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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 4, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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i killed masha ivanenko and i will kill again, you found masha’s second waterman, but it’s me.
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cube, well, finally, that’s it, stop sulking, we urgently need to do a graphological examination, potapava’s handwriting, don’t take me for a fool, i’m already running as a graphologist. kira georgievna, hello, thank you, thank you for your support, you gave such arguments that you need to thank yourself, besides, there is nothing more pleasant than to lose your nose with this pompous one. to the whippersnappers from the regional administration, you’re great, don’t worry, everything is ready, you can go to the dance today.
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follow me, forward, guessed it, my girl, what?
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colonel skvortsov mark gennadievich, regional department, i am authorized to take away the case of the forest murderer from you. so, potapov, in 1996, on june 26, you raped and strangled maria ivanenko. and recently you attacked karina nikushkina, who fortunately remained alive, you had another victim, potapov, if you remain silent, you will only worsen your fate, if i were you , i would have started talking a long time ago, i have nothing to talk to you about i won't. it was not you who caught me and it is not
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for you to interrogate me. i think this way: women are for me, i am for them, and since childhood i have only received humiliation from women, i am 4 years old, and my mother beat me, because of annurez, this is a disease, she wets my face and screams, screams! were you planning a murder?
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no, i just saw her get out of the cars, the mice, they apparently had a fight, and he dropped her off. and i walked next to her, at first everything was fine, we talked, i touched her hand, but she didn’t remove her hand, and then, when i started, she started yelling, but i can’t, since childhood. because of my mother i can’t when it’s on me ruth, and i myself didn’t understand then where so much strength, so much rage came from in me, to be honest, i liked this feeling,
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i liked it, that’s how, yes, but then i didn’t understand yet, i was scared, and then when. ..... everyone started looking for red lada cars, i realized that i could easily substitute a mouse, he said that he saw her getting into his car, then what happened, i tried to live like a normal person, i found a woman, i trusted, even got married, she also screamed, and 2 years ago she left in the most meager way with the old one becoming sore, 2 years ago she left, and i have until to this day, i still have a scream in my head and a desire to experience strength and rage again,
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why karina, and i followed her along the road, well , along the same one along which 20.5 years ago, and she began to scream, and i can’t when they yell at me, you already said this, you wanted to be caught, not because your conscience tormented you, you didn’t want punishment, glory, i wanted to do it. something so that they remember me, something so that people can see that there was such a thing as anton romanovich potapov, so that they read my book, you read it, you read it, the most
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terrible. that he will really become famous, she’s cool, of course, not only in your regional departments there are talented investigators, but we need them more, i came to take the case, but apparently i’ll take the investigator, you still think, zoya, you really have some abilities, well, what should you do here? over there is the little one's kindergarten, this is my youngest daughter, she loves it, because there is a broken gnome on the playground, and there is martha and
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gleb's school - these are my older children, and next to it is a theater group that goes where, over there there is a clinic behind that building... which they give me certificates without any problems, i understood, yes, you chose to be a mother, who said that i should choose, i am a mother, i am an investigator, i didn’t understand, but tomorrow, maybe, at all i’ll decide to become a magician, what are you doing here, huh? it’s just that roma is at work, grandma is on vacation with sasha, and grandpa is now a young dad, i adore you, so get into the car quickly, zoya, where are we
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going, wherever you want, i have a day off today to the amusement park, well, let’s go. on monday, get dressed, well done, vasya, i left you, yurku i took it, no court will give the child to a mother who has no job and no life. i need official registration, will she arrange something else for us, what to do, wait, wait, wait, let’s go, they took my child, alla taxi, we’ll look at prt on monday. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on
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the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leorizo. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you.
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we have been placed in a situation where the country is forced to defend its interests by force of arms, its people, its future, its sovereignty, there is not a single superfluous word here, the most important condition for our common success, i just spoke about this quite clearly and emotionally with the head of the trade unions , is...
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precisely damaging our unity, other goals are not visible, they are not there, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity. interethnic, and in the external arena
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it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack from islamic fundamentalists, this is the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, it is, especially in modern conditions, it is certainly visible, it is clear that trade unions their specific tasks, mikhailovich just said: about this, and i also said in my short opening speech, you know, we have succeeded so far, so far, and i very much count on what will happen in the near future , in a more distant historical perspective, to treat very responsibly the functions that are entrusted to us, the laws, the constitution, and indeed... the very meaning of existence and administrative authorities at all
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levels, entrepreneurs and trade unions, this social responsibility, it is always is always important, but in modern conditions it is becoming extremely important, and i would like to draw your attention to the fact that despite... despite all the difficulties of today, we are not transferring the economy to wartime mode, there is no such thing, yes, we are concentrating efforts, we concentrate...
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perspective, it seems to me that this is an important issue, it makes sense to pay attention to it. vtalich, please. thank you. well, of course, i would like to speak out about, again , this migration issue, migration policy, but i hope that in the near future, because that many, let’s say, directly opposite
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recipes are now appearing in the public field. but i hope that in the near future we... the trade union, that there are still a few others there, but they are very tiny, this is a separate problem, he said that we are forced, touching on the situation as a whole, first of all this is connected with ukraine that we were given conditions where we were forced to defend our independence, sovereignty and
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actual survival, our values. just like according to this migration according to the migration the correct words may be spoken by the top leadership about the problem, but then this is still a country - this is not an army, where there is an order, it must be carried out, everything seems to be defined there, then the actions of the apparatus of different people of this expert community come into force, some say about something that generally arose a long time ago...
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what am i talking about, to the fact that, well, forgive me for this, yesterday one of my readers just reminded me, in 2015 i published an article, wrote an article entitled - usa and russia existential incompatibility, written by at the request of one very respected well-known scientific journal, vakovsky, everything is as it should be, then already... send it to the experts, expertocracy, they sent it to two americanists, well-known surnames, surname, i won’t tell you, i won’t tell you, naturally, they
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said that the article was weak , everything is wrong there, i had to change the name, insert it, it came out under different names, they removed this incompatibility and so on, but what we have now, i...
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the body, the houses, these very bridges, now collapsed, 75 years old everything in the world becomes obsolete, human he shouldn’t have had this bridge collapse because he was hit there, he wasn’t 75 years old, after all, he was 60, how many in 70 in what fourth year 50 years, well, i said from 50 to 75, uh, i in soviet times, in my opinion, this organization was not taken seriously, now it’s the same, but people who strive
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to join the nation, now countries, leaders, even peoples, they say, there are such people, as well as those who strive especially in the european union, in my opinion, not americanists are either crazy or just beggars, but beggars they always strive to enter somewhere where there is some kind of feeding ground. but crazy, because the european union is also in the period of its collapse, already dying, they have so many problems that only someone who, i repeat, is completely irresponsible, can join there , that is, this should not scare us, but what should scare us is really the united states of america, which still rules this world and there are numerous discussions, including in this studio, when i was here... i wasn’t there, i was watching, they were going on, but somehow so, the americans hit, or the israelis, the israelis hit, they
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killed seven people, all of them representatives of western countries, they have nothing, this is maximum sovereignty, while it is the united states of america and israel under them that have maximum sovereignty, whatever they want, then they do, that’s where the danger actually lies. what i mean? today, today , he gave a wonderful, wonderful speech, everything was explained, everything is correct, there is nothing to steal,
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of course, i understand that this needs to be done, but to convince someone that he, in principle, will never believe it, because his interests are completely different, now, in my opinion, diplomacy is very much stalled here, we need to change somehow... diplomatic tactics, i don’t take the behind-the-scenes part, politics, strategy itself, we are still we continue to hope for the un, every time we raise the issue there, everything else, the un was created as a world government, or rather the security council, and the general assembly is like a parliament, wonderful, a universal organization, it is considered, well, what is universal, universal is the total all-encompassing.
