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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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it is said in the course of reports about how the investigation is proceeding, it is obvious that there was a ukrainian trace, especially since no one doubts the involvement of ukraine in many other terrorist acts on russian territory. the program is being conducted right now, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye. hello, on the russia tv channel we will present in the studio of irina rossius and the main topics for this hour. in kharkov
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, the ammunition arsenal was destroyed, secondary detonation is underway, in the south of the dpr, the crew of the hail bombed a hangar with american howitzers, while kuleba was in vain begging for weapons for kiev at the nato anniversary, ukrainian officers told the politician that those promised in 16 have already lost relevance, now zelensky is really waiting for 60 billion dollars, but in the united states this issue will not be considered until the middle. instead of river roads in the orenburg region, a state of emergency has been introduced in altai, rescuers are working in an emergency mode pumping out tens of thousands of cubic meters of water per day. well, this is a wonderful chance to get from one country to another in 2 hours. russia and belarus is becoming closer to each other. now there will be direct flights between regions.
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in order not to import labor abroad, it is necessary to increase labor productivity. vladimir putin just announced this.
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disputes, heated discussions, i must say that this has always been the case, now the same thing happens when i attend some of our joint meetings with the government, some issues are discussed, some colleagues talk about the advisability of making certain decisions, but some representatives governments say directly: no, this will not pass, the trade unions will not let it pass, i’m not saying anything unnecessary, this is how it happens in practical life. but it is the integrity of the parties, the openness of their positions, the understanding that behind every action there are the interests of the country and millions of our citizens that guarantee that decisions are made in a balanced manner. on other topics, new blows have been dealt to ukrainian infrastructure facilities today. eyewitnesses reported explosions in the area of ​​the kharkov airport, where the station is located. electronic warfare
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and anti-aircraft missile systems. an ammunition arsenal was also targeted. after the attack , secondary detonation began. in the northern direction , vks pilots worked on ukrainian fortifications. they dropped one and a half ton bombs on temporary deployment points. in the same sector, a daring attack on the enemy was carried out by an armored group of tula paratroopers. airborne troops approached the ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the dark and opened fire to kill. in the south of the dpr, the hail crew destroyed a hangar with american howitzers, a humvee armored car and a t-72 tank were shot down. in in the marinka area, our military destroyed the position of the missile system; it was located in an abandoned house. the sky above the special operation zone is reliably covered by air defense forces, reporting by eduard punigov. tor anti-aircraft missile systems of the fifth army from primorye are on duty in the south of the donetsk people's republic. republics, cover
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army units on the front line, and also intercept missiles that fly towards peaceful settlements. the main enemy is, of course, kamikaze drones, alone, they are not so dangerous, but when there are many of them, threats... increase many times over, so the crew constantly changes its location and hides in the forest belt. the vehicle takes up a combat position, the commander-operator simultaneously launches the target detection system. now we are moving to readiness number one, we have launched the equipment, we are turning on the antenna stabilization system. we turn on beta search, and it goes, this is a circular rotation. target detection station, target marks are recorded on this monitor, a couple of minutes here is the first potential target, here we have a screen, all-round visibility indicator, chief crew, we are now making a report on the target, if it is an enemy, we will work it out, the crew always double-checks the information so as
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not to mistakenly strike a friendly target. i observe a presumably aircraft- type enemy. accepted. the rocket takes off at great speed. a couple of moments later the target is hit. the crew sees everything that happens on a thermal imaging screen. orion, arion, target destroyed, one cost. air defense crews and vostok groups are on duty around the clock. tors capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 32 km. unmanned aerial vehicles apparatus, airplanes, helicopters or rockets. recently anti-aircraft gunners shot down a repeater. hurray, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, darling, come on, there, i got it, on the body of this torus there are traces of shell fragments that flew in response. mainly unmanned aerial vehicles, valkyrie, fury, leleka, now they have new ones, many very different modifications, mostly all some
