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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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ru, news is following developments in russia abroad, stay with us. good afternoon everyone, 30 years have passed. since the day of
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the mysterious disappearance of the child. our heroine is assured that in the leninsk maternity hospital , volgograd region, she heard her son cry for the first and last time. forty-eight-year-old natalya zhitnikova has been looking for her own son for 30 years. the woman claims that hospital employees pulled off a scam and sold her son to an unknown patient. out of despair, is natalya ready to kneel before those who know at least something about the boy? i'm on i'm asking you, please, please, help. if i didn’t need him, i wouldn’t be looking for him, you know, i’ve been looking for him for so many years, for the loss of the child, natasha blames the hostel commandant valentina beryukova, who, as a seventeen-year-old girl, took her to the ill-fated hospital, where instead of saving the child, the doctors induced labor, only the next morning she did not see the baby, she was forced to sign documents to leave the ward. i saw that a boy was born, because i gave birth to him on the floor, i saw his organ, the nurse took him away, cut the umbilical cord.
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i gave the injection everything, she said, go to sleep, i haven’t seen my child since then, but the doctors deny guilt, citing that the child died, but natalya doesn’t believe it, she suspects that her son is alive, and he was given to a neighbor, the name of they are still hiding it, they are hiding not only this, but also other terrible cases, with the child who was buried, they said that i, after me, so many dead children were born there, well, what else can you call it? natalia’s story may turn out to be even more criminal, because in 1993, the volgograd region was dominated by fratti’s hope. the italian woman was selling babies abroad, where they disappeared without a trace. after this, fratti was accused of mass trafficking of children. at these moments , the volgograd regional court is announcing the verdict in the scandalous case of the illegal adoption of russian children by foreign citizens. it was established that in total frati managed to smuggle about 600 abroad in this way
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. at the end of the year, in february, they took me away, i didn’t know where i was going, she just came into my dorm room and said that let’s go, let’s register, i didn't intend anything to do at all, i was going to give birth, and as i understand, all these years you cannot sleep peacefully, live, come to terms with the idea that somewhere in the world there is your son, and yes, i am andrei, i beg you, help. please find me, i
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knock on all the doors, i called them every day, every other day, they are constantly looking for me, beryukova says: look, well, where to look, where not, but brazenly about the impudence of this woman we will talk later, natasha comes to the city of leninsk, volgograd region, where these events took place, and comes to this ill-fated the place where the maternity hospital was, this is the same gynecology that... they brought me, i was lying right here at the end, i had a ward, right here, oh, i wish i could bring it all back, i did it differently, i wouldn’t i went with beryukova to this hospital, she brought me here, i didn’t know what kind of hospital it was, i thought it was girls being registered here, it’s very hard to remember being here, i was deceived... they brought me here by deception, they did it to me,
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they called me childbirth, i gave birth in the ward, i saw that a boy was born, because i gave birth to him on the floor, i saw his organ, nurse took him, cut the umbilical... the cord gave an injection, everything said go to sleep, since then i haven’t seen my child, they told me, go here , your child is no longer here, they kicked me out like a puppy, i blame myself for i didn’t tell, i had to tell everyone, tell my dad, everyone, that i gave birth, let’s go, let’s pick up my son, but i was silent, i was afraid, i was afraid, i was afraid of everyone, i was afraid to say about it, i was very ashamed, but now i’ve been searching for 30 years and i still can’t find my son, this is a big tragedy for me, and where was the child’s father?
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they took me into the army, he called me at the hostel, there was a phone number, he told me... go to his, yes, when he returned from the army, like you to my mother, come to the oath together, well, denis wanted a child, of course, we were waiting for him, we described these events, or we didn’t wait for him, no, i was waiting for him, well, i was still waiting for him, but apparently my mother, i, he didn’t come to me, he didn’t come to me from the army, why didn’t you say anything to your own dad? , you say that, well, i was kind of afraid, well, i don’t know, i was afraid, i was afraid at beryukova’s...
