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tv   Taini sledstviya-7  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 2:05am-3:51am MSK

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happy birthday to you, blow out, on saturday, after graduation you are flying to italy, and i will finish my business here and will join you, if you knew where you would lose, dad, dad, little werewolf, if you knew where you would find it? i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you generally loved him, mom, so from now on, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we’ve only known each other for a few days, that’s not enough, life doesn’t give any clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, there are places available,
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which fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, here are 10 million moped drivers, taste it, oh, your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say, a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for his owner, in confidence to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, sveta, i love you very much. i love you, you and i have our whole lives
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ahead of us, very often girls from a different circle strive to marry rich boys, let me decide for myself who i should love , whom i will marry, okay, he will still be mine, i won’t give him to this sheep, he will lie, we need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink with, but she’s really on fire and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he’ll marry me, and then he she will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is at least a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, on friday on rtr, we go to the doctor , we borrow a lot... any remedy
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there is a flip side with the most essential health knowledge. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? from the onset of the disease to its manifestation two decades, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on rtr.
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they didn’t say how we would attack the hawaiians, where we would come from? yes, lord, why can’t we find out how to get in there, or what? so he went to odessa, went to hawaii, that’s what concerns the nato holiday, which kuleva ruined for them today, yes, as he himself said, he came to ask, no need for shit to call for a holiday, that’s the point, yes, he came to ask, he generally understands the cost of patriots, and accordingly, he must understand that the amount... that
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is being discussed, but in the end, it counts the entire the cost of every petriot, every missile, it’s all free, well, yes, he thinks that in fact they’ll give us this money. he ultimately, by the way, you know what he said, that he regrets that they don’t watch our talk show, russian talk shows, because he says, you would then know how it is in russia foster hatred, i support it, by the way, let them launch our talk shows then, allow freedom, democracy, well
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, no, well, you can do it anyway, yes, in dutch it’s better not to, that’s it then we, we will be forbidden, all this is not necessary, yes, no, i, if you know,
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defeat is inevitable for kiev in the belgian newspaper, today sergei viktorich remembered the minsk agreements, yes, but he remembered how this was a missed opportunity , an article was published in the belgian newspaper derstandart, they say that in general it’s just necessary to return the minsk ones agreements. that is, the real peace plan, he says, now we are returning to them, accordingly, in these regions in the donbass, we are allowing autonomy within ukraine, which means we are returning the russian one, and they seriously propose that we discuss this as
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conditions for peace, and after all these events , when they already became aware that we usually free the kherson, cossack, and give it to ukraine, it is known that from excess consumption. marijuana leads to a decline in cognitive abilities, so what can we expect from this stoned country? this belgian already, but the last, dutch and the last, and another positive trend, well-known, which means that this american congresswoman, the first of ukrainian origin, victoria sparts, has now entered the primary, she is again targeting the company, yes, and it really cost her opponent maybe it...
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what could have been done, what russia did to prevent it and what led to this bloody conflict, i think this is actually correct, the questions that are raised there are asked, including the question buche, after all, none of these ambassadors had a question, well, listen, okay, we don’t
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know there, whether the investigation was completed there or not, but you can at least publish the names of the people who were killed in buche, because this is extremely an important story not only for investigators. even for journalists, investigators or someone else to find out who was killed there, and if it turns out that they actually scattered the corpses of pro-russian activists there, well then the question is removed. all the permissions of the kiev regime, i think everything is much worse, you know, in order to the kiev regime had permissiveness, it
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should be spoiled by fate, in fact, it seems to me that things are not like that, the west simply allows itself too much in ukraine, they allow themselves a lot in ukraine, they actually control all these special services of ukraine, very convenient position, to sit absolutely safe, to develop terrorist acts on the territory of the russian federation , to have accomplices at hand who are always ready.
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this has never happened, that is, it is defined, you understand, yes, what is happening now in
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in the consciousness of people, when the war seems to be horror, shelling, and the last few weeks there, processes have intensified, powerful blows have been dealt to the energy system, and people still understand that against the backdrop of this horror and hell that is happening, this ukrainian power, it continues to engage in corruption, which is the key problem, despite the fact that everything is about...
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we will kill you all, yes, well, nato will come in, you just need to understand, as soon as nato comes to the border, this is war. following, poland last weekend for catholics, for protestants, easter was, well, hyster, as they call it, please ask, it surprises me, because why don’t they listen to putin? on february 24 , 2022, addressing the people, putin said
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the same phrase, already addressing the westerners, and if you , like, twitch, we will answer like this, we never answered , he always keeps his promises, they lie constantly, that they cannot admit that someone... then he tells them the truth, friday passed the law, brought back conscription, now they will just activate 2000, 2000 troops, reserve for without preparation, for him, for them , a bunch of civilian doctors, nurses, translators and so on, policemen are still being attracted, they are preparing, this will double the
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polish troops, the next thing, ruminia of all, yesterday... "the ministry of defense of ruminia issued a new bill in parliament, which will allow the ruminian army to cross the border of ruminia, to protect their chechens, this is the southwest, this is western, southwestern ukraine, this is bessarabia, this is moldova, and transnistria, because they believe that the ruminians are sitting there, so it all needs to be liberated , how since we can’t defend our own, the nato rumins can rumin, here they are then, yes they are rumins.”
