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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:04pm MSK

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the gospel is about fishermen who will become fishers of human souls if they become his disciples. the president also praised regional leaders who achieve good results and do not confuse their own wool with the state one. those who showed good results, it is clear in these regions that they, excuse me , for the cinematic expressions, do not confuse their own six with the state one, but work. quite effective, look, it was 60 minutes, goodbye, bye, thank you, on the air of the russia tv channel big news, in the studio of ernest motskevich, hello, the main events of this thursday in our issue, who was detained for, do you know for
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what? transferred money for weapons and cars and recruited direct perpetrators; three more participants in the terrorist attack in crocus were captured. we have every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist attack in moscow was precisely to damage our unity. no other targets are in sight, president. what 12 year-round centers for youth did vladimir putin personally open today?
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ammunition depot temporary deployment point foreign mercenaries were hit in the kharkov region, a strike on a tank school and an ammunition train near kramatorsk was shot down by a ukrainian su-27, the enemy lost 900 soldiers per day. on the day of their anniversary, the alliance countries announced in brussels the creation of a nato mission in ukraine. what does this mean, why, after the call to collect another 100 billion. 79 years ago, the soviet army liberated the capital of slovakia from the nazis, what the country’s prime minister said today in an interview with a vesti correspondent. the m5 ural section is closed
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in the orenburg region, drowning the altai territory, vologda and samara regions, an entire cottage community in khimki was flooded, a parking lot in a residential complex went under water, winter aggressively returned to petrozavodsk. iran's spiritual leader warned israel in hebrew that retaliation for the attack on tehran's diplomatic mission in syria is inevitable. london may leave the cap, the reason is the issue of immigration. and why batsvanov. seriously threatens to send 20 thousand elephants to germany. the main goal of those who ordered the terrorist attack in crocus city hall was to undermine the unity of the multinational russian society. this statement was made today by vladimir putin. the president raised the topic during a speech at the congress of the federation of independent trade unions of russia. emphasized in conditions when
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the country is forced to defend its people and its future by armed means, it is unity that is the key to its success, which is why the enemies are so eager to violate it, judging by what the investigation is now giving, we have every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody , a terrible terrorist attack in moscow, was precisely the damage to our... unity, other goals are not visible, they don’t exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks from islamic fundamentalists; we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic, and... in the external arena it behaves in such
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a way that it is unlikely whether it can be an object of attack by islamic fundamentalists, the goal is to undermine the unity of russian society, especially in modern conditions, it is certainly visible. and today the fsb reported the arrest of three more suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus city. the special operation took place in three cities at once, including moscow. according to the investigation, the new defendants not only financed the attack on the concert hall, but were directly involved in the recruitment of terrorists. about who they are and what ainur valiakhmetov’s report has already reported. on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, run! these are the first shots. fsb officers carried out an operation in three cities of the country at once: moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk; one of the defendants
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was detained by special forces in the private sector the second while walking around the city, captured, according to operational data. they helped carry out the terrorist attack in crocus, two transferred money to buy weapons and a car in which the militants tried to leave the country, the third was involved in recruitment and financed the perpetrators. the fsb of the russian federation detained a russian citizen and two foreign citizens in the cities of moscow, yekaterinburg, and omsk. all immigrants from the central asian region were involved in the terrorist attack committed on march 22 , 2024 in the crocus cityhall complex. the intelligence services continue to establish everything. accomplices of the attack on the crocus, as the investigation progresses, more and more details are revealed. at the beginning of the week, fsb officers detained four foreign citizens in kaspiysk and mikhachkala; they also helped the terrorists. i brought weapons to these
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guys who attacked the corkus in the city of moscow. there are now 10 defendants in the case. basmanny. capital, iqub jani yusuf zada ​​was arrested; using his bank card , he transferred money to his accomplices for the murderers’ accommodation. sons also arrested the islomovs, who sold renault to the terrorists, alisher kasimov, who rented out a three-room apartment to the killers for 60,000 a month in putilkovo and nazrimat lutfolloi, the accused was detained on the day of the tragedy right near crocus. according to investigators, these people helped terrorists in the moscow region. well, investigators are already working with the three accomplices detained today. why was he detained? behind the tract are crucos. these testimonies may help identify the accomplices and organizers of the terrible terrorist attack in the moscow region. ainurvakhmetov, alexander ivankov. news.
