, when the water began to rise, she tucked her paws and did not move from her place, here she is today they are moving to a dry place, the enclosure with moose is partially flooded, but they will not be transferred to other premises, since there are still areas of land there, and they have somewhere to hide, in total there are more than 100 animals in this private shelter, amur tigers far eastern leopards, jaguars, wolves, camels, they all did not come here from a good life, each has its own story. one farmer brought us a dead cow. i saw that this cow had a surprisingly large belly. we decided to try anyway, yes, to get the calf, and the calf turned out to be alive. we also have camels manya and tisha, who were bought from the slaughterhouse. and now these animals are in danger again. the water continues to rise, and if these enclosures begin to flood, the inhabitants of the park will have to
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be transported to another place. moscow zoo ready to help, victor said that only animal carriers were needed in case the water continued to rise. the main question is where to transport so many animals? we can only hope that the colder weather will stop the rise of water. anna balan, mikhail sidorov, alena filatova and sergey saushkin, news! the cyclone, which created a real storm in central russia the day before , is weakening. today the wind is no longer so dangerous, but the cooling process in the region will intensify, even night frosts will return. tatyana antonova, with weather details here already in the studio, tatyana, but the cold snap has just begun, but i want to ask when it will end. evgenia, but friday will probably be the coldest day, then it will go up again, on monday, tuesday, our warming spring temperatures of plus 18° will return. that's better. well, to the residents of southern
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siberia. 11 heat, in altai in khakassia until 15:17, but to the north in khatanga -20, in european territory there is absolute winter in the russian north in maryar during the day -10, in arkhanel at night up to -15, in the center at night it will also freeze to -5 -8, and in the daytime there will be classic april +5, 10, rain on the volga, in the south the weather will clear up by the weekend, the precipitation will recede, but...
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to an unknown patient. natalia's story is without a trace. son, the woman assures that the maternity hospital employees pulled off a scam and sold her son . natalya zhitnikova has been looking for her loved one for 30 years. the country shuddered from the crime of nadezhda fratti, who massively sold children abroad, where they disappeared, it may turn out to be even more criminal, because in what are all these 30 years are the hospital midwives hiding? i finally ask you, please please, help! "look into his head, we are watching a new action-packed drama on the media platform, today subscribers will have access to the premiere episodes of this exciting story. the investigation is being conducted by criminologist, psychologist lunin, whose unconventional method of work is to look into the mind of the criminal and read his thoughts. it is impossible to deceive him, mislead, the investigative team led by him reveals the most dangerous and
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high-profile crimes. immediately after the big news, do not miss the final series of the films the unstoppable restless, all news is always available on the media platform. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, live.


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