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foreign analogues, nato, yes, usa, britain, the crew successfully returned to the shelter, the soldiers have rare minutes of rest, but even for in their leisure time they are always in full combat... ukraine has become an openly terrorist state, which has been killing citizens in its own country outside its borders for 10 years. this was stated by sergei lavrov in moscow at a round table with the participation of diplomats from more than 70 countries. the russian ministry of foreign affairs conveyed to kiev official demands to stop any support for terrorism and to provide those responsible with compensation for damages. i would like to express my gratitude to everyone present here for your solidarity with the russian people in connection with the barbaric terrorist attack on march 22 in crocus city hall obviously, there was a ukrainian trace, especially since
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ukraine’s involvement in many other terrorist acts on russian territory is no longer in doubt. sending a french contingent to ukraine will result in problems for france itself. sergei shaygul warned his colleague sebastian lekarnya about this during a telephone conversation, which the french side urgently sought. another topic of conversation was the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. the doctor expressed her condolences and at the same time persistently tried to convince his russian colleague that the attack was the work of isis. but ukraine and the countries of the collective west are not involved in this attack. but shaigu responded by pointing out that the investigation has data. about the ukrainian trace in organizing the terrorist attack, he expressed hope that the french intelligence services were not behind the militants. the minister stressed that the investigation will be completed and all those responsible will be punished. well, besides, shaigu noted that the peace conference on ukraine in geneva, which is organized by kiev without the participation of our country,
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will be meaningless. the north atlantic alliance is celebrating its anniversary today; the military bloc is 75 years old. and its main goal - confrontation with... the leadership of the alliance has not forgotten. at his birthday celebration, agent stoltenberg stressed the importance of continuing the conflict in ukraine. according to him , this is an investment in the security of allies. anastasia popova talks about what other statements are being made in brussels today. big celebrations in the nato building are not in honor of ukraine. she will not be accepted or given an official invitation, neither today nor at the next summit in washington, not even according to officials on the sidelines for the foreseeable future.
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and is necessary for the security of nato, what you do is important for us. supporting ukraine is not charity, it is an investment in our own security. in terms of specifics, so far there are only plans to create a multi-year fund. assistance from ukraine for 100 billion euros, but the discussion at the summit the day before showed that there is no unity on this issue. hungary promises to block the initiative; other countries, including large ones, doubt that they will find money for this in their budgets. we must calculate how much ukraine needs to preserve democracy, sovereignty and territorial integrity, when we know this amount, we must decide how we can get it. but we still need to increase defense spending to at least 2% of gdp. poland is sounding the alarm; the armies of nato member countries are 40-50% short-staffed.
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the unfreezing of universal conscription in europe can fill the gaps, they believe in warsaw. the united states, on the other hand, is studying logistics, choosing a country in the arctic region where they want build the largest weapons pre-storage warehouse. norway, sweden and finland are fighting for the right to become a potential military target. moreover, all these steps to escalate the situation are taken under the guise of what. the military alliance is expanding to the east and arming itself exclusively for peaceful purposes to protect democracy and the world order based on their values, and the geography of nato’s interests is the whole world, including the middle east and the indo-pacific region. anastasia, news, brussels, belgium. to the stinginess of the western allies who are in no hurry to send their patriot complexes to ukraine, the kiev foreign minister complained to reuters. in an interview, kuleba noted that in western countries. there are at least 100 of them in countries with confidence that 5-7 additional air defense systems will solve the problem of protecting military facilities from
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russian missile attacks. the ukrainian military is dissatisfied with the alliance. officers told the politician that the promised f16 fighters had already lost their relevance. they noted that the planes could be used last year, but not now. russian army believes that the ukrainian armed forces are well prepared to repel possible attacks by american fighters. but by the way, the united states is well aware of what kiev needs. is not only present in ukraine, but also directs the actions of the zelensky regime in the conflict with russia, congresswoman marjarie teilar green stated this in an interview with journalist tucker carloson. in her opinion, the states need to stop funding the doomed kiev regime and its bureaucrats, but president zelensky refuses to take part in the discussion, as carlson reported that the head of the kiev regime ignored numerous requests for an interview. from the united states will begin to discuss the allocation of money for ukraine no earlier than mid-april, bloomberg reports.
