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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 4:45am-5:01am MSK

4:45 am
what do i know, i don’t know anything, well, there was some kind of silver one, it was so old and broken, there were no numbers, that’s all, what else is needed? well, thank you, i helped, yes please, step in, come on, tell me, well, we looked around everything here, it seems empty, the only thing there is a silver one, parked, without license plates, the number, the plates are on their... life, but they are in trunk, well , what else, here are the living quarters, the bathhouse, the servants' room, yes, i don't like these darknesses, i looked in the trunk, not yet,
4:46 am
hi, well, call vinakur, tell the boy, we found him, i understand, are you going to put him in shackles, we just operated on him, and he has a second flipper, healthy, do you need a discharge? i’ll go and fill out the documents, of course, no, old man, i understand you, you just had no other choice, in what sense, well, i mean, if i were you, i would kill misha too, three murders, he’s got you under pzh let you down, where did you let him down, don’t you know what pzh is, life imprisonment, this still needs to be proven, so what’s there to prove, weapons?
4:47 am
in the end, people live on life sentences, you will read books, learn english, you will see little by little and wisdom will come to you, and what you need, oh, i see wisdom has come to you ahead of schedule, you must first tell everything, honestly.
4:48 am
oh, who's that wandering around? moms, no. moms, no. why are you not sleeping. well, i'm waiting for my mother. i'm not sleeping. but why aren't you sleeping? and i feel sorry for you. what if she doesn’t come at all today? she will come tomorrow, she has such a job, you know, uh-huh, why aren’t you sleeping, i read you fairy tales, read them, three instead of two, that’s right, yes, you took longer to shower in the shower, the computer was playing, uh-huh, well, for this, for everything, tomorrow you will braid your hair yourself in the morning, okay, so unfair, hmm, okay, i’ll braid it, okay, but only then you can now... go to bed,
4:49 am
agreed, eh i can take it to you, and you will braid it yourself, no, i’ll come there myself, well, go, go, good, lady, it’s not fair, but you won’t believe it, boss, i myself don’t know why i started shooting at... misha, by god, i lost my nerves, i thought that he had brought the cops, and then i got the point that he didn’t know that we were going to the dacha, so where are you? they were going to extinguish it, like where was it in the hut, he has a rented hut, why the hell would you find us there, then why did you go to the dacha, like why, and so the kid had to go somewhere, well, well , we decided to return,
4:50 am
he said, they took the boy, he saw us, he wasn’t there, well, yes, of course you weren’t afraid to return, talyan mentovki worked before, he said that after the slaughter, they would look anywhere, only not at the crime scene. oh, the criminal group is in full force, although no, not in full, but where are your accomplices, korablev and buevich, leave me alone, but without you it’s sickening, sickening, of course, for sure, if she
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turned a banal, everyday search into the mamaev massacre, a corpse, two wounded bandits and a shot down like a rippling cop, and marya sergeevna, it has absolutely nothing to do with it, rather this is our flaw, a flaw. this was a flaw, and if there had been processing, there would have been 100-200 corpses, and this flaw would at least drag on an official investigation, give us the papers, we’ll take the case to the city, three slaughters in different areas, and you’re all victims, yourself not funny, now it's time i’ll check, i’ll take you with me along with him, but why do you need me, hello, who will be responsible for this bacchanalia, no, tell me?
4:52 am
that we’re here in the corridors, well, let’s go to the office, well, what is this, your flaw, let’s go to my office, it’s a mess, yeah, it’s a complete mess, yeah, who got the child drunk, it’s not funny, yes, svetoslav andreevich, she’s still didn’t
4:53 am
show up, they worked at night, in the morning she interrogated, to orb, okay, okay, i ’ll definitely tell you, city lady, listen, take it out before it’s due. yes, we got you into this business, but most importantly the main thing is that we didn’t find what we were looking for, until we found it, and, perhaps, we won’t find it anymore, to the prosecutor’s office, to ruvd, marya sergeevna in ruvd,
4:54 am
alexander romanovich, hello, this is shveytsova, hello, maria sergeevna, glad to hear from you , can you drive up with your son to the rvd now? well, if it’s necessary, and i just need to pick him up from school, and i’m so glad to see you, yeah, well, did i remember that you have a husband? oh, by the way, your daughter bit me. what, wait, zlata, what are you doing? what, i chose it salty with rods, put her on the peas in the corner, and in general i won’t stay with her anymore. and you, keep in mind, you have to spend the night at home, wait, i didn’t even think that you had children, i thought that you lived alone, if mine wandered around at night, i would have killed you, you know what, let’s stop by to his
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work, let him kill him right away, let's stop by. viktor ivanovich, so you’re on vacation, you’re on vacation, i’ll relax here with you, what is this? there was a disco,
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dim, i'm having trouble at work. i didn’t get enough sleep, there was shooting at night with corpses, that’s all it’s terrible, well, yes, that you would feel sorry for me, now, if you hadn’t come now, you still feel it, dim, but do you really think that i’m doing the devil, you doubt that i was at work, well, i’m crazy knows? you’re studying, i just want you to be at home, you know, i’m
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tormented by gold, i don’t sleep at night, i’m drinking cognac, oh well, kovin will come back from vacation, everything will be fine, you yourself believe in it, uh-huh, uh-huh, you're basically going to spend the night at home or somewhere else, you think i'd be better off at the morgue or in the police, i don’t know, i’m tired as a dog, wow? lord, my god, okay, but guess what, wherever you want, we ’ll hang a photo with a zloty on the wall so that she doesn’t forget what her mother looks like, and i don’t forget how my wife looks, you know, you know, viktor ivanovich, i thought , you’re on vacation, so what, the cat is out the door, viktor ivanovich, olga is looking at the material evidence, shvidtsova instructed her. what are we looking for? orb information base,
4:58 am
and how? no way! horror! what? we thought the disc was in some movie box, but there's nothing yet. i'm already tired of watching all this. yes, really, only the films were confiscated? you understand? there is a very large volume, it’s either a disk or a flash card, what, yes, our time is over, i don’t understand anything about it, oh, oh, sweet, no, thank you, well, that’s terrible,
4:59 am
but shvitsova saw me, well so, no, yeah, well, what did we do there, anisimovich, no complaints against you, on the contrary. behaved heroically, you're kidding me, god forbid, well, they revealed everything, yes, the ship has already destroyed the person involved, as they say, from the top of his head to spine, three murders ordered by andryushchenko, plus the murder of andryushchenko himself, and two more episodes in the novgorod region that we did not know about, well, yes, also the kidnapping of a witness, right? the city will receive it all on a silver platter, but what to do with the missing base?
5:00 am
andryushchenko is dead? how are we going to prove the involvement of your former employee, but i don’t know, and i don’t know, hello, and marya sergeevna, yeah, good to see you. will you have coffee? no. maybe we should start with the horse? maybe let's start with your problems? in the last week five refusals to accept reports of crimes? yes, that's all slander. this can't happen. on what line? there is no threat, the fight against economic crimes, but telephone matters, yes, yes, just a minute, alyunya, yes, the boss is yours, also mine, well, come to me urgently, it will be now, you will see now, marya sergeevna, there are objective reasons, you see, there are no objective reasons, no failures...


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