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characteristics from the animal she chooses as a mosquito, here the eagle is stupid, arrogant, cowardly, steals from others, and who does n’t steal, tell me who doesn’t steal, yes, it turned out somehow bad about america, somehow not bad, very good, especially about
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baptism, good, yes, the answer to what the eagles are screaming remained undisclosed, yes, well, now vasil will reveal i can’t tell you anything, i can just formulate to the end your the idea that when today's british minister of defense said that the post-war era has ended and we are starting to live in the pre-war era, he publicly stated this today, he simply repeated 4 days ago the prime minister of poland donald tus said that europe is experiencing pre-war times or pre-war times, as simple as that.
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romanian politicians said yesterday, yes, that we will one way or another reunite with moldova, either within the framework of the european union, or in some other way? what does something different mean? well inside russia, for example, well, vladimir loifovich, i remember the experience of czechoslovakia, how they dispersed peacefully within the european union, but i can’t imagine how romania wants to enter moldova, but i think it’s not a problem at all, or how romania, for example, there are already so many moldovans with romanian passports. well, look, but putin said that if poland is asleep and sees how to seize western ukraine, why is romania not sleeping and sees how to seize bukovina or part of transcarpathia, probably the same way, but just just as no one will come in and of course, of course there will be, volodya, look, there’s no here, in general, the european borders about them can be
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eaten here, i just want to touch on this, that none of them are romanians. well, hungary knows a little, yes, the poles know for sure, yes, they definitely know for sure that what is called ukrainian nationalism in its infancy, yes, and it is capable of fighting not just, as it were , fighting against one country, then regrouping, fighting against another countries, then conclude an agreement with them to fight against a third country and so on and so on, why would there be a mess there, it won’t just be like that, it won’t be easy for the romanians to come in or the poles to come in and so on, but i don’t... and what’s going to stop them? well, vladimirovich, i don’t want to talk about it, no, vasich, but this is exactly what we have to talk about, well, look, we live in pre-war times, as the europeans say, well, let’s do the math. what is modern war? that is, do european armies have the capabilities they do not have? no, i don't know, it's just necessary to sit down boom
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count, look, what the length of the front will be, the length of the front there will be more than two thousand km, you and i, wait, you and i talked yesterday about the fact that the european, nato military leaders say that russia is fighting incorrectly, not using modern methods, i just take their concept, well, look, your theater at the front is crazy, such a theater. nato has not yet had to overcome the front, how will they do it, what will they fill it with, wait, then if before answering your question, you need to ask yourself another, then the conflict in ukraine on the territory of ukraine, this is a prologue to the next conflict, of course, the only question is where this next conflict will be, that’s what is most important, so we are talking so far on the territory of europe, we are saying that europe no longer exists, and it will not work like that , because look, i quoted a pole and... when they tried to attack libya, yes, europe itself ran out of bc in two to three days and had to turn to the americans, now we see how the americans
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in ukraine are very exhausted, yes undoubtedly, the europeans are very exhausted, and they obviously have two big wars brewing, what will now happen between iran and israel means that the entire bc will go there, and if it goes there, then what will europe fight with, close it? battle density of 2.0 km of border, when you don’t have a bull, even for a week of war, as they say, you don’t have fuel and lubricants, you don’t have mobile factories to work with, because this is logistics, you need to stretch it all out, but what do you do? you'll be stretching this out, you have cars that eat terribly, why is it impossible to take and install abrams, because the abrams is a terrible machine, it eats up all the time, you can’t touch it, because just a few hours ago the media disseminated information about sullivan’s statement or... with a link to the site, what if they, if america gives a lot of weapons ukraine, then russia will answer, as you say, that’s why he says, itself, itself, itself, itself,
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europe itself, itself, why should america get involved in this war, when for them happiness, a european competitor, europe lives before wartime, and europe than to fight, and europe physically, than, well, where can i get it from, well, listen, just count, what do europe have?
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45%, but attention, six months ago, six months ago , 68% answered the same question in the affirmative, which means in six months 23% of ukrainians stopped believing that ukraine can return its territories, and what percentage of ukrainians believe in witches and in astrologically, now i’ll give you another example, next is trust, trust. 43% actually believe in trust in president zelensky. now it has collapsed to 21%, that is
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, ukrainians trust zelensky 20% less. that's if take these two aspects, yes, what happened in six months, why such distrust of zelensky was ruined by the counter-offensive, this is the first thing, from there, of course, we all start from there. and now i return to lavrov, to his interview and his questions. vladimir loifovich, i will explain to you the difference between forty-first and now, because at the very beginning of the program you said, we are either one people, or two parts of one people, as you want, you again.
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through belarus to russia, run wherever you want, but if we meet you there with weapons in your hands or serving this regime, then the relationship will be obvious. that's all, see you on sunday.
