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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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blocks and, and we are all ready to be amazed by a girl calculator, a unique bird expert, the strongest programmers in russia and a super-precise driller. friends, all the witnesses every time we see in, it seems, every program , someone who demonstrates something fundamentally new, so i personally never cease to be amazed at the level of the task, and... vesti continues to monitor the developments , stay with us.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on air, hot on the heels, we have a special episode starting with sensational reports from the investigative committee of russia. so, the west’s attempts to justify ukraine and somehow refute its involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus failed. the investigative committee published the information that was seized from the phone. who attacked a concert hall in the moscow region. the terrorists even tried to destroy their phones, realizing that the information contained inside led straight to kiev. look at the photographs, people in camouflage uniforms. in their hands are flags of ukraine, the coat of arms of ukraine, a picture of a militant with a yellow bandage who shows not a censorship gesture to a russian warship. the authenticity of the photograph, the fact of interaction.
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it was with the ukrainian curators that one of the executives already confirmed the terrorist attacks during interrogation. in addition, photographs were found on the phones with images from the internet, entrances to crocus buildings and access roads, from several directions at once. the photographs, please note, were taken on the morning of february 24, on the second anniversary of the start of the special operation. let's listen. the results of an expert study of mobile phones that are terrorists tried to destroy, allowed us to obtain information significant for the investigation about the circumstances of the preparation for the crime. on the instructions of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as the location for the attack. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the...
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to say the gift was delivered to the command post of the 54th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. a mushroom cloud that burns out all living things, even underground, records objective control from a distance of several kilometers. every day the defense on this section of the front is failing. the ukrainian armed forces' talking heads warn that without supplies of artillery shells from western air defense systems, russia will take coal in may. or in june, our aviation still haunts the ukrainian town of new york, they work in factories in places where militants gather, and this time all four five-hundred-kilogram bombs do not fly in a line along one forest belt, in the form of separate attacks at a great distance from each other , which speaks about incredible accuracy, lots of functionality.
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another good news: the next batch of carriers of such weapons, 134 fighter-bombers, was produced at novosibirsk. entering the name chkalov and transferred to the ministry of defense. the fiercest fighting right now is under the sentry yar. our troops have already paved the way to the city, but the assault units have not yet entered there. to avoid encirclement, they wait until the flanks arrive. at these moments, our valiant fighters of the 98th airborne division are gaining a foothold on the eastern outskirts cities in the so-called. canal area. artillery and assault aircraft are working on bandera’s defensive positions. look from what an extremely low altitude a pair of russian rooks fire unguided missiles. the probable breakthrough of one of the largest strongholds
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in the ssu in the dpr is also recognized by the so-called institute for the study of war. according to their information, just the day before the russian army carried out an intensified mechanized assault in the direction. city ​​and advanced to the eastern outskirts along the road from kromov, and here are our paratroopers destroyed a ukrainian reconnaissance drone against an air target, fired from the verba manpads, and then published footage of the burning tail section of the uav. a film crew from the french tv channel rts was sent to assess the situation on the eastern front and visited a front-line hospital.
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these are trenches, mud, cold, all under a shower of shells. in such conditions, providing first aid directly during a battle has become commonplace; this is called military medicine. we were surrounded and tanks were firing at us.
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alive, good, super, cool, like this, like this evacuation is taking place from scratch, from scratch, mamata, shot, this is the avdiivsky direct, this is the avdiivsky direction, now the military is firing from the m101 cannon, this is 105 caliber, 105 caliber. built, this howitzer is already more than 70 years old, our pain is about ammunition, we have
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a constant shortage, to understand, last spring we worked in the same direction, 6-7 times more than now, very dependent on political conditions, very dependent on help. it sounded like a jet plane, then an explosion. this is how aerial bombs sound in the avdeevsky direction. it's russian here the army continues to try to advance. now the main task of all defense forces is in the bakhmud direction, where the ninety- third brigade is fighting. not to let the enemy into chas yar, which is a dominant height and can become a springboard for...
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everything is in front of us, getting to the place of assault is the most difficult stage - says getman, 7-10 km on foot, in any weather, under heavy fire enemy and a swarm of drones overhead moments. there were moments when the entire treksoya group came out, we had to make a quicker decision, put forward a second group so that helped to evacuate three hundred heavy people, we are in a hot spot in konstantinovka, in eastern ukraine, the battle is taking place 8 km from here, this is an evacuation point, the wounded are brought here from the battlefield, for security reasons , evacuation takes place from the very beginning of hostilities. at night, before our arrival, under the cover of darkness
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, an ambulance was brought here, a very serious case, his legs were torn off. there are a lot of infections, at the moment there are a lot of wounded due to shelling, and wounds from mine explosions, from shell fragments, and sometimes from bullets wounds from direct contact with the enemy. time constantly plays against us, unfortunately, in our brigade, and not only in ours, in others too, many doctors died or were wounded, these are people who should not have died in the war. another car with wounded is approaching the evacuation point, in the cabin there is a group of soldiers who received shell shock from shells that exploded right next to them, come in, please.
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at the same time, the ukrainian armed forces deny that russian troops have already entered within hours, although the situation there is called very difficult, they only said that the speaker command east andrei zadubinsky is difficult, he said, but we are holding on. at the same time, nato representatives are discussing the option of kiev ceding territory to russia in exchange for security guarantees and ukraine’s admission to the alliance.
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ukraine will not receive an invitation to nato at the july summit in washington. nato has no desire to accept a new member who would drag the alliance into the largest land war of 1945. well, if this does happen, then here is a spoiler from elon musk. that's how it starts. the fifth resident of the country will simply run away for border, just over 11%
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of poles will go to war, brave polish boys, this country wants to send troops to ukraine, following france. the day before, the head of mitpolis radoslaw sekorski said that warsaw is really ready to support macron’s idea of ​​sending nato troops to ukraine. compare this fact with your desire. poland will nominate its candidate for the post of secretary general of the alliance and the forecast will be disappointing. the poles say that putin needs to be made clear that he will definitely not win in ukraine. look. share your decision.
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sending troops, why? what to do to win leadership in the european union? of course, this a priori does not work, but he tried anyway, but in a longer term, to create something like a europeanized nato. it is clear that the united states of america is tired of defending europe, having spent a lot of money on its defense. there is a macronist project of being europeanized and militant, so it is quite clear and works well when mps are from the party.
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traditional war has sunk into oblivion of history, but footage being released from the front lines in ukraine has demonstrated how important such skills are, and this is where they train in breckin. this combat course is designed for platoon sergeants to understand how to conduct trench warfare, and an entire week of training is devoted to this discipline. the breakthrough is the most difficult thing, obviously, when you get to the trenches, you
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will see bunkers, enemy positions, which are also inside the bunkers, but you will also be covered en masse. at this site there are about 300 networks of trenches built according to similar to those used in the russian-ukrainian conflict. these massive trenches are reminiscent of the fortifications of the first world war, but somehow they became an integral part of this war. they are different from what we have learned. if you look at those trenches, you will see long sections that are connected to each other. we learned to build trenches differently. we have a separate one. run to the surface again and attack another fortification to take a new position, in a new trench system, the problem i see is that if the enemy got into trench, then he will simply move on, he will not
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have to run out of it. british troops, although they don't build these trenches, still need to know how to fight in them. ukrainians are also present at this training base and share useful experience they gained during the battles with the russians. we trained with the ukrainians, it was very nice to watch what they do. this war has entered the history books, but it has also become the narrative of britain's military training agenda. german defense minister estorius also continues to prepare the bundeswehr for war with putin, however, in order to put on shoes for deutschen soldat, germany had to literally undress its police officers, law enforcement officers from bavaria, look, they wrote it down. video without pants in the literal sense of the word. the goal turns out to be to draw the attention of the soulless scholtz, epistorius, not only to preparations
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for war with russia, but to the acute lack of uniform. assignment welt writes that police officers have to wait several months for uniforms. the bavarian ministry of internal affairs explains the problem as a disruption of supply chains due, of course, to conflict in ukraine. however, blame everything on... germany is a european economic powerhouse, and law enforcement officers go without trousers. nevertheless, pisorius proposes reforms, still wants to make the bundesfer more effective, capable of war and ready for this war. does the reform include sewing new ones?