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the gynecology department where natalya was brought 30 years ago, and where, according to her, she gave birth to a child, has not worked for a long time, we arrived in the city of leninsk and, after spending several days here , carried out a large investigation, we found out that the obstetricians and gynecologists who worked in those years, who know exactly the story of natalia, what happened to her that day, they are still alive, some of them still work in a medical institution, now we are heading to them to find out what secret they have been keeping for... years, and we will also find out where the child disappeared natalya, hello, and here i am ekaterina alekseevna, i’m listening, you used to work in gynecology in 1994, oh, i didn’t work in
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gynecology, you don’t remember this story, i gave birth in the room on the floor, he was screaming as a boy, but i don’t remember the law anymore, well i want to find my son. i ’ve been looking for him for many years, well, i’m like this child, or what? yes, yes, well, the dark-haired one would live, here i am, i can’t remember at all, even if you jump out without pants, hello, do you remember there was a story that they brought a girl, a girl... vanate gave birth to a boy, i don’t remember, i like that in general, but where can i find doctors? they are no longer there, who are you going to look for, i don’t understand who, let’s say, but you worked, yes, it turns out, in the ninety- third, ninety-four years of gynecology, in this one in the ninety-four,
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yes, you were on duty, you were yelling i screamed all over the corridor, you ran up, wrapped me in the sheets and took me away, they cut my umbilical cord like that, put me on the bed, my baht! don't you remember this? have you come up with something? you are suffering so much in vain, calm down, why? who would take him like that? then what most likely happened to him? well, maybe he died immediately? ivan, you they don’t warp like they do, but one more, one less, sold, ran away, scattered, then someone came, an annoying fly, no, well, here, to be honest, it’s clear that people are lying.
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that she was with a pillow, it’s just that when they just brought me and put me in a separate room, i, i was alone in the room at all, she immediately came to me, sat down on the bed and said what’s your name, i say, natasha, oh, well... let's go there, my husband has come, let's go, i 'll introduce you, well, let's go, i didn't even, i didn't even have it in my head that she was there, she she says, i’m pregnant with my third, then in the evening, well, when they gave me an iv, my stomach started to hurt, well, i started having contractions, i know that now, at that moment i didn’t know what it was, i just thought that i want to go to the toilet, and i went into the toilet, everything closed, it was this woman who started knocking on my door, come out of there, you’re giving birth, i say, i’m giving birth, i’m not going to give birth, she come out, you’re giving birth, and i go out like this , i think,
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well, now i’m in the ward, excuse me, i went into the ward, grabbed the bed and the chair, like that i strained, and he flew out, well , head down, straight up, and he yells, i don’t understand anything, what happened at all, he yells, this is sabina’s grandmother, who is now, she came in, oh, oh, she ran away, then she comes running, they come running , they bring these scissors, and she climbs in here, i tell her, go away, what are you doing, she shut up, she, well, this, i didn’t know anything then, she just like that, took the sheet from the bed, wrapped it up and she took me away, and i just sat there, she then came, helped me lie down on the bed, she just didn’t wrap my chest on my stomach, she pressed me, she came, she gave me the injection, and you fell asleep, yes, i fell asleep, please tell me, did i understand correctly that they brought you simply to register, register, then you gave birth, took the child, no, she came in into the room, i understood, that is, look
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, they induced labor in her, what am i talking about, how schematically they did it, verified it accurately, otherwise you can call it if you are doing some kind of iv, sorry, just for the sake of course, and most importantly, i can’t wrap my head around the fact that andrey is here, but if it’s supposedly a child, i’m sorry for being so cynical i say, he died, well, as a rule, they let you bury him, what are we talking about here, but here they took him away, and did you sign or write some papers? she came in the morning, so valentina aleksandrovna beryukova, this one is a doctor, and what does beryukova have to do with the commandant? i don’t know, here she was standing in my ward, here she is, i remember, every mother, every woman remembers giving birth to her child, you will never forget this in your life, and there was a woman, another third, here was the manager, why i know because she had the head of the school directly written on the door, and here's a woman.