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good evening, igor strakhov is on the air from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly the main thing. in the murinskaya high-rise, the lift, instead of going down, suddenly went up, and a man was injured. global repairs on the main highway. scaffolding began to cover nevsky prospekt. new perspectives of a plant with a rich history, like st. petersburg companies. expo technoguard opened an unusual exhibition dedicated to security technologies in st. petersburg. in in the leningrad region , dozens of settlements were cut off due to bad weather; the vyborg and priozersky districts were particularly affected.
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lnnr specialists. 35 power lines have already been restored, repairs are carried out at a rapid pace. at the same time, in the east, floods began in the tikhven and baksitogorsk districts and dozens of households were flooded. residents film everything on video. rescuers are monitoring the situation; according to the ministry of emergency situations, the water level in the tikhvinka river is 536 cm. this is a dangerous mark. there is an operational headquarters in the city. during the flood period, an accommodation point has been prepared for possible victims. for those who cannot leave home, we are ready to help with delivery. products, if you are in such a critical situation, call the duty service of the tikhvin administration. a man was injured on the elevator to the hospital in murino this morning. the emergency occurred in a residential high-rise on novaya street. according to eyewitnesses, the lift, instead of going down, jerked up and abruptly stopped on the last twenty-seventh floor. residents said they heard a sharp bang, and even the walls in their apartments began to shake. the victim was pulled out of the broken cabin
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elevator operator the man complained of pain in his head and neck, the neighbors called an ambulance, according to them, there have been problems with the elevators in the house for a long time, very scary, i myself got stuck three times in this neighboring elevator, also a large one, and it gets stuck with such a roar, like that it’s all rattling and i was already thinking about how to lie down so that if it starts to fall, that’s why there were constant complaints about these elevators, no action was taken, the causes of the accident are being investigated by technicians, the elevator itself has been stopped, according to a representative of the management company... not the automation failed, but the organization assures us that this is just the first failure of the lift, there was a small automation failure, the elevator stopped a little abruptly, the elevator operators arrived at 9:00, opened the doors, the owner himself came out, there was no external damage, until the ambulance he walked on his own feet, such cases had never happened before, we are looking into this elevator, it will be stopped, the management companies assure
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the injured man after the examination... he was released home, the vselovsky city prosecutor's office became interested in the situation, we remind you that this is the second incident in the last month, on march 5, a cabin in shushara collapsed from a height of the eighth floor, there were 13 passengers in the elevator, including five children, two men had broken legs, one had a concussion, an eight-year-old boy received bruises. the investigation opened a criminal case under the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. city interdepartmental commission. decided the fate of house number 73 on gorokhovaya street; a significant part of the building collapsed in december last year. the experts presented the results of the survey, the foundation, roof, walls and supporting structures were all considered unsafe. former tenants will be offered new apartments under a social tenancy agreement; owners will have a choice. i immediately bypass the need to select independent residential premises on the market and conclude
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an exchange agreement with the city of st. petersburg. for hiring, but in any case, any active actions on pea street will begin no earlier than in six months. according to the law, owners within 6 months can decide to reconstruct the building for your account. nevsky prospekt is dressed in forests. in 3 years they plan to renovate 85 facades. about the beginning of large-scale restoration, olga skripkina. no longer noisy, now deafening, nevsky is drowning in the roar of hammer drills for the sake of the tat. transformation, the main highway of st. petersburg is wrapped in scaffolding. 85 facades are awaiting major repairs and restoration, and about half of the buildings will be transformed this year. in order to bring polish to nevsky, smolny allocated 2.5
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billion rubles. workers have 3 years to repaint and repair. not only facades, but roofs, repairs are deliberately protracted, do everything at once, the city will not have enough contractors, residents will not have enough patience, and tourists will be disappointed. if we are now. noise and because of repairs, yes, that’s partly why, well, that is , the work is being done, it’s just reasonable enough, there’s a dense flow of cars and pedestrians, there’s clearly no place for construction equipment, so the scaffolding is brought up in parts in small vans and unloaded quickly so as not to create a traffic jam on the sidewalk. people have to guide, protect, provide theirs, well, normal traffic on nevsky prospekt, yes, there are a lot of things that interfere with us, but we have to fight it, the city needs to be brought back to normal,
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the lack of parking is only half the problem, it’s even more difficult to agree with the owners about dismantling air conditioners and advertising signs, yes so so that the business survives the renovation and maintains its profit, the issue is resolved with each individual individually, especially if the restaurateur wanted to open a summer restaurant... for such, the contractor will build a whole canopy from metal pipes covered with a sealed box, this will be done in a certain way wooden flooring, in fact, the cafe will simply be installed inside there, but it is safe, a depressing courtyard-well, but not on nevsky, major renovations along the perimeter, this year they must have time for especially important cultural objects by september 1 next summer ...
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enterprises presented small arms, including the latest developments, drones, including water and ground, anti-drone surveillance systems, special vehicles and much more. all exhibits are either already in service or are planning to accept in the near future.
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the exhibition is intended to become a platform that will speed up the process of creating and finalizing the necessary products and simplify the dialogue between customers and manufacturers. all this allows us to fruitfully and quickly resolve issues for...