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we all know that the threat situation in europe has worsened, it should be clear to everyone that we are defending our country, our alliance partners, this step will ensure that no one will have the thought of attacking us as nato territory.
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russia against ukraine, that's why we need modern armed forces, and especially troops in cyberspace, because in our time, this is of particular importance. today is a signal for change. our common goal is to reorganize the structures of the bundeswehr in such a way that it is optimally prepared in the event of an emergency, if it has to defend us in the event of war. the war after the full-scale entry of russian troops into ukraine forced the german government to increase
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funding. and other special departments. the german defense minister wants to make the country's army suitable for modern warfare. chancellor scholz fears the escalation of the war in ukraine for the whole of europe. so is this update intended to change the situation? this is only a partial return to what it was more than 30 years ago.
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this is something that the minister of defense can do on his own, he has the authority to do this, but in order to reintroduce compulsory conscription, he needs allies in the bundestag, he needs allies in the coalition, and this is much more difficult. pistorius's trail scholz experienced a loss of courage. the german chancellor hopes to quickly use the proceeds from russia's frozen assets, for which, according to his assessment, a legal framework has already been created. according to scholz, this does not contradict the norms of international law. he also previously stated that he was in favor. blocked
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money allegedly does not belong to anyone, that is, it can be taken. in other words, the legalization of marijuana was not in vain, and now we know, we see where scholz has recently been drawing courage for such calls to the violation of international law and in general, where does this stupidity come from, scholz proposes to use all our stolen money for the war in... ukraine against this background, gerhard schröder, the former chancellor of the federal republic of germany, proposed not to arm ukraine, but to try to find a solution to resolve this war. according to shreodor. now is the best time for this. the former head of the german government stated this in an interview with the zeitunk newspapers, to schröder's honor. it's safe to say
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that. he did not renounce his friendship with putin, this becomes clear from the interview ex-chancellor to the ard tv channel. shrödor. he makes it clear that his friendly relations with the russian leader may not interfere, on the contrary, they may help find a solution to ukraine. in particular, the ex-chancellor called for engaging not in moralizing, but again in the search for a peaceful solution to the conflict in ukraine. because of close ties with russia itself. germany the german media are trying to convince everyone that they prefer to bypass gerhard and do not want to sit next to him at public events. in general, it’s a pity that politicians of schrödor’s level are consigned to history, in modern germany, france, in general, europe is ruled by illiterate mediocrities. but there is also a new joke, a wonderful one, about president macron in this regard.
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the day before, he officially announced that putin, according to french intelligence, would disrupt the olympic games in paris, he just said that what is called a video for geage has already begun. putin's agents, you don't see them, but they exist, literally push a ski jumper, he falls, hits his back and thus disrupts the grand opening... opening of the olympic aquatic center in that same paris, all this horror happens on in the eyes of emanu macron.
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var ich das sagen dar. we didn’t go to the sauna, we didn’t go, but maybe we’ll go again. the chancellor became friends with him. yes, i am friends with vladimir putin. this is called male friendship. the main characters are gerhard schröder and russian president putin. we celebrated russian christmas together. i was still chancellor then, and in the morning he said: “shouldn’t we go to the sauna? glad to see you.” and even after the start of the war in ukraine, schrödor never distanced himself from russia and vladimir putin. as far as the future is concerned, germany must be proud of people like him. “i did what i considered reasonable, i contributed to the reliable supply of germany with a truly important and accessible source of energy, gas. it was because of this position that schrödor fell out of favor after the outbreak of the war in ukraine. because of
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this that he does not criticize putin, he finds himself increasingly isolated. schröder's silence has become a burden for him. schröder has long been criticized because of his closeness to the russian president. the spd has initiated a procedure for expelling schröder from the party. and now the government has left schröder without an office or staff. from the chancellor he turned into the person of nongrat. you feel isolated because of all the discussions surrounding you . no, it’s not like that, it’s just the opposite, even in the sdp everyone communicates with me, well , except for a couple of functionaries, but they are small fry. i don’t feel isolated at all; if i were the spd leadership, i’d rather think about why their ratings are lower than
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the alternative for germany. we met with the ex-chancellor at the height of the war in ukraine, and we took into account his friendship with vladimir putin. unexpected news concerning.
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so basically, americans have to rely on their personal savings to ensure a well-deserved vacation, they need almost one and a half million dollars, reports news nation. the figure, of course, is an average, it grows every year; there is no money, then you continue to work. against this background, the usa. continue their chess game, if i may say so, against the european union. senators decided to postpone the approval of military aid for ukraine until the end of the month in order to force eu to confiscate russia's frozen assets
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to solve monetary problem. this will help collapse the euro, firstly, and secondly, it will pull out the dollar. in retaliation, russia is going to intervene in the upcoming one. american elections write: russia will use artificial intelligence for this. neural networks on instructions from the kremlin. biden and trump with calls, well, let’s say, not to go to the american elections or with other provocative messages, until the voters figure out what’s what the main democratic ones.
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march the kremlin did not call for help did not propose an investigation, it is possible that biden is not at all aware of the terrorist attack, says anything without the help of a teleprompter, joe, obviously, certainly cannot, speaking in delaware in honor of independence day. greece, right during his speech he asked
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to rewind the text a little, because he didn’t have time to read everything, express the missed thought in his own words, he’s also not able to, wait, he says, can you slow down, i don’t have time, besides, biden tried to convince audience that every american greek voted for him, he was given a nickname. remember how they found a substance in the white house that turned out to be cocaine? i don't know, but
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it seems like there's something going on there, because i watched his speech on the state of the union, and he was charged from the very beginning, died down by the end, is something going on? i think he should be tested for drugs. are you saying president biden does cocaine? exactly, i can't tell if he does cocaine? we have already entered the general election season, the question is whether joe biden will be in actually debate.