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i found out in my teens, i was then studying at a technical school in the city of voluzhsky,
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that i had a brother, i was 13-14 years old, we went to leninsk, we decided to start searching, just as i know that my mother wrote a statement to the district police about this case, yes, she told me that a statement was written, but they scared her, so they didn’t bother to investigate further, who scared you, sorry, this is very important, who scared you, well, beryukov’s husband said, everything is clear there . he is now retired, so when we arrived at smirnov, she told us that go to beryukova, she did everything, yes, she, in this situation , will more accurately tell you where the child is, she brushed off the fact that she doesn’t know where she can be supposed, yes, my brother, but let's look at your correspondence, we have a screenshot, this is what beryukova writes to you. attention. natasha, i already
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helped you once, i still can’t leave. i don't have any secret. i just didn’t know anything for 20 years until you showed up. if you had told me everything right away, i wouldn't i let you do it, but you hid everything. and now you have only one hope. no one except them will deal with you because of this refusal. there is a law on the secrecy of adoption. they have access to documents. what, she says, will i tell you one day? has already helped, why, how did beryakova help you? well , the fact that she probably took me, the fact that she took me to the hospital, and she thinks this is help? yes, she thinks this is help. natasha, when you were in the ward, was there only one bed? yes, there was one bed, and you in general walked along the corridor, looked, was there anything there? yes, yes, i was walking, this woman who got acquainted with me, she then brought me to her ward, there were four of them there, girls, weren’t you embarrassed that they brought you to a ward where there was no one, i asked , why are you leaving me here, she said, we ’re digging you up, tomorrow you’ll go, it’s actually like living back, this woman is with her husband, she
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was also in a separate room, no, this woman is with this one, in the next room together with she was. four people, and four person, and her husband just came, dinner brought her in the evening, she is the only one of these four - yes, she followed me from the toilet, kicked me out, she was the only one, why do you think that she had a pillow, well, because when we sabinina came with her daughter, it turns out that 6 years ago we found this nurse, she says, she’s like this, she doesn’t say that you are exactly, she said, there was one such case, a young woman came, gave birth, abandoned her and ran away, and there was a woman with she was lying there as a pillow, so they gave her the child. and then everything worked out for me, here i am i couldn’t even think that it was her, but for me, i’m like that, so it turns out, she looked after me, how did she know that i went to the toilet to give birth, she kicked me out the door, she said, you’re giving birth, how am i i understand that you are saying that beryakova was involved with your class teacher, well, what do you think, yes, after 30 years you came to her, let’s
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see how she reacts to you, on camera. our correspondent, she fainted on our line, they took the waiter, and then the assistant said that we had natasha pregnant, everyone was in shock, to be honest, she wanted an abortion, but no one tried to dissuade her from having an abortion, i tried to dissuade her, i generally told her that no one would do anything to you, and then when she ran and screamed, if you don’t allow me, you won’t help me, i ’ll do something to myself, we came to the director and said that this is how it is, you say, go and teach classes, and we’ll ask valentina alexandrovna to go with her to the clinic, they went to the family committee and childhood, valentina alexandrovna was not allowed into
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the office, they called natasha and talked to her one on one, so as not to think... god forbid, they influenced her, forced her to do something, and she was given money, then vatina alexandrovna took her , we went to the gynecologist, she lay there for about two, well , three days at most, she came to the school as if nothing had happened, you didn’t ask what was wrong with you, i realized that she didn’t have a child, what was done to her abortion, they don’t do abortions, well, i didn’t know that... i haven’t had peace for 30 years now gives, you know, i’m on your knees asking, please, please, help, get up, well , i won’t help you in any way, you know, well, you can only tell her to help us, i’m
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the very last person who learned from you, if he told me wasn’t needed, i wouldn’t have looked, you know, that is, the class teacher knows everything, but doesn’t inform the parents that the girl is pregnant, no, they didn’t inform, and doesn’t inform the guardianship authorities, then it was under special control, you forgive me that the students are underage, well i was pregnant at that time, well, you must admit, all this, of course, raises questions. that she never asks you what happened, if she, let’s say, yes, calls this beryukova, they are in this connection, well, she says, no, i never found out when we went to her with faith for the first time, that’s faith it was then, she pass, you will ask all this with faith, i say, yes, i have no secrets from my daughter, she will listen, and how she behaved, you remember, yes, i remember, she