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after the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, there was a sharp increase in the number of volunteers entering contract service in the russian army. this is one of the selection points in the moscow region. over the past week and a half, contracts in the region with
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the special operation zone have improved the situation along the front line in two directions at once : kupinsky and ovdievsky. enemy losses per day exceeded 900 troops. air defense systems shot down a ukrainian su-27 fighter near kramatorsk in the dpr. in the southern donetsk direction, the crew of the rszzo grad in one salvo destroyed the hangar with american m-777 howitzers. we control attack helicopters in the village of malinovka. a rocket demolished an abandoned building where militants were housed. here the target was an anti-tank missile system. the ukrainian armed forces crew took a position on the roof of a high-rise building, but was destroyed by a high-precision projectile from krasnopol.
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su-34 crews carry out daily strikes on military targets with fabami. their range allows them to hit targets without entering the enemy’s air defense zone. and this is what it looks like. flight of high-explosive bombs to neighboring positions from the vso side. in these frames, an air strike on drone control center in zaporozhye. about the night raid of the tula paratroopers. on the enemy position in the northern direction , a report by the military correspondent of vesti alexander katsuba. directly firing at the enemy, tula paratroopers in their combat vehicles punch holes in the defense of the ukrainian armed forces militants. in the event of a retaliatory attack, you need to react quickly. and he put his feet into his hands. is it possible? as you can see. bmd-2 crews replace each other. the stronghold of the square soldiers is in the immediate vicinity. fighting machine. on landing literally flies to the firing line, thirty-millimeter automatic cannon and heavy
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machine guns are ready to strike the enemy. it’s just better for us to drive at night, there will be fewer birds hitting us at night, yeah, not so sure. we rush past the burning dugouts and command posts of the ukrainian armed forces. one of the paratroopers peers into the darkness through a night vision scope, ready. repel an attack from an enemy drone at any second. the combat vehicle turns around in a matter of seconds. the enemy is in close proximity, now the crew is adjusting its automatic cannon to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces militants. shells high-explosive fragmentation against enemy infantry buried in trenches. flickering flashes of a gap ahead confirm the defeat of the target.
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we release five sighting units, then we will make corrections again, we will also get somewhere again, we will correct ourselves and we will continue to work. as soon as the hit begins, we release everything to the end. the barrel of our automatic cannon is hot to the limit, all the ammunition itself has been used up. at top speed, the combat mission was completed, ukrainian nationalists were sitting in the lindage near the platoon, they were destroyed, we
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quickly shot at each other and went back to destination, acting decisively and boldly, the tula paratroopers of the southern group of troops move forward. alexander katsyuba and alexander malyshev, lead. today, year-round educational centers for youth have opened in twelve regions of russia. each of them has its own thematic specialization from public administration to. as vladimir putin, who participated in the opening ceremony via video link, noted, thanks to the centers, talented schoolchildren and students from all over the country will be able to express themselves in a variety of fields. from a discussion of youth policy the meeting of the president with members of the government began today. our columnist alexey golovko talks about what this policy will be like in the coming years. this is the first meeting of the president and the cabinet of ministers after the government’s report to the state duma, in which the prime minister and his deputies. and the ministers summed up the results of the past year, i would like to congratulate you all and the prime minister
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on the report to the state duma, i saw how it happened with dignity, at a good level, in detail, mikhail vladimirovich and i yesterday evening on this we talked about it and discussed it, but new work lies ahead, including in the most important area of ​​youth policy. during his address to the federal assembly, the president announced the launch of a new national youth project. in russia, a little more than a month has passed since then, and many of the proposals voiced, for example, additional payments for class teachers, are already beginning to be implemented, as for additional payments to 500 class teachers, which, according to your decision , should be made from march 1, 2024, the corresponding decisions have been made by the government and payments will be made in april for march. regarding additional medical payments.
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tragedy that occurred in crocus, we received thousands of letters of support, videos from all over the world, from different parts, the legacy of this festival, of course, has such serious value for us in the future and we should not miss what we
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have in our hands now, we need to work with this, it will benefit our country, our young people and our... partners, our friends, on almost all continents. work with youth is working on the future of the state in a few years, those who are just studying now will become leading specialists in all sectors, and this means they need to be raised as patriots of russia. i remembered, oddly enough, the gospel. remember, jesus came to galilee and saw fishermen near the sea of ​​galilee. someone was catching fish, someone was straightening the nets, and he told them.