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they say, unicef, all the imf, tell me, this is a world ministry, we ourselves have signed up for their rule, but at least one world ministry can be headed by a representative of the russian federation, at least one russian minister, maybe, why, why, then why do we need a ministry , if there is a majority there, why do we need these organizations, and not why do we need our ministry, i ’m talking about this.
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we need to abandon it, we need to abandon it altogether, that’s right, we’ll keep the organizations of the united nations, we are solving the issue in the ukrainian theater of military operations, everything else is there and we are starting, we are starting not only in sports, through these goodwill games, as they say, to create new ministries, well, look, i am developing your idea, the problem of migrants is connected obviously with what, low level of automation, low level of labor productivity. based on this , there is an insufficient number of personnel, then what i spoke about today, so we need to follow this path, in order to follow this path, a completely different financial policy is needed, the policy of attracting money to those industries that produce these same robots, automated lines, that is, the conditions are a purely economic question, but when suddenly those countries whose budget is formed for these very migrants working here we
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speak through. but we are always afraid of ruining the relationship, we say all the time, but we have it, and what do we have? we have the csto, yes, we have it there, well, there is the eu, but is it really there or not, if you compare it with the structures represented by others, or these are all post-divorce structures after the collapse of the ussr, which are trying to breathe life, but so far it’s not working very well, one can say frankly,
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listen, nato is fighting with us.
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he will be arrested as an accomplice of nazism and murder of the olympic idea. but we have athletes and journalists and functionaries who support them, who say, you still need to go to this olympics, no, okay, no, that means there is a sanction against bach, because he is an official, i’m just one example,
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here athletes, we do not allow athletes, because they are from russia, okay, and who do you want to punish, the violators, i want to punish those here who arranged, when you offer peace only through cards, and they canceled the peace cards there, who are you
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punishing that country, because that people, not people, i’m not punishing people, that’s the point, a person gets money for his work, everyone gets money, the state doesn’t get money because they can’t... and this is realism, how else is realism possible, a meeting with fatalism, what else, marxism, fatalism and surrealism, i don’t pretend to be, i’m ordinary views are realism, everything changes,
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circumstances change, institutions change, borders and everything else, and you say, how can we not violate, some kind of democracy is just this, well, there are just basic things, if a person worked, he should receive money, if a person who has worked, you don’t give him money, you throw him away, i’m saying that if he studied from a textbook where it says that russia is imperial, second, they were exploited by that country all the time, then he comes here for these rubles, comes with the feeling that russia needs everything that you you hate capitalism and russian history, capitalism, well, of course, you studied according to soviet textbooks, a second, capitalism, i don’t have anyone, well, you studied according to soviet textbooks, you hate so much of everything that was prescribed. that i hate that anyone, i i don’t i didn’t confess, i didn’t confess for a second, according to textbooks, according to your logic, you studied from soviet textbooks, even from stalin’s, go deny cybernetics, i
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studied cybernetics when you were just starting there was no before norbert winner, cybernetics before norbert winner, they told you that norbert winner was banned, but i read it, okay, already tell the truth, are you a cyberneticist before norbert winner? i don’t know a democrat, and you can’t name me a single democrat, but in our country, in ancient greece, in russia, just name a democrat.
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well, not to say in embryo, yes, but, but clearly in its emerging state, this is a society of a new type, russian, this is the foundation... on which it is for this society, precisely for this society, that one can set, make plans for decades ahead answering the question of who this society wants to be, and it wants to be - well, a civilization,
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a self-sufficient country, but special in the sense that we organize... our life the way we like, but not the way someone once did this, well, there are many, many, many other features here, of course, the west doesn’t understand all this, it does n’t, it doesn’t realize it, it’s interesting to look at all the convulsions that happen there, and this is real convulsions, because well, the brain doesn’t give commands to the hands, it’s there itself is moving, but the first thing i can say right now is:
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israel and iran, and at the same time we will tell you that we were, we are against this, we are against this, we are in general.
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this is isis, and then we’ll just admit it, yes, but russia says no, we won’t play with words anymore, we’ll find out who, we’ll punish, we’re not interested in your words, we’ll reach a time when you won’t use words, you will do everything to convince us that it is not you, and we will consider whether you are convincing or not that it is not you, this is what everything is leading to, to which macron said, that... very scary words, the russians said, well, yes, he said, we will find everyone, we will kill everyone, yes, well, how is it,
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. onix.
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unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshery collection to bodry. film series kuznetsov. people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year. what will norkom kuznetsov tell us about this? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children, big premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, admiral kuznetsov, already on the platform, we look, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big ones have arrived. changes in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand we are from this room
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absolutely without faces we are making three different functional zones the ideas are overflowing we want to turn the radiator into an art object there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work plans are turning into projects before our eyes i adore plants i am generally a plant maniac in the living room. real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking, vika has died , it's me. vika, i’m alive, it’s sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what about my proposal
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for us to be together, hi, hi, i spent the night with a guy, he’s good, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he, meet kirill, this is lena, lena is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i kiss you, kiss you, what ’s going on? hello, sister, sunday on rtr, those who want to stay in the know, watch news of the week, a program for advanced people. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. on sunday on rtr. here it’s probably interesting, after all, to watch how the world is going crazy, the only problem is that
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there is no other planet, it would be good to stop the planet, say: so nato members, get out of here, you are just crap, and we will continue further, but look , yes, this bastard who once wore shoulder straps, kirby, is inferior, this is what he says about the death of employees of the central kitchen in gaza. your question assumes that this was a deliberate attack, that they knew exactly who they were hitting, that they were targeting employees humanitarian organizations and did this intentionally. there is no evidence of this, i would like to remind you that you proposed, and now let’s show what it looked like, this is what the attack on the vehicles of the convoy of this humanitarian organization looked like, please tell me, those people who carried out this attack, they were blindly deaf and dumb, they cannot read, because on the top of the cars it is directly written which organization they belong to, while we
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understand that if they were there, let’s say not representatives. listen to how he continues to try get out. i would like to remind you that we continue to review incidents as they occur. the state department has certain procedures. and to date, as we speak, not a single case has been found in which the israelis violated international humanitarian law. and lest you think we're not taking this seriously, i can assure you that we are. get rid of this
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idiot already. that is. you just understand that there’s nothing to talk about with these people, there’s simply nothing, reasonable people are asking questions, but they obviously they are in the minority, for example, they ask a simple clear question to congresswoman, yes, who can’t decide, that is, what is her name, is she margery, or is she taylor, or is she green, that is, yes, she’s everything together, she's all together. yes, that's what she says on the takir carlson show. this is completely contrary to our christian faith, contrary to our principles that the bible teaches: to finance murder every single day, to finance a war, to pay for it, to continue it, to advise how to fight it, to have our cia on the ground there, to wage a war in ukraine against russia with russian nuclear weapons, this is already beyond the bounds. you can't even
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call yourself a christian if you do that. this is a complete departure from everything christian, and i would say that the financing of wars around the world too, it’s interesting what she says about christianity, in general the topic of christianity is now decisive, if you look, this morning dmitry and i discussed what biden was told that you're like the catholic in the cafeteria who chooses what i believe in that i don’t believe, but... putin, which, by the way, well, let’s say, is becoming traditional in addressing the president, that is, more and more, these are appeals to faith. listen, now some of the meeting participants and i have jointly opened youth centers throughout almost the entire territory of russia. do you know what came to my mind? i remembered,
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oddly enough, the gospel. remember, jesus came to galilee and next to the sea of ​​galilee he saw fishermen, some were catching fish, some were straightening their nets, and he said to them: “go for me, and you will be fishers of men, that is , of human souls." they became preachers and his disciples. it was very important to translate the world's religions, and these are all the traditional four. the traditional religions of russia are not only christianity, but all our traditional religions , but this turned out to be no less relevant now, when we are forced and must protect our traditional values, our culture, our traditions, our history, this is very important for the future of the country,
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in today’s information flow this is very hard and difficult... work, but it is very interesting and very important, because from the results of this work, it concerns not only those who...