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what they are saying is this: donald trump desperately wants to participate in the presidential debates, and joe biden has every reason to refuse him. oh, well, this made me laugh very much, well, that is, the debate that millions of americans want to see, this channel turns donald trump into concern and mania, no, he just wants a debate, because this is exactly the kind of debate that candidates usually have. knows he will win the debate. in our
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fox news polls, 64% of respondents said it was important hold a debate, and 72% noted that if someone refuses them, it is a sign of insecurity and weakness, so these liberal media are trying to shield joe. a very, very nice and competent person, but it’s time for him to retire. at age 80, joe biden is the oldest us president ever. these presidents left the oval office aged, but if joe biden is re-elected, he will be 86 years old by the end of his presidency. biden's critics say his age is his problem. americans are over eight years old. "i i think that the country should not be run by young or too old, it should be run by middle-aged people. i think it's important to look at the criterion, is the person capable of doing the job? i'm joe baidinopoulos. well, god forgive me, shock
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content, san francisco is overwhelmed by the present. i hate to say this out loud, but it happened. a real fecal epidemic. trouble broke out in the most progressive city in the united states despite municipal authorities spending millions on public toilets. regular cleaning doesn't help either. streets, although it would seem that the problem is so serious that it even became an argument in the dispute between the governors of california and florida, well , that is, it. went to the state level, to debate with kevin newme, ron desantis brought with him a map on which residents mark the fics they found on the streets. imagine, there are so many marks that the silhouette of the blessed american
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city looks like one big stinking spot. there are already jokes on social networks that the dog is from san francisco. it's time to teach them to clean up for their owners. another heavenly punishment, which directly is now approaching the usa, we are talking about the invasion of cicadas. this unique natural phenomenon, known as cycadohedon, will for the first time in two centuries bring together two different generations of insects, numbering over 100 trillion cycads. there may be damage to agriculture. and not half of the us. cicadas can create noise, it will happen, but they can become deaf at a minimum that reaches 110 decibs, which is comparable, for example, to a helicopter engine when you stand close to the helicopter. however, the main topic of catholic easter week in the usa
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the streets of the lgbt capital of america are not even filled with feces, the question is, where? what color was the skin of jesus christ, the supposed concept of a blond, blue-eyed savior is not inclusive enough, and of course, does not correspond to the religious aspirations of black citizens of america, so they are increasingly moving away from christianity, looking for salvation in other religions, a way out of the situation. found by failed theologian christina cleveland, she wrote the book jesus is a black woman. and now he preaches this outright heresy, of course, not without financial gain for himself. the blasphemous mockery of religion eventually
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became a bestseller. it does not say how many people turned to god after reading the book. but apparently, the book did not go unnoticed in heaven, this is a natural assumption, but look, lightning hit the statue of liberty in new york, well, that is, the sky of america is already sending signs, but america doesn’t care. christina cleveland spent much of her childhood in the evangelical church, surrounded by traditional images of belokurov's porcelain-skinned jesus. one day she saw an image of christ that made her gasp. it was an image of the resurrected jesus, surrounded by his disciples amazed by this miracle, among whom was the unbelieving thomas, who touched the wound on the body of christ. jesus, like his disciples, was depicted as a man of color with a skin color between black and
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brown. cleveland, who was planning to major in theology and psychology, realized that she had always imagined jesus as a white-skinned man with a nordic appearance, sort of. now she realized that he was more like her, a black woman. jesus skin color forced clivlin to reconsider his attitude towards easter. when i read the easter story, i see that jesus was a victim of state-sanctioned violence. i see jesus surrounded by black and brown people who want to help him in some way, but at the moment they are powerless , says cleveland, author of god is a black woman. i see that people have become victims of a system that does not see them as people. figure, he lived in the first century in the middle east, most likely his skin was olive in color, but we don’t know for sure, but we we know how he has been portrayed by artists
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over the years, just like santa claus, he is a reflection of the image that the artist dreamed up, in jamaica jesus would be jamaican, in asia you can often see jesus with asian features, here in the usa, north america and europe, he will be white, what your santa looks like, your jesus, is up to you to decide. it is clear that jesus was a jew, he is a descendant of abraham and a son of david, we know his nationality, he was a purebred jew, and i think this theme can be developed further. the bible says that jacob and isaac were twins, and esau had red hair. the song of solomon says that solomon had hair the color of a raven's feathers, black. therefore, we understand that in those days jews could have either red hair or black hair.
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jesus, they lose interest in christianity. we want jesus to be like us, but the question that should really concern us is how can we become like jesus, how can i become like jesus, not how can i make jesus like me. urgent news. disinformation of the national security and defense council of ukraine andrey kovalenko right now the head of the counteraction center
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said that russia is really preparing a summer offensive, which will begin in may june. he stated that russia would attack on already active sectors of the front, along dugledar, bakhmut, here he was mistaken, apparently, he meant the city of artyomovsk, towards kramatorsko-slavyansk, armed in parallel. russian forces are testing the ukrainian defense at sinkovka in the kupinsky direction, he didn’t say anything new, there really is movement along the entire front line, movement forward on our side, on the ukrainian side sides towards the polish border. we are transported to the front via direct communication with war correspondent vladimir razin. volodya, hello, let’s start with something vehemently contradictory. information, either they entered the territory of a populated area, or our attack aircraft are already working there, the ukrainians
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refute the information, they generally refute our successes at the front, and then the head of the center for countering disinformation says: “oh, my god, it turns out there is an offensive.” olga, good afternoon, indeed in the area around yar hours the situation is quite active with our side, we are approaching, run in. i don’t think it’s worth going ahead and saying that we entered the first houses there, into a residential area and, most importantly, gained a foothold, but work on this is underway, our guys are moving closer to a residential area, constantly hitting the enemy, it’s working out very well aviation, supporting our attack aircraft, and in parallel with this, we and the northeastern one are advancing, taking the heights from bogdanovka, that is, from another flank we are approaching ardemovsk to the chasovyar. and from artyomovsk we approach chasyar and, accordingly, a little to the south, also from the side of ivanovsky, we are also approaching,
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that is, in fact, on three sides now we need to align the front so that we can already say that full-fledged assault operations there or work on storming chasovyar have actively begun, and now we we are certainly testing the defense in the area where we have approached and where we have the opportunity to work in direct contact with the enemy and correct ours. aviation and artillery, yes, but it’s premature, i ’ll repeat once again that, well, i think it’s not worth it to run further than our attack aircraft have gone and , most importantly, have gained a foothold, so now the situation is such that we are very close, we are constantly pushing the enemy, he is retreating, and here it should also be noted that this microdistrict of chasovye, it is located on the left bank of the seversky donetsk canal , that is, the rest of the clock. is located on the right bank, and most likely, the ukrainian side will not cling to this part so much, yes, they will most likely
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build up their defense for the most part. only after that, relying precisely on a natural barrier, this is the seversky donets canal itself. navdeevsky, what is happening in the direction, does the ukrainian armed forces, in principle, have parts of the front where they are demonstrating some success. how is the enemy behaving now? in the avdeevsky direction, just yesterday we were working there with the tank crews of the first slavic brigade, they were working in the area of ​​​​the settlement of umansk, this is already behind the thin one, that is, our guys are advancing there, it’s just the guys on the tanks supporting our attack aircraft, dismantling another landing, which the enemy is trying to gain a foothold, in general the front in the avgeevsky direction is quite active, on our side we continue to move the enemy to the west, on our side very strong assault operations continue in
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semyonovka in berdychi, in fact, well , the enemy also remains. quite little, he rolls back, but he doesn’t stop counterattacking, yes, that is, you need to understand here in order to, uh, if he wants to try to build some kind of defense, even if it’s so banal, there ’s nothing new there in principle, these are the most ordinary trenches in landings, these are dugouts, and even if he manages to build them, he constantly needs to counterattack, constantly needs to throw in fresh forces, no matter how prepared they are, how fortified they are with the support of equipment, without support, but they don’t care.
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what’s with our equipment? enemies, what’s going on with the cartridges, with the shells, what’s going on, at the nato summit, of course, i paid attention to the endless request from kuleb, several times he formulated a request for...