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spirituality, prince vladimir really not only himself was baptized in khersanysia and baptized his squad, but then he spiritually began to unite and united everything, all slavic tribes living on this territory, and this, in fact, formed the basis for the construction of a single centralized russian state; in this sense, this place is truly sacred for the russian state.
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thank you very much, yours is very important and interesting. work management. the kaliningrad region decided to specialize in media processes. the noise educational center will educate journalists, bloggers and pr specialists who will be able to speak to the youth audience in their language. living in the information age wars, every journalist, every designer, every photographer is a person who shapes the consciousness of millions of residents of our country around the world. governor anton alikhanov did not want to stand out from the guys, but it was this move with an unusual suit that made him stand out. a clear example of patriotic promotion of goods, i see anton andreevich dressed up a russian kosovorodka today, he is the only person who dressed like that, he does nothing without meaning, anton andreevich, you did this on purpose, does it make any sense? really guys to support me, they asked me, they said, anton andreevich, wear something dark, some kind of shirt, our local production, vladimir vladimirovich,
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our manufacturers sew linen shirts, you are also engaged in advertising of local production, promotion, of course. the president continued his work in the kremlin with a meeting, the topic of which was the results of the implementation of individual regional development programs. it is already clear that the targets are being met ahead of schedule, more than 14 thousand jobs have been created , which is 83% of the plan by the end of the year. plan investments have already been exceeded, more than 100 billion rubles have been attracted. currently being discussed. what do you think about the proposals that were made, i support these directions, the only thing is, of course, you also need to additionally read this consequence of writing off
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the debt and how the ministry of finance feels about it, if you write it off, then it must be subject to the condition, as in fact this was the task set in the message, but to simply write it off without conditions, i think this is wrong, the president called for an individual approach to each region. who showed good the results in these regions are clear that they , excuse the cinematic expressions, do not confuse their own six with the state ones, but work quite effectively, it is somehow a pity to wrest support tools from them if they do not achieve results. the government will make decisions on the future parameters of the regional development program after consultation with the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation. alexey glovko, natalya lundovskaya, anastasia serikova. news. the new composition of the government, which will be formed after accession.
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you see, we have already offered 10 trillion more than what we have, and the president’s message additionally requires expenditures of 7.5 trillion, our budget has already provided for this and is providing for this, i think the new government should start from this development budget. an atmospheric whirlwind from the west named patricia brought another batch of weather anomalies to the european part of russia. in the weather zone... bryansk, kaluga, oryol, tula, ivanovo, yaroslavl, kostroma regions of the middle volga region. it's getting rapidly colder in moscow, snow is forecast at night, and he's gone to the moscow region
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an entire cottage community is under water. more about this in the regional part of our program. it's almost winter weather in st. petersburg. after freezing rain, the region was covered in snow. janitors took to the streets with snow removal shovels. utility workers, like most motorists, have already adjusted their plans for spring and are not ready for. there are massive accidents and traffic jams on the roads. road services have returned to winter operating hours. there is a fire hazard in the kursk region. hundreds of square meters were engulfed in fire. in one area, garages and sheds instantly burned out. a 34 regions were in the flood zone. dozens of houses are flooded in the chelyabinsk region. big water came at night, and residents had to be urgently evacuated. emergency situations ministry teams are clearing river beds, going around courtyards, and taking people to safety in boats. in altai, the head of one of the affected villages swam through a flooded street to show the scale
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of the flood. and this is kazan, where water flooded roads, houses and bridges within a day. in the samara region, water entered houses. the only means of transport now are boats and kayaks. from regions where the regime operates emergency situations, reports from our correspondents. repnikova street we’ve been standing for half an hour, we can’t leave, at the height of spring winter returned to karelia and petrozavodsk was stuck in traffic jams, first freezing rain fell on the republic, and then a severe snowstorm, brought by cyclone patricia, residents of the regional capital had difficulty moving along snow-covered sidewalks, public transport from... routes, the key one below, trolleybuses, everything stopped, and this is a line of heavy trucks in front of petrozavodsk, the state traffic inspectorate limited the entry of trucks into
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the city so as not to provoke congestion, i have to work quietly, travel, move around the city. precipitation paralyzed traffic; cars, trucks and buses were stuck in traffic jams for several hours; the situation was especially tense during rush hours; taxi prices soared due to bad weather.