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plus the thermometers are waiting for residents of st. petersburg and the region on friday, according to the hydrometeorological center of st. petersburg, on april 5 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings, about 3° above zero is expected. property field, the same thermometers will show in tifina and baksitogorsk, volkhve may be a couple of degrees cooler from -1 to +4, weather forecasters promise in kirishek, gadchini and vyborg. temperatures in st. petersburg will be positive. in the northern capital during the day + 1-3, windy and a little humid. on saturday night there will be zero in the city, and light wet snow is also possible. have a good day in any weather. the kazitsky plant is modernizing
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production, as the oldest specialized enterprise is taking advantage of a preferential loan, the curator of industrial policy of st. petersburg checked. details from zhanna skvartsova. this tv can be watched by two people. well, not just the two of us, there were already three or four people, at least they could have been two meters away. before this first post-war television began to gather entire families in front of its screen, the st. petersburg plant supplied.
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breath, vertical milling machining centers work around the clock, seven days a week, it is very difficult to compare with universal ones, because universal machines are the last century, they are modern technologies, a five-axis machine, that is, it has axes, it works on all, on all coordinates. now the plant produces radio transmitting devices, emergency portable stations and microtelephones, so vice-governor kirillukov is shown the housing for the equipment, which...
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labor productivity for the entire period , but for participants in the national project of participation in the national project, the rate is reduced to 1%. over the past 8 years , more than a hundred st. petersburg enterprises have received preferential loans; most often , companies that are developing mechanical engineering and metalworking in st. petersburg have applied for such support. pharmaceuticals and radio-electronic industry. they calmly take loans
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; they see how effective these investments are today, because the enterprise that is being acquired as part of the loan program of the industrial development fund is busy today 24 hours a day, and this allows the enterprise to fulfill the orders that are on the market today. this year the fund is ready to issue loans for 4 billion rubles, it is possible that this amount will increase significantly. petersburg. it’s as if a machine started working today in the catherine hall of the commodity palace time. the first cadet ballet after a long break was held there. they decided to revive the tradition of the tsarist era. the number of cadet classes in st. petersburg schools is growing every year. now there are almost 10 thousand schoolchildren. moreover, these days, the rank of cadet is held not only by boys, but also by girls. we really hope that such a beautiful event will become a classic. we are not starting it today; this
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tradition was established back in the 18th century, but we are reviving it and are confident that it will be very popular. ball participants from more than 50 it was not easy for st. petersburg schools to be among the selected ones. to enter the floor, cadets had to show success in studies, creative and sports competitions, and , of course, learn the basic ballroom steps. almost 300 schoolchildren were invited to the ball; classical dances were performed to the accompaniment of a symphony orchestra. this was the st. petersburg news, all the best.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. allow yourself a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu rezards, we are here for
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you. if we talk about sculpture according to the hamburg account, this is not at all what people and spectators think about it, i often tell the guys i teach that these are volumes, one way or
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another located in space, interacting with each other, yes, pressing on top of each other, there they have heaviness, there are... some sections that interact there with some kind of locks and so on further. this is the most important thing in my opinion, of course, i have big complaints about our modern sculpture, which does not decorate our cities, but their sculptures, as a rule, unfortunately, in 90 percent of cases there are spoiled and killed. sculpture should help people, put them in a good mood, and teach. children, when they walk past it, i also often tell the children this, here you are making a sketch, keep in mind that there will be one more sculpture in the world, you must immediately check that it is not a magazine, so that it is not something like i tell you, commercial, pleasing to some ordinary people, i’d rather have something that on the contrary causes horror
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than this kind of sophistication. it so happened that the house in which master margarita’s novel was written is not a stranger to me, it’s
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a tenement house, of a piglet who owned a tobacco factory, a rich man, he... got together with my friend, relatives and colleague, with whom we have a lot of things did, this is sergey sharov, a great artist, in my opinion, he is
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an architect, but he speaks with me, as now as an artist, as an architect, and somehow we started to think about it seriously, we, i must say, lost a lot of time, to be honest, i’m coming up with this thing, because what’s the difficulty is that we still wanted to cover all of bulgakov, what’s wrong, all of creativity, so we settled on one novel . moreover, the place was allocated precisely on the patriarchal ponds, where volenda actually met our two muscovites, ivan and berlioz. the novel consists of three: yeshua and levi matthew, light forces, then dark forces and muscovites, moscow and muscovites, but by muscovites we had. real living mescovites who would go and look at everything, well , we decided to do this, it means making an extended
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composition, or something, which would represent bulgakov sitting on a bench, there is still a paved area in the corner of the pond for this figure, a bench so broken there, which speaks of the general devastation in those years , on the whole...