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behaved very carefully, she chose her words before speaking, she also reported that... you better contact beryukova, but since at that moment we did not have the opportunity or strength to contact her, well, look for her, we did not know where she was, where she lives, she also did not tell us about this, in 2021 we decided to renew our efforts to search for my brother, when we arrived in leninsk, first of all we came to beryukova, we found her house through - we asked people in store. waiting waiting that i was about to come, she was prepared. yes this one was generally in shock, i had changed so much, i saw her for the last time, here i was like, she’s natasha, to questions about the child, she answered very briefly,
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saying that according to the documents everything is clear and you’re okay you won’t find it, but if you want, she says, look for it, she gave such a clue, and how did she say that i won’t feed him, yes, she said that you are from a military family, you didn’t need it, how if you could feed him, tell me s... thank you, and why thank you, we tried to get her to talk, thank you for that, she says, well, for what you see now, you speak freely, let us now make a short advertisement, immediately after it, a confrontation, natasha and valentina beryukova, the commandant of the hostel, who took her to the maternity hospital , after the advertisement. i came to get a job, it didn’t work out, i was robbed, well, no need to cry, well, get yourself in order, get your hair done, let’s go, alla taxi, premiere from monday
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remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov, or her son to an unknown patient. all this is happening in the city of leninsk, volgograd region. natasha blames the hostel commandant for the disappearance of the child, who took her to
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the hospital, where instead of saving her. the doctors gave her an iv and induced labor, only in the morning she didn’t see the baby, they forced her to sign some papers and leave the room. before the advertisement, together with natalya , we visited the leninskaya volgograd region and found the very midwives who, according to natasha, were involved in this strange, complicated story. now in our studio natasha's failed mother-in-law, olga evstegneevna smirnova, will appear. let's meet her. hello, hello, natasha, well, first of all, i want to say that in ninety- three you came to me to ask for money for an abortion? no, i arrived in ninety-four, or perhaps fourth, i don’t remember, i know that my son was already in the army, yes, in the army, and he was taken away in ninety-three, which means you came in ninety-three, no, he was in ninety. was, well, the thing is that he wasn’t there, how long did it take you to arrive? in 2
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the day he was taken away, i told you why you didn’t come earlier, while he was at home, we could sit down and talk, if you’re pregnant, no, denis called me and said that natasha was taken into the army, go to your mother, then you will go to the oath, well, he didn’t say anything to me, i didn’t know, wait, why didn’t you tell natalia’s parents, why didn’t you decide to tell natalie’s parents to me and what an abortion, i was six months pregnant, who should i will do, well... and you easily give money to a death person, are you serious? inform the whole country, is this normal? no, well, if she decided to have an abortion, a young girl, i wasn’t going to have it, i wasn’t going to. okay, let's go through the story, you gave the money, well, you called, they said natasha, you did it, how are you doing? no, we
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had no contacts at all. she didn’t contact me, nor i with her, we had no contacts, listen, but she carries your grandson or granddaughter under her heart, and a pregnant woman arrived, your son is returning from the army, she says, he didn’t even come, he didn’t recognize , he didn’t come, he and me and me he didn’t make it known that he was friends with her, that she was pregnant, how come we already lived with you, he’s from the crimea, my mother is buried in the crimea, he always met me in volgograd, he took me, we spent the night with you where we lived with me. together, we spent the night at your house, you gave us tomorrow, yes, you were at home, denis brought me, natasha, what about you, how did i come to you, i knew your address, you came with tatyana, yes, i came with tatyana, yes, but i knew the address, well, where am i from, tatyana, denis and i were probably already at your place, natasha, i don’t remember this, to be honest, but your kitchen opens onto the balcony, it opens onto the balcony, well, i’ll even say, now there’s a hall, there’s one room going here, in this room i
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was on the bed. maybe, maybe it was without me, maybe it was without me, i don’t know, that same tatiana, natasha’s friend here today remembers how they came to you, let’s invite her to the conversation with tatiana yasachenko, hello, do you remember olga, i remember how it all happened, tell me, she says that you came to ask for money for an abortion, no, we didn’t come to ask for money, we... arrived, well, she hoped that she would leave her with her, well, she’s carrying a child, there wasn’t even a conversation about it, she thought that she would leave her, regret it, but still she ’s carrying a child, her son, as it were, there wasn’t even a conversation about this at all, tanya says, what kind of child are you, you are 17 years old, you are still young, have an abortion and gave money, that is, natasha did not expect such a cold reception
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. do, no, under no circumstances, and you visited natasha in the hospital, that’s right, it was you who brought the food, how long she spent there, the children say, she’s been lying there for 3 days, no, not 3 days, on the second day they let her go, didn’t let her go, kicked her out, kicked her out, kicked her out, that’s it. but it seems to me that if the boy is alive, then you should all unite now to look for him, after all, this is your grandson, or you don’t really need him either, it’s clear that yes, now we’ll unite, but where is denis, i'm sorry, denis died, denis died, yes, i found out that he died, i wanted to visit his grave, i