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compare the calm and conviction with which our president speaks with the hysteria of macron, stoltenberg, scholz, can you imagine these people talking about traditional values, people whose government is driven by fagots on fagots, driven by fagots, excuse me, i should have said homosexual on homosexual, but in russian it sounds even harder, yes, as far as i understand,
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creating new ones, but in general , gradual, literally, i would say, design work with people, with young people, this is like a very important thing, because these people then build the country, because pay attention, by the way, to say, i’m here if the issue of migration was touched upon there, it is really necessary to either import migration force or increase productivity there, this is understandable, but in our large cities, what kind of labor productivity is this, so to speak, where in fact all this is employed in post-industrial sphere.
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this is this environment, it was, and dima called it networks, this is a very precise definition, here is the party network, the komsomol network, which are all among themselves, they could say anything to the meeting, they discussed among themselves which cigarettes were better kamil or malbert , which dad brought, that was all, and then everyone else got involved in this, when they began to import imported goods, when the soviet union - so to speak, in fact, quite deliberately sat on the needle, not only the oil one, but on the needle technological import.
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here - regarding diplomacy there is soft power and so on, diplomacy does not convince anyone, that’s impossible, a diplomat is a different task, a diplomat may be given a political task, he can come to an agreement if he is a good diplomat, soft power convinces, propaganda, for this you need to have authority, in my opinion, we still have years ahead when we, with our technological achievements, well, i don’t know, there’s the robot vasya, who landed on the moon, for example, well, in his hand. it shows, well, this is still necessary wait, you know, there are still some, so to speak, industries there that are needed, because pay attention, when the soviet union began importing western goods, it imported western propaganda, of course, right away,
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because consumer goods - this is propaganda, well, not all of it, but by the way, american films were also shown, and so on and so forth, well, okay, to a lesser extent, but to a much greater extent , the import of this product, which... that’s all from that started, but now what, we we understand that our infrastructure is now developing in a way that no europe has actually ever dreamed of there, and so on, it’s all visible, these are visible things, the urban environment, we now see industrial successes, we just find ourselves in a situation where at least in the military sector, this suddenly became visible, because usually the military sector is not visible in peacetime, but now we see that we have things that are simply technologically inaccessible to the west. also an important thing,
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but in my opinion, in order to conquer authority, they forgot about one very important tool of soft power, persuasion and propaganda: this is a currency, as long as the main unit of payment with any country, with india, china, any of the former post-soviet, post-soviet states, will be the dollar or the euro, so europe and the usa will have authority, even if people die of hunger on their streets, but we will trade in their currency. their elites will be in authority, this is an obvious fact, so a blow to the peace card is not a blow to the banks, it is a blow to the authority of russia, this is how it is needed perceive, well, now a few words about what is happening there, there i suddenly discovered that jill biden is trying to pretend to be someone, at least nancy reagan or barbara bush, she appeared on television here and announced that you can here...
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we change from one to another, they cover us again, we scatter, they shoot at those running away, that is, they took revenge on the white house, jill comes, they try to ask her an awkward question, journalism, yes, he says, listen , but he loses on everyone polls, she says no, everyone falls silent, she is talking complete nonsense, but everyone falls silent, the amazing influence of this woman, well, right there, no, not the surprising influence of a woman, right there is the young lady who received the great honor of the american sports channel... an interview with biden, she said: they brought me a text, they said, step left, step right, execution, so you pronounce all these letters, and they will give you an answer, no, i’ll tell you a secret, i’ve done several big interviews in my life, yes , several, several, yes, no one never, except chubais, tried to somehow influence what i will talk about, how was chubas sent to some mother? together with
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his press secretary, no one is ever here, well, it’s just that freedom of democracy, that freedom and democracy, they have this , in fact, it seems to me that we are now , no matter how i have already said several times, but here this situation resonated very strongly with this jill biden, this means that it looks like she is becoming such a minidator inside this white house, this is very a dangerous situation, nancy reagan came to such a terrible state, when in fact no one knew except those closest to him... he really endured this disease with dignity, he trained every night, so to speak, he learned poetry there, his speeches there, and so on , did special exercises, made it to the end very worthy, but when she suddenly began to get nervous, yelling at the secret service, at correspondents, and so on, it happened when the manifestation of these very signs became obvious to her, biden these are the signs of her has been seeing for a long time, so why is she now starting to get nervous and go out in a joking manner...
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i heard it as a joke from a person from belgium, and i asked which language you use more, flemish, after all, so to speak, it’s clear, or french , he says, fear of god, it’s arabic, if in germany it’s in arabic, yes, but if in germany there’s supposedly an advertisement in arabic. that the arabs feel like real germans, we are all germans here, arabs, well, yes, yes, but today, today we are all germans, these are the latest events, i think that even the polish troops are not here they will help, because this, this, this will be a catastrophe worse, so to speak, in the whole world, and in my opinion, that’s the most important thing,
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you have to be prepared for this, you’re not talking about the entry of some french troops, both of them die at the debate, whatever you want, i won’t be surprised by anything at all, but in 1924 i won’t be surprised by anything. and two grandfathers just threw back their hooves synchronously and so two pairs of hooves on the sides, that’s all, yes, it’s not boring , he’ll go to the debate, there won’t be debates , there won’t be debates, no biden always comes out like this, yes the fastest person running in place there won’t be debates, i think, but this will be very interesting right here, i really want to watch, let’s see proladivich , i’ll take the courage to continue a little , i’ll try to continue the president’s thesis.
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what and what kind of experts are these? that is, if these are certain scientists cultivated in the west for decades, let’s call it this: a person who simply went to university, wrote some texts, they were recognized by other scientists like them, and that these are some kind of scientific
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research, although there are no discoveries there, if he has a citation index, but he simply, well, maybe even the reviewer hasn’t read such a scientific work or conditionally there, maybe he himself hasn’t even read it, but these are hardly scientists, and even more so, let’s even take for example stalin's era, who came to the academy of sciences, these were people after the war or people after real production and so on, they formed, went through a certain crucible of experience, production, war and so on and formed this scientific elite, but this history is lost and not just lost in to a large extent, i’m talking about everyone, i don’t want to put everyone in the same category, but to a significant extent, to a significant extent. these experts who control the executive branch, they are imposed from the outside, while they are imposed from the outside, and some often even in their field i can say that people who have not worked for years in...