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more than 40 cm of snow cover, this is more than the monthly norm; weather forecasters predict -15 and ice conditions next night, which means the difficult road situation will continue. tatiana leonteva, ivan trofimov, vladimir slav, lead petrozavodsk. in some places the depth is more than 2 m, there are high fences under water, cars are flooded, the owners couldn't keep up. they left them to go right on the roads, dogs are saved on the roofs, there is water in the houses, a floating conveyor like this is moving along the flooded streets of krasnokholm, the equipment is reliable, it can reach the most inaccessible places on tracks, the water has been rising for more than a day, the evacuation continued even at night, in first of all, they helped children, old people, and disabled people; rescuers carried them out in their arms. oh, well done, this is right, so that all the boys go to the ministry of emergency situations.
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that these are men on personal boats local residents also help fellow villagers, they need help, they asked, i helped, also, maybe someone will help me, some are waiting out the elements at home, before our eyes it came and came, then he was the first to run into the house and refused to go to bed to get out of there, this night, they admit, was the most terrible in their lives, everyone is on their feet, on their feet on nerves, the children are in one wing, so... but no one is left alone with trouble, you need some medicine , medicines, i have everything, look, water is being delivered to those who dared to stay at home and food, i feel very sorry for the people, the most important thing is that everyone is alive, everyone is healthy, the rest, i think, all this will be built, the water is gradually beginning to recede from krasnokholm, mind you, this can even be done, at least by the markings on the fences and houses, in anticipation the east of the orenburg region froze in large amounts of water, from there my colleague
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murat... the main concern of the residents of the orsk and eastern parts of the orenburg region is related to the rising level of the ural river. a sharp rise began today around lunchtime. and in some settlements the water is already reaching residential buildings. people are being prepared for evacuation. emergency ministry posts have been posted in areas of possible flooding, but a significant portion of residents do not yet want to leave their homes. it’s when i get flooded right there in the pre-bank, then i’ll put the same one here like that, step over the ladder chuk-chuk-chuk into the attic itself. rescuers are doing damage, and by morning water can enter houses, this is due to a sharp increase in water discharge from the ireklinskoye reservoir. in just 4 days, water discharge increased almost 20 times to record levels. big water may soon come to a village in the ural floodplain. kasuli swim across. the forest lands of orenburg are flooded. kasul are fleeing from the water and leaving their habitats. melt waters flood the roads and cut off villages from the mainland.
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a state of emergency has been declared in orenburg. water has already reached 15 districts of the region. there are more than 500 houses in the disaster zone, over 1,300 people have been evacuated. the peak of the flood is still ahead. ruslan bikbulatov, murat zaripov, dmitry cherkasov, sergey shelepin, alexandra berezkina. news: orenburg region. despite recent difficulties , russia is not putting the economy on a war footing. she sticks balanced approach and maintains all social guarantees for employees. about this. vladimir putin said today, speaking at the twelfth congress of the federation of independent trade unions. at the same time, the president emphasized that in the coming years the country will face a shortage of personnel, and therefore it is critically important to increase labor productivity and modernize key economic sectors. about what role trade unions have to play in all this. our columnist alexey petrov. conversation at the twelfth congress of the fnpr about social tasks in the development of the country. mrod has already noticeably increased,
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and the president notes. by 2030, the mrod should almost double to 35,000 rubles. that of course, you know all these mechanisms will have a positive impact on real wages in the economy and in the public sector. by the way, the government has instructions to work out a new one as early as next year as part of pilot projects in the regions... the fnpr knows how to defend the interests of human labor. i know, including from my own experience in government,
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that sometimes they pass. intense debate, heated discussions, i must say that this has always been the case, now the same thing happens when i attend some of our joint meetings with the government. employees are happy with it. in the hall, almost 600 showed very good results and participants. trade unions help the state and business maintain feedback with labor collectives. delegates are here from all over the country, and new regions
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of russia are also represented. their trade union leaders speak on behalf of both the workers of their enterprises and those who have gone to the front line. we help fighters primarily anti-drone weapons, rap equipment, food, medicine, whatever they order. we have direct contact with those who are on the front line. the president dwells on these issues separately. the trade union movement is involved in collecting aid for fighters, as well as humanitarian supplies for residents of front-line areas. i would like to sincerely thank everyone for this work. i would like to express my gratitude to those who are now, in essence, reviving the system of trade unions and protecting the interests of workers’ rights in our historical territories of donbass. and novorussia, this is difficult work and difficult, dangerous, and sometimes very necessary. in difficult times, when it was necessary to increase production in entire sectors of the economy to ensure technological sovereignty, trade unions became a support for the state.