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called my aunt, i said, take him to my aunt. so we arrived with my daughter, we went to car, that’s it, she showed us where denis was lying, and what did the audience say about what they heard? i want to say that to say that our viewers are shocked is to say nothing, and especially many messages today come from residents of the volgograd region, of course, some - for our heroine and call on these grandmothers, as many write, to repent, to tell the truth and admit what they did, because well, it’s true, it’s a mortal sin, but i want to say that vera also got through to us from the village of malyaevka, this is also a small village in the volgograd region, this is what she told us, she is very familiar with this story, let's listen. i heard about this story, people in the city have been talking about this natasha for a long time, but no one understands why she started looking for her child 30 years later, you know, if she didn’t need him then, because as far as i know, even her father didn’t know about the pregnancy , maybe she still doesn’t know, it’s unclear why she
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’s looking for him at all, she’s also accusing doctors, why the hell i’m sorry, if she really gave birth, she left him in the maternity hospital and went home quietly, now you see she’s searching i got busy, she needed him, i didn’t go there to give birth, i didn’t go there. well, this time, yes, she has been looking for him all her life. well, come on, we have already talked here about valentina beryukova, alexander kazyavin went with you to her house. let us remember that it was she who brought the pregnant natasha to the gynecology, everyone says that she knows the answers to the questions, just look at how her husband and how they reacted to the appearance of the film crew at their gates. attention,
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“hello, valentin aleksandrovna, please tell me, at least you can tell us clarify, what happened in general during that period, let’s go now, you can explain, explain then why you are running away, and are you an investigator or someone, i don’t want to talk to you now, because we are afraid, she slandered everyone, she left, that i stole her child along with her wife, do you understand? but this didn’t happen, you explain then, but there wasn’t such a thing, but what happened, then explain to us, they didn’t know about it at all, i myself worked in the police, you know, for 20 years, they described me in the newspapers here in such a way that i’m with what -tied by a gang that only you know and you know me
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can you help with this, everyone else has died, come over, it’s there now, why are we getting there? well, we arrived at the police department, where valentina aleksandrovna and her husband actually called us. we see that the car in which valentina alexandrovna and her husband were taken away arrived, but they were no longer in the car. please tell me where you took valentina alexandrovna and her husband. who called you? did they call you themselves? but try to shoot through the window, into the whitewash.
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yes, she was pregnant, you took her to to the gynecologist, i just took everything, she stayed there and you left, she didn’t stay anywhere, but she came out with me, i went to the family affairs committee, they promised to give her money, yes, for what, for treatment, i came, i saw her, natasha, how are you feeling, she says, everything is fine with me, well, just like a child, as if alive and as if not alive, i went to the doctor, she went to the doctor to clarify, i say , tell me, what?
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i took her to the gynecologist in the same way, and there it’s no longer me who’s answering, other people are already answering there, the most interesting thing is that we arrived at the house, at least to communicate with her, but... but the police car pulled up like a taxi, they drove up, the police officers were waiting for beryukova and her husband to come out, i got the impression that beryukov still has some kind of connections , opportunities to hide from journalists in this way, so that we could not find out any information, and you noticed , yes, that when we arrived at the police station in the car, they were no longer there, the police officers tried to mislead us, trying to redirect us to another address and we we waited there for several hours.
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i want to say that at the women's hostels, especially where there were minors, there were always women who urged people to have abortions right there, and so that girls who became pregnant and did not want to give birth would immediately be helped to sell their children , this phenomenon was widespread in all hostels in the nineties, andrey, you know, but what caught my eye was, if you have nothing to hide, come to me . channel russia, well, if i don’t have to talk, i’ll talk calmly, answer
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all questions from a respected correspondent, but you know, call a taxi, as i mentioned, the police, yes, in order to sort it out, look how it turns out, with us, sometimes people call the police, wait for half an hour for them to come, with all due respect to the police officers, here, i really hope, now all this is being looked at by the supervision and the authorities, the authorities, well, let them figure it out, well, how is this so, now the police will be called up, we’ll figure it out. is this a market or what, gentlemen? yes, the most interesting thing is that we went and hoped that the police would invite natalya for to clarify some circumstances, but no one called her, everyone knew that natalya was there, we were there for 5 hours. the question is, why were we invited there then, they didn’t invite us, they left to hide from us, and if we hadn’t noticed in the window - no, well, grandma is changing into lita, she wanted to say, they gave, they gave money for a, she's, like, 2024, she's politically correct.