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the complexity of this figure of the departing yeshuv is that the audience had to perceive it mainly from above, yes, walking along the upper part of the park. so i did the first option distorted proportions, he’s so elongated there. i already have the second option, when we inevitably changed it, when the whole scandal and dump began, we already changed it,
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i had to make another one, divine biblical powers are also there, we have a fragment of a monument that depicts roshalaim, where a knight sits, a golden spear , ponti pilate. they seem to be from the figure of yeshuaa from the back from three quarters, on this slope, there is cut into the slope, sergei sharov made very beautiful drawings, they still exist. we decided to drive the dark forces into the primus, in my opinion, a very good, witty solution, because this primus would serve as
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an orange lampshade in bulgakov’s work, not an exact quote, but from the white guard, that never pull the shade off the lamp, sit, wait, let the blizzard drive outside the window, wind, rain, bad weather, and you sit, wait, yes, don’t run away like a rat. into the unknown, wait for them to come for you, well, he has a lot to do with the lampshade, this primus, which is also present everywhere and in general is a symbol of that time, it was so blown up, inside it was illuminated orange, was supposed to be illuminated in orange, and shot through, water would flow from it in the summer from these shot through, symbolizing. from the holes shot through, he is partially standing on the shore, but he should have been standing with one leg in the water, when
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you approach him, look up, you see something bad. apartment, which is located in this house nearby, in which, in fact, mikhail afanasyevich wrote, there were such detailed small bas-reliefs, yes, basically telling the plot when it comes to cover this whole gang, watering can, the police, and there the cat shoots back, hanging from the chandelier. the model was made by sergei shav, there was even a plaster stove made for the model, yes, all this action was supposed to take place inside this bad apartment, the height is about nine meters, in my opinion, these things, here this is 6 m in diameter,
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this should have been, and inside there is a bad apartment with characters, here... should have been hanging out on a chandelier with a mauser and so on, for example azazel, he is a demon of the waterless desert, a demon killer, we generally him excluded because we didn’t want him to be in moscow at all and... we also excluded him, we presented him in the form of a car.
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remembering that the competition was quite serious and big, there were many of our artists and sculptors, and we took first place. the city began preparing the site for construction. the ponds were cleaned out, and many gas stoves and some refrigerators were found there. work began, but then it went on for years, and these years were taken away because rallies were organized at the same time, it’s difficult to live there, because there, like tell you?
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it was also connected with some regular elections to the local councils of the moscow authorities there, i don’t know what it’s all called, and at the same time some rallies began there, there was an initiative group there of about 10 people and it was funny that they made leaflets that were funny there a primus is drawn , it was invented that a 70 m primus sat on it satan. it’s all legs, the rod is drained, paved, of course, and there are mash, well, everything was invented from beginning to end, in short, we laughed there all together, and i say, well, i’d like that myself i voted against, then this is not our first monument, people did all this in order to be on time there was some date associated with
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the birth of mikhail afanasvich and... so they did everything 90 percent, i think that, well, i worked for four years , i think, well , almost everyone we wanted to portray was all done, except for the primus, yes, we stopped the primus in time, because the rallies, which means we began to doubt whether it was possible to stage it all or not, a cat, a hippopotamus, which was supposed to be under primus stand with this... with a cow, it stands temporarily near the bulgakov museum in this courtyard in which the action took place, a large garden, building 10, now called, then it was 302 bis, in the same museum there are our thoughts and drawings for a simpler variant of the monument, when the first one was hacked down for us, then there is a model intermediate of the very composition of the sbogakov sitting on a bench, there is
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a broken bench nearby, on an earthen rampart nearby. space sleeve, we set up the car with the flying master and margarita, the izgrach, who sits there instead of the best man. as for the first yeshua, the tall one, he is walking along the lawn in my village, the second yeshua is standing in the foundry, ponty pilate is there, bulgakov is also there, but i think maybe i’ll have him too. i’ll drag it onto the earthen rampart, maybe, maybe i won’t drag it.
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we finally finished this whole topic, because my godmother says to me: sasha, i’m finishing this matter, and the ball was dreaming about something, at some point we... our paws got tired of all this in general and bulgakov there is also a phrase that i tried something there, tried, then gave up and got tired of it all, i gave up, we even wanted to write it, now there’s a sign to write a quote from bulgakov, that i suffered for a long time, i gave up and that’s the opinion, there’s the mystical opinion that in general you can’t touch this name, i think... that all of this nonsense, i think that the reason is still a group of people, a group of comrades who did not want to disturb their own comfort, perceived part of moscow as their property and began
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to fight it. periodically some impulses arise related to the fact that they will restore all this there, several times yes there were impulses. there are enough serious and honest people there, it’s sincere to recreate, renew, there was such a period , sergei also remembers sharov, when we were told, well, put only bulgakov, don’t put everything else, we say, this is not how a work works at all art so, well then there mikel angela should have said, you do this, you don’t need anything else, the rest is yes, well, it’s funny, well , that’s why we didn’t go for it, i think we did the right thing. in my opinion,
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architecture is our entire environment, architecture is our everything, our space, the environment in which we live, everything is architecture, grass is also architecture, trees are also architecture, bush architecture, green architecture. man-made architecture is also architecture, well, we’ll probably exclude only dogs, cats and people, everything else is architecture, so the architect deals with everything, he deals with the entire space that surrounds a person, he tries to somehow regulate the relationship between a person and the environment, some people succeed, some don’t, not everything depends on it, because... that everything develops according to some incomprehensible mysterious laws, when architecture is divided into art, in general such a stupid phrase is “architecture of art.” architecture is a part of art, a part, and the main
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part, let us remember such a hackneyed, simple expression: “architecture is the mother of all arts.” how architecture declares itself, how it organizes this very space, this will be...