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covering problems, most likely this is a very complex the situation of the americans and nato in
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ukraine, that is, the ukrainian regime, the kiev regime is most likely close to actually collapsing, if it collapses, of course, this our victory, first of all, our victory of our weapons and so on, but this is a colossal blow to the american-centric system, that is, it is a blow to the entire model in the center of which the united states stands, and as a result in biden’s weak electoral positions, as a consequence in weak positions of the united states with its ally. this is possible, increases chinese pressure on taiwan, that is, biden is very afraid that an uncontrollable crisis that could occur after the collapse of, in fact, ukraine, and in fact will call into question the existence of nato and its effectiveness, but will call into question the existence of the western allies of the united states in east asia, that is , most likely the situation in ukraine is really so bad that ukraine is simply ready to collapse, and this is already being discussed, accordingly. sidinpin and biden, and biden insists that sidinpin has stopped, well , this is a direct quote, promoting the creation
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of the military industry of the russian federation, that is, this has already been directly said, which means it is clear that there is a different list of problems and so on, well, it is clear that after ukraine the focus is moving to asia, in fact, this was indicated during the call, i often watched your evening program last saturday or sunday, you spent almost the entire program talking about driverless cars, but there is something 100 km, a direct route, not a direct one , of course, we need to learn, we need these huge unmanned highways, we need logistics, its development and so on, industry and digitalization are what really need to be taught. china has 1.5 billion people, we have 140 million. of course, we need artificial
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intelligence, of course, beyond the far north, to the far north, of course, there must be robotization, in the conditions there in siberia it is difficult to access, there are not enough people, in the army it’s not well, in fact, it is much better for a robot, a drone, and so on to fight further, that is, the total introduction of artificial intelligence, only with such development we will actually enter the top four largest economies in terms of purchasing power parity, which was indicated by 2030, that is... the country must grow about this, i also want to support the deputy chairman state duma babakov regarding the use of chinese experience in using emissions, that is, printing money. in 10 years, china has essentially transformed from japan to become equal to the european union, that is, in fact, in 10 years it has increased its economy 2 and a half times. it is clear that there is no need to mindlessly borrow this experience, there is no need to inflate everything, like the chinese, which means that they may have partially or a significant part invested in development. sector now the population is not growing, the industry is not growing so fast, the apartments are, in fact,
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not sold, but we need construction projects of the century, i absolutely agree with you, the moscow-vladivostok highway, so that in a day not only cargo, troops, troops, japan, cargo, everything else, not only moscow-vladivostok, unmanned highways and so on further and so on, there is somewhere to invest, at this rate you can grow 5-7% per year without overheating the economy, creating parallel investments. in the military-industrial complex, in science, in everything else, and perhaps, as if in parallel , actually creating the structures of the central bank, that the chinese, the latest reform of the state council from the central bank, the people's bank of china, brought two departments under the direct subordination of a separate vice-premier, that is , they are slowly starting to start this central bank, which is oriented towards the united states, well, let's say, to reassemble one that is already more oriented towards direct leadership of the group that is now leading in china and so on, well, it’s clear that this really shouldn’t be uncontrolled. emission, so these are the proposals that, of course, it is necessary to use the chinese experience in the growth
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of productive forces, in the banking system, but understanding that china and the russian federation are still well... completely different countries, it is absolutely dangerous, thank you, malik, yes, a few words about the united states of america , today we have already discussed the story with joe biden, who is to some extent pulling the reins of power, in my opinion, the situation is absolutely not new, we remember how the same joe biden was about a year earlier than joe biden came to ukraine, to western ukraine, yes, it was, in my opinion , spring or early summer of '22, and biden arrived only after godral. on the twenty -third, well, recently they really started to put it out more actively, of course, and expose it to the public, in my opinion, of course, this is the work of political strategists, the democratic party, because well, we understand that biden’s ratings are absolutely terrible, and biden’s attitude is a little better, well then there is a comparison, for example, biden’s rating at the moment is conditionally said to be 38%, jew biden’s rating is conditional 55-53, that’s what the polls show, so
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it’s more active to put it, but it’s another matter to have to justify yourself for everything, it doesn’t always work out and it’s not entirely beautiful, that’s what concerns the situation with israel. unpleasant for the biden administration, that is, systemically, long-term, i think that for the american establishment setting the middle east on fire like this makes a certain sense, but specifically now for the current administration this creates problems, especially on the eve of the elections, and we see all these pro-palestinian protesters, we see a split in let's become a party, and of course, here's the last story with the humanitarian workers who died, and this is not just such an organization that appeared out of thin air, yes, this is actually a clinton organization, in fact , it has existed since the thirteenth year, then...
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let's go, well it also seems to show that the gulf monarchies there are already tuned in to the fact that maybe power will change in america after the elections, but israel, i think, is also waiting for a possible victory of the republicans, with whom they would have an easier time to some extent work, which is why, of course, in some cases it is impossible for biden’s apparatchik to influence these processes, but despite the fact that in parallel there, arms supplies through the pentagon continue, but i fully admit
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that neither biden, nor sullivan, nor blinkin no longer influences in any way, but as for... get dressed, well done, the premiere is on rtr, vasya, i left you, i took yurka, no court will give the child to a mother who has no job and no living space, i need official registration , she will arrange something else for us, what to do? stop, stop, stop! let's go, they ate my child, allah taxi from monday to rtr.
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titanic golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools, relax in the life lounge and enjoy the exquisite cuisine of the best. here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, you don’t need to make an appointment, it’s a joke, he will come to your home himself, we are starting, he will always help, we will
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train how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase or decrease. pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, always supportive, bowl of mac and cheese. this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard. i sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. happy birthday to you, blow it out. on saturday, after
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after graduation, you fly to italy, and i’ll finish my business here and join you. if you knew where you would lose? dad, dad, velchonok. if you knew where you could find it, i have a business proposal for you. you already have flowers from fans, you generally loved him, mom, so from now on, in more detail. come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you. we've only known each other for a few days. that's enough for me, life doesn't give me any help. premiere on saturday on rtr. 75 years, yes, and as for this
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seventy-fifth anniversary of nato, of course, apparatchiks are greeted in brussels, but not in the most rosy mood, as we see, yes, there were completely different moods, say, in the spring at the beginning of the summer of twenty-three, yes, when they had all these hopes for the counter-nast, then the july summit in vilnius , we remember, well, here’s the next summit, again the summit at... again in july nineteen eleven will already be held in america in washington dc, well there i think that of course there will be a lot of disputes, contradictions of various splits, that is, let’s let's see over these 2 years, well indeed, of course, nato included two new members, sweden, finland - that ’s okay, but if we look, for example, at the real plans of how they are planning to prepare for some new big war, then here, well, de facto practically nothing has been implemented at all, yes, because in the spring of twenty-two, the same nato under fanfa. announced the creation of this huge strike group on the eastern flank of 3000 soldiers, she announced all this many times, even the poles not so long ago said that we would have the lion’s force there
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the share of these soldiers, well, 2 years have passed, there are still no soldiers, and because there is no money, well, i think they gave a huge number of things to the list, they are missing, that is, it’s like it’s again being stretched out somewhere, the deadlines are being shifted to the right for the summer to the autumn of '25, it is possible that even this will not happen, and of course the situation in ukraine is very unpleasant for them, they lost a huge amount of weapons there, the reputational losses are colossal for nato commanders and for the leaders of western countries, and of course not it’s completely clear what to do now, when the americans don’t give money, and the europeans simply don’t have money, but here’s the latest plan that was announced by stoltenberg, nato secretary general, to allocate $100 billion for 5 years to ukraine, well, the figure certainly sounds cool, but it’s like it’s only 20 billion per year, that the money is actually already so big, one and a half billion a month, but this...