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constantly the equipment that continues to fly with them, although very rarely very little , she it’s amazing on their part that they say that now we don’t need f16s, they were needed there last year, when they tried to break through in the zaporozhye sector of the front, well, in fact, that’s the case, that is, now they understand, that for such a breakthrough as they tried to make last year, there is no strength, no capabilities, no prepared reserves, so there is, as it were, support. aviation is not needed for such breakthroughs, work in defense constantly retreating back, that is, in principle, aviation is not needed here either, why, because it will be immediately it’s instantly surprising that our air defenses are constantly monitoring the sky, constantly monitoring it, now they are focusing more on air defense, because our aviation, our drones are constantly striking, so last night in
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kharkov actually passed without air defense work from the enemy. that is, our shells, our drones, our missiles flew at identified targets, at military targets , there the military-industrial complex, all kinds of accumulations, equipment and personnel, but the air defense did not cover them, the question is also why they were afraid to reveal themselves, yes, because as soon as they reveal themselves, the next missiles fly directly at the air defense complexes, or there are simply none left in kharkov now, they could drag them there to kiev, and in which... the complexes are also constantly being hit air defense. as for the equipment of the shells, it cannot be said that they are not there, yes, it cannot be said that they do not use the equipment, yes, it cannot be said that well, there is simply zero left there, but it certainly is, they disperse it, they try to save it as much as possible, just the same, well once again showing their attitude directly towards the personnel, which is not thrown into the meat, not even assaults, but
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counterattacks or meat attempts to defend. thank you very much, volodya, vladimir razin, war correspondent, live, front line. details continue to arrive hourly, i’ll say again that the ukrainian authorities deny the fact that our attack aircraft entered the territory of a populated area, the rators agency comes up with approximately the same thesis, but the key is that if they haven’t entered right now, then in the next few hours, but if not , that days indeed. this small settlement will come under russian control. look. the ukrainian military said on friday it was in a very difficult combat
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situation near the eastern town of chasafyar, but denied russian reports that the russian army had reached its suburbs. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to gain a foothold, but face a shortage of artillery shells, and us aid has been stuck in congress for several months. quick capture of a sentry. city ​​with double the population of 12,200 people, located west of bakhmut, would have marked a dismal setback for kiev and signaled russia's growing superiority on the battlefield. andrey zadubinny, press secretary of ukraine's eastern command, said: the situation there is very difficult, the fighting continues. on thursday, the mayor of the city, sergei chaus, called the situation in the hour yar the most difficult since the start of the war. please, of course, we... cannot ignore the statements of western politicians, provocateurs, macron, sekorsky, blinken and so on, but of course, the key result of our struggle for independence, for a new world order
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- this, of course, everything will be decided at the front, will be decided in the rear, from the coordinated precise work of our military , defense-industrial complex, and the support of all these actions of the population, but of course, bypassing these next belligerent russophobic... statements by western politicians too there is no need to go through, because they completely increase the degree of conflict, they were talking about macron, indeed, with his provocative statements, he was obviously also testing the reaction, the reaction of russia, the reaction of china, the reaction of the world community, and well the reaction of the population in the west, because i am sure that the overwhelming majority of the ordinary population living in europe, of course, does not want the escalation of this conflict, but western politicians need this escalation, now they... have connected sekorsky with his statements about the creation of the so-called mission in ukraine. listen, well, in fact , by and large, maybe this was not officially called a nato mission, but they trained the ukrainian military, prepared, coordinated,
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including preparing terrorist attacks on the territory of our country, strikes, therefore, well, a certain involvement, it is completely obvious, and no matter what you call it, it is obvious that this is another provocative action, by the way, to a greater extent... i would like to draw attention to blinkin’s statement, and we are already accustomed to western cynicism , but what he said about ukraine being on the right development trajectory in the medium and long term, which means it will get back on its feet from a military, economic, and democratic point of view, is simply amazing, you know, when he said this , i'll immediately i remembered the famous footage from 1945, when hitler walked around a line of volsturmists, skinny, exhausted guys, and said: “guys, hold on, you are strong guys, you will stop russian tanks.” so blinkina says to the ukrainians: “guys, you will have
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a powerful economy, a powerful military component of democracy, that in fact the economy is destroyed, and to a greater extent it was already destroyed before the start of a special military operation, because ukraine had the best economy - in ukrainian ussr as part of the soviet union, now it really just rests on western loans and western assistance, from the point of view of the military component, well, look, mobilization is underway, soldiers are forcibly conscripted, of course, there is no point in talking about any military power in the future, because ukrainians will die guys, but of course certain military components in ukraine are still quite decent, the third component is democratic, elections have been cancelled, parties are banned, political prisoners are thrown into prison, there are our komsomol members kananovich already 2 has been under arrest for years without charges, that is, what kind of democracy, what kind of economy,
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just a complete profanation of all the ongoing processes, but they need to throw the ukrainian people into the furnace so that they decide and defend western interests, so i’m sure that over time these so... the so-called western hawks, they will seriously lose their popularity within the country, because normal people do not want war, they need peace, attempts to drag... poland, and france, and other european countries into this conflict in the interests of the united states, in essence, of course, will be rejected, and but time needs to pass, there needs to be understanding, by the way, when you gave the example of gerhard schröder, then, listen, these kind of politicians, or similar ones, they will be in demand in european politics, and not the upstart macron, why look at schröder, they say there and deprived him of his assistants, and that means.
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they are almost trying to make the elite, so -called germany, outcast him. listen to what a person needs, he has gone through a colossal journey in life. he turned 80 on april 7 years. born during the second world war, into a working-class family, he himself worked as an assistant to a salesman at construction sites, his father died at the front, his mother raised five children, by the way, in his youth he was fond of marxism, a person who understands the processes taking place, so just like that.
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in honor of the battle of stalingrad, yes, but everyone understands perfectly well that there would not have been the liberation of france in forty years, if there had not been the battle of stalingrad, the victory of many victories of the soviet army, because we pulled together german troops on the eastern front, the allies landed there and liberated them, that’s the real story, these people who don’t know any history, don’t understand the specifics of the need to develop their country will go into oblivion, so people like schroeder, they will be in demand, ideas will be in demand, because it is necessary to create a system, which will allow all people to develop, there should be no hegemony, and we, by the way, russia, china, socialist, are building this system, and for our side, the anti-fascist struggle, and the struggle against nazism is key, including from the point of view of education, by the way, the communist party of the russian federation will carry out all its events under these slogans. about the struggle for power in the european union. firstly, much
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of what macron has been saying lately indicates that he has not become aggressive, he is only fighting for the upcoming elections to the european parliament, hence the odious statement about the introduction of french troops into ukraine, further from the funny horror crazy statement that france has data on the terrorist attack in crocus, but will not share it, although macron comes from what...
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there are several reasons to believe that lepine could become president on her fourth try, the first of which has little to do with her and everything to do with the quarrelsome and fickle nature of the french electorate, just like former us president donald while trump was able to set the parameters of american foreign policy from the comfort of the white house, there is a risk that lipen will now be able to do the same for france and the eu. under macron, france was not particularly distinguished by its supply of weapons to kiev, but its economic assistance was more generous, but if the war under lipen's leadership lasted another 3 years. it could go either way, and while she says france will remain in nato, lepine will fundamentally undermine ukraine's ability to ever join the alliance, and will also prevent the country from becoming a member of the european union. in addition, there are financial and political connections between lipen and russian president vladimir putin. please, well, the french presidential elections in 1927 are obvious, as if this is a question for parliament, for elections in the european parliament, which will respectively be held in 2 months, and where accordingly. very
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serious position recently , in fact, it was believed that the olympics should become a very serious strengthening position for macron, precisely in these elections, because these elections will actually be decisive for the presidential position, as in fact, here we have the olympics, if there nothing will happen, although the french intelligence services say that there will be a terrorist attack, if not a terrorist attack, then putin will disrupt the olympics, well there statements have recently sounded quite strange in principle regarding the answers, but the question is different, the risk there is slightly different, firstly, the middle east. in fact, it is a very big problem for france and now there is an active phase: today is friday, the last ramadan, and most likely the last friday of ramadan will be watered and most likely , accordingly, it will be like uh. worsening, now a significant part of the market has already priced oil at 91 plus, it broke through 91 at night ramadan did not bring relief, if we are waiting for an aggravation, no, rabadan will bring an aggravation, because any confrontations that occur against this background, they seem to be a very serious
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catalyst, this is a very serious catalyst, all oppositions during this period are very very -very serious, in fact , the aggravation that iran is currently experiencing, this actually very seriously complicates the situation in europe as a whole, because... ramadan is believed that iran will respond by the end of the day, i i tell you that we proceeded from what would bring relief. there has never been any relief, just as there will be no aggravation, here the war is being waged regardless of various kinds of events, if this war is with infidels, then what does ramadan have to do with this, i don’t seem to be immersed in the religious component, there i never said that next door i said that there would be an aggravation during ramadam, and that’s why biden
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was going to close it up to this point, this is the problem, they are naturally negotiating, god forbid you don’t continue in ramadan , you’ve escalated it, that’s what i ’m talking about, i’m not arguing with it, i don’t know, the problem is this, that is , in fact, now at night the oil has already broken through 91, now everyone has already laid down more than 91, it is growing sharply, accordingly it has already broken through these barrier parts, that is, the problem is the following, the second very important point is that the economy is accordingly beginning to break through, as oil has been returning in large quantities since december, when were the most low prices, it increased by 25%. it has grown by more than 19% over the past 2 months. well, to understand, 25% is, for example, 20 dollars to the cost, this is very... very much, that is, it cost 72 in december, now it is already 91, as if this is very different from the ceiling of 60, let’s formulate it this way very much from afar, here and this is good for us, bad for the american elections, in fact, this is if it goes to 110, and this is if there is
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a confrontation, you just need to understand a little, there it is only in countries that are in this region produces approximately 24 million barrels per day, which is 23, well, 24% of all oil. we don’t have a single country that can replace this, three countries that are involved in the conflict, iran, iraq, well , let’s say the saudis are still on the way, perhaps they produce more than in the usa, and significantly, there is also qatar is inside with its tankers, with gas carriers, where will they go, they only move through the persian lift, as a matter of fact, that is, in fact, everyone has little understanding of what border they stand on, there burns was sent to negotiations, if only he would put this story to rest as quickly as possible, that is, where it all started, tanyahu declared at night that as at night, well, yes, in principle, for the last 24 hours he declared that he was ashamed they will interact specifically with iran, now they would limit the actions of israeli embassies, in many countries they have limited them, because they are afraid that the attack will be on them, not only in israel, so this is actually a very big problem, but now imagine for a second ,
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what will happen, here at - accordingly, at the olympics, everyone is afraid there, accordingly , statements there, but imagine what will happen there, for example, on this circuit, any person who will come out, he will make a statement on... make a statement, and even before that, he will begin to talk, give comments on the middle east, there athletes from israel will already go to the olympics, and will not be disqualified, no one introduced sanctions, and we already discussed with you yesterday, the only thing austin said in response to the blows, i'm shocked by your actions by calling netanyahu, the problem lies elsewhere, the issue there is not in israel, it’s simply that a large number of countries will come, they will all speak out about it, that is, we will have to cut out half of the arab world, which will now come and speak out, accordingly there are already athletes there . they talk about this on social networks, to the question that a significant part of the population also lives there, that is, this is a big risk, compared to what is happening in general, well, it’s so insignificant, what is real there can happen, this is a risk, we need to fight this, and france naturally needs to deal very seriously with security issues, plus all the other problems are the following, the problem is that in our country this whole thing is superimposed
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on certain difficulties that arise, accordingly, in other various directions, there in latin america itself, let’s say, in what is happening now, for example, in the usa, another problem is that they are gradually getting tired of this, their new normal does not suit anyone at all, those they want to return to the old one for a long time, that’s why from this point of view, if this is possible, of course, therefore from this point of view, as it were, a lot of things are naturally happening on just banks in russia.