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claude manet spent the last decades of his life in the geverny estate, a flower garden and a small twig with water lilies served the great french painter unchanged. my garden is a slow work that... i
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strive with love and i don't deny that i'm proud of it, it took me a while to understand my water lilies, i planted them for pleasure and grew them without even thinking about painting them.
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the revelation of my fabulous wonderful pond came to me. i took the palette from that time on and almost never had another model. my garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.
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i am completely absorbed in work, landscapes with water reflections have become my obsession, they are too much for an old man, but i am determined to depict what i feel, when i see a landscape, i feel that i can capture it, this feeling disappears as soon as i start working, i destroy some paintings, i start over others , i hope that of all my...
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my main merit is that i painted directly from life, trying to convey my impressions of the most fleeting effects. the landscape does not exist on its own because it changes every moment. revives him the ever-changing air of light. only the surrounding atmosphere gives objects true value. i work in my garden all
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the time with love, everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it needs to be understood, no, it just needs to be loved. perhaps i owe it to flowers that i became an artist; lilies cannot
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survive without water, just as i cannot survive without art. the flemish painter hans memling went down in the history of world art as one of the greatest masters of the 15th century. the exact date of his birth. art historians believe that a native of zelegenstatt, germany, memling studied painting in cologne with stefan lochner,
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and then went to brussels. at that time , the famous master ragir vanderden worked in this city, who had a strong influence. having money, they willingly turned to artists with orders for the execution of their own portraits. among the best masters in this genre was hans memling. he was excellent at depicting faces in a three-quarter perspective. mamling captured many of his models against the backdrop of landscapes.
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he was one of the first to use depiction of nature not only in multi-figure compositions, but in portraiture. history has not preserved all the names of memling's numerous customers, in the upper left. “you will trample on the beast, a ruler will be born for the universe, the virgin’s breast will become
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the salvation of the world, and the invisible word will appear.” according to some researchers, in the image of sevilla, mamling presented his daughter to the city burgomaster. yes, it is truly unknown who is depicted in the portrait, which went down in history as the man with a roman coin. some art historians believe that the artist captured nikola deforsor from spenley, medalist of the duke of burgundy and karl smelov. according to another version, this is the ambassador of the venetian republic bernard bembo, a man who had an excellent education and was interested in antiquity. in concept and composition, this portrait is similar to... a contemporary of memling. the creation of commissioned portraits did not prevent mamling from performing work
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for the church. religious painting occupied a central place in his work. shortly after the bruges artists moved, he was approached by a bank representative. praying spouses mamling depicted it on the outer doors of the altar. the left wing is dedicated to those who are worthy of eternal life. life, a shining staircase leads them to heavenly bliss, the saved are clothed in festive ... they are greeted with angelic music. the gates of paradise are reminiscent
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of the architectural buildings of bruges. on the right of the triptych work are scenes of the death of sinners in hellfire. in its composition and images , art critics find parallels with the painting of memling’s contemporary. dirk bouts, who worked in the neighboring town of löwin, located 80 miles from bruges. the central part of the triptych unfolds before the audience the scene of the last judgment. mamling demonstrated his skill as a brilliant portrait painter to the fullest. the faces of saints, as well as those awaiting the final judgment. individually, it’s as if they speak about their characters.
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archangel michael, dressed in golden armor, weighs the virtues and sins of people on scales. having already completed the work, mamling made changes to the picture, in the image of a repentant, and therefore saved , sinner. became tamaza partinari, banker of the medici house, who succeeded jacob tani, and also acted as a donor of the triptych. he also became the customer for the painting of the scene and passion of christ. for this, the artist presented him and his wife with the opportunity to witness the events of the gospel.
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the ship was attacked by pirates, who stole the triptych and donated it to the danzeg cathedral.
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the work of the great flemish master is to this day one of the main cultural treasures of the city, now called gdansk. memling's customer was also the famous british diplomat sir john don. him, together with his wife. the artist depicted his daughter's knee bowing before the mother of god and child. on the left wing of the triptych the artist found a modest place for himself. according to researchers, hans memling’s self-portrait may also be an untitled portrait of a man, painted in 1470.
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the artist more than once demonstrated his special ability to convey softness, spirituality, sincerity and tenderness of feelings when working on the image of the virgin mary. in a nativity scene or in her arms with a baby, in his paintings she always appeared in the guise of a young loving mother. mamling paid attention not only to the inner world of their heroes, but towards authenticity. on the outer wings of one of the triptychs he depicted angels performing music on instruments sounding in the 15th century. this is work. is of particular interest not only to connoisseurs of painting, but also to musicologists.
