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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 3:50am-4:46am MSK

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and he was sitting in class at school, he was running in physical education, so he didn’t pick up the phone, okay, this is fraud, so write a statement to the department for combating economic crimes, you know, the fact is that i already wrote, but they told me that the chance of finding these criminals is zero, who said this, write, marya sergeevna, you’ll be there soon, otherwise we ’re ready to congratulate you, go, i still have an appointment for half an hour, write, let’s go to the entrance. that's it, look, i wrote it correctly, yes, everything is correct, you know, i can accept your application and forward it to the department for combating economic crimes, but it will be faster if you take him yourself, like everyone else, well, that’s all for now, that is, they will call me there, well , if any problems arise, come here, yeah, i see, well, i’m just thinking.
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i was counting on you to handle this case, but it turns out that this is the last time we’ll see each other, excuse me, hello, shveytsova, masha, well, as long as possible, we’re just waiting for you, zoya, wait 3 minutes, that is, it turns out that this is our last meeting, it’s a shame, i didn’t even prepare, that is, i didn’t buy any flowers, no champagne, no candy, no need, everything is fine, listen, otherwise come to my clinic, i’ll take a look at you. don’t worry, i have very good equipment, imported materials, hands, these are golden, i remember, well, so what, no, you know, only by a court verdict, you need to talk to the court, suddenly they will sentence you, oh well, well then i'm here, i 'm off, all the best, goodbye, yeah.
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good afternoon, hello, hello, i came to congratulate belyaev, no, i’m following you with the investigator, we have a murder, congratulations, congratulations, and now, dear ivan ivanovich, as they say, on behalf of the management, here are the phone numbers for you, call, call, thank you,
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and we’ll leave the cake for you, well, yes, you leave it, i ’ll personally supervise, thank you, okay, okay, let’s hurry up, we’re having a murder, what’s up , gosh, aluminum, don’t go to a fortune teller, damn it, we have witnesses, boys really, but quite sane, they say that they heard the killers say the name of the customer, but we already know from misha bolshoi, right? that's right, oh, the prosecutor's office has arrived, come on, go, bye, smoke, what a nit, i wonder how many more people will be killed because of this they are doing, hello, the identity has been established, great, yes the identity is known, the customers are known, shooters, i think, i know, you know, hello, i guess, marya, sergena, in two words, yeah, then i have, what?
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no, well, in general, normal people don’t add this to the database, but some people write, for example, a source said that he saw it, or a source. two apartments, a dacha and a hotel room? yes, he always has a reserved number, but mash, this is exclusive information, only for you, so you can go to court for a sanction only with apartments and rent, and we
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will search the hotel urgently at night. mash, i can ask you to take this for yourself. well, of course, now. just a second, yes, of course, hello, dima, listen, there’s a thing here, you couldn’t buy it. okay, okay, kiss, let’s go for now, one children’s magazine, barbie, pegasus, pegasus, well, this is
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a horse with wings, okay, let albina buy it, i beg you, that’s it, i kiss you, come on, i’ll be late, yes, bye. well, shall we finish the game? most importantly, the weather in the house, my home, my fortress, songs about home sound today in the program hello. home, your fortress, home, where mom is, no matter what happens, i will come to my dear,
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titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf beel. the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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would you like to stay in moscow? of course, get you a job in our restaurant. here i am again i drew a horse with wings. after all , it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who, it’s zavyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello, you’re stupid, what will you have to fire me, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, how is everyone here my,
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well, guys, don’t be afraid of problems at school, and whoever doesn’t have them, of course, you want to skip, officially, and what is needed, villain, you recognize it, we live. or what, no, i’m not signing, i’d rather go to school, but according to the photo, artyusha, go home, what do they need from you, the cops are filthy, don’t even talk to them, don’t you dare, i understand, quietly, quietly, i’ll go home, that you’ve become attached, that you ’ve become attached to him, you found me a witness, he’s still small, let’s go home, go home let's go, i said, take your hands off.