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but this is strange, 2 months, this is the maximum, wait, the second quarter has not even ended yet, for him 2 more months are ending, respectively, but you also fixed what rate at 15%, so that now 17 seems good to you, i remind you before , well, people before we remember 11 9 again where the splash comes from and they record this one in the splashes the surge is a consumer boom , a consumer boom is connected with the exchange rate , respectively, people will try to move in now , accordingly, before the price has risen. the second point, as for the second quarter , now we are still crawling up to the quarters, to see what will happen there in the end, because the question is, as it were, that all this will be influenced, accordingly, well
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, we have proposed a family mortgage on the one hand, yes, that is, there is a rate at which people can borrow in certain regions, this is supported, on the other hand the central bank says, that we have a family mortgage, if this does not happen, that is, people are already afraid of this mortgage, they are taking out, so from this point of view, as if there is an economic explanation for this, the economy will digest everyone there, all over the world this is all clear, the question is different is that there are risks in comparison with which everything that has happened now is very insignificant.
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that paris is not capable of hosting the olympic games, but we have already shown these amusing shots, macron did not have time to declare that the russian federation has never stated putin will arrange a provocation for him, just like a provocation was arranged by his own athlete, behind this it’s all a nightmare.
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alla taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me, from monday on rtr.
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the office is the calling card of your business. the taller business center is located near paveletskaya square and the garden ring, original architecture with a recreated historical tower, an access system with facial recognition, an application for managing space and time, an intelligent
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the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with a kuktem, so tame the biting one. voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, play with a stray , a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, feed me hamster, you are among friends, among friends, program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our
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podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform. we’re watching the first podcasts that we’re watching, i want to stay in moscow, of course, i’ll get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, it’s still a pig, it’ll be yours here, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at it on the weekend, well, i liked who it is, it’s zavyalov, our owner. why are not you sleeping? i'm afraid, what are you afraid of? wake up, i'm afraid, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid, or what? i’ll have to fire you, actually, i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of just home, here in general, it’s incomprehensible to the mind, nothing, i’ll turn around, or the princess, who will the prince choose, did he
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love her? yes, most likely not, but you love me, pegasus wings. on saturday on rtr - the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this completely anonymous room, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work. a lot, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them
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into your home, big ones ! changes, every sunday on rtr. help kyiv already late, he writes. with reference to high-ranking ukrainian officials, nothing can change the situation on the battlefield, because the pentagon insists on the gradual supply of weapons to the armed forces of ukraine, so that when it reaches the front, there may be no one to help. at the same time, blinken promises that the united states will redouble its efforts to find weapons for ukraine. the us secretary of state said that the adoption of the aid package by the us congress. for ukraine, this is the most important and most urgent. republican senator michael mccola agrees with blinken, here the white house, in his opinion, is simply afraid
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of putin; the most scared of all is jake salevan, who proceeds from the fact that if the supply of weapons to ukraine is not stopped, putin - i quote salevan - will go crazy and drop a nuclear bomb. blinkin seems to me to be a very good person, i was with him immediately after the invasion, he was completely in favor of landing immediately. in my opinion, it's about jake salevan and the white house, they are very timid. i like colin paul's doctrine. you either get in or get out, don't go halfway. you know, we give putin exactly what he wants, this is a dead end, a war of attrition. he still has the strength to throw them into battle. sullivan is too careful, he's very skittish, and he bought it. to this idea that if we give kiev too much, russia will use a tactical nuclear bomb. most of the intelligence i've seen says they're not going to do it because it would be a game changer
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for everyone. please, what can i say, salevan is a rather cautious person, indeed, probably an intelligent person, because well, wave your sabers a little, and you can run into a shot from a good gun in the forehead. the west gradually and consistently goes through the stages of accepting reality. by the way, he has, uh, fighters, so to speak, pay attention, all ukrainian armored vehicles have bundesfern crosses on them, that is, these are the children and grandchildren of those who fought as fascists
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who put fascist signs on their armored vehicles, and it’s not for nothing that our guys call them , the germans, that is, this is very important, the poles, that is, the statement of the poles that we proceed from the fact that everyone who now lives in germany, who is this? germans, germans, who are the other grandchildren? fascists, well, otherwise it wouldn’t be maugerian germans at all with the rarest exception, well, with some of the germans after all - further, a statement from poland that they are going to play the long game, supply weapons, the main favorite gderovka is angela merkel, we are in it too a long time ago, angela, she is such a girl of free behavior, but this is about talking about the gdr, about free behavior, i just don’t know, if you know, my friends.
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our military-industrial complex is growing, well, the military-industrial complex is naturally a driver; by the way, we can now it’s safe to say that we have two defense-industrial complexes, there is a classic defense-industrial complex, and there is a people’s defense-industrial complex, that is , for that short period, in principle, that we have a special military operation underway, a people’s defense-industrial complex appeared, which helped to clothe the army, arm it, if for a minute, these are all fpv drones, they were not created by rostec, well, well, lancet yes, they were created by many, many - startups that were financed by fees, who initiated all this? in general , they are all chinese now, with the exception of the ghoul. fpv is not chinese, it is from chinese components, and even then not
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completely. well, chinese, when chinese components are assembled in russia, it’s normal. chinese components are found in the f-35 aircraft. nothing, right? well, not completely, not 80%, that’s right, well, not 80%, it’s been a long time, we need to enlighten ourselves a little here. this is what it says about what has appeared, as if a parallel reality is appearing, but it all started with public fundraising, but now there is already funding from, in general, business, a parallel reality, this is private. state partnership, well, yes, you can say so, there is a state military-industrial complex, there are private enterprises, why call them a parallel reality, they are officially registered, they pay taxes, there is no problem here, i meant why maybe i phrased it wrong, why parallel reality, we have this area very regulated, like the apkashny and generally large ones, that is, these startups, roughly speaking, cannot just go get a loan,
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they can, no, they cannot, they do not comply on...