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mamling entered the history of art as the author of the first independent still life. on the back of the man's portrait he depicted a vase with flowers of lilies, irises and aquilegia. still life is full of hidden symbols and meanings. one of memling's last creations was the painting of the shrine of st. ursula, stored in bruges. on miniature panels of the reliquary, the artist depicted with jewelry skill the most important events from the life of the holy martyr. according to legend, at the end of the 4th century she died along with 11 thousand virgins.
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hans memling's life in bruges was calm and measured. the artist, revered by his contemporaries, had no shortage of wealthy customers. he married happily, raised three children and passed away peacefully in 1494 . memling's works were highly valued not only by his contemporaries. they have been for centuries were the pearls of museum and private collections. however, in the turbulent 20th century , the painting of the flemish master began to seem to many to be insufficiently emotional and devoid of internal conflict. these views were superficial. hans mamling was well acquainted with the world of passions and had a full arsenal of means to talk about it.
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as the french art historian, painter and writer and romantic eugene fromontin mamling wrote. says what he wants to say with the sincerity of a person pure in mind and heart, with the spontaneity of a child, he writes what he admires and what he believes in. the author of this triptych is hans memling, this is one of those works thanks to which, starting from the 19th century, interest in flemish painters arose. the painting is called the triptych of morel,
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because our museum received it as a gift from... behind them, an endless landscape opens up. on the outer doors there are images of john the baptist and st. george fighting the dragon. their figures are painted using the grisaille technique, which was typical for that time. this one-color painting imitates sculpture.
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kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true
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excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinanbelek, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection bothrum. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in
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a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternity elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. hello, it’s time for news on our channel, in ladari starkhov’s studio, briefly about some of the topics of the issue. dance of light and shadow. let's talk about the moscow premiere of maxim sevakin's ballet in dark images. arranged in alphabetical order. at this time, a colossal number of unique authors worked.
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the beton center for visual culture has collected soviet photography from the twenties and thirties. the genius trap. it has everything that basically interests me in the theater. in shalom theater turned to the novel by isaac bashevis singer, lublin shtukal. visual formulas. those who will build the future. must know the past, an exhibition of chilean posters from the period of national unity in novosibirsk. the spring international fair of intellectual literary studies has opened in moscow. more than 300 publishing houses and bookselling companies are represented in gostiny dvor. traditionally, the most exciting book premieres are prepared for this event. yulia kundrikova will introduce some new products. organizers record another record attendance, those who like to dig deeper.
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incredibly interesting books on travel to the north to the arctic and antarctica, mostly, in principle, about travel in general. several famous theaters came together to embrace the immensity, to write a book about the history of russian theater, the collection opens with an article by boris lyubimy, about the birth of russian theater at a turning point. art historian andrei sarabyanov talks about the russian avant-garde in his book. russian avant-garde and not only, this is a collection of articles from the last 10 years, where there is no. v classical history contains interesting facts that will be news to many, for example, the principle by which tatlin came up with the design of his tower. this tower
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is built on the principle of a double helix of dna, that is, the internal structure is built on this principle: two curly spirals. as we know, in tatlin’s time, no one knew anything about this dna helix. here at the fair. the most valuable thing is meeting with authors who are rarely seen anywhere else. kama ginkos presented his father's book, doctor miron ginkas, who, together with his son and wife, managed to escape from the kaunos geta. my father wrote this book until the end of his life and, above all, for his children, so that they would know and remember the people to whom they owed their lives. this is the saga of one family and at the same time it is an epic, if you like, of the jewish people, terrible. years of testing, all the most terrible moments are described there, although my dad writes in an amazing way, not scaring anyone,
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but simply stating that nonfiction literature covers a lot, from children's folk tales to very narrowly focused research, but every year the fair organizers come up with a theme that can unite, it’s an almost endless variety. the nonfiction fair this spring focused on a theme. work. on the central stand, books are dedicated to various fields of work, including in the field of art. here you can see, for example, the memoirs of marina torkovskaya, the autobiography of zelfira trigulova, a selection. for teenagers about how to find their way, but as you know, it is advisable to combine any work with rest, for they came up with a special zone for this. the fair is so huge and so eventful that the opportunity to lie down is a real gift, here you can continue your education; on the underground screens they show classics of russian cinema on the theme of labor, for example, the donbass symphony, diga vertov. there are 3 more days of the fair ahead, where there will be not only meetings with
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authors, but also competitions, for example, book competitions. the alphabet exhibition at the beton center for visual culture presents soviet photography from the twenties and thirties of the last century. this the time of the avant-garde and the formation of a new visual language. about the era of change in russian photography anna shuster. the emphasis on silhouettes is diagonal composition, active foreground.
