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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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pharmin is your medicine, medormin, you take 500 mg, take it for the second week, mild nausea goes away, increase to 2 g, and you will drink 2 g of metarmine per day, as i have been drinking for many, many years, this is your analysis, that’s all , good luck and health to everyone. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is by this time. doctors managed to save andrei chibis. i came to my senses after the operation. i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors. the governor
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of the murmansk region was attacked with a knife when he was leaving a meeting with residents of apatity, which it is known about the attacker, what motives he had, footage of the work of our attack aircraft, and the heroism of private maksimov, who at a critical moment took command, there was shelling, everything that happened, everything was flying, all the latest news about the launch of a special operation and attacks on ...what else did they find there? an agent of the ukrainian special services was detained in lugansk; he was collecting information about our border guards. is the us threatening to change its attitude towards israel if tel aviv does not change its approach to palestinian refugees? how does netanyahu react? and new ones large-scale. the heating section is stronger than
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on the volga, the entire foundation is flooded, large amounts of water have come to omsk, novosibirsk and the samara region; it is impossible to get to either the school or the hospital. a criminal case under attempted murder was initiated after an attack on the governor of the murmansk region. andrei chibes is now in intensive care, he was also operated on at night. i've already come to my senses. the identity of the criminal who attacked the head of the region with a knife has been established. this is a resident of the city of apatity. he was detained by soldiers of the russian guard. investigation of the case under control the central office of the investigative committee. all the details are in the report of our correspondent, oleg posobin. andrei chibis came to his senses a few hours after the operation and returned to work. he promises as soon as his health allows. dear friends, i have come to my senses after the operation.
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causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, interrogating witnesses, ordering the necessary forensic examinations, and examining the contents of the detainee’s phone. assailant i found an official in apatity, right here, at the exit from the construction workers’ recreation center. andrei chibes met with local residents, he was received very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. this is footage of the work of the investigative team.
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forensic experts are taking fingerprints from a car that belongs to bydanov, in order to open it, they had to break the glass, the operatives worked every centimeter here, collecting all the evidence, an eyewitness on...
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may be connected with a special military operation, investigators came to this conclusion after studying the phones of the terrorists who attacked the concert hall, the criminals tried to destroy the device, but did not have time, experts managed to extract important data from them, in the photographs there are soldiers with the ukrainian flag, a ukrainian postage stamp glorifying the armed forces of ukraine, but... in addition, screenshots phone with images from the internet, entrances to the crocus building and access roads to it; they were taken, by the way, on the morning of february 24, on the second anniversary of the start of the north military district. at the direction of the curator who led
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the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as the location for the attack. this data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures to verify the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. over the past 10 days , 16 thousand volunteers have signed contracts to participate in a special military operation. selection points for military service under contract in the sverdlovsk region more than 550 people applied. there are more than 100 in murmansk. all of them have already started. training on the basis of training centers, many decided to join the armed forces after the tragedy in crocus city hall. in connection with the latest situations in the city hall circle, the fact that a terrorist attack occurred, i cannot stay away, i think i am obliged
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to protect my people, to go serve in the army. the contract asked me to sign the following actions, this is a terrorist attack that took place recently in crocusi. i decided to contribute what i could, my best help, so that this happened as little as possible. every day , up to 1,700 people come to the selection point for contracts across the country; in total, since the beginning of this year , more than 100 thousand citizens have already entered the military service of the armed forces. new attacks this night were carried out on the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov at several sites after the attack on... secondary detonation began, metro work was stopped in the city. in the kharkov region, lancet destroyed a radar station; since the beginning of this year alone, the ssu has already lost at least six radars of this type. aviation is actively operating in the donetsk and ugledar directions. crews strike
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enemy positions with high-explosive bombs. to destroy underground fortifications, especially powerful 1500 factories are used. and these are personnel from the armed forces of ukraine. strike cruise missiles at support bases. point of a neighboring unit. in the lnn, our military found the notorious azovets armored vehicle. the militants buried it during their retreat. upon examination, it turned out that the bmp created in ukraine on the basis of the t-64 tank turned out to be useless in battle, instead of observation devices, ukrainian engineers installed intercom cameras. nasharony spoke about the feat of private radimir maksimov. he held the occupied stronghold for two days and thwarted three attempts by the enemy to counterattack with superior forces. for his courage and valor, maksimov was presented with a state award. the situation on the front line is exactly in the dpr with eduard punigov. south of the donetsk people's
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republic, the vicinity of the village of novomikhailovka. the assault unit of the thirty-ninth motorized rifle brigade of the 68th army corps was sent. come on, come on! the infantry quickly jump out of cars, then the most difficult thing, the assault on fortified positions in the forest belt. come on, come on, come on, come on! the soldiers jump over the barbed wire and begin to clear every corner of the fort. it consists of an extensive network of trenches. the enemy here has excellent orientation and can strike from any direction. look left. ags, throw grenades, come on. this is how this assault looked from a bird's eye view, at some point
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five attack aircraft were cut off from the rest, almost everyone was injured, private radimir maksimov took command of the he began to fire back at himself from the enemy with a machine gun, there was shelling, everything that was, everything was flying, they were sitting, then there was a team, defend yourself, the guests all drove up to you, he immediately gave orders, everyone came out, well... four boys came out to meet them. soon the ukrainian armed forces launched a counterattack using nato infantry fighting vehicles. the unit commander monitored the battle using a drone and helped his subordinates change positions in time. accordingly, we allowed the enemy equipment to approach and decided to target the enemy equipment with anti-tank guns. here. accordingly, my pturist immediately opened the fire hit the target. the next counterattack of the ukrainian armed forces. now they threw tanks at the attack aircraft. rona kamikaze, there were four such attacks in total, the battle lasted two days, the enemy eventually