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within the framework of certain regulations, not wanting to maneuver between these regulations and the regulations themselves change quite slowly, that is, in this area we, well, i think that a certain acceleration will be given, because now in fact there is a question of the survival of our country , survival of industry, about the survival of industry the day before the figure was mentioned again, our enterprise at this moment is loaded... 97%, therefore, with survival rate, of course, it is not very good, that all this is connected exclusively with the beginning of a special military operations, but this is what is called a positive factor, but putin said the day before that we are definitely not in danger of becoming unemployed in the near future in the long term, and this is rather a problem in this context, because there are not enough workers,
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but there will be workers. the minister of defense called shaigu to the minister of defense of the russian federation, then lecarniu said that paris has no information on the terrorist attack, to which shaigu said that we really hope that the french intelligence services are not behind the terrorist attack, this of course sounded as threatening as possible, less than a day later, macron came out and said that paris had information that could
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help. in the investigation of the terrorist attack, but paris has still not shared this information with moscow for some unclear reasons, and peskov reports, confirms this fact, that there is no data that paris has communicated with information on the terrorist attack, that at the front what’s happening now, look, everything is concrete, attentive,
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the industrial zone near the milovo deposit lasted several months. bsu officers equipped a powerful fortified area there. these shots show our drones they destroy the bandera soldiers holed up in the trenches near belogorovka. and these are the strikes of the russian aerospace forces on new york, the factories are ironing the former novgorod in the dpr, which in a fit of de-russification was renamed in the twenty-first year, kiev terrorists. this is what the arrival of ground bombs looks like. video from the enemy side. it was a mountain wave that threw me back, of course it was a difficult case there. these frames show a series of precise drops of our drones in the chasoy yar area. drone operators destroy enemy personnel. advisor
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to the head of the dpr gagin said that russian the troops had already entered the city itself. ivanovo paratroopers made a breakthrough through the forest to the kanal microdistrict, breaking through the defenses of the vsso. in the video, the daring attacks of the fighters. the enemy is publishing the 98th airborne division; our armored groups are going to break through under the cover of attack aircraft. it is reported that the paratroopers managed to gain a foothold on the green street in the east of chasoy yar. as one might assume, the situation with the second russian offensive has now reached its climax. we see this as the culminating stage in which russia is trying to achieve breakthrough in several areas to gain operational space. this is currently the case.
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and this is already the ugledar direction, having strengthened the ukrainian armed forces area on the territory of the yuzhnodonbasskaya mine number one, they are destroyed by a one and a half ton gliding volumetric detonating aerial bomb, and the position of ukrainian militants in the forest belts in the avdeevka direction is burned out by santsepek heavy flamethrower systems. bandera's supporters say there is almost nothing to answer them; there is a catastrophic shortage of ammunition. this is our pain. counting ammunition, now we have a constant shortage, to understand, last spring we worked in the same direction, worked on this very directly, shot six to seven times more than now, very dependent on political conditions, in these frames
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a children’s attack by a russian bmp-3 armored vehicle flew into a whirlwind on the positions the enemy and destroys the fortified area of ​​the army from a hundred-millimeter main one. guns and autocannons. ukrainian artillery was unable to hit the bmw. here's another impressive raid. under the cover of darkness, tula paratroopers on infantry fighting vehicles fired from at a distance of less than a kilometer, the ukrainian armed forces area was strengthened in the northern direction. leopard, i have a few bradleys , t-72s, and pickup trucks, what else is that, and
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some kind of french armored vehicle, in general, there are a lot of pickup trucks, we disrupt the enemy’s rotation, if such an opportunity comes up . the first abrams in donbass was shot down by a piranha drone, its developer simbirsk design bureau reported that the production of such uavs is now completely localized in russia. three hundred piranhas gather every day. in these shots there is destruction ukrainian drone control point in the zaporozhye direction with an airstrike. the hardest situation is in the novomikhailovsky and marinsky sections. the maryinsky direction is now one of the most difficult, here the enemy operates in small groups, and also constantly uses armored groups, armored vehicles, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, combining them with attacks controlled by aerial
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bombs on our positions, on the rear, on logistics, thus trying to push through the defense here. here is footage of the smarinsky direction, where zelensky’s militants especially hard, the arriving precision-guided munition destroys the identified one. this corresponds almost exactly to the urban area of ​​cologne; overall russia controls probably 20% of ukraine, including the black sea peninsula of crimea. by comparison, this would be territory.
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the investigative committee has just published an operational video from the scene of the attack on the governor, including footage of the very knife that was used to wound the head of the region. an armed man attacked the governor after his meeting with residents of the city of apatito. the attack took place at dk-builder, the criminal ran out of a black foreign car and stabbed the lapwing in the stomach. after that he tried to escape. but he was shot in the leg and detained by special forces officer amon. he
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will be nominated for an award. the attacker was a forty-two-year-old mechanic, alexander bydanov. kill the governor. the man decided, as he said, out of personal trouble, although they were strangers personally. the attack, as he put it, was ordered by voices in his head. in this regard , the man has already been sent to psychiatrists.
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andrei chibbes was transferred to intensive care. andrey chibbes is located in apatitsko-kirovskaya the central city hospital under the supervision of doctors, as well as special forces soldiers in civilian clothes. in addition, investigative actions are being conducted here, and those who were close to the governor at the time of the crime are being interrogated. the condition is serious, stable, medical assistance is necessary. the volume was provided, laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, suturing of wounds of damaged organs were performed, now in the immediate postoperative period the patient is in the intensive care unit, intensive care, under observation. the governor of the murmansk region was saved by a miracle, a few more centimeters, the knife blow could have been fatal, in fact, he was very lucky that the aorta was not affected, so the treatment will continue. to the intensive care unit, there is a convoy car at the emergency department,
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probably the suspect in the attack is in the same hospital with the governor . forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov was wounded during the arrest, the investigation is trying to establish the motive for his action. the attacker found the official in apatity, here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center, andrei chibes met with locals residents, this is footage of the investigative team working at night, forensic experts are taking fingerprints from a car that belongs to budanov, in order to open it, they had to break the glass. the operatives worked every inch here, collecting all the evidence. oleg pasoben, pavel tretyakov, dmitry khvostnyuk, mormon region. nato is not prepared for russian threats in the arctic. an article with this title is published by foreign policy. the publication writes that even after sweden and finland joined nato. confront the russians in the far north, the west is not ready yet. blog. there are not enough resources for this, a senior analyst at
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the hudson institute, odgar notes that the united states, canada, denmark, sweden and finland have not prepared theirs at all. the navy is committed to operations in the arctic, and the norwegian fleet is not strong enough to hold the northern flank on its own. russia remains the only country in the world that has a fleet of nuclear icebreakers. at the same time, washington has problems even with the construction of non-nuclear icebreakers. the us coast guard has refused additional funding for the fleet construction program. heavy combat lidobreakers in the twenty-fifth year. amid the delay , $125 million has been allocated in the short term for the acquisition of the commercial icebreaker aevik to fill the shortage of such vessels. but its repair and implementation in accordance with the requirements of the coast guard
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will take at least a year and a half. according to senator talyaskin, this could take 7 years. against this background, people in helsinki are nervous. on april 15, they are closing the border with russia indefinitely; before that, the closed regime at the checkpoint was extended every 2 months; the finns themselves are also being prepared for war.
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against this background of european statements , a transformation is clearly visible, i would even say a fracture , certain fractures of the main project of europe, the collective west, nato. the fact is that at least three of these fault lines are visible, of course they are not described in the west, but firstly, this is essentially nato,
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despite this military, as it were, pr component, the increase from 12 to 32 countries in 75 years, all these exercises, these inflating, so to speak, these military balloons, figuratively speaking, in fact, in essence this project remained mainly political project, yes there is a military component, it is clear, but yes, for the first 40 years it actively restrained the soviet union, the collapse of the warsaw pact, but today the situation has completely changed, russia has changed, the structure has changed, the challenges have changed radically, but the nato security concept has remained the same, moreover , it has worsened due to...