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the leadership of the house of representatives promised that the vote would take place immediately after lawmakers returned from the easter break, but the white house rejected the republican proposal for compromise and the biden administration's demand to send $60 billion to the kiev regime was again up in the air. nato elites are trying to contain development. russia and china, in order to maintain their economic and geopolitical positions , the military-political situation in the world was discussed today at meetings of the committee of chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the cis countries. washington uses military conflicts to strengthen its influence, as noted by the head of the russian general staff valery gerasimov, the commonwealth state is faced with new challenges and is obliged to respond to them. recent events indicate consistent destruction. west, the fundamental principles of strategic stability and international
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security institutions. not without external influence , hotbeds of tension arise in various parts of the planet, and international terrorism with the support of shadow sponsors still remains a global threat to the world. russia and belarus have doubled the number of flights and are now expanding their route network. direct flights. will be not only between capitals, but also between regions. residents of vladikavkaz and arkhangelsk, tyumen and ulyanovsk, omsk and volgograd. and from moscow you can now fly to brest. report by anastasia sokhovskaya. they are greeted with pomp, one of the most famous and solemn airport traditions. fire trucks fly by the plane and it passes under a water arch. the airliner, in honor of the first belarusian flight to the iss, is also a new height for brest, the first in 30 years, a regular flight from
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moscow. very fast, everything is comfortable, convenient, just beautiful, we have been waiting for this flight for so many years, it finally happened, otherwise every year by car, by car, all this it’s hard, by plane and at home. the smallest passengers are carried along the ramp in their arms; it is important for those with children that the speed, comfort and fares are comparable, or even cheaper than a train ticket, families become even closer. but my sister is a mother of many children, she has three, it’s hard for her, and i’m still alone without children and of course it’s easier for me, but this is a wonderful chance to get from one country to another in 2 hours, that is, for us? tickets, new prospects for the development of cultural and business exchange between our countries. last year more than 4 million tourists from russia visited belarus and brest in the top three cities of popularity. this is not only historical tourism, the brest
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fortress, the ecological belovezhskaya pushcha, but also health tourism, and the nearest sanatoriums are just a stone's throw from the airport. apply from 20 to 50 km, air traffic is on the rise, increasingly close transport links within the union state, direct flights to several more russian regions have been announced. they will fly to makhachkala to arkhangelsk this month, as well as to vladikavkaz, volgograd, ulyanovsk, omsk, routes are being worked out, this literally makes us closer to each other, and this is how it should be. the brest-moscow flight is currently scheduled twice a week on wednesday. saturday, but probably soon they will fly more often, not only to sheremetyevo, but also to vnukovo. anastasia sokhovskaya, alexander alexandrovits, oleg peletsky, vladimir minyailov, lead brest. this is the news, this is what will happen next in the program. large waters covered federal and regional highways, flooding houses and garden plots. and krachaeva cherkessia became a leader among russian regions in terms of production of mineral water.
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we'll tell you how she did it after the commercial. see you. stuzhalka, what do you mean to me? it’s melting, the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, he’s drinking champagne from mine, from one, andrei chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, oh, my whole life has burned down, alexander mikhailov. roman madyanov, i’ve already given orders to increase your salary, alla taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially since
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monday i’ve been at rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life is.
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titanic luxury collection bowrum, 65 years ago you came to the mayakovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that there is...
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on saturday, after graduation, you fly to italy, and i will finish my business here and join you. if you knew where you would lose it, dad, dad, little darling, if you knew where you would find it, i have a business
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proposal for you, van, you already have flowers from fans, you generally loved him, mom, so from now on in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we’ve only known each other for a few days, that’s enough, life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. in karili , the consequences of cyclone patricia, which hit the north-west of the country, are being eliminated. in petrozavodsk, 25 cm of snow fell overnight. free attendance has been announced in schools and kindergartens. every effort has been made, but so far it has not been possible to cope with clearing the streets: cars are slipping in snowdrifts, there are huge traffic jams on the roads. in the south of the chelyabinsk region , transport links were disrupted due to flooding
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in the village of varna; the water level rose by another 60 cm. servicemen from the ural training rescue center of the ministry of emergency situations came to the rescue and cleared the riverbed. residents of the samara region are suffering from disasters and can only move around the flooded village by boat. but in the altai territory, the head of one of the affected villages. crossed the street to show the scale of the flood. rescuers strengthen river banks and pump out water tens of thousands of cubic meters per day. they also provide targeted assistance to the population at the request of residents from basements, scooping up water with buckets. in the orenburg region, which came out on top in terms of volume of flooding in the country, the authorities declared a state of emergency; there were 540 houses and more than 2.0 plots in the danger zone. emergency situations ministry employees have already evacuated 1,500 residents. report by murat zaripov. you can drive here only at minimum speed at your own peril and risk.