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yeah, i already described the approach to the corpse, well , good, so good, fresh, we have the exact time, yes, okay, so, i see two entrance and two control, or something, there were two killers, just a ritual murder, according to the concepts , execution of the sentence. and why is he doing this? for what, for what? the tongue was long
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right i say? okay, i'll go solve the issues with the searches. masha, i'll take you. lenya, well, everything is clear here. let's go to the office, leave all this to the locals, and we'll do the searches. wow, i was like that last week. i was called to the hospital, i examined him there, well, here’s your answer, yeah, two in
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the chest, two in the head and he didn’t die right away, fantastic, petechka, you can’t even imagine what paradoxes of living nature there are, roosters with their heads cut off , yeah, like in the joke, all through the head, but the brain is not affected, like that, petrusha, this is a dialectic, the more disgusting the reptile, the more tenacious it is, so it wasn’t murder, it was grievous harm to health, hello, this is korablev, can you, yes, hello, i went to see marie sergeevna shvetsova, but she’s not there, you don’t know, she today it will be, well, who knows, she’s in an accident, uh-huh, so - so it’s worth waiting for her, well, wait, thank you, all the best,
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but what are you going to do, and yes, hello, it’s possible, hello, it’s possible. i’m from urb, korablev, my last name, yeah, solovyov, it’s very nice, but that your personnel went to the front, or better yet, personnel everyone went into business, yes, in decent houses - this is the time for the evening gathering, there is no one to assemble the gathering, the prosecutor’s office opened two cases, two were suspended, the boss was removed, i ’m performing duties in his place, one capable person remained. but he’s sick, or rather, his child is sick, well, my condolences, listen, friend, well, i’ll
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get straight to the point, okay, last week they say there was a gunshot, yes, there was, but i didn’t go there, i went tolya pyatten, well, who has a child, but how can i find him, or listen, maybe you can just open his safe for me, i take a look, maybe, well, of course i’ll open the safe for you, but you won’t find anything in the crusts, it’s empty, listen, i don’t know, just give it to me. now, hello, tatyana, solovyov greets, and where is the faithful? oh, and where can you tell me this? yes.
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yes, okay, okay. okay, thank you, bye, bye, i wrote down the address for you, he and the child went to the clinic, huge office, third floor, go there, got it, thank you, come on, stay here, friend, yeah, marya sergeevna, well , i feel like we can’t part with you, but what’s the problem? well, sort of moreover, my application was not accepted again. okay, give me your application, i ’ll send it myself. marcer! or maybe he, if so much has arisen with him, no, stop creating latent crime, the kind hidden from accounting, the one that statistics don’t know, and well, statistics don’t know a lot, marya sergeevna, and this statement is just a drop in the ocean, that’s what everyone says, but you know how many crimes are hidden from recording, what percentage of victims do not report to the police, well, i think
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20, and even that is a lot of 15, more than seventy, give me your statement. well maybe i'll get you for it can i give you a ride somewhere to marya sergeevna? thank you, work, work, work, i understand, that’s probably why you treat your teeth at the crime scene. yes, that's probably why. i don’t know what to grab onto. got the hint, goodbye. happily. come in, is dima pyatin here? yes, it’s us, please come in, actually we’re on our way now, let’s go, dim, it’s some kind of disgrace, these guys will get into everything, even into a clinic, even into a beer stall, mommies, calm down, please, they’ll accept everyone, elvira yuryevna , hello,
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hello, and this is for you, hello, let's go along... dima, please wait for me, dad will talk to uncle now, listen, your cell phone didn't answer, you were shot on chestnut street, so what? well, come on, tell me what’s there and how it’s going, share with your friends, but what should you tell, and how? well, you and i for now. pen or are you gone? and you're implying that i'm here with the baby, and in the hospital? yes no, no, calm down, i'm sorry, let's get down to business, but you 're interested in personality, a young guy, about twenty-five years old, we haven't identified him, but they
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he was clearly being chased from somewhere, they, you said they, there were two killers, young guys, they drove him into the yard and... shot him, and what, he did n’t have a mobile phone or documents on him? no, nothing, only there was this lump of bucks in his pants, so i thought that they were clearly chasing him away from the car, well, all his things were left there, but i didn’t find any car, you wandered around everywhere, looked, yes , there was no one else there, yeah, who examined it, and the investigator from the prosecutor’s office ordered the priests, drew up the protocol for half a page, and more she was indignant that... he didn’t die on the spot, they say they called her in vain, well, in short, they jumped to serious harm, our investigator examined the corpse in the hospital, well, that’s it, but where are the bullets? i found two shell casings right there on the spot, gave the traces, that’s all, but ask about the field in the morgue, and the last request, well, look, maybe you know someone, this one seems similar. well, then everything
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is clear, you know who this is, this is borya, a doll from the big misha’s group, okay, that’s it, thank you, yeah, please, come on, we had your masha today, asked for permission during the search, they have some kind of... that operation, lord, what they started there again, i don’t know, there were gentlemen from the orbs with her, listen, victor, tell your people, let them conduct the searches themselves. but they don’t entrust feasts, otherwise in our city the investigators set it up like that, but what’s that? victor, victor, have n't you heard anything? no, well, the opera, they confiscated the antiques, sealed them and... brought them to the prosecutor's office, well, and the owner, who had a search, then made a statement, saying that a miniature of the 16th century had been replaced, yeah, that's what was
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written in the protocol, it turned out to be in the bag some kind of remake but the pirs are not experts, and this person involved declares, give me the miniature that is indicated in the inventory, that you are slipping me some kind of fake, horror, ivan, what happened to you there? yes, we had a gunshot murder during the day, tamarochka, you say, they came for searches, which means the case is about to be solved, maybe i can go help them, stay here, newborn, where are you going, you can’t go, you’ve been drinking, but it’s not noticeable, well, it’s not visible, now it will be seen, why don’t you drink, but i don’t want to, drink, i say, you’re making a guy drunk, researcher drink zero at work, you have an old idea, ninochka, be healthy,
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the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, this alla, al, al, al, hello, alla , alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi, who passed the order, i don’t recognize something, alla, from monday on rtr, rest means leaving yourself at rest, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you.