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it’s exactly how i feel about him, how i love him and how i see him. in dark images, shadows and silhouettes merge with the backdrop of the stage, dissolve in the light, ballerinas in black, this noir inspires, emphasizing contrasts. dance to a vivualdi cello concerto, baroque music with its rhythm and changeable mood gives rise to images in which lines and movements from classical
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ballets can be guessed. some kind of national motifs and things that were instilled in character in these performances, so i decided that i love them so much, and i want to analyze all this and come up with something of my own, sivagin always has something of his own in the changeable mood of the dance, in his trio duet quartet, the magic of numbers in ballet is sacred for the choreographer, for him they are symbols. you bring meeting, love, expectation, feminine and masculine into a trio-love triangle, rivalry and struggle. this is such a fantasy about what exists. images in ballet, characters, moods, we can be both lyrical, tender, and passionate, bright. this dance to the music of vivalde, with its dynamics and expressiveness, at times resembles acrobatic, it seems that every movement
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is timed according to a stopwatch, all variations appear and dissolve in the darkness. because maxim is very scrupulous about every note, every sound, every one. danchenko, he became part of the ballet triptych, along with the productions of andrei kaidanovsky and sharon yaal. bravo, behind the scenes the dancers rejoiced at the new premiere and were happy. elena voroshilova. a collection of chilean political posters is on display at the novosibirsk university of architecture, design and arts. half a century ago they were located on the streets of santiago.
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anastasia bolotina found out what these graphic works can teach modern students. the history of graphic design has moved from textbooks to the university exhibition hall. political posters of chile from the seventies of the last century are carefully collected and the doctor studies. time of chile, change of power, political, social and cultural changes, transition to socialism, so the confident exhibition at the university will attract the attention of at least two groups of scientists. the first group is certainly scientific art historians who are interested in this period, interested in
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the psychedelic pop art movement that became widespread in the design of the seventies and early seventies. in addition, i think that this exhibition will also be of interest to historians. doctor vika does not intend to leave our country; the professor has a lot of work, now he is writing a new book in libraries, collecting information about russian posters and constructivism. anastasia bolotina and evgeny zhivaev, host novosibirs. the shalom theater is preparing the premiere of the play “the lublin thing” staged by yana tumina. the director admits that she was faced with a difficult task: to transform the dense psychological text of isaac bashevis singer into a conventional one.
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the so-called engineering theater, the stage becomes like a giant puppet , this space is not controlled by assemblers, and the artists themselves, so on the actors... this is a story about a genius: yasha mazur can literally do anything, and crack a safe and hypnotize the crowd. everything in life comes to him without effort, it seems that nothing is impossible for yasha, he is talented in everything, but phenomenal talent is also a huge temptation. it’s boring, boring to live, boring to live, that’s why a large number of women appear, so he doesn’t know what to do with his life, he... wants to change it, really wants to change it, but he can’t force himself to take the first step. yashi available supersensible dimensions, he feels that besides the material world there is another reality, yet he chooses not creation, but
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destruction. and i didn’t make up everything that wasn’t happening around me.
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good, you are my most beautiful, vanechka, best of all, of course, good, if you weren’t good, you wouldn’t get a woman like you, okay, call me when... you come to an agreement with the team where you will
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celebrate , here, or maybe i should bring the banquet there, now it’s called catering, where you picked up the word, picked it up, the language is developing, i understand, okay, go call, okay, yes, if they don’t pull you anywhere, i’ll call, okay. come on, okay,
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so what do we have here? so, yes, there is an extract from the order of the general congratulations, there is a gratitude from the city prosecutor, so you know, let’s go without uh, let’s not drag out congratulations, in half an hour, but no, i have an appointment until one o’clock, so, then at lunch, at lunch - that’s mine the last word, okay, get down to business for now, give me the suspended records for the last month and the log of criminal cases, so where can i position myself, how can i position myself, great, great, why didn’t masha sit there, since she’s performing duties while the boss is on vacation, she doesn’t want to, so she didn’t sit down, no, well, look, i’m not applying, but i’m not, i’m not a chair for me , she doesn’t want to become a prosecutor, how much covin will leave soon, why did you get the idea, his health has become rather weak, it’s bursting at the seams, yes, he’s still getting married, you’ll see, 8, 9, 10,
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for what, for long tongue. misha, misha, misha, you see, i found myself in a difficult situation, at first i was even embarrassed, but then i remembered that i had been treated for a whole the investigator of the prosecutor's office, picked up the file cabinet, found your address, fortunately it has not changed, here i am... in front of you, uh-huh, i'm listening to you, why are you
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so official, by the way, i once courted you, and they got me before the divorce. wait, so you are a free woman, calm down. no, wait, are you married or not? i got divorced and then got married again, what’s wrong, that’s why i don’t meet with you, you’re married all the time, okay, you know my name and place of work, now let’s introduce yourself, alexander romanovich stytsenko, i am a dentist, divorced, have a child, have access to housing, well, that’s what i’m talking about, you see, i have a son, he’s 17 years old, he’s studying. he called me and said that the police had detained him, so why? so, then an unfamiliar man picked up the phone and said that my son was caught stealing, but trouble can be avoided if i pay 3.00 dollars, and you
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brought it, well, what would you do in my place, this is still my child, no could i have allowed him to be put in prison, if you want, i’ll tell you what happened next, you brought the money, and then you... that's it, look, i wrote it correctly, yes, everything is correct, you know, i can accept your application and forward it to the department for combating economic crimes, but it will be faster if you take it yourself, like everyone else,
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well, that's all for now , that is, they will call me there, well, if you...


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