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retreated, it was radimir maksimov who made the decisive contribution, in total he destroyed 27 militants, being wounded, he took command, continued to carry out the combat mission, repelling the enemy’s repeated counterattacks, that 's all. unemotionally, the connection came out without shouting, calmly, clearly, radimir’s numerous wounds, fortunately, turned out to be insignificant, it is clear that he has difficulty finding words when he remembers the assault, but noticeably perks up when talk about his house comes up, he came here from yakutia, since childhood he went hunting with his brother, and for another 6 years he studied at a music school, played on the piano he studied pop vocals mada dekitten, kharystyrylzy. the family hoped that he would become a professional musician, but radimir signed up as a volunteer for a special operation,
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and now he is ready to return back to his comrades. why do you want to come back? i'll slip too much of mine. behind the heroism demonstrated by radimir maksimov was presented with a high state award. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in the lugansk republic, fsb operatives detained an agent of the ukrainian special services. he transferred personal information to the enemy. russian border guards. the ukrainian security service recruited the suspect 5 years ago. the militants threatened that if he refused to cooperate, they would kill his relatives who live in territory controlled by kiev. since 209 i have carried out their orders related to the installation of personal data of russian border guards, as well as their vehicles. a student of one of them is now awaiting the end of the investigation.
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each of them was imposed a fine of 5
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thousand rubles with subsequent deportation from the country. currently , police are taking measures aimed at identifying persons who illegally recruited foreign citizens to carry out labor activities. this will continue in our issue, why musk suddenly started talking about a nuclear apocalypse, than the usa threatened israel, why else did the big one get to where else? water after a short advertisement we’ll tell you everything. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes today on rta. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest, but
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you need to rest. where there is sun and sea. on the first coastal one, where everything is included except the head, we know everything about rest, relax, anex.
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great, my parents will love you right away, sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl with outskirts, close, stand by, where is the zhik, guys, what is happening, and misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat, and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion, he will understand everything , i'm sure this is not his child, and he will always know this. tomorrow will be a new day. today on rtr. 65 years ago you came to the mayakovsky theater. and you still serve in it
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. i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva. loyalty. like a talent, and something about lazarevo is also in your heart she said, we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly, in my heart all this was said right away in the office romance, i always felt sorry for you, in fact you are a homewrecker, i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, for which she could not be blamed, even if i only knew your son. i would understand a lot about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, here’s shura, it’s just some kind of happiness, fate a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, i came to get a job, it didn’t work out, i was robbed, no need to cry,
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well, put things in order here, get smart , let’s go, alla taxi, premiere, from monday on rtr. this is news, we continue our release. 36 russian regions are already in the grip of floods, almost 2.0 residential buildings, more than 10 thousand household plots and about 200 bridges are flooded. in the chelyabinsk region, a state of emergency has already been introduced in two districts . rescuers work around the clock . flows have washed away roads in the voronezh region, every hour more and more new overflows across highways in omsk are threatening crops, melt water is washing away the fertile layer
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of soil, the situation in the novosibirsk region is becoming more complicated, water is now being pumped out from flooded streets, a temporary accommodation center has been set up in orenburg, where more than 200 people have already been evacuated; rescuers from neighboring regions are rushing to help. reporting by murat zaripov. on the streets of the village, a round-the-clock watch was held all night at the post as rescuers and residents of nearby houses. those who did not want to evacuate in the evening are now packing their things and preparing to leave for relatives. in just a few hours this morning, the ural river came close to the houses. the water comes instantly, right from those gardens everything was flooded, everything was completely flooded, and even now i couldn’t get through. there has not been such flooding for a long time. we didn’t have it, people are taking things out, rescuing pets, the water continues to flow rapidly, the river level is rising literally before our eyes, in some places in the lowlands buildings have already gone under water up to the roof,
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that is, the water has risen by more than one and a half meters; in general, flooding has been observed in three streets in the village so far; three villages in the suburbs of orsk are now at risk, but the dangerous territory may expand as the water rises, yesterday there was no water here at all, that is, somewhere over there where the bushes were, there was water. and today, already this morning, the water has risen so much, now three villages in the suburbs of orsk are in the risk zone, but the dangerous territory may expand as it rises rivers, the difficult situation remains in almost the entire region, evacuation continues in the village of krasnokholm, rescuers are literally carrying people out of flooded houses in their arms, the water is gradually receding, but it is still unsafe to stay in the houses, the village residents also needed help, there is a huge disaster, there are flooded houses, somewhere the level reaches the windows of the first... there is a state of emergency in the region, more than 500 houses and 200 household plots are flooded. an airmobile group from the ministry of emergency situations left perm to help the orenburg region rescuer. help for those
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those who find themselves in the disaster zone are also supported by units of the russian guard, which use special equipment to transport people through the most dangerous areas. meanwhile, the peak of the flood in the east of the region is still ahead, according to forecasts. murat zaripov, sergei shelepin, zemhirabzalov. news orenburg region. this year, a batch of su-34 front-line bombers was transferred to the russian aerospace forces. the aircraft were assembled at the novosibirsk plant of the united aircraft corporation, which fulfills the state defense order. before being sent to the troops, the equipment went through the entire complex of ground tests. and flight tests. the su-34 is one of the key elements of front-line aviation, allowing to increase the range of hitting targets and the accuracy of bombing. american billionaire elon musk clearly showed how
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ukraine's accession to nato could end, in a post on the x network with a statement from us secretary of state blinken that kiev would be accepted into the alliance, musk replied that this would be the beginning of a film about a nuclear apocalypse, and attached a fragment fantastic drama the next day, about humanity that finds itself on the threshold. with reference to own sources already directly writes that kiev will not receive an official invitation to the alliance at the july summit in washington. nato is looking for some kind of intermediate option for kiev to show that kiev will be in the long term...