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with the european peace fund, the allocation is like this on an annual basis, yes, so that you can re-vote every year, there even belgium is performing on the contrary, i think that in slovakia and austria , they are in full force throughout germany, they are proportional to gdp, yes, this is true, but in germany there is another problem, a budget crisis, and that is why they are now not allowed to allocate large amounts of money, that is, this they’re just trying to bury them, they’re trying to find 6 billion euros for their bundeswehr, they still have to pay 20-30 billion, well, in general. the fact is that no one has money, but everyone somehow wants to do something, but it doesn’t work out, about the same situation with macron, by the way, and we remember how not so long ago there were leaks in the press, yes,
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that in january and february there were closed meetings of, yes, nato countries, and they just discussed the issue of the possible introduction of nato troops into ukraine, where the americans unofficially said, well, we are not against , if you send your troops, the british very actively insisted on this, although, by the way, publicly, after all, the british forey office is about... the reaction from other european countries was so -so, except of course the baltic states, which are ready to fight until the last moment, i don't know nato soldier, but certainly, of course, with the wrong hands, that’s why here, well , they will celebrate this very anniversary, and in a rather difficult situation, and of course, an indicator of everything that’s happening is that for the second year in a row nato can’t even choose a new candidate for the role of general secretary, although the position of general secretary is technical, yes, this is a person who
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simply has to sort out all these things... even with this it doesn’t work out, so stoltenberg’s job was extended for a year in ’23 powers, now it is not even clear who will become the next secretary general, it seems that they have chosen the candidacy of mark rute, the former prime minister, still the current technical prime minister of the netherlands, but the person also does not evoke approving emotions from everyone, there hungary is threatening to block his candidacy, therefore, it is possible that ryuta will not be there, although ryuta may certainly not be the worst option for nato, because at least he has... some contacts and access to donald trump, if trump wins the election, with him it will be of course it’s easier to come to an agreement, given how the nato apparatchiks are afraid that trump will come and supposedly collapse nato, which of course won’t happen, but nevertheless some reforms may await them, and they, like real bureaucrats, resist this in every possible way, but there are now another alternative figure has appeared, this is karl iohannis, and the current leader of romania, well, of course he is mired in his corruption scandals, and in general
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they call romania...
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that’s exactly what it is, that’s a purely british trace, well, as for congress, i think that they will most likely not have time to vote for april earlier, this will all be postponed to may, so here for us the window of opportunity that we currently have continues. mikhail mikhailovich, if you listen to conversations like this, nato is over, the dollar is going down, hurray, comrades, yes, there is a secretary general in this nato, there is no secretary general there, the meaning of this.
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some representatives of the ukrainian expert community propose the “rus ukraine” project for implementation. and one of the working titles of this project is “symphony instead of an empire." what
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is generally meant by this, but in short , including taking away the word "rus" in russia, russian, the word russia itself, renaming our country muscovy or muscovy. and in general they believe that russia privatized illegally, and completely the history of ukraine, and that the history of russia, this is the largest historical theft in the entire history of mankind, on a universal scale, this nonsense is years old, now it is being activated, no, now it is being activated, i am stating this, i am stating this from the freshest, again.
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also a task, an activity, you know, i also want to say in this regard that - here every word matters, to the point that i’ll give one such example, not exactly from this opera, of course, but in my own time , poland was going to sue such a trademark from us called vodka, yeah, but they didn’t sue, and thanks to that, thanks to the fact that we had the greatest connoisseur of russian national cuisine drinks, william pohlobka, but convincingly proved that poland is in favor of this trademark has nothing to do with even to such little things in the end... we have to get to it, but what i wanted to say is, again, about the main thing, about the main thing, these statements are 20 or 30 years old, now they are being refreshed, again, they even exist such expressions that, well, for example, you don’t want to learn and master the ukrainian language, but this is
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the language spoken by vladimir the great, princess olga, prince igor, prince svyatoslav, how come you don’t want to follow, one might say, the behest of your ancestors , firstly, neither prince igor nor svyatoslav. nor equal to the apostles princess olga did not speak this language, this is the first point, refer to the sources that exist, at least to the same story of bygone years - nestor, or, for example, the largest literary monument of that era, and the word about igor’s regiment, there is old russian language, there is nothing similar to this ukrainian, here is the endless reference of the modern ukrainian political elite to the figures of that era, but it’s still like, for example,
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they began to explain why you say that she is russian, she is ukrainian, they began even make some edits, plus the most terrible nonsense and stories about the ukrainian front, on which the ukrainians fought, when we now see these pseudo-historical dismissals over and over again,
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it is really necessary to clear our brains, what vladimir vladimirovich did when he briefly outlined the history, and with what takir karls was completely blown away by his audience, he just broke his head, that’s why. of course, we can’t let it go, another question is that we don’t have many opportunities to respond so that the west can hear it and understand it. of course it is possible, perceive all this as nonsense of another tour around the globe of ukraine, well, some boris akunin will again write a wild number of works that will be fed to our children by the liberals who own publishing houses and bookstores, saying, are you dying, some kind of creature like a citizen with a cold russian teachers will tell you, well, this...
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to strengthen it immediately, again here to act with a view to the future and make some kind of seven-minute decisions, when there is a reasoning that, well, it is necessary almost form some units of territorial defense, air defense, and involve business in this. well, yes , business, of course, you can involve the patriotic part of both
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the oil and gas business and the rest of the business, but only within the previously discussed framework, for example, the aviation squadron, the small theater of the front, for example, or the tank column of dmitry donskoy, which - for example, the funds of the russian orthodox church were built, only in this form, the existence of some private organizations, in my opinion, here, well, it’s simply unacceptable, it’s still a matter for specialists, of course, strengthening...
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the formation of two aerospace defense armies, this is according to my purely assessments, in my opinion, in smaller numbers, for example, for opinion, but no more numbers will be required than 50,000 people, two armies in the european part of the country, with full-fledged associations, including formations, including... missile and aerotechnical units, and there must be an aviation component, represented, especially not only by the most modern fighters there there is the fifth generation, and combat helicopters and light aircraft, because you won’t start chasing a leukomorous aircraft -type unmanned aerial vehicle for a moment, here some completely different means of destruction are needed, but all this should be within the framework of one control system, one field of control, and i would still apply that... formula that one commander, one region, one
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airspace, one degree of responsibility, all forces are subordinate only to him, because if the plane is be in one department, a helicopter in another, anti-aircraft missile forces in a third, well, there will be no effective control of these forces, well, a decision must be made, some decisions must be made immediately in terms of, for example, small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft machine gun installations, searchlights, but again, all this... must be carried out under the auspices of specialists, we cannot hesitate, and even more i want to say that we must act for the future, counting on the next few decades, because that even this war is not the last, and in this regard i am not going to look like some kind of cynic or militarist, but this is just how the world works, so you need to think, calculate, plan for decades, i really liked the speech of the head of tatarstan, he said it very wisely , explaining that... well, you don’t have to expect miracles from nature,
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you have to act yourself, we have very positive experience, we have the experience of moscow and the moscow region, we have the experience of donetsk, that is , we can do a lot of things, now it’s interesting belarusian colleagues spoke, they took a whole network, it turned out that they were dragged into the territory of the smolensk province through belarus, which means that various scum that were collected, taken out of tanks, and launches were carried out.