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65 years ago you came to the maikovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like...
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empty, where we are unlikely to find anything? perhaps a dacha. country house. then do a search there yourself without an investigator. petka will give instructions, he will go home to andryushchenko. no, no, no, let him go to the second apartment, and she few people know, even for the big misha’s whirling. we didn’t poke our noses there, but i think it’s more likely to find something there, rather than at misha’s house. okay, then i'm off to the hotel. here are the trees and sticks, the main problem is how to separate andryuchenko himself into three objects? it would be better, of course, for him to be present at all searches, well, except for
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the hotel, of course. there you can without it, yes, it’s better to play it safe, well, you’ll have to move from object to object sequentially, which means everything will drag on, well, she told you, well, gentlemen, officers, let’s begin, come on, yes, korablev, i’m going with the group to the dacha, yes, markov, so, with the investigator buevich, andryushchenko’s house, what’s on the legs, the client is at the address, another apartment, great, shikhtin and the group are moving there, yeah, you’re waiting for when the investigator will arrive with one of the relatives, preferably with andryushchenko himself. markov, stay at the main address and do the search yourself. what are we looking for? computer disks, flash cards, in general, storage media of any format. you confiscate hard drives,
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laptops, mobile phones. it's clear. so that the investigator conducts all searches, okay, don’t entrust it to the operatives, do it yourself, yes, yes, that’s good, i hope for you, what are you, so what, for your health, but what about, lenya, why are we
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going on a search without a criminologist, what if hiding places? you studied criminology, petrusha, so apply your knowledge in practice. well, guys, you're depressed, you've all put on your armor. nikolaevich, what the hell are armored vehicles? we have a search according to plan, not vyazalovo. and what's in there? dangerous? what are you saying? i assure you, misha won’t shoot back big time. yeah, yeah, yeah, unfortunately. "a boring evening awaits us, routine, it’s a pity, oh well, come on, come on, tell us a quiet evening, in my opinion, you, nikolaevich, are somehow too excited today, and you choose an expression, otherwise i’ve become terribly superstitious lately, and in general, let me go with you to misha, we’ll take him to his dacha, and what are we going to do without him, poking around in the descendants?”
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god, how unpleasant, open it, come on, yes, and prepare documents for whom the room has been issued, this is a reservation, mr. andryushenka, well, yes, we never occupy the room, well then let’s go, lord, what are you going to do?
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view all disks? what is there to do? it is possible that the disc we need is apparently in one of these boxes, perhaps you are right, masha, but can you look at all this in a box in a calm atmosphere, and then describe each disc? yes, okay, just let’s do it in front of witnesses, so that later they won’t say that we planted something. good, isolde, laura. massage parlor, sandra, dolly, who would have guessed that mikhail grigorovich is such a contractor for us? well, what's the big deal? mikhail grigorievich comes, relaxes, the girls know him. well and why not? nah, everything's fine. well, let's watch a movie then. no need, no need. did i understand correctly? yes. yes, yeah, that
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is, mikhail grigorievich comes here, watches pornography, and you supply him with girls, i understood you correctly, well, it’s clear. “i understand that resistance is useless, well, search, go ahead, i just want to say in advance, in front of witnesses, i don’t keep weapons and drugs at home, if you find them, it means they planted them, you didn’t guess, today, like a sin, we have a bag of weapons with drugs in the office left, funny, mikhail grigorievich, is there anyone at home?" "
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" means, i think, trouble will come, who could arrange this, and therefore we are coming to you for advice, what are you explaining, you know very well that i have nothing to do with what, they pay you money so that you look for scoundrels, and i’m not having legal advice here, by the way, who are we going to call, i want to consult with my lawyer, without that..."