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the russian economy has withstood the pressure and demonstrated economic growth. our enemies hoped that economic pressure would lead to social problems, which in turn would undermine them. society, but this did not happen, the task now is essentially one: accelerated economic development, the next 6 years should become a time of accelerated industrial development of russia, the share of domestic goods, equipment, machines, vehicles, medicines should increase in our domestic market, we can and will produce all this ourselves in...
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communication. flights will operate twice a week. the first flight in 30 years has already taken place. the direction immediately became popular. almost 2.0 tickets have been sold for the new route. and this is just the beginning. next in line are makhachkola and arkhangelsk, followed by vladikavkaz, volgograd, ulyanovsk and omsk. a total of 36 russian regions are interested in either establishing direct flights from belarus, or already have one in expanding them.
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with the help of the most modern generation of viewers, a fantastic world will open from dangerous space pirates, but to new technologies and computer graphics according to the eternal laws of friendship, love and the fight between good and evil, beauty is far away, on all screens of the country from april 18. i would like the audience to watch this film without stopping, there are a lot of emotions inherent in this film absolutely different throughout the film, somewhere we will cry, somewhere we will laugh, somewhere we will be surprised, somewhere we will solve detective stories. how our heroes will be able to defeat our antagonists, in the end i would really like the audience to say something like wow, on the evening broadcast of our tv channel today the final
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episodes of the detective series are indomitable and restless. the heroine of daria ursulyak begins an investigation into a crime that resembles the action of a serial killer. two victims at once, both cases are similar not only among themselves, but criminally. we'll find out very soon, the series finale will follow right after the news. this is great news, this is what will happen next in our program. on the day of their anniversary, the alliance countries announced in brussels the creation of a mission in ukraine. what does it mean? and why, after the call to raise another 100 billion dollars for kiev, european ministers rolled their eyes. we have useful information, i will not disclose it here.
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send 2000 elephants to germany? and little switzerland near moscow turned into little venice. at night in the capital frosts are expected. senior lieutenant of justice, investigator neupoeva,
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happy birthday, indomitable neupoeva, what do you have now in the investigation, all three victims were found in the face of the murderer, all strangled , all missing their left shoe, between two versions, the same maniac or the rise in price, between two men, hello, are you zoya, does he already live here, yeah, listen only to yourself, you... to be happy, she only dreams of peace, i need a real victory, final episodes, today on rtr, rest is to leave yourself at peace, rest - this is not thinking about anything,
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when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. name off the coast of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at our resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment,
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a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. the office is a business card card of your business. the taller business center is located near paveletsky square and the garden ring. author's architecture. created by a historical tower, an access system with facial recognition, an application for managing space and time, an intelligent building navigation system, a data center, public spaces and underground parking. taller - a new height for your business.
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provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, just right...
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the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. big news live, we continue broadcasting. russian armed forces hit a deployment point for foreign mercenaries near the city of merefa, kharkov region. the ministry of defense reports this. also. that night, geraniums again attacked ukrainian military infrastructure on the left bank of the dnieper. alexey konopko talks about the attempts of the kiev regime to hold the front against the backdrop of a growing shortage of ammunition. the characteristic sound of geranium
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was heard this night in dnepropetrovsk region, there is a solar panel station under attack and much more in kharkov. the ministry of energy of ukraine confirms the attack on tes. another already successful response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to reach the russian energy sector with drones. the washington post has already counted 160 such targeted attacks, many of which left piles of metal. the strikes last month knocked out 80% of thermal power plants' capacity. even with the necessary materials, repairing the damage can take many months, if not longer. generals of ukraine: the deplorable state of energy trying to justify.
