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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 4, 2024 9:05pm-9:19pm MSK

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the death of his compatriots was promised by the spiritual leader of iran or khaminiya. on social network x , he wrote a corresponding statement, and in hebrew. while rubble is being cleared at the site of the strikes in the syrian capital, regional media do not rule out a sharp escalation of the situation in the next few days. it is possible that the last straw will be the telephone conversation between biden and netanyahu, which took place this evening. according to cnn, communication between the leaders of the united states and israel can become critical for everyone around them. east, and for biden's presidency, which , against the backdrop of the crisis provoked by tel aviv, is rapidly losing political points. another topic of discontent in washington was the israeli attack on volunteers of the humanitarian organization world central kitchen in the gas strip. the israeli chief of general staff has already been forced to apologize for the deaths of citizens of the united states, poland, australia and britain. nevertheless, warsaw is ready for a tough response. polish opposition leader kaczynski called. expel the israeli ambassador from the country.
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meanwhile, due to the sharp escalation of the situation in the conflict zone, the tsahal forbade the israeli military to go on leave. reservists are called into service, and additional air defense systems are deployed to the borders. britain was about to leave the echr, the prime minister personally announced the big news. in an interview with sunry, shunok said that london is ready to withdraw from the european court of human rights if this is the case. will help stop the flow of illegal migrants into the country. i believe that our plans are consistent with all our international obligations, including interaction with the cap. but i also believe that border security and the fight against illegal migration are more important than our membership in any foreign court. the reason for such statements was the decision of the european court of justice, which in 2009 prevented the deportation of illegal immigrants from britain to rwanda under an agreement with the african republic. london’s tough position
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on migration policy, and therefore membership in the echr, is also supported by rome. last year, both countries entered into agreements to fund the voluntary return of illegal immigrants to north africa and the middle east. sunak's statement today dutch mep marcel de graavk also supported this. he said the echr had become a playground for far-left marxists and called for the judicial body to be abolished altogether. while european capitals are coming up with a way to send illegal immigrants to africa, africans are planning to send elephants to europe. the batswana authorities promised to send a huge herd (2,000 head) to germany and emphasized that they would not accept refusals from berlin. batswana is ready to deliver the elephants at her own expense. what caused this decision why the german government is confused about the answer. anna semyonova. live elephants are 20 thousand
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arguments of the batsvana against the ban on the transport of hunting trophies to germany. this idea is being promoted by the german greens. in africa they suggest thinking about africans, as the president directly stated in an interview with deutsche bilt. it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in batswana. we are paying the price to save these animals for the whole world and even for the lemko party. if the greens know better, they should show how live with elephants without hunting. offer. elephants for germany is not a joke. at the beginning of the 20th century, due to mass extermination by europeans, elephants were on the verge of extinction, jewelry and book covers were made from the tusk, but then programs were created to preserve these animals, and now batswana is home to the largest population in the world - 130 thousand individuals , and this is for 2.5 million inhabitants. even according to world wildlife fund estimates, there are too many animals. here are the shots of an elephant literally tearing a hut to pieces, these shots. sent to angola, also
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500 in mozambique, but elephants still reproduce faster; the traditional way to control numbers is hunting. in batswana they sell licenses for it to foreigners for $43 apiece. most people came to hunt from germany, but if the import of trophies there will be a more general picture, what do you think.
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and the interview of the botswana minister for environmental protection with the british media only demonstrated that the former colony and its metropolis frankly do not understand each other, but are you really going to send? germany had an incredibly good reputation in africa, in south america, everywhere,
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development aid was adequate, reasonable and there was incredible harmony, and now it's all destroyed because the utopian policies of the greens, their absolute departure from reality , leads to the fact that people either angry at the germans. europeans act more like a bull in a china shop. anna semyonova, maria egorova and arina tretikova, lead. we move from the federal part of the news to the regional one. my colleagues in our branches in these seconds are preparing to go on air with the main news from their regions, now we have the opportunity to find out what viewers will see outside the moscow metropolis. state television and radio broadcasting company voinakh is in touch with us, where the broadcast is. today is hosted by ramzan abuev, how many new jobs will there be? good evening, ernest, thanks to the modernization , more than 250 jobs will be created, and productivity will reach a million tons of cement per year. the new equipment will introduce modern and energy-efficient
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production technology. in addition to cement, the plant produces various types of building materials, and an energy center is being built here that will generate electricity. the head of the region from... this is a special day for all of us, because these two facilities will provide 250 new jobs, 800 people work at the existing plant, which is already 50 years old, we have invested a lot of effort here so that the capacity of this enterprise grows, let's continue this work, i also want to congratulate you all on the half-century anniversary of chechen cement. studios 2 weeks ahead of schedule. in the southern regions of the region they started sowing yarovykh. antonina, good evening, what kind of work is going on in the fields at the beginning of april? good evening, ernest. spring sowing in the south of the region needs to be done in a short time, in just a week. due to record warming, the soil may dry out, and this will affect the harvest.
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therefore, now farmers work around the clock every sunny day. first of all, drinkers in moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. thermometers will drop below zero this night in moscow. sudden changes in temperature can lead to black ice. tomorrow it will not be higher than +5, but it will become warmer again over the weekend. due to the rapid melting of snow in khimki , residents are urgently evacuated from the zolotaya podkova garden community near voskresensk. report by alexey knor. residents have already been evacuated from this part of the village. the houses stand empty, half flooded. and this is just the beginning of the flood. here on the fence you can clearly see the mark to what level the water rose last year. the horseshoe, although golden, is unlucky, the locals sigh. half the streets
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are already flooded. where there is no water yet i got there, the residents are building. we got from the cars to the boat, and the only form of footwear was waders. where should we go? if there is someone somewhere to go, they will naturally evacuate. if there is no one to go anywhere, there is a girl sitting there, she doesn’t even have a home. many residents left their homes even before the flood began; rescuers helped families who did not have time to leave on their own. assistance was provided in the evacuation, two families were taken out, one family was taken out at night, evacuated, and now we are also taking them away and helping the belly. reserve, the risk of flooding exists every spring, but they don’t remember such a rapid flood here. difficult flood situation in khimki, cottage village, little switzerland, you can with...
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amphibians, we work according to the city bus schedule, we start from 6 am and until 6 pm, all day long, we actually transport people. according to forecasts, the water level in the moscow region. will continue to rise until the end of the week, the orange weather warning remains in the region. alexey knur, evgeny oreshnikov, dmitry sorokin, marianna pepanyan, lead. to the staff of the earth predator shelter the pride, whose fate we follow on the air of our program, managed to remove two lions and a flooded enclosure. for several days they could not cope with the fear of water and remained on high deck chairs. and finally, the long-awaited reunion of the family and the rest of their relatives. in total, 14 lions in the shelter were evacuated immediately after the flooding began.
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the reconstruction of the moscow central hippodrome began in the capital today. the oldest in russia, it will become one of the most modern equestrian centers, preserving its recognizable history architectural features. yaroslav krosienko knows when they promise to complete the work. immediately behind the worn-out but still majestic figures of the horses on the racing pavilion. this is the name of the main building of the moscow hippodrome, the horsepower of the engines of construction equipment is noisy, the beginning of a major reconstruction, the work ahead is extremely difficult, in some places surgical, the unique stucco molding and decorative painting have to be restored. we will keep it not only because it looks beautiful, but the painting of this visor is subject of protection. the central moscow hippodrome is the oldest in russia; exactly 190 years ago it was built as the world's first trotting stadium of its kind. horses can gallop not at a gallop, but at a trot with a two-wheeled carriage behind. after the fire in 1949, the hippodrome
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was rebuilt. the monumental stalinist empire style, the refined antique style, brought here the spirit of the roman empire with its chariot races. records have been set at the hippodrome for decades, soviet leaders and military leaders liked to visit the government box, and even for budyonny a personal elevator was installed. to a modern standard, everything will be restored, the equestrian club, stands, racing fields, a veterinary clinic will be built,
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a hypotherapy pavilion will be created, where the horse can take certain procedures, relax, that is, it will be massaged, petted, pampered, it will be like new again. the hippodrome will also be turned into a first-class public space with walking areas and a restaurant. what is a hippodrome without betting? betting has been the most important part for centuries. any horse racing and here for gambling pastime will be created by all the conditions: huge halls, storytellers, monitors and tables, at which you can discuss equestrian sports news with like-minded people. it was in this capacity that the moscow hippodrome was often filmed in soviet films. here you can observe one of the main human passions, the passion for the game. after reconstruction , the moscow hippodrome will once again become a scientific center. this is a very... big, serious matter, which will give another impetus
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to the development of equestrian sport in the russian federation, there is no doubt that horse testing will continue, this will not be a decorative hippodrome in any case. all work is planned to be completed by 2026. yaroslav krasienko, yuri zabolotnikov, ignatiy sokolov, pavel letnikov and alexander ovsyanikov, news. now about other events briefly. in the capital's metro they will tighten...
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