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mr. andryushchenko, your client? yes, we have a search warrant. everything is legal and justified. court sanctions. oh, just not you need to shout at me, while your client is unsuspected, not accused, he has the right to use your help only during interrogation, and not during a search. yeah. read article 189. all the best. the seventh year that you were chatting here, that i’m still not accused, what’s the matter, a strange cross, you can take a look, it’s monotheistic, i believe in one god, well, i don’t need to take it off, it’s a pity,
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i’d take it off, uh-huh, stain, hi, how are you? are you still in your first apartment? listen, we 're already done at the hotel. you know what, let’s do this, i’ll help you, i’ll go to the apartment, and you go to the dacha. yeah, okay, we agreed, then we’ll meet at the address. come on, be healthy. we, i understand everything, are going to the address.
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where did you get the information that it was your employee who sold the database? remember, last month we carried out the murder of glada. take him to sell information, well, well , our management took a pose, they say, there is no need to wash dirty linen in the sales force, he was quietly fired, of course, but when he left he took the base with him, yes, and after he left we have phone tapping reports missed his contact
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with andryushchenko, we are tight with misha bolshoi we observed that we had quite good ones, well, how were the positions in his team, soon the big misha began to purposefully destroy all those who were in touch with us, today’s corpse is already the third, we have lost all positions in his team, a nightmare? yes, nothing good, i really want to find a base and peace. shut down this traitor of yours too, yes, although the guy is objectively talented, an excellent analyst, and a strong computer scientist, he did such things for us out of operational necessity, the hackers cried with envy, i wonder if he didn’t understand that people would die because of him, we suppose he tried not to think about it, thought about good things, about money, you’ll sit through interrogations and meetings like this, and your life will end, oh, okay, but you know
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the thing is that his mother is a heavy drinker, why, let’s do it straight tomorrow morning we’ll take him into our custody since he was a child, but that’s it, he’ll be sent to the department. well, maybe, well, come on, stop by, ventilate, bye, come on, bye, please, yes, one thing is good, the evening was a success, yes, but i was thinking about what to do tonight, mikhail grigorievich, a little later, yes you can pick up, sim card only. what do you return, yes, come on, i really didn’t want
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to take it, but since you yourself are offering, and why not, good evening, yes, it’s already night, good night, good night, i could say that i’m pleased, but i won’t, okay, let’s not waste time, you were also warned to take the keys to the dacha, but what is it, mikhail grigorievich, and what ’s so on...
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and what couldn’t be said right away, and you didn’t ask? there is, yes, hold on, the air is, yes, fresh, because
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the bastard still hasn’t called, and here i’m tormented, how did they conduct the search, you keep thinking about your masha, so about masha about petya, they are all like children to me, about van belyaev too, or maybe i should call her, it’s too late, things are messy, yes, they will be lost without me, well, marya sergeevna, you’re lucky, we’re unlucky, searching bare walls there ’s nothing here except gold and diamonds, the wall is walled up, and mikhail grigorievich, i keep the gold and diamonds in a bank, well done, okay, let’s go to the dacha, otherwise we won’t be able to finish it until the morning, the dacha is at least furnished, and mikhail grigorievich, otherwise we’ll go for a ride in vain. you'll have to pay for gas, but it's better to plan
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i need work, you're decent people, don't persecute them, then you'll save gas, oh, lenya, please, what's so fast? so the second dummy. what kind of bad luck? i was sure we’d pick up something somewhere, do we have a dacha? there's nothing there. i don’t even know where to look for this database. so why are we standing there, waiting for what? let's go, let's go, let's go! masha, should i take you home, are you having problems there? no, what are the problems? it’s just that my daughter is growing up alone, and her husband is being entertained by her best friend. well , let's go home? and you, i’ll take you and catch up with you guys,
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i’ll be with you, i’ll help petka. then let's go on the way, we’ll stop at a cafe and eat, you haven’t eaten much. do you know the way to kandryushchenko’s dacha? don't worry, we'll catch up with them. is it possible, lord, oh, fyodor mikhailovich, lord, what is this, and i’m fyodor mikhailovich,
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please, sit down, please, but you don’t work for us? more, nadezhda grigorievna, nadezhda grigorievna, i’m coming to you about a question, wait, now, here, let’s go to the village, well, for company, otherwise you know, i don’t drink, well, sometimes it’s just out of grief, no, well it's clear. i have a personal drama, my husband left, left me and artyusha completely without a livelihood in three jobs, three jobs, i have to raise a kid, i’m spinning, i’m running like a squirrel in a wheel, sometimes i allow myself to relax, well, of course, nadezhda grigorievna, that is, now your boyfriend
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is not at home, yes, no, i’m not at home, why should he sit here with me, what’s the point, i don’t blame him, he’s a grown guy. so he's walking or what? he’s walking, although wait, how is he walking, so they took him away, how did they take him? len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking me, vika is dead. my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, so what? with my proposal that we be together, hello, hello, i spent the night with a guy, he ’s good, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me, kirill is lena, lena is kirill, we i think we know each other,
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i can’t live without you, can i kiss you, kiss you, what’s going on? hello sister, sunday on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover the truths. excellence, making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life is turns into a fairy tale.