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the world bank is giving crumbs to suit ukrainian appetites, but this is also another step towards a financial grave. sources in the organization claim that all loans are now irrevocable, and if they are not written off, ukraine will formally become bankrupt next year. the sad truth is that even if the aid is approved by the us congress, resupply may not be
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enough to prevent a major battlefield disaster. journalists received recognition that they publish politics from generals of the zaluz team. ukrainian military intelligence claims that they are preparing a third attempt on the crimean bridge. officials have indicated that western weapons would allow ukraine to destroy the bridge faster, and zelensky has repeatedly asked berlin to provide him with taurus missiles. in the meantime , taurus are banned, saboteurs are on the prowl. according to belarusian media reports, citizens of the country , through a chain of intermediaries, were offered
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to cooperate at a price of 750 dollars for a photo of the area, 10,000 for surveillance, installation of explosives. the scheme was discovered by the kgb. on territory of smolensk. it was necessary to go to the indicated place to install it, but to force it somewhere, then install the dirty place, according to the institute of demography of ukraine, the country’s population by 2050 will hardly reach 25 million, exactly half as much as it was in ninety-one, however, that no one can guarantee that there are not 25 of them now, there is no accounting of those who escaped, combat losses are classified and yet they want to plug the holes at the front with people, your war hasn’t even started yet. this week zelensky lowered the age limit mobilization, now there will be no restrictions on those who are fit, only those who are completely incompetent, and the rest can go to the front. ours...
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during a telephone conversation, which took place at the request of the french side. another topic of conversation was the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. lekarnu expressed his condolences but insisted that the attack was the work of isis. but ukraine and western countries are not involved in the attack. sergei shaigu responded by pointing out that the investigation has information about the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack and expressed the hope that the french intelligence services are not militants. i considered it necessary to respond to this. president macron, he rejected the possibility of any involvement of france, emphasized that paris has information useful for the investigation, but did not disclose the details. i
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actually asked the director of the service and the minister to hold technical negotiations to express solidarity, because we have useful information, i will not disclose it here, about the origin and organization of this terrorist attack. nato risks not amassing enough weapons to the kyiv regime then to the alliance. we will have to admit the thought of ukraine’s defeat, so secretary general stoltenberg today frightened the foreign ministers of the alliance member countries in order to knock out 100 billion euros for the creation of a support fund for kiev, but he was unable to persuade, the partners agreed only on a new coordinating body, the mission to ukraine, which will deal with accelerated training of recruits. the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov, talks about how the seventy-fifth anniversary of the alliance was celebrated in brussels and who tried to ruin the party. what would a birthday be without a treat, especially an anniversary? on april 4, 1949, nato emerged in washington. she is already 75 years old. to the sounds
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of the alliance anthem approved in 1918, the nato secretary general and the belgian foreign minister opened the cake with large kitchen knives. they just forgot to serve the dessert dishes and cutlery, so it was all done by hand. congratulations somehow didn’t work out either. stoltenberg listed the achievements of the alliance, which. supporting ukraine is not charity, it is an investment in the nato countries’ own security. nato found meaning in the confrontation with moscow, so today they are commenting on the anniversary of the alliance in the western press. it turns out that 30 years before that, its existence was generally meaningless. but now there is a non-trivial task - to break ukraine.
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latvia has torn millions away from itself, but there is still not enough money, complains czech foreign minister lepavsky. lepavsky said that prague has already received funds from the allies for the purchase of the first batch of 300,000 ammunition, and the allocation of funds for another half a million is under negotiation. it was previously stated that the purchased ammunition may be delivered to ukraine in the summer, but we need to fight against the russians now. us secretary of state blinken has prepared motivational speeches with promises that...
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the british ministry of defense decided after the war to the pre-war world. to please the western audience by posting a sign on its website with the ratio of nato and
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russian forces in all respects, the west is overwhelming. superiority, three times more military personnel, six times more equipment, four times more artillery, three times more fighters , however, that’s nuclear parity is overlooked, as well as the fact that most of the nato forces are all the us army, which washington, as you know, is not particularly happy with. knowing the mood of the owners, polish president duda sent letters to european partners, saying, are the current requirements laid down in the organization’s charter outdated? in 2014, the alliance countries pledged to increase military spending to 2% of gdp; this was enough 10 years ago, but now it is no longer enough. traditional for the polish president, a dig at germany, where they literally just reported that they had reached the target of 2% of gdp for defense. there is plenty of criticism of berlin. 75 years ago, nato was created to project american
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influence in europe and contain germany. now germany has...