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it is in direct political, and not only political, in general dependence on life in america, the third fault, that is, in fact , conceptually nato has positioned itself as euro-atlantic. the bloc is a region of priority for his interests, but in fact , a contradiction has arisen again, over the past 5 years, nato has allegedly turned into a global project, an east asian branch has appeared, japan, south korea have appeared, aokus projects and so on, this is a gap, that is, nato like some kind of gymnast, like a church member, one leg is tied to europe, the other to east asia, they themselves have already tied it, more and more of this gymnast is being stretched by two legs, and what if the taiwanese conflict is what. will rip into two parts, that is, roughly speaking, in strategy, in the concept of geopolitical positioning of nato, there is also a contradiction,
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and that is, if we sum it all up, a clear, understandable conclusion arises, despite the pretentiousness, despite all this seventy-five-year-old activity, yes, they participated in iraq and libya, yes, there was afghanistan, but this is not a nato war, it ’s understandable that the american participation in these well-known, so to speak, actions, a clear question arises, that after the northern military district, after...
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and also the second point is to reduce this chinese trade colossal the surplus is somewhere around 250-300 billion in this 700 billion trade. naturally, china will not agree to this, moreover, china offers its own options, it says that the red line is taiwan, this is what xi told biden, b - this , of course, well, let’s say, zeroing out these absolutely unfair american sanctions against the chinese high-tech sector. let's see, tomorrow, apparently, there will be a final statement on the negotiations with letyan. and what is the result? well, in any case, this structure is chinese-american in appearance according to the americans, pink is so, well
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, positive, in fact, inside, it is red-conflict, since the main problematic contradictions have not been resolved, finishing, of course, this bill on ukraine, which is stuck in congress, which means, i think, after april 9, mike johnson will not be able to accept it for consideration, by the end of the month it will be... it, and know-how has appeared there, so we are discussing, among experts, the judge is actively discussing this, that is, mike johnson, so that somehow the opposition, which means, in his this is a commercial option, right? let's say, to push through ukrainian aid in the form of loans, he came up with the idea of ​​compensation through confiscation and therefore frozen russian assets, well, what is boiled down, roughly speaking, all or a percentage of these 3 billion is still unknown, it is frozen there in the usa. there is a lot there, but again a problem arises, well, this information already
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exists, indonesia, saudi arabia and china have already formed a common platform, statement, position, you can look at it however you like , that if such a precedent is created, well, russian confiscation, it will be means that there is a threat to the assets of these countries, a and b, they will also respond . if this happens in relation to some of the americans, then, of course, this is such a chain reaction, completing everything, i want to say, of course, that is , the united states is mocking the europeans, forcing them to violate international law, blackmailing the european union, not allocating american dollars, take the money from the russians, that’s absolutely right, this is blackmail, this is the so-called european strategic autonomy from the usa in quotes, it’s clear what’s the point she leads, concluding, i want to say that you know, returning to our northern military district to this image, i remember, by the way, the words of andrei torkovsky, yesterday he would have turned 90 years old,
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he said that a zone is not a territory, it is, it is an opportunity to test a person’s strength, his ability to overcome difficulties, so in fact our soldiers who are heroically fighting in ukraine, this is a collective stalker who leads russia through the northern military district, through this zone of suffering, yes, difficulties, trials, but in fact it means that russia, through this... zone through this nwo, is actually not just being renewed, it is also being cleansed from the western infection, it is reaching a new, higher, qualitative level, political, and economic, if you like , cultural and civilizational, through thorns to to the stars, let's come back, i came to work
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to get a job, it didn't work out, i was robbed, no need to cry. get yourself in order, get smart, let's go. hello taxi premieres on monday on rtr. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast. forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star you will discover a new world of belgian waffles. and your kids will ask you to make them again and again. that's the secret. waffle iron plates. the non-stick coating has a deeper, larger design, which allows you to add fillings to suit any taste. cherry jam to make a cherry pie, or fill the middle with scrambled eggs, ham and cheese to make an amlet. in just three steps you will get your perfect puff waffle that everyone will love. your children will also enjoy join this exciting process. cooking with power xl is easy and simple,
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the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready. tomorrow. lunch, dinner, dessert. with the incredible new power xl waffle iron, you'll amaze everyone. why torture yourself with old waffle irons and toast that you can’t add toppings to? with the power excel waffle star you can always prepare waffles 5 cm high in record time with extreme ease. waffles with apples, cinnamon and caramel, cherry, waffle pizza, cheese toastie, french toast or hearty beef waffles. forget about the mountains. utensils left after cooking, breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert, power xl is simply the pleasure of waffles for the whole family, call and get your unique power xl waffle star for your perfect waffles and more, waffle iron manufacturer's recommended price 79.95 , but you will receive your original power xl woffle star at an unbeatable price of only 59.95, your
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saving is 20 euros. but that’s not all, if you place an order right now, then as a gift, you will receive a brilliant booklet with power xl recipes from the famous chef, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable one. to work, on a visit, on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated the most demanding fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to
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conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design. two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call now to order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. bored of your old fence? do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repairs or replacements will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo façade for the bright life fence. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area. and recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo, will be instantly updated without expensive painting repairs, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready- made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence , wooden, stone or metal, if dirt appears, just rinse it with water,
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beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call from aka... just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area.
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happy birthday to you, ask on saturday after graduation. you are flying to italy, and i am finishing my business here , i will join you, if you knew where you will lose, dad, dad, little werewolf, if you knew where
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you will find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you in general, i loved him, mom, so from now on, in more detail, come with me, i can help you.
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take the rest of ukraine into nato. look. nato representatives are discussing the option of kiev ceding territory to russia in exchange for security guarantees and ukraine’s admission to the alliance. such a scenario is not heard in official discussions, but is raised informally and is becoming more and more real, especially before the us elections. the russian federation will be offered to leave crimea with all the territories conquered within two years, and then fix the borders and accept into nato what remains for ukraine. this option is similar to what happened after the second world war.
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and if there, let’s also vinnitsa and ivanofrankovsky further until the appetite runs out, but they came up with a very cunning formula, it’s called the nato mission in ukraine, which will deal with such humanitarian, such things, there, of course, help ukraine with military aid, 100 billion divided over 5 years, issuing them clearly according to regulations, according to schedule, the mission will be enough. extensive, they have not yet decided how many committees will work and so on, but what is it? in fact, this is a hidden intervention, that is , they will set up these committees in all cities and villages, declare them, for example,
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diplomatic territories, god forbid you shoot there, and so on, and of course these missions will be guarded, here is the legalization of waters , water troops on the territory of ukraine, that is, they are thinking through options and always forget to ask russia about this. that is, russia is not included in all these plans, it is only presented with a fact, we will do this, and you will agree, we will not agree to this, this was a clear concept given by our supreme commander-in-chief, our shmit, our minister of defense, we will go to the end, until all the tasks of the special military operation are completed, the second task of the side is the fact that they are trying to leave the war is already remarkable, remarkable. we are talking about such a thing as fixing losses, this whole project of ukraine, it is unprofitable, the americans were one of the first to jump off this object last year, handing it over...
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he alone hopes that all our stolen money will be given to him, no, that’s the point is that he he won’t hold it in his hands, there’s just a line of people who want it, that is, they’re playing this option, but he won’t hold this money in his hands, it will all go to other investors, and maybe they’ll thank him for saving it somewhere... there is a castle somewhere on the coasts of europe, or maybe the united states of america, that is, and thus the west.' in a bad situation, he still tries to somehow bully us or chat us up, but the fact is that we no longer listen to the west, because there are no people left in the west those with whom it was possible to talk, those who are sane and understand the consequences, all these puffs of cheek that macron does, that we will send there and so on, guys, yes, send, send these missions, send them whatever you want, call them , wear blue helmets, orange ones.