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well, trying to hold some kind of scientific conferences, prove there to british scientists or mr. scholz that there was a genocide of the russian population in the donbass, what he told our president in december of twenty-one, is funny, well, the one who laughs with consequences laughs well, about the germans , or rather arabs, who should feel germans, it is always important from the point of view of linguistics, political science, the context in which it was said, this is one of the three great ones. achievements of the great traffic light coalition serech, swan, crayfish and pike, of all the great deeds, trouble suddenly came to the german house, there are three, this is the simplification of obtaining citizenship by the same arabs, while maintaining the citizenship of their countries, this never happened before in germany, plus simplification
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gender change procedures, 75 gender in the studio, and the legalization of soft drugs, other achievements of the traffic light coalition. i personally don't i saw, well, in the economy, definitely not, in defense , yes, pistorius is complaining that another 6 billion euros are missing, accordingly they created a fund there - 100 billion, yes, well, if in a peacetime economy there is a big mac index, then in a wartime economy, but i would suggest a leopard index, the leopard 2a7+ , the latest modification, costs 10 million euros, so we divide by 10 and we get, well, how many additional leopards do they rivet, well, i think not so much and a lot. accordingly, this year about 300,000 people are at risk of obtaining german citizenship. refugees, well, including the countries of the maghreb, perhaps including ukraine. what is dangerous about maintaining citizenship of previous countries, well , this is, first of all, the deepening of these parallel cultural worlds, because before that in germany it was like, here are former
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turkish subjects, some ostap ibrahimovic and bender, living in the kreuzberg area, berlin. kreuzberg is called the largest turkish city after istanbul. between the ages of 14 and 18, he could choose either turkish or german citizenship. 70% of turkish youth chose turkish citizenship by obtaining german in the onj. they voted for turkish politicians, for the turkish agenda, which is why german politicians were so worried when the mawa party emerged, which they considered to be in fact a branch of erdogan’s party, which would automatically receive, risk receiving , the votes of all people from the countries of the islamic world, because it would, as it were, position them interests, and this is absolutely.
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there are some civilians there, and it’s the serbs who destroyed the tanks under tractors, more than 120 civilian albanian refugees were destroyed, despite the pilot’s assurance that he saw peaceful goals, naturally the pilot was not judged, nothing happened, because, well, everything happens according to the same principle; they acted in libya, iraq, syria and now
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, respectively, in the gas sector, that is lies, lies, disinformation, fakes, like in bucek, like in racika in ninety-nine, like in the markali market in sarajevo in ninety- five, respectively, well... they all knew everyone, the population there was 10.00 in the city, knew all the oracles by sight, it was never possible to find out what their names were
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experts who killed your article, well , that is why the point is that they are anonymous, i think you acted simply, the editor-in-chief was fired, the publishing house was burned, experts, experts were expelled from the country, the main one of that magazine, he was just for me, but the responsibilities were already there. so now i’ll return to the main thing, by the way, to the collapse of all institutions, by the way, the institution of neutral countries in europe collapsed, that’s for sure, and this is a consequence, this happened after the second world war, austria is neutral and finland is neutral and switzerland, sweden also before that, and switzerland is also practically not neutral, it joined the sanctions, that’s what i’m saying. about new methods in diplomacy, which means, well, you keep saying, strike with armat or posidon,
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we are great, but we need to put the leaders of the country, the people before elections, for example, we say, whoever becomes an ally in russia falls under its military guardianship, including, but for this there must be military bases on the territory of this country, russian, don’t you want it? being allies of russia is wonderful, i suggest you see ourselves as neutral countries, in this case we guarantee you, and we will never attack you, as long as you are neutral, accordingly you should not have foreign armed forces and so on, so we will remove your cities from targeting our missiles in the case of this very world, it will fly past you, a choice must be made, a choice must be made, and olovts. they won’t wash away poseidon’s tsunami yes yes yes , to put it bluntly, goal setting is scary just to put it bluntly, they won’t wash you away yes
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the last thing is great about human catchers and youth centers are great, but now mass culture, the internet, you can’t enroll everyone in youth centers, it rules youth sentiments with everything else, istrad, show business, and now there is a scandal. everyone listens to it, i haven’t heard it, well, you haven’t heard it, but it’s not for your ears either, because you’re not that age anymore, it’s good that i’m so old, so people, catchers need catchers, that’s great, but here not alone, i think it was said by mass sculpture and mass education. yes, there are problems, but the fact is that throughout, but throughout, but throughout the country, those who want to future country to be an elite and to be different from
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this mass consumer of crap, this has already been created for them, now we will continue advertising later in a new composition, somewhere everywhere it is caught, either at a gas station, then in the corridor, where to go and what to do, there is no one at all we have to beg, beg, humiliate ourselves and stretch out our hands, we will have to be taken into account, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life, death, we will learn about this first, what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or olevye, look what kind of courses, alexander grigorievich, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your greetings, hello. after your interview, many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say, in the first person, voludi
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is great, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we we'll see, we'll show more than the rest, thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr, len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop it! mock me, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, on sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what about my proposal that we be together, hello? hi, hi, i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me, kirill is lena, lena is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i kiss you, well kiss, what's going on, hello, sister, on sunday on рrt, russia. traditional,
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modern, technologically advanced, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, svetlana nimalyaeva. “it was, of course, a test, it was very difficult, goncharov wanted to work with me, but at the same time i had the feeling that he hated me, he screamed, he screamed, he destroyed, he almost beat me me once, the whole horror was that he was always right, i had a cross, i told myself that i would endure everything, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr,
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i want to stay in moscow. of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, and what did you like, who, it’s zavyalov, our owner, why don’t you you’re sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, huh? what, are you stupid or what? i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, how am i just home, you in general, this is incomprehensible, nothing, i’m still fighting, or the princess, whoever she chooses prince, did you love her, yes, most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday on
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rtr but which westerners don’t want to see, in order to get to the true answer, we offer questions, the answers to which will lead to absolutely understandable, transparent , fair conclusions, but we simply don’t even have anyone to talk to, because the west has been living in an absolutely invented illusion for quite a long time, and what’s funny is that the west itself described this, that
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is, in reality we are dealing with the oryol incarnation. modern world, well listen, sergei viktorovich, no one will investigate the crime, here in buchi, when a staging was made accusing russia of killing civilians. 2 years have passed since this moment, i know that some countries, including some of those present here, expressed their words to the ukrainian leadership.
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addressed an appeal to get the kiev regime to provide at least the names of those people whose bodies were allegedly shown... in the storm , addressed directly to the un secretary general so that he would use his authority and get kiev and its owners, providing such a list, no one does anything, this is
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just in order, another illustration of the fact that the kiev regime, everything is allowed to it, and it actively uses this all permission with the indulgence of its own, its patrons, well ... after which it became clear to many that war was inevitable, and just then a large number of ukrainian citizens made their choice and moved to the donbass and began to fight against ukrainian nazism with weapons in their hands. and by the way, let me remind you that ... the tragedy of the trade union house, then the air raid on lugansk, when lugansk was bombed, these were all the turning points that europe preferred not to see, but
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which forever tore donbass and novorossiya from the body of nazi ukraine, everything could have been stopped, everything could have been stopped, but the west did not put i’m not even close to such a task, sergei viktorovich.
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un security council. by the way, the minsk agreements assumed a special status for a small part of donbass, the right to speak their own language, the right to have their own bodies, the right to security, local police, and the right to they were consulted when prosecutors and judges were appointed there. about the same thing as recently.
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achieved the goal, today nato, in general , was only engaged in saying how to bring the situation to the point of pushing the remnants of the ukrainian people to the front line, that is, like we will
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support you from behind, you go, die, your task is for you all died, the ukrainians can’t even understand it, that is, the level of stupidity is fantastic, that is, the feeling that the whole people are in some kind of... about intoxication condition, that is, well, besides the fact that this is rabid satanism, but if we talk about returning to odessa, not only did they not condemn one of the executioners of odessa, a man who in fact should have been put on an international wanted list, who enjoyed the case of his hands, showing tortured bodies, here are still living people a few moments ago, a certain goncharenko, this scumbag. is regularly in europe, performs regularly, arranges something for himself, and no one has destroyed this scum, imprisoned him, or initiated a case, although it is obvious that the same awaits him it’s fate that...