4:36 am
titanic luxury collection. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for... relaxation, you are looking at 100 to open, we can handle it, if you ask, then with
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one, what is our task, everything is displayed on the side, the name of which character from everyone knows how many works of pushkin there will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many there will be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i cut oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light , uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday, on rtr.
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station, take it, whoever needs it, get out. your khibarkat, mikhail grigorievich. plikhova. i still have a bear in spain, but we haven’t gotten there yet for now, but what about a house without security, no security can save you from you, and i’m not afraid of thieves, i’ve served my entire life in this damn prison, i could have calmly arrived in my car as a best man, like a human being, they haven’t lost the key, no, parashu.
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nadezhda grigorievna, who took it, when did they take it? well, i don’t know, the boys in the yard told me that the men came and took the artyushin away. lord, what other boys, what other men? well, i don't know. who took him by the boots and took him away, i thought it was yours, listen, i don’t understand anything at all, in broad daylight for everyone in front of our eyes, wait a minute, boss, boss, we have problems here, our minor witness was kidnapped, we need to kill him. the coffee is kind of tasteless, but my soul is uneasy,
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and so are you, well, let’s go, yes, we’d better go, thank you, please. lenya, huh? well, we’ve arrived,
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please, wait now, there’s a car on the way, lord, we’re leaving, we’re leaving! and quietly, the second one is ready, well, in the hand in the shoulder, in the hand, hold on, third orb, bugrov, head of the department, call us an ambulance, we are going to search the dacha village, sing, well, how are you, huh? everything is fine, oh, oh, what, what are you, what are you doing, petya, what are you doing, i forgot the gun, here you are,
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oh my, petya, that’s it, that’s it, come on, come on, i’ll call you back later. well, everyone is alive, two hitmen were detained, ours are all alive, shikhtino was just caught. but misha is great on the spot. oh my god, what about petya? yes, all right, petya. it’s just lying around in a faint state, after it’s been removed. here he is. come on, come on, come on, there in the bush. lenya. how are you? yes i'm fine. what is it? oh, i said, everyone needs to wear armor. now there might be a bruise, or maybe even ribs. wait, did you get shot? well yes, that's good too that it’s not a big deal to shoot through this armored vehicle not from teteshka, but from teteshka. what are they made of? from pema. why do killers still
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go around with pams? our killers, what? maybe i should give him a drink, but what, he won’t make it to the city, nadezhda grigoryevna, well, you didn’t call anyone, you didn’t find out from anyone who took him, why they took him, well, this is your son after all. well, at least he didn't go far. well, yes, there you go. have you seen them? no, well, let’s go talk,
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here’s his mother. the infection was screaming all over the yard, artyusha, a witness, a witness was found. yes, she yelled, where to look for him now? yes i am going now my friends, i’ll ask him around. so, come on, fedenka, the main thing is that he is alive. the main thing i thought was that it was all over, i thought the capercaillie was about to open up. so, on you, the witness was stolen. come on, come on, come on, come on. we need to kill the lazy ships. hello, lenya, there's a problem, the boy was kidnapped.
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room, bathhouse, servants' room, yes, i don't like these darknesses, i looked in the trunk, not yet,


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