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the road has disappeared under thick water, a strong current threatens to wash the car into the nearest ravine. therefore, the rescuers who are on duty nearby are trying to dissuade everyone from such a trip, but there is simply no other way. this is the only road to the village of ory, it was flooded a few days ago, the water here, as you can see, is approximately. knee, the only opportunity for residents to get to the mainland is by all-terrain vehicle, or on foot , fighting against the rapid flows of water, due to the sharp rise of the river, which turned the steppe into a real reservoir, people ended up on the island just overnight, water level in places exceeds the meter mark, some houses are flooded up to the windows, some residents have already evacuated, but those whose houses were less damaged decided to stay with their households; we don’t want to, as they say suddenly. little else, yesterday a relative brought us food by boat, here he brought us a boat, well, he brought it or rolled it in, sailed, in short, flooding
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is observed not only in small villages, but in cities, utility workers are cleaning out sewers in waist-deep icy water, to carry flood waters away from residential buildings, over there we’ve already filled the bag, we’re filling another one, due to the sharp increase in river levels in orsk we are forced to block roads and bridges, even busy highways are flooded, where pedestrians can... complete renovation of schools, this was discussed today at a meeting of the federal headquarters of united russia and the ministry of education. the party leadership and ministries called on the regional authorities to take measures to correct the situation.
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it is especially important that the shortcomings of the school program be taken into account when implementing a new program for the renovation of kindergartens and colleges. a in the donetsk and lugansk republics, as noted at the meeting, there are no violations. these two regions do everything efficiently on time, they do it despite... constant shelling and other wartime difficulties, that’s why i use them as an example, because we have prosperous territories that are far from the front line, but they constantly miss deadlines and the quality of the work, all issues need to be worked out so that it doesn’t happen like last time, when a number of regions simply forgot to submit documents on the need for capital renovation of schools. and then, having come to their senses, they said that we simply forgot. karachaeva cherkessi has become a leader among russian regions in the production of mineral water, only on
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one line. they produce half a million bottles every day, with only four people serving it. production increased sharply after the withdrawal of foreign competitors. about how one of the most popular drinks in the country is made. report by bulat shakieva. the main source of mineral water is those snow caps and glaciers of the caucasus mountains. they are the ones who nourish rivers, including underground ones, from which water is extracted on an industrial scale using wells. here, in the vicinity of the village of arkhis, there are a lot of them... part of them belongs to one of the largest mineral water production companies in russia, the finished volume is more than 200 million liters. from making containers to bottling water, everything happens on one line. this is our new product, it was installed in the twenty -fourth year, the line is fully automated and produces 25,000 bottles per hour, which is almost half a million bottles per day. yes, the workshops are working 24 hours a day,
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a robot also does the packaging. about 35 people change, serious savings, but the main thing is the elimination of the human factor; only sterile mechanisms interact with water at the plant, this allows its composition to be preserved in its original form. as scientists and specialists say, the composition is so balanced that it is generally very beneficial for the human body. it is absorbed by 75%, the company’s specialists assure, in order for it to remain this way, the products are constantly checked during sampling at the well. on line and already bottled, this market received special development after the departure of competitors; local producers quickly began to occupy the vacant niche. according to the state honest marking system , our republic took first place among all subjects of the russian federation in the production of mineral water in 2023. nowadays, in order to feel the taste of real mineral water, you don’t have to travel thousands of meters and come here to the caucasus.
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circassia. the same applies to residents of the cis countries. and for some time now export has been established to china to the united arab emirates. radaev, andrey chestyakov. news from korachaev, circassian republic. we are watching a new action-packed drama on the media platform, look into his head. the investigation is being conducted by criminologist, psychologist lunin, whose non-standard method of work is to read the mind's eye.
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hello irina, it can measure temperature, blood pressure, pulse, blood glucose and oxygen levels, and also determine the body mass index and issue the necessary recommendations. this is a joint project of engineers and scientists from perm medical university, as well as the regional ministry of health. the previous version of the diagnostic robot works at the botkin hospital in. moscow. thank you very much, maxim, good news for you. we are now transported to yakutia, where the only zoo in the world operating in extreme cold climates has announced a competition for the best names for two polar bear cubs. and now we have lyudmila basygsova on direct line. lyudmila, hello, the cubs were born six months ago, why was the competition announced only now? hello, irina, because only recently, my mother bred cubs for the first time. from
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berloga and people got the opportunity to look at them. the kids immediately became local stars; people come to the zoo with their entire families to see them. anyone can suggest their own name. first , a list of the most successful options will be compiled, then they will be put to a public vote. the results will be announced on april 13. lyudmila, thank you very much, have a good broadcast. well, let me remind you that today immediately after the big news, don’t miss it.


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