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not available, medical documentation for citizens has a shelf life of 25 years, lagutina explained that natasha had a miscarriage, berikova’s testimony are confirmed by the testimony of smir, but wai. please note, andrey, that it is written there that requests have been sent, no answers have been received, but a refusal to initiate a criminal case has already been issued, that is, answers have not been received, the truth in the case has not yet been established, but a procedural decision has already been made. i, of course, here in no way confirm doubts
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about professionalism, but nevertheless it raises a lot of questions, there the midwife doesn’t say something, there they say ab, as you said, and then for treatment, and here the police call us a taxi dash , at the same time, at the same time, as i understand it, you found another heroine, completely by accident, who tells absolutely incredible things, attention, i went to the doctor, like a normal person, they said. it would be better if i walked until the very end, they started giving me quinine, giving me injections, they said that there were no contractions, they tormented me, i don’t cause contractions, artificial labor, but i know who was sitting on me, they sat right on top of me, and pulled out the baby, but they're like... is this the case back or not? i walked in there and i weighed 90 kg, and
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i came out like this and i went home. i arrived, with the child i was burying, they said that i was guilty, after me so many dead children were born there, well, that’s what else you can call it, a morkh, and a burial ground, and why didn’t you file a lawsuit, because i was a young girl, no one nothing for me. didn’t give me any hint, you won’t get the child back, how many years have passed, masha,
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it’s been gone, and it was such a mess when the only question in the foreground was how to make money, then the human factor didn’t work at all, and the children were sold abroad, children's organs were sold and most importantly, so that the maternity hospital is somewhere far away in the wilderness, where no one will investigate, we are now reaping the benefits, you know, at that time they scattered stones, now we are collecting stones, 30 years have passed, so where is the child? here there is not even a question of whether there was a child or not, because everything suggests that this gynecology has its own secrets that they do not want to raise, and of course, they will not talk about it out loud now, because cameras, television have arrived, who needs it, no one wants to attract attention, so let’s do another small one now
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advertising we will continue to understand the mysterious disappearance of natasha’s child, what if the story of our heroine is connected with a loud... told about a terrible family curse. live on friday at 16:30. large live broadcast expedition. we lived for two weeks with the baikal hermit in a small house on the shore of a lake far from civilization.
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only to our program did eighty-two-year-old lyubov marikhodova talk about a terrible generational curse. live. on friday on rtr, vodka veda, a product of the steller group. do you want twice as much yield? the best the solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary. it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season. and the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two. mini-greenhouse sizes 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of
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if only you knew where you will find it, i have a business proposal for you, oh, you already have flowers from fans, you actually loved him, mom, so from now on, in more detail, come with me , i can provide for you, i want. to provide for you, we’ve only known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me, life doesn’t give us any help, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today on rtl. hello again,
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if you have just returned from work, short. 30 years old, natalya zhitnikova is looking for her own son, a woman, assures hospital employees in the city of leninsk, volgograd region, they pulled off a scam and sold her newborn to an unknown patient. natalia’s story may turn out to be even more criminal, because in 1993 she operated in the volgograd region. nadezhda fratte, a russian woman who successfully married an italian, sold babies abroad, where they disappeared without a trace. let's recall the footage from the courtroom in trat, which managed to get out of the water cleanly and received for 1. transported for border for russian children, four years, suspended. at these moments , the verdict in a scandalous illegal case is being announced in the volgograd regional court.