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at the same time, the united states is extremely concerned about the likelihood of a full-scale war in the region. the acsios agency writes that after the destruction of its consulate in damascus, iran will soon launch retaliatory strikes on israel using ballistic cruise missiles and drones. however, instead of conciliatory signals, prime minister netanya... made it clear that he was determined to further escalate the conflict for security reasons and suspended the work of 28 israeli embassies, all over the world. against this background there are thousands of police.
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stationed in jerusalem, today is the last friday of ramadan, special forces will closely monitor the conduct of the believers who will gather at the alyaksa mosque. in crimea, in the nikitsky botanical garden, due to the warm winter, tulips bloomed unusually early. this year, local flower growers planted 160 varieties and 40 of them are new items, some are not at all similar to the flowers that we are used to calling them. tulips, report by yana shcherbata: symbols of the coming spring have bloomed on the southern coast, tulips of all kinds of shapes and colors, from delicate, white to bright, completely unexpected shades, and this is not even the peak of flowering. multi-colored buds bloomed against the backdrop of still snow-capped mountains. this year the tulips bloomed extremely early due to the warm winter. this is a new variety, the variety is called irina, and it is perhaps notable, first of all, for the fact
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that it is an early flowering variety. multicolored carpet out of 10,500 bulbs, and not every variety is immediately recognizable as a tulip, here there are similar to peonies, a palette of colors that any artist would envy. tulips are our favorite spring flowers, because spring is the beginning of everything, everything blooms, everything smells, the sun is shining, so we waited, really liked these, paid attention to them, arranged a photo shoot here. here are our favorites, these pink tulips. velvety, very beautiful, an unusual variety of wild boar - one of this year's favorites, out of 160 varieties, 40 are new, in the form of two fish from the black sea the coastline is lined with achievements of world selection, among them very rare, crown-shaped ones. the collection of the nikitsky botanical garden, a collection of tulips, is the largest in the russian federation and includes more than 600 varieties. of course, the exposition annually presents the very best. large red tulips are a world
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classic, but you have to choose. choosing the most beautiful variety seems impossible; this is a task for garden visitors who come here especially for the parade from all over the country. but i haven’t seen most of the tulips that are here. never, and for me this is a big discovery. they look so elegant, bright and i already have many photos of them. we came from yaroslavl, we are very glad that we came across such beauty. and variegated blooms can be seen until the end of april. yana shcherbaty, andrey terentsev, host. crimea. a calculator girl, a unique bird expert , the strongest programmer in russia. tonight, viewers of our tv channel will again be amazed by truly amazing people with their unique abilities. which of them will reach the finals, which will leave? we'll find out right away after the evening's big news. well, anton deminov looked into the backstage of this grandiose show. amazing people continue to amaze, amaze, and sometimes even shock with their incredible abilities. this
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evening. an international team of superhumans will gather on the stage of the project, the geography of the project is expanding, i don’t know if there are still continents and countries from which we did not have participants, this is great, this increases competition, in the seventh season, each test is a real mini-performance for in which any scenery is built from scratch. preparation of props for testing takes place not only inside the pavilion, but outside, for example. these blocks of ice especially these will also serve to test our participants. jade anderson flew from overseas specifically to evaluate the strength of russian ice. today will be the most dangerous and risky performance you have ever seen, i am sure you will enjoy it, it will be powerful. there are now seven ice blocks here. and we are all ready to be amazed by a calculator girl, a unique bird expert,
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the strongest. russian programmers and super accurate the driller, friends, all the witnesses, every time we see in it seems to me, in every program , someone who demonstrates something fundamentally new, so i personally never cease to be amazed at the level of the task, and new properties, some unusual facets of our brain. new episode of the show amazing people today at 21:30. anton demidov, pyotr ponkratov, news! news continues to monitor developments, stay tuned.


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