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in its composition the ground forces, air force and navy, involves the creation of cyber units and a separate command for them. it will cost taxpayers a pretty penny. this year, germany's military budget is almost 52 billion euros; next year, as pistorius warned, it will need 6.5 billion more. to achieve this, finance minister lindner proposes to reduce government contributions to the pension fund. economy minister habaek is categorically against it. the greens want to be more active.
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aimed at increasing its role in the defense sector. among those who rolled their eyes was german foreign minister berbuk, who seems ready to donate to the armed forces of ukraine from her own salary. however, even she named the amount of 100 billion, which is not very meaningful. this is also because stoltenberg proposed to calculate the amount of contributions based on the size of gdp, that is, germany would again have to pay more than others in europe. another weakness of stoltenberg’s plan.
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prolong the ukrainian conflict, sergei lavrov said today. the head of the russian foreign ministry held a meeting in moscow with ambassadors from more than 70 countries. the foreign minister noted that the western patrons of the kiev regime refuse to take into account the proposals of china, south africa and brazil and are trying to promote the so -called zelensky formula, which has no prospects. wherein the collective west is increasing military assistance to ukraine, realizing that the kiev regime has long become terrorist.
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destruction by the west of the fundamental foundations of strategic stability and international security institutions. not without external influence , hotbeds of tension arise in various parts of the planet, and
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international terrorism with the support of shadow sponsors still remains a global threat to the world. before the meeting of the committee of chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the cis member states, the delegations visited the grave. famous soldier at the kremlin wall. military leaders of azerbaijan, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan laid flowers and wreaths at the eternal flame and honored the memory of the soldiers who died on the fronts of the great patriotic war with a minute of silence. the feat of soviet soldiers and officers was remembered today in bratislava. on this day 79 years ago, the red army liberated the slovak capital from the nazis. the ceremony attracted thousands of participants and nothing more. the ambassadors of the eu countries pointedly rejected the invitation that how the slovak authorities reacted to this and what the country’s prime minister said in an exclusive interview with vesti from bratislava, a report by our
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special correspondent denis davidov. during the war it was a field cemetery, now a memorial complex. 6,845 soviet soldiers are buried here on slaven hill in bratislava. those who liberated the capital lie in single mass graves.
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devices after world war ii. we have an existential and international obligation not to allow anyone to question the decisive role of the former ussr during the defeat of fascism. these sacrifices cannot be questioned, i will do everything to ensure that this story is never distorted. while neighbors are rewriting history by destroying memorials, new ones are being opened in slovakia. the monument to radion malinovsky was erected a couple of years ago, almost in the same place where the marshal’s command post was. troops of the second ukrainian front. the command of marshal of the soviet union marinovsky developed an offensive deep into czechoslovakia. it was spring, and it would unravel, the roads would be washed out. still a very difficult landscape. there are soldiers on their way red army water barriers. for example, this
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river gron was crossed under continuous fire from german artillery. the nazis were located there, on the other bank, at a height; in order for the red army to advance to bratislava, it was first necessary to cross the river, and then take the height on which the enemy was entrenched. the mechanized cavalry units terrified the fascists; the cavalry, together with tanks, swept away the enemy with swift attacks. local residents also helped the red army soldiers in the offensive operation. soviet soldiers came to their grandmother she gave me chicken and bread, and my grandfather swapped horses with them. they gave him tired, wounded soldiers, and he moved on with fresh, strong soldiers. they were ordered to clear bratislava of fascists no later than april 6.
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forty-five and today he also has flowers. the main ceremony on this day, of course, is on slavin hill, the government is almost in full force, there is a military orchestra, a guard of honor, it is so solemn. the day has not been for a long time, prime minister fitz, members of his government, deputies from coalition parties, with great reverence, with has great respect for the memory of the second world war to the memory of our soldiers our soldiers who died. i think we owe them a huge thank you for what i did today. the slovak authorities invited all ambassadors from the former soviet republics and eu countries. in addition to russian diplomats, delegations from azerbaijan, belarus and kazakhstan came.
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their feat will be remembered here in may; residents, as always, will come with flowers to the monuments to the liberators. denis davidov, vladislav chernov, vitaly zhitnyuk and inna koshkina, news from slovakia. damascus has forgiven the officers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps who died in the israeli attack on the iranian consulate. among the seven killed were two generals.
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another topic of discontent in washington was the israeli attack on volunteers of the humanitarian organization world central kitchen in the gaza strip. the israeli chief of general staff has already been forced to apologize for the deaths of citizens.


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