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in order, the story of this woman, she is a crown worker, she herself is a pupil of an orphanage, the permensky orphanage, that is, she
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knows all the ins and outs, she knows the story, as they say from the first person, she marries an elderly italian when he arrives in soviet union, to build enterprises in volzhsk, she becomes frati chelgacheva, double surname, which means in she's starting her ninety-third year. vigorous activity, which means that for each child whom she supposedly placed in a family in italy, she was paid, naturally , by the party that received it, the buyer, she was paid for each child transported to the other side, 2,500 dollars in commission, on the market, and these price lists, unfortunately, exist to this day, our child, but these are price lists, of course, they are unofficial, which means for each child, depending on the condition, age, health status, cost child in today's market, just
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think about it, from 3 to 15 thousand euros, this is a business, this is a scary, this is a bloody business, but i want to say something else, here is her story, the ninety-third year until the year 2000, the story began very interestingly, it is wonderful existed for 7 whole years, business went smoothly. about a thousand children each, yes, no, 1,260 children, the total amount of all the money that she received, but according to preliminary data from the investigation, our investigation, was somewhere around one and a half billion rubles, in parallel with this in italy becomes aware that there is a black transplantologist working in rome, a famous surgeon, who, therefore...
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means, regardless of the fact that we have an article in the code of criminal procedure that says that the statute of limitations for investigating a case even for especially serious crimes , the maximum term is 10 years, but there is a wonderful article in the code of criminal procedure that says that this article can be modified, that is , we forget 10 years, because due to newly discovered circumstances, if you don’t let me collect, investigative proceedings may be launched again actions, i will fully support you in everything, we have a lot of practice, i have a lot of experience, i have 40 years of work experience, so, here’s the story, the story has begun, excuse me, plus the pc also has an ironclad requirement our president, let us also not forget, as for our children, he reacts very harshly to such things, i hope
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that your case will mark the beginning of a new investigation. do you think it’s possible now to find natasha’s child, or at least resume the case based on new ones that have been discovered? circumstances? it is quite difficult in this situation to decide whether it will be possible to do it or not, unfortunately, as we saw the documentation, the storage period for medical documentation has passed, where one could see what happened in the hospital with natalya, how the child was born, at what age and could whether it was he, could he survive, and if such documents can be restored either...
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the court, at the stage of judicial investigation, the case is immediately dismissed for lack of evidence, the case is returned due to the lack of evidence, upon the protest of the prosecutor, the case is returned, that is they refuse to punish her, they write a protest, she comes back for judicial investigation, believe me, it’s horror, when i saw the documents, they give her, they give her 4 years of probation, accusing her of falsifying documents.
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children, when i worked in a general newspaper, i started writing about it, and i remember my conversation with katerina lakhova, and i said, katze, what’s going on, she tells me: don’t go there, and i can’t go there, because immediately... they will kill you, this is a colossal business, human rights activists called it rosserprom, when they simply tracked dysfunctional mothers, they were deprived of parental rights, children moved back and forth, why did westerners do this, because to pay 100,000, in fact, 100,000 dollars costs approximately the entire model of adopting a russian child, these people could not submit certificates in their country for... ... the state of his psyche, the state of his health, there was either the guy who was 400 kg, who just burned dimota yakovleva in the car, he simply couldn’t understand due to his thickness that the child was left in the heat, as
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you remember, and he was acquitted, as you remember, in america he did not receive a sentence, dear friends, now, according to our russian law , this is impossible, that is, this should not have happened now, as for your story, of course there ... there are a lot of suspiciously forgetful people with amnesia, they, of course , thought that all these stories, this entire organized group, all this would remain in the nineties, and this trail would never catch up with them now, today, but the fact that you raise this issue is really very important, because we understand what are they, these people, this just performers and then the second link, who, who sometimes didn’t even know...
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to say that against the backdrop of everything that was happening today in the studio, i said a lot of calls from residents of the volgograd region at the end of the program, look, a lot of calls from residents of leninsk , just with a cry from the soul, we kindly ask you to take this opportunity to pay attention to the state of our roads, for us this is not just a problem, but a disaster, and we know that your film crew, when we were there, saw it themselves and faced it, please help us something to do with this, ours, here, this video, look, they send us. our viewers, children cannot go to school, and not so long ago vitaly sushkov became the head of the city and the city residents are asking to contact the governor of the volgograd region andrei ivanovich bacharov so that he can help the young
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leader solve this problem, because well, the truth is this is a disaster, and there are a lot of these letters today. well, friends, the time of the program is coming to an end, we want to once again appeal to all residents of the volgograd region, perm region, who lead business. please call or write to our editor, even on condition of anonymity. we continue our investigation, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye.


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