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publications in the ukrainian press 450 thousand there are only a population of 20 small millions left 450 thousand the count is not yet over the count is not over they are demanding more who are demanding people who are abroad who themselves are not in the forefront circle. zelensky, by the way, i personally have a question for this small pimple, please tell me, i haven’t tracked it down, it’s now 2024, really, what happened over the last 3 years, what new mikhail afananovich bulgakov wrote, what changed the pathetic attitude towards him so much, pimply, a bastard by name.
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zelensky, listen to what zelensky said in 2121, what he wrote, and what he read, i’ll start today with a quote from our ukrainian writer, whom, like our ukrainian territories, we are not going to give or give away to anyone, this is mikhail bulgakov, quote on in the original language, do not read soviet newspapers before dinner, in short, the news.
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here are the books, here with checks, by the way, all these books, dear friends, you won’t believe it, they were all published in russian, by the way, they were published both in ukraine, like here, so from them, they were bought yesterday, by the way, they were not bought under the counter, but freely and in the very center of kiev, here are the receipts,
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or as vladimir vladimirovich correctly says, did he suddenly finally print out the books and read them? what happened to the drug addict? oh, disgrace, please, you know, sergei viktorovich’s speech gave me an idea, i want to make a request to you, don’t, no, if you ask, we have mr. ambassador, that is, he is faster than yours, you are on the front line every weekend various regions with... he is 72
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years old, 72 years old, we have one more man. 61 a year, a few months ago he was awarded the title of hero of russia, holder of two orders of the red, the battle red banner, three orders of courage, four medals for courage, two sons died near bakhmut, films should be made about these people, films should be made about these people, and a man is fighting, and a man is fighting, call sign alha, go, alha, you, this is the most interesting thing for you, yes, you talk to these people, how could my grandfather be 70, he came to take revenge for his son, they burned his son in the house of trade unions, so no one will stop there, well there on the sidelines, so to speak, i’ll explain there now, there will be pere, but no one will stop the people, everyone is already going to avenge their sons, for their children, and
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no one will stop these people until they find them, we, you know, also have a man, he has a son, his son died, also in the soviet union, he says, “ a polish mine killed him, he says, until i go to warsaw, i won’t calm down, he says, until i go to warsaw, i won’t calm down, they woke up the russian man and so ska, continuing this, i talked a lot about you know, with the guys, you get to know some of them, you start to be friends with him, ilya, fourteen years old, takes his mother out and shoots him, he is in kiev at that moment, everything is fine with him, yes, he is returning, now he..." will be theirs, he will tear them to the end, to the end, and no one will tell him, stop, he has been fighting since the age of fourteen, the girl masha has been a sniper since the age of fourteen, her husband was killed in the nineteenth, she is raising a son, she goes to work to sniper, so what? you will stop her, the commander
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says to this alka, well, you are 61 years old, you it’s probably hard, maybe the tanker, he says no, he says, that’s what i need, he says, but i ’ll kill more of these creatures, that’s it, two sons are intoxicated. died, you won’t be able to stop this man until he, so to speak, grabs this last creature by the neck, and there are already a lot, a lot, a lot of guys like that, yes, in relation, so to speak, you know, i think it’s very, very correct that our, our political leadership, without any halftones, so to speak, and such diplomatic finesse, calls things, just like they do it is simple, here, like this, as people understand, everything in simple human language, for the sake of diplomacy. some kind of etiquette, something we even say, we are in the studio from the very beginning, so to speak, the event in odessa was commented on as it happened and so to speak politics anyway, somehow it’s, well, more softly now in the open and that’s very correct in another way, so to speak, it won’t
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be possible to win, we must have the truth, we only if we are fighting evil, then we can defeat it only with the truth, speaking the truth, acting truthfully, honestly, so to speak, and weighing. here shouts patriotic slogans, but acts like this, you know, they cause such colossal harm, under the slogans of patriotism they set up a management system like a swan, a crayfish and a pike, i’m asking why, why is this happening, why is this, why nothing
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can be done, because on purpose, i don’t know, so to speak, i don’t think, these are smart people, i don’t think it’s out of stupidity, i think it’s on purpose, you know, if in these conditions you need to ask a person to ask him, and even give him powers, that’s not the case here happens because it puts one, then under him second, under second third, ask nothing, that’s it, and not a damn thing happens, you know, this needs to be talked about, you know, this needs to be talked about, and the president talks about it, everything about it, well, how the president talks about it, i don’t know when, so to speak, they will begin to put things in order in these matters, but i hope that very soon, so to speak, because well , many people are actually running out of patience, well, i don’t know who is running out of patience, many are being dealt with, thank god, well, listen, look, you could imagine 2 years ago that we will have such a level of modern technical equipment in our army, but it’s not even close, when it seemed to us that the nato bloc would now enter, it would be terrible, they have weapons, now it turns out that we
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produce so much and of such quality , troops are supplied at such a speed, that the economy, which is several times larger than ours, cannot cope, cannot accelerate. always, of course, wants it to be better and faster, but there are technological cycles, that doesn’t happen either, uh, regarding, so to speak, i would like to say about the french, yes? you know, i was thinking, why is it suddenly france, why did france suddenly become so excited, but out of the blue, it seems like we didn’t have the worst relations with them, well, macron has gone crazy, but here i am, like the only one i found an explanation, well, we already see, we understand that the americans, according to them , will not have our troops, we don’t have money yet, they are shifting everything to europe, look what is happening, in europe there are only two countries with nuclear weapons, these are britain and france, if britain allows it now, our relations are so tense, it seems to me that if britain allowed it now. what why
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france? france believes that it is a nuclear power, this is an argument that somehow us, this is reconnaissance in force, this is reconnaissance in force, what the french do is reconnaissance in force, if they only lead troops, and these troops can survive there for at least a week , we don’t destroy it, then in a month there will be troops of all nato countries there, this is a bluff. we need reconnaissance in force, we just need to put a harsh stop to this, it’s just that they just appeared, make every effort to ensure that it comes 1500, and in a week 1500 coffins should go there, it seems to me, this is my personal opinion, i could be wrong, it seems to me that i would strike at the places of deployment of these units, in france, but why did they give the go-ahead, but said that if the national one is there, i understand, i understand.
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says: we have such a relationship with britain that if she takes half a step, in my opinion there is definitely a government of fagots there, or something, we’ll
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look carefully, we didn’t have it before, well, we didn’t have it, we had it after this cretin recorded his conversation and began to arrogantly publish everywhere and be rude, our relations with france are the same as with england, terrifying, well, that is, right away, yes of course, and that i support two, yes i support, make some comments in ukraine , well, what’s there to comment on, it’s clear, you know, that’s the only thing... i’d like to say, your colleagues yesterday showed zelensky’s castle, which he bought there, it doesn’t correspond, it doesn’t correspond, but it’s already been refuted, but no one has refuted , but we looked, that is, the first information about this castle appeared on a site there that has three subscribers, which appeared a week ago, well then, it’s nice, but it’s not true, and on april 1st, yes, well, that is, maybe not even the first, but in short, everything that i didn’t double-check , how can i say so, that’s why many bought it, but this... this bastard doesn’t already have enough crimes to come up with for him, no, i just calculated,
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you know, the cost was announced there, considering that half a million were killed, how many , how many each, each killed ukrainian soldier, how many killed in ukraine the ukrainian contributed to the purchase of this house, if there was one, well, there’s a yacht there, you can count it on cocaine on yachts on so that in essence it’s not a game, i’ll try two more words and i’ll finish about yes. i’ll finish about america, but it’s constantly going on there , and america now is not america, it’s yours, america is yours, i’m not touching you, america is only in charge of the fate of america, yes, the strait named after stalin, everything is known, yes, yes, they are constantly coming, you know, we constantly have discussions, there is trump, biden, biden, trump, there, who, who will win, who will not win, for for me it’s very simple, i have, you know, a simple analogy, there’s an allegory in this matter, yes, look, if you put a spoonful of crap in a barrel of honey, it will turn out to be crap for someone.