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the east is only getting stronger from this, the west has problems with material resources, they want to eat, and there is nothing to produce equipment for, but these are their problems, they were the first to start, we offered them specific steps in december of twenty-one, everything would have been there, everything would have been good, and the nord stream would be intact, and the economy would develop, everything would be, as they say, in order, and ukraine would be a neutral territory, the west would refuse this, they are reaping the fruits of what they sowed, this is their plan, this is theirs fate. the border of 1997, the only thing official moscow insisted on. now, of course, our demands have become a little broader, they will have to be fulfilled. we'll be back. those who want to stay informed watch the week's news. program for advanced students. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. rest is
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leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! hotel
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titanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive! wrap yourself in comfort! swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delux golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original. open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, love
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is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look , look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, he takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign up for 1, 2, three at the same time , subscribe, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common, sincerely strong, friendship, to love a white fluffy one, i said , i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws, so tame the biting one, voice, voice,
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give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky , stars are ready to do anything for your beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, i want to stay in moscow, of course. i’ll get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, pigasus , after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who it is, it’s zavyalov, our owner, aren’t you sleeping,
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i'm afraid, what are you afraid of, i'm afraid to wake up, make some coffee, hello? are you stupid or what? have to fire you, actually i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of just home, this is generally incomprehensible, nothing, i’ll still turn around, or the princess, who will the prince choose, yes he loved her, yes, most likely not , and you love me, pegasus wings, on saturday at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he ’ll come to the house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to do it correctly
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take medicine, it will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. len, hi, this is vika, your sister. girl, stop mocking me, vika is dead. it's me, vika, i'm alive. sunday. my sister is coming to see me tomorrow. what about my proposal? here we were together, hello, hi, i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice,
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everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet kirill - this is lena, lena is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i have you kiss, but kiss, what 's going on, hello, sister, resurrection on rtr. so, joe biden, forgetting about his irish roots during a speech in delaware, unexpectedly introduced himself as joe bidenopoulos, that is, biden identifies himself as greek, and he didn’t even have time to read the prompt and asked him to rewind, like, slow down, i’ll get off this planet, oh fight the current president and candidate trump writes today british. according to a new poll, american voters believe that trump actually has a better chance of occupying the oval
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office because he stays awake at important events, remembers the names of world leaders and generally navigates space. this is a classic of political advertising, the red phone rings at 3:00 am in the white house, who do you want on the phone, not joe biden, this is the result of the new one. exclusive survey, which showed that seventy-seven-year-olds donald trump is trusted more on the nuclear crisis, or, for example, during an hour-long meeting with russian leader vladimir putin, the 2024 election pits the two oldest candidates in history against each other, 1.5 likely voters were surveyed to test the confidence in each of the two candidates on how they think biden or trump would handle everything from national security crises to simply remembering the names of aides, while about 56%.
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will be able to withstand an hour-long meeting with a russian said they trust trump to lead vladimir putin, but only 43% think biden is up to the task. we are transported to washington in direct communication with opcor-merchant, catherine moore. katya, hello, we are of course happy to follow. does biden have any chances, does donald trump have more of them now, it’s getting more and more fun every day. hello. well, how should we feel about this? well, probably, probably,
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americans should go to the polling stations in early november and vote. but the thing is that really now more and more information is emerging that joe biden is completely incapable of making decisions in emergency situations. and recently an interview appeared with one of the leading journalists who interviewed joe biden, she said that... in principle, he is not able to adequately respond to questions that arise, well, just these are the questions that journalists ask not not not not having previously informed joe biden, so all the interviews, they are, in principle , written down, as for what donald trump refers, then indeed, if we look at how joe biden spoke before congress, and the way joe biden communicates with journalists completely. it’s obvious that these are two different joe bidens, naturally, questions arise about
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how a person could change in a couple of days, and it’s not just donald trump, sean hennety, for example, said that most likely, as he put it , joe biden drank too much coffee, but most likely it’s not about coffee, according to the numbers and ratings, what the latest data looks like, there are chances for... donald trump and hillary clinton, then you need to remember that more voters voted for hillary clinton, the fact is that trump was ahead of her in key states, just now the latest data shows,
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fox news published, that in key, in almost all key states, with the exception of one. donald trump is still ahead of joe biden, so if the elections took place now, donald trump would of course win them. thank you very much, ekaterina moore on the line from washington. ask! yes, in general, it’s terrible that the nuclear button belongs, well, is, at least formally, in the hands of a person who sometimes forgets what his name is, in the same speech he said that in fact he is 40 years old, 40 years old, he’s there i remembered where he went there for 29 years, then 40 years. regularly reports that he feels 40, yes, although maybe he didn’t mix anything up, because we remember, here are the elections that he won in 2020, where he proved that the dead have rights, including the right to vote, i i remember the very, let’s say, oldest voter joe biden on the list, which was listed in 1800, i think
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he was born in 27, so he voted for him, perhaps he is addressing them, to those who remember him and a twenty-nine-year-old senator, a forty-year-old senator. well, it would be nice if biden were the only one like that, they basically have degradation in all the elites, take the same macron, a person who cannot figure out the gender of his own spouse, he then begins to tell some things about that russia will do something, attack, it reminds me of a joke, uh, a man walks past a five-story building, a woman is screaming from above, well, a woman, a woman is screaming, man, i’m afraid of you, what is it, why are you afraid of me, you ’ll rape me, like me i’ll rape you, you’re up there, i’m down here, and i’m already going down, so... with these threats to russia, that russia will definitely go, except for macron, the british leadership is making the same threats to its own people , germany, not to mention the balts, these sprats, well, they they remind you of this joke, in the end, in the end it can really descend, attack, but then there will be no other option but to fight off this absolutely inadequate person, yesterday was the anniversary of nato, the 75th
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anniversary of the creation of nato, although it was laid this organization, of course, did not begin to be created in 1949. much, much earlier, i remember churchel’s fulton speech in 1946, 3 years before the creation of nato, where he spoke about the iron dependence, these are his words, this is attributed to to soviet leaders, these words have nothing in common with soviet leaders, this is churcher, and with a soviet iron curtain, he intended to fence himself off from communist ideology, which now seems to be absent in russia, but at the same time they still lower the iron curtain, but against russia and it doesn’t matter whether they are communists or non-communists, well , one example in odessa is now renaming a street. ivan bunin, well , it would seem, the most reactionary anti-communist, anti-soviet, well, you still have to look for it, but they take it and rename it, they call it, by the way, police street, also a very telling name, a very telling renaming, another renaming, which also struck me, renames zhukovsky street, this is a poet, yes, alexander nikolaevich’s teacher, but also this is the person who played, well, probably, one of the main
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roles in the liberation of taras shevchenko from serfdom, his portrait was painted and sold at auction. played in the lottery, in the end shevchenko bought it with this money, so zhukovsky is also renamed, what is it has nothing to do with the ironclad foundation for which nato was created, they use any, any glory to cover up their real goal, and the goal is simple and understandable, for us, at least, but it is very surprising that for some citizens of the russian federation, including among those who are usually called rebels and agents and other abusive words, it doesn’t dawn on us that there is a simple choice here, or we live...
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you are beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will love you right away, sooner or later they will understand anyway that you are not duchess of cambridge, and the girl is from the outskirts, shut up, stand still, you hold the cream, guys, what is happening, misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat and reputation, i emphasize... there will be a new day, today on rtr. mega sale, system for
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moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg. with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add the required amount. we present to your
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we bring to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in the patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, to visit... for a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to little things. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design. two current colors to choose from: universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. mega sale,
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magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9:95. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with him you are not only in a matter of minutes you can update and decorate your usual interior, but forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. classic design makes any room simple. with warm notes of nostalgia, and the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned . carpet, magnificent century - an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue red, two sizes, 70 by 120 and... mega sale of a magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95, hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call right
1:59 pm
now, if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution a mini-greenhouse will become a granary for you, it will protect plants from frost , retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening , extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer two sizes to choose from. 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of mini-greenhouses made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made from pvc film, plants receive reliable protection.
2:00 pm
well, after the june heat, moscow was hit by an unexpected arctic cold spell, weather forecasters warn of temperature changes. today in the capital it is 0°, and this is only a degree lower. hello, on the russia tv channel, the news in the studio of irina rossius and the main topics for this hour.


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