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so that he turns out to be an american chagevara, but i have huge doubts about this, you know, i personally have huge doubts about this, the confrontation with us, at least it won’t affect it, i think that he will still be do everything, so to speak, continue the line. so he has already stated that he will be tired, dear, so it is necessary, you know, for many, everyone is sitting there waiting to see who you’re communicating with, well, i’m not smarmy, igor, you’re not smarmy, you stop with these crypto-hots, they’ve messed with your head, but there’s a feeling that you’re surrounded by some kind of community of people, that they tell you some kind of fairy tales all the time, they have somewhere, here, igor, you look at your surroundings, and there you will tell them harshly, it’s
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going out into construction, take them out into an open field, put them facing the wall and let me finish, yesterday i watched your program with great interest, especially yes, especially i liked it when you, with such reverence and inspiration, showed us the plot of the north korean, north korean tv, tell me honestly, you are smoothly preparing for everyone that soon the news on solovie will also look like this, well, of course, they have looked like this for a long time, life-affirming , life-affirming, we don’t have absolute freedom, we work with words. people who criticize me at all costs, we have freedom, yes, yes, yes, we have everything you want, yes, we have absolute freedom of opinion, i don’t even try to control my colleagues or anything to say, we are not afraid of the truth, that’s why the crypto-ukrainians are so afraid of us, and that’s good, yes , igor mentioned, half a million ukrainians were disposed of, yes, and not a single nato soldier,
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this is necessary, what is the main achievement, as it were, why don’t ukrainians hear, why don’t ukrainians hear, they didn’t hear. when they were told before, guys, to find idiots who would die for the interests of the americans, and to do it for, as stoltenberg says, for a small share, for money, a small share, yes, for a small share, yes, that is, to find, can't really find it when now these stories are being brought out, conversations are starting with macron about how let’s go to russia to participate directly, we won’t go to russia to participate directly, well , first of all, macron is playing his game, macron’s first game is... the young man wants to be the main napoleon of europe, it is precisely in this bickering between the leaders of european countries, when scholz is now besieged, when a number of other states have serious problems, macron is pulling himself under the blanket, here he is trying to , tries to win, the only thing i found in common with napoleon was that zafina was also
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napoleon’s elder, but not that much, you found many parallels. the only one, you know, that ’s when the question arises here about whether a separate nato state can go to fight in that territory, in the territory, for example, of ukraine, yes, of course, maybe, this is a separate decision of this state, and if russia hits territory of this state, which is in nato, then what issues, yes, that is, nato then protects includes the fifth article, no, they they said no, well, of course, there is an expeditionary force there, he went, fuck him, there is the territory of ukraine, so we agreed that there is a site here.
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it was then, 25 years ago, then that nato, not giving a damn about the decision of the un security council, in general about the decision of the un and the basic principles, they went into belgrade, started bombing it,
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yes, so let's go further, that is , then they got involved to itself and bulgaria and romania, yes, that is, thereby providing access to the black sea, so even now, when this so-called grain corridor is coming, for some reason it goes along the danube along the coasts of these states, this is all territory controlled by nato, and there is already its own internal movement, which is also provided with satellite control and movement of all kinds of observation and reconnaissance mechanisms.
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but they say: we continue to remain within the framework of these state relations until we, that is, we set a precedent for drawing nato into this game. you know, after all, peace, if it is built on some agreements or on some decisions made, then the gaga conventions were once adopted, which are considered to be in force throughout the day. so, according to the hack conventions, a state is not neutral if it allows troops to pass through its territory, if it conducts training there, if it creates warehouses there , essentially creates a rear zone, they are not...
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they said mercenaries, mercenaries, but buried them there a little wasn’t it on the lei of the heroes, the poles were buried in such numbers, so many americans were killed, we regularly see how another high-ranking nato general suddenly died, and then a pole suddenly suddenly became ill, a frenchman had an unsuccessful trip to the mountains, an american slipped somewhere, it seems that everyone is alone, i can see it just like that, alone generals, that is, such a lonely lonely general, you absolutely noticed.
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this is for our military personnel, otherwise i ’ve read a lot of our different people, that is, it feels like everyone graduated from two academies, everyone knows what to do, all such advice
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they give it to you, you just think, why are the troops bothering you? because, well, this is unacceptable for us, we understand that, firstly, they are all ours because this is where they will collide with us, the constitutional lands must be liberated, let me remind you that kherson is on the other side, and according to the constitution this is ours, and odessa is a russian city, now i ’m only taking into account constitutional things, i’m now only talking about the fact that these are the borders of our country according to the constitution, that is, therefore it is clear that we should be on the other side of the dnieper,
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further... well, listen, this already a question possibilities, but if these idiots think that we will stop, but we know that they fight badly, we have already encountered their elite units more than once when we liberated artyomovsk, capturing bakhmud, well, there was actually a foreign legion there, the mechanic guys dismantled them, the french brought a bunch of bad things back then, but okay, yes. so , well, we know everything about them, now they say: give us more petriot, but why give us petriot? means that those who were, it means we destroyed, which means europe understands that we are not going there yet, that they must surrender, gather all the patriots and give them to the ukrainians, and europe doesn’t understand anything at all, because when we say that europe understands, this is the biggest problem, why do i say that no negotiations are possible, there are no people there
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who have political... will, well, with whom to negotiate, translating into russian, what they promised, they fulfilled, well, with the tribaltic emirates, stop, well , that’s right, it’s funny, with the finns there is nothing to talk about, well, that is, there is simply no level of people there, who are able to say something and carry out the tasks taken on promises themselves, nato is absolutely a body that will never achieve any unity until the american master tells them what to do, the problem is this, so when everyone talks about some kind of negotiations, who, with whom, you know, it seems to me that... here there should be, at least, our clear convictions, which i understand determine our security issues and the security of russia, in the year we could understand where we would stop, i think that we at least understood what was threatening us, i i think that in 1943 we simply solved specific problems for different sections of the front, gentlemen, you know, well, after all, i’ll tell you clearly, but tehran, and other agreements, that is, that’s why no one
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lived today. it’s clear who and that if you look at what in tehran is actually there on a napkin, then the main thing is that in the basement there are very modest zones of influence there, then they actually decided what goes to whom, but here, if we speak seriously now, we live in a completely new historical realities, well, because even after trump came he said, i don’t care about all your agreements on iran with iran, right? i i’m leaving the deal, yes, well, with whom to negotiate, well, really, there’s no one, the key thing is, you know, but we can afford to have mandated territory on the other side, albeit on the right side, on the right side, we can there leave the territory that will be influenced by the british, americans, i believe that the safety zone along the atlantic, advertising, happy birthday. and
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blow you out, on saturday, after graduation, you are flying to italy, and i’m finishing up my business here and will join you, if only i knew where you’d lose, dad, dad, little werewolf, if only know where you will find it, i have a business proposal for you, van, you already have flowers from fans, you generally loved him, mom, so from now on, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we i’ve only known each other for a few days, that ’s enough for me, life doesn’t give me any